Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 16, 1889, Image 1

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Of any kind can best bo
satisfied by advertising in
the columns of .The Dispatch.
Awaiting the Members of the
N. G. P. Who Attend
the Centennial.
And There's Ko Keed of a State
Appropriation for Them.
The Flings nt Pennsylvania's Military Blade
by New fork Papers Taken Up in
Xarnest by the Legislature Governor
Beaver Cnils n Halt Mr. Wherry Denies
That nii Anti-Discrimination Bill is a
Mere Political Dodge Important Homi
cide Cases Coming Before ibe Board of
Pardons To-Day A Mysterious Visit to
The,National Guard of Pennsylvania will
attend the inauguration centennial in New
York as the guests of the Centennial Com
mittee, in spite of all the opposition, raised
principally by some New York papers.
Mr. "Wherry's friends repel the assertion
that his anti-discrimination bill was intro
duced merely as a political dodge. A mys
terious mission leaves Harrisburg to call on
Colonel Qnay.
Haeeisburg, April 15. In the -wild
rush for special orders to-night, the House
was sufficiently liberal to grant 16, the most
important among them being the street rail
way bill, for which Mr. CapD obtained a
special order, and Mr. Fow's liquor license
transfer bill, for which that gentleman ob
tained a special order. The street railway
bill is an incorpoiation measure, but is de
signedly displeasing to the friends of Mr.
Magee in some respects. It is something
that was badly needed, and if everybody
isn't suited many will be. Mr. Fow's trans
fer bill provides, simply for the transfer of
liqnor licenses to the legal heirs of a de
ceased person, if residents of the same county
and of good moral character.
Where a Breeze Was Raised.
Another resolution that threatened to
raise something of a breeze was one intro
duced by Mr. Bentley of Erie, for the re
call from the Governor of the resolution
providing for the participation of the Leg
islature, accompanied by the Governor and
his staff, in the New York centennial cele
bration. Dr. "Walk, of Philadelphia, supported
the move in a speech in which he said that
when the House passed the resolution, early
in the session, it did not know that it vould
be so far behind with its work at this time,
with the date o adjournment so close.
Neither did it know tliaf money would be
so short in the Treasury. It knew all this
now, and the doctor thought in view of it
the best way to honor George Washington
was by following his example. The guiding
stars of "Washington's life, the doctor said,
were patriotism and duty.
A Good Idea to Stay at Home.
Oilier speakers on this side were Messrs.
Kauffinan and Lytle. The former thought,
in view of the fuss the New York papers are
making about the maintenance of the Penn
sylvania .National Guard, the invited
guests of the city, that it would be a good
idea for the Legislature to stay at home and
give the 515,000 or S20.000, estimated as the
expenses of the Legislative trip, to the
soldier boys, to support them while guests
of Gotham.
The question was yet under debate when
the hour of 10 o'clock arrived, and Mr. Key
ser demanded the order of the day, which
was adjournment. This disposes of the re
call resolution until next week, and by the
time it is again in order the resolution to go
to New York will have been approved or
vetoed by the Governor, or will have be
come a law without his signature.
Governor Beaver Calls a Halt.
Chairman Dearden.of the Appropriations
Committee, in view of the objection raised
by the New York papers about the
maintenance of the Pennsylvania Na
tional Guard dnring the celebration, had
intended to-night to introduce a bill appro
priating a sufficient sum to pay the expenses
of the trip, but a telegram from Governor
Beaver, who was at Tyrone, induced him to
withhold it until he can confer with the
Governor and Adjutant General Hastings
General Hastings arrived to-night and
said there was no need of an appropriation
bill to pay for subsistence of the State
troops in New York. The invitation sent
him by the committee was hearty and cor
- dial, and included an offer of both quarters
- and subsistence. He says the talk indulged
In does not come from the committee, but is
wholly a newspaper matter. The troops
will go to .New York City as the guests of
the Centennial Committee, and, General
Hastings says, will be heartily welcomed, as
the New York troops were by Philadelphia
during her Centennial. Simpson.
The Jnnetloo Railway Eminent Domain Bill
Not Quite Killed.
"HaIrbisbubg, April 15. Mr. Brooks,
Chairman of the Railroads Committee, was
asked this evening by The Dispatch cor
Tcspondent wrien the Junction Hallway emi
nent domain bill would be reported from his
committee. He replied that he could c
tell, but that it would be reported some day
soon. The bill has been practically dead
Ktnce the last delegation of Baltimore and
vmuo people anu umcis nc uc xu iu
Alter the meeting, as reported in The
Dispatch at the time, an interested Balti
,nore and Ohio official stated that it was too
late in the session to do anything with the
matter, which was delayed so long in com
mittee principally at the request of the
iA Baltimore and Ohio people, w"ho from time
" to time sent delegations here in its favor.
They early became convinced the bill would
, be reported negatively by the committee,
ind for reasons of their own preierred to
fall the measure by delav rather than suffer
pen and direct de eat.
j Going West lo Mcf t Qany.
JHaerisburo, April 15.-Mr. Capp, of
Lebanon, and Mr. Kauffman, of Lancaster,
each asked leave for the other to-mgnt, anu
at midnight left for the "West. They are
going to see Mr. Quay about something,
but when questioned were non-committal as
to what it was. Both are young men, and
both are among the most prominent mem
bers of the House.
To Consider Eleven Cases To-Day, Five of
Which Aro Homicides A Nnmber or
Alleshenlnns Directly Inter
ested In Ibe Board's
Harrisburg, April 15. Of the 11 new
cases to be considered by the Board of Par
dons at its meeting to-morrow, five involve
the commission of homicide. Among the
applicants for executive clemency is George
Clark, of Greene county, under sentence of
death for the murder of "William McCaus
land, who was shot down on the highway
and robbed over a year ago. Clark wants
his death penalty commuted to imprison
ment for life.
An application for the commutation of
the death penalty of Thomas J. Cole, the
murderer of young ""Ward McAllister, of
Philadelphia, to imprisonment for life, has
also been presented to the board. Judge
Henry Reed, who sentenced the prisoner to
die on the gallows, has written a letter to
th- board, in which he recommends the ex
tension of the clemency requested.
Another murderer whose case will be
heard is James H. Jacobs, who is to be
hanged on the 24th instant for the killing
of a man in Lancaster county. An appli
cation has also been filed for the pardon of
Absalom Bowser, of Allegheny county, who
was sentenced to the penitentiary for ten
years for the killing of Obadiah Haymaker
in the Murraysville riot, for the instigation
of which Milton "Weston was convicted, but
afterward pardoned.
Millard P. Hildebrand, of Lancaster,
convicted of voluntary manslaughter and
sentenced to the penitentiary for nine years
and nine months, is also among the
applicants for pardon. The follow
ing cases are among those held
under advisement: Samuel Johnson,
Delaware county, whose execution is fixed
for the 4th of June; "William Killer, of
Philadelphia, undet sentence of death; Os
car Hugh "Webber, Philadelphia, under
sentence of death; Edward Coyle, Alle
gheny, murder in second degree; John
Kell, Northumberland, voluntary man
slaughter. An application for a rehearing will De ar
gued in the case of John T. Cox, convicted
of manslaughter in Northumberland county,
and argument will be held in the case of
Ed Slatterly, of Allegheny county, con
victed of murder in the second degree and
granted a rehearing at recent meeting of the
Wherry's Bill Long a Matter of Serlons
Consideration by Him.
Harrisburg, April 15. Mr. "Wherry
to-night repudiated charges made in an
Eastern paper that his bill had been intro
duced so late in the session as to be a mere
political dodge. Mr. Capp then showed
the similaritv between Mr. Whsrry's bill,
and Senator .Brown's bill, in order-to" tusH
tain the position he had taken that Mr.
"Wherry's bill had been introduced after the
Senatehad virtually killed one measure,
merelv to make a little political capital.
Mr. "Wherry made no reply to this.
A prominent Republican member stated
to The Dispatch correspondent that Mr.
."Wherry had been in consultation with him
about anti-discrimination a long time be
fore the introduction of the bill which in
principle was what the Republicans had
pledged themselves to support
It is stated on authority to-night that the
railroad commission bill will not be taken
up by the Republican leaders.
Seven Million Needed for tho State, of
Which Allegheny Connty Gets 500,000.
Harrisburg, Pa., April 15. ; Secre
tary Stone will begin sending Constitutional
amendment tickets to the Commissioners of
the various counties on "Wednesday next.
Philadelphia will receive over 1,400,000
and Allegheny county, which is the next
in population, will get 500,000.
Allowance is made in the distribntion of
tickets for an increase of about-lG per cent
of the vote cast at the last Presidental
election, and prohibitory amendment
tickets, as well as suffrage amendment
tickets, are being printed in proportion of
three for every voter, requiring about 7,
00,000 to supply the entire State.
The House Adopts n Method of Farther
Expediting Business.
Harrisburg, April 15. A new order of
business was this evening established by the
House, as follows:
Monday evening, bills on first reading and ap
propriation bills on second reading; Tuesday
morning and afternoon, general calendar, third
reading; Tnesdav evening, general calendar,
seco id reading; Wednesday morninc and after
nron, appropriation bills on third reading;
W ednesdav evening, appropriation bills, second
reading; Thursday morninc and afternoon.
Senate bills, third raiding; Thursday evening,
Senate bills on second reading; Friday morn
inc, bills on first reading and local and special
bills on second reading.
Jackson, the Wheat Speculator, Not so
Deeply Involved as Was Supposed.
St. Louis, April 15. The suicide of
John Jackson, President of the St. Louis
Elevator Company, is still the leading topic
on 'Change, and the air is filled with
rumors as to the causes leading up to the
tragic event. From Dr. Samuel Brackett,
Mr. Jackson's physician, it was learned to
day that his suicide was not an impulse, for
he had frequently discussed with the doctor
variousmethods o self-destrnction. At the
opening of "Change this morning the prom
ised panic in wheat failed to materialize.
During the morning quite a stir was caused
bv inanities from Chicago as to the amonnt
iSJue the Third National Bank by Mr. Jack-
Chiomas E. Tutt, President of the Third
National, stated that Mr. Jackson had bor
rowed $170,000 from that bank, but that the
loan was amply secured by warehouse re
ceipts Horace Ghiselin, Secretary of the
St. Louis Elevator Company, says the losses
will not succeed 550,000, whereas it had
been placed at $300,000 to $100,000. The
funeral of Mr. Jackson occurred at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
Tor the Benefit of Confederate Soldiers.
New York, April 15. Arrangements
are being completed to give a benefit for the
National Confederate Soldiers' Home at
Austin, Tex., to be held in Palmer's Thea
ter on May 16, in the afternoon. Mr. A M.
Palmer has donated the ue ol the, theater,
and the ''American Countess" will be presented.
The Body of Miss Falrwcather Fonnd
an Ohio Creek A French Teacher,
Long Mlsstng,Who Bad Evi
dently Committed Sniclde.
Columbus, O., April 15. The mys
terious disappearance of Miss Suzanne
Fairweather, November 9, last, from the
residence of Bev. L F. King, on Broad
street, was solved this evening by the find
ing of her body in Alum creek, east of the
city. The disappearance was a source of
much comment at the time, and many
theories were advanced. She was a teacher
of French in a girl's school in Philadel
phia, and has relatives living on Fourth
avenne, New York, Prof. Leperrier being
her brother-in-law.
She became acquainted with the daugh
ters of Bev. King at Philadelphia, where
she was their teacher, and came here 'from
New York to visit them. She had just
previously returned from Pans, where it
was reported she had bVen informed of the
loss of a fortune which was in her right.
She was despondent while at the King
residence, and insisted that she was a
burden upon her friends. The search and
inquiry for her had been abandoned.
A colored man and his wife fishing below
the city to-day discovered a body in the
brush of a sycamore tree which had fallen
into the water. Thp Coroner was notified
and the body taken to his office. It was
badly decomposed and the features were un
recognizable. Members of the King family
viewed the remains and identified portions
of the clothingas those of MissFairweather.
They have no donbt as to the identity. A
post mortem will be held to-morrow. A
large cut in one side of the neck leads to
some suspicion, but it is probably the work
of the water and debris in which the body
has been so long.
There have been no other suicides in the
vicinity and no one is missing, as far as
known. It was evidently a case of suicide
from despondency. Alum creek is the only
stream of which Miss Fairweather was in
formed, and she evidently proceeded direct
there on the evening of November 9. when
she started out, saying she was going to the
The Supreme Conrt Says They Should Not
Hnvo Been Ilcnrd In the U. S. Courts.
"Washington, April 15. The Supreme
Court of the United States to-day decided
the application of Gon-Shay-Ee, for a writ
of habeas corpus. Gon-Shay-Ee, an Apache
Indian, was convicted of the murder of an
other Indian in Arizona, and sentenced to
be hanged. He was tried by the District
Court of the United States for the Second
Judicial District of Arizona. It is con
tended in his behalf that the offense com
mitted was against the lawsof the Territory,
and should have been tried under these laws
and by a court sitting to administer justice
under them, and not by a United States
court tiring the case under the laws of the
United -States.
The Court holds that the case would prop
erly have been tried in the United States
Court prior to the passage of the act of
March 3, 188, but by the terms of that act,
offenses committed in the Territories by one
Indian against another should be tried un
der the Territorial laws. The mode of trial,
the Court says, was so much at variance
with a trial under Territorial laws as to en
title Gon-Shay-Ee to the writ prayed for.
He was arrested by a United States marshal
instead of by the county sheriff, and was
indicted and tried by the United States
grand and petit- juriesinstead of by juries
of the country in-which the offense was
committed. He was, says the Court, en
titled to trial in the vicinity where the
murder was committed, bat instead, was
subjected to a change of venue.
The Attorney General was requested to
see that Gon-Shay-Ee be released under the
ruling of the conrt. The same order was
made in the case of Captain Jack, an In
dian whose case is substantially the same as
that just described, and who was sentenced
to 30 years' imprisonment in the Ohio Peni
tentiary, Opinion by Justice Miller.
Preached by Mr. Cleveland's Lnto Pastor
Creates a Decided Sensation.
"WASHlNGiqN, April 15. The congrega
tion of the First Presbyterian Church of
this city are in something of a ferment over
a sermon preached to them by the pastor.
Dr. Byron Sunderland yesterday, in which
the reverend gentleman dwelt particularly
on the social question. Though he took his
text from the Bible, his text in fact was tjaat
particular novel by Edward Bellamy
entitled "Looking Backward." Many
of his large and fashionable con
gregation had not read the book, but
the doctor toofc good care to explain its con
tents so that it conld not be misunderstood
that it was a radical Socialist work, in
which a complete programme for a social
istic form of government is depicted in the
most attractive style. The doctor emphat
ically avowed his belief that it would be a
society oFthis kind which would fulfill the
promise of the second coming of the Lord,
when the fatherhood1 of God and the
brotherhood of man should be acknowl
edged and practically illustrated in the
form of society.
There is some talk of bringing the doctor
before the high court of the church to an
swer for preaching this revolutionary doc
trine. It is evident that a great majority of
his congregation will stand by him, as there
are many socialists of a mild type among
them, and manv who are not of that faith
admit that Bellamy's book maps ont a ad
mirable, though, as they think, a chimerical
plan for the regeneration of society. Dr.
Sunderland was the pastor of Mrs. Cleve
land, and President Cleveland attended his
church also. He has always been known as
a preacher of liberal views and tearless in
the expression of his opinions.
De Plays at Cleveland and Receives an En
thusiastic Reception.
CLEVELAND,April 15. Edwin Booth ar
rived here Sunday,fhe picture of health, and
opened to-night as Iago to Barrett's Othellor
before the largest and most enthusiastic au
dience ever assembled tn the Opera House,
his reception on his appearance amounting
to a perfect ovation.
The entire house for the balance of the
Booth-Barrett engagement is sold. Mr.
Booth will fill all bis engagements this sea
After a Year's Waiting a Wronged Hns--
band Obtains His Freedom.
Ottawa, Ont., April 15. Mr. Henry
Middleton is free to marry again, his bill
for divorce having passed in the Senate to
day. The bill was prepared a year ago, but
it did not come up for a hearing until' the
present time.
The respondent did not file a defense.
She is said to be in California with Mr.
Hamilton, a bank clerk. Middleton is a
nephew of General Sir Frederick Middleton.
Cnppeller Deported to tbc Governor.
Columbus, O., April 15. The report of
the Senate Committee investigating the
official conduct of Bailroad Commissioner
Cappeller was ordered printed in the ap
pendix to the Journal, also "transmitted to
the Gorerbor.
popinf-' Btatirlr:
With Millions of Money in Prospect
Marries the Man of 'Her Choice,
A Courtship of Only Twenty Days' Dura
tion Ends in a Quiet Wedding,
With Only a Little Bunch or Bright Red
a Plain Gold Bins.
Eoses and
Love laughs at caste once more. The
belle of aristocracy in Providence, B. """.,"
becomes desperately enraptured with the
son of a poor mechanic. Miss King tbat
was, is the possessor of a quarter of a million
dollars, with several millions to come, and
her husband, George McLeod, has a lair
education, but no money. Both are very
young the groom 21, his bride a trifle older.
The marriage has just taken place, and was
a clandestine one.
Providence, B. L, April 15. The belle
of Providence aristocracy, an heiress with
$250,000 in her own name and millions in
prospective, has eloped with the son of a
mechanic, and the Providence "Four Hun
dred" are dazed with the knowledge that
the richest eligible youths were cut out by
one whose claims to social prominence were
too small to be considered.
Mr. George McLeod, a Brown University
student, is the fortunate youth, and Hiss
Fredona King is the bride. Last Friday
night they procured a license, drove- to the
house of the Congregational minister in
East Providence, and in a few minutes they
were married. Then they started on an ex
tensive1 wedding journey, leaving no word
as to when the? should return for forgive-
It is in every respect a love match. Miss
King is granddaughter of tne late Deacon
King, the millionaire, and daughter of Fred
King. Providence is noted for her pretty
girls, and Miss King wab considered one of
the handsomest girls in the town. She is as
accomplished as she is beautiful, and she
was always surrounded with admirers,
many of whom have wealth and prominence
in political and business walks in lite. The
students were wild over her, and her youne
lady lriends.were obliged to accept such at
tention as she could not receive. McLeod,
like all the others, was smitten by the
young lady's beauty and grace, but he was
not cousidered a dangerous rival by those
who were bent on securing the young lady's
hand and fortune.
The King mansion is located near the col
lege, and Miss King had a host of callers
nearly every evening. She had apparently
no particular choice among her many suit
ors. McLeod is a popular student and a
studious lellow, and was supposed to be too
much, wedded to his books to pay any at
tention to Cupid's assaults. But Miss
King told her bosom mend that she was
desneratelv in love with the dignified stu-
dent, and that they were betrothed. Tt was
nob suspecieuj Jivr eveu uiuuu tu tins tuuiuoi fj
inend, that n matrimonial event was to coma
in such a romantic fashion.
a lovingtender courtship.
The courtship, which is understood to
have been short, not over 20 days' duration,
was replete with love and tenderness. Miss
King reciprocated the attentions paid her
by the young student, and while the visits
made to the King residence were frequent
they were not enough to satisfy her, and lit
tle meetings took place in the shades of the
college buildings. Then Miss King show
ered McLeod with presents, and he did like
wise. Theelopementplanswerespontaneous, and
the suegestion of a qniet marriage" in the
East Providence rectory was no sooner
made then adopted. In a handsome street
costume the young lady departed from her
home, and in one brief hour the affair was
consummated, with only a bunch ot bright
red roses and a plain gold ring.
While the affair is the gossip of the-hour,
the great regret is that it was not postponed
for a fashionable wedding in the post-leuten
McLeod's father is a machinist at the
works of the Corliss Engine Company. The
groom is jnst on the verge of his majority.
His wife is but a trifle older than he.
The Beeent Northeasterly Gale Wrecks a
Nnmber of Vessels.
New York, April 15. Nearly every
vessel that arrived -to-day had suffered in
the recent northeasterly gales. The brig
Henry S. Greggs, from Mazanilla, ost and
split her sails in the gale. Last week when
north ofHatteras she took six men off the
steamship Cairngown. They were the crew
of the schooner Effort, which was aban
doned in a sinking condition.
The captain of the bark H. J. Libby,
from Pacific ports, reports heavy gales off
Cape Horn. Off Cape-Hatteras she passed a
three-masted schooner with all three masts
gone and decks swept, and on April 10 she
spoke the schooner "Walter L. Plummer
with her forward house gutted and decks
swept. She had lost one man and the sec
ond mate overboard. The Libby supplied
the schooner with provisions and water.
The .disabled schooner City of Philadel
phia was spoken on April 10 in latitude 34
22', longitude 73 8', by the schooner Ken
sett. She had lost a man overboard. The
steamer Orinoco, from Bermuda, brought
the captain and crew of the wrecked bark
Natalie Galino, which was condemned at
Bermuda, where she put in after a hurri
cane encountered on February 11.
Officers Shoot Burglars Who Make a Fight
for Idbcrty.
"Walla "Walla, "Wash, t., April 15.
To-day Sheriff McFarland and Constable
Morse, in pursuit of two men charged with
burglary at PjescotfJ overtook them about
nine miles east of Wallula and ordered
them to throw up their hands. The men
fired on the officers and the officers returned
the fire and killed one. The dead man is
named Tom Williams. They arrested the
other man.named Dave Murphy. "Williams'
pistol was a self-cocker, and it refused to re
volve when he tried to shoot The coroner's
jury returned a verdict that the action of the
officers was justifiable. '
A Pardoned Shover of the Queer Again on
the Road to the Pen.
Boston, April 15. Levi G. Pratt was
arraigned for trial to-day in the United
States District Court on the charge of pass
ing counterfeit $20 and $10 United States
notes. He, had been employed as agent for
the sale of a counterfeit note detector.
He was tried and convicted for a similar
offense in Iowa and sentenced to five years in
prison. After serving two years of the term
he was pardoned by ex-President Cleveland,
in-1888. -
APRIL 16, 1889.
A New Point Balsed on the Long and Short
Haul ClnnseA Poser for tuelnter
Stnto Commerce Commission
t Information Wanted.
Chicago, April 15. Chairman Cooler,
of the Inter-State Commerce Commission,in
a letter received to-day by Chairman
Blanchard, of the Central Traffic Associa
tion, dispels the widespread impression that
the long and short haul clause is suspended
between numerous points. Judge Cooley's
letter says: "I desire to call your attention
to'one error into which you seem to have
fallen, namely, that the commission has
suspended the operation of the long and short
haul clause of the act, for some parts of the
country. There was a suspension for a short
time, but the original orders made were al
lowed to expire, and there is none now in
force anywhere." t
Judge' Cooley's statement was bronchi
out by a communication from Chairman
Blanchard, asking information on several
The first query was: "If all the lines
from Pittsburg jointly agree upon a propor
tional tariff to Burlington, to be applied
ogjy to traffic going "West of Burlington
and which is lower than the local rates
thereto, is the proportional-tariff proper and
legal with something like the following no
tation printed on it? 'This tariff will not
be applied to traffic consigned locally to
Burlington. Through rates will be arrived 1
at by adding the above proportions to Tur
lington to the published tariff rates from
: Chairman Blanchard added a note to the
above, statins that the method suggested
wquld serve every purpose and would save
much money and time to the railroads.
Another question "was as follows: "In cases
where your board mav suspend the long and
.short haul clause of the act, by authorizing
reduced rates to farther points, does that
exemption apply to the relief of all compa
nies which issue bills of lading in connec
tion with such exempted roads?"
Chairman Cooley has promised detailed
answers to the above and similar questions,
and the result is being awaited here and
elsewhere with interest.
O'Mara tbo Means of Making a
Important Arrest The Prisoner
to Swindle the Al
legheny Nntlonnl Bank A
Fatal Photograph.
sSt. Louis, April 15. "William B. Smith,
paying teller of the Second National Bank
of St. Paul, who disappeared in November,
1885, with $20,000 of the bank's money, was
arrested to-night. The Chief of Police this
morning received from Detective O'Mara,
of Pittsburg, a telegram ordering the arrest
of Cowan & Cowan, 80.7 Pine street, for at
tempting to swindle the Allegheny Na
tional Bank of Pittsburg out of a large sum
by means of a spurons draft. A couple of
detectives called upon 'Mr. Cowan and
found tbat he had a desk; in the Pine street
office. He was taken to police headquarters
and there searched.
One of the first articles taken from his
pockets was a photograph of himself at
tached to,a circular issued by the American
Guarantee Company of New York, offering
a reward of 51,000 for the arrest of W. B.
Smith, absconding navintr teller of the Sec
ond National Bank ot St Paul. The detec-
I tives looked nt the nictnreand then looked
J jjtJSoTan, and aftej; fhattbeyjlled him
omir.T. 106 aescrmtion on tne circular
fitted him to a nicety, but he denied that he
was Smith. He said he was once a detective
and worked for the Pinkertons.
He was sent after Smith and followed him
around the country, and finally located
him in this city. He was confident that
Smitn was now in St. Louis. So were the
detectives. His desk was searched and a
lot of drafts and checks on various banks
were discovered. The offense for which he
was arrested-was forwarding to the Alle
gheny National Bank for collection a spuri
ous draft on the First National Bank of
Potrland, Oregon. He will be turned over
to an officer of the Guarantee Company to
be taken to St. Paul.
A Section of New York Liable to be Deprived
of Lights To-NIght.
New York, April 15. To-morrow is
likely to be eventful in the war against the
overhead wires and telegraph poles, and to
morrow night the amusement and hotel
center, which is almost coincident with the
sub-way district, may find itself in com
parative darkness. The arrangements for
'replacing the brilliant electric lights with
the yellow flames of the back-number gas
lights are not so complete as to give assur
ance that all of the hotels and theaters, or
even the streets, will be at all adequately
The order to the Department of Public
"Works to remove the overhead wires in the
sub-way district has been prepared in ac
cordance with Uie notice of more than three
months ago. It will be signed early to
morrow by Mayor Grant on the receipt of
a certified copy of the order of Judge "Wal
lace, dissolving the Western Union's in
junction against the authorities and the no
tice that the order is on record.
Just Before His Term Expired He Re- i
instated Captain Scbnnk.
Chicago, April 15. One of the last offi
cial acts of Mayor Boche, .whose term ex
pired to-night, was the reinstatement of
Captain Michael J. Schaack, of the North
side police, who was suspended some months
ago on the strength of charges made by the
Times to the effect that he was leagued
with Inspector John Bonfield and Detective
Jacob Lowcnstein in various crooked trans
actions, including that of disposing of
stolen goods. The cases of Bonfield and
Lowenstein, who were suspended a't the
same time, were turned over to Chief of Po
lice Hubbard, who says tbat he will take no
action in regard to them, but will leave
them to be disposed of by Mayor-elect
Bonfield tendered his resignation some
time ago, but it has not been accepted. The
suits for damages which these, officers
brought apainst the Times are still before
the court. Inspector Bonfield says he is
out of the force and does not want to be re
A Prsceis Discovered for tbo Manufacture
of Soft Mccl.
Trot, N. Y., April 15. The Troy Steel
and Iron Company has completed an experi
ment in making soft steel under a process
invented by C. W. Bildt, Chief Chemist
lor "Washburn Moeo, of Worcester, Mass.
The experiment was a success.
This quality of steel has heretofore been
imported from Germany. The question of
cost of manufacture is to be determined to
ascertain it the 3teel can "be made here to
compete with the imported article.
Potest Fires in Virginia.
Danville, April 15. Information has,
been received here of a terrible forest fire in
Patrick county which swept everything be
fore it. One man, six horses, a nnmber of
hoes and cattle and numerous dwellings
and tobacco barns were consumed. Manv
poor people are left in a destitute condition.
The Son of His Father Easily Defeats
the Liberal Candidate
Only a Feir of the Qladstonians
Hoped for a Victory.
Germany and England Appoint BepresentatiTes to
. the Conference.
John Albert Bright, the son of ihe great
Commoner, was yesterday electedto Parlia
mentfor the seat made vacant by his fath
er's death. The Liberals made a vigorous
fight, but sentiment was too strong or
them. The Samoan Commission has been
completed by the appointment of the Eng
lish and German representatives. There is
still a protest at Berlin over the selection of
the American contingent.
London, Anril 15. The contest for the
seat in Parliament for Central Birmingham,
made vacant by the death of John Bright,
ended to-day in a very decisive manner, if
not altogether as was anticipated by a few
very sanguine Liberals. John Bright sat
as one of the members for Birmingham in
the Liberal interest from August, 1857, until
the division of the borough in 1883 by the
new reform act. He then offered himself as
the Liberal candidate for Central Birming
ham and was opposed by Lord Randolph
It was a daring thing for Lord Churchill
to do, bnt he made a dashing canvass, ably
supported by his American wife, the
daughter of Larry Jerome, of New York,
and the. result was a surprise. The total
registration was 10,023 and the vote cast
9,205, which was more than the average pro
portion of voting to registration. In this
large vote Mr. Bright received but 773 ma
jority. In the election of 1886 Mr. Bright
presented himself as a Unionist Liberal, in
opposition to Mr. Gladstone's policy of
home rule for Ireland.
his father's walkover.
He was a leader in the Liberal secession
irom Gladstone s following and made a
strong speech at Birmingham against the
home rule bill. At Mr. Gladstone's earnest
request no attempt to contest Central Bir
mingham in the straight Liberal interest was
made, and of course there was no Tory can
didate. John Bright had a walkover. To
day the fieht wa3 between the Unionist
.Liberal and Tory alliance headed by a son
r ti Tri-i -j al -m-j . t ji i
ui uuuu xriKui! auu tne vriuutsbuue xjiueraia
headed by "William Phipson Beale, a law
yer, who in 1885 unsuccessfully contested
the Tamworth division in the Liberal inter
est. Mr. Bale is a Birmingham man by birth
and family connections as well as Mr. John
A. Bright, but the latter had the advantage
of his lather's strong hold on the affections
of his old constituents. The Conservatives -of
the constituencies represented by Unionist
Liberals have been very restive at being
kept in the background, and especially at
being refused a candidate of their
own faith at away vacancy oocurring.
On thedeath-of John Bright the Central
Birmingham-Conservatives insisted on be
ing reorganized, and invited Lord Randolph
Churchill to be-a candidate. "While he hes
itated John Bright's son announced himself
a candidate as a Unionist Liberal. Mr.
Beale having been chosen as the Gladstone
Liberal candidate, there was a prospect of a
triangular fight and a Gladstone victory.
A government objection.
The government interfered, strong press
sure was put upon Lord Churchill and he
withdrew. An open rupture of the
alliance was thus prevented, but
the Conservatives are angry and
the Unionist Liberals distrustful.
The pressure was so strong, however, that
both factions pulled together to-day, and
used every effort to se:ure success. The re
sult was that John Albert Bright received
5,610 votes and "William Bhipson Beale
2,560 votes.
While the Gladstone Liberals made an
earnest and hopeful fight the result was by
no means unexpected. The district is Tory
in sympathy, and the election following so
soon after John Bright's funeral, it is not
much wonder that his son was successful.
The Conservatives will, however, undoubt
edly claim a great victory.
Germany and England Appoint Their Repre
sentatives for the Samoan Conference.
Berlin, April 15. The Post says that
the Samoan conference will open on the first
of next month. The German delegates are
Count Herbert Bismarck, and Dr. Kraul,
Privy Councilor of the Legation of
fice, Count Herbert 'will preside.
Sir Edward Malet, the British Ambassador
at Berlin, will represent England at the
Samoan conference. He will be assisted by
two officials from the Foreign Office.
The Gazette says: "The nomination of
Mr, Sewall as disbursing officer of the
American Commissioners ts the Samoan
conference, together with the appointmentof
Mr. Bates as a member of the commission
warrants the supposition that the Washing
ton Government does not seriously desire
friendly negotiations on the questions con
cerning Samoa."
The Warrant for His .Arrest Was Served on
nts Residence.
Paris, April 15. The Evenment says:
"A number of documents proving that Gen
eral Boulanger had tamppred with
the army have been submitted to
the commission of the Senate
which is to conduct the trial against Gen
eral Boulanger and other leaders of the
Boulanger narty. The arrest of a nnm
ber of military men is imminent. The
warrants that , were issued for the
arrest of General Boulanger, M. Rochefort
and Count Dillon have been served at their
respective residences, this being a formality
which is required to. prove that the defend
ants are guilty of contumacy."
One Informer Gets His Deserts.
London, April 15. Patrick Malloy, who
was summoned as a witness for the Times
before the Parnell Commission, but who.
upon re-examination, gave evidence at
'variance with the statements he
had made to the Times' counsel
before he was placed on the witness
stand, and who was placed on trial on a
charge tbat he perjured himself during his
examination, was convicted to-day. He
was sentenced to six months' imprisonment
at hard labor.
Blaine Don't Want to Bay Cuba.
Madrid, April 15. In his note to the
Madrid Government Mr. Blaine states that
the United States Government has no idea
of purchasing Cuba, bnt "that it is simply
desirous of establishing better commercial
relations with the Spanish "West Indies.
Coal Handlers' oa a Strike.
I Cleveland, April 15. All of the coal
handlers on the docks are on a strike, with
the exception of those employed by the
Pennsylvania Company.
Who has a good artlcja toselUand-wboadrer-tiBes
vigorously angMhrallT. Advertising's
truly tho life of "tjSipyJl enterprising and
lnl.lnni nitTOit.oy? fitWH
jUUIWMU - - .....
A New York Merchant Swindles Varlons
Parties to the Extent or 330,000
Forged Checks on a Bank
Arrested on a Euro
pean Steamer.
New York, April 15. Ignatz Beinitz,
the merchant who swindled the tobacco
trade and the Commercial National Bank
'some months ago to the extent of many
thousand dollars, was locked up at police
headquarters this morning. He arrived un
der guard in the Servii. last night. Reinitz
was a sugar manufacturer and had an office
at 138 Maiden Lane. In January he de
posited three checks aggregating 57,376 74
in the Commercial National Bank.
The checks purported to be drawn by D.
Baez & Co., of Key West, Fla. Against
the account thus established he drew$l,
815 in one check. The Florida checks came
back dishonored. They were forged, and
Beinifz had disappeared. The detectives
found that he had gone to Europe on the
Celtic with his wife and three children, reg
istering under the name of Beinach. He
was indicted for forgery while on the sea;
and detectives arrested him on the other
side. He was arrested on board the steamer.
It had meanwhile cropped out that Reinitz
had other irons in the fire. As the agent
of Morris Spiegel, tobacco merchant at-276
Bowery, he had disposed of his goods to
Sutter Brothers, qf Chicago, for his private
benefit and drawn on him for cash to the
amount of 54,500. Mr. Speigel started
after him on the next steamer.
When he got to the other side he fonnd
Reinitz under arrest. The prisoner spent
the stolen money fighting airainst extradi
tion. He failed and was surrendered to In
spector Burnes' men. It is said that the
losses of tobacco merchants in New York
and Key West through his swindles will ex
ceed $50,000. He was committed in default
of ?12,600 bail.
Says Columbus' New Mayor, Bat Ho Will
Stop All Gnmbling.
Columbus, O., April 15. The new city
administration took charge of affairs at
the organization of the City Council to
night. Mayor Bruck, who enters upon his
second term, created consternation by mak
ing a speech in which he stated that in the
past'two years he had only endeavored to
regulate gambling in the city, and had not
allowed any new games to be started; that
he had now concluded that regulation was
not the proper thing and in a few days
wonld issue an order closing all gambling
establishments, and they would remain
closed for the next two vears; he believed it
was an evil which should not be treated by
regulation methods, bnt by extermination.
The gamblers are in great excitement
over the announcement and are already
busy picking out open cities in other parts
of the country and preparing to leave.
Since his re-election Bruck has been en
forcing the midnight closing ordinance and
ha3 caused the arrest of every violator.
Sunday bass-ball, he says, is a benefit and
will not be interferred with.
Failing to Kill His Sweetheart, a Yonng
Plnmber Commits Sniclde.
St. Louis, April 15. Emil Holderle, a
plumber 23 years of age. attempted to kill
his sweetheart', Ida Holtz, this morning,
hnijirially rnnflsntrateil lih-rf-rt oil him
self, with great success. He was jealous of
the girl, and, meeting her in front of her
home, placed a pistol to her head and told
her she must die then and there. She
knocked the weapon aside and fled into the
house. He pursued her to her room, where
there was a hard struggle, Holderle trying
to shoot at every opportunity. v
Miss Holtz, with the strength of despera
tion, kept the muzzle of the gun off her per
son, and at length broke away and dashed
downstairs. Holderle then placed the pistol
to his head and killed himself.
Is Claimed bj a McKeesport Man as His
Long-Lost Brother.
McKeesport, Pa., April 15. The de
tails given in an Australian paper of one
James Tyson, a man who is worth 55,000,000
and lives the life of a hermit in Australia,
having little or no connection with the out
side world, leads Joseph Tyson, of this
I dace, to believe that the millionaire is a
ong-lost brother and he is about to tike
steps to ascertain if the Australian Tyson
is not his brother.
Thirty years ago his brother left Scotland
and went, to Australia. He -was never
heard of afterward, although his family
did all they could to locate him in the
Antipodes. Every detail of the peculiar
characteristics of the millionaire appears to
agree with that of Tyson's missing brother.
He Wishes He Had Been Fnttfafal to His
Original Avocation.
Chicago, April 15. John . Grant, a
young colored man, who combines the pro
fession of pension attorney with that of
waiter, wishes that he had never made an in
cursion into the field of law. He was arrest
ed Sunday on a requisition from the United
States District Attorney of Detroit, on the
charge of exacting illegal pensions for attor
ney's fees.
He had secured a pension of 53,000 for
Charles Davis, an inmate of the poorhouse
ofPontiac, Mich., and kept $1,000 for his
own share. As the fee allowed by law is
only $250, the fee he charged was considered
somewhat excessive. He was this morning
taken td Detroit by a deputy marshal.
Sold Bogos Cards of Admission
America to His Coantrvmen.
New Haven, April 15. For several
days a Chinaman named Nan Po Ki has
been canvassing this city selling to Chinese
laundrymen for 51 a piece a card which he
claimed was a passport issued by the Chi
nese Embassador at Washington. NanPo
Ki told his customers that the card could be
sent to China, and the holder of it would be
admitted do this country at San Francisco.
The card proved to be an advertisement
for a Chinese director. It is estimated
that he disposed of about 700 cards here
before he left.
Chicngo Beef Forced Ont of Dnlulh and
the Local Batchers Advance Prices.
DULUTH, April 15. Last Friday night
the Legislature at St. Paul passed a meat
inspection bill which practically prohibited
Chicago and Kansas City dressed beef from
being sold in this State.
One result appeared here to-day when
Armour and Switt withdrew their beef busi
ness from Duluth and prices advanced 25
per cent. Similar reports- have been re
ceived from other places.
A Hardware Failure.
Mobile, April 15. James Cunningham
& Co., an old-established wholesale hard
ware house, assigned to-day to W. L. Baker
and Richard Mallett: liabilities. 545.000;
1 chiefly to 'Northern creditors; assets very
nearly as ranch.
- - ,... , ,
A New Tort
"ear Tackles ai
Animal Todv' for Him.
During the Scrimmage the Leopard End
the Career of a Coyote.
But Four Others Shoot Ont on the Street
Thrown From a Catapult.
as It
A monkey and parrot time in a New York
museum, resulted at midnight, over a too
successful attempt to boom the show for x
free "ad" in the afternoon papers. Several
valuable animals are now dead very dead
and the snap is given away.
New York, April 15. Charles Silver
Dollar Smith, strolling along Grand street
late last evening, intent on a midnight
lunch as a refresher after the labor of keep
ing his silver dollar bar closed all day, was
rudely jostled into by a man who emerged,
catapult fashion, from the entrance to the
Grand Street Museum.
Mr. Smith is a large and placid man, and
not likely to be disturbed by a collision
with anything less than the whole City Re
form Club, but when two other human bolts
from the museum catapult had heaped
tnemselves up against him in the space
of ten seconds he was moved to make a
few casual remarks in a sulphurous tone of
voice appropriate to the occasion. By the
time his voice got down to the level of their
heads one of the men had said: "Oh, Lordl
the bearl" another had groaned, "Gosh! the
tiger!" and the third had explained, "WhooJ
the wolf!" And all had
RUN, rolled and tumbled off "
in as many different directions, while a
fourth man, who came out less violently
than the others, because he slid down the
hatchway rope instead of falling down
stairs, was canght on the fly by Mr. Smith,
and held, until he ejaculated: "The bear's
got loose an's eating the tiger."
Mr,. Smith, not wishing to attend a ban
quet uninvited, politely refrained from z?
ing up to take his luncheon with the bear,
and withdrew for a block or two, when, aft
er a while, other men emerged from the mu
seum and seemed in no hurry Jo get away.
Mr. Smith approached again, and learned
that the bear had died of indigestion during
his m,eal, and that the tiger wps. safe in his
cage. Then Mr. Smith, went up to-the fifth
floor ot the museum, apd found 11 pale-faced,
men and a dead bear. The bear was very
dead indeed It was about the worst clawed
up bear imaginable.
The tiger, in front of whose cage the dead
bear lay, was meditatively licking the blood
from its paws and nursing scratched shoul
ders between roars, and the other animals
were '
all except a little coyote, over the body of
which a leopard was growling.
Most of the eleven present were engaged
in recounting to each other, when Mr.
Smith entered, the remarkable extent to
which they had not been frightenedyandj
the- four who ""had played cata
pult with Mr, Smith presently
came in and remarked that they
too had not been scared at all, hut had gone
ont to borrow a rope. William Patterson,
however not the one who was struct
was nursing a face marked deeply
bv sharp claws, and was pinning
up rips in his clothing, from his neck to his
knees, that covered other scratches,
while George Peck, the proprietor or the
museum, was limping about trying to get
some one to pull his knee "Into joint again.
After the excitement bad somewhat sub
sided Mr. J. O'Neill, the press agent of ther
show, and a few reporters of the afternoon
papers who were present, got together and
agreed upon a story of what bad happened,
a skeleton of which Mr. O'Neill jotted
down and had copied for the use of papers
whose reporters were not present.
In a postscript Mr. O'Neill said: "Pleasa
fill in the above skeleton and throw 'fiery
eyes,' 'darting tongue, 'switching tail
'howling brutes, 'flying fur' and gore ad
libitum. All the boys will be doing so."
Everybody left highly enthused and
happy. This appendix got published and
was calculated to arouse suspicions that '
nothing had happened at all, but all the
same, thing? had happened.
There are those unkind enough to insinu
ate that the bear was purposely led along;
close in 'front of the tiger, and that the
newspaper men had been invited especially
to write up the harmless but exciting little
scrimmage that was to result. Ifso,the scheme
worked too well, perhaps. Nobody seems1 to
know, either, how the leopard got at the
coyote in the adjoining cage, but the coyote
is undoubtedly dead.
The President Highly Enjoys a Six Hoars
Bide on the Potomac.
"Washington, April 15. President
Harrison, accompanied by Mrs. Harrison
and her guest, Miss Murphy, of St. Paul,
and Secretaries Blaine and Windom, went
down the Potomac this morning for a day's
ride. Before leaving the President received
the Chicago and Ail-American baseball
clubs, in the East Room. The reception
was very brief, as the party were waiting
then to start for the boat. The President's
trip to-day was made on the lighthouse ten
der Holly, which was brought here from,
Norfolk for that purpose.
Soon after leaving the wharf the gentle
men of the party ascended to the pilot
house, and spent most of the time there un
til Mt. Vernon was reached. Objects of in
terest were eagerly scanned with the aid of!
marine glasses. The boat proceeded dowd.
the river as far as Budd's ferry, a landing
on the Maryland shore about 32 miles from
"Washington. Here the boat slowed down
and luncheon served in the saloon pn th
main deck. The Holly was then turned up
stream, and at 50-o'clock the party was at
the wharf, and half an hour later the-Presi-dent
wasagain in the White House.
The trip was keenly enjoyed, and the ex
cursionists expressed themselves as delight
ed with their six hours' outing.
Three Jamaicans Brntaily Mardered for at
Small Amonnt of Money.
Mobile, April 15. Captain P. C. Jones,
of the schooner Arthur, arrived here to-day
from Bay Islands, and reports that at Pu
atan last mouth Rev. Henry Hobson, hii
wife, and her companion, a young girl, all
natives of Jamaica, were foully murdered
by Joseph Bares. t .
The family were preparing to leave there
for Belize, and Bnres was helping. Dis
covering that Mrs. Hobson had money
Bnres at night entered the house and cut
the throats of all three persons. He then,
robbed them of what money and valuables
they possessed, including a twatch. The
next day Bnres was found with the watch,
was arrested and made a confession of his
Captain Jones says the butchery of the
three persons and the mutilation of the
bodies of both women bore strong resem
blance to the -murders committed by tM
-rT -