" v ) V, f, T -' je Bial4 ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1841 Vol. 44, o. 67. Entered at l'ittsbnrg Postoffice, November 14, 1SS7, as second-clsss matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average clrculntloo of the dally edition of The Dispatch for six months ending April 1, 1SS9, 27,986 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of the Sunday edition ol The Dispatch for March. 1SS9, '46,423 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. r rOETAGE TOES IV THE TOTTED STATES. DAILT DisrATcn. One Year $8 00 Daily Dim-atcm, l'cr Quarter 2 CO Dailt Disr-ATCH, One Month TO Daily DisrATCH, Including Sunday, one jear 10 00 Dailt DisrATCH, Including Sunday, per quarter. 2 50 Daily Dispatch, including Snnday, one month. 90 blWDAY Dif PATCn, oneyear 2 50 etkly Dif l'ATCii. one year. 1 3 The Daili DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at it cents per week, or including the Sunday edition, at 20 cents per w cck. PITTSBURG, MONDAY, APR. 15, 1SS9. TEE NECESSITY OF SECUEITY. Wfc Those cracks in the new Westinchouse building will not down; but the more press ing and vital question is afforded by the discussion of the possibility that the build ing may do so. The interview with Inspector Frank in our local colnmns gives an expert opinion to the effect that there was an error of some gravity in its plans. It also shows that the'authorities are watching the matter closely and will take whatever steps may be necessary. It would be a subject of universal regret if such a fine and massive addition to our architecture should prove so faulty as to re quire general alteration. Everyone 'will join in the hope that the steps now taken will prove adequate to make the building perfectly secure; but everyone will also see the necessity of making that security un questionable. "We havehad in this city too recent a demonstration of the awful dangers of lofty and unsafe buildings to allow either public or private persons to take any chances. The precautions must be absolute and the matter placed beyond doubt. 'With the practical cu-tainty that this will be done in this case, trie matter presents the further lesson that in these days of lofty structures a very heavy responsibility rests on architects and builders, that their work shall be perfectly sare. THE HEW GLASS WOBKEBS. The discovery that the twenty-five glass blowers, whose arrival at Boston was an nounced a few days ago, hae passed through Pittsburg on the way to Jeannette, is set forth in our local columns. There are circumstances attending their arrival indi cating that they came here under contract, but the absence of any direct evidence shows one of the weaknesses of the imported labor act Another point suggests itself in con nection with this case. The newly arrived laborers 'are skilled workmen. They do not displace native labor. They bear proof of membership in the Belgian K. of LT The law must be enforced, of course; but if it should exclude workmen of this stamp, while it is letting in, without question, thousands of the poorest and least desirable class of labor, would it not add another illustration to the test already furnished of its unique and utterly abnormal opera tions? LEGISLATIVE BATES. An illustration of the tendency to pre . scribe fixed rates by legislation, for corpora Itions performing public transportation's af forded by an announcement that the Judi ciary Committee of the Illinois Legislature has unanimously approved a bill requiring all street railways in cities, to furnish tick ets for 25 trips at $1. Perhaps in the case of the majority of city street railways this regulation would be fair enough; but such enactments are defective both in failing to take into account the cases where a higher rate is actually required by the public in terest, and in failing equally to provide for the possibility that a lower rate might afford profit enough. A good enough illustration could be found in this city. A road which would carry passengers in half an hour from the Court House to the Squirrel Hill district would be an immense boon if it charged ten cents a trip; and probably would make little money at that figure. "With the section built up so that its daily passengers were numbered by the tens of thousands, it might make money at two or three cents a trip, as the London roads do. The policy of legislative rates utterly fails to provide for either contingency. But the fault for such enactment lies -largely with the corporations themselves. They have committed themselves so com pletely to the policy of excluding competi tion from their business that the natural re action of the public is toward the policy of prescribing rates by enactment for cases where competition does not work. "When this mutual contest has gone on long enough to show bow it interferes with nat ural developments, both sides will be able to perceive that the only measure of what is a just charge is the charges fixed by free com petition. THE PBACTICAL DIFFICULTY. The general disposition of ballot reformers to urge the adoption of the Australian sys tem .of voting raises the question as to the adaptability of that system to the Ameri can method of choosing public officers. The Australian plan has proved successful in elections, where one, or at the most two or three members of the Colonial Parliament are to be chosen. It is advantageous in pre serving the secrecy oi the ballot and thus defeating corruption by making it uncertain that the votes which are paid for shall be delivered according to agreement. But its utility, in application to Ameri can elections, is rendered ver y doubtful by the large number of candidates which, are frequently to be elected here. Hardly any better illustration of this difficulty could be ciled than the last election held in this country.- In Pennsylvania for instance, thirty Presidental electors were to be chosen by popular suffrage. Three parties, and sometimes four, present tickets, making a total of 90 to 120 names on the electoral tickets alone. TJndef the Australian system these names are to be printed on a single list, and the voter in a room by himself is to designate by a pencil mark the names for which he desires his vote to be recorded. The most intelligent voter would find it Trio easy task to select from a list of ninety .names the thirty electors for whom he de- fsjres to vote. It is as much as he knows who are the electors from bis immediate vicinity. "When it comes to making out the entire list of one party from the whole State, we would find very few men able to do it. For the average or ignorant voter the difficulty would be la'r greater. The purpose of the Australian system might be attained in making corruption impossible, by the unique method of reducing the outcome of an election to the uncertainties of a lottery. The same practical difficulty extends to the vast majority of American elections. There is hardly one in which the voter would not have to select from eight to twenty names out of a list ot perhaps twenty-five or sixty. Very few people could do that adcurately; and the inevitable result of the system would be an uncertainty which would make intel ligent voting impossible. It is, no doubt, highly important to throw safeguards around the safety and secrecy of the ballot. The purpose of our system at pres ent is to secure that end; and perhaps the best way if to aim at carrying out the intent of the present laws by punishing the mal-ad-ministration which is able to defeat the pur pose of any system. R-FTTCT ASSOCIATION TBOUBLES. The employes of the Baltimore and Ohio road are said to be in a condition of open revolt against the new organization for a relief association which the management of the company'is alleged to be urging upon them. It is to be hoped that the prediction of a general strike will not prove true; but if the representations of the relief scheme are correct, the men can hardly be blamed for entertaining extremely strong objections to it. By itself, the idea of organizing among men engaged in hazardous occupations re lief associations, in the nature of mutual in surance, is a philanthropic and praise worthy one. But in order that it shall pre serve that character and not be made an in justice and burden, certain basic ideas should govern its organization. The organ ization should be voluntary; for to enforce a compulsory saving on the men reduces them to the rank ot children and idiots. A rail road company has no more right to make the men lay up money against accident than the men have to order the company to lay up money for the payment of its bonds when they mature. The plan should provide that if a man leaves the service of the company he can receive an equivalent, in some form, for the contributions that he has made to the relief fund. To force a man to pay from 4 to C per cent of his wages to a fund, which he will lose in case he ex ercises his legal privilege to take a better place, is practically a reduction of wages. The contributions of the company being in lieu of legal liability lor injury to its employes, the management of the fund by the company should be justified by making it yield a larger return than could be obtained by accident assurance in out side companies. Ko doubt the statements given elsewhere are largely ex parte; but if they are true, the relief fund scheme urged in this case fails to observe" these principles of justice and honesty. It does not follow, however, that the men must take upon themselves the responsibil ity and odium of striking. The relief as sociation is presented to them as a volun tary matter. If it does not do them justice let them refuse to accept it. If the railroad discharges them for the refusal, it will do the striking. PEOPLE STILL TAKE IT. It is interesting to notice that the old story to the effect that bank notes and legal tenders are liable to be infected with the deadliest bacteria and thus communicate contagious diseases has stalled on its rounds once more. It seems as if the originators of that assertion were determined to impress on the public mind -the undesirability and danger of having too much wealth, and also as if, however "industriously they keep at it, it has little or no effect. Contagious diseases have occasionally been communi cated by paper currency, no donbt; but that they are not very likely to produce epi demics seems to be established by the gen eral health of this country during twenty eight years in which paper money had been handled freeJy; and by the further fact that bank tellers and cashiers of business estab lishments, through whose hands the majority of this currency passes, are not especially subject to the contagious diseases supposed" to be transmitted. At all events, everyone continues to take the money and all the risks that go with it. The claim that is made on behalf of an ex-Confederate soldier that he shot General Hancock at Gettysburg, as presented in an other column, is an interesting one. Still we are not aware that anyone has taken the view that the man who did it has performed any important public service or ought to be rewarded. The shortcomings of our language are illustrated by an editorial in the New York Press on a recent remarkable occurrence in that city. It starts out by speaking of "The small Christian who murdered his Hebrew playfellow." It is not easy to see how the Press could have said what it wished to, in other words; but it is nevertheless the fact that a child who can murder another on ac count of race prejudice as is stated to have been the case here is not a small Christian but a small savage. "While there is ground for hope that the discussion whether marriage is a failure has reached a natural death, it would seem as if the full expression of opinion was not made up until the publio had the benefit of the judgment ot Mr. Mona Caird. "The Democratic member of the Civil Service Commission whom President Har rison has to appoint will not be a spoils man," remarks the Philadelphia Press. This is gratifying intelligence. But the full measure of our desire will be filled up Kwhen the esteemed Press is able to give au thoritative information that the two Repub lican members of the Commission whom the President is to appoint will not be spoils men either. Don Piatt's declaration that the Repub lican party of Ohio is "an organized appe tite" is calculated to-provoke the retort that the Democratic party is a badly disorgan ized starvation. Is it not a little queer to hear the papers which are supposed to be organs of the ad ministration, announcing that Secretary "Windom will not pay over 129 for i per cents "unless compelled by a stringency in the money market which does not as yet threaten?" If there should "be any strin gency in the money market, why should not the Treasury get its 4 per cents cheaper in stead of paying more for them? The decision of an Iowa Judge that cider is intoxicating is calculated to produce an active demand for the juice of the apple in prohibition districts. The United States courts having af firmed the police power of legislatures and 'cities to have the dangerous and unsightly THE poles and overhead wires removed, it now remains for the Pennsylvania authorities to show what they will do about it- So far the sum total of achievement in this State has been to talk about the removal of the poles and to permit more and bigger poles than ever to be put up. , The Pennsylvania Legislature is equally indisposed to give much consideration to anti-discrimination, ballot reform or oleo margarine. The anti-discrimination people declare themselves in the fight to stay this time. If they commence at the foundation and light for'the election of members of the Legisla ture who will stand on the platform of making the Constitution supreme over the corporations, they will win their point sooner or later. The trouble heretofore has been that the people were not in the fight to stay, but only temporarily. The usual international marriage for a title in New York appears to have been at tended with the usual result of trouble in the family. Reports are in circulation that the Standard Oil Company is at work in Ohio to secure Senator Payne's Te-election. It may be relied upon, however, that the Standard will keep itself under cover. It is too smart to go before a jury of the people to win its case. It finds it no more expensive and no less certain to buy the legislators after they are elected. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Senator Colquitt Is stumping Massa chusetts for prohibition. Me. L. Q. C. Lasiar, Jr., is going Into busi ness at Rochester, N. Y. Senator Vance is steadily regaining health. His remaining eye now does capital service. Aeon of Admiral Farragut is modestly work ing as a clerk in a New York counting-room, rather to have some occupation than for the money it brings him. , Miss Ella Day HALE,daughter of xhe Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, has painted a portrait of her brother, Mr, Philip Hale, which is exhibited to the public, and is much ad mired. Mrss Florence Warden, author of "The House on the Marsh," and other well-known but eerie novels, has had a singularly check ered career. Left at an early ago dependent upon her own exertions, she started as a gov erness. But she soon tired of uncongenial drudgery and took to the stage. After quite a successful career she tired of acting, and has now settled down to literary work. There will be no hand-shaking at the cen tennial ceremonies. Mr. William p. Hamilton discovered by the diligent reading ot history that hand-shaking was abolished on the occa sion of Washington's inaugural, and the cele bration must follow precedent. It will be a great relief to President Harrison, who, Mr. Hamilton calculates, would otherwise have to shake hands 10,009 times at least during the three days' celebration. James McCorhick, of Harrisburg, a gradu ate of Yale and a millionaire, is also a mighty Sunday school man. The emulation of even the Postmaster General may well be excited by Mr. McCormick's Bible class of 1.000 men at Pine street church, from which he has never been absent a Sunday during a period of 20 years. He never goes so far from Harrisburg that he cannot get back within the week to ad dress his giant Bible class. PRIVATE DALZELL'S ADVICE. Hints to Comrades, Mingled With Truths That Are Toucblngly Sad. A communication that was at first mistaken Tor a spring poem drifted into this office yester day. It wasn't a rhyme, but the words were hichly poetical. Private Dalzell's name was signed to the letter, which is given in full be low: The flowers ire are gathering, comrades, for the solemn service of Decoration Day, 1S89, will hardly have withered or lost their lragrance above the holy shriucs where our heroic comrades sleep, until wc shall He down beside them. The time Is drawing near. The night comcth. The three shots arc already loaded In the guns soon to be flrcd above our Insensate clav. Fassing away, 15,00030,000 or us, annually, andln an accelerated ratio as years roll on. We cannot tarry much longer. Bid the hungry and avaricious office seeker and miser be patient. TVe shall soon.be out ol their way! boon we shall all he mustered under the sod. It cannot be long. They 6ay we want the earth the earth wants us and cannot wait much longer to receive us. Graves yawn at our feet. This Is the last Decora tion Day 25,000 of us sballcrcr Bee. Before an other Decoration Day we shall rest under the graves and flowers in our green tents of peace and rest, bolcnin, then, and universal be the service of flowers. .Bring your garlands, dear old com rades, and from your sad eyes once more, and for the last time, shed your tears above these holy graves. But ever above the blooming blossoms of spring, above the quietude of death let the flag float, the sweetest of all the flowers In the world. AN ELECTRIC WATCH. A Novel Timepiece That Will Kan for a Year Without Attention. New Beunswick, N. J., April 11 M. L. Hussey, of Menlo Park, employed A. F. W. Mueller, of this place, recently to make a pe culiar balance-wheel, suitable for an electric watch. The wheel was completed yesterday) and it was exactly the thing that Mr. Hnssey bad long wanted. Mr. Hussey said to-night that he was a friend of Edison, and for 11 years had been experimenting on clocks and watches, with the idea of running them by electricity. The motor for witches is in a metallic case, which Is about an ich long, and is attached to the watch by a chain, which may bo of any metal, but which is so constructed as to carry the current. The motor, it is said, will not need t be charged more than once a year. Prof. Van Dyck, of Rutgers College, thinks the invention valuable. A BLOW AT THE TWINE TRUST. A Western Genius Discovers a Substitute In Wire for Harvest Binding. Quincy, III., April It Farmers through out the Northwest will be interested in the an nouncement that a simple device has been per fected which will make them absolutely Inde pendent of the Twine Trust. For some weeks a harvester has been at work in the tall sedge grass along the Missouri bottoms opnosite Quincy binding with wire. Tli (mftrnwm.nt was to-dftv rirnrnmird n. I complete success by a large number of farmers ana experts wuo naYe ueen watctuug lis word ings. It Is very simple, only the substitution of a twister in place of the knotter used on the twine binder. The farmer can therefore use either wire or twine, as the change can be made in a moment's time. ANARCHIST NEEBE WANTS A PARDON. Governor Filer Will Consider the Applica tion In Its Regular Order. Springfield, April 11 Louis Neebe visited the CaDltol yesterday for the purpose of mak ing a personal appeal to the Governor for the pardon of his brother Oscar, the Anarchist He was courteously received by GovcreorFi f er, who, after Neebe had stated the object of the visit said he could not consider (he appli cation to-day. Applications tor pardon are all docketed and a day set for the hearing of each. The Governor could not depart from his rule in this matter. Progress of the American Ravy. From the l'luladelphla Record. J Twelve grizzled sea captains are to man the President's barge during the marine pageant at New York on the 29th instant Some of these ancient mariners might fix their eyes on Commodore Harrison, if they would, and tell bow," as It has happened, we were of quite as much account at sea in George Washington's day as we are in Benjamin Harrison's. He's Able to Take Care of It From the Chicago Times. J Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, is going to attend the centennial ceremonies In New York. If Armcs is going along the Governor had better leave his nose at borne. Just About. From the Providence Journal. General Boulanger seenuto be as popular in official society at Brussels as a smallpox pa tient t PITTSBURG 'DisraTtoh, THREE PAPERS IN ONE. A Feast for Literary Epicures In the 29 Vago Dispatch of Yesterday. Another great triple number of The Dis patch was issued yesterday. It contained the fullest and latest news of the day, and was in all respects a complete newspaper. More than this, Its literary .features were of a high standard. Some of the most noted writers, of America contributed to its columns. The mat ter, botb In quantity and quality, was equal to the contents of a first-class magazine. When so much good reading Is furnished for a nickel it Is not surprising that every paper of an extra large edition should be "Bold early In the day. Such was the case yesterday. . The news columns contained full details of the horrible disaster at Bamoa, the account be ing furnished by sailors who were eye witnesses of the scenes. Boulanger's poDularlty is on the In crease in France, especially with the lower classes. Important elections take place in England this week. Bath Liberals and Tories are confident of victory. Mary Anderson is welcomed in London with open arms and is looking well. English brokers have lost heavily in sugar speculations. Bismarck is likely to fail in his endeavor to force the measure restricting the liberty of the press through the Reichstag. Berlin does not like Mr. Bates' appointment as one of the American Samoan Commissioners. The Sultan has been very extravagant and is hard up financially. The fate of the missing crew of the wrecked .steamer Denmark still remains a mystery. The Loomls brothers, two Michigan men, are accused of obtaining money nnder false pre. tenses in New York and Chicago. It is be. lieved that they have raked in nearly 100,000 by ways that aro danc A remarkable card trick was performed at Cincinnati. Hon. Em met Tompkins, at Columbus, guessed rightly the card which Charles H. Kellogg drew from a pack in Cincinnati. Baltimore and Ohio em ployes have refused to pay for compulsory in surance, as requested by the company. Ella "Wheeler Wilcox introduced Gertrude Atherton to New York society, and now regrets having done so. Mrs. Atherton has written Snd pub lished a caustic criticism of the personal ap pearance ot her friend. The President has in definitely postponed his proposed pleasure trip. The news from nearby cities and towns, and happenings of general interest in all parts of the country, were given in the telegraphic, news columns. IL The Senatorial committee investigating the Riverside penitentiary finished its work and left the city. It was their opinion that the Charges of mismanagement were not sustained. Chancellor Goff, of the Western University, is likely to be appointed superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. John McBrlde, President of the Miners' Na tional Progressive Union, arrived in the city. He advises the miners to accept the operators' terms and not strike. Milk dealers predict the failure of the produceis' trust. President Campbell, of the window glass workers, spoke In favor of prohibition at a meeting in Salis bury Hall. Returned missionaries described the difficulties they met in their work in China and the barbarous practices of the inhabitants of Shanghai. A column of "Everyday Science," containing matter of much interest to electri cians and mechanics, was given on the third page. Noremac wen the walking match, the score of the leading contestants being as follows: Noremac, 601 miles; Hegelman, 4S7, and Con nors, 188. The Alleghcnles defeated the De trolts at Recreation Park: score, 8 to 3. The sporting review was full of interesting matter. HL Part II. contained the continuation of Ed ward Everett Hale's pleasing story, "East and "West," and a variety of special articles from well known contributors. Bill Nye told of his ambition to become a mountain climber. Frank Carpenter described the palace and court of the King of Siam. Gail Hamilton continued her discussion on religious faith and agnosti-. cism. Ouldagave utterance to earnest pleas for human treatment of horses. M. H. V. crit icized the utterances of Talmago and olher clergymen on the immoral influence of the stage. A batch of letters from readers was a new and at tractive feature. "Rambler About" sketched various scenes in New York life. A number of noted amateur photographers gave their views on matters connected with their art, Doutbitt contributed a paper on the faults of the com mon school syBtem. Frank Fern gossiped entertainingly about children who have made a reputation on the stage. Clara Belle's letter and the society, theatrical and market pages were also among the contents of this part of the paper. In Part HL Beverly Crump gave a delightful picture of life in Porto Rico; E. W. Bartlett furnished a serio-comic view of the woes of a married man dunng house-cleaning time; Mrs. Frank Lcsllo discussed woman's influence; J. H. Stephenson exposed some erroneous notions regarding electricity and magnetism; Mary Gay Humphries dealt with the subject of Japanese art; Ernest H.Hclndchs contributed a pretty fairy tale; Henry Haynle, Lillian Spencer and Edgar L. Wake man sent letters , from abroad. Captain King, Bessie Bramble, W. L. H., Rev. George Hodges, Piccadilly and others also contributed papers of interest USES OP THE GAS BILL. Belgian Officials Show Great Courtesy to a Dlnn Who Can Pay a Big One. Philadelphia, April 11 Gas bills can be used by tourists as well as by gas house rob bers. August Breininger, of tbis city, has just returned from a visit to Fatherland. In the course of his travels be came tothe Belgian frontier. "Passports," said the polite Belgian official as he went through the train, and Mr. Breininger plunged his hand into his pocket for the necessary document He pulled out a paper, and. without looking at it very carefully, handed it over to the official. The Belgian's eyes almost protruded from his bead lu aston ishment as he examined the paper. The like of it had never been seen itr'all Belgium and France before, but it must be a passport The strange paper was printed in two colors, bore the apparent Impress of three great seals of novel design, and down in one corner was a striking signature, 'William Honey," Mr. Roney's name is not familiar in Belgium, but from the dashing handwriting the official judged that he must be a great man and atleast a Secretary of State somewhere. The seals were also very impressive. These wore the familiar legends: "How to read your meter." Mr. Breininger felt very nervous as he recog nized his old gas bill masquerading as a pass port hut the official promptly honored it and passed on. This so pleased the traveler that he tried the same several times subsequently and always with the most dazzling success. The officials seemed no less impressed with the seals ana the signature than with the figures of the bill, showing what the gas bureau bad made Mr. Breipinger pay, NothingJUke such figures had ever been seen in Europe. Mr. Breininger recommends to travelers who may wish to mako use of this discovery that the figures on the bill be as imposing as pos sible. For this reason it will be best to take a bill for the winter quarter or one presented just before an election. A bill combining these two features may be relied upon to carry a man clear through Siberia. In case the bill has not been paid it" would be well for the traveler to wntd some name, say President Harrison's, in one corner after the dashing style of Mr. Roney. CHARITY FOR THE DESERTING. Great Quantities of Passover Bread Given Awnv by the Wealthy. Bpeclil Telegram to The Dispatch. New York, .April 11 A distribution of Passover bread and meat to the Eastside poor took place In Goodfcllow's Hall, in Essex street, to-day. More than 5,000 pounds each of meat and "matzes," the gift of Mrs. Pauline Rosendorff, were given away to poor Hebrews and Gentiles. Mrs. Rosendorff is a wealthy woman, who, for six years past, supplied the poor witn Passover food, paid out ot her own pocket Another charitable institution, the Passover Relief Society, also gave 8,000 pounds of "matz W to the boor last evening. Some of the Hungarian Jewish congregations in the city, besides distributing Passover bread and meat, have given a gallon of wine to each poor mem ber ot the congregation. DEATHS OP A DAY. John West, of Klmlck. John West of MImIck station, audawell known steamboatman of this city, died suddenly yester day at his home. He arose In the morning and ate a hearty breakfast. A short time afterward he received a paralytic stroke and at 12:30 o'clock he was dead. , Ex-Congressman K. B. Ciilttendan. NEW Yobk, April 11 Ex-Congressman Simeon B. Cblttendoh died this afternoon at bis home In Brooklyn. Ills age was 75 years. APRIL 15, CtfRIOUS LETTERS Received br n Travelor Who Took Notes A Nnvnl Officer's Siberian Experiences '-People Who Eat Wood With a Rel ish. rconntsroNDENCE or inn dispatcili Washington, April 18, George Kennan, the Siberian, traveler, receives a great many peculiar letters from people who are perfect strangers to him. Some of them come direct to him at his home in "Washington and some of them come to him through his publishers in New York. They are from all sorts of queer people asking all kinds of queer things. Mr. Kennan showed me a part of his mail the other day. I found it extremely interesting. The letters were written on fancy note paper, on foolscap, on business headings, in pencil and in ink. An enthusiastic female admirer of Mr. Kennan, entirely unknown to him, writes from Reading, Pa., as follows: "Your name and personality are known to me through your own words and those of others. I am an entire stranger to you, but when you know my reason for writing to you, you will pardon mo for takine the liberty, I believe. - Questions like these have been for days putting themselves to my heart, and I have been unable either to solve or silence them: 'Is there the faintest possibility that I could do anything?' Could I give the least hint of anything that might be done? Could a mul titude of American women joined together do anything? Let me come at once and bravely to my point, and say fully what I mean. I have been thinking that some woman some poet known to fame of burning heart and burning tongue, might indite a protest and petition to :hat most amazing monster of crnelty in this glorious nineteenth century the Czar of Rus sia. Ob, were there ever any more appalling horrors known in any long past dark age than those now living in this in Russia and Siberia. I have been thinking that to the protest and petition thousands of American women would gladly sign their names; hav,o been thinking, too, that 1 could myself obtain a multitude of signatures by correspondence with the beads of educational Institutions if indorsed by Mr. Kennan. Are these thoughts but a dream, and one that cannot be turned to reality like some dreams of old? Well, my dream can certainly do no ill, and Is itself no wrong. The petition might be not that the system of penal law be chanced in a day, which would be Impossible, but that all cruelty should cease at once. No beat of pity can be too intense, no haste too eager when reeardinir the awful revelations -you, sir, have made." w The Public Interested. The interest in Russian and Siberian matters aroused by the publication of Mr. Kennan's Si berian articles has made quite a run on Siberian literature. Among the publio docu ments stored away in tno Capitol is one which the Siberian craze has brought into demand. It is Lieutenant Schuetze's report of his trip to the Arctic regions in 1885 to distribute testi monials of this Government to subjects of Russia who extended aid to the survivors of the Jeannette exploring expedition. The re- Iiort was transmitted to Congress in February, 887, by the President, and was printed as an executive document of tho House of Repre r entatlveo. It is almost out of print now, and with the demands that are being made upon the document rooms now there will be very few copies left ere long. Recently the Secretary of State announced bis intention of getting out another edition and asked Lieutenant Schuetze if he would elaborate the story a little. He has not done so as yet, and as be tells me he Is go ing to sea lq a short time, it is likely the story will never be more fully written, at least for Government publication. Like a Novel. Lieutenant Schuetze's report reads like a novel. He traveled 26,970 miles by rail, water, post wagon, post sled and reindeer sled, from the time he left St Petersburg, August 6, 1885, until the date of his return, August IS, 1SS6. During that time ho endured fearful hardships. Speaking of tho cold weather he encountered, he says: "As we approached Verchoyausk it was almost unbearable, compelling a stop at every inhabited yourta (native hut), not only on account of ourselves but moro owmg to the reindeer, which suffered vfsibly during the low temperature. Fortunately these inhabited yourtas are not far apart as one approaches the village. Some merchant transports were blocked on the road by the snow and cold weather, having lost the greater part of their reindeer and some horses. Breathing was at times difficult, and on January 10 and lithe temperature sank to 06 Celsius, corresponding to 86.8 Fahrenheit below zero. This is the coldest temperature ever observed, and I after ward had the satisfaction of establishing it be yond a doubt by the agreement of the ther mometers at Verchovausk. observed bv exiles ftwho were furnished with instruments by the uentrai laeteoroiogicai uDservatory at rav lovsk, near St Petersburg." How to Fight Cold. The costume that Lieutenant Schuetze wore to protect him from the cold is described by him as follows: "Deerskin clothing and furs were difficult to obtain, owing to the scarcity in the Yakutsk fair last summer. This was due to the prevalence of smallpox among the natives on the Kolyma, tho principal source of supply. I contrived, however, to get together a tolerable suit of Arctic clothing, partly o.d and partly new, consisting of a fur-lined jacket, trousers, stockings, boots and a ku klauka, all of reindeer nkin. the latter being in the shape of a long double shirt reaching below the knee, with a hood attached. Beside these articles, the nsual heavy woolen undercloth ing and stockings, rabbit skin 'nips' for the feet double fog skin cap and gloves, and a long black squirrel boa, completed the outfit." Of the food which he lived on, he says: "My provisions while in the North consisted of rein deer meat, fish eaten either boiled or raw, black bread and tea." s s Where They Ent Wood. Lieutenant Schuetze tells an interesting story of the natives of Siberia,, who eat wood fit companions for the Southern Indians of the United States, who consume large quantities of clay. It was near Kumacbsurk that tho lieutenant came in contact with the wood eat ers. 'He says: "We have all had our sympa thies aroused by statements that these people are often, during -famines, compelled to resort to wood for food. Now the fact is that care less observers have simply been imposed upon ortbey have jumped at conclusions without caring or, perhaps, being able to make inqui ries and because they thought that a statement of theso views would make a heartrending page for their books and by inference show what a distressing time they themselves must have had among such surroundings. AVood in a certain torm is a most common and constant article of diet on the Sena river, all along the north coast and in the immediate neighbor hood of Yakutch. in fact where the Yakut re sides, north St Verchovausk, except in a few sheltered valleys, it is said that there is no other wood than the larch, and for miles south of the tree limit absolutely no other. The natives eat It because they like It Even when fish are plentiful It usually forms part of the evening meal, as the many cleanlv stripped larch logs near every hut testify. They know by experi ence that the fact of their eating wood excites the sympathies of strangers and shrewdly use It to excite pity and to obtain a gift of tea and tobacco. Theascrape off the thick layers im mediately under the bark of a log. and, chop ping it fine, mtx it with snow. It is then boiled in a kettle. Sometimes a little fish roe is mixed with It, and farther south cow's milk or butter. O'Brien-Bain. ANOTHER BRITISH OUTRAGE. Unique London Comments on the Appoint ment of Robci t Lincoln. From the Toledo Bee.l The London Court Journal, when it wants a littlo variety, dips into American politics. Here is a specimen: "The Americans have elected Mr. Robert Lincoln as Minister to the Court of fet. James. Mr. Lincoln is a brother of the famous war President and is said to be an excellent judge of horse flesh. Ho took no part in the great struggle presided over by his brother, prefer ring, he declared, to be merely an on-looker. His life, however, has ndt been wholly un eventful, for several years ago he was Secre tary of Illinois and Nebraska. He has a won derful talent for mimicry, and one of our cor respondents heard him recito some time ago, belore a stag party, in the rooms of tho Chicago Press Clnb. "We understand that he is now on a Iccturo tour in Australii, but that h will cancel his engagements in ylowcf the fact that lie has been elected to a serious and responsible posi tion. President Harris and sub-President Morris are thus far giving satisfaction, and it is not likely that there will be a change in the Government for some time to come. Mr, Blaine, secretary to President Harris, has suc ceeded In electing bis son to the Senate. Mr. Outlaw, who was elected to France, has taken the oath of office. He is said to be a very bandsnmn gentleman, and to his looks more than any qu-iltllcatton can bo accredited his election. For a number of years he has been a typen Titer in New York." A Remarkable Error. I'rom the Chicago Ncws.j Somebody has thrown another bomb at the Czar. The singular delusion which causes so many .Russians to-tnistakq their majestic ruler for the bull's-eye of a shooting-gallery Is as in--teresting as it is dangerous,!, v ' MONDAY, 1889. THAT CARD MISTERY. Legislator Tompkins, of Ohio, Says Em phatically That There Warn No Collusion. Columbus, o., April It Hon. Emmitt Tompkins, Representative In the Legislature from Athens county, was one of the most sought-after statesmen In Columbus to-day. The sudden and extreme popularity Into which the Athenian all at once sprang was caused by the article in this morning's Dispatch detail ing the manner in which Mr. Tompkins hid guessed, by wire, what card Mr. C. H. Kellogg had drawn at the Grand Hotel In Cincinnati Mr. Tompkins seemed overwhelmed with a va riety of emotions when the correspondent asked him for an explanation. He said that he had stepped out of the House for an hour or two yesterday afternoon, and when heretumed at 6 o'clock found the following telegram in his box: CWCTNNATI, O., April 13, 18S9. Hon. Emmitt Tompkins, House of Representa tives, Columbus, O.: Mr. Veazy is with me. What card have 1 drawn? Answer Immediately. C. H. Kellogg, Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, O. Mr. Tompkins without waiting a moment wrote and sent to the telegraph office the fol lowing message: Columbus, o., April 13, 1S89. C. H. Kelloggi Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, O.: Yours received. The card you drew was the four of clubs. . Emmitt 'XoJirxiNS. Mr. Tompkins was asked: "How did yon know it was the four of clubs?" "I can't tell you that I simply knew that, was the card." "Was there anything in the wording of the dispatch any cipher or combination of letters that gave you the key?" "Positively nothing of the kind." "Had you any previous arrangement .with Mr.Veazv?" "I had not" "Did you receive a message from any other person in Cincinnati in collusion with Mr. Veazy?" "Emphatically, noP "Still you know Mr. Kellog picked the four of clubs?" "I did." "Is it a trick?" "That Is for you to flud out I cannot tell you how I knew." Mr. Tompkins was told by a member that bad he lived in Massachusetts in the days of the paternal grandfather of ex-Secretary of War Endicott he would have been hung for practicing witchcraft WORK OF A GREAT ARTIST. Portraits of Ex-Secretary Colman and Hon. A. H. Garland Just Finished. Special Telegram to The DIsnatch. Washington, April 11 It has been the custom for many years In most of the depart ments to expend a sufficient sum out of some of the funds to secure for that department a portrait of the outgoing Secretary or Cabinet officer. In accordance with this practice, two excellent pictures, one of Attorney General Garland and the other of Secretary Colman, late of the Department of Agriculture, have just been finished by Ulke", and will in a few days take their places on the walls of the rooms occupied by these gentlemen during the ad ministration of President Cleveland. Ulke has painted more portraits of public men than any other artist and is very successful in produc ing strong and faithful work. This artist is one of the most remarkable characters of the Capital City. Like many other of the elderly German Americans, he is an exile of the troublous times of 1848. Be sides being an artist of note, he Is an educated musician, so marked and original that he is in vited to lecture soon before the students of Columbia University on music .and the emo tions, which he will illustrate with many com positions by himself and others, on the piano. But he is more eminent as a naturalist than in either of the arts mentioned. He has the largest private collection of beetles in the world, and probably it is not exceeded in num bers and interest by any of the collections of museums. He has made the most amazing study of them, and illustrates in their develop ment not only the entire geologic growth of the earth, but in the most consummate and ex haustive manner the theory of evolution. Added to these also, he is a profound sociolo gist, radical inxprinciple and fearless in ex pressing bis opinions. Besides the pleasure of securing a good por trait, public men like to have themselves trans ferred to canvass by so remarEable a charac ter, and so the brush ot Mr. Ulke Is constantly in demand. One of his most noted works is a portrait of Grant painted from life, which now hangs in the white House. SIMON CAMERON'S FRIENDSHIP. An Ex-Senntor Tells How It Was Won by General DI. C. Butler. New York Star: '! amllivlng quietly atJMlf flintown. Pa., my native home. I am entirely ontof politics and take no interest whatever in political movements." Thus spoke John J. Patterson,-who served six years in the United States Senate from South Carolina. Probably his most notable act during those six years was voting against his party to seat General M. O. Butler, who was then knockiag for admission from the same State. His vote and Don Cameron's settled the question In Mr. Butler's favor. Patterson i8sald to have received immunity in South Carolina for some political shortcomings in consideration of his voting for General But ler's admission. Senator Cameron voted in opposition to his party upon this question to Savadebtof gratitnde bis father owed the u'tlers for years. It was General Butler's uncle who was In the Senate at the time Gov ernor Bigler undertook to question Cameron's right to his seat in 1856. Butler took a hand in Cameron's favor In a verylerse speech.in which he said: "Tho Senate of the United States is no place for Pennsylvania to wash its dirty linen in. I move to lay the whole subject on the table." This was agreed to. A few minutes afterward Butler walked over to Cameron's seat and said: "Simon. I think you owe me a bottle of whisky."i "That I do," replied the old General, "and I will make it a barrel;" which he did. From this incident sprang up a lastingfrlcnd ship. THE AMERICAN GIRL AHEAD. She Is Fast Becoming the Stngo Fnvorlto tho World Over. From the St James Gazette. The American girl is gradually invading every department of operatic representation, and always with success. For years past more leading prime donne have been produced by the United States than by any European country. Madame Patti is almost an American; Madame Albanl Is a Canadian; Madame Valleria, Madame Nordlca, Madame Nevada, and Miss Van Zandt, with many more whose names will at once suggest themselves, are all from the United States. Miss Geraldine Ulmar, on American, is one of the most attractive mem bers of the Savoy company, and Miss Hunting ton, another American, reigns supreme at the Prince of Wales'. We now hear of a new American Juliet, Mtss Eamcs, who, coming after Madame Patti at the Paris Opera House, has almost equalled Madame Paul's success; of an American dancer, Mademoiselle Flint, who has made her mark in the grand ballets of Milan and of Rome. Stendhal was certainly mistaken when, rather more than 60 years ago, he wrote that America was the freest country in the world, but one to which Italian music could never appeal WHAT'S INA NAME. The Cognomens Borne by a Party of Bad Indians Who Are Coming East. Chicago, April 11 Thirty Sioux Indians passed through Chicago this morning en route to Philadelphia. They are from the Pine Ridge Agency. Dakota, and include a number of participants in the Custer massacre. At a roll call in the depot the Indians an swered "how" to the following names: Lono Feather, a big chief, tho fighting leader of the Ogallalla Sioux, his squaw Mrs. Hailstones-in-Her-Stomacb, papoose Little Hailstones, Red Ears, Hull Tail, Shot In the Head. Wears the Sheer, Two Tails, Yellow Bull. Got No Gun, and Got No Horse. Thoe who were In the Caster massacre aro Lone Feather, Red Ears, Bull Tall, Shot In tho HeadjJTwo Tails and Bloody Bear. Important Archnialogieal Discovery. from the Philadelphia Press.. The discovery that oleomargarine was in common use ,among the Babylonians sheds new light upon the great historical question namely, the fall of Babylon. It Is not Impossi ble that she stepped upon a piece of the stuff and slipped A Senator in a New Kolr. from the Kansis City Star.: Senator Ingalls will spend tbo summer In Atchison superintending the rebuilding of bis residence It imposes a severe strain on the fancy to tbink of ingalls standing around with bis trousers In his boots whittling away at a pine stick, ' CDRIODS COURTSHIPS. ' The Skeleton. Dude Still Advertising for a WJfe A Couplo Married In Louisville as a Result of an Advertisement Sad Caso of a Stage-Struck Girl. ISTECIAL TSXZOEA1IS TO TUB DISPATCH. New York, April 11 J. A. Coffee, who has been advertising extensively for a wife, walked Into Castle Garden yesterday to get his letters from Superintendent Simpson. His legs aro about as big as a man's wrist, and tbar were encased In trousers that fitted at the kid gloves of) his bands. A fashionable suit of clothes, light overcoat patent leather shoes, silk Hat and a moustache and goatee completed his make-up. In the lappel of bis overcoat he wore a bouquet as big as a saucer. His ap pearance amused the hundreds of immigrants just landed from the French steamer La Cham pagne. Here is a specimen of the letters, of which he collected a satchel full: Is It a wife you want or a servant girl T If the former, the writer Is a jolly little widow, unen cumbered, and capablyor making a delightful and happy home. I am of an affectionate disposi tion, and look good enough to suit any "dude." I am the daughter of a West Canadian firmer, and fond of horses, and can drive them. My weight Is Expounds, and I am 5 feet 3 Indies tall. I like all nice things, and think I could like a nice-looking man. If his temper corresponded with his looks' Mrs. Chute, Coming, N. Y. Mr. Coffey liked the tone of this letter so well that he made up his mind to answer It "I have been married before," he said, "and I want a mother for my little girl who Is now living with my brother-in-law, named Carter, at Fort Scott Kan. I shall answer some of these letters, and after due investigation, if I find a woman that suits me, 1 will marry her at once." Married After an Hour's Talk. Louisville, Ky April 11 Two months ago John A. Dobbins, who is a merchant at Greenfield, Ind., inserted in the local paper an advertisement for a wife. Miss Kate Riley, of this city, saw the advertisement and answered it The two began a correspondence, and after continuing it for some time, exchanged photos. Finally Mr. Dobbins made a proposal of mar riage by letter, and it was accepted by the re turn mail. Yesterday morning Mr. Dobbins came to the city and stopped at the Commer cial Hotel He called upon Miss Riley-at her home, and they bad an hour's talk. In which the pleasant impressions they bad formed by Correspondence were fully confirmed. After the conversation they returned to tho Commer cial Hotel, where they were married by 'Squire John McCann. The bride is 33 years and the groom is 62, and Is a widower with three chil dren. A Stngestrnck Girl In Trouble. Buffalo, April 11 Rowena Scott, a tall, graceful girl of IS, became stagestruck, and her folly has got her into trouble. Two weeks ago she answered an advertisement for young ladies wishing to become actresses. Charles Wesley 'Woodruff, the advertiser, was 42. and had the look and manner of a decayed tragedian. On three days' acquaintance Rowena thought it romantic to marry the actor, and "Arizona Joe" acted as best man, while Rev. Mr. Dean married the couple. "Woodruff and his bride lived at the United States Hotel until the proprietor refused to trust him longer or .accept worthless checks. Then he wrote bis wife a letter explaining that he was penniless, and was going to abandon the stage because it was a curse to him. The de serted girl and her mother are heart-broken. THE AUSTRIAN EMPRESS INSANE. ho Accuses Herself of Having Caused the Death of Prince Rudolf". .New York World Cable Dispatch. Berlin, April 11 Advices from Vienna state that the Empress of Austria has been at tacked by the "Wittelsbach family malady, namely, insanity. She suffers from long spells of melancholia and entertains delusions, ac cusing herself of the death of Crown Prince Rudolf, bbe is possessed with ideas of sui cide, thinking to leave tho Emperor free to re marry. Sometimes she dandles a cushion or a pillow, thinking it a new-born heir to the throne. The Emperor is greatly affected. He suffers from insomnia and has no zest for work, talcing only a langnfd interest in State affairs. It is reported that he has consulted with Count Kalnoky and Count von Taaf e upon tba advisability of abdicating in favor of his nephew, Franz, It Is also said that he wrote to the Pope, declaring that he longed for restand wished to retire, and that the Pope's response, urging upon him the necessity of submitting to the decrees of God, combined with the protests of the Ministers, induced him in the mean time to remain upon the throne. FREQUENT MEETINGS NOT NEEDED. The Antl-Povorty Society to Meet Only Once n. Month Hereafter. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. New York. April 11 Dr. McGlynn an nounced to the Anti-Poverty Society in Cooper Union this evening that as Sunday. April 23, would be tho Sunday nearest to the date of tho second anniversary of tho society, the anni versary would be celebrated on that date. After that the meetings of the society will be bpld once a month, on the last Sunday, instead of onco a week. He added that he should undoubtedly take a trip to Europe next fall MANSFIELD'S NEW U. P. CHURCH. A nandsome Edifice Dedicated Yesterday With Appropriate Ceremonies. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Mansfield, April 11 The new United Presbyterian Church, of this city, erected at the corner Of Washington avenue and Roberts street was dedicated to-day with appropriate ceremonies. Rev. T. H. Hanna, of Monmouth, 111., preached the dedicatory sermon. The new cbnrch is neat, attractive, semi gothic structure, 70x98 feet, and 63 feet high. It is built after the latest and most approved style of architecture. Tho cost of the hand some edifice and the parsonage was $25,000. The Millennium Is Near. From the Chicago Tribune.! A gas company In New York City a day or two ago notified a customer that the meter In use on his premises had been tested and found to register against him, and that he was enti tled to a credit of tU 62, which amount would be returned to blm by the collector. This seems strikingly corroborative of the predic tion made by an Iowa preacher last week that the world would come to an end this month. A Woman Saws Wood for a Living. From the l'arkersburg Sentinel 1 Mrs. Folly Jamison, residing at Egkle's Mills, Berkeley county, was left a widow about a year ago, since which time she has been sup porting her family by sawing wood, receiving as pay, for her labor 50 cents per cord. Saloon for Ltfo Saving. From the Norrlstown Herald. Somebody has Invented a "life-saving saloon" for ships. We don't know how the thing works, but a life-saving saloon on land Is one that has been closed by the high license law. . JABS AT JAY. GOULD. New York Press: Well, who owns the town Jay Gould or the people? CniCAGO Serald: Jay Gould says that he has no intention of leaving New York. Jay never leaves anything that be can get away with. Minneapolis Journal: The rumor that Jay Gould was about to remove to London was promptly denied by his jayness. Another in ternational complication is thus averted. Baltimore Herald: The rumor that Jay Gould is to go over to London to live proves to be untrue. Jay has a soft snap In this country, and ho is not the sort of a man to get away from a soft snap. y New York TTorld.- To the rumor that Jay Gould may take up his residence in London the Sun adds: "After that what shall we do for a general bugbear?" lint Jay Isn't always a bug bear. Sometimes he Is a bug-bull In the mar ket Haltijiote American: Jay Gould is not the champion grabber, after all There is an other famous grabber who has been longer In the business than Jay. an older and better soldier, and when he gets the railroad kings in bis clutches he wdl give the latter some points on raf id transit New York World: The money which Jay Gould is wasting in lighting against the State is nut his own. It belongs to his company. Some of the stockholders of the. Western Union ought to step in and protest against tbis squandering ol their money before-Gould trn loaos ana leaves mem in toe lurcn. CDRIOUS C0HDKSSATI0XS.- By far the greater part of the elcctrio wire to be used In the Paris Exposition build ings comes from the United States. Tne wealthiest colored mania the South is a New Orleans sugar planter named Marie. He has an income of (40,000, and Is a cultivated gentleman. Colonel Majendie concludes as a result of his experiments that one volume of liquid benzine will render 16,000 volumes of air in flammable. The first Arbor day was observed in, Nebraska 17 years ago, when 12,000,000 trees were planted. There are now growing In the State 605.000,000 trees. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Fisher, of Colusjbos, Ipd., who died a few days ago. was probablythe smallestchlld In the State. Although three months old, she weighed only three pounds. MrSj. v Groundwater, the new J?olice Judge at Cottonwood Falls, Kan., began her administration by fining a plain drunk to and costs. On the same day she set a ben, made two gingham aprons and returned five calls. The 3-year old girl baby of William Laws, of Erie, fell into a well containing four feet of water, but its stiff skirts assuming a parachute shape, sustained it till a pole could be thrust down, to which it clung till it was drawn out A Maine mechanic is the inventor of a sleigh which is to be run by steam. The model which he has bnllt has capacity and motive power sufficient to carry 15.UC0 feet of logs. The sleigh has made a number of successful trips tbis winter. A Portsmouth paper publishes the fol lowing copies of the ballot slips used by a jury which tried a man for grand larceny in a New Hampshire court: Gilty, gellty, guilty, not gealty, gillty, gelltr, not guilty, guildty, guildy, guilty, giltey, gealty. Tbe Pike county superstition that it is unlucky to kill a white deer is discunted by the case bf tbe late Christopher Tallman, who killed 13 of them during his life, and died lately at tbe age of 83 years, without having had ex traordinary ill fortune. An immense terrestrial globe on the scale of one-millionth is to be exhibited at the Paris Exhibition. Tbe globe measures 13 meters In diameter and is to be surrounded with platforms and ladders that any part of Its surface can be- examined. Paris appears on it in a spaco not quite a centimeter square. A Homer, Keb., girl, named Johana Christopherson. has within tbe past few days killed 58 snakes, and Miss Nina Ream, of the same place, gave the alarm which saved a lot of valuable property from being destroyed by prairie fire and outran all of the men to the scene of the conflagration. Homer is very proud of its girls. t It Is said that Lee street, in Dawson, Ga., is the abiding place of a spook. A citizen living on that street says that when on his way borne the other night a white object In the shape of a gander, suddenly arose before him and finally grew to the height of a man. The man was "badly scared, and now when going home after dark always takes his gun with him to protect himself. At a Philadelphia restaurant, with a bar attached, says a paper of that city, waiters may be seen coming daily to the bar with a 'cup and saucer and asking for an "L. T. straight." The cups are handed back to them containing a fluid that very much resembles tea, but smells of something stronger. L.T. means ladles' tipple, and it is simply an in genious way of serving whisky straight at table to the many women who call for it with out attracting attention. Ashland, Me., boasts of a woman who besides managing a family of children and a refractory husband, carries on a large lumber ing operation. She recently made atrip 40 miles Into the woods to her lumber camps, set tled with her men, examined the landings of logs and timber with a critical eye. inspected an extensive dam made for driving purposes, and made arrangements for driving out the lumber. She can boast of having been farther into the Aroostook wilderness than any other white woman. An old Washingtonian says that the game of picking or cracking Easter eggs is played In a novel manner by the youth, black and white, of tbe Capital City. They take the the toughest and hardest shelled eggs they can procure and repair with them to the slope back of the White House. There matches are made between tbe lads, who decide them by rolling the eggs down the slope. The boy whose hen frnlt survives the down-hill journey without its shell cracking takes themore unlucky egg as his prize, that is provided it is not wholly wrecked on the trip, as Is frequently the case. The slope after Easter presents a wonderful appearance. Pieces of egg shells make It look from a distance as if a light snow bad f lllen on It. The scene while the contests are in progress is highly diverting, and it is a wonder that no great artist has deemed it worthy of transfer ence to canvass. Hezekiah Spalding, the meanest citi zen of Hardin county. Kentucky, is dead. Had Hezekiah met bis deserts he would nave been hanged long ago. but that was impracticable, and be was never even brought to triaL He was only 27 years old, yet his reputation for meanness was tbe outgrowth of a whole life de voted to wicked deeds. Hezekiah was a white mule owned by Richard Spalding. When 2 years old be was stolen by a Yankee soldier. He threw his rider into a creek and ran home. "When he was 3 years of age he smashed up five wagons, nine ploughs, broke tbe arms of three men and tbe leg of a fourth. When be was 4 years old Mr. Spalding succeeded in selling Hezekiah to a Louisville stock dealer, who In tended to ship him South for work on a cotton plantation. Hezekiah went along peacefully to Louisville, and was put in a stable there awaiting shipment by the railroad. Before ha was in the stable three hours he kicked the end of tbe stall out overturned all tbe stable boys, and ran into tbo street He got back to the farm again, and tbe man who purchased him made a present of Hez. and what be bad paid for him to Mr. Spalding. The older Hezekiah grew tbe meaner he became, but he was not perverse at all times. He seemed to have spells, so that many of the neighbors used to date events by the time "when Hezekiah Spalding had a lit" The only time he was ever worsted in a fighwas when he tackled a locomotive. Even that aidn't kill him. He died of old age. LAUGHING PHILOSOPHERS. Oh, Lovely Woman. Bessie How dread fully 111 lilting all Miss Dowdy's things are. Jennie Yes. She'd need to have apoplexy to gat a Bt.A'cio Xork Evening Sun. At the Operetta. De Hope Those girli march In excellent time. Le Uloke Yes. they have clocks on their stock ings, doa'Jyou know? Toion Toplet. A. Tight Place. Popinjay How is Mon tana for throat trouble, Dumpsey? Dumbsey Bad very bad. While I was there I uw as many as ten fellows who had died of stran gulation. Hurlmgton Free Prat. The Chicago Foot Miss Wabash I'm; not going to let Charley flirt with that girl' I'm determined to pat my foot down pa It t --v Miss Caustlque How cruel you are. That would be a crusher. Sew Xork Evening Sun. Dr. Physick Tour blood appears to be a little out of order, madam. I will sendjou some thing which will purify It Mrs. Murray Hill (Indignantly) Purify my blood, sir? Are you not aware that I am one of the Four Hundred? Town Topics. Too Cheap to Pass for Gold. Artie (showing his watch to"his Jersey sunt) I bought taat case for IS carats. Aunt Maria You don't say I An1 carrots Is only CO cents a bushel, too. Dear. dear, dearl Artie, If you hadn't told me I'd a-thought It was pure gold. Jewellers' Weekly. Tommy Say, paw, I thought you said people could leejurther as they got older. Paw-Yes. . v nA... trr-ti .... ... i .. la mfh. what 1 makes so many old men always get In the rron , row at the show? Paw-Ob, shut up! Terre Haute Expretr. HE BARBIES DE CHARLESTON. The man who to the barber goes- And irt & thttvun crown. Emerges from the chair with glee, , The happiest man la town. , But ere a day has passed away. With fearful oaths and cries He'll curse the hour he made his heaor A drill ground for the flies. CAarfestors Enterprise. ircHRED. TVe had a small game at the J?oiks, And the Parson and Jim took a hand,' And a tenderfoot fresh from the East. With a eountensnee open and bland. The Parson was smltln' that night And his mauner or aealln' was great, nis luck was a wonder to see, And the tenderfoot paid all the freight Jim drew out at last with a sigh,. -, Aud the next deal the game had to stop. Sot the Farsou, he got all the cards,,, " But tbe tenderfoot, he got the drop.r mrriKVotnaA . - . ,v . ., " -.h .".. A '"! . i ....... . . .r . -,fe54i-si8St. -i I,