Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Tliose Poreip. Glass "Workers,
Without a Cent, Arrive
"Were Tliey Imported Under Con
tract, and Will Their Advent
The Tank System at Jeannette May Close
Scores of Factories,
Twenty-five or 26 foreign class workers
passed through this city Saturday morning
en route from Boston to Jeannette, where
they will, it is reported, go to wort in the
new glass factory of Chambers & McKee.
On Saturday The Dispatch published
an item from Boston to the effect that 26
glassblowers had arrived there from Liver
pool Friday morning and immediately start
ed tor this city. The item stated that they
came to Boston on the steamship Iowa from
Liverpool, and were traveling as emigrants.
It further stated that the men had all been
well posted about being interviewed, as all
of them would give no information concern
ing themselves. When asked if they had
come to this country with their cassage pre
paid and under contract or promise of work,
they replied in the negative, because, if
they hadn't so replied they would have been
sent back and their employers would have
been prosecuted.
As it then appeared in Saturday morn
ing's paper, it was supposed that they
would not get here until that evening or
yesterday morning. The Union station was
watched by reporters of all Pittsburg papers,
to intercept the men and find out whether
they had been imported under contract or
not. It never occurred to anybody thus
watching that they would come via any
other route than the Pennsylvania Bail
road; but they did.
The men arrived in the city Saturday
morning, via the Pittsburg and Lake Erie
Railroad, and, without exciting suspicion,
they proceeded to the Union station, where
they quietly took different trains to Jean
nette. They arrived at the Lake Erie depot
on train No. 2, at 630 o'clock city time,
and were without any money. One of the
depot employes stated that the men did not
have enough cash to purchase anything to
eat, and, as they all had tickets to Jeannette,
it looked as though their fares had been
paid by somebody richer than themselves.
This would also indicate that the men had
been brought to this country under an ex
plicit or implied contract.
The gang of alleged interlopers left Bos
ton early Friday morning and proceeded
over the Boston and Albany Railroad to
Albany. They then went to Buffalo via the
New York Central, and from Buffalo they
took the Lake Shore road to Youngstown,
and thence came to this city over the Pitts
burg and Lake Erie.
Upon arriving in Pittsburg the men scat
tered about the depot, apparently waiting
for somebody. "Whether the "somebody"
came or not, could not be ascertained last
night, but the men had no trouble in finding
their way to the Union station. While
having their baggage (which was very
meagre), assorted, one of the transfer
drivers offered to haul the luggage to the
Union station for $1 50, but the men could
not raise enough money between them.
This may be taken as another evidence that
they had no money, and were coming here
under promise of work.
The men were Englishmen and Belgians,
and all of them are said to be skilled win
dow glass workers. Those from tbe latter
country carried Knights of Labor traveling
cards, which had been furnished by Record
ing Secretary Delwarte, of Charleroi, Bel
gium. This shows that they are Knights in
ood standing in the order. Most of tbem
have been victimized in their own country
on account of the window glass riots of 'Si.
Some of them had been imprisoned on ac
count of the part they took in the great
sviike, and were consequently glad to go
away from the country.
The men who arrived Saturdav are a mere
handful compared with what will be needed
at Jeannette when the window factory is
put into operation, which will be in about
two weeks, or probably less. If the new
tank system is a success it will entirely
revolutionize the window glass business,
and everv manufacturer in this part of the
country will have to adopt the same system.
A window glass worker, an ex-official of the
association, in speaking of the matter yes
terdav, said:
"When the tank system gets into good
working order Chambers & McKee will
give employment to about 2,000 men. One
of the tanks has been completed, one is
being finished and there are two yet to be
built. The output of the factory will be
about 1,250,000 boxes annually. This is
more than the total amount of glass im
ported into this country during 1877. I
have heard it said that the output will be
more than that of any other 25 factories in
the United States.
"Bv the introduction of the tank system
tHe firm will be enabled to make glass 2C pa
cent cheaper than it can be done by any c..cr
manufacturer here. Over in Beleium the
tanks completely-knocked out the old pot
furnaces, and many firms had to go out of
the business. Our association has been dis
cussing the tank system for some time, and
does not wish to see it generally adopted, as
it will place too much glass upon the mar
ket. When prices get too low we have a
hard time maintaining the standard of
wages. When the tank system was intro
duced in Belgium wages were forced lower,
and this may be the result at Jeannette.
As is the case with all other Reforms, we
cannot step in the way of progress, and will
have to deal with the question the best way
we can."
A window glass manufacturer said: "You
may set it down that there is something be
hind the action of .Messrs. Chambers &
McKee in bringing men here. They at
first tried to get men in this country, but
could not do so. The officials of the' Win
dow Glass Workers' Association have tried
to keep their men here from going to work
in the tank factories, as the new system will
be a decided injury to the association.
"I do not think that they need be alarmed,
for the reason that the tanks will not work
satisfactory. The firm propose to run day
and night on three turns of eight hours J
each. Tbe tanfcs would oe ail ngnt it
they were "not on such a large
scale, but, under the present circum
stances, they will not do. One of the
tanks is equal to an 120-foot furnace. Just
think of this when you take into considera
tion that some factories are only running
with six or seven pots! In the tanks the
glass is placed in one end, and is supposed
to boil while running to the other end,
where it is gathered. ,
- "This will not do on such a large tank.
Glass does not boil like iron, and cannot be
worked the same way. If cold pipes are
run into the 'batch it cools, and the glass
becomes corded. When in this condition
it cannot be blown. . They tried their first
tank with class that had been melted once;
but it would not work satisfactorily.
"If the jules of the association were not
so stringent, it would not be necessary to
import foreigners into this country to work
in our factories. Anybody that knows any
thing about the window glass business
knows that there are not enough window
men in the business now to supply the de
mand. There may be enough double
strength blowers; but single-thick, blowers
are very scarce. The rule allowing only 10
per cent of the factory to learn the, business
falls away below the natural growth of the
"The window glass business will be abso
lutely paralyzed when the tank factory be
gins to turn out its products. Owing to the
discovery of natural gas in Ohio and Indi
ana, dozens of factories have sprung up
within the past two years. They have gob
bled up all the spare labor in the country
and thrown thousands of boxes of glass on
the market that will not be sold for a long
time vet. Why, in the little town of Find
lay, O., alone, there are 11 factories, all
running. The demand has not been any
thing like the supply.
Mr. James Campbell, President of the
Window Glass Workers' Association, said
to a reporter last night that he had not been
officially notified of the arrival of any for
eign glassworkers. He also affirmed that
he had not been officially notified that any
of them would come. Speaking of the matter
in general, he said:
"If the men come here and present their
cards to us as members of the union, or
Knights, of course we have nothing to say
in objection to them."
"But would it not appear like discrimi
nating against American labor to permit
the filling of these positions with foreign
workingmen?" (
"No; because the increase in the estab
lishment of new pots has been so enormous
that to-day all the factories in the country
could not be filled with American glass
""But is that not the fault of your appren
ticeship system?"
"No; our apprenticeship system is the
most liberal of any trades union. We allow
any father to teach his son the trade; then
we allow ten per cent of apprentices on the
entire number of blowers, and beside that
every gatherer is entitled to become a
blower if he is a member of our organiza
"Now look at these figures: In 1882 there
were 640 pots in operation throughout the
country, while in tbe fall of 1888 there were
over 1,400 an increase of over 150 per cent
Of course it was impossible for the blowers
to increase in a similar ratio, and hence the
enormous demand for labor."
Mr. Stenger, a Belgian and a glassblower
at McKee's, on the Southside, was anxious
ly looking lor the arrival of additional men.
He went to the Lake Erie depot twice dur
ing the day, as well as to the Union depot,
but without any result. When he was
asked whether he knew of the men's arrival,
as per first consignment reported above, he
"No; I did not know that they were com
ing. I do not know whether they come as
contract men, either, although I was told
they were. Personally, I do not think they
Mr. Sellers McKee is in tbe East, so he
could not be seen with relation to the above
At the home of Mr. James Chambers, in
the afternoon, a reporter was informed that
the gentleman was "out driving." In the
evening, when another reporter called for
this paper, he was informed that Mr.
Chambers went to Jeannette some days ago,
and would not be back for a day or two,
The Old Pennsylvania Farce to Go Sown
and a Greater Concern to Go tip.
From a .reliable source it has been learned
that another new rolling mill is to be added
to the number of those in the Pittsburg dis
trict; or an old one to be removed. The old
Pennsylvania Forge is to be torn down
to make room for the B. & O. R. B.
Company, who have bought the property,
and it is said that Mr. Hammond, who is at
the head of the company now operating the
works, is negotiating for the purchase of
eight acres of land between Glenwood and
Frankstown, with a view of removing the
mill there and enlarging it, with an addi
tional finishing department.
The old Pennsylvania Forge was at one
time tbe leading mill in this country for
making sheet iron. The finishing depart
ment was destroyed by fire nearly two years
ago, leaving the puddling department of 13
furnaces intact, which has been in operation
almost as much as any in the city.
A representative of The DisrATCH has
slso learned that the men in this mill, to
the number of about 75, from both turns,
Vave been asked to work on part payment
for an indefinite period. They have held
several meetings about tbe matter, and,
from what has been learned, the request will
not be granted just at present, as there may
be scale troubles ahead.
The Mahoning- Taller Iron Mills Will Not
Cloie for Sixty Day.
It was reported yesterday that the Ma
honing "Valley Iron Association, which in
cludes all the rolling mill owners in that
part of the State, had signed an agreement
to shut down on May 1 and not resume for
60 days at least, hoping this would have
the effect Of stimulating prices and the de
mand for pig iron.
A member of the association, in speaking
of tbe rumor, said: "You can state posi
tively that there is no truth in the report.
No agreement to shut down has been signed
or even considered. Prices are down and
it keeps iron men hustling to secure suffi
cient orders to supply their works and keep
them running, but there is no talk oi a shut
The Attendnnce Too 811m.
The roughen and catchers of all the ten-
inch mills in Allegheny county were to
have held a meeting yesterday afternoon to
formulate a new scale of wages for an in
crease in their pay. Owing to a small at
tendance, nothing was done and the meet
ing was adjourned.
Will Go on Double Torn.
On account of the burning of Hubbard's
Ax Factory their works at Beaver Falls
will be put on double turn in a short time.
The extra turn will be composed of workers
from this city.
Labor Kotec
The Beaver Falls Whitla Glass Works has
got orders enongh ahead for whisky flasks and
irmt jars to keep all bands employed for three
The Penn Bridge Works at Beaver Falls,
after an idleness of several weeks, tbe result of
a lack of orders, will start up in full this week,
baving secured a number of large contracts.
The Co-operative Glass Works Company at
Beaver Falls, wbose charter expired on April
1, bas reorganized, and will resume operations
again in a few days. Several of the original
stockholders have closed out tbeir stock. Ex
tensive additions and improvements will be
made to tbe works.
Tbe Exercises of tbe Toons Hen's Christ
Ian Association Meeting-.
The local conference of the Young Men's
Christian Associations, of the Pittsburg dis
trict, was held Saturday and yesterday at
West Newton.
Tbe exercises yesterday morning-consisted
of the' consecration services in the rooms of
the association. In the afternoon special
meetings for men and women were held
separately. In the evening' the closing ser
vice was conducted by Secretary Bobert A.
Orr, of this city.
" K
B. & 0. Employes Object to the New
Relief Association as Unfair.
Many Prefer the Latter Alternative, and
a Tie-Up May Occur.
The employes of the B. & O. Bailroad
art, according to the statements of some of
them, almost ripe for a strike. The new in
surance feature, which the company has
been introducing since April 1, has pro
produced general dissatisfaction. The men
are mad, and fully believe the road is
"rubbing it in," and they say they will not
stand it Last week, rather than sign the
policies, three night crews in the yard and
one day man quit work. A number in the
shops and yards at Glenwood have given up
their jobs, and at least ten of the employes
at Connellsville declined to sign and were
told to go.
The dissatisfaction extends along the full
extent of the line, from Philadelphia to
Chicago. On the Chicago division the men
were given until to-day to decide whether
they will) join the insurance company or be
The old Baltimore and hio Belief Asso
ciation, the charter of which was annulled
by the Maryland Legislature, was never
received with a great degree of approbation
by the men. There was always considerable
grumbling, and the employes were dissatis
fied. The new insurance plan of"the com
pany has
of complaints. The men claim that the
rates have been increased and the benefits
reduced. By the present plan the employes
are classified, and each one. pays according
to the salary received. A man who gets
$35 pays $2 per month; one who receives
$55 about $3, and so on. An engineer who
makes $150 per month now pays $6 for the
same time, against a rate of $5 in the old
Belief Association. Before, the family of
any member of a train crew, killed while on
duty, received $2,000; now they will
only get $1,500. In a similar manner the
amount paid for the death of switchmen,
yardmen, etc., killed on duty, has been re
duced from 1,000 to $700, and for a natural
death from $500 to $350; but the rate per
month was lowered from $1 50 to ?1.
In the main, the trouble is that the rates
of some of the employes have been increased
with no increase of benefit, while the rates
of others have been reduced, but the
amounts paid at death have been cut down.
A number of the local men were inter
viewed yesterday. Said an engineer:
"Some of the clerk's from Baltimore were in
the city a few days ago. The men ate in
vited into tbe office, and asked to sign a
blank. If they refuse
"The circular states that it is 'not made
rnmnnlsorv to ioin:' but a man has no other'
alternative when it comes to the question of
signing. Some of tbe men on tbe Pittsburg
division have gone into the Belief Associa
tion under protest They have large fami
lies to support, and need the money they
earn. The clerks will be in the city again
to-morrow, and they will find plenty of
men, principally switchmen, brakemen,
yardmen, cleaners and this class of em
ployes whose jobs do not pay a great deal,
willing to quit rather than be bulldozed.
"The men are thoroughly aroused, and it
wouldn't take much to produce a strike.
If the Chicago employes stand firm I
shouldn't be surprised to see the men on the
Eastern division stick to them. This is a
matter for the various brotherhoods to con
sider; but, so far as I know, no action bas
t..f lim toTrpn hv anv of them. This in
surance business applies to every employe1
on the road, and an enort may be made to
tie up the system. If the brotherhoods favor
a strike it will go; and the road will have
to give in, if the men stand firm, as I be
lieve they will."
A brakeman said: "I haven't signed yet,
and I am not so sure that I will. My job is
not so valuable that I would sacrifice much
lor it Many of the engineers will give in,
but not without a kick. I am not so posi
tive about tbe other employes.
"The Pennsylvania road has a relief as
sociation, but the men are not compelled to
join it I am told that Superintendent1
iratton said mat tne iteuei .association is a
nuisance and caused him a great deal of
trouble. Even if a man is killed, it de
pends on the opinion of the Superintendent
whether his family is entitled to the relief
or not
"The employes regard the whole thing as a
scheme to filch them; and I, for one, am
ready to strike unless these objectionable
features are chanced. I admit that the
present is not a favorable opportunity to
make such a move. There are many men
out of work who would be ready to take our
places, but they can't get experienced men."
In connection with the above facts, which
are very moderately stated, the following
stunner and clincher comes from Chicago
this morning by Associated Press:
"The News to-morrow will say: Twenty
thousand men threaten to qnit the employ
of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad Com
pany and tie up its trains. The ivetss
goes into the details of the compulsory
insurance mentioned in the dispatches last
night as being the cause of the trouble, and
adds: Every employe in the service of the
company and there are 20,000 of them
has been given to understand that he must
sign the contract or be discharged. A de
termined and serious opposition to the com
pany's orders is being organized, and, if
they are persisted in, a strike all along the
line may result
"Mr. Frank B. Clark, a life and accident
insurance broker in the Home Insurance
building, has examined the Baltimore and
Ohio system of insurance or benefits, and
says the charges are on the average twicetas
large as those of other accident and life in
surance companies carrying similar risks.
The contract which the employes are asked
to sign contains a clause making the insur
ance a release of all claims for damages
against the company for injury or death.
"At the meeting in South Chicago last
night an employe in the company's shops at
Garrett, Ind., reported that' 57 machinists
bad been laid off for refusing to sign. 'A
lay-off to starve 'em into subjection,' cried
a voice. The feeling among the men seemed
very bitter. One engineer shouted, as the
meeting was adjourned: 'We'll make it
another case of the "Q." "
Splendid New Locomotive Works to Go Up
at Altoona Soon.
In connection with the-ecent visits of P.
R. R, magnates toa this city and the inter
esting opinions then drawn out, the follow
ing new facts may be of interest: The in
creased business of the Pennsylvania Bail
road and the new roads that it has acquired
has caused the locomotive works at Altoona
to become inadequate. The demand for
locomotives bas been so great that their own
works could not begin to supply them, and
orders bad to be given to outside locomotive
The company will this year begin to erect
an immense building at Altoona solely for
the construction of locomotives, and all de
partments of this industry will be in one
large building. The cost of tbe new plant,
it is said, will be almost $1,000,000, bnt all
this money will not be expended this year.
Many Matters of Much nnd Little Moment
Tersely Treated.
"Ice cream for two."
Fly time-the trout is in season.
A SPBING romance The bunted house.
Messes. Bites and Conley went to Chi
cago. Even a philosopher can't always philoso
phize. It Is to be hoped Gabriel's trump will not be
a club.
D. P. Beighabd and Wm. Wltherow went
to New York.
The man might bave been rooted to the
spot, but be couldn't leave.
When tbe old gent comes in at the door her
love flies out of tbe window.
The bouquet of wine is reflected In the
bloom of the drinker's face.
Secbetaby Noble has qnit talking, but
Wanamaker eoes on forever.
Mrs. Eastend calls her husband Theatri
cals because be is so fly by night
Jail services were conducted by Rev. David
Jones, of the Old Home Church.
Those alleged jokes about Cleveland being
still in tbe soup are becoming gruel.
Actkess proteges of the Prince of Wales
deny there is no royal road to wealth.
The extensive works of Hubbard fe Co., de
stroyed by Are last week, are being rebuilt.
Thomas Gibbs' bonso on Beltzhoover ave
nue, was slightly damaged by fire yesterday.
Philip Rohan, a prominent St Louis Iron
man, is at the Seventh Avenue with his wife.
Text for Wanamaker: "I shall raise up a
profit from among my brethren." Dent 18 15.
Some men are born great others are reject
ed by tbe Senate and some are arrested for
libel. ,
'When the Allies win a game," as a topical
song, would knock oat the letter that never
Twenty-cent ginghams are to be the rage
this snmmer. The men will still stick to.thelr
Mbs. McKee has bought a pet alligator.
An alligator is saurian, and baby McKee is a
They probably say that poet's belong to cer
tain schools, because their minds run in the
same channel.
Senator Spooneb says journalism is one
of tbe learned professions. Senator Spooner
is a gentleman. (
A Western poet plaintively asks for a
rhyme with Chicago. What's the matter with
"whole hog Or"
Jay Gould says he is not going to live In
England. Jay doesn't live in any country. He
lives on, or oft It. .
A tobn coat maybe mended, bnt the scar
will remain: an apology may be tendered, but
the hurt is tbe same.
A water main at the comer of Dnquesne
Way and Fifth street broke last night, and
some damage was done.
Ten drunks, 15 disorderlies and 2 vags were
riven their dues by Justice Gripp.at Central
station yesterday morning.
The man who can forget his failures and re
member bis successes, can probably do so be
cause he has so few to .remember.
Shortstop Wabd says he doesn't object to
having bis wife return to the stage. He thinks
be can pick up a living for himself.
Extremes meet even in tbe Presidents!
chain There was too little baby In the last ad
ministration, and there Is too much in this.
Phillip Mackin, Louis Cboen and William
Rogers were arrested for Indulging in a free
fight on the river bank near Painters mills.
A horse of J. J. McGlnnis drooped dead on
Soho street Saturday afternoon. The citizens
are complaining that the body has not been re
moved. Wanamaker says an angel will count tbe
votes cast for prohibition. Nevertheless, Alle-.
gheny county will have a few election Inspect,
ors around.
The portiere of the Columbus Club caught
fire last nigbt bnt it was thrown out of a win
dow before anything farther was damaged. An
alarm was sent in.
Miss Ada Gray as the (tar and "East
Lynne" as tbe bill will donbtless draw crowded
bonses at Harris' Theater this week. It is said
she has an excellent company.
The story that two Maine maidens blew out
tbe gas before- retiring in a Bangor hotel is
plausible enougb, but the statement that they
refused to allow a man to come in and turn It
off will scarcely be believed."
William J. Gill, John Ralshouse andH.
Staving are candidates for the position of
steward of the Allegheny City Some. Mr.
Gill, a life-long resident of Allegheny, is backed
by a numerously signed petition.
A musical and literary entertainment and
art exhibition will be given in the McClUre
Avenue Presbyterian Church. Woods' Run,
April 19 and 20, under tbe auspices of the In
vincible Council, No. 33. Jr. O. U. A M.
J. B. Smith's grocery store, at No. 889 Beaver
avenue, was entered by thieves at an early hour
yesterday morning. They carried off tobacco,
tobies and a lot of canned goods that amounted
to about $35. They gained entrance by jimmy
ing open the back door.
The girl stood on tbe street car steps, whence
all butsbe had fled, A look of grief was on
her face, a bonnet on her head. A bonnet of
the latest style, rigged out with furbelows, but
while we gazed a pearly tear stole down her
saucy nose. Her bustle was way out of shape,
ber banglets out of curl. A very serious thing
indeed bad broken up tbe girl. A few short
words will tell tbe tale why sbe is driven daft.
Sbe has no umbrella, and 'twill probably rain
this aft
How He Got In His Work on a Minneapolis,
Minn., Hotel Keeper.
The Iron Construction Company of this
city lately'received a contract that came to
them in a peculiar way. On the morning
of the 11th inst, a servant in theWindom
Hotel, Minneapolis, passed the door of a
room occupied by John Clark, of High
more. Detecting a strong ordor of gas. he
burst open the door, and fonnd the occu
pant almost dead from suffocation. Upon
retiring in the evening he had blown out
his gas, and it was only through prompt ef
forts that he was restored to consciousness.
A representative of the Marr Company
was stopping at the house, and with the
characteristics of a Pittsburg drummer he
proceeded to demonstrate the advantages of
electricity over gas. He assured the pro
prietor that the only way to save big bills
caused by his boarders blowing out the gas
instead of turning it off was to put in in
candescent electric lights. The proprietor
closed a contract with the drummer, and
the Westinghouse system will be used.
They Are Making Arrangements for n Cele
bration on April 30.
The Germans of Pittsburg and Allegheny
are making arrangements to hold a grand
celebration in commemoration of Presi
dent Washington's inauguration on April
30. John E. Jones, the Allegheny editor,
started out yesterday to sound the opinion
of the German societies on tbe subject, and
wherever he went he was promised substan
tial aid toward making the festivities a
His project was at every place heartily
indorsed, and delegates were at once elect
ed by the societies to meet some evening
this week for tbe purpose of drawing up a
programme for the dav. As far as conlrl ho
learned last night it is probable that there
will be a grand parade during tne day and
a festival in the evening.
An Allegheny Officer Is Discharged
Sleeping on Duty.
Officer Godfrey Roth, of tin? Allegheny
police force, was arrested at 3 o clock yes
terday morning by Lieutenant James
Thornton ior disorderly conduct Roth mu
reported to Chief Kirschler last Friday for
being asleep on dnty, and was suspended for
ten days.
He waited at the corner of East street and
North avenue to meet the lieutenant, and
when he arrived bezan to abuse him. Thorn.
ton placed him under arrest, and sent him
to the lockup. At the hearing yesterday
morning ne was aiscnargea irom tne Jorce.
The mule personified the man who has
a cough and will not take Dr. Bull's Cough
oyrup. , v
The Great Cracks in Pittsburg's
Highest Business Block
Mr. Martin Frank Talks of That $500,000
Nine-Story Eminence.
Tbe many cracks in the new Westing
house building, on the corner of Penn ave
nue and Ninth street, to which attention
has so frequently been called, are now un
dergoing a thorough official overhauling,
and, if the result of the improvements ahd
rectifications now in progress shall in the
end fail to prove satisfactory to Building
Inspector Prank, there is no knowing what
the fate of "the building will be.
Mr. Prank has been paying a good
many official visits to the Westinghouse
building lately. The result of his investi
gation is about to be embodied in a report,
which the Building Inspector will make
public as soon as he has it finished. To a
Dispatch reporter Mr. Prank said, at his
home yesterday afternoon:
"Of course there are some defects in the
building that should have been noticed by
the architect during the process of construc
tion. The principal defect is the work
at the corner of Penn avenue and Ninth
street If you have noticed It the building
goes up to the second story and there the
corner is suddenly discontinued, and a kind
of balcony ornament is made.
"The discontinuation of the corner throws
the entire weight of the succeeding seven
stories away from the corner and puts it on
the side walls. Now in these walls are
those big arched windows, which are totally
out of place, for that kind of struct
ure, for two reasons: First, they are
too close to the corner, and second, the
arches were not strong enough to act as a
support for the colossal structure above.
"This is about the substance of the
trouble in the whole building, and, as I saw
yesterday, Architect Peebles has come to
the conclusion that the only way to get the
bnilding in shape is to remedy the defects
in that corner. They are puttintr in some
enormous improvements, which I would
estimate to cost at least $8,000."
"Do you think that the present improve
ments, or rectifications, when finished, will
put the building in such a shape that there
never need be any fear of a collapse ?"
"Well, that is a pretty hard question to
answer as yet. But my investigation is not
finished, and it will not be until the present
improvements are complete. Then I shall
be able to say more about it I can say
now, however, that the pig iron work which
is now being put into the walls is very ser
viceable in its place, and I have the lullest
confidence id Mr. Peebles' desire to do all
in'his power to make the building what it
shoald be."
Secretary J. R. McGinley was seen at his
East End home by a Dispatch writer, and
in his usual urbane manner consented to
enlighten the visitor to the extent of his
knowledge in the matter first made known
to him by the reporter. "But," said he,
"understand me, that my information will
be almost infinitesimal, irom the fact that I
am ignorant of the goings-on of the archi
tect and contractors and workmen, further
ttfan that of a causual observer who goes
and comes out of the building daily. I
bave repeatedly deferred " saying anything
about the defects of the Westinghouse
building, for no other reason than that of
one who knows nothing about them,
"It is presumably known that I did not
concur in everything suggested by one per
son prominently connected in this matter,
and since then I have not paid the slightest
attention to it practically."
In response to the reporter's question,
"Who will defray the $8,000 or $10,000 of
expense in makincr the improvements?"
jMr. McGinley said: '-The Philadelphia
uompany, oi course, as ine arcniteci s worK
is at an end when his plans and specifica
tions are submitted and accepted.
"I would further state that Vice Presi
dent Paine, aside from the Board of Di-
Vectors, has had full supervision of the
work now going on; but the plans were, sug
gested by Mr. Westinghouse personally.
Mr. Paine is a practical man in this capaci
ty, being a former civil engineer, and, of
course, is eminently capable of successfully
carrying out the work.
"The erroneous impression prevails that
the entire edifice is defective. This is en
tirely wrong, however, as there is only the
one crack in the northeast corner, and over
the arch way. The foundations are as fine
as anv I have ever seen, and the talk of the
building collapsing is the idle prattle of
narrow minded men."
Mr. McGinley expressed regret that he
could not be of more service to the writer,
and added; "If you wanted to know any
thing about our pipe lines, gas wells, etc.,
I would willingly talk to you at length, but
you approach me with something that is, for
reasons oi my own, entirely foreign to me,
and as I said before I would respectfully re
fer you to. Mr. Paine, who is perfectly
familiar with every detail in the matter you
are looking up."
Mr. Paine, when called up by telephone,
said it was Sunday, and he couldn't con
sent to be interviewed on his day of rest,
even if a reporter shonld come out. When
told of the subject matter he yet more em
phatically said he didn't want to be inter
viewed. Architect Peebles was not at home, so he
could say nothing to a reporter about his
great nine-story structure that is making so
much talk.
That's the Sign of Spring Ton May Bead la
tbe Time of Bock Beer.
You may know that it is really spring by
this: Already the figures of the rampant
goats supporting a beer keg the sign
which, from time immemorial, has been
used to herald the advent of bock beer is
beginning to appear outside the saloon
doors. Everybody who drinks beer is ac
quainted with the strong brown liquid
which, for a few short weeks in the spring,
is served cool and foaming from the keg,
and a half dozen glasses of which are equal
to almost a half a keg of ordinary beer.
Bock is just about twice as strong as
plain, every-day beer, containing over 90
per cent more alcohol. Nearly half again
the usual quantity of hops and malt are
used in its manufacture. It is made early
in the wihter, thus giving it two or three
months to age and improve before it is put
on the market abont Easter time.
"The season for bock beer lasts about four
or five weeks," said a well-known brewer.
"It does not pay the brewers to make it,
as it costs about twice as much as ordinary
beer, and is sold at the same rate. It is
chiefly put out as an advertisement"
A StntneofSt. Patrick and a Banner to Bo
Blessed There.
The Catholics of Homestead will be in
gala attire on Sunday, the 28th inst. On
that date the. statue of St Patrick presented
to the Church of St Mary Magdalen by Di
vision No. 6, A. O. H., American Board,
will be dedicated. The banner presented to
the division by Ber. Fath'er Bullion will
also be blessed.
The entire County Board will parade
through the streets of the borough in honor
of the occasion. Hugh J. O'Donijell, of
jaomestcaui win oe liuiei .uiarsnai oi tne
The Hebrews Will Celebrate the Feast of
the Passover .To-Day The Reverence
They Show for It.
The Feast of the Passover, observed by
all orthodox Hebrews, will be celebrated
to-day. The feast is in commemoration of
the deliverance of the children of Israel out
of Egypt, and their preservation by the
miraculous manna. All the synagogues
will be open, but the feast is a peculiar
feature of the home life.
Last evening the good wives collected all
the unleavened bread in the house and
placed it on a mantel. Then when the
father comes home he takes a dnstpan and
tne feather of a bird and searches for it
When found, the family gather about the
table and pledge good will to all mankind,
fealty to friends and forgiveness to enemies.
The feast is supposed to last two days, but
some of the devont Hebrews eat nothing bnt
unleavened bread for a week.
On the occasion of the feast the chllden
are remembered with presents, and the day
becomes somewhat like the Christian
Christmas. In later years a servant has
been placed at the door to invite persons to
come in and join in the festivities. This is
said to be done to refute the charge that the
blood smeared on the door posts at the time
oi the Passover was Christian blood.
The antiquity of the feast dates away
back, but ancient as the custom is its ob
servance is on the increase. It is the great
est religious celebration of the Hebrews,
and is a season of great festivity.
Celebrated tbe Feast of the Passover In Al
legheny Yesterday.
The Feast of the Passover was observed
yesterday at a meeting of the Secoud Ad
ventists held in their hall, at 101 Federal
street, Allegheny. The ceremonies begun
at 10 o'clock in the morning and continued
throughout the day, nnder the guidance of
Rev. C. T. Russell. There were about 400
persons present One 'of the delegates, or
colporteurs, Mr. Webb, said his home was
in Canada and that he had traveled 1,700
miles to be in attendance. There were oth
ers from New York, Tennessee, Ohio, Illi
nois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigaja and West
was no proscribed form of cere
mony, the attendants confining their ad
dresses to experiences in spreading their
faith and reporting on their work. This
occupied the entire morning and a portion
of the afternoon. At noon a' lunch was
served in the hall, and again at 2 and 6
o'clock in the afternoon. Baptismal ser
vices were conducted by Mr. Russell at' 2
o'clock, when 10 men and 12 women pro
fessed the faith of sect and were received
into the organization.
In the evening the feast of the passover
was celebrated alter Rev. Russell had de
livered a short address, and all present ate
of unleavened bread, signifying the purity
of the flesh, as by faith the spirit is pure.
There was a choir in attendance and
hymns were sung, and at 10 o'clock the
ceremony came to a conclusion. These ser
vices are observed on Palm Sunday every
A Colored Man Beat His Wife Into Insensi
bility and Then Fled.
Yesterday morning Mrs. Charles Hardy,
of No. 217 Wylie avenue, was assaulted by
her husband and injured so severely that
her recovery is doubtful. The parties are
colored. On Saturday evening Mrs. Hardy
left the house and did not return until 11
o'clock yesterday morning. Hardy was
there, and a quarrel ensued. He was sus
picious, and her account of her movements
did not satisfy him. He struck her on the
side of the head with a blunt instrument.
Mrs. Hardy dropped to the floor, and her
husband left A neighbor came in and
found the woman lying unconscious. Dr.
Hiett was called in and soon restored her to
consciousness. He. found that her scalp was
badly gashed, and feared that her sknll had
been iracturcd. She said she was uncer
tain whether she had been struck with a
shovel or a poker.
Hardy has'not been seen since. The po
lice expect to capture him before morning.
A Tonne Man Grows Despondent on Ac
count of His Mother's Death.
Frederick Schurer, a driver of Stolzen
bach & Pfeil, of the Southside, died very
suddenly about 6 o'clock yesterday morning
at his boarding house on South Twenty-second
He was apparently quite well on Satur
day night when he went to bed, but about 2
o'clock Schurer aroused the other inmates
of the house, as he was in a fit of convul
sions. Dr. Christy was called, but the
young man died soon after. The physician
stated that brain trouble had caused
Schurer's death, but his relatives think that
he took poison, and they willtake steps to
have a post mortem examination performed
upon the body.
Schurer's mother died some time ago, and
it is supposed the fact preyed upon his mind
to such an extent thafhe became tired of
J. G. BENNETT ifc CO.,
Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenne,
ATe agents for the following celebrated
makes of American and English stiff hats:
Youman, Fifth avenue, New York.
Dunlap & Co., Fifth avenue, New York.
Stetson & Co., Fifth avenue, New York.
Heath & Co., London.
Christy & Co.,- London.
Lincoln, Bennett & Co., London.
Harman & Co., London.
A Big Thins Booth & Fox's Entire Stock
of Elder-Down
Quilts and pillows, transferred from New
York to our store we madea very low offer,
they accepted it. The goods are here. Come
and see them to-day.
Penn Avenue Stores.
The Event of the Season!
Easter millinery opening at The People's
Store Thursday, April 18, continuing Fri
day and Saturday.
Campbell & Dick,
H 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue.
B. it 11.
Great offer of good zephyr ginghams to-
day 12J4C ana loc goods wortn mucn more.
Boggs & Buhl.
Black Dbess Laces Entire new de
signs in chantilly flouncings, and best and
cheapest assortment ot fish, Russian and
La Tosca nets in the city.
Easter Opening. ,
Ladies' suit parlor, Wednesday, Thurs
day, Friday. Parcels & Jones,
29 Filth ave., over King's shoestore.
Onyx Tables Rednced .
Before removal from 20 to 25 per cent at
Habdy & Hates, Jewelers,
533 Smithfield st
B. it B.
This is to be the great bargain week.
Every department has a dozen special offer
ings. Don't fail to supply vour wants this
week. Boggs & Buhl.
Don't Fall
To get "Easter Morning" panel; at all the
stores of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co. this week. mwj
For parlor, bedroom, dining or kitchen
furniture call on Dain & Daschbach, 111
1 Smithfield street Prices guaranteed , to be
the lowest Inthe city for rst-claH goods.
A Itfiwrencevllle Boy Jumps Into the River
to Elnde Police Officers and Is Drowned
Drinking Beer Was His Crime.
A young man named "Reddy" McGraw,
aged abont 17 years, was drowned in the
Allegheny river yesterday afternoon while
trying to elude arrest.
He and about a dozen companions had 1
had on the river bank just below the Lucy
furnaces at Fifty-second street Officers
Hutchinson and Smith heard of the disor
derly nctiona of the crowd and made a de
scent upon them about 4 o'clock. The boys
were warned of the Officers' approach and
ran in every direction. McGraw, however,
was not so successful in making his escape
as the others, and seeing he could get off in
no other direction, turned and ran directly
for the water. He never stopped when he
reached the water's edge, bnt plurged in,
and being an expert swimmer was able to
swim with his clothes on. Officer Hutch
inson walked along the shore waiting nntil
Mcfiraw would tire ont and swim ashore.
but instead of doing that he swam on down
the river nntil a short distance above 1 or-ty-seventh
street, when he sank out of
sight A raft was moved a short distance
below, and some of the parties who had
been watching said that McGraw was hid
ing beyond the raft but a search was made,
and it became evident that the boy had
drowned. His parent, who live on Hem
lock alley, were notified, and efforts were
made to recover the remains.
McGraw has the reputation among the
police of being a bad boy. A warrant has
been ont for, his arrest on some charge for
several days.
That's Whaf Congressman rank, of St.
Iionls. Is Going to Learn.
Congressman Frank, of St Louis, passed
through the city last evening, bonnd for
Washington, to see the President about the
patronage of Missouri. He represented thn
Republican delegation of the State. Mr.
Frank claimed that Missouri was being
There are 11 Democrats from the State
holding consular positions, and while they
do not want all these men replaced by Mis
sourians, they would like to have some of
the best of these consulships.
A Mammoth Sale of Elder-Down Qallts and
455 eider-down quilts and over 1,700 eider
down pillows Booth & Fox's best goods,
entire stock of their New York branch
prices very low. Sale begins this morning.
Penn Avenue Stores.
No Snch Hats In Town
As the Paris makes to be shown at The Peo
ple's Store Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, on the occasion of our Easter opening.
CAJirBEii, & Dick,
M 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth avenue.
Booth Si Fox Celebrated Irish Elder-Down
Their entire stock in this country on sale at
bargain prices to-day hundreds all new
and choice. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Enster Morning
Is the most beautiful panel ever presented
as a souvenir. Presented all of this week
to each purchaser of 1 pound tea, 2 pounds
coffee, or 1 pound baking powder, at all our
Gbeat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
B. it B.
A great oflering this week in wash India
check silks, specially for children's dresses
75c worth a dollar and a quarter.
Boggs & Buhl.
New Dbess Goods Choice assortment
of plaids, checks and stripes, just opened;
two lines 50c and 75c per yard.
itwtsu Hugos &Hacke.
Ennmelrd Easter Stick Fins.
Don't miss them. Price, ?1 75. For
sale only at
Habdt & Hates, Jewelers,
533 Smithfield st
Easter Opening.
Ladies' suit parlor, Wednesday, Thurs
day, Friday. Latest Btyles of spring suits,
house robes and wrappers.
Pabcels & Jones, 29 Fifth ave.
Don't Fall
To get "Easter Morning" panel; at all the
stores of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Co. this week.
2J IN. "Wide, printed India silks, our
regular $1 quality, reduced to 75c a yard.
mwysu Huous & Hacke.
Price, ZS cents, at all druggists-
phepabed bt
Besides being very comfortable.
Try ours; If they do not fit bring them back.
Tremendous assortment of "
All Prices.
T. T. T. :::
109 Federal Street,
3 rir. 'v
- Busy days all over the store. The care taken
to have every department fully and completely
stocked with the ehoicest and largest assort
ments is resulting in the .largest spring trade
we have ever had not boasting; but plant
facts that the dally results prove beyond ques
tion. This week we call attention first and. fore
most as Easter is near at hand the Millinery
show is a prominent feature. Lovely Bonnets
and Hats' are here in all their spring-tim
glory; also Untrimmed Straw Goods for ladles''
and children, and a very choice line Hats tot
boys' wear; while as to trimming materials, go
where yon will, you cannot find more or newer
Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons and all the accea
sories needful to the manufacture of dainty
and stylish head ontfitting than in our Millinery
Department "
Our greathig Dress Goods Department offers
attractive new goods in tbe most fashionable
colorings and at prices that make quick and
large sales. The extensive variety is a strong
point here, and prices on best goods are shaved
close. The styles of Spring Suitings in.donble
widtb goods are the most stylish, even when
you take tha varieties under 50c a yard. We
put on sale to-day a lot of 51-inch Jacquard
Strlpesat50cthatarearemarkablebargaln. Our
Cashmere stock Is unequalled In assortment of
shades at 35c, 50c, 60c 75c, up to $1 25 a yard
tbe46-inch. Cashmeres at 50c are especially
cheap; tnen Serges, Plaids, Stripes. Combina
tion Suitings; French Pattern Robes (S30 styles
for $23, and extra choice ones at$12to20each)t
Mohairs in plain colors and fancy printings,
Stripes and Plaids; Sldeborder Saltings from
50c to finest; English tailor style Suitings in
fine qualities; French Broadcloths for Direo
toire costumes; fine Cheviot Striped Soitlnn
at SI a yard a bargain; Empire Sidebordei
Cballles at 75c; largest stock of Printed Chat
lies, newest designs, at 30c and 50c: Cotton Chat
lies at 5c and 12c a yard. Cream White ami
delicate colors in Cashmeres, Albatross and
Nuns' Veilings and Silks for graduating dresses.
Best makes In Black Goods for Spring and
summer wear, In staple and fancy weaves.
This department always shows a proportionate
ly large assortment with our stock of Colored
Dress Fabrics, and at tbe same low prices.
To increase sales in our Black Silk Depart
ment we offer one lot of 23-inch Black Surah
Silks at 75c. and one lot of 24-Inch Black Gro9
Grain Silks at 95c a yard; also, great values
In Satin Rhadames. Armures, fancy Striped
and Brocade Satins, an being purchased below
the usual asked prices.
Grand display of Novelties in Parasols this
week $1 50 to S40 specimens on exhibition, in
cluding our importation of English Sun Um
brellas, with the long handle, that are so fash
ionable. Some great bargains also In 28-Inch
Umbrellas. Only new goods are shown here!
Housekeepers find their wants In the Curtain,
Upholstering and Furnishing line best supplied
In our Curtain and Furnishing Department
A drive White Crochet Quilts at 65c, 75c, 85a
and SI, this last being a remarkable value; finer
grades up to 515 each.
Table Damasks and Napkins, all pure linen,
choice new patterns, imported direct from tha
makers, hence the low prices we ask. Towels
In all qualities, with special bargains all
through the assortment
Enough to say of our Colored Silks that for
reliable and handsome goods, Including largest
variety, this Is the place. Our large trade goes
to show that the prices are tbe lowest
"Cable Dye" Fast Black Hosiery full lines
in stock for men, women and children. No
donbt as to this cable dye, at 25c or SI, the color
is stainless.
Our Dress Trimming and Button Depart
ments show the latest styles, whether in low
priced or tbe most extravagant imported novel
ties, all are the newest, in black and colors.
Our very successful Suit Opening In the
Cloak Room will be continued this week, and
interest will be added by our display of ladles',
misses' and children's White Suits, Including-,
all qualities of late design. Spring Wraps and
Jackets in late styles and greater numbers than
ever before and at prices to suit all. Large ar
rivals of New Mantles, Beads and Lace Wraps,
including special fine imported garments.
Ginghams and Satin es, tbe finest qualities at
lowest prices. About 250 more of those Em
broidered Robe bargains. White and Black
Figured Fast Black Henrietta Satlnes. Low
priced Wash Goods bargain lots that will sell,
quick. ,
Fancy Striped Flannels New styles at 35a,
imported goods under cost; also, finer qualities
In large variety. .j,v
A visit to our store this week will please you."
See .the 10 show windows full of Spring
Novelties. l
- 'wjk
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