Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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A Determined Fight Being
Waged for Two Home
Rule Members, s
5 Sugar Speculation Crowding Politics
in England to the Wall.
Miss Mary Aodenan Recover Her Health
X.ondon and Paris Women Smoking; Tea
Cignrettes The Duchess or Cambridge
Burled With Considerable Qolct Pomp
Tbc Saltan a had and Bnnkrupt fcpend
thrift Lancashire Cotton Folks See
Ruin to Them in Chenp Indian labor
Competition Young Kniser Wllhelm
Fond of Display and Bright Colors The
House of Parliament Too Poorly Venti
lated for Health or Work.
Two important elections Trill take place
in England to-morrow and Tuesday. Both
Liberals and -Tories are confident, but the
chances seem to favor the latter. However,
their opponents say they Trill convict them
of -wholesale briberv if they do. The
-women of London and Paris have found a
new form of dissipation in tea cigarettes,
which they smoke frequently. Miss Mary
Anderson shows no signs of illness. Sugar
speculation is catching a good many
English brokers short.
LONDON, April 13. Copyright Poll
ing for Central Birmingham will take
place on Monday, and the next day the
electors of Rochester -will record their votes.
The sangnine Liberals cherish the hope
that they may win both seats, and if they
do so, the effect on the Tories will be crush
ing, bnt the electoral statisticians consider
the chances at Birminsham even, and at
Rochester decidedly in favor of the Tories.
Most of the leaders of the Tory party in
Birmingham are working with apparent en
thusiasm for Chamberlain's nominee, young
Albert Bright, but the rank and file con
tinue to sulk, and it they should abstain
from voting to any considerable extent the
seat will be won for home rule. The Lib
eral "Unionists have been showing scant re
gard for the susceptibilities of their Tory
allies. Only yesterday Albert Bright pre
sented them with another disagreeable pill
to swallow by announcing that he wonld
strenuously oppose their Government's pet
project for increasing the strength of the
navy. Imagine the mortification of a blood-and-glory
Tory who is compelled to support
a "peace-at-any-price" Quaker!
The Tories have only one thing to comfort
them, but that can be enjoyed only after
election. If Bright wins they will claim
the whole credit of the victory; if the Glad
Etonian be successful they will prove it due
to their refusal to support the Unionist can
didate. They are whooping things up in Roches
ter in a fashion that would cause the elec
tioneers of the flamboyant West and savage
South to hide their dimantled heads
in shame. The crown for abuse, scandal
and war goes to Rochester. The local
newspapers teem with violent and brutal
personalities. Nearly all the editors in the
place have been assaulted. The local mag
nates are punching one another's noses with
unquenched and unquenchable enthusiasm,
in the broad light of day, and the local law
yers have baa no time to think of politics,
owing to the prodigious demands for writs
and summons for libel and assault and bat
tery. The Liberals believe that whether
they win or lose, they will be able to con
vict the Tories of wholesale bribery.
910067 Borrowed by His Tizier Squandered
in High Living.
London, April 13. The discontent in
Turkey is becoming very serious, writes
your correspondent at Peru. The officials,
especially in the remoter provinces, having
received no salaries for nearly two years,
are screwing every possible piaster out
of the wretched taxpayers, and not
half of the proceeds finds its way into
the imperial treasury. The army officers
and men alike are clamoring loudly for
some of their arrears of Day, and their atti
tude is at times so threatening as to afford a
justification for the fears of military rebel
lion which the Ministers are known to en
tertain. Meanwhile the Sultan calmly
exacts the uttermost farthing due
to him, end goes on with his
pleasures, with Oriental indifference to the
hard fate ol his unhappy subjects. For a
week past he has been spending money
even faster than his complaisant Ministers
could collect it, and there are rumors that
the Gr.md Tizier has had to contract a
private loan at exorbitant interest.
There is some excuse, however, for His
Majesty's recent extravagance. There have
just been four marriages in his extensive
family, husbands having been found for his
eldest daughter, aged 14 years, and three
nieces, aged 14, 15 and 16, respectively For
a week past there has been continuous
feasting at the Vildiz Kiosk, and
His Majesty has been phenomen
ally gay. Every evening he has
personally presided at a banquet, served
in European style. He has winked at
the liberal provision of champagne and
other wines for the invited Christian guests,
and it is rumored that he privately tasted
some of the choice burgundy and pro
nounced it good.
For 15 days the royal cooks have been
working almost night and day, and what
with wedding presents, dowries and ban
quets, it is estimated that the Sultan has
spent in less than a fortnight more than a
million dollars.
London and Paris Women Smoking- Tea
' Cigarettes and Taking Morphine.
LONDON, April 13. The ingenuity of
the -women of London and Paris in invent
ing new dissipations is without limit. To
the morphiue habit the devotees of sensa
tionalism have now added the practice of
smoking tea cigarettes. Special grades of
finest tea are used, and Ihe effect ol
the cigarettes is said to be delight
ful for fully an hour after one
has. been -smoked. After that comes
the reaction, in the form of a nervous
trembling and excitability which is but
subdued, according to a woman of title who
rather goes in for all these things, by a
thimbleful of frozen absinthe. Thus, by
industriously ringing the changes on mor
phine, tea, cigarettes and absinthe, with a
few intrigues, some scandal and a raft ot
white-hot French novels, the woman of
society manages to worry through the day.
success abroad is not due to her naturalness
-and health. There is lack of ruddy cheeks
iinXtfndoa now. The riding school are
empty, and the people who run the gym
nasiums where women formerly fenced and
exercised assert that the craze is now over.
Perhaps it has gone to America. At all
events, there is no such disease as morphine
omania there, though it is a recognized and
-widely prevalent ailment here.
Politics In England Driven to the Wall by
Speculation In Sweets.
;bt cable to tux dispatch.
London, April 13. Sugar has suddenly
pushed politics to the wall. To-day every
business man in London is talking about it,
but the seat of war is elsewhere. Your
Greenock correspondent telegraphs this
afternoon that all the sugar brokers and
refiners are wildly excited at the
unsettled condition of the market,
which they attribute partly to
the reports of deficient crops in Cuba, the
West Indies and South America, and partly
to the fact which now seems beyond doubt,
that all the beet sugar in Europe is in the
hands of a few people who are strong enough
to wait for a considerable rise. Thousands
of tons of sugar have been recently sold in
Greenock which had no existence, the
sellers speculating on an average crop.
Thev have become frightened already, and
are trying to buy it back before the expected
big rise shall come and overwhelm them.
Stocks on the Clyde are now about half
what they were at the same period last year.
A cablegram just received from New York
puts the total stock in America at only 46,
000 tons, and it is estimated here that the
stock for the whole world is about 300,000
tons lest than at this time last year. Yes
terday 6,000 tons were purchased at Magde
burg by one American firm at an advance of
$7 50 a ton over Thursday's prices. "When
the Clyde market opened this morning the
buyers made desperate efforts to purchase
at 9 pence advance over yesterday's prices,
but the sellers smiled disdaintully, and
their faith was soon rewarded by a jump of
1 shilling, at which point thev sold a large
quantity. Just before the market closed
there were a few transactions at an advance
of 1 shilling and 9 pence on the day. Every
thing on sale was bought up, and the gen
eral opinion of the largest brokers is that
the upward movement will continue on
Monday, and that the prices will not re
cede below the present figures until the re
sult of the next'season's crop is known.
Probably the wildest and most reckless
gamblers in the world are in London, de
spite the traditional conservatism of the
English people. At short intervals the
rage for speculation breaks out in one form
or another. This time it looks like sugar.
The Beastly Climate of London Preferred By
Her to America. '
London, April 13. The irony of Mary
Anderson's assertion that she has come to
dear London on account of jts climate is ex-i(
quisitc w ny any one should come to Lon
don for health, when there is room to bur
row in the soft and muggy ooziness of a
misty Newark mnd swamp, is inexplicable.
That part of London which is
not reeking with the spine-chilling
sweat of a perpetual black
fog, -wallows under a perennial coat of black
mud. Actors can scarcely be heard at the
theaters on account of the bone-racking
coughing of the audiences, while the snort
of the sudden and snorting sneeze rattles
over the length and breadth ot the metropo
lis. That portion of London which does
not use torches to guide it abont the streets
at midday is lying ill at home from every
ailment known to a most unruly and dis
tempered climate, at this season of the
year to be found on earth.
Miss Anderson, when I saw her to-day,
was radiant amid the general gloom. She
is stopping with Baroness Von Hugel, and
has been receiving her English friends all
day. There are absolutely no signs of ill
health, mental or physical, to be detected
by the casual visitor. Miss Anderson
speaks kindly of America, but her heart is
evidently here. London society has wel
comed her with open arms, whereas
New York has been taciturn, reluctant and
reserved. Hence, in the slang of the day,
New York is not in the movement, as far
as Miss Anderson's affections are concerned.
The Ventilation of the Houso of Parlia
ment Severely Criticised.
London, April 13. The spectacle of a
large and usually genial man rising in the
House of Parliament and making a piteous
appeal to his fellow members to lower the
temperature so that he can retain what is
left of his hair, is diverting. Mr. Ohea
says he has become bald and his beard has
growifgrayas the result of. the infernal heat
tf the House. Everybody complains, but
nothing is accomplished. The ventilation
is wretched. Last nizht, for example, the
thermometer stood at 65 Fahrenheit in the
private members'lobby.at 72 in the strang
ers' gallery and at 77 in the ladies'gallery,
the dining room and the library. Sir "Wal
ter Foster, a medical member, says this is
really sick-room temperature, and main
tains" that for work the thermometer should
never register higher than 50.
It is not generally "known that the Minis
ters and ex-Mi nisters literally sit over a
figantic refrigerator, which 'discharges
lasts of icy air through a sieve arrange
ment under the table just in front of the
Speaker's chair. It is not surprising, there
fore, that Leader Smith should be attacked
with a chill, Goschen and Balfour laid up
with colds, Mr. Gladstone attacked with
hoarseness, and Mr. Mundella with the
Tbe Dncbess ot Cambridge Laid In the
Tomb of Her Royal Fathers.
London, April 13. The late Duchess of
Cambridge was buried to-day in the little
church at Kew, beside the remains of her
husband, who died 40 years ago. The cere
mony was supposed to be private and sim
ple, but there was a good deal of publicity
and a fair amount of pomp. The finest
figure in the procession was not the Queen,
nor the Prince of Wales, but General Gre
ville, carrying, on a gorgeous bullion-covered
cushion, the suoerb jewel-flashing
coronet of the dead Princess.
The funeral would have taken place
earlier, but for some unaccountable reason.
The ordinary pattern of a royal outer coffin
of what court undertakers keep a lew in
stock was discarded for a huge oaken casket
with exceptionally heavy brass and ormolu
fittings, which could not be finished until
last evening. When the three inner coffins
.had been placed in the casket, the whole
weighed a quarter of a ton. .
Lancashire Cotton People Not In Lore With
Salisbury's Policy.
London, April 13. The Government ol
India have decided it is a good thing for
men, women and little children to slave
night and day and Sundays in the India
cotton mills, and they decline to interfere.
The Lancashire cotton people, who are
largely Tories, say they will ioon be ruined
by Indian cheap labor, and lay the blame
on Lord Salisbury.
The row may develop, and perhaps lose
the Government a few of the many Torv
seats in Lancashire.
The Young German Emperor Fond of
Pomp and Display.
London, April IS. When the imperial
German mourning terminates, the young
Kaiser Wilhelm'f court will become the
most gorgeous in Europe, His Majesty has
ordered that the court dress shall comprise
knee breeches, buckle shoes, a three-cornered
hat, and colors presumably ad lib. and ac
cording to individual fancy. This fondness of
Wilhelm for splendor is inherent in him.
It is but a development of his rigorous love
for brilliant and showy uniforms. Tbe
personal equipment of some of the officers
of the Kaiser's great army to-day would
abash the most fantastic and decorative
dreams of Beau Brummel himself.
When the craze for gaudy trappings
reaches the court there is ground lor the
hope that the German women may take it
ud. At present the women of "Berlin eniov
Hhe reputation of being the worst dressed in
all .Europe.
Nothing Yet Henrd From the mining Crew
otthe Doomed Denmark There Is Yet
IIope Thnt Thev Are Saved In
quiries of Anxious Friends.
New Yoek, April 13. The steamer Ice
land, which belongs to the same line of
steamers with the Denmark, which has
been reported abandoned, has arrived here,
but brings no news of the latter vessel. On
board of her are many of the steerage pas
sengers who- intended to sail on the Den
mark, but through delay that proved for
tunate for them they had to wait for the
A dispatch to Lloyds from Copenhagen
states that the steamer Denmark had on
board 628 passengers and 54 officers and
crew. Another dispatch from Copenhagen,
however, states that. there was on board the
sseamer 368 passengers from Copenhagen,
131 from Christian, 79 from Christiansand,
75 from Malmo and 54 from Gottenburg.
There were 26 cabin passengers on board,
including five children. The balance were
steerage passengers, and practically all of
them were emigrants.
The agents of the steamer, which is by
this time probably on the bed of the ocean,
are still hopeful that some passing vessel
may have taken off the passengers and
crew. No other steamers have arrived with
any news of having fallen in with drifting
boats, and this increases the hope that some
steamship has rendered timely assistance
and taken the shipwrecked passengers and
their boats all on board. . Telegrams are ar
riving every hour at the office of the agents,
asking for "information concerning friends
who were to be on the steamship. One came
from Omaha from S. D. Barkelow, asking
if Bernadita Persow, of Malmo, Sweden,
was a passenger. A glance at the list re
vealed the fact that she was.
A great number ot people, who by this
time had expected to greet their friends, lin
ger around the door of the passenger office
anxions to hear tidings and yet fearful that
the news may reach them may blast all
hopes of ever seeing their friends again.
They scan the countenances of all who go in
and out as if they would try and learn it
they had reason to hope.
A dispatch from London says: Captain
Bond, of the Inman Line steamer City of
Chester, which sighted the abandoned
steamer Denmark, believes that the passen
gers and crew of the Denmark were res
cued. He bases his belief on the fact that
the Denmark's boats were gone. A chain
cable was seen hanging over the bow of the
Denmark, and this leads Captain Bond to
believe that she had been in tow of anotner
To be Built at SIcKeesport This Summer A
Million-Dollar Company Formed Yes
terday. The Monongahela Furnace Company,
which was organized recently, has just pur
chased 21 acres of ground in McKeesport,
on whichYthey will build several blast
furnaces. The capital stock of the new con
cern is $l,Q0d,000, and the amount paid for
the ground is !S76,000. The property was
purchased from Messrs. Coursin & Drew,
SaO ford C. Clark and the White estate, and
is located in the Third ward.
The companyjwill apply for a charter this
week and work will be commenced on the
construction of the plant as soon as it is
granted. Two of -f he largest blastfurnaces
in the world will be built at once, and the
plant will be increased to four or six in a
short time. These furnaces will turn out
when completed about 350 tons of pig metal
each every 24 hours and will be in opera
tion abont next fall. V The new concern con
templates the purchase of the Edith furnace
in Allegheny.
Among the members of the new company
are: Horace Crosby nnd'tC. L O'Connor, of
Pittsburg; John H. Flagler, of New York;
Joseph R. Jackson, ot this city, and E. C.
Converse, qf New York.
The directors of the new company consist
of the above named capitalists, in connec
tion with Edmond W. Converge, of Boston,
W. S Eaton and D. W. Hitchcock, of
Chicago. Other capitalists of McKeesport.
Pittsburg, Boston, New York and the West
make up the big company, who expect to
find a market in Pittsburg,' McKeesport and
also the West for their product. . The com
pany will give employment to a large num
ber of men. )
The Largest Oil Well In tbe Oh$o Field
Slrnrk YesterdsT. I
FrNDliAY, April 13. Smith &
who own a lease on 18 acres of the
farm, a mile south of North Baltimort
evening drilled in the largest oil well yet
obtained in the Ohio field. The drill p,ene-
trated the sand about 5 o'clock, whenithe
oil made such a terrible rush as to driver the
workmen from the scene. It did 125 barVels
perhourall day to-day, and nothing indicates
diminution in tbe capacity.
This will give new impetus to drilling tin
tbe Wood county Held, which had been re
ported as losing its value as regards oil.
A Busy Night.
The patrol wagon on the Southside bail
more runs last night than any time since l
was put into service. The wagon answerei
23 calls between 8 and 11 o'clock, and 28
prisoners were focked up in the Twenty
eighth ward station house in that time. At
10:30, while the wagon was making its
twenty-first trip, tbe team gave out on
South Twenty-second street, and the day
team had to be called into service.
That Same Old Game.
George Watson, a resident of New Castle,
was buncoed out of $10 a few days ago by
two men. He was taken to the Pennsylva
nia freight depot where No. 1 had a freight
bill due. He offered a check, which No. 2,
who acted as a clerk, refused. Watson save
No. 1 $40, who in turn gave $38 to No. 2.
Both then disappeared.
Cut In a Fight.
A young colored man named Smith, who
resides on Webster avenue and works in
Clark's mill, was badly cut in the breast in
a saloon fight on Penn avenue, near Thirty
lourth street, yesterday afternoon. Dr.
Clark dressed his wounds. The cut is not
A Brnkeman Badly Injured.
West Elizabeth, April 13. J. Mc
Cleary, from Lucyville, a brakeman on
local freight north on the Pittsburg, Vir-
finia and Charleston Railroad, had his arm
adly crushed and it is feared that he is in
jured internally.
Special for elderly ladies: Fine French
cassimere wraps, nicely finished and very
genteel, sold in the leading drygoods stores
for HO, will be offered this week for only $6
at Ka'ufmanns' Easter Bale.
Special for elderly ladies: Fine French
cassimere wraps, nicely finished and very
genteel, sold in the leading drygoods stores
for $10, will be offered this week for only $6
at Kaufmanns' Easter Sale.
The Scheme of the Loomis Brothers
for Making Money Kapidly
Several of Their Late Tictims Showing
Them Up in the Courts.
And Raxed In .Many Hundred Hard-Karned Dollars
From Wonld-Be Agents.
A hitherto successful fraud is being ex
ploded in New York and Chicago simulta
neously. The "VLoomis brothers are under
fire, and a hot fire, too. They are accused of
obtaining several hundred dollars under
false pretenses, but it is said their earnings
in a questionable manner will be upward of
Chicago, April 13. An injunction was
issued by Judge Collins to-day in a case of
more than usual interest. Only a few hun
dred dollars were involved in the litigation,
but the developments made in the pre
liminary hearing may lead to the most im
portant revelations.
Becent dispatches from New York tell
the story of a gigantic swindle engineered
by Ernest J. Loomis, who comes from Ver
montville, Mich. Loomis was arrested
Thursday alternoon and charged with
stealing $1,000 worth of furniture
from the office of the Buyers' "Union.
In 1887 Loomis, a successful book agent,
conceived and proceeded to execute a bril
liant and original scheme. He organized a
joint stock company for the alleged purpose
of republishing old and valuable works.
He had $5,000 at that time. A year later
he was worth $50, 000,. but the stockholders
were poorer.
The Buyers' Union went out of existence,
and Loomis reorganized under the name of
the Loomis National Library Association.
He managed to get a Bradstrcet rating of
$150,000, and stock, plates and copyrights.
Albert L. Talcott, a Chicago lawyer, con
tributed $6,000, and C. L. Hill, of New
York, paid in $5,000 and was made Treas
urer. William Jones, the law partner of
Robert G. Ingersoll, contributed $15,000. .
Early last week Loomis "announced that
the company was losing money. He hired
several trucks and moved the office goods to
795 Broadway. There he held a meeting,
and organized himself into the Consolidated
Buyers' Jobbing Company. He was ar
rested for stealing the furniture, and held
under $5,000 bail.
It is a remarkable coincidence that F. S.
Loomis, a Chicago book publisher, should
get into a somewhat similar legal fight at
the same time. The affair grows more com
plicated and interesting when it is under
stood that F. S. Loomis, of Chicago,
and Ernest J. Loomis, of New York,
are brothers. Thursday afternoon At
torney Henry McLeary came before
Judge Collins and asked that an in
junction be granted restricting the Century
Book and Paper Company of Chicago from
collecting money on a $500 draft signed by
Arthur E. English, of Scribner, Neb. The
draft was issued by the Continental Bank,
of Omaha, and deposited for payment with
the Chicago National Bank. -
This afternoon Herman C. Hill filed a
petition before Judge, Collins, asking that
the Century Book and Paper Company be
compelled to return him $100 which he had
paid to officers, of the company. He claimed
that the money was obtained from him
under false pretenses. Both cases will be
heard Monday. ''
English says hesaw an advertisement in
an Omaha paper stating that the Century
Book and Paper Company would lite to
engage the services of a young man who
should act as their general agent in Omaha.
It the applioant proved competent he was
to receive a salary of $175 a
month. English determined to get the
agency. The officials of the company told
him to bring $500 to-Chicago as a guarantee
of good faith. English made a draft for,
this amount and came to town. He was
warmly received by the officers of the com
pany in their big rooms in Wabash avenue.
After English had been introduced around
and had handed over his $500 draft he was
informed that a guarantee of $2,000 was re
quired. A long conference followed. Then
it was agreed that English should pay the
remaining $1,500 on May 1. An agreement
was then drawn up, which English claims
he signed without reading, being assured
that it related simply to his duties as agent
of the company.
This document is a remarkable produc
tion. After" describing the multitudinous
duties of an agent of the company, it be
came very specific in its explanation of
how money should be remitted to the con
cern, "but ingeniously evades explanation of
how the signer can hold out his salary of
$175 after having performed all the other
obligations. English songht legal counsel
when he left the rooms of the concern, and
the injunction proceedings were begun id
Judge Collins' court.
It is estimated that hundreds of men in
the West have been caught by the cutthroat
agreement of the concern and that their
losses will amount to $100,000 or more.
He Deeded It to tbe Widow Hnrrlngton, Bnt
Now He Wants It Bnck. .
Buffalo, April 13. Hon. Abram
Thome, an octogenarian, who was Surro
gate of Erie county back in the fifties, has
brought to trial a suit to recover a 40 -acre
farm in Hamburtr. which he deeded under
S restrictions in 1882 to Mrs. Kezia Harring
ton. Mr. Thorne, from evidence, seems to
have had a tender regard for Widow Har
rington. He gave her the deed of the prop
erty for the purpose of educating her dangh-
ter Aaaie, wno wasattenamg school at Jbre
donia, N. Y.
TTia furm wna wnrtli aMi 9LA OOrt f ln
Uime, and Thome sues because he says he
ave ine ueeu so iuai,it wouia only Decome
of effect if he did not survive tbe
ducational portion of Miss Harrington's
! ife. That passed, he asked for his deed, and
- lie mother, instead of giving it to him, went
ver to the uounty uierK s omce and had it
ecorded. The ex-Snrrocate had onlv the
riemedy of a suit, and it is suspected that
t&iis was brought because the widow no
lo)nger respected the aged Surrogate.
I Mrs. Harrington claims that Mr. Thorne
gfive her the deed to stop her from bringing
a feuit in which his acquaintance with Mri
Baldwin, a lady barber, would appear in
unuavorable shape. ,
A Newly-Klected Mayor Suicides.
oloeado Speinos, April 13. Mavor-
elefct George Hj Thomas, of this city, was
fontnd dead in his barn this afternoon with
a nullet hole throughthe head. Evidently
a case of suicide. No cause is known. The
depeased came from Illinois in 1877, was
elected Mayor a few weeks ago and would
halve taken his office Monday.
Glass Works Start Up.
Maetin's Fesst, April 13. TheElson
slass Works, employing over 200 Lands,
which has been shut down several weeks
bwing to poor trade, will resume in full to-
"gimp AY;
While Courting His Landlord's Daughter!
Her Mother Fells In Love With Him
A Divorce Suit Besulls The
FInlntlfT63 Years Old.
Buffalo, April 13. Allegany- has a
divorce sensation which will come to trial
at the Jnne term of the Supreme Court of
Oyer and Terminer. The plaintiff, Charles
S. Whitney, of Baltimore, aged 65, sues his
wife for an absolute divorce on the ground
that she has been too intimate with Lawyer
Ira H. Meyers, who is betrothed to his
daughter, Florence. Mr. Whitney's coun
sel is the Hon. Hamilton Ward, a former
Attorney General.
Mr. Ward's story of the case includes a
rehearsal of Mr. Whitney's financial his
tory. At the time of the failure of the Ma
rine Bank in New York Mr. Whitney was
one of the firm of Wheeler & Whitney,
bankers at Bradford, Pa., and the firm lost
$700,000 through being correspondents of
the Marine Bank. They aho owed their de
positors about $350,000, which they paid in
According to his wife's statement, Mr.
Whitney is still a millionaire. On January
1, 1688, a trial balance which he showed his
daughter Florence, gave his annual
income as $75,000. Mrs. Whitney is worth
$2,700 in cash, and her jewelry is
valued at $3,000 more. The Supreme Court
has ordered that she be paid $200 counsel
fees and $20 a week until June 1, when the
action will be tried before a jury. Mr.
Whitney is a speculator in oil, and his
lawyer says that a turn in the market
might make him rich or bankrupt him.
The co-respondent, Meyers, is a rising
yonng lawyer of the Allegany County Bar.
He is not handsome, and seems careless
about his attire. According to the com
plainant's story, after he captivated pretty
Florence Whitnev he went to live at the
Whitney mansion. The elegant guest
room was appropriated for Mr. Meyers,
and he was a star boarder
for a year or so. Mr. Whitney alleges that
Mr. Meyers either took advantage of his
hospitality, or else his wife became infatu
ated with his daughter's lover. At any
rate, when Mr. Whitney made Meyers
leave, his wife protested first, and then
Sacked her trunks and went to live at a
otel. Before that Mrs. Whitney hired a
carpenter to plane offthedoorof her room,
and relegated her husband to another part
of the house.
One Man Fatally Injured In a Fight at the
Raco Grounds.
Memphis, April 13. It was about ten
minutes after the last race at Montgomery
Park this afternoon, when the "dummy"
trains were waiting for those to
get their tickets cashed who
had backed the winners, that a
difficulty occurred which undoubtedly will
result fatally to one of the participants. It
seems Tim Cochran and his brother Ed. be
came involved in a fight with another
young man named Ambrose Mofiatt.
The two men were giving Mofiatt a
good beatini; when Sergeant Horan of
the police force attempted to separate the
combatants. The two brothers turned on
the officer and he made a motion as if to
draw his pistol. Both the Cochran's at
once pulled their guns and Tim fired at
Horan, who turned and ran.
Ed Cochran, with pistol in hand, ran
outside the enclosure of the race track, and
was caught by Captain of Police O'Haver,
who pinioned his arms from behind. His
brother Tim at this moment also came from
within, with his smoking pistol in his right
hand. He was followed by Police Sergeant
Hedrick, who came to the rescue of
his brother officer. Hedrick, it is alleged,
called on Cochran to surrender, and the de
mand not being complied with, and fearing
Cochran would shoot at him, as he had shot
at Sergeant Horan, Hedrick opened fire on
Cochran, shooting him three times. The
wounds he received are mortal, and al
though alive at present, will surely die.
The Death of Lewis Harden Draws Oat an
Interesting Story.
Boston, April 13. The death of Lewis
Hayden, the leader of the colored race in
this oity, has, by reason of its widespread
announcement, recalled an incident
in slaver days which would make
an interesting chapter to a book
on that period. Mrs. Hayden was owned
by Patterson Bain, in Lexington, Ky., and
wbs the nurse of George C. Bain, his son.
Forty-five years ago Mrs. Hayden ran
away, and since then she has not heard
from any member of the family until yester
day. The following letter, hearing the
postmark "St, Louis, April 9, 1889," was
delivered to Mrs. Hayden yesterday:
Mrs. Harriet Hsyden, 66 Phillip street, Boston:'
I cut the inclosed pleco (referring to the
account of the death of Lewis Hayden) from
one of our pacers to-day, &nd as I feel
interested to know if his first wife
Harriet, who belonged to Patterson Bain, of
Lexington, Ky., is still living, I would like to
hear from her. If this shonld fall Into the
hands of tbe family they will please commu
nicate with me. Respectfully,
George C. Bain,
819 North Main street, St. Louis.
Mr. Bain, the writer, is a member of the
firm of the Meyer-Bain Manufacturing Com
pany, at St. Louis, and is the youngster
whom Mrs. Hayden cared for before she
made her escape from slavery.
How Steel Importers Avoid the Payment of
Full Duty.
New York, April 13. Special Treasury
Agent Neville has been at work for weeks
upon a question of steel importation, which
has not only involved a considerable loss ot
revenue to the Government, but also a great
injury to American manufacturers of fine
steel wire for crinoline, corsets, hats, etc.
Ahalf dozen importers have been bring
ing into the country large quantities of this
kind of steel by the hundreds of tons every
year, and haye been paying only abont 2
cents instead of 7 cents a pound. This pay
ment of less duty was due to a construction
of the law, which is very complicated, and
the result has been to cause from $300,000 to
$100,000 worth of machinery to be idle in
this1 country, and the enforced idleness of
hundreds of workers. Dr. Neville's report
is being made out to be submitted to Sec
retary Windom.
Drowned From a Raft.
Piedmont, W. Va., April 13. While a
raft of timber was floating down the river
hereto-day, it struck a pier of the bridge
and was broken up. The crew were pre
cipitated into the river and one of their
number named Bobinson was drowned. The
others made their escape.
The Australian System Adopted?
St, Paul, April 13. The House of
Eepresentatives by a vote of 63 to 17 to
day passed the Keves bill, relating to
elections, which provides for what is known
as the Australian system.
Will Try General Boulanser.
Paeis, April 13. M. Merlin has been
elected President ot the Commission of the
Senate whioh will conduct the trial of
-General Boulanger.
. A Vlllnge Wiped Out by Fire.
Augusta, Kr., April 13. The village
of Milton, in Bracken countv, was de
stroyed by fire last night. The loss is esti
mated at $40,ouo.
Scalded Daring- an Eviction.
Dublin, April 13. During the evictions
on the Olphert estate to-day the agent and a
number of emergency men were scalded
and otherwise seriously wounded.
Prevents the President Prom Taking
a Proposed Pleasure Trip.
Bat hj Shrewd Maneuvering Thej Are Kept
at Ann's Length, Jitter AIL
Berreint-lt-Anaj Canady Pleads Kot
Chorees Ajaiast Him.
Guilty of
In the absence of more important news,
the Washington correspondent of the The
Dispatch telegraphs some interesting so
cial gossip. It will be seen that the Presi
dent has formed no definite plans for es
caping the importunities of the office seeker
next summer, but he may spend the heated
term at the Soldiers' Home.
Washington, April 13. The President
had fully intended to slip oat of" the
clutches of office seekers and take a run
down the river to-day on the trim little
steam yacht Holly, used as a Government
lighthouse tender, but the second mild edi
tion of the blizzard of a week ago prevented,
and the trip is postponed until fair weather,
when Mr. Harrison and two or three mem
bers of his Cabinet will run 50 or 60 miles
down the Potomac and back again, just
for a breath of river air.
The office seekers evidently surmised that
the weather would keep the President in
doors, and they were therefore on hand as
usual, but only a few of them gained an au
dience. Soon after they began filing in
Secretary Windom came and consumed an
entire hour of the time sacred to the office
seeker, and when that time ended the doors
were closed, and soon after the public re
ception came on, at which about 300 persons,
many of Ihem giggling, gum-ohewing Sun
day school girls from Baltimore, shook
hands with the President.
Ex-Senator Palmer, one of the callers to
day, has just returned from a visit to his
log cabin home, where he took a last look
at his fine stock, previous to sailing for
Madrid. In answer to inquiries about his
movements, the genial Spanish Minister
said: "I shall remain here for abont a week,
and then T am going back to Michigan. The
good people of Detroit have arranged to
give me a farewell banquet on the 25th, and
I have been led to understand that my pres
ence is necessary to make the thing a suc
cess. My present intention is to sail on the
8th of May. Mrs. Palmer may accompany
me, and so may my niece, Mrs. Hamilton;
they have not definitely decided to do so.
Mr. Griffiths, my private secretary, will bo
along. He is a valuable man a good lin
guist, and a ready-made diplomat?
( In response to a question as to tbe nature
of his errand to the White House to-day,
Sunset Cox said: "I simply said 'good-by'
to my old friend, Benjamin Harrison. I
feel well; very much better than a little
while ago. I have been through" the valley
with the rest of the Democrats, and now I
am off on a lecturing tour through Indiana,
Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas.. New
lectures? No, just a few old ones. Some
thing to make the folks smile while I gather
in a little money. I trust I shall have no
more eggs than I pay for."
Colonel Prcd Grant merely came to have
a little chat with the President previous to
his departure for the magnificent city of
Vienna. Coming out of the library he was
surrounded by many old acquaintances and
held quite a complimentary 'little reception
for 20 minutes or so.
The ladies' of the White House are all
together again, and in good health. Mrs.
Harrison seems to have entirely recovered
from her late Illness, and endured the re
ception of the afternoon with very little fa
tigue. Mrs. McKee is feeling much bene
fited by her Southern trip, and went with
Mrs. Kussell Harrison to Mrs.
Charles NordhofTs tea, where Mrs.
Francis Hodgson Burnett read extracts
from an unpublished story. Mrs. Har
rison wishes to give as much as possible of
her personal supervision to the spring clean
ing at the White House, which Colonel
John M. Wilson will have in charge, and,
therefore, the President's family will not go
to Deer Park, Md., until the summer is
well advanced.
It has been decided by the White House
family that they will take possession of the
President's cottage at the Soldiers' Home
for May, and probably for June as well.
Lieutenant Parker, of the navy, who has
been appointed Secretary to the American
Commissioners at Berlin, and sailed
to-day, is a nephew of the Presi
dent by marriage. Lieutenant Park
er returned this spring from a
three years' cruise, much of which time was
spent among the Samoan Islands. Last
week he went with Mrs. Parker, who is the
drughterof Mrs. Scott-Lord and the niece
of Mrs. Harrison, to visit his parents in
Piqna, O: They were suddenly recalled, as
the Lieutenant's appointment was in re
sponse to a need for a well-equipped secre
tary.such as Lieutenant Parker's knowledge
of Samoan affairs peculiarly fits him to
be. Lieutenant and Mrs. Parker returned
from Ohio on Thursday, made all the prep
arations, and left for New York last even
ing. Mrs. Parker is the author of a clever
and interesting article, "Samoa and lb
People," which appeared in the Cosmopol
itan Magazine in November, last year.
Mrs. Dimmick. who Is the widowed daugh
ter of Mrs. Scott-Lord, is'in Dresden with
some young relatives of her late husband,
who are studying music, and will welcome
her sister on her arrival in a strange coun
A company of the friends of Senator Mor
rill, of Vermont, among whom were Presi
dent and Mrs. Harrison, this evening cele
brated the seventy-ninth anniversary of the
birth of the Senator at his home on Thomas
Circle. The venerable KobertC.Winthrop,
a lifelong friend of the Senator, also made
one of the company. The Senator was
warmly congratulated for his vigorous old
age and for the health which has almost
continuously attended his 12 years of ser
vice in the House of Eepresentatives and
his subsequent 23 years in tbe Senate.
The Navy Department Doesn't Know What
to Do With the Thurlow Gun.
Washington, April 13. The Navy De
partment seems to be in a quandary to know
what to do with the "open-hearth steel cast
gun of the Thurlow works, near Chester,
wIlipTl Wl tMtpd SHTT1P tim nrrn nl iVta nmtf.
ing grounds at Annapolis, The star gauging
and bore .impressions were scarcely finishea
when the change of administration occurred;
and since Secretary Tracy came into the
office he has not had time to thoroughly
examine into the complex question. It was
the impression of the former administration
that although the gun did not come up to
the requirements of the specifications; and
was found to have expanded injhefiringand
to have many flaws, tho fact that it endnred
the strain would warrant the department in
putting a most liberal construction op. the
law to the extent of paying the stipulated
price for the gnn, putting ft to further and
severer tests, and advising' Congress to ap
propriate money to continue experiments
with the cast trun.
The Thurlow Company, has recently writ.
ten to the department expressing a'desire to
know what is going to be done in the mat
ter, and claiming that as the gun stood tho
statutory test, tbe $5,300, which was
the sum they bid, should be turned
over to them. They are perfectly willing
to have tbe gun tested to the bursting point
byway of experiment, but do not think
that has anything to do with the question
whether they should be paid for it as it
stands. The probabilities are Secretary
Tracy will take the view which had almost
reached the point of decision by Secretary
Whitney, that the eun should be accepted
and the experiments continued till the ques
tion of the efficacy of the cast gun should
reach some tettlement.
Best Day's Work of HousecleaainK
Ever Dane in His Department.
Washington, April 13. Nine hundred
and three new postmasters have been ap
pointed this week, which makes a grand
total of 2,329 in the last three weeks. About
1,000 had been appointed prior to that time.
No less than 209 were appointed to-day,which
is the best day's work yet, and Mr. Clark
son is quite prondof it. Nearly every- ona
is a removal. The oldest clerks of the de
partment say they have seen nothing like
Mr. CI arkson's energy in their experience.
Following are the appointments for Penn-
Henrv Hamilton, Boyers; Ames Hall.lIBnnch
ton: W. B. Craven, Brooklin; W. Woodman,
Bncknersvllle; Henry Frev, Center "Valley: T.
W. Hosterman. Auburn; George Fnlmer, De
riding Rldjre; H. S. Merryman, Lawn Grove; J.
E. Angell, Littletown; A. If. Feid.New Galilee;
F. B. Hume, New Hamhure; Effle J. Croper,
Port Royal; "W.S. Miller. Petersburg: W. S.
Banr. Schmerville; S. H. Crissman, Tiglerrille,
and E. B. Boyd, Sporting Hill.
The following were appointed for West Vir
ginia: G. Soulier, Adamston: A. White, Bell
ton; ,A. Bright, Braxton; W. J. Carpenter,
Bridgeport: J. A Hoge, Barton; J. Schep
Egton: G. M. Walters. rJvansville; M. T. Bran
don, Glenville; O. J. Tory, Long Beach; James
Flamington, LosCreek; V. A. Boggers, Lum
berport: A. S. Veast, Mount Storm; J. Wine
aron. Proctor: D. C. Adams. Rlppen; J. M,
Barte, Ritchie: F. M. Cunningham, Sardls;
H. Connor. Viola, and A. W. D. Boyes. Wells,
The Accused Senate Official Says He'll Be
Proved Innocent.
Washington, April 13. Sergeant-at-Arms
Canady, of the Senate, who has been
charged in the New Orleans courts with il
legally hypothecating stock of the Creosote
Company, of wfiich he is an officer,
and with forging the name of Senator
Jones, of Nevada, to certificates of stock,
returned to the city to-day. While he re
fuses to go into any details of the suit, say
ing that is a matter for the court alone to
settle, he asserts that the trial will establish
his personal integrity beyond dispute.
The charges against him are believed
though, by Senators Jones and Gorman, ex
Senator Warner Miller, Representative
West, and others associated with the ser-geant-at-arms,
and who furnished nearly all
the capital of the concern.
Two Little Sensations Turn Up at an Ab
duction Trial Annie Redmond Was
Not Kidnaped nt All The
Accused Acquitted.
Chicago, April 13. Two sensations
crooped ont to-day in the trial of Harvey
Gurley and wife, the alleged kidnapers of
little Annie Bedmond. The first
surprise came when Harvey Gur
ley was ordered acquitted on the
ground that nothing had been shown against
him but cruelty, and he could not be pun
ished forthat onense, having been fined for
it in a justice court, Though at the time
the fine was paid no one knew that .the
persecuted child was the lost Annie Bed-
A more astonishing development followed
when Mrs. Gurlev was placed on the stand.
She testified tba't the little one had not
been kidnaped, but had been given her by
no less a person than Annie's father, John
Bedmond. The theory of the defense is
that Redmond's insanity was not brought
about by the loss of the child, but that he
was insane previously, and formed a dislike
to Annie from a delusion that she was not
his own. Mixed up in the extraordinary
story are intimations that Harvey Gurley
was paying attentions to Mr3. Redmond and
that John Redmond was fond of Mrs.
Bedmond is a blacksmith, now in the in
sane asylum, Gurley was a roustabout and
little Annie is the infant whose disappear
ance was for a long time as mysterious and
much-talked-of in Chicago as thatofTas
cott, the murderer of millionaire Snell, or
the "lost Charley Boss."
The inspector Makes a Cowardly Attack
Upon His Editorial Enemy.
Chicago, April 13. Ex-Inspector of
Police Bonfield and three friends walked
into Billy Bowles' restaurant at 1 o'clock
this morning and ordered a light luncheon.
They had just finished eating when Editor
J. J. West, of the Times, accompanied by
three members of his staff, entered the room
and sat down at a table. This was the first
time Bonfield and West had met face to
face since the editor began his attacks on
the Inspector, which resulted in his suspen
sion from the police force.
Bonfield became wildly enraged in an in
stant. He arose from his chair, walked
over to where Editor West was sitting, and
before 25 men accused him of many crimes.
West dfd not move. If he had done so he
would have been shot where he sat, as the
Inspector and his friends were heavily
armed and vicious. Bonfield became fiercer
everjf moment. He called, the editor a cow
ard, a cur and aliar. The rest of people in
the house either ran up stairs or went out
into the rain and darkness. One. of Bon
field'j fr'ends told him not to turn his back
on the editor, as the latter would shoot.
"He does not dare to shoot me," yelled
Bonfield. "I'll turn my back to him. Now
let him draw a gun if he dares." Editor
West sat quiet and looked very pale.
Thereupon Bonfield and his friend walked
I Is Annie a Suspicious Girl?
Apnie Higgins, a yonng resident of the
Southside, was arrested last night and
locljed up in the Twenty-eighth ward station
on charge of being a suspicious character.
It is claimed that the girl stole a watch
from a jeweler on that side of the river. An
information will be made against her to
day. Only a Slight One.
I A slight blaze in the house at the corner
of Craig and Killbuck streets, Allegheny,
caused an alarm from box 74 about 6 o'clock
'last evening. A hole was burned in the
oor and tbe loss will not exceed $25.
I Welsh Elected President.
Henry D. Welsh, Esq., of Philadelphia,
was elected President ot the Allegheny
Valley Railroad, at a meeting of the di
rectors in Philadelphia, yesterday.
On a Pleasure Tour.
J. F. Miller, Superintendent of the Pan
handle Railroad, passed through the city
last night in his special car with a party of
ladies bound for New JTork.
Direct from Paris: 325 ladies' most ex
quisite and fashionable beaded wraps, lace
shoulders, sold in drygoods stores at $9,
will be offered for only $3 this week at
Kaufmanns' Easter Sale. ,
Dieect from Paris: 325 ladies' most ex
quisite and fashionable beaded -wraps, lace
shoulders, sold in drygoods stores, at $9,
will he offered for only $5 this week at
Kaafmaans' Easter Sale,
, tier
- .
Emperor William "Wants to Curtail
the Power of the Press, bnt
A Decided Protest Made Against Samoaa;
Commissioner Bates.
And Franz Josfph Himself Woald Prefer to Abdicate
Ills Throne.
Emperor William is very anxious to
restrict the liberty of the press in Germany.
Bismarck will not be able to force the meas
ure through, as the national party will reJ
bel. The appointment of Mr. Bates as one
of the American Samoan Commissioners is.
not liked at Berlin. Affairs in Austria and
Roumania are in a decidedly mixed situ
Bebtjn, April 13. The Court of Ap
peals, reversing the police decree against
the Volts Zeitung,' and the failure of'
the proscntion of the Freissinae Zei
tung exasperated the Emperor. The
court failing to punish the Tolls ZeU
tung's criticisms on the memory of tha
late Emperor William or the Freissingi
Zeitung's libel upon tbe Chancellor, Em
peror William personally directed a prosecu
tion of the Yolks Zeitung on an indictment
which states that tbe Emperor declares!
himself one with his deceased grandfather,
an offense against whose memory more in
sults the living monarch. ,
The prosecution of the folks Zeituna is a
small matter compared with an intimatioa''
that a press law compromise must ba
abandoned, the Government finding it nec
essary to press upon the Reichstag a measure)
to control criticisms. This decision promises
an upheaval of the parties during the re
mainder of the session.
The Bundesrath Commission is expected
to report soon after Easter. If Bismarck
ventures to challenge the vote in tho
Reichstag under the present disposition o
the Nationals, defeat is certain. The per
secution of the press past and impending,
created an impression that the Emperor's!
future will justify the worst features of his!
diplomatic tendencies.
The Emperor last night attended a fare
well family dinner given by his mother
previous to her departure for Homburg to
day. His orders for a new court dress in
clude knee breeches, buckled shoes, a
sword, gold-braided coat and three-cornered
hat. The new dress will be first worn at
the reception to King Humbert on May 17.
The move is designed to check the revolt
among the younger officials against the cus
tom of appearing at the court and at of-'
ficial parties in simple evening dress.
The North German Gazette, in an articla
confirming the report that only one war
ship of each power was to be stat'oned at
Apia during the Samoan conference, states!
that the corvette Sophie will -remain at
Samoa until the arrival of the Alexandrine)
in July. The Emperor will inspect tha
Alexandrine at Wilhelm's Haven on Mon.
The press comments on the appointment
of Mr. Bates as Commissioner to the Samoan
Conference are unfavorable. The press
grumblings against Mr. Bates will not,
however, affect the issues of the conference
New dangers that are confronting the Aus-tro-German
alliance will have the greatest
influence on Prince Bismarck and tend tj
bring about a speedy settlement of the disJ
pute with America. "f
The triumph of the Bussophile partv itt
Roumania paralyzes the power of the Kin jf
to execute the secret treaty with Austria.
Premier Cartargi has refused to pledge tha
ministry against Pan Slavist intrigues to
negotiate a compact with Russia allowing
the latter liberty to march through Rou
mania to occupy Bulgaria.
The advices from Vienna state that th
Empress of Anstria has been attacked by
the family malady insanity. She suffers
from long spells of melancholia and enter
tains delusions, accusing herself of tha
death of Crown Prince Rudolph. She is
possessed with ideas of suicide, thinking A
leave the Emperor free to marry. Some-
times she dandles a cushion or a pillow,
thinking it a new born heir to the throne
The Emperor is greatly affected. He suffers
from insomnia and has no zest for woik,
taking only a languid interest in State
It is reported that he has consulted with;
Count Kalnocky and Count Von Taafe upon,
the advisability of abdicating in favor of
his nephew Franz. It is also said that ha
wrote to the Pope, declaring that he longed "
for rest and wished to retire, and that the
Pope's response, urging "upon him tba
necessity of submitting to the decrees it
God, combined with the protests of tha
Ministers, induced him in-the meantime to
remain upon the throne.
The Bavarian Government, replying to a
memorial from the Bavarian Bishops, ask
ing to be placed in control of tbe educa
tional system, declines to allow a daily
school mass, refuses to make a denomina
tional division ot the middle schools, and
declares that the recall of the Redemption
ists is impracticable. The Government
promises to consult the Bishops in appoint
ing teachers of the elementary schools.
The Duke of Nassau, speaking in Lux-ti
emburg, uses French or the Luxemburg i
patois, as it appears fears were entertained
that he intends to Germanize the Duchy.
The Pope will in May create the Arch
bishops of Breslau and Salsburg Cardinals, ' j
The Odd Fellows' Parade.
At a meeting of the delegates from tha
different lodges of the Odd Fellows, held in
their hall on Fifth avenue last night, John
W. Haney, Past Grand Master, was elected
Chief Marshal of the Odd Fellows' paradt
to be held on April 26. A uniform badga
for those who will participate was also
adopted. The badge consists of an oblona
piece of scarlet ribbon bearing the nam
and number of the lodge and a silver pin.
Death of William B. McEwen.
William B. McEwen died on Saturday,' '
at his residence, 144 Ridge avenue, Alio
gheny City, after a brief illness. He was a
memper of the Sandnsky Street Baptist
Church, and from his 14th syear had lived
a faithful Christian life. He was a man of
sterling integrity, and was held in highest
respect by all his associates in business and -social
life. .' .
A Boom for Martin's Ferry.
Mabtet's Febbt, April 13. In addls :
tion to the Union Railroad bridge across!
the river, the railroads and the opera housa .
being built, Martin ' Ferry is to have an)
electric railway and will 'be lighted with
electricity. The outlook for a boom isJ
Relenting- to His Old Congregation.
There will probably be a congregational
meeting of the West End German Lutheran
(JDurch to-day or to-morrow to taee action
on the offered resignation of the pastor, Rev.
C. A. Herrman. Mr. Herrman accepted a
call from his former congregation at Hamil
ton, O., where he had conducted service fof
11 years previous to coming to Pittsburg.
Ladies, be sure and see the flans! jer
seys, in piain colors ana stnpea,cneacea anq
piaia patterns; aiso eiegant mosses, which
win o ouerea at oniy f i m tali ireeic
KauiaufflM' Eatta? Salt, - .