KSI T r:T5F-' yi x ., i-f-"- i '. THE ;PITTSBUKG DISPATCH,. 4 STJNDXY, APRELf 14,- ,1889.,- . BETIERSTOMT&EPEOPLE 1 Poital Ceveuuc and Free Delivery. To the Editor or The Dispatch: Tn last Tuesday's Issue of Tm-DlspATCHyou criticised some remarks which had appeared In the Atlanta Constitution, in reference to the Inequality existing between the mail facilities of the cities and those of the country districts, iou argued the Justice of this Inequality from the fact thft the cities pay morcproportionate ly. of the revenue of the Fostofflce Department than the country districts, giving as an instance the statement that "the excess of receipts oyer expenditures at the .New York Postoffice in ISSSwas SS27LOO0, or about halt the cross re ceipts." Now, if we assume that the mail facili ties of any place should be in proportion to the net revenue of its postofflce. the argument is conclusive, bnt the assumption seems to me an Improper one. Leaving aside the fact that it is contrary to the principle of the equality upon which our postal regulations are otherwise based, It would be allowable only if the receipts of each postofflce were, in payment forthework done at the office, and for nothing else. But this is cot the case. The person who.pays two cents postage on a letter mailed in New Tone, pays not only for Its handling there, but for its transportation to the place to which it is to be sent, and for its delivery there to the person addressed. If it were customary to collect postage upon delivery instead of prepaying it. this two cents would appear in the receipts of the place"nf delivery, instead or helping to make up New York's 3,000.000 surplus. If the letter is sent tu some other city it Is promptly delivered by carrier, but if to some . smaller town or coun.ry village it is allowed to lie in the postoffice there and await the chance of being called for. Yet in the latter case prompt delivery may be of quite as ranch im portance to the sender as In the former, and he pays just the same for it On the other hand, a letter from a country village is delivered by carrier in New York, but the payment for this delivery iS made bv UIA sender nt hiR nnstnffir.e. Tnns the assertion made by the Constitution appears to be true: that the greater mail facili ties of the cities are provided at the expense ot the country. Another point is this: of the receipts of. the I ew York Postofflce a large part is derived from postage on newspapers and other periodi cals. This postage, though collected immedi ately from the publishers, is really paid by the subscribers scattered throughout the country; and the country offices have the labor of band ling and distributing these papers while the postage goes to the credit of .Sew York. I nope the next great improvement in the work ing of our postal system will be the establish ment of free delivery throughout the entire country. W. J. L. PlTTSBUKa, April 13. Dlnrrince a Grand Success, To the Editor or The Dispatch: Is marriage a failure? Poor, stale, defunct question! Bury it out of sight. None but an imbecile would ask such a question. It would be equally wise to ask: Are pen and ink a fail ure, becanse'some reckless spendthrift commits forgery to replenish his prodigal purse? Is steel a failure, because some sneaking assassin sheathes his dagger in the bosom of his sleep log victim? Is the atmosphere a failure, be cause of polluted slums of drunkenness and Sovertyf TeJI us, ye crumbling, groveling, iscontented misanthropists of human nature, is the ocean a failure, because merchants are more sordid and greedy, than wise and humane, and send ships unworthy and overloaded to sea, and they go down in a storm? Marriage a failure, indeed! It is rather the grandest and most glonons achievement of success that ever wreathed humanity's crown with victorious lam els, and the most priceless gem rescued from the wreck of Paradise. It may be a failure to the cowardly, selfish clown, whose ambition it is to enslave a woman who has more brains and courage than to submit to his tyranny. It may be a failure to the cold, frozen heart that has not sense enough to ap preciate the warmth of a wife's devotion and love, and knows nothing of the intoxicating sweetness of a child's kiss or the music of its prattling tongue. Marriage a failure,with a wile to greet your coming with affection, children to welcome you w ith ringing daughter, beside the thou sands of endearments that cluster 'round the fireside of home? Thrice have I solved the mjstic problem and bathed in the limpid sweetness of its ecstacy, hence I know whereof I speak. To yon who declare marriage a fail ure, I suggest: Keep mute, and for the sake of your own credit don't tell the world what poor Judgment you had. when, with the universe to choose from, and all shades of color from the ace of spades to Circassian loveliness, you were simple enough to make choice of a poor wife. MiliHasii. Pittsbpeg, April 13. Legend or the Shamrock, ' To the Editor of The Dispatch: Why Is the shamrock used as the Irish em NemT X. BltADDOCK, April 13. n v x The hamrock Is a Tariety of the white clover, the tnfollum repens of botanists,knbwn also as the trefoil. There is a legend concern ing the connection of St. Patrick with this plant. When this good man was preaching the doctrines ol the Christian church to the in habitants of Ireland, they were sorely puzzled at the doctrine of the Trinity. "How," said one of their chiefs, "can there be three in one?" The Bishop, in reply, picked a leaf of trefoil and held it up before them. "Behold!" he said, "three and yet one." The illustiation was so beautiful and forcible that the chief immediately accepted the Christian faith, and was baptized, all his clan following his exam ple, as was the fashion of those times. From thislegend, it is thought, came the adoption of the shamrock leaf in later years as the national emblem. Or it may have been taken from the fact that the trefoil is such a common plant on the Green Isle. It has been thought that the prevalent growth of tins plant in Ireland is the cause of the absence of snakes there. Pli ny, in his Natural History, says that serpents are never seen on trefoil, and that the leaves of the plant will cure the stings of venomous reptiles. Other naturalists have asserted that the trifolium and snakes are never found to gether, but we do not think that the matterlias ever been scientifically tested. A Call for More Light. To the Editor of The Dlssatcn: Undoubtedly it is true to-day as ever, tljat some love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are eviL Still is It really necessary that to help such a large portion of a city shall been placed in darkness. In the early hours of the morning? Pittsburg, realizing that light was necessary at night, has just(puton an en lightened appearance, buf Allegheny has to go in an opposite direction. Of course the city fathers are never on the streets at such times, they all retire at the ringing of the old Curfew ; yet some are compelled to be out even at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and they need light to guide their wandering steps either toward home or their work. Only a few mornings since a man going to his home, between 3 and 4, was seriously injured by falling over some boards across the sidewalk that it was impossi ble for him to see, and when the city shall be asked for several thousand dollars damages. they will think that gas for an hour later would have been much cheaper. Do not those who order the gas to be extin guished so early know it is true in nature at times, as well as in other ways, that the darkest hoar is just before the dawn? Why then are we compelled in a city that is talking about be- ' coming second-class to grope our ways home as though It was some unheard of by-path? Even in the Sixth and Second wards, and till day- light doth appear, "Let there be light." . AT.T.eoiiej. T, Anrll 13. Allegiiexiait. Deception In School Work. To tae Editor of The Dispatch: Is it true that the teachers In the public schools in Pittsburg authorize and themselves use perforated drawings, or stencils, when de siring a show of scholars' proficiency in draw ing, writing below "drawn by ," signing the scholar's name, when the pupil is not only not able to show such proficiency, bnt hasn't even taken drawing lessons? Can the teachers and directors of the art school of the city permit such fraud to paso without exposure among those who shall be their future scholars? Can parents permit their children to be taught such deceit by teachers? To offer the work of an other as one's own composition, in all schools that pretend to teach honesty, is an offense fur which the pupil 1 punished; but here we have the teacher procuring stencil patterns, designs from which are to be marked on the black board on exhibition days, and exhibited as original work. , , "" Stencils are useful in their proper place, but they should not be used to teach children de ception. Aim-STEjrciLS. PlTTSBUBG, April 13. A PromUloE Tounff Pitubnrg Tenor. To the Editor of The Diipatcn: , There is at present a young American in Florence, Mr. Frank M. Hunter, of Pittsburg, pursuing his studies under such circumstances and with such eclat, that he is evidently des tined to make a name for 'himself in the career he has chosen. Young Hunter possesses a tenor voice of great amplitude and sweetness, which, combined with his talent, appearance and conscientious stndy, enables his teacher. Prof. VauninL to predict for him the success he so richly merits; for there are few Ameri cana who ome abroad to study, who devote themselves so entirely to their work as our talented countryman has done for the past three years. Aftpr flnihlnv ilo ctnlAB with T .fc Vimi. fini and Skeggi, the latter a celebrated teacher oi acting, Mr. ilunter, intends going to ans and London to receive thtre the final touch to hiseducation as an operatic tenor. G. Floeence, Italy, April S. Lntv Students In Pittsburg. To the Editor or The lflspatch: Kindly objige by letting me know what facil ities Pittsburg offers to young men anxious to attain to the legal profession. Is there a school of law In Pittsburg? A public law library and where situated? What branches of education will a young man Be examined in previous to his study of law? What number of years must he read law before being admitted to practice? Any general information on the subject will be much appreciated. G. L. S. Pittsburg. April 13. . .There is no law school here. A large and very good law library is kept in the Court House. The preliminary examination covers the common English branches, the elements of logic and Latin, English literature and English history. A person must be 21 years of age and must have studied law for at least two years before he can be admitted to the bar. Marriage License. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Will you please publish a synopsis of the marriage license lawor enough of it,to inform a person over 21 what to do to get a license. Can two persons residents of this county, get a license in another county? J. T. Connellsyille, April 13. . Go to the .Register's office and make oath as tq your age and that of the lady. If she be un der age you must satisfy the officer that her parents consent to the marriage, either by their testimony given in person before him, or by a certificate properly attested and acknowl edged before a notary public These require ments being complied with you can obtain a license in any county. An Intcrnatlonal.Merldlan. To the Editor of The Dispatch: What Is meant by the "International Merid ian?" Which meridian is it? When was it established? By whom and hon ? Sib Lux. Allegheny, April 13. There has been talk of fixing a meridian from which all nations shall reckon longitude, bnt we are, not aware that the matter has been settled. England reckons from the meridian of Greenwich, and so.does the United States usually; but France, Germany and Spain each have their own standard meridians. J To Mnrry or Not to Marry. To the Editor of The Dispatch: , L Are there any States where marriage licenses are not required? 2. What would you do it you wanted to tret married and the irirl was not old enongh, her parents refusing to. consent to me unionr white uuat. New Castle, April 13. Yes. New Jersey is one of them. 2. Wait until the girl Is of age. Ment and Pi ah. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Please inform me If fish is not considered a meat. A. R. McKeesport. April 13. Not in these days. In the Bible the word meat is used to signify anything that is edible. Modern custom restricts the term to animal flesh. They Cannot Legally Exist There. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Are there any licensed saloons In Washing ton connty? Reader. McKeesport, April 13. For the Better Accommodation Of the larger number of people who desire to witness the elaborate ceremonies ar ranged for the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the inauguration of General Washington as first President of the United States, in Uew York, on April 29, 30 land ilav 1, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- I'pany will sell excursion tickets to New York from principal stations on its system, between April 27 and .May 1, inclusive, at 3 I cents per miie. xne rate irom .rtttsourg ior ine rouna trip will oe $13 oz, ana pro portionately from all other stations. Tick ets are good Only for continuous passage on through trains to New York.from April 27 to Mayl,but no ticket will be sold on Maylfor any train arriving in New York later than noon of that day. Returning the tickets will be goad for continuous passage on trains leaving New York on April 27 to May 6 inclusive. Tou will find at G. W. Schmidt's the oldest and the finest Pennsylvania pure rye and Kentucky sour and sweet mash whiskies: 95 and 97 Filth avenue, city, . 27 nr. tvtde, printed India silks, our regular $1 quality, reduced to 75e a yard. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. Sprint. Goods. For a good fitting suit go to Pitcairn's Tailoring Emporium, 434 Wood st. Tusu MEETINGS. -VTOTICE THE MEMBERS OF ALLE- GHENY Lodge No. 49, 1. O. O. F willas semble in Colfax Hall, 99 Fifth avenue, on MONDAY AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock, sharp, to attend the funeral of our late Brother P. G., W. B. McEwen. Members of sister lodges are invited to attend. By order of G. W. HOFFMAN, N. G. u. A-fiuijUfS, secy. apl4-S6 rpHE MEMBERS OF PITTSBURG EN f. JL UAilfJiiilN x JN o. 2, L U. O. '.. are hereby notified to meet at the hall, No. 99 Fifth ave nue, at 1:00 P. K. MONDAY, April 15. to attend the funeral of P. C. Patriarch W. B. McEwen. A. ACKERMAN, Chief Patriarch. Attest W. H. McCREABY. Scribe. apU-112 AUCTION SALES. UCTION SALE By order of the assignee, Mr. J. B. Niece, we will sell at anction on TUESDAY, April 18, at 10 o'clock, at 811 Market street, a consignment of 13 fine parlor suits of the latest design and coverings, embracing English rugs, French tapestries and high pile plushes, all of which were gotten up by an Eastern honse for their own trade, at a cost of from J100 to 1470, and must he sold to close up the business, by order of assignee. This is the finest assortment of parlor work ever offered for sale in Pittsburg, and a rare opportunity to those wanting a parlor suit. Also at the same time and place, chamber suits in oak, walnut and mahogany, wanfrobes, bookcases, desks, sideboards, hall racks, couches, hrussels, velvet andiingrain carpets, and housekeepingigoods. Sale to com mence on furniture at 10 o'clock. Goods jpay be seen morning of sale. w, HENRY AUCTION CO., ap!4-91 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE 90 BUILDING LOTS invKreiling's plan, Perrysvllle ave.. Tenth ward, Allegheny City, situated one-quarter of a mile this side of the terminus of the Federal street and Perrysvllle Electric Railway, ad joining the Watson property, commencing MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1889. at 2 o'clock P. M.. and continuing every Monday thereafter until sold. Sale positive, totthe highest bidders. Parties desiring to purchase a home or make an investment, should attend these, sales. Terms easy, to suit purchasers. For further Information and free Excursion tickets, call at SWINDELL & OTTEBSON'S STORE, cor. Federal and North Diamond sts., Allegheny City, or SMlTHSON & MOORE, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents, Room 58, Eisner Build ingcor. Fifth ave. and Wood St.. Pittsburg. H. KREILTNG, corner of Charles street and Irwin avenue. apl4-3G IMPERIAL CLUB RECEPTION EVERY THURSDAY EVENING, At Imperial Hall, Cor. Seventh ave. and New , Grant st. Music by the ROYAL ITALIAN and 1 McMichaels MOZART ORCHESTRAS CHRISTY. DANCING FROM 8 TO 2. ADMISSION 50c. YOU ARE INVITED, apll-128 T?OR SALE. WATSON PLACE." Subdivided into building sites, on line of OBSERVATORY HILL ELECTRIC RADL- WAY. For plans and particulars see SAMUEL WATSON. Office on the premises. Perrysvllle .avenue. Tenth ward, Allegheny Citv. from 8 to ,a.. n . a .. .r r A T TJOtIHlPI.Anll1 16 wl. aiiu. io o ar.ja. ui a. i. r-Aii xcuuox. No. 418 Grant street, Pittsburg. aplO-34 Walter J. osbokne. Richard babbows. BARROWS 4 OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street. Telephone No. SU se2-k5ta-rssu 93-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For'Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken Jor less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been -established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Lfit, and other transient ad vertisements will be Received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers ab-eady have account j with Tnx DIS PATCH. . prrrsBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35ifl Butler street. FJtllL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Fenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY CO., Wjrlle ave. and Fulton St. N. bTOXELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST BSD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenne. OAKLAND, MCALLISTER &SHEWLER,5thav. AAlwoodlL BOUTHSrPE. JACOB 8POHN. Ko, 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY;. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. ' H. J. McBRIDF, Federal and Ohio street. FEEDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGER3 t SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. 1 G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and' Beaver aves. 1'EKKY M . G LEIM.- Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Mule nelD. w ANTED A GOOD TINKER APPLY UKINAS A son, sewicsiey, l'a. api3-zz "VTTANTED PORTER FOB WOLESAIyE V drng house. Address W. G., Dispatch office. ' apU-63 WANTED-F1RST-CL ASS METAL PATTERN, maker. Address DRAWER No. 1054. ntts ourgir. u. ppi-o -YTTANTED-A MILK SHirPEB. APPIA" TO W CALLAHAN & CAWLEY, cor. Chestnut and Viceroy sts., city. ap!4-117 -TTTANTED-DRDG CLERK, MUST BE RELI VV ABLE and a man of experience. Address, DRUGS, Dispatch office. apl3-100 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COOPER. AP PLY WINTER & DELLENBACH, Abat toir, Herr's Island, Allegheny. apU-120 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN-MUST WRITE well, to collect and make himself useful In office. ROD 31 3, 103 Fourth ave. apU-100 -rTT-ANTED A FEW MORE YOUNG MEN. TO YV learn the art of ventriloquism. Address VENTRILOQUIST, Dispatch office, apl4-152 WANTED-CASE COLLAR MAKER ON Scotch and Irish work. Applv to W. L. BELL1S, 77 Michigan St., Cleveland, O. pl4-3 WANTED-MAN THAT CAN DO SOME RE PAIRS and drive wagon for furniture store. Aaaress L.. sifiUD, Beaver rails, ra, apn-.l ANTED-MONEY TO LOAN ON" BOND and mortgage: Ai and S per cent Interest. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. apl3-rs -TXTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BOL.TMAKEK, V to whom good wages will be paid. Address CHAMPION NVTLOCK CO., Peoria, 111. apH- WANTED A SALESMAN TO SELL grocers specialties in Pittsburg. Address with reference and experience, J. P., Dispatch office. I -apl4-8 WANTED-ONK GOOD, RELIABLE. SOBER agent to sell Scheme soap to families by the box on commission. Address P. S. CO.. P. O. Box 378. apl4-24 WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN and salesladies, for onr drygoodi depart ment. DANZIGER&SHOENBEBG,SlXthst.and Penn ave. apl4-9 -TTTANTED-AGOOD, RELIABLE AGENT TO YV carrv a side line of flavoring extraets: big Inducements. Address RAY CHEMICAL, CO., Klttannlng, Pa. apll-93 WANTED-GOOD, RELIABLE MEN TO sell household necessities, novelties and uxuries on easy payments, E. GATELY & CO., 2! Wylle ave. apl4-104 -TITAN TED-YOUNG MANEXPEELENCED.IN V the wholesale notion business. Address, with reference, stating age and experience, Y., Dispatch office. apl4-139 -TT AN TED-AGENTS -IRIDESCENT SIGNS YV and advertising novelties: Immense sales ana proms; outnt iree. auuikx' suis x uu., asalngton, D. C. . apl4-15 YTTANTED - IMMEDIATELY, ONE FIRST- clacs carriage woodworker: also carriage ?ialnter. Address T. B. VEACH, Hubbard, 'rumbull county, O. apl4-4 WANTED-A GOOD, RELIABLE CANVAS SER and collector. Apply ROOM 13, Ren shaws block, con Ninth and Liberty, Monday, between 8 and 9 A. M. apl4-71 WANTED-FIVE UNION HOUSE PAINT ERS: S3 per day. Apply Monday between 12 noon and 1 o'clock p. M., or 6 to 8 P. M., at M. PASTOR1US', 89 Twenty-second St., S. S. apl4-156 -TTTANTED TWO CARRIAGE TRIMMERS, YV two nrst-class carriage painters, one gen eral woodworker. Apply at once. xnvs. a, O'NEIL A CO., 5821-J ;-&S25Fe tenn ave., E. E. iapl4-30 -TT7ANTED-RELIABLE MEN OF GOOD AP W PEARANCE to sell silverware, lace cur tains, rugs, etc., on weekly payments; salary weekly. UNION CREDIT CO. , 103 Fourth ave. apl4-100. WANTED LITHOGRAPH PRINTER A llrst.class commercial transferrer can ob tain a steady situation with good salarv by apply ing to GIES A CO., lithographers, Buffalo. N. Y. apI3-&5 -TTTANTED-MAN OF GOOD ABILITY, WHO Y V can furnish undoubted reference, to fill a prominent and responsible position: state busi ness experience and age. Address X 69, Dispatch. apl4-99 -TTTANTED AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN YV the U. S. to sell our family Homeopathic medicines; steady work: can make f 12 to f 18 per week. DR. O'KEEFE & CO., Homeopathic chem ists. 34 Filth ave. and 428 Penn ave. apl4-144 WANTED FIVE ENERGETIC MEN TO solicit trade in Pittsburg and Allegheny; compensation liberal and place permanent to the right parties. Applyto S. W. HOLLAND, No. 6 Sixth street, Pittsburgh apll-47 WANTED-AGENTS-EXPERIENCED LIFE insurance or other solicitors can make 1 1.000 per month; opportunity of a century; terri tory anywhere: write for particulars; no competi tion; P. O. BOX2123 New York. apli-14 -TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD YV marble cutter and a first-class marble ?ollsher. Address, stating lowest wages will work or. no time for correspondence, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. . apl3-E0 -TTTANTED DRAMATIC ASPIRANTS BE W ING desirous of forming a social dramatic club, we would like to hear from Tonng men who wonld take an Interest In, and be willing to join us In forming such an organization. M. & D., Dispatch office. apl4-l7 TTTANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND YV granite salesmen; must have experience In this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh26-78 TTTANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S YV COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, latest and best shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic etc, thoroughly taught for fa per month: Instruction private lor both sexes; open dally 9 A. M. to 9 p. M. apl3-66-TTSSu WANTED-A BUSINESS MAN WITH GOOD reference to take the agency for Pittsburg to Introduce the greatest machine ever invented to clean scales out of boilers by electricity and magnetism. For particulars address HAKMEB & GLADING, lUOVlne St., Philadelphia, Pa. apl4-48 WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell onr goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers in our line: inclose 2-cent stamp: wnges S3 per dav; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati. Ohio. ap7-85-TTSSU WANTED-AGENTS TO HANDLE THE NEW patent chemical Ink eraslngpcncil; greatest novelty ever produced; erases ink in two seconds, no abrasion of paper: 2)0 to 500 per cent profit; hne airent's sales amounted to S63) in six davs: an other S32 In two hoars; territory absolutely free; salary to gooa jaca; uu utuies accu answer; sample Si cents. For terms and foil particulars address J. W. SKINNER& CO., Onalaska, Wis.. aplS-97 Female HelD. -TTTANTED-NEAT AND RELIABLE GIRL Y for general housework In small family. i77 Y.fc3TxJtn Avx.nvjiw Aiicgueuy. 'apis-si -TTTANTED-A WET NURSE-APPLY BE- il jmtTI?VV Vnnn nf t.1 nA ,.!. r 1ID E. it. HAWORTH, Hazelwood, B & o. By. ap!4-33 WANTED-WAIST AND SKIRT MAKER: -none hut thoroughly experienced hand need apply. 89 NINTH &TKEET, fourth floor; apH-141 -TTTANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE VV WORK: country girl prererred and refer ence required. Call Immediately at UX PENN AVE. apl4-119 TTTANTED-A GOOD COOK IN A BMALL YV family with good wages: must bring refer ence Apply at N O. 86 WASHINGTON STREET, Allegheny. apl4-12 w ANTED AN EXPERIENCED CODK TO IT assist Trim iftuuui; Hvik m b lamuf oi two: references required; good wages. Address IIT T I,I..aI, nffif. a.19JT .U, Wa, 1UJMIVH vw.vi ..,. M TTTANTEP-A MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO DO YV general housework: private family: can hare a good home: come well recommended. Ap ply MCGINN IS, HERLEHY fc CO., No. 439 Grant St. apl4-27 -TTT'AtfTED-LADY AGENTS-BEST LINE OF YV- ladles' and children's furnishing goods; two new inventions this spring: tioo monthly; stamp for catalogue. E. H. CAMPBELL 4 CO., 484 Randolph St.. Chicago. ap9-7S-TTSu WANTED. Frmnlo Help. -TTT ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED WAIST AND W skirt maker. Apply at 644 PENN AVE. WANTED-POSimON BY A GOOD CHEM IST; can give best of references. Address M. J., Dispatch office. apl4-53 -TTTANTEDGIRL-MUSTBEAGOOD COOK. W Inquire CORNER CRAIG ST. AND CEN TER AVE., BeUefield. ap!4-49 TTTANTED-A LADY CLERK FOR STORE IN W the country. Address S. P. FISHER, .Frisco, Beaver county, Pa. pH-2 Male and Female HelD. WANTED-2 DINING ROOM GIRLS AND i ..nir fn. n.ov.r T&iii. ftitfi !min naner- hangers. CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 71 Federal St., Allegheny. ap!4-63 WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN agents In every town: 10 for the city, to sell metal lamp wick, no trimming, cleaning, smoke or broken chimneys; sells on sight: big percentage: entirely new: sample 10c or three for fee Address KEYSTONE WICK CO., No. 90 Fourth ave.. room 6, Pittsburg. ap!4-64 -ITTANTED-AGENTS. MEN OB WOMEN, TO VV sell Missouri Steam Washer to families: ar guments in its favor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; wonts large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory: write for illustrated clrcnlar and terms. J. W ORTH, 4 Beekman, N. Y. no25-w80-su Situations. WANTED - POSITION AS COACHMAN Thoroughly understands care of horses, cows, etc.: single; good reference. Address J., R., Dispatch office. apI4-25 WANTED-A POSITION AS WAITER AT Innch counter or restaurant by young man oT experience; can give good reference. Address F. R., Dispatch office. apl4-U4 "TTTANTED SITUATION BOOKKEEPEB- Yt by a competeut and experienced man: best of reference; can fnrnlsh bond; speaks German. fi.a dress M. A. C. Dispatch office. ap!4-20 f WANTED-APOSITIONFORAFIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, stenographer and typewriter; any business bouse desiring the services of such a man shonld confer with us. THE COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCY, No. 163 Fifth avenue apl4-79 Formers. -TTTANTED-PAKTNER WITH FROM t3,W0 W to HOOO; young man with knowledge of bookkeeping prelcrred; business, light manufac turing, embracing a specialty: Tnoney required to meet the Increasing demands of the business. HOLLAND, Dispatch office. ap!4-148 Booms, Hontes, Etc -TTTANTED-3 UNFURNISHED BOOMS OR A VV small house 10 or 15 minutes from postoffice; out Fifth ave. preferred. Address G. P.. Dis patch office. ap!4-32 WANTED-TO RENT ONE EVENING EACH month, by a small club, room with use of piano. Address J. C. D., No. 10 Fayette Street. Pittsburg. Pa., stating terms. ap!4-62 Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED OCCUPANTS FOR UNFUR NISHED parlors; carpets anfl portieres onlv: facing the parks. Inquire at 23 MONT GOMERY AVE., Allegheny. apll-157 w ANT E D BOARDERS-SHADYSIDE-rootn with bftard. suitable formarried counle or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBER SON AVE..thlrd door froifl church. apl4-ll-W8u WANTED!-AT 261 NORTH AVENUE, facing Allegheny Park, gentleman oc cupant for first-class room, with use of bath; nrivate family, reference required. apl4-137 TTT ANTED OCCUPANTS FOR LARGE YV second-story front connecting rooms; well furnished with first-class board inprlvate family, close to East Parks. Address EAST PARKS, Dispatch office. apl4-118 FJnrincInl. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 45, 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. JaM-S-SU WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER & GLObSER, 419 Smlthfleld St. mh2S-7 -TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FBOM1T VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLE3 & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. 1al9-81 WANTED-PROPERTY OWNERS TO KNOW that we loan money at4K 5 and 6 cer cent without delay. REED B. COYLE & CO.. 131 Fourth ave. aplS-76-TTBSu WANTED-MOETGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN at 4,, S and 6 per cent on city and Alle gheny co. prooerty, no delay. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. apl3-95 WANTED MESMERISM STUDENTS TO learn its modus operandi: complete In struction guaranteed In one lesson: price S2. PROFS. EVANS & BRANDT, Hotel Printy, 332 Liberty st. Office hours from 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 P.M. apl4-136 WANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN all amonnts from S300 up to any amount: money at 4X, 5 and 6 per cent, as to amount and security; can furnish It on short notice and at small expense. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave nue. apl3-86 WANTED MOKTG AGES-tT, COO, OOOTO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and-on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M.-PENNOCK k SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-F ARTIES WHO HAVE MONEY to Invest In either large or small amounts to address, with full name, H. W., Dispatch office, who will call upon tbem-wlth an interest In a well-established business which will net them at least 12 per cent. apl3-79-Tussu WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4W per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK &-BA1RD, 93 Fourth ave. Je3-a9-su SliaceUaneonii. WANTED-STUDENT TO LEARN DENT ISTRY: must pay a fee. Inquire SPEN CER'S DENTAL ROOMS, 802 Penn ave. apl4-84 TTTANTEn-SCHOLARS FOR PRIVATE TU W TORINO: also In higher branches'niepar atory to college course. Address J, P. B., Dis patch office. ap!4-19 WANTED-SECOND-HAND CARPETS AND furniture: cash paid at your honse. Ad dress PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. aplO-82 -TTTANTED-PERSONS WISHING EMPLOY YV MENT or those in need of female help, call at EUREKA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 194 Washington ave., Allegheny. apl4-47 WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO SELL at onr salesrooms, or on the premises: sat isfaction guaranteed. PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. aplO-82 TTTANTED TO BUY OB BENT 6 TEAMS YV (horses and wagons): good summer's Job; light work: to travel with small show in Pa. only. Address SHOW, Box 25, East Brady, Pa. apl4-5 WANTED -HOUSEKEEPERS TO KNOW thatwe are selling household goods cheaper than any other honse In the city; terms cash. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93 Third ave. apl4-142 -TTTANTED-EVEBYBODY TO KNOW APRIL YV is the last month for cabinets at tl 00 per doz.'at ELITE GALLERY. 616 Market St., Pitts burg. Pa. ; come early; bring children; use eleva tor. apl-16 WANTED-YOUNlt LADIES TO LEARN dressmaking, cutting and fitting at GAH NIER'S DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING SCHOOL, 23 Sixth ave.; to secure positions call at once. ap!4-S3 -TTTANTED-EVEEYBODY TO KNOW THAT YV H. Terbeyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, B30 bmithfleld St. noll-irwpBu TTTANTED-CUSTOMEItS FOR CASH BAR YV GAINS Elgin.' sllverlne watches. S3,7, SS: Elgin gold ladles' watches. K0, 823, 825: nickel clocks 73 cts.: 1847 Rogers' knives and forks, 81 73 per set. JOHN MITSCH, Jeweler. 130 Federal st. apl3-MWTSU WANTED-THIS CERTIFIES THAT MR. L. L. Keller has been In onr employ in charge of our watch repairing, department for over three years past: -he is a very superior workman, and perfectly trustworthy ana reliable in every respect. Tiffany & Co. L. L. Kel ller's Horologlcal School offers exceptional in ducements to scholars applying at once; learn the business svstematicalty; if otherwise, you will be a botch like many, others, destroying people's property as long as you live; 1 enjoy the patronage of a discern! ncr nnbllc-tlmtannrecfaf a frond work manship and don't object to .going up 2 flights of .stairs with their orders, for they well know that my worKxnansnm can oe reuea on. Awaiting the favors of a discerning puhlic 1 am yours re spectfully. L. L. KELLER, 100 Fifth ave. Please cut this out and keep UXor 1 don't adver tlse this every day. apl4-37 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL E&TATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE CON GREbS ST. CHEAP 3-STORY brick dwelling. 9 rooms, hall, bath, range, -h. and c. water, marble mantels; awell-builthouse and good repair; terms to suit. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. apl3-93 FOR SALE ON CONGRESS ST., BRICK dwelling S rooms and finished attic etc. : also frame house of 5 rooms, kitchen and attic, etc., on Elm St.: lot 20x90 to Elm st. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl3-73 T7IOR SALE BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL J LEGE, new brick honse 8 rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete hnnfip. nil late lmnrovenienta- lot 93 foot Q Inohpa Kby 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 2U Bluff street. mhllr-2S-TTS8U pOR SALE WEBSTER AVENUE, NEAR fwuci ts Bdiccti jt,av4 uarK&iii eduu unci FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT, 629, FIFTH ave., at auction, estate ot John Schwelnstet ter, deceased: sale on piemlses Thursday, April 18, at 2 o'clock: lot 40x100: excellent brick bouse, six rooms, attic and cellar; immediate possession; open daily for Inspection from 1 till 6 o'clock; terms S2.UX) cash in ten days, balance to suit buyer: a grand chance to get a nice, cheery, com fortable home. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auction eers, St Federal st., Allegheny. ap!2-4l grocery: first-class location:; lot, S0X127, to K eat ing's alley: easy terms. J. E. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. anl3-93 FOR. SAI.B IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Cler Residences. FOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING house of s rooms on Logan St."; price only 4.2C0. O. BER1NGER S, SON. 103 Fourth ave. apl3-74-TUSSU FOR SALE-tl,400-ON LINE OF WYLIE AVE. cable new, 4-room honse with finished attic; a rare bargain. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ve. apl3-95 EOR SALE-A GOOD, BRICK DWELLING house of 7 rooms, bath, hall, vestibule, wash ise. etc., on Roberts St., U,ioO. C. BERINGEB &SON, 103 Fourth ave. apl3-74-TUSSu FOR SALE-FOUR-ROOMED BRICK HOU8E and finished attic; good-sized lot. on Roberts St.. near Center ave; price only 82,800. C. BER INGERjtSQN, 103 Fourth ave apl3-74-TUSSu FOR SALE-GRANDV1EW AVE., MT. WASH INGTON, several very desirable properties ranging in price from $L 000 up. For particulars see J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. plS-95 F IOR SALE-MLLLER STREET-GOOD BRICK dWPllinc nt T pnAmi hall Vptlhnlf frond cellar, both gases and water: S4.O0O: to suit. ALLES ABAltEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 107. apl2-80 FOR SALE-MT. -WASHINGTON A NUMBER of houses of from 3 to 8 rooms in different parts of Mt. Washington, ranging in prices from L 300 to p, 500. C. BEE1N GER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. aplS-74-Tussu F OR SALE 84,500 COMFORTABLE TWO STORY brink residence on Chatham street. near Wylle avenue; alley In rear. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-CLARK ST. DWELLINGS-TWO 8-room bricks at 3,M0 and HOO0;. one S-room brick at 83, 000, and one S-room brick at t2.800: call quick for a bargain. C. BERING ER bON, 103 Fourth ave. apl3-74-TUSSU TiHJR SALE-A BARGAIN-A CHATHAM 8T. JL. brick bouse 6 rooms, also two frame houses In rear, fronting on State; lot 20x96: rent 1340: 10 per cent net Investment. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avenue. apl3-95 East End Resiaencea. I 'OR SALE-A PROPERTY ON FIFTH AVE- .nuii, Oakland, opposite the power nouse. j. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. apl3-86 FOR SALE-SEVERAL.DWELLINGS VARY ING In price from t3,eoo to 86,800, near cable line, at Oakland. O. U.LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. apl3-86 FOR SALE-tl,200-FlVE-ROOMED FRAME dwelling: lot 22x130. Cedar st.; easy terms. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-64 F IOR SALE-ST. CLAIR STREET NEW STYLE o-roorn residence very handsome: 10142x107; frnlt and.flhAdf trees 1; price fi,86U. jiJjL.u.h BROS., 6349 btatlon St.. E. E, apl2-42-FSu TRWR SALE-82,600-FRAME DWELLING ON XJ Winthrop St., Oakland, lot 40x124 feet, one square from cable cars. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-S35.5C0-AN ELEGANT RESI DENCE, desirably located on a paved avenne with good sewerage In the heart of Shady side; lot 114x400 feet. W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. apl4-5S FOR SALE-ATWOOD ST.,OAKLAND,BRICK dwelling; mansard, 10 rooms, finished attic hall, bath, range, h.andc. water, porches; only 85,000 and easy terms. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 apl4-93 FOR SALE-il,200-TERMS fSOO CASH, BAL AN CE 8100 the first year and 8200 a year there after will buy a 4 room house with 2 acres of ground on Leamington avenue. W.O..STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. apl4-58 FOR SALE-81.SC0 EACH-THREE SIX-ROOMED frame dwelling houses. Just completed, InBrushton; nice lot 15x100; easy terms. STRAUB t MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave nue, Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-EAST END, PITTSBURG, 22K acres fronting on finished paved avenue with large house tenant honse and outbuilding at only 818,500; long time payments. ED W1TTISH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. aplO-33-MThrsn FOR SALE-R1PPEY STREET-NEW DESIGN brick residence large rooms, bath; every modern convenlence;street paved, sewered and flagstone sidewalks: lot 46x120: nrlce 86,600. MEL LON BROS. , 6349 Station St., ET E. apl2-43 FOR SALE-TWO VERY HANDSOME RESI DENCE properties on Hllandavenue; prices (13.000 and (20,000: all particulars furnished on ap plication to STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood su and Third avenue Pittsburg, Pa. apl4-M OR SALE 85,800 ALMOST NEW TWO- STORY brick dwelling of 8 rooms: finished in good stvle; sltnated corner Ward and Wllmot streets, Oakland. STRAUB & MORRIS, Corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apl4-61 TCTOR SALE-S16.000-SUBSTANTIAL NEW JJ and attractive brick residence of l2rooms,wlth large lot; nothing better lor the money In the East End; Is desirably located on one of the main avenues. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. apl4-56 FOR SALE-8500 CASH AND EASY MORTGAGE-We will build you a house to suit yonrselfononeof those Alllnder Place lots, one minute from Homewood Btatlon: send for list and plan. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. apl2-4t , TT'OR SALE-811,000-ON EASY TERMS WILL Jj buy one of the finest residences in East End. having 12 rooms, all modern Improvements: largo lot on a paved and sewered street; a minutes from station. REEDB. COYLE&CO., 131 rourth ave. apl3-72 FOR SALE-88,000 EACH Or 811.000 FOR THE two two-story brick dwelling just completed, finished with all modern Improvements, situated on Meyran avenue Oakland. STRAUB & MOR RIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pltts hurg. , apI4-34 FOR SALE-S7.500-NIAGARA ST., SECOND house from Craft ave.; two squares from cable cars: lot 100x200: frame dwelling 8 rooms, vestibule ball, porches.Ccellar, both gases, etc.; carriage house and stable; neighborhood first class. ALLES k BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave.ftele phone 167. ap 12-82 FOR SALE-88.500-NEW PRESSED BRICK dwelling of 10 rooms; hardwood finish, cabi net mantels and all modern conveniences; de ferred payments carried at AH per ceut:property situated on Ellsworth avenue, E. E. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue l'lttsljarg. . apl434 ORSALE-H500-NEW FRAME RESIDENCE of 8 rooms, bath room, laundry, cemented cellar and all modern conveniences; situated on Cedar avenue, one square from Llbertv avenue and five minutes' walk from cable cars. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. ap!4-64 I7IOB SALE-$8,O00-TERMS TO SUEC PUR ? CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 roomand bath on second, 3 attic roolns and all conveniences: well finished thronghont; desirably located In Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. apl4-SS FOR SALE-t7,500-TERMS 31,000 CASH. BAL ANCE 825 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences: is ele gantly finished and located In one of the most de sirable neighborhoods In the East End. W. C. SI E WART, 114 Fourth ave. apl4-S6 -TTW)R 8ALE-AT 87, 000-A COMPLETE EAST J End residence gust finished); 9 large com plete rooms; well finished; pantry, laundry, bath, 2 w. c. ; front and back stairway: both kinds of gas; lot 40x121 feet; on Summerlea sttrone square from Ellsworth ave. ; near steam and cable cars; terms made to suit purchasers. W. A. HER BON k SONS, 80 Fourth ave aplO-27-Tnwsu T7OR SALE-810.000-TERMS TO SUIT PUR JC CHASER: new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and batb on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has fine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot: located on a paved avenue lp a well-lm- S roved and desirable neighborhood. W. C. TEW ART. 114 Fourth ave. apl4-56 Hazelwood Residences. TTlOR SALE-81.400-HAZELWOOD, NEAR STA ID TION, frame house 4 rooms, kitchen, pantry, etc. ; well of good water at kitchen door; easy term s. J. R. COOPER k CO. , 107 Fourth ave. apl4-93 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE - 810,000 ALMOST NEW TWO story brick dwelling, sltnated near the park on Buena Vista street. Allegheny; house thorough ly modern. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third ave, Pittsburg. ap!4-54 FOR SALE-85,500-TWO-STOKY BRICK dwelling of eight rooms,, bathroom, range, cemented cellar, side alley, etc.; situated No. 73 Perry St., Allegheny. STRAUB & MORRIS, cor ner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apit-iM FOR SALE-A1 NUMBER OF DWELLINGS located on Ridge ave, Lincoln ave., North aver, and otbergood streets in Allegheny. Parties desiring to purchase will find It to their interest to see V. CT STEWART, 114 Fourth ave., Befoie buying. apl4-56 FOE SALE-87.500-TWO-STOKY AND MAN SARD brick dwelling, situated on Sampson St., Second ward. Allegheny, containing 9 rooms, laundrv, bathroom, etc; lot 25 feet front. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave.t Pittsburg. ap!4-34 TTIOH SALE-fB,000-EASY TERMS, JS'EW, SUB J? STAN1IAL, attractive Queen Anne dwell ing, containing 11 rooms and all conveniences: lot 50x160 feet, located in a desirable neighborhood In lower part of Allegheny. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth avenne. apl4-B6 FOR SALE-85,600 NEW PRESSED BRICK dwelling of eight rooms, all modern con veniences; situated on Klrkpatrick avenne Sec ond ward. Allegheny: corner lot, and every room light. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner W.ood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. ap!4-51 FOR SALE-80.BOO-BRICK .RESIDENCE ON Jackson street; everything In ffrst-class order; house now rented for 500. per year; so will pay as an an Investment Ifnot wanted for a home STRAUB fc MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-34 FOR 8ALE-t8,"00O-THAT ELEGANT "NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rgpms, batb, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all lm- Srovements, located on Ackley st.. head ot lonterey st. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth are. anl4-C6 FOR SALE-AT A BAHGAIN-A NEW HOUSE of handsome design with all modern Improve ments, McCllntoek ave , Allegheny, near new electrio road, having 6 mil-sized rooms finished attic halL vestibule inside shutters, large pantry, cedar, china and other large closets, elegant gas fixtures, slate mantels, electric bells, both gases, city water, laundry with stationary tubs, bath, Inside w. c.'and statlonaryw. s.; furnace In cellar: plumbing and drainage the best; house finely pa pered throughout; porches, slate roof, and lot 0xl35. REED B. COYLE k CO.. 131 Fourth ave. apl3-72 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-A' 2-STORY FRAME HOUSE OF 4 rooms; lot 22x123 feet, on McNaugher ave, near Lombard St.. Allegheny City. LASHELL & RANKIN. 07 .Fourth ave. r FOR SALE 83,000 TWO-STORY FRAME dwelling on Jackson St.. Allegheny: lot 21X170 feet. STRAUB k MORRIS, coruenAVood St. and Third averPlttsburg. ap!4-54 FOR SALE AN ELEGANT BRICK RESI DENCE of 9 rooms on River ave., near Ninth st. brldie Allegheny: price only 88,500. C. BER INGER&SON, lOaLFonrthave apl3-74-Tnssn FOB SALE-FRAME HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, hall and cellar: lot 28x80 feet; side alley; on Beaver ave.. Allegheny: price only S3.300. LASHELL k RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. apl4-41 FOR 8ALE-8L600-ALMOST NEW PRES3ED brick dwelling or 8 rooms, situated on Klrlt patrlckavenue Second ward, Allegheny. STRAUB & MORRIS, cornet Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-34 FOR SALE $8,500 THREE-STOKY BRICK dwelling on River avenue near Sandusky St., inside shutters, bathroom, marble mantels, etc. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pittsburgh ap!4-54 FOR SALE-TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING on Monterey street. Allegheny, containing 9 rooms. Inside shutters, bathroom, two inside w. c, laundryj cemented cellar, summer screens, etc. ; also on alley In rear two-story brick dwell ing; price for the two, 9,000. srRAUB k MOR RIS, corner Wood st.-ttnd Third ave, Pittsburg. apll-54 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT CORAOPOLIS, P. & L. E. R. R., dwellings, large and .small: also a large number of desirable building sites and lots. LASHELL k RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. apl4-41 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIEABLESUBURBAN home at Ingram; new; 8 rooms: laundrv. nat gas: porches; lot 50x140; variety of fruit: 82,650: very easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL k BRO.. 103 Fourth ave. ap!4-74 " FOR SALE-SUMMER COTTAGE AT POINT Chautauqua, N. Y.thanasomeSwlsscottage 9 rooms, grates, nice grounds, boat house bath, ete.:83,2M. Applyto J. A. DALY, H9 West ave, Rochester, N. Y. apl4-2 FORSALE-3,200,WESTBELL.EVUFDWELL-ING of six rooms; grounds handsome: fine river view: natural gas: stable on premises: lot 75x102. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-S4 FOR SALE-S9.000-HANDSOME RESIDENCE on "The Ridge " at Ingram. We also have several other desirable homes for sale at Ingram at lower figures. STRAUB MO BRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenne Pittsburg. ap!4-54 FOR SALE-AT CORAOPOLIiJ, P. k L. E. R. R., house of eight rooms, orchard, etc. ; 1 acre of-gronnd; price 83.000; also 2 small houses, 3 and 4 rooms each; lot 75x150 feet: price only 1 1.400. LASHELL k RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. ap!4-41 FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL DE SIRABLE residence properties at Ingram, Crafton, IdlewoQd. Beilerne. Hawkins and many other suburban stations; give us a call. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue Pittsburg. apll-54 FOR BALE-W1LK1NSBURG, HEAR STA TION, new frame dwelling 7 rooms, re ception hall, nat. gas, good cellar, etc. ; lot 52x 120; will be sold at a bargain; small cash payment and 10 vears on the balance. J. K. COOPER k CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap!4-93 F" IE SALE-8400 CASH BALANCE ON monthly navments. six-roomed frame dwell ing, with halL pantry, finished attic, etc.; two minutes' walk from station at Ingram. Pa. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave , Pittsburg. apM-51 TCIOR SALE-H500-WE HAVE TWO VERY JD nice bomes for sale at this price situated one at Ingram, the other at Crafton: fine view from both houses: both thoroughly modern and hand some. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pittsburg. apl4-4 FOR SALE-SEVERAL. HOUSES AND LOTS at Wllfctusbnrg, Brnshton, etc., at less than their real value at the present time varying In price from 81, 250 np to 85,000: many of these prop erties are very desirable and will meet with ready sale. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. apll-21-Thssu FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. FOR SALE BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff st. mhlO-28-TTSSu TTIOR SALE-VACANT LOT, GOOD SIZE, ON Jl Reed St.: price only 8350: also a number on Watt St., near Dinwiddle St., from 8300 to 8600 each. C. BERINGER k SON, 103 Fourth ave. aplS-74-TusSu FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS; ONLY 4 MIN UTES from Court House, one square from Fifth ave. cable line and In locality that Is rapidly Improving; 4 good building lots. 20x90 each, at a bargain and easy terms. J. ft. COOPER k CO., 107 Fourth ave. apl3-95 FOR SALE-LOT FBONTING 58 FEET ON Fifth avenne one square from Court House; one of the best xropertles now in the market; roust be sold within 30 days, as the owner Is going to leave the city on account of falling health. SPENCER&GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfleld st. apll-98 East End Lots. TTIOR SALE-SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS DESIR JD ABLY lrtatsd on Fifth ave., Shadyslde. W. C. STEWABf, 114 Fourth ave apl4-58 FOR SALE A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST lots In the East End: will par von to see us before buying. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave apl4-5S FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST BUILDING sites on Fifth avenue near Shadyslde; will sell for less than market value. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap!3-S8 FOE SALE-16.i ACRES ON LEMINGTON avenue, near Lincoln avenue East End; a very desirable property to subdivide Into lots, C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. apl86 FOR SALE-8300VACANT LOT, NO. 993 Fifth avenue, Soho. near Oakland: terms to salt purchaser. srRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street and Thlyl ave., Pittsburg, ap 14-54 FOR SALE -85.209- HANDSOME CORNER lot, 68x222corner of Thomas street and Lin den avenue. Boulevard place. E. E. Sl'RAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. ap 14-34 FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. K. R., convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 8406 to 8000. Inquire orD. 0. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no28-y78 tiWR SALE-S800-LEVEL LOT, 25X124 FEET. JD situated near corner of Ward and Wllmot streets, Oakland; this Is 300 less than real value to effect a prompt sile STRAUB &-MOR.KI3, corner Wood st, and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apll-54 I71OR SALE-S300 EAOH-DES1RABLEBUILD-JD ING lots, Nineteenth ward, 5 minutes to cable cars, on which we will (if desired) build dwelling houses on easy terms. STRAUB k MOR RIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue Pitts burg. . apl4-54 FOR SALE-DON'T DELAY, BUT ACT quickly, and secure one of those desirable building lots. Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brushton station: 60-root streets: good walks and no citv taxes. Full Information, from JOHN F, BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld street. apl4-81-wssu FOR SALE THE HANDSOMEST LOTS IN the East End; "Falrmount place" overlook ing the whole valley ; no small lots and no small houses near: inducements to early buyers who will erect good dwellings. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-54 and will sell rapidly at a handsome profit: this nronertv can be oonght (If annlled for ouick) for 10,uOO: it will mako over 150 lots of 20x100 feet each, and will sell easily from 8150 to 8500 each as l-U lUUaklUll, A-tv.UU, AAv,Ui tu 3 IUV1UCUI n iui la It myself, a H. LOVE, No. JB Fourth avenue. apl3-86 FORSALE-12ACRESOFGROUNDSUITABLK for laying out in lots. Is perfectly level, well elevated and desirably located In the heart of tho East End. In a neighborhood that will undoubt edly be strictly first class; within 10 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars: has over 3,000 feet of frontage; owner was asking 83,500 an acre, but will take 82,500 an acre if sold by May 1: terms, to suit purchaser. W. O. STEWART. U4 Fourth ave. apl4-36 Allegheny Lois. FOR BALE-14,56o-BLOCK OF LOTS. 173x125. situated corner Fayette and Manhattan sts,, Allegheny. STRAUB & MOKRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-SEVEN LOTS SITUATED ON btraub's lane. Thirteenth ward: prices from 83001OS600: terms to suit. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apll-54 . . FOR SALE-AT PRICESTO SU1T-WE HAVE secured and wfrrthls week offer ior sale the lots surrounding the Henderson mansion, at head of Incline plane; all lots have 23 feet front and command a magnificent view of the citv: call' early and get first ehoipe. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. ap!4-34 Snbnrbnn Lot. FOR SALE-SLIOO-ONE OF THE FINEST lots at Sherldin station, size 100x150, situated nearstatlon. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood street add Third avenne Pittsburg. ap!4-54 FOR SALE 'A BARGAIN' 2 LOTS 25X189 Barghlmer St., -on township side with nat ural gas and water: one minute from electric road: easy terms. Call on P.F.FORNEY, 1822 Sidney St. ap!4-132 FOR SALE-LOTS' AT EMS WORTH, CON VENIENT to station: one of the finest loca tions on the Fort Wnyne road; large, beautiful lots atlow prices; call audseeplan. J. R. COOPER k CO., 107 Fourth ave - apl3-93 rOR.SALE-200 FINE BUILDING LOTS ON Lincoln avenue, borough or Avalon, only S minutes' walk from Avalon station. P., Ft. W. k C. R. K., and 10 minutes' ride from city, on line of projected electric road; price irom (200 to 8400 each; terms 825 cash and balance in monthly pay ments, without interest. GRAEBING k LYON, 133 Fourth avenue apll-94 Farms. TCTOB BALE 147 ACRES SITUATE IN WEST JU MORELAND county. IK miles northeast of Ardara station.- only 18 in lies from Pittsburg; has 30 acres of coal, Is good wheat or stock farm; well watered: house of 5 rooms, large bank barn: land Is rolling, and all under cultivation: price 810,0(0; this is the best farm for tbe money on the Penna. B.B. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap!4-8 FOR SALE LOTS. Forma. FORSALE-424 ACRES VALUABLE.TIMBER land In Westmoreland county, six miles from Llgonlerand six miles from Derry; would ex change fir Pittsburg or Allegheny property. GEO. JOHNBTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. ap!3-18 17IOB SALE-29 ACRES AND 84 PERCHES ON J Brownsville road, about one mile beyond White Hall and near White Hall station, B. O. R. R.; will sell for less than its value, and on very easy payments If desired. C.fl. LOVE. "o. 93 Fourth avenue. apl7-8S T7OR SALE-200 ACRES AT ARDARA STA ID TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Pittsburg (as a whole or to suit pnrchaser). has a large sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and aoout 100 acres of level land suitable for man ufacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Baps, k Co.. and only .five miles from the new Weftlnv house Works at Wllmerdlng. W. a STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. apl4-58 F; R SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR GRAZING and stock farm. In Fanauler county. Vlr- finia. 40 miles south ot Washington city, one mile rom V, arrenton Junction, Virginia II. R. R. : LOOS acres: highly Improved, well watered, hand some residence with modern Improvements, stone grist mill, cattle honse etc.; this valuable property will be sold as a whole or in two parts at a sacrifice. Address A. N. BASTABLE. a West North ave.. Baltimore. ap2-8S-TT8Sn F IOR SALE 41.250 ACRES BATH COUNTY, .Uh fflMG, IM J,,.,,., u, ,......,. a..,. u, ,j. oeecu, cues.nut, uiac-. "oiuui, ,w,, wuiuumuusi on river; 4 miles from C. k O. K. K.: will Join same by tram road or float to H. R.: all underlaid with Iron ore, very salable, 3 miles distant: title good: price only 81 50 per acre: easy payments: a few thousand dollars will secure this, the cheapest of all timber and mineral tracts. E. H. BUTER BAUGH, Homer City, Pa. ap!4-45 Miscellaneous. FOE 8ALE-OR EXCHANGE FOE WESTERN Improved lands nropertv and established business In Pittsburg worth '820.000. XD TO TIS1I, 410 Grant st.. Pittsburg. Pa. aplO-32-MTWTSU FORSALE-OK EXCHANGE-THOSE BEAU TIFUL grounds known as "Neshannock Falls Park," containing 10 acres, on line of railroad: easy access to citv: picnics held dally during sum mer seasonr very attractive for summerboarders; fine buildings and drives; splendid boating and fishing; very cheap and a paying investment to xne ngnc parcy. uAJULDinu k LTON, 135 Fourth ave. apia-arm-sn FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. TTIOR SALE-STORE ON THE MAIN BUSt JD NESS street orNew Castle Pa., doing 810,000 business per year; capital required about f 5,000; terms easy; good reasons for selling. Address C .uaress j. apl4-65 x. a., juspaun omce. -TTOK SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCERY JC stores in Allegheny and Pittsburg at low prices: drug stores, cigar rtores, bakeries, con tectlonerles, boarding houses, shoe stores, print ing office coal works, gents' furnishing store hotels; all good business openings. SHEPARD k CO., 54 Fifth ave. ap9 FOR SALE-RETAIL FURNITURE STORE A splendid business opportunity in the thriving city of East Liverpool, Ohio; the owners desiring to engage in tbe manufacture of a pat ented specialty, offer a splendid bargain: the op fiortunity of a lifetime to step Into a well-estab-lshed trade LOCK BOX 72, East Liverpool, O. apl2-13 Business Stands, FOR SALE-tS.750, TERMS TO SUIT, BUYS 107 Grant St.; business property: store and S rooms and hall: blir bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. sp!2-80 TJWR SALE-10,00OTHBEE BRICK AND J? two frame houses, situated on Beaver ave nne Allegheny, now renting for 8878 per annum. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE., PITTSBURG, Pa., 125 ft. front, extending back 150 ft., more or less, to 50-ft. street; close to Court House: only 8375 per front foot. ED WITT1SH, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. aplO-31-MWTSu FOR SALE -83,500 DESIRABLE BUSINESS property on Beaver avenue: lot IS feet front and alongside alley: rents for $300 a year: posses sion or not, as desired. STRAUB k MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenne, Pittsburg. apl4-54 FOR SALE-810O,0O0-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of property suitable for retail trade in Pittsburg; owner has been holding for f 140,000, but will take the above price if sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. apl4-S3 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERI Y on Fourth ave. : also a number of pieces on Penn ave., bmlthfield st. and other good streets: will take pleasure In giving full par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth are. apl4-3S FOR SALE-2 BUSINESS HOUSES, ON A good business street in Allegheny City; wilt sell them both for 3.000 if applied for soon, this property is worth 810,000 to-day, and will only be oflered at this low price for a few days; this is a good investment and sure to Increase in value. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave apll-21-Thssu Mannfocturlnt; Sites. FOR SALE-AT SHERIDAN STATION. P., O. k Si. L. R. R., 11 acres or land; soluble for manufacturing or building sites. LASHELL k RANK1N.7 Fourth ave. ap!4-41 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock, etc FOR SALE-ALIGHT FAMILY BAROUCHE, nearly new; a bargain. WILSON& BROS., West Diamond St.. Allegheny. apl2-85-Tursu FOR SALE-ONE BREWSTER SPRING BUG GY, in good repair; win be sold cheap. In quire of A. JACKMAN, 630 Penn ave. apl4-78 FOR SALE-CHEAP-DOCTOR'S BUGGY, IN good repair. Apply to Dr. R.JENNINGS, JR., 215 First avenue abbve Grant St. ap!4-134 TTIOR SALE-A BAY' MARE-CAN TROT IN JD 2:40: Is sound and kind; will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. JACKMAN, 630 Penn ave. ap!4-73 FORSALE-A BROWN HORSE-CAN TROT IN 2:50. and a good saddler: Is sound and kind; will be sold cheap. Inquire of-A. JACKMAN, 530 Fenn ave. apl4-78 FOR SALE-FINE BAY HORSE; 3 YHS. OLD; verv fine mover and shows speed: don't scare at any thing: price S20O. Can be seen at SPENCER& W1LLIS0N'SV28 Cedar ave., Alle gheny City, Pa. apl4-148 FOR SALE A GOOD GRAY TEAM OF draught horses and one black driving horse. THOMAS CARLIN'b SONS, Lacock and San dusky sts., Allegheny. apl2-50 FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL SMALL SHET LAND pony, cart and harness for sale: pony black. 4 yrs. old, well broke gentle and pretty. Can be seen at ELMORE AND MURRY'S SALES STABLES, Duquesne way, near Sixth st., city. ap!4-43 FOR SALE-3 HORSES AND PEDDLER'S wagon will be sold at Bhodes and Wagner's; auction sale 77 Federal st., Allegheny, on Tues day. April 16, at 4 o'clock; sale of goods begins at 10 o'clock. A. LEGGATE tt SON, Auctioneers. apl3-26 machinery and Metals. TTIOR SALE-WEHAVE FOR BALE A LARGE P lot of No. 1 second-hand engines andbollers, ah sizes, from 2 n, p. up, taken in exchange for new; we got them cheap and tbeywill go cheap: also new engines and boilers, every size and style at rock bottom prices. HARME'S MACHINE DEPOT. 97 First ave. fe3-y778u Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 2,000 SAWED LOCUSTIPOSTS. Inquire of Z. W. OARMACK, Brownsville wbarfboat, foot of Smlthfleld st. apll-19 OK SALE-NOTION, SCHOOL BOOK AND wall paper store doing excellent trade: will Invoice about 81,200. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. apl4-5B-Tusu TjWK SALE-AN ODORLESS EXCAVATING S2 apparatus, tank, pnmp and hose in very good condition; very cheap. H. E. STOVER, 2312 Broad St., Altoona, Pa. ap!4-34 OR SALE-SAFES-A LARGE NUMBER OF second-hand safes of small and medium sizes which we have received In exchange. We will sell them at low prices, ranging from (25 upward, tfellvered at your nearest railroad depot. Send for particulars. STANDARD MFG. CO.. Sixth and Baymlller St.. Cincinnati, O. mhl7-80-su FOR SALE FURNITURE, HORSE. BUGGIES, etc., 629 Fifth avenue at anction, FRIDAY, April 19, at 2 o'clock. There are lace curtains, Brussels carpets, secretary, wardrobes, marble top dressing bureau, washstxnd and tables, bedsteads, mattresses, sola, hair seat and cane seat chairs, lounge clocks, barrack, pictures, aquarium, plants, two superior leather top buggies, nearly new, driving mare, several dozen stonemason tools, cement, harness, etc., etc. A. LEGGATE k SON, Auctioneers. apl2-41 TTIOR SALE -CONFECTIONERY STOCK AT JD auction; the wholesale and retail confection ery or Rhodes k Wagner, 77 Federal St., Alleghe ny.' declining business, will be sold to tbe trade on Tuesday, April 15, at 10 o'clock: great variety of confectionery and material used in manufac turing, nuts, fruits. Cigars, canned goods, orna ments, fine store fixtures. Counters, show cases, scales, furnaces, bakers' supplies, boards, molds, knives, etc.. In endless assortment: three horses, large peddling wagon, harness, etc.? etc.; every thing must he sold without reserve: retail confec tioners specially invited. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. 7 ap!3-26 LOST. LOST-ON FRIDAY AT B O'CLOCK P. M. ON Federal street, Allegheny, a silk umbrella marked "J. T.M." Finder please return to J. T; MYLER, at Nation's Bank, 43 N. Diamond st. apl4-130 LOST-FRIDAY EVENING-POCKETBOOK, between Marvin's and cable car, containing money and papers. Suitable reward If returned toDUFATCirOFFIOE,or45 BOYLE ST., Alle gheny apl4-17 LOST-ON 1ITH INST., IN WORKINGMAN'3 Saving Bank or Ohio street. Allegheny City, lady's pocketbook containing sum of money and cards with owner's name. A reward of 3wlll be paid by returning to WOBKINGMAN'S SAV ING BANK, or 38 MORGAN ST., Allegheny. RESORTS. Atlantic City. fTTHE ISLESWORTH. JL ATLANTIC CaTY. N.J, On the boach, sea end of vlrginl avenue Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9. 1SS9. fal3-72-JTWX3u BUCEAMcCLELLAN. TO LET. CUv Residences. TO LET-HOUSK OF 12 ROOMS ON SECOND ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 63 Fourth ave ap!3-13 rpO LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN ROOMS ON JL Penn ave ; all modern Improvements. GEO. JOHN STO N, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. apl3-13 TO LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN ROOMS ON Third ave.; all modern improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. apl3-18 East End Residences. rpO LET A NICE HOUSE IN GOOD LOCA X -TION, bath, pantry, ball and 5 rooms. Bond street, 2 sqnares from Hlland avenue: 820 per month. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. . apiu-vi'iuu T Allegheny Residences. rnO LET NO. 33 LOCUST ST ALLEGHENY JL CITY, a good 8-room brick house with mod ern Improvements. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave nue apl3-8g rpO LET-HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS ON MON- a. XES,I St.. AlicgueuT.ai, luuuctd improve- ments: nneiy nnisnea. ucjj. juiuhiu.- Agent. 62 Fourth ave. apl3-18 TO LET GOOD 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, Klrkpatrick ave, Allegheny; bath, laundry, w.c. large yard; 826; no water tax. W. W. Mo NE1LL BRO., 103 Fonrth ave apl4-74 TO LET-BKICK HOUSE. HALL AND 1 rooms: grained, sewerage; No. 191 Fulton St., Allegheny: $22 per mo.J-.M.STONER,No. 22 Bake well Building, cor. Grant and Diamond. ap9-48 TO LET ALLEGHENY HOUSES - NO. Frazlerst.. 6 rooms, 821; No. 23 Klrkpatrick ave.. 8 rooms, 822; No. 2d2 Federal St.. 4 rooms, 820: N o. 68 Hamlin St. , 2 rooms, 19 50; Harrison St., 4 rooms, 811; 193 South aye, 4 rooms. 812; McDon ald St.. Eleventh ward. 6 rooms, 818. A. LEG GATE k SON, 31 Federal st. apl3-28 Suburban Residences. ' TO LET-AT INGRAM STATION. HOUSE OF six .rooms. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. t Fourth ave. apl3-18 O LET HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS, WfTH 10 acres ground, at Ingram station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave apl3-18 TO LET AT INGRAM. PA., HOUSE OF 5 rooms, large lot, good water; convenient to station, churches and schools. Inquire ot T. A. INGRAM, Ingram, Pa., P.. C. k St. L. B. B. ap!4-22 TO XET-DWELLING HOUSE AT INGRAM station, P. C. t St. L. R. R., six rooms, fin ished attic excellent cellar: lot 50x120. Inquire ,or PERCY F. SMITH, 65 Virgin alley, Pittsburg. apl3-87 TO LET-HOUSE 10 BOOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc., near Patterson station, P.O. i Y. B. B.. and Crafton, P. a k St. L. R. R. In quire of B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa., or ad dress F. C. BIGGERT. Rochester. Pa. mh2I-68 TO LET MY HOUSE THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage house two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-3 T) LET-OR FOR SALE-AT EMSWORTH A handsome residence of 8 rooms, finished attle natural gas, slate mantels, inside shutters; X-acre lot, beautifully laid out; soft spring water; every- -thing new, In first-class order; situate on Beaver road, and approach to Clifton station. Inquire on. premises. THOS. BARRETT. apl4-46-wa Vwcmm. fTIO LET THE BEST GARDEN FARM" AT MC X KEE'S Bocks. .Inquire No. 638 LIBERT r ST., Pittsburg. ' mb7-84-Z0D Apartments. TO EET-SUTTjil OF ROOMS. SUITABLE FOB light housekeeping. GEO. JOHNSTON,' Agentt 62 Fourth ave. apl3-18 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE MEN; both gases. 137 SECOND AVE., od poslte Homeopathic Hospital. apl4-10 TO LET THE THREE UPPER FLOORS Ol No. 831 Smlthfleld street. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue Pittsburg. apl4-54 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OB without board, suitable for two gentlemen, with use of bach tin a nrivate family. so.7DiVr3 STREET, near WyUe ave. apl4-60 TO LET ROOM HANDSOMELY FUR NISHED with latest style furniture over looking large lawn; gentlemen preferred. 2S2 WESTERN AVE.. Allegheny. apll-98 TO LET BOOMS FACING PARK. SECOND story front room with alcove furnished or unfurnished, wltn or without board: references exchanged. 169 NOKTH AVE., Allegheny. apl2-33 TO LET ELEGANT NEW FURNISHED rooms for gents only In the large new build ing on tbe corner of Boyd and Watson sts. r refer ence required. Inquire on the premises. F. HERMES. apl4-123 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM SECOND floor front: private house with board If de sired; convenient to both cable roads and East Liberty station; gentlemen only. J. W., Dis patch office. ap!4-97 Business Stands. T IO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with oasem en t-133 .First ave. inquire of HUNT k CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mai-H npO LET POSSESSION GIVEN AT ONCE -JL store and dweUlng 4014. formerly used as dry goods store. Inquire SAM'L. L. PATTERSON, ao Butler street. apl4-57 T IO LET-STOBEEOOMS-ON CORNER PENJT ana xnira street. 44 Fourtn street. 85 Robin- . son street, Aiiegneny; goua Business stands: rent low; some uniurnisneu rooms. Innulre at 44- FOURTH STREET. apl4-105-Mwrsa TO LET-LOT OF GROUND. WITH LIME kiln: Southslde: 200x282. on Monongahela, river: switch connection P. 4.L. E. K. R.: con venient for coke ovens, board yard or manufact ory: will be leased for term of years, with privi lege of purchase. GEORGE W. BURGWIN. 130 Fourth ave apl4-28-TTSSn PERSONAL. EBSONAL-BOOKS WANTED IF YOTJ ' bave one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. TeSO PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUE WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; -facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring; styles now ready. Telephone 1538. mhs BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood St JUST RECEIVED. The Wonderful Pijr Puzzle, only 10a 1,000 Home Series Novels, only 8c. 6 Bottle Silver Plated Castor, only 8L Sheffield Silver Plated Knives, only 10a. Sheffield Silver Plated Tea Spoons, only 3a, . No. 6 Copper Bottom Tea Kettle, only 28c. S No. 6 Copper Bottom Wash Boiler, only 89o No. 7 Galvanized Iron Tez Kettle, only 60c - No. 8 Galvanized Iron Tea Kettle, only 69c. ' No. 9 Galvanized Iron Tea Kettle, only 81c ) 2 Quart Covered Palls, only 5c. 1 (Jtrart Coffee Pot, only 6c Tin Cnspadors, Decorated, only 5c. Acme Fry Pans, only 6c 6, 7 and 8 lb. Flat Irons, only 25o each. Set of Flat Irons (3 in set), only IL r, Tjnhandled Tea Cops and Saucers (8 In ietV 30c t Handled Coffee Cups and Saucers (8 Inset),' 60c Tea, Breakfast and Dinner Plates, only 6a . each. 10 Piece Decorated Chamber Set, only 2 25. 14 Piece Decorated Chamber Set, with Jar, only So. 100 doz. Sq, Gold Band Fruit Saucers, only 6a 60 doz. Gold Band Bone Dishes, only 10c each. A. Beautiful Lamp, Decorated Shade, worth. (i. only 32 60. 100 doz. Patz Pomade, sold everywhere at 10c, only 5c 60 doz. Flush Hand Mirrors, worth 50c, only 25c. 25 doz. Ladles' Hand Bags, 25c to Jl. Another new lot of Baby Carriages vast re ceived, which we sell from $5 to 825. Fnll line of Boys' Iron Velocipides, 13 50 ta . f650L '- Great Bargains on our 5c and 10c Counters. GOODS AT TVHOLESALE FOR CASH; H. Gs HAYDEN & CO. 406 and 408 Wood St apMVwsu TO IH1EST0RS. The nnderslened offer for sale at nar and accrued interest $100,000-6 PerCent. FLRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE tote Valley Gas Company. Bonds are registered, 11,000 each, and matum " ' at various dates irom lgw to vsa. Thrifts TtiW4fa4k 4a n rtmnAA uj tt Kftn A4Vf THIRD. NATIONAL BANK! 1 rnha-89-TTsn Pittsburgv TRAVEL TO EUROPE WILL BE UNUSUALLY HEAVY this season. Secure berths early. We repre sent most popular lines, sell drafts, tonign coins, etc., at New York rates and secure pass ports. MAX 8HAMBERG & CO- mhl7--VTaa 87 Smlthfleld sty. Pittsburg, pa, . THOMAS QUINN REQUESTS ALL HM creditors to' present their hills to him within 2 weeks from data for eellMties, as ha Is about to leave the city. Apbh. 13, 1899. "" " 1 1 M fc ksstBttktSMMwMMMsk9KssssmSts9SsmMMWJmsem