Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 13, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Noremac Breaks Down and
Hegelman Canses Big .
Eesults of Exhibition Bail Games
East and West.
Btalej Pitches Wild and the Bed Legs Pat
Up & Good Game.
There was a great surprise in the pedes
trian contest at the Central Rink yesterday.
Xoremac suddenly collapsed early in the
morning and Hegelman went to the front
A short time before noon the record was:
Hegelman, 403, and Noremac, 388. This
caused the wildest excitement among the
people who watched the race during the 12
hours' of daylight Hegelman was going
like a streak of -lightning. Sud
denly Noremac became sick and
left the track. At, this unexpected turn
of affair there .was the wildest consternation.
Charges of foul play and swindling were
bandied round lreely. Groups of spectators
were arguing themselves black in the face as
Hegelman took the lead and increased It mile
after mile in Noremac's absence. Interested
people went to N oremae's cot and found that
he was a very sick man. His friends had giren
up all hope of victory. Noremac, howeTer,
regained his vigor and? reappeared. He was
presented with several $10 bills, and the little
fellow gamely set to work to make unlost time.
Hegelman was looking weary and Connors,
who bad gone into second place, was appa
rently distressed. JToremac plodded away, and
at times made.remarkable spurts. He vomited
once or twice, but that only seemed to
invigorate him. As evening approached he be
gan to weary Hegelman, and the latter left the
track thoroughly exhausted. Noremac contin
ued and didn't stop until he was about five
miles ahead of Hegelman.
This serformasce caused the loudest and the
most enthusiastic cheertC Noremac Is really a
favorite, but prBbibly Hegelman is a stronger
one. The latter has surprised all of bis friends
and backers, and even himself, by staying so
long. Only pluck has done it, and it again
seems as if the little Scotchman will down two
plucky fellows like Connors and Hegelman.
Despite the fact of tu law and all injunc
tions by Manager Davis there is betting going
on' at a lively rate, just as there would at a
church cake walk. One well known sport bet
SJO to S25 on the field against Noremac last
evening wheni"Hegelmari was in front He
offered to bet $300 at the same rate of odds, but
there were no takers. Hegelman went to bed,
however, and there was a great chance in the
appearance of things.'. Evens were offered. on
Noremac against "the field with no takers.
Fete Uolden's friends were on hand and wanted
to net 400 to S600 that he would cover 475 miles.
There were no takers -except one man who bet
$100 to $75 that Golden would not get over the
limit. Golden, about 9 o'clock, said that be -was
feeling well and thought be was sure to
cover 475.
Nolan was completely knocked out His left
foot was In a horrible shape. It was swollen
terribly, and his snkle was all disjointed. He
was located at the track side, a thorough crip
ple, and cheering every man who made a good
effort. Messier reappeared and spumed the
notion that be had been drugged. He com
plained of a sick stomach, but he attributed it
to the absence ol.the proper food. He was go
ing well after supper, but with little hope of
getting over the mark Cartwright displayed
some fast running, although he has not
yet proven that he is a game man.
Anvbody who legitimately breaks
down cannot very well come and run a mile at
a three-minute or six-minute gait. Doubtless
if Cartvricht had the pluck or Pete Golden,
he could earn the $1,000 or $1,500 of this race
easily. The winner will at least get about
Si. 500 if the attendance is as it ought to be.
Nobodv knows who will be first, and most
asuredly there will be a great struggle
Itc-dav. A good prize will probablv teach
such as Cartwright- that $1,000 or $1,500 here is
just as valuable as a $400 or $500 for fourth or
fifth place at Madison Square.
At midnight Noremac and Hegelman left
the track. Golden, who had taken precedence
as far as Adams was concerned, was going
quite lively. Adams came out and challenged
Golden, but the latter caused Adams to
take a rest Golden is really a
game man, and he bad a friend or
two who yelled out:'Here's a tenner. Go in
and finish it." Golden really Is doing well, and
it is just as exciting to find out whether or not
lie will cover 475 miles as whether Connors or
Hegelman will defeat Noremac. Peter
Golden-wanted to-night to sleep six hours,
and those who have bet that be will not
cover 475 will probably bave to pay their money
as hats. Golden is really the most remarkable
nn the track. If he was a talkative man be
might tell about his sufferings. However, be
is a proof of human endurance under diffi
culties. He is likely now to cover 475 miles.
Following was the score at 2 o'clock this
Turner. 325
Cartwright 820
Tilly. 300
Williams .283
Day. 258
Seibert 218
Dillon r232
Brown 192
Noremac..., 432
Hegelman 427
Connors- .....427
Horan 416
Golden. 410
Adams 398
Messier 337
Taylor 330
When the big race' finishes to-night there
will be a heel-and-toe contest of five miles be
tween Hoagland. the champion of America;
Encledrum, of Chicago: Messier, of Denver;
Mackay, of Cincinnati: Dillon, of Philadelphia.
Hoagland will concede all contestants 440 yards
of a start. K
ALarae Number of Horses at the Track
Entries for TcDar'i Matinee.
Memphis, April 12. The annual spring
meeting of the new Memphis Jockey Club be
gins April 22 and continues eight days. There
are about S0O horses at the track, which num
ber will be augmented by the New Orleans
contingent and stables from .Nashville and
other racing centers. The programme calls for
five races each day, and everything points to
the most successful meeting ever held in this
city. The club will give a matinee to-morrow,
also another on the 20th Inst The following
are the entries, weights and pools sold to-night
for to-morrow's events:
First race,for 2-year-olds, one and one-ball
miles Indian Princess, 107 pounds; Colrain,
110; Spring Dance, 107: Venango, 107; Lulu B,
107; Willie Jf, 107: L H, 107..
Second raeevseningjor ;all ages, threeMjuarr
ters of a mile Void. 107; Dudley Oaks, 91;
Red Leaf, SI: Heliotrope,' 84: Sunflower, 90;
Tartar, 100; Virginia, 101; Vivian, 101; Steve
Jerome, 106.
- Third race, for all ages, one mile Lithbert,
114; Albert Stull, S8; JCrrnah, 108; Tom Nichols,
117; Entry, 93; Bridge Light, 113; Bed Leaf, 114.
It; rained heavily to-night but unless it con
tinues the track will be in good order.
The Winners at Keif Orleans.
New Oblxaks, April 12. There was a large
attendance at the races to-day. The weather
was fine andjhe .track fast
First race, flvefnrlonirs Pauline won In IMH.
Cassandra second, Jim Heed third.
Second race, three-fourths mile Keeveena won
In 1:16, AIcMnrtry second. Mute third.
Third racepne mile Insolence won lni:(24f,Pat
Bheedr second. Countess third.
Fourth race; four and one-half farlonri Hope
ful -woa in 66 seconds. Osvard second. Fanny
(Jueen third. -t
A "Wood's Ron Game.
AdmIrerf of the local ball players will be in
terested in the fact that the East End Athletics
and tbe Riverside Grays will play their game
at Wood's Run to-day. This means that
the Oakland! and Duqnesnes will play at East
A Base Ball Deal.
.Philadelphia, Pa April 12. A deal .was
consummated yesterday between tbe Philadel
phia and Chicago clubs whereby Fogarty is
given to Chicago in exchange for Ryan, the
heavy bitting outfielder of the Chicago club.
' Rings Is Dead.
Kassas Citt.'Mo., April lZ-Yrank Kingo,
tbe wen known ball slaver who took 40 miu
of SBorpklae yetteraar with nMdar isfwt I
His Team Wins Another Ball From the All
Americas In a Pretty Game.
Philadelphia, April liTh'e. touring
baseballists, headed by their clever President
Mr. A G. Spalding, of the Chicago club, and
President Beach and John L Rogers, of the
Philadelphia club; together with a number of
the Philadelphia club, and a numbers of local
baseball writers, called os Mayor Fitler at 2
o'clock this afternoon, and His Honor formally
welcomed the visitors in a brief but appro
priate speech. TheMayor said be believed the
national game to be the purest, noblest and
most healthful of outdoor sports, and that be
is proud to state that his grandchildren, from
the baby boy up to the oldest boy, are not only
admirers of the game, but each-of them "has bis
ball and bat 'He said he was happy 'to meet
such a fine-looking lot of .men, and though they
were to remain in the 'city onlya few hours
longer, he wanted them to make Philadelphia
their home during that brief period.-
The address of welcome was heartily applauded,-and
President Spalding, in his happy
and interesting manner, responded. He said
he and his fellow-members be the touring party
were proud to think they had the honor of ac
cepting the hospitality of the father city of
baseball,and while making the tour around the
world they were proud to represent .this, great
and prosperous country.tbe declaration of lude
pendence of which was constructed and signed
within a few yard of where they at that
moment stood. Mr. Spalding again thanked
the Mayor for his kind words, and Jnvited.HU
Honor to witness the game, which was ac
cepted, and tbe Mayor and William M. Smith,
President of tbe Common Council, were on
hand, occupying one ot tbe upper boxes.
When play was' called there were' .many no-,
tables present beside the above named, prin
cipal among whom were Jndge Ashman,-of the'
Orphans' Court; Judge Wilson, Colonel Mc
Clare and wife, Mrs. A. J. Beach,.Mrs. John 1.
Rogers, ana a grand galaxy of- Philadelphia's
Firettiest daughters beautifully attired. Be
ore the game and at the close of each inning
the Weccoco Band, of 25 pieces, rendered some
choice selections, which assisted materially in
making the occasion tbe grand success it
proved to be
The game was close and exciting from a
scientific standpoint but tbe enthusiasm which
characterizes local contests when local clubs
are'interested was conspicuously "absent The
All America 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Chicago.r. a 0 0 2 10 0
Cincinnati Again Inflicts Condign Fnnlsh
ment on the Local Club.
CwcnrsATi, April 12, The game to-day was
called at the seventh Inning on account of
rain., Elmer Smith pitched . tbe first two
innings, but be was wild and gave three bases
on balls and was bit safe twice. Mnllane fin
ished tbe game. Only one hit was made off
him, and he struck out seven men. Staley was
hit hard. The score:, .
McFhee, 2.
Sunday, m..
Fields, c...
Beckley, 1..
Dunlap, 2 ..
Coleman, r,
Kuehne. J..
Smith, a. t..
ICDCtD, 1...
Beard, a...
HolUday, m
Baldwin, c.
Mnllane, p.
Smith, p....
Ustaley, p. ,.
Cincinnati 4 0 18 2 11-9
Allcghenlea 1 10 0 0 0 02
Earned runs Clnclnnatis, 7: Allegbenles, 2.
Stolen buei-Nlcol, McPhee, Carpenter, Holll
day. Two-base bit Baldwin.
Three-bate hits Kuehne. Staley.
Home run Tebeau.
Time of same One hour and 40 minutes.
Umpire Bauer.
Columbus Lays Out Toledo.
Columbus, O., April 12, Columbus played
Toledo today on the local grounds. Only
seven innings were finished on account of rain.
Weyhing and Peeples were the battery for
Columbus, and Wehrle and Cushman for
Toleds. Score:
Columbus 0 2 0
Toledo 1 0 1
Base hits Columbus, 9; Toledo, S.
Errors Columbus, 3; Toledo, 6.
Earned runs Columbus, 2.
A New York Tonus; Man Surprises
Cincinnati People.
Cincinnati, April 12. Meredith' Stanley, of
this city, a well-known athlete and bridge
jumper, who has challenged Brodle, of New
York, yesterday made tbe most remarkable
leap on record. It was from the famous high
bridge on the Cincinnati Southern road over
the Kentucky river. The height Is 2S5 feet He
selected a place where the water was 12 feet
deep, and attired in silk tights and" slippers
leaped into tbe air and doubling np his body
like a ball fell to the water, and a moment
later bouueed to the surface, where be was
quickly seized by assistants in boat
He coughed blood a little while, but soon re
covered and took the train for Cincinnati. He
says the feat is done by knowing hew and by
perfect self-confidence. He escaped without
breaking the skin, and to-day says he feels as
well as ever. This bridge is the highest in the
world except one.
McMillan Challenges Daffy.
Baltimoee, April 12. Billy McMillan, of
Washington, arrived here to-day with his
backer, Billy Burnett, and posted $100 with
William E. Harding and issued a challenge to
fight Paddy Duffy, of Boston, who has just re
turned from California, for $500 or $1,000 aside,
at 142 pounds, or at catch weights, .with small
gloves, the battle to be decided within 100 miles
of New York City, eight weeks from the time
of signing articles.
His Book Filled.
Fbanklin, Pa, April 12, Miller & Sibley's
famous stallion St Bel, the son of Electioneer
and Beautiful Bells, has bis book filled for
1890. In three days after the notice was given,
without any advertising, 20 public mares were
booked at $500 each. On Monday tbe .owners
of this stallion were offered $50,000 in cash for
him. The offer was declined with thanks.
The Subject of Rev. W.R. Ma ekay's Lecture
at St. Peter's Last Night.
"Life "Worth Living" was the subject of
a lecture by the Rev. W. .R. Mackay, at
St Peter's Episcopal Church last night, in
which be dealt very severely with the pessi
mist as an introduction. Then he ex
plained how a- man's life depends greatly
upon his physical condition. He said that
pessimists were apt to take a rain-'and-mud
view of everything; that they produced
hopelessness and despair, the source oi sui
cide. "Never since the last days of Rome," he
said, "did we have so many suicides as at
this period."
As the great causes of this, he cited ma
terialism and infidelity, as the characteris
tics of this, our scientific age.
The G. B. Contract Let.
The contract for the brickwork of the
third section of the Pittsburg Postoffice was
awarded yesterday to Bart, Donovan & Co.,
of Allegheny, whose bid was 530,455. This
includes the finishing of the walls.
tography, contributed by prominent amateur,
wtll appear in to-morrow Dispatch, and
will be full of useful information for lover of
the art.
Prices Talk.
We want all buyers of clothlngto: call and
see ns to-day, especially nobby dressers.
We're got the finest and, best goods that are
produced. We claim and do "name lower
prices for fine clothing than our competitors,
and we are .ready to back these 'statement)
up' with goods and prices. V'e display the
finest line of $10 and $12 suits shown,- and
our fine spring overcoats, silk-faced and
Tery English, have made a big hit The
prices of them are $10, $12 and $15.
P. G. O. 0.,
Cor.-Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Kid Glove Sale.
1,600 dor. 5 and 7 Foster hook kid gloves.
76c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 60, $1 75, $3 00; 4 and
6 buttons,, 48c, 76c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 60; best
lor the money anywhere.' "
All the latest novelties
neckwear at Jasaes M. Aikwf &,.'.'' 1W
Continued from First Fage.
to the warden about things I thought of.' I
thought forinstanoevthafood was all sight In
the block; also In the female ward.
Mrv Christy You speak ot food. What has
been tbe character ot your meals at the prison
since your visiting began?
Mrs. Maler Very simpletbecauselrequested
it and because it was while I was. at work in
the hospital. ' .
Mr. Christy Were you given to understand
after the Maharneke trial that your visits to
the penitentiary would be the same as a charge
upon tbe State t . .,,..,. .,
Mrs. Maler Yes, sir. I was told at the time
the rules were shown -me that I coula not go
around tbe prison without a guard, and that a
guard would cost the State something like $2
to S4.
Senator Beybnrn-Who told you thatT
Mrs. Maler The warden himself. He was
simply talking to me. though.
Senator Beyburn Did the State Board ot
Charities never give you instructions f
Mrs. Maler Oh, yes; they told me I should
have an escort .
Senator McAleer In the seven years previous
to this investigation, that you bave been visit
ing the prison, did you ever have a guard as an
escort? . ...
Mrs. Maler No, sir. I never had.
Senator Keyburn'a Surprise.
The lady then detailed her system of visits to
male and female prisoners in the inter estsxf
humanity. She considered it perfectly safe to
go among the male prisoners. She never found
them other in word, thought or deed what the
Senators would be' in their conduct to a lady.
Therefore a guard as an escort was unneces
sary. Questioned more closely by Senator Watres
about Maharneke receiving moneys from the
Prison Board, Mrs. Mair replied that she bad
heard for two or three years the common talk
in the prison that Maharneke received small
sums of money. She knew nothing of her
knowledge about it But so much talk did she
bear that she finally made it her buslnessto go to
the place of business of one of the Board of
Inspectors and suggest to him that there were
things in the prison hospital which perhaps
should bo investigated. This Inspector pve
ber so little encouragement to proceed that she
did not go Into details for him.. After that she
simply referred to tbe matter in a conversation
with Mr. Bawyer, of the State Board of Chari
ties. She once sent money through the chap
lain to a prisoner, supposing, of course, it
would reach the person for whom it was In
tended. Senator Beyburn Did you tell the State
Board of Charities this?
. Mrs. Mair Yes, Fir.
' Senator Heyburn Did they not actT
Mr?.'Malr-Jfo, sir.
Senator Beyburn Then all I bave got to say
is they are as bad as anyone in this .case.
Senator Allen Did the Chaplain ever tell
you what became of this money you sent?
Mrs. Mair No, sir.
The Maharneke Favors.
Senator Allen Whj did prisoners give Ma
harneke these Uttlo sums of money?
Mrs. Mair To secure favors.
Senator Allen Better diet, yon mean?
Senator Beyburn (Interrupting)' She means
by favors to get them into the hospital.
Mrs. Mair I rather think .favors" were
little delicacies ana attentions sick men would
Senator Allen Why did you send money,
knowing it would go to Maharneke,ratber than
report such evil to the board?
Mrs. Mair I . only did it.in this one case, be
cause I wanted to help this man. I did not be
lieve tbe board would believe .the charges if I
would make them against Maharneke; that they
would cut off my visits, and that It would not
do any good.
Senator Beyburn Whose money was it you
sent ?
Mrs. Mair My own: I bave sent, hundreds
of dollarn to prisoners out of my own pocket.
Questioned as to .why .she objected to the
company of a guard, Mrs. Mair said a guard
sat so close to her when she talked to prisoners,
and watched her so close that it was embar
rassing to ber work. She only had one great
humane purpose in the prison.
Somebody tried to get Mnc Mair to give tbe
name of the prisoner whom the guard stopped
his talking to her. She declined emphatically
to give the name.
Warden Wright Explains.
Warden Wright cross-examined Mrs. Mair,
reading the book of rules she referred to. He
then stated that once it bad taken the whole
time of a guard for weeks, escorting her
through the shops, and that at ber own sugges
tion she was allowed to meet prisoners in the
rotunda. Becently, when he told her that a
guard must accompany her and that this would
be an expense to the State, she had said that it
was to be regretted that she was to be an ex
pense to the State, and that he had said that
was of no consequence.
Mrs. Mair may have made such a remark.
Warden Wright told Senator Beyburn that
Mrs. Mair's visits to tbe prison were now on
the same basis as that of other people. He had
made It necessary for a guard to Kowltb Mrs.
Mair more as aprotectlon to the lady. In the
case of the man whom the guard recently
stopped from.talking to Mrs. Mair tbe captain
said he was mentally unsound, and was apt to
become violent at any time. It was not sate, he
thought for a lady to co to this man alone.
Mrs. Mair This man's conversation was
sensible and the most circumspect He had
just began to relate some personal grievance
when Officer Greaves said: "There, now, that's
enough of that" tfhen Greaves sent to Deputy
Warden McKean, and he said the man could
make his complaints to a prison inspector.
Mrs. Blair's Rebuke.
In closing her testimony, Mrs. Mair was
rather taken back by a question out of tbe
usual line.
"Do you think it in your Instructions from
the State Board of Charities to exhort and de
liver moral lectures to the prisoners without
infringing on the duties ot tbe chaplain, who is
paid for it?" asked Senator McAleer.
Mrs. Mair's face flushed, but she remained
cool enough to compel the Senator to repeat
his cold question, "just' so the other ladies
could hear it" she said. After he had
done this, Mrs. Mair said impress
ively that she, as a Christian woman,
considered it ber duty and privilege, that after
having conscientiously looked after the tem
poral wants of prisoners to mention to them
tbe better life beyond.
Mrs. Dr. Swift and Mrs. Holden, also ylsitine
members of the Board of Charities, were
placed on- the witness stand.- They simply
stated that all Mrs. Mair. testified to was cor
rect They criticised tbe management for cur
tailing freedom of lady visitors.
Mr. Christy was then asked if he could tell
anything about tbe prison management. He
replied in the negative. Then he was asked
for names of those who could tell something.
He said be would not suggest names, for at
present two men who coula give -information
w ere not within tbe jurisdiction of the State.
Senator Handy Smith Are they in Heaven?
' 'Christy No, nor are they inthe'otherplace.
Repetition Is-Saved.
It soon became 'evident wbat was wanted
and then Mr. Christy said he was perfectly
willing to tell all that he knew about tbe Ma
harneke investigation. However, it was de
veloped that he knew nothing additional to
what was on record of the other investigation,
and he was excused from repeating it
Subsequently Warden Wright was asked if
Maharneke had been discharged. '
"Yes, he was discharged for saying 'damnl"
replied Mr, Wright He explained that there
were four charges against Maharneke. Two'
were dismissed; one was not considered proven;
the fourth was proven. That was that be had
been guilty of saying "O, damn!"
President George A Kelly, of tbe Board of
Inspectors, supplemented this with the state
ment that Maharneke bad, really .teen dis
charged because the board believed him of too
excitable a nature to occupy the position
he did.
Senator Gobln asked Mr. Christy if he knew
of anything else beside tbe Maharneke charges
the prisoners would bave testified to if they
would bave bad the opportunity?
DIcPulltnmy Not Punished.
Mr. Christy No, sir. I don't know, because
I nor nobody else could get near enough to the
prisoners to find out The Investigation by the
board a month ago was a farce.
Senator Mylin Warden, has McPhlllamy,
the prisoner wbo brought tbe charges, been
placed In the dungeon or punished in any way
since the investigation?
The Warden No, sir. He has only since re
ceived the same punishment that 800 other
prisoners receive, namely, to be kept in their
cells without work.
Mr. Christy But was be not kept entirely
apart from other prisoners, under tbe strictest
guard, all tbe time tbe investigation of his
charges was betnc made?
The Warden Not at all, sir. Every freedom
possible was allowed him. The hall boy was
permitted to carry all tbe notes McPhlllamy
gave him to other prisoners. The truth is the
rules were suspended during the investigation
to allow McPhlllamy every possible attention
as a prisoner.
Senator Gobln I Infer from what you are
hinting at Mr. Christy, that the investigation
by tbe board was not a fair one. Do you mean
that the board tried to shield Maharn&e?
An Exciting- Scene.
Mr. Christy That is exactly what I say now.
All tbe time that investigation, went on this
august board of :lnspectors sat around a table.
Warden Wright sat back ot President Kelly.
When a prisoner . testified .tbcAVardenJeaned
forward,' looked the prisoner 'square in the eye,
didn't you? '.
The Wardea-Yei, sir, I did,
Senator Gobln Well, what was wrong with
that '
Mr. Christy Intlmldatlonl That was what
it was. And the prisoners so- understood It
When a prisoner was sent for to testify Presi
dent Kelley would look at Mm ana say: "No.
2727. McPhlllamy bas sent.for you. Do you
want to testify?" Then President Kelly and
Warden' Wright would both: look him in the
eye. as much as to say, "You may testify if you
want but prohibition don't prohibit down
here, and we will attend to your commutation
later I"
President Kelly (excited) Senators, I em
phatically protest against this. I have a stand
ing and reputation in this community that will
not permit such imputations to be made on my
cbarscter. .1 am the peer of this man glaring
at Christy and be must not reflect on me.
Christy's Arrnlanraent Continues.
Mr. Christy said he only -said what was true.
During tbe investigation McPhlllamy was kept
under the closest .surveillance, by. the board;
but Maharneke was treated like a lord,' and
allowed to fatten at the same" dining tables
with the members of tbe board.
Senator Handy Smith What IS McPhlllamy
in prison for?
Tbe Warden Bobbing safes in Lawrence
Senator Smith Is that all? Laughter.
Senator Gobln The warden bad a perfect
right to look at the prisoners while they testi
fied. Would you' have him turn his back on
them? . - - .
Mr. Christy-No, but the board should have
assumed the whole duties. Instead of telling
prisoners that McPhlllamy sent for them, they
should have said, "The board sends for you and
you must testify." Then they would not have
been afraid to tell the truth. .
Warden Wright added"that since the State
Board of Charities was' instituted it never bad
made a complaint mfcainst the Institution, and
two of its members were present at the recent
Hints of Now Charses.
Mr. Christy further sald.,John Beilly, a pris
oner, had wanted to make other charges beside
the Maharneke affair, but that tbe board had
cut him off. Warden Weight saldtbat this
was true, but that the board had told' him be
should be given opportunity again to make the
complaint Official Stenographer1 El J. Don
nelly corroborated the Warden, hut Mr.;Chxijty
said they were both wrong.
Mr. Beed,. the jeweler, a member of the
board, stated that he was, tbe man whom Mrs.
Mair had called upon at his .place of business
once. He denied that be was cool in bis treat
ment to her, and said that' she simply said
thincs were not smooth at the prison' That
was all she said.
A son of Warden Wright -was called and
asked by Senator Allen If he was a member of
the firm of Buta & Co., builders. He replied
that he was not He said that be was only an
employe of tbe firm. '
This is one ot the firms that is said to have
done some work for the penitentiary.
The committee then went, in to executive ses
sion. It decided to continue the investigation
at tbe penitentiary this morning. Senator Bob
bins said that he bad talked with a few prison
ers that be bad befriended, and they told blm
if the committee could prevent their time from
being cut off they would be willing to testify,
but the committee can give them no assurance.
Dlicroscopists Give a Fine Exhibition of
Their Work nod What They Work on
Their Annual Soiree.
The eighth annual exhibition of the Don
City Microscopical Society was given in
the Old City Hall last evening. The lovers
ot hidden mysteries, and there was a good
crowd of them present, had an excellent op
portunity to feast their souls. As these
rare scientific events occur only once a year,
plenty of time was given the visitors to ex
amine the specimens.
About 60 microscopes were mounted on
little desks, and the audience passed around
at leisure, and looked through, the magni
fying lenses. The strongest .microscope
there was capable of magnifying 2,500
times.but one of themicroscopists explained
that this depends on what kind of a, lenais
put in. On such occasions as last evening,
the strongest lenses are not used. The vibra
tions caused by. people walking on the floor
would blur the Image.
The famous collection of bugs, beetles
and butterflies gathered' by Dr. Holland in
all parts of the world was one of the chief
attractions and greatly admired. Another
feature was the production of pictures of
microscopic specimens on. a canvas through
the aid of a calcium light .Dr. Biggs acted
as instructor,and pointed out certain things
to be noticed in each picture. A transverse
section of the hydra was-exhibited under
one of the microscopes. Diatoms, human
corpuscles, parts of the bodies . ot animals,
trichina, blood of snakes; leathers of birds,
eyes of flies, starch and other familiar
objects were magnified.
Prof. Brashear exhibited a number of
astronomical instruments..
Traffic Is Delayed nnd Several Dwelling
Houses' Are Flooded.
The siphon at the Washington street
power house of the Fifth avenue cable line
gave out last evening during the storm,and,
becoming choked up, ceased to operate, the
result being that the vault where the change
of cables is made became filled with water.
The cables were stopped and a force of men
were put to work to bail out the water. A
stop of half an hour occurred before the
water was reduced enough to allow the
cables to be worked. Men were kept at
work with buckets all night
Several small landslides occurred on the
Panhandle Railroad between' the Smithfield
street and Point bridges. They were not
large slides, although the trains were
stopped for an hour and a half. There was
no serious damage reported, but some of tbe
house along the hillside on Brownsville
avenues were flooded with water.
A Young' Allechenlan Tries to Jump From
, .a WlndyTT to Escape Arrest. ., ,
John Hohman is well known in Alle
gheny, and is a frequent guest of Superin
tendent Warner of the Allegheny County
Workhouse. He left the institution yester
day and went to his mother's house at No. 8
East street, Allegheny, and proceeded 'to
Sut everybody out of the house. He found
is mother in a room in the third story and
was about to eject her when Officer Alexan
der put in an appearance.
Young Hohman tried to escape by jump
ing out of. the . window, which meant . sure
death. The officer was too' quick for him
and caught hio. just In time to save his
A desperate battle ensued during which
the officer succeeded in drawing his prisoner
through the window nnd took him down by
way of the stairs. The young man is in tbe
lockup and will likely return to his former
quarters inthe workhouse to-day.
powerful hittorieal ttory, U continued in to
morrow1 DISPATCH. A synopiit of the open
ing chapter it given. Boat and Wett it pure,
patriotic andfatcinating.
Men's medium and-lightweight under
wear forspring and summer at James H.
Aiken & Co.'s, 100 ffifth aye.-
office of j
Treasurer of Alleqiient Cottntt, v
April 1, 1SS3. - J
In pursuance of the 21st -section of an
act relating to Allegheny county, approved the
1st day ot May, 1861, and of the amendments of
the said sectlon,appro ved the 30th day of March,
1666, 1 do hereby give notice that the dupli
cates for the several wards, boroughs and town
ships will be open and I will be prepared to re
ceive the county, State and poor taxes for
1888 on and after the
Said taxes can be paid at-this office until the,
1st day of August with a deduction of 6 per
cent for prompt payment to, all persons paying
the whole amount of their taxes. Tbere will
be no reduction allowed during the month of
AugUSt' " " ?!"
' There will be 10 per cent added to all taxes
remaining unpaid, on the '1st day of September,
apl-18-o TrtMarM ot Allegheny Conwy. '
APRIL 13, 1889.
For1 Wat ern PenntyU
vanla, Wat Virginia
and Ohio, rain, cooler,
winds becoming north
PrnsBtJBCJ. April 12. 1889.
The United States' Signal Service officer in
this city furnishes the following.
lioor. m
2.-00 P.M.
Mean temp...,...,.. j
Maxtmcin temp.... 70
Mlnlmnm teffln.... So
Bangs.... - .... 1
60 r. K
m -vr -Art
t-recipiiauon. ....... ,n
Hirer at 5 P.M., 7.1 tMtraftU or 0.7 feet In H
Tbo Master Horseshoers' Association Hold
Their Annual Meeting--
The Master Horseshoers Association -of
Pittstrarg and Allegheny held their annual
meeting last night. Beports'of a most en
couraging nature were submitted. Three
new members Gil Hunter, John McC,une,
of Eobinson.&McCune, and William W.
Jarvis were initiated. Nearlyall the mas
ter horseshoers of the two cities are now in
the organization, and .with the aid of the
Journeymen's Union, it is expected to have
the others in a short time. ,
Officers to serve for the ensuing year were
nominated last night The election will, be
held at the next meeting two weeks hence.
No Union Men Permitted to Work at the
Duquesne Steel 91111.
The strike at the Allegheny Bessemer
Steel Company's works at Duquesne was
mentioned yesterday. The firm is employ
ing men to fill the places of the strikers.
and all. are required to sign the following'.
agreement: e
I, the undersigned, do hereby pledge -and
bind myself, on my word of honor, not to join
any labor organization while in tbe employ of
this, .company, and also to give two weeks
notice to the company before leaving.
No union men arc permitted to loiter on
the grounds of the company.
Coal Miners' Waxes.
Tle railroad coal operators of Western
Pennsylvania met yesterday morning at the
Monongah'ela House to consider the wage
question. It was decided to appoint a
committee of four to meet a like committee
of miners- and duplicate committees from
Ohio on Monday and arrange a sea te. There
is talk of a 74-cent scale.
Labor Notes.
The United States Tin Plate Works, at
Demmler station, are enlarging their plant.
The new blast furnace of tbe Carrie Furnace
Company, at Rankin station, will be blown in
next July.
The. engravers' scale of tbe American Flint
Glass Workers' Union has been settled satis
factorily, and will go into effect on July L It
is practically the same scale as in force at pres
ent,'wlth some minor exceptions.
Ncwbr. Appointed Cadets.
Washington, April 13. The following
have been appointed cadets at the United
States Military Academy:
Robert Burns Molr, of Scranton, Pa.;V. K.
Hart, ot Buffalo, Wyo. T.; H. J. Rice, of Em
bar, Wyo. T.; William R. Ellis, of Vienna,
Mo.; William M. Bowles, Vienna, Mo.; F. G.
Lawton, of .Meridian, Miss.; F. F. Ogle, ot
Prairietown, Ind.
Is Preferred by a Womnn Who Thinks Her
Sons Are In Danger.
A. very serious charge was preferred
against Patrick Conley and Patrick Mc
Curren yesterday before Alderman Porter.
In the afternoon a middle-aged lady named
Mrs. Bessie Norman entered the alderman's
office and entered a charge of conspiracy to
murder against the two defendants. The
prosecutrix lives on the Morningside road,
Nineteenth ward, and has two sous, Will
iam and Joseph, who are 17 and 18 years of
age respectively.
The sons work in Miller's brickyards,
and seem, by a cause not vet bmueht out, to
have incurred the hatred of Patrick Con
ley and Patrick McCurren, two young men,
each of whom is about as old as the two
Norman boys. A few days since, Mrs.
Norman alleges, the defendants confederated
and conspired to take the lives of her sons
while they were on their way to work.
After murdering the two sons .ot Mrs. Nor
man, it is said, they proposed throwing the
bodies in the Allegheny river.
Mrs. Norman preferred the charge on in
formation received, and says she can sub
stantiate every statement made and show in
what manner the defendants intended to kill
her sons.
Officers Daly and Sheppard made the ar
rest of the defendants, who gave bail in the
sum of $1,000 each for hearing Monday.
River Telegrams.
MonoAHTOtvw River 4 feet 10 inches and
stationary. Weather rainy. Thermometer 68"
at 4 p. m.
Warren River 2 2-10 feet and rising.
Weather cloudy and light rain.
BROWNSVxmt River 6 feet S inches and
stationary; Weather cloudy. Thermometer GO9
at 7 r. k.
rrilU rilU1?Dl -An interesting tympo
lilJu "jAlllliisA ,ium on amateur, pho
tography, contributed by prominent amateur,
will appear in to-morrow's Dispatch, and
will be full of useful information for lover of
the art.
For Old and Young.
Tutt's Liver Pills act as kindly on the child,
the delicate female or infirm old age, as upon
the vigorous man.
Tutt's Pills
give tone to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys
and bladder. To these organs their strength
ening qualities are wonderful, causing them to
perform their functions as in youth.
Sold Everywhere.
Ojtjce, 44 Murray strst, New Yoric
All parties who desire to visit California, and,
loattenaine uttAJMiJiiai. auuiiiui aa.uiu
of Acrlcnltural and Fruit Lands- ever held on
the Pacific Coast, can secure, FREE OF
CHARGE, certificates providing for a rebate
of the price of a' ticket tar California, on condi
tion of purchase.
SALE, MAT 6th TO 11th, 1888, INCLUSIVE.
For full particulars of .the-Excursion apply to
148 Broadway; Room H., New York;
. 814 California street, Saa FraaeJsco. I
1 'J war
IlllPIlt? The best known manufacturers in the world are represented here, Barat
Llntllw."""Iey. Little, Brown and others. TABLE-CLOTHS, bleached and un
bleached, from 60 .to 86 inches widf ail pure linen from the highest tolowest grade-. A
special drive in 60-inch at 26c. Full line of sets from 35c to 53, 6-4 to 16-4. TOWELS.
NAPKINS arid DOYLIES in every grade and style imaginable, together with & fall
line of Colored and Turkey Bed Damasks.
Extra fine assortment of COUNTERPANES and MARSEILLES Q DTLTS.
STAMPED LINEN GOODS, Tidies, Scarfs, Splashers and Tray Cloths. Plush,
Chenille and Tapestry Table and Stand Covers.
llfiPLI TIDCCC PflfinO --mostcompletastockofFreneaandAmrieJi
nAOn UllllOO UUUUO. Satines. Bargains in French. Challis and GIng.
hams. White Goods of every kind."
nnilCPTIPP. All the best known makes at bottom prices, vis: SHIBTING3.
and-FLANNELS ot all kinds, including beautiful patterns of FRENCH DRESS
ELANNELS. CRETONNES and figured CANTONS fa great variety for draperies. t
DflVC PI flTUIIIP --BA full line of Suits for all sizes, from 3 years up to 14;
DUiO uLU I nillU. in kilts and knee pants as well as long pants.
. D. """SOON BE ON. .
83, 85, 87 AND
A king once summoned his three sons,
And thus addressed the anxious ones :
"Go forth, my sons, through all the earth
And search for articles of worth ;
Then he who brings the choicest thing.
Shall in my stead be crowned as king." , ..
intone year's time again they meet, 'Twashard to choose between the two.
And kneel before the sovereign's feet : The monarch knew not what to do.
And as with gracious' outstretched hand. The third is standing calmly there;
He welcomed home the youthful band, Now, with a half triumphant air
He natural eagerness expressed, And smile, of .confidence and hope.
To see the objects of their quest. He shows a cake of Ivory Soap,
The first such lustrous pearls displays,. So peerless in its purity,
That every tongne is loud in praise. That dirt, alarmed, takes wings to fly.
So white, the snow-flakes on their way
Compared to them are dull and gray.
The next a diamond more pure.
And larger thanthe Koh-i-noor.
That shone with such a brilliant light,
The sunbeams, shamed, withdrew from The Ivory Soap has won the day.
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory V
they ARE NO'f, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it,
Copyright, 1S86, by Procter & Gamble.
There is a medical and surgical institute at
No. 420 Penn avenue, known as the Polypathia
Surgical Institute for the treatment of cancers,
tumors, hernia or rupture, club foot, deformi
ties and other acute and chronic diseases re
quiring surgical or operative treatment. The
physicians in charge have for many years made
a special study ot this class of diseases. The
treatment used varies according to the case,
and embraces any and all treatments that
science, long practice and thorough investiga
tion have fonnd to be most ootent In makinc a
thorongh and permanent cure. Consultation J
u iree. u yon are sunenng irom eitner ot tne
above diseases, or any defotmity. call upon
these doctors, who will frankly tell yon what
they can do for you.- Office hours. 10 to 1130
A. M., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. v. Remember, con
sultation is free to all. POLYPATHIC SUR
GICAL INSTITUTE, 120 Penn avenue. .
If M Y in the mar
I Ess... ket at lowest
ruling, prices. No advance in
prices during the season to
regular trade.- In -ordering
from wagons see that they
.carry our trade mark, THE
April ist principal
office will be re
moved to our riew building,
Thirteenth and Pike streets.
Principal Office Telephone No. 703.
East End Telephone No. 6058.
Southside' Telephone No. 605L
Allegheny. Telephone No. 3100.
Thirteenth and Pike streets.
DER. Roaches banished by con
tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or
,no pay. 35 SEVENTH AVK
Pittsburg; Pa Price 60 per
poona. . ja-t-uiro
Atlantic City.
Salt water baths In the house. Elevator.
LeadtogmoaBtaia-resort. Water unequaled.
.notei newjy xurawnea. uPen una & hum
foroireBlftr. L. B, DOTY, Manager.
; r
The old king, as it meets his sight,
urasps it, ana cries -m wiia delignt:
" No more confusion or dismay.
No more cold meals on washing day.
Subjects ! my youngest son obey,
Merit is Our Key
note. There can be no compro
mise between valuable clbth-j
ing and unreliable. The
mean must go to the wall.
It may run the gauntlet, and
be bought by an unwary cus-j
tomer. The wear will show
him what sort it is. All its
worth hinges on that. He'll
be sorry too late.
With us quality is the es-.
sential. We ask "Cloth, are
you all-wool? or part cotton?
Will you wear evenly? Will
your color hold?" When we.
are sure on these points, we
manufacture it into clothing
Not till then.
Do you see how clear, our.
ground is in saying our goods
are reliable? A storekeeper
who buys from a wholesaler
could hardly know these
i.ooo styles of goods to
make up to measure.
& Brown, "
Sixth street and Penn ayeiie.
Is a preparation of the Drug bywhichits 'la.
jurtoos effects are removed, while the valaabta
medicinal properties are retained. I possesses
all the'sedaUve, anodyne. and anteasaodM
powers ot Opium, but produces bo sickness n?
tbestomach.no vomiting, no costive sesa7n
headache. In acute nervous disorder situ
invalnahle remedy, and is recosaaeade-abvtS
best physicians. " aa
37aPifl$t,HYtk. ;