Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 13, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    " ..,'
A Lucky Buckeye Youth Excavates a
Box of Ancient Coins.
Wind and Lightning Do Considerable Dam
age to Property.
Tiffik, O., April 12. To-day while
workmen were engaged in the excavation
for the Brewer pottery in the Highland ad
dition, just north of this city, a rust-eaten
iron box was unearthed. It was iound
buried on the limestone rock eight feet
below the surface and was covered with a
large flat stone.
It was broken open and found to contain
a large quantity of .old and rare gold and
silver coin, all bearing dates prior to 1810.
Host of the coins were English and Spanish,
though a few were American, ''French and
German. The box was found by a lad
named Ostervolt, who will be nearly $500
richer. As the site ol Fort Rail, of 1S12 fame,
is near where the box was found, it is thought
that the money was buried by some of the
oldiersor by some settlers who feared the
ravages of war.
It has been arranged to have the coin dis
played on the occasion of the natural gas cele
bration on the 15th. Many Indian' relics were
uneaxinea in tne same excavation, ana toe
bones of aTery large animal supposed by some
to have belonged to a species now extinct. The
excavation will cover over two acres and new
finds are expected.
Two Men and Several Animals Bitten by a
Bind Canine.
Fbaskx-et, April 12. Thursday afternoon a
mad dor created a terrible excitement in Cran
berry township, and before it could be killed
bit two men and a number of other animals.
Just as the scholars of one of the public
schools were enjoying theirrecess the dog made
its appearance, followed by a number of men.
A .panic ensued, and the scholars became
frantic and took refuge in the schoslhouse and
nearby trees.
The dog ran into the hallway of the school
house, where it was finally shot and killed,
During the excitement several children were
badly hurt 'and a number fainted. Mr. Graham,
the owner of the dog, denies that it had the
rabies, but the men bitten preferred to take no
chances and had their wounds dressed by a
A Old Man Bonnd, Gagged and Robbed In
His Own Ilonse.
East.Ltveepool, April 12. Word reached
this city this afternoon that an old man named
John K. McDonald, living alone in an isolated
part of the county, between New Lisbon and
Wellsville, was beaten and robbed by two men
at midnight last night. The robbers broke in
the window, sprang on Mr. McDonald, bound
him -and robbed his premises of some valuable
papers which be begged them not to take.
The old man is reported to have money hid
den about his house, as he is pretty well-to-do,
and is afraid of the banks. They found some
cash, but not much. They are believed to be
from West Virginia, as a gang of ruffians from
that side of the river have infested this
Tiffin Greatlv Excited By a Large Increase
in Capacity.
Tirrnr, April 12. Great excitement was cre
ated here to-day by the discovery of a large in
creased capacity in one of the gas wells. About
a year ago the well was drilled in on the High
land addition to the city, and had a capacity of
500,000 feet, which has been utilized in the
Beatty Glass Factory. This morning the gas
burst the pipes in the factory with terrlficforce,
doing great damage to the building, but fortu
nately no one was injured.
Upon examining the well it was found that
'over 200 feet of the casing had been blown out
and the flow of gas increased to 28,000,000 teet
per diem. The well will be recased and used to
illuminate the city on the occasion 4)f the cele
bration which occurs on the 15th Inst.
A Man Blown Along With the Roof of a
Three-Story Building.
Powtiattas.O., April 12. The storm struck
Hornbrook's three-storv building and the roof
was blown off. It landed on Giffen, Bean fc
Co.'b drugstore, a frame building,almost crush
ing it by its weight, and damaging the con
tents considerably.
A Mr. Coleman, who was in the third story
of the Hornbrook building, was blown out into
the street and fatally injured. The roof of the
Ohio River Railroad depot was blown off, and
the building caught fire, but the flames were
extinguished before much' damage was done.
Many chimneys and windovts were damaged.
Ten thousand dollars will cover the entire loss.
Skips to Canada In Preference to Answering
Leading Questions.
Lima, April 12. The trial of Fred Conrad
against the Dayton Insurance Company began
at Waookooeta yesterday. Conrad's drug
store was burned down and the insurance com
pany claimed he set the building on fire and re
fused to pay. Conrad then employed able at
torneys and began suit. He was the first wit
ness examined and made a favorable impres
sion under direct examination, bnt was con
fused under cross-examination.
This morning he could not be found, and it
'was learned be took the night train for Canada.
The case was thrown out of court.
Two More Big Gas Wells Make the Future
Appear Rosy.
- FnfDliAY, April 12. There is great enthusi
asm here to-day over the great development of
the gas field. Two mammoth wells were struck,
one by thecity, just north of the corporation,
on the Hiram Grnbb farm, and having a capac
ity of over 30.000,000 cubic feet, and the other
on the George Mellott farm, having a capacity
of fully 20,000.000 feet. This means abundance
of gas for Findlay for years to come, as the
city has thousands of acres of this kind of ter
ritory. Rather Rongu on the Little Ones.
Gbeexsbheo, Pa., AorillZ A little child
of Albert Hills, of Latrobe, picked up a dyna
mite cap on the railroad this morning, and
.while examining it, it exploded, burning the
boy's eyes so terribly that he will lose the sight
of both of them, In all probability. This is the
third accident that has happened within the
past ten days from the same cause to children
'in this locality.
A New School House Unroofed.
Masoktows; April 12. A terrific hail and
wind storm passed over this place about 730
o'clock this evening. The wind lifted half of
the roof off the new $10,000 public school build
ing, smashed plate glass windows, store fronts
and did a great deal of other damage. The loss
will be considerable.
Threo Hundred Men Oat of Work.
, Irwin, April 12. The superintendent of the
Westmoreland Coal Company has sent notices
to thp miners at the Southside mine to "square
up" and out everything in order for closing
down on Saturday for an indefinite period.
Oyer 300 men will be thrown out of work.
Thunder, Lightning, Rain and Hall.
Stecbenvttae, April 12. A severe north
west hailstorm, preceded by sudden intense
darkness, and thunder and lightning, fell at
620 o'clock this evening for eight minutes, cov
ering the ground. The stones measured one
half to two and one-half inches.
Sirock Dead br Lightning.
. .CtritBEBLASD.MD:, Xpril 1Z A flash of
lightning at noon "to-dav instantly killed John
-.2eiciic, a tanner aged is years,-ana n mo
owes, at Elk Garden, on tn West Virginia J
antral Ratlrnirt i . I
The Ohio Yon th Han Nearly Recovered From
His Siego of Hydrophobia.
WooSTEB, April 12. David Barker, the Mil
ton township youth, has survived the horri
ble paroxysms of the rabies and has nearly
fully recovered. The paralysis of his lower
limbs and of the muscles' of his neck
is passing away, and his voice has
almost regained its former strength. Be eats
heartily and sleeps well, but has a peculiar
dread of fluids, especially of water, which he
orders taken away if placed in bis sight. Jie
has not experienced any of the paroxysms
since February 26 and is gaining in, health
daily. New Information that may have consid
erable bearing on the case was furnished oy
the patient himself to day, when for the nrst
time he made it known that he was bitten i by a,
stray dog while he was gathering nuts last lau.
An examination was made and traces of. tne
bite were discovered. On his ngntthigh a
large red spot hasappearedanatheskinarouna
itiS full of red streaks. -It is not Pltvely
known whether the infection was transmitted
by this bite or by a bite received eigMjreara
ago from the family dog, which was killed 18
months ago for exhibiting slens of madness.
Scientists are still writing for data in regard
the case, and requests are made f or a, state
ment of the symptoms upon whicn tne
diagnosis of the case was based.
Effect of the Electric Current.
rprrciAL telegram to the dispatch.!
Wheeltn o, April li From 6 to 7 o'clock
this evening a fierce thunder storm prevailed
here, and some good-sized hail stones fell. A
barn belonging to Charles Adolph. across the
river, was struck ana burned with its contents;
including live stock. Loss $3,000; insurance
S200. The storm lasted several hours.
Trouble in Securing a Jury.
Waykesbubg, April J2.7-Three days have
been spent in the attempt to empanel a jury
for the trial of James Keff, charged with being
an accomplice in the McCausland murder. To
day at 4 p. m. the entire panel of 80 jurors had
been exhausted and only nine men selected to
sit upon the case.
A New Bridge Across the Monongaheln.
JJbavosbubg, April 12. Plans and specifi
cations are being made for a bridge tovbe
erected across the Monongahela, between
Dravosburg and Reynoldton. A stock com
pany with a capital of $70,000, and about $50,000
paid up, will apply for a charter as soon as the
specifications are completed.
Trl-State Brevities.
-LiOHTrosT struck a large iron tank at the
Union refinery, at Franklin, completely de
stroying it nad 8,000 barrels of naphtha.
.Daniei, SirrrjEB, a well-known resident of
Lima, aged 78 years, fell from the roof of a new
frame building to the ground, a distance of 30
feet, and was fatally injured.
Twejtty coal miners employed at the mines
at tnaville, (X, are out on a strike caused by
the employment of four non-union miners who
are charged with "blacksheeping."
SInce the mines of Jos. Walton closed last
Monday, the miners have been leaving in such
large numbers, that it looks as if Petersburg, a
mining village of about 100 families, will be de
populated. The large and elegant frame residence of
James McKelvy, a short distance east of Lig
onier was, with all its contents, entirely de
stroyed by fire yesterday. Loss, $1,500; par
tially insured.
Tee mangled remains of John 'Smiley, a
bricklayer employed at the rolling mill in
"Hubbard, were found this morning on the New
York, Pennsylvania and Ohio track, near
Youngstown. Deceased leaves a wife and five
Carlo Gilande, the Italian who stabbed
and killed his countryman, Antonio Fandolph,
at Scranton, early in March, and then escaped,
was captured yesterday in the cabin of some
Italian laborers near Unlondale, Susquehanna
county, and brought to the Lackawanna
county prison.
Three young men named Arthur Burdock,
James Russell and Otto Kadock were arrested
at Beaver Falls by Officers Wolf and Rea.
Each one had in nil possession a box of note
paper and envelopes. .They were arrested as
"suspects," and are thought to have been im
plicated in the recent attempted safe robberies.
Riding Master Pearson Sent to State Erlson
For Base Ingratitude.
New Yoek, April 12, Frank E. Pear
son, a riding master of Wakefield, Mass.,
eloped five years ago with Mrs. Annie B.
Wakefield, a pupil in his riding school, wife
of the late Cyrus "W. Wakefield, the million
aire founder of the town and manufacturer
of the "Wakefield rattan furniture. Pearson
was arraigned to-day before Judge Gilder
sleeve, in the General Sessions, to receive
sentence. He was convicted recently of ap
propriating $500 which Mrs. Wakefield gave
to him on September 27, 1888, to pay the
half-yearly interest then due upon a $20,000
mortgage upon Mrs. Wakefield's houses at
319 and 351 West One Hundred and Twenty-third
street. Pearson was heavy-eyed
and nervous. He had sent to Judge Gilder
sleeve from the tombs a batch of Mrs. Wake
field's letters to him in the' halycon days of
their love-making.
"The papers that you sent me, Pearson,"
said Judge Gildersleeve, "satisfy me that
the complainant, Mrs. Wakefield, didn't
keep strictly within the line of truth in re
gard to some of her statements upon the wit
ness stand. She was, however, a very good
witness in the main, andtold her story in an
impressive way. There is nothing in any of
these papers that would justify me in giving
vou a new trial, In view of your former re
lations with the complainant, I do not feel
called upon to be extremely severe. I sen
tence you to State prison at hard labor for
two years and six months."
Pearson thanked the Judge, and asked be
fore he quitted the barthat Mrs. Wakefield's
letters be returned to him.
You will find at G. W. Schmidt's the
oldest and 'the finest Pennsylvania pure rye
and Kentucky sour and sweet mash whiskies.
95 and 97 Filth avenue, city.
Men's medium and lightweight' under
wear for spring and' summer 'it James ,H.
Aiken & Co.', 100 Fifth aye.
CLOAESANDa SUITS. On our second floor are now exhibited a grandly assorted stock of Suits and Dresses for Ladies, Misses and Children newest spring materials.
Latest styles inTTrimmings and Draplngs. All well-made garments at low prices. All-wool Cloth Suits, braided panels and waist, in newest colors, at $9, is a decidedly pretty and
popular garment. Cashmere and Henrietta Suits, trimmed and draped, from $10 and $12 up in colors and black. Black and Colored Silk Suits, Misses' Suits and Children's
Dresses in great variety for all ages. Ladies' Spring-Jackets, striped, plaid and mixed cloths, $1 50 up; in plain colors, $2 60,$3 00 and up. Black Stockinette Jackets, $3 00 and
up. Stockinette Jackets in all desirable colors, $3 00, $4 00 and up. Spring Newmarkets, black and colored, plain and braided, $9 00, $10 00 and up. Silk and Cashmere Wraps
and Fichus, lace'trimmed, beaded and embroidered, specially for elderly ladies. Infants' long and short Cloaks, plain and. embroidered, in a variety of colors, at prices unequaled.
Beaded Capes, $3 50 up; a very superior bargain at $10 00. Large lines of new perfect-fitting Jerseys in black from 37Jo up. Beautiful colored Jerseys, plain and braided, $1 25
up. Ladies' fancy smocked and braided Jerseys. Misses' Jerseys.
SPECIAL. An inspection of .our second floor will well repay 'yon.
All new patterns. A 3-yard Curtain'ifor 50c, 65c and 75c; 3)-yard Curtains at $1 00, well worth $1 50. Grand assortment of designs at $1 50, $2 00, $2 50, $3 00, and up to $10
a pair. These being the popular prices are specially good values. Bare patterns in finer goods. Curtain Laces "by the yard, 12)c up. Scrims, plain and fancy colors, at low
prices. Turcoman Curtains and Portieres, $3 50 a pair up. Chenille Curtains and Portieres. New Damasks. New'Fringes. Curtain Poles and Chains at all-prices. Window
Shades and Shade Cloths, all colors, at low prices. Busier than ever before in the Carpet Boom. Our styles and prices are right Body Brussels, 75c up. Tapestry -Brussels, fine
line at 50c up. Ingrains, new patterns Cottage, Hemp, Hag, Hall and Stair Carpets. , Mats, Mattings. Bugs of all kinds. Carpet Squares and Oil Cloths. Examine our prices.
MILLINEBY DEPARTMENT. Open to-day another installment of Straw Hats and Bonnets latest shapes. We have everything new and fashionable in colors. Grand
display of Flowers and, Wreaths, Sprays and Chrysanthemums, Daisies, Gauzes, etc. Bibbons and Laces for trimming's. See our, display' ol .Trimmed Hats. We lead in styles and
variety. Our prices are the lowest.
SPECIAL BABGAINS. Black Gros Grain Silks, 24:inch, $1 00 and $1 25. Black Surahs, Merveilleaux and Baratheas at 87Jic Colored Cashmeres, all wool, at 37Kc
46-inch all-wool Colored Henriettas, at 50c. Black Henriettas at 50c. 65c and 75c Golden Flax Table Linen at 50c; 72-inch Double Damask Table Linens at 75c. 5-Hook Beal
Kid Gloves, $1 00 all colors and black; Men's Laundried Shirts, 37Kc, 50c and up.
"Samples sent when requested. Mail orders promptly attended to.
" ' , .; ,. . : '. 165;l67 and 1(qHRAIi
A Now Organization or Pittsburg' Short
hand Fraternity.
'Last night a number of stenographers met
at 4l2 Wood sireel and organized a society
known as the Pittsburg ,Btenograpnera' As
sociation. Notwithstanding the disagree
able weather quite a number were present
and a great deal of enthusiasm was mani
fested. The following named officers were
President, A. IT. Martin; Vice President,
George B. Mothcral; Secretary. Leander Traut
man; Treasurer, H. P. Joslin; Executive Com
mittee, H. M. Keuster. W. M. McAleer, H. C.
Webster, H.C Russell, George B. Motheral
and R.M. Fulton.
Prices Talk.
We want all buyers of clothing to call and
see us to-day, especially nobbv dressers.
We've got the finest and best goo'ds that are
produced.. We claim and do name lower
prices for fine .clothing than our competitors,
and we are ready to back these statements
up with goods and prices. We display the
finest line of $10 and $12 suits shown, and
onr fine spring overcoats, silk-faced and
very English, have made a big hit The
prices of them are $10, $12 and $15.
P. 0. c. c.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts.r.opp..tuenew.
Court House.
1,000 trimmed hats and bonnets at ex
ceedingly low prices at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Name. Keildraea.
f William Krebs Allegheny
I Mary Uterinum Allegheny
i Charles Chlsler Stowe township
1 Sophia Pickel Stowe township
I William Matthews Blythesdale
(Elizabeth Crosser Blythesdale
J Samuel Shields ,', .....Pittsburg
(UlrdlcGardncr.., nurture
JArthur-Xloyd Pittsburg'
Phoebe Woods Pittsburg
Dr. Sophy E. Feltwell, Dentist.
On and after April 1, office, room 407
Penn building.
; ALLEN-On Friday, April 12, 18S0, at 2 p. M.,
John Allen, in the S2d year of his age.
Funeral services at the residence of his
son-in-law, James Carothers, 421 Euclid avenue,
Nineteenth ward, -on Suwdat, the Uthlnst.,
at 2 p.m. Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend.
GAMBLE At Butler. Pa., Wednesday, April
10, 18S9, of pneumonia, Thomas E. Gam bt.b.
Funeral will take place from the Episcopal
church, at Butler, on Saturday, April 13, at
2r.M. F riends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend. 2
GEATJF-On Thursday, April H, 18S9, at 10:05
P. M.. Mrs. Cha.ri.ottk Geattf, wife of Will
iam Geauf. aged 65 vears 3 months and 9 days;
residence No. 1213 Carson street, Southside.
Funeral services on Bundat, Anril 14, 1889,
at 2:30 p.m. Friends of. the family are respect
fully invited to attend. 2
IMBRIE At his residence, near New Gall
lee, Beaver county, J. Milton Iubkte, on Fri
day, April 12, at 5:30 A. M. Deceased was father
of A. M. Xmbrie, Esq,, of this city.
JONES-On Friday, April 12, 1889, at 4 K .-,
at his residence,' No. 5722 Fifth avenue,
Thomas M. Jones.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
MERKER On Wednesday, April 10, at 8:15
p. M- Annie Meekek, aged 24 years, 11
months and 27 days.
Funeral from her late residence, U4 Ohio
street, Allegheny, on Saturday at 2 o'clock.
Friends'of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 2
Cleveland, O., papers please copy.
McINTIRE On Thnrsdav. Anril 1L 1RS9. at
4-20 o'clock P. M., Mes. Mimie MclNTIKE, in
the 51st year of her age, at 182 North avenue.
Funeral services at fifth U. P. Church Sat
tbdat at 2 o'clock. 2
McPHERSON-On Thursday, April 11, 1889,
at 3:30 p. M., at 31 Anderson street, Allegheny
City, Joseph C. McPheeson.
Funeral services at the residence of his
brother, J, 8. McPherson, near Sbarpsburg, on
Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Inter
ment at Greenwood Cemetery.
SCHWARTZ On Friday evening, April 12'
1889, Henry P. Schwartz, aged 78 years.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
SMITH On Friday, April 12. 1889. at 2:45 P.
M., Edward Qeorqe, youngest son of Will
iam F. and Minnie A Smith, aged 2 years 11
months 10 days.
Funeral from. the parents' residence, 1810
Warden street, Southside, on Sunday, at 1:30
p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend. 2
TAYLOR On Wednesday, April 10.' 1889, a
10:15 p. m., at his late residence, 288 Federal
street, Allegheny, Horace E. Taylob.
Funeral Sunday, April 14, at 2 p. m. 8 .
WATSON On Friday. April 12, 1889, at
noon. Miss Jennie S., daughter of Joseph
AVatson. in the 23d year of her age.
Funeral service at the late home of the de
ceased, Howard avenue, Beltzhoover borough,
on Sunday, April 14, at 1p.m. Interment at
later hour. Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend. 2
117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfleld st,, next door to Central Hotel.
Carriages for funerals, S3. Carriages for operas,
parties, ic at the lowest rates. All new car
riages. Telephone communication. my3-d60-TTS
Assets 448,50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President
f e22-26VTTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
Assets . 9m,6S6S3.
Insurance Co. of Jforth America.
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONEa 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-P
INS. CO., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Capital $250,000 00
Assets January 1,1889 863,745 80
Directors Chas. W. Batchelor, President;
John W. Chalfant, Vice President; A. E. W.
Painter, Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil,
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, AM.Byers
Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Painter, John Thomp
son. Wm. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As
sistant Secretary; August Amnion. General
Agent ja22-46-TTS
5 fel 5 my
il llirf.
Easter is still one week ofE All the more
reason for studying the novelties of Spring
Millinery now, while, there is plenty of
time to look at and compare them.
k Spring. Importations of
Are now practically completed, and the
wholeirot them will be placed on view to-,
Misses', Children's, Ladies' and Boys'
Hats, Leghorn Braids.
Our show of these is really something
wonderful. Long and short effects in. Mont
ures, Wreaths, Sprays, Lilacs,. Leaves,
Daisy Branches and Materials.
In every conceivable style and quality.
All prices, too. Bonnet widths, trimming
widths, sash widths,- all other widths.
Newest shades, newest styles, newest combi
nations. rs
On the second floor are worth .walking a
mile to see. Other establishments may
make as large a display, but we doubt if
there be another in the city that offers so
great t variety of styles. Many are Parisian
Patterns, exclusively designed for us by the
best modistes; .Others 'are from our own
workrooms. All are very moderate in
materials are purchased here.
Fleishman &Co's.
504,506 and 508 Market st.
Is xl Brogress.
crowded with ladies all day. The display
has never been finer, ana the number of
Trimmed Pattern Bonnets and Hats sold
attest the favor onr efforts have met with in
pleasing our patrons.
And Materials for Trimming,
The Opening continues Friday and Satur
day. We also make our first showing for
this season in
And Long-Handle Sun Umbrellas.
The very latest novelties. Another inter
esting thing is our large line of Flannel
Blouse Waists, now ready, lor Misses and
Ladies. i
Ribbons and Flowers in great "variety.
Also the tennis sashes and belts take a
look at them.
Ii you have not been on the avenue to see
our Floral Representation of the Eiffel
Tower at the Paris Exposition in our win
dow, you will be amply repaid for the
trouble of coming, we think: "
SPECIAL To those interested in the
May Day Entertainment to be given in City
Hall, we have Butter-Cups and Daisies in
low-priced qualities for the Butter-Cup and
Daisy Dances.
10, 1889.
B. & B.
Friday, April 12.
In the 'spring the frugal
housewife directs her attention
to brightendning up her home.
The busy pater turns over
his purse1 and allows his better
half to struggle alone with the
perplexing question of the new
Curtains for the parlor and the attic
Portieres for doors and windows.
Fresh Draperies for the mantels, chairs
and many other uses to which such materials
are put
Tapestries for brighteningupthe furniture.
And hundreds ox other beautifying arti
cles for the home to be found in a large
store like ours."
We promise to give better
values and better prices, on
everything zue keep ' for the
house than you can get else
Besides a carefully-selected
and choice stock of goods, we
promise the curtain buyers
every advantage in making
their purchases.
We make a special offering
of an extra width (y2-mch)
Nottingham full length cur
tain, elegant patterns, $2 50,
$3 $3 5 arid $4 50.
A very special thing to-day
is ail Irish-point-effect Not-
tinghamt almost as elegant as
the real point and it is over
2 yards wide and f. yards long
only $5 a pair.
Our regular inds of Not
tinghants are complete 50c,
60c, 75c, 85c, $i; extra widths
and extra lengths, $1 25, $r$o
to $5 and on tip.
Brussels effects $2 to $5
and upward while at $15 we
tart you in real Brussels.
$2 50 to $5.- Tamboured
Muslin Curtains.
$5, 6, 6 50: Full length
and width Swiss Tamboured
Curtains. f
$6 to $8: Irish Point Cur
tains, j 7-2 yards Ion?, 50
inches wide; elegant goods.
Extra widtis and lengths
Irish Points, $rb, 12, $,
i6, i8 and up.
$2, $2 50 and $3 50 per pair:
Three-yard Turcoman Portieres.
Three and a-half yard lengths, 48 Inches
wide, $4'and $4 50.
A special bargain in our plain Chenille
Portiere, any color you want, deep rich
firinge on both ends.makiny them especially
adapted for draping, $8 50 and $12 50 a pair.
(No fear of the head of the house disap
proving a purchase of these Portieres.)
Neither of the 15 Velour, still finer and
in all colors. (Velours up to $40.)
Plain and figured Chenilles, from $6 to
$50 per pair. .
Madras, plain and figured, cream and
colored, 27-inch to 50-inch, 18 cents to 50
cents per vara.
Crepe Cloths, Cheese Cloths, Persian
Draperies, etc. t for curtains, all new goods,
all prices.
Tapestry materials of all kinds spun
silk, petit point, satin Derby, wool damask.
silk brocatelle, velours, chenilles and
Table and Piano Covers chenilles,
plushes, velours, etc., all sizes,- 75c to $30.
Everybody can have a lace bed set, and
nothing sets off a bed so completely as a nice
lace cover over a nice white or colored quilt.
"We have the quilts lots.of them 65c, 75c,
90c (white crochet quilts, remember), and
in the Marseilles from $1 75 to $12.
In the colored Mitcheline, at $1 50, we
show three different, colors in a very large
variety or" patterns.
Over these suppose you want a nice lace
set. . We will furnish you a very nice Not
tingham set at $1, $1 25, $1 60, $2 and on up
to $6.
If you want an antique lace set we have
them irom $5 to $30.
But you need comforts, also. See ours.
Cretons 75c and $1. Fancy figured batiste,
a rare bargain, at $2 50.
Bradley s Blankets at one-third less than
actual value $3 75 to $5 50.
. 115,117,119.121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
, H! i " 1-"
', ;.;
Men's Sack Suits
At $6.
"One and three and four-button
Sacks in all-the new colors, shades
and patterns, in Cassimeres, Chev
iots, etc., made up in a strong and
faithful manner. All sizes from ,33"
to 42. Not a suit' in this lot but
what's worth and sold all over town
at 8 and in some cftes $g. They'll
all be offered at $6 only, and you'll
do well to come early.
::: Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits at $10, :::
At this popular price we shall offer, a superior assortment of. Sacl;
and Cutaway Frock Suits Dressy Worsteds, Soft Cassimeres, Business
like Cheviots, etc., in solid colors, mixtures, stripes, checks and broken
plaids. They're suitable either for business or dress, and no man need
feel ashamed of wearing one of these suits. You should come and seQ
them. You'll be as much, surprised at their extraordinary quality as you
will at the marvelously low price. Any one of these suits worth 14!
At $12.
Never at the beginning of a sea
son have you seen such thoroughly
good and handsome suits offered
for $12 blue and black Worsteds,
all-wool Scotches, Checks, Stripes,
Plaids, Tweeds in several effects;
Cassimeres in stylish mixtures and
solid colors all shapes of Sacks,
Cutaways and Frocks. Choice $12
only. We intended getting $1$
for them, but will sell for 12
::: Men's Stylish and Elegant Suits at $18. :::
Now, if you want a most stylish and handsome suit, take our advice
and buy one of these. You'll be as well, pleased as though you paid $25
elsewhere. We have them in every style and they're splendid suits in
every way. We guarantee a perfect fit, .excellently made goods, beauti
ful material, every satisfaction in wear, and what more can anyone de
sire or we give? If you want a fine suit for very little money, come. If
you want to save anywhere from $5 to $10, come. We'll reserve none;
all will go at the price named 18 only.
- TO-DAY -
Sailor Suits, $3 and $4
Sizes 4 to io; colors gray and
blue. Every suit beautifully trim
med, and not a suit in the whole lot
but what you'll pronounce good
value at $2 more money.
Jersey Suits, $2 25 Only
All of the popular blue color; in
sizes 3 to 7. Talk about bargains?
You can just bet your sweet ,life
that never were such values in Jer
ey Suits offered for the money.
One-Piece Kilt Suits
At$l 90.
In plaids, stripes, checks and
plain colors. There can be but one
verdict -as to these bargains and
this is "The grandest ever' offered."
Any one good value at 3 00.
. Two-Piece Kilt Suits
At $3 50.
Combination Suits in light, gay
colors, lovely mixtures, checks, bro
ken plaids, stylish stripes. There
isn't a cenfs worth of profit to us
at this price, but we shall be well
repaid by the advertisement it'll
give us. j
We Give Away FREE TO-DAY
With every purchase of a Boy's Suit a beautiful portfolio, one of the
handsomest gifts ever seen and to E VERY patron we present -that
new puzzle, "The Bias in Clover."
- .-,)-(,
ua;;r.;G mm
Men's Cutaway Suits
At $8.
Good either for business or semi
dress. They're made of- all-wool
materials Corkscrewjs,. Plaids, Cas
simeres, Cheviots, eta, and will
compare favorably with the ready
made suits sold elsewhere at jio
and even 12. Now if you want a
suit cheap here's the very thing for
you. All sizes from 33 to 42 and a,
perfect fit.
Men's Stylish Suits
At $15.
YouMl be surprised when you see
these suits and you'll forever swear
by us for clothing if you but buy
one of these suits. Fancy mixtures
in Globe Cassimeres, Cheviots in
solid colors and stripes, Worsted' in
stylish stripes and plaids, extra
quality Tweeds, etc., all trimmed in
custom style Sacks, Frocks and
Cutaways. They were made to sell
for I18 and 20, but will be offered
at $1$ only.
Knee-Pant Suits, $3 50.
Sizes 4 to 14. Belt Suits in fancy
Plaids, Cheviots and Striped Cassi
meres. They are of desirable ma
terials, well-made and specially
suitable for school wear. Worth at
least $5.
Knee-Pant Suits,
$4 and $5.
Sizes 6 to 14. Four-button Cutaway-
Sack style in Cassimeres, Tri
cots, Cheviots and Worsteds. Any
Suit we offer at these prices is
worth, honestly a couple of dollars
more. Come and see.
Choice of 3 and 4-button Cuta
way Sack Suits in Corkscrews,
Cheviots, Diagonals, Cassimeres and
Tricots. They're worth regularly
ti and are sold all over town at
this price. We'll sell for $5
Long-Pant Suits, $6 50
Big Boys' magnificent Dress Suits
in the Best of materials and latest
styles. Cut as carefully as any man's
suit. Made and trimmed, beauti
fully. You save at least $2 on one
of these suits.
i -
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