Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 13, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Wp Bigpafrlj.
Vol. 44, o. 69 Entered at Pittsburg Posto&ce,
November 11, 1897, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 09 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and. Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dolly edition of
The Dispatch for six month ending April
1, 1SS9,
Copies per Issue.
Average circulation of the Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for March, 1SS9,
Copies per Issue.
Duly Dispatch. One Year f 8 00
Daily DISPATCH, Per Quarter SCO
Daily Dispatch, One Month. D
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
-year. 10 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month CO
Srcday Dispatch, oneycar 2 0
WeekltDisfatch, one year. 1 S3
The Daily DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at
IS cents per week, orlnclndlngtheSundayeditlon.
at 50 cents per week.
The question of the penitentiary manage
ment has been brought tip again by the visit
of the Senate Committee and the presenta
tion of formal charges. The charges em
brace allegations of cruelty in two distinct
cases, and one in which the allegation is
rather indefinite, assertions of financial mis
management, oi which, perhaps, the most
important is the one that Dr. Maharneke
was given a salary after his suspension, and
some general charges of favoritism and lack
of discipline.
JJow that these charges are made the only
course left is an open and thorough investi
gation without prejudice and without favor.
The Dispatch has criticised the produc
tion of anonymous or unsupported charges,
and has considered them, when they ap
peared in that shape, as unworthy of public
attention. "When supported by their au
thor, however, they require the hearing
which the Senate Committee appears dis
posed to give. If they are untrue the man
agement of the penitentiary is entitled to
the vindication; if they are true the pnblic
interest calls for the exposure and abolition
of the abuses.
The Senate Committee will furnish an un
prejudiced tribunal; and if it makes the in
vestigation thorough, the much-agitated
question of the penitentiary management
will be settled for good or ill.
Sir Charles Russell concluded his opening
for the defense before the "Parnell Com
mission in a way to corroborate the idea
suggested by The Dispatch some days
ago, that the opportunity afforded by the
course of the prosecution to put on record a
full showing of Ireland's wiongswill be
utilized to the utmost. It is always best to
remember the proverb that "he who putteth
on his armor should not boast himself like
him who putteth it off." Uut it is plain
that the advocate of the Irish leaders has
made a most favorable impression, when he
elicits congratulations from the bench.
"With this speech backed up by evidence
showing the purposes of the Nationalist
policy, the evils and wrongs which Mr.
Parnell and fcis colleagues are striving to
remedy, and their strict adherence to con
stitutional agitation, it will go far toward
hastening the final triumph 61 the Irish
cause. There could not be a more remark
able instance of falling into the pit digged
for a neighbor, if this trial which was
brought about to ruin Mr. Parnell should
result in placing him higher in English
opinion than ever before.
The discussion as to the treatment of
Pittsburg by the railroads, makes it perti
nent to notice one contrast that has recently
been afforded by the trunk lines. Last tall,
it will be remembered, Pittsburg had a
Centennial celebration. It was an occasion
which was calculated to draw visitors from
a large extent of territory, and which did so,
even under the unfavorable circumstances
imposed by the railroads. The public can
hardly have forgotten the difficulty which
was experienced in getting the railroads to
extend the excursion rate for the round
trip, of i times the regular single-trip
rate, extended to a limit of 300 miles, or the
fact that some of the lines did not even do
Seven months later New York has a cele
bration. The policy of the railroads seems
to be very different in this case. One fare
for the round trip throughout the trunk line
territory is conceded, and beyond that terri
tory the same rate plus 52. More than that,
when the wholesale merchants represent that
their customers would like to stay in town
longer than for the celebration, the dura
tion of a ticket is extended over nearly two
weeks. Need there be any better evidence
of the railroad opinion that Pittsburg is a
useful beast of burden, strong enough to
carry heavy charges, but not worthy of re
ceiving any especial attention?
The rumors which have been set afloat by
the withdrawal of the stock of the Ameri
can MeatXkunpany from public subscrip
tion do more to strengthen the suspicion of
a practical monopoly in the dressed beef
business than anything els within the
public knowledge. It is certain that the
new company would have been a strong
competitor of the Chicago and Kansas City
concerns. That the business should be
open to competition is potent on the face of
it; and that a new establishment could not
injure the old ones unless they are enjoying
some extraordinary profits from a combina-'
tion to suppress competition is hardly less
clear. The fact that the new enterprise has
suddenly backed down and that the with
drawal was caused by an attack' of the
Armour crowd or the interests of the
Standard Oil men, who were behind the
new meat company, in the Cotton Seed Oil
Trust, is in line with the facts. It may be
interesting to learn that there is a clique
that can conquer the Standard Oil crowd,
bnt that fact can hardly compensate for
the evidence of a monopoly in a food staple.
'Ward McAllister is to be only floor man
ager of the New York Centennial Ball. No
wonder he weeps. He thinks that Mr. Pish
and the rest of the Entertainment Commit
tee will weep later on, after the ball shall
have proved a dire failure. He will have
to concentrate his immense mind upon the
control of the ten thousand dancers. To keep
the Hcred "Four Hundred" from rubbing
elbows with the common herd will make
the dreadfully vulgar perspiration bead
McAllister's brow. Then nine thousand
six hundred of the guests-will' move about
that ballroom all unmindful of the august
authority of society's leader, and there will
be more tears. It is to be hoped that a
bucket brigade will be told off on the night
of the ball to follow McAllister wherever
be goes, or his lachrymal performances may
make the floor sloppy. These attendants
might carry vials such as the Romans
were wont to supply at funerals for the re
ception of the tears of the deceased person's
friends. Lachrymatories filled with Mc
Allister's tears might be sold among the
Four Hundred after the ball, and would
doubtless swell the Centennial fund hand
somely. The very thought of McAllister fallen
from his high estate and mourning the un
timely end of his own idea, the culmination
of the hope of years, the long-cherished
chance of his lifetime, a ball after his own
conception, would make even a marble
monkey weep. And when there is a sound
of weeping in'McAllisterville, and when
the grasshopper, if it were there, would be
a burden, it is somewhat out of tune in the
New York Sun to remark in a chipper tone
that it is going to be the greatest and grandest
centennial celebration ever before seen in
this republic. "You can't," says the Sun,
"stop it; you can't belittle it, you can lessen
its importance by ridicule." Then a few
days later it publishes a full report of Mc
Allister's lamentation. It would seem that
the New York papers are doing their level
best to belittle the celebration and to lessen
its importance by ridicule. If they do not
succeed it is not their fault. Nor McAllister's.
Nobody will be surprised this morning
but a good many people through the State
must experience a much stronger feeling
at the refusal of the Legislature to consider
the Wherry anti-discrimination bill. This
simply means that, under the existing re
gime, no relief need be looked for at Harris
burg. The intimation that Senator Dela
mater and Chairman Andrews are preparing
something, misleads no one.
Comment on the attitude of the Legislat
ure would be superfluous. Nothing was
asked by the "Wherry bill beyond a mere
legislative enforcement of those provisions
of the Constitution which have lain a dead
letter on the books for the past filteen years.
This is the same Constitution which the
members of the Legislature take oath to
support. If there were no other reason if
itliad not also been abundantly shown that
the business interests of the Commonwealth
were suffering from such causes as the Con
stitution sought to prevent the mere obli
gation which members take with their seats
would have required the legislation they so
lightly thrust aside.
But it is not merely placid indifference
to constitutional requirements thai is ex
hibited by the vote of yesterday. The Re
publican party in this State solemnly
pledged itself three years ago to a bill
against discrimination. This, pledge has
been studiously ignored. "When the Dem
ocrats bring in a bill the pledge is dis
tinctly broken and the measure rejected
without a pretense of discussion upon its
It is waste of time to inquire what may be
the motives which led to this extraordinary
line of action. No explanation that amounts
to a row of pins is offered. But the question
arises: can the .Republican managers afford
to have the party representatives stand in
this attitude? It is not safe for those
who think their seats in the Addle firmest
to too openly despise the mandates of the
fundamental law. Opposition to this same
Constitution by the Republican managers
put the Democrats in power in Pennsylva
nia in 1874. Contempt for it now, and
blind subserviency to corporation interests,
may work another change as sweeping at
coming elections. '
Incidentally, too, the thought suggests
itself whether, in such an event, the rail
roads will be able to congratulate themselves
on the enactment of as fair and reasonable
a measure as Mr. "Wherry's, which they
have just kicked so contemptuously over
board. The Legislature has spoken. The
public will speak later on.
The discovery, in the Controller's office,
that the ordinances under which the cable
roads obtained their privileges appear to
have released them from the tax on cars
which was levied on their predecessors, the
street railway companies, is an example of
the omissions which are sure to occur in
hasty legislation. Few people would dis
pute the justice of a tax upon these corpo
rations by which they would pay in propor
tion to the volume of their business; and
yet, with the precedent of the tax on the
corporations to which they succeeded, the
point was overlooked altogether. The fact
that some of these ordinances were sent
through under suspension of the rules may
afford a partial explanation of the omission.
The error is, however, by no means a vital
one. The idea of saining compensation for
the privilegesin the streets granted to pas
senger railways by taxation or by putting
the privileges up at auction is an extremely
futile one. All that the companies pay in
that way they must get back from the pub
lie, and so that policy ultimately resolves
itself into the medieval practice of raising
revenues by tax-farming and the sale of
monopolies. The fact is that these privi
leges should be based on the just ground of
ths benefit to the public by cheap and rapid
transit If the full advantage is secured
by such acompetition as wiil reduce charges
to the point which yields the companies a
fair profit on actual ana uuwatered cost of
construction, the privileges confer an un
mixed public benefit If the companies by
combination are able to load up their enter
prises with a huge structure of watered
stocks, and force dividends upon them by
higher charges than would be levied under
fair and free competition, the loss of a few
thousand dollars in taxes will be of little
moment beside the burden which is placed
on the public by means of the greater abuse.
A reasonable view of the further growth
of Pittsburg may dispense altogether with
the need ot a law to sell the old university
and other vacated county buildings on Dia
mond street, by making clear that the wiser I
policy is to keep them. Insufficient enlarge
ment has, heretofore, been the rule. Of
course, the splendid edifice which now
adorns the hill looks big, after the narrow
quarters of the past; but It is fairly pre
sumable from the present rate of growth
hereabout that before ten years the business
of the courts and of the numerous executive
offices will fill and overflow every available
inch of space there. "When, at, the planning
of the- new building, someone proposed to
have the jail share the Court House lot,
Judge Ewing", with excellent foresight, pre
dieted.that in. a few. years thi latter would
be' nefne too large, occupying the whole J
square, for the work to be done.' His opinion
is being borne of. He prophesies again in
a similar vein about the vacated premises.
"We think he is again correct
It would be awkward for the county now
to sell the vacated premises only to buy them
back, or adjacent property, at a great ad
vance of values before 1900 which is now
but eleven years off. As business runs, and
as the signs of the Pittsburg of the near next
century fashion themselves on the sky, judi
cious rental does look a better policy than
hasty sale.
It might be taken as bearing an instruct
ive significance for the recalcitrant Sen
ators, that, immediately after his first
skirmish with them, the President takes
into consideration the project of locating
his headquarters in the "War Department
Judge "Wallace seems to entertain a
little doubt on the Western Union Tele
graph Company's claim, that it owns the
streets of New York. That large-sized cor
poration will have to submit, for a certain
time, at least to the old-fashioned theory
that the ownership of streets and highways
is vested in the people. Terhapj, after the
corporations have been at work awhile
longer at controlling nominations for the
bench, they may be able to change that
theory; hut the time is not ripe for it yet.
Mayob Ghaut's appointment of Richard
Croker as City Chamberlain, was evidently
inpired by the chivalrous determination to
make President Harrison's appointment of
Van Cott as postmaster appear like a re
formatory and non-partisan measure.
The intimations that Mr. Bates' publica
tion of an article in the Century, on the Sa
moan question, might create a difficulty as to
his acceptance as one ot the commissioners
to the Berlin conference, are reduced to zero
by the statement from Berlin that he will
be received there just as his other col
leagues. Bismarck does not seem disposed
to lay much stress on the persona grata
theory; but he will probably makeup for
that by sticking to that other classic saying:
Nonpersonam, fed rem.
The sanitary question that is rising to
importance at the national capital is
whether that slight indisposition of thePresi
dent was to be charged to sewer gas or office
It is "satisfactory to observe that Mr.
Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, has come
to the conclusion that leading editors must
preserve their independence, and that they
cannot do so if they accept office. This Is
obviously correct ground; but it is instruct
ive to observe how it is impressed upon the
mind of an editor who has swung the cudgel
in his day, by the fact that the Senate has
jumped on Halstead.
Pabtetjb's first failure is in his scheme
to kill off the rabbits of Australia by the
chicken cholera. The bunnies decline
to take either their medicine or their epi
demic Quite a sensation has been raised in the
Eastern press over the report that a gas com
pany somewhere has admitted that its me
ters are inaccurate and is voluntarily re
funding to its customers the overcharges.
Proof may bewanted of this remarkable occur
rence; but there seems to be an indefinite
feeling in New York, that it is an unwarrant
able surrender of the vested rights of the cor
porations. If natural gas wells get to increasing
their pressure so as to burst pipes and blow
out the casing, times are likely to become
pretty lively in the vicinity of Pittsburg.
The advantages of "Washington as an
educational center form the subject of edi
torial comment by the esteemed Star, of
that city. They are very great no doubt,
consisting largely of the force with
which they impress on the mind of visitors
the great lesson conveyed in that old pro
verb against putting your trust in princes
and practical politicians.
If that Rnssian sensation is not exploded
before long, the world-will be forced to con
clude that the dynamite bomb was.
Me. F. B. Gowen is quoted as question
ing Mr. Carnegie's motives and alluding to
his past record. This may be pertinent or
otherwise; but considering the source
whence it comes it is rather amusing. If
every one who has been mixed up with dis
criminations and -railroad combinations, is
to be ruled out of court, where will Mr.
Gowen stand?
That meat company deal begins to as
sume the appearance of a South Penn trans
action on a small scale.
Me. Jay Gould's remark, that New
York is good enough for him, was supposed
to bear on the reports that he was going to
change his place of residence; but it is given
a broader and more telling significance by
the recent claims made on his behalf for a
complete ownership of that city by his ele
vated railroad and telegraph lines.
Geoveb Cleveland has been elected a life
member of the Manhattan Club.
The highest peak in New Guinea is to he
named after William E. Gladstone.
- Senator and Mrs. Stanford and Justice
and Mrs. Field will presently set out for
The women leaders throughout the country
feel pleased over the statement of Dr. Chaille.
the noted statistician, to the effect that the
average life of woman is longer than that of
Frank Willing Leach, Senator Quay's
private secretary, has returned to Washington
and to hard work. He went away for a few
days' rest, and he returns to find that a moun
tain of letters has accumulated during his ab
sence. Secretary Noble is said to be working
harder than any of his Cabinet colleagues. He
has had one good rest since he went into office,
and that was involuntary. One night last week
he went to bed at 7 o'clock in the evening
completely exhausted, and did not awaken un
til noon the next day.
H. Echebmebhobn, of New York, a sum
mer resident there, has purchased a large lot
in Island Cemetery, Newport, containing about
G.0OO square feet upon which he will place a
handsome monument of appropriate allegori
cal design. The lot and monument, costing
110,000, will then be given In trust as a soldiers
and sailors' burial lot.
Of the great "trinity of the Anti-Corn Laws
League," Villlers, Cobden and Bright, only
the first and oldest now survives. Of the three.
Bright was always the most composed and me
thodical. When Cobden was anxious and spec
ulative, and Villlers sometimes fretful and im
patient Bright the youngest of the three, and
the boldest and calmest, character of them all,
was in council the man of soundest Judgment.
It is not generally known that Maggie Mitch
ell, recently divorced from her husband, Mr.
Paddock, was married once before her last al
liance. On the 27th qt September, 1862, she
married William Virgil Wallace at or hear the
city of Washington. Her mother and brother
were incensed at the union andmade a prisoner
of Maggie almost immediately after the cere
mony. She was never permitted to see him
again, and seven years after she was married
to Mr. Paddock. Her first marriage is Mid to
cava teen a pure love affair.
A Largo 'Audience Astonished Her Mr.
Strauss Ought to Stay in Turkey-Chat
About New or the Day.
Misa Minnie Maddern bad something to
encourage her yesterday afternoon in the shape
of a big audience, in which were an unusually
large number of ladies. So she shook herself
together and acted with a ylgor and overflow
ing spirit that she has not shown before this
week through the best scene of "In Spite of
AIL" You could see the effect of her dainty and
yet powerful work upon the audience quite
plainly after she had been on the stage for five
The contribution of this little genius was as
enjoyable as any In the great programme of,the
Exposition fund benefit at the Bijou Theater
yesterday afternoon.
The New York Press is waging war on Min
ister Strauss, the representative of the United
States at Constantinople, and Is threatening to
extend its hostility to Postmaster General
Wanamaker if he continues to interest himself
in the retention of Mr. Strauss.
Under ordinary circumstances the fact that
Mr. Strauss is a Democrat out-and-out would
be enough to make his retirement distinctly
necessary under a Republican administration.
But there are other things to be considered in
this case. The Rev. Dr. Allison, of this city,
told me recently that never had Christians and
Christianity enjoyed such protection in Turkey
as they have since Mr. Strauss went to Con
stantinople. This happy result Dr. Allison
said, was due to Mr. Strauss' efforts at all
times. He obtained from tbe Turkish Govern
ment permission for the colporteur to proceed
with the distribution of the Bible throughout
This is the more remarkable because Mr.
Strauss is by faith a Hebrew. He has earned tbe
respect and gratitude ot American missionar
ies in that part of the world, and their influ
ence is likely to count for something with Pres
ident Harrison.
Possibly Mr. Strauss' good deeds maybe news
to the New York Press.
A few mouse traps and an addition to the
force of cats employed by the management
would enhance the comfort of the public at the
Grand Opera House.
On Monday night last a mouse had a very
amusing time on the floor of the parquet while
"Caprice" was in progress on the stage. I do
not think any woman seated in tbe parquet saw
the mouse. When X tried to point out the funny
little animal to the lady who sat beside me,
she betrayed such unmistakable symptoms of
alarm that I added I was only Joking. All the
same the mouse was there, and kept crossing
the aisle and dodging in and out among the
seats, never showing the smallest sign of fear.
Still, Mr. Wilt it is dangerous to allow mice
to make a rallying ground of tbe parquet while
an audience is there. A small mouse may1 be
enough to cause a panic
Great changes .are being made in the Fort
Wayne Railroad's property adjoining the west
bound track between Verner and Woods' Hun
stations. Gangs of Italian laborers are cutting
away tbe rocky cliffs to make way for the addi
tional tracks which the new Panhandle bridge
will call into existence when it is built
Br the way, owing, I presume, to the disturb
ance of the west-bound track by the descent of
debris from the excavations, the Cleveland ex
press, going west early yesterday morning, took
the east-bound track from Superior station to
the switch at Bellevne, where it crossed again
to the proper track.
No matter how perfect a railroad's block sys
tem may be, It always seems suggestive of
danger to me to run a train for several miles on
the wrong track. It was just such an experi
ment on the London and Southwestern Rail
road in England that resulted in the horrible
accident at Kingston last summer, in which a
number ot lives were lost The Southwestern
runs under a very strict block system, too.
Soke Idea of the ferocity of the storm-bursts
yesterday may be gathered from the fact one
of them drove GO men and women into one
Manchester line horse-car last evening. It is
not altogether regrettable that at least six of
these passengers stayed on the car long enough
to escape the worst of the shower, and then
skipped off without paving fare.
The equipment of .nearly all the horse-car
lines is ridiculously inadequate, and none of
them make the least attempt to meet for any
increased demand, like that caused by the
thunder storms of yesterday. The horses who
have to drag these shamefully over-freighted
cars are the most to be pitied. Street car di
rectors probably had nightmare last night
A Cow Commit Suicide.
Camden, N. J., April 12. An obstreperous
cow, driven by James Johnstcolored,of Moores
town, became so tangled in the rope by which
she was led that she strangled almost to death,
and her throat was cut as an act of mercy. As
Johns was leaning over ber she gave a lurch,
and one of her horns struck him in the right
eye, gouging it out
This Should Stop the Exodus.
From the Springfield Republic. 3
The wild rush of people to Cincinnati should
cease. There is no 2-cent beer there. That is
to say there is beer there worth only 2 cents a
glass, but it sells for 5.
An Unprofitable Crop.
From the Philadelphia Times.:
The Oklahoma boomers are carrying moro
pistols than plows into the new territory. This
looks as though they intended to raise more
Cain than corn.
Sure of a Good Job, Anyhow.
From the Alta California. J
Descriptions of the gigantic stature of the
new minister from England suggest fine dime
museum possibilities, provided Sir Julian fall
as a diplomat
Tboraas'M. Jones.
Thomas M. Jones, a member of the firm Or
Jones Langhllns, Limited, died last evening
about 5 o'clock at his home, No, 6723 Firth avenue.
The works on the Soutbslde were closed down as
soon as the news of his death was received at the
office, and operations wilt be suspended until
after the funeral on Monday. Meetings of tbe
two labor organizations composed of tbe workmen
employed in the mill will probably be held this
afternoon to take action on Air. Jones' death.
Mr. Jones had been lying In a comatose state since
Wednesday last. Cardiac- asthma was his aliment.
Hp had been afflicted with it for ten weeks, grad
ually growing worse. The best of medlcnl atten
tion wis unavailing. For manv years Mr. Jones
was afflicted with hay fever, whfen Increased in
the severity and frequency of its attacks until
asthma was the result.
Thomas Mifflin Jones has foryears been a promi
nent figure In the Iron Industries of
Pittsburg. He was a Mason of high degree and a
member of Dr. Kumler's East End Presbyterian
Church. He Is a brother of Hon. U. F. Jones,
who, in 1884, had charge or tbe Blaine campaign.
The deceased was born In Washington county
about 1830. When a lad he went to the New
Brighton Academy, his family having removed to
Beaver county. He graduated from the Beaver
Academy, and for 2 years after studied medi
cine. In 1854 he became identified with the man
agement of the Iron firm of Jones 4 Langhllns,
and was eventually placed in charge ot the Chi
cago branch of that firm. At the end of 3D years,
or In 1880, Mr. Jones returned to Pittsburg,
and after the death of George Wilson Jones,
his brother, he was made general manager
of Jones A Langhllns. He settled pleasantly
In the East End, and succeeded In gathering to
gether one of the finest libraries in the State.
Being of a literary tnrn of mind, Mr. Jones spent
a great deal of his time In this library, so that In
recent years he has sot been much seen out of
home and business circles. At odd times he did
considerable writing and, while not ambitious In
this direction, his productions received distin
guished attention, lie shunned politics and the
livelier walks of life, preferring his books and
papers. He married a daughter or General Will
Ism Larimer, who waswell known In this vicinity.
Three children blessed this union, a daughter,
now Mrs. Henry HlUard, and two sons William L.
Jones, who assisted his father in tbe management
of the works, and Thomas M., aged 13, who is at
Mrs. Johnson OleTntyro.
Mrs. Johnson Mclntyre, the wlfo of the well
known Allegheny contractor, died yesterday at
ber home, Mo, S45 .North avenue, after a few
weeks' Illness. Her death was caused by bron
chitis. She was SI years of age and was a promi
nent member or the Fifth U. P. Church. The
funeral will take place this afternoon.
Walter G. Hterllog,
Wilkesbakre, April li Walter O. Sterling,
lather" of the Wllkesbarre banking system,
died this evening. He was very wealthy and was
wellknown throughout the eastern part of the.
State, having been Identified with railroads and
monled Institutions. -
Ex-Governor J. L Farrrelt.
GbantCitt, Mo., April 12.-J. h. FarwelLan
ex-Governor of Wisconsin, died here yesterday.
He was a noted politician of tbe Northwest 40
years ago. He was 70 Drears of age, -
APRIL 13, 1889.
The Friends ol the Condemned Bald Knob
bera labor In Earnest.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Ozark, Mo., April 14 A last and earnest
effort Is being made to save the Bald Knobbers
from the gallows. This final movement to urge
the Government to commute the death sen
tence against the three condemned men to
prison for life is the most extensive effort in the
direction of executive clemency that has yet
been made, and contemplates a united plea
from representative men from Christian,
Douglas, Stone, Taney and Greene counties,,
wbo are to call on Governor Francis about tbe
15th. The two Walkers still face their apparent
doom with wonderful nerve, though the In
stinctive love of life is very manifest in every
expression of tbe Knobber chief and son
"There ,is no need of breaking down," said
young Walker to-day. "if the worst comes, I
will try to stand it but 1 don't want to hang."
Dave Walker still smiles sarcastically in talk
ing about his situation, and even tried to jest
this morning when one of his fellow prisoners,
Jim Miles, spoke of getting out of jail on a
bond next week,
"Yes," remarked the Knobber chief, with a
grim smile; "there will be a thinning out here
soon, I suppose."
John Matthews showed aghastly face through
the grating of his cell, and is sinking Into
deeper gloom each day. He spends most of bis
time now readme the Bible, and often prays
aloud. In all of these petitions to heaven the
prisoner reasserts his Innocence of tbe crime
for which he is sentenced to bang. Every
evening Matthews sings one or more of bis
favorite hymns, and the strong, though plain
tive voice of tbe prisoner can be heard across
-the public square from the JaU.
The familes of the condemned Enobbers are
beginning to visit their helpless friends more
frequently, and the sadness of these meetings
Is too intense for description. The hopeless
ness and privations of the past two years have
told most painfully on the Knobber women
and children, made widows and orphans by the
Edensgreen raid, and bnman misery couldn't
be more touchingly personified than in the
aspect of these poor people, as they gather
around the Ozark jail. The two are sentenced
to hang April 19.
A Campaign Club Allows Itself to be Sued
for a Small Amount.
Special Telegram to Tbe Dispatch.
Worcester, Mass., April 14 Tne Repub
lican City Committee bave taken advantage of
the slow machinery of tbe courts to avoid pay
ment of a bill of (217 Incurred during the cam
paign last fall. The suits are brought by Cater
er F. E. Marshall, who seeks to recover the
balance of the bill for collations furnished the
torchlight bearers who shouted and
marched for Harrison and Morton.
Four lawyers on the committee will
defend the suits, Mr. Marshall, before
bringing his suits, was assured by a member of
the committee that he shpuld receive tbefitft
moneys collected, and at the opening of tbe
fall campaign funds wonld be forthcoming.
He began his suits ana the committee last
evening decided that it would give htm an op
portunity to collect his bill by the slow process
of the courts, and if he gets his money in a year
be will be lucky.
After the meeting there was considerable
outside gossip to the effect that the course de
cided upon was cheaper and easier than it
would be for the parties sued to go through
bankruptcy, and also that It was a somewhat
novel way for Republicans to meet creditors
having honest bills, but anything sluggish and
easy seems to be attractive in this instance,
which is the precise reason why the compara
tively small amount of money needed was not
raised last fall, when a moderate degree of
method and industry would bave secured all
necessary funds. But little money was needed
in last year's campaign in comparison with
some former yean, when it has been necessary
for Massachusetts Republicans to fight
Discovery of a Deo Lately Inhabited by a
Notorious) Outlaw.
HrtLSBOBO, O., April 14 The most intense
excitement exists in Paint township over the
discovery yesterday of a cave a veritable rob
bers' hiding place with all the evidence that
it had but recently been occupied. That region
is the wildest in Southern Ohio, abounding In
caves and caverns and rocky fastnesses where
the sun's rays never penetrate. There it was
that McKinney, the daring robber chief, found
a hiding place when "hounded by the minions
of the law." Dozens of caves, have been point
ed out to visitors as the McKinney cave, and
during the time that be was at large, after bis
daring escape from tbe jail here, officers and
detectives visited and explored every known
hole in the ground for miles around the Rocky
Fork region, hoping to -locate or find some
clew to "Little Reddy from Texas," the name
he was known by on tbe Cheyenne stage route.
The den accidentally discovered yesterday is
on. land belonging to Captain D. M. Barrett
Superintendent of tbe Boys' Industrial Home
at Lancaster. The entrance is large enough to
admit a man on his hands and knees, but en
larged within a few feet of the mouth of the
hallway 4 feet wide and 8 feet high. This
has a length of perhaps 20 feet, opening into a
chamber abont 80 feet by 20, and 8 or 10 in
height. In this chamber a hasty examination
disclosed a luxurious bed of hemlock and other
evidences of recent occupation. The entrance
is obscured by tbe heavy undergrowth, and the
conformation of the cliff is such that persons
living near by had never known of its exist
ence, although a well-worn path was easily dis
cernible leading to the cavern.
Previous Training Necessary.
From the Kansas City Star.
It is a fact worthy of note that all tbe women
elected to municipal offices in Kansas this
spring wear "Mrs." in front of their names. It
seems to require a matrimonial experience to
develop the governing Instinct in women.
Not Afraid of Saurian.
From the Baltimore American.
The placing of the alligator brought from
Florida, by Mrs. McKee, in front of the White
House to keep away the .crowds will hardly
have an effect upon the Southern visitors. It
will mako them feel more at home.
The Friendship of the Press.
From the Altoona Tribune.
Mr. Carnegie's recent savago onslaught on
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has won
him the admiration of a number of editors wbo
but a few months ago were denouncing him In
the severest language.
Absolutely Unprecedented.
From the Detroit Free Press.
A man worth 4000,000 died in Chicago last
week, and up to date only one wife has come
forward with her claim to tbe property. Tbe
Incident is looked upon as singular, to say the
His Modest Ambition.
From the Philadelphia Press.")
The report that Jay Gould was'about to take
up his residence in London Is emphatically de
nied. Mr. Gould doesn't want the earth. The
Western Hemisphere Is enough for him.
New York Herald: What the great State
of Pennsylvania don't want isn't worth reach
ing for.
Harrisburq Telegraph: The barbers are
going to bold a national convention in Pitts
burg. Next!
Chicago Sews: Pittsburg Is indulging in a
grand walking match. It Is probably a school
of dramatic art in disguise.
WASHINGTON (Pa.) Journal: PHtsburgers
seem to be agitated over a short supply o'f
milk. There must be something wrong with
the water.
Minneapolis Tribunei There is a big
walking match in Pittsburg, but strange to re
late neither Meyers, McAuliffe, Weir or Mur
phy are among the contestants.
Youngstown Telegram: The Pittsburg
club in three games this season have received
three goose eggs. It looks as It the team was
determined to win the booby prize.
New York Graphic: Natural gas specula
tion Is beginning to be a craze like the petro
leum excitement In Western Pennsylvania
years ago. There is already a strong odor
about it
Scranton Republican: Tbe Pittsburg'pa
pers are quite elated because there was not a
single murder in that city last Sunday, and
only one suicide. It Is a great record for the
ex-Smoky City.
Altoona Tribune: We notice that the
City Controller of Pittsburg has submitted bis
.annual report and that it gives "an iutelligisle
exhibit of the financial transactions ot the city
during the past fiscal year." So then it appears
that there are cities in this- Commonwealth i
whose Controllers can prepare for public in
spection intelligible exhibit" of the financial J
situation. Lucxy ciuesi
Barnum to Bustnesa for Borne Time.
Hew Yoke, April 14 P. T. Barnum, tbe
great showman, is very much annoyed at tbe
reports published in a New York newspaper
to-day, that be Intended to retire from tbe show
business. "Why, I am actually growing young
again," he said to a Dispatch reporter, "and I
hope and expect to die in the harness-, My
ambition has never been greater nor my plans
for tbe future brighter than at this present
moment Why, I have jnst signed a contract
with Mr. Bailey for the next 50 years, and we
intend to glte the, American public a show
that will make their eyes stick out" The great
showman said he was feeling well, and he Cer
tainly did not look like a man ready to retire
from active life, as be spoke in an animated
way about his plans for the f utdte.
Romance Behind a Suicide.
There is a romance behind the suicide of
Thornwald Egidlus, son of the Swedish Consul
to Amsterdam, Holland, at his hotel last Tues
day. Six months ago young Egidius became
infatuated with Ida Fozzer, an Austrian actress
then playing in the Circus Oscarone, in
Amsterdam. He was then a gentleman of
leisure, with plenty of money. He induced her
to break ber theatrical engagement and travel
with him throngh Southern Europe. They
parted eventually at Vienna. In February
Egidius sailed for America. Two week! later
Miss Fozzer followed him, after cabling to him
the probable date of ber arrival. Egidius at
once left town to avoid meeting her. She
found him upon bis return, after a long chase,
and tried to make him marry her. He told ber
he was dead broke, that bis father had ref used
to help him and that he would have nothing
more to do with ber. Miss Fozzer then got a
lawyer and papers for a breach of promise suit
upon him last Monday. On Tuesday Egidius
shut the doors and windows of his room, turned
on the gas full bead, lay down on his bed and
died. Miss Fozzer is a tall, strongly-built
brunette, with handsome features. She is 23
years old. Egidius was educated with Prince
Oscar, of Sweden, who was recently reduced in
rank, for marrying beneath bis station. It is
believed by some prominent Swedes in this city
that the suicide is tbe real prince, and that bis
name was not Egidius, but Prince Oscar.
Singular Scene at Sea.
The crew of the steamship Tropic, which ar
rived here from Progress to-day, bad the most
novel experience of all in the big storm last
Saturday and Sunday. Early Sunday morn
ing, in tbe midst of a tremendous electric
storm off Cape Hatteras, the sea suddenly be
came fiery red. A terrible hissing sound was
heard, which came apparently from overhead.
It grew in volume, and the Illumination in
creased until the light became so brilliant that
the crew could distinguish only sparks and Are.
A huge red ball of fire appeared overhead, ap
parently as large as a big balloon. It came in
a slanting direction toward the steamer, and
fell in tbe ocean only a few yards from the ves
sel, filling the air with flakes of fire. Millions
of sparks fell in the wake of the fire-ball, Illu
minating the steamer for several moments.
During tbe disturbance the barometer vibrated
1-10 each way. thus indicating that the fire-ball
was 'a metallic substance.
Has to Pay for Bad Plumbing.
Tbe Circuit Court to-day directed James
Armstrong; principal of the school on Columbia
Heights, to pay the Misses Ely fS20L The
Misses Ely taught in Mr. Armstrong's school
while tbe plumbing there was in bad condition.
They, as well as several pupils, were taken ill
of typhoid fever and the school was closed.
Subsequently the Misses Ely sued Mr. Arm
strong for damages, on the ground that he bad
been criminally negligent Eight days were
taken up with the trial, and a good deal of evi
dence was taken as to the nature of typhoid
fever germs and howdefective plumbing might
contaminate the atmosphere of a residence.
A Complaint Against Discrimination.
The special Treasury agents at the Custom
House completed to-day an investigation of
the methods of importing steel wire. The
manufacturers of steel wire complain that
while on all their importations they have paid
7 cents per pound, many importers of steel
wire flattened into steel strips foruse in corsets
have paid only 45 per cent ad valorem, or 7
cents a pound.
On Trial for Killing His Playmate.
Ten-year-old Willie Lutz was arraigned In
the Harlem Police Court, to-day, for causing
the death of 6-year-old Tobias Hipper, of 1614
Second aveifte, by stuffing his mouth with re
fuse and otherwise injuring him. He denied
harming Hipper intentionally, and said the
latter got hurt by falling down some steps.
Coroner Levy found, the head badly bruised,
and there is little doubt that the child died
from tbe 111 treatment he received at the bauds
of his playmates. The police attribute his
death more to rough play than to malicious
Children Poisoned by Parsnips.
St. Joseph, Minn., April 14 Four children
of Joseph Mlrrtam, a German farmer living in
this township, found some wild parsnips which
had been ploughed up, and all ate of them.
1 hey soon became violently sick. Three of the
children, a boy 6 years old and two girls, 4 and
2 years, died in terrible agony. Another, a
girl 3 years old. Is still living and may recover.
Sufferers Are Numerous.
From the Chicago Herald.
Somebody in tne White House has a head
ache and immediately the cry goes up that a
new executive mansion must bo built There
Is more sickness in the families of men wbo
fall to reach the White House than there is
among the occupants of that structure.
The water works reservoir at Wellsborois
of ten coated with a layer of wild ducks taking
a rest in their northern flight
A chemical firm at Ambler, Montgomery
county, are making extenslvo shipments of
magnesia to California, Mexico and South
Mrs. L N. Smith, visiting in Williamsport
accidentally took, in mistake for valerian,
enough digitalis to kill a horse, but a prompt
doctor and an emetic saved ber.
HabbyFet, aged 18 years, of Lancaster
county, accidentally bit his sister in tbe eye a
week ago, and, fearing a whipping, left home,
and has not been beatd of since.
The Titusville man wbo, while mellow,
scalded his chin while lighting a cigar by
tbe steam of a peanut roaster, will lose his
beard, which Is swathed in a soothing oint
ment Mes. Maey Comlet, living In Washington
township, near Ellmsport Is the owner of a
calf that has a tail that is as clean of hair as
the tall of a rat with the exception of a small
tuft at the end, which is white hair about two
inches long.
The weeping willow in the yard ot Christ
Cathedral, Reading, was grown from a sbbot
Imported from Babylon by the late Alexander
Burnett and Js said to be the only one in the
State with so direct a lineage to the historical
tree of which David sang.
A Lancaster county man sized up a bowl,
containing 123 oysters, in a Lancaster restau
rant ald he would take them all in a stew,
which he ate. when prepared, together with a
dish of crackers and a dozen swoet cakes, and
remarked that the amount he bad jnst eaten
was an average meal for him three times a
Above the wall that's broken.
And from the coppice thinned.
Ho sacred and so sweet
The lilac In the wind !
And every night the May wind blows
The lilac blooms apart, ,
The memory of his first love
Is shaken on his heart.
A tear was long lfs gravestone,
A hash was all aronndr
Oh how they wake it now,
The fragrance and the sonndl
And every night tbe Hay wind blows
The lilac blooms apart,
The memory of his first love
Is shaken on-hls heart.
Lonitt Imogen Ouineg in Harper' Weekly.
ichet.andihe tacred white elephants are tie
termed in to-morrourV Dispatch by Frank a.
Carpenter, and the reader is given a peep into
the royal harem
Daniel "Webster was arrested for' burg
lary in East Liverpool, O., a f e w days ago.
A Philadelphia connoisseur in eating
says that musk-rat meat tastes better than any
Two hundred bushels of onions have
been presented to a charitable Institution of
Cleveland, to be distributed to tbe poor.
Conception Cortez, who died recently
at Matamoras, Mexico, was 113 years old. His
wife, Luz Lara, who survives him, is nearly 100
years old.
A dead goose cost Postmaster Gerweg,
of Dakota City, Neb., his life. Be had shot the
bird and was trying to get it when his boat up.
set and he was drowned.
A Louisville man told a reporter re
cently that after be took up the study of that
"science" last summer the mosquitoes, which
had greatly plagued his children, ceased to an.
noy them. New Jersey is Just the field for
Christian science.
Oskaloosa's female Mayor, who was re
elected this spring, paid all the outstanding
claims of tbe city last year, met the current
expenses promptly, and left a balance of $100
in the city treasury. But she wore the same
bonnet all year that she had boagbt the season
A fresco four feet square, in a, wonder
ful state of freshness, has been uncovered in
Canterbury Cathedral on removing a wall, sup
posed to nave been erected in 1174 to strengthen
the wall of the choir. It shows St. Paul shak
ing off into tbe fire a serpent which had bitten
him on the hand.
Mrs. William Cross, of Seymour, Ind.,
was bitten on the foot by a copperhead snake
over 30 years ago, but she partially recovered
after months of intense suffering. Every year
ber foot has swollen to enormous size, and sev
eral times it was thought she would die. For
more than a year she baa been unable to walk,
and ber body Is now so badly swollen that it is
belteved she cannot live many days.
Population is so scattered in New South
Wales that the failure of 0 per cent of tbe
voters to go to the polls at a recent exciting
election, where the issue was between protec
tion and free trade, is accounted for by the dis
tances many would have bad to travel to cast
their votes. In one case, where there was an
omission to open polls at a given locality, tbe
electors had to travel 200 miles or lose their
An Akron painter was at work on a
business block when be discovered a last
year's bird's nest in a niche in the ornamental
woodwork. There was nothing attractive or
particularly-interesting in the makeup of this
nest as the painter glanced at it but he
thoughtlessly picked it up and began to tear it
apart. His eyes nearly bulged from their
sockets in bis surprise as, among tbe bits of
string and bay and other odds and ends, be
beheld a $10-bllL
"W. H. Kent, a farmer living near "Win
terset Iowa, has been arrested for using the
malls for lottery purposes. He was taken to
Des Moines and arraigned before a United
States Commissioner, and beld under $500
bonds to appear before the grand jury. Kent
had a big scheme underway. His plan was to
sell a bushel of corn for SI, and throw in ons
ticket In his gift enterprise, the prizes of which,
aggregated, according to his circulars, $100,000.
It was for sending these circulars through the
mails that he was arrested.
Here is an item that will interest Penn
sylvania sportsmen: In 1885 there were thou
sands of young trout deposited in the streams
of this part of the State. According to the
laws of thiS-State, no fishing for this particular
fish was allowed for three years. The pre
scribed time is now up, and having had three
years' Test the streams are supposed to ba
abounding with the beauties. There were
48,000 distributed in Somenet county, chiefly a
Confluence. There were 70.000 put in West
moreland county streams at Llgonler and New
Florence. At Brady, Indiana county, 18.000
were distributed. In Cambria county 43,000
were distributed at Ebensburg, Gallitzin ana
Sonth Fork.
The ladies of Oakland, a village near
Indianapolis, Inaugurated a crusade against
liquor selling, and established a surveillance
over an establishment run by Ammon and
Alexander Kepfler, regular committees being
appointed, and the ladles, in squads of lour
and five, spending the entire time in tbe saloon,
making notes of sales and keeping "tab" on
every man purchasing drinks. Every effort
was made to force them away, save actual vio
lence, loafers even bringing in polecats and
putting tbe animals under the stove, hoping
ine scent woma arive out tne women, una
lady fainted, bnt remained at her post In
dictments against the Kepflers were secured.
Lucien Narble Monroe, colored, of
Virginia, is attracting attention in New York,
where he has gone in search of a relative. He
weighs but 65 pounds, and one of his lower
limbs has the appearance of being solid bone.
He is helpless, being unable to either walk or
use his arms. A reporter learned from him
that tbe disease first manifested itself in 1S57,
when he was 8 years old, by a sharp pain near
his left knee, and, when an examination was
made, it was found that the joint was solidify
ing. The following year the malady extended
into the foot, and later in the same year to the
other leg. His joints then lost all power of
motion, and gradually solidified up to his neck.
For 15 years he suffered greatly, but he has ex
perienced no pain since 1874
At a meeting of the Numismatic and
Antiquarian Society in Philadelphia Henry
Phillips, Jr., exhibited a photograph of a
Roman coin with a flint arrow-head, which was
found at Toledo, O., at a depth of six feet be
low the surface. The coin was pronounced by
him to be of the time of Antoninus Pius,
struck at Alexandria, and appeared from the
photograph to be in fine condition. No human
remains or traces of bnrialwere discovered
with it As bearing on tils subject it is inter
esting to note that similar numismatic finds
have been reported lu what was once the
Northwest Territory. Medals and coins of re
mote countries and times are said to bave been
discovered there frequently, sometimes in the
vicinity of Indian remains and unlikely to
have been the property of recent settlers.
' s
A man who carries a bald spot on his
head for 15 years nsesnp 423 days of that time in
caressing it and his work Is all in vain. Detroit
Fret Prat.
Lent in the "West Eastern Girl Do
Western society people allow themselves any
amusements In Lent?
Western Qlrl-No; nothing but poker. PAJto
dtlphia Seeord.
A Little Boy's Idea "Mamma," said
Freddy, whose duty it was to run a great many
errands, T wish I was only as big as a dollar."
"Why do yon wish that, my son?"
"Because then I could put my self In my pocket
and ride myself around." Drat ft Magazine.
Her Great Catch. Mother Mary, why
don't yon try to make Charlie Creed fall In love
with your 'He's the best catch or the season.
Daughter (Innocently) Because, mamma, dear,
I don't want tbe catch. I'm engaged to tbe first
baseman, and be Is too lovely for any use. H'aeA
irigton Critic.
Sizing Them TJp. Mrs. Gadd That new
family next door to yon must be pnrty well off;
they've got a planer.
Mrs. Gabb Huhl They don't own it It's
"How d'ye know!"
"By the way they bang on i)." Philadelphia
The Eight Place. Sick Man Is this the
West End Sanltarnm?
New Girl (myst!fled)-Tnls Is Dr. BUnk's bouse.
"Ves, but. doesn't he take sick people to nurse
"OhI Maybe he does. There's two or three
skeletons hi the back office." Philadelphia
Caught.. It at the Show. Mrs. Lugsby
Old Mr. Grnmsby, the doctor says, Is suffering
from elephantiasis.
Mrs. Bagsby Caught it at the show, I suppose.
Hereafter no boy of mine shall go to see the ele
phant without having been vaccinated. Yon
can't tell exactly what the elephants fetch over
here In their trunks. Dross's Magazine.
A Modern Temperance Lesson. Once
upon a Time a very Good and Pious Person saw a
Bibulous Man coming ont of a Saloon in a stats of
Mild and Melancholy Intoxication.
"Oh, my Friend," cried the Pious Person, "I
am very Sorry to see von coming out of such a
"Is that so?" remled the Bibulous Man in a
Thick and Tearful Voice. " ell, I will go right
Back Again.'" And he did so, leaving tne Pious
Person standing on the sidewalk in Great Amise
ment.-BurMnjton Fret frets.
He knows full well who history read,
When man by faith was guided, "
Tbe various religious creeds, -
Tbe human race divided.
Now Pagan, Christian, Israelite,
Illiterate man snd scholar, -
All In one common creed unite
The worship of the dollar.
A rLOWM in grarsro. -
The rooster is abudding flower,
A highly colored thing, ,
Abont the gardes. In the fields-? ,
- , The.crowussoftbesprlng.f .
tvwAtaoton vr