Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 12, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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K s ' ' THE PITTSBTJEG DISPliTOH, FRII)i.Y, AFBIL " 12, 1889: 1 , ' J" jf
W" k Tn?DVATJTT?T.T7T?l?TQF! LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. " I A REMARKABLE MARRIAGE. hew, abtertiskments. sew advertisements. , , wbw abtbrtibembots.
m Promised by W. D. Moore in the
m Conspiracy and Boycott Cases.
Hearing in the Matter of Daisj Hutchin
son's Alleged Insanity.
Argument in the Brace Bros, hearing be
fore Master M.A. "Woodward was begun
yesterday. "W. W. Jennings, connsel for
the firm, made but a brief address. His
argument was that a refusal of the tem
porary injunction would not prevent a per
manent one being granted, and that they
asked only to be let alone. The more im
portant question. He thought, was the one
of damages caused by the action of the defend
ants In the bill. He quoted authorities on this
point. He knew it was difficult to arrrre at the
proper amount, but as shown by toe statements
of the employes and drivers of wagons at least
10.000 worth of business had been withheld
from them by their patrons. The testimony
submitted had all been, allowed to be given
without any witnesses being called by the de
fense to relate it.
Mr. Moore opened the argument for the de
lensc His argument took some time, and was
mainly the points of the testimony submitted
during the numerous hearings. He went
through the entire reports and nicked out the
statements of witnesses for the prosecution,
saying he would enlarge on them at the proper
time. He argued that the evidence submitted
was not sufficient to make out a case. He said
the acts proved were not of an unlawful nature,
and that in the cases of several of the defend
ants named in the bill nothing bad been shown
against them to include them In the bill asked
fur. The testimony of C. L. Brace himself
shows that Messrs. Dovey and McAuliffe tried
to settle the matter amicably before the trouble
betran. As for estimating any damages in the
matter, Mr. Moore said it was impossible to do
so. The possible profits are only assumed, and
there are many causes to prevent them being
realised. The statements of agents and drivers
of wagons "that patrons were falling off on ac
count of the boycott" should not be put in evi
oence, as that should be directlysworn to. Mr.
Moore objected to its consideration by the
Mr. Moore and Mr. Brennan will continue
arguments for the defense next Thursday.
A Hearing In the Feenllnr Case of Daisy
If Daisy Hutchinson is adjudged insane it
will have to be done by hard work on the part
of her opposing counsel, Charles F. McKenna,
Esq. At the hearing yesterday she certainly
showed by her actions that she was not only not
ont of her mind, but she could take care of her
own business.
Tbe case was called for hearing before Com
mlssioner John C. Shoemaker in tbe tatter's
office In the Bakewell building. There were
present besides the commissioner and his as
sistants, Drs. McKennan, Mercur, Benham,
AVylie and Sutton, and a number of women.
AttornejsBreill and Fitzpatrick appeared for
tbe defense.
The first witness called was Mrs. Elizabeth
Blnme, of Allegheny City, a sister of the
woman supposed to be insane. She testified to
the age and family connection of her sister,
Margaret Bassendorf, better known as Daisy
Hutcbinsoa. She said Daisy was about SO tears
of age. She stated in detail the history of the
case from the time Daisy discharged the in
mates ot her bonse until tbe present time.
Sbe said a short time after Christmas Daisy
came to her and commanded her to give up
housekeeping and go live with her. Sbe and
ber husband did so and at the expiration of
two weeks she began to think her sister was
insane. Every day Daisy had a different Idea
about what she wanted to do in the future.
Subsequently she visited the St. Francis Hos
pital and fonnd Daisy in the Insane apartment.
She was crying and said that was no place for
her and wanted to get ont. Mrs. Blume told
Daisy sbe could not take her out and her sister
then began to get hysterical.
Doctor Mercur testified,aylng the womin had
been brought to his office by Constable Porter
in an excited state, bhe was sobbing about her
sister being murdered and be came to the con
clusion that she was mentally unsound. He
Sve her a mixture ot bromide. She came
ck the next day saying that somebody was
pursuing her. He went to see tbe constable
and asked him to communicate with her
friends. At 1 o'clock Sunday morn
ing she was called to her
room in a hotel where she said somebody had
drugged her. She still raved about her sister's
death. She visited his office Monday morning
and again ber actions were strange. He com
municated with Mrs, Blume and advised mov
ing Daisy to a hospital for treatment. He told
Dr. McKennan that she needed a private place
to rest and he wanted to send her to Frankf ord.
In the meantime they decided to have ber com
mitted to St. Francis', and the papers were
made out.
To tbe query, "Look at her now and then say
if yon think she is insane," the witness said,
"I am not qualified to judge without an exami
nation. 1 would have to ask her questions."
Dr. Mercur said he wonld consent to attend an
examination with other physicians. He said
he had prescribed no morphia, nor were there
any signs of the drug uDon the woman.
Dr. McKennan. who was resident physician
at Dixmont asylum for two years, was placed
upon; the stand. He said be bad been influ
enced in making bis report of Daisy's condition
,'by the history of tbe case given to him. He
did not detect any violent signs of insanity, but
bis general observation made him believe that
she was insane. He said patients of this kind
would deceive physicians, and .they had to be
guided by what they had been told. He thought
Daisy should have three months' rest in some
quiet private asylum.
The hearing will be continued to-day.
The Hays Estnte Cases to be Compromised
by the Railroad.
An order was made yesterday in the Orphans'
Court allowing a compromise to be made in the
cases of the James H. Hays estate against the
Pittsburg, McEeesport and Tougblogheny
Bailroad Company. The amount for which the
suits are to be compromised is C20.000, to be
paid to tbe estate by the railroad company. Tbe
order was made upon the filing of a petition by
H. C. Bughwan, trustee of the Hays estate,
asking that such privilege be granted. The
cases in qnestion w ere for the recovery of dam
ages for land belonging to tbe estate that was
appropriated by the railroad company. Tbe
land taken comprised several large tracts in
Mifflin, Baldwin and Lower St. Clair townships.
The first proceedings commenced in May, 1SS6.
Legal Tender.
Samuel Meik and wife yesterday obtained
an order of court legalizing their adoption of
Ada Cadman.
In tbe Criminal Court George McClelland
was sentenced to one month to tbe workhonse
upon conviction of robbing his emplojer, J. J.
Davis, of S2L
, JCrtrr Attorney Mouelajtd yesterday be
gan a suit against JohnS. Adams forSO months'
rent due the city for a coal boat landing on
the Alononganeia wnarr.
Michael McGeoom, found guilty of steal
ing a coat and satchel from Mrs. Johnson's
lodging house, on Fifth avenue, was sentenced
six months to the workhouse.
Kosalie DeHaan. respondent in the di
vorce suit of F. A. DeHaan, yesterday filed her
answer to the accusations of the plaintiff's
charges, denying all infidelity.
The widow of the late Peter Walter, Jr.. of
Allegheny, and George L. Walter, his brother,
yesterday took out letters of administration of
the estate of Mr. Walter, he baring died in
testate. To-day's Trial Lists Common Fleas So.
3 Garrison & Co. vs Balph; Sutton vsB.AU.
R. B. Co.; Winn & Son vs Brown. Criminal
Court Commonwealth vs Oliver Force. Val
entine Guckert, Michael McGrann, William
Madden et al., Mary Malloy, Michael Keenani
Richard Kestner, William Powers, Mary Ed
wards, Edward Henley et al.
30 Shave for 2 Cents.
Mall 2 cents to Colgate & Co.. S3 John St., IT.
V., for a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap.
Black goods Complete stock of all-wool
and silk and woolen fabrics, new sideband
effects in henriettas, serges, etamines,
camel's hair, grenadines, etc.
All the leading brands of imported
'-. caamnagues sold by G. AV. Schmidt, 95 and
vi js um avenue.
' Easter Jewelry.
AU .the latest novelties in fine jewelry,
lowest prices, at Hauch's. No. 295 Fifth
f-fTe. jrrsu
Minneapolis' street car lines are tied up by
a strike.
Paymasters J. R. Carmody and F. H. HIn.
man have been placed on tbe retired list of the
Female White Caps soundly whipped a man
named Hurlbut, at Allegan, Mich., tor mal
treating his wife.
Robt. F. Hill, of Michigan, a member of tbe
Board of Pension Appeals, in the Interior De
partment, has resigned.
Alexander Emery, a coffee and spice dealer
ot New Haven, Conn., has assigned. Liabili
ties. $30,000; assets, $20,000.
France and China have agreed to connect
the China and Tonqnin telegraph lines, and
thus establish communication Detween Saigon
and Pekin.
Henry E. Dlxey AdonU) has been served
with pipers in a suit for divorce brought by his
wife, formerly Ida Glover, on the ground of
Tbe storehouse of the Suffolk Cordage Com
pany, at Chelsea, Mass., was damaged to the ex
tent of 50,000, yesterday afternoon, by fire. The
loss is covered ny insurance.
William Wharton, the newly appointed
assistant Secretary of State, appeared at the
Department yesterday, took the oath of office
and made the acquaintance of the Department
The Governing Committee of the New
York Stock Exchange has decided to suspend
business on the Exchange on Good Friday; also
on the 29th and 30th instant, because of tho
Centennial celebration.
Thomas'McCarthy, one of the planners of
the Manhattan bank burglary, and who after
ward held up a train near Troy, fur which he
served seven years in prison, was yesterday
sent to prison for eight years for grand larceny.
Tbe new cruiser Baltimore has been docked
at Philadelphia for the purpose of having her
propellers put on. She will probably remain in
dock until tbe 15th or 16th instant. Her bottom
was slightly muddy, but otherwise in good con
dition. At a meeting of the Trunk Line passenger
agents, ield in Commissioner Fink's office. New
York City, yesterday, it was agreed that the
system of paying commissions to passenger
agents be abolished. The agreement is to go
into effect at once.
-Edgar Swan, of Lvnn, Mass., a defaulting
ex-bank cashier, was yesternay sentenced to
five years in the Lawrence jail for embezzle
ment. Tbe sentence was the lightest permis
sible under the law, the Judge being requested
to be lenient by a number of persons.
Mrs. J. F. Hart, of Brookllne. Mass., who
was so badlv scalded in the accident on the
Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railroad,
near Joliet, died yesterday. The physicians in
attendance sav that Mr. Hart and the other
wounded are doing well, and will probably re
cover. Tuesday night James Webster, of Detroit,
representing the Union Manufacturing Com
pany of Toledo, alighted from a train at the
Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton depot for
lunch, leaving his valise, containing $15,000 in
notes, contracts and other papers in a seat.
While he was gone James Klein, a painter,
stole it and hid it in a saloon near by, and was
investigating the contents when he was ar
rested. A strike on all the Western roads center
ing in Chicago is one of the possibilities of the
near future. No other subject is discussed at
tbe secret meetings of tbe brotherhoods of lo
comotive engineers and firemen. The impres
sion prevails among the men that the Western
roads have determined upon a general and
sweeping reduction in waes. During the last
week several things have transpired which tend
to strengthen this impression.
The new Inman line steamer City of Paris
completed her maiden voyage across the At
lantic at 8:20 A. M-, yesterday. She left Queens
town at 3.19 1". II. on April 4, and arrived off
Sandy Hook at 6:37 yesterday morning, thus
making the trip from harbor to harbor in 6
days, 18 hours and 53 minutes. From Fastnet
light to Fire Island tbe time was about five
hours less. She reached quarantine at 6:58 A.
M., and one hour and two minutes later she
was at her dock. It was expected that tbe new
steamer would make the trip within a very few
hours of six days. Her failure to do so n at
tributed to the fact that ber new machinery
bad not time to smooth down, and because tbe
weather was not favorable to a quick voyage.
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. J. J. McWiUiams, Denison, Ia says: "I
have used it largely in nervousness and dys
pepsia, and I consider that it stands unrivaled
as a remedy in cases of this kind. I have also
used it in cases of sleeplessness with very grati
fying results."
Solid Value.
Our reputation of being the lowest-priced
clothiers in this city has been obtainedby
always givingpurchasers solid value for
their money, we can and do undersell our
competitors in the clothing line, and we
stand ready to back up onr assertion with
goods and prices. Here are a few specials
for to-day and to-morrow. Call and see 'em.
Men's fine spring suits, $8, 10, $12. Spring
overcoats, silk-faced and cut on the lastest
box pattern, and "very English," $10 and
$12, some silk-lined. Special in hats, men's
crush hats, tobacco brown and side nutria,
at 38c, worth 51. Children's suits, $1 48,
$2 50, $3 60. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House. v
The Housekeeper's Guide.
A monthly publication of interest to every
housekeeper. Gives the price of eyery ar
ticle we carry in stock, interesting reading
matter, household recipes, etc. April num
ber now ready. Mailed on application.
"Wm. Haslaoe & Son-,
Select Family "Grocers, 18 Diamond, Mar
ket square, Pittsburg.
La Pebla del Fumab are a high grade
Key "West cigar, manufactured for those
smokers who can appreciate Havana tobscco
in its natural condition. Sold from $6 50 to
$12 per 100. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth ave.
SI. Last month. Sl-
April is positively the last month for Si
per dozen cabinets at Elite Gallery, 516
Market street, Pittsburg. Come early and
bring children, rain or shine. Use elevator.
Kid Glove Sale.
1.500 doz. 5 and 7 Foster hook kid gloves,
75c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75, $2 00; 4 and
5 buttons, 48c, 75c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50; best
for tie money anywhere.
Jmt After the Honeymoon
Is a very critical period in married life. A
devoted'wife cannot afford to wreck her fut
ure happiness by wearing herself out over a
bake-oven. If she has tact she will buy
Marvin's new milk bread and live happy
ever afterward. tufsu
B. & B.
'H500 pieces of softMulI ruching (6 yards in
box) lor 25c Such value in this line never
before shown in America.
Black surah silks The six grades we
are showing at 65c, 75c, 90c. $1, $1 25 and
$1 50 per yard are without doubt the best
values obtainable. Htjgtjs & Hackx.
Have your watch repaired at Hauch's,
No. 295 Fifth ave. Lowest prices. wfsu
' Absolutely Pure
This powder never vanes. A niarvel'of pur
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate now
ders. Sold (mlp in earn. ROYAL BAKING
PO WDKR-CO., 108 Wall Bt, N. Y.
Miss Wilson, Who U Only IS Yean Old, Be-
comes tbe Bride of n, Man Aged 72 Years.
A marriage license wag issued yesterday
afternoon to Samuel E. Welder, aged 72
years, and Edith P. "Wilson, aged 15 years.
The application for the license was made at
the marriage license offlco by Mr. Welser him
self, an erect and well preserved man, looking
many years younger than the age he gave. He
was accompanied by James Wilson, the father
of tbe girt, who resides at 163 Wylie avenue,
Mr. Welser resides with Mr. Wilson.
When the age of the intended bride was
given. Captain Heiber, tbe clerk, hesitated.
After a consultation with Register Conner,
however, tbe license was issued, there being
nothing in the law to prevent a union of a
conple with snch a great disparity of ages,
when the consent of the father is given.
Mr. Welser, the prospective groom, was
formerly a resident of McKeesport, and for
many years was well known as connected with
tbe circus business. He traveled as a clown,
with the circus of "Jim" Taylor for a number
of years, until tbe show struck a yellow fever
district, and half the performers dying, the
company was broken np. Afterward Welser
took out a circus ot his own. He retired upon
marrying a wealthy lady in McEeesport, and
upon her death was left a fortune.
The family of the girl are said to be in but
moderate circumstances.
New Officers for the- Historical Society
Topics by Well. Known Men.
At a meeting of the Historical Society
yesterday C. S.Fetteman was elected Presi
dent, 1. H. Eaton, D. T. Johnston, Jacob
Reese," Thomas Harper, J. T Johnston and
Reuben Miller, Jr., Vice Presidents; D. W.
Miller, Corresponding Secretory; Rev. A. A.
Lambing Recording Secretary, and John Ful
lerton. Treasurer.
Rev. MD. Lichliter read a paper on "Wash
ington's First Battle," and Rev. A. A. Lambing
"The Election and Inauguration of General
Washington." Prof. L. H. Eaton spoke of the
early schools of Pittsburg and Allegheny. The
six large pictures presented by the Committee
on the Celebration of Allegheny connty were
accepted with thanks. The next meeting will
be held May 9.
Sneezing Catarrh.
The distressing sneeze, sneeze, sneeze,-the
acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and
nose, the painful inflammation extending to
the throat the swelling of the mucous lining,
causing choking sensations, cough, ringing
noises in the head and splitting headaches,
how familiar these symptoms are to thousands
who suffer periodically from head'COlds or in
fluenza, and who live in ignorance of the fact
that a single application of Sakfors's Radi
cal Cube fob Catarrh will afford instan
taneous relitf.
Bnt this treatment in cases of simple catarrh
gives but a faint idea of what this remedy will
do in the chronic forms, where tbe breathing is
obstructed by choking, putrid mucous accumu
lations, the hearing affected, smell. and taste
gone, throat ulcerated and hacking cough
gradually fastening Itself npon tbe debilitated
system. Then it is that tbe marvelous cura
tive power of Saxford's Radical cubs
maniiests itself in instantaneous and grateful
relief. Cure begins from the first application.
It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical,
Sanford's Radical Curb consists of one
bottle of the RADICAL CUBE, one box of CA
TARRHAL Solvent, and an Improved In.
BALEB; price, SI.
Potteb Drug t Chemical Corporation,
Aching muscles, back, hins and
sides, kidney and n'terine pains, and
all pain, inflammation, and weak
ness relieved In one minute bv the
Cntlcnrn Anti-Pnln J'lnster. The first and
only pain-subduing plaster. New, original, in
stantaneous, never failing. Vastly superior to
all other plasters and remedies for the relief of
pain. At all druggists, 25 cents; five for $1; or,
postage free, of Potteb Drug and Chemi
cal Corporation, Boston, Mass. mf
One of the Consulting Physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute
at 323 Penn avenue.
Mr. John H. King, a well-known citizen of
Allegheny county, residing at Tarentum, has
for a long time suffered from Catarrh. He
had a backing cough, dizziness and pain over
the eyes. The tough, tenacious mucous in his
head and throat was hard to raise, and gave
-him such a choked-up feeling. He took cold
easily, and his throat often became sore.' Hav
ing been unable to find any relief, be began
treatment with the specialists for Catarrhal
323 Penn avenue. He says:
"In testimony that I have been cured of
Catarrh by tbe physicians ot the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, I hereby sign my name.
The above lady physician can be consulted
by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to
their sex. The medicines used are positively
curative, and are so prepared as to allow tbe
patient to use the treatment herself. They
treat successfully Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dys
pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney
and Female Diseases.
Office hours. 10 a. m. to 4 P. si, and 6 to 8 p.
M. Sundays, 12 to i p. x. Consultation free
to all. Removed to 323 Penn avenue April 1.
There is a medical and surgical institute at
No. 420 Penn avenue, known as the Polypathlc
Surgical Institute for the treatment ot cancers,
tumors, hernia or rupture, club foot, deformi
ties and other acute and chronic diseases re
quiring surgical or operative treatment. The
physicians in charge have for many years made
a special study of this class of diseases. The
treatment used varies according to the case,
and embraces any and all treatments that
science, long practice and thorough investiga
tion have found to be most potent In making a
thorough and permanent enre. Consultation
Is free. If -you are suffering from either of the
above diseases, or any defotmlty. call upon
these doctors, who will -frankly tell you what
they can do for you. Office hours, 10 to 11:30
A. M., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M. Remember, con
sultation n free to all. POLYPATHIO SUR
GICAL INSTITUTE, 420 Penn avenue.
Only Genuine System of Memory Training,
Four Books Learned la one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and ndnlt (treatly benefitted.
i.reu isoaceiaesn to uomsponoence masses.
wist. J. IW. Rnrkler. I
AixoeauT). Y-. WchnriT Proctfor, the Sdeatist,
Hob. Jntee Gibson, J Bdah P. Hesjama and
ifrjr Wmffmm peb cat ,
Prsipsetaa, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Ilttin-
Biond. the world.fi.med EseciahstiaMindDissuas.
nnipl ftreenleaf Thommnn. the exeat Psrohol
).!).. editor of ths Christian
Pre A.LOISEfTE, 237 Fifth Ave, N. T.
The Age
of Silver.
DESIGNS In Silver, like famous
works of art, may be classified,
by ages.
Many o the antique patterns
now admired collectively under
the broad title of OLD SILVER
are coeval with theTeign of Queen
Anne. y
The years from this date till the
last of the Georges sat on the En
glish Throne, produced muoh that
has survived to elicit our warm
In our Silver Department wfll be
found many pieces which faith
fully reproduce the lines of the
famous originals of these interest
ing periods.
206 Fifth avenue,
Madison Square, New York.
Correspondence invited from in
tending purchasers.
The Grand Opera House Filled
With People.
The interest manifested by invalids of every
description in tho public healing of the sick at
the Grand Opera House every morning from 10
to U o'clock by Dr. Smith; seems to bo increas
ing. The Opera. Honse is filled to overflowing
every morning with invalids from all parts of
the country and city who are suffering from all
manner of complaints, eagerly 'waiting for an
opportunity to receive a magnetic treatment
from Dr. Smith. That this man is endowed
with a strange and mysterious gift to heal dis
eases there can be no possible doubt. The
many wonderful cures be performs simolv bv
laying his bands upon the invalid is truly mar
ly volous. Scores of nelpless invalids are carried
upon tbe stage, and after receiving a magnetic
treatment of not more than five minutes' dura
tion, get un, walk around the platform and de
clare to the audience that they are entirely
well. Sr. Smith is a thoroughly educated phy
sician and surgeon, and performs all operations
known to surgery; be cordially invites both
the sick and the well to go to the Qrand Opera
House and witness bis many wonderful cures.
This morning a man went upon tbe stage who
bad been a helpless invalid for four years, suf
ferlnt from rheumatism in his back and legs.
He was so lame that he teas obliged to walk
with crntcbes and could not stand alone with
out them. In five minutes he was running
around the platform with his crutches over bis
shoulder, as well as he ever was in his life.
Another gentleman who suffered from a lame
shoulder and who had not-been able to put on
bis coat without help In five years, was cured in
less than five minutes. A lady who had been deaf
five years was made to bear a whisper. A lady
suffering from rheunutlc headache was re
lieved of all pain in a few moments' time.
These wonderful cures were witnessed by an
audience of more than 1,000 people. Dr. Smith
will treat-the sick every morning this week at
the Grand Opera House from 10 to 11 o'clock
free of charge; everybody is invited to attend
and listen to the lecture and witness the cures.
The Doctor is located at 502 Penn avenue,
where he may be consnlted free from 9 a. u.
until 7 p.m. The Doctor will also give a free
lectnre to ladies next Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock inlhe Grand Opera House. This lec
ture will be illustrated with life-sized charts,
and will be the most interesting of any lectnre
ever given In Pittsbnrg. Every lady should
attend. Letters of inquiry must contain two
stamps. apIO-71
No., 410 Smithiield St.
CAPITAL, - . - - 8200,000 00,
mh22-9D JOHN JF. STEEL. Cashier.
Have been and are still very busy. CATJSET Good goods at extra low prices. EFFECT? A
discerning and enlightened public practically illustrating their hearty appreciation. No time
for ad. this week; but here goes for a few startling samples of our Every-Day-in-tne-Week bar
gains. We've still got one case left of those wonderful all-wool Scotch tweed suitings, 33 inches
wide, at 25c a yard. Tney cost 35c to make.
Another 60 pieces lovely shades, all-wool costnme cloth, in very pretty variegated silk stripes,
will be laid out at 45c a yard; they're 3S inches wide, and would be cheap enough at 60c
Then the 52-inch all-wool check suitings at 60c a yard; would be elegant value at 75c
And your attention is very specially directed to the piles upon piles of 45-inch Henrietta
cloths in all the new, desirable spring shades, at 37, 50, 75c and SI 00 a yard, usually sold at 60c
75c, Jl 00 and Jl 25., N
Our magnificent assortment of ladles' jackets, beaded wraps, newmarkets, stuff and silk
costumes cannot fail to please. Styles the latest, weaves and shades the newest, prices GETaT
Lace curtains, poles, portieres, etc Very busy. Still a largo assortment. New goods daily.
151 and 153 FEDERAL
When Making Your Purchases, and by Doing So
You Will Save Money.
This can onljr be done by purchasing of a good, reliable firm, and we have that
reputation. Having it, we are bound to keep it. Our prices are the lowest and all
our goods are recommended. So it will pay you well to deal with us.
As there is but very little time now left before the busy season starts. Come now
and make your selections. -By paying a small amount down, you know that we will
-pack the goods and store them for you without it costing you a cent Besides that,
you now have the choice of all the newest and best patterns and designs in the
house, and it is full of them. Hurry, now, and get the attention paid you that can
not be given when we have become busy.
Lovely Hew Parlor Suits.
Elegant New Bedroom Suits.
, New Carpets. New Mugs.
New Druggets. New Goods.
Everything new, from the highest to the lowest, and don't forget that anything
in our house' can be bought either for
Passenger Elevator. Open Saturdays TJntll lO o'oloolc.
THE PwviiTinril
Introduces, Another Handsome
Derby for Spring 1889:
MBp Sir
Black and Hazel Brown,
$1 0, SI 90, 12 20, $2 0, &90, J3 40.
This Derby differs from the others which we
have placed on sale this spring in having a
fuller crown, a wider brim and a generally
larger appearance. It is a hat specially adapted
to stout gentlemen, on whom one of tbe nobby
shapes affected by young gents would look lu
dicrous. Ruben has any number of fleshy
friends, and we make it a point to top them
off with a stylish and becoming head covering.
By the way, we make a specialty of extra largo
sizes. For instance, a gentleman with a Sena
torial cranium, measuring 1, need not go to
the trouble or extra expense of having one
made to order. Ruben will give you a choice
of a dozen of that slzo to make your selection
from. Big men, come and see us by all means.
The Hatter and Furnisher,
We are showing a large and beautiful new
hue of
SPECIAL We invite your attention to a
special line of Spring Cloaks for Yonng Ladies.
Misses and Children, marked Below Cost. All
the best styles superior makes. Everybody
invited to inspect this line, whether'purcbasers
or not.
We can give you all the new styles at positively
lowest prices. Bovs' English Jersey Suits, only
line of its kind in Pittsburg.
Infants' Embroidered Caps Hand-made, 23c,
35c, 15c, 85c, 81, 5125 and up; machine-made,
from 15 cents up,
N. B. Open until 9 p. K. Saturday.
710 PENN AVENUE. 710
Between Seventh and Eighth Sts.
Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Arti
ficial Eyes. Medical Batteries. All American
and European Patented Eye Glass and Specta
cle frames. Glasses perfectly adjusted.
Telephone No. 1688. ap7-S6-XSu
lsiy g?
Ttift,. iiylI 1
With an unequaled stock and
endless variety of Men's, Boys'
and Children's
Hats and Furnishings.
Come see what we have to
offer you and see if they are
not bargains.
Boys' Confirmation Suits
In every grade and quality. Confirmation
Hats, Confirmation Neckwear, Confirma
tion Shirt Waists. Bring the boys around
and get our prices.
COO dozen Boys' Shirt "Waists, worth 40c,
Closing out Ladies' Jersey Waists at half
price to quit this branch.
EEFFree'musie every Saturday night.
Comer Diamoni and MbM Streets.
ap7-MWTSU '
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patsnts.
1S1 Fifth avenue,aboT8 Smithfleld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
tlAlJ.nOADS. "
rter November as, 1883. trains leave Union
Station, Plttstmr;. as follow), Eastern Standard
Mew Tork an d Chicago Limited of Vnllman Ve
tlbalo daily at 7:15 a. m.
Atlantic Express daily for the East, 3:00 a.m.
Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 0:55 a. m. San
day, jnall, 8:40 a. m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. m.
Hall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at4:30 p. m.
Eastern express daUy at 7:15 p. m.
Fast Line dally at :00 p. m.
Greensbnri; express 5:10 p. m. weekdays.
lMriy express II rt a. m. weekdays.
All thron?h trains connect at Jerier Cltr wlUi
oats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. Jf. Y.,
avoiding aouDie ferriage ana journey uronjrn a.
Y. City,
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mall Train, dally 8:3) p. m.
Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m.
I'aclHo Express, dally 11:15 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, daily 8:30 p.m.
FajtLlne, dally 11:65 p. in.
Tot Unlontown, i45 and o:?5a. m. and4r25p.
m without change of cars; 1.00 p. m connect
ing at Qreeniburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 0:45 a. m.. 12:3). 6:15 and 8:2) p. m.
From FEDERAL ST. STATION, Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsville... 6:45 a, m.
Express, for Blalrsville, connecting for
Butler :I3p. in.
Butler Accom 8:20 a. m 2:15 and 5:45 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6:2) p. m.
Kreeport Accom 4:00, 8:15.and 10:30 p. m.
On Sunday 12:50 and 9;30p. m.
North Apollo Accom 10.50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting for Butler 8:20 a. m.
Blalrsville Accommodation 11:30 p.m.
Trains arrive at FEDEKAL BTKEET Sf ATlONi
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mall Train ", 2:35 p.m.
Butler Accom 9:25 a, m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blalrsville Accommodation 0:52 p.m.
Freenort Accom.7:40a.m.. 1:32, 7:20andll:00p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom. .., 6:37a.m., and 8:02 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:10 p. m.
Trains leave Unlonstatlon.Flttsourg, as follows:
For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and
Veit Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:10
p. m., week davs.
Dravosbnrg Ac, week days, 3.-20 p. m. .
West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:50a. m 2:00,
8:20 ahd 11:S5 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station. ...........
General Manager. Gen'lFass'r Agent.
-OL'fralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time): Klttannlnz Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex.,
dally. 8:45 a. rc llulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.; Valler
Camp Ac, 32:05p. m.; Oil City and DuBols Ex
press,2:00 p.m. : Hultcn Ac, 3:00 p.m. : Klttannlng
Ac, 4.-00 p.m.: Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m.: Klttaan
lng Ac.,6:30p. m.; Braeburn Ac,S:20p.m.:HuU
ton Ac, 7 50 p. m.s Buffalo Ex., daUy,
Mp. m.s Uulton Ac. 9:45 p. m.: Braeburn Ac,
IhKT . m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m.
and 9:35 p. m, Pullman Sleeping Cars between
Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. U. UTLEi. U. F. A
P. A.: DAVID MCUAKGO. Gen. Sunt.
Kihrinlf In rnpnt November 20. 1SS8. For
Washington. D. C. Baltimore and Philadelphia,
11:30 a.m. and '10:20 p.m. For Washington. JJ.C,
and Baltimore, t7:00a.m. For Cumberland. t7:po,
11:30 a. m., and '10:20 p. m. For ConneUsvllle,
t7:00 and "11:30 a. m., fl.-OO, 14:00 and 10:20 p. m.
For Unlontown, t7:00,tH:30a.ra., UKand4:00 p.
p. For MU Pleasant, t7:O0 and tll:30a. m,, tl:W
and t4:0O p. m. For Washington, Pa.. 7:30.
t9:S0a.m.,J:3S, 15:30 and '8:300. m. For TV fceel.
Ing, 7:30. t9:80a.m, 35, '8.30 p. m. ForCln.
clnnatl and St. Louis, VJOc. m., S:10 p. m. For
Columbus, 7:J0 a. m., 8:30 p. m. For Iewark,
7:30, t9:30a. m., 3:33, 8:30 p, m. For Chicago,.
7:30, :30a. m '3:35 and '8:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washing
ton, 7:10a. m. mid "8:50 p. m. From Columbus,
Cincinnati and Chicago. 7:45 a. m. and "9:10 p. m.
From Wheeling, 7:4? 10:50 a.m.. 15:00, :10 P,
m. Through creeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington and Cincinnati. .
For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati. 111
p m (Saturday only). ConneUsvllle ac at JS;
DaUy. tUHye:ept Sunday. ISanday only.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage lrom hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. to." Ticket Office, corner
llfth avenue and Wood street. ..
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.
PrrrsBUKu aku western uailwax
Trains (Cet'l btan'dtlme) I Leave Arrive.
Butler Accommodation
Day Ex.Ak'n,Tol.,Cl'n. Kane
Butler Accommodation
Chicago Express (dally)
New Castle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople and Foxhurg Ac.
6.-00 am
7:3) am
7:10 am
7:23 pm
4:00 Dm
9.-20 am
12:30 pm
1:50 pm
I 40 pm
11:05 am
8:38 am
5:30 am
2:10 put
jsuuer jLccommguauoo......
i :w pm
Throuin coach and sleeper to Chicago dally.
XT station. Central Standard Tin t. Leave -for
Cincinnati and bt. Lottl,d7:30 a.m d 8K and
d 11:15 p. in. Dennlion, 2:45 p. m. Chicago,
12.05, d 11:19 p. m. Wheeling, 7:80 a. m U.e
t:10p. m. bteubenvil'c, 5:55 a. m. Washington.
5:55, 8:35 a. in., l:5V3:30, 4:55 p. in. Bulger, 10:10
a.m. Hurgottatown,Sli:J5a.m- 5.25 p. m. Mans
Held, 7:15, 11:00a. 'm.. S-30. d8:3S;W:4u, p.ra. Mc
Donalds, d-4:15, d 10.00 p. m. . .. . .
From the Wttst, d 1:50, d 6:00, a. ., JrM, d 8:54
p.m. Dennlsoi 9:35a.m. StenbenvUle, 5:05 p. m.
HfnllATiftMa. HI4X. yn AlkfPttTl- m.
d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, except
PrrrsnuHGANU castle bhasnokjj. b.
Co.WlnterTimeTable. On and aflerOctoher
14,158$, until further notice, trains will run as
follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern
standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-:15 -iu m.,
7:lia.m. ,9:30a, m.. ll:30a.m 1:40p.m., 3:40p.m.,
8:10p.m. 6:30 p. m 9:30 p. m.,ll:30p. m. Ar-llngton-5:45a.
m.. 6iJ0 a. m.. 8:00 a, m.. 10:20 a.
m., 1HM p. m., 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p. m 8:50 p. m..
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
Plttsburg-w a. au,. KM p. m.. J P- Jn;, tm
rfcm., 9:30 p, ra. ArUngton-SdO a. m., U a..
; i
n carps in wi unit
From 8oo Boys' hand
some Sack Suits, like
cut, made from strictly
all- wool Cassimeres,
Cheviots and Worsteds.
We want you to compare
these suits with any of
fered elsewhere at gio,
and, if there is any dif
ference in the qualities,
it will be in favor-of
ours. It was only by
reason of our having
bought a very large bill
of these suits that we
managed to get them as
cheaply as we did. They
were intended to retail
for jio, but, if you come
in before Saturday night,
you can take choice for
just $6.
Over 100 styles to select frpm all made in our own Custom
Tailoring department Prices go" to gis; and don't forget that we
take the address of each Boy candidate for communion or confirma
tion and will send him A GRAND EASTER GIFT:
From 1,200 Boys' Short
Pant Suits sizes 4 to 14.
There is nothing very
startling about this, you
may' say. And neither
there is. Any clothing
house, it is true, can ad
vertise andr sell Boys'
Short-Pant Suits at $3,
but here's the rub -these
particular suits are
no shoddy materials, but
fine, all-wool Cassimeres,
Worsteds and Cheviots.
made in the very height M
of fasnion ana are truly
and honestly weith every
cent or 55.
' w
i 1
Kfk 1
&?m ""wsisssgg
If you want any of our "Pigs in Clover," or "Cows in the
Corn" puzzles, as well as our wonderful Calliopes or Crack Shots,
you had better hurry, as the free distribution of these articles will
shortly terminate!
From a beautiful and bril
liant line of Children's Kilt
Suits, made from all-wool
Flannels, Serges, Assabeth
Cloths, Cheviots, etc., in
blue, brown, gray, combina
tion patterns, silk, effects,
large and small plaids,
checks and stripes, etc. We
warrant these suits to be
equal in quality, fit and gen
eral style to anything offered
elsewhere for $4. During
this 4-days' Special Sale,
however, you can select any
one (there are about 500) at
the extraordinarily low price
of $3 50. Don't miss the
y.Mm HH
fflffj flf
J. Large and Fine Variety of Boys' Shirts, Boys' Waists, Boys
Scarfs, Boys' Stockings, Boy' Hats, Boys' Caps, Boys' Shoes, et4
Qualities, Styles and Prices that are right.
I X "5
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
PrrrsBUiio and lake erik kailkoad
COilPAHY-Hcliedcle In effect Februarr 2
1539, Central time:
F. & L. K.K. B Virxar-ToT Cleveland, 8:23,
7:40.1. M.. 130, 4:15, 'S-.WT. X. For Cincinnati.
Chicago and St. Louis. 5:25 A. II., "1:20, s:3)r. u.
For Buffalo. 10:a a. jr.. 4:159:30 P. M. For Sala
manca, "7:o a. it., 'ISO, S: P. u. For Beaver
Falls, 3:3, 7:40, 10:2) X. II., lrJ0, 3:30, 4:15, 5r30,
9:30 P. mV For Cuartirra, ids, 'Ssa, tan, VXn,
7:15, S:43, 8SC, 8:2S, 10:3) A. M.. 12:05, 12:13, 1l5,
1:45, 3:30. 4:45, 5:1 SAO. '8:2 10:33 r. II.
Abiuvx From Cleveland, 5:30 A. M '1:00,
5:40. S:00 p. v. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
Ht. Louis, 'IrtO, 3:0QF it. From Buffalo. 5i30A.
k '10. 5:40 P. H. From Salamanca, MiCo, SM
p. it. From Younestown. 8:30, 8:S0, t:20 A. M.,
IrOO, 5:40, 3:00 r, M. From Beaver Falls, 5:10,
8:50.7:20. S:20a. X.. 'IrOO. 1; 8:40, tM. r. M.
From Cbartlers. 5:10, 5:22, 5:30. V-.O, e-.se, 7:08,
7:30, 8:30, J;2D, 10:10 A. St., 12:00 noon, 12:30, 1:12,
1:35, 3:42. 4.-0O, 4U5, 5:00. 5:10. S:4 ViiT. K.
T., McK. 4T. JVU. DKPAHT-For New Haven,
5:S0 A. M., 3:30 p. M. Far West Newton. 5:30 A. H.,
3d0and5:2'P. U. -For New Haven, 7:10 A. U.,
Sundavs, only.
AnuiYE from Jiewllavcn. 10:00 A. x.. S:np,
X. From WcstNewton,S:IS, 10:OOA. M.,'S:03p.u.
ForllcKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. J:3P,
4:05, 5:S P. M.. 17:10 A. X.
From Elizabeth and McEeesport, :15 A. X.,
7:30. '10:00 A. M.. 54 P. X. I
.Dally. Vtandayt only.
. H0L8HOOK, Beneral Sopertntendent.
A. E. CtiAKKTueaeral Passenger Agent ,
City ticket ottee. i Bsittfrfleld street.
tft i i
From 650 Boys' very fin
Cutaway Frock Dress
'Suits sizes 14 to 19
just the thing for the
nobby college youth or
the fashionable city
young man. These suits'
come in choice imported
materials, in Scotch
effects, plaids, silk mix
tures and solid light and
dark colorings. Make
,and trimmings are first
. class, while the fit is per
fection itself. Come in
and take a look at these
suits, .and then, if you
take the trouble to find
out, you can see the
same identical suits
marked ,$15 in the show
window of a certain
clothing house. Our
price is 10.
$r FOR
2.1 Y0UR
From 800 Boys' Short
Pant (3-piece) Suits,
with vests, sizes 4 to
14. It'll be a- great
puzzle to the clothiers
how we can sell these
fine suits (see illustra
tion) for g5, while they
themselves paid a cold
i-j for them. But this
doesn't concern you.
All you need to know is
that the suits can be
had at our store this
week for $5, and, if
you're wise, you'll buy
one as quickly as pos
sible. $4
From a select assortment of
Imported Kilt Suits, sizes a
to 6. They represent thd
very latest Berlin and Paris
ian ideas, and are the. most
bewitching and charming
little garments you ever laid
your eyes on. Can't describe
them they must be seen.
They are our own exclusive
styles, no house in this city
having as yet received them.
Wish you'd give us a chance
to try one on your little boy.
No harm done if you don't
buy. But we have yet to see
the first mother who saw
these lovely Kilt Suits and
left the store without buying
February 10, 1S39, Central Standard Xlme.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 1 7flj
x m d 1220, d 1.-00. d7:45. except Saturday. JUOS
p.m.: Toledo, 7:25a. m.. d 1220, d iKBand except
Saturday, liao p. m.: Crestline. 5:45 s-?!!!
tle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, ,s1!P;,nJ.:
Younirstown and Mies, d 1220 p. m.: SleadvUle.
Kile and Ashtabula. 75 a. m.. 1220 p. m.; Hues
and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: ilasslllon, 4:10 p. m.:
Wheeling and Bellalre. :Wa. m;.M:M, -30p.ra.j
Beaver Palls. 40, 5.05 p. m S 820 a. m.; LeeU
dale. 5:30 a. m. . ,
ALLEGHFjJY-Koehester. ;: Be1?
Falls, 8:15, U.-OO a.m.: Enon, 30 p. m.; Leetj
dale7l0rtlb; 11:45 a. m.. 20, .W.?V.
p. m.v Conway. 10 JO p.m.: Fair Oaks, a 11:40 a.
TEA1N3 AK1UVE Onion Jtatlpo, from Cbleaga, i
except Monday 10, ds.oo, d swin., d Td,p,,
ra. t Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8:36 s. m., 73sj
P. m., CresUlne, 2J0 p. Tag Youngstown and
Newcastle. :10a.m123, 7:35. 10:14 p. m.; NUes
andYounntown. d7:3Sp. m.: Cleveland. d5J a.
re.. 223, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, S.-oa
a. m., 225. ' v ." Erl,SJ5n(l AshUbnla. 123,
10:15 p. m.: Massillon. 10:00 a. m.; NUea and
Jamestown. :I0 a. m.; Beaver FaUs, 7:30 a, m,,
l:p. m.. S 82SP. ro : Jf tadale. lOjfc p. m.
m.; Conway, 8:H); Rochester, 9:40 a. m.s Beaver
Falls. 7aoa. m, :0 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:50, Wi
7:45 a. ra.. 12:00, !:. 4:30. 8:3a, 9M m.: Fair
Oalcs. 8 8.55 a. m.;Lteudale,.S p. rn.tBeavj
Falla. SS23p.m. , . ,.
s. Buaa only; d, dally; otker trains, exc
Sunday. . fe.
HfAo 1
IS '"rSSfM
I 1 1. trFri n-
f I t' I
f to ff y X
. t ,- t. 3 . r r . - . .... ,
a -
i " ' . ' . s-Sk. .--. r. . , - - (. . . " v S. .., , - S-, : ..'.,,,. ,.i ...A . -. -1 IV- - .1 ...Jt'J
i kWi ., .'t' . 1. 1.. . v,i. ii. . A.'.to; AjiL . ' f- T.4i .3 ... i - r afcv. --tf2Cr .' , , . " n ftYTftinrillM "IM AT 'ft-JjT- r,wmriii rnTiiTllr) i 1 iJiJWrfi .if1 n ii . . uVBUWaeaSflBShM' . METOTt