V x f r r S THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, " PREPAY, APPuIL 12, 1889. I -; LIVE STOCK EETIEW. Fall Beturns of Week's Transactions at Liberty Yards. CATTLE MARKETS SHOW ADVANCE. Sheep and Lambs in Supply Far Below Demands of Trade. LOW GRADE STOCKERS YERT QUIET Office of PmsBrao DkptchJi TiiubsdaY. April 11, 18S9L J It will be seen from the accompanying report that local receipts of cattle are 300 head less than last 'week. In fact the figures this week show a lighter run thatr any time this rear. Good butcher stock were fully 25c above prices that ruled last week. Stickers did not advance, though buyers were "-plenty and willing to pay full market prices. The trouble both last week and this week has been that the bulk of stock ers and feeders received were of low grade, and this class is not wanted by stock ralsereof "Western Pennsylvania. All of good quality and condition were picked up at once, and many more of this kind would have found ready customers. The proportion of light and heavy cattle received this week was better adapted to the wants of our borne trade than for some time past. There have of late been too large a propor tion of light weights. The season for veal calves is now at its height. About 12,000 head have been on the market since Mondav. Prices show drooping tendencies, with $1 50 as the outside figure to-day. Sheep nnd Lambs. The market is red hot and prices are fully 50c per cwt. above those of last week all along the line. There were very few good wool sheep among the supplies. The higher grades are held back at this season by farmers until the weather is sufficiently settled for clipping pur poses. The clippers that are coming are of oetter duality than the wool sheep. Speaking of the present boom in sheep mar kets one dealer said: "X look lor a break in a few days. Already there are signs of a break at Buffalo and other live stock centers. Mar kets have been wild for a week past and a re action is sure to come." Another stockman said: "I look for a break, but not for a -week or two yet. Farmers will hold back their sheep until winter weather is certainly goc,e. Such a storm as last Saturday shows that we are not yet out of the woods, as far as danger from weather is concerned. Put me down as be lieving that the break will not come for a week or two." noes. Markets at Chicago to-day are about steady, with $4 65 to H 85 as the range. The run at Liberty was 2,000 bead more this week than last, and 4,000 more than the previous week. Markets have been slow all the week, except for choice selected Yorkers. With a very light run yesterday and to-day markets are a shade stronger and prices better than at the begin ning of the week. 8. B. Hedges fc Co., in their weekly state ment sent out to customers, give the following as the situation. Cattle advanced 15c to 26c over last week's prices: Frlme, 1,500 to 1,700 pounds.. Prime. 1.100 to 1.400 pounds.. Good. J.OOO to 1.300 pounds... Good, 950 to l,0o0 pounds Veals, dull Co vrs and light bulls Heavy and stock bulls fl 45(34 00 4 15(34 40 3 gam io 3 40(3 70 4 035)4 50 , 2 50&SI5 HOGS. Good and best Ycrkers (3 10(33 15 Heavy. SOO5io Soughs 3 T5&4 S3 SHEEP Prime, 100 to 110 pounds, Lambs..... ?5I5.a5S0 4 00S75 Following is report of week's transactions at Liberty yards: ItECXtFTS. CATTLE. nOGS. SHEEP Thro'. Local.) Thursday 460 loi 2.EK 1,110 Friday 1,030 SO 6.25 1,100. Saturday 540 801 I, lis 660 bunday SOO SlOl 6,100 3,630 Monday 460 110 1,875 110 Tuesday. 30 140 1,43 2.M0 Wednesday 740 40 1,53 1,760 Total 2,840 1,310 STOO 10,670 Last week 1,530 L,eto M.5) 12,210 ' Thursday 1 mj Friday .... 8 1,308 1,140 baturday 2 j.ss 409 Monday 1,041 4,974 2,023 Tuesday 220 MS 1.S63 ednesdav 16 455 1,331 Total 1,288 9,73 6,816 Last week 1,616 8.790 7,449 Br Telegraph. New Yoek: Beeves Receipts, 44 carloads for city slaughterers direct, 20 carloads for ex portation and 7 carloads for the market. The sale cattle were preserved for to-morrow's trade and there was nothing doing In the cattle ren6: dressed beef was firm and higher at 6 7c for common to prime sides; shipments, 854 beeve 70 sheep and L4S0 quarters of beef. To-day's cable advices from London and Liver pool quote American refrigerator beef steady at Sc per pound. Sheep Receipts, 5,600 head; market easier and, lower for all descriptions, and not all sold; unshorn sheep ranged from So 256 S3 per 100 pounds; clipped do from 54 6005 25: unshorn yearlings from $5 257 50; clipped do from $5 006 00; spring lambs from J3 505 50 per head. Hops Receipts. S80, none for sale alive; nominally dull at 5 20 Kansas Cmr-Cattle Receipts. 2,324 head; shipments, 1,403 head; dressed beef and ship- Einc steers steady to stroRjr; medium weights, alf stockers and feeding steers active; good to choice cornied, f4 42g4 45; common to me dium. S3 004 00; stockers and feeding steers, $3 303 60; cows. $1 753 00. Hogs Receipts, 6,608 head; shipments. 3,412 head; market weak and 5c lower; good to choice, 4 454 50; com mon to medium. H 20i 40. Sheep Receipts, 552 head: no shipments; market steady: good to choice muttons, $4 254 50; common to medium. 2 604 00. St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 600 head; ship ments, 1,100 head: market strong; choice heavy steers, H 004 60; fair to good do, $3 104 00; stockers and feeders, fair to gooi S2 003 20: rangers, com-fed. S2 Ma3 60: grass-fed. $2 10 2 9a Hogs Receipts. 3,100 head: shipments. 8,800 head; market lower: choice heavy and butchers' selections, S4 65JJ4 75; packing, me dium to prime, 4 504 70; light grades, or dinary to best, $4 65&4 75. Sheep Receipts, 200 bead; shipments. 200 head; market strong; fair to choice, $3 00o 00. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 6,000 head: ship ments, 7.000 head; market active and lower; beeves, $4 75: steers. S3 451 35; stockers and feeders. S2 503 70; Texas tteers, $3 253 9a Hogs Receipts. 16,000 bead; shipments, 8,000 head; market slow and 10c lower; mixed, $4 65 (J4 80; heavy. S4 554 75; light. $4 704 75: skips. S3 504 40. Sheep Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments, 6,000 head; market easier: natives. S4 005 50; Western cornfed, S3 754 50; lambs. 4 76 25. Buffalo Cattle Market active and steady; receipts. 2.000 head through: 40 head sale: good, S4 004 25. Sheep and lambs weak and 10c lower; receipts. 600 bead through: 6.400 head sale: good sheep, $5 155 25; lambs, $6 00 6 4a Hogs Market active and 10615c lower; receipts, 7,500 head through: 2,000 head sale; mediums and Yorkers, $5 005 ia CUSCts Nati Hoes abundant and lower; com mon and light, S4004 85: packing and butchers', S4 706 95; receipts, 2,350 head; shipments, 870 head. Dry (roods. New" Yoek. April 11. Demand for drygoods was more moderate to-day, though business is still regarded as fair for this period. An im portant drive was made in popular standard prints at 5c off by the case and 5c by the piece. Regular purchasers sell at regular prices. Buyers are beginning to place orders for some fall goods, such as blankets, flannel dress goods, shawls, eta The market is steady, thou-h goods kindred with print cloths sym pathize to a limited extent with that market. Metal Klnrkcr. New Yobk Pig iron steady and quiet. Cop per dull and heavy; lake, April, J14 50 Lead firmer and livelier; domestic, S3 7ft Tin quiet and easy; Straits, S20 &U Wool Markets. St. Louis The market Is quiet and un changed. Receipts continue light. When babv wu(fv w c-r her Castoria. .When she was i rn.n fcAHArifnr Castoria 'wen 'be became Miss, she clung to Castoria, j snenaachildren,she gave them castoria. p9-77-KWT8U MARKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Active at a Lower EnngeVjf Prices Corn and Oats About Steady Hog Products Lively and Jrrejrnlar. CHICAGO Trading in wheat was quite active to-day, principally for July delivery, which at present is attracting the most attention. The feeling was weaker and prices ruled lower all round. MayclosedJcandJuneJiclowerthan closing figures of yesterday; July opened Kc lower, sold off Jc more, advanced c and then declined lc, advanced c and closed Kclower than yesterday. The weakness and decline re sulted from a renewed desire to sell, influenced by the favorable showing made by the Govern ment crop report, cloudy weather and rains in some sections. The rain, it appears, according to the weather map, was scattering, a pretty general fall of rain in Southern Dakota, but little in Minne sota and scattering over the Southwest. The surface speculative trading on behalf of local operators developed rather heavy selling, especially by some two or three floor traders, with good buying by others. The course of the market would Indicate that selling predom inated. Only a moderate business was transacted in corn, fluctuations being confined within narrow limits, and trading chiefly of a local character. The feeling was comparatively steady, though at times an easier tone was apparent, but values did not vavy materially from the prices established late in yesterday's session. The feature of the trading in oats was the in creased business, and the declines of c on June and c on July, due to free general sell ing and a lack of demand from local or outside resources. At the decline sellers tried to buy back part of their early sales, and In so doing caused a reaction of ic The weakness in the more deferred futures bad its effect on the May delivery, which, late in the day, receded Jc from outside figures. Mess pork wasquiteactiveatirregularprices. Opening sales were made at 1012c decline, and a further reduction of 10c was quicklv sub mitted to. Later the demand improved 10c, but settled back again 25c, and the market closed steady. Lard was easier, fluctuating within a narrow range, and closing at medium figures. Short nbs were fairly active, and closed at medium prices, with small fluctua tions. The leadinr futures rauren as follows: WHEAT No. 2 May, S686k85S6c; June. 85Ji86V85S6c; July, 83SS s&VG&.c; year, s; UOEN KO.ZA 3535K3535c: I535c; July. So?35K035J;35Jc. o. 2 May. 2&f e253;e231ca25 Kc: J une. OATS AO.ZW 25Ke2524K24Kc; J uly, 252524K24Kc. Mess Poke, per bbL Mav. ill 50011 50 U 40U 50; June, Sll 55U 60011 55011 60; July, eil fi5ll-70U 57U 67K. Lard, per 100 tts. May. S6 82k6 856 82 6 82K; J une. S6 87K6 906 87&6 8; July, 92K6 H2J406 906 82). Shout Ruts, per 100 tts. May. S5 92K 5 955 87X5 92K; June. S5 956 005 958 00; July. $8 0o6 07K6 026 07 Cash quotations were as follows: Klour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, S5M 85c;No.3 spring wheat, 78c; No. 2 red, 85, gaojc No. 2 corn, 34c o- 2 oats. 25c No. 2 rye. 43c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax seed. SI 54. Prime timothy seed. SI 2bl 28. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 45011 60. Lard, per 100 lbs, S6 &U Short ribs sides (loose), S5. 906 oa Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 S7K55a Short clear sides (boxed), S6 S7H 6 50. Sugar Cut loaf, S?8Kc; granulated, 8c; standard "A," 7c. Receipts Flour. 1L 000 barrels; wheat, 22,000 bushels: corn. 129,000 bushels; oats. 100,000 bushels: rye, 5,000 bush els: barley, 33,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 17,000 barrels; wheat, 81.000 bushels; corn. 196, 000 bushels: oats.75,000-bushels; rye, 8,000 bush els; barley. 12.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market w as active and unchanged. Eggs w eak at9K10c New York Flour less active and (weak. Wheat Spot qniet and c lower: options active and Jic lower. Barley and barley malt quiet. Corn Spot quiet and weaken options K5c lower and fairly active. Oats Spot firm and quiet; options fairly active and easier. Hay steady and quiet. Coffee Options opened quiet and unchanged to 5 points down; closed firm at 510 points up: sales, 26.500 bags, including April, 16.5016.60c; May, 16.6016.70c; June. 16.8O0iaS5c: July, 16.8016.'X)c: August. 16.9o17.00c: September. 17.0517.20c; October, 17.1517.20c: November, 17.2017.25c; December, 17.2017.30c: January, 17.20c; February. 17.2017.b5c: March, 17.80c; spot Rio quiet: fair cargoes atlSJJc. Sugar Raw excited and active; fair refining. 5 15-16c: centrifugals, 96 test. 6c; sales 60.000 bags centrifugals, basis 96 test, at,4c and 2,000 tons Muscovado at 55 15-16C; refined firm. Molasses Foreign quiet; 50 test, 2626Jic; sales 437 hhds.Tnnidad at 27c: New Orleans dnIL Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow quiet; city at 4JJc Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine Light stock; quiet at 4Sc bid. Eges in moderate demand; western, 10llc; receipts. 8.282 packages. Fork -quiet: old mess, 12 5012 75: new mess, S13 &013 75; extra prime, $12 6U Cut meats steady: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; pickled shoulders, 5Jc; pickled hams. 1010Mc: middles quiet; short clear, S6 85. Lard dull and easy; western steam quoted at S7 207 22X, spot, and S7 15 c and f.; sales ciy, S6 70; April, S7 18; Mav. S7 18; June, S7 21. July, S7 23; Au gust, S7 25; September. S7 277 23, closing at S7 28. Butter in firm demand; western dairv, 1220c: do creamery, ls26c; Elgins, 27$ 28c. Cheese quiet; western, 810Kc. St. Louis Flour quiet and easy. Wheat lower;: the opening was weak on favorable weather here and reports of general rains, the Government report of W as the average condi tion of winter wheat having a bearish effect also; there was a short rally and at the cloe May was , June 1, July and August JKc below yesterday; No. 2 red,cab, 87c asked: May, 86eS7ic closed at 87Kc; June, 83Ji 84c closed at 83c; July, 77?i78c, closed at 77Jc: August, 76Ji7777Jc, closed at 77lc, bid. Corn lower and unsettled; No. 2 mixed, cash, 29K30Kc; May. 303030c closed at 30VJ bid; July. 32K32c, closed at 32VJc bid; August, 33Ji33gc; closed at 33Jc. Oats lower; No. 2, cash, 2oJic bid: May, 25JJ 25c closed at 25a Rj e Offerings and demand late; No. 2, 43c; nominal. Flaxseed at !1 45. Provisions dull. Philadelphia Flour weak and unsettled. Wheat Pot steady but quiet; futures neglect ed and nominal; N o. 2 red, April, 9092c; June, 9092c; July, 86087c Corn Options dull and low er; sales No. 3 mixed in grain depot at 41Kc;No. 3 yellow in do at 42c: No. 2, high mixed and yellow, in do at 42Kc: No. 1 yellow in do 43e; No. 2 mixed. April, 4IJi042Kc; May, 41s442c; June, 42J25c; July, 42X043. Oats Carlots quiet and prices favored buyers; No. 2 mixed at 31c; No. 3 white, 3Hfc: April. 3S0 33c: May, 3333KcS June. 33WJ3Jic: July, 334c Butter firm; extra, 20027c; do prints, extra. 28029c Cincinnati Flour heavy. Wheat in fairde mand; No. 2 red, 85087c; receipts. 1,000 bushels; shipments, 1,200 bushels. Corn barely steady: No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats in moderate demand and easier; No. 2 mixed, 27Vc R e easier; No. 2, 48 51c Pork easy at S12 5a Lard dull at $6 75. Bulkmeats and bacon quiet and unchanged. Butter. firm. Sugar qniet, Eggs in demand. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steadv. Wheat unset tled; cash. 80Jic; May, 81Kc: Julv, 82Kc Corn easier; No. 3, 32033c Oats dull; No. 2 white, 23 02Sc Rye steady; No. 1, 44c Barley quiet; No. 2 55c Provisions easy. Pork. Sll 3a Lard, J6 75. Cheese steady; Cheddars. 11011c Baltimore Provisions dull and quiet. Butter firm: Western packed. 18020c; creamery, 26027c Eggs firm at 12c Coffee quiet: Rio, fair. 18c Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash and April, $4 65; receipts, 45 bags; shipments, 747 bags. PITTSBURG IE0S. The market remains practically the same as at the date of the former report. Consumers are buying very sparingly, and makers are un willing to make free offerings at present prices. Tbey look for an improvement. PIG Iron Neutral Gray force, S14 50, cash; wtite and mottled, J14 00014 50. cash; all ore mill. $15 75016 00, cash: No. 1 foundry, S17 25017 50, cash; No. 2 foundry, $16 00, cash; No. 2 charcoal foundry. $21 00021 50. cash: cold blast charcoal, $25 00028 GO, cash; Bessemer iron. $16 75017 Oft cash. Ferro-Manganese Eighty per cent,S55 00 050 00; speigel-eisen, 628 00028 50 f or20per cent cash. Manufactured Iron Bars, $1 7501 80, 60 days, 2 per cent off: skelp, grooved, $1 6001 85; sheared. SI 9502 Oa Muck Bar $27 75 is the extreme Billets Bessemer steel, $28 50 cash; nail slabs, $27 75028 00; domestic bloom and rail ends. $19 00019 60. Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, $185, 60 days; 2 per cent off for cash. Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe; black. to 1-inch, 55 per cent, IK to 12 Inches, 6 galvanized, to IJi-lnch, 47J per cent; IK to 12 inches, 65 per cent: oil well casing, 60 per cent; 5 Inch cas ing, 37 per net foot; 2-mch tubing, 1S boiler tubes, 62J, and oil well casing, GO per cent off large lots. Merchant Steel Took SJc; crucible spring, 4Kc; crucible machinery, 5c; open hearth machinery, 2c Rail Fastenings Spikes, 2.20c per pound, 30 days; splice bars. !.8O0LS5c per pound; square nut track bolts. 2.7502.85c, and hexagon nut.2.00 2.95c, f. o. b. Pittsburg. Old Rails American tees, $24 00024 50; steel do, $18 50 for short, $19 50 for long. Steel Rails Heavy sections. $28029 cash, at works. Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, $21021 25 pernet ton;.cast scrap, $156O016: wrought turnings. $13 014. net: cast borings, $12013, gross: car axles, $25 00025 60, net; old car wheels, $19 00019 50, gross; rail ends, $19 50020 00; bloom do, $19 60, cash. Skelp Iron Grooved sizes, $1 65, cash; sheered, $1 9a Salvation Oil, the great pain destroyer, ii what everyone needs." Pnce25 cents. A GREAT MISTAKE. No Scarcity of Building Sites in the Vicinity of Pittsburg. ADVANTAGES OP PAYING CASH. The Government Taken to Task for Neg lecting Eiver Interests. A BIG DEAL IN PETROLEUM LEASES Said a prominent real estate dealer yes terday: "I noticed a statement in one of the city papers a day or two ago to the ef fect that all the business sites in and about Pittsburg had been Becured by corporations or ipdividnals. If this were true it would be alarming. But it is not true. There are plenty of such sites on the market at reason able prices. True, ttiey are not in the heart of the city, which is fall of other business better adopted to thickly-settled communi ties, but tbey are convenient to the rivers and railroads and are admirably adapted to any kind of manufacturing. These sites abound on both rivers on the Monongahela from near Soho to Braddock and above, and on the Allegheny from the city line to several miles above Sharpsburg, Wilkinsburg, Swissvale, "Wall's Station; above the city, the "West End and the Sewickley Valley below, con tain many fine manufacturing sites, with all ad vantages of natural gas and quick transporta tion to alljiarts of the country. Few cities are so well provided in this respect as Pittsburg, and any attempt to create a contrary impres sion is a blow at the best interests of the city." Philadelphia is not only sustaining its repu tation as a city of homes, but is making its claim to the title unassailable. On Monday permits tor about 400 buildings were taken out. They will be put up by capitalists and sold to working people at a fair valuation, and on the easy payment plan. Pittsburg capitalists are catching on to this spirit of enterprise. If carried to a legitimate conclusion it will be of great benefit to the city. Samuel W. Black & Co. have a property on Diamond street, below Wood, for which they ask $40,000. They have been offered almost that price, but are holding out for the full amount. The offer was made by a gentleman who believes the street will be widened and thus enhance the value of property. The neglect of the river interests by the gen eral government is a standing grievance among steamboatmnn. One of them said yesterday: "If this neglect continues It won't be long until the river interests are completely wiped out. Ohio river navigation is becoming more diffi cult every year, lean remember when there were lines of magnificent passenger and freight steamers dying regularly between Pittsburg and all the lower country cities as far down as New Orleans, and to the headwaters of the Mississippi and Missouri, carrying Pittsburg products to all of the business centers, whence they were distributed throughout the country. How is it now? A glance at our wharf will furnish the answer. The railroads have been fostered at theexpenso of the rivers until the latter have become almost worthless for busi ness purposes. The Government owes it to the millions of people who are. In one way or an other, identified with the river interests to thoronghly investigate the subject and apply the necessary corrections. To give up every thing to the railroads would be an injustice to the public for which no good reason could be found." An important transaction in oil property at Brush Creek was closed yesterday. Jennings & Roth sold to the McCulmont Oil Company their remaining one-halt interest in the Mc Caully farm lease, with one well doing 80 bar rels a day, and an adjoining lease, makingJ SLKOKcuier nearijr w jm; os ui uii icrriujijr, iui $25,000. Both parties to the transaction claim to have made a good bargain. A Liberty street jobber made some observa tions yesterday that may be of value to trades men. He pointed out the advantage of having cash to pay for goods, especially in such a season as this, when there is an oversupply of everything in the produce line. A man with ready money coming to the cltySsds the jobber always ready to make concessions in prices, whereas if he were selling on credit outside quotations would be demanded. The advant age thus gained by the cash buyer In most cases furnishes a handsome profit. Henry A. Weaver A Co. yesterday placed two mortgages on city property one of $5,000 for five years at 6 per cent, and the other $2,500 for three years at 6 per cent. The money was furnished by a local capitalist. It cannot be too often repeated that there is enough of "the sinews of war" in Pittsburg to supply all legitimate demands of business. There is no demand for foreign capital for Investment or speculative purposes. JUST LIKE MICAWBEE. Stock Brokers HnnsloK Around Waiting for Something to Turn Up. Yesterday was an uneventful day in the stock market, neatly everything being dull and weak at both calls. Prices hung tenacionsly to the old figures and there was very little disposition shown by the brokers to disturb them. At the opening of the afternoon session Captain Bar bour faced the usual audience, and, after read ing off the list, said: "The market is now open." "Very open," remarked a broker who has sat in the balls of legislation at Harrisburg. The grind then- went on. Silverton bobbed up long enough to allow a sale of 250 shares of itatSl; K was offered for 250 more. This mine is as much of a mystery as La Noria, It may turn out another Consolidated Virginia. The unex pected sometimes happens. La Nona rot a bid of 2 for 13 shares: 50 were offered at the same price, which broke its back. Bids and offers are appended: MOBNTXG. AFTERNOON. Bid. Alked.. Bill. Asked. Pitts, ret. . s.si. ".. Allegheny Nst. Bit.... Citizens1 National Bit. Freehold Bank Iron City National Jl'k Metropolitan at. BL. City Insurance. Chartlers Val. Gas Co. People's Flpeage Gas Philadelphia Co Wheeling Gas Co . .. Ilazelwood Ull Co Washington Oil Co.... . Central Traction CI tl xens' Traction Pittsburg Traction.... fitts. Jane K. K. Co.. 11 tts.. Ctn.Abt.L. K.K. Pitts & Western . K. I". W. K. R. pref.... S.Y. & CGa Coal Co. , Consignee Mining Co.. La .Noria MInicit Co... Mlrcrton JUlnlneC'o... VVestingkonsc Electric Monougahela Water. 510 .... 510 .... 61 82 SI 93 .. ... .... 1 ::iJK "8? 39J4" 39 39W 39K '44 .... 78 22 22K 22 12H 68 .... 68 69 49 .... 49 SO .... .... .... 25 KH 15X 0 10 .... UH 17J nx 20 37X 30 .... Jl 2 ' 2K 2 .... 1 58tf 67 56 S6X ..... 35 25 25X 25 28 121 u. Bwitcn Aoiimii o;v Westlng'se AlrB. Co.. Westlng'se B. Co. lin. Sales at the mornlnc call were 25 share nf Wheeling Gas at 29&. 60 Electric at S7, 25 Cen tral Traction at 22. and 200 Pittsburg and Western Preterred at 17. In the afternoon 105 shares of Electric went at 56K. and 250 Silverton Mining Co. at $L Robinson Bros, sold $5,000 McKeesport and Bellevernon (Ts at 105 and interest. Only about 45.000 of these bonds remain unsold. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 281,877 shares. Including: Atch ison, 36.770: Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern, 8,620; Erie, 3.200: Lake 8hore, 12550: Louis ville and Nashville, 13,200; Northwestern. 11,525; Northern Pacific preferred, .offi; Oregon Transcontinental, 6,825; Readme. 76.300; St. Paul, 22,732; Union Pacific, 6,350; Western Union. 5,425. NO CHANGE. Bnslnessnt the Banks Moving In the Old Channel. Business in the local money market yesterday was quiet and without any new features. The borrowing demand was moderate at unchanged rates. Counter business was up to the aver age. Small notes were scarce. Manager Chap lin, of the Clearing House, managed to get out a favorable report showing the exchanges to be 52.225.5SS 00 and the balances $586,019 82, Monevon call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 8K per cent. Last loan 3, closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 4K6. Ster ling exchange dull but firm at H 87 for 60-day bills, and H 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations In New York X urniihed The Dispatch by Robinson pros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: 7 U.S.4X. reg , 107?g;S U. 8. 43s. conps : 107K M U.8.4Trcjr.... 128iai29! U. S. 4S, COUPS 128129J4 Bid. Currency, 0 per cent. I895ree 12 , Currency, S per cent. 1880 ng. WiZ Currency, Spercent, 1887 re r26H Currency, (percent, 1808 reg. 130 Currency, 6 per cent. 1899 rex 132 Government and State bonds were doll and firm. New YOBK-Clearings, $115,592,557; balances, $5,738,671. Boston Clearings, $16,193,753; balances, $1,703,860. Money H per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $002,148; bal ances, $233,658. Philadelphia Clearings, $11,219,456; bal ances, $1,460,652. Chicago Money unchanged; on call, 55: time loans. 67. Bank-clearings, $11,117,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,223,690; balances, $414,437. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 2,000. The bullion in the Bankof England de creased 14,000 during the past week. The pro portion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability is now 41.70 per cent. -Pams Rentes, fcf 97c for the account. The weekly statement for the Bank of France shows a decrease in gold of 18,058,000 francs gold. OIL AND PK0EIB1TI0N. The Boy Take a Straw Tote on the Pro posed Amendment. The oil market yesterday was dull, stale and unprofitable. In the course of a lull, which lasted pretty much all day. the boys took a vote on the prohibition amendment, the result being 29 in favor to 30 against. Several high license advocates voted in the negative, on the ground of the impossibility, as they believed, of enfo.cing prohibition. The market opened at 90c, advanced to 90c and thca to 80c closing at 90c It was the opinion of a prom inent broker that a change of some kind might be expected to-day. Trading was very light, footing up only 60,000 barrels. Oil-loaned flat. Advices from Bellaire were to the effect that the work of drilling was commenced on the oil wells at Anderson's run, Dixon's, MoKelvey's, Qiffen, Hon. John Patton and R. J. Henderson farmsr and at several other places. Ex citement runs high in Belmont county. Nearly half of the connty has been leased by oil operators. McKeown No. 12 drilled deeper and was doing 40 barrels per hour yesterday morning; No. 10 was doing 12 per hour: No. 11 was doing 7 per hour: No. 6 was doing 20 per hour. No change at Knox No. 4 or 8. The Union Oil Company's Knox No. 3 was at the top of the sand. The Crag, Wright farm, well filled up 1,000 feet and the show was small. Coast, at Turkeyfoot, was at the top of the sand, and due. Painter's, Hughes farm, well at Bakerstown was flowing lightly at in tcrv&ls. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts 89Kc; calls, 90c The roUOTnng table, correciea oy l)e Witt 1511 worth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner Klfth avenne and Wood, street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc. : Time. Bid. I Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened SO Sales 12i45p. M.... . MH 89X 10:15A. M.... 89ra 90 1:00 P. If... 89 M 89 lOdOA. X.... 89V 89 1:15 P. M.... 89 90 0:15A. v.... -89K S9V 1:30 P. K.. S9h 90 lllOOA, X.... S9H SSH 1:45 P. M.... $Sh 90 11115A. M.... 89H 83H 5:00 P. II.... 89 90 11 :30A. M.. 8954 89 1:15 P. M.... 89 90 11:45A. II.... 89M 89 2.30 P. II.... 89 90 12 OOM. ..."... Z9X 89 2:45 P. II.... 89 90 12:15 P. M.... MM 99 Closed S9H .... 12 30 P. M.. 89X 89 Opened. 90c: aicneat, 90c; lowest, 89i(c; closed, 83J'oT Barrels. Dally runs 53,453 Average runs 45,309 Dally shipments - 76,328 Averare shipments 72,328 Dallr enarters 24.999 Averare charters ..- 28.988 Clearances - ,.,.,,.,..,,. 872,000 Mew York closed st 89Kc Oil city closed at 89ifc Bradlora closea at SJHc Hew York, retinixt 7c London, reaned. 3il. Antwerp, refined, 16M& Other Oil Markets. Oil Citt, April 1L National transit cer tificates opened at 90c; highest, 90c; lowest, 89c; dosed, 89Jc Bradford, April 1L National transit cer tificates opened at90c; closed at 89c; highest, 90c: lowest, 89c TTttsvtlle, April It National transit cer tificates opened at 90c; highest, 90c; lowest, 89c: closed. 89c New Yobs, April IL Petroleum opened steady at 90c and afterward relapsed into dull ness, sagging off to 89c and closed dull at 89Jic Sales, 264,000 barrels. . LIKE A" KIMBLE SHILLING. Continued Activity Id the Heal Estate Mar ketLatest Deals. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for Mrs. R.R. Phillips to D.R. Evans andW. K. Given three lots on Mifflin street, for $2,250, and placed a mortgage for $600 at 6 per cent for two years on property in the Sixteenth ward. Spencer & Glcsser sold for William Krouse to James Cronin, small frame house with lot 20x100 feet, on Emmetl street. Thirteenth ward, for $1,200, The Eureka Hotel, corner Diamond alley and Decatur street, lot 50x103 feet, with three dwelling bouses in the rear. Was sold by John S. Shaffer, for $15,000, the syndicate composed of Messrs. Mellon. Magee, Frick and Craig be ing the purchasers. ReedB. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, placed two mortgages for $500 and $700 on Mc Keesport property at 6 per cent. Alles & Bailey sold a mortgage at 6 per cent for three years, for $1,400, on property on First street, Thirty-first ward. W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage on downtown business property for $10,000 at 4Xper cent, free of tax. W. A. Herron & Sons sold two brick houses and lot 23x100 on Wylie avenue, near Eleventh ward school, for $2,500 cash. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Captain W. W. Card, of the Westinghonse Air brake Company, a lot in Lloyd plan on Dith ridge street, near Fifth avenue. 76x175 feet, for $5,625. They also placed a mortgage of $7,509, for three years at 6 per cent, on an East End residence property. Samuel W. Black & Co., of 99 Fourth ave nue, sold the lot known as No. 35 Diamond street, 17x80 feet in size for $12,000. D. C. Negley sold to the Pittsburg Home stead Loan and Trust Company lots Nos. 88 and 89 on Gazier street, each 25x135 feet, in Charles E. Sperr's Dallas plan of lots, for $1,400. They will build at once. Mellon Brothers sold lot No. 277 in Mellon's plan, Scott lots. Wall street, Twenty-first ward, to Mrs. Mary Coates. STILL CLIMBING. Stocks Demonstrate They Possess Staring Powers London a Heavy Bayer, With a Good Domestic De mand Advances All Alone the Line. New York, April IL The stock market again demonstrated its inherent strength to day, and in spite of heavy realization from the trading element, again scored a material ad vance for the day. The remarkable strength of the London market for American securities still continues, and the foreign houses here were liberal purchasers to-day of their specialties, most conspicuous of which were Louisville and Nashville, Lake Shore, St. Paul, Reading, Erie and Union Pacific The steady demand for stocks from domestic sources con tinued also, and after the cessation o( the sell ing movement the market rapidly advanced. The London quotations this morning were from H to K per cent higher than our figures of last evenincr. and this market onened uuon the same plane, hut owing to the heavy realiz- ations oi ine larger irauers mere was no strength in the early dealings, and this en couraged a demonstration against the list on the part of the bears, Atchison being chosen as the special point of attack, and it was forced off a point, but the rest of the list retired only to a shade below first figures. St. Paul de clined, and this served to restrict the trading in the cancers. The movement was soon over and the market then drifted into dullness and stagnation, ex cept in a few specialties. The depression con tinued until the last hour, when the buying of Reading by some of the mqst prominent brokers and Philadelphia interests, started an upward movement which was extended to the entire list, and all the leading shares partici pated in the improvement which followed. The market developed moro animation than hadjbeen shown at any previous time of the day, ''and marked advances were made all around. Hock Island being specially conspicu ous with a jump of m per cent, while Atchison reached a point 2 per cent above its lowest price of the forenoon. The highest prices were reached shortly before the close and realizing sales sbaded the list off a small traction, but the closi? was active and strong at about the best prices of the day. TheTeat feature of the day, however, was me activity ana strengin in tne unnsieo inaus trial bares, and as on yesterday Sugar Trust certificates were leaders, continuing their rise of vesterdav. and after onenlntr xm Mper cent at BSfi and rapidly rose to 95K wlth Oft a break, and afterward fluctuated within a p int and a half of that price, closing at that Wire, a net gain orojiper cent, uotton uu yasaisa acure ana very strong utueuier- noon, closing with a gain of IK at 67, Bruns wick was again more animated, but after an advance of , closed unchanged at 21. Man hattan was the weak spot in the list and de clined a point, but all the rest of the active shares were higher. SanFrancisco preferred rose 2, Chesapeake and Ohio first preferred 1: Rock Island, Omaha and Consolidated Gas Vyi each; Burlington and Atchison each 1 per ceut, and the others fractional amounts. Railroad bonds were fairly active, the sales of air issues aggregating $1,589,000, of which Chesapeake and Ohio 5's contributed $184,000 and Reading first incomes $119,000. There was a firm tone throughout the day, but there was some Irregularity in the movements, and while most of the list is fractionally higher a few bondsshow losses. The following table shows the prices ol active stocks on the New York 'Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Clo- t Open- is ine. Am. Cottofi Oil 56 Atctt., Top. A 8. F.... 42 Canadian Pacific 51 Canada Southern 53W Central of Mew Jersey. 95X Ccntrali'aclfic 341 Chesapeake & Ohio ... 17 C. Bur. ft Qulncy..... M C, Mil. & St. Paul... 66M C, Mll.&St. P.. pf...,104 C.HtttLtl' 92 C, Bt.VL. A WtU C, St. L. & Pitta, pf.. .. . C, St. P..M. JtO 33X C, St. P ,31. & O.. pr. 93 C. ft Northwestern.. ..106 C ft .Northwestern, p& ..,. U. C C. ftl Col. Coal ft Iron 28!4 Col. ft Hocking Val .. 23 Del., L. ftW. I36K Del. ft Hudson .'.. . PenverftKloO Denver ft BtoO., pf... .... E.T., Va. ftUa E.T.,Va. AOa.. Htpf .... K. T.. Va. ft Oa. 2d pf. .... Illinois Central IUH Lake Erie ft Western.. 19 Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 58 Lake Shore ft M. S 102 Lonlsvllle ft Nashville. Wi, Allcblfran Central S7H Mobile ft Ohio Ho., K. ftTexas 13K Missouri Pacific Wi b. X.. L. E. &V 2834 a.i., L. E. ft W.nref 69 N. Y., a St.D 17 H. X., C ft St. L. pf. H.Y., C. &8t.L.2d pf .... N. YftN. E 43 h. r., O. ft W WS Norfolk ft Western Hitch- Low est, est. " -ii" 51 51 06 955$ 34K 343j 17K 17 94?? 93K 6694 65 10IX 104M 93 mx 31' 33i 93X 93 108 106 28 " 2SV( 21 23 137 13W 13 KIJJ 28H 69 17 Norfolk ft Western, pf 52 iiorinern jracinc ztiM Nortnern Pacific pref. 61 Ohio ft Mississippi : Oregon Improvement, uregon iranscon Pacific Mall Peo. Dec. ft Evans..... Phlladel. ft Heading.. 45 l'numan raiace car Richmond ft W. P. T.. 26! Richmond ft W.P.T.pf 80J St. PaulftDuluth St. Panl ft Duluth pf.. .. . St. P., Minn. 4 Man St.L. ft Ban Fran 22S St. h. ft San Fran pf.. 57 St.L. ft SanP.litpf.. .. . Texas Pacific 20K UnlonPaclflc GOi Wabash 13S Wabash preferred 26W Western Union 83H Wheeling ft L. wj 13 59 2?8 1314 26K MX BOSTON STOCKS. Very Dull and Comparatively Steady De scribes the Situation. Boston, April IL "Very dull and compara tively steady" describes the condition of the stock market to-day. Bonds were somewhat irregular, with stocks a trifle weak. The changes were Of minor importance, however. Atch.4Toc.Ht 7a. lis A.&T. LandGr't7s.ins Otrd. ftL. Cham, com. 6 Old Colony. 172 Wls.Central.com... UK MlonezM'gCo.fnew 1J? Calumet ft Hecla....210 Franklin lOtf Oaceola ll.S Fewablc (new) 3 Qulncy 50 Bell lelephone 22o BoatonLand &X Water Power 7 Atch. ft Top. K. K... 42 .Dosion x Aioany...2i4 Boston ft Maine. ....171 C. 15. ft(l 94K (Jinn. Ban. ft Cleve. HJ, Eastern R. R S0? xuiera k. it. oa jzj Flint fere at 26X K.CSt.J.ftC.B. 78.120 Mexican Cen. com.. 13W -N. . ftNewEnc... 43) Tjunftmr.lr 110 i. i. a t. jL.va....i.7 Ban Diego 33 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing: qnotatlona of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad M SS Reading Railroad 22H 22V Rnfialo, Pittsburg and Western Wi 12 Lehigh Valley S3H Wi Lehigh Navigation SIX U.Co.'sNew Jersey 22$ " Northern Pacific Wi 28H Northern Pacific preferred., .. ou 6.2 Mining Stocks. New Yoke. April IL Amador, 100: Aspen, L000; Caledonia, B. H., SOO; Colorado Central, 170; Consolidated California and Virginia, 775; Commonwealth, 625; Deadwood T.. 150; El Cnsto. 160; Hale & Norcross. 410; Home stake, 750; Horn Silver, 140; Iron Silver SOO; Mexican, 399; Mutual, 125; Ontario. 8,350; Ply mouth, 1.000; Savage, 250; Sierra Nevada, 300; Sullivan, 14a Barry's Tricopherous, recommended a sovereign remedy for all ailments of the hair and scalp. Ton will find at G. "W. Schmidt's the oldest and the finest Pennsylvania pure rye and Kentucky sour and sweet mash whiskies. 95 and 07 Filth avenue, city. An extra choice assortment of combina tion pattern dresses, entirely new effects, mostly exclusive designs. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. B. Sa B. See onr Onyx dye fast black lisle thread stocking, 50c, 75c, 87c and $1. Boggs & Buhl. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively cured by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no eauaL Small dose: pie; results. Suear coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottled JL The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped, rough, red skin soft and clear- 25 and 60c nol-irwp TO THE PUBLIC. For reasons which we considergood and suffi cient, but not through any lack of confidence in the enterprise itself, we have declined to re ceive any further subscriptions to the stock of the American Meat Company. Those who have already subscribed through us will, upon application, receive back the full amount of what they have paid in. Signed. JOHN H. DAVIS & CO., apl2-29 NEW YORKV THE MERCANTILE AGENCY R. G. Bun & Co., Germania Bank Building. 423 Wood Wee t, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg, Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc., of business men throughout North Amer ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Continent. FBI 512 AND 514 3M1THFIELD STREET, PITTSBTJBG, PA. TrausaGt a General BanMng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available In all natts of the world. Also issue Credits IN DOLLARS For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-9I.jiwT MONEY TO LOAN -nortgages on Improved Teal estate in sums of $1,000 and upward.. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, znhi-34-D ifo. 124 Fourth avenue. niLl&WMIL DOMESTIC MARKETS. Eggs Stiffening, Butter Active, Low (rade Swiss Slow. SUGAR HIGHEB, COFFEE VERY FIRM Flour Still Tending Downward, Jobbing Kates Eeduced. ' COBN FIEMEE, MILL-FEED WEAKER- Office of; the Pir-rsBtjBG dispatch, i THTJESDA.T, April U. 1889. J Country Produce Jobblnc Prices. Eggs are growing in firmness. One Jobber reports that while he sold yesterday at Uc be has nothing to-day under 12c. Advices from South and West show Increasing strength to egg markets. Butter, too, is active and mov ing out freely, though prices are unchanged. The same is true of cheese. Domestic Sweitzer cheese is slow on all but the very highest grades. Anything in the line of Swiss cheese below fancy stock goes begging for customers at inside Quotations. There is no noticeable im provement in fruit and vegetable lines. Old stock is being worked off for whatever It will bring. It cannot be long until the old will have passed awav and all things become new. Bittteb Creamery, Elgin, 2829c; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021cj country rolls, 2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 2829c. . . Beaks Choice medium, $1 90: choice peas, $2053215. Beeswax 2830c ft for choice; low grade, 1820c. CIDER Sand refined. $6 507 50; common, $3 604 00; crab cider, $8 008 60 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon. CHEESE Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc; New York, fall make, 1212Kc: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, liK12c. Dried Peas $1 251 35 ft bushel; split do, 2Ji3HcW Eaas 114312c ty dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, 31 o02 00 1ft barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c t ft: cranberries, $8 00 a barrel; $2 402 50 per bushel; strawberries, 50c i quart. FKATHEBS-jExtra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do.. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c f) ft. HOMIUT $2 652 75 J) barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, S035c $ bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. PorLTBY- Live chickens, 7580c ?l pair; dressed chickens, 13lSc 1 pound; turkeys, 18 20c, dressed, bound; ducks, live, 8085c V pair; dressed, 1314c f) pound; geese, 10I5c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to buanel, 6 ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Alsike, $8 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts. $1 00: blue crass, fancy. 14 fts. $1 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00: millet, 8) fts, $1 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass. 43 ms, Vi uu; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 4i5c; city rendered, 65Kc. Tbopioal Fbtits Lemons, fancy, $3 50, sina oranges, $3 004 00 fl box; Florida oranges, $4 505 00 fl box: Valencia oranges, fancy, So 50 07 00 case: Malaga grapes, $9 00t0 00 "H per keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 oO, good Beconda. fl bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50 W hundred: new figs, 10llc fl pound; dates, 5 6c 3 pound., Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, $1 502 00 - hundred: new cabbage, $2 OOfifi 0 fl crate; onions. 5075c fl barrel; onion sets, fancy Enes, $3 2503 50: Jerseys, $2 753 00; "Western, $2 602 75; turnips, 2s 30c t1 busheL Groceries. Sugars are still ascending and our quotations are again advanced. European advices indi cate very strong markets for sugars. Coffee options were 10 points higher at the close of markets yesterday than at the opening, pack aze coffee is trembling on, the verge of another rise. ' Green Coffee Fancy Bio, 2223c; choice Bio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Bio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 3031c; Santos,:i922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Bio, 2i23c; La guayra, 2122o. Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c: high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 82H33JicnMaracalbo,Z7H28Kc; Santos, 22024c; peaoerry. 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Bio, 25Vc; prime Bio, 23c; good Rio, 22c ordinary, 2IKc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, S9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Petkoleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150 8c: water white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc; royallne, 14c Bybups Com syrup', 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 833Sc; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strict ly prime, 3335c; now maple syrup, 90c. N. O. molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Js, 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, 13c;do granulated, 2c. candles star, inn weight, c; steanne, choice. GX(d ;6Vc. . 5KQ7c:eloss starch. 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels, 2 25; California Muscatels; $1 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Oudara Valencia, 7Koc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes new, 4Jffi5c; French prunes, 8K13c: Salonica prunes, in 2ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12UQ15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna flgs,12J 16c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, S1314c; orange peel. 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 10i2Kc; cherries, pitted, 21022c: cherries, unfitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Kc: . blackberries, 7K3c; huckle berries. 1012a SUGABS Cubes, SVgSJjJcj powdered, 8Ji 8Kc; granulated, Sj8Kc; confectioners' A, 88Kc; standard A.8Hc: soft whites, 77Kc; yellow, choice. 7K7Jc; yellow, good, 66Jjjc; yellow, fair, 7c; yellow, dark, 6c. Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), $4 60; me diums, half bbls (600), $2 75 Salt-No. 1 ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl, $1 05; dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, W bbl, $1 20; Higgles Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 80; Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 30 1 90; 2ds, $1 301 85: extra peaches, $1 01 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, $1 001 SO; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima beans, $110; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, $1 1001 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears, $2 50; do greengages, $2 00; do egg plums. $2 00: extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c; raspberries, $1 151 40; strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 201 30; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-fi cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fis, $1 251 60; com beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans, $13 59: baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $150; sardines, domestic, XA?, $4 154 50; sardines, domestic Us, $8 258 50; sardines, imported, i, $11 50012 60; sardlneSrimported, '. $18 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S2L Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft ft.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl.; split, $7 00; lake S2 50 ft 100-ft. half. bbl. White fish, $7 ft 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, $550 ft half bbL Finnan hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. 18c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 2J2J ft ft. . Oatmeal JO 306 60f( bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S60c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Gram Ex change, 32 cars. ByPittsburg,FortWayneand Chicago, 4 cars of oats, 1 of husks, 5 of flour, 6 of hay. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 5 cars of oats, 1 of bran, 2 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of wheat, 1 of hay and feed, 1 of oats, 1 of flour, 1 of malt. There was but one sale on call, viz., a car of mixed oats at 29c 10 days. No. 2 white oats and No. 1 timothy bay are the strong factors of grain and bay markets. This grade of oats is not in supply equal to demand. Flour tends toward lower prices. A leading jobber says carlcad lots were reduced 25c since Monday, and the best spring and Winter patents are now selling at $6 2o as the outside rate. Corn is a shade firmer. Milif eed is dull as ever. Wheat Jobbihg prices No. 2 red, 98 99c; No. 8 red. 88091c Cobn No. 2 yellow, ear, 39040c: high mixed ear. S6K37c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3s39c; No. 2 -) cllo w. shelled, 87H38c; bleh mixed, shelled. 3737c: mixed, shelled, S53Sc Oats No. 2 white. 3333W;c; extra,No. 8. 320 32Uc; No. 3 white, 3030Kc: N- 2 mixed, 28 29c Rye No, 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2, 55e56c Barley No. 1 Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana da, 85S8c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, per set, skc; paramne, neiizc Bice Head. Carolina. 7fil7Jc: 7c: prime, 6K6Vc; Louisiana, ttg Starch Pearl. 3c: cornstarch Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $3 00 86 25;spring patents, $6 256 50: winter straight. $5 2505 50; clear winter, $4 7585 00: straight XXXX bakers' $4 6004.75. Ttye flour, $4 00. Milmeed Middlings, fine white, $15 00 16 00 f) ton; brown middlings. $12 0012 50; winter wheat bran, $13 00013 50; chop feed, $15 00016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 60016 00; No. 1 do, $14 25014 50: No. 2 do, $12 00013 00; loose from wagon. $18 004J20 00; No. 1 upland Srairie. $10 0010 25; No. 2, $3 0008 50; packing o. $5 506 0. Stbaw Oats. $8 0008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 5008 00. Provisions. , Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie: sugar-cured bams, small, Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Kc: sugar cured dried beef sets, 9Kc: sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HKc: bacon shoulders, "Xc; bacon clear sides. SJic; bacon clear bellies. &c: dry saltsboulders,t&c;drysalt clear sides,7c Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 5a Lard Beflned in tierces, WJc: half barrels, 7Hc; 60-Jb tubs, 7c: 20 ft pails, 7c; 50-fttmcans, TKc; 3-ft tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c: 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c;Iarge, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel. $1 90. . Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 5c;550to650&s,6Wc;650to750fts,6Kc Sheep, 7Hc 9 ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 9c Paine's Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing (ike if. "Last sp?snR being very much run down and deblUtatecW procured some of Paine's Celery Compound. The use of two bottles made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine, I do not know its equaL" W. L. Greenleaf, Brigadier General V. N. G., Burlington, Vt. Use It Now! "Having used your Paine's Celery Compound this spring, I can safely recommend It as the most powerful and at the same time most gsntle regulator. It 13 a splendid nerve tonic, and since taking It I nave felt like a new man? B. E. Khobb, Watertown, Dakota. $L0o. Six for $5.00. At Druggists. Wells, Richakdsos & Co. Props. Burlington, Vt. DIAMOND DYES ,r!,rjtl LACTATED FOOD Ltf" mhl7153K-MT BUTTER, BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED FURS Chartlers Creamery Co, Warehouse and General Offices, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1420. PITTSBURG, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhl8.3rwT ' WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sis., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SLLKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OhLkiVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D ABMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, BOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have Inst secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, .ar:m:ott:evs- mbJlonvj" 11 ROKE IIS FINANCIAL, De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER Ef petbolettm: Oil bought and sold on margin- de27-21-Dsu WHITNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THBOUOH MESSR& DREXEL, MORGAN it CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PBOOUBSD. pS-x7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Deer Creek ancLSusque.J hanna R. R. Co. First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTEREST PAYA BLE JULY 1 AND JANUARY 1, IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTttE TRUST AN D DEPOSIT CO.i ' OF BALTIMORE. TRUSTEE. Issue, tCOd.000. Principal and interest roar an teed by the Maryland Central Railway Co. This bond is a Jlrst mortgage ou 18 miles of road now under construction from Belalr, McL connecting with the Maryland Central Railway , Co to Stafford. Md. The Maryland Central K Railwav Co., Baltimore to Delta. Pa. (43 miles), was reorganized in December. 1888, and is now on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous business. The York and Peach Bottom Railroad Co York. Pa., to Peach Bottom (40 miles), has been acquired by the Maryland Central Ran way Co., making a system of 101 miles, which, will be operatedby the Maryland Central Rail way Co. We recommend these bonds as a desirable In vestment, and offer a limited amount for sale a8 93 per cent and accrued interest, subject to ad vance in price. REA BROS. & CO., Binders snd Brokers, 423 -WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ap9-72-D MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PENX AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know and back flies of PittsV burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From P1We NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDAni IQ and mental diseases, physical liLn V UUo decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired menu ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, basbfuluess, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, inw poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar. riage. permanently, salely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SST&S blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue.moutb. throat, ulcers, old , sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV Wdney and bladder derange Unlllrtn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. SL Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 930 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31K-Dsuwk WHAT IS MONET WITHOUT HEALTH, j PSfm Mfiafi Health, Energy and Strength secured by utla AHORASDA WAFERS. These -wafers are ) GttiKAxrzKO specific and the only reliable anJ safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impotency, no matter how Ion? standing. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the mi alcohol or tobacco, Sleeplessness, Mental Depress ton. Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, PrematurfJ Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harrassin Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over, indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes foi $4.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of pricei Six boxes is the complete treatment and witl every purchase of six boxes at one time we wilj give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY t if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL, INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, 412 Market Street. Pitts burgh, Pa., P. 0. ox 37. to whom all communii cation should be addressed. mh3I-D8u mow thyself; rim ui BKZnCEZTVCZEl OS XfXX'XS A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical TrsatiM oa the Errors of Youth, PrematureDeclme.Nervoua and Physical Debility, Impurities oi the Blood, Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim, f orWork, Business, the Marr'ed or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this greaS work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful' binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only tl.CO by mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Thai distinguished author, Wm. II. Parker, M. D., re eeived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL, from the National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or In person, at the effice of THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bolflncb. St., Boston. Mass., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice should tm directed as above. j jalo-TuTsnwk CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 2ZS C33S3 IWiTSd 221X3. OricUalttMtimlrrrnlavttl reuMw pui ior mjc Aererjrui. Alt for CXUJtesttr'g njlU7l Liilia twxtrs. Malad with blue rib bon. At DrDcclntA. Accent no other. AU dUU 1b duu botrt boxe, pink wrmppera, ir t &mngtT K pwtfcttlir nd BHef for LadIeVt "V- r Utter, by return m&U. 10,000 tU sMvmlKafromUBlESaAforvuMdtiieiii. JmPmptr. CMchestcrt,rii'raIcalCo.j!lidlsonSq.,FlillPi. DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, OFFICES. 90U PENN AVE., All forms of Delicate and Com. plicated Diseases reqmrinc Cos- TICENTIAL and BCIESTIFIO Medication are treated at this Dispensary with a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the, Royal College of Physicians and Sureeons. and is the oldest and most expe rienced Specialist in the city. Special atten tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of youth, etc., causing; physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores. Fits, Piles. Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs, etc Consultation free and strictly confiden tiaL Ofllce hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. sr.i Sun days, 2 to 4 P. M. only. Call at office or address H. K. LAKE,iI. D., M. R. C. P.S.,or E.J. . Lake,.!!. D. seMSJ-siWFWk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES a! NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. t LOSS OF MEMORY. "K ynll parttenlars In pamphlet 4 sent free. The genuine Gray Sneelilo sold by druggists only lu, yellow wrapper. Price, 41 per), niirklfffc. or slzforSS. orhYfnall ' k j -"S m iM&j on reeelnt of orlce. hr Addrm-. ' J n..... -is.t- nnt,(uv tt imt., -v 1 Sold in Pittsburg byS. S.JIULLAND. corner. Smltbfleld and Liberty sts. anl3-53 c fects of yoatbfiil er- . on. early lAbfo treal aecay. ion manhood etc treatlM (eIed; 3 cont&uitair rou paracouuv tor noma caiv, xit chr(r. Aaaress, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, MoetfkW, COWWj- I-B09KS3aw . 4 1 a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers