M5T -1 "-.i- yv. jj Cft' x " It f St" W$t Bipaftlj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1S4&, Vol. 41, Ho. 64. Entered at Pittsburg Postofflce, Xovemberl4, 1887, as second-class matter. Business Offlce07 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average circulation of the dally edition of Tbe Dispatch far six month coding April 1, 1SS9. 27,986 . Copies per Issue. Average rlrcnlatlon of the Sunday edition of Tbe Dispatch for March, 1SSD, 46,423 Copies per issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FEE! IX THE UNITED STATES. Dailt Dispatch. One Year I 8 00 Dailt DlbFATCH. Per Qnartcr 2 00 Dailt DisrjtTcn, One Month 70 Daily Disfaich, including Sunday, one year 10 00 Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, per quarter. 2M Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month. . SO Sunday Dispatch, one year. :so Wexklt Dispatch, one year 1 SS The Daily Dispatch U delivered by carriers at 35 cents per -week, or including the bunday edition. at SO cents per w eet. PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, APR. 12, 1SS9. TUBNING THE TABLES. Judging from the report of Bir Charles Russell's speech before the Parnell Com mission yesterday it is not unreasonable to believe that it is the intention of Mr. Par nell and his colleagues to ask ior the ap pointment of a royal commission to inves tigate the Times' conspiracy, if the present commission decide that it i beyond their statutory powers to make such on inquiry. This is an intimation of Mr. Parnell's re solve to complete the rout of his dastardly enemies, which will be hailed with joy wherever freedom and fair play are held in high esteem. The eloquence of a great pleader was never better employed than is Sir Charles Bussell's in the extraordinary trial now in progress. Already it is plain that he will leave the conspirators lurking under the sorry shadow of the Times, not a plank to stand on, before he resumes his seat. Yes terday the suborners of perjury and forgery, as well as their wretched tools, felt the stinging lash of Sir Charles' tongue. A most dramatic scene indeed, though the pro ceedings before the commission have been strangely fruitful of such. The court crowded but hushed into solemn silence, while the rope oi logic and hard facts is winding about the malignant persecutors of ParnelL PUKE PATEIOTIBM. The Legislature took the fine old war horse Patriotism out of its stall yesterday and gave it a rousing gallop in the Capitol at Harrisburg. It is hardly necessary to add that this inspiring scene was incident to a debate on a proposed jaunt and jollifica tion for the legislators at the State's ex pense. It is really wonderful how patriotic a legislator can be when his fingers are in the people's purse. "Well, the result of this particular exhibi tion of patriotism is that the entiie Legisla ture, Senators and Assemblymen, and the Governor and his staff, will all take part in the Centennial celebration at New York, the necessary expenditure for transportation and hotel accommodating to be defrayed by the State Treasury. A few Senators were outspoken intheirop position to this use of the State's money, but it was finally approved by a vote of 20 to 13v The patriotic legislators will therefore as sist in the extraordinary proceedings planned by the great McAllister and smiled on bv every individual in the immortal Pour Hundred. "When the Senate's concurrence with the House's resolution was reported to the latter body ifSvas hailed with natural enthusiasm, to which the erudite W. Fow, of Philadel phia, contributed a witty inquiry as to tbe identity of George "Washington. All the Representatives present were thus enabled to astound Mr. Fow, and possibly, their constituents, with the immensity of their knowledge revealed in the reply that Wash ington was first in peace, first in war, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. THORNS AT TEE 0UTSTAET. In taking up journalism in the wild and woolly West, Bussell Harrison has been doomed to an early acquaintance with some of the thorns in the path. A miserable slander of a peculiarly mean and cowardly sort, affecting a "Washington lady, found its way to Buffalo, was there printed and strayed into the paper which Mr. Harrison publishes in Montana, before Mr. Harrison was yet connected with its direction. Though he caused retraction of the story, it seems that a personal apology on his own part was further insisted on, and in default he was yesterday subjected to criminal prosecution in New York. The case has no importance beyond its personal bearings, excepting in so far as it adds another illustration to the possibilities of procedure for libel. If the original libeler were "punished, or even the party who copied the story at second-hand, only justice might be done; but it is a pretty rough experience for Russell at the threshold of his career to hare to imply by a personal apology.that he was personally cognizant of an offense of which he knew nothing, or else enjoy the scarcely less disa greeable alternative of being adjudicated upon by a New York Alderman. AN TOSTJCCESSTUL HaNEUVEB. The evident attempt to switch off from the clear main track of the admitted discrimina tions against Pittsburg to the convenient siding leading to Mr. Carnegie's personal motives will mislead nobody. Whatever the motives of the Braddock manufacturer, he has thrown an instructive and timely light on a subject which every succeeding day will more strongly show to be of vital importance to Pittsburg. Whether what he has so boldly said, backed by the corrobo rative testimony of so many other leading shippers, will or not insure a State Commis sion, or even the passage of the mild anti-discrimination bill now before the House, or stimulate a movement for a com petitive line, is to be demonstrated farther on. That the public are enlightened by the discussion is undoubted. That even the Pennsylvania Bailroad officials may be brought by it to a farther-sighted policy to ' wars this section is even within belief. Mr. Carnegie has pressed home upon them the vital fact that they derive their greatest profits from Pittsburg and the adjacent ter ritory. He has showed that the railroad ton nage of Pittsburg shipments is greater than that oi any other city in the United States. He has suggested the pertinent inquiry whether it is not better business policy for the Pennsylvania Bailroad to develop this goldmine at its terminus hereby equal rates, in place of taxing it speolally to keep up a non-paying competition for the "benefits of points afar off, like Chicago. In a bustling, active city like Pittsburg, and in times like these when enterprises and the men behind them move with snch mo mentum, it will naturally happen that some people jostle some other people. The toes that are never trodden on are few and far between. This may produce personal likes and dislikes, but such should have no place in questions which affect the prosperity of the whole city. As The Dispatch stated at the start, the matter of freight rates is in no sense a personal issue; and if Mr. Car negie is to be auswered at all it must be upon tne merits of his contention, not by the befogging irrelevancy of guessing rightly or wrongly at the immaterial point as to his motive. It is the truth and the force of what he says that has to do with the case not his motive in the saying of it. WALSH'S LITTLE CHAPTEE. Some day a full history of how the Lon don Times conducted its conspiracy against Parnell will be written, and it will make a narrative at once terrible and amusing. While Sir Charles Bussell is rapidly destroy ing the last standing stones of tbe wall that the Ttmcs worked so hard to erect about Par nell and his colleagues, from outside sources almost daily we are having the new details of the attempts made by the Timet' instru ments to concoct a case against innocent men. Yesterday Thomas Walsh revealed an other chapter of the miserable story. He was to have been a witness before the Par nell Commission for the Times, but slipped away the night before he was called. Walsh had been confined in jail for a long term tfor participation iu Fenian plots. While a prisoner Scotland Yard officials tried to induce him to testify that Mr. Par nell had been implicated in Fenian conspir acies, but he refused. After he had been liberated on ticket of leave, however, he con cluded to pretend to help the Times case and in reality to help it to destruction. Mr. Soames, the solicitor of the Timet, accepted Walsh's assistance with innocent joy and sent him to hunt for dangerous doc uments in Ireland. Walsh hnnted indus triously so long as Mr. Soames kept up the supply of ten-pound notes. Of course he found nothing, unless it were that Mr. Soames was willing, nay eager, to swallow any absurd cock-and-bull story so long as it was hurtful to the credit of the Home Rulers. Finally, as is well known, Walsh disappeared, and a part of the Times struct ure fell in. EASTERN CBITICS BEWABE! A considerable portion of the West is growing extremely sensitive upon the point oi Its literary standing. In Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and other Western States, we have recently seen signs in plenty of dissatisfaction with the air of superiority which the East, and more especially Boston, is still in the habit of putting on when deal ing with literature or art originating in the West And this chafing seems to be very fairly justified by the products which West ern authors have exhibited, not only in the local fields, but in those of the nation, and sometimes of the world. The Omaha Herald Is the latest to voice this insurrectionary feeling against the lit erary patronage oi the East It seems that in the last number of tbe Book Buyer it is insinuated rather vaguely that Miss Alice French, better known under her nomme de plume of Octave Thanet, who lives at Dav enport, la., owes her pictureique vocabu lary, delicate discrimination, and admirable style to the fact that her father occasionally went through Boston on the "cars. This has provoked the Serald to recite the names of a score of deservedly famous authors of Western or Southern birth, and suggests satirically that they all owed their literary ability to some chance visit for a week to New York or Boston. It is painful to see the truly great critics of the East set up in the pillory. But needed reforms are seldom brought about without pain to somebody. We can witness the crucifixion of a Boston critic with a feeling that is fearfully near to joy. WELCOME TISITOBS. With what uncommon joy President Har rison must have greeted the delegation of school girls that waited on him yesterday! Here were a dozen hearty, healthv, and we will be bound, handsome .young women, who came simply to gratify their natural feminine curiosity and express their respect for the Chief Magistrate of the Nation. They only asked for a shake of the hand and a look into the Presidental face. They tvere granted both readily. Very few of Mr. Harrison's visitors nowa days can be so easily accommodated. On the face of almost every .man who enters the President's library is an air of desire and deep expectancy. A penchant for post offices and a craving for consulates are the prevailing characteristics of their conversa tion. But these jolly school girls ate candy all the time, and if they said anything beyond a murmurous how-d'ye-do and good by, we will venture to say it was some pretty speech such as the free and independ ent maidens of Texas are famous for. They were delighted with everything they saw; and the President did not give a sigh of re lief when their trim dresses whisked out of the door. Perhaps he heaved a sigh when he thought how few and far between the visits of angels are. The appointment of ex-Solicitor General Jenks by the Republican administration to continue the Government's s'truggle with the Bell Telephone monopoly is a worthy recognition of the professional ability of a political opponent. Mr. Jenks was of the very best timber in Mr. Cleveland's execu tive council. As Pennsylvania's contribu tion to the late administration, the State will feel proud of the confidence in tbe Brookville lawyer which the Republicans likewise show. Boulakgee has allowed aVhole day to elapse without proclaiming the awful fate he has in store for the French Ministry, and the latter have returned the compli ment by abstaining from ordering a new in dictment of the pocket-edition Napoleon. Disputed elections are costly things to everybody concerned except the disputants. The State Legislature has unseated Nicolls, tile Democrat, and seated in his place Fin ley, the Republican, at au expense to the State amounting already to over 514,000, and likely to reach $20,000. But both Philadelphians drew their salaries as mem bers of the House pending the inquiry. Sullivan, the pugilist, is continually disappointing the public. A few weeks ago he was reported to be drinking himself to death, and yesterday he .seemed, to a re porter's eyes, to have recovered his health. The wife of a great man is seldom able or willing to serve her husband so nobly as v - - THE Mrs. Gladstone is doing. She is always at her place in the court when Sir Charles Russell's eloquence is helping to put the Grand Old Man into power again. She re ports the proceedings to Mr. Gladstone at dinner, thus enabling him to reserve his strength for other duties. , Happily there was no bloodshed at the. evictions near Falcarragh, Ireland, yester day. This was due to the patient courage of the peasants, not to the evictors, whose methods were as brutal arnsual. The militia of the State will hardly con cede the justice of the Legislature voting itself a free trip to New York during tbe Centennial alter it had declined to pay for the transportation ot the troops. The citi zens of New York, who are already protest ing at having to pay for the presence of the Pennsylvania National Guard, have pretty good grounds for making sarcastic" remarks. When a man has passed the limit of three score years and ten it is somewhat odd for him to mate with a girl of fifteen. Yet such a case was revealed in the marriage license office yesterday. Some sanguine admirer of Lord Ran dolph Churchill has cabled his opinion that Lord Salisbury will shortly offerhat erratio statesman a place in the Cabinet If the Tory leader is foolish enough to do this Gladstone's return to power will be hast ened. Lord Churchill has always ruined a party which he could not rule. If the superb weather will last a few days longer we shall begin to believe that there is such a season as spring in America. The great Poet Whittier has added his voice to the protest against enforcing idle ness in prisons. His sympathies are always truly democratic, and when he protests against a system which he says can only fill the prisons with maniacs, Jus words should find an echo in every heart PEOPLE 01? PR0MISEN0E. Ex-Attorney General Garland has bung ont bis shingle and will spend tbe rest of bis days in Washington practicing law. John S. Butler, a messenger in tbe State Department, has been designated to accompany tho Samoan Commission as a messenger. Hiram Williamson, one of tbe 600 who rode into tho "Valley of Death" at Balaklava-j in ISM, has just been made chief porter at tbe Boston postofflce. He is 70 years of age. Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, is the smallest in stature of the members ot the United States Senate, but one of the brainiest men in that body. When be first went to Washington he was subjected to no end ot ridi cule about bis size, which touched his sensitive nature not a little. Governor Biggs, of Delaware, owns a dozen peach farms, is heavily interested in sev eral railroads, and is tbe possessor of wealth in other forms. He does not show this in bis dress, however, for he wears a swallow-tail coat, low-cut vest, and wide trousers, all of the style of 40 years ago, while a high white bat covers bis head. One of the earliest recollections of the late Lewis Hayden, the well-known colored man ot Boston, was an amusing experience that he bad when he saw Lafayette. He was perched on a tenee, joining heartily in the enthusiasm. He attracted the attention of the distinguished Frenchman, who looked directly at him and lifted his bat This so frightened the little follow that he fell backward off the fence. When Attorney General Milder first arrived in Washington he looked like a plain country lawyer on an outing. His suit of rusty black had an unfashionable cut and set He wore a turndown collar, with a shoestring necktie, and the high top boots which allow tbe trous ers to find refuge when the snow Is deep. Strag gling and untrimmed whiskers fringed bis honest face. Now he has changed all this. In tbe Rlggs house the other night he wore an elegant full dress suit ot fine material, fashion able cut and perfect fit, and he looked thor oughly at borne in it The oldest Episcopal clergyman -In Massa chusetts, and one of the oldest in New En gland, is Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Lambert, of Boston. He is nearly SO years old, and has retired from active service, but his mental faculties are well preserved. He held pleasant social relations with General Jackson, Daniel Webster, Edward Everett, General Cass, Sena tor Benton, and other prominent men of 10 years ago. For 20 years he was a chaplain in the navy, and he has been a Freemason for nearly 60 years, the thirty-third degree being conferred on bim in 1869. Lieutenant Parker, of the navy, will accompany tbe Samoan Commission, which sails from New York Saturday, in the capacity of Secretary. He has been attached to the Adams for three years, and it is expected that his knowledge of Samoan affairs, acquired dur ing the stay of the Adams at Apia, will be of assistance to tbe commission. Lieutenant Buckingham, now naval attache at the United States Legation at London, but lately attached to tbe Berlin Mission in a similar capacity, will join tbe commission at Berlin, and also act in the capacity ot Secretary. THE1B FIRST BOW. Tbe Shadyslde Glee Clab Give Their First . Concert. The Shadyslde Glee Club, assisted by Miss Lonise Noble, gave their first concert in the ball of tbe Shadyslde Academy last evening. A large and cultured audience was'present Tbe programme was opened with a piano solo by Miss Louise Noble. Messrs. George Collins, D. O'Neill. George Reed, Jack Paine and H. S. Fisher sang solos. Messrs. Thomas Clarke and L. R. Wooldridge sang a duet Tbe banjo and guitar selections by Messrs Collins, At buthnot and O'Neill won much applause. The club, however, won the honors of the evening. They have well trained voices and keep good time. The concert recitation. "The V-a-s-e," was one ot tbe best efforts of tbe evening. The closing selection, "The Knightfs Farewell," was well rendered. Concert nt Tnrner Hall. The members of Fulton Council Jr. O. U. A. M. gave a concert last evening at Central Turner Hall. Avery excellent programms of vocal and instrumental music was rendered in which tbe Gernert & Guentbcr Orchestra played the principal parts. The hall was crowded and the entertainment a great suc cess. One In Law Now. Miss Tillie a .Hughes was married to I. J. Abell last night at tbe Arch Street M, E. Church. Rev. W. H. Conners tied tho knot. The happy young c ouple went East to spend their honeymoon. A Michigan Man for Controller. Charlotte, Mich., April 11. A dispatch received here this afternoon by a near friend of ex-Congressman Lacy, dated Washington, says that Mr. Lacey's nomination as Controller ot the Cnrrency has been definitely decided upon, and is as certain as anything in the shape bt a nomination can be until it is formally made. KEWS OF THE STAGE. The disadvantages ot a small bouse, a poor company and a poor play might well have a de pressing effect upon an actress' spirits, but if Miss Maddern was disturbed by such surround ings her work last night did not betray the fact Her Alice Clendenning. in "In Spite of All," was surprisingly good under the circumstances, being a faithful portrayal of the sufferings and wrongs of a neglected wife. Mr. Jennings aeted bis part of the theatrical manager excel lently well, though German dialect is scarcely bis forte. The others in tbe cast were decid edly bad. What Miss Maddern needs inost is a company and a play. Her honest and faithful efforts are wasted In such trivial patch-work pieces as "Caprieo'' and "In Spite of All.! She is equal to something a great deal better than either. Lydia Thompson, the pioneer of burlesque in this country, will open at the Bjjon on Mon day next She brings a number of .pretty girls, some of whom are talented, and several good comedians, who will air their graces and their genius in the burlesques of "Penelope," ""Columbus" and "Robinson Crusoe." PITTSBTJKG DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKEB. A New Preventive of Seasickness The Lay of Baby McKee Peoullar Prohlbl tion. v Tbe rush tor Europe will be greater tban ever this year, so the steamship agents say. Some Pittsburger have gone already. Others ' by the hundred will be going soon. So a new, and said-to-be infallible, preventive ot seasick ness will be welcome. A friend ot mine was talking to Lieutenant Craven, V. S. N., in New York the other day about seasickness. Said Lieutenant Craven: "When you go aboard ship take a broad towel and tie it about you in such a way as to com press tbe abdomen generally with tolerable tightness. Wear this banda?e during the voy age apd I'll bo bound you will not suffer from seasickness." Tbe gentleman to whom Lieutenant Craven gave this recipe said to me; "I believe that a bandage applied as Mr. Craven suggests Is an excellent preventative. I bad generally been a very bad sailor until the last trin at sea I made, when I wore for the first time an electrTb beltj This belt was fastened about me as the bandage should be. In spite of the tact that the voyage to and from Bermuda was excessively rough, and nearly everyone was sick, I passed through tbe ordeal without even a qualm." Anyway, the recipe Is so simple and Inex pensive that It is worth trying. V The Washington correspondents are at tributing President Harrison's ill health and haggard looks to the too pressing attentions and claims of Baby McKee. It is said that when he is dictating letters to Secretary Elijah his attention is divided between the sub ject of the correspondence and tho cries of the wonderful grandchild in the nursery. One can, imagine bim after this fashion dictating: f A LETTER TO MR. BLAINE. In regard to the Fishery question, I think There's the baby again. I declare That to write any further is wasting ot ink Sure somebody's pulling its halrl All the same I'd advise that Lincoln should know Where's the nurse? That baby '11 dlel What lengths we at present are willing to go Will nobody answer its cry? As to Germany, Halstead is still in the ring On, spanking is not any good I The Senate Is stubborn and savage this spring You'd better look after its foodl Don't believe what the papers are saying, dear Blaine; The syrup I left on the shelf My friendship for you is not on the wane One spoonful's enough for the elf. You'll pardon, my brevity, matters or State Elijah, it' useless for roe To try to write further, my precious can't wait, Gan' pa's going to Baby McKee 1 . A 'week or two ago a well-known dealer in live stock, of this city, went over to Washing ton county to -make a deal with a big stock raiser, who is also prominent as a strict Prohi bitionist Tbe cattle having been inspected and the price agreed upon, the Washington county man retired to tbe house to make out a receipt and so on, leaving the Pittsburger In his son's hands. As soon as the old man bad disappeared Indoors, his son, a bright lad Bear ing his majority, said to the Pittsburger: "This is rather dry work talking all day, ain't Itr" Tho Pittsburger vehemently assented. "Well," continued the young man, "I've a bottle out in tbe haymow, and we might as well get a taste of the stuff while dad's not by." The Pittsburger said yes again, and the two repaired to the haymow and looked upon the contents of the black bottle. Then the young Washlngtonlan bid the bottle in the haymow, saying as he did so: "Don't tell the old man anything about this he's awful down on drink ing!" Ot course tbe Pittsburger vowed silence as be smacked bis lips and left the young man in the barn. Two minutes later he was in the bouse paying over tbe money to the old stock raiser. After all tbe business in hand bad been dispatched, and the bargain bad been closed, the Pittsburger was about to take his leave when the old man said, rather awkwardly: "Say, are yon feelin' dryr I've a jng down in tbe cellar, and the liquor's fine." It is hardly necessary to say they were soon in tbe cellar. As the old Prohibitionist drained his glass be said to bis guest: "Don't say noth ing 'bout this to them boys o' mlne-they don't know about tbe jngt" MAKE THE COLONEL CONSUL Why Editor Sbepnrd Should' Represent Dnclo Sjun at Jerusalem. From the Washington, Post We nominate Colonel Elliott F. Shepard, of the New York Mail and Express, for Consul at Jerusalem. It is a most surprising thing that the eminent fitness of the appointment has not occurred to the State Department long ago. A Jerusalem edition of tbe Mail and Express would be a great tbing. At tbe head of the editorial page Colonel "Shepard could print a column of fresh, juicy paragraphs out ot the Bible and put them Into as many languages as a patent medicine almanac Again would the money changers be driven from the temple. Colonel Shepard couid show tbe benighted ones how much better the business could be conducted on a regularatock exchange. It would not be six months before a crowd of lean, nervous "bull" Pharisees would be climbing over the benches and "bear" Sad ducees, yelling "Dead Sea and Jordan consoli dated, seller 40, seller 39. seller Si" "Dan to Beersheba short line, here'y'are 2u n'art, n' a quarter, 25 fur a tbousan', yah!" Obi it would be great times for old Jerusha, The good editor would put a stained glass window in the temple in commemoration ot his lamented father-in-law, and have the best choir of howling dervishes that money could hire. And then that Monday morning edition but why pursue this fruitful suggestion further? By au means let Colonel Shepard be recognized by the administration. He is more than a genius; he recognizes genlosity. SUNDAY JOURNALISM ELETATED. The Price of All New York Sunday Fapor Except One to be a Nickel. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. New York, April U, Sunday newspaper buyers will have to pav 5 cents each for the Sunday editions of daily papers except the Stars whose price will remain as at present 3 cents, on and after next Sunday. .The Herald's Sunday edition has been sold for 5 cents for a long time, but the other papers for several years have been engaged in cutting rates to promote circulation. A few months ago all the cheaper papers, except the Press and Star, ad vanced their Sunday prices to 4 cents a copy. The managers say that there was no falling off iu circulation in consequence. This fact en couraged them to make tbe final advance. The proprietors of the papers say that the in crease in pricois necessary on account of tbe increasing size of tbe Sunday editions. They saytbat the small price for tbe papers left them no profit Tbe arrangements for the ad vance in price were made last week at a confer ence of the newspaper proprietors Tbe papers represented were the Sun, Press, World, Tones and Tribune. AN'INCREABE OF PENSIONS. Commlaatoner Tanner SInkes a Ruling Af fecting Severn! Hundred Pensioners. Washington, April II Commissioner of Pensions Tanner to-day issued an order hold ing that "whenever a pensioner is disabled In a band or foot, in a degree entitling bim to $24 per month under tbe act of March 3. 1883, such pensioner shall, by reason of that fact, be en titled to the rate of 30 per monthUnder the act of August 4. 1886." This order will favorably affect the pensions of some 600 to 800 disabled veterans of the late war. Cigarettes to be Prohibited In Michigan. Lansing. April 11. The House this morning passed tbe Jackson cigarette bill which prohib its the "manufacture, sale, keeping for sale or giving away of any cigarettes or any imitation thereof composed in whole or in part ol tobacco or any substance in the form of tbe cigarette containing narcotic elements, or any rice paper or any paper designed for cigarette wrappers." An Alligator In the White Home. Baltimore, April 11. President Davis, of ttft West Virginia Central Railway Company, and Mrs. Davis, who, with Mrs. McKee, daugh ter of President Harrison, bave been on a tour in the South, reached home to-day. In Flor. Ida Mr. Davis andMrs. McKee were each pre sented with a young alligator. Mrs.MisKee bad bors sent from tbe car to tho White House.'' An Incrense in Cotton Exports. Washington, April 11. The Chief ot the Bqrcau of Statistics reports that the exports of cotton from the United States for March last to bave been 512.501 bales, valued at 528,083 021 -as against 823,400 bales in March, 1888. ERIDAT, APEIL '12, DUTr HAD TO BE PAID. Imported Steel Plates for a Tunael That t Couldn't Come In Free. Washington, April 1L Application was re cently made to tbe Treasury Department for the free entry on steel plates imported for use In tbe construction of tbe International tunnel under tbe Bt, Clair river at Port Huron, Mlob. The plan for the construction of this tunnel involves the driving ot a hollow iron cylinder, with sharp steel dredges, under the bed ot tbe river by hydraulic pressure. Two of these cylin ders are to be constructed and driven from op posite (ides ot the river, to meet and join mid way, and will be left in that position, to form tbe outer sbell or shield of the tunnel. The Imported plates in question are for use in the construction of the cylinder on tbe American Side, and will be attached as fast as required. The importers claim that the plates are en titled to free entry under previous decisions of the department that materials to be used on the river in the construction of an interna tional bridge are not considered importations into the United States' within the meaning of tbe law, -and therefore are not subject to duty, Tbe Collector at Port Huron reports that It will take abont three months to put tbe plates together in tbe required form, and that they will be put into an excavation 1,650 feet from the river, from which point they are to be forced forward at a rate of speed which, ac cording to the engineer in charge, will take from two to three years to briug about the meeting of the two cylinders orshlelds. In view of this statement the department ac cording to Assistant Secretary Tichonor, is of the opinion that the ultimate projected use of these plates as a part of an international tun nel is too remote and uncertain; to warrant tbe application ot tbe rnle laid down in tbe deci sions above cited. The Collector's assessment of auty was therefore affirmed. C0NGRE8S OF THE L0XAL IEGI0N. The Entire Constitution of the Order Sub jected to a General Revision. Cincinnati, April U. The sixth quadren nial congress of the military order of the Loyal Legion of tbe United States closed its session here this afternoon, and many of tbe delegates left this evening for their homes. The con. gress is the legislative body of tbe order. Tbe work was done with nromptness, but with care ful consideration. Tbe entire constitution was revised, and many verbal changes made, but no radical changes. It was provided that in tbe future changes of tbe constitution shall only be made by suggestion of a State commandery, to be submitted to the several State Command erles, and if adopted by tvro-tnirds of tbe Com manderies, then to be subject to approval or rejection by the next succeeding congress. It was provided that the insignia and rosette now worn by original first-class members shall die with them, and that tbe rosette and in slgnia now worn by second-class and by first class by descent members shall be tbe abiding emblems of tbe order. The Ohio Commandery was given a generous vote ot thanks for its hospitality to tbe congress. Tbe next meeting will be held four years hence in St Paul. This selection was made unanimously and the con gress adjourned. ASKING FOR SIMPLE JUSTICE. Cnptaln Winder Wants to be Reinstated and Honorably Retired. Washington, April U. Colonel Julian Al Ien,'of North Carolina, has made application lor relief to the President in bebalf of Captain William A. Winder, late of tbe United States Army. From the papers presented it appears that the applicant served 18 years in tbe army, beginning with tbe war with Mexioo. Dnrlng tho civil war he was desirous of going to the front hut be fell under suspicion of disloyalty because bis father was General Winder, an of ficer in the Confederate army. Although Pres ident Lincoln was satisfied upon tbe assurances of Captain (then Lieutenant) Winder as to bis loyalty. Secretary Stanton Insisted upon bis be ing sent to California. This was done, and in California thecbarge of disloyalty was renewed, finally resulting in a trial, by which the Captain was honorably acquitted. While on this duty he received the formal thanks of tbe Maryland Legislature for gallant services in connection with the rescue of a shipwrecked crew. After the war Captain Winder resigned, and now. as his papers recite, broken down in health and fortune, be seeks to be reinstated In the army and placed upon tbe retired list DIDN'T MEAN ALL IT SAID. The President's Oklahoma Proclamation a Little Too Sweeping. Washington, April It It appears that the President's proclamation opening a portion of the Oklahoma lands to settlers was more sVeeptng in its terms than was intended, In tne matter of excluding persons from entry upon the lands before the date named in the procla mation. Under its terms the army officers have been compelled to keep out tbe officials of the Interior Department whose duty it is to provide for the establishment of the new land offices. To relieve these officials, an order was made to-day by the War Department for their ad mission Into the territory, A Bint ta Mr. Tracy. From the Chicago Times. J If there are any more American men-of-war afloat on the blgb seas or at the mouth of any of the creeks tbe Secretary of the Navy should have them put under cover, "It looks like it was going to rain again." Honor Wher Honor Is Due. From the Detroit Free Press. It is claimed that Germany has more able financiers tban any other country in tbe world. This is a rank injustice to Canada, which has a galaxy ot brilliant Napoleons quite beyond the possibility of duplication. f Isaiah V. Williamson's Wealtb. Philadelphia, April 11. The appraisers appointed to make a complete 'appraisement of the personal effects of the late Isaiah V. Will iamson place the aggregate value of the effects at $9,810,639 75. A Blind Veteran Gets 814.000 Back Pension. Washington, April U. The Pension office to-day allowed a claim of 14,000 for arrears of peflslon to Philip Flood. Tbe allowance was made for blindness contracted in tbe service. BASE HITS AND FOUL TIPS. Baltimore American: Baseball is called a noble game, and yet there are a great many base men engaged In it Chicago News: The baseball cranks ot North America are now full of bliss because they are on the samo continent with Captain Anson, Buffalo Express: A Meadville paper re marks gaily: "If wo cannot bave bottle glass works we can bave a baseball club." That Is tbe spirit which puts up with crust when crumb is scarce. Chicago tferald: The Cbicagos will be home this week, and we shall soon see them losing games on their grounds a spectacle which they have lately presented to the people of every nation on the globe. Chicago Tribune: One of the managers of tbe hippodrome ball association, or whatever it was that went abroad, has come back with an apology in bis mouth. He says the people abroad didn't understand the game. The peo ple in this country do not understand the sort of a game that Anson plays. Baltimore Bun: Let us hope for the honor of the Baltimore club that Mr. Ooetz will prove a Baltimore David, and that the big champions of opposing teams may fall before his lightning delivery and Heaven-inspired curves. If he does ho will be a bigger man than David with J this generation, ana have tne maiacns as wen as the men chanting bis praises. Go in and win, Mr. George B. Goetz. Washington Star: Tbe wife in Toledo who bis applied for a divorce because her husband is a baseball crank strikes a blow at one of tho dearest rights of man. It is an inalienable privilege of the full fledged American citizen to be a baseball cranic, and the right is not de nied even to the temporary serfs in the terri tories or to the perpetual serfs of the District of Columbia. Clearly marriage will prove a lauuro it Jk tttieoipva to overiuruw tno uaseuau idol. IT'S IN THE AIR. Now the whizzing ball will fly , From the banging bat; Now the crazy crowd will cry: "Mosesl look at thatl" Now the umpire will begin Calling strikes and. balls. And whichever side may win, Let him look for squalls. Soon tbe fancy players' names N Every one will know. And the Interest in, the games Every day will grow. Yes. indeed I we're on tbe brink Of confusion dire, And which club, now, do you think Win be the penaut-fiyer ? , Courier Journal. A 1889, BAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. The Enormous Amount of Now Mileage Pre jected In tbe First Quarter of 1889-The jOutlook for the Future. Chicago, April 11. The Railway Ag la it issue to-morrow will present elaborate tables showing the number of miles of railway pro jected during the three months of the present year to March 81. It will say: The fact that many, and perhaps most of the great com panies, bad given assurances to eacb other that they would not engage in competitive con struction this year, the hostility toward rail ways indicated in several ot the State Legisla tures, tbe great falling off In earnings ot nearly all existing roads, and perhaps more than all tbe reported determination of Eastern financial agents to discourage the floating o( new securi ties, all seemed to tbe general public to warrant tbe belief that little railway building would be witnessed during the present year. But those who have made a deeper and more detailed examination of tbe opportunities and needs for new railways in this vast country have seen that this generalization was being re futed by tbe demands of innumerable localities for additional transportation facilities. While the bands of tbe great railway companies have been teen very often in projects for covering their territories with competitive lines, as In every previous year, their absence has not only failed to put tbe expected quietus upon rail way building, but tbe number of new enter prises seems already to be greater tban for tbe same period in any other year ot the country's history with possibly two or three exceptions. The Figures for It. The -Age then presents a table in detail show, ing that 666 new lines, with an aggregate con templated mileage of 63,436 miles, have been projected since January I last; that, on these lines, 14,818 miles are under construction or contract 9,617 are surveyed and 29,001 are incor porated or projected, A table also shows the amount of work under contemplation in va rious sections ot the country, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont Massachusetts, Connec ticut Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia are grouped as tbe New England and Eastern States; Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky as the Southern States; Ohio, Michigan, In diana, Illinois and Wisconsin as the Central Northern States; Minnesota, Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and Montana as the Northwestern States; Missouri, Indian Territory, Arkansas, Texas and Colorado as the Southwestern States, and Nevada, California, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Oregon and Wash ington Territory as tbe Pacific Coast States. Under this division the tabular showing is as follows: Twelve New England and Eastern States, number of lines, loo: total miles con templated, 8,094: under construction or con tract, Uio; surveyed, 1,574; incorporated or projected, 1375. Ten Southern States, number of lines, 1$8; total miles contemplated, 12,855; under construction or contract, 4,444; surveyed, 1,836; incorporated or projected, 6,675. Five Central Northern States, number of lines, 80; total miles contemplated, 5,238; under con struction or contract, 1,921; surveyed, 886; in corporated or projected, 2,431. Seven North western States, number ot lines, 107; total miles contemplated, 12,992; under construction or contract 2,789: surveyed, 2,031; incorporated or projected, 8,172. Five Southwestern States, number of lines, 87; total miles contemplated, 11,602; under construction or contract 2,721; surveyed, 2,038; incorporated or projected, 6,743. Beven Pacific coast States, number of lines, 49; total miles contemplated, 6,845; under construction or contract, 1,808; surveyed, 1,332; Incorporated or projected, 2,705, An Enormous Field. The fact that, In the first three months of the year only, new lines representing over 83.000 miles have been brought to public notice and that their construction is urged and to a large extent is probable, is impressive evidence of tbe enormous field for railway enterprises which the United states still affords. The mileage proposed in these three months is equivalent to almost one-third of the entire railway mile age of tbe country now iu operation, and yet the projection and inauguration of other lines is still going on at an equally rapid rate and the prospect is that tbe roads projected and iu various stages of development in 1889 will ex ceed in aggregate mileage our entire present completed system. How many of tbese enterprises will fail en tirely or will drag along through years, of conrse cannot be foretold. But tbe great fact remains for consideration that the map of our country shows apparent room for all these en terprises and for many more. CREDIT M0BILIER ONCE MORE. The Company as Defendant In a Bis; Salt for Back Taxes. Philadelphia, April 11. The Common wealth's claim to recover some 1147,000 of tax from tbe Credit Mobilier Company, was the sub ject ot an argument before Judges McKernan and Butler in tbe United States Circuit Court this morning. The claim was originally for $224, 863 67, but by the remission of a number of items for penalties, etc, tbe amount was re duced to the sum stated. Last January tbe Court made an order allowing the State to in tervene in a suit yet pending against the Credit Mobilier. After argument the Court decided that the State had been tardy in bringing its action, and directed that the order made last January should be modified. This allows tbe com pany to take its appeal without entering security. Tbe only asset of tbe Credit Mobilier was said to be its alleged claim which it has for' years been seeking to collect from the Union Pacific v AN AGREEABLE CHANGE. Twelve Candy-Chewing Texas Girls Call on tbe President. Washington, April 1L Shortly before I o'clock to day the President was momentarily relieved ot the importunities of the office seekers by a visit from a party ot 12 girls from a Texas female college. They were admitted to the librarv, where they shook hands with tbe President Some of the men who have been unsuccessfully seeking an interview with tbe President looked wistfully through the door way as the door opened to admit the laughing girls. Tbe girls seemed to enjoy themselves very mucb. They ate candy almost constantly, and took notes ot everything they saw and beard during their call on the President A HIGH-LIFE WEDDING. Congressman Gibson Soon to be Married to an bdlana Widow. Baltimore. April U. Congressman Charles Gibson, tbe Adonis of the House of Repre sentatives, will be married on April 23 to Mrs Margaret Powell Hollyday, of Radoliffe Manor, Talbot county, Ind. The wedding will take Slace in Louisville, Kr, at the residence of Irs. SempIe.JIrs. Hollyday's daughter. Bishop Dudley will perform the ceremony. The bride-elect is tbe widow of Colonel Rich ard C. Holiday, for many years Secretary of State of Maryland, and her father was a prom inent Virginian. A Fact Worth Remembering. From the Judge, J Perhaps if tbe office seekers would let Presi dent Harrison alone they would advance their prospects; because no President can confer office after be bas been talked to death. Where Vacancies Are Frequent. From the Alta Callfornla.1 In the Indian Territory 16 Federal office holders bave been killed within a year. The earnest seekers who are looking for vacancies are respectfully referred to 'this. Gold In Salt Wnter. From the Baltimore American.: Hiss Nellie, tbe eldest daughter of Jay Gould, is said to bave S3 000.C00 in her own right If the Atlantic ocean does not run dry, this sum may be increased. , A Pity All Can't Go. From, the Atlanta Journal. It-is said that 3,800 applications for Consular positions have been filed at Washington. We regret that all tbe applicants cannot be sent out of tbe country. Green Goods Victims for Example. From the Oil City Bllzzard.i The persons who would derive most benefit from reading newspapers are the very ones who do not read them. This Editor Needs a Geography. From the Wllllamsport Gazette. 1 AU is serene on the Allegheny. Quay is at Beaver and there is no door-bell to bis resi dence. Mr. E, B. Holmes In Hnrd Lack. From the Memphis Times. Mr. L. E. Holmes, of Nashville, is in oar midst for a lew days. x ttomelhlng to Boast Of.' From the Latrobe Advance.: , Poker rooms, prize fights, whisky joints, and still some people think Latrobe isn't a city. GIST 0E GOTHAM'S G8SSIF. Lily Lanctry's Honso Scorched. rffXW TOBK BUBXAir SfXCLU.5.1 Nxw Yore, April U. The curtains In the sewing room of Mrs. Langtry's house tin West Twenty-third street caught fire from an oil Stove shortly after noon to-day. Mrs, Langtry was ont walking with Freddie Gebbatdt at the time, and tb e four dressmakers who have been re pairing her costumes for tbe last two weeks were at luncheon. When the dressmakers returned tho carpet and furniture near tbe window were all ablaze and the flames ware just catching the spread of the bed. on which lay 84,000 worth of Mrs. Langtry's gowns. Two of the women fought the flretwith blankets and rugs, while the other two carried away Mn. langtry's wardrobe. All four got pretty badly scorched. In the meantime three fire engines, two hook and ladder trucks and a thousand or more persons appeared before the house. The firemen cut a big hole In the roof Just above tho smoking room, and dumped down water enough from buckets to quench the lire Just as the excitement was abating the Lily, accom panied by Mr. Gebhardt,made her appearance. She showed no signs of excitement and ran quickly up the stairs to tbe scene ot the fire. On arriving there she exclaimed: "How glad lam this did not occur at night" Freddie was somewbat nervous, but kept bis month shnt The damage to the bouse was slight ST orton's Bis; Hetel Not Bold Set. The fate of the big botel at Rocka way Beach is still undecided. To-day Austin Corbin, as agent for Levi P- Morton, withdrew the notice of sale that be bad posted a few days ago. Mr. Corbin says tbe sale has been indeflnltelypost poned, as the parties who think of leasing the hotel wish to make a further examination of it It is said that the Ocean Bay Society will make another effort to accomplish their plan of establishing a second Chautauqua at Rocka way. A Bey Paid 8300 for Being Whipped. Martin Brock; a 15-year-old newsboy.obtained a judgment for S500 against the Elevated Rail way Vo-day. On last January 24 Jacob Cooper, a train guard, thought he saw young Brock sell ing papers to passengers, contrary to tbe rules ot the road. Cooper cuffed the boy, kicked him, and threw bim off tbe platform of tbe station. The boy was badly bruised, and through his guardian sued the Elevated Bail road for 55,000. Austria's Consal Arrives. The new Austrian Consul,Dr. Anton Von Palit scbek. arrived on board the steamship Elbe to day, and was received by the officers of the consulate at the dock. Otto P. Eberhard, now chancellor to the consul, has been appointed vice consul. Divorced After Forty Years' Marriage. Mrs. Edward S. Mulford, of Fatehogue, L. L, got $5 per week alimony and a limited divorce from Mr, Mulford, in a Brooklyn court to-day. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mulford are over 70 years old. They bave been married 40 years. They lived happily together up to ten years ago,wben Mr. Mulford began "to sit upon, bruise and choke Mrs. Mulford." He has kept It up ever since. He did not oppose her application for a divorce, A Woman Wants $150,000 Damages. Mrs, W. M. Reynolds has sued the London Assurance Company for 1150,000 damages for malicious arrest and prosecution, and for tbe Impairment of her health. Sometime ago the summer home of Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds, In Flushing. L L, was burned, with all Its con tents. After paying Dr. Reynolds the heavy insurance on tbe furniture destroyed, the Lou don Insurance Company got the Idea that Dr. Reynolds and his wife Vere firebugs, and had set Are to their bouse after removiig ail the furniture on which Insurance was subsequently paid. Tbe company had tbe Reynoldses ar rested, and tried to prove its case in the courts against Dr. Reynolds. It failed, and conse quently abandoned iu case against Mrs. Rey nolds before she was brought to trial. When Miss Tracy Was Belle of tbe BalL Secretary Tracy's family will not leave Brooklyn for Washington until next fall. The plain brown stone house In which they have lived many years bas been advertised for sale. The family consists of Mrs. Tracy, ajon, two daughters and a granddaughter. Tbe eldest daughter, Mrs. Emma Wllmerding, is a widow and the society member of the family. Her first social triumph was scored here at the time of the visit of theGranoduke Alexis, of Rus sia, when she was about 18 years old. While the country was laughing at tbe attempts of American women to entertain the Prince, Miss Emma Tracy carried off all the honors. At a ball given by tbe Admiral at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, she first met the Prince and won the envy of all tbe other girls In her set The Dudley Case in Coarf. Xawrenco Godkin, counsel for tbe Eiening Post, asked the Supreme Court to-day to dis miss Colonel Dudley's suit to recover damages from tbe Post for the publication of the "blocks-of-five" letter. Mr. Godkin cited as ground for bis motion, the fact that Colonel Dudley, in bis examination before the commis sion in Washington, refused to testify as to matters concerning his complaint Colonel Bliss, counsel for Colonel Dudley, contended that bis client was right in declining to testify. He said that Mr. Godkin had presented to Col onel Dudley the very letter upon which the In diana grand jury was asked to indict him, and requested hbn to say whether or not It was his signature that was appended. Colonel Dudley declined to answer, in order to protect himself in any proceedings that. might be brought Judge Beach reserved bis decision. Fined for Slnpplnjr His Ex-Sweetheart. August Kern, 20 years old, and Eva Mande ville, were engaged to be married a few days ago. They quarreled and agreed to separate last Tuesday. Yesterday afternoon August felt that be, couldn't stand It any longer, and went back to his fiance. She told him she did not loye bim any more, and she wouldn't let bim kiss her. Then be slapped her face. She bad bim arrested for assault last night and this morning a police justice fined bim 215. BALTIMORE TO THE FRONT. The City on tbe Chesapeake to Have a Big Sugar Refinery. Baltimore, April 11. There Is every Indica tion ot tbe establishment here of a great sugar refinery. It is based on anticipations of Balti more support inspil ed by bopes of Baltimore ranlt.il engineered bv Baltimore business men. The fact that $400,000 of the J1.00O.O0O capital stock proposed has already been subscribed, and that at least 3100,000 more has been prom ised as soon as the project assumes definite shape, practically Insures the success of the enterprise. Messrs. Robert Garrett Sons bave sub scribed S200.000. The building, machinery, etc, will cost about $600,000, which will leave 5400,000 for a working capital. CARNEGIE AND THE RAILROADS. Scranton Republican: Mr. Carnegie might with great propriety have directed some of his shafts at tbe Legislature as well as the railroad corporations. Wheeling Intelligencer: Tbat is not a wise management which sajs to the people that no law can reach a railroad company de termined to have Its own way. What if the people be determined to bave tbeir own way? Philadelfhta Times: We are glad that Mr. Carnegie bas delivered bis address before the Legislature. It may not accomplish just what he hoped to attain by it bu? it must be productive ot general good. Baltimore Herald: As a troublesome and perplexing problem, Mr. Carnegie's statement of the case is vivid enough, and its solution re quires the wisest and most far-reaching thought of tbe scholars and statesmen of our day. Philadelphia .Record; The Pennsylvania Railroad Company should instruct iu repre sentatives at Harrisburg that thetlmebas come to enforce the Constitution. If they could earn the approbation of tbe company without a violation ot their oaths to obey the Constitu tion, why sbonld they be perjured without canset N Harrisburg Telegraph: Discrimination in freights isa subject that will continue to de- kmand attention until something equitable Is secured from the Legislatures of au tbe btates lying between the Westandtbe seaboard, but a law tbat will be fair to all will not result from discussion In tho" 'temper of the ad dress ot Mr. Carnegie. V CUKIOUS CONDENSATIONS. The premium on gold in the Argentina Republic has reached 64 per cent Four Bussian officers have made a wager that they can ride on horseback from St Ps. tersburg to Paris In 4o flays. They will start la May. The proudest mother in Maine is a down east pig with IS piglets. She Is bins, while eight of her children are red and eight ot them white. Three Michigan women, whose birth days come on the 29th of March, have not failed to pass that day together for 31 years, though no two of them live in the same town. A Milwaukee man made a cannon, filled it with powder and donble B shot got in front of it and touched the thing off. Hfi pur pose was to commit suicide, andhe succeeded. In Madisonville, Ky., the authorities have passed an ordinance forbidding brass bands from meeting "tor tbe purpose of learn ing new pieces of muslo within dOO feet ot dwelling house." Thomas Beeves, of Lawtonvflle, Qs., while hunting a few days ago, encountered a large rattlesnake, which be killed. It bad tea rattles and a button. Tbe backbone contained) 182 joints. He brought to an office its fangs, iu which the opening tbat holds the sack for holding Uje deadly poison was clearly discern ible. Three little boys, Alonzo, Johnny apd William Cheshire, while playing in tbe woods In Colquitt county, Georgia, saw a large rattle snake coiled up and apparently asleep. They got a gun and shot it Tbe snake measured 5 feet 1 inch in length, had 14 rattles and bad tbe longest fangs and was thicker generally than any snake ever seen in that neighborhood. A clever horse thief, who had been stealing many animals in Queens county. New York, was arrested, when considerable difficul ty was experienced in identifying bim. Wit nesses stated tbat when trying to dispose of his stolen horses be had two eyes. When ar rested be bad but one eye. A glass eye was found In bis clotbes and when placed in the socket every person recognized him. Somebody has perpetrated an extermi nating war upon the finny tribes of Leather wood creek, near Quaker City, O., by turning out tbe contents of an underground cavern ot sulphur water. Tbe whole creek on Sunday was so Impregnated with sulphur as to render the water and banks perfectly yellow with the mixture. Bushels of dead fish could be seen floating down tbe stream on Sunday. A farmer from another county was in Americus, Ga., wanting toO. but as be could not execute proper papers failed to. get it Be went borne disconsolate. He bad no meat no credit and was about to give up In despair. He went off into tbe woods, made a long prayer and went home to bis family, where be ate bread and drank water for his supper. In turning an old crock over a piece of money dropped out and on investigating the crock he got 5200 in 520 gold pieces, and abont 550 in silver. The other day a turkey buzzard alight ed in the yard of Judge W. T. Jones, In Alba ny, Ga. A turkey gobbler which was strutting r about and putting on considerable style at tbe time, resented its appearance and proceeded to expel the intruder. There was a sharp shir mlih and a fight to the death. Tbe gobbler fin ished tbe combat by jumping upon the buz zard's back, reaching to its head and picking, out its brains. It then strutted majestically off, apparently well pleased with its victory. The largest compressed air establish ment in the world Is at Paris. It has a plant with 5,000-horse power. Begun in 1881 to dis tribute the power necessary for the driving ot pneumatic clocks, it was not long before It was discovered tbat tbe air conld be profitably used for two other purposes to distribute motive power to manufacturers by day and to produce electricity for lighting by night The works, which are on the heights of Belleville, on the edge of the city, now occupy an area of 107.500 square feet or two and a half acres, two-fifths of which is covered with buildings. John Brown was stealing a rida in a box car on the narrow gauge road November 9 last When near Charleston. I1L, a brakeman Opened the car door and fired into the corner where Brown and another tramp were sitting. Tbe bullet whizzed unpleasantly close to4bem; so close. In fact, did the ball come to Brown's bead tbat bis sight was destroyed and a por tion of his nose was carried away. His home is at Terre Haute, and since the occurrence be bas had to bave an attendant constantly at his side. He brought suit against tbe company for $50,000 damages, and it is now occupying the attention ot tbe Circuit Court. A little child about 4 years old, wearing skirts, was lost in, the West End, Washington, and two boy3,"af ter making inquiries, took him to tbe station bouse. Here an officer, after en deavoring to obtain from the little one some clew which would direct htm homeward, band ed bim a pencil and a piece of paper, and asked it he could write bis name, little expecting tbat he could do so. or that it could be read after it was written. The little fellow sat down, and on the back of a business card wrote plainly, "Boggs. 1527 O," The policeman at once di rected bis Steps with the child to No. 1527 O street where the llttle'fellow was joyously wel comed bvbis distressed parents. He was a very accomplished 4-year-oid. A Baptist clergyman in Chicago re cently made a book trade with a Congregational clergyman and he discovered that the Congre gationalist had carelessly slipped his next Sun day sermon into one of tbe beautiful folios. Somewhat of a humorist, the Baptist clergy man determined to profit by bis brother's la bor and to deliver that sermon from bis own Iiulpit Tbe preachers occasionally enjoy a oke on one another. But this joke was a double-edged one. Along about the mlddlu thereof tbe Congregationalisms sermon bore down rather severely upon tbe doctrine ot im mersion, and tbe confusion tbat this discovery caused our Baptist friend rendered the con cluding part of his discourse exceedingly brief and desultory. The ancient monument in Essex known as the "Lang Man of Wilmington" is about to receive some much-needed care at tbe bands ot the Duke of Devonshire. This is one of the most primitive of English monuments, having been built by a people wholly impossible to de termine. It consists of a trench cut in the turf in the form of a man 210 feet long and with a staff in either band. It bas been so over grown with trees as to be bardly discernible. There are two other figures like this near Ply mouth known as Gog and Magog, another on the Cambridgeshire hills, and another in Dor setshire, all nearly of tbe same gigantio size. The White Horse ot Berkshire, which is annu ally "scoured." as described by Mr. Thomas Hughes, is one of the same sort FUNKY MEN'S FANCIES. A rose by any other name would cost as much. Pue. Standing on Etiquette. Mrs. Smilk Are yon going to your friend Mrs. Blank's fu neral to-morrow r Mrs. Jinbbs Certainly not. She owed me a call. CMcago UeraUt. High Speed Warranted. Chicago Man Nonse talking; compared to Chicago everything In Philadelphia Is slow. Fhlladelphlsn Everything slow? Just you take a look at our gas meters. PMtadtlpMa Record. Second Nature. Visitor What, in your( opinion, Mr.Wanamaker, Is needed to render the postal service thoroughly efficient? Postmaster General (tapping his desk very sharply with his pencil) Cash!! Fuck. Lives of cowboys all remind us If on earth we wish to stop, . "We should leave them far behind us, 1 Or arrange to get the drop. Washington Post. ON BROADWAY. There is no block, however watched and tended, But one dead beat is there; Up many a stairway, bowsoe'er ascended, Yon find the bunco snare. Lift. Becoming Americanized. Citizen DonJ you know, Mr. Ab Sin, that if yon kill that enemy of yours you will bey hanged? Ah Sin (vengeful laundryman) So, I allea Ilghtee. I gottee money. I go loonee 'sylum, Philadelphia Stcora. Squeezed Through. George Won't you ho mine, dear r Clara-l think I shonld have to be hard pressed Indeed to take you. George (equal to the emergency Ob, If that's all, here goes.JIumey's Weekly. A gentleman of much erudition, who has consumed midnight oil until bis brow Is "sicklied o'er with tbe pale cast of thought," rises to in form ns that the difference between a carpenter and a butcher is that one Is known by his chips and tie other by bis ebops. -A'no For Herald, A Friendly Critic Stamp Clerk (at postofflce window Yon'll bave to pay letter postage on this package. It's first-elass matter. Persevering author (abont to send his manu script on its seventh trial trip) Ah. thank you I Couldn't yon get a position as editor somewhere? Harptr's Weekly A Peserted City. His Lordship Yes, this is a really wonderful country; but youhavs no ruins or deserted cities as we have en the other side. Jlr.Wldeawake-WelL I don't know about ths ruins, but If you want td see a genalne"deserte elty. why, youjusttakea trip to Indlanapol' LII, aar AW "-V f r -.