Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 12, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The People Who Buy Them at Brew
eries Are Very Kespectable.
Who Gltes the license Court Much Infor
mation on the Subject.
One Applicant Who Wis Speedily Conrlncea ana An
other Who Was Delishtfully Print
Ex-Mayor Liddell was on the witness
stand of the License Court yesterday. He
gave Judge White considerahle informa
tion about "the little brown jugs." Mr.
Liddell's statements were interesting.
Wholesale dealers generally came up with
. the amount of business done last year
already prepared on paper, so that the work
was much more quickly done. Judge
White was particular in inquiring about
the jug business, and in many cases evoked
promises to shut down on that manner of
dealing out liquor.
The second day's hearings of the whole
sale liquor dealers' applications attracted a
very large crowd to- the License Court.
Julius Adler&Co., 1001 Liberty street,
Fourth ward, were examined first and
passed easily. Albert Bertalott, 1015 Lib
erty street, does a business of 5125,000, an
increase of 550,000. His increase was chiefly
in beer sales.
T. D. Casey, 971 Liberty street, sold goods
to the amount of 5135,000 last year. He
had sold small quantities to people who
were refused last year. He knew the per
sons. He has two wagons, which bear his firm
name, and be denied that he ever ran .a wagon
without a sicn on it.
J. H. Fahnestock appeared for himself and
Emma Hill, 969 Liberty street. They want a
druggist's license, and the Court again' spoke
of his doubts about druggists' licenses. W. J.
Oilmore & Co., 623 Liberty street, druggists,
onlv sold $5,000 worth of liquors last year. L.
H. Harris & Co, drugs, 91S and 815 Liberty
street, sell only to retail aruggists. Their larg
est order last year was for five barrels.
eobitzek's little point.
A KHneordlingcr, 1034 Fenn avenue, does a
business of $10,000. He sold to the Concordia
Club, which his attorney explained was an old
institution and not one organized to evade the
liquor law. Mrs. M. E. Pollard, 1044 Penn ave
nue, said her husband died in January. The
business last year amounted to $285,000. John
Z.T. Robitzcr, 717 Liberty street, does a busi
ness of $150,000 a year. He got into a discus
sion with the court over the fact that he had
sold some small quantities to persons refused
license. He maintained that a refusal of a
license did not take away a man's right to buy
for his own use.
Frank A. Ehle, 233 Fifth avenue, sells dry
goods. He said he had sold some wet goods,
was prosecuted and paid the costs. Jndge
White said "Call another."
H. F. Dannals appeared for Pier fc Danuals.
Tbey did a business of $130,000 last year. They
had not sold to persons refused a license for
seven months. He said it took people some
time to find ont that the Brooks' law meant
business, but they knew it now.
On the opening of the afternoon session H.
Browarsky, 361 Fifth avenue. Seventh ward,
was examined. He ships to a number of out of
town places, because that is his business. His
sales were 90,000. H Obemauer, 395 Fifth ave
nue, Eighth ward, sold $34,750 last year. He
had been prosecuted for selling to minors, bat
the case was dismissed. Constable Harcum, of
the Sixth ward, wrote that the case could be
settled for $300, bnt the proposal was spurned.
G. J. Schuutt, 1217 Liberty street, says he
sends two quarters of beer to the Frohsinn So
ciety every Tuesday and four quarters to the
Turners every Friday. He supplies the Teuton
pis. Society and Bachelors' Club, of Alle
'William Schuster, 1233 Penn avenue, has a
wholesale license and did $25,000 worth of busi
ness during the year. He deals onl in liquor
and wine, not handling beer.
Judge 'White Have you sold to any persons
who kept unlicensed housesT .
Mr. Schuster There may have been such
people got liquor. I did sell to people who
bought a gallon or so every week.
Judge White Then you were a party to ille
cral Honor sellingf
Mr. Schuster Well, I did not think there
wasanytning against our selling to men that
way. but do now, since I hear you say so.
Judge White If I thought you would con
tin ne that business I would not grant you a
Mr. Schuster I will quit it. I don't care for
it anywav, as it don't amount to much.
Judge White Well, you are a candid man
and tell the truth abont your business. This
jug business is the worst feature in the liquor
business. People buy them and drink the con
tents in alleyways, yards, etc
Frederick Mngele. 545 Fifth avenue. Four
teenth ward, has a license and his business
amounted $39,530. The previous year it was
$29,510. He deals in liquors of all kinds and
bottled beer.
Judge White Do you sell any to clubs or or
ganizations? Mr. Mugele Yes, sir, I furnish the Lochlel
Club, on Fourth avenue, with liquor. They
get about two gallons per month.
Leopold Rauwolf, 995 Fifth avenue, did $25,300
worth .of business last year, against $12,000 the
year before. The increase was from the sale
of beer. He does not keep bottles, but fills
them when called for. lie also sells some in
jugs and has two wagons to deliver his goods.
He docs not furnish any to clubs, but does to
private families.
Mr. Christy Who runs the drygoods store
next to your placer
Mr. Rauwolf My wife.
Mr. Christy Now, sir, is there not an en
trance from that store to your place?
Mr. Rauwolf There was, but I closed It up
three months ago. Parties did not come into
my place from the drygoods store.
Charles Friel, 2610 Penn avenue, was the first
applicant from the Twelfth ward. He has a
bottling license, and his business last year
amounted to $21,000, $13,000 of which was for
soft drinks, which is less than In former years.
He has a large family trade.
Judge White Don't you think it wrong to
sell to unlicensed housesT
Mr. Friel I have beard thatthere are a great
many unlicensed houses, but X was not aware
until I heard you say so that there was any
thing wrong in selling to them.
In answer to Mr. Christy the applicant stated
that his wagons were all covered: and they do
not go out at night. He discharged one man
for staying out after hours.
Spencer & Liddell, Twenty-fourth and Small
man streets, came next. Both members of the
hrm appeared. Ex-Mayor Liddell did the
talking. Their business fast year amounted to
$163,900 against $196,000 the previous year,
93,000 was from beerr $62,000 from ale and
porter, and $3,900 from one and two-gallon jugs.
They have seven wagons.
Juage White Do you send any jugs in
Mr. Liddel No, sir, we do not. 1 only know
of one man who got jugs in a wagon, and he Is
a regular customer in East Liberty. Those
who get the jugs belong in the neighborhood of
the brewery. They have their little iceboxes
to keep the jng in.
Judge White Did 'you fix up these ice
Mr. Liddell No, sir. The people who come
for jugs are private individuals. The largest
portion of jugs are bought during the night.
We do not have the jugs made especially for
that use. They are not branded with our
name. The people who buy jugs are as respect
able as any class in the county and prefer that
way of buying beer rather than go into saloons.
Judge White Do you sell to any unlicensed
Mr. Liddell No, sir; we do not sell to any
houses that were refused license last year. The
wagons are out until 10 o'clock at night, but
not after that. The peculiarities of the Brooks
law made me watch my business very closely.
Onr agents go out and get orders, bat we take
special caro to avoid selling to unlicensed
houses. 1 never sold to an unlicensed house
where I knew it to be such. I am not aware of
any complaint having been made about onr
jug business. I have watched my business
rery close and don't think I was away from
home more than three nights In the last year.
Mr. Christy Are therenotagood many buck
ets about your brewery; also more or less
"Mr. Liddell No, sir; there Is not. In the 25
years that I have been In the business I never
retailed a drink.
' Joseph Spellfaan, Soho street and Wadsworta
avenue, was the only applicant from the Thir
teenth ward. He drives an express wagon and
never was in the business before. He wants a
license to make some money and help pay for
his house.
Judge White If I could regulate it properly
I would rather grant six licenses than one, be
cause I would like to see an equal distribution
of this large sum of money, but I am afraid
that it would Increase the sale and consump
tion of liquors.
John Morris, 924 Fifth avenue, did not apply
jasi year oecause ne tnougnt ne could make
money in the grocery business, but found that
ne caunoi ana wouia use a Dotuing license.
John Melville. 891 Fifth avenue, had ahot
tling license last year, and his receipts
amounted to 9,000. He has one wagon, and
said the driver sells to anyone who wants to
buy, and he didn't care so long as he got the
money. The applicant afterward corrected
himself, and said he did not mean that his
driver sold to everybody, bnt only delivered
beer where It had been ordered. He could fur
nisu tne uourt with a list of his customers.
Judge White I can't grant you a license on
your testimony. I must see the driver. Tou
may be selling to unlicensed bouses.
Mr. Melville Well, a man can't know all his
Judge White Your testimony is very unsat-
Mr. Christy Did you sell John Morris any
II r. Melville Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. Christy That man was on the stand jnst
before you, and testified he didn't have any
beer in bis house.
Mr. Melville I don't think he understood the
Jndge's question. He meant that he sold none.
Mr. Christy Did you deliver any beer to No.
25 Ross street?
Mr. Melville-Yes, sin I did.
Mr. Christy Are you on the bond of the
party at No. 25 Boss street? She Is sued lor
keeping a bawdy house.
Mr. Melville Yes. sir: I am. Was that'a
violation of the license law? 1 did not know
what kind of a house she kept.
Joseph Fuhrer & Son, 3701 Butler street.
Have a wholesale liquor license; $37,000 was
the amount of their business last year, as
against $30,000 the previous year. They sold
about two barrels a month in bottles, also cold
some in jugs and in buckets.
Judge White The jug trade is a great objec
tion toyour place.
Mr. Fuhrer Well, I did not consider it a
serious offense; however, I will quit it in the
The Court did not state how much of the list
will be taken up to-day, but it is the intention
to get through the list, if possible.
Three Defendant Held for Court on nq Ac
cident Policy Suit.
Mrs. Hattie Garfield, Dr. H. E. Campbell
and B. M. Martin furnished 5500 bail for
Court on a charge of conspiracy brought by
F. H. Kohler, Secretary of the People's Mutual
Accident Association.
Kobler testified that J. M. Garfield held a
policy in his company, and that after the
papers, showing his death, were presented, an
investigation and the suit followed. A. K.
Stevenson, attorney f orMrs. Garfield, testified
to having sent to the company certain affidavits
gathered by E. L. Berton, brother of Mrs. Gar
field. Mayor Pearson testified that Martin
swore before him he had been induced to make
his affidavit, and the statements made in the
paper were made at the suggestion of someone
in Mr. Stevenson's office.
A copy of the original certificate of death
stated the cause was pulmonary consumption.
C. P. Sorg. of the Pittsburg, Allegheny and
Manchester Railway Company, testified they
had no record of any accident on the day Mr.
Garfield was said to have been injured. De
tective Allen, of the Gilkinson Agency, testi
fied as to how he had worked up the case. The
defendants were not shown to have been ac
quainted with each other, or to have ever con
sulted, and Thomas Marshall, for the defense,
said the charges had not been proven and he
would not offer any testimony.
The Residents of Reserve Township Mult
Come Into Aliecheny.
The new1 Allegheny Councils will have an
important measure before them at the next
regular meeting. The matter of supplying
water to residents outside of the city has been
brought up several times, but no definite action
bat been taken. East street extension divides
the Tenth ward and Reserve township. The
residents of the township have been receiving
water and all the advantages of their neigh
bors across the street, while their taxes .are
considerably less.
The Tenth ward people have filed objections
and say that the city water supply to the Re
serve township people must be cut off or they
must be compelled to come into the city. A
petition has been prepared and will be circu
lated to-day among the Reserve township peo
ple asking tbem to come into the city, and if
they do not agree to come In, the water supply
and other privileges will be cut off.
Some of the residents of the Tenth ward have
not the advantages of the Reserve township
people and do not propose to pay taxes for
what they do not receive.
Will be Connected With the New Castle
Shannon Incline Plane.
At the last meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of the Castle Shannon Bailroad the
contract for the engine of the proposed new
incline plane was awarded to the Robinson
Rea Company. The other contracts for the
cars, the tracks and the general work will be
let to-day or to-morrow, to commence work as
soon as possible.
The new incline is for freight and passenger
service and the old incline will only be utilized
for coal traffic. Inasmuch as it will run to the
top of the hill on Bailey avenue, it is proposed
by the company to stop the car on the right
hand track at the Castle Shannon depot for the
convenience of the railroad passengers.
In addition to that the company is consider
ing a plan of building an electric railroad from
the top of the hill as far as the horseshoe curve,
which will make another connection of the in
cline plane with the railroad.
The Exhibit Continues to Draw and Grow In
The interest in the fourth annual exhibi
tion by the Pittsburg Amateur Photogra
phers' Society, in the theater of the Pitts
burg Club building, was unabated yesterday,
the attendance being very large until late last
night. The exchange of slides between this
city. New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati
and St. Louis gives an exhibition itself of 600 or
700 pictures, and considerable time is necessary
to take in all the points presented.
Some that attracted particular attention were
the "Goblin Story" by Louis. 8. Clarke; a fine
bromide enlargement bv W. S. Clowe; a flash
light by the same; "Only a Boy With His
Strange Ways;" panoramic views, verv fine and
much admired on account of the difficulty of
obtaining continuity. The exhibits of Miss
Edith Darlington and Mr. O'Hara Darlington
were much admired. The gold medal offered
by the former was awarded Mr. A. S. Murray,
of California, for artistic merit.
la Still a Matter ot Censldernble Suspicion
to His Relatives.
Daniel Ztnn, the brother-in-law of Mrs.
Jesse Harper, is said to be doing everything
be can to induce that lady to have the body
of her husband exhumed in order to find out
whether it is true that Jesse Harper was foully
dealt with at the Dixmont Insane Asylum pre
vious to his death. .
The Coroner said last night that he had not
yet been requested to Investigate the matter,
bnt-that he would do so if he Is asked.
Dr. Hutchison, the Superintendent of the
asylum, refused to have anything more to say
on the subject with newspaper men. simply be
cause, he remarked, there is nothing more to
be said.
And John Cox Seems to Have an Easy Path
Before Him.
It was stated last night that at a meeting
of a number of the friends of B. B. Petty,
Esq., yesterday, it was decided, Mr. Petty
so wishing it, that he wonld withdraw from the
nontest for the Republican nomination for
District Attorney.
Hon. John Cox is the man slated for the
nomination, and Mr. Petty having no desire to
be posted up only to be knocked down, decided
to withdraw.
A Priest Honored.
The St. Augustine Literary Society presented
Father Gregory, of the St. Augustine Church,
last night with a fine portrait of himself.
Father Gregory accepted the gift and thanked
the society for it. Ho leaves Shortly for Europe
for the benefit of his health.
A Soiree at the Randall Clnb.
The members of the Randall Club held a
very entertaining musical soiree last evening
at their rooms on Sixth avenue. Some of the
best known local musicians were present and a
yery interesting programme was rendered.
The Iron annfacturers Will Not Pay
the Present Wage Scale.
Ice Dealers Meet and Refuse to Grant the
Drivers' Demands.
Notwithstanding the fact that President
Weihe and Secretary Martin have issued a
nbtice to the members of the Amalgamated
Association of Iron and Steel Workers on
the wage question, a prominent member
yesterday gave the opinion of his lodge on
the subject As is well known the iron and
steel trade is not in very good shape at
present and the manufacturers contemplate
a big reduction in wages when the new scale
is made in June. All the lodges in the Amal
gamated Association have prepared their views
-.-; the matter and almost all agree that the
present scale can be continued for another
An old member of the association who has
served his lodge as a delegate to the annual
conventions for three terms, was seen by a re
porter for this paper yesterday and said:
"The iron trade is dull and the men want the
present wages continned for another year, but
tbey will not succeed. .The manufacturers
have some very good arguments showing that
a reduction in wages is absolutely necessary,
but the men have no arguments to counteract
themand I believe they willlose. " The Amal
gamated Association is as strong to-day astar
as membership is concerned as it ever
was, bnt many of the mem
bers have no backbone. They will
accept a reduction rather than remain idle for
a short time and win a strike. I am tired of
the business, and will not represent my lodge
in the convention this year. If tho men made
a determined stand for a continuance of the
present scale, I believe they would win, but I
do not think they will. Thev have not the
material in the organization that tbey had a
few years ago, and the present members may
Some of the members of N. D. A. 217, K. of
Lb, are applving for membership to the Amal
gamated Association, but they will not be re
ceived unless they can show that they are in
good standing in the order and have cards per
mitting tbem to join another organization.
The' following telegram on the wage matter
was received at this office last evening from
As is usual at this time of , year, when the
Amalgamated people and nailers are active in
the preparation of the scales for the coming 12
months, there is a greatcry being raised among
the n.il manufacturers as to the terrible con
dition of trade and allegations of a dismal out
look for the future are to be heard everywhere.
To-day a leading local manufactureralmost
shed tears as be dwelt npon the dullness of
trade in his line. He didn't see any chance for
an improved demand for six months to come,
but could not predict any permanent improve
ment, mainly for the reason that the wire nail
was meeting with a constantly increasing de
mand, which took the cream of the cut nail
trade and a good deal of the skim milk besides.
It is settled tbat themanufacturersare going
to insist upon a large reduction when the new
scale is presented to them, and this will be par
ticularly the case with small nails. The men
are willing to concede a cut In those sizes
which are being turned out by the tack factory
pickling process, bnt nothing more. A nailer
said to-day: "A reduction in wages wonld bring
no relief to the manufacturers, but would on
the contrary be a bad thing for them by break
ing down the pool. We have refused the re
duction proposed by some mills in the Wheel
ing district recently, but we will concede one
thing, and that is a reduction on fine three
penny to 85 cents, 36 cents oh from the present
price. This reduction was offered to two mills,
to go into effect at once, and was accepted, but
we got no more work ont of them than before.
That is about the way it would be if we were to
concede a general reductiod. Many nailers are
in favor of demanding a straight 21-cent scale
all through, and this will probably be laid be
fore the Amalgamated convention.
The Glass Packers Thenten to Leave the
Knights of Labor.
The glass packers are determined to form
a national organization composed of all
workers not eligible to membership In the
American Flints and L. A. 300. K. of L. They"
intended to form a National Trade District of
the Knights of Labor, but Master Workman
Ross, of D. A. 3 has filed a protest against the
issuing of a charter. He claims that according
to the law of the order a N. T. D. cannot be
formed of mixed assemblies.
Notwithstanding this protest a meeting has
been called for next Sunday afternpon, and
will be held at Kauffeld's Hall, on Carson
street, Southside, to complete the organization.
If they cannot obtain a charter they propose to
leave the order and organize a national organi
zation to be attached to the American Federa
tion of Trades.
There will be a number of delegates present
from the Wheeling district.
They Pat Up the Price on Wholesalers and
Talk About Wages.
The Pittsburg and Allegheny Ice Ex
change held an important meeting yester
day afternoon at their rooms, No. 47 South
Diamond street, Allegheny. The rates for ice
during the summer to private consumers will
remain the same, but the rates to wholesalers
will be increased 2 cents per 100 pounds.
The drivers have demanded an advance in
wages, which has been refused, but may be
considered at a future meeting. They have
been paid 511 per week and ask for an advance
of $2 per week. They claim that tbey are en
titled to a portion of the advance in the price
of ice, bnt the dealers are not willing to grant
it. Several dealers were spoken to last evening
and say that the demands are unreasonable and
will not be paid.
, The Strike at Dnquesne.
The strike at the Dnquesne Steel Rail Works
has not yet been settled, although the firm at
tempted to compromise the matter. It will be
remembered the rail stralghfeners struck be
cause the company would not pay more than
$2 50 per day, while the regular pay for rail
straightening is S6 per day. The firm agreed to
pay H, which the men accepted, bnt refused to
allow the firm to discharge one of their men.
Coal Miners' Wages.
The railroad coal operators will meet in tbe
gentlemen's parlor of the Monongabela House
this morning to appoint a committee to meet a
like committee of miners to arrange a scale of
wages. The miners will hold a convention on
Monday and appoint their representatives. It
is probable tbat 71 cents will be agreed upon
for tbe first six months of the year, and TdJjJ
cents for the last six months.
The Redaction In Wages Accepted.
The strike over a reduction of wages at Hog
sett's coke works ended yesterday morning by
the men going to work and accepting the re
duction. The Youngstown Coke Works also
started np at a reduction of per cent in
wages below last week's and monthly pay-days
as heretofore. The Redstone Coke Works su
perintendent says their company will not make
any reduction.
The EngraTen Scale.
A conference of committees from the Amer
ican Flint and Lime Glass Association and the
Workers' Union was held yesterday to arrange
the scale of the workers in the engraving de
partment The scale was not arranged, but
tbe work is progressing satisfactorily and will
likely be settled to-day.
The Plumbers' Walking Delegate.
The Twin City Association No. 4, of Journey
men Plumbers and Gas Fitters, met last even
ing, and decided to pat a walking delegate in
the field. John Beck, the special agent of the
Marble Slate and Tile Workers Union, was
selected, and he received his commission last
Reduced Coal Rates.
The coal rates within the 40-mile radius from
Pittsburg to Mahoning and Shenango Vrlley
points has been fixed at GO cents, a reduction of
10 cents from the old rate. The new rates will
go into effect on the 15th.
Labor Notes.
The shipment of ore from the lakes has
been commenced.
Some of the miners in tho fourth pool went
to work yesterday at the 2-cent rate, -which it a
reduction of cent a bushel. '
Twenty-three local unions of the Ameri
can Flint Glass Workers' Union have agreed
to participate in the reunion to be held at Rock
Point in June.
Isaac Cirss's report of the condition of the
window glass trade this week shows tbat there
are 1,070 pots operating and 230 idle, an increase
otl2 idle pots this week.
Many Hatter of DIoch nnd Little Moment
Tersely Treated.
A gambol on the green A sucker at faro.
Abbor Day would be a good day to plant
that yearly joke forever.,
Hans Von Bulow pretends to be eccentric.
He is a musician of course.
A German officer has f otmd a new explosive.
It is probably the Teutonic "bust.
Moody pys shouting and psalm singing will
never cover up sins. What will, pleaseT
Andeew Caeneqie's charges against the
Pennsylvania are simply ironical raillery.
The girl who played on her young man's
feelings probably fondled his heart strings.
All the firms except one In Lawrenceville
have signed the marble, slate and tile workers'
Niagara Falls cranks again threaten, the
country. Fortunately they generally take .a
Mbs. Cleveland and her husband will
spend a few weeks at Narragansett Pier this
H. C. Ovebholt, President of the National
Foundry and Pipe Works at Scottdale, is in
the city. jj
Mbs, L. V. DAT7LEB entertained the To
boggan Club at her residence in Oakland last
The committee to redtstrict the city failed
to secure a quorum at their meeting-yesterday
afternoon. '
Count Pafekheth has absconded from Ba
varia to New York. McAllister must amend
his list to 40L'
The unknown man found dead at Thirty
third street, has been identified as being one
Matthew Freeman.
Young Chris Magee, employed as messen
ger in the Building Inspector's office, fell and
dislocated his shoulder.
There were 8,000 visitors present at Mantau
maker'g.Betbany Sabbath school last Sunday.
He spoKe of poor Job's lot.
The Mayor of Jersey City has never seen a
baseball game. This confirms the opinion that
the Phillies can't play ball.
Annie Wagnee has just been released from
her fifteenth term In the workhouse, and will
probably go up for another whirl at it,
THE invariably licked Chlcagoes are slowly
eating their way home by way of numerous
banquets. It Is evidently not a fast club.
A toung Alabama wife put cotton m her
biscuit just to play a joke on her husband, and
the mean man never knew the difference.
Western States are encouraging poolselling
on races. After they have plaved the short
end awhile they will discourage. fqplselllng.
The prize offered for the best means of
watering stock has not yet been claimed. Gas
companies prefer to stick to their own lines.
Governor Waterman, or California, Is
growing rich on his gold mining ventures. His
very name would frighten away Pittsburg
New York is still weeping because she must
feed 8.000 Pennsylvania troops during tbe cen
tennial. Don't cry, sis. You may want those
troops some day.
C. C. Corcoran, the baritone, with his
family, will leave for Florence, Italy, next
Monday, and .remain two years. Mr. C. will
cultivate his voice.
Wabd McAllister haughtily says no gen
tleman would render an acoount of money In
his hands. These delicate, sensitive natures
will bear watching.
Edison prides himself upon tbe tropical
spreading palms in his offices. That's nothing.
Pittsburg can boast of a lot of spreading palms
in her lawyer's offices.
Colonel Wit. Osborn, who has been visit
ing in the city, went to Topeka last evening.
He will ride via the Hannibal, a line he helped
to bnild over 25 years ago.
Seward H. Murray, of tbe Oil Exchange,
took a straw vote yesterday with the result of
30 votes for whisky and 29 for prohibition. The
boys are evidently in hard luck.
Georgie Francis brought suit yesterday
against Alice Hamilton for selling liquor with
out license. Other charges were made. Bail
to the amount of $2,500 was furnished.
Father Aqostino, the eloquent Roman
monk, doesn't like to have reporters put down
what he says. Most people object to having
reporters put down what tbey don't say.
Depot Master Butleb, 'at the Union sta
tion, celebrates tbe twenty-fifth anniversary of
his appointment to-day. iMr. Butler claims to
be the oldest depot masterin the country.
Frank Connelly, managing the benefit at
tbe Bijou this afternoon for the Exposition
f nnd. has engaged Harry Kerwell's company
to bring the mat to a lively and successful
The Harrisons are not "feeling well. Carrie
says its malaria and Ben says its French cook.
Babe McEqesays its colic A mean Chicago
paper tells them all to go back to corn pone and
Mrs. Bridget Kane was held in 51,000 ball
for court last night by Magistrate Hyndman on
the charge of illegal liqnor selling. This is the
woman whosa case was ignored by tbe grand
jury recently. '
The President of tho New York Health
Board sagely remarks that illuminating gas is
not Injurious. This will probably not Increase
gas bills in the East End where the usual spark
Is light enough.
Impulsive Insanity is a new name given by
physicians to the old weakness of murdering,
and then running away after the alleged
Eatient realizes his crime. A little "string
alt" would be a good remedy.
That western German who deliberately shot
himself with a cannon must have been more
than half shot. It was tbe only way he knew
of getting out of town, bnt even then he
couldn't escape Milwaukee bier.
The-reason the Pittsburg Exposition does
not resemble General Grant's monument .is
tbat the former will be completed on time.
Secretary Batchelor.is all smiles and good
humor, and promises that the show will bo a
corker. ,
Josef Foley was refused a drink In
Auden's saloon on the Southside last night,
and out of revenge he began throwing beer
kegs against the saloon door. The police took
him to the Twenty-eighth ward station house to
cool his anger.
What great fun It is to see, a man of harm
less prophesie, who issues his futile fakes
dailie, and smokes a paralytic toble, and says
that us, the people, we, must -never name him
with a a : now he says with ghoulish glee,
this afternoon more rain will be, and everybody,
both you and me, will give to Wiggins a great
big fee. if he takes a trip beyond the sea, or
will decide to go and dee.
Charter Applied for by the Jr. O. U. A. BI.
of the Sonthilde.
The American Mechanics' Hall Associa
tion of the Southside yesterday filed in
conrt an application for a charter. The mem
bership of the association consists of a commit
tee of five members from each council of the
senior and junior orders of the United Ameri
can Mechanics of the Southside.
The directors specified in the application as
having been dnly elected' are James Tarr, John
D. Casey, Mark Andrews. Hugh M. Gilmore
A. H. Sunshine, Thomas Fsbeli, Isaac W. Rises
and Frank R. Dyer. , bb-
Tho '.'Benefit" For the Exposition.
.This afternoon at Bijou comes the extensive
ly advertised and highly promising performance
gotten np by our cotemporary the Leader, for
the benefit of the Exposition fund. Our col
umns have already set forth the attractions in
detail. It only remains to be said that they em
brace excellent features for an afternoon's en
tertainment. That those who patronize it will
receive no narrow allowance of entovment may
be Inferred from the fact the curtain will rise
at 1:45, and one attraction succeed another
from then till 5 o'clock.
An Abandoned Baby.
The Children's Aid Society took charge of a
10-month-old child yesterday that was alleged
to have been abandoned by its mother, Grace
Wallace, at the Allegheny General Hospital in
January and which had been taken to the Al
legheny City Home on the 4th of this month
It bad been removed to tbe Home by order of
Major Hunker, Secretary of the Poor Board,
who was told a pitiful tale about it by the hos
pital authorities. Tbe child was born at the
hospital on the 26th of last July, its mother be
ing unable to pay for its support since.
Another Grip Broke. -
Another gripman was thrown ont of his car
on the Citizens' Traction line at the Forks of
the Road yesterday evening because tho grip
broke. This time it was John Fry, and ne was
badly hurt by falling oh the cobble stones.
Travel was delayed an hour.
False Alarms.
A large quantity of old trtra at Jones &
Laughllns' furnace, on Second avenue, was
blasted last evening to make room for a new
furnace. The noise of the blast was very loud,
was heard all over the city, and gav6 rise to re
ports of boiler explosions.
The Lucky Man Was in De&and At
the Sale of Unclaimed. Freight.
Fnnny Results Whon Mysterious
Packages Were Opened.
"It is better to be born lucky than rich.'
The majority of mankind prefer being rich
and taking chances with luck.
The man who fortune constantly smiles
upon was in demand yesterday at the un
claimed freight sale of the American Ex
press Company at Henry's auction rooms on
Market street There it was like buying a
pig in a poke. You bid on something when
yon had uo idea what it was. To secure
something valuable was where the luck
came in.
There were 434 packages sold at auction.
Everybody knew what was in the four
buhdredth'and thirty-fifth package, but no one
was on speaking terms with the contents of the
other 434, which were as exclusive as New
York's 400. These packages included every
thing from ancient cotton foot gear to a house
and lot. The latter was on paper. None of the
packages were known to be very valuable.
Some patent medicine bottles were labeled
"worth its weight in gold," but ,nobody.saenied
willing to swap even a trade dollar, for one.
There was a book of blank checks on a city
bank which would be worth millions if you
could only persuade a few millionaires to sign
tbeir names at tbe bottom. The book is a
silent monument of "what might be."
There was a barrel whicb would prove in
valuable License Conrt testimony if delivered
at you r back door at 13 o'clock. It was said to
contain vinegar. Three dollars- was paid by
the lucky customer lor tbe half barrel of ex
cellent catawba wine.
A package of old clothes bronght 25 cents,
and immediately after 95 cents was paid for a
box of medicine warranted to cure everything
from a case of "swelled head" to a broken
A nnmber of valuable architectural plans
and specifications were sold for 65 cents a
volume. They are worth much more.
One man captured a box which was evidently
Intended for a Christmas present It con
tained a varied assortment of ladles' and chll
drens' collars, gloves and ribbons. He said he
weuld find them useful. He looked like a
married man.
Articles that could be easily examined, such
as trunks and satchels, brought a good price if
they had a fine plethoric appearance, but a
hungry satchel was trusted about as much as
Cassius In Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." The
more mysterious the package looked the. higher
the bidding. Bidders would have simply gone
wild over a policeman if be had been put up at
auction immediately after arresting a sus
picious looking tramp.
Some high prices were paid for trunks, but
they were removed unopened, so that the curl
ons did not learn If the purchaser was lucky or
otherwise. A number of albums were pur
chased for a very small sum by those present
at the sale. Every package was sold.
The Popular Mnnag-er of Harris' Theater
Dies at Midnight.
The legion of friends of Mr. B. H. Grover,
the late manager of Harris' Theater, will be
grieved to learn of his death, which occurred
at the Homeopathic Hospital shortly before
midnight Mr. Grover was suffering from a
complication of diseases, and his death occurred
unexpectedly after only a week's illness. He
had been living at Bewickley during the past
winter, bnt went to the St. Charles Hotel a few
days ago. Here he was taken ill, and was moved
to the hospital.
He had been in the show business all his life.
For many years he was connected with Bar
num's circus. He came to Harris' Theater at
the commencement ot last season. Mr. Grover
was about 55 years1 of age. He leaves a wife
and three children In Washington, D. C, Mr.
Leonard F. Grover. the playwright, is a brother
of the deceased. The remains will likely be in
terred in this city.
The Ex-Railroad Kins; Pays PUtsbnrs a
airaterlonv Visit.
Franklin B. Gowen, ex-President of the
Beading Bailroad, and a man well known
In, financial circles, is at the Monongahela
House. Mr. Gowen arrived on the limited.
The object of his visit to the city Is not
known. A reporter sent a card to his room,
but Mr. Gowen sent word back that he had re
tired, and oould be seen in the morning.
A conference of railroad coal operators is to
be held at the hotel to-day, and as Mr. Gowen
Is interested in anthracite coal fields, a gentle
man suggested tbat he had probably come here
to attend the conference, out this is hardly
A Lndy Doctor From the Flowery Land
Will Tell About Them.
Dr. Elizabeth Beifsnyder, lately head
physician of the "Woman's Hospital, in
Shanghai, China, will address a meeting in the
Y. M. C. A. chapel to-morrow at 3 o'clock. The
Woman's Hospital Is under (the care of the
Woman's Union Missionary Society, an unde
nominational organization formed in 1860.
The hospital was opened for Chinese women
and children In 1884. During 1886 to 1888 more
than 60,000 patients were treated in the dis
pensary, 400 In the wards and 80,000 prescrip
tions were filled. Much of the credit of this
work is due to Dr. Reifsnyder.
The Senate Appropriatloa Committee to Ar
rive In the City To-Day.
The Senate Appropriation Committee
will arrive in the city this morning. The
members will pay strict attention to the West
ern Penitentiary. They will be accompanied
bv Senator Bobbins, who is anxious to have
the Riverside prison investigated.
The appropriation for the penitentiary will
depend largely on the showing made by its offi
cers before, this committee.
Tbe committee will also look into the needs
of the various charitable institutions in this
The Firm Says Differently.
We have received from Messrs. Godfrey &
Clark, paper manufacturers, a disavowal of the
interview attributed to their firm in Wednes
day's issue respecting inequalities of freight
rates. They say they arc satisfied with tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad's charges and treatment.
The explanation of tbe matter is that the in
terview just as printed in The Dispatch was
had with Mr. Edward Godfrey, an attache of
tbe firm. The reporter's error consisted in at
tributing it to the firm, the reporter supposing
Mr. Edward Godfrey was a member of the
firm, which turns out not to be tbe case.
A Ble Deal.
Tbe largest real estate sale ever made at Mc
Keesport took place yesterday when a syndi
cate of Pittsburg and McKeesport capitalists,
headed by James S. Kubn, cashier of the First
National Bank, purchased the Power tract for
150,000. The ground consists of nearly 100
acres, all ot which is located within the town
limits. The syndicate will form a chartered
company with a capital stock to be decided on
at a future date, and will lay out the ground
into city lots. Tbey will also bnild several
hundred dwellings to be sold on the monthly
payment plan.
Elected Their Officer.
The Fire Insurance Secretary's Club met
yesterday afternoon in their rooms on Fourth
avenne for the purpose of electing the officers
of tbeir association. The same gentlemen who
officiated last year were re-elected: Captain P.
Herbert, President; H. F. Eggers, Secretary,
and Hillls McCotran, Treasurer.
la It Oliver Wolff
The body found near the city lino in the
Monongahela river on Wednesday rdght is sup
posed'to be that of Oliver Wolf, of Washing
ton county, because a letter was found In the
pockets containing that name. The body will
remain in the morgue to await Identification.
Orator Hard Still Lives.
Frank Hurd, the free trader of Toledo,
dropped into Pittsburg from some quarter
early yesterday morning, and registered at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel. He left in the after
noon for parts unknown. ,
Mr. Carnegie's Address Received With
Great Interest In the Quaker City His
Points Well Tnken.
H. Sellers McKee.said yesterday that he
was not interested in the fight made. by Mr.
Carnegie against the Pennsylvania road.
He noticed that all the industries along the line
were prosperous, and this Is an indication to
him that tho road is treating shippers fairly.
A Philadelphia business man going West
last night, who refnsed to give bis name, but
seemed to be well posted on the freight situa
tion, said: "Mr. Carnegie's speech wasreceived
with as much Interest in Philadelphia as In
Pittsburg. Tbe business men of tbe Quaker
City have the same" complaints of discrimina
tion to make, and the result of this agitation
will be such a ground swell of public opinion
against it that if this Legislature refuses to
pass anti-discrimination legislation tbe next
one will not dare to dodge tbe issne.
"I talked yesterday with a number of prom
inent Pennsylvania officials, and twitted them
about Mr. Carnegie's attack. They replied
that Mr. Carnegie bad no reason to complain.
But for all tbat Mr. Carnegie's points are well
taken in Philadelphia, and tbe businessmen
and manufacturers propose to continue the ag
itation. If Pittsburg and Philadelphia com
bine against the road these evils can soon be
How the Police Authorities Propose to Dis
criminate. The first application for license to hold a
public ball was filed with Superintendent
of Police Weir yesterday by the W. O.
Taylor Hunting and Fishing Club of the West
End. The Department of Public Safety has
had printed a blank form of application, which
stipulates that the parties signing .and who de
sire to hold a ball, expressly agree to conduct
It in strict accordance with tbe ordinance gov
erning public balls, passed by Councils two
weeks ago.
The applicant must wait for several days be
fore his license is grafted in order to give tbe
department time to investigate as to his fitness
and the character of- the proposed ball. If the
investigation 'is satisfactory tbe license is is
sued, no fee being charged; but if not satisfac
tory, it IS refused. Failure to apply for a
license for a ball, or the toleration of disorder
at a ball after the license is Issued, subjects
each member of the committee or organization
condncting the ball to a fine of 50 or 20 days to
the work house.
An Enslne Falls to Orertake an Overland
Flyer Swift Traveling.
Pittsburg railroad men are just now talk
ing about the "Golden Gate special" on
the Union Pacific .road from Council Bluffs
to San Francisco, which, is one of the fastest
trains in the world.
The other day two English tea merchants,
bound for Japan, missed the flyer by five
hours. As it was necessary for them to catch
the train or wait six weeks in San Francisco
fgr another vessel, tbey hired a special engine
and car to overtake the special. After running
519 miles they found they bad .only gained an
hour, and at that rate the train would reach
the Pacific before they did. Tbe flyer was then
held for them at Cheyenne.
Friends of the Colored Women's Home Try
ing to Raise Money.
The friends of the Aged and Infirm
Colored Women's Home gave a supper and
fair at Lafayette Hall yesterday for the benefit
of the institution, which is in need of funds.
Dinner was served from 11 A. Jf. to 3 P. Jr., and
was well attended. In the evening a fair was
held. The various stands and booths were
prettily decorated with laces and bright colored
materia. The'attendance was not very large.
The home has now eight inmates. It is the
wish of the managers to purchase ground and
erect an additional building in order to accom
modate those who wish to enter.
Allegheny Public Contracts.
Tbe Out-of-door Relief Committee of the
Allegheny Poor Board held a meetinglast night
and awarded the following contracts for the
ensuing six months: Shoes, R. Taggart fe Son;
coal. Eastern district Panhandle Coal Com
pany; Western district Lee fc Hamilton.
Working In Earnest.
The Prohibitionistsiheld a meeting In the
Fifth Avenue Market House last night J. E
Ditweiler, of Kansas, and Charles Tussey
made rattling addresses. The music was quite
a feature. -
Solid Value.
Our reputation of being tbe lowest-priced
clothiers in this city has been obtained by
always giving purchasers solid value for
their money. We can and do undersell our
competitors in the clothing lirie, and we
stand ready to back up our assertion with
goods and prices. Here are a few specials
for to-day and to-morrow. Call and see 'em.
Men'Sfine spring suits, $8, $10, 12. Spring
overcoats, silk-faced and cut on the latest
box pattern, and "very English," $10 and
$12, some silk-lined. Special in hats, men's
crush hats, tobacco brown and side nutria,
at 38c. worth $1. Children's suits, $1 48,
$2 50, $3 60. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Tbey Do Say
That black and brown hats are the style
this season.
That C. A. Smiley & Co. have the best
That the Dnnlap hat is the leader for
young men.
That we are agents for Dnnlap & Cb.'s
That Stetson's and Silverman's derbyj
are having a great sale.
That our featherweight and flexible hats
are easy fitting and comfortable.
That we are doing the fine hat trade of
the town.
Tbat we can please customers easier and
better than any others.
That we are the most centrally located.
" That you should buy your hats from C.
A. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue.
Triplicate mirrors 25 Per Cent On"
Until onr removal to the new building now
being erected for us. Be sure to visit us
for bargains in fancy goods.
Hakdt & Hates,
Jewelers and Silversmiths,
WTSU 533 Smithfield st.
Domestic Economy.
TJseonly Marvin's superior bread and
crackers. They are for sale by all grocers,
and are the best made in the State.
Lace department A splendid assort
ment of flouueings in Chantilly and Span
ish guipure lace; entirely new designs in
drapery nets just opened.
iiwrsu Huous & Hacke.
Smoke the best La Perla del Fumar clear
Havana Kev West cigars. Three for 25c.
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
Have your watch repaired at Hauch's,
No. 295 Fifth ave. Lowest prices. -WTSu
Bargains In Handkerchiefs.
300 doz. fine Jinea hemstitched 9c, worth
20c; 50 dozen embroidered hemstitched 25c,
worth 50c, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
Cloak DEPARTMESTS-t-At $5 each a
new line of fine tailor-made stockinette
jackets, bonnd with silk braid. Best value
ever offered. - Hoous & Hacke.
The Prohibition Amendment
May stop the sale of liquor, buj it will only
increase the popularity of MarviiTs superior
bread and crackers. All grocers keep them.
Gents' Neckwear.
Fine assortment, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1 00;
Jaeger's spring underwear 96c a suit, worth
$1 50, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s, 27 Fifth
Ton can buy 50 delioious imported cigars
for $4 50 at G. W. Schmidt's, 95 and 07
Fifth ave.
Cash paid for old gold- and silver? at
Hauch's, Ko. 295 Fifth aye. wrsa
A MagnIfleent'DlaplaT of Pianos and Organ
at tho Palace of Blasle.
The elegant display of pianos and organs
at the Palace of .Music certainly is a tempt
ing one, and the expressions of praise which
we receive from our customers are indeed
very flattering.
Our magnificent selection of the Hard
man, Krakauer, Harrington and Kimball
pianos is indeed beyond comparison. .Any
one purchasing an instrument from such a
selection of renowned makes as these is
bonnd to be satisfied. The prices of these
elegant pianos come within the reach of all
and every one desiring an instrument, and
they will be famished on very accommo
dating terms.
To those persons desiring an organ, we call
their attention to the Palace, Cbase,Chicago
Cottage and Kimball organs, makes which
are celebrated all over the country, and
which are very reasonable in price.
A large lot of good second-hand pianos
and organs on hand. Our prices on these
are extremely low. Come in and visit our
big establishment Visitors are always
welcome. Melloe & Hoene,
77 Fifth avenue.
Take Notice
That we are offering to the purchasers of
pianos and organs the finest and best goods
for the money that can be had in the city.
We have been before you for a number of
years with such pianos as the Decker Bros.,
Knabe and Fischer, and have given such
good satisfaction to those wEo have pur
chased from us that the goods sell them
selves. This is no idle boast. Look at our
business now as a matter of fact, far in the
lead of all others.
"What has done it? The quality of the
pianos and organs that we sell, coupled with
keeping every promise that we make. Our
aim is always to buy and sell the very best
class of goods in their respective grades,and
thus be prepared to give our customers tbe
best value for their money. Look at our
line of organs. The great Estey, a house
hold word all over this country, and the
new styles now coming out are beautiful
and have been reduced in price so that all
may have one. In addition we have a
nnmber of other makes of both pianos and
organs, at prices tbat will surprise you.
Come tn and see us or write for catalogue
and yon will receive prompt attention.
S. Hamilton, 91 and 93 Fifth ave.
Solid Value.
Our reputation of being the lowest-priced
clothiers in the city has been obtained by
always giving purchasers solid value for
their money. We can and do undersell our
competitors in the clothing line, and we
stand ready to back up our assertion with
goods and prices. Here are a few specials
for to-day and to-morrow. Call and see 'em.
Men's fine spring suits, $8, $10, $12. Spring
overcoats, silk-faced, and cut on the latest
box pattern, and "very JEnglish," $10 and
$12, some silk-lined. Special in hats, men's
crush hats, tobacco brown and side nutria,
at 38c, worth $1. Children's suits, $1 48,
$2 50, $3 50. P. C C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Hid Glore Sale.
1,500 doz. 5 and 7 Foster hook kid gloves,
75c, $1 00, $1'25, $1 50, $1 75, $2 00; 4 and
5 buttops, 48c, 75c, $1 00, $1 25, $1 50; best
for the money anywhere.
B. .fc B.
Eibbons! Bihbonsl Look at the exten
sive assortment of millinery and sash rib
bons which this department offers and then
compare the prices. Boggs & Btjiil.
Deess Gooss-A positive bargain, gen
nine "West of England cloth suitings re
duced this week from $25 to only $16 a
pattern. Hugos & Hacks.
Yotj can't get the good of your electric
light unless you have proper shades or
globes. The most complete assortment and
newest designs are to be found at Craig
head's Lamp Store, 615 Smithfield st. 9
Sliver Mounted Hand Mirrors
Beduced from 10 to 25 per cent Prices all
marked in plain figures at IJardy & Hayes.
Jewelers and Silversmiths, 533 Smithfield
st, bet. Fifth and Sixth aves. wr-su
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. ' wfsu
Axii the leading brands of imported
cigars, wholesale and retail.
G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
Ripe for Easter.
Do yon want something delicious? Then
try some of Marvin's Easter Creams, the
daintiest novelty of the season. tufsu
Fob parlor, bedroom, dining or kitchen
furniture call on Dain & Daschbach, 111
Smithfield street Prices guaranteed to be
the lowest in the city for first-class goods.
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to tbe great enemy consumption.
A stitch In time often saves life itself.
prepared BY
Is a nice looking object if she does not
wear a
besides feeling quite uncomfortable.
We take pride in showing the best
fitting and most comfortable Corset in
the city. Ours give such a good shape.
All 'Prices. .
... T T' T1 '
... JL. X- A- ...
109 Federal Street, ,
v .'Allegheny.
1 a it . -1
ap8oiw J
Undoubtedly tbe finest display of Ladies'
Suits and Costumes ever made in this city. A
large and elegantly lighted show room entire
ly filled with elegant Costumes. All the latest
Paris fashions are exemplified here in the
ready-to-put-on dresses.
Black Lace Costumes, Black Fish Net Cos.
tumes, India Silk Dresses, Hand Embroidered.
"Woolen Stuff Suits, English Cloth Suits,
Black Suits, Satine Suits, Gingham Suits,
Suits for house and street wear.Snlts for every,
day use and for special occasions; also Tea
Gowns, Blouse Waists, Shawls. Second floor
of Cloak Department
Including all the extreme novelties in Empire
and Directoire styles, Connemaras, Cape New.
markets, Ulsters and Raglans, Capes,
$5 to S30 hundreds and hundreds of them;
perhaps thousands wouldn't be far ont of the
way. At any rate a coat carnival of newest
shapes in the most fashionable materials in
black and new spring shades. Short Beaded'
Pelerines, Silk Beaded Mantles, Fancy Bead
Mantles, Black Silk and Lace Mantles, Blade
Camel's Hair Short Wraps, Fancy Colored.
Cloth Mantles, Black Embroidered Fichus and
Shoulder Wraps. You may have thought yon
had seen some of the spring fancies and fads:
in Wraps, but here you see all the newest and
most modish.
A beautiful, tasteful and dainty collection ot
Suits, Blouse Waists, Coats and Jackets, in
the prevailing styles, and latest colorings and
newest materials, and complete outfits In me
dium to finest qualities, hand-made work,
beautifully finished, for infants and small
children. '
Note the prices for effective newSoitlngst
Fancies, 25c, 40c, 50c plaids and stripes; 50
inch Suiting Cloths as low as 40c a yard.
All-wool Cashmeres, 35c to $1 25: 48-inch,
Paris shades, All-wool Serges, only 50c; extra
values in super finish Henrietta Cloths; new
Mohairs, 45c to $1 75 a yard; Wool Challies,
hundreds of new styles, plaids stripes, all overs,
figured and. side border designs, 30c to 50c a
yard; French and German Novelty Combina
tion Suitings, 75c to S3 a yard; superfine Silk
Warp Henrietta Cloths, $1 and 11 25 per yard,
the best and finest made, extreme shades.
Paris Robes and English Suit Patterns in ex
elusive designs and colorings, the finest dress
goods Imported, especially adapted for street
suits and traveling dresses.
We have the best values ever offered is"
Plain and Printed India Silks and show the)
largest variety, especially In the finer grades at
SI GO to 4 a yard; extra wide and fine goods at
65c and 75c a yard.
New Fancy Stripe and Brocaded Silks, Check;
and Stripe Summer Silks, New Louisine Silks;
extra bargains in Colored Satin Rhadames,
Colored Faille Francaise, Colored Moires.
Our Black SUk Department is fully stocked
with special bargains in extra wide and fin
Black Gros Grain Silks. Black Satin Rha
dames, Black Faille Francaise, Rhadzimers,
Armnres, Royales, Peau de Sole, Surahs, and
all the latest novelties In fancy stripe and bro.
caded weaves. ,
New stock of Black Silk Grenadines, plain,
satin stripe, armure stripe and brocaded de
Visit the Hosiery Department and ask to see.
the -Cable" and "Victoria" Dye Fast Black
Stockings. Tbey aAjthebest Fancy Striped
Cotton Hosiery, 25c, 35c and 50c a pair. Bar
gains by the hundred of dozens her. Also la
Balbrlggan, In all qualities, 20c to S4 a pair.
Laces, Embroideries, "White Goods new ar
rivals here, and all special values.
Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Corsets.
Millinery, Dress Trimmings.
THE CURTAIN ROOM has additional
salesmen for April. Come and sea what we cas
do for you here. ' -'
Another time we will tell you all about ParaV
sols. They're on tbe way, and as Barnum says
-Walt . '
' , .1
--' i-S
. " .