nH &TF $xz - W JSBF- TTl .- . h C' JF -S : t-Lr' .- " c , uj v ".. THE PITTSBUBG .-DISPATCH; THUESDAT, APPJL ii;. 1889 I MEAT' ON THE HOOF. Leading. Features of Markets at Liberty Stock lards. LIGHTEN OP CATTLE, PRICES UP. L Common Stockers Sluggish, Sheep and Lambs on the Boom. HOGS IN LIGHT SUPPLI AKD QUIET t Office or Fittsbukq Dispatch, 1 Wkdnesdat. April 10, 1SS& J Receipts were 55 loads Monday and 10 Tuesday against 85 loads last weak. All 'were promptly sold, excepting a few com mon stockers. The proportion of light and heavy cattle was better adapted to tbe wants of our local trade than what we hare been receiv ing for a few weeks past. For a few weeks there has been too large a proportion of light weights. This week the distribution has aBout met the wants of trade, showing that shippers are catching on to the situation here. One-half of this week's supplies were from Chicago. The other half were mainly Ohio cattle, with a few loads from Indiana. The bulk of supplies were common to good butcher stock. The ma of stockers and feeders was considerably below that of last week. Last week a heavy dose of common stockers was dumped onto this market from Chicago. This week there were not as many, bnt the grade of those received was not up to the standard. Nice stockers and feeders, such as will come in early off grass, were in good demand at S3 403 60, according to qual ity. Of this grade there were not enough to go around, and seldom are at this season of the year. Markets were weak for low grade stockers. An old-time stockman thus puts the situa tion as to stockers and feeders- "We can't get enough of the Simon pure, but knot heads, with horns straight up and tails straight down are a drag." The latter class of cattle are the only one's in this week's supplies did not sell better than last week. The range of prices for good tutcher stock and shippers was $4 00 to $4 50. Good medium butcher stock sold at $3 75 to S3 90. The range tor light butcher stock was $3 40 to $3 60 On all fat grades markets were 20 ro 25c higher than last week. Fair to good stockers n ere fair to steady. Com mon stockers were not wanted and could only be sold at concessions. All were sold this morning, with the exception of a few loads of these low grade stockers. Bulls that were fat and weighed from 1,100 to 1,800 pounds were in active demand. Heavy coarse bulls and light thin ones w ere not wanted and could only be sold at a sacrifice. Calves were very plenty,as they always aro at this time of the year. The range of pries was 54 00 to H 75. A few fancy calves weighing from 120 to 140 pounds, a month old, sold at $3 00. frheep and Lambs. Supplies are not up to demand, and prices a full quarter above those which ruled a week ago. btockmen say that the short run is due to the fact that farmers hold back their stock at this season for clipping purposes. In the early part of last week markets were slower here than at any live stock center in the land. About the middle of the week the discovery was made that we were too low in our ideas here. Pittsburg was a day or two behind Buf falo. Chicago and Kansas City catching on to the elevation of sheep prices. Now she is firm ly there, and for a week past the situation here is in the holder's lavor. Markets are firmer this week than they have been any time this season. Hoes. The run is light but equal to demand. A dealer reports that he has not known so light a run on Wednesday for many years as to-day. Isot more than two carloads were received. The range of prices was Jo to S5 15. A few bunches of extra selected Yorkers were sold at to 0. The outside price at Chicago to-day was H 95, an advance of 5c on yesterday's prices. SlcCall & Co.'s Report. The receipts of cattle are light and market active at an advance of 20 to 30 per cent on all grades. All sold, the market closing firm. Prospects are favorable. We quote the follow ing as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to l,600Jb3, S4-2o4 65; good, 1,200 to 1,400 Rs. $4 004 25; rough fat, 1,100 to 1,300 lbs, $3 604 00; good butcher grades, 900 to 1,100 ,2s, S3 S03 80; common to fair, 900 to 1.000 Jts, S3 25g 60; bulls and fat cows, 2 003 00; fresh cows and springers, $20 0OQ40 00 per head. The offerings of hogs on Monday were fully equal to the demand, and the market was slow on light grades, while selected were in demand at full prices. Yesterday and to-day the sup ply is light, and tbe market 510c higher than Monday on light; others unchanged. Sales to day as follows: Philadelphia and Yorkers.So 10 5 15; extra selected. So 25, roughs, SI 004 65. Prospects fair for the week. Receipts of sheep were light and the market firm at tbe following quotations: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 tts, S5 255 65; good wethers,90 to 100 As, S4 85 5 25; fair to good mixed, 85 to 90 fis, $4 50 5 10; common to fair, 75 to 80 tts, S3 404 00; Srime lambs. 85 to 95 Its, S6 506 90; good, 70 to ) Ks, $5 506 25; common to fair. 50 to 65 tts, $4 605 50; prime clipped sheep. eo to 100 fts, 54 755 00: good clipped, 75 to 85&s, $4 004 60; common to fair clipped, 60 to 75 lbs, S3 754 25; clipped vearlings. 75 to SO lbs, $5 50; yearlings, 55 to 60 tts, S4 S05 00; veal calves, 110 to 120 tts. 53 754 5a By Telegraph. New Yobk Beeves Keceipts, 45 carloads for exportation, 40 carloads for a city slaught erers direct and 30 carloads for the market; market active, firm and higher; sales included common to prime steers at S4 055 05 per 100 pounds; extra do at So 105 25; common to best bulls and dry cows at S2 254 00; exports, 300 beeves, 72 sheep and 2,260 quarters of beet Sheep Keceipts. 8,800 head; market firmer and higher for sheep, steady for yearlings and for spring lambs; unshorn sheep sold at $5 006 45 per 100 pounds, with a carload of choice at 56 50; clipped do, from S4 50 to S5 50, with a few extra at So 655 75; unshorn yearlings at 6 50 7 75: clipped do at $5 5006 37, and spring lambs at S3 506 5a Hogs Receipts, 8.900 bead, mainly consigned direct to slaughterers) market reported steady for live bogs at 55 20 6 5a Kansas Crnr Cattle Receipts. 2,946 head; shipments, 2,227 head; active and strong to 10c higher tor beef, steers and fat cows; stockers and feeding steers active and strong; good to choice ccrnfed, S4J54 45, common to me dium, S33 90; cows. SI 602 Sa Hogs Re ceipts, 8,288 head; shipments. 1,555 head; opened weak, closing full 5c lower; good to choice. $4 5004 55; common to medium, S4 204 45. Sheep Receipts, 951 head; shipments, none; active: good to choice muttons, $4 304 60; common to medium, S2 60Q4. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 11,500 head: ship ment 6,500 head: market steady; beeves, S4 40 4 70: steers, S3 404 30; stockers and feeders. S2 603 70; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 753 SO; Texas steers, S3 403 85. Hogs Receipts. 15, 000 bead; shipments, 7,300 bead; market slow and'5c lower; mixed, S4 65Q4 90: heavy, S4 60S 4 90; light, $4 705 05; skips, S3 604 40. Sheen Receipts, 5.000 head; shipments. 1,200 head; market steady; natives. S4 00S5 50: Western cornfed. So 005 40; lambs, S4 006 0a St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 1,000 bead; shln ments, none: market strong; choice heavy steers, S4 O04 60; fair to good do, S3 104 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 103 20: rangers, corn-fed. S2 80ffi3 50: grass-fed. S2 00 2 9a Hogs Receipts. 4,500 head: shipments, none; market steady; choice heavy and butch ers' selections, S4 704 80; packing, medium to prime. S4 554 70; light grades, ordinary tobest, S4 654 75. J Buffalo Cattle Receipts. SOO head through: 120 head sale: market active; prime, 54 0O4 25. Sheen and lambs active; receipts, none through: 10,000 head sale; good sheep, $5 25 5 40; good lambs. S6 15g 5a Hogs Receipts, 6.000 bead through; 1,700 bead sale; active and irregular; mediums lower; Yorkers higher; me diums, $5 155 20; Yorkers. 85 25. CnrcnfKATi Hogs active; common and light. $4 004 85; packing and butchers', S4 75 o 00; receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 1,100 head. Dryeoods. New Yobk. April 10. Jobbers of drygoods were more busy to-day than yesterday. Prices were fairly regular and steady. Business with agents consisted of moderate filling in orders from jobbers for many styles of goods, mostly cotton, and a brisk demand for novelties. Satines and fancy white goods are selling for future delivery. The cotton goods market is steady. Bleached goods have a freer move ment "and some heavy yarn goods have been cleaned up. Prices are unchanged. Wool Markets. St. Louis Owing to tbe open winter the clip will be 20 per cent larger than last year, "ibe same cause leaves a heavy stock of heavy woolens carried over. Importations are far ahead of last year. Hence tbe outlook is that opening prices will not be higher than the present market values. Bright and medium, 1724c; coare braid, 1020c; low sandy, 1016c; fine light 1621c; fine heavy. ll17cj tub washed, choice, 36c; inferior, 30S4c 4 WhUky Market. ,ltTinibed EooOs we in good demand at f 1 03. MAEKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Unsettled, With May nnd Jnne Options a Trifle Higher July Lower Corn and Oats Lose Ground Hoc Prodncta Abont Steady. Chicago The volume of business In wheat to-day was not as great as that of yesterday, though still of fair proportions. The feeling was a little unsettled, and prices were advanced somewhat above yesterday's closing, but the .full improvement was not sustained. May opened weaker and advanced 2c above inside figures, receded and closed about ie higher than yesterday's closing. Jnne advanced 2Js"c, declined lc and closed U.C higher than yester day. July opened at about yesterday's dosing, eased off He, and then advanced lc, became weaker and declined lc, and closed about c lower than yesterday. The advance brought out rather free offer ings, parties who had bought at the lower prices feeling inclined to realise, and the in creased offerings created the subsequent de cline. The shorts, too, had covered freely, and there was less demand. There was some buy ing for May delivery, credlted-to parties who were Identified with the buU Interest, while the trading In the more deferred futures was gen eral. A fair business was transacted in corn, and the feeling was easier. The longs were selling out and the shorts covering. The market opened a shade lower than yesterday's closing, fluctuated frequently within c range, and closed full iic lower than yesterday. An unsettled feeling developed in oats and prices were irregular. A good business was transacted. Prices for May were bidupjitfi fC bnt at the advance free selling was in dulged in"by the Iongs,and a weaker feeling de veloped aha the appreciation was lost. A fairly active trade was reported In mess pork. Prices ruled irregular. Early sales were madeat57Kc decline, out the reduction was quickly recovered, with fair buying, mainly for May delivery. Later the offerings were en larged and prices closed at inside figures. The leading natures rangea as ioiiowk wheat jno. a iiay. ' June. S6!4SSK86iS6?c; June. 3Si013Si4r: May, 25J625J 2oC Oats So. 2 June, 25o; July, 2525M25 25c. Mess Pork, per bbl. May, Sll 8511 92 11 6511 65: June, Ml 92KH 92K0U 7oU 7o; July, Q12 0012 05U 82U 85. Labd, per 100 tts May. SB 926 92K66 85 6 85; June, S6 956 90; July, 17 007 W6 95 b9o. Short Ribs, per 100 lb. May, $6 07 6 07K6S 955 95; June. S6 12K6 126 0 6 02$: July. S6 206 206 106 Itt Cash quotations were as lollows: flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 bpring wheat, 85JS6c; No. 3 spring wheat, 87c; No. 2 red. fc5Ji86c. No. 2 corn. 34K31Jic. No. 2oats,25Jc No. 2 rye, 43c No. 2 barley, nominal. No.1 flax seed. SI 5331 54. Prime timothy seed. SI 30 133. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 85U 90. Lard, per 100 lbs. tS 82)4. Short ribs sides (loose). S5 906 Oa Dry salted shoulders (boxed). So 37550. Short clear sides (boxed), 56 37K6 5a bugar Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour. 17.000 barrels; wheat, 27,000 bushels: corn, 245,000 bushels; oats. 99,000 bush els: rye, 1,000 bushels: barley, 15,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 6,000 barrels; wheat. 11,000 bushels; corn. 317,000 bushels; oats, 48,000 bush els; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley. 17,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market a active and unchanged. Eggs weak er at 910c, New York Flour active and weak. Wheat Spot dull and nominally unchanged; options weak and He lower on early and KSViO higher on late months. Barley steady. Barley malt dulL Corn Spot fairly active and c lower; options ic lower and weak. Oats Spot firm ana moderately active; options weak and active. Hay quiet and steady; ship ping, 65c: good to choice, 8095c Coffee Options opened steady, unchanged to 10 points up. closed barely steady at 510 points down; sales, 4S.500 bags, including April, 16.5516.60c; May, 16.6016.80c; June, 16.S016.90e: July, 16.8517.00c: August. 16.9o17.05c: September. 17.0517.20c; October, 17.2017.25c; November, and December, 17.1517 30c; January, 17.25 17.40c; February. 17.45c: spot Rio steady: fair cargoes at lSJic. Sugar Raw stronger; fair refining. 5Jc: centrifugals, 98 test, 6Jjc; sales, a&00 bags at 5-3-32C for concrete, ana 6c for 96 test centrifugals, 1.900 tons Iliolo at 4 5-16c; refined firm and Vic higher: fair demand: C, 66?c; extra C, 7i7Mc; white extra C. 7316 5-16c; yellow, 6M6c: off A, 75-167Kc; mold A, 8c: standard A, 7Jc: oonf ectioners A, TJic; cut loaf, 9c; crushed, 9e; powdered, Sjicarrannlated, 8c; cubes, 8Vc Molasses For eign; quiet; New Orleans dull. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow very strong; sales, 325 hhds city at 4?o Rosin quiet, and steady. Turpentine 40 bbls. sold at 474Sc closing with no stock and no price. Egcsflrm with a fair demand; western, 10UKc; receipts. 12.518 packages. Pork dull, old mess, S12 5012 75: new mess, $13 60 13 75; extra prime, S12 5a Cut meats quiet and firm; -pickled bellies, 12 pounds average, bjic; pickled shoulders, oc; pickled hams. 10 lpVic Lard lower and dull, sales, western steam, S 25. closing at S7 22V, city, $8 0: April, S7 19 asked; May. S7 197 23, closing at S7 19 asked; June. S7 227 26, closing at 57 22 asked; Julv, 57 247 23, closing at S7 24 asked; August, S7 27 7 2s, closing at S7 27 asked; September, S7 28 67 30, closing at $728. Butter firm and ac tive; western dairy. 1220c: do creamery, 18 26c; Elgms. 22Sc Cheese dull and un settled; western, 8K10Kc St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. "Wheat The market was firm early in the day on drouth reports from the Northwest; firmer cables and reactions at other points, but late became weak and gradually dropped back clos ing a fraction below yesterday, ex cept Jnne which was Jc high er. No 2 red, cah. 87Kc. asked; May, 87K6SSS4c, closed at 87ic bid: June, 84K85Wc, closed at MJgc; July, 77J7SJc, closed at 78e bid; August, 77J775ic, closed at TTJgc nominal: year, 77Jc, closed at 77Kc nominal. Corn lower and weak: No. 2 mixed, cash, 30VJ30Jc;May,30K30k, closed at30i30c; June, 31c closed at31$asked; July, 3232jc, closed at SZVfc bid; August, 33e, closed at 33Uc asked; September, 34Kc. Oats unsettled; No. 2, cash, 26c: May, 226Kc closed at 2626J4c asked. Rve more doing; No 2, 4345c. Barley Nothing doing. Provisions dull, weak and very little demand. Cincinnati Flour weak. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, 85c; receipts, 500 bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels. Corn quiet: No 2 mixed, 35c Oats steady: No. 2 mixed, 27Uc Rye firm; No. 2, 52c Pork qniet at J12 50. Lard steady at $6 8a Bulkmeats and bacon steady. Butter quiet. Sugar firm. Eggs firm. Cheese steady. Philadelphia Flour dull and unsettled. Wheat Options dull and nominal, high grades firm. CornNo. 2 and steamer in elevator ad vanced KKc; carlots for local trade dull. Oats Carlots dull; futures quiet and un changed. Butter firm; Pennsylvania prints, extra, 29c Baltimore Provisions dull and qniet Butter firm: Western packed, 1820c; best roll. 1718c; creamery, 2526c Eggs firm at UV12c Coffee quiet and steady; RIo, fair. 18Klic. Sugar quiet; A soft, 7c Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady: cash, $4 55; April, S4 50; receipts, 6 bags; shipments, 6S7bags. Metal Market. New York Pig iron firm. Copper dull and nominal: lake, April, $14 60. Lead brisker, with an upward tendency; domestic S3 65. Tin quiet and fairly steady; Straits, S20 85. A PEITATS CAE WKECKED. Fearful Work of a Fast Freight Engine In the Early Morning. Chicago, April 10 Just as the regular east-bound train of" the Santa Fe road was leaving Lorenzo station, which is 50 miles from Chicago, at 450 o'clock this morning, an extra fast stock train, following, ran into the rear of the passenger train at a good speed, demolishing the private car of Henry R. Hart, and damaging the freight engine so that large quantities of steam escaped, scalding those who had escaped from the effects of the crash. The following were killed: Henry K. Hart, Miss Alice "Winslovr, Thomas Smith, cook; Harry, the porter. The injured at Mercy Hospital are John L. Hart and wife, Henry; "W. Lamb and E. Ii Palmer. Their injuries are nearly identical, consist ing of severe scalds on the hands, laces and legs. As far as ascertainable in their present condition no bones were broken. The surgeons in attendance greatly fear that pneumonia will supervene, in which cases their chances of recovery will be rery poor. Miss Winslow was the fiancee of Mr. Lamb. It is good business for every one having a cold, to treat it promptly and properly until it is gotten rid of intelligent experi ence lortunately presenting in Dr. Jayne's Expectorant a curative thoroughly adapted to cure speedily all coughs and colds, and to allay any exciting inflammation of the throat or lungs. , Cnndlo bkades. ' Odd conceits in paper, silk and lace. -Xote our window display. A new assort ment just opened at Hardy & Hayes', Jewelers, 533 Smitbfield street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. tts All the leading brands of imported champagnes sold by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and j num. avenue. THE DIAMOND BOOM. Suggestions of Importance to Both Sides of the Controversy. SLOW COLLECTIONS EXPLAINED. A Pittsburg Firm Compelled to Send East for Supplies of HardTrare. STILL ANOTHER EAST END PAEADISE The leading event that occupies publie attention in real estate and local business circles these days continues to be the pro posed widening of Diamond street. Sum maries have been made of all the purchases between Market and Smithfield, which have been separately reported in TheDispatch from day to day as they were madeaduring the past two months. These now aggregate over $500,000, beginning with the Marvin sale of 60 feet, and ending, so far, with a sale of 40 feet, the Bihlman property, so long and so well known for its restaurant Mr. J. M. Ouffey.was the buyer of this lot at 540,000. The question now is. will the street be widened and how farT The ordinances pend ing before Councils leave this wholly to the abutting property owners. The new purchasers, who are reported as including among others the well-known and enterprising capitalists and business men, Messrs. Mellon, Magee, Frick and Craig, have tbe widening in view. Many of the older owners on the street favor it likewise. The difficulty, such as it may be, will come in adjusting fair allow ances for the property that is damaged or wholly taken. The general business opinion is that what is untouched willbe increased in value from the average price of about $1,000 per foot, at which it has been bought, to at least 52,000 per foot, and possibly $3,000 where the lots are 120 feet deep. This increase leaves ample margin for paying damages. As to that part of Diamond street above Smithfield, little has been said and nothing done beyond introducing an ordinance which likewise leaves the widening there to the prop erty owners. Above Smithfield, the street is already wider by ten feet than below. This widening is complete on the northerly sidS where The Dispatch buildiug stands. The southerly side is about three-fourths of the length widened. What is now mostdesrable on the part of Diamond street above Smith field is a reduction of 'the grade so as to make the outlet to Forbes and the East End easier. This, it is supposed, will be considered. Several Pittsburg firms in the drygoods and grocery trades complain of tbe tardiness of their country customers in paying their bills. A member of one of the firms in question said yesterday that he had never known collections to be slower. Country merchants have a good excuse for this. The roads were in such a wretched condition dnring the winter that they were unable to market the prodnce they had taken in exchange for goods. The result was that they were unable to meet their bills as they fell due. This Is further evidence of the fact that bad roads cost tbe country a large sum of money every year by cutting down the volume of business. The Sunday fire that destroyed the Hubbard ax factory upset the calculations of several large hardware firms. One of them had placed orders there for a full line of axes and shovels for the spring trade. The fire came before any part of the order had been filled. The firm will now be compelled to purchase from Eastern manufacturers. If the fire had occurred a few weeks later Pittsburg would be a good many thousand dollars better off. There is a good demand for warehouse floors on side streets. They are wanted for light manufacturing and other kinds of business that do not demand a central location. Build ings of this description are scarce, and pay from 8 to 10 per cent, on the investment. This is a pointer for capitalists. Real estate is still a live interest in and about Pittsburg. The demand for all descrip tions of property is unabated. Several large transactions are in course of development, but are not quite ripe enough to cut. One of them is the transfer of abont 25 acres in an East End suburb to a syndicate composed of local capi talists. If the deal materializes the purchasers will, during the summer, put up about 50 houses on the property and sell the remainder in large-sized lots to persons who will agree to put up first-class buildings. If all the plans are carried out the place will be one of the tomest in the .East End. The big bank vault in the Fidelity building Is approaching completion. The doors are up -and part of the roof is in place. The job, it is thought, will be completed in about two weeks, when there will be a grand test of its ability to withstand tbe assaults of experts in the line of opening strong boxes. The cost of the vault will be .about $75,000. James W. Drape 4 Co. have sold about 30 houses at auction this season at prices ranging from SI. SOO to $30,000. One advantage derived from selling property this way, Mr. Drape re marked, is that it brings all the prospective buyers face to face and compels them to act promptly; and it generally results in securing higher prices by getting up a friendly rivalry between the bidders. A syndicate of local business men, headed by Joseph S. Brown, Esq . has purchased the con trolling interest in the Allegheny and New Brighton Turnpike road at a price approxi mating 5100,000. It is the general opinion that the road will be utilized as the route for a new rapid transit line, to be operated on the cable system, by electricity, by steam or some new motive power. There are other theories, how ever. A gentleman who claimed to know de nied that tbe Fort "Wayne Railroad Company was in any way interested in the deal. AFEAID OF EACH OTHER. Stock Brokers Still Ploying; the Game of Watch and Walt. Yesterday was a dull day on the Stock Ex change, the totl sales amounting to only 415 shares. One side was afraid to buy and the other afraid to sell, lest their harmonious rela tions should be disturbed and the market show a divergence in favor of the other fellow. The result was that there were a good many held over orders. The gassers were barely steady with the exception of Philadelphia, which was fractionally stronger. Electric was under a cloud, going In a small way at 57. Switch and Signal sold at 26 in the forenoon, but a slight attack of depression in tbe afternoon caused it to drop half a point. Tractions were as usual of late dull apa neglected, the only one show ing any life being the Pittsburg, 35 shares of which changed hands at 49. Central is badly handicapped by fears of an assessment. Bids and offers were: MOENTRG. JUTEBlfOOlf. Bid. Asked. Hid.-Asked. Chartiers Val. Gas Co. BIX M a .... Nat.' Gas Co. of W. Va 60 7i 69 .... People'sPIpeageGas 16 17V PhlladelphlaCo 39i m 39$ 39 Pine RunUas.. 8a 90 Wheeling Gas Co .. SWg 30 29 80 Central Traction 533 .... 215J a Citizens' Traction 67)j .... 63 .... Pittsburg iTaciion u Pleasant Valley K.B.. .... .... l'ltts..Cln.iSt.UK.K. 15M 18 IIS Pitts & Western KK. 8K 9 P.tW.B K.pref.... 16$ 17 Consignee Alining Co.. SO 31 I.a Norta Mlnlnir Co .. 2 Z 2 2 Westinrboose Electric 55 874 KV 57M U. fawltch Signal Co. 26K I6 25 26)4 Westlng'ee AlrB. Co 122 Westtng'se B. Co. lln-. 64 Pitts. Plate Glass Co .. Ii5 .... us At the morning call 15 shares of Phila delphia Oas sold at SOii, s. o. 15. 100 regular at 39, 60 Wheeling Gas at SO, 35 Pittsburg Traction at 49 8 Electric at 67, and 10 Switch and Signal at 26K. In the afternoon 38 Pittsburg and Western common went at 9, 49 Switch and Signal at 26, and 40 Central Traction at 2 Henry M. Long sold 200 shares Philadelphia Gas at 89K and 40 Airbrake at 121. J. F. Stark sold 50 Electric at S!. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were .296.335 shares, inclnding: Atch ison, 40.554: Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern, 8,200f Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth, 5,842; Lake Shore, 14.511: Louisville and Nashville, 20,575; Missouri Pacific, 6,400; Northwestern, 13,310; Northern Pacific preferred, 4 600; Bead ing, 38,400; 8t. Paul, 49.834; Union Pacific, 13, 650; Western Union, 8.465. Mining Stocks. New York. April 10. Amador. 100: Aspen, 1.000: Caledonia. B. H.. 300: Colorado Central. 170; Consolidated calUornU. and Virginia, 775; Commonwealth, 625; Deadwood T.. ISO; Eureka Consolidated, 100: El Cristo, 140; Hale &. Norcross, 410; Homestake, 800; Horn Sil ver, 140: Iron Silver 300; Mono, 100; Mutual, 11U; Ophlr, 525; Plymouth. 1.000: Savage. 260; Sierra Nevada, SOO; Standard, 100; Union Consolidated, 360; ANOTHER "VIEW OF IT. ' Borrowers Not Altogether Dependent Upon the Banks for Favors. Bates for money at the local banks yesterday were unchanged, but a stronger undertone was reported, which was encouraging as far as It went. People are not making as much paper as the bankers wouldlike, but this ii accounted for, fn part, by the fact that private loans are larger than usual. A large number of persons are doing a thriving bussines in this way. While this is rather hard on the banks, it is all the samo to business, tbe only difference being that It does not count in the clearings, leading some people to think that nothing is doing, be cause bank funds keep on accumulating. Keeping this fact in view, it will readily be seen that tbe condition of business should not be gauged by the quantity of paper passing through the regular financial channels. The exchanges were 52,162,896 61, and the balances 5505.765 52. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 3 to tyi per cent. Last loan 3, closed iffered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 48. Ster ling exchange dull but firm at 51 87 for 60-day bills, and 54 88 for demand. x Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U.S.4HS. reg WWaiOSM U. 8. 4HS. coups 107I0S U.S. 4s. reg.... K8Sl29Ji U.S. 4s, coups , USSISH Hid. Currency, 6 per cent. lSSSreg 120 Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 reg. 123 Currency, 6 per cent, 1877 reg KSii Currency, 6 per cent, 1693 reg 130 Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg 132 New YOEK-Clearings, $119,591,974; balances, 56,436,073. Boston Clearings, 515,822,334; balances 9i,tou,tfixr. iuoney y per cent. PHn.ADEi.pniA Clearings, 510,675,404; bal ances, 51,427,742. Baltimore Clearings, 5LS72,36S; balances, 276,003. , Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 511,018,00a St. Louis Clearings, 52,010,275; balances, $490,072. .-". London Bar silver 12 y,& per ounce. Paris Bentes, S5f 75c for the account. DULL AKD WEAK. Report of the Pipe Lines Palls toDlstnrb the Oil market. The monthly report of the pipe lines, posted on 'Change yesterday, had no appreciable ef fect on the oil market. Bullish news has com pletely lost its virtue. The day was one of the dullest of the year. The opening price was S9c. From this the market rallied to 99c, and then to 90c which was the top price. It held around this price nntil near the close, when it dropped to 89Jc, which were tbe final figures. Trading in puts and calls indicated a belief in a slight improvement, but between this and a lower level the chances seemed to be about even. Several operators wbo had been holding oil since the price was above 92c, were noticed selling about 100.000 barrels, showing they had lost confidence in a spring boom. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts, 89c; calls. 90Jc The following table, corrected Dy l)e Witt 1)11 worth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner fifth avenae and Wood street, iusbarg, shows tne order of fluctuations, etc; Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened Ml Bules 12.WP. it.... 90 W4 10 ISA. U.... mh 90 LOOP. M... 90 90 10.30 A. M.... DO 90H 1:15 P. U.. 90 90X 10.15 A. It.... 90 - 90)2 1.30 P. M.... 90 90H 11:00A. 31.... 90 Kii 1:45 P. M.... 89 90 11:15A.M.... 90 90i 2 00P.M.... S3Ja 90 11.30 A. K.... 90 BOH MS P. X.... Kh 90 UI4SA. II.... 90 90X 2 30 P.M.... S9 90 12 00H 90 90X 2:45P.M.... 89 v 90 i2:p. k.... to govi Closed tan .... 12 SOP. II.... 90 eo,H Opened. 893(o: Signet, 90 e: lowest. 89o: closed, 89c. Barrels. Jlany ran 53,400 Average runs .' 44.582 Dally shipments.. .- 78,674 Average shipments 71,821 Dallr charters.. 104.782 Average charters 27,232 Clearances u,u,.. 762,000 Hew York closed at SOc Oil City closea at 90c Bradroro closea at 90c , Heir Yorlc. refined. 7c London, renned, 5?.t. , Antwerp, reflneu. 16M& f "Oilier OH Markets. On, Crrr. April io. National transit cer tificates opened at 89c; highest, OOc; lowest, 89c; closed, W)c , Bradford. lApril la National transit cer tificates opened atS9Jc; closed at 90c; highest, 90Jic: lowest. 89Jc Trrus'VTLi.E. April 1ft National transit cer tificates opened. aiS3JicUilhest, 90Kc; lowest, 89c: closed, 90eirr:rzr- New York; "April 10. Petroleum opened steady at 88c. and after the first sales moved up to 90Vc The market then became dnll and remained so until tbe close, which was Bteady atOOc. Sales, S68.000 barrels. REAL ESTATE DEALS. A Wood Street Merchnnt Buys a Site for a Fine Stone Besldence. W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold for Hartman & Schwan to a well-known Wood street merchant a lot on Neglev avenue. Nine- I teenth ward, adjoining the residence of Hon. Thomas Mellon, being 108x170 feet, for 57,500 cash. The purchaser intends to erect a hand some stone residence. Samuel W, Black & Co , 99 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for 57,000 on a house and lot in the Fifth ward, Allegheny, for three years, at 5 per cent. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for Thomas A. Orr to G. B. Bosworth. of H. C. Frlck & Co.. a lot 44x100 feet, on Snmmerlea street, for 81,825. Mr. Bosworth will commence building a fine dwelling.on this property at once They also placed a .mortgage of 52.200 for three years, at 6 per cent, on ten vacant lots near Millvale borough. EOEEIGNEESBEEAK I00SE, And by Good Baling Give Stocks a Hand. some Boost Nearly Everything Fairly Active and Higher Railroad Bonds Brace Up. New York, April 10. There was more ac tivity in the stock market this morning than during the same hours for a long time, but later tbe market quieted down and lost a por tion of the early gains, but prices at the close were materially higher than those of last even ing. The forelgnerswere the chief factor to day in continuing the advance, and while the early London cables, reported handsome ad vances over prices of last evening, the foreign! buying orders in this market were sufficient to open stock K par cent higher in the general list, while Atchison, which was favorably af fected by tbe fact that the efforts of Messrs. Kidder, Peabody &. Co. to bring about a change In the directory were meeting with some suc cess, was up Ji per cent. The feeling was generally bullish, and the scare over the low bank reserves reported last Saturday seemod,in view of the large pur chases by the Secretary of the Treasury, to have entirely passed away. Still, there was considerable realizing by the long interests, and after the opening spurt, while the market maintained a firm tone, the changes in quota tions were in but few cases for more than slight fractions. St. Paul led the upward movement, and was followed by Lake Erie and Western preferred, and later by Burlington, bnt the gains in no case were for more than fractional amounts. Manhattan came to the front toward noon, and made a spurt of 3 per cent, which there is no evidence to show was anything more than manipulation, as the rest of the list retired slightly from the best prices of the morning before noon. Up to this time there had been a large vol ume of business, and nearly two-thirds of the entire day's business was transacted before noon, but after that time there was a steadily decreasing business done.and fluctuations were confined to the smallest fractions, except in a few specialties, among which Denver, Texas and Fort Worth and San Francisco pre ferred were most prominent. In tbennlisted department, however, there were some sharp movements, and Sugar Trusts on a very large business advanced 4, and New Brunswick, which is attracting somewhat more attention than of late, , to 21. There was some heaviness toward delivery hour, but Atchison was tbe only stock showing any marked animation, and the market finally closed qniet but strong at close to the best prices of tbe day. Colorado Coal is per centi lower this evening, but with that exception the entire active list Is higher. Manhattan rose 2K Consolidated Gas IK. Ban Francisco preferred 1 Louisville and Nashville 1 per cent, and others fractional amounts. .Railroad bonds were Jagaln fairly active to day, tbe sales of all issues aggregating 51,804, 000, though the only marked activity was in the Louisville. New Albany anrT Chic4c-o eon. .sojj), vbicb. contributed. $l74,o to the grand total. The tone of the market was strong throughout, though there was some weak spots and a few marked losses sustained. The most noted advances were St. Paul, Chicago and Missouri River 5sr 2, to 101, and Shenandoah Valleygeneral receipts 2, to S3. On the other hand, Colorado Coal 6s lost 2K, at 93, and Alton and Terre Haute dividends 3. at 40. The following table shows tne prices pf active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of ftew York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: cios- Open lng. Am. Cotton Oil 55 Atch.. Top. ft 8. P.... 4SK Canadian Pacific 81 Canada Southern. S3 Central or Hew Jersey. 96K Chesapeake & Ohio ... KM C. Bur.&Quincy..... Wi C, Mil. ft 8t. Paul... 65M C, Mil.&St. P . pr...103 O., KocKL &P 91 C, St. Ife&rTtts C., St. L. A fltts. pf.. SS C. ft Northwestern. ...1C5V C.A Northwestern, pf. .... Col. Coal ft Iron 27 Del., L. &V XH Del. ft Hudson PenverftKloG 16M Denver ft Bio G.. pr... JIM E.T.. Va.ftGa E.T.,Va, ftGa.lstpr .... K. T., Va. ftGa. 2dpf. .... Illinois Central 110?, Like Erie ft Western.. 133 , Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 37Ji Lake Shore ft M. 8. ...102 Lonlsvllleft Nashville. 63 Michigan Central 87 Mobile ft Ohio 10 Mo., K. ftTexas 13 High- Low est, est. ? h SI 81 saw 63 97K 96 17M 16V 94K 93tf 664 65H 104H 103)? Siii 92 10J4 135 1055J 138 26 iXH 1123, 16H 44 95 68 22 1I1W 185 S7K ,02 87 10 13 70M 107X 23 li KH 72 42 43 V 16 5U4 I6J, 6144 22i 4" 33K ;36 23 44H 180 26 80S 30 85 98K 22H 56 Si 110V 2054 6l Mi MJa 88 66M H 44M 18K S'H 102 em St 9 13 70 107K 2S) 88U 102T, 64M 87 10 13 -T0K 107?, 23; Missouri Pacific 70K New iork Central.. ...10744 . Y.. L.E. ft W 2SJJ " X., V. SSI. Li n. ., o. & st. l. nr. J.Y., C. &St.L.2dnf .... N.YftN. E 42X i. Y., O. ft W 16J Norfolk ft Western Norfolk ft Western, pi 60K Northern Padfln 43WT 16 42K 16 SIM 60X em ii" 22H 21ft 3ii " --37 37 44 44M niH I804 205, 26 80V 794? 32 32 99" 985s ii'H iSJi 20) ioii Nortnern Pacific pref. 61 Ohio ft Mlsslcalnni. . 218 Oregon Improvement. Oreson Transcon PacificMail Peo. Dee. A Kvana ivi 37 Phlladel. ft Heading.. 44K Pullman Palace Car ..181K Richmond ft W. P. T.. 26H Richmond A W.P.T.pf 7jJ St. Paul ft Dulutu 32 St. Paul ft Duluth pf.. .. . St. p., Minn. 4 Man... 99 St.L. 4 San Fran St. L. ft San Kran pf.. Wi St. L. ft.SanF.lst pf.. ... Texas Pacific S0 UnlonPaclflc Mi Wabash 131 Wabash preferred 26Ji Western Union 85 Wheeling ft L. E 66S Ex-dlvldend. BOSTON STOCKS. A Strong Opening, Followed by a Dnll and Qniet Dny. Boston, April 10 The local market was quite strong this morning, owing to the favora ble influence exerted by the Improvement in Wall street, but later In the day the market was quiet and scarcely np to the best point of wo morning. Atch. ft Toe. 1st 7s. lis A.tT. LandGr't7s.l06 Atch.ftTop.B.K... 41K Boston A Albany.. .214 Boston ft Maine. ....170 C.. B. 4 93 Clnn. San. ft Clare. 24j Eastern R. R 81 Eastern R. it. 6s 125K Flint A PereM 26 FUntftTereM. trd. 97 Mexican Cen. com.. 13H M. C, IstMort. bds. 6SK . Y. AewKng... 43 N. Y.&N. E.7S....127 Ogd.L.Cham,com. 8 Old colony 172 Rutland preferred.. 37 WU.central.com... 16)4 UIouezM'gCo.(new 1 Calumet A Hecla....213 FranKiin 10. Osceola UZ Pewablc (new) 3.55 Bell Telephone 22s ' Boston Land 6H Hater Power 6U Tamarack 120 San Diego 23 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of iilladelphla stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked- Pennsylvania Railroad MK 54V Reading Railroad 22 5-18 &H Rufialo, Pittsburg and Western 117b 12 Lehigh Valley 533 53 Lehigh Navigation SIX SIM Philadelphia and Erie 29 U. Co.'s New Jersey 232H Northern Pacific 26) 26 Northern Pacific preferred 61)4 6144 CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND 8MITHFIELD ST. Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of $500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, 523,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. CALLERY President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh2S9-TTS THE FREEHOLD BANK, -No. 410 Smithfield St. t f'APiTAT.. .... fiinnnnnnn. -" ' DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest mb22-95-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. Ttfl ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of 51,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-i No. 124 Fourth avenue. A PERFECT sinXrsBi miig a purely Vegetable I Compound that exnels salt bad humors from the S system. Removes blotch- 'es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-5S jas. unra & bro., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IRON ' WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. i e5-55-TTS Established 1849. Telephone Call 107a. PRANK J. GUOKERT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE. STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, Doors, Wainscoatlng, Ceilings and Hard Wood Work of every description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and Furniture of Special Design. Drawings and Estimates furnished on application. Office an 1 factory, Nos. 6S and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts burg. Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hl00-TTS bTEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT & SONS, General agents, 807 Walnut st. Philadelphia. Full Information can be bad ef J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESER, bit! Smithfield street. mhlS-66-TTS NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. 8s.Ia.hn.Apr. 10.1P.K. I SiAller. Apr. 17, 7 A. K 8s.EIbe.Apr.13i 3 pm. Ss.Werra. Apr.24, 9 A. M S:Eider.Apl6.6.3UAM Ss.Saale.Apr. 24, 1 P. M. First Cabin, Winter rates, from 575 upward. , MAX SCHAMBERQ & CO., Agents, Pitts, burg. Pa. OELRICHS & CO., 3 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D -WNABD LINE. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA OUEENS IOWN, FROM PIER 40 NORTH RIVER. FAST EXPRESS"MA1L SERVICE. Gallia, Apr. 10, 1 r MlEtrurla, Apr. 27. 3 P M Umbria, Apr. 13, 3 P MlAurania. May 4, 8:30 A u Servia. Apr. 20, 9AM!Gallla, May 8, 11 A M Bothnia, Apr. 24, 1 P Ml Umbria, May It, 2:3Qpu Cabin passage, (60, (SO and (100; Intermediate 3. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of urope at very low rates. VERNON H. BROWN ft CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. 3. MCCORMICK-Agent. i ourth ave. and Smlthflcla St., Pittsburg. ap2-S4-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin ' and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage I3S and (S3, according to location of stateroom. Excursion (63 to 890. Steerage to and from Europe, at Lowest Rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO., General Agents, 53 Broadway, New York. J. J. MeCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. 3B&12-9 Blood Ponfler. DOMESTIC MARKETS. A Surplus of New York and Shortage of Good Ohio Cheese. BUTTER VERY ACTIYE, EGGS QUIET Hay and Oats Snpply Below Demand Corn and Feed Go Slow. BEIGHT PE0SPECTS F0K LUMBER OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, Wednesday, April 10. 18S9. S Country Prodnce Jobbing; Prices. Though trade gives no signs of booming, a more hopeful feeling prevails with merchants. The old stock of fruit and vegetables is being worked off for what it will bring. Soon "all things will become new." Another week or two will wind up last season's products. Fann ers and dealers will then sum. up losses and turn their faces to the future in the hope that nature will not be so bountiful tbe coming sea son as last. Butter Is in active demand. Eggs are quiet. Next week being the windup of Easter, the customary drop in eggsis expected to follow, and dealers are already making preparations for tbe decline. There is a sur plus of New Yprk cheese and a shortage of Ohio in this market. Prices rule about the same for good Ohio cheese as New York. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2829c; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021cj country rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2829c Beans Choice medium, SI 90: choice peas, 2 05215. Beeswax 2830o $) lb for choice; low grade, 1820c. Cider Sand refined, $6 07 50; common, 3 504 00; crab cider. $8 0OS 50 ? barrel; elder vinegar, 1012c ?1 gallon. Cheese Qhlo cheese, fall make, 12lZc; New York, fall make, 1212Kc: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 11K12C Dbied Peas SI 261 35 $1 bushel; split do, 2?3ic V ft- J Eggs ll12c 9 dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, SI o02 00 $! barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c fl ft: cranberries, J8 00 ft barrel; S3 402 60 per bushel; strawberries, 50c a quart. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do.. 404345c; mixed lots, 3035c f ft. Hominy 82 652 75 ffl barrel. Honey New crop, 1017c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, S035ofl bushel; J2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 60 for Jer- S6V SW6fitS Poultry Live chickens, 7580c ,1R pair; dressed chickens, lS15c 9 pound; turkeys, 18 20c, dressed, bound; ducks, live, 80685c 1 pair; dressed, li14c jf) pound; geese, 1015c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Jhs to bushel. SS i) busnel; clover, large English. 62 Its, 6 25; clover, Alslke, S3 60; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, $1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 20: orchard grass, 14 lbs, S2 00; red top, 14 lbs, SI 00: millet, 50 lbs, SI 25; German millet, 50 lbs, S2 00; Hungarian grass. 48 lbs, S2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per lb. Taixow Country, 4x5c; city rendered, 5&5Mc TboficaTj Fbuits Lemons, fancy, S3 50 4 00 box; common lemons, $2 75 ft box; Mes sina oranges, S3 0P4 00 Ifl box; Florida oranges. S4 505 00 V t! Valencia oranges, fancy, 85 50 7 00 case: Malaga grapes, SO 00010 00 $3 per keg; bananas, $2 60 firsts; SI 60, good seconds. $1 bnncb; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 $J hundred: new figs, 10llo if pound; dates, 5 6Kcf pound. ' Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, SI 502 00 hundred: new cabbage, $2 0OQ2 50 f) crate; onions. 5075c jfl tjanel; onion sets, fancy Enes, S3 253 50; Jerseys, S2 753 00; Western, S2 602 75; turnips, 25 EOc f) bushel. Groceries. Coffee options have advanced 50 points in New York this week, and all signs point to an other rise in packages. Sugars are again ad vanced and are firm enough to go up still higher. General groceries are unchanged. ( Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair RIo, 1819c; old Government Java. 27c; Maracalbo, 22023c; Mocha, 30K11Kc; Santos,;i922c; Caracas coffee, 20K c; peaberry, Rio, 2i23c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c: high grades, 2b28ci old Government Javaj bulk, 32K33Xc;,Maracaibo,27H28c; Santos, 2224c; peaDerry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25Hc; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22c srdmary, 21Kc. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nntmeg, 7080c Petboleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. B0, 8Kc: water white, 10Kc; globe, 12c; elalne, 15o; carnadine, HKc; royaline, lie. Sybups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, S338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;strict ly prime, 3335c; hew maple syrup, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 48c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3X4c; bi-carb in 3s, 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, ljc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearirib, per set, 8Kc; paraffinc, ll12c- ' Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kcj choice, 6Ji 7c; prime, 5Ji5Vc; Louisiana, B6Kc Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch. 53$7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London 'layers, S2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels; SI 85: Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 435c; Turkey prunes, new, 4Q5c; French prunes, 8K13c: Salonlca prunes, In 2 lb packages, 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12k15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna tigs, 12K 16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per lb, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, S1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, Sliced, per lb, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6j6J5c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lbc; peaches, evaporated, pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Kc: blackberries, 78c; huckle berries. 1012c SUGABS Cubes, 8SKc; powdered, 8 8c; granulated, S;sc; confectioners' A, itaoc; sranuaru a.bc; soitwnues, yellow, choice. 7KK79sc: yellow, eooi j"OIlutv, tun, uu, jciiun, IMlft, imv. Pickles Medium, bbls. (L20O), 54 50; me diums, half bbls (GOO), S2 75. Salt-No. 1 $ bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, W bbl, $1 05; dairy, B bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, f bbl, SI 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 SO; Higgln's Eureka, 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaenes, SI 30 1 00; lids, 51 301 35: extra peaches, SI 601 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. SI 0Ol 50: Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl GO; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 40 1 50; Bahama do, S2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears. S2 501 do greengages, 2 00; do egg plums. 52 00: extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 21bs, 90c; raspberries, SI 1501 40; strawberries. SI 10;. gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon. 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, SOc; suc cotash, 2-S cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2tts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 59: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 lb, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic li", S4 154 50; sardines, domestic Ks, SS 258 50: sardines, imported, is, Sll 5012 50; sardines, imported, s. SIS 00; sardines, mustard, $1 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25. Fish Extra No.-1 bloater mackerel, $36 fl bbl.: extra No, 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extraNo.ldo.messed.S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c $1 ft.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake, in str'ps, 6c; do George's cod in blocks. 67c Herring Hound shore S5 00 bbl.; split, $7 00; lake S2 50 100-fti half bbl. White fish, $7 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, So 50 ft half bbL Finnan hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ft lb. Buckwheat Flour 2J2? ft Jb. Oatmeal SC 306 60 M bbl. ' Miners Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flonf nnd Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 21 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of e. corn, 1 of feed, 2 of flour, 1 of barley, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Ene, 1 car of corn, 2 of wheat, 1 of flour, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St Louis, 1 car of straw, 2 of hay, 1 of flour, 4 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 csr of flour. There was but one sale on call, viz., a car of coarse w. w. bran, 512 50, 10 days. Tbe demand for hay and oats continues very active, and prices have taken an upward turn, as will be seen by our quotations below. Corn and mill feed remain in tbe old ruts. The flour drift is toward greater ease, and buyers pursue the hand to mouth policy. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 98 99o; No. 3 red. 88091c .,,..... (.1. AT., n.llnn. 1ia1 fTTV.. "- Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 39$40c: high mixed ear. 30&iskjc; noiyeiiow, sneuea, xxaMc: No. 2 jellow, shelled, 37K3bc; bleb mixed, shelled. 3737c: mixed, shelled, 3536c Oats No. 2 white, 3333Uc; eitra.No. 3, 32 32Kc; No. 3 white,. S030&c: No. 2 mixed, 23 Rye NO. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2, 5556c da, 85S8c; No. 3 Canada, 7072cfLake Shore, xaouc . Floub Jobbing prices, winter natents. S6 CO g6 25; spring patents, S6 256 50: winter straight, S5 255 60; clear winter, $4 755 00; straight XXXX bikeis'. U eol;75, Bre floor, ft oa MrLLFEES Middlings, fine white, S15 00 16 00 ft ton; brown middlings. $12 0012 50; winter wheat bran, S13 00QI3 50; chop feed, S15 00Q16 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, S15 E016 00; No.l do, S14 25314 60; No. 2 do. S13 0013 00: loose from wagon. 818 002U 00; No. 1 upland prairie. $10 0010 25; No. 2, S8 008 50; packing do. $5 506 50. Straw Oats. S8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 5008 00. Provision. Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8Kc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Jc: sugar cured dried beef sets, Bici sugar-cured dried beef rounds, llljc: bacon shoulders, TKc; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8c: dry 6altshouluers,6c;drysaHclearsides,7c Mess pork, heavy, S14 00; mess pork, family, S14 50L Lard Refined In tierces, TOjc: half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 201b pails, 7c: 50-ft tin cans, 79c: 3-B tin palls, 8c; 5-lb tin palls, 7c; 10-B tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, Sc;large, 5c Fresh porlclinks. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel, H 00; quarter barrel. SI 90. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 650 lbs, 5Kc;550to6o01b9,6Kc;6o0to750Ib3,6Kc Sheep, 7)jc ft lb. Lambs, 8Jc ft ft. Hogs, 6&c Fresh pork loins, 9c Lnmber. An active trade in pine and hemlock lumber is reported. It is too early in the seasonforthe hard wood trade to boom. Poplar has ad vanced in price because of its growing popu larity for inside finish and porch columns. Clear poplar gives as good satisfaction in these lines as pine, and prices are much lower. Lum ber dealers are happy over tbe bright building prospects for the coming season, the brightest for many years, they say. Walnut Is again growing into popular favor, after a few years' retirement by the fashionable world. PINK UNPLANED YARD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per M f53 0rj55 CO Select common boards, per M 30 CO Common boards peril 20 00 bheathln ' 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 00(3S7 00 Shingles, No.l, Win. peril 00 bhlngles, Ho. 2, 18 In. per M. 37S Lath 200 rLANED. Clear boards, per M. f 6000 Surface boards 80 0033 00 Clear, -lnch beaded celling 28 00 Partition boards, peril 33 00 Floorlntr, No.l 30 00 Flooring, No.2. 2S0O Yellow pine flooring 30 C0K 00 "Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding, K-lnch 20 00 BARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 In S30 0040 00 Black walnut, green.log run 3rj0rgo0 00 Mack walnut, dry, log run 60 00(375 00 Cherry t. 65 OO07S 00 (xreen white oak plant, 2 to 4 in 20 00(5)25 00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 41n 2100(f25 00 Dry white oak boards, tin 1 20 00(323 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 20 0025 00 West Va. yellow pine, IK Inch 25 00(330 00 West Va. yellow poplar, Xtolln 25 00330 00 Hickory, 1)4 to 3 fn 18 0025 0O Hemlock building lumber, peril 1300 Bank rails .. 14 00 Boat studdtnz 14 00 Coil car plant 20 00 HARD WOODS-JOBBING PKICE3. Aih, 1 to4 in f 00(330 00 Black walnut, green, log run 45 00350 00 Black walnut, dry, log run 30 0OSH5 00 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 17 00(3)20 00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 18 00320 00 Dry white oak boards, 1 In 19 OOSflO 00 West Va. yellow pine, lln ISOOaMOO West Va. yellow pine, lk in 19 00322 00 WestVa. yellow poplar, Ktolln IS 00325 00 Hickory, 1) to 3 & 18 00(322 on Hemlock building timber, fill 100012 00 Bunk rails , 14 00 Boat studding..... 14 00 Coal car plank 13 00 LATE NEWS IN BKIEP. Frank Cushman, who ten years ago disap peared with $22,000 belonging to the Merchants' National Bank of Providence, R. L, has been captured at Denver. Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated $355,600. as follows: Registered 4s, $158,800 at 129. and $200,000 at 129, ex-Interest; coupon 4s, $6,300 at 129: registered 4Ks. $500 at 108. All were accepted except the $200,000 registered 4s. The directors of the Wheeling and Lata Brie road met in New York yesterday and de clared the regular quarterly dividend ofl per cent on tbe preferred stock. The transfer books close on the 25th inst., and the dividend is payablo May 15. The orders for the Richmond to proceed from tbe mouth of tbe La Platte river. South America, to Samoa have been countermanded and the work on the Adamsnow at Mare Island, and which was also to have gone to Samoa, will not be pushed with such expedition. At Chicago Jndge Prendergast yesterday morning found William Wilson guilty of Inter ferintrwlth the Judges and clerks of election in tbe Eighth precinct of the First ward, and sen tenced him to SOO days in the county jail. His offense was stealing the ballots after they had been counted. John G. Thompson, the missing postal clerk of Colnmbus, who left Detroit suddenly Monday night wnen he learned that the author ities knew of his whereabouts, is now at tbe British American Hotel, in Windsor, Canada. The penalty for his alleged crime Is from one to ten years in the penitentiary. Tbe directors of the First National Bank of Anoka. Minn., claim that the amount of Cashier Pratt's deficit will not be more than one-fifth the sum first reported. President Ticknor says the total amonnt is not enough to seriously embarrass the bank, and that he feels sure every depositor will be paid in full. The Bank Examiner ltlll at wore Tbejuryin the case of Libbie Beechler, who killed Henry W. King, Jr., In the Paxton House at Omaha, Neb., a few months age re turned a verdict of not guilty yesterday. The defense was Insanity. The defendant lived with King in Chicago, and when he married and came to Omaha to live she followed him and shot him in tBe hall of the hotel. The Commandant of tbe Norfolk navy yard has reported to Secretary Tracy that the Pensacola is floated and has not been strained. The accident will not cause over a week's de lay in the work of repairing. This report was received at the department in answer to a tele gram of inquiry from Secretary Tracy, who had beard a rumor that the vessel was serious ly Injured, and that the sinking might easily have been prevented by stopping tbe valve holes. Light snows and no heavy rains during the past winter have resulted in the most remark able drouth this spring that the lumber woods of Upper Michigan have ever experienced, and over 1.000,000.000 of logs, banked and ready to be floated to tbe mills below, are hnng np be cause there is not enough water in the streams to float them. Heavy and continued rains alone will be able to rescue this winter's cut, and thus keep the mills running the season through. Calvin S. Montague, of Michigan, has been appointed a member of the Board of Pension Appeals of the Interior Department by trans fer from the Pension Bureau. Tobe Heret; of Indiana, has been appointed a special agent of the Indian Bureau to investigate the Indian depredation claims. William T. Ford, of the District of Columbia, has been anpolnted a chief of division in the Pension Office, vice C. R. Faulkner, resigned. Mr. Ford has been a cleric in the Interior Department since 1848. and was for several years chief of the division to which he has been re-appointed. The snitof F. P. Primrose, of Chicago, formerly in the wool business in this city, against the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, for $23,000 damage, is in progress In the United States Circuit Court at Philadelphia. The snitistbe outcome of an error in a dis patch sent from this city to Primrose's agent in Kansas, in June. 18S8. The dispatch was m cipher, and Intended to say that they bad purchased all the wool that was wanted. The change of a letter made the dispatch say "buy." The agent purchased about 500,000 pounds, of wool before the order was cor rected. Treasury Agent Simmons and his assistants spent several hours yesterday in the art rooms of Allard & Son, Fifth avenue. New York, whose smuggling operations have kept tbe cus tom house officials so busy of late. What this morning's search revealed Mr. Simmons re fused to state, but that there have been Im portant developments In the case of late is cer tain. He says the case looks darker against Allard it Son as the Investigation proceeds, and he deplores tbe fact that one of the firm Is not within reach of the United States law. It will be weeks before the case is f nlly investi gated. Theodore and Jacob Hnebler. brothers, en gaged In tbe grocery business in Chicago, were seriously stabbed in a desperate encounter with burglars. Looking across tbe street from their store, they saw three men trying to pry open tbe money drawer in Myer's bakery. No one was In tbe room but tbe burglars. The grocers, wbo are courageousand powerful men. rushed in and grappled with two of the intru ders. The other came to his companions' as sistance, and by tbe liberal nse of knives thev soon released themselves. They then clashed through a small crowd that had assembled and escaped. The trial of the noted Indian chief. Jack Spaniard, for the murder of Deputy United States Marshal William Irwin was begun In Ft, Smith, Ark., yesterday. One of the first GoVerment witnesses called was a mongrel dog, Ratler by name. Tbe Government attempted to prove that Ratler was the prisoner's dog; Having been seen in the nelgborbood of the spot where the murder was committed. The defendant denied ever having seen the animal, but the doc's affectionate greeting to his old master made him a dangerous witness. The animal plckod him out of ST crowd and wagged his tail with great vigor. Pearl Younger, a daughter of the noted Belle Btarr and Cole Younger, toe Kansas desperado, Is witness in aocwe. rj Vj PM r I am satlsfleu tnat Canter u hereditary In ray" family. My father died of it, a sister of mf mother died of It, and my own sister died of it. My feelings may be imagined, then, when the) horrible disease made its appearance oa my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating is- ' wardly in such a way that it could not be ens' out. Numerous remedies were used for it, bus the Cancer grew steadily worse, until ltseemed that I was doomed to follow the others of tha family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from the first day, forced out tbe poison and con tinn-d its nse until I nad taken several bottles, when I found myself well. 1 know that S. 8. 8. cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol. Wotstos, N. C. Nov. 28, '88. Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Disease. Tbe Swtft Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. fel-7-TTS The Deer Creek and S usque hanna R. R. Co First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds. PRINCIPAL DUE 1919. INTEREST PAYA? BLE JULY 1 AND JANUARY I, IN BALTIMORE. MERCANTILE TRUST AND DEPOSIT COt OF BALTIMORE. TRUSTEE. Issue, SCOO.OOQ. Principal and interest guar anteed by the Maryland Central Railway Co. This bond is a first mortgage on IS miles of road now under construction from Belair, M(L connecting with the Maryland Central Railway Co., to Stafford. Md. The Marvland Central Railway Co., Baltimore to Delta. Pa. (45 miles), was reorganized in December. 1888, and is now on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous business. The York and Peach Bottom Railroad Co., York, Fa., to Peach Bottom (40 miles), has been acquired by the Maryland Central Rail way Co., making a system of 101 miles, which) will be operated by the Maryland Central Rail' way Co. t We recommend these bonds as a desirable In vestment, and off er a limited amount for sale alt 95 per cent and accrued interest, subject to ad Vance in price. REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 423 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ap9-72-D D I1TC ILES STMPTOMS-MoUU re; Intense Itching and tinging?; mot at night) worie by fteraicaugw J i al lowed to continue tumor form aad ITfUIHC PII CQ prtinBde,whIeh often 1 1 uiiiinaa ibLUtDi .!i and nlcerfite. B n4VMm!ny Vt mpa. S WAYNE'S OlAT. MKNT BtJVMtliMttMlilMVBiirfhlivdln. heala ulceration, and la most ease removes tbe to mors. SirArsssOprnicrrlJfoIdbT'drDssUu.ormailedto uy address oa receipt of price, 50 eu. a box ; 3 boxM, f L2S Aiditss letters. DC SWA TNE SOV. PblUdelpbis. Ps- WHOLESALE H0USL ' JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week In SITiKS, PLTJSHSS, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclusively fe22-r83-D BROKERS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN pbtbolbtxm: Oil bought and sold on margin. deJ7-21-Dsn WHITNEY & STEPHMS0& 47 FOURTH AVE2TTJE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THBOUQH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ao2S-x7o . 3 - MEDICAL. J DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PZNN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devotins special attention to all chronic diseases. Front SSSr" NO FEE UNTIL CURED 'MFRVni IQ ana mental diseases, physical; llLn V UUO decay.nervousdebility.lackott energy, amoition ana nope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfnlness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN semM- blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbe system. 1 1 R I M A R V kidney and bladder derange U II 1 1 1 M n 1 1 ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 A. sr. to 8 p. M. Sunday, 10 A. Jf. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER,S30 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31K-DSuwk. WHAT IS MONEY WITHOUT HEALTH, Health, Energy and Strength secured by urln AMORASDA WAFERS. These wafers are a guaeasttid SPECIFIC and the only reliable anc safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impotency, no matter how long standing, Nervous Xeuralsia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the usa alcohol or tobacco. Sleeplessness, Mental Depress, ion. Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Prematura Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harraasing Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes for 14X0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we wilf give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAXi INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING fe SON. 412 Market Street, Pitts' burgh. Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all communi cation should be addressed. mh31-DSU HARE'S REMEDY V( iuvui iucviks mu vrurtr ibises iu wiov days, and cures in fire days. Price SI 001 at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE, juiS-TTS3U 4i JiuKet .reec MEN ONLY a posrrivjs cutust For LOST or Calling Weakness of Body 4 Jllnd. Lack of Strength, Vigor and De velopment, caused bv Errors, Zi cesses, 4c Book. JIODK of 8SLT-TRIATMIXT. sod Froofj mailed r.iiui. rA a.,...... irr?riir uvmn&l. r,v ,tn tcu uc;. AUU.G . ... .......j. .vrt Duujua. .a. . N. Y. deS-37-TTSAwk WEAK ADYtCSmS. BOW TO ACT. .lTri.imi.il V ii ririfnlTT ! t . 0a alEW p mMarDecliiiaiKlPiisctlanAldlior StronQ l SMiaaTrmiMKntrrtton Application. d-i5 .sxwTrtr TO WEAKHFM manhood etc. I wiit etui & fftxfferfBf? frost tin sr fects orjoat&fol er NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS i NOTIONS. inssaniite 3 I! y 4 i 4 -