Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 11, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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-VJV' t.
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VoL 44, S.o. 63 Entered at Pittsburg Tostoflce,
November 14, 1887, as second-class matter.
Business Office 07 and. 00 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and. Publishing House 75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the daily edition of
The Dispatch for aix mouths ending April
1, 1SS9,
Copies per lune.
Average rircnlation of tho Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for march, 1SS9,
Coplea per issue.
DAILT DISPATCH. One Year t 8 00
Daily DlbPATCH, Per Quarter 2 00
Daily Dispatch, One Month TO
Dailt DisrATCH, Including Sunday, one
year WOO
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter 2 50
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one
month 90
Sunday Dispatch, one year 2 GO
eeklt Dispatch, one year 1 25
The Daili DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at
U cents per week, or Including the Sunday edition,
at SO cents per w ect
The point brought out in an interview
with George Shiras, Esq., on the necessity
of nsing the right of eminent domain, in
favor of smaller corporations, as against the
larger, is interesting and important at
The case which he cites is a typical one;
bat a more prominent example is afforded
by the experience of the Junction road in
trying to cross the Allegheny Valley Bail
road yards. For the purpose of preventing
the competing lines from reaching the man
ufacturing establishments above Forty-third
street, new tracks were laid by the insolvent
corporation. "When it came to getting the
Junction road across that yard, it was found
that the law which permits one railroad to
cross the main tracks of another, would not,
as construed by the courts, permit it to
cross the other's freight yards.
Such incongruities should be remedied
by law; and if Mr. Shiras bill will afford
the adequate cure, it is to be hoped that it
will not remain shelved in committee.
Mr. "Wherry's resolution providing for
the investment of the State sinking fnnds,
in United States bonds, was reported fa
vorably yesterday. Of the general purpose
of the resolution, to prevent the sinking
funds from lying idle in the treasury, there
can be no criticism. But the telegiaphio
abstracts of the resolution create the im
pression that it is defective in failing to
give authority to invest the funds in State
bonds, also. Possibly this point is provided
for, in which case the resolution is unex
ceptional; but if not the amendment should
be made. It is a cogent principle that for
a State's funds there can be no better in
vestment than its own bonds. At the pres
ent quotations the State fives yield, we be
lieve, about a 34 per cent investment,
while Government bonds yield but little
over 2 per cent interest. So long as these
prices retain this relative position all the
State bonds offering should be purchased.
It is right to say that the funds must be put
into some interest-bearing security, but to
put them into the one yielding the least on
the investment would be a mistake only
less in degree than to keep them idle alto
The petition presented in the License
Court yesterday, before the hearing of the
application for license to sell liquor at
wholesale, contains matter which deserves,
and will be sure to receive, attention from
His Honor, Judge "White. In the course of
the hearing of the retail cases a week or
two ago a well-known attorney asserted that
there was more liquor being sold by men
without license than by the licensed saloon
keepers in this county. This was a grave
statement; and it appears to be corrobo
rated, in a great degree, by the Department
of Public Salety in its petition.
The charges against some of the brewers,
distillers and wholesale dealers, as pre
sented by the city authorities, are that
liquor has freely been sold by them to men
Without license; that liquor has been de
livered to suspicious places, such as unoc
cupied houses, river craft, cigar stores and
disorderly houses; that the packages have
been marked deceptively, and that liquor
has been sold in small quantities to any ap
plicant without question. As the city offi
cials point out, these infractions of the law
are fruitful of a general disregard of its
provisions among the people. They must
be stopped.
It must be made plain that any wholesale
liquor merchant who indulges in such
practises will be liable to have his license
revoked, and to bs made ineligible to hold
license again. Doubtless the License Court
will make this very clear to the parties con
cerned. A TBAXSmoK PERIOD.
The published report to the English ad
miralty showing that the English vessels
of the class which has been copied in sev
eral of our new vessels, possess serious de
fects, corroborates an argument that The
DISPATCH has frequently presented in re
gard to naval construction. That is that, in
dealing with vessels that are evidently in a
transition stage, it will be wisdom and
economy to build, at the most, one of a class
until the most effective form of war vessels
is fully settled. It will serve the purposes
of this nation if we supply ourselves with
swift, unarmored cruisers, and adequate
means of harbor defense, until the enduring
type of heavy fighting ships is fully fixed.
The success which seems to attend on the
experiments with dynamite cruisers, sug
gests also that it may well to give American
ingenuity some scope in developing the new
ideas of naval warfare.
The Legislature of the State of Delaware
has tackled a subject which might tax the
statesmanlike powers of the law-givers of
much larger States. It has under consid
eration a law to forbid runaway marriages,
and indicates its intention to stop the elope
ments to which the lovers of that small
Commonwealth have been prone.
"We do not wish to discourage laudable
ambition to accomplish a taskin legislation
which has hitherto proved impossible; but
the Delaware statesmen should remember,
in treating of a force that has for ages
.laughed at locksmiths, they will be likely
to turn their own law into a subject for the
derision of love and the eloping couples.
V the propensity to brave the anger of the
proverbial stern parent is irresistible, what
An added zest there will be to the fact that
lovers can snap their fingers at the law as
well, and seek safety from its penalties in
the placid seclusion of Philadelphia. Penn
sylvania and New York could not prohibit
elopements unless they adopted some legis
lative project for infusing iced milk or some
such cold liquid into the veins of the youth
of the land. How much less could legisla
tion of that sort be effective in a State where
an evening's drive or a half hour's ride on
the cars will carry the fugitive lovers be
yond the border.
The Delaware Legislature should tackle
something simple and easy. It might try
to persuade the Delaware river to flow to
ward the sea with a rapidity that would be
perceptible, or even put a restraint upon
the wild imagination of the peach crop liar;
but it will not be able to prevent lads and
lasses from eloping, when the disturbed
course of true love indicates that path to
marriage, while youthful human nature
retains its present impulses.
That Mr. Carnegie has been very success
ful in stirring up the Pennsylvania Bail
road, is amply proved by the cross-fire of
attacks on him. These appear to come
from various sources, but bear the mark of
railroad influence in being mainly in
sinuations against Mr. Carnegie's motives.
Such attacks are very evidently foreign to
the vital issue, which is the question
whether Pittsburg's industries are discrim
inated against, as Mr. Carnegie -asserts, and
-as no one yet has disputed.
It is rather interesting, though, that the
idea which suggested itself to The Dis
patch at the opening of the discussion; has
just struck some person in Kef York whose
elaboration of the thought was telegraphed
to a city cotemporary yesterday. The idea
was with reference to the difference between
Mr. Carnegie's attitude in this fight and the
stories concerning his. course in the South
Penn fiasco. At the time The Dispatch
referred to this point, it had some cogency
as bearing on the sincerity and permanence
of Mr. Carnegie as a fighting factor. Now
Mr. Carnegie has met that point in a gen
eral denial over his own signature, as all
his allegations in this matter are made,
against which anonymous repetitions of the
old story can have no standing with the
public Beyond that Mr. Carnegie has
shown that he is in the fight for the public
interest, to stay there till he wins. On that
basis old 'issues are not pertinent. The
question is whether we shall do what is
possible to secure Pittsburg and "Western
Pennsylvania their rights; and the public
answer to it has been practically unani
mous. The only reply to the real issue, which
we have seen from the railroad side, is an
editorial in the Philadelphia Telegraph.
That journal being a semi-official organ of
the Pennsylvania Bailroad, it might be ex
pected to put the railroad side in its best
form; and with that expectation the actual
replv is amusing. It is comprised in the
following extract:
If the great iron and steel master had bnt
gone to the fountain-head of railroad statistics
in this conntrv. to wit Poor's Manual he
would have seen that for the years 1885. 1SS6 J
anaiu taere ueing ut oinciai ugurcs siuco
presented the tables of earnings, expenses and
profits per mile very clearly set forth that the
average rates of the Pennsylvania Company, in
stead of being so much greater than its alien
rivals, as stated by him, were for all those
years, with the single exception of those of
the Erie for 1886, really less.
Bless your sonl, dear Philadelphia co
temporary, that is what the industrial inter
ests are complaining of. The figures for 1888
have been published, by the way in the
last report of the company and the
contrast between the low average rate and
the high rates charged the local industries,
and especially the iron industries, is the
very meat of the indictment. The average
rate per ton per mile on the Pennsylvania
Bailroad, in 1888, ras 63-100e, on which
there was a profit of 24-100c. The coke,
iron ore and pig iron, which constitute
chief items of Pittsburg freights, are among
the cheapest freights hauled. They are
loaded by shippers and unloaded by re
ceivers, hauled in the cheapest cars, and
are the least subject to loss. Under all
rules of classification, such a traffic counted
by hundreds of ""millions of ton-miles,
should be rated one-third below the average
rate, and would still be among the most
profitable freight that a railroad can get Is
it strange that shippers should complain at
being taxed from Jic per ton-mile on
such freights, in order to enable the rail
road company to carry through freights at
such a figure as to reduce the average to
half the charge on the freights of the
principal supporters of the Pennsylvania
It is this sort of thing that Pittsburg And
the manufacturers, workingmen and far
mers of the State are fighting; and it is this
sort of thing that the railroad managers
will, sooner, or later, have to abandon.
It is an interesting example of the aver
age free trade argument that is afforded by a
recent article in the Chicago Herald on re
duction of wages in the coal mines of this
section. It drifts into the allegation that
"the miner earns 1 cents for digging a
bushel of coal on which the owner rearjs 3
cents of protection," and asks the question :
"Will Carnegie be poorer in 1889 than his
miner?" It should be instructive to the
esteemed Herald to have some miner give it
the rather pertinent information in connec
tion with such allegations; first, that the
miners of the Monongahela Valley resumed
work this week at the old rate of 3 cents a
bushel for digging; second, that Mr. Car
negie does not, so far as any one in this sec
tion knows, own any mines in which the
miners are paid by the bushel; and, third,
that the coke works in which he is interested
have for the past year been paying 6 per cent
higher wages than their competitors. The
reduction which has just taken place simply
equalized the difference. The free trade
logic might be more forcible j.! it would pre
serve som,e sort of distant relationship with
the facts.
It ought to be comforting to the Ameri
can nation to know that the Hon. Ignatius
Donnelly has found somebody besides him
self to believe in. To be sure, the man
whom he has chosen to treasure his confi
dence is not of much account, namely,
Bishop, the mind reader. But even half a
man is better than none at all. Nor is it
wonderful that Mr. Donnelly should do all
in his power for Bishop, seeing that the
latter has definitely declared that Ignatius
has a mind. For some time we have been
under the impression that the gall of the
would-be annihilator of Shakespeare had
squeezed everything else, especially his rea
soning powers, out of Mr. Donnelly.
Mr. Donnelly says that Bishop's discov
ery of his mind is a proof to him of the im
mortality of the soul. He reasons that if he
possesses something that nobody but Bishop
and he can at this stage in the game locate,
to wit, a mind, therefore, to quote an intelli
gent writer in the Minneapolis Tribune, "it
is evidence direct to him that man has a
soul which is bound to exist, even when the
body that holds it dies." We confess we
fail to see the conclusiveness of Mr. Don
nelly's logic; hut we congratulate him all
the same on Mr. Bishop's discovery. If he
has been brought to believe in the immor
tality of the soul as well, so much the better
for him and so much the bigger advertise
ment for Mr, Bishop.
Perhaps, now that Mr. Bishop has located
Mr. Donnelly's mind, he will oblige the
public Tiy letting them know what that
peculiar machine thinks about the business
aspect of writing hocus-pocus books to prove
that Shakespeare's plays were written by
Bacon. It is generally believed that it is
not as profitable as body-snatching.
The fact that the Methodist ministers of
Chicago recently addressed a petition to the
President of the United States with the
superscription, "Hon. "W. H. Harrison,"
inspires a sinful paper of that city to -express
the fear that ."William Henry Harri
son can do nothing for them at "Washington.
"With "Fred Grant, "Walker Blaine and
Bobert Lincoln before their eyes the minis
ters may think otherwise. And they are
very confident that whatever the grand
father's address may be, he is in a position
to see the necessity of indorsing the min
isters. It may presently dawn upon the often
sively partisan Democratic papers that are
indulging in jeers because four of the Amer
ican war vessels have recently been cast
away, that they are jumping on the navy as
"Whitney left it.
Air interesting event appears to be prom
ised by the offer of the owner of alive
gorilla, in France, to back the animal to
fight any pugilist in the world; but it will
never come off. The pugilist will of course
at once file the objection that if he were put
face to face with the animals he would be
compelled to violate scientific rules by fight
ing. The gorilla, on the other hand!, would
be entitled to object to such a match on the
ground that evil associations corrupt good
The oil and wheat booms still continue to
linger in Jhe impenetrable shades of the
future. In faot there is reason to suspect
that the day of speculative booms is over,
pending the rise of a new generation of
It is rather amusing to hear that a trust
or combine has been formed to put up the
price of livers from the old rate of 10 cents
to the much more remunerative figure of 25
cents per pound. "We can hardly credit
this story from the fact that the esteemed
Chicago 2kTetcs, which gives an .editorial
statement of the fact, fails to denounce this
as one of the depraved results of a pro
tective tariff.
It is understood that a movement is on
foot among the Chinese to expel all Ameri
cans from that empire. That is an insult
which would call for screams from the
American eagle that is if the eagle had a
General Alger's presence, at a "White
House dinner the othernight, occasions some
comment Nevertheless, it must have been
very satisfactory to the President to have
Alger there. If he could compromise with
all the aspirants to Cabinet positions and
other high places at the rate of a dinner
apiece, he might count himself in great luok
and start an eating house. '
Mb. Btjssell Harrison appears to be
improving on FalstafTs position. He is
understood to say that if apologies were as
thick as office seekers he would not give one
upon compulsion unless he has to.
The remark of an applicant for wholesale
license yesterday that "Mr. Brown (of the
Department of Public Safety) Is meddling
too much in other people's business;" may
also voice the internal conviction of the whole
sale liquor dealers that the law is meddling
too much with their business. But that is
a way the law has, sometimes.
The powers interested in Samoa seem to
have taken the advice of The Dispatch
and come to the conclusion that one vessel
apiece is enough to keep at Samoa for the
sport of the Pacific hurricanes.
The work of killing by railroad accidents
goes on, if not by wholesale, at least in
jobbing lots. Four deaths was the total
from the accident in Illinois yesterday,
which most of the papers consider too com
monplace to call for a display head.
It seems to be stretching a point when the
St Lou's .Republic callsBoulangera "trage
dian." If that is what he is, where shall
we find our burlesque comedians?
The railroad coal interests appear, to be
coming to the wise conclusion that com
promise is better than conflict This prom
ises fewer empty flour barrels in, the miners'
houses and more full coal trains going "West,
than the other policy.
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett will sail
for England on May 1L She dearly loves the
Russell Harrison is the only member of
the President's family who has not been sick
since they became tenants ot the White House.
Miss Kate Field is lecturing against pro
hibition in Boston, and the Massachusetts W,
C T. U. has hired a ball for Mrs. Mary T.
Latbrop, of Michigan, to offset her efforts.
John Bbight's fine collection of pipes is to
be preserved. Tobacco lovers may justly say of
the eminent statesman that he smoked nearly
all his life and died without a cancer.
Mrs. Ann Lane, wife of Hiram Lane of
Bath county, Kentucky, died recently, aged 84
years. She was a cousin of Robert Burns, and
occasionally touched the magic string herself'
Hon. Ellis H. Roberts, of Utica, N. Y.,
who has just been appointed Assistant Treas
urer at New York, bears the distinction of be
ing the only Welshman ever elected to Con
gress. The new military post near Denver, Col.,
which has heretofore been known merely as
the "post near Denver," has been designated
Fort Logan," In honor of the memory of the
late General John A. Logan.
A conic opera by an American composer,
Mr. Robert Goldbeck, will soon be produced in
the rand drawing room of Devonshire Honse,
on Piccadilly, through the kindness of the
Duke. The piece is called "New York."
11ns. Louise CnANnT.nii Mnmimi ati f nr
"England on June 1, and will remain in London
until the close of "the season.'' She has fallen
into the way of summering In Europe of late
years, and the Bostonlans feel grieved thereat.
A St. Louis paper has been interviewing 500
Missouri women on politics. Miss Elizabeth
Harrison, of Rolls, says: "Notwithstanding
the present prominence of the family in the
Republican party, and despite the fact that I
call President Harrison Cousin Bon, I have
never strayed from the paths of righteousness.
I am a staunch Democrat"
Enough to Anger film. ,
From the Harrisburg Call. ;
It George Washington should by any means
accidentally learn of some of the arlstocratlo
things they intend to do at his centennial over
In New York, ho would likely appear in full
uniform, sword In hand, and forbid the whole
TboLengne ot Advance Agents Theatrical
GosaljH-Waraer Miller'- Health He
Hnd toIIaXe a Paiie-Tfae Lftud Talker.
Fob startling audacity Mr. Folk, advance
agent for that pleasing child actress Lydla
Thompson, is entitled, in the classic, phrase, to
take the biscuit
baid he yesterday: "When 1 get back to New
York next month I intend to start a union, a
league, or branch of the K. of L.. to contain no
body but theatrical advance agents. It will be
a beneficial order ot course, but especially
planned to protect the advance agent from
tyrannical newspaper men. When all the ad
vance agents in America are leagued together
they will get their rights. Any dramatic editor
or critic who declines to give every advance
agent who calls uppn him the best chair in the
office, a good cigar and an invitation to dine at
the swell restaurant of the town, will be boy
cotted by all members of the A. A. It, that Is,
the Advance Agents' League."
The poor advance agents have been in need
of some such protection for a long time.
It is a doubtful question which are the most
unsightly the glaring circus posters of "Jim the
Penman," or- the libelous lithographs of Miss
Minnie Maddern.
From the former one would gather that "Jim
the Penman" is a companion play to "The Dark
Secret" or some such tankatroclty, and because
of the latter It will be no wonder if a good
many people stay an ay from theGrand Opera
Honse under the Impression that Miss Mad
dern is a song and dance artist with scarlet
nair and a nose of excruciating redness.
Tho lithograph craze surely ought to abate
Talking of Miss Maddern, in the review of
"Caprice" in this paper on Tuesday morning,
an injustice was unintentionally aone to ur.
John Jennings. He was so very admirable in
the character of Jethro Baxter, an old farmer
of the type that Mr. Couldock has made so fa
miliar and so famous, that be deserved moro
than a passing word of pralBe. It is unfortunate
that he Is the only actor of ability Miss Mad
dern has to support her.
A gentleman who saw ex-Senator Warner
Miller last week in New York says that he is
looklngverymuch aged and broken in health.
It is unhealthy for a man to bo for any length of
time outside the breastworks, picturesque us
the position may appear to be.
A legislator lay one day.
As sick as others were of him,
"When Death came riding; by that way,
And shouted hoarsely: "Jim!" t
That was the sick man's name, yon see.
Said Death: "Jim, come along with me I"
The legislator looked aghast
And muttered: "Air. Speaker, 1
My vote 'gainst this proposal cast
If I wcren' t growing weak er 1
Would tell you 20 reasons why
It Is not right for me to die."
The white horse tramped upon the floor,
And Death repeated: "Jim, I can't
Afford with tu to parley more.
My time is growing scant
You'll travel on a pass, you know."
Jim smiled and whispered: "Then, I'll go."
Why is it that this man will persist in dis
cussing with aggravating minuteness the symp
toms of his liver complaint in such a tone that
the mixed audience of a railroad car cannot
but catch his every word, and that man will in
an equally generous voice proclaim the malign
traits of his mother-in-law in a popular restaur
ant? . This habit of loud talking is sufficiently com
mon in these parts to be a downright nuisance.
Some day a faithful reporter will take down
one of these private speeches delivered in
public and print it What a howl there would
be from the lond talker! but it would be just
his deserts. As the rhymester might express it:
Some men who nothing have to lay,
Think to Impress the crowd.
By shouting nothings all the day,
In accents harsh and loud.
A Lady's Nerxy Fei formance at the Smith
onlan Institution.
Washington, April 10. At the Smith
sonian Institution recently, while Captain
Weeden, the keeper, was standing in front of
the bear pit an elegantly-dressed woman, of
apparent refinement, approached, and, after
looking through the bars a few moments, ex
claimed impulsively: "How I would like to
hug that bear."
The Captain was astonished, bnt managed to
say: "Well, there's nothing to prevent it"
"But how Bhall I get in?" the visitor asked.
"Come with me."
Together they went to tho door at the side,
and withont a moment's hesitation or even a
loss of perfect composure, the lady followed
her guide into the pit Going baldly up to the
largest bear she patted him on the bead, to the
intense astonishment and admiration of the
Captain, who remarked. "Madam, you're the
nerviest woman in Washington," .
Thinking to teit her further. Captain
Weeden began to edge off toward the door,
but blsgnest had evidently read about the
traits of wild animals in captivity, and kept
close to the keeper's side, making her exit
safely in his company, and departing without
making herself known.
Governor Beaver Says the President Hat
Declared April 30 a Pnblle Holiday.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Harrisburg, April la Governor Beaver
has received numerous letters suggesting a
proclamation by him declaring the 30th of
April, the date of the New York centennial
celebration of the inauguration of Washing
ton, a legal holiday. The Governor is of the
opinion that no proclamation by him is neces
sary, as- by proclamation, under date of April
5, the President recites that the day has been
declared a general holiday by act of Congress,
and by proclamation recommends that the peo
ple of the United States do assemble in their
respective places of divine worship, to "im
plore the favor of God that the blessings of
liberty, prosperity and peace may abldo with
as as a people, and that His hand may lead us
in the paths of righteousness and good deeds."
And the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania of
April 2, 1873, enacts that any day appointed or
recommended bv the Governor of this State or
the President of the United States as a day of
fasting or thanksgiving, or for the general ces
sation of business, shall be regarded as a legal
Editor Unlstend Thinks Harrison Needs a
Bulldog and a Vacation.
From the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.
The President Is about to enjoy a few days'
recreation. He should not be followed by an
army of place-seekers, as the farmer with a
basket of corn is followed by a drove of hungry
and squealing swine. It is furthermore said
that a movement is on foot at Atlantic City to
build a handsome cottage to be reserved for
the use of the President and his family. If
the cottage is built and its use accepted, a high
fence should surround it and a bulldog be
posted at the front gate to receive the cards of
A Model Legislature.
From the St Paul Globe. 1
Three of the most important measures passed
by the Indiana Legislature have proved In
valid through defects and clerical blunders.
One of these was the adoption of high license
to the extent ot $250 in the cities and $150 in
Sad, bat Doubtless Trne.
From the if ew York Bun .1
We are pained to learn Tiy the latest advices
from Madrid that His Majesty the King of
Spain has taken to the bottle to express his
displeasure at the course of General Boulanger.
Rear Admiral T. H. Patterson.
WASHINGTON, April 10. Bear Admiral Thomas
H. Patterson, U. S. X., retired, died this morning
at his residence In this city from exhaustion, con
sequent upon a long illness Ills funeral will take
place to-morrow, and will be strictly private. Me
was 83 years of age.
Klin Geicr.
Little Etta, the bright yonng daughter Mrs.
Kate (J erst, of Allegheny, died at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. She had only been 111 for a few
dava. and the death was unAxnected. ThAtMi.i
-was B years of age and hideen suffering with
The Letter of Cardinal Gibbons Concerning
the Washington Centennial Celebration.
Baltimore, April 10. Cardinal Gibbons to
day Jssued a circular letter to the clergy of
Baltimore in relation to the approaching cen
tennial celebration of the Inauguration of
George Washington. The letter reads as fol
lows: Kxrv. Dxar SiB:-On Tuesday, April 30 next as
you aie doubtless aware, the citizens of the Me
publlc will unite in celebrating the centenary of
the Inauguration of George Washington, the
Father of his Country and first President of the
"United States.
To Washington will remain the imperishable
glory of leading this people out of the bouse of
bondage and oppression Into the clear light of
freedom and national prosperity. The history of
these United States Is the history ef the gradual
rising from the foundatlons-of liberty and order
by him so deeply and so bravely laid, of that
stately fabric of our National institutions, which
has become the admiration of the world. There
fore do we testify our love for him and endeavor
to repay a small fraction of the inestimable dent
we oe to his memory by giving his name to fair
and thriving cities from our great Capital west
ward to lofty mountain peaks, and majestic
ships, andtoonr sons of thousands. His name,
too, with wider range and deeper Import la cher
ished in the hearts of all.
Most Just and nttlng-lt is that this nation, so
founded, rising so magnificently upon the line;
which belaid down, should honor with especial
and grateful commemoration the hundredth anni
versary or the taking by the great captain in war
ofthe chair of office in peace, as the Chief Magis
trate of the land he had fought for with such ef
fective valor. To all it should be a matter of pro
found satisfaction that the citizens or the United
Mates, without regard to race or creed or previ
ous allegiance to any flag soever, are about to
recognize the life and achievements of the great
est man this western world has nurtured, as a gift
of Almighty God to bis own age, and as an ex
emplar to all the ages to be.
In order, therefore, to give expression to our
heartfelt thanks for the civil and religious bless
ings thus far vouchsafed to us by thu Giver of
every perfect girt, and to pray that the spirit of
patriotism which burned In the heart of Wash
ington may continue to animate those to whom
the destinies of our beloved country may be In
trusted, you are Invited, reverend, dear sir, to
announce at a seasonable time beforehand a
special service for the morning or April 30, at 9
o'clock, oV at any other hour most sufmble for the
i"ou are further requested at such service to
make an address suggested by the occasion, clos
ing with the "Prayer for the authorities "
AS an additional .rnr.Mlnn if In. nnH thftnlr..
F.lTin?tne ehurch belli will be rung from 10 to
10.30 the same mornln ?
An Old Soldier Receives a Pension for In
Jarlea Received at a Circus.
WASHlNGTON.April 10. Assistant Secretary
Bussey to-day rendered a decision on the claim
of Zenas Hamilton, late pnvate.'Company D.
Twelfth Michigan Volunteers, for an original
Invalid pension. It appears from the testimony
in the ease that the claimant, was injured while
seated among an audlenceMntnesslng a circus
performance by a fall of seats, but it also ap
pears that be was at the place where the per
formance was in progress as a tember of a de
tail, ordered to protect and guard the circus,
and n as within the tent by permission of his
superior officer.
The decision holds that his being in the cir
cus tent looking at the performance was merely
incidental to his being on doty at the place as
a member of a guard, and that be was simply
awaiting there tho proper time to arrive when
he wonldbe again required to walk his post as
sentinel, and was in a place where he had per
mission to be near his post of dnty, in a posi
tion where be was ready to respond in a mo
ment to any call that might be made upon
him, and in the judgment of the Assistant
Secretary was in the line of his duty as a sol
dier and a member of said guard at the time
the accident occurred; "nor do I think," con
tinues the decision, "it is just or reasonable
to hold that his pensionable status should be
In any way affected by the circumstance that
be was a spectator of a circus performance
which happened to be transpiring at the time."
This decision overrules that of March 15,1888,
and directs that the name of the claimant be
placed on the pension rolls.
Checks Are Summarily Cashed With Silver
by the Wheelbarrow Load.
Philadelphia, April 10. The refusal of
the City National Bank of Salem, N. J., to ac
cept certain terms of exchange offered by the
Woodstown, N. J., National Bank, has involved
those institutions in a war which has assumed
a comical aspect As the Salem bank receives
on deposit daily a large number of the Woods
town Bank checks, a messenger Is dispatched
to the latter place, eight miles distant twice a
week to receive the money for the same. In
order to punish the Salem people, Cashier Flit
craft Imported from Philadelphia thousands of
dollars in silver coin, counted out in bags, to
meet these checks semi-weekly.
Messenger Powell, whom the Salem bank
sent aown last week, protested, whereupon
Cashier Flitcraf t yesterday, when Powell ap
peared with 84,800 in checks, wheeled out the
money in a wheelbarrow to the middle of the
bank and dumped the whole amount loose on
the floor, compelling Powell to count the en
tire amount When bags were asked for in
which to carry the money to Salem, Cashier
Flitcraf t politely responded that banks were
not in thejiablt of fnrnishing their patrons
with purses. Powell sent back for a team and
armed gnard to assist him in the transporta
tion of his burden. The war continues, and is
the topic of conversation of the citizens of the
two counties.
Though Exerted to the Utmost, Falls Io Save
Her Brother's Life.
Habtford, CdNN., Apnl 10. After one of
the most hitter legislative struggles in the his
tory of the State, it has been decided that
John H. Swift must hang Apnl 18 for the
murder of his wife.
In 1885 Swift married Kate McCann, the
former being 10 years of age and the latter 20.
They frequently met, but never lived together,
and why they were married was a mystery.
July 1, 1887, as Katie was returning from her
work, sne was shot dead by her husband after
refusing to live with him. Swift pleaded in
sanity1 caused by drink, but be was condemned
to deatb,and the higher court upheld the de
cision. (This was the state of the case when
the General Assembly convened in January.
Swift s sister, a handsome, intelligent young
woman, Introduced a petition to commute the
sentence, and lobbied so successfully that it
passed both Houses. On Friday last, however,
the day Swift was sentenced to hang. Governor
Bulkely reprieved the condemned man until
the 18th and vetoed the resolution. The Senate
again passed the resolution over the Governor's
veto, and yesterday the Honse voted on it.
After a long and bitter discussion a vote was
taken and the resolution lost by 24 votes.
Swift's sister is at homo heartbroken, and his
mother docs nothing but weep.
The fastest of British cruisers, the Shel
drake, 21 knots, just launched, is a steel twin
All devices for French playing cards must
now be submitted to the officials, since the face
of General Boulanger has appeared among the
court cards.
A Dr. Richardson has achieved some in
structive experiments in the use of the grapho
phone for recording physical symptoms, such
as coughs and pulses. A congh of to-day can
always be recorded and compared readily with
one of days before.
Greek drapery is driving out the Empire
style for dresses. The dress is allowed to fall
from the neck to the instep with only the inter
ference of a loose girdle, and it is caught np at
the side to show a silk petticoat with the regu
lar Greek pattern.
The French Chamber has decided upon
2,000,000 francs for a monument in commemora
tion of the first revolution, to be erected on the
site of the Tuileiies, instead of the 12,000,000
desired. They have also appropriated 50,000
francs for a design.
The fashionable dog for 1883 is to be the
schippetke, or little skipper. He comes from
the Low countries and is the old-time com
panion of the Flemish bargee. He ia,black,
with next to no tail, and a hard coat inclined
to be rough, and does not weigh over 12 pounds.
Emile Zola's new novel is expected to have
flvb murders in it It will deal with railroad
ing, and tho author has been fora long while
studying railroads to learn exactly t he labor
performed by all the" functionaries of every
grade. It will be a psychological study of
The fun that the English press has had over
the appearance of our baseball catchers in ac
tion must sober down In the face of arising
agitation for a better protection for the wicket
keepers. Suerwin, the best wicket keeper of J
tne aay, ac&nowieages mat me post is more
dangerous than bo likes. After his first ap
pearance in a professional match he came out
fit for a hospital. One ball had cut a frightful
gash over bis eye, which had to be stitched.
At the next mitch bis month was cuf and sev
eral teeth knocked out and since then he has
received various minor injuries too numerous
to meubivu.
Amendment to the General Revenue Bills
The School Syndicate Objects To In
vestlgate the Penitentiary Matron for
Police Stations.
Habbisbubo, April 10. Auditor General
McCamant and Corporation Clerk Glenn, of
the Auditor General's, department appeared
before the Finance Committee of the Senate
to-day and proposed a number of amendments
to the general revenue bill. These were
adopted and at the request of the committee
the gentlemen to-night put the bill in shape to
be reported to the Senate in the morning. One
amendment provides that natural gas com
panies, which pay a portion of their gross re
ceipts to other companies which supply them
with gas, shall not be required to pay the gross
receipts tax on such portion. This is to avoid
double taxation. The amendment that Dr:
Nefthad inserted in the 'House, providing that
indebtedness on which a man pays interest
shall be deducted from the amount of his
money at Interest In making assessments is
stricken out Sections 20 and 21 of the act of
1879 are substituted for the same sections of
the present bill. The exemption of manufac
turing corporations Is only slightly altered. It
Is made to exclude from taxation corporations
"exclusively for manufacturing purposes, ex
cept such as enjoy or are permitted to exercise
the right of eminent domain and brewing, dis
tilling, packing and canning companies." The
section taxing private bankers and brokers 2
per cent on their gross receipts is stricken out
and the tax thereby left as at present, viz:
Three per cent on their net receipts. Water
companies are subjected to the tax on gross
receipts as well as the tax on capital stock.
Section 29 is so amended that two-fifths of
the taxes Imposed by section 21 (the capital
stock tax) shall go into the sinking fund until
the first of November, 1890, Instead of one-half
until the same date in 1S9J. Tho other three
fifths shall go into ,tho general fund. After
1890 one halt of this, the capital stock tax, in
stead of the whole, shall go Into the sinking
fund, and the other half into the general fund.
The effect of tho amendment is to give the
general fund $500,000 for the next two years
more than the bill originally provided.
The soldiers' orphan school syndicate has
sustained a number of serious reverses at this
session of the Legislature, bnt it has not aban
doned the fight against adverse legislation.
The amendment of Representative Kauftman,
of Lancaster, prohibiting the commission to be
appointed under the proposed bill from apply
ing any portion of the W50,000 to be used in
taking care of the wards of the State the next
two years to the maintenance of any children
in the schools at McAllistervnie, Monnt Joy,
Mercer and Chester Springs was a blow between
the eyes of the syndicate. It staggered ex
Senator Wright and the men associated with
him in the management of the schools, and he
compiainea oitteny or tne injustice aone mm.
A final effort to neutralize the work: which has
been done against them is being made by dele
gations who are here from Lancaster, Juniata,
Mercer and Chester, in which the syndicate
schools are ipcatad, for the purpose of having
the objectionable features of the pending legis
lation eliminated. It is generally admitted that
the House will not allow it to be thus amended,
but the effort for amendment is a determined
one. The gentlemen who are here -claim to
come of their own motion. There are Grand
Armv men among them, and more good words
are being said for the syndicate schools than
have been heard abont the Legislature for a
long time.
The members of the Senate Appropriations
Committee leave here in a body for the West
to-morrow. They will arrive in Pittsburg to
morrow night, and will visit the Western Peni
tentiary at 10 A. if. Friday. Senator Bobbins
will accompany them there. He is the author
of the resolution to investigate the institution.
Senator Reyburn says the regular and ordin
ary investigation that it is customary for the
Appropriations Committee to m ike Is all that
will be attempted, unless that investigation de
velops something more than the sub-committee
of the House Appropriations 'Committee
found. The committee will go from Pitts
burg to Erie, from there to Warren, thence to
Lock Haven, to the State College and to the
Danville Asylum. If they have time they will
visit Wilkesbarre, where a hospital is being
built The latter part of next week will be de
voted to Philadelphia and other Eastern insti
tutions. The act to prohibit deception in the manu
facture, importation and sale of oil passed
second reading to-night by a large majority. It
is intended to prevent the sale of cottonseed
oil under the guise of olive oil, and as such is
a blow at the Cotton Oil Trust, an offshoot of
the Standard Trust
A number of Phlladelphians were here to
night to enlighten the Senate Elections Com
mittee on the benefits of the Australian mode
of balloting. They were taken in hand by snch
apostles oi reiorm as ex-unairman uooper ana
Senator Reyburn, and finally left quite freely
admitting that those gentlemen could give
them points on practical politics and then beat
them clear out of sight
The bill providing for a matron at police
stations in cities of the first and second classes
was favorably considered this 'afternoon by
the Senate Committee on Municipal Affairs.
The Senatorial election investigation in
Philadelphia will be conclnded on April 20,
according to a decision of the committee.
Four thousand witnesses have already been
Representative Speer is proud of the fact
that he has just disposed of an imported
French coach horse to Forney Bros., of Coshoc
ton county, Ohio, for 53,000.
This morning the act for the election of Con
stable for three years' in cities of the third
class was made to apply to cities of the second
class. Simpson.
Nathan F. Dixon Elected United States
Senator by the Legislature.
Providence, April 10. In Joint assembly
at noon to-day, the Legislature began balloting
again for United States Senator, and the first
three ballots resulted in no choice. The next
ballot resulted in tho election of Nathan F,
Dixon, of Westerly, by the following vote:
Dixon, 51: Wetmore, 41; Arnold, i; Colt 2;
Spooner, L Total vote, 09; necessary to a choice,
Senator Dixon was born in Westerly, R. L,
on August 28. 1847. He graduated from Brown
University in the class of '69, and from the
Albany Caw School in 1871, and Is a practicing
lawyer. He was United States District Attor
ney from 1877 to 1885. ana was Representative
from the Second district in the Forty-eighth
Congress to fill a vacancy for a month. He has
been a member of the State Senate since May.
1885. His father, Nathan F. Dixon, was a
prominent man in the State, representing bis
district In Congress, and his grandfather was a
United States Senator.
Senator Rutan Seriously 111.
Senator James 8. Rutan, of Allegheny, was
brought home from Harrisburg lastrnight He
is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism
and his condition is serions. His wife was
with him, and although the greatest care was
taken he suffered intense pain. Mr. Rutan
will not be able to return to the Legislature
this session.
How Thoy Love Each Other!
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Evangelist Moody declares that '-if Gabriel
himself sbonld go to Chicago he would lose his
character before he had been there six weeks."
This Is probably an exaggerated estimate of
Gabriel's power to resist evil and corrupting
Nut Unlens They Go Tolantnrlly.
From the Catbollo News.l
A syndicate Is being organized to control the
meat markets of the United States. Is there
not some way of getting the human hogs into
a corner?
One ofthe Finest of Rains.
From the BInghamton Republic. I
A gentleman who has seen Pompeii and Her
cnlaneum recently visited the Capitol, at Al
bany, and pronbunced it the finest rulu m the
in a nr-WAY.
Thro' the brush and undergrowth
A flower took its place: ,'
A tiny, wondrous little thing,
With sly and pensive face.
Thro' the brush and underwood
The wind swent thro' and thro',
Kissed the flower on neck and breast
And dried Its tears or dew.
The flower bloomed and quickly died.
Like a life, perchance, we know.
You and I know Just such an one.
That comes and goes like the snow;
Only a flower In a by-way path.
Living and dying In Christ alone
The world better for examples set i
For wisdom comes with pain and moan.
Dr. Jt!.s L. Macomb Mrtttol, in Ktv Xor
Caught In the Storm.
New Yobs, April ia The crews of incom
ing coastwise steamships tell of terrible storms
along the Southern coast The Ocean line
steamship Chattahooche arrived from Savan
nah this morning with 120 careworn and Badly
battered passengers. On last Sunday morning
off Cape Hatteras a tremendous sea swept her
hurricane deck, carrying away the stanchions
and ventilators. At II o'clock Sunday night
everyone on board was aroused by the crash of
timbers and the roar ot water pouring into the
main saloon. The passengers tumbled out Into
water waist deep, strapped on life preservers
and sat up the rest of the night Eight passen
gers were quite Seriously injured by flying
glass and fragments of furniture. The cap
tain stopped the engines and'the vessel was al
lowed to drift for 48 hours. He used all the oil
on board to break the combing of the waves.
Monday at 10 o'clock this engines were again
started. The Chattahooche had drifted 200
miles out of her course. The vessel has several
holes in her bow and part of the bridge is car
ried away. The port side from stem to stern is
splintered and smashed. Five of the state
rooms are completely demolished. The Chat
tahoochee arrived here three days overdue.
The steamer Iroquols-r of the Clyde line, came
into port early to-day in little better condition
than the Cbattoochee. She encountered the
same storm off Cape Hatteras. The first sea
crushed the after cabin on the hurricane deck
and tumbled tons of water down into the first
cabin where the passengers were at breakfast
The steering gear was thrown out of order and
was repaired only with the greatest difficulty
by the assistant engineer, who was held by the
heels over the stern of the vessel to do it Sun
day night several sailors were injured by a
wave which again flooded the hold. The cargo
shifted, the vessel began to labor and the 200
passengprs were just about ready to give up
the ship when the storm cleared away.
Sane Enough to Travel.
John Schneider, a fine looking old German,
was arrested In Hoboken last evening at the
Instance of 'his son in Scranton, who tele
graphed to the police that his father was in
sane. In court this morning Mr. Schneider
said that he was a coal miner and had laved
some money. He was in perfect health and
came from Scranton with the intentloa of
vuiting"his boyhood home in Coblentz, Ger
many. His"son did not want him to take the
money away, but it was bis own earnings and
he wanted to see Coblentz once more before he
died. A doctor who examined Mr. Schneider
pronounced him perfectly sane and the. sturdy
old man was allowed to trudge oft with his big
black valise and cedar cane to the White Star
Ilelplng the Merchants.
The general passenger agents of the trunk
lines decided to-day to extend the time-limit of
railway tickets for the centennial celebration
to May 6. They did this so 'that the centennial
visitors could have time to spend all their
money in the New York shops.
Another Chance for His Neck.
The Jury in the case of Frank P. Dudgeon,
on trial for causing the death of young Kitty
Cody, whom he married on her deathbed, went
out at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At 10
o'clock this morning eight jurymen favored
conviction and four acquittal. The jury was
discharged and Dudgeon was let go on $10,000
ball, a new trial will be begun shortly.
Wouldn't Live Without His Wife.
Maurice Moran, a master truckman in good
circumstances, learned last Saturday that bis
wife is ill of an incurable disease. He became
very despondent and said he would kill him
self rather than live without her. His daughter
saw him loading his revolver this noon and ran
fora policeman. Two officers who returned
with her entered Moran's bedroom just as he
fired two bullets into his head. He died im
mediately. Jealous Sirs. Ackennan.
Mrs. Gilbert L. Ackennan and Nellie Curtis,
who fought over Mr. Ackerman on Broadway
last night, and Mr. Ackerman. were tried before
a big crowd and a police justice this morning.
Both women looked tired and angry. Two or
three times they tried to get at each other, but
they were kept apart by Mr. Ackerman and a
policeman. AH three prisoners pleaded guilty
and were fined 5 each. Mr. Ackennan paid
the fines and walked off with Nellie Curtis.
Ackerman married his wife In Chicago three
months ago and abandoned her one week later.
She followed him to New York, found him on
Broadway last night with the Curtis girl ana
made the scene that caused the arrest of the
whole party.
Railroad Men In Convention Preparing; a
General Schedule.
New York, April ia The General Time
Convention of the railroad men began its ses
sion to-day in the ballroom of the Hotel Bruns
wick. The sessions are held with closed doors.
The chief object of the convention will be the
selection of a date on which the spring time
tables shall go into effect Representatives of
railroads with a mileage of nearly 22,000 miles
favor May 12 as the date of the proposed
change. There will also be a report from the
committee on car mileage and per diem rates
and the committee on the code of standard
train rules and rules for the movement of trains
by telegraphic orders.
The annual election of officers will also take
place, and the convention will also act on the
proposition to change the name of the organi
zation. The attendance is large, and the vari
ous roads throughout the country are largely
A Neat and Newsy Weekly.
The first number of the Wat Penn Press, a
weekly journal published it Natrona, has been
received. It is well printed, and bears the evi
dence of careful editing. If the publishers
continue making a paper equal to this sample
copy, their venture ought to be a complete
An Infant Solordon.
From the Hew York Tribune.1
Seven-year-old G. did not want to go to an
evening entertainment but be was told that he
could not be left alone at borne. Retiring to
his room and seating himself, be soliloquized:
"We live and live and lire. Then we die and
live again. And what's the use?"
Now National Banks.
Washington, April 10. The Acting Con
troller of the Currency to-day authorized the
Owensboro National Bank, of Owensboro, KyM
to begin business with a capital of $125,000, and
the First National Bank of Montrose, CoL.wlth
a capital of fSO,O0U.
He Doe It Every Day.
From the Buffalo Express.
President Harrison presently will have to sit
on a whole lot of ambitious Congressmen who
want to share bis duties.
New Orleans Picayune: The barber who
shaves boys would make a good city editor. He
learns to cut down.
Peoria Transcript: The question, "The
Lady or the Tiger?" has been decided in Chi
cago. It is tho Tiger.
Boston Transcript: It is a little girl of 5
who makes the discovery that the shad is a por
cupine tnrned inside ont
Trot Times: Spring planting has been post
poned for a few hours to let winter enjoy a
slight turn at second childhood.
Cincinnati Enquirer: A hard-working
man is entitled to a little recreation, even if he
be President of the United States.
Rochester Post-Express: A Whisky Trust
his been formed in Dublin. This will tend to
raise the spirits of the Irish nation.
Detroit Free Press: As long as a man can
assign the property of his creditors over to his
wife marriage Is not wholly a failure.
Boston Herald: The death of the head of
the great distillery at Cognao removes a fa
mous man, but his spirit is still with us.
Jewelers' Weekly: A scarf-pin shield that
will protect its wearer from entanglement with
a girl's hair would be a boon to mankind.
Philadelphia. Inquirer: That New York
chess tournament is as wildly exciting as a
growing match between rival oyster beds.
Boston Gazrtle: Tho Boston girls may wear
glasses', but they are never short sighted
enough to make spectacles of themselves.
Albany Journal; Robert Elsmere drama
tized will be a relief to people who cannot lire
in Philadelphia, but are troubled with insomnia.
The sounds or the heart have been n
corded and reproduced by the phonograph.
Burglars at Warrenton, Ga., robbed
the depot and carried off the safe on a hand
An Iowa Judge has decided that cider
is an intoxicant and cannot be sold in the State
Within a week eight sets of twins and
five of triplets have been born 'in Pike county.
-jTwo salmon worth $45 were recently
cauzht at Bansrnr. Mf One welehftri 55 nrt tt,
L other 23K pounds.
James Stokes, of Penn'sManpr, Bucks
county, is 18 vears old, weighs 280 pounds, and
Is growing heavier rapidly.
Two toads found imbedded in coal at
Thomas C. Henn's premises, in Tioga county, a
few days since were alive, but stone Mind.
John Wayne, of Beading, has a leaden
jar 659 years old. In which his great-greatgrandfather
used to keep tobacco, gold, etc
A Georgia exchange says that Hon. H.
W. J. Ham, Sam Veal and Major R. A. Bacon
met recently by accident in a store at Rome.
John Airhart, of Phcenixville, Pa., has
a rooster that he claims can eat corn off a table
three feet high. He weighs 15 pounds, and his
crow istroportionate.
William Hedges, who lives near TJr
bana, O., shot a big eagle the other day. The
bird measured 7 feet from tip to tip of wings
and 31 inches from the tip of bill to the tip of
A circular saw in a mill in Indiana cnt
Charles Wadsworth in two so qnick the other
day that he spoke several words before he re
alized what had occurred. Then he ceased his
remarks, of course.
The only ruler on earth who can select
just the sort of people be wants in his country
Is Dorrfen-Smlth. the owner of the 8cllly
Islands. If any islander doesn't suit him he is
shipped to the mainland and can't get back.
Miss Xiillie Bodmer, of Steelton, Pa.,
who lately emerged from a trance of several
weeks' duration, has again been thrown into s
cataleptic state by Immersion at a baptism ser
vice which had caused her much religious ex
cltement. Por the first time in the history of the
game, baseball is made a cause for divorce. A
Mrs. Belle Jacobs, of Toledo, has sued for a
divorce on the ground that her husband is a con
firmed baseball crank. The case is now under
advisement by the jndge.
A new invention to prevent collisions
at sea. consisting of a small plate fixed at the
side of the vessel, has been very successfully
tried on the Thames. Electricity is tbe active
agent The approach of another vessel with
in two miles causes a bell to sound, and an In
dicating arrow shows the direction whence it
London has become' recognized as tho
great clearing house for all European thieves
who operate on a large scale. Tbe proceeds
for any great robbery committed in Eurona
which it is Intended to restore throngh nego
tiations are always sent to be delivered in
London, and there is as yet no legal way to put
a stop to the traffic
While the pastor of a Dubuque Metho
dist Church was in the most Interesting part of
his sermon last Sunday, an old man arose from
his seat and announced that tbe world would
be destroyed in nine days, and that he was com
missioned by the Almighty to declare the news.
Afterward the old man announced the fact on
the high bridge.
A French missionary gives a serious ac
count of the state of slavery in Ecuador.
Though It Is not a legal institution, yet the law
permits an Indian to sell himself as a Slavs
when he is unable to pay his debts, and once a
slave be Is rarely able to free himself. He may
be bequeathed by will. The majority of the
interior Indians have been reduced to this con
dition. A Maine ball player, it is said, has im
provised a batting machine He put a long
beam on the top of his father's barn, letting
one end extend abont three feet over tho side
of tbe roof. To the end be attached a stont
string, and on the end of the string attached a
League baU. The ball hung just at the batting
height, and the player would go ont and bat
the ball to his heart's content
A gentleman in Worth county, Georgia,
has trained a large cat to hunt squirrels, and It
Is said that be can tree more squirrels in a day
than the best dog. When the squirrel hides
from the hunter, Tom is sent up in tbe tree to
find it He rarely ever fails to run him aronnd
so that his master can shoot It When going
on a long expedition tbe cat will climb up on
his master's shoulder, or run along at his heels
like a dog.
A daughter of Charles Havins, of West
Roxbury, Mass., was amazed lately while look
ing through the museum attached to the Dead
Letter Office, Washington, to see two minia
tures that had been stolen from her farher six
years before. Upon examining the records of
the office it was found that the articles, in an
unaddressed envelope, had been dropped in a
Boston letter box a few days after the robbery,
and in tbe ordinary course of events were sent
to Washington. She was given the property.
At the Postoffice Department a curious
thing has been found In the line of applications.
It is a photograph ot the applicant for a post
office, and is accompanied bj a request that the
picture be filed with tbe papers in the case.
What is intended to be a genial smile has evi
dently been too much for tbe skill of the coun
try photographer, and the result is an ex
pression of mingled astonishment and dismay
which is no doubt much more amusing than
the original smile. This is tbe third application
accompanied by a photograph receivea at the
Postoffice Department
Colonel John Attaway, of Canton, Ga.,
has a most remarkable dog. It is keenly alive
to tbe misfortunes ot the animal world. Afew
days ago this wonderful canine happened upon
a cow In the streets that bad lost her tan.
After looking with an eye of pity on that poor
creature, he dashed off to tbe blacksmith shop,
whero an old cow's tall was being nsed to keep
the flies from disturbing horses while the smith
shod them, and snatching up the brush ran
back and laid it down at the cow's feet. Tbe
cow. however, failed to appreciate the dog's
kindness and left In disgust.
Parmer Hufistetter, of Bourbon county,
Kentucky, lately witnessed a remarkable battle.
What be supposed were two small birds small,
er than crows were seen at great height and a
quarter of a mile away fighting and descend
ing and approaching nearer him. They fought
and descended nnlll down they came to the
earth Immediately at his feet where they con
tinued to fight until he killed one with a pistol
and the other with a club One proved to be a
black eagle which measured 5 feet 8 inches,
and tbe other a gray eagle which measured 8
feet 6 Inches from tip to tip of wings.
Anglers are waiting with bated breath.
Bujalo Times.
The telegraph pole is the loafer's best
friend. It supports him. Baltimore American.
Twas a goose that laid the golden egg. -.
Anybody but a goose would have kept It In his
possession. Kea York Commercial Advertiser.
And ahl my friend, take my advice,
Which yon may find a boon;
Whate'er you do don't make a change
Of undershirts too soon.
- Detroit Free Press.
It frequently falls to the man that works
t. That his larder Is light on tbe rainy day,
Bnt age Is a blank to the one that shirks
The man that succeeds keeps pecking away.
Oil Qity blizzard.
At a Southern WinterBesort "I'd rather
be in the moon than here."
"Because there Is said to be aman In the moon.'1
The American Abroad. "See that red
uced man over there? He's the Prince of
"He reminds me of a good poker hand-a Toys'
flash. " Judge.
Qualified. "Do you think your son has
the necessary qualifications to become an artist"
I'm sore of It He can do without rood for
three days, and he knows the position of every
freelanchlnthe clty."-i(''- s
Discord From Unanimity. "There is no
difference whatever between the two 'political
parties." remarked Cnatterton. "They are both
agreed on wanting the spoils!"
"Bnt don't you know my dear fellow, "returned
Pegram, "that that agreement causes their great
est dlfferene?"-Ic. -r .
Very Seasonable. "What do you call
that act!,' said the bass singer to the acrobat
'Oh, that's merely a backward, spring," an-
swercd the acrobat. s
"Ahl" said the bass singer: "If I should try It
there'd be an early rail, eh? Let's go and have a
"A summer; more than one swallow, yoa
And then, as the Irishman said, they wlnterwsy
together, Pact.