Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheal and Flour Keep Moving on
Their Downward Course.
5 Xariw Margins in Hardware Cause Manu
facturers to Lose Money.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, )
ITuesdat, April 9, 1889. J
It -vrlll be seen by reference to the domes
tic market column that wheat and flour are
drifting steadily toward a lower level. May
wheat to-day at Chicago was under 85c, a
decline of 25 to SOc from rates a month
or two ago. Export demands have upset
the best laid plans of bulls. From OTer the
seas conies the stereotyped report of dull
wheat markets. The current number of
the Minneapolis Miller has the following in
its London letter: ""Wheat trade extremely
dull. Buyers are scarce. Holders, while
they do not press wheat on markets, can
only sell at a decline. The English farmer
is delivering more freely than was expected.
Though quality is inferior, the abundance has
its effect in depressing markets." The only
. crumb of comfort the Xjondon correspondent
can find in the situation is: "Trade cannot re
main so dull much longer-"
The Minneapolis paper in its editorial reflec
tions says: "The two leading elements which
enter into the situation are the supposed wheat
shortage and manipulation. These unsettle
things. It is not doubted there is wheat enough
to meet all legitimate demands from now till
new crop. The question of keeping the North
w estern mills running as they have been accus
tomed to run is not problematical. There is
not wheat enough to do it. What there is is
not equally distributed among mill owners,
though the larger part is in their hands. Some
have enough under their coutrol to cany them
through at full capacity. Others are short."
It stands that wheat and flour are on the de
cline, as market reports abundantly testify
from all points of the compass.
The Hnrdwnre Business.
A leading jobber in this line thus puts the
situation of his trade: "Our volume of busl
ness the first quarter of 1SS9 is much larger than
it was the corresponding period of last year.
Prices are low er than I have ever known them
in almost everything in our line of goods.
Manufacturers of nails and many other lines
of harduare can only be running their works
at a loss. Even at loss they are obliged to run
for the I06S would be great to shut down. Their
trade must be held and idle machinery depre
ciates as much as that which is worked."
Speaking of the trend of trade in recent years
the jobber quoted above said: "The time has
passed away when money can be made by mer
chants of small capital. There is no salvation
for business men now but in a large volume ot
business. With the sharp competition and
close margins it takes hustlinc these days to
keep the wolf from the door. This appears to
be the tendency of things as countries become
settled and capital accumulates. We are drift
ing steadily tow ard the condition of things that
exists in the Old World. The man who on
small capital expects in a few years to reach
fortune must go West and grow up with the
conntrv. The dav for these opportunities has
passed'forever from this section of country."
Boots nnd 'hoes.
The open winter has materially diminished
demand in this line of trade. Stock in Jobbers'
hands is much above the average for this time
of the year. This is the report from all sec
tions of the country.
One of our leading jobbers who returned
from the East a few days ago reports that,
while stock at the New England factories is
light, it is very large in the hands of dea'ers.
Our home jobbers are less heavily loaded than
the majority of Eastern houses. Said one of
ourleadmg operators m this line: "Our firm
adopted the policy early in the 3 ear of unload
ing goods, and in some lines made concessions
to our customers in order to do so. We have
thus managed to reduce our stock lower than
for the past fh e 3 ears at this time and are glad
we did so. If we had had a tight winter this
would not have been tbe best policy. But
eicnts have justified our course.
"One of the marked features of trade this
spring is that it does not come to you. Von
must go to it. Tradesmen have to seek busi
ness these times or they will be left, Not lor
many years has so little business come to our
house unsolicited as this spring."
Condition of the Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yards
Tuesdat. April 9, 1889. f
Cattle Receipts, 820 head: shipments, 220
head; market active at yesterday's prices
No cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 1,300 head: shipments. 1,000
head; market firm; medium Philadelphias,
ti 10: heavy hogs, Jo 00; pigs and Yorkers, S5 00
5 10. Two cars of cattle shipped to New
lork to-dav.
Sheep Receipts, 2,000 bead: shipments, 800
bead. Market firm at yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 33 carloads
for a beef exporter, and 7 carloads for a city
trade slaughterer direct; no trading in beeves;
firmer; dressed beef 57c per pound for
poor to extra sides: exports Irom this port yes
terdav and to-dav, 700 beeves and 3,000 quarters
of beef; to-da's Liverpool cable quotes Ameri
can refrigerator beef barely steady at scant 8c
, per pound. Sheep Receipts. 700 head; firm at
full prices, with prime clipped sheep selling at
$5 SO per 100 pounds; fair to prime clipped ear
lings at 56 006 40: ordmarv unshorn vearlings
at $6 50; spring lambs at S4 006 50 each. Hogs
Receipts 6,000 head: the few sales on the live
weight were at S5 205 40 per 100 pounds, and
the feeling was fairly firm.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 800 head; ship
ments, none: market strong; choice heavy na
tive steers, SI 004 40; fair to good do, $3 10
4 10; stackers and feeders, fair to good, S2 15
3 20: rangers, corn-fed. ?2 90g3 75: grass-fed.
12 003 00. Hogs Receipts. 5,100 head: ship
ments, 300 head; market easy; choice heavy
and butchers' selections. S4 704 80; packing,
medium to prime. J4 70; light grades, or
dinary to best, 54 65S4 75. Sheep Receipts,
600 head; shipments, none; market strong; fair
to choice, S3 005 10.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 8,000 head: ship
ments, 4,000 head: market strong: beeves, $4 40
4 40: steers, S3 354 40: stackers and feeders.
52 653 55; cows, bulls and mixed. SI G0
3 40; Texas steers, S3 403 90. Hogs Receipts.
12.000 head; shipments. 5,000 head: market
slow and 5c lower: mixed. S4 704 90: heavy,
S4 704 95; light, J4 8U5 O0: skips. S3 504 50.
Bheen Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments. 3.000
head; market lower for heaw sheep; natives.
53 755 50; western cornfed, S4 75S5 40; lambs.
H 906 4a
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 4,117 head:
shipments, 1,860 head; active and strong; good
to choice cornfed, S4 104 35; common to me
dium, S2 804; stockers and feeding steers,
SI 603 40; cows. SI 602 8a Hogs Receipts,
741 head; shipments. L3S6 head: weak and 2c
lower; good to choice. S4 52J457; common
to medium. H 20g4 47. Sheep Receipts,
1,620 head: shipments, 3S5 head; strong and
active: good to choice muttons, 4 254 50:
common to medium, S2 504.
CrrrCDfUATT Hogs firm and higher; com
mon and light, S4 004 90; packing and butch
ers', S4 bOgi 95; receipts, 1,180 head; shipments,
720 head.
Buffalo Cattle No fresh receipts of
sheep, lambs or hogs; market feeling firm.
Wool Mnrkets.
Philadelphia Wool market quletMud
prices nominally unchanged.
ST. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged; re
ceipts continue light.
NEW York Wool quiet and easy; domestic
fleece, 323Sc; pulled, 2339c; Texas, loZ7c
Boston. April 9. Tbe movement in domestic
wool continues to be of the hand to mouth
character noticed for some time past. Sales
are in small lots, and in this way about pre
vious prices are obtained. Ohio and Pennsyl
vania fleeces can be quoted at 32c for X, and
33Q34c for XX and above. In Michigan fleers
there have been sales in the range of 2930c.
Combing and delaine fleeces are selling at un
changed prices. Territory, Texas and other
unwashed wools are in moderate supply and
will sell in the range of 6060c scoured, as to
quality. Pulled wools remain in steady de
mand, super selling at 3040c, and extra at 25
Sue Australian wool is strong at 4042c
New York, April 9. There was a good busi
ness at the handset jobbers with the near-by
trade in cotton goods, dress pods ana silks.
Demand with agents was moderate as regards
duplicate orders from jobbers, but shirt and
collar makers are taking good quanti
ties of bleached cottons, getting some conces
Jjpnson larger lots. Prices are unchanged;
Woolen goods continue quiet. There was an
auction sale of 10,000 rolls of tapestry and vel
vet carpets, at which good prices were realized.
May Wheat Higher, Bat the Other Options
Weakeiv-TJnfavorable Reports Corn
, Higher nnd Oats Steady Hoc
Products Active nnd
Chicago, April 9. There was a pretty good
trade in wheat to-day, all of the futures shar
ing in the speculative movement, with July
attracting the most attention. Prices soon
touched a lower point. May declined 2c, ad
vanced 2Jc and closed He higher. June ruled
about the same as May to a shade over. July
opened Xc lower, declined He more, then
advanced Uc, declined lc, and closed about
the same as yesterday. Market advices were
again unfavorable to holders. Good buying at
the early decline was credited chiefly to shorts.
On the subsequent advance the seUingwas
quite heavy, closing strong on good buying.
Corn ruled quiet and inactive early in the ses
sion, trading being limited in volume, andfluct
uations confined within c range. The feel
ing developed was easier, the demand being
restricted to wants of local shorts, there being
very little buying for investment The market
opened at yesterday's closing price, sold off c,
ruled active, closing Xc lower than yester
day. A fair business was transacted In oats within
a narrow range, price changes being confined
to i(c There was liberal selling of May by the
longs, but their offerings were readily ab
sorbed. A steadier feeling prevailed in June
and July, which advanced i4&ic, and closed
steady. , ,
Considerable interest was manifested in pork
early in the day, and trading was quite active.
Prices were advanced 5c early, but with free
offerings the market weakened, and prices
gradually declined 22K25c Later the market
was steadier, and prices advanced 17K20c,and
closed steadv.
Lard was dull, steady and unchanged. Short
ribs were quiet and easier, the decline in prices
being slight.
The leading rutures ranged as follows:
Wheat-No. 2 May. 86S6846S6Kc;
June, 85Ji86S4tiS6Kc;July, 836S1HS3
83Kc: J ear, 7e7e-c,
Corn No. 2 May. 35S5c; June, S5K35c;
Julj, 36S6K35K63bc
Oats No. 2 Mav. 25J25Jc; June, 252oc;
July. 252525K25Kc .,,-
Mess Pork, per bbk May, Sll 9011 9o
U 701I 92; June. S12 0012 00; July, S12 10
012 12X011 S012 07K-
Lard, per 100 lbs. ifay. $6 90; June, S6 92K
6 95b 92Kb 95; July, 56 97K7 00Q6 K
v uu.
Short Ribs, per 100 Its. April, S6 OtU: May.
SO iM6 u,; -June. Sb lZKtlo lono iujo 10;
July,S6 20o20.
Cash Quotations verau Tollows: Flour dull
and holders offer at 1525c reduction; No. 2
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 53. Prime timothy
seed. SI 30. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll S5
11 90. Lard, per 100 lbs. SS 87K- Short ribs
sides (loose), S6 006 05. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed). S5 505 75. Short clear sides (boxed),
S6 508 62K. Sugar Cut loaf, S9Vc; gran
ulated, ijic; Standard "A." 7c Receipts
Flcur. 13.000 barrels; wheat, 46,000 bushels;
corn. 131,000 bushels; oats. 119,000 bushels: rye,
20,000 bushels; barlev, 28,000 bushels. Ship
ments Flour. 5,000 barrels; wheat. 14.000 bush
els; corn. 225,000 bushels; oats, 99.000 bushels;
rye, laoOO bushels; barley. laOOO bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was active; fancy creamery, 2425c:
choice to fine, 2123c; fine dairies, 1521c; good
to choice, 1518. Eggs weak at 1010c
NeW York Flour moderately active and
510c lower. Wheat Spot unsettled andi
Mc higher; options active and He higher.
Rye quiet. Barley steady. Barley malt quiet.
Corn Spot weaker and fairly active; options
c lower and steady. Oats Spot firmer
ana moderately active; options dull and steady.
Hay steadv and quiet; shipping, 65c: good to
choice, S095c Hops quiet and steady. Cdf
ee Options opened steady, unchanged to 5
points up. closed steady at 1520 points up;
sales, 33.250 bags, including April, 16 50c;
Mav, 16.5016.70c; June, 16.70016.75c; July,
lb.7516.90c: AuguBt. 16 9017.05c; September.
17.0017.20c: October, 17.O5r7.20c: November,
17.lu17.15c; December, 17.1017.30c; January
and February. 17.25c: March. 17.S0l7.85c;
spot Rio firm: fair cargoes at lSVc Sugar
Raw stronger; fair relining. 5 11-lbc: centrifu
gals, 96 test, 6c; sales 23,000 bags ato 1-16Q
5c for Rio Grande and Bahia; 4Hc and F for
9b test centrifugals closing at 4 S-164Vc; re
fined strong and quiet. Molasses Foreign
quiet; 50 test, 25c; New Orleans dull. Rice
quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil steady.
Tallow strong; city, 4Jic. Rosin steady and
quiet, Turpentineold at 46c at tbe close; no
stock here. Eggs qniet and about steady;
western, lOQUJjc; receipts, 8,732 packages.
Pork steadv. Cut meats in fair demand and
stronger; sales, pickled bellies, 12 pounds
average, at b7c; 10 pounds, 'iic: pickled
k..u. cis. -.:i i.j ,-, inttniA. mi.;
dles quiet; short clear, S6 So. Lard Moderate
export and speculation: market steady; sales,
western steam. J7 22X07 25, closing at S7 25;
ci'.v, $6 70; April. $7 23; May. 87 23; June, S7 24
7 25, closing at S7 25bid;July, S726Q7 27, closing
at S7 27 bid; August, 17 297 30, closing at S7 30;
September, S7 32, closing at S732 bid. Butter
in good demand and firm: western dairy. 12
20c; do creamery, 1826c; Elgins, 27J28c
Cheese unsettled and weak; western, 810c.
St. Louis Flour dull and easier; demand
very light. Wheat Rains in the West, North
west, and generally throughout the winter
wheat belt, together with dull and lower cables
and declining markets elsewhere, brought out
such selling as to cause a decline. Subsequent
ly the market was irregular, the closing being
May 38c and June lc lower, while the new crop
months were about the same at close of yes-
vear. TTfiTTo'c. closed at n'Ac Corn weak and
irregular: No. 2 mixed, cash. 30Vc; May, 30X.
3tP4,30ic, closed at 3030jc bid; June,
31Xc, clocd at SOKc bid; July. 32X32Jc,
closed at 32c asked. Oats lower; No. 2, cash,
25c bid; May, 2526c closed at 26c bid. Rre
dull and dragging at 43c Flaxseed quotable
at SI 45. Provisions dull and nominally lower
for all hog products.
CnrcnrNATl Flour very dull. Wheat dull
and nominal; No. 2 red. 85c: receipts, none;
shipments, none. Corn barely steady: No. 2
mixed, S5c Oats scarce: No. 2 mixed, 27Mc.
Rye steady; No. 2, 5.2c. Pork easy at $12 62X
Lard firmer at $6 85. Bulkmeats firm and un
changed. Bacon barely steady and unchanged.
Butter easier. Sugar firm. Eggs stronger.
Cheese steady.
pHrXADELPHlA Flour qniet and weak.
Wheat No speculation and qnotations for
options wholly nominal: carlots of No. 2 red
firmly held. Corn weak. Oats Carlots quiet
and barely steady; futures dull and weak.
Butter strong and active; Pennsylvania cream
ery, extra, 27c; do. prints, extra, 2829c Eggs
firm ; Pennsylvania firsts, 12Jc
Milwaukee Flour steadv. Wheat easy;
cash. 81Kc; May, 825c; July. 83&C Corn firm;
No. 3, 33X34c Oats steady; No. 2 white. 23
Baltimore Provisions quiet and dull.
Butter firm; Western packea, 1820c:best roll.
1718c; creamery, 2526c Eggs firm atU
llic Coffee quiet and firm; rio, fair. 18c.
Toledo Cloverseed dulh cash, S4 50; re
ceipts, 11 bags; shipments, 950 bags.
The. Statements or the Allegheny Taller
Bond for the Past Year.
At the stockholders' annual meeting of
the Allegheny Valley Kail road yesterday,
E. H. Eubie, of the McClure Coke Com
pany (a few years ago a prominent official in
the freight department of the Pennsylvania
Company), and Henry D. Welsh were elected
members of tbe Board of Directors, to fill the
vacancies caused by tbe deaths of John Scott
and D. A. Stewart. The board will meet in
Philadelphia next week to organize and elect
officers. W.H. Barnes, who is now filling the
Presidency, will probably be elected.
The report showed there was no change in
pending suits against the Pennsylvania Rail
roarl.other than the taking of testimony before
the Commissioners.
The earnings Iwere as follows: Freight, Sl,
476,461 40; passengers. $561,641 98; mails. S26.
281 3S: telegraphs, $6,055 55; rentals. $3,742 63;
total, $2,098,964 83. Total expenses $1,198,037 46,
divided as follows: Transportation, $355,477 04;
motive power, $303,682 89; maintenance of cars,
S143.104 43; maintenance of way, $316,373; mis
cellaneous, $77,400 13.
aiie earnings for I8S7 were $2,029,108 28, and
tbe expenses $1,231,339 39. The following pay
ments were made out of the net earnings: In
terest on $4,000,000, S292.O0O; interest on $10,000,
000, $595,385; interest on real estate Hens, Sl,
SS4 84: interest on car trust, $2,433 74; total.
S89L703 58.
Metal Market.
New York Copper nominal: lake, April,
$14 50. Lead dull and steadier; domestic, $3 65.
Tin dull and weaker; Straits, $20 9a
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she ciied for Castoria,
When sbo became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria.
terdsv; No. 1 red, can.!S.c, nominal: May,
8787fc, closed at 87c bid; June, 8384c,
closed at 83Jc bid; Julv. 777S4c, closed
at 78Kc: August. 77X77Mc closed at 77Xc:
Pittsburg Sure of Over 3,000 New
Houses This Year of Our lord.
Seal Estate Sealers Urged to Go Ahead
With the Exchange Project.
Facts daily coming to light show that the
estimate made a week or two ago of 3,000
new houses in Pittsburg and vicinity this
season is likely to be exceeded. An East
Liberty builder said yesterday that from the
best information he had been able to obtain,
at least 700 houses would be erected in that
district alone, which extends no .further
west than Oakland, and stops at Eomewood
on the east. In the Wilkinshurg district
the estimate of 150 houses tis rather below
than above the mark. Here, in a small
territory, preparations are being made for
the erection of nearly 1,000 houses. That
the Nbrthside, theSouthside, the West End
and down the Port "Wayne Railroad will
make up the other 2,000 there is no reasona
ble doubt. Indeed, some of the builders
have revised their estimates, and now claim
that tbe total number of new buildings that
will be erected in and about Pittsburg before
tbe snow flies next winter will come nearer to
4,000 than 8,000.
Tallyrand said speech was given to man to
enable him to conceal his ideas. Mr. Qnay
gave prominence to the same thonght when he
wrote: "Dear Beaver: Don't talk." Pittsburg
stock brokers seem to have learned this lesson
thoroughly. Just now they are playing at a
game of diplomacy which enables them to
move along without leaving any tell-tale tracks
behind them. In other words, they are doing
all they can to avoid giving themselves away.
Tbe condition of the stock market is satis
factory to neither the bulls nor the bears.
There is not enough doing to make the busi
ness profitable, and each -would welcome a
change that would lift things out of the rut,
bnt both are afraid to move for fear the break
would be in the wrong direction. Most of the
brokers are pretty well supplied with
buying or selling orders. A buying movement
would at once cause an advance in
prices, and, on the other hand, anything
like heavy selling wonld cause a depression.
To avoid cither horn of this dilemma requires
sharp tactics, such as may be seen any day on
tbe floor of the Exchange. While this is cred
itable to the brokers, showing they have the in
terests of their customers at heart, It is death
to business and very unsatisfactory to a large
portion of tbe public who would dabble in local
securities if they could only see their way
clear. To sell stocks on their merits, avoiding
all manipulation, would not only remove this
difficulty but place the business on a seenre
footing. Only about half a dozen of the 153
stocKs on the list are dealt in to any extent; the
rest are so obscure or so Inflated that nobody
wants them. If these were put on the market
in proper form they wonld soon find purchas
ers. The present game of mystification is not
calculated to improve the situation.
Henry A. Weaver fc Co. yesterday placed a
mortgage of $10,000 on business property in tbe
city at 4 per cent and State tax added. This
was home money. In this connection it may be
stated that the report that all the manufactur
ing sites in the neighborhood of Pittsburg have
been gobbled has no foundation to rest upon.
There are plenty ot them, well located and at
reasonable prices.
"By letting the scheme for a real estate ex
change drag along as it has been doing for two
or three months the representatives of this
business are doing themselves and the commu
nity great injustice." remarked a gentleman
yesterday. "Its advantages are so manifest,"
he added, "that property owners would wel
come it with open arms: and, besides, tbe real es
tate business has grown to such magnitude that
it can be successfully and satisfactorily man
aged in no other way. The present system of
every dealer for himself, leading to rate-cutting
and other questionable methods, no longer
satisfies the pnblic It was, perhaps, iustifiable,
because unavoidable, when this great interest
was in its infancy, but now that it has grown,
to manhood there is no excuse for it. In this
matter Pittsburg is behind almost every other
city in the country. As a matter of local pride
our real estate dealers should favor the new
departure. Consolidation of all tie real estate
interests, while lessening the expense to land
lords and landowners in the matter of renting
and selling, besides saving them a great deal of
time, would be beneficial to the agents and
dealers by giving tbem all an equal chance In
the handling of property, and it would, at the
same time, by placing the business on a sub
stantial basis, add materially to its dignity and
importance. This wonld increase the volume
of transactions and enlarge the profits."
The nsual spring improvements in the
suburbs are in full swing. Columns of smoke
rising in all directions denote the wholesale de
struction of last year's -vegetation, preparatory
to lawn and garden making; honses are being
freshened up inside and out by liberal applica
tions of paint, in color from Quaker drab to
flaunting red. and fences are being repaired
and whitewashed. Business also partakes of
the universal exhiliration, and Is moving along
to the satisfaction of the suburban communi
ties. 9 ft
The work of tearing down the buildings on
Wood street lately occupied by the National
Bank of Commerce and tbe German National
Bank is progressing as rapidly as the magni
tude of the undertaking will permit. In the
meantime both institutions are doing a hand
some business in their temporary quarters.
Switch nnd Slenal the One Strong SpSt In
the Stock Dlnrket.
The strong spot in the stack market yester
day was Union Switch and Signal. It sold at 25
at the first call and at 26 at the last. At the
close 27 was asked. One hundred shares of
Electric went at 57, a decline of J from the
previous day. Philadelphia Gas opened up at
about Monday's figures, but weakened a frac
tion in the afternoon, selling at 39J. Later it
became firm and was traded in to the extent of
250 shares at 39. La Norla showed no mate
rial change; 400 shares sold at2, and 2 was bl,
buyer's option 30 days. A gentleman whose
wish was probably father to the thought, pre
dicted $10 a share for it within a year. Trac
tions were dull at the old figures, Central alone
showing any activity. For Chartiers Gas 52Ji
was bid without takers. The .favorable condi
tion of tbe company makes holders of tbe stock
careless about selling at present figures: they
want more. Wheeling Gas was dnll at 29 bid
and 30 asked. Indications point to a bull move
ment in several of the favorites within the next
lew davs. Tbe total sales were 1,075 shares.
Bids and offers:
Monraio. afternoon.
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet. S.&M. Ex.. SOI 635 500 ....
Southslde Gas Co 26
Chartiers Val. Gas Co. 52J S3 tf ....
Illiln VdllftY flftS
Tnn1'a Pines ?e Gas .
16'i 18 J6 18
Ol miJ tniy ,,
PhlUdelphiaCo 39X 39J S) 39,H
Pine KunUas... - ..j. 85 .....
Wheeling Gas Ot . ., 3)j M 29X SO
Forest Oil
Central Traction 21ft 22H Sl 2
Citizens' Traction 67H .... 67i ....
rittsburp Traction.... 49 49X 49 49J
l'ltts. & Western K. U. 83, ...,
P. W. B. It. pref.... 16i na 16H 17
S. Y.CGaCoalCo 37
I.a Aorta MlniER Co...- I ZU 2 2M
' IVesiinglionse Electric 5!M S7J SSS 57?J
U. bwitch &Slcnal Co. 25M 26 3iM 27
Wcstlne'se AlrB. Co.. 121 .... 119)4 121
Westlug'se B. Co. lire. 61
The morning sales were 25 shares of Philadel
phia Gas at 39, 100 Electric at 57, 125 Switch
and Signal at 25, 10 Central Traction at 22, 4U
at 22.
In the afternoon there were sales of 100 shares
of Philadelphia Gas at 39, 250 at 3 400 La
Noria at 2, and 25 Switch and Signal at 26.
The total sales ot stofcks at New York yes
terdav were 215,060 shares. Including: Atch
ison, 56,130: Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern. 6,020; Lake 8hore. 4.320: Missouri Pacific,
12.300; Northwestern.' 8J21; Readlne, 16,500; Sr.
Paul, 88.876; Union Pacific, 8,200; Western
Union, 4,915.
Mining; Stocks.
New York. April 9. Amador, 100: Belcher.
310; Best & Belcher, 420; Bodie, 100; Caledonia B.
H., 800; Consolidated California and Virginia,
825; Commonwealth, 500: Deadwood T., 150; Del
Monte. 150; El CrlstcvieO; Gould fc Curry, 240;
Hale & Norcross, 430: Homestake. 800; Iron
Silver, 315; Mexican, 420; Mutual, 1U5; Savage,
270; Sierra Nevada, 320; Standard. 100; Sullivan,
140; Union Consolidated, 370; YeUow Jacket, 32a
Business nt the Bnnka Not Quite What It
Should Be.
The demand for money at the local banks
yesterday was very light for the season, when
all kinds of business should be showing signs
of revival and new enterprises well under way.
This was attributed mainly to the depressed
condition of the iron trade, some ugly rumors
concerning which were in circulation. Other
departments of trade were fairly active. Some
of the banks were paying a premium for small
notes one's and two's; other denominations of
currency were in sufficient supply to meet all
requirements. Tbe Clearing House report
showed a volume of general trade sufficient to
ref nte the idea of general stagnation. The ex
changes were $2,368,140 99, and the balances
$579,391 24.
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 3 to 4 per cent Last loan S, closed offered
at a Prime mercantile paper, 4K6- ,st-er"
ling exchange dull but firm at $4 b6ji for
60-day bills, and $4 85 for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots: t
U.S.4J4S. reg IWWIMK
U. 8. 4Hs. coups t.lWS'SH
V. S. 4s, rog.... h..i285fflr
U. S. 4s, coups 128M1H
Currency, 6 per cent. 1893 rec 120
Currency, 6percent. 1898 reg. VSPi
Currency, 6 per cent, 18S7reg K6
Currency, Sperccnt, 1698 reg. 130
Currency, 8 per cent, 1899 reg. 132
New York Clearings, $145,707,634; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,870,723; balances,
$1,977,907. Money to 2 per cent
Philadelphia Clearings, $10,660,782; bal
ances, $1,266,216,
Baltimoke Clearings, $1,830,670: balances,
St. Louis Clearings, $3,167,797; balances,
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $1,109,1)00.
Paris Rentes, 85f 60c for the account
Berlin The statement of .the' Imperial
Bank of Germany shows a decrease in Bpecle
of $3,280,000 marks.
Outside Support Leaving the Oil Market An
1 Uncertain Future.
The oil market opened at 89c with a bearish
feeling yesterday. Oil City and New York
commenced to buy early in the day, and Pitts
burg sold. There was very little vim in the
dealings, however, prices moving up and down
very slowly, and within narrow limits. Pro
fessionals did about all tbe trading. Outside
support is becoming less and less, and bids fair
to leave the market altogether. Tbe highest
quotation was 89c and the lowest SOKc The
close was the same as the opening. The de
pression seems to be of the slow, steady sort,
from which recovery is always difficult. Prob
ably the market was never in a more unsatis
factory condition than at present or involved
in greater uncertainty as to tbe outcome. It
wou!d.not be surprising if a considerably lower
level of prices were reached before there is a
material reaction. This is the view that a
eood many brokers take of tho 'Situation.
A. B. McGrew fc Co. quote: Puts 89Jg689;
calls, 9
The following tame, correciea oy We "Witt D1I
worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc. t
Tune. Bid. Aik. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened 89SCSnlesl2i4SF.il.... 89H 89V
10:15A. M.... SO Mi l:O0F. It... 83 H S3H
I0:3OA. M.... 90 90X 1:15F. M.... 89 89 M
10:45A. II.... 90 90H 1:30 P. K.. 89 K 83V
ll:O0A. M.... 90 SOU 1:43 F. V.... tSH WH
11:15 A. it.... 893 90 2tO0F. II.... 894s 89!fc
11:30A. M.... SSH 80V Z:1SF. II.... 81 S 89(
llltfA. M.... 89M 89 !:r. II.... 893 90
12:00 M 893, 89 2:SF. It 89 89
12:18 p. ii.... 89?,' em Closed WM ....
12:30 P. M.... 89 H ....
OpeueiL 89c: nighent, 90e; lowest, S0',ic;
closed, 89X-
1 Barrels.
Dally rnns 4,165
Average runs 42.943
Dally shipments 93,939
Average shipments 70,8(5
DallT ensrters., - 5.079
Average charters... - 15,161
Clearances ,,,,iuu.. 1,417,000
New York closed t S3c
UUCltr closed at89Vr.
Dradroro closed at 893(e.
Hew Yorl. refined. 7c
London, renned. S 5-1SJ.
Antwerp, renned, UHt.
Other Oil Markets.
On. City. April 9. National transit cer
tificates opened at 90c; highest 90c; lowest
89c; closed, 89c
Bradford. April 9. National transit cer
tificates opened at90c; closed at 9Sc; highest,
90c: lowest, 89c
TrrusviLi.E, April 9. National transit cer
tificates opened at 8c: highest 90c: lowest
89c: closed, 89c
New York, April 9. Petroleum opened
weak at 89c, and declined to 89c A reac
tion followed, and the market closed steady
at 90c Sales, 458,000 barrels.
Severnl Important Sales Consummated
Brief Mention of the Latest Denis.
Keed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for the Freehold Bank to William and Seward
Oliver 20 lots at Homewood station, Pennsyl
vania Railroad, size of each 25x135, for a price
approximating 510,000. Messrs. Oliver will
commence building this spring.
James W. Drape it Co. sold the house and
lot No. 13 Linden street Allegheny, lot 20x100,
and house of nine rooms, for $5,650. '
Spencer & Glosser sold a frame house, with
lot 72x125 feet, on Sweetbner street Duquesne
Heights, for James M. Carter, for$I,b00.
Lashell & Rankin, 67 Fourth avenue, sold
four lots, 25x150 each, fronting on First ave
nue, near Main street Coraopolis, f or R. B.
Kendall, to Mrs. Davis, for $600.
W. C. Stewart 114 Fourth avenne, placed a
mortgage for $7,000 and one for $3,500, both at 5
Eer cent and tax, on East End property. He
as a large sum of money to place at this rate.
Thomas McCaffrey. 3509 Butler street sold
for G. A. Hoyed to William S. Flynn, of 4 Con
gress street property .No. 189 Thirty-seventh
street, lot 24x100, with a modern brick dwelling,
for $6,000; also for D. R. Lean to E. S. Logan,
lot 20x100 on Carnegie avenne, for $835.
Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
for J. D. Laupentlento a well known physician
ot the East End. a lot on the eastern side of
Collins avenue, being 5x112 feet, for $2,050.
They also placed a mortgage of $3,000 for three
vears at 6 per cent on a residence property at
Jamison & Dickie sold for J. D. Boggs a six
room house, with lot 25x120 feet, on Edwin
street to Robert fa. Martin, for $2,250, and for
Josephine Henne lot 40x100 feet on Roup street
Twentieth ward, to J. 'W. Thompson; for
L O .Frazier sold for Henry J.;Lang lot 22x100
feet to alley, situate on the east side of Plumer
street near Forty-sixth street Seventeenth
ward, to Mrs. Catharine Sohl, for $1,200.
changed nom.
Stocks Encounter a Tidal Wave That
Lifts Them Out of the Rut An
Active Market Closes With
Nearly EverrthinK
New York, April 9. The stock market was
dull, .feverish and generally weak in the fore
noon to-day, but outside of Atchison the de
clines were insignificant and in the afternoon
there was more activity accompanied by de
cided strength in all departments, and tbe re
sult of the day's trading is to leave almost ev
erything on the list materially higher than last
evening. There was rio character to the mar
ket at tbe opening and prices were about at
last night's figures, but the closing of the Atch
ison books to-day with the idea that there
would now be a flood of stock offered which had
been bought for the purpose of controlling tbe
election, induced a raid upon the stock by the
bearish element, and while the rest of the list
stood Atchison was driven down over 2 per
cent in the space of an hour.
Some sympathy with the decline in Atchison
was shown In Burlington, New England and
Missouri Pacific, but the movements in the
rest of tbe list were insignificant, though dis
playing a declining tendency. Rumors of bus
iness troubles In Boston were circulated to
assist in tbe downward movement but they
teemed to hate little effect outside of the
shares mentioned. The market was difll until
the afternoon, when there was a marked change
in the temper of tbe speculation, and St Paul,
which bad been held perfectly motionless
throughout the forenoon, began to show tbe
effects of the persistent purchases which are
attributed to inside account and on an in
creased business it moved upward.
Some ot the other stocks displayed marked
strength, and Denver, Texas and Fort Worth,
Lake Erie and Western preferred, Chicago
Gas and Colorado Coal, with all the leading
active shares moved up smartly. The upward
movement culminated toward delivery hour,
and there was some reaction in the last hour,
in which Atchison again lost about a point but
before the close there was another rally and
the market finally closed quiet but firm to
strong generally at abont the best prices of
the day. Atchison is down and San Fran
cisco preferred IK. but all the other active
shares are higher. Colorado Coal rose lKjSt
Paul preferred IK, Denver, Texas and Fort
Worth, Chicago Gas. Lake Erie and Western
preferred and St Paul 1 per cent each, and
tbe others fractional amounts.
There was a larger business than usual of
late in railroad bonds, tbe sales of all issues
aggregatine $1,845,000, out of which Reading 4s
furnished $178,000 and Ft Worth and Denver
lsts $132,000. The market was generally strong
Irom beginning to end, and almost everything
traded in shows a gain. Among the conspicu
ous advances Louisville and Nashville 5s rose
3K, to 105K, and Kansas and Texas 6s 2, to 55;
Ohio, Indiana and Western lsts lost 2, at 72,
and Ohio Southern incomes 3, at 47.
The following table snows tne prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney &. Stephenson, members of New York
Bteck Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
. lng.
Am. Cotton Oil UK
Atca.. Top. u. F.... M
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern - KH
Central of New Jersey. 935t
Chesapeake & Ohio ... H
C, Bur. ft Qulncr..... 92J,
C, Mil. s. St. Paul.... Uii
V., Mil. 4 St. P.. pr...,10IK
O., KoccL, &P j 91H
C, St. L. & Pitts
C.,bt.L.& Pitts, pf.. SS
C, St. P.. M. & O...... 32
C, St. P..M. & O., pr. ....
C. & Northwestern... .tos
CJk Northwestern, pf.133
U.C.C.&I 70,
Col. Coal & Iron 2S
Col. ft Hocking Val
Del., L. &W I33
Del, ft Hudson
DeuverftBloG., or.
E.T., Va. &Ua 9
E.T.,V, &(Ja.. lstpr ....
E. T Va. ftOa. 2dpf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake Erie ft Western.. IS
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 58
Lake Shore ft M. S 101 M
Louisville ft Nashville. 6ZH
Michigan Central ....
Moblleft Ohio
Mo., K. ftTexas 1I
Missouri Pacific 69
Newiork Central.. ...107
N. Y L.E. &W 27K
N. r., L. E.&W.pref 67
N. Tf., C. &StL
N. X., C. ft St. L. pf.
N.Y.. C. ftSt.L.2dnf ....
N. YftN. E 42X
N. Y., O. ft W MX
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk ftWestern, of Kit
Northern Pacific 25S
Nortnern Pacific pref. Wi
Ohio ft Mississippi..... 21H
Oregon Improvement. 45K
Oregon Transcon 32H
PacincMall J6
Peo. Dec. ft Evans
Phlladel. ft Heading.. 43
Pullman Palace Car
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 23
Klchmond A W.P.T.pf 794
St. Paul ft Dulnth
est Low
est 2H 40J4
93 (4
101 H
21 S
84 4
62 X
jo ii
25 1
36 h
44X W
St. Paul ft Doluth pf.
St p., Minn, ft Man..
St. L. ftsan Fran
St L. ft San Fran pf.
S9X 99X 99X
66 56 55X
Ot. Li. x nun r ,isi pi.. ...
Texas Pacific 19
UnlonPaelfie 60M
Wabash preferred 26V
Western Union 844
Wheeling ft L. E 66
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Did. Asked'
PennsjlTanla Railroad HH 54V
Reading Railroad 23 2 1-10
Bullilo, Pittsburg and Western UK 1?A
Lehigh Valley 53 54
Lehigh Navigation 51 51X
Alleghenv Valley bonds 114
I). Co.'s New Jersey SaH
Northern Pacific 253f 26
Northern Pacific preferred 61 61
Boston Stocks.
Ateh. 4Too..lst7s. 114
A.ftT. Landar't?s.M5H
Atch. ftTop. K. K. .. 41.T,
Boston ft Albany.. .214
Boston ft Maine 171
V.. B. ftU 93
Ctnn. San. ft Cleve. 25X
Eastern R. K 81
Eastern R. It 6s 125
Flint reresi 26
Flint ft PereM. nrd. 96
Little K. ft Ft. 3. 7S.101
Mexican Cen. com.. 12
M. c, IstMort. bds. 69
N. Y. ft New Ens... 4
V. Y V IT 7 1Si
Ozd.ftL.Cham.coni. ft
um Colour 1713
Kntland preierred.. 37
Wis. Central, com... 16
IMnnavtflirPA fritter 1
Calumet A Heota....217
Franklin 10
Osceola 11)3
fewablc (new) 3
QulneT 50
Hell 'telephone 226
DQBWU UaU, ........ D-A
Tamarack 114
Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively cured by
The People's Favorite Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and
their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no
equal. Small dose; Dig results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c.
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared
by an old apothecary. Five bottles $L
The HOP PILL CO., New London, Cf.
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped,
rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c.
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1423.
Factories throughout "Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, -now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL, . . . 9200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prett.'
mh2Z-85-n JOHN F, SXEJ5L, Cubier.
1889. J
Creamery Butter Active and Firm
Eggs Barely Steady.
All Cereals Slow Choice Oats the Excep
tion to the Bale. '
Tuesday, April 9. 18S9. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Creamery butter is active at last week's
prices. Eggs are barely steady. The tone of
general produce markets shows signs of Im
provement. Tropical fruit Is in better demand
and moves out freely. The onion market is
thoroughly demoralized. A carload of choice
old onions could find no bnyer who was willing
to risk more than 12c per bushel. A year ago
the same would have sold readily at S3 to $6 per
barrel. The season for old vegetables ap
proaches its goal. New stuff from the Ber
mudas and Florida is slowly bnt surely dis
placing last season's products, and the only
question with holders now is how much can be
saved out of the wreck ? Cabbage and onions
will scarcely bring enough to pay freight and
hauling. Live poultry begins to come m more
freely and prices are reduced.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2829c; Ohio do,
2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021cj country
rolls; 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
Beaks Choice medium, SI 90: choice peas,
Beeswax 2830c !fl fi forchoice;lowgrade,
Cider Sand refined. $6 S07 60; common,
53 504 00; crab cider. SS 00S SO ft barrel;
cider vinegar, 10 12c gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 12K13c: Limburger,
lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12c-
Dried Peas SI 451 50 $ bushel; split do,
2Ji3&c? ft
Eggs ll12c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $1 o02 00 p barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c ft; cranberries, S3 00
"tf barrel; S2 402 0 per bushel; strawberries,
50c quart.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c;No. 1
do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft ft.
HOMimr $2 652 75 W barrel.
Honey New crop, 16I7c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3035c J? bushel; S2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer-
Poultry Live chickens, 7580c $ pair;
dressed, chickens, 1315c pound; turkeys, IS
20c, dressed, $ljonnd; ducks, live, S085c fl
pair; dressed, USllc f) ponnd; geese, 1015o
per pound.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, S6 ft
bushel; clover, largo English. 62 fts, $8 25;
clover, Alsike, $8 50: clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20:
orchard grass, 14 fts, J2 00; red top, 14 fts. 51 00:
millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German m'llet, 50 fts, $2 00;
Hungarian grass. 48 fts, 12 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 50
4 00 ft box; common lemons, S2 75 1 box; Mes
sina oranges, S3 004 00 box; Florida orances.
54 505 00 $1 box; Valencia oranges, fancy. So 50
6 00 1 case; Malaga grapes, S9 0010 00 ft
per keg; bananas, 52 50 firsts: SI aO, good
seconds. $t bnncb; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 fl
hundred: new figs, 1214c jf) pound; dates, 5K
6Kc fl pound.
Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches:
cabbages, SI 502 00 ft hundred: new cabbage,
$2 002 50 ft crate; onions, 5075c ft barrel;
onion sets, fancy Enes, S3 2503 50: Jerseys.
S2 753 00; Western, $2 602 75; turnips, 25
30c "tf bushel.
Geeex Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18X19c;
old Government Java. 27c; Maracaibo, 22Z!c;
Mocha. 3031c; Santos,;l922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2i23c: La
guayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c:
high grades, 2b2Sc; old Government Java,
bulk, 32K33c;;Maracaibo, 27K28e; Santos,
2224c; peaoerry, 27c: peaberry Santos,
2224c; choice Bio, 25Mc; prime Rio, 23c;
good Rio, 22Jc, srdinary, 2IKc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150", SKc: water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15b; carnadine,
llc; royaline, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 5338c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c;strict
ly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c: mixed, 40042c.
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb in Js,
5c: bi-carb. assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne,
per set, 8Kc; parafSne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6Ji
7c: prime, 5K6Vc; Louisiana, b6Kc.
Starch Pearl. Sc: cornstarch, 57c; gloss
starch. 57c.
Foreign FRUiTS-sLayer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don lavers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels;
51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, ii$oc;
Turkey prunes, new, 4Ji5c; French prunes,
13c: Salooica prunes, in 2 A packages, 8c;
cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivlca, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12k15c; Sicily filberts, I2c; Smyrna figs, 12
13c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c;
pecan9, ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft, S1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66Kc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 21022c:
cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2424Kc: blacKbernes, 7Sc; huckle
berries. 106112c
Sugars Cubes, S3&c;, powdered, 8J
8c; granulated, SJiaSJic; confectioners' A,
7?!7c; standard A. 7c: softwhItes,7K7c;
yellow, choice. 77Jc; yellow, good, 66Jc;
yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, Syic.
Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), S4 50; me
diums, half bbls (000). S2 75.
SALT No. 1 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, St bbl, SI 05:
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20;
Higgles Eureka, 4 bu sacks, 52 SO; Higgin's
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30
1 90;2d3, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, SI 001 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string dodo, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do,
52 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, S2 00: California pears. S2 50: do
greengages, 12 00: do egg plums. 52 00: extra
white cherries. S2 90: red cherries, 2fts, 90e;
raspberries. Si 151 40; strawberries. SI 10;
gooseberries, SI 201 SO; tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fis,
SI 251 0; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans,
S13 59: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft.
Si 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50;
sardines, domestic, lAf, 54 154 50; sardines,
domestic. s, S8 258 50: sardines, imported,
lis, Sll 5012 50; sardines, imported, s, S18 00;
sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, 51 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 ft
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extraNo.ldo. messed, S36;
No. 2 shore mackerel, S21. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft.; do medium George's cod,
6c: do large, 7c; boneless hakp, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring
Hound shore. So 00 ft bbl.; split, Si 00: lake 52 50
ft 100-ft. half bbl. White flsb, 87 ft 100-ft. half
bbl. Lake trout, So 50 ft hair bbl. Finnan
hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ft ft.
Buckwheat Flour 22 ft ft.
OATMEAL SC 306 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6S60c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Flonr anil Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 22 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 1 of feed, 1 of wheat, 1
of oats. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St.
Louis, 4 cars of flour, 3 of hay, 2 of oats, 1 of
corn, 1 of feed, 2 of straw. By Pittsburg and
Lake Erie, 1 car of hay. There was a single
sale on call, viz., a car of No. 2 y. e. corn, 39Kc,
5 days. Supply of good oats is not equal to de
maud, and prices are higher, as will be seen by
our quotations. Millfeed appears to be travel
ing the other direction, and on this our quota
tions are reduced. The drop in flour quota
tions in this morning's Dispatch is fully sus
tained by facts. Wheat keeps drifting down
ward, and flour will have all it can do to bold
its own at reduction. Light export demand
and bright prospects of coming crop are fur
nishing magnificent opportunities for bears.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 retf, 98
Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,3838Kc;bigh mixed
ear. 36K37c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3839c:
No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K38c; bich mixed,
shelled. 3737c: mixed, shelled, 353flc
Oats No. 2 white, 3333Kc; extra,No. 3. 31M
32c; No. 3 white, S030&c: No. 2 mixed, 23
RYE No. 1 Western, 7075c; No. 2, 5556c
Barley No. 1 Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana
da, 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore,
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, 86 00
6 25; spring patents, SS 2o0 50: winter straight.
So 255 50; clear winter, S4 755 00; straight
XXXX bakers' S4 04.7o. Rye flour, S4 00.
MiLUEEDMiadUngs, floe white, f 15 00
rxs nry-srv
j v
18 CO ft ton: brown middlings. S12 0012 50;
winter wheat bran, S13 00I3 50; chop feed,
$15 00QI6 00.
v HAY-Baled timothy, choice, $14 25014 50;
No. I do, $13 6014 00: No. 2 do, $1150312 00:
loose from wagon. $18 004J2U 00; No. 1 npland
prairie. $10 00&10 25; No. 2. S3 008 50; packing
do. $5 50Q6 50.
Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 508 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Kc; sugar-cored
hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small,
11 c; sngar-cured breakfast bacon,10c; sngar
bured shoulders, 8Jc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California bams,
8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flaw, 8c: sugar
cured dried beef sets,9Kc: sngar-cured dried
beef rounds, HKc: bacon shoulders, 7Kc; bacon
clear Bides. 8Jc; bacon clear bellies. 8c: dry
salt shoulders. 6c;dry salt clear sides.TMc Mess
pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 5a
Lard Refined in tierces, 7c: half barrels, 7c;
60-ft tnbs,7c: 20 ft palls, 7c: 50-& tin cans,
7c; 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 5-ft tin palls, 7c: 10-ft
tin pails, 7JJc Smoked sausage, long, 5c;large,
5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel.
$4 00; quarter barrel. SI 90.
DresiM Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts,
5c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6c Sheep,
7c ft ft. Lambs, 8Kc ft ft. Hogs. 6ic Fresh
pork loins, 9c
The Deer Creek and Susque
hanna R. R. Co.
First Mortgage 5 Per Ct. Gold Bonds.
Issue, $300,000. Principal and interest guar
anteed by the Maryland Central Railway Co.
This bond is a first mortgage on IB miles of
road now under construction from Belair, Md.,
connecting with the Maryland Central Railway
Co.. to Stafford. Md. The Maryland Central
Railway Co., Baltimore to Delta. Pa. (45 miles),
was reorganized In December, 1888, and is now
on a sound financial basis, doing a prosperous
business. The York and Peach Bottom Railroad
Co., York, Pa to Peach Bottom (40 miles), has
been acquired by the Maryland Central Rail
way Co., making a system of 101 miles, which
will be operated by the Maryland Central Rail
way Co.
We recommend these bonds as a desirable in
vestment, and offer a limited amount for sale at
95 per cent and accrnedlnterest, subject to ad
vance in price.
REA BROS. & CO., Bankers and Brokers,
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers ot
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Transact a General BanMng Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paits of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
oi ii.iaiu ana npwara. Appiv at
No. 124 Fourth avenue.
service between Nejr York. South
ampton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw
steamers of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power.
Past time to London and tbe Continent. Steam
ers unexcelled for sarety.speed and comfort.
Regular service: Everv Thursday from New
York to Plymouth (Loudon), Cherbourg (Paris)
and Hamburg. Through tickets to London and
Paris. Excellent fare. Kates extremely low.
Apply to the General office. No. 37 Broadwav. A ew
York. K. J. CORT1S, Manager; C. B. K1CHAKD
& CO., General Passage Office. 61 Broadwav,
.new lors: maa. aui.ft ainr.rnt & jj . o smiia-
fleld st.. Pittsburg.
jji ronte to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Bremen. '1
Ss.Lahn.Apr. 10.1P.M. I Ss.Aller. Apr. 17. 7 A. 31
S3.Elbe.Apr.13. 3 P Bf. Ss.Werra. Apr.20, 9 A. M
Ss.Eider.ADl6.6.3UASI Ss.Saale.Apr. 24, 1 P. St.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward.
MAX SCHAMBERG fe CO., Agents, Pitts
burg, Pa.
OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja29-71-D
Gallia, Apr. 10, 1 PJi.JEtrurla, Apr. 27. 3 p ji
TJmbrla, Apr. 13, 3 P M Auranli, May 4, 8:30 am
bervla. Apr. 20, 9 A X Gallia, May 8, 11 A It
Bothnia, Apr. 24, 1 P Jt'Umbrla, May 11, 2:30 Pit
Cabin passage. SO, (SO and f 100; Intermediate.
33. Steerage tickets to and from fill parts of
Europe at very low rates.
VERNON H. BKOWN & CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. ,
Fourth ave. and Smlthneldst., Pittsburg.
State Line
To Glasgow. Belfast, ' Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage J35 and S30. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion 65 to NO.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN CO., General Agents,
SI Iiroadway, New York.
J. J. McCOHMICK. Agent, PitHburg. Pa.
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate, 30. Steerage, $19.
Passengers by this ronte are saved tbe ex-
tense and inconvenience attending transfer to
dverpool or from New York.
Pittsbunr. mkl5-99-jrwr
Ailantio Express Service.
Steamship "CITY OF ROME," from New York,
"WEDNESDAY, May 1, May 29, June 28. July 24.
Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat.
Saloon passage, 860 to 8100: second-class, M
Steamers every Saturday from New Yorkto
Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry. Liver
pool (50 and S30. Second-class, t30.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount Issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours tickets or farther Informa
tion Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. N. Y., or
3. t. MCCORMICK, Fourth ana Smith field: A. D.
SCORER a SON, 41S Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg; W.
SEMPLE. Jr.. 155 federal it.. Ailezbenv.
n-H-$tnr )
m t
The Grand Opera House, HUecX
With People.
The interest manifested by Invalids of every
description in tho pnblic healing of the sick. a4
the Grand Opera House every morning from 1(J
to 11 o'clock by Dr. Smith, seems to be increas
ing. The Opera House is rilled to overflowing
every morning with Invalids from all parts of
the country and city who are sufferingfrom all
manner of complaints, eagerly waiting for an.
opportunity to receive a magnetic treatment
from Dr. Smithv That this man is endowed
with a strange and mysterious gift to heal dis
eases there can bs no possible doubt. Tho
many wonderful cures be performs simply by
laying his hands npon the invalid is trniy mar
velous. Scores of helpless invalids are carried
npon the stage, and after receiving a magnetic
treatment of not more than five minutes' d ora
tion, get no. walk around the platform and de
clare to the audience that tbey are entirely
well. Dr. Smith is a thorougbly educated phy
sician and surgeon, and performs all operations!
known to surgery; he cordially invites both
the sick and the well to go to tbe Grand Opera
House and witness his many wonderful cures.
This morning a man went upon tbe stage who
had been a helpless invalid for f our years, suf
fering from rheumatism in his back and legs.
He was so lame that he was obliged to walk
with crutches and could not stand alone with
out them. In five minntes be was running
around the platform with bis crutches over his
shoulder, as well as he ever was in his life.
Another gentleman who suffered from a lama
shoulder and who had not been able to put on
bis coat without help in five years, was cured In
less than fire minutes. A lady who had been deaf
five years was made to hoar a whisper.' A lady
sufferingfrom rheumatic headache was re
lieved of all pain In a few moments' time.
These wonderful cures were witnessed by an
audience of more tban 1,000 people. Dr. Smith
will treat the sick every morning this week a6
the Grand Opera House from 10 to II o'clock
free of charge; everybody is invited to attend
and listen to the lectnre and witness the cures.
The Doctor is located at 02 Fenn avenue,
where he may be consulted free from 9 A. M.
until 7 p.m. The Doctor will also give a free
lectnre to ladies next Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock in the Grand Opera House. This lec
ture will be illustrated with life-sized charts,
and will be the most interesting of anylectnrs
ever given in Pittsburg. Every lady should
attend. Letters of inquiry must contain two
stamps. apl0-74
OU bought and sold on margin. deZ7-2I-isa
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in tbe city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. Front
MCDAni IQ ana mental diseases, physical
liLlI V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf nlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, sately and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange
U n 1 1 n II 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whlttler's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If
here. Office hours 9 A. if-to 8 p. M. Sunday,
10 A. H. to 1 p.m. only. DR. WHITTIER. 930
Penn avenne. Pittsburg, Pa. apglK-Dsuvvk
Health, Energy and Strength secured by Bring
AHORASDA WAFERS. Theso wafers are
guaeaxtezd SFEcmc and the only reliable and
safe remedy for the permanent cure of Impotency,
no matter hor long standing. Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho usa
alcohol or tobacco, Sleeplessness, Mental Depress
ion, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity
and leading to misery, decay and death, Prematura
Old Axe, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harassing
Dreann, Premature Decay of Vital Power, canserj
by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or ovet
indulgence. 75 cents per box or six boxes iot
$1.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
Six boxes 13 the complete treatment and witb,
every purchase of six boxes at one time we wilj
give a
if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent
cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAI
INSTITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH
FLEMING & SON. 412 Market Street. Pitts
burgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all commnnij
cation should be addressed.
All forms of Delicate and Com-
nllcated Diseases rea uirinir CoX
TiDENTiAi. and SciENTrna
Medication are treated at this Dispensary witrt
a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a
member of the Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, and is the oldest andjnost expe
rienced Specialist In the city. Special atten
tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive)
mental exertion, indiscretions of yontb, etc,
causing physical and mental decay, lack of
energy, despondency, etc; also Cancers. Old
Sores. Fits, Piles. Rheumatism, and all diseases
of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs,
etc Consultation free and strictly confiden
tiaL Office hours 9 to i and 7 to 8 P.M.; Sun
days. 2 to 4 F. 31. only. Call at office or address
S. K. LAKE.M. D.. M. R. C. P. 8., or E. J.
Lake, M. D. sel-134orwrwk
Knll particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Gray's
Specific sold by dnirglsu only In
yellow wrapper. Price, fl pee
nackaze. or six for S3, or br mill
"-iY Jon receipt or price, bv address
Sold In Pittsburg by S.S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. apl3-SS
S9 CSC53 DUX2I3 E2AS3,
Orirtu!,bMt, ah- rath nl
ielltlaiUl far isle. HmflilL
, At br CUOuur'i tuftuxt
ISi&mfraa BraniL tn red me-A
( tsUto boxen. Idled wit& Mm rib-
I boa. At Dmczlits. Aeecpt
Ba ather. All Dills 1b buu.
board boxes, sink miHn. ,.- J-
Te MS counterfeit. Ben.1 4c. (iumJ)jr
F" Imir, or retani null. 10,000 teatu
monlKaftrtalJlDIShDTuie4ieDb Vntpcu
ChlchesterfhfralcalCoMMaalsflaS; Pnii.'p,
I IS.rors, erlT decs?, to
l jmlrubie treatise (ieaaed)
i tor home cure, tree ot
miUUlVUU m nue arciiu a tatu
containing full ptvtlctiUrs tor 1
cnanre Aaurw-,
- aS Th
i-LMitir'Jexiifik. iSii JJL4h&kt&bk4i