Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 10, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Seems to be a Slogan of Controller
and Finance Committee.
With Controller Morrow Present to Take
Down the Minntes.
There is a very serious split between
the Finance Committee of Councils and
Controller Morrow, growing out of the lat
ter's criticism of the former in his annual
report, published yesterday.
The Finance Committee met yesterday
afternoon in open session, with Controller
Morrow acting as clerk. After the routine
business was cleared away, the Controller's
report, which had been presented in Coun
cils on Monday, was taken up and read.
Mr. Keatinc said:
"I presume the report was sent here for
consideration before publication. I feel
that anything which emanates from a city
department should be exceedingly carefully
gone over before it becomes a matter of
record. In this instance I agree with the
wisdom of Council in sending it to us.
I am fresh in Councils and this is my first
meeting with the Finance Committee, still I
have always kept up with the affairs of the
city. I honestly and positiTely disagree with the
Controller. First in the portion about out
standing taxes. I do not think any man who
understands the rules of multiplication and ad
dition but will agree with me. He says there
are S4M.000 outstanding taxes for 18S7-1SSS. If
those taxes had come in in 1SS9 there would
hare been no deficiency in either year. The
deficiency in 1SS7 was $90,000, very much of it
the result of a miscalculation in the Controll
ing Department of the city. The other was
not so great.
"If I as a taxpayer promptly pay my taxes
and another man don't, why should I be re
taxed to make up the deficiency caused by his
non-payment? These taxes do come in. Up to
March 20 JS0.000 hare been paid this year.
"J agree with the Controller that the city
should make provision lor the sinking funds,
but I cxn'tunderstand why the city should gob
ble in 100,000 or 200,000 more than the law de
mands for the sinking fund, aor can I see that
good policy or honesty requires it. From one
of the Controller's own sheets I see that last
year there was placed in the sinking funds 16,
S51 72 oyer what the law requires.
"As for the land purchases, I know nothing,
for I was not in Councils last year. I hesitate
to vote for printing this report until better rea
sons are given for the statements in it. There
is no grave question between the Controller
and myself, and there never will be. But I
think that in this case he has consulted with
persons who were not good advisers."
The Controller, who had been sitting quietly
under this attack, interrupted Mr. Keating
with: "I consulted noboay. The report is my
Mr. Keating continued: "Then I think you
guilty of a grave offense to publicly say in your
report dishonest; for wipe away the garbage of
the report and you say the Finance Committee
is derelict in levying taxes that they knew
would not be collected. That the collections
are provided for is evidence that the money
was to come in, and it is not the fault of Coun
cils of the Finance Committee that it did not."
Chairman Magee called Mr. Ford to the
chair. He began his remarks by reading the
resolution under which the bonds were pur
chased for the sinking fund, and then quoted
from the Controller's report the remarks about
bond purchases. He then said:
"Personally between the Controller and my
self a individuals there are no differences. In
our official capacities there are wide differ
ences in the way we look at some things. I
take exception to this report as an unfair at
tack on the motives of this committee, and an
unjust criticism. I find nothing in the resolu
tion authorizing the Controller to purchase
without consultation with the committee. I
don't desire to see this report printed without
something with it to show the position of this
Mr. Magee read an extract from a factional
morning paper, which, he said, was remark
able. He gave a brief history of the bond pur
chases, and then said that without any inten
tion to affront or offend the Controller, he de
sired to read a paper which he wanted made
part of the records of the committee. He then
read the following:
The report of the Controller reflects upon the
members of this committee in connection with In
vestment of sinking fund" monies in a manner that
Is not only unwarranted but untruthful and un
just. The resolution authorizes the Controller to
make the investments, by and with the consent of
the Finance Committee. Notwlthstaudlnjr this
fact the Controllar started to make Investments
without asking the consent of the committee, and
did not, as required by law. report such invest
ment to councils at their succeeding meeting. The
Finance Committee only interfered with the
Controller in his illegal action when they discov
ered that he was paying out of the sinking funds
& greater premium than the bonds brought In the
open market. That the Finance Committee was
right in its action was shown when, in response to
public advertisement, bonds were bought at bet
ter rates than those purchased by the Controller.
ouie of the bonds which the Controller agreed to
purchase at higher than the market rate were of
lered to the committee at a rate much higher than
those accepted bv it. borne of these 6ame bonds
were subsequently purchased at the rate author
ized by ttie committee, which was much better
lor the Interests of the city than If the Controller
had been free and untrammelcd in bis actions.
The Joint resolution authorizing the Investment
was oncrcd in Councils bv me, as Chairman or the
Finance Committee, and tlicrc has been nothing
doncbythc comnilttoeln this connection, which
vis not right and clearly within Its powers and
duties. lhc committee Is as responsible under the
law as the Controller In this matter, and 1. for
one. do not propose that any responsibility shall
attach to luc for any act of his n hlcb mav be out
side the law, or w hlch, being within the law, does
not commend itself to mv Judgment as being
businesslike or proper.
When the reading was finished, Mr. Keating
moved that the clerk place the paper on the
records. The Controller said, "I will be happy
to do so without a motion, especially as it calls
me a liar."
Mr. Keating said the Controller Tiad no rieht
to place such matter on the records without in
structions, and that he had never done so. The
Controller said be had recorded like matter,
and the records would show it, If might have
been before Mr. Keating was in Council;
whereupon Mr. Keating characterized such
records as ancient history. Mr. Morrow then
wanted the motion put. but Mr. Magee refused,
saying it was unnecessary.
Mr. Magee asked what wonld be done with
the Controller's report. Mr. MacGonide
moved that it be received and filed, and was
told that some disposition had to be made of
Then Mr. Keating moved that further con
sideration be postponed until the next meeting.
Before putting the motion Mr. Magee again
disclaimed any intention to offend the Con
troller; he was only defending the integrity of
the committee.
Mr. Morrow replied that he wrote without
malice, and that Mr. Magee put a different con
struction on the report.
Mr. Magee wanted to know where there was
a citizen who put any other construction on it.
He would give the Controller the floor to make
a statement, if he desired, or any opportunity
he wished to add, change or withdraw any part
of the report.
'I will not withdraw anything," said the Con
troller, and the motion to postpone was pnt
and carried; and the committee adjourned.
"When the committee first met Mr. Magee, on
motion of Mr. Keating, was elected chairman
and the first day of the month at 3 P. jr. fixed
for the meetings. The first item was a warrant
forpayincthe Philadelphia Company 1216 13,
chiefly of regulators. It was approved and
went over for investigation.
Mrs. Rev. McFarland Visits Butler County
and Secures Her Little Daughter.
The wife of Bev. Mr. McFarland, who
will soon seek a divorce, has secured her
other child, and is now contented. It will
be remembered when she left her husband,
who was preaching at Fetrolia, Butler county,
she returned and secured one of her children.
The other one was still in the hands of ber
husband. After living with her mother on
North avenue, Allegheny, a short time, she
determined to get possession of her other
On Monday Mrs. McFarland heard that her
former husband was abont to leave for Ohio,
and at once started for Butler county. She
saw him leave on the train and immediately
went to the house where her missing child was
-kept, broke open a window and took charge of
it, driving across the country home to avoid a
- rescue.
Both Bides Claimed a Victory In the Milk
War Yesterday A Meeting of the Deal
ers to be Held To-NlghU
The excitement over the milk war has
somewhat abated. The dealers have all
succeeded in getting what niifk they" need
to supply their customers, and both sides
are confident of eventual victory.
The Chartiers Creamery Company claim
to have had more dealers apply to them yes
terday for milk. They have threatened to
sell the milk at 5 cents per gallon if the
dealers persist in opposing them. The dealers
promptly reply that they will sooner give away
the milk for nothing than buy the milk from
the company.
Out of 1,7Gb gallons of milk received at the
Fort Wayne depot in Allegheny, the creamery
company only got 232 gallons. All theAlle
gbcnv dealers were satisfied that they could
get all the milk they wanted.
Peter Hermes, the largest milk dealer in
Pittsburg, said he received enouch milk yester
day from his fanners to supply not only all his
customers, but the creamery companv as well.
The dealers will meet to-night at 109 Grant
street to draw up a constitution and by-laws of
their organization, and from the opinions ex
pressed by several of the dealers there seems
to be no doubt but that the organization will
be of great benefit to the dealers. It will have
one effect, and that is that milk will be sold in
the two cities at a uniform price.
Is All With the Prohibition Issno In Penn
sylvania. The famous Sam Small was noticed quiet
ly sitting in an audience at the Smithfield
Street M. E. Church during a temperance
meeting last night. Ho was called upon for a
speech. He said he was in deep sympathy
with the Constitutional amendment move
ment in Pennsylvania. He believed that the
place to deal with the great question was in
the fundamental law. He agreed with poli
ticians that the question should be kept out of
politics. He spoke of prohibition in Georgia,
and said that while it was not adopted by the
State, 110 counties were local option, and he
wanted it understood that down there prohibi
tion did prohibit. The question was a national
one, be said, ana if defeated in Pennsylvania,
the agitation would not stop until national
prohibition was a success.
Mrs. Swift announced the following list of
delegates and alternates to the quarterly na
tional convention which meets at City Hall on
the 21th instant: W. C. T. IT. delegates, Mrt.
AM. Bailie, Miss S. E. Gemill, Mrs. A F. Bryce,
Mrs. Finley Torrence. Mrs. F. L. Swift, Mrs. T.
C. Atcheson, Miss Jane Wilson, Mrs. Dr. O. L.
Miller, Miss Martha Graham, Mrs. Armstrong;
alternates. Mrs. J. T. Morton, Mrs. Spencer,
Mrs. S.B. Robinson, Mrs. Soles, Mrs. J. M. Por
ter. Mrs. W. M. Price, Mrs. J. M. Foster, Mrs.
James Arthur, Miss Annie Smith, Miss Carrie
A Kallroad to Penetrate the Vast Coal Fields
In West Virginia.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
and directors of the State Line Railroad
Company was held on Monday at the office
of Secretary Washington, in the Baltimoreand
Ohio station building.
The State Line is a projected railroad, incor
porated in April, 1S84, for the purpose of mak
ing a continuous line for the Baltimore and
Ohio road from Uniontown to Fairmount, W.
Va. After the company was incorporated,
work on the road was begun, and Zyi miles,
from Uniontown to the Red Stone branch, were
constructed. Owing to some hitch among the
stockholders, nothing has been done since.
It is very probable that the work of building
the line will re-begin this summer. If it is
built, it will be 22 miles long, and will open up
vast coal fields in the vicinity of the West Vir
ginia State line. It will be an important feeder
to the Baltimore and Ohio through the Fair
mount, Morgantown and Pittsburg ro ad.i
The f ollowing were the directors elected by
the stockholders: J. B. Washington, E. D.
Smith, W. T. Manning and Johns McCleave.of
Pittsburg, and W. M. Clements, of Baltimore.
The directors elected J. V. Patton, President;
J. B. Washington. Secretary, and W. H.
Ijams, of Baltimore, Treasurer.
The Court House Tower Illuminated bv
Electricity Last Night.
The Court House tower was lighted by
electricity last night. Superintendent J. C.
Mercer stated that the lamp would be of
2,000 candle power. Perhaps it was, but
the glare did not so impress beholders, though
the effect was beautiful, showing ip the fine
work of the tower. Possibly the height may
have had the effect to make the volume appear
less than it really was, but beholders, while
admiring the effect generally, held that it
wasn't a 2,000-power glim.
Poets haven't expressed themselves very
soulfully as yet regarding the electric light,
and it is difficult to frame an expression of the
effect farther than to say that it was beautiful
more so, perhaps, than it w ould have been if
more powerful. It wasn't a "dim, religious
light, exactly, but made one think of the effect
of moonlight stealing through the ruined
portals of the Coliseum.
Stockholders of the Crelghton Glass Com
pany Visit Their Works.
A combined pleasure and business trip
was made by the stockholders of the
Creighton Glass Company to their works at
Ford City and Creighton, on the West Penn
Railroad. A special train carrying S3 stock
holders and 33 ladies left the city yesterday
morning and made a rapid run to Ford City, on
the West Penn road, where the mammoth
works of the company were inspected. From
thence the train returned to Creighton, where
their works at this point were visited. A rou
tine business meeting was held by stockholders
at this point. The narty returned to the city
via the West Penn Railroad at7 o'clock in the
evening. A luncheon was served on the train.
Everybody expressed themselves as well
pleased with the day spent amid the wonders of
a plate glassworks.
The Largest Share of the Estato Goes to
the Widow.
The will of the late James Callery, Presi
dent of the Pittsburg and Western Rail
road, was filed yesterday for probate. It
was dated February 23, 1SSS. The sum of 1,000
is bequeathed to the Little Sisters of the Poor
of Allecheny City. To his mother he gave the
interest on 3,000, to be paid monthly, during
her lifetime; also, the interest on 3,000 to his
sister. Catharine Ford, during her life. To his
sister, Mary Wakeline, he gave 300 per year,
and to his niece, Sarah Wakeline, 3,000, the
interest to be paid yearly, the principal at his
wife's discretion.
The balance of his estate he gave to his wife.
Rose A Callery, and appointed her and his
sons, James D. and William V. Callery, execu
tors, without bond.
Mr. Perkins Sues to Recover Fees for His
Detective G. B. Perkins yesterday entered
suit against C. G. Dixon to recover $616,
the balance alleged to be due for detective
services in the case against Peter F. Quinn.
It is claimed that the total amount for detect
ive's hire, cab hire, telegrams, hotel bills, etc,
was 1,126.
Detective Perkins also sued Messrs. W. T.
Chaff ey & Co., the Liberty stieet tea merchants,
for 232, claimed to te still dne for services in
the cases against Samuel and Dafeid Niblock,
who were charged with robbing Chaffey & Co.
The total tees were 602.
How the Temperance Ladles Disposed of
Their Money Yesterday.
The County W. C. T. IT. yesterday ordered
that $100 be paid B. C. Christy, Esq., for his
services in the License Court, and 200 be spent
for literature.
A committee of five was appointed to make
out a list of delegates to the quartcrlv national
convention, which meets in City Hall from
April 21 to the 27th.
That Builders' Well on the Woods Farm
Knocks Oat a Tliporr.
The Builders' well on the "Woods farm is
through the sand and dry. They found 38
feet of sand, fair to medium, but barren of oil.
This well was located to test the theory of a
Southwest outlet from Saxonburg connecting
the Fulton field with Saxonburg; but alas! the
drill failed to prove the theory.
And the Microscopists Are Told and
Shown the Good They Do.
Of How the Anglers Enrich the Soil and
Undermine Its Stones-
If a tyro had dropped into the rooms of
the Iron City .Microscopical Society last
evening and had gazed upon the drawings
that ornamented the walls, he would cer
tainly have thought that some artist suffer
ing from a severe attack of delirium tremens
had succeeded in portraying a few of his
zoological visions; on every side were queer,
fantastic drawings that seemingly could
have emanated from nothing but a bad at
tack of the" "snakes."
Such, however, was not the case, the
drawings were illustrations used by Prof. W.
S. Jackman, of the High School, in his lec
ture on the "Earth "Worm." On tables
nearby were microscopes showing other de
tails of structure not shown by the draw
ings. The lecture was technical, but in
many points was interesting to one un
versed in science.
Said the Professor, after describing the
structure, physiological action, etc., of the
"While repulsive in appearance and ap
parently loathsome to the touch, it is of un
usual interest to the student, as its habits
are so easily studied, and its scene of opera
tions so accessible. It is of infinite value to
the farmers, as it constantly
passing it through its body; it is' estimated
that, on an average, the soil thus worked
over in one year by each worm is .22 of an
inch. By actual observation it has been found
that a bed of lime has thus been worked below
the surface in the course of a few years. Dar
win found this out by a series of experiments
extending over a period of 27 years, probably
the longest experiment of the kind ever made.
"A peculiar habit of the earth worm is that
of filling rip its burrows in the ground with leaf
stems, straws, etc. It is also a fact that 60 per
cent of the stems are placed leaf end in the
ground, seemingly indicating intelligence on
tbe part of the worm. In my garden last fall 1
noticed that, very soon after some grape leaves
fell to the ground, they disappeared. Upon In
vestigation I found that the leaves had been
carried a few inches down into the ground by
the worms. In this way they certainly aid us
by fertilizing the soil.
"By a similar plan stones, and even ruins of
buildings, disappear into the ground. It is a
common belief among farmers that if stones
are left in pasture and meadow land, they will
sink down into the ground in the course of a
few years. This is due to their being under
mined gradually by earth worms."
After the lecture an opportunity was given
to the members to examine the slides.
The other exhibits of the evening were:
Various polariscopic objects, by Mr. C. C. Mel
lon sections of casswood, by Mr. W. J. Pren
tice; cheese-mites and sugar-mites, by ProL
Gornon Ogden, of Pittsburg Female College:
a beautiful bunch of animalcules, vorticellae,
from pond in Allegheny Cemetery, by Mr.
Herbert Walker.
The society is making arrangements for its
annual soiree, to be held next Friday evening
in Old City Hall. This entertainment will con
sist of an exhibition of about SO microscopes,
each showing several objects, explained by tbe
exhibitor; a series of microscopic articles,
shown by the oxy-hydrogen lantern; a number
of cases of butterflies, etc, from the collection
of Rev. W. J. Holland, and v arious apparatus,
astronomic and spectroscopic, made by Prof.
Brashear. A large attendance is expected, and
the society expects to surpass all its previous
General Superintendent Frey Talks of the
hi. K.J.-T, Railroad.
J. J. Frey, General Superintent of the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, at
Sedalia, Mo., passed through the city last
evening on his way to New York
to attend the annual time convention
of operating department railroad officials.
On the same train was A B. Starr,
Division Superintendent of the Fort Wayne
road in Allegheny, and C P. Atmore, General
Passenger Agent of the Louisville and Nash
ville road at Louisville; James McCrea, General
Manager of the Pennsylvania Company, left in
the afternoon for the convention.
The objects of the association are to arrange
uniformity in railroad matters,4 such as train
schedules, etc Its original object was to adopt
meridian or standard time, and after doing
this the association was to disband. Other
matters came up and it was decided to continue
the association. '
Mr. Frey. who is the head official of a road
that little is known of in this city, said that
since tbe line passed out of the hands of the
Missouri Pacific, November 1 last, they have
prospered wonderfully. They have just com
pleted a new branch line of la miles, from Dal
las to Lancaster, Tex., and it would be ex
tended 15 miles further. Since November 1
they have put down 100 miles of the best 63
pound steel rails made at. the Carnegie Bes
semer Works. As an Indication of what they
are doing now in the way of improvements, he
said they w ere putting down 300 car loads of
ballast every day. The total mileage of the
road is 1.600 miles, from Hannibal, Me., to
Boggy, Tex. They have just completed 12 new
bridges and trestles and purchased 15 new
locomotives. The outlook for business, he
said, was excellent.
A Broker Gets His Hnnd Burned While In
specting Cable Roads. I
E. C. Markeley, W. H. Longwell, A. H.
Diugell, James H. Harper and George A.
Huhn, brokers and speculators of Phila
delphia, arrived in the city yesterday morning
for the purpose of inspecting the cable roads
They visited the power house of tbe Citizen's
Traction Company near the forks of the road
and while down in the pit underneath the
street tho first named gentleman met with a
painful accident. While the party were look
ing at the intricate machinery Mr. Markeley
lost his balance and fell over. He threw out
his hand to catch a pipe over head which was
filled with hot steam. Before he could get the
hand off the pioe it was severely burned.
The Hearing In the Dam Contest Shows a
Divergence ot 59,000.
The hearing in the condemnation proceed
ings of dam No. 7 was continued yesterday
at the office of R. B. Carnahan, Esq. Colonel
Roberts testified that the dam cost 168,000, and
Mr. William Bakewell, treasurer of the com
pany, testified that the dam cost 177,000. He
explained the difference in the two statements
by incidental expenses.
Thomas McGowan stated the property had
increased 25 per cent in value during the last
three years. The evidence closes to-day.
PittsbnrK Agents Postpone Action Until
After the Meeting: To-Day.
At the meeting of the Pittsburg Freight
Committee yesterday nothing was done
about changing rates on classifications. The
matter of recognizing Texas differential rates
came up for discussion, but action upon them
was postponed until after the meeting of the
Central Traffic Association, to be held in Chi
cago to-day.
It was feared that the action taken bv the
Pittsburg agents might not be concurred in by
the association.
lie Is Said to be Selected for the Next
A dispatch from "Washington to The
Dispatch last night says:
It is reported that Mr. S. D. Warmcastle, of
Pittsburg, has been fixed upon as the Collector
of Internal Revenue for the Western district
of Pennsylvania, though thero is no means of
verifying' the statement. Mr. Warmcastle is
said to be In the city, but is not registered at
any of the hotels.
What Has Boen Done in a Tear for the
Benefit of Suffering Mankind The
Homeopathic Philanthropists and Sa
maritans. During the year ending April 1 there
were treated at the Homeopathic Hospital
1,269 persons. Of these 317 paid in whole
'or in part, while 952 paid nothing. The
largest number of patients in the hospital at
any one time was 111. while the daily average
was 8 The death rate was but 5 3-5 per cent.
There were 33 births and 76 deaths during, the
year. '
Among the notable achievements of the hos
pital service was the care of seven miners. who
within one hour of their arrival in the city,
were conveyed to the hospital, their burns
dressed and the patients placed in neat com
f ortable'beds. In less than a week later the re
sources of the hospital were severely taxed by
the Wood street disaster. Twenty-two severely
insured men were carried into the wards and
cared for.
In the free dispensary connected with the
hospital; 20,170 prescriptions were issued; 1.217
surgicxl operations and 225 surgical dressings
performed. The training school has been a
success. Six members of tho school have grad
uated. Receipts for the year from all. sources
amounted to $15,973 77, and expenses to the
amount of $52,069 03. Several means are now be
fore the committee for the future support of tbe
hospital. The first is the creation of an endow
ment fund. A beginning has already been
made, with about 312,000 on deposit. The roll
of honor seems to be rising to importance. The
last year shows an income of $3,400 from this
These facts were all reported at the annual
meeting of trustees and contributors of the
hospital yesterday afternoon. Wm. Metcalf
presided. The report of the Ladies' Associ
ation was read by Mrs. G. L. McCoy. The Fi
delity Trust Company was selected as
the trustee for the endowment fund.
Rev. George T. Purves. D. D., made an address.
Dr. L. H. Willard. dean of the training school,
made a few remarks to the graduates, giving
them instructions and advice. After President
Metcalf had presented the graduates with their
certificates, Rev. George Hodges made a few
Trustees elected for the year -were J. H.
Bailey, D. L H. Williams, George 8. Griscom,
Captain James Boyd, Frank Semple, Colonel
W. A Herron, Hon. George H. Anderson and
John W. Herron. The Executive Committee
elected the following officers: President, Will
iam Metcalf; Vice Presidents, M. K. Moor
head and W. A Herron; Secretary, George L.
McCoy; Treasurer, Frank Semple; Librarian,
George W. Backofen; Solicitor, George B.
The Different Lodges of tho Amalgamated
Suggest a Scale.
Secretary Martin, of the Amalgamated
Association, has received "scale sugges
tions" from all the lodges. He. with his as
sistant, Is busy compiling these suggestions,
which will be put in pamphlet form and
mailed to alUodges. A vote will be taken, and
on this the new scale of wages for next year
will be made.
Mr. Martin was asked yesterday whether the
lodges wanted an advance, or the same wages,
but declined to express an opinion. It is be
lieved, however, that the present scale, with
slight modifications, will be offered.
All Merehnntson tho Sonthslde Must Yield
and Close Early.
Master Workman Ross, of the Salesmen's
Assembly, is trying to secure signatures to
the annual scale. All have signed with the
exception of those on the Southside. John
Friend, John Gray, N. T. Stuckey, Hemingray
&McCormick and Bernard! have agreed to
sign if the others sign.
Mr. Ross says that if all don't close at the
regular time the union men will go from local
assembly to local assembly and preach the doc
trine of 'tbe order. All will be compelled to
close their establishments early or be boy
A Bitot Misinformation that Led to a Mis
take ia Print.
The report that there is a prospect for
resumption of work ai the Monongahela
river mines, was based on misinformation
and is unfounded. As stated in The Dis
patch the other day, all the mines will be
closed this weeE, and work will not be resumed
until fall. !
The stock of coal at New Orleans will supply
the demand for a year, and the supply at Cin
cinnati and Louisville will not be exhausted for
fully six months.
To Develop Tin Mines.
J. W. Trimbath, a tin miner, left last night
for Dnrango, Mexico, to take charge of the
plant of the Pittsburg and Mexican Tin Mining
Company. This concern is composed of Pitts
burg business men who have purchased a lot
of land in Mexico. They propose to dev elop
this territory. Mr. Trimbath is an old Cornish
miner, and has superintended the mines at
Cornwall, England, for many years. He be
lieves these mines are the finest ever discov
Will Boll Over In a Washington Inaugural
At a meeting of business men and mem
bers of the secret societies of the East End
it was decided to properly observe the 30th
of April by a demonstration in the East End.
This is expected to be the largest ever held in
this part of the city. The following organiza
tions were represented at the meeting;
Eureka Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., E. McCall Di
vision K. or F., Golden Eagle, l'atrlotlc Sons of
America, Ancient Order Knights Mystic Chain,
American Legion Honor. Grand Army of
Republic Samuel I. Holmes Commandery, Co.
F, S. G. P., Wartburg Castle, A. O. K. of M. C,
Invincible Lodge, K. of P., Carpenters and
Jolners-Unlon of America. The following organi
zations were added: Koyal Arcanum, Improved
Order of Heptasophs, Bed Men, I. O. O. V. and
Union Veteran Union.
It has been decided to have services in all
churches during the morning. The parade to
start at 1 o'clock sharp in the afternoon.
Speeches by prominent speakers. Jubilee by
school children of the entire East En'd and
music by a combined orchestra of the East
End. The members of the Finance Committee
authorized to receive subscriptions are: -
William Holmes, J. A. Batchcior, Samuel L.
Allen, 11 G. .Normecutt, J. C. Thoina, J. !.
.Bradley, William (i. Uisli, C. J. Clcland, E. Jlc
Call, F. S. Bell, Fred Beckett, C. Strahley, P. W.
Davis, T. J. Black, F. 51. Layman. A. B. Seld
hclroer, George E. young, L.U. Klelil. s. 1 Sad
ler. Theo. Helneman, 11. G. MacQontgle, John H.
Members of the General Committee are re
quested to attend a meeting Saturday evening,
the 13th, at 8 o'clock, to be held at S. L Holmes'
commandery rooms.
A Redaction of From 5 to 1 Cent on tho
. TarlfTby Rill.
The Pittsburg and Lake Erie and New
York, Lake Erie and Western roads yester
day announced the f ollowjng new lake rates to
Port Huron points, to take effect on the loth
To Marine City. St. Clair and Port Huron,
Mich., first class, 40: second. 3i: third. 26;rourth!
19: flrth, 17; sixth, 14: Port bandllac, San Beect.
Osceola, Ausable, Alnlna. Cheboggan, Mackinac
Island and St. Ignace, 60, SO. 36, 24, Sand 20 cents
per 100 pounds.
The difference between these and the rail
rates ranges from 5 cents to 1 cent on the dif
ferent classes. Articles of iron and steel have
been made fifth class in less than carloads and
sixth class in carloads.
Of Singers and Musicians Ifor the Uav Mu
sic Festival.
Charles E. Lock, the musical manager,
was in the city yesterday. He brought
with him from New Yoik the contracts
with the various artists engaged to sing; and
play at the May Musical Festival in the new
Exposition building. These artists are:
Sopranos and contralta, Lchmann, Herbert
Foerater, Von Doenhoff and Juch. Tenors.
Kalisch, Blcketson and'l'erottl. Baritone and
basso, Caxnpanmi and Fischer. Piano, Aus Oer
Ohe. Violin, Beudlx. Vlollnctllo, Herbert. Con
ductors, Herr Anton Seldle and Carl Ketler. The
Metropolitan Opera Houso orchestra of CO pieces
will be on band, besides 26 members of the Boston
Symphony Club and Theodore Thomas' orchestra.
Work on Ibe Ohio Connecting Railroad
Bridge Now Under Way.
In pursuance of the instructions of Presi
dent G. B. Roberts, oi tbe Pennsvlvania
lines, while in the city last week, ground was
broken yesterday for the rapid erection of the
bridge across the Ohio river to connect tbe
Fort Wayne and Panhandle roads atRerille
and Nimlck stations.
A New Mission Work to be Started
Among the Poor of Pittsburg.
More Amusement Than Religions Instruc
tion. Makes it Attractive.
A small but enthusiastic band of Christian
workers in this city have determined to open
a number of mission schools among the
poorer classes of Pittsburg. It is their in
tention to model them after the famous mis
sion, schools of London, England, which
have done so much good during their exist
ence.v Mr. H. L. Lancaster, a young
draughtsman and a member of the organiza
tion of the King's Sons, is one of the prime
movers in the affair. He has already secured
rooms in the lower part of Second avenue,
and will open the first mission within a
Mr. Lancaster was seen by a reporter yes
terday, and in speaking of the proposed
scheme, said: "I have seen the work accom
plished by the schools of London and the
much good they have done. We will try to
model our schools after the missions of the
English Church army, an organization in En
gland similar to the King's Sons of this coun
try. We will carry on our work at the Point,
which is the residence of many of the poorer
classes, who are in need of help.
"It will be more of a social than a Church
mission. The rooms will be open all day and
a part of the evening. Theieareto be plenty
of books worth reading and other forms of
amusement. In the evenings we propose to
have a series of lectures and entertainments
anything that will prove attractive. On Sab
bath morning we are to have 8abbath school,
and in the afternoon religious services. It is
not our intention to confine our religious ser
vices to any one denomination, but to make
them varied if possible.
"On my own responsibility I have already en
gaged a room on Second avenue, which is now
vacant. It is to be comfortably furnished as
soon as we can raise $200, which will be enough
to pay for the furniture and the first month's
"The work is to be purely voluntary, and this
will prevent a great expense. As soon as one
mission Is placed on a sound basis, a second
will be established in some other part of the
"Mr. I. B. Allanson, of England, who has
spent 16 years among the missions of London,
has volunteered his services to me, and said as
soon as I asked him he would come to Pitts
burg and aid in,startlng the missions. As soon
as I can see my way clearly, I will write for him
to come."
It is Mr. Lancaster's intention to have some
church society in the city assume a partial
charge of the mission and aid him in securing
such workers as are necessary.
The establishment of such a mission would
prove interesting. The majority of the in
habitants at the Point are Irish and members
of the Catholic Church. For an Englishman
to conduct services, and they will likely be
that of the Episcopal Church, would be carry
ing the "war into Africa.
A'Strong movement to Desecrate May Day
With Fllttlngs.
Alex. Liggett presided yesterday at a
meeting of20 real estate agents, which was
held at the Chamber of Commerce, to dis
cuss the wisdom of changing moving day from
April l'to May 1. In opening tbe meeting he
said tbe matter was one of importance to them
selves, the landlords and the tenants. He
alluded to April 1 as "All Fools Day" and the
annual "festival" of the real estate broker.
Mr. L M. Fennock, D. P. Black, S. W. Black,
H. D. Wilson. George Schmidt, Jacob Alles
and others expressed their views on the sub-
iect. All were of the opinion that May 1 should
ie selected as "moving day," but they all had
some doubts as to the plan of changing the
terms of leases. Some thought it best to begin
the chance next year and sign leases for 13
months thereafter; others thought it best to be
gin at once and have new leases signed, expir
ing on May 1 next.
Mr. Wilson was in favor of abolishing mov
ing day and renting houses at any and all
times and allow tenants to vacate and occupy
houses at will. P. Maul, of the Landlords'
Protective Association, said he wished to co
operate with the dealers in their action.
D. P. Black, I. M. Pennock, H. D. Wilson,
George Schmidt and Alexander Leggate were
appointed a committee to see the landlords in
regard to the matter, and report at a meeting
to be held pn May 7; also to ascertain tbe views
of other brokers iu regard to establishing a
real estate exchange, a vote in favor of such
exchange being taken.
Lee's Famous Surrender Celebrated by
Rejoicing Veterans.
An open meeting of Duquesne Post, No.
259, G. A. E., was held last night to cele
brate the anniversary of the surrender of
General Lee. The meeting was held in the
new hall of the Union Veteran Legion, on
Sixth avenue, over the offices of the Pittsburg
Gas Company. Nearly every post in the two
cities was represented, beside a large number
of ladies and friends of the Grand Army were
Tbe meeting was called to order and its pur
pose explained by Commander O. M. Head,
who was followed by Chaplain M. B. Kiddle In
.prayer. General R. E. Lee's letter of surrender
after the battle of Appomattox was then read
by Adjutant Edward Abel. Hon. Comrade J.
F. Slagle delivered "the address of welcome,
rafter which Past Department Commander
Samuel Harper, National Commander of the
Union Veteran Legion A. L. Pearson, Chaplain
Riddle, Rev. Comrade W. R. Cowl, Comrades
W. R. Thompson and R. B. Parkinson deliv
ered short addresses commemorative of tbe
battle of Appomattox and told humorous stories
of tbe war times. The exercises of the evening
were interspersed with some fine selections by
the Apollo Quintet.
An open meeting of Colonel J. W. Patterson
Post 151, G. A R., was also held at Odd Fel
lows' Hall. Southside. last night to celebrate
the twenty-fourth anniversary of the surrender
of General R. E. Lee.
Thieves Enter D. O. Cunningham's Glass
house on the Soulbsldc.
On Monday evening the office of D. O.
Cunningham's South Twenty-first street
window glass blouse was broken into. Sev
eral diamonds and a class-cutting machine we're
stolen. The diamonds, which are osed for the
purposo of cutting glass, are valued from $5 to
$10 each. Mr. Cunningham informed the police
of tho occurrence, and Driver Cunningham was
arrested and locked up yesterday as one of the
accomplices of the thieves.
They recovered several of the diamonds. For
tunately the men were not well acquainted
with 'the interior of the place, or they might
have stolen a great many more.
Another Electric Company.
The charter for the People's Light and
Power Company was filed in the Recorder's
Office, yesterday. The capital stock is 510,000,
divided into 200 shares at $50 per share. Tbe
directors are John E. Ridall, Willis L. Eaton
and Theo. Kloman.
Barky's Teicopheeous beautifies and
invigorates the hair, imparting gloss and
silken softness.
Quality highl Price low! 600 ladies'
fine cashmere jerseys, latest styles, would
be good values for $4; will be sold for only
81 98 during this" week at Kaufmanns' Cloak
Deess Goods A positive bargain, gen
uine West of England cloth suitings re
duced this week from $25 to only $16 a
pattern. Hugus & Hacke.
Smoke Jhe best La Perla del Fumar clear
Havana Key West cigars. Three for 23c.
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
They're simply gorgeous I Those, ladies'
spring wraps, beaded all over, well' worth
$7, which will be sold for only $4 during
this week at Kaufmanns' Cloak Department.
In the Central Board Over a Very Small.
Blatter Last Night.
The High School Committee wants to
erect a house for the janitor on their prop
erty. To do so they need 20 feet of the Bed
ford avenue basin property. Last night the
committee recommended the Central Board of
Education to ask Councils for this additional
grant. Mr. Phelps objected to this because, he
said, it would be injudicious to go into Coun
cils and lay the board open to a slap in the
face, giving a chance to some men to get an
opportunity they have been waiting for to get
back at the Central Board.
Mr. Adams said that the reason Mr. Phelps
opposed the report was because he was opposed
to the location ot tbe building, and as he did
not get it where he wanted it, ho" does not want
it at all.
Mr. Kesbit said that he knew nf thing as to
Mr. Phelps' motives in opposing the report.
Beroro he could say further, Mr. Phelus arose
and said:
"I say that the gentleman said what was not
a fact"
The Chairman called the gentlemen to order
before more could be said.
A resolution was adopted fixing the school
session on Tuesday, April 30, from tbe hours of
8 A. II. to 12 o'clock noon, so that the children
might participate in tbe Washington inaugura
tion centennial proceedings; also instructing
the school principals to- have a number of the
larcer children prepared to take part in the
Trro Allegheny Jokers Work a Little Scheme
That Canses a Sensation.
There are a number of shanty boats moored
at the foot of Madison avenue, in the Alle
gheny river. The occupant of one of them
caused a sensation. Early yesterday morn
ing Mrs. Schwarsbeck. a middle-aged woman
who occupies a boat, was asleep when some men
thought they would have some fun. After lay
ing their plans carefully, two of them went
down to the wharf and cut loose the boat. Tbe
river was high, and the craft floated around for
a short time and then started down the stream.
The motion of the boat awoke Mrs. Schwars
beck and she immediately began to yell "Po
lice! Murder!" etc
The residents alone River avenue were
aroused, and when John M. Andrews saw the
boat and the woman floating down the Alle
gheny he drew his revolver and fired several
shots into the air to attract attention. No
policemen responded, but a number of men
who were engaged at work along tbe wharf
ran out on a coal fleet and pulled in the floating
No damage was done, but the police 'were
notified and are looking for the miscreants who
tried to play a joke on a woman that might
have resulted seriously.
That Will Bay a Home for Same, It Is Al
leged. The Pittsburg Homestead Oo-operative
Association met in the office of Morton
Hunter and organized. This is the associa
tion noted in last Friday's issue, and which
proposes to give even doilar-a-day laboreVs a
chance to own their own homes by payment
of Jl a week. It trusts to the power of num
bers to effect something after the plan of the
wealthy, hitherto almost the only successful
combinationists in this country.
The officers elected are Colonel J. S. Foster,
President: John E. Gelsenhelmer, Secretary,
and Theodore Doerflinger, Treasurer. The
building directory is composed of Messrs.
George P. Letche. G. W. Crawford, J. E.Mc
Crickart, J. W. Burford, Frederick Muegle. J.
W. Bell, Albert Paff enbach and S. H. Weaver.
Clarion People Want the Line Bun Through
to StrattnnvIIIe.
A committee of Clarion citizens were in
the city yesterday to confer with the officials
of the Allegheny Valley Railroad in regard to
building the extension of the line from Sligo to
Strattanville via Clarion.
The committee was composed of Messrs. J.
F. Brown. A. B. Reid and'Mathew Arnold.
They interviewed a number of the stockholders
of the road and left last evening for Philadel
phia, where they will appear before the meet
ing of directors next week.
A Suicide's Will.
The will of John Mader, of Allegheny, who
committed suicide a few days ago by cutting
his throat and jumping into the river, was filed
for probate yesterday. It was written in Ger
man, and dated December 9. The following is
a translation of it.
With a sonnd mind I make a testament. Should
I pass off into 'death before my wife, Katarlna
Mader, my entire property to ber belongs, as she
helped me acquire it. bo I certify to It upon my
name. John Joseph Mader.
A Successor to President Wludom.
Colonel James Andrews arrived home from
New York yesterday: He said a meeting of
the Tebuantepec Ship Railway people would
be held within two weeks to elect a President,
successor to Secretary Windom. A practical
railroad man will probably be elected.
Club House Social.
The programme has been completed for the
Randall Club's social to-morrow night. T. J.
Fitzpatrlck. Basil Brenen. Frank Meldu, F. W.
Robertshaw and J. S. Murray will sing selec
tions. The Regular Dividend.
The Board of directors of the Philadelphia
Company will hold a meeting to-day to declare
the regular monthly dividend of 1 per cent.
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. J. J. McWilliams, Denison, la., says: "I
have used it largely in nervousness and dys
pepsia, and I consider that it stands unrivaled
as a remedy in cases of this kind. I have also
used it in cases of sleeplessness with very grati
fying results."
No Circus at the P. C. C. C.
We don't gull the people of this city with
flaring circus advertisements. We don't do
business that way. No circus at our store,
but a crowd of smiling, satisfied customers
instead. Low prices always rule with us,
end we never lower the quality by reducing
the price. Our $10 and $12 suits are selling
fast, they are cut in cutaways and sacks ana
you have 100 styles to select from. P. C. C.
C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the
new Court House. g-r
Mes. Geundy says: .fc"or house cleaning
buy a calico wrapper, 50c to SI, dusting
caps 12ic, sunbonnets 25c. Infants' cloaks,
slips, etc., at reduced prices this week.
Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Think of It.
We sell china matting at S3 50 per roll of
40 yards or enough to cover a small room
for 51 50. Campbell & Dick,
People's Store, 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave.
Rev. Sam Small's Lecture,
At Smithfield M. E. Church to-night,
"From Barroom to Pulpit;" 25 cents.
None too poor to buy these: 1,600 ladies'
braided jerseys, vestfrout, all new colors,
good quality, worth SI 50; will be closed
out during this week at only 75c, at Kauf
manns' Cloak Department.
Eosenbaum & Co. show the grandest
line of spring hats and bonnets ever shown
here, while their prices are the very lowest.
A call'will convince you.
Will create a sensation! 100 dozen chil
dren's embroidered Mull caps at lie each;
75 dozen fine and fancy Mull caps at 25c
each. This offer is good for this week only.
Katjfiianns' Cloak Department. "
Go and hear Bev. Sam Small's famous
lecture his thrilling life story at Smith
field St. M. E. Church to-night.
a An extra choice assortment of combina
tion pattern dresses, entirely new effects,
mostly exclusive designs.
mwfsu Huous & Hacke.
The familys trade supplied with choice
old wines and liquors at G. W. Schmidt's,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, City.
Fine dress shirts in stock and made to
order. James H. Aiken & Co.,
100 Fifth aye.
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu
The Fatal Sire Escape Man Vindicated la
the Conns Yesterday.
H. Wilson was placed on trial in Crimi
nal Court yesterday for causing the death
of James Duddy, aged 16 years, and Michael
J. McHugh, aged 14 years, at the Monon
gahela House on October 31 last. The two
boys were killed, and a third one narrowly
escaped death, while testing a fire escape. The
Coroner's jury adjudged Mr. Wilson, tho
owner of the escape, guilty of criminal negli
gence, and it was on this finding that the
charges of murder and manslaughter were
brought. John S. Robb. Esq., appeared for
the prosecution, and Thomas II. Marshall,
Esq.. and George C Wilson for the defense.
Several witnesses testified to seeing the boys
fall when the rope broke from some unknown
.cause. H. Wilson, the defendant, told the
story of the accident. He had not hired the
boys to up down, but had been solicited by
them for a ride. The accident was caused by
some men below getting bold of the slack line
and jerking it. thus pulling the entire machine
down. He denied most positively that he had
cried to the men to pull on the rope.
Mr. Robb stated to the court that after a
consultation with the District Attorney and
the officers, he was satisflen that the affair was
an accident, and that they should not ask that
the defendant be held to an accountability of
tbe indictment against him.
The Court took the same view of the case,
and the jury was out for ten minutes, and re
turned a verdict of not guilty. Thero was two
other indictments of involuntary manslaugh
ter, upon which the jury returned a verdict of
not guilty, and the costs were placed on the
a, Mr. Marshall offered to have Mr. Wilson de
scend from the top of the Court House on the
fire escape, but Judge Magee would not hear
Judge White and Captain Wlshort Both
Loaded for Wholesalers.
Judge "White will resume operations in
the License Court to-day, taking up the
wholesale dealers and brewers. The hear
ings, if is expected, will be lively, the remark
having been frequently made that Judge
White is "loaded" for some of the wholesalers
and brewers.
Captain Wisnart was in the Clerk of Courts
office yesterday procuring, a number of blank
subpoenas for witnesses, and. remarked, with
reference to the License Court:
"ifou wi)I see more fun in the next two or
three days than you have seen yet.'
He intimated that tbe temperance people
have on hand a mass of evidence against some
of the applicants.
Feed. Beown's Ginger. A. few drops
impart to tbe stomach a glow and vigorequal
to a wine glassful of brandy. Druggists.
List, maiden, though you're keen of wit,
And though of many charms possessed.
You'll never, never, make a hit
Unless with pearly teeth you're blest.
Unless upon your toilet stand.
Your Sozodont's kept close to hand. MP
No Clrcns nt the P. C. C. C.
We don't gull the people of this city with
flaring circus advertisements. We don't do
business that way. No circus at our store,
but a crowd of smiling, satisfied customers
instead. Low prices always rule with us,
and we never lower the quality by reducing
tbe price. Our $10 and $12 suits are sell
ing fast, they are cut in cutaways and sacks,
and yon have 100 styles to select from. P.
C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp.
the new Court House.
Quality high! Price low! 600 ladies'
fine cashmere jerseys, latest stvles, would
be good values for 54; will be sold for onlv
SI 98 during. thi3 week at Kaufmanns' Cloak
Tho Greatest Bargain in Gloves.
Dollar Suede gloves selling for 65 cents at
The People's Store, 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth
avenue. Campbell & Dick.
Cloak Departments At $5 each a
new line of fine tailor-made stockinette
jackets, bound with silk braid. Best value
ever offered. Huctrs & Hacke.
A Bargain la-Skirts.
Beautiful striped skirts, 50c, worth SI, at
Rosenbaum & Co.'s.
Men's medium weight balbriggan and
merino underwear at James H. Aiken &
Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
You can buy 50 delicious imported cigars
for S4 50 at G. W. Schmidt's, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. 'wtsu
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to the greavencmy consumption.
A stitch in time often saves life itself.
is a nice looking object if she does not
wear a
besides feeling quite uncomfortable.
We take pride In'showing the best
fitting and most comfortable Corset in
the city. Ours give such a good shape.
All Prices.
::: T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
of choice quality. In gallon cans, receiv
ing and for sale at lowest prices, wholesale and
retail, by
mbl5-ws Liberty and Ninth sts.
EREL, Nora Scotia salmon, smoked sal
mon and Yarmouth bloaters. Klppend herring
and Findon haddles In cans, fresh and spiced
salmon and mackerel In tins. JNO. A. REN
SHAW & CO., Family Grocers, mhl5-W3
Undoubtedly the finest display of Ladle
Suits and Costumes ever made in this city. A'
large and elegantly lighted show room entire
ly filled with elegant Costumes. All the latest
Paris fashions are exemplified herelntheM
ready-to-put-on dresses.
Black Lace Costumes, Black Fish Net Cos
tumes, India Silk Dresses, Hand Embroidered 1
Woolen Stuff Suits, English Cloth Suita,.
Black Suits, Satine Suits, Gingham Suits,
Suits for house and street wear.Suits for every.r
day use and for special occasions; also Tea ,,
Gowns, Blouse Waists. Shawls. Second floor9"
of Cloak Department.
Including all the extreme novelties in Empire
and Directoire styles, Connemaras, Cape New
markets. Ulsters and Raglans, Capes,
5 to $30 hundreds and hundreds of them;
perhaps thousands wouldn't be far out of the
way. At any rate a coat carnival of newest
shapes "in the most fashionable materials in,
black and new spring shades. Short Beaded
Pelerines, Silk Beaded Mantles, Fancy Bead
Mantles, Black Silk and Lace Mantles, Black
Camel's Hair Short Wraps, Fancy Colored
Cloth Mantles, Black Embroidered Fichus and
Shoulder Wraps. You may have thought you
had seen some of the spring fancies and fads
in Wraps, but here you see all the newest and
most modish.
A beautiful, tasteful and dainty collection of
Suits, Blouse Waists, Coats and Jackets, in
the prevailing styles, and latest colorings and
newest materials, and complete outfits In me
dium to finest qualities, hand-made work,
beautifully finished, for Infants and small
Note the prices for effective new Suitings:
Fancies, 25c, 40c, COc plaids and stripes; 50
inch Suiting Cloths as low as 40c a yard.
All-wool Cashmeres, 35c to SI 25: 46-lncb,
Paris shades. All-wool Serges, only 50c; extra
values In super finish Henrietta Cloths; new
Mohairs, 45c to $1 75 a yard; Wool Challles,
hundreds of new styles, plaids stripes, all overs,
figured and side border designs, SOctooOca
yard; French and German Novelty Combina
tion Suitings, 75c to $3 a yard; superfine 'Silk
Warp Henrietta Cloths, SI and SI 25 per yard,
the best and finest made, extreme shades.
Paris Robes and English Suit Patterns in ex
elusive designs and colorings, the finest dress
goods imported, especially adapted for street
suits and traveling dresses.
silks: silks i .silksi
We have the best values ever offered ia
Plain and Printed India Silks and show the
largest variety, especially in the finer grades at
SI 50 to H a yard: extra wide and fine goods at
65c and 75c a yard.
New Fancy Stripe and Brocaded Silks, Check
and Stripe Summer Silks, New Loulslne Silks;
extra bargains in Colored Satin Rhadames,
Colored Faille Francaise, Colored Moires.
Our Black Silk Department is folly stocked
with special bargains in extra wide and fine
Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Satin Rha
dames, Black Faille Francaise, Rhadzimers,
Armures, Royales, Peau de Sole, Surahs, and
all the latest novelties in fancy stripe and bro
caded weaves.
New stock of Black Silk Grenadines, plain,
satin stripe, armure stripe and brocaded de
Visit the Hosiery Department and ask to sea
the '-Cable" and "Victoria" Dye Fast Black
Stockings. They- arejthe best. Fancy Striped
Cotton Hosiery, 25c, 35c and 50c a pair. Bar
gains by the hundred of dozens here. Also ia
Balbriggan, in all qualities, 20c to $4 a pair.
Laces, Embroideries, White Goods new ar
rivals here, and all special values.
Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Corsets.
Millinery, Dress Trimmings.
THE CURTAIN ROOM has additional
salesmen for April. Come and see what we cam
do for you here. j
Another time we will tell you all about Farv
sols. They're on the way, and as Barnum says
; 145
. apS-jtwr
. A.-:.t