Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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" O
imm firm
In Their late Resolution ,to
Down the Milk Dealers.
And Some of tho Rural Waverers
. Are Brought Into the Fold.
The Creamery Company Hustled and the
Dealers TVere on Hand,
The war between the milk dealers of
Pittsburg and Allegheny and the Chartiers
Creamery Company commenced yesterday
in dead earnest. There was a lively hustling
going on at the various depots in the morn
ing, when the milk arrived. Fortunately,
lowever, for the people, enough 'milk was
obtained to supply all their wants, and
while there was a scarcity in some parts of
the cities, it was not sufficiently large to in
convenience anybody.
Most of the snippers, true to their agree
ment with the creamery company, shipped
their cans to that concern, and Mr. Heed
said that he received 10,000 gallons of milk
during the morning, and that he got rid of
nearly all of it. Most of the farmers ac
companied their cans to the city, and held a
secret meeting during the afternoon in the
building of the creamery company, to compare
notes on the situation. There were over 100
of the shippers, and,
about 4 o'clock, the men all came out of the
room with smiling faces, which indicated that
their discussion bad yielded a satisfactory re
sult. iir. Irwin, of Evans City, again presided, and
Mr. Stewart acted as Secretary.
Mr. F. Brown, one of the largest shippers,
stated to a Dispatch reporter that the meet
ing had been held at the urgent solicitation of
many of the shippers.
"The fact of the matter is," said Mr. Brown,
"a good many of ns who had not been at last
Wednesday's meeting did not exactly under
stand the arrangement entered into with Mr.
Heed, and so a good many said tbat they would
continue to send their milk to the dealers, as
heretofore. It almost looked as if there was
to be a break in our union, and to prevent
that, we called together all who were in the
city and explained to them just how the ar
rangement had been made, and wbat the object
of it is. Well, the result was that we con
vinced them all, and before we adjourned we
passed the following resolution:
" "The members of the Milk Producers' As
sociation of Western Pennsylvania are of the
unanimous opinion tbat the agreement entered
into with the Chartiers Creamery Company as
agent for the sale of their product, is a good
one and for the benefit as well as protection of
the association. We, therefore, resolve to ad
here to it, to the very letter.
"Yes, sir, the shippers are more determined
than ever to stand by Mr. Reed, and you will
find that the dealers will have even less milk
to-morrow and the next day than they
had to-day. But there is one thing tbat
we want to impress upon the public, and it was
also spoken of at the meeting. We have no
wish to increase the price of the milk to the
consumer, and you will find that it will not be
done. By tbis arrangement the milk In the
city will become cheaper, if anything. It cer
tainly will be of better quality, because we
bare enjoined upon Mr. Reed, our agent, tbat
be shall not allow any other milk to be sold to
the public except the pure article. The milk
which is shipped into the city one day shall be
sold on that -day; all that Is not sold to go to
bis creameries in Washington county, to be
made irto butter."
Mr. Reed said: "If the dealers will not con
sent to buy from me I will sell milk
Myself, and the latter shall have the benefit of
the price. There shall be no shortage of milk
among the consumers, and all shall have good
From the information that could be obtained
bn the subject it is now certain that the people
will get the benefit of this war between the milk
dealers and producers, because a cutting of
prices will be the next move in the operation,
and the milk will get cheaper. The Chartiers
Creamery Company seems to be determined, in
conjunction with the farmers, to undersell
anybody who does not buy milk from them.
One of the farmers saidyesterday afternoon:
-We have lost a good deal of money already,
and we do not mind losing as much again, so
long as we gain the victory in the end."
The above is one side of the story, though
much the larger and more prominent side at
present. The dealers nad a great hustle at
both the Panhandle and Fort Wayne depots,
getting such short supplies as crrao to hand.
They had men in Ohio buying milk last night,
and say they expect larger supplies to-day. At
the Fort Wayne depot L748 callons of the es
sential and life-giving fluid were received yes
terday, and the dealers claim to have captured
all but 232 gallons of that. Will they be able
to do as w ell to-day J
Two LawrencevIIle Fathers Who Have
Alleged Cruel Habits.
Patrick Layct was sued by his wife before
Alderman Porter yesterday for aggravated
assault and battery. She alleges he is in
the habit of coming home drunk, and that a
few nights ago he came home In that condition
and threw a chair at their 15-year-old daughter,
which struck her on the arm and broke it, after
which he turned in and beat her. The defend
ant will have a hearing to-day.
Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty Society,
made an information before Alderman Porter
j esterday against George McKeever. ot Forty
eighth street, with cruelty to his family in beat
ing hit wife and child. The defendant was
placed in jail for a hearing to-day.
President Chandler, of the Postal Tele
graph, Visits His Former Home.
A. B. Chandler, President of the Postal
Telegraph Company, and George J. "Ward,
General Manager of the Commercial Cable
Company, stopped over in the city last evening
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel while en route to
Mr. Chandler said there was nothing new in
telegraph circles. His company had made the
rates as low as possible, but they were main
taining them. There is no danger of the com
pany selling out to the Western Union.
Snmnel Musgravc's Tronbles ns a Down
Town Landlord.
Samuel Musgrave is the owner of a tene
ment house, corner of Liberty and Fourth
streets, and because of his removal of Mrs.
Alma Lockett as a tenant, the woman, assisted
by Mabel Grey, made an attack upon him yes
terday moraine Policeman Crossan ran to his
Subsequently Musgrave sued the women
before Alderman McKenna for assault and
battery. Both women entered a similar charge
against Musgrave. All the parties gave bail.
A Timber In an Old Brewery Falls on Poor
N Tonne Schlaael.
On Sunday aiternoon a number of boys
were playing in the ruins of an old brewery
at South Seventeenth street. A standing tim
ber suddenly fell on young Schlagel, which had
to be removed by three men. His arm was
badly crushed, and be Is sot expected to lire.
Many Blatters of Much nnd Little Moment
Tersely Treated.
Sub rosa A thorn.
Captain J. J. Vandeegbift went East.
Ma job B. C Bbynob went to Indianapolis.
Electeic sugar Inventor Friends bank ac
count. A question of the age "I believe she is 40,
M. L. Myers and wife went to If ew Yorklast
The bachelor probably "knows where all the
pins go to.
General Manager McCrea went to Phil
adelphia. Rives is going to Nice. This must surely be
a foreign joke.
The Modern Bnilding and Loan Association
elected new officers last night.
Oklahoma is greatly agitated. About 30,000
Americans will soon settle her.
A. C Rankin spoke for the amendment in
the Crafton Presbyterian Church.
Lewis Kotjschinski is charged with tak
ing lumber from a Southsidn house.
Corfobai, Tanner thinks the pensioned
soldiers are worthy of their "higher."
Sullivan says he has "Mowed" Boston for
good. The aristocrats will now feel blue.
"Cheeks" Clark is accused by Mrs. Miller,
of the yellow Row, with relieving her of $5.
Ode to a model business man: -He hustled.
He bustled. He made money. He died.
George W. Crawford has been elected as
sistant cashier of the Diamond National Bank.
Howells has discovered a writer in Canada.
Will Canada please discover a writer in Howells.
Ochiltree is in Washington. If somebody
don't chase him away this will soon be re
versed. 4
The tea gown and the house gown define the
figure more than ever this spring. The figure
i& aoout 32ol
The ladies ar,e wearing slippers without
heels at Parisian balls. Those without souls
are common.
Representative Robinson is In the city.
His twin, Al Smiley, is holding up his end at
The Keystone Construction Company enter
tained a party of Cincinnati gentlemen at the
Dnqucsne last evening.
New York has received Mrs. Cleveland
with open arms. Pittsburg young men would
know enough to close them.
A Western paper says to own a share in a
gold mine irto have a feeling of wealth. That's
about all the further it extends.
James Calvtn, of the East End, fell
through a window and cnt an artery in his
arm. He is at the Homeopathic
Several meetings must be held before the
committee named for the appraisement of
Lock No. 7 will be ready to report.
Woman may bo superior to man, but it will
never be acknowledged until she can stand on
one f oot-and put on a pair of gloves.
The jury is out in the case of Hattie Ray
mond, alias Schafcr, charged with taking
clothes and laces from Mrs. Van Ostrand.
Chicago boasts it is no longer a center for
legal separation. St. Louis, then, is justified in
calling it the scenter or illegal separation.
Dr. James H. McClelland is very ill. He
is suffering from blood poisoning, contracted
by performing an operation on a patient.
The Pennsylvania promises to mako special
rates for the Washington Centennial. Dona
tions for the expenses are coming in rapidly.
A London paper goes into a long description
of a Chicago girls' first appearance there. It
began with her fete (pronounce a-la-Pittsburg).
Miss Fannie Gregory and Miss Maggie
left for California yesterday, where thev will
apply for positions as school teachers. This is
Mrs. Harrison has been seen going about
Washington w ith a brown paper parcel under
her arm. Two to one they were a size too
The Pittsburg Traction Company is now
running an extra car in the morning and after
noon. It is reported ten new cars have been
The members of the First district of the
Christian Church co-operation will meet In Mc
Keesport to-day. About 200 delegates are ex
pected. Mrs. Mary Steinway alleges that Lena
Finger took soino clothes, cuff buttons, etc.,
from her. Papers will please crack jokes on
light-fingered peonle.
New Yorkers are going to build a monu
ment to John Bright. Though thousands of
miles apart, this puts John Bright and General
Grant in the same box.
They say Brooklyn has more churches and
less police than any city in the country. It
crime depends on the number of officers, why
not reduce the local force.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kochleb says Messrs.
Fields and Coates tripped her son and kicked
him when he was down. Justice Gripp will
give them a hearing Friday.
H. L. Castle, Esq., addressed an amend
ment meeting on Mr. Washington last evening.
A meeting will be held in the Smithfield street
M. E. Church this evening.
Building permits issued for March were for
88 brick dwellings to 186 frames. The outlying
wards lead in improvements. Just 21 iron clad
bnildings will be erected within the fire limits.
OWING to the Washington Inaugural Cen
tennial taking place on April SO, Select Council
has decided to hold its next meeting on April
22, instead of April 29, the regular meeting day.
William Robinson says James Brown in
sulted his lady friend on Fifth avenno last
evening. Mr. R. knocked Mr. B. down, and
Justice Gripp will see wbat chivalry there is
left in Pittsburg this morning.
J. D. Watson asks the Court for a citation
on J. C. Courtney, of the Emsworth Courtney
estate, to show why he should not file an ac
count. The plaintiffs are William Roberts and
wife, nurses of Dr. Courtney, who claim they
have not been treated as was intended by the
Doctor. ,
The statement is anonymously thrown out
by an evening paper that the Welsbach natural
gas burners, adopted by this city as substitutes
for incandescents in lignting the fire engine
houses, are sold outright to Indianapolis and
other Western cities, while Pittsburg must pay
a high royalty and rental for them.
Work has been mapped out for the further
ance of the prohibition amendment In -this
county. Plans for volunteer speakers and
literature to combat that of the Liquor League
have been decided upon. The Governor of
Iowa and the Governor of Kansas will probably
talk of prohibition in their States. It will be
interesting to know what the Governor of Iowa
says to the Governor of Kansas.
Sing a song of Wiggins, a pocket full of
pence. When he gives the weather he's surely
on the fence. The fence is very narrow, so is
Wiggins' seat. For acrobatic balancing he
surely can't be beat. The maid stays in the
parlor, the mistress scrubs the floor, the nurse
can spank the baby till the innocent Is sore.
The hostler darns the master as loud as he may
dare, and everybody's feeling good; the weather
will be fair.
Mr. Grlbnm Has No Complaints to Mnke
About Frelaht Rates.
Representatives Graham, Robinson and
Jones and Senators Newmyer and Mehard,
of Lawrence county, went to Harrisburg last
Mr. Graham said be was sorry he was not in
Harrisburg to hear Mr. Carnegie's speech on
freight discriminations. He ships a number of
stoves west, but he has no complaints about
freight rates to make.
Mr. Jones stated tbat none of the amend
ments to the Brooks law were likely to pass,
with the exception of Mr. Fow's bilk
Scores of Rafts en Route From Northern
Counties to Pittsburg.
The first lumber of the season 'came down
the Allegheny river yesterday consisting of
six rafts. Many more are on the way, but
on account of the high water the majority of
tbem had to tie up. The body of rafts in ex
pected to arrive to-day.
The raftsmen report that this will be a fine
lumber season, very little of it is sawed, com
ing down the stream in the form of square and
round logs.
Sad fecenes In a Street Car.
Yesterday afternoon Officer Scott, of Alle
gheny, arrested George Mclntyre, Mike Gra
ham and a woman named Mary Lane, all
drunk, and locked them up on a charge of dis
orderly conduct. This trio were on a Madison
avenue car and carried on in such a disgrace
ful manner that the driver was compelled to
eject tbem from the car.
Send Yonr Name and Address
With 2 cents to Colgate A Co., 65 John St, N.
Y., for a sasrple of Demulcent Shaving Soap, ,
Bui We Must Have Those Mononga
hela Dams and Locks,
Important Testimony, Tending to Fix Lock
No. 4 at 236,000.
The case of the United States against the
Monongahela Navigation Gompany, insti
tuted for the purpose of condemning the
lock and dam system of that company, and
nltimately making the Monongahela River
, a free navigable stream, was opened at the
company's office, in the Bakewell building,
at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
All the viewers but J. "M. Clark were
present. Colonel Alien, the United States
District Attorney, represented the Govern
ment, and George Shiras, Jr., and R. B.
Camahan looked after the interests of the
company. There were also present a num
ber of Government official's and several oi
the stockholders and officers of the naviga
tion company, all of whom were deeply in
terested in the testimony.
The first witness produced by the company
was John H. Drake, of Middletown, N. Y..
one of the heaviest contractors and builders
in the bridge and dam line in the United
States. Ho testified tbat he was not a civil
engineer, but had been engaged in river and
railroad contracting for 20 years. He was the
contractor for lock No. 4 of the navigation
company, which was completed In 1884. In his
examination in chief the witness testified, in
answer to Mr. Shiras, tbat he believed the
difference in the value of a dam constructed
and put in place and one which bad been com
pleted and stood a practical test of three years,
which is the time generally deemed necessary
to determine the permanent qualities of these
dams, would reach in most cases, and in the
one in question particularly, 50 per cent of the
cost of construction in favor of the latter. He
said some contractors wonld say the dam that
stood the test would be worth only 25 per cent
more than that which had not, but the majority
of them, like himself, placed it at 50.
He also testified as to the history of theMo
nongahela river in regard to floods, showing it
to be the most difficult stream in the country
on which to maintain a lock or dam, not only
on account of the rapidity of the current, but
because of the freauent floods and washouts.
On cross-examination the winess admitted to
Colonel Allen that he had never seen the dam in
question, and thathe did not know the object of
his visit to Pittsburg, which was in response to
a telegram received Saturday night to be in
Pittsburg yesterday.
LV. Hoag, Jr., the next witness, corroborated
the first witness, but placed the Increased
value by reason of the successful test at 20 per
cent. This witness also admitted that he had
never examined lock and dam No. 7, and per
sonally had no knowledge of its construction
or stability.
In answer to Colonel Allen he stated that
he would be willing to guarantee the dam for
the next four ears only on condition that he
be given tbe care of the dam during that
William D. Stratton, of Middletown, N. Y., a
partner of the first witness, corroborated him,
and placed the increased value of the nroperty
at 30 per cent over the original cost of construc
tion. Witness never saW the dam in dispute,
and could not testify as to its qualities.
Colonel T. P. Roberts, chief engineer of the
Monongahela Navigation Company, testified
that he has been a civil engineer since 1863, and
has been chief engineer of the navigation com
pany since 18S4;has had many years' experience
in the river line and was for considerable time
a member of the corps of United States Engi
neers of AVescem Pennsylvania; knew when
lock and dam No. 7 was constructed, and was
acquainted with its details and its materials.
After the three years' test had been made, he
believed it added at least 25 per cent to the
value of the dain. In addition to this he
thought the deposits of silt which from year to
year have been made in this dam have in
creased its value at least 15 per cent, this be
cause the debris had filled all crevices that
might have made the dam weak during the
first year and formed in itself a solid mass
almost as strong as tbe bank of the river itself.
He testified to the difficulty of constructing
and maintaining dams ou this river on account
of the frequency of floods and the power of the
He also detailed the numerous risks assumed
in building dams on this river, and said it was
never safe to place a close estimate on the
probable cost ol a dam on a stream like this.
He then cited the case of the Davis Island dam,
which was originally estimated at $450,000, but
when completed was found to have cost $980,000.
Mr. Carnahan then read the report ot United
States Engineer Merrill, showing the estimate
of the cost of Dam No. 8, which is being con
structed by the Government about five miles
above No. 7, of the navigation company, and
which Colonel Roberts testified was of the same
character and size, generally, as No. 7. This
dam, it is estimated, will cost 2236,000.
ColoneLAllen, on behalf of the Government,
objected to all testimony offered to show that
the dam and lock had enhanced in value by
reason of the deposits of silt, or because they
had stood the three years' test. In cross-examining
Mr. Stratton he proved that Dams Nos.
1, 2 and S of the MonongahelaNavigation Com
pany had all suffered from washouts, or breaks,
even after standing 12 years without apparent
defects. This, the Colonel claimed, was suf
ficient to show that Lock and Dam No. 7 might
sufferer in the same way two hours after they
bad been purchased by tbe Government, even
if such things could be considered In the pres
ent case, but they could not, for the reason
tbat the act of Congress under which tbe pres
ent proceedings are instituted direct the view
ers to estimate and determine tbe cost of tbe
dam as it stands to-day, and that it was unfair
for tbe company even to assume to charge the
Government for the gifts of nature which may
or may not have made the property of greater
value than when it was constructed.
The testimony being admitted subject to tbis
general objection, tbe relevancy of this testi
mony will have to be determined before the
viewers can pass upon the case. The company
will close its case by noon to-day.
At a meeting of Battery B last night it was
decided to leave for New York to participate
in the Washington Centennial at 7:30, on April
28. It is not yet known wh'ether the battery will
parade mounted or dismounted.
So There Whs Not Absolute Hnrmony at
tbe Henry George Single Tax Meeting
Land for Everybody.
The Henry George followers, or Single
Tax men, met in the hall over Ruppel's
restaurant, 212 Smithfield street, last night.
If the size of the audience present is any
criterion the George theory is on the wane in
this city, there only being 25 present. Charles
Loeth was b ooked for an address; but tbe gen
tleman failed to materialize, so tbe evening
was spent in extemporaneous discussion and
debate upon Georgeism, Socialism and An
archism. Thomas Grundy presided, but at
times bis efforts were futile to check the en
thusiastic ones who were wont to vent their
views after studiously absorbing the arguments
laid down in "Progress and Poverty."
By invitation, three Socialists were invited
to attend the meeting, in order to change opin
ions, and this organization was represented by
well-known Mr. Frank Gessner.
The first speaker who endeavored to demon
strate tbe one-tax theory was C. F. Wright, a
carpenter, who averred that the -George sys
tem was the only true one as to taxation of the
citizen, but admitted that it would be difficult
to formulate It into a law. He said the wrong
impression was prevalent as to the taxation of
land, some thinking tbat their land wonld be
levied according to the extent of their estates.
This, be said, was not the case, but tbat it was
taxed'only as to its value.
He continued: "The average worklngman is
now a slave to tbe capitalist, and what we want
is land of our own, which, If we cultivate it, is
our capital absolute."
From a. Socialistic standpoint Mr. Gessner
took exceptions to many things said, which
was a signal for a general volley of "hearme's"
from the George men.
Great Sight of the Invisible World.
The Iron City .Microscopical Society will
give its eighth annual exhibition at Old
City Hall, Friday, February 12, at 8 P. m.
It will consist of SO microscopes; 60 cases of
butterflies, etc., from collection of Bev. W.
J. Holland; a series of objects with the
lantern, and scientific apparatus made by
Mr. Brashear altogether a great varietv of
wonderful objects. Admission, 60c; cnild
ren,,25c Proceeds for benefit oi the society's
cTJfsa st v ;rs-,.ix,'WS'
That li What the City Contemplates, by
Ordinance, for Diamond Street The
Controller's Report and Nevr Commit
tees. Probably the most important and general
ly interesting question that went before
Conncils yesterday was the ordinance drawn
up by City Attorney Moreland and intro
duced In Select branch for the general widen
ing of Diamond street. The scope of this im
provement Is great; whether or not it should
be greater, and include a provision to cut the
upper part of Diamond street down 10 or 12
feet, Is now a paramount question. Several of
those persons interested in getting the matter
before Councils think the grading movement
should come now.
As to just what the ordinance in its present
form contemplates, the following statement
from Major Moreland will show:
The street Is to he widened on the north side,
where 20 feet Is to be added to the thoroughfare.
It Is to lead directly through the market house as
far down as Liberty street. Through the market
Jionse an arcade is to be built The property
holders on the north side of the street are to pay
the expense of the project, and the city is not to
be made to pay anything at all toward It. The en
tire street, upfront Liberty to Grant, will, If this
project finally prevails, be 20 feet wider than Its
present widest part, which will make it a business
thoroughfare through the center of the city.
Next in importance, perhaps and of more
general interest because affecting the entire
city, was the annnal report of Controller Mor
row, presented in the Common branch. The
Controller calls attention to what he deems the
fallacy of the Finance Committee in estimating
among the city revenues more fees for liquor
licenses than will be granted or paid, and
larger returns from outstanding taxes than are
ever collected from year to year. He suggests
that this latter item be not estimated as a re
ceipt hereafter, so that there shall not be the
accustomed annnal deficiency. Ho also criti
cises the committee for interfering with his
purchase of bonds, from the sinking funds, and
reports and suggests this:
Up to the time the Finance Committee took the
action referred to, in October. 1 had purchased
about poo.000 of city bonds, and from thence to
the end of the fiscal year there was bought about
fJO, 000 more, making the total amount purchased,
since commencing in April last, in round num
bers, about fl50,000. I would recommend that the
Mayor, Controller and Treasurer to be consti
tuted an ex-offlcfo board to make purchases tor
the sinking funds and that all matters relating to
the care and management of the same be reposed
In their hands.
Appended to the Controller's communication
is along statement of the receints and dis
bursements duriDg the past year. In Substance
the figures are as follows:
Totafrecelpts .'. 3,657,153
'Warrants drawn for defendants (1,820,000
Korlnlcrest 724.000
For Judgments 28,000
For education 063,000
For deficiencies... 2,KX)
For payment of E. Birmingham bonds.... 100,000
For streets ami sewer fund 130,000
For sub-school districts 2-57,000
For warrants of previous year 131,600
Total warrants drawn about 4, 057, SSI
Balance February 1, 1SS3 (1,072,502
Receipts 3,657,155
Total K729.657
Expenditures 4,057,881
Balance February 1, 1839 1 671,776
According to the statement the balance this
year is (100,726 less than last year.
Principal among the other ordinances intro
duced in Common and Select branches were:
For grading, curbing and paving Grandvlew
avenue. Hone street and Broad street; sewers in
Twentv-slxth street and Frankstown avenue;
changing Roup street's name to Meglcy avenue;
sewer in Fourth avenue, from Grant street to
Cherry alley: police station In Thirty-sixth ward;
regulating traction and electric railways: repeal
ing the ordinance relieving the Birmingham Pas
senger Railway from cleaning the streets over
which its road passes: sewer In Thirty-third
street: re-establishing grade of Colwcit street:
grading and curbing Wllmot street: sewers In
Carsou street and Fifth avenue: hose and engine
house in Thirty-first ward. The widening ana
macadamizing of Birmingham avenue is soon also
to come up.
The Department of Charities' expenses for
February were $5,433 15, in caring for 539 per
.Mr. Ferguson offered, in Common branch, an
ordinance apportioning city employes here
after to the various wards, pro rata; referred.
To the Committee on Works was reierred a
reconsideration of the award for building the
second and third floors of the Nineteenth ward
station, which, it is contended, John Volz
ought to have, to make up present losses on
the work of the lower part.
A joint session of Conncils was held to an
nounce the standing committees. In Common
Council the old committees stand. For Select,
Drancn rresiuent x ora announced tneioiiow
ing: Finance A. F. Keating, John M. Anderson,
James Getty, Jr., K. J. Hazlett, John Paul, A. U.
uorporauons a.. j. itoDertson, tionn laums,
Robert Warren, 8. 1). Warmcastle, John Paul, G.
H. Treuscli, J, L. Williams, T. A. GlllesDle, John
Public-Works J. L. Williams. William Mc
Klnley. M. C. Dwyer, D. P. Evans, T. A. Gil
lespie, T. U. Miller, A. F. Keating, George N.
Monro, W. W. Msbet.
Public bafety-Jobn S. Lamblc, T. M. Brophy,
John Doyle, E. II. Matthews. George Wilson, H.
Ilohrkaste, Evan Jones, George Treusch, Daniel
Surveys John M. Anderson. John O'Nell, 8. D
Warmcastle, C. Evans, D. P. Evans, James Getty,
Jr., T. H. Miller. H. Kohrkaste, Thomas E.Perry,
W. W. Nlsbet, Evan Jones, M. Cavanaugh.
Charltles-J. P. AlcCord. C. Evans. James
Fltzslmmons. John b. Lamble, 3. II. Gillespie,
Thomas E. Perry, John Bentz, Daniel Brown,
John Murphy.
That Great Ax Factory Loss Indemnified by
$205,200 in Policies.
It was estimated yesterday afternoon that
the loss on Hubbard & Co.'s ax and shovel
works by Sunday's fire would only approxi
mate $100,000, and that $500,000 (the figures
first given by Mr. Hubbard and partners)
would be found too high. The insurance,
in detail, as carried by the Arrott agency,
is as follows:
Continental, New York, 55,466: Niagara, New
York, $5,466, Queen, England, 55,466; German
American, New York, $5,466; Guardian, En
gland, $5,466; Hanover, New York, $2,733; Sun
Fire Oflice. England, S3.1SS; Merchants', Provi
dence, $2,933; Orient, Hartford, $2,933; Liver
pool and L. and S., England. $9,110: American
Fire, Philadelphia, $2,733; National. New York,
$1,822; Etna. Hartford, $5;466; Williamsburg
City, New York, $1,822; Western. Toronto!
$2,733: Phoenix, England, $2,733; Ameri
can Central, St. Louis, 82,733; Spring
field F. and M., $2,733; Equitable. Provi
dence, $2,733; Providence, Washington, $2,733;
United Firemen's, $2,733; County of Philadel
phia, $2,733;" Hartford, $5,466: Insurance Com
pany of North America, $5,466; Pennsylvania
Fire, $2,733: Norwich Union, $5,466; Citizens',
Cincinnati, $1,822; Royal, England, $5,460; Lib
erty, New York. 81.822; Citizens', New York,
$1,S22; Commercial Union, $5,466: Fire Associa
tion. Philadelphia. $2,733; Phoenix, Hartford,
$2,733; Delaware Mutual, $2,733; Home, New
York, $5,466; Westchester, New York, $1,822;
Western, Pittsburg, $1,822; Allemannia, Puts'
bure, S1.S2Z: Firemen's, of Dayton, $1,822; Buffalo-German,
$1,366; Anglo-Nevada, $5.
466; St, Paul F. & .M, $2,733;
Insurance Company, State Pennsylva
nia, $1,822; Boatman's, Pittsburg, $1,822
Lion, England, $1,822: People's, Pittsburg.
, neo. VTnTT...f.i.(.... eo TOO. n.n. i ... '
81,366: British America, $1,866: Lancashire,
2,933; Fire Insurance Association, England
$2,933: Hamburg-Bremen, 12,933: Firemen's, New
Jersey, 82,933; N. a & M., $2,933: Empire State,
$5,000; Pacific Neur. York, $2,500; Michigan!
$2,500; Union, California. $2,500; Commerce
$1,500: Kenton, $L500; Concordia. $2,000: Manu
facturers and Builders', $2,000; Imperial, $2,600:
Ben Franklin, $1,000. Total, $205,200. x
Property Sold Under a Mechanics' Lien VI
ves a Mortgage.
In the suit of Charles, Harbach for the
use of August Harbach against August
Kirth, Judge Ewing rendered a decision
ior the defendant.
About 12 years ago Harbach secured a mort
gage on a piece of property. Two lots of the
piece were subsequently sold at Sheriff's sale
on a mechanics' lien, thereby divesting the
Tbe plaintiffs claimed that the mortgage ap
plied to a piece of ground on which a house
had been built, and not to tbat sold by the lien.
Judge Ewing couldn't see it in that light.
Coal Fleets for the Southwest In Spite of a
Depressed Trade.
There is still a good,stage of water in the
river. The marks -yesterday registered 8i
feet. The Coal Citv and J. C. Risher started
with tows of coal. No boats arrived yesterday
from lower ports.
Robbed n Widow.
Mrs. Kate DIvens, a widow, keeping a cigar
and notion store on Second avenue, near the
Tenth street bridge, last night reported to the
police tbat some one had entered her store
uuiiuk uw vcuiu ouu ohuieu dw, xnetmei
gained an entrance through a window while
Mr TWvana vol flttanfllnfl. tn tin, .hfl ....
For Those Sural Aspirants to Retail
License Emoluments.
After All Other Country Applicants Had
Slid Past on Time.
The Allegheny county retail license ticker
ceased to tick last evening, just as the
Court's appetite gently reminded His Honor
of the approach of supper time. Attorney
Yost, oi the Law and Order League, had
meanwhile spoiled the appetites of several
McKee's Bocks applicants. Things went
like clockwork all day long. Judge "White
kept the License Court pendulum swinging,
and the TV. C. T. TJ. impediments to the
balance wheel got out of the way; but "the
great dial of justice for that bar which is
not so intimate with the bench as is the
other bar showed scarcely any definite signs
as to the "time of day" for applicants, ex
cept for the goodly number of those whose
"hour had come." The latter could in
many instances read the dial without the
aid of those minute and second hands which
the Court will attach when its three mem
bers get down to their work together to
"regulate things."
From Marshall township, at the ontset,
there was the Frederick Kiley they spoke of
so highly as the only applicant from that
rural retreat; from Mifflin came James
Briggs, who makes five times as much at
his bar as at his table; from Dravosburg,
William J. Coats, who mines coal, but wants to
wash for gold In Guzzler's Gulch, where license
was refused last year; from Duquesne, Charles
Downloy, whom the temperance people
favored, if they did anybody; from near Dra
vosburg, William -J. Horsey, who made three
times as much at his baron pay days as on
Other days: from Duquesne, also, Charles Don
ohue, who was told that he and Downloy
couldn't both have license; from Moss Side,
Thomas D. Davis, who takes in five times as
many ducats for drinks on Saturdays as on
other days, and then, from near by, Thomas
Hilton, Fred W. Haberman, Henry Koch.John
Linn, John Morris and Patrick King together,
John Steiner, William Sharp, Patrick J. How
ard (a miner injured for life and anxions to
succeed), Joseph Conway and August Gold
strohm. The latter was opposed by tbe P. R.
R, and said its officials were "very cranky any
Charles Jenkins and Austin Brukardwent
tbrougn swimmingly, as did also Magdallna
Brindie, from near Sharpsbnrg. Jacob Fross
said his was.the first place out the road from
SharpsburgforlG miles, and be had rheuma
tism. Philip Howe and John Kammer were re
fused last year, and His Honor told Chris
Maeder, of the Kittanning road, that he was
too near the borough limits, and granting him
a license at low township rates would be dis
criminating against others within the Uneswbo
must pay higher. Henry T. Thomas and Joseph
Zcoick followed: and so Marcus Jenny, J. F. D.
Keating. Wm. Keown and Chris Schanzen
back, without incident. But Mrs. A. M. Hoff
man, of Robinson township, who was refused
last year, said she thought the Court had made
a mistake in her case; ditto Charles Beck, of
Reserve township. Thomas Boebm bad been
for 20 years a botcher; Adam Eberi and Charles
Fath tailed to answer: Loba Happ happened to
be ten squares from the city line and wanted
license to make a better living, and Lewis Heyle
was refused last year.
In the afternoon Mrs. Margaret McOnlre made a
favorable Impression, and Daniel Pflefler, of the
haw mill Valley plank road, told how he managed
to keep an orderly bouse 1. e., by means of a
good, plucky ivlfe and the right end of a broom
stick. Franz Weckcl wound up Reserve town
ship; Kose A. Flood, of Scott, had withdrawn,
but James Carmlchael hadn't, thongh he may.
M lltlam 8. Davis, ot Conltersvllle, South Ver
sailles, had three friends who, with himself, con
stituted a "club, " thongh not the "Big Four,"
suggested by Mr. Christy. They drank two kegs
of beer a week. William T. Armstrong, ofHtowe,
had sold to ltlcbard Fewer and others who drank
a good bit. Fewer, being one of the applicants,
here skulked out of the room, and did not answer
when his name was called. Theresa Ueusih, of
Chartiers (near McKee's Kocks), said she bad not
sold, bnt had given away, a flask of the ardent
that was produced in evidence against her.
William Lamb has a license now, and takes in
about (10 per day and double that amoant on Sat
urdays. He admitted having some tronble at his
place In putting a man out. Afterward he sued
the man before 'Squire Bryan for assault and bat
tery, and the man was fined.
Jodge Whife Did the 'bqulre fine the man?
Mr. Lamb Yes, sir, he did.
Jndge White-How often does the Court or
Quarter Sessions sit at McKee's Kocks?
Mr. Lamb I don't know.
Judge 'White They tell me It generally sits at 6
o'clock. Now, there was a man cnt another
man's throat down there some time ago. Did
those men drink in your place?
Mr. Lamb-Yes, sir; they had some drink In my
place about A o'clock In the afternoon, but not
after tbat. They were sober then.
William McCarthy was the next, and he had
only filed his bond last week.
John bchlndebuttee said his receipts were about
(39 per day and from ?30 to too on Saturday. Tho
applicant admitted that he was convicted In tbe
Criminal Court last week for selling to minors.
F. P. Stecdle was refused last year.
Theodore bmith has a license and says be takes
In from tl8 to (20 per day, f 10 or which Is for liquor.
Jndge white Oh, now, more than that?
Mr. smith Well, jsay 15.
Jndge White Oh, cornel more than that?
Mr. Smith Well, on pay days about J250.
Jndge White I thought you would own up.
The applicant stated tbat he has a large hotel,
and furnishes irom 75 to 103 meals per day. and en
tertains a big crowd of railroaders.
Al Young was called next, and as the annllcant.
with his large, rnddy face, came np, the Court
smiled and said: "I remember your case from last
Mr. Young Well, Judge, If 1 don't get a license
I guess I will have to root. I don't come here
playing the charity act. I come here on the dead
Saying which Mr. Young proceeded to seat him
self on the table.
Jndge White That's right. I don't like people
who come here and not tell the truth.
Mr. Young Well. Judge. 1 come here to tell the
truth and to try and get a license for Al Young.
Judge White How many licenses do you think
there thould be down at Chartiers?
Mr. Young Well, Jndge, that's for yon and not
for me. If yon grant any, why, let Al Young in.
I have got a big house now. and can accommodate
travelers. I also have a large stable.
Judge White Suppose ldou't grant any licenses
down there
Mr. Young Well, ir you knock me out let the
place go dry, or else give me an equal chanco with
the other men. ,
Judge White-Well, who will I knock out In
order to give you a license? You understand, 1
won't Increase the number of saloons down there.
Mr. Young That is a question for yourself? I
didn't come hereto talk about my neighbors, or
to say an thing against anybody.
Judge White Have you sold anything In the
past year?
Mr. Young-No, sir, 1 did not. I got a box of
bottled beer occasionally and drank it myielf;
sometimes some or my friends helped mc.
Judge White oh, you have friends?
Air. Yonng Yes, Judge, I havo lots of them.
The 'Squire there (pointing to 'Squire Miles
Bryan, who is the clerk of the Court) hclos me
A general laughed followed, in wnlch tho Judge
Joined heartily.
Judge White I only have this to say. Your
candor and manliness makes me feel as though I
could trust yon better than any man down there.
Mr, Young You can, Jndge; and in don't obey
the law, there are plenty of people (pointing at
Cantain Wlshart) who will watch me and make
me obey tbe law. Good day. Judge!
bamuel Busier was the first applicant from
Shaler township. He did not apply last year.
W. H. Fannerfe has a license now, and takes In
S35 per day, one-hair of which is from liquor.
William Henry was refused last year. Jacob
Klelnschmldt wants a license to get rid of heavy
work in the mill. Jacob Lobret is a carpenter by
trade, and said his house was built for the hotel
purpose. Richard Moeller was refused last year,
but wants to make a living. Fred Oblfngcr
wanted a license Tor the same purpose. George
O.Pote got his license through a transfer lrom
Mrs. belbert, whose husband died. He took In
about (30 per day.
Frank Bosnian said he kept a boarding house
and cigar store, bnt as he could speak but little
English, and had only been naturalized last year,
tbe Court disposed of him in short order, saying
that, he would not grant a license to a man who
couldn't speak English.
Conrad Sontag was refused last year; Adolph
Schopper keeps a restaurant; George W.
Weltbans Is at present a barkeeper, bnt would
like to run a place for himself.
William Stevenson was the only applicant from
Union township, and he was refused last year be
cause his bondsmen were not right.
Michael Baldesberger was the first from Upper
St. Clair township. He wanted a license for a
place near Sodom.
Jndge White That's a good name.
Attorney Fetterman It's a good place.
Judge White Any Gomorrah ont that way?
Attorney Kobb-Yes, it's across the river.
Tbe applicant said he had a large place and had
ample accommodation for tbe traveling public.
WUlitia per, of Upper fit, Clair, is a coal
sr -j-sr
18891 '
miner, and quit that occupation two weeks ago.
Mr. Mayer was called and testified as to the neces
sltyofsuchapublio.house. ., .
Z. C. Glltman. S72 Liberty street, who was sick
when his name was called, was beard and passea
a very fair examination.
J. O. Sbaw, of Harmar township, -was also ex
amined and told a good story as to the necessity or
This ended the retail list Tbe wholesale dealers
will be taken up to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock,
there being no session of the license court to-day.
Nearly ThntMnnyMonon Miners Resume
Operation! liter Only a Short Shut
Down Railroad miners' Wage nnd
Other Industrial News.
After a shutdown of only a week's dura
tion, the Monongahela river miners, with
the exception of those employed by Homer
& Roberts, resumed work yesterday morn
ing. About 6,000 men in all are affected by
the resumption, and what at first was
thought wonld prove a serious affair for the
miners, has ended in a way that is highly
satisfactory to both the miners and their
During the entire winter there Tiad been a
general complaint by the mine owners of
tbe dullness in the river coal trade. Tbe men
rarely worked full time, and both sides suf
fered. On Friday, March 29, the mine owners held a
meeting and decided to close up their mines on
the following Monday. This decision was car
ried out, and 6,000 miners were thrown idle for
an indefinite periodi
Tbe coal trado took a sudden upward turn,
however, and the prospects are much brighter.
This led the owners to order an immediate re
sumption, which took effect yesterday.
A meeting of the railroad coal operators of
Western Pennsylvania will be held in this city,
sometime during tbis week, to consider the de
mands of the miners. At a meeting the latter
decided to ask 76 cents per ton for all railroad
coal mined during the coming year. The scale
for the year extends from May 1 to Anril 30 of
the following year. The scale for this year is
as yet unsigned.
Tho operators think the miners' demand is
too high, and that the price per ton of mined
coal should not exceed 70 cents or thereabouts.
Tbov claim that, owing to the higher rates and
competition, it Is impossible to make a fair
profit. It is thought that a compromise will be
made, and that no trouble will result.
The Contract Awarded and tbo-Worlt to bo
Finished Next October.
The Thomas A. Armstrong Monument
Association met last night at,the rooms of
the Amalgamated Association, on Smith
field street, to examine the models and designs
subm!ttedfor a monument to the late Mr.
Armstrong. The model submitted by Alfred
A. Windsor & Co.. of Allegheny City, was
adopted. The height of the statue will be
seven feet: total heightb of monument, 15 feet
7 inches; contract price, S3.E00.
The monument is to be made of the best
quality of granite. Work on it will be com
menced at once, and it may be finished in time
to dedicate next October, at least this is the
wish of the Executive Committee. Tbe con
tractor says he will endeavor to comply with
the request.
Tho Paddling Department and Plate Mill
Reopened for Operations.
The Millvale Iron Works, formerly oper
ated by Graff, Bennett & Co., partially re
sumed operations yesterday. The firm
signed the puddlers' scale in the forenoon, and
the mill will be union. The puddling depart
ment and tbe plate mill are in operation.
The firm has a contract to furnish the Penn
sylvania Tube Works with pipe iron.
One Thousand Men lit the Air Brako Works
Are CatAwnvDown.
The employes of the Westinghouse Air
Brake Works (not the Electric "Works, as
was at first rumored,) went to work at re
duced hours yesterday. The men have been
working "time-and-a-half," but, in order to
keep all men employed, they will only work
eight hours per day. One thousand men are
affected by the change.
Reforms Need Slore Than a Day
To bring them about, and are always more
complete and lasting when they proceed with
steady regularity to a consummation. Few
of tbe observant among ns can have failed to
notice that permanently healthful changes-in
the human system are not wrought by abrupt
and violent means, and tbat those are the
most salutary medicines which are pro
gressive. Eostetter's Stomach Bitters is the
chief of tbese. Dyspepsia, a disease of obsti
nate character, is obliterated by it.
Klebers' Wonderfn New Stock.
The cream of musical instruments, such
as the Steinway pianos, Conover pianos,
Emerson and Opera pianos are now exhib
ited in splendid variety and fancy styles at
H. Kleber & Bro.'s, 506 Wood street. Also
the wonderfnl Yocalion church organs and
Burdett organs. It is admitted that Kleber
Bros, have secured the sole agency for all
the best pianos and organs in the "country.
Besides, their reputation for fair and honor
able dealings has attracted the majority of
purchasers to the house, so that it is gener
ally believed that they db twice as much
business as any other music house. Persons
who want the very best instruments, and
want them cheap and on easy lime pay
ments, mnst necessarily buy at Klebers'.
401 Smithfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, 8100,000. Surplus, $38,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts
Sliver Inlaid Spoons
And Forks. The backs and points have a
piece of solid sterling silver inlaid, and are
then plated with five thicknesses of silver,
making them almost equal to solid silver.
They are warranted to wear a lifetime. For
sale only by E. P. Boberts & Sons, corner
Fifth aye. and Market st. I Tusu
ForTo-Dny'a Sale.
For to-day's sale we announce onr famous
Gleninore suits, no garments more handsome
than these. They combine both style and
grace. They are cut in the following
labrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds,
diagonals, tricots, etc. Black, bine, brown
and steel are the shades. One thing more
we would mention, and tbat is tailors charge
$25 for these identical suits. Our price to
day only 512. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
GLOVES fitted to the hand, and every pair
guaranteed. Come to the grand opening to
day and to-morrow.
F. Schoenthal, 612Penn ave.
1 i
Candle Shades.
Odd conceits in paper, silk and lace.
Note our window display. A Dew assort
ment just opened at Hardy & Hayes',
Jewelers, 533 Smithfield street, between
Fifth and Sixth avenues. tts
A. choice line of handkerchiefs, collars
and cuffs, ruchings, veilings, umbrellas,
fans, jewelry and many specialties and nov
elties for ladies and children's wear. Come
to the grand opening to-day and to-morrow.
F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave.
At 40c 100 fine French embroidered
aprons; never sold under 75c and SI.
At 50c 800 fine French embroidered
aprons; always retailed at $1 and $1 25.
Dozens of different styles embroidery, five
to 15 inches deep. Boggs & Buhl.
A CHOICE line of handkerchiefs, collars
and cuffs, ruchings, veilings, umbrellas,
ians, jewelry and many specialties and nov
elties for ladies and children's wear. Come
to the grand opening to-day and to-morrow.
F. SCHOENTHALfj612 Penn ave.'
Those who are not acquainted with the
various makes and styles of furniture should
always deal with a firm that have but one
price, and who can be relied -upon as carry
ing the very latest designs. Such a firm is
Dain & Daschbacb, 111 Smithfield st
You can't get the good of your electrio
light unless yon have proper shades or
globes. The most complete assortment and
newest designs are to be fonnd atiCrzig
head's Lamp Store, 615 SmitMeld st; D
Freleht Agenla are Thinking of Kettering;
Texas Dlflerential.
The Pittsburg Committee of Freight
Agents meets this morning. One of the
subjects to be considered will be Texas
differentials. All of the local roads, with the
exception of tbe Baltimore and Ohio, claim
tbat the through rates to Texas points, as pub
lished by the Southwestern roads, are illegal.
After using them for two years they sud
denly wake up to tbis fact, and the result is
that Pittsburg shipners are now charged tbe
sum of two locals. 2 he Cotton Belt, however,
is still using the original rate.
While the local roads individually iave with
drawn these differentials, tbe committee, as a
body, has not taken action on the matter.
It is now rumored that the roads regret their
hasty action, and it is possible the old Texas
differentials will be restored, much to the joy
of Pittsburg shippers.
Liquor Men Preparing; to Flood the State
With Literature.
Brewer Stranb went to Philadelphia yes
terday to attend a regular meeting oi the
Brewers Association. Mr. Straub stated
tbat the brewers are still engaged gathering
statistics and arranging data, and tbat little
campaign work would be done before the first
of May. when the liquor men will flood the
State with literature and send out its stump
Mr. Straub is confident the Prohibitionists
will be snowed nnder.
Resolutions Upon the Death of James Cal
lery. Office of the )
Pittsbueo and Westeen B't Co.,
Allegheny, April 8, 1880. )
Died, after a life of great usefulness, at
his home, Hiland avenue, Pittsburg, on
Fridav morning, April 5, James Callery,
President of this company. Mr. Callery
has been identified with this road from its
commencement, being connected with the
Pittsburg and Hew Castle road, out of
which and others the Pittsburg and West
ern was formed. His knowledge of Pitts
burg and its interests indicating to him
early the importance of another outlet for
its products, induced him to invest in the
securities of the road, and so great was his
confidence tbat he largely staked his for
tune on the result. His clear vision, which
was not clouded by any doubts and mis
givings, warranted the investment the ends
attained having demonstrated the correct
ness ot his judgment Alas, just as he was
about to realize the full fruition of his in
vestment, he was called away, not, however,
until he had shown that with railroads and
railroad management he was a master.
Mr. Callery came here when qnitea young
man, and continuously from that time to
the last of his busy life there was not a day
that he was not adding to the wealth of this
community, which he loved so dearly.
As a business man his judgment com
manded the respect of his associates. His
i'oyous nature made him friends wherever
le was known. 2fo one worthy appealed to
him in vain for either friendly advice or
substantial aid. His counsel will be missed
in the management of the many corporations
in which he was interested, and by none
more than by the Pittsburg and Western
Bailway Company, the success of which is
largely due to his zeal, confidence and devo
tion to its best interests.
At a meeting of the directory, this day
held, the above minute is made "a record on
the books of this company, and it is ordered
that the same be published and a copy sent
to the family of our late president.
H. D. Campbell, Secretary.
The best line of corsets, gloves, hosiery,
underwear and a general assortment of
ladies' and children's fine furnishing goods
in the city. Come to the grand opening
to-day and to-morrow.
F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue.
ForTo.Daj'a Sale.
For to-day's sale we announce onr fa
mous Glenmore suits, no garments more
handsome than these. They combine both
style and grace. They are cut in the fol
lowing fabrics: Cheviots,, cassimeres, wor
steds, diagonals, tricots, etc. Black, blue,
brown and steel are the shades. One thing
more we would mention, and that is tailors
charge $25 for these identical suits. Our
price to-day only S12. P. C. C. C, cor.
Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court
A' convenient fitting room is a specialty
of our corset department. Come to the
grand opening to-day and -to-morrow.
F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave
From 10 to 25 per cent before moving. A
rare opportunity to buy new goods at low
prices at Hardv & Hayes', Jewelers and
Silversmiths, 533 Smithfield street, between
Fifth and Sixth avenues. tts
A convenient fitting room is a specialty
of our Corset department. Come to the
grand opening to-day and to-morrow.
F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave.
A retiring importer jobbed us 1,200 fine
French embroidered aprons at one-third
actual cost.
Lot 1400 at 40c.
Lot 2800 at 50c. BOGGS & BUHL.
A FULL line of hosiery for ladies' and
children. Come to the grand opening to
day and to-morrow. F. Schoenthal,
612 Penn ave.
No buffet should be without a bottle of
Angostura Bitters, the Sonth American apt
25c A YARD,
Luster Plaids and Twills.
3S-Incb Cashmeres, fancy striped and check.
Dress Fabrics, specially serviceable qualities.
50c A YARD,
French Cashmeres, new shadings.
French Plaids and Striped Novelties.
Serges, Cloths and Henriettas.
Line-bordered Saltings, wide, all-wool.
French Challies, unique designs.
65c A YARD,
40-inch French Serges.
40-inch Drap d' Almas.
'15-inch Mohair Brilliantines.
75c A YARD,
Extra grades of French Dress Goods.
Surab Twilled and Habit Cloths.
Foule's Drap d' ete Cashmeres.
Superb qualities of Silk Warp Henriettas,
lovely light tints and quiet shades for street
Large variety of wide, choice, stylish Foreign
Dress Goods.
Our Fast Dye Black Hosiery Ladies, Misses,
Children and Men's guaranteed absolutely
Light and Medium-weight Underwear, full
lines and splendid values. '
Attractive assortment of spring sbades4-But-ton
Kid Gloves, 75c and Si; 5 hooks, 75c, ft, ft 3a.
Second floor Cloak and Snlt stock invites
your patronage for novel and staple styles of
Suits, Cloaks. Wraps and Jackets. Fine range
of Bead Mantelettes all the popular numbers
from $3 to 40.
Nottingham, Swiss and Irish Point Curtains,
leading values, from SI to 10 a pair.
605 AND 507 MARKET ST.
A Party of CMMans Visit the United States
te Study the Industries Reciprocity of
Trade Needed.
A distinguished party from Chili regis
tered at the Sevetftn Avenue Hotel last
night, consisting of Pablo Manselli, Com
missioner of Bailroads; D. Fernandez Con
cha, a wealthy Santiago banker, and hit
two nephews, and Jose Luis Vial Carrallo. The
party was chaperoned by J. J. Fowler, of New
Mr. Concha, the banker, explained that they
had come to the United States to study its in
dustries and methods of doing business. Ho
says they have gold, silver, copper and coal in
Chill, and he is anxious to nave the country de
veloped, and would be glad to see American
industries introduced. The Chilians, he added,
profess the warmest friendship for the Yan
J8e8;, though they felt a little Bitter toward
Mr. Blaine at one time, but that has blown
over. Not long ago the Government let a con
tract to build a canal to cost t3.000.000 to a syn
dicate of Americans. The canal will lead from
the ocean to an inland lake, where a military
and naval station will be established.
Mr. Concha would like to see the American
take more laterest in his country. All th
Chilian trade is captured at present bvEuro-
eans. and he would be glad to see the United
tates subsidize a line of South American
steamers. Chill can give wine and saltpetre la
return for the products of the States. Next
November an exhibition of tbe improvements
5XX? ln be flonr industry will be given in
Colli, and the Government expects the Ameri
can miller to respond willingly.
Pablo Manselli stated that he had been trav
eling through the United States for some
months making a study of the railroad system.
They have 1,000 miles of road in ChllL and are
building 600 more. Their roads are built oa
the American plan.
Sonthsldo Boys Learn That the Combination
Won't Work Well.
For throwing stones at Milk Vender Joha
Hammon and his horse, on South Thirty
fourth street, Sunday, causing tbe horse to run
away and smash things, Harry Jones, Fred
Jackson and John Finnegan were yesterday
arrested. The first two furnished bail for a,
hearing on Wednesday.
We trust all our friends will see this l
announcement, as'we want them all to -be
present on tbese days, if possible.
We have made special efforts to make a
handsome showingof the choicest styles
In Bonnets and Hats, and ln Parasols
have many exclusive novelties.
Tbe Henrietta Black Satlnes are add
proof. You cannot change thelrbeauti
ful glossy black the best made in black
and in black with white figures to be
had here only.
Fancies ln Woolens and Silks prices
lower than ordinary, hence the activity
in these two big departments.
Choice styles in fancy' Mohairs and
new patterns in Printed Challies: hua
dreds of pieces to select from.
New Dress Trimmings here in Rich
Bead Appliques and Embroidered Gal.
loons and Cloth Bands. Fringes in the
latest novelties silk and quills.
Complete stock of Spring and Sum
mer Fabrics in Mourning Dress Goods '
Department Bordered and Hem
stitched Veilings. Silk and Wool Black
Goods our specialty.
Housekeepers visit the Curtain Boom
and our Linen Department. Many at
tractions there.
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