Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 07, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The Young Monarch Desires Ger
many's Kavy to Lead the World.
Bismarck Will Demand Compensation From
the Islanders.
A Lrrely FiffM en the rress Bill Xecessitatcs Some
Emperor 'William is determined to make
Germany a naval power of the first rank.
Fears are expressed that the Berlin confer
ence will not be able to adjust the Samoan
trouble. Compensation for alleged native
outrages will be demanded. The bill re
stricting the liberties of the press is causing
a lively contest. Bismarck hasieea forced
to modify the Emperor's pel measure. ,
Beblik, ,April 6. Since the English
Parliament Toted the addition of 70 ships
to the navy, the Emperor's attention centers
delusively upon Admiralty affairs. The
officials expect that the recently advanced
scheme for the -reorganization of the navy
will be recast and enlarged.
The Emperor freely expresses a deter
mination to make Germany a naval power
of the first rank. In conversation with Sir
Edward Malet, the British Embassador, he
said that nothing he would see during his
coming visit to England would interest him
as much as the promised naval review at
Officials here are in doubt as to whether
the Samoan question can be amicablr set
tled unless the American Commissioners
shall be empowered to assent to some form
of compensation for native outrages upon
The Bundesrath, at a Plenary sitting to
day, reconsidered the press laws and re
mitted them to the commission with im
portant modifications. The commission had
previously reported that they were divided
on the proposals, and that there was no pos
sibility of their reaching an agreement.
The representatives of Saxony and Bava
ria protested that the operation of the law.
it the proposed measures should be passed
by the Reichstag, would create discontent
and imperil public order. Their opposition,
combined with the representation of Herr
von Bennigsen and other National Liberal
leaders, appear to have induced the Em
peror to assent to Prince Bismarck's urgent
request for a remodeling of the law.
The articles designating as a penal of
fense hostile criticisms of the Government,
the Monarchy, the institution of marriage,
'the rights of property and the church will
Ue amended. The exact form of the new
Haw will not be revealed until the commis
sion report finally.
Prince Bismarck, in an interview with
Herr Mignal and Herr von Bennigsen, in
dicated that the bill in the form in which it
would probably be presented to the
Beichstag would leave free for discussion
social topics, such as the family, religion
and property, and permit a theoretical
analysis of political questions, retaining the
articles, making it a penal offense to incite
hate of, or contempt for the Government
and the calumny ot officials.
The clauses providing.for the suppression
of offending papers and the expulsion from
the country of contumacious editors will
also be retained. The Beichstag will not
consider the bill until after Easter. The
expulsion clause meets with fierce opposi
tion. Dr. "Von Maybach, Prussian Minister of
Public "Works,has resigned. He will prob
ably be succeeded by Herr von Theelen, Di
rector of Bailways. Dr. von Maybach's
resignation is due to quarrels with his col
leagues over the lack of regulations in the
expenditures of his department. Dr. May
bach had an interview with the Emperor.
He subsequently complained that he found
His Majesty unsympathetic
The debate in the Upper House was no
table for the unusual strictures passed upon
the condition of the Eower House for its
disorderly business methods and its dawd
ling over the budget The Lower House
authorized its senior members, Herr
Schoelemer, to protest against the indignity
offered to the House by these criticisms.
The Emperor yesterday received Herr von
Betticher and questioned him as to the or
igin of the quarrel between the two Houses.
The reading of clause 7 of the Workmen's
Insurance bill, which fixes 70 years as the
age at which an annuity shall be paid, was
followed by a lively debate. Some mem
bers supported 65 as the limit, while the
Socialists demanded that it be placed at 60,
arguing that statistics proved that few
workmen would reach the age of 70.
The Socialists -further desired that an as
surance to invalid workmen be granted
when they were unable to earn over half
the normal wages of healthy workmen.
Herr von Boetticher adhered to the original
proposals, promising that if experience
shi.wed the necessity of lowering the age
and of enlarging the fan re of the billas re
gards incapacity for work such changes-
woum De conceaeu.
In the meantime, he said, the financial
combination upon which the proposals were
based required adherence to the clause as
originally framed. Thereupon the Beichs
tag rejected the amendments. The clause
fixing the ratio of contributions to the state
of employers and employes, led to a protest
by the Freidinnigs party, who held that the
measure was opposed to'the orthodox prin
ciples of political economy.
The Centrists joined with the Progress
ists in opposing the State contribution pro
vision, but the clause was finally adopted,
with the addition proposed by Herr von
Frankenstein, that employers and workmen
should pay an equal weekly quota.
The XordeuUche Worchenilatt says the
Government has advices from Zanzibar to
the effect that the native revolt there is
rapidly extending and that a large military
force will be required for its suppression.
The "lYorchenblatt does not believe- that
Captain "Wissman will succeed in his nis
The Belgian Government is preparing a
.circular convoking an international con
" ference on the slave trade to be held in
Brussels. The entire Imperial family will
attend the baptism of the infant son of
Prince Henry of Bnssia, which has been
fixed tor May 9 at Kiel. The Czar and the
Bung of Denmark will act as godfathers.
Emperor "William has paid daily visits to
his mother since her arrival here, and she
in return has visited the Dowaeer Empress
Augusta, the Empress, thev Duke and
Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen. The restora
tion of friendly relations between the mem
bers of the Imperial family appears to be
perfect. .
Emperor Francis Joseph s visit to Berlin
has been fixed for August 1. He will re
main here until the 16th.
Boulanger Writes a Speech In Which He
Slakes Borne Great Promises.
Paris, April a The Bevisionist Com
mittee gave a grand banquet this evening,
at which 1,000 guests were present General
Boulanger was to have presided. In his
absence SenatorKaquet read a speech which
had been prepared by Boulanger for the oc
casion. In it the General promised that, on
A general amnesty and would ab
H'XOgat the exile laws, which, he said,
a strong Government did not need. He de
nounced what he termed the miserable mo
tives that had actuated the Government
with respect to the rescinding of the decree
of exile against the Due d'Aumale. This
action of the Government would have met
with his approval if it had been dictated by
a generous sentiment He declared that he
pitied M. Antoine, wBo was merely the tool
of the Opportunists. "
Regarding Alsace-Lorraine, the General
said it appeared to be a criminal offense to
uiscuss questions relating to that province,
The City of Savannah the Scene of a De
structive Conflagration Flames Still
Spreading- Other Places Ap
pealed to for Aid.
SAVANNAH, April 6. At 655 to-night
fire broke out in the show window of D. H.
Hogan's drygoods store whil a man was
lighting a gas jet Soon the fire had run to
almost every part of the building, and those
in it had barely time to escape with their
lives. A high wind prevailing contributed
to spread the flames, and there was no pos
sibility of checking them. The fire jumped
to the magnificent four.-story brick building
known as Odd Fellows' Hall. It was to
tally destroyed. Among its occupants was
the Young Men's Christian Association and
several storekeepers on the eround floor.
The fire next spread from the corner of
Barnard and State streets through 12 or 15
brick dwelling houses, completely destroy
ing them. The air was filled with sparks,
one of which lodged on the steeple of the
Independent Presbyterian Church, four or
five blocks from the starting point of the
fire. The church was totally destroyed, as
was also its handsome brick Sunday school
building and four or five contiguous dwell
ings. The city has only four fire engines,
and all were needed in the business part of
the city. No attempt was made to fight the
fire at the church.
In the meantime the fire had communi
cated to the cupola on the large four-story
brick building used as a store for paints,
oils and builders' materials by Andrew
Hanlev. Across the street from this was
the handsome new brick arsenal of the
Savannah Guards battalion, which was
totally destroyed. Ten or 15 wooden
dwellings have also been burned. It is
impossible to ttll where the fire will stop,
as sparks are starting new outbursts in
spots quite remote from those now burning.
Charleston, Augusta and Macon have been
asked to send engines. The total loss will
doubtless reach $1,500,000. Insurance will
be much less. Some loss of life may be de
veloped to-morrow.
Arrangements Blade for the State's Soldiers
' to Attend the Centennial.
Habbisbdbo, April 6. Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings having made arrangements
for the transportation the .National Guard
of this State to New York to take part in
the centennial on the 30th instant, the Penn
sylvania Legislature may be counted on to
witness the military display. Senator
Delamater to-day expressed the opinion
that the lawmakers would be on hand to
take part in the celebration of the cen
tennial anniversary of the inauguration of
George "Washington. Adjutant General
Hastings said to-day, concerning the pro
posed participation of the National Guard
in the centennial project:
Arrangements have been made whereby
transportation, quarters and rations will be
furnished the troops without making other ar
rangements whereby the guards will be ena
bled to remain in New York a sufficient length
of time to not only participate m the ceremo
nies, but to have rest before and after, and be
riven an opportunity to inspect the city.
The guards will wear the uniform
of the State. These may possibly
make them appear to disadvantage when
brought in contact with the National -Guard of
New York, several organizations of which are
permitted to wear uniforms ot a distinctive
character. I think, however, our men In the
regulation State uniform will present a far
more soldierly appearance and show a greater
decree of discipline, and, possibly, a more
thorough organization. We are very anxious
that all the members of the National Guard
shall take part in this visit, so that we may
show the Stale of New York the strength of
our command, and satisfy them that all that
has been said and written abont the Pennsyl
uanla State militia is not merely on paper.
One of the McCIellandtown Robbers Tarns
Highwayman and Is Recognized.
TJxtontown, April 6. John -Ramsey,
one of the suspected McClellandtown out
laws, has been at his game again slnele-
handed, this time as a highwayman.
Thomas B. Newell, an ex-County Commis
sioner, was stopped while horseback riding
at night near Letsenring by a masked man,
who held a revolver in his face and de
manded money. Mr. Newell recognized the
man isj Bamsey by his voice, and called him
by name.
They engaged in conversation and Bam
sey lit a match, by the light of which New
ell saw that his assailant was masked. Bam
sey evidently hesitated to rob an acquaint
ance, and after parleying a short time told
him to ride ont while he would go the other
direction. It is supposed that Bamsev has
been staying at his father's house,' near
A Locomotive Crashes Into a Cnrload of
Them at Munhall.
An accident occurred on the little coal
railroad aj Munhall station yesterday
morning which may result in the death of
an old man named "William Short An
empty coal car, in which were several
miners, was coming down the track and
ran into an engine going in the opposite
direction at the station. The car was de
molished. Jur. bbort was thrown out
against an embankment, alighting on his
head, and sustaining a fracture of the skull.
The injured man was removed to his
home and Dr. Murray called. The physi
cian has slight hopes of his recovery.
Another miner named John Porter had
his shoulder blade broken, and several
others were more or less injured.
After Being Crashed Ho Takes a Bide on a
Locomotive Pilot.
George Tate, a Ft "Wayne Bailroad car
inspector, was knocked down by a train at
the Sycamore street crossing of the "West
Penn Bailroad, in Allegheny, about 6
o'clock last evening, and the wheels passed
over his right leg.
The injured n-an was promptlyjjlaced on
the pilot of an engine, and heldthere bv
two men until the engine ran down into the
yard, where he was placed on a car and
taken to the "West Penn Hospital. His leg
wiinikely b? amputated
Credentials Sufficient.
TS ew York Weekly.
New Yorker Do the Upstarts of Phila
delphia' belong to the best society there?
Philadelphia Dame The best societyl
Bless your innocent heart, of course, ttiey
do! "Why, many and manv a moonlight
night I've seen their cats andHiddle's cats
howling on the same fence.
Bronzes Reduced
From 10 to 25 per cent Our superb col
lection of choice bronzes have all been re
duced in price until our removal.
Hardy & HAYES,
t Jewelers and Silversmiths,
"WTStt 633 Smithfield st.
James M cKee, Jeweler, Ha Removed
To 420 Smithfield street, one door below.
Diamond street. A fine stock of diamonds,
watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware for wed
ding presents, etc; very low prices. .
The "Reception Given by an Association In
Hlh Society One "Entertainment
Which Mo Person Pronounced
Tedious Clover Pupils.
NeW York, Aprils The Ladies' Ath
letic Association gave a very novel reception
to their friends in the .gymnasium at the
Berkley Lyceum this afternoon. A recep
tion usually signifies dress, crowds and
stupidity generally, but on this occasion
there was remarkably little dress displayed
on the part of the hostesses, and the enter
tainment was so varied and lively that none
could be bored. First the association ladies,
in their blue and gold uniform, did some
very pretty marching and maneuvering;
then they perched around in the apparatus
and mattresses in unconventional attitudes,
with their hands clasped around their knees
in a comfortable way, while the lassies in
their blue and scarlet uniforms went through
a lively club drill.
The association ladies were first to ap
plaud them when they broke ranks for a
run in the gallery and: the girls in the glit
tering uniforms marched into their places
for a dumb bell exercise, which was very
artistically performed. Then the skillful
members of both classes united for heavy
worit, ana some very clever things were
done in the traveling rings, on the ladders
and at the vaulting bar. The best work
was exhibited in the vaulting and on the
horizontal bar. The bar was fastened so
high that it could only be reached by stand
ing on tip toe. But one little blonde-haired
miss caught the bar, and without touching
the post, swung one foot up over It with
comparatively little effort, hung with her
head down, revolved around the bar several
times in succession and twisted her foot
about to it and swung again and again as if
she enjoyed it
The vaulting bar is three feet higher than
it was a little while ago, and many of the
girls clear it at a bound by touching only
one hand. They are a plucky, cheerful
lot, if they are the spoiled darlings of so-,
ciety. The pretty grace of motion and ease'
of manner with which Miss Beaua maninu-
lates the different apparatus has not vet
been acquired by any of the pupils, tut
really excellent work is done by the ma
jority of the dainty lilies of life.
A Sufficient Force Cannot be Secured
Capture the Kentucky Outlaws.
Louisville, April 6. The raid of the
Federal deputy marshals and revenue
agents against the illicit distillers near
Hindman, Ky., who recently ambushed
and killed Deputy Marshal Bussell "Wire
man, has for the present.been abandoned.
Bevenue Agent Brown and Commissioner
Friend, who had charge of the expedition,
found when they assembled their men at
Prestonburg that only about 20 men would
volunteer for the attack. A part of these
even were deputy marshals who had just
come in from a hard ride, and were in poor
condition for a fight.
The "moonshiners" were reported strong
ly intrenched iu their distilleries, nine
miles from Hindman, and to the number of
35 men, well armed with "Winchester rifles
and revolvers. They were Baid to have
sworn to stand together to death to resist
arrest, for they regard arrest as only a sure
road to execution in revenge for Bussell
"With such odds against them Brown and
Friend, in spite of the protests of the Fed
eral deputy marshals, determined it would
be unwise to capture the outlaws. The
mountaineers are under the leadership of
Sam Adams. Randall Adams. Sam and
.Isaac Sloan and George Madden, whose
brother, Arch Madden, was slain in the
fight with "Wlreman and his posse.
Quarters Prepared at San Francisco for the
Shipwrecked 'Samoa-Seamen.
Sajt FBANeMCO.-April 6. Preparations
are being made at the Naval Hospital at
Mare Island -for the reception of sick and
injured officers and crew of the wrecked
Trenton and Vandalia. All are supposed
to be en route to San Francisco, and are ex
pected to arrive shortly. Many of the men
have some time to serve, and will form a
portion of the crews of the Charleston,
Adams and Iroquois. A large force of men
is engaged in this work, working at extra
hours, -nork commencing at 6 A. M. The
exact time the ships will be ready for sea
cannot be told, but it will not be many
The stores for each are being prepared and
officers are being detailed, so there will be
no delay. At present over 600 men are em
ployed at the yard, and the number is being
daily increased. The receiving ship, Inde
pendence, an old line of battle ship here,
has ample room for all who come from
Samoa. It is understood that 300 of the
Yandalia and the Trenton's crews will come
by an Australian steamer. Commodore
Benham has arrived at the navy yard, and
has commenced his official duties.
The B. & O. Contracts to Carry a Number
of the Companies.
The Baltimore and Ohio, as usual.secured
more than its share of the theatrical busi
ness this week. Yesterday Division Pas
senger Agent Smith booked the "Crystal
Slipper" company, 81 people, to "Washing
ton, from there to Cincinnati, to Louisville,
to St Louis. The "Night Owl" company
goes to Cincinnati, the "Bov Hero" com
pany to Philadelphia, and the "Hoodman
Blind" people come, here from Pnila
delphia. Viewing a Son's Remains Again.
Yesterday Mrs. "Wallocker, of "Webster
avenue, went to the Allegheny Cemetery
and had the body of her son disinterred. It
will be remembered that the body was taken
up and reburied a few days since by friends
ot the deceased. Mrs. "Wallocker, after ex
amining the remain8,had them reinterred in
a grave in a new lot she has purchased.
It Caused Concussion of the Brain.
"William "Whitehead fell out of a wagon
on "Washington street yesterday .morning
and struck his head on a stone, cutting an
ugly gash on the back of his head. Dr.
Hiett, who attended him, says 'concussion
of the brain has set in.
Tho Surrender of lite.
Lieutenant Geary Post, G. A. P..,
celebrate the anniversary of Lee's sur
render, next Tuesday evening in the Allen
town Turner Hall.
Alliance is preparing to erect a handsome
new school building.
THE local option prohibition ordinance at
"Wellsville wjll be repealed.
Another. Presbyterian Church has been es
tablished at Little Washington.
A Children's aid Society has been or
ganized at Little Washington, with an influen
tial membership.
The wages of the miners at Adrian have
been reduced and a strike is threatened in the
entire Fourth district.
A man named Williams, arrested at
Ubiontown for complicity in the McClelland
town robberies, has been held for trial.
John H-Bttshnel! a prominent business
man of Youngstown, died yesterday. "He form
erly resided at Meadville nd New Castle.
Rev. Sam Small lectured at Braddock last
night He Btrongly attacked jthe position of the
moral suasion temperance people, a number of
whom became angry and left the hall.
The pupils of Prof. J. if. Kennedy's Danc
ing Academy at Braddock, will hold their clos
ing cotillon in Lelghton's Rink, Friday even
ing, April 12. It gives promise of being the
most recherche affair ever given by them.
Fully Enjoyed by a Rebel from ibe
Bale of the Chicago Machine.
With the Pplice Who, in Citizens' Clothing;,
Gaye,Him Two Drubbings.
But He tall Out One Candidate Under a Majority of
About 7,000 Votes.
Prank Collier, a Eepublican politician of
Chicago, who dared to defy "the machine,"
was twice beaten by thugs in the shape -of
policemen in citizens' clothes. In order to
be revenged he instituted a thorough and
expensive campaign against the candidates
of the machine. He was successful, but
his expenses were 526,000, of which $12,000
came out of his own pocket.
Chicago, April 6. One of the most in
teresting features of the municipal cam
paign and election in this city, was the
part taken by Prank Collier, who set out
to beat George H. "Williams, Eepublican
candidate for assessor in the "West di
vision. Collier is "a Eepublican in good
standing, an Englishmanby birth, and a
lawyer who enjoys a lucrative practice. He
is also in possession of considerable proper
ty. He is short and stout and smooth
faced, with a nervd'us manner, a restless eye
and a tongue that never tires.
In the preliminary skirmishes in the
"West Division, Collier made it manifest
that he was opposed to "Williams and all the
othermachine candidates of his party. These
worthies, fearing the result of his hostility
at the primaries, sought to placate him, but
failed. Then the night before the "Westside
primaries were to be held they put up a job
on him which they believed would be suc
cessful. It was known ,that Collier would spend
the evening at the Illinois Club, and that
as he was also a member of the LaSalle
Club it would be comparatively easy to in
duce him to come over to the LaSalle House.
About 11 F, M. a telephone message was
received at the Illinois Club, stating that a
arty of Collier's friends were at the La
alle Club and would be glad to
see him. The lawyer unsuspectingly
set out on foot, the distance being
short. As he turned the comer
of Ashland avenue into Monroe, he
was set upon by a party of
thugs who gave him a severe drubbing, but
he made such a sturdy resistance that he was
able to escape with no serious injury. Pro
ceeding to the LaSalle Club he found that
no one there had sent for him, and that he
had been made the victim of a conspiracy.
Then Collier got mad." Calling for a horse
he got into the saddle, and rightly conject
uring that the telephone message received at
the Illinois Club had come from some drug-
store, he visited every such place' that he
could rind, until finally he came upon one
where the clerks remembered hearing a local
Eepublioan politician send such a message
through the instrument In their store.
. w.w ,umi iuiii ma jiuua lux tiu.Jl
the primaries next day, but owing to the
aesperatmn ot me macnine men, ne did not
have an opportunity to make muoh
progress. On his appearance at
one of the polling places in the
Eleventh ward he was set upon by four or
five men in the interest of the machine, and
hammered so viciously that he was not able
to do much that day except parade the city
and exhibit the bumps on his skull and the
welts across his face.
"Williams was nominated, and Collier,
with his head tied up, inaugurated the most
remarkable personal campaign against him
ever known in this part ot the countrv. He
abandoned his business and made a public
announcement mat ae would devote an his
time and money to the defeat of "Williams.
He opened campaign headquarters, em
ployed a host of detectives to run downjthe
men who had assaulted him, hired hun
dreds of men to patrol the entire "West
division for the purpose of watch
ing "Williams and describing In proper
language the wrongs that Collier had
sustained, and with a dozen or more shrewd
workers as assistants he began a man-toman
canvass of the 60,000 or 70,000 voters in
that division.
Before the campaign had gone very far it
was discovered that the men who attacked
Collier were policemen in citizens' clothing,
one of them a lieutenant, and Collier at
once took out bench warrants for their ar
rest. The"West division police had long been
under a cloud, one of the most conspicuous
Captains in that district, a recent appointee
of the Republican machine, being a man
who less than three years ago was indicted
for burglary, and the disclosures made by
Collier created a great stir throughout the
As the campaign went on other well
known citizens began to manifest interest
in the affair, several wealthy men sending
checks for large sums to Collier,
who was throwing money right and
left in. organizing meetings and olubs,
in printing, music,- bonfires, flags and
every other vote-catching device known. In
front at almost all these demonstrations was
Collier on horseback, wearing a tall hat, a
knit iacket.velvet trousers and hicrh boots.
To reach the people he issued millions of
On election day Collier had three or four
bands, with banners, at work in various
parts of the division, and one big military
band was detailed to accompany him
wherever he Vent. Toward 7 o'clock
in the evening, when it became ap
parent that "Williams had been beaten,
Collier telephoned down town for still an
other band, and with the two he marched
down to the Desplaines street station, where
he made the musicians play "The Eogue's
March," Collier was sitting on his horse
meanwhile, and smiling. "When the
police captain came ont and wanted
to know what the trouble was, Collier
Bhookarollof bills at him and offered to
bet him $500 to $100 that he would lose his
badge and his buttons in.two weeks. Then
the Johnny Bull led the bands to the news
paper offices.
The next morning it was found that
Collie had cornered nearly all the bunting
in town, and that his handsome residence
was festooned with it from top to bottom,
inside and outside.
-tn the afternoon Collier appeared in his
regularTalment, at his bffice, for the first
time in two weeks. In expectation
that his friends would call to 'offer
congratulations he provided a wagon
load of jack roses, and many boxes of fine
cigars, and every one who presented him
self received a torch and had a rose pinned
to his coat. Collier also bought a great deal
of wine at "Westside clubs, but he drank
none himself.
"Williams was defeated by a majority of
7,000. It is said that Collier's campaign
cost him $26,000. His own personal ex
penditures amounted to about $12,000. The
episode has had a very healthful effeot in
the city, and Collier's action is regarded by
many as a new and very important declara
tion of independence.
James Mclicc, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
420 Smithfield street. Eepairing and manu
facturing a specialty. Pirst-5ass work at
low prices.
It Will be Remodeled and Improved at a
Cost of Not Less Thnn 850,000 What
the Chances Will Consist In.
The plans for the remodeling of the Mo
nongahela House have been completed, and
the work will be let this weekr Joseph
Stillburg, the architect, who has charge of
the Exposition building, has spent several
days in the building, and all arrangements
except the awarding of the contracts for
the work have been made.
The Monongahela House is the oldest hos
telrie in this city and is known all over the
country, and, in fact, in Europe. It is old
fashioned in everything but clerks and the
bill of fare, and the new proprietor, "W. S.
Anderson, Intends to make it a modern and
model hotel.
Everything about the building will be
changed, and the improvements will cost
about $50,000.
The estate controls the. warehouses ad
joining, and it is intended to add an addi
tional story to them to be connected with
the hotel, and 50 new rooms will be added.
All the other rooms will' be overhauled.
The dining room is to be placed
on the side fronting the river.
The old-fashioned stairways will be
torn down and a magnificent winding stair
way substituted. The billiard room has
been abandoned and will, bo occupied as a
cafe. The barroom will -be located at the
corner in the room formerly occupied by the
National Tube "Works Oordpany as offices.
The present barroom is to be occupied as a
drugstore. - k
The cellar is to be put in shape for a
large billiard room with an entrance from
the lobby. The contract for furnishing the
billiard room and bar has been let to George
Meyer, of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender
Architect Stillburg iu speaking of the
improvements -said: "I propose to have the
barroom, the cafe and billiard room ready
by May 1, but the other improvements will
not likely be completed until the first of
September, when the exposition opens. I
have not been limited as to expense and be
lieve the interior of the hotel will be finer
tharr any in the State when the work is com
The Acorn and Enterprise Lose Fart of
Their Tows In the Darkness The Blind
ing Snow Too Much for RIvermen.
The blinding snowstorm of Friday night
did considerable damage on the river. The
coal operators who have boats with tows
moving down the stream, were very uneasy
yesterday. Every moment they expected
telegrams announcing some loss.
So far as conld be learned, the Enterprise,
belonging to O'Keil, and the Acorn, owned
by Pawcett & Sons, were the only boats
that suffered. The Enterprise was reported
to have lost part of her wheel by running
into the bank and three barges and four
boats near Middleport The Acorn is said
to have lost her entire tow near "Wheeling.
Mr. Pawcett denied this. He said he
hadn't heard that the Acorn was in trouble,
but rivermen are inclined to believe the re
port is only too true. Old river captains
say in all their experience they never saw
such a blinding snow storm. It was utterly
impossible to see anything only a few feet
ahead, and the boats drifted ' about aim
lessly, liable to collide with each other at
any moment. The packet Shirley, taking
the place of the Scotia tied up at Cincin
nati with a broken shaft, was compelled by
the snow to float down the stream three
The Fred "Wilson got in last night with a
tow of empties. A force of men are work
ing night and day to repair the broken shaft
ofthe Katie Btockdale.
The packet men report that last sprint
and summer the passenger business was bet
ter than it has been for 20 years. This sea
son also gives great promise.
There are scores of inquiries for excursion
rates for parties.
The Scotia will be ready to ply in an
other week.
The water here was 7 feet 9 inches, but the
recent rain and snow is expected to swell
the rivers.
Despite a Blizzard at the Capital, the Gnll
lotlne Works Smoothly.
"Washington, April "6. The rain and
snow, thunder and lightning blizzard of to
day did not prevent the Postmaster General
from giving out a fairly good grist of ap
pointments of postmasters in Pennsylvania
and "West Virginia. Those of the former
are H. O. Smith, at Burnside, Clearfield
county, and the remainder, all in Schuyl
kill county, as follows: "W. H. Miller, New
Einggold; E. S. Ley, Orwigsburg; 'Seth
Orine, St Clair; G. P. Dengler, SchuylkUl
In "West Virginia, B. D. McGinnis, vice
A. E. Smith, removed, Guyandotte, Cabell
county; Felix Elliot, "Vice J. C. Murdock,
removed, Newburg, Preston county; Mrs.
A. L. Paul, vice M. M. Dent, removed,
Kingvrood, Preston county; 'Josiah Clam
mer, vice "W. L. Sheiple, resigned, Smith
ville, Eitchie county; C. H. Flinn, vice H.
A. Smith, removed, Spencer, Eoane county.
These removals are an earnest of what the
administration proposes to do'for the post
masters of "West Virginia, who seem to be
classed as particularly offensive In their
partisanship and pernicious in their ac
The Larder of PnnxsntawneT Citizens More
Than Well Supplied.
PuNXSCTA"iVirET,April 6. An immense
flock of wild ducks alighted along Mahon
ing creek, in this town, this morning, being
bewildered by the heavy snowstorm. The
creek was lined with sportsmen on each
side for a distance of three or four miles.
Hundreds of ducks were made to bite the
dust. Twenty-five or 30 of the birds were
canght alive They would alight in the
deep snow, and being unable to rise, were
captured. One man caught 15 in this man
ner. Another fellow got 52 with a shotgun,
and still another slew 12 with a revolver.
Nearly every citizen of the town could be
seen this morning with three or four dead
dueks in his hands. It would, perhaps, be
understating the truth "to say that 1,000
ducks were killed in the vicinity of Punxsn
tawney this morning, and at the present
time the slaughter is still going on with un
abated vigor. The ducks are of several
varieties. One wild goose was caught alive
right in the center of the town.
Of the English Tin Syndicate on His Way to
New' Yobk, April 6. Prof. 31. O. Vin
cent, of the Boyal Geographical Society ot
London, arrived on the Adriatic to-day.
He comes here In the interests of the great
English tin syndicate that has recently
raised millions of dollars to control possibly
the tin market of the world.
He will proceed immediately to Dtkota,
where the tin mines in which the syndicate
is interested are located.
Their Third Deception.
The third reception of the Monongahela
Club will be held on Easter Monday night,
April 22, at the Union Sink on Beech
street, Allegheny. The committee having
the affair in charge are Messrs. E. S. Jones,
J. .N . Henkel, H. L. "Wood, C.- N. Adams,
A. B. Curts, S. J. Creighton, F. A. Leon
aid and J. G. O'ConneO.
Critical Review of the Two. fiosen-thal-KreisIer
But Great Brilliancy Displayed by Both
The Work Being Dona In the Hosted Circles of Both
The Eosenthal-Kreisler concerts are re
viewed at some length this morning. The
work of the artists was good, but the pro
grammes were rather deficient in subject
matter. The M. M. P. TJ. has extended the
olive branch to musicians outside the fold.
The "Welsh Choral Union preparing for the
performance of Handel's "Judas Mac
cabaeus." Morris Eosenthal drew a fair audience to
Old City Hall on Monday evening and a
large one in Tuesday erening. The total
attendance at the four recent recitals of the
brilliant Polish pianist has been quite
remarkable for that species of entertainment
in this city. The programmes last week,
were as" follows:
1. First Concerto (let movement) Tlenxtemps
i'rltz Krebler.
2. a, Berceuse, ) mnnin
6, Ballade, f Chopin
c At the Fountain Eosenthal
l&OTlz Rosenthal.
3. Allegro (a la zlngara) ."Wienlawsu
' Fritz Krelsler.
4. Hexameron
. .Llszt-Chqpln-Thalherk-Herz-Czerny-Ftxis
ilorlz Rosenthal.
5. Polonaise Laub
Fritz Krelsler.
6. Fantasia ltallennes .Liszt
( Slorlz Bosenthal.
Grand Concerto, in "E"flat. Liszt
Morlz Rosenthal.
The second Cd) piano on this occasion ivas
played by J. U. Glttlntcs.
Ballade et Polonaise Vleoxtemps
Fritz Krelsler.
a, Nocturne ..Chopin
b, Spinnlled Mendelssohn
c, Chant Polonaise Chopin
Morlz Bosenthal.
o, Romance Beethoven
0, Mazurka WleniawsU
Fritz Krelsler.
Hexameron, for request
Morlz Bosenthal.
AlraBusses "Wlenlawskl
Fritz Krelsler.
The programmes should have given some
hint of the fact that the piece ascribed to
Eosenthal was but an arrangement by him
of David off 's violoncello piece by the same
name, and that Chopin's "Chant Polonais"
was played in the form given to it by Liszt,
with further figuring by the player. Also,
how came the familiar Liszt tarantella, be
ing No. 3 of the "Venezia e Napoli which
in turn belongs to ,the important group of
Eieces entitled Les Annees de Perlermage
ow oame it by the name "Fantasia Itali
ennes?" It is a pity to have to make such
corrections on an occasion of this grade.
But worse than incorreotness in form was
the deficiency In subject-matter, especially
on the former programme. It was exceed
ingly short about an hour and a quarter,
with waits and encores included and it
made no pretense at representing the vari
ous sohools of composition for the piano.
The meagerness of both programmes was
the more noticeable in view of their in
cluding several selections that had been
given on the previous visit to this city.
While the "Hexameron," with its various
twistings of the familiar 'Puritan!' duet,
has enough interest for the student to war
rant its occasional performance, its repeti
tion on successive evenings was a decided
However, in spite of deficiences, these
programmes were well chosen in one point
of view; they displayed to great advantage
Rosenthal's stupendous technique and the
best side of his musical intelligence and
feeling. It is, perhaps, better for a player
tacitly to confess his limitations by omit
ting the composers he interprets inadequately
than to put his shortcomings actually in
"Within the range he covered last week
Bosenthal's shortcomings are few, indeed,
his points of excellence many and varied.
Technically, his playing was on a level
with the most brilliant achievements of
modern piauism. Dazzling brilliancy,
marvelous boldness and certainty, pearly
aeiicacy, ana me utmost rennement ana
polish characterized almost all he did. The
disagreeable click of his finger nails upon
the keys in heavy climaxes was the only
fault worth speaking of. His readings, too,
were in all points intelligent and care
ful, while seeming to be the outcome
of true and spontaneous feeling. The
brighter, lighter portions of the great Liszt
concerts were played here with more humor
and abandon by Adele Aus der Ohs and
Eugen D'Albert gives a clearer and stronger
Dhrasing of certain other passages: but that
mighty chord sequence at the beginning
could scarce be delivered more powenully,
or the finale worked up to a degree of
speed and brilliance more electrifying.
The lack of orchestra was felt, of course;
bnt the admirable treatment of the second
piano by Mr. Gittings went about as far
as possible toward supplying its place.
Young Krelsler appeared to better ad
vantage on this visit than before. His
selections, while not covering the largest
scope, were sufficiently varied and interest
ing in the extreme. He is said to have had
this time another and better violin a Gas
par de Salo. Certainly his tone was fuller
and more "workable," and the harmonies
clearer and surer. The lad seemed
more certain of himself, also; more
completely master of the situation
than before. In flowing cantabile meas
ures he manifested no little poetic feelintr
and in delicate ornamental passages the
Chopinesqne figures of the Vieuxtemps
concerto, for instance there were much re
finement and taste displayed. However
the not infrequent lack of these qualities
where called tor and the general deficiency
in brilliancy and power proved that the
youth has not yet had time to pass entirely
out of the chrvsalis stage into the fully de
veloped artistlo existence that lies promis
ingly before him.
The authorities of the M. M. P. U. seem
at last to realize the ridiculousness of run
ning a so-called musical union with most of
the city's real musicians outside of it and
hostile to its policy. They have made, it is
said, substantially this proposition to the
musicians: That the latter may re-enter the
fold regardless of fines' and does and that
the present President will resign to iet them
elect a new executive and carry on the or
ganization in their own way. Committees
representing both sides are to meet to-day to
discuss the matter.
The Dispatch is ever the friend of har
mony, social and professional, as well as
strictly musical. But it is impossible to see.
how any basis of settlement can be reached
between the musicians of Pittsburg and the
ju. M. .F. u. as now constituted.
One of the parties is incompetent to con
tract. That is to say: The overwhelming major
ity of the present membership of the M. M.
P. U. have no business to belong to any
organization of the kind. They cannot
legally be put out, having once been let in.
And so long as they remain in the mu
sicians cannot safely come back. How can
the mnsicians frame and carry out any pol
icy to advance the legitimate objects of the
union in the face of a much larger number
of men who have no personal interest in or
comprehension of the issnes raised?
A musical union must be composed of
and controlled by genuine musicians; other
wise it is a hollow sham, a mere breeder of
discord, utterly inadequate to advance the
Intel ests of either profession or public
Crotchets and Quavers.
VoK Buelow's recitals form the current sen
sation on the seaboard, still ho absOlutePcoa-t
nrmatlon of his expected appearance here.
The Philharmonic Club, of New York, a Sex
tet that ranks near the top of the country's
chamber music organizations, has Inst about
closed a contract to playatOldCity HaO, Pittt
.burg, on Mays.
The Boston Ideals play a return-engagement
at the Grand in the week of May 8. This will
be Mile de Lussan's farewell before entering
her flattering European engagements In grand
A Score or more of years hence the trio from
"William Tell" may be ,sung by three Insty
male voices that have given their first notes
within the past few weeks -In the respective
homes of Mr. & S. Amberson, Mr. J. Boyd
Duff and Mr. Linard C. Webster.
The local compositions for the second even
ing of the May Festival have been decided
upon. They will occupy part two of the pro
gramme thus: Carl Better, Te Beam for quar
tet, chorus and orchestra; Ad. M. Foerster
a. "Love Song," soprano solo (Miss Juch) and
orchestra, b. "Thnsnelda," symphonic poem
for orchestra, Ethelbert Nevin. -Dorisya Pas
torale." soprano solo and orchestra. Fidelis
Zitterbart, orchestral work to be selected; Hor
ace Wadham Nlcholl, "A Cloister Scene," for
soprano, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra.
The Apollo Club, of Chicago, has In contem
plation a novel but most practical plan for
making the most of its preparations for the
concerts of each season. It is nothing less than
a repetition of all the concerts of the club next
year, upon an evening immediately succeeding
the regular subscription concert, before audi
ences composed exclusivelyof workingmenand
their dependents. 'The Idea bad its origin in
the brain of the leader of the club, Mr.Wllllam
L. Tomlins. A nominal charge ot from 5 to 25
cents would be made for the tickets, which
wonld be sold through the agencj of local labor
organizations. Musical Courier.
Hit. Harry B.BKOCKETThas stolen a march
on his Pittsburg friends by no less a coup than
getting married in Dresden last winter without
telling them anything about it. The young
lady was Miss Carrie D. Britbin, of the old and
well-known Philadelphia family of that name.
Mr. Brockett met heron shipboard, going over
with her guardian uncle to complete her edu
cation. The acquaintance thus begun ripened
at Dresden choir meetings, and finally culmi
nated in a wedding at the pretty little English
cbapeL Mr. and Mrs. Brockett are now in
London, and will be at home to friends in Pitts
burg before the summer has grown old.
Those Englishmen have a funny way of do
ing things. Here aro the "Tonic-Sol-Fa" Cur
wens, of London, announcins the publication
of Arthur Foote's "The Wreck of the Hespe
rus," under the title of "The Skipper's Daugh
ter." It is gratifying to note this instance of
the republication of an American work In Eng
land. Reviewing the same, the London Jlfu
tical World b&js: "This work Is far above the
average level of 'the "short cantata' style,
much dramatic power being brought to bear
upon the fine poem (The Wreck of the Hespe
rus'). It is easy to recognize the judgment of
a true musician in the various modula
tions, changes of time, eta Nothing is
forced; the music seems to grow quite natu
rally out of tho words." Boston Traveller.
The Welsh Choral Union is working hard In
preparation for the proposed performance of
Handel's great oratorio "Judas Maccabaeus,"
at Old City Hall some time In May. The union
numbers about 175 singers under Mr. D.J.
Davles baton. In the oratorio they will be ac
companied by Mr. FldellsZltterbart's new ama
teur orchestra. Solo parts will be taken bv
Mrs. Adah S. Thomas, soprano; Miss Edith
Harris, contralto; Mr. Morris Stevens, tenor,
and Mr. Edward H. Dermltt, bass. This will
be the first production of the oratorio in Pitts
burg for a score of years at least, and the oc
casion will be one of especial interest to all
lovers of the noblest department of music
No Personal Apology for Matter Printed Is
His Montana Paper.
2TKW Tors, April 6. Mr. Russell Harrison
makes the following statement relative to the
suit for libel which Colonel John D. Schuyler
Crosby threatens to bring against him, In case
Mr. Harrison refuses to make a personal
apology for clipping reprinted from a Buffalo
paper, in the Montana Live Slock Journal,
published by a company of which Mr. Har
rison was at the time President, and which ar
ticle has been construed to have charged
Colonel Crosby with theft of Jewels from a
Washington lady:
"lam willing that the Montana Live Block
Journal Bhall make a proper retraction of the
story as published. It- seems to me that
Colonel Crosby's demand for a personal
apology Is unusual and unreasonable; and that
he should be satisfied 'With the same sort of a
retraction on the part of the Montana Live
Stock Journal as seemed to hinf sufficient
from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, which
first printed the story, and from which the
Journal copied it. Of course it is un
necessary for me to say that the sug
gestion that I Inspired, directly or other
wise, the original story from Washington is
preposterous. In conclusion I may add that
the position I have taken against identifying
myself personally with this matter, will be
maintained to the end of the controversy."
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Heading;.
Both branches of City Councils meet Mon
day afternoon.
The Crusaders will hold an anniversary
to-morrow afternoon in the rooms of the Moor
head Union.
Harvey Henderson, Esq., will address a
temperance meeting in the Moorhead building
this afternoon.
The Duquesne Grays met Friday evening
and decided to go Into camp at Alt. Clemens,
Mich., in August.
George Lentz was severely burned about
the face and. hands yesterday atthe Eighteenth
ward vitriol works.
John Lano, an employe of the Carbon Iron
Works, had his hand caught In a cogwheel
yesterday and severely crushed.
It is reported the Allegheny Bessemer Steel
Company at Duquesne have struck gas enough
to run their works at that place.
P. M. Cars has been elected school director
In the Twenty-seventh ward, vice F. 11. Inimi
cus, who removed from the ward.
The County Prison Board met yesterday and
elected Dr. Chessrown Jail Physician, and Miss
Campbell was appointed Assistant Matron.
H. H. Clare, Jr., son of Dr. Clark, of Law
rencevllle. left Friday evening to attend the
Elders Ridge Academy.at Elders RIdge,Indiana
W.W.PntLLTPS claims Martin Patterson
took some small cars from bis grounds in the
East End. Martin hadn't $300 bail and was
sent to jail.
Jonx SanTH raised a disturbance at the
Casino Museum yesterday afternoon, and was
locsea up in me uenirai station Dy special
Officer Flocker.
Captain W. R. Jones, General Manager of
the Kdear Thomson Steel Works. left list
night for Chicago on business connected with
his company.
Box 85 was sounded in Allegheny abont 7
o'clock last evening for a slight fire in the cel
lar of Josiah Cohen's residence on Fayette
street- Allegheny.
Mrs. L. D. Bailey will address a Constitu
tional amendment meeting in the Centenary
Church, Wyllo avenue and Kirkpatrlck street,
to-morrow evening.
Albert Oates and William Smith quar
reled in a stable. Smith struck Oateswitha
brick, so it is charged, and an assault and bat
tery suit Is the result
Colonel Chit.l Hazzard, of Monongahela
City, goes to Detroit on Monday, where he will
speak in the Grand Opera House. Returning
he will lecture In Toledo.
Qthnct Waketield, the well-known bag
gage checkman at the Union station, is con
fined to his home on Anderson street, Alle
gheny, with a severe cold.
John Letz, 25 years of age, was taken to the
West Penn Hospital yesterday from the yards
of the Ft Wayne Railroad, where he had his
leg crushed while coupling cars.
William Hartz, who was arrested Friday
evening as a suspicions character, was dis
charged by Magistrate Gripp, as It was proven
he was In the employ of Captain WMbart
Rev. "W. C. Btjbchard, of the McClnre
Avenne Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, re
turned last week from Els visit to the Pacific
siope. 113 congregation gave mm a reception.
John Scetsens, a married man, 52 years
old. was rnn over yesterday In the Panhandle
Railroad yards and had his leg broken and sus
tained Internal Injuries. He was taken to the
West Penn Hospital.
The oil portratt of Colonel Ruff In Gillespie's
window wasp ainte'd by Prof. C. H. Kllpatrick,
of Hazelwood. His work is hiehly compli
mented. He has been a pupil in the art schools
of New York. Parts and Munich.
John EiciiLENYmade a charge of entering
a building with felonious intent against George
Shields yesterday. It is alleged Shields forced
an entry Into the Black Bear,Hotel afew nights
ago. He was sent to jail in default of ball.
Mbs. Barbara de Rote, who was arrested
In Allegheny for keeping a disorderly house,
was sent to the workhouse yesterdayand her
children were taken in charge by Humane
Agent O'Brien and taken to the Ridge Avenue
Orphan Asylum.
TOURISTS ffiMEire.0.;
Wealthy Travelers Seeking the Pic
turesque in the Shadow of v -
A irexicarfldea ofthe Dangers of Traveling;:
bj Eailroad.
George Yanderbilt and His Party Btoppbj in Uw
City of llexteo.
The tide of tourists is setting toward
Mexico, and many persons of wealth and
leisure are doing the country. The City of
Mexico is experiencing a boom in this di
rection. Railroads are making a vast
change in the country, but the average)'
Mexican has not overcome his fears of stags
robbers, and starts on a short journey in
great trepidation and only after much
Crrr of Mexico, April 1. A regular
flood of touring Americans, or, more popu
larly, "Tankis," is upon us. The street
resound with English "as she is spoke" up
North; there is the "B"-less New England
speech, the queer-vowelled Manhattanese,
the soft negroish Southern dialect, and the
flattened A.and trilled P. of the States west
of the Alleghenies and north of the Ohio
This season marks a new era in Mexican
tourist travel; more people have come down
here than ever before, and a new class is
beginning to appear, the rich, leisured,
widely traveled people of the big Atlantic
cities, who have done Europe to satiety,
voyaged up the Nile, explored the coast
cities of Northern Africa, and shot deer in
the Scottish Highlands. Mexico is a new
place, and as it combines Syria and Spain
in its scenery, -and is decidedly Oriental in
costumes and habits, it is picturesque to a
degree. And then, too, you can journey
hither in a "Montezuma special," gorgeous
in upholstery, lounge in a library on wheels,
dine luxuriously, and, in 115 hours from
under the shadow of the great white dome
at "Washington, you roll into the Mexican
Central station with the twin volcanoes
looking down in their eternal whiteness on
the Valley of Mexico.
George Yanderbilt and a large party are
here, quartered at the Iturbide Hotel, doing
the city with a guide, and, strange to relate,
two tall American girls have appeared on
crop-tailed horses on the paseo with no
other escort than a groom! In the cafes, in
hotel, courtyards, "Eengleesh" is "speek-.
ed" to the edification ofthe male chamber
maids, who regard the liberal tipping'
"Yankt" with delight. The brigade ot,
gnides are up to their eyes in work, the
curiosity dealers are selling buttons of Cor
tez's uniform by the gross, and the idol '
manufacturers are getting out a good sup
ply of well-smoked Aztec gods to adorn
American parlors and libraries.
The natives, outside the official class and
the richer people, do not travel about at
Americans are in the habit Of doing. Ther
stay at home very closely, and the result is
that even in a large city like this one soon
gets to know by face about all the society
people. At public gatherings, at balls, par
ties, dinners, the opera and the Jockey Club
races there is the same old familiar crowd.
It absolutely gets to be tiresome. The cari
caturists complain that they are restricted
to a few well-worn types. One soon comes to
wonder at the satisfaction apparently taken
in the everlasting round of drives on the
r aseo de la Kclorma, in the Dunaaymorn
ing promenade in the Alameda and in balls
where every face is as familiar as if this
were a big village. The world where one
bares one's self is here.
And the truth is that the City of Mexico
is a big village. The new census assures us
that the city numbers 500,000 souls, but the
white population is swamped in the vast
mass of Indians. The City of Mexico is a
sort of Bombay, Madras or Calcutta. I
doubt if there are 50,000 whites in this big
city. And of these, say 3,000 are in society;
that is, this number furnishes the faces at
the opera, the loungers of the paseo and the
ball goers.
Traveling is regarded as a dangerous pas
time. The father of a family has business
at Vera Cruz, 264 miles down on the coast.
He takes the 6:30 A. M. tram attended by
members of his family, old friends and
three or four servants. If his wife accom
panies him, a dozen of ladies come to say
goodby, and you may be sure that this
journey to vera t-ruz has been debated
for a month. A Bostonian remarks to his
wife, "Let's take a run over to New York,"
234 miles off, and away they go in a few
hours with no one to see them o This
"seeing people off" for a day's railway ride
gets to be a bore after awhile, and the fact
that on the return the same thing has got
to be gone trh-ough with makes one appre
ciate what a formidable thing a journey is
in this country.
Perhaps we may find the cause of this
stay-at-home disposition in the traditions of
travel in the stage coach days. The "dili
gencias" were Concord coaches, and
traversed the roads between the cities and
larger towns. Seven years ago the dili
gencias were the only means, save by horse
back, of travel Cetween this city and Guada
lajara, Zocatecas, Leon, Guanajuato,
Morelia and other points now to be reached
in Pullman cars, or even in vestibuled
trains lighted by electricity. Before Gen
eral Porfirio Diaz began putting this coun
try to rights, robbers, in formidable bands,
infested the country roads, and diligencia
robberies were startinelv frequent Peo
ple going from place to place in the interior '9
of the country toon as few valuables as
possible, and wore their old clothes.
Before the railway from this city to Vera
Cruz was finished, it was quite common for
the coach going to that port to be robbed
three times. Near Puebla the robber would
stop the coach and relieve the passengers
ot their purses, watches, chains and rings
if they wore them, and then let the coach
go on. The next attack would occur down
near Orizaba, in the warm countrv. where
the robbers would take the outer .garments
of the passengers and when about entering
vera oruz a inira Dana ot desperadoes
won! a piunaer me uniortunates of every
mi oi ineir unuercioining, anu it was the
rule to empty the mail bags and give the
passengers newspapers to clothe themselves
Many an eminent Mexican has entered
the "Heroic City" with no thicker suit than
two copies of the Monitor Republicano. Of
course, the diligencias were not robbed
every trip, else no one would have dared to'
travel. But the "holding up" of coaches
was alarmingly frequent Men of business
made their wills before going on a journey,
and ladies forced to travel trembled for
weeks in anticipation of the perils of the
I have heard too many of the older for-"-
eign residents tell of their adventuresin fi
we v uuuuiuuuc uajrs vj uave auvsym- ;
pathy with those who loudly praise the
"good old times" when a trifling Journey
was as dangerous as a battlefield, and com- ,
mercewas at the mercy of highwaymen.
This is the era of newspapers, electricity ''
and Pullman cars, and Mexico is changing 1
rapidly for the better. Local prejudices
are giving wav to national feeling, and a
brpader patriotism will soon substitute
petty provincialism.
To be Taken Ont In Trade. '-
Richmond, Int... April 7.-"Winiam Bass to-
u.j u.iuKi j Daniel coone and daughter
three-quarters of an um In TiMit rizr. aeS
. 4
- V '
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