T. . , MAEMSTS Almost Done to a Turn in Judge White's Conrt. WHOLESALE WEEK IS HERE The Judge Lectures Temperance Peo ple as Indiscriminate Kickers. WHEN WAIN WRIGHT'S TURN COMES A Good-Looking Man Famishes His Honor Finishing Material. KEABM A EODKD HDKDEED TICTIMS Applicants from the Third ward of Mc Xeesport, Spring Garden, Sharpsbnrg and Yerona were heard at the morning session of License Court During the entire day 97 applicants went through. At one point the Court became impatient at the persistent actirity of ttife temperance advocates, and remarked: "I get impatient at the temper ance people hammering at every one. I think they should help me in making proper selections. They nave the information as to the best houses and should give it to me. I want the information given to me in open court. I will talk to no one privately on this question. The applicants should tell me honestly if iheir houses are better than some others." Mrs. Hester, of McKleesport, told an af fecting story and also save the temperance people a tongue-lashing for what she claimed was a malicious prosecution on their part. She had her nine children with her in court. The oldest is 18. Her hus "band was killed a year ago in the National Soiling .Mill. Her pathetic story exerted a marked effect on Judge White. THE LIST AS HK CALLED IT. The list of applicants called during the day is appended: McKeesport, Third ward James Crosby. 19 Fourth avenne; William Dean, 745 orth street; Fred Kggley, Demmlcr station, B. & O. K. K.: Sebistlxn Englert. 1304 lirth aveuue: Edward Fritchle, 44 Center street: David Hardy. Jr., I1G9 Hrth street; Kosrad Hausaman, 747 Fifth ave nue; M illlara F. Hunter. GO! Fifth avenue; Cath erine Hester. 509 Fourth avenue: 'William Knee, township mad, near Demmler station; Dennis ill, 503 Fourth avenue. Sharpsbnrg John Almeyer, 1900 Main street; Valentine Berner, 814 Main street; Jacob M. Bragg, 401 Isouth Main street: Joseph Eshman, 702 Main street: John Joyce, SOS booth Main street; J. J. Luti. 714, 71S and 718 Main street; Louis Laeng, 1814 Main street; Thomas J. Murphy, cor ner Clay and Tenth streets; Andrew Noe, 914 Main street; Patrick McBrlde, 16 Bridge street; Charles (TDonneU, 800 and 802 Main street; John Frlnx, corner .North Canal and Clay streets; F. C. l'llgram, Jll South Main street; John V. Bed dlnger, las Main street; Henry Stein, 924 Main street; Nicholas Cohmltchen, 1003 and 1010 Jorth Canal street: Lonls Walser, 313 South Main street. Spring Garden Borough Amelia Fisher, bpring Garden plank, road; George Osterle, bprlug Gar den avenue; C. D. bchrlner, corner Spring Gar den road and WickUnes lane. Verona Borough, First "Ward Henry Berg, Railroad avenue; Alexander Mader, corner Cen ter and East Kallroad avenues; Daniel Bitter, East Ballroad avenue; F. 3. Voltz, corner Ball road avenue and James street. Verona Borough, Second Ward. Henry Eltln, corner Ballroad avenue and H street. West Liberty BorouchB. BandLOld W ashlng ton road: William Haas, Old Washington road; JohnTrost, Old Washington road. TOWNSHIPS. Baldwin August Ahlborn, corner Brownsv llle road and Marron street; Peter-ELsenbart. on Marysvllle road; William Franey.-on Blver road: Gnstav John, Six Mile Ferry road; John W.Os termeler, Brownsville and Birmingham road; Anna Plstorius, corner Harrow and Joseph streets; John Plappert, at Oak station. Castle Shannon Ballroad; William A. bchanb, on Brownsville road: Peter bcheutz, Marysvllle street and Township road; Peter Slicker, on BrownsvlUe road; Christian Schmidt, on Browns ville road: Peter Trost. on Brownsville road; Peter TrenhauBer, on Brownsville road; Gottlieb Voetsch, on Brownsville road; bebastlan Wagner, Eabermans Bun road; William Wols; on Becks Bun road; William 1'onng, on Castle Shannon Ballroad. Chartiers township Thomas Fahey, Chartlers and Boblnson township turnpike; James Mogan, Chartiers and Boblnson township turnpike: Sam uel H. McCartney, on bteubenvllle turnpike; Thomas beymour, on Chartiers and Boblnson township turnpike. Collier township John Storch, corner Washing ton avenue and First street. Forward township Thomas Scarneld, Elizabeth and West ewton road. Hampton township John Lnnz, AUegheny and Butler plank road; William Mabl, Butler and Pittsburg plank road. Harrison township Stephen Conwell andHenry Smith, corner Brackenridge and Cherry streets; John Felter, North Canal street;" Minnie draw. Chestnut street; Conrad Huth, head or Garfield and Uhestnut streets, John W. Heyer. Vine street; Bonl Hengl. West Locust street; Georee Hagele. on Freeport road: Gottlieb Kuhnert, on TownshlDroad: Isaac H. Euhn, on Brackenridge avenue: Herman Liebold. orth Canal street: Joseph Menlgat, road leading to Freeport; Frank M olfi, Jr , corner V lne and Maple streets; George Snvder, Tare n turn ana baxonburgxoad. Harmer township Thomas Hnlings, Pittsburg and Freeport road. Indiana township William Hartz. on Three De cree road; William B. King and Philip Thomas, on hittannlng road. I-owerbt. Clair township-Michael Augustine, 49 Brownsville road: Joseph Butler. HUabethtown Site and Jane street; W 1111am Balmer, on Beck's nn road; John Fromm, Ormsby avenue, near Ottilia street; John Franz, 17 Brownsville road; Catharine G. Goldbach, Southern avenue; A. W. Hoffmtn. corner Mountain street and Ormsby avenue; Frederick H. Hampe, 94 Brownsville road: PeterKarrenbauer, bprlng avenue: Herman Mewes, corner Brownsville road and Carbon street: William Prim, corner Ormsby avenue and bchool alley; John bchlrra, corner Barkhammer and Spring avenues; Peter Schmltt, corner Bark hammer and Williams street; Frank einelhmer. corner Ormsby avenue and Mountain street. WAINWBIGHT'S TOBS SCHEDULED. "When Sharpsburg was taken up the first seven applicants went through withont inci dent. Thomas J. Murphy was a new man. He had been selling beer for Walnwrlght's brewery and got 23 cents a keg. Judge White remarked that their time would come when they came np for license. , John Prim had had trouble once, and in the fight part of his nose was bitten off. There had been cross suits, and be got one month to the workhouse and his opponent five months. The First ward, Verona, had four applicants who were not detained long. Henry Udn was the only man from the Second ward. His license had been taken away during the past year. , Attorney Bowand presented a well signed petition, asking that Mr. Elkin be civet, a license, and that the Allegheny Valley Rail road picnic grounds be closed, as these grounds were the cause of the trouble at that point. The afternoon session opened with West Lib rty borough, which sent up three applicants. They were told that there would probably be one licensed bouse there next year. August Ahlborn, Baldwin township, opened np the rural district. John Mullaley, Superin tendent for Heeling's coal mines, testified that be took two men to Ahlbom's honse to get boarding for them. Mrs. Ahlborn said she had no servant and couldn't bother with them, so be took them to an unlicensed bouse, where they were accommodated. There were 17 applicants from Baldwin. The only other one questioned closely was Gottleib Voltsch, who was refused last year. Mr. Christy presented a communication from Arthur Low, saying Voltsch had sold to drunkards and would not deny it. Voltsch said the man was The Chartiers township applicants were four in number, of whom 8. H. McCartney and Thomas Seymour hare license now. McCart ney denied that there had been cock fighting or dog fighting at his place. Seymour's exami nation was about his accommodations. John Storch was the only applicant from Collier township. There was no license in the township last year and the applicant thought there should be a house to accommodate the traveling public ... , Thomas Scarfield was likewise the only ap plicant from Forward township, and thought there was necessity for a licensed house. At torney Nevin appeared to oppose the applica tion, and the Court informed him that there was no necessity. A BIT OF FEES ADVICE. JohnXnnz had applied for license in Hamp ton township, but withdrew his application. 'William Walls wanted a license in that town Ship. He kept a hotel and has every accom modation for a country hotel, including stable, etc. The Conrt advited him to keep his place without a license. Stephen Conwell and Henry Sfiilth were from Harrison township, and their place was about half a mile from the class and salt works. Jndge White informed them that the proprie tors of these works bad remonstrated against the granting of any license in that township. The applicants thought their place was neces sary to accommodate the traveling public John Renter was refused last year. His, honse was built for the business, and he had al ways conducted it in an orderly manner. Minnie Graw failed to answer when her name was called. , Conrad Huth was refused last year, but could not tell why. Public necessity was his reason for again bobbing up serenely. John W. Hever has a license now, and takes in from f30 to $35 per day, and S60 to $70 on Sat urday. He was returned for selling to minors, but the bill was ignored. He furnished no drink on Sunday, and had no trouble about his honse. . , . . Rono Hengis was refused last year, and wanted a license to help make a living and help pay off his debts. George Henele was one of last year's lucky applicants. His receipts average $30 per day. He was returned for selling to a Willie Scholl; bnt that person was of age. Gottlieb Kuhnert applied last year, but did not appear when his name was called, because be could not get bondsmen. He has been keeping a restaurant and takes in from 85 to ?7 per day. . , - ., Isaac A Kuhn has 11 rooms and 6 boarders. He also serves meals when called for aud wonld like to serve liquor. Herman Liebold wanted a license to better his present condition, which made Judge White remark: "Well, that's candid." The applicant has been traveling for a liquor house for 12 years, but is sick now and wants to get into business. Joseph Meingat was refused lat year and closed his place up because it would not pay. He would like to open up again, with the per mission of the Court. HE HAD HAULED BEER. George Snyder was refused last year, and ad mitted that he had been hauling beer to differ ent houses in the township, but wonld not tell whose they were. The beer was shipped up from different breweries. Frank Wolff, Jr., was refused last year, and, as he has all his money invested In theproperty, he wants a chance to make some money to pay off a certain debt. fc Thomas Hulings was from Harmar township. He was not aware that the Court had made a temperance township out of Harmar. He bad a good house and excellent stabling accommo dations. Joseph A Shanl, of Harmar township, did not answer. William Hartz was from Indiana township, and has a license. He takes in from $5 to 10 a day from liquor and the nighest amount during the 3 ear was $15. Mr. Christy tried to trip the applicant up about his having sold to minors and intoxicated men, but failed. William King nd Phillip Thomas are also from Indiana township, and have a license. They take in from $5 to $10 per day, and $15 was the highest amount. Judge White remarked that the amount of business done by both houses showed that there was no necessity for a licensed house in that township. Michael Augustine was the first applicant called from Lower St. Clair township, but he failed to respond to his name. Joseph Buller was refused last year, and thought his place a necessity. His house is a large one. William Balmer was refused last year, and thought his place necessary, but could not tell why. John From stated that the receipts of his Slace reachodfrom $2,000 to $3,000 per year, 'here was no trouble about his place, and he sold none to minors. John Franz takes in from 20 to $25 ner dav and $30 to $35 on Saturdays. He never had any trouble about bis place. Catherine G. Goldbach has a large house of 17 rooms. SheXakeS in $S per day from the bar, and $27 was the highest she ever received in one day. She also has accommodation for 50 horses. There never was any tro able about her place. A. W. Hoffman was refused last year and has improved his place so that it is a good place to accommodate the traveling public JUST FOB HIS FATHEB'S SAKE. Frederick H. Hampe has been driving a wagon for his father, who is in the bottling business! He got some beer at home, bnt gave not a drop of it to his boarders. JJeter Karrenbauer is a cripple and a license would give him a revenue to live on. Margaret McGnire did not answer. Herman Mewes wants a license because his place is near the junction of three railroads. Attorney Noble handed iuan unsollcitated pe tition of seventy-five citizens in favor of the applicant. Wm Frimm was refused last year. He is a cripple, and can't make a living any other way. He positively denied having had any beer in the house. John Scharra was too sick to appear, and his wife answered the questions. She furnishes meals when called for, and, as her husband is about 60 years old, he cannot work. Tbey have no beer at the house, but have some wine which they make themselves. Peter Schmitt was refused last year. He admitted having sold beer during this year; and the subsequent proceedings interested him no more Frank Weineiheimer wore a large sized smile as he faced the Court and said he was refused last year. He thought he ought to have a li cense, so as to prevent the Germans who live in his neighborhood from carrying kegs up the hill on their backs. He admitted that Winters' brewery wagon was up in his neighborhood; but he never saw the Winters' butter milk wagon. Judge White 1 have marked down here on my book: "A good-looking man, who appears to be very fair and truthful." Mr. Weineiheimer That suits me, sir. A petition was presented, asking for a trans fer of the application of Amand Fierle (who died last week), to his wife. This was granted by Judge White, who took occasion to remark that the physician's certificate in that case was but poorly made out, and if he had known that the man was in a dangerous condition he would not have ordered him in court. The entire county will he finished Mon day, and on Tuesday the wholesale dealers will probably be taken np. It is expected that they will be finished in about three days. POSSIBLE P. & W. CHAUGES. Cromllsh May Have to Go ir Oliver is Elected President. The sudden death of President Callery is liable to result in some changes being made in the force of the Pittsburg and Western road. Local railroad men think that if Harry Oliver,. Jr., is made President General Freight Agent "W. L. Cromlish and Local Freight Agent Robinson will have to walk the plank. Mr. Oliver's love for these gentlemen is said not to be of the cleaving kind. "Whether other changes will be made is not known. Developments are waited for with interest. MERCHANTS' WEEK. The Wholesale Men Will Show the VUillna; Retailers a Good rime. Mr. Percy P. Smith has completed the ar rangements for the reception of the retail merchants who will visit the city April 22 at the invitation of the wholesale men. An excursion rate of 2 cents per mile has been secured. The tickets are good for the en tire week. 'On Tuesday the visitors will be given a boat ride on the river. The balance of the week will be spent in seeing the sights and indnstries of Pittsburg. A grand banquet will be given on Thursday evening. WEECKED THE CABOOSE. An Old Cool Tipple Fall on a Passing Train In the West End. The old coal tipple of the Clinton mill, West End, overhanging the Panhandle, has been shaky for some time. Yesterday while an engine and caboose were passing under it the tipple fell down on the caboose, in which were the crew of the train. Conductor Stephens had his leg broken, but the others escaped uninjured. The train was running fast when the accident occurred. Money In His Bootleg. Detectives Coulson and John McTighe arrested George Burden at the B. & O. de pot yesterday. He is wanted in Lancaster bn a charge of embezzlement. He had $355 in his bootleg. Twenty Dollars for-Twelve. The handsomest garments in the "world are our Olenmore suits. They come in the following fabrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc., and black, blue, brown, gray and mixed are the shades. The pants are cut either wide or medium. No ready-made looks about the entire garment. Onr price for these suits is (12. They beat anything ever yet shown at $20. Ask for the' Glen more. They combine ease, grace and fit. You'll find 'em at our store, P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond fits., opp. new Court House. THE s. A MYSTERY SOLYED. The Bloodless History of Those Skunk Hollow Cannon Balls. THEY WERE USED IH TESTING GUNS The Charming Eeminiscences Brought Out By the Discovery. A REMARKABLE SOUTHSIDE COUPLE A mytery is solved. This morning THE Dispatch is able to tell its readers Ihe true story of those cannon balls dug out of the earth a few days ago by the laborers of Booth & Plinn up the Thirty-third street hollow. Ever since the discovery the most profound thinkers of that classic valley have been greatly agitated. They believed they were on the eve oi important histori cal revelations. Skunk Hollow, as the scene of one of the early games of hide-and-seek between the French, and Indian sneaks and the British soldiery, might even yet change the whole face of Pittsburg's pioneer maps. It is hard to tell just how much would be lost if the Battle of Skunk Hol low has been really omitted from the pages of history. If the theory of the Thirty third street sages were substantiated it might be possible to prove that Ben Venue station sits upon the site of Old Fort Du quesne, instead of upon made ground over an abandoned millrace. But the denizens of Skunk Hollow may sleep sound to-night. The cannon balls have a bloodless history. There is con vincing proof that the French and Indians never took a scalp within the narrow con fines of the valley; that even the towering heights of Fort Herron were never stormed, although its entrenchments thrown up dur ing the "War of the Rebellion were to pro tect the same little hollow; and the only bloodshed the neighborhood has ever seen was during the railroad riots. HOW THET GOT THEEE. The cannon balls themselves gave no in dications of how many human bosoms they had plowed through before burying them selves in the hill alongside of the Pennsyl vania railroad. The Dispatch grew dis couraged in its search among the maps and archives of the "Western Pennsylvania His torical Association. French manuscripts preserved from Fort Duquesne were eagerly translated, but they yielded nothing. Light broke through the cobwebs of an tiquity at last It, came from the direotion of the South Side. Following np the gleam yesterday the writer found living at No. 705 Carson street, Mr. C. T. Chiverly. "His straight, agile frame, bright eyes, strong voice and perfect health gave him the ap pearance of a man not more than 55. In reality he is in his 70th year. "I hauled those cannon balls out there myself," he said, stroking his tiny white imperial. "Let's see; it must have been in the year 1833 or 1834. "Why, it was in 1833, for that was the year you aud I were married," broke in the old gentleman's wife. The recollection evidently pleased her, lor she laughed lightly. "My mem'ry is better than yours, pap, and I am 73 years old." Sho looked every bit of her age. Stooped in form, with a thin face, silvery hairs carefully brushed back beneath a black lace head dress, Mrs. Chiverly seemed just the kind of a trail lady for the broad shoulders and steady arms of her consort to protect. Then of all the charming reminiscences those two aged people wove around the can non balls! The history they gave was bloodless, but most interesting. testing famous cannon. "Far back in those days," continued Mr. Chiverly, "I was driving a team for 'Squire Jack Sarver, one of the pioneers, of Law renceville. These cannon ball I hauled from the arsenal, and from McClurg & "Wade's foundry. I took them to the creek which used to flow into the Allegheny river where Thirty-third street now extends, then up along the creek by what was then known as Denny's Hollow. Up this hollow a short distance, just about where these balls have been found, was located the proving grounds for the testing of cannon made at McClurg & Wade's foundry. This foundry, you will remember, was afterward owned by the cele brated Knapp & Bodman, and, as the Fort Pitt Foundry was the scene of the building of great guns for the army, on the proving' grounds of Denny Hollow all the guns were tested, and " "Yes, indeed," interrupted Mrs. Chiver ly, "we girls used to go out there, stand near the cannons, and watch them firing the guns off. It was fine sport. That was be fore we were married." "You see these cannon balls were fired into the hillside." resumed the less romantic hnsband. "Major Butler was then com mandant at the arsenal. Boger Jeffries, now living in Lawrenceville, is the only survivor of the soldiers then on duty at the arsenal. Billy Johnston kept a well-known tavern not far from the proving grounds. One of the cannons had a too heavy charge once, and the 24-pound ball knocked half the root off the tavern. I tell you Billy was mad. This was long before Bodman had invented the guns which saved the na tion during the Rebellion." A MOUNTAIN "WAGONEE. "Both our fathers were butchers," once more spoke np the kindly wife. "Christo pher Chiverly, my man's father, had his slaughterhouse in Lawrenceville .and his stall in the old-time Pittsburg market. Mv father's slaughter house was downtown, but his stall was just next to Chiverly. Every body knew th,e two butchers. My father's name was Francis McBane. I guess no one is now living to whom he sold meat" "But I had been a wagoner long before that," said Mr. Chiverly. "When I was only 14 years old'I was the driver of one of the largest Conestoga wagons on the Phila delphia road. It took me 16 days to make the trip from Pittsbnrg to Philadelphia,and the same time to drive backfrom the Quaker City to Pittsburg. I then drove for the Dun bars. There were three of them ; John.Mose and Alexander. We hauled general mer chandise, and. as it was long before the canals we had tremendous loads. "I was the youngest driver on the road, and was up to all the deviltry known in the Allegheny Mountains. We had "regular stopping places for the nights during our trips. For instance, after leaving Pittsbnrg the first place we stopped at for the night was at either Billy McCall's or the Perch ment hostelry on the Turtle Creek hill. About the best known place we stopped off at east of the mountains was Sam Widle's tavern at Brandywine, Chester county. Everybody knew Sam. Mine host was a hearty old German, and held his popularity with the Quakers well. ' NIGHT IN THE TAVERNS. "Many a night Ixlaid on the floor of Widle's place witn tne late Pittsburg irpn manufacturer, Jacob Painter. He was then a wagoner like myself. We carried with us, rolled up in neat packages, a small mattress and a'slngle coverlet On these Painter and I used to lie before the tavern fire at night and tell stories until one or the other of us dropped ofl to sleep. There " "I stopped all that kind of work after we got married," laughed Mrs. Chiverly. "Home was " "At another time I drove a wagon over the mountains for a man named Tubbs. In looking over some old papers the other day I discovered that he still owes me a little bill for driving. Then I drove for General .Moorhead, and after that for John Darragh, who was shot in Pierce Brennan's place on Fifth street a very long time ago." ''That reminds me that I Eaw hnng the first man ever executed by the law in Pitts burg," put in Mrs. Chiverly. "His name was Tiernan, and he killed Campbell. We PITTSBUEQ- DISPATCH, lived near the Jail, and I carried Tiernan many a meal out of my mother's kitchen. After he was dead my lather wrote Tiernan s wife a letter, telling her of her husband s fate," OLD-TIME HOSTELEIES. "My mountain team consisted of six sor rels," continued the old man, "and it was a hell team, too, if you have ever heard your mother tell "what that is. I had an 18 barrel wagon a big one it was. TTpon reaching Pittsburg I always stopped at the Spread Eagle Hotel, because it had a big wagon yard. It stood where the Seventh Avenue Hotel is now; Another popular wagon yard was Fluke's ign of the Golden Horse. It was on Liberty street, where the American Honse now exists. It was more of a stage coach tavern, on account oi the good accommodations for travelers. Old Ben Weaver kept the Mansion Hcpse, at the corner of Fifth avenue and Wood street. A very large wagon yard was Sturgeon's, at the corner of Wood and Diamond streets. These hotels were all patronized by me from 1825 to 1840." It is hard to tell where this crazy-quilt of historical patches would have ended if the reporter had sat still an hour longer. Mem ories of political campaigns were just on the old gentleman's tongue as the writer arose to go. As he tnrned the knob of the door the quaint little hostess had jnst that moment thought of some other episodes of the courtshipof long ago. Both dissolved into an invitation to call again. A BEMABEABLE MAN. Mr. Chiverly works at daily labor in a sawmill at Jeanette, the new town on the P.. R. R. That place is 26 miles distant from Pittsburg. This sturdy workman of 70 years leaves his home on the Southside every morning at 5 o'clock, walks a mile and a half to the Union depot, travels the 26 miles uy train, returns over tne same u " journey every evening, walks to Seventh street, Southside, again and sleeps a health ier sleep than .many a younger man. His oldest son, now 50 years of age, is nearly so old looking as his father that the two are more frequently taken for brothers than for father and son. Mr. Chiverly has not used diquor for nearly 20 years, and has abstained from tobacco for 17 years. The result is that he has never, even to this day, been compelled to use a cane in walking. "I was never intoxicated but once in my life." he said. "And I told him that he should never come back to me drunk again," she said, "and he never did." 'Going to vote for Constitutional amend ment, Mr. Chiverly?" asked the reporter. "You bet" THEIE WORK WELL DONE. Allegheny Council Pass Appropriate Eeio. lotions In Memory of Peter Waltor, Jr., and James Callery. Both branches of the Allegheny Councils held a joint meeting yesterday to take ac tion on the death of Peter Walter, Jr., a member of Common Council, and James Callery, formerly a member of Select Council. . Two committees of five each were ap pointed to draw up appropriate resolutions. In the preamble the committee spoke of Mr. Walter's energy, his kindness to the poor and weak and tne vigor with which he opposed an antagonist. His fellow members regretted his demise, and spoke of the loss to the Fourth ward, which Mr. Walter had represented in Council for 13,vears. The other committee referred feelingly to Mr. Callery's sterling character, and the part he had taken in contributing to the material wealth of the city. His sudden death was deeply deplored by Councils. After the resolutions had been read short addresses were made by different members. The virtues and life-work of both men were extolled. Among those who spoke were President Hunter, Mr. Wertheimer and Mr. Gerwig. The resolutions were ordered to be placed on the minutes of both branches of Council. A committee of five was appointed to make arrangements to have Councils attend the funeral of Mr. Walter in a body this afternoon. The 32 carriages will be at the City Hall at 2 o'clock this afternoon. BE. CHESSR0WU ELECTED. The Separation of Prisoners Not Considered by the Prison Board. At the regular meeting of the Prison Board yesterday Dr. A. V. Chessrown was elected jail physician to succeed thelaie Dr. Herron. The other candidates for the posi tion were Drs. Wallace, Warner, Thomp son, McCready, Campbell and McGrew. Upon the second ballot Dr. Chessrown re ceivedeven votes, a majority of the board, and was elected. Miss Campbell, upon the recommendation of the Warden, was elected matron of the jail. The present Board of Managers of the workhouse was re-eleted. The matter of transferring the female prisoners at the jail to the present hospital department to secure a more complete separation of the male and female prisoners and to establish the hospital somewhere else, was to have been brought up, but was not for some reason. At the previous meet ing of the board the Quarterly Committee, composed of Judge Slagle, Mayor Pearson and County Commissioner Mercer, recom mended that such transfer be made, having investigated the case. There were eight members of the board present, and a division occurred on the motion to adopt this course. A vote was taken resulting in a tie, and the motion was lost- The matter at present is in statu quo. GOT THE WE0NG LOT. Sirs. Palrmnn Asks the Conrt to Change the Number of Lot No. 67. A bill in equity was filed yesterday by Anna Fairman againrh U. -W. Feegarden, executor of John Keenan, and the heirs of Keenan. The plaintiff states that her father, John Keenan, deeded a lot, numbered 67, to her, in West Elizabeth. She erected a house on lot No. 68, next to 67, Ho. 68 being the one her father pointed out to her and in tended to give her. He made a mistake in the number of the lot in making the deed, the description of both lots being the same. She having erected the house on lot No. 68, now wants a decree of court to change the number on the deed from 67 to 68, to make clear her title. Payne Explains. t Senator Payne, of the Standard Oil Com pany, passed through the city to Cleveland from Washington yesterday. He said he had nothing personal against Editor Hal stad, but his paper bad lied about him. Mr. Payne thinks if Harrison persists in nominating "him, he will cause a split in the Republican party. He doesn't believe Hal stead will be the next Governor of Ohio. No New Bridge Needed. -Mr. F. W. Eoebling says he 4 not here ; for the purpose of building a new bridge, as rumored. He says a traction road could easily be run across the Sixth street bridge. An engineer has pronounced the bridge perfectly safe. Building a new bridge farther "up the river would necessitate a number of carves in the road, which should be avoided. Twenty Dollars for Twelve. The handsomest garments in the world are our Glenmore suits. fZhey come in the fol lowing fabrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worst eds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc, and black, blue, brown, gray and mixed are the shades. The pants are cut either wide or medium. No ready-made looks about the entire garment Our price for these suits is (12. They beat anything ever yet shown at $20. Ask for the Glen more. TheV combine ease, grace and fit You'll find "'em at our store. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,opp.new Court House. Dickson, the Tailor, Is the man to make your spring and sum mer suits look like new at a trifle. Give jhinra trial, 65 Fifth ave., cor. TVood st, aa aoor. - xeiepnone aiaxj. STOTDAY, JAPEflL 7, ' MILK FOR MONDAY. How tho City Dealers Hay Secure It From the Fanners' Agent. The threatened milli famipa to-morrow may be easily averledtf consuiners insist on the dealers supplying'them as usual. The milk mav be easily obtained by the dealers from F. C. Reed, pf the Chartiers Creamery Company, who has be6fi appointed agent for the Milk Producers" Union of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Dealers wishing to get their usual supply of milk on Monday must st apply to the office of the Chartiers Cftreamery Company for order slips., This oHee 4s at No. 616 Liberty street Sir. Reed says it will be open as early as 5!30 Monday morning to enable the dealers to get the order slips. With such slips the dealers may then get the milk at the trains. Heretofore dealers have been accustomed to getting the milk direct from the trains. The new method will give "better satisfaction all around. The Producers' Union U formed of hun dreds of farmers And, dairymen fa the seven counties of . Pennsylvania contiguous to Pittsburg, and of the neighboring counties in Ohio. Yestefdayand the day before a great many new 'farmers took, out cards of membership and signed the agreement to ship all their mflkjo Mr. Reed. A consti tution has already been" printed, and the combination is now one- of the strongest ever formed in. this parf of the country. Its only purpose is to free the milk business of un reliable persons, and to give the thousands of city consumers an absolutely pure quality of the lacteal fluid. Some of the largest milk dealers in the city sent word to the office of the creamery yesterday that they tfould regularly here after get their milk'through the new agency. Among these was an extensive Southside dealer. He begins on, Monday morning early. Mr. Heed is confident that when once inaugurated dealersgenerally will find the new system an improvement on the old one and a benefit to all. A GRAND EASTER DISPLAY. Young and Old Delighted by a Laudable Piece of Enterprise. The exclamations of pleasure and delight that fell from the lips of the hundreds who yesterday crowded the sidewalk in front of Kaufmann's large cornerwtadow were justi fied by the artlstia and magnificent display within. Through handsome groups of trop ical plants and flowers 'the eye beholds a moving panorama of Easter tableaux both unique and original. The great emblem of Easter, the egg, is, of course, all prevalent, and is exhibited from the regular hen's size to one in which the little boy can play "hide and seek." Ihe chariot races come in lor a large share of admiration. The chariots in this case are beautiful floral egg shells; instead of horses, droll, long-eared bunnies, white aft snow, bounding and leap ing as only rabbits can, while the reins are held by gayly-dressed boys little Lord Fauntleroy being the most conspicuous. The center of the window represents the well-known scene of Bedloe'&Jsland, with a 10-foot high statue of Liberty, made of im mortelles, -while two little sailor boys, seated in a large floral skiff, are rocked and mocked by the waves below. Taken altogether the display is beantiful, and is another feather in Kaufmanns' cap. BMNNER MK-lNCr powptis FWtYs "-"3-gr0J- THE BEST WATEBMELON CAKE. For Bed Batter. Take the whites of four eggs well beaten and one cap red sugar, half cup butter, half cup sweet milk, one cup seedless raisins, one teaspoonful extract vanilla, stir in two cups flour,having mixed thoroughly through it one measure "Ban ner" Baking Powder. For White Batter. Take the whites of four eggs well beaten, one and a half oups white sugar,three-fourthscup buffer, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful "extract vanilla, three cups flour, having mixed through the dry flour one measure. "Banner" Baking Powder. Bake in an oval pan, using a plain oval tin ring same shape, and half the size of the pan; place the ring inside the pan to divide the batters; pour the red batter inside and the white outside the ring; then lift out the ring and bake in a slow oven. When cut you will have an exact imitation of a ripe watermelon. Red sugar can be ob tained from confectioners. The "Banner" Powder is made fromthe highest test (99 per cent) cure cream tartar. ! It does not contain alum, ammonia or bone oust; tneretore, it stands at the ,neaa ot tne list for perfect pnritv. Many families have used the "Banner"' Powder for 25 years. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY. "Scourehe" to clean windows. "Scourene" to clean woodwork. "Scourene" lo clean bath tubs. "Scourene" to clean tinware. "Scourene" only 6 tents a cake. Twenty Dollars for Twelve. The handsomest garments in the world are our Glenmore suits. They come in the fol lowing fabrics: ' Cheviots. cassimeres, worsteds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc., and Mack', blue, brown, gray and mixed are the shades. The, pants are cut either wide or medium. No ready-made looks about the entire garment Our price for these suits is $12. They beat anything ever yet shown at ?20. Ask for the Glen more. Tbey combine ease, grace and fit. You'll find 'em at oifr store, P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sU., opp. new Court House. A convenient fitting room is a specialty of our corset' department Come to the grand opening to-morrow. F. SchoenthaIi, 612 Penn ave. Dickson, thb Tailor, Is the man to make your spring and sum- L mer suits look like new at a trifle. Give him a trial, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st, 2d floor. Telephone 1558. Twenty Dollars for Twelve. The "handsotnest garments in the world are our Glenmore suits. They come in the following fabrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc., and black, blue, brown, gray and mixed are, the. Ihades. The pants are cut either wide or medium. No ready-made looks about 'the entire garment' Our price for these suits is $12. They beat anything ever yet shown,' at-$20. Ask for the Glen more. They combine ease, grace and fit. You'll find 'em at our store. P. O. C. C cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. new Court House: Dickson, theTaltor, , Is the man to make yonr'spring and sum mer suits look like new at a trifle. Give him a trial, 65 Tilth ave., cor. Wood st, 2d floor. Telephone 1558. Cash paid, for old; gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu Spring- dobdi. ' For a stylish suit or overcoat go to Pit- cairn's, Uo. 434 Wood at wsu cvs. "-' (lsn mM Tnr f AM J'onW "st& ailver at I Hauch's, No. 395 Fit e.-S: , rosu fTTIsTT! fiuOBfi.9 i rut ?i a?i - si ti w Mm H J 3a u f M- ii i 1 lw-& Ufa, -iatyferBSKP.. W rt- -r-,i sa7-r 1889. 1 lu. CHANGE IN MAKE-UP. CLASSIFIED ::: ADVERTISEMENTS That heretofore appeared on this page of THE DISPATCH will be found on the Eleventh Page, in the Second Part of this issue. The Wants, For Sales, To Lets, Business Chances, Auc tion Sales, etc., are placed under their usual headings on the Eleventh Page. Adver tisements handed in too late for Classification will be found on the Sixth Page. THE CABLE CXC GRIP SUPERSEDED. A New Invention of Frnctteal Worth. Extensive experiment with the cable railway system has thus far proved that it required many improvements before the cost of operating ana maintaining could be reduced to an economic basis. The first and paramount objection that stockholders have urged against such investments was the enormous annual outlay for cables, which, with the most careful usage rarely last over eight months, some not half that long. When it is known that the cable for a five mile roa.d costs $90,000, it will be seen j hat value can be attached to the inventive skill that obviates this objection. The gripping arrangement of the cable system has always been defective, and there is on no road in operation a device employed that does not propel the cars by means of gripping the rope. This naturally causes a constant wear and permits the operator to give his car only the speed allowed by the cable. As to reversing the car in case of an accident or street blockade, -the gripman and the occu pants are powerless. To the solution of this apparently unsurmountable problem of me chanics, the best American inventive genius has been employed, but after all it was left for a Pittsburger to carry off the palm of success. The inventor ot an. apparatus de signed to take the place of the gripping at tachment, Mr. Joseph Williams, Jr., has beyond a donbt succeeded in, perfecting an apparatus that must supersede the objection able crip. If any importance may be at tached to the assertions of expert mechanical and construction engineers who have ex amined the working of the apparatus, the disadvantages of operating a cable system have been entirely overcome. The device consists principally of a series of friction wheels through which power is conveyed direct to the driving wheels of the car. The speed of the car is entirely inde pendent of the speed of the cable that is, it can be rnn at any desired speed, either forward or backward, operating equally in dependent of the direction of the cable. This latter is one of the most novel features of the invention, as a car can be run either waypn a single line, and is always at the command of the operator. Mr. Joseph Williams, Jr., the inventor, is not unknown in the world of mechanism, having perfected a number of appliances of direct benefit to the advance of science. His last achievment is a notable one, and if one may judge of the interest it has created among the cable companies ot this city and at other points, the cable railway system of the country is in a fair way to be placed on the plane of perfected modern progress. MEASURING GAS MINUTELY. Why the New Westlngbouse Gas Dieter Senders Itself a Necessity for All Con sumers of Gas. The merits of any article of conmerce can not be better tested than by thn verdict of public opinion. This fact has been thoroughly exemplified in the sale ot the new Westinghouse gas meter, which was described and illustrated in The Dispatch about three weeks age. Since that time over 1,000 of these meters have been sold and put into the houses oi gas consumers of Pittsburg and its vicinity, which proves that the people are as anxious to adopt a good thing as they are ready to condemn a bad one. That the Westinghouse meter is the best article which can, be had for the purpose of measuring gas, and measuring it accurately, is a fact as easily demonstrated, as it is proved that all others are incapable of doing the work. The reason why the old ones are unreliable is simply this: While the prin ciples of their design were not only imper fect and'faulty, the material out of which tBey were constructed was also of such a character that a reliable result was impos sible to be obtained therefrom. The other meters have leather diaphragms, from which the gas rapidly absorbs the moistur, makes them dry and in a short time hard. Then the leather warps and binds, causing such a disorder in the working parts of the meter that accurate measuring of gas is an utter impossibility. The Westinghouse meter, however, is so constructed that it cannot get out of order. The mechanical parts are all made out of iron, brass or steel, remaining totally un affected from their contact with the gas, and they are in such perfect balance "so as to work as a unit on the smallest possible fric tion, assuring a constant accuracy of meas urement and a durability heretofore un equaled by any gas meter. To illustrate the delicacy of the mechanical parts of the meter and to prove its unvarying accuracy of perfect measurement, it need lut be said that it requires only a pressure of a thou sandth part of a pound to put the meter to work and run it. It is evident from these advantages pos sessed by the Westinghouse gas meter that it is the most desirable device for all con sumers of natural gas. On account of its acenracy and reliable method of working, it gives people the assurance that they only. pay lor as much gas as they use. it is, therefore, a direct means of economy. Twenty Dollar for Twelve. The handsomest garments in the world are our Glenmore suits. They come in the fol lowing fabrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc., and black, blue, brown, gray and mixed are the shades. - The pants are cut eitherwide or medium. No ready-made looks about the entire garment. Our price for these suits is $12. They beat anything ever yet shown at 520. Ask for the Glen more. They combine ease, graoe and fit You'll find 'em at our store, P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Spring; Goods. For a good fitting suit or overcoat go to Pitcairn's Tailoring Emporium, 431 Wood street. "wsu A FtTLii line ot hosiery tor ladies' and children. Come to the grand opening to morrow. P. Schoektiial, 612 Penn ave. Ltnek department An elegant assort ment of Irish, Scotch and German table damasks and napkins, towels of all kinds, luncheon sets, etc.; prices the lowest. irwFSu Huous & Hacks. A full line of hosiery for ladies' and children. Come to the grand opening to morrow. P. SCHOENTHAL, ' 613 Penn ave. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KIEIEOSI'S SUMY Read it! It's Full and Solid FURNITURE! Purchasers are respectfully requested to lend their attention to the interesting information that we are exhibiting the most exten sive and by far the most artistic line of Furniture ever shown in this old burg. You will find anything you wish in the realm of PARLOR FURNITURE. Suites from $25 upwards; Divans, Sofas, Couches, Easy Chairs, Rockers, etc., in Rosewood, Prime Vere, Mahogany, Cherry and Turkish Overstuffed. Concerning CHAM 'BER SUITES, we can suit you at almost any price. Our specialty in this department is: Design, the most artistic; workmanship, the most elaborate; finishes, the very latest, and quantity, unprecedented in the trade. Our stock of DINING ROOM FURNITURE simply stands unparalleled in the annals of the Pittsburg furniture trade. Sideboards from S12 to any price desired. Antique Oak and Ash, Sixteenth Century Walnut and Mahogany. Dining Chairs and Ex tension Tables in the. most popular woods, latest patterns, and at anyprice desired. Wardrobes, Cabinets, Chiffoniers, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, etc., by the hundred and at MATCHLESSLY LOW PRICES. IK IE E C H s CASH and. CREDIT HOUSE FURNISHING CONCERN. HHINu -O-OOIDS -AND- Kitchen Utensils Stoves, Ranges, Ice Chests, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Tinware, Wooden ware, Crockery, Queensware, Cutlery, Silverware, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac, Pictures, etc., in a most excellent variety and at PRICES AWAY DOWN. CARPETS! What we can't show in our large Carpet Department isn't worth having isn't dependable, good, stylish. Don't you suppose the re sult of our searching the best Carpet markets of the world, coupled with our well known purchasing facilities, is apparent in our present offering? Most certainly it is you can see it everywhere. To tell the truth, we recognize no competitors in the Carpet trade, for we undersell them all. Remember, too, that. we cater to no particular class, but to the masses. Hence we can satjsfy the requirements of the laborer and mechanic as easily as those of the banker or bondholder. We show everything, from the cheapest Rag Carpets and Ingrains up to the very finest Royal Wiltons and Brussels, and, what's the best of all, you effect a sure saving on every purchase. At any rate, come and see us before buying elsewhere. We don't want your patronage unless we can serve you better than any other house in the city. kOur corps of Carpet fitters mcreaseu since ipni 1, an urueis win ue jjruuipuy uuu nu11.fc.1y executed. KEECH CASH and CREDIT HOUSE FURNISHING CONCERN. OurDRAPERY DEPARTMENT is replete with everything that is beautiful in the line of Cur tains, Draperies, Portieres, Hangings, etc. French Re naissance, Louis XIV., Real Lace, all Brussel Point, Swiss Point and Tambour,Irish Point, real and imitation; Phrygian, Swiss, Muslin, Bengal Crepe, Oriental, Nottingham; Sash Curtains to match alL Velour, Chenille, Brocatelle, Satin Damasks, Plushes, plain and figured, China Silks. COME AND SEE US. l "cn hep J Juj Jjj CASH and CREDIT HOUSE, 923 and 925 NEAR NINTH STREET.. Store Open Saturday Iftghts " jf a , MtM mmw of Sound Sense Truths. FURNITURE! FOR BABY: CARRIAGES -AND- PERAMBULATORS TJiere is nothing too fine for baby. That's what we thought when we ordered our gorgeous assortment of lovely and cute Baby Carriages. But we also riorl an f-nc tn rrii Tirirp- We MI4VA fr& V uAwv v w v guarantee you a saving of 25 J per cent 1 hat's enough. COME AND SEE US. CARPETS! and layers having been materially -J, TO CLOTHE YOUR FAMILY well, stylish and cheap, you must come to Keech's. Special attention is called to our com plete and handsome assortment of Ladies' Beaded Spring Wraps, and our neat variety of staple Dry Goods. FOR MEN we have a stylish and varied assortment of Spring Clothing, including ALL SIZES and PRICES. r-" "xzr 3 q - V JZZL CDs, n1 Penn Avenue? "V. till 10, o'clock.. . zW&sA I 1 1 L rtW 1 Kj4H&&ddiSKi&&J& Lm. i-L . 4 ,. ' . Z '& &-? EPEks