THE FROZEN VIOLETS. -BY- Ernest H". ITTIiE Bertha was a very poor girl, who well deserved every b o dy ' s pity. ta. 4tf irKriMU. "" " "' SgI2?flS't phan.heriather and mother having died, while she was but a very few weeks old. Since then Bertha had been living in the house of an old uncle of hers. But from the first day she entered her Uncle's family, her troubles and hardships commenced. Her uncle was very kind to her, it is true, but unfortunately for Bertha he was so rrIy at home, she sometimes would not see him for six mouths. Curing all that time she remained in the power of her aunt, who liked Bertha not at all. The aunt had a great number of children and they were all very homely looking girls. But Bertha was a very beautiful child, whose face shone always forth from the ugliness of her cousins like arose would appear among half a dozen buttercups. It had made her annt envious, and whenever the opportunity presented itself, the woman began to scold the child for her beauty, as if it were a sin and shame not to have a face that would frighten a dog in the street. As a result of her aunt's anger Bertha had to do all the work in tbe house, while the cousins, the ugly girls, would walk around to show the people their fine dresses and jewelry. Jyone of them would ever for get herself so far as to even wipe a knife or a fork or wash a dish. Kb; that all re mained for Bertha to do. And if she would take it into her head to sit down for a mo ment and rest, her aunt would pounce down upon her with a broomstick. "Hurry up, you lazy minx," she would scold, "do you think that it might spoil your complexion to do a little work? Hind you, if yon have an idea that I took you into myhouse and family as an ornament you are very much mistaken. No, I did not like to see you starve, at least my hus band did not, and that is the only reason why yon are here. Don't ever forget that but for me you would have died a death of starvation and gone into a pauper's grave." Poor Bertha never replied anything to .these harsh, unfeeling words of her aunt, but she would work even more and more, every day hoping that the woman would at last lie satisfied and treat her more gently. But that was a vain hope. In her utter despair Bertha at last resolved to fly and find a situation as a servant in some other home. She was willing to work, but to be always scolded and punished for no cause whatever was too hard even lor the meekest girl to bear. So, one night when her aunt and cousins had all retired to their beds, the poor or phan girl crept quietly from her little attic room and ran out of the house. It was a terrible night for anyone to be out, but Bertha had no fear. She knew that there could not be a place In the world as bad as the one she left, and whatever would beiall her must be an improvement upon her present position. Bertha ran along the road all night, and the farther she went the fewer were the peo ple and the houses she passed. At last, morning dawned over the hills, and when our lonely wanderer saw the sun, like a large, red ball, rise above the horizon, it gave her new hope and fresh energy. She continued her way until she arrived at an immense, thick forest. Por a moment she stood still, thinking whether to enter the wood or go another way. "I will sit down and eat the crust of bread I brought with me," she muttered to herself," and afterward I can decide whatI may do next." The Dancing Forest She reclined on an elevation beside some brushwood and began to cat. On looking about her she observed that the entire ground under the hedge was covered with violets of a very peculiar quality. The leaves and blossom of the flowers were all shriveled up as if they had been touched by the frost, but the petals were covered in several places with a moisture of a reddish color. Bertha looked at these peculiar violets for some time in great astonishment. But wishing to examine the odd flowers a little closer she pulled several of them out by the roots. However, no sooner had she severed the last fiber and the stem was in her hand, when the entire wood seemed to be shaken by a supernatural emotion. The big oak trees swayed backward and forward as if they were being unrooted by a gigantic force. The smaller trees jumped out of the giound and commenced a regular dancing movement that resembled very much the antics of an Indian war dance. The brushwood, however, being the slightest and lightest, literally flew out of the ground and hopped up and down like an india rubber doll suspended by an elastic string. The commotion lasted tor about 15 seconds, then suddenly it stopped and everything was as quiet as beiore. Bertha sat on tbfc ground and locked about herself iu utter bewilderment. Her bread crust had fallen from her trembling hand and big drops of perspiration began to gather on her forehead, for when she saw the entire forest around her in motion she became afraid, like everybody else would, I suppose. 2Cow. however, all was over and the ' wood looked just as it had done before. Bit even while she was quietly thinking over what had happened, the hill on which Bertha was -sitting opene up, and the poor little orphan girl disappeared under the ground without ha ing even a second to con sider what was going to be done with her. The quick succession of these events was too much for Bertha. "When the hill had opened up and she fell into the chasm she lost her consciousness, and although it must be said, that she was not hurt by a hair of. her -head, still when she arrived at the round of the hollow hill, she was insensi ble. The place in which she had arrived was an enchanted country, however, that was inhabited by a very wonderful people some thousands of years ago. At the, time when Bertha arrived here though, all of them had died except the queen of the nation who now lived alone in this vast realm bemoaning and bewailing the loss of her subjects. It had been an old tradition in th.s country, that the population could only be established again by the appear ance of a young orphan S'ri w waste come into this land. Another peculiarity of this wonderful country was that no flower had ever grown there except the violet. It was therefore the national flower of the people. But when the nation had died out all these flowers shriveled up and they literally cried tears like bloody dew to show thMr sorrow for the people of this land. Xow the queen, who bad heard Bertha ascend the hill under which the entrance into the country was hidden, had a great plan in her head when she noticed that. It was she who had opened the hill and let her come down, and she now appeared before the girl as she yet lay on the ground in an & 4 i mm Ml ' -J 'Hi iV&Wb&mfi & V4i V5Luii iffi- Win flft Hkineichs. unconscious condition. Touching her with her queenly scepter, Bertha awoke, and after she had somewhat .recovered from her astonishment, the queen said to her: ""Welcome, my child, in the land of the frozen violets; may your future be happier than your-past." Not heeding these remarks, Bertha said: "Where am I and what will becomeof me?" Ton are in no danger whatever," replied the queen, "do not be afraid, and if you do as I tell you your future happiness will be assured. You will forget that you ever lived with a horrid, hard-hearted woman like vour aunt." "Well, what do you want me to do?" "Listen and you shall hear. It is now over a thousand" years ago ween land the people of my country had a terrible war with Ogo, the king from the land of the "Weeping Willows. The war was caused by Ogo's subjects coming into our land and stealing several bunches of our violets. Of course such a thing was a grave offense upon ourselves, and we realized that only a bloody war could give us the opportunity of getting even with Ogo and his people. So the war was commenced in all its fury. A good many brave soldiers fell on both sides, but as we were in the majority, hav ing twice as many soldiers asOgo,weat last bucceeded to gain a glorious victory. In the last battle Ogo himself was killed. But that was our misfortune, as you will see. Had we left him alive there would not have been much harm done. Ogo, you must know, had a daughter, who was one of the cleverest magicians and sorceresses that ever lived. She came into our land and bade us to allow her to plant a tree in the '& Tv w5v tt Bertha and the Queen, place where her father haddied. This tree, however, was bewitched, it having the pe culiar quality to kill everybodv who would look at it. On the day that she planted it she invited everybody from my country to be present and see the way she would put the tree in the ground. Well, out of simple curiosity nearly everybody was there to see her plant the tree, but no sooner did they behold it than they all fell at once dead to the ground. Fortunately I did not go my self, but even those who were not present at first went afterward to find out what became of their friends. So it happened that all died. I, however, received a letter from Ogo's daughter in which she stated: "You made me an orphan when you killed my father. Now I have destroyed all your people to give you a taste of what loneliness means. They are not dead forever, though. Whenever a poor orphan girl from the upper world can be induced to come into your country, and she unroots the tree, then all your sub jects will be alive again." This was what Ogo's daughter teld me, and of course I have ever since that time anxiously awaited the arrival of the orphan girl, but for a long time it was in vain, as you know. At last I hit upon the plan of planting those violets around the hill, which is the entrance to our country. 1 thought that the peculiarity of our flowers would attract somebody, anyhow. Now you know how it happens that you are here. You need not be alarmed, be cause no harm will come to you. Come along and I will show you the way to Ogo's tree. I dare not come with you, because the sishtof it would Kill me, while it will not affect you in the least. Bertha then followed the queen, and she soon saw the tree in the distance. But the little girl was astonished when she saw what a big trunk it had, and she hardly had hope that she would be able to unroot such a big tree as that. However, she at once began to tear up the ground and lay the roots bare. It took her a very long time, but when she thought of the many people, who were now laying like dead all over the country, new strength seemed to come into her arms and hands. It took her a whole week, but at last she succeeded. All the roots were now bare and she had only to give the tree a push and it toppled oyer on the ground. The noise which the fall caused was ter rific, and as Bertha looked around she ob served the people raising their heads from tbe ground. But none of them did get up. "I suppose I must cover the tree up," said the little girl to herself, "because they cannot stand the sight of it." Then another task was before her. She had to rake up all the loose ground in the neighborhood to cover up the tree. Bnt she also succeeded with that at last, and when all the leaves and branches were under the ground, behold ! everybody who had been dead for the last 1,000 years sud denly got up as if from a deep sleep. Bertha now returned to the queen, who received her with open arms, and called her the great benefactress of the country. "What can I do for you to make you happy?" she said to the orphan girl. "Ask for anything, and if it is in my power, I will do it." "I do not want much for mvself, but I should like to be rich, that I might help all the orphan children that are now poor. "All right," replied the queen, "your wish shall be granted. Let me lead'you back again into the upper world and you will find very soon what you want. Bnt before you depart let me give you a bunch of our frozen violets as a memento of this your visit to us." Bertha then left with the violets in her hand. When she got into the wood again she noticed a magnificent castle standing right before her, and a lot of beautiful girls came to meet her, calling out: "Here comes Bertha, our kind hearted mistress." They led her toward the castle, and she was soon installed in her new home as the lady of the house. From that day Bertha's life was all happiness. She sent her ser vants all over tne country to look lor poor orphan girls and bring them to her. Under her care they were all brought up and edu cated to become useful and loveable women. The fame of Bertha's kindness spread very Boon all over the country, and the king heard of it at last. One day he and his sou, the prince, came, to see her, and the young man at once fell in love with Bertha's beau tiful face, her graceful manners and sweet disposition. He asked her to become his wife, and when the wedding came off every bodv said there never was such a beautiful bride as Bertha. Her hard-hearted aunt and ugly cousins were never heard of, and no one knows what became of them. What' the Difference? Chicago Tribune. 3 "My friend, are you looking for work?" "Ugh! No!" "My friend, your hand! lam not look ing for work, either. I don't want work. I want my share of the wealth of this coun try, and I am going to get it! I'm ready to wade through blood for it if I can't get it any other way. The country owes me a liv ing. Isn't that your platform?" "Ughl Yc." "Good! And if women and children stand in my way they must be killed, too?" "Ogh! Yes. Kill a heap." "That's the talk! You're a brother Anarchist, ain't you?" "Ugh! Idnnno." "Whal are you, anyhow?" "Ughl InjunJ' .jmif R 'jte&ffli-'. L.V? ' '?Sfil' .$?' Wily il THE KILE! ONCE A SIGN PAINTER. The Time When tbe Hooaier Poet Did Soma Nice Job With a Brush. "Warsaw Times.l I have wondered a good many times how many people in Warsaw remember when James Whitcorab Riley was a resident of that place. It was in the spring of 1873, when I was reading medicine there and Biley was in town filling an engagement, or engagements, painting window signs. He was handy at this sort of thing, and did some nice jobs. Later, with a very deft and cunning hand, he made drawings for his poems, which were as full of artistic strength and quaintness as his "Old Swimmin Hole" is lull of poetry. About this time the Indian tan printed some little things of mine picturesquely little, some of them, from a literary standpoint. But, out ot charity or to encourage me, or to get rid of me, the rhymes were printed, and one day Biley and I were talking about them while he was painting aign for the boss jewelry store, near Mr. Wynant's drugstore. In a mild "friendly way, he was a trifle envious of my success in getting into print, and I posed j beside him while he painted the "BY" in jewelry, as a person whose lit erary standing was assured. When he had made a marine blue period, he took off his apron and we went over to the Wright House together to see a little bit of rhyme which he said he had there. He wanted my opinion and criticism on it, and as I had more opinion and criticism to give than anything else, I was willing to bestow it even on a sign painter. Biley read the poem. It was called "The Argonaut," and, inexperienced as I was I knew that only a poet and a genius could have written it. I was unstinted in my praise, and I knew the Hoosier poet was born and was only wait ing the recognition of the public, which in a few years it so magnificently and munifi cently gave. " After this episode an abiding and deep rooted friendship was the result I have met him since then, and have read about all he has ever written, but nothing ever pleas ed me so much no "reading" I have ever heard of his pleased me so well as that lit tle poem, "The Argonaut," read one raw spring day up in a cold room by a curtain less window iu the Wright House block. "WOMEN AND THEIE TICTIMS. The Fashion of Wearing; Birds as Trimmings For Bonnets. The London Hospital. It was hoped some time ago that the fashion of wearing the dead bodies of birds as trimming for bonnets and hats was going out. Such a hope,apparently, is doomed to disappointment. Perhaps the day may come when people who have a little regard for such helpless creatures as birds will give them up to their fate. It really seems to be of no use to try to protect them. The loafer from the Fast Fnd of London goes forth with bisl cages and his lime, and catches them. He, however, mostly retains the male. The other bird murderer also goes forth on his cruel errand, and, by pre ference, catches and retains the female. He takes her in the nesting season, because the feathers are soft and beautiful then. What matters it to him that the victim is often the mother of a nest-full of helpless young, and that they are left in the nest to die of starvation; to die while piteously crying out hour after hour for the mother that never came? The mother birds are killed, and the young left to die of starvation, because certain women insist that it shall be so. Yet how gentle, and sympathetic, and tender those very women can pretend to be when it suits their good manners. How shocked they are by vulgarity; how horri fied by coarseness ! If they could see themselves exactly as some men see them; could have it once driven in upon their conscience, that, in the estimation of all rational and right-feeling men, they are incomparably inferior to many costermongers, crossing-sweepers, and untaught African negroes, they might for one mqment pause and reflect upon their worthlessness. Is it really, then, come to this: That a nineteenth century woman is so utterly" selfish, so hopelessly without brains or feeling, and so incapable of learn ing even the very elements of humanity, that she must and will have birds to adorn herself with, at whatever cost? QUEER TREES. Long; Chains, Harrow Teeth, nnd a Scythe Blade Found in Them. Among the queer things in Connecticut, says an Ansonia special to the New York Sun, are its trees. Up in Middletown last week it was necessary to cut down a tree in the rear of Dutting's cigar store. Several bricks w.ere found imbedded in the roots, so that only the corners were visible. Over in Cobalt a large and particularly straight tree was felled early in the fall, and ast week it was drawn to the sawmill. After starting the saw the attendant heard a grating of the saw teeth, and stopped the mill. He tried another cut, but again the grating sound was heard, and he had to shut down again. Several further attempts to saw the length of the log proving futile the trunk was sawed across, and an old log chain and a dozen harrow teeth were dis covered imbedded in the hard-grained wood. In Westfield a boulder weighing over half a ton is to be seen about ten feet from the ground in the crotch of an enormous apple tree, and old residents say that they can remember when that boulder could be sat upon, so near to the ground was it when they were young. A Saybrook farmer tells the story about his hanging a scythe in a maple tree several years ago, after a day's mowing. The scythe was left there all winter and the next sum mer, until the time for haying came round again. On going to get the scythe he found the blade so deeply imbedded in the soft bark of the maple as to be immovable, and he let it remain. The tree is yet standing in the front yard of a fashionable residence in that village, and from each side of the trunk projects two arms, forming a letter T. apparently part of the tree themselves. The scythe blade has been entirely covered with bark. The handle of the scythe years ago rotted off. Oat of Reach. Buffalo Courier.i Defendant's Lawyer This case cannot go on, your Honor. v . The Court It has been adjourned, Mr. Choat, no less than eight times to accommo date you. I shall not permit any further de lay. Take a jury. Lawyer But the Court has no jurisdic tion ! The Court I shall like to know why not, sir? La wyer Because my client has been dead nearly a month. The Court Then I'm afraid the process of this Court, being written on paper, would be destroyed by fire before it got to him. The case was dismissed. The Bnckwoodi Telegraph System. UMMJII Improvised Messenger "Message, BO cents; writing it ont, 10 centsfenvelope, 5, cents; inclosing, gumming and directing it, 18 cents; new pair of rubbers for boy, 50 cents; carriage hire, $1; ringing the bell, 10 cents; use of pencil in signing name, Scents; loafing on tne way. CO cents. Ante up quick, old man; I'm In, a hurry I" Judge, PITTSBURG - -DISPATCH, IRISH CASTLE LIFE. What it Costs to Keep Up an Aristo cratic Establishment. SERVANTS AND THEIE SALARIES. Grotesque Stateliness and a Military Rule in Hall anOureery. WHAT YOUTH GAINS BY STERN STYLES rCOBBXEPOXDEXCX or TBX DISFATCB.1 Limerick, Ireland, March 25. High and low life among the aristocracy in the castles and great country residences of Ire land varies little from that in England. Occasionally one of these mammoth establish ments Is kept up wholly as the headquarters of a game preserve, In;rare instances their owners fear their outraged tenantry to that degree that they never appear upon the Irish estate,-"contenting themselves in their London town houses, or at continental re sorts, with the immense rentals wrung from the wretched holdings by agents even more heartless than the celebrated '"Yallow Sam' Carson" in the pathetic tale of "The Poor Scholar." Many occupy their estab lishments the year round; for in Ireland, as well as in England, the nobility live at their splendid seats in the country. They would scorn to do else. Their ethics are exclusively devolved from their fondest dreams to which they cling, that they are still feudal lords. For such to re side in town is to descend to the utter de basement of burghers. With a great ma jority the London "season" largely controls their residence and its period here and else where. Of this exclusive class, not far ex ceeding 1,000 heads of houses, practically owning and deriving the revenues from the entire landed possessions of Great Britain and Ireland, the Irish nobility, with which I include the English nobility owning great estates in Ireland, constitute a far more im portant factor than nas been generally sup posed. IKISH CASTLE LIFE. In the main, castle life in Ireland begins with the grouse shooting season in August, and lasts until the following May. With those "in the world" the period is much re duced. Many forsake the estates in Febru ary for the "first swim" in the metropolis. There is a delightful though quiet social period in London preceding Easter. But just before Easter Parliament adjourns, when back come the lords and ladies; or a trip to the Continent is taken. After Easter the full London tide sets in. When the "season" is at an end the guns of the titled sportsmen commence ringing in the North, and the house-life at the castles of Ireland begins. Risking a paradox, high life at Irish castles begins and ends with that of the lowly. The number, wages and ways of the servants almost tell the story ot their masters. First and foremost is the steward, who is responsible to milord and lady for the entire establishment, the servants, hir ing of servants, and the purchase of all or dinary necessities such as food, save all meats, which is invariably the perquisites of the cook. The steward receives" 80, and an unlimited amount of noble blackguard ing, per year. Next in importance, if not indeed the first, is the housekeeper. She is usually a maiden lady of severe age, or a widow culled from poor relations. She must be a person of infinite expediency, common sense, experience, and with a soul and physique of iron. She usually has entire charge of the detail of all domestic matters within the castle. She receives from 20 to 25 per year, having from one to two as sistants,calied assistant housekeepers, whose yearly wages are from 12 to 16. -In a general way, all the female servants of the castle are amenable to the head housekeeper, who is at no time of the year away from her post. AS TTNFOBTUXATE PERSONAGE. The next of these in grade is perhaps the governess. This necessary though un fortunate person is usually a decayed lady, or an extraordinarily ambitious one of the "Becky Sharp" genus. It is she who is ex pected to educate and form the manners and morals, to the age of 14, of the unbearable little whelps of nobility, who are as unlike your "little Lord Fauntleroys" ot fiction, as the late "Mr. Crowley" of Central Park, New York, was unlike the dear gazelle of Moore. She must read, write, speak and teach all modern languages, and be able to instruct in the rudiments of Latin, Greek, the sciences and philosophy. She must sing, and teach vocal music, and play and instruct upon the piano and harp. In fact, she must be one of the most accomplished women in the world; at once the superior,com panion and servant of her' charges. Her compensation is 40 to 60 per annum, and opportunities for intrigue. In the greatest houses, she is allowed two, and sometimes three, 'nursery maids at from 10 to 16 each. There is an upper housemaid at ,1G; an under housemaid at 12; and from two to four assistant housemaids at 10; all really under control of the housekeeper. These bear much the same relation to the castle regime as do the chambermaids to that of our best American hotels. But the ladies' maids, who are responsible only to their mistresses, hold what are regarded as the most desirable positions; insomuch as, while the most exacting, and often the most shame lessly servile, duties are required of them, they receive trom 30 to 50 per year; their opportunities for travel and sightseeing are unlimited; and the ADVANTAGEOUS SECKETS their close relations to their noble mis tresses enable them to possess, are supposed to give them extraordinary substantial ben efits. All lower female servants hold them in deadly hatred; the while longing for their places as almost equivalent to the honors of royalty itself. The female servants also comprise a head'laundress at 30, 'and two or three assistants at 12 each per year; an assistant cook, who must be equal in ability to the chef, and who receives 20; two addi tional assistant cooks, or kitchen maids, at 14; and two scullery maids at 12. The head butler is a sort of generalissimo of the male servants of the household. A majestic bearing is a fortune to this fellow. He is the general-stand-around-and-Iook-awful of the castle; but must have an eye to the welfare ot the guests and the charact6r and behavior of his inferiors. He is also the head waiter. He- attends to the table and its proper setting and service at all times; presiding at the carving and other mysteries at the sideboard; for all of which he receives 75 per year. The under butler, at 35, has entire charge of the silver. It practically never leaves his lands or sight; as he not only delivers to, and receives from, the hands of the butler all pieces used, but washes, polishes, and sleeps along side their receptacle cases in the pantry. During seasons of unusual entertainment, he also assists the head sbutler at meals. There are generally also a first, second and third footman. These receive about the same wages as the under butler. They clean milord's clothing, which a valet scorns to do save when his1 master travels, assist at meals as waiters, wash glass and silverware, are regarded as general help under the butlers and are, properly speaking, only footmen when on duty as such with the car riages. v milobd's men in -waiting. Among the other male servants is milord's valet, with Well-known duties. A bright one receives 70 per year and will easily manage to secure as much more. Then there are tbe head cooks, to none of whom are paid one-fourth the price given by the American nouvean-riches to thpir recentlv imporfed chefs, who receive from 125 to 150, with perquisites of about 50 from the sale of drippings and fats. There is also a head coaohman, at 60 to 80, un SUNDAY, APRIL" 7. der whom are a second coachman at 25, a stud-groom at 50, and grooms, stablemen and helpers at from 10 to 20 each; and one or two "odd-men" who attend the serv ants' hall, carry baggage, clean boots and are a sort of everybodys' men to all below stairs. The whole number of servants at one of these castles is therefore very large. I have only enumerated those directly serving the household itself, whose members may not number a half dozen, and in seasons of en tertainment will not average more than two dozen souls. Yet from 30 to S5 persons are required to serve them. Added to these is an equal number in ontdoor employment, of which I shall speak in the succeeding article, making a total of 50 to 75 servants on the payroll of an Irish estate of average pretensions; a sort of grim compensation in expense, however, considering that I find 'the annual revenues derived by these im poverished'titled Irish landlords to range from 5100,000 to upward of $1,000,000. IBISH CASTLE EOtTTINE. The ordinary daily routine at the castle, when visitors are not being entertained, it distinguished by remarkable repose. Milord and lady, occupying apartments remote from each other, and always actended by valet and waiting-maid, who each sleep within call of voice or table-bell, rise at about 8 o'clock. After their bath and toilet, the latter being most informal and sensible, weather permitting, a stroll through the grounds is taken until break fast. This is served with all possible cere mony between 9 and 10. The only actual duty, and this is imperative, either master or mistress ever assumes is approving the bills of fare, which milady generally con sents to perform. These are usually ready the previous evening. Her maid informs the housekeeper, who informs the head housemaid, who sends an under housemaid to inform the cook that her ladyship is actually awake. The cook dispatches, his assistant to secure a footman. He conveys the required slips to the butler, who seeks the maid, and the latter places them, with pencil, in the hands of her ladyship, who, still in bed, inspects, changes or approves at her leisure; then the bills of fare by an other circnitous route finally reach the cook. WhateVer the conjugal results of titled marital life may be, such a thing as genial, cordial affection is never exhibited before servants, children or friends. The associa tion at meals, the home life, the conduct in all places, may be described as a never-ending period of sodden stateliness. Between breakfast and luncheon, which is served from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, her ladyship may write letters; pass a few hours in her library, or music room; permit her maid to call her attention to portions of her trousseau of the last, or next, season; and finally un dergo the tedium of a change in apparel for luncheon. The while milord has attended to his correspondence; seen his agent; in rare instances admitted a vexatious deputa tion of tenants; and possibly inspected his shooting accouterments and the stud. GROTESQUE STATELINESS. Between luncheon and tea, either milord or milady, or both, may take a dash within the grounds in the saddle, seldom together, always with an attendant; or, still separate, with footmen in livery be driven in different directions over the surrounding country, in coaches, traps, or the elegant castle jaunting-cars, returning in time for tea at 5; which is frequently taken without change of toilet. The rigor of dressing for dinner, and the solemn stateliness of that meal at 8 in the evening, are something so indescrib ably grotesque as to comfort a plebeian in his unaristocratic obscurity; and from the termination of dinner until the inmates of the castle retire, the possession' of a palace with palatial appointments and an army of servants, cannot furnish a quietus to'the slow tortures of indigestion, or still the sluggish artillery of hereditary yawns. The distinction between this every-day castle life and that when tbe place is thronged with guests, will be shown in the succeed ing article. But whether the castle is asleep in its in one home-life, or is stirred by the presence of many noble visitors, its child-life ever remains the same. Children are almost ex clusivelyreared without seeingtheir parents, save by chance. Their apartments are re mote trom the remainder of the household. Whatever their youth, they occupy separate sleeping rooms, adjoining the nursery which is usually sitting room, dining room, school and playroom combined, though they have the general run of the castle, within bounds, and always in charge of the governess or nursery maids. MILITARY NTJBSEBY BULE. The regime of meals and their service is as strict and formal as that with their elders. The" governess is always with them at meals, and indeed practically never absent from them. Their study, play hours, meals, outings and hours for rising and retiring are as rigorously observed as at a military school. The clothing is wholly prepared under the direction of the governess. Her ladyship simply receives reports of dis cipline and progress. She isin no sense their mother. On rare occasions, when her lady ship is alone, or when guests who are close friends are present, they are permitted to appear with their governess at tbe family table. But these occasions, while re garded as rewards, are dismally formal and austere. Some things these children gain. The vast grounds are full of sweet ness, sunlight and song. Thev are kept in these every moment permissable from their studies. I believe them to be from infancy to their departure for school, and sometimes until their entree to noble society, the .healthiest children and youths in the world. Something else is gained. As a rule, their compulsory and habitual abnegation before their elders prevent that insufferable arro gance and turbulent, insulting self-consciousness of the average petted and spoiled American youtb. So, too, if they lose the society of their titled parents, they gain, within and without castle doors, if tne same be not always retained, as I have seen in progress about these unduly grand places, a democracy of affection and a growth of in nocent love among a host of rarely recip rocative if quaint and simple folk. Ed gab L. Wakeman. Lnln's Appcaiemcnt. Blnghampton Bepnbllcan.i "CoWard! Lying-hearted man," hissed Lula d'Effington between her set teeth, when Bichard Knrdaleeong replied that she conld only be a sister to him. "Lula, you are excited. Your words do not consist," replied Richard, calmly. "Trifler! Base ingrate. explain your self," was all the girl conld utter. "If I am Bichard the lyin' hearted, sure ly I am no coward." Another moment and he beheld the wan corpse of Lula d'Effington prone at his ieet. IiUit Words. Chicago Herald. "What are you reading, Kate?" "Oh, it's one of the monthly magazines. Here's an interesting article on the last words of prominent men.". "The last words! Did they have any?" "Yes, of course." "Where were their wives?" A Discouraged Avenger Mrs. Whitecap So you've been down lickin' Bill Simmons' fam'ly, have ye? Wa-al, I want yer t understan Bill's my .second cousin 1 Puck, 1889. HEAD VERSUS HEART. How Wagner Came to Write His Peculiar Style of Opera. A GREAT HAESTRO'S VENGEANCE. An Immortal Man Born in Pittsburg When it Was Smoky. r SOME GOOD THINGS E0E THE LADIES rwnrrrrx fob tux dispatch. 3 There is musical war in the country. Be fore the ranks reach your territory you would better know what it is all about. Do you knpw the difference between friendship and love, gray color and red, straight lines and curves, arithmetic and a novel, geology and music, beer and wine, church and the theater, a schoolroom and a picnic, walking through shady lanes at twi light with a lover and talking science with a professor in a library at noonday? Well, there you have the difference between the two fashions in music of to-day over which the ear artists and their disciples are wag ing such fierce' uncivil war. The Wag nerian German head school and the Italian or heart school are the factions of the great terpsichorean commonwealth. which are ar rayed against each other. The stalwart, intellectual, scientific, grammatical, unlovely, unloveable, but ad mirable, Wagnerian music is, in a sense, a reaction from the heart-stirring, hearfc Boothing, heart-feeding, heart-rending, sweet, singing succession of melodies of Italian lovelore. Back taste will go sure as dress waves ebb and flow, but for the present people do not seem to understand that it is but a fashion, that the subject is one with two sides, that their fight is very much like the one between the two boys as to the color of lobsters. One thing certain, the Wagnerian is at present the best represented, the newest, the strongest three 'elements of success not to be sneered at by an enemy. Just what would be the result of the appearance of an Italian maestro who could put the eolors of his school properly before a humanity al ways more emotional than intellectual, there can be no doubt whatever, at least in my mind, which is au ardent lover of the novel, the theater, curved lines, red lights, the picnic and the twilight walk. HOW WAGNER FIXED THEM. Do you know, by the way, how Wagner came to write that peculiar style of opera? I never did till Harrison Millard told me. Have you ever noticed how easily a singer can gain control of the attention of an audi ence? And'has it ever occurred to von how little he or she deserved itcompared withan- msirumeniai composers w nen you iuiuk oi it the work is altogether reproductive, like the copying of a picture; is of comparatively easy acquisition and dependent altogether upon the one little vein of voice, for which the owner is no way responsible. Com pared with a composer who, beside being a creator must be an artist, a tremendous student and a musician of experience, you see the intrinsic merit of the vocalist is almost nothing. Well, the injustice of this struck deep into the soul of the good Wagner, who was noth ing if not instrumental, and an intense jealousy against all vocalists sprang up within him. "Kreutz-donner-wetter! I will fix theml" he shouted, jumping into his great ink tub, jounsing up and down in his wrath, and splashing great ink notes upon his paper with which to kill them. So he bent all his envenomed musical strength upon the annihilation of tbe singer, placing the whole bnrden of vocalism upon his loved orchestra, and constituting his clarionet his chief prima donna. Then steeping the at tention still further in magnificent scenic distraction, and making weird historical stories and mythical fables take the place of lovemaking, he seized phlegmatic and thick-throated Teutons by the neck, and hurling them upon the stage, cried: "Now, do your best, we shall see what will become of you I" And we see. NEW AND FASHIONABLE. f f Consequently we have Wagnerian orches tration of unspeakable grandeur to anyone who will Jisten to it, but an opera of insuf ferable dullness to any one dependent upon stage vocalism for his operatic happiness. This is why Fatti could not be induced under any consideration to sing in Wag nerian opera. This is what the teacher meant who enjoined his reluctant pupil to go nine times to hear "Tannhauser" before daring to express an opinion upon it. This is why Bobert G. Ingersoll can go into raptures over Wagner and can discourse by the hour upon "the wind," "the wave." "the forest storm," the- "heart-throb"' of the orchestra, as you might expect to hear a confirmed musical scholar talK. The fashipn has "taken" because it is new, because it is strong, because, although unloveable, it is majestically admirable, and because it opened up an avenue to con troversy. "Eight over my work and my work is a success!"cries the makerof things, and he is right. We had a first-class opportunity of hear ing the two schools contrasted recently in Harrison Millard's interesting lecture upon "Fashions in Music," during which he gave examples of each style to illustrate his re marks. The chopped up, surprising, dis sonant, homely, but coming-out-all-right Teutonic ballads produced an altogether dif ferent effect from the elastic, smoothly fluent roulades, turns and grace notes of tne delicious love ballads which made us feel for the time, at least, that the best of earth's riches was The sunny side of a sunny wall. With a sunny prospect full in view, And tbe ripest of mellow peacbes divided Between us two. , PITTSBTJBG'S IMMOBTAL MAN. A nice little tribute was paid the pop ular balladist upon his remarking that America had no national hymn. " 'Vive 1' America,, by Millard," cried some one in the audience. This was responded to by a graceful protest and the singing of the stir ring lyric. Would you believe it. the song caricature "Shoo Ely" brought some $35,000 by its sales. Stephen C. Foster, the writer of "The Suwanee Biver," was a Pittsburg man of great musical genius, whose talent ran to ballad making, but had no financial sense whatever in it. Most of his beautiful songs were published for the mere pleasure of seeing them in print, and many more, alas! for a couple of days' board. "He died in Bellevue Hospital, poor soul. He was an undersized man, with melancholy brown eyes. It may not be uninteresting to singers of that beautiful ballad to know that in the original manuscript score the notes of the second measure, belonging to the words "Suwa-nee riv-er," are of exactly equal lengthfour quarter notes not dotted "Suwa-nee-river," as we are accustomed to sing it. The name which he wrote for it, also, is "Old Folks at Home." The recur rence of the words "Suwanee river' re christened it for.many. FK0M MUSIC TO STILES. Fashion Cliat-for Ladles A Sensible Belle Pretty Things. Chantilly will be the favorite lace for summer dresses. The imported Empire de signs are coming to us in "person lengths," that is, reaching from shoulder to foot in stead of from waist line, as heretofore. This to accommodate the Grecian gown making, which is an established style so far. Some of them are 63 inches deep, with a border almost skirt deep. Leaves and sprays are tbe favorites, with life-sized vines of all sorts. Lace mantles will also be very popu lar; this and the bewitching "Tosca scarf," made of fire yards oi India silk, bordered with fringe and tied over the" bosom after the fashion of the old-time pictures, in poke bonnet and short waist, which you have seen. Accordeon plaiting is entering into every thing and for all occasions. Next thiifg, I expect, is a material bom already plaited. Straight lines are all in favor, and long, gaceful sashes are being welcomed back, andsome borders ot contrasting colors are being sewn on plain cashmeres and wool goods; the effect, in accordeon plaiting is verynew. .Silk net accordeon plaited over silk-will be a fascinating feature of evening dresses; the effect is illusive and Egyptian. SLEEVES AND GLOVES. Sleeves will all be full and fanciful. The leg-of-mutton, the frilled upper, the "burst sleeve" (showing dainty flesh tint or under fabric), and the irregular and broken puff will be indulged in largely. Gloves are becoming hideously simple. Imagine a three-button length! Many are resigning the long mousquetaire, so long a favorite, and some dainty dressers are taking back the original wrinkly Bern hardt, which has a closed wrist jnst like a stocking leg. (Just think of it an ir reverent dude the other day referred to our nice long evening gloves as "those long legged fellows!") Have your gloves made to order. They last twici their price. The tendency of which I spoke in gentlemen's dressing, of distinctive dressing tor different occasions and different times of the day, is coming to be observed by our lady folks as welL The Empire is pretty generally adapted for evening wear. The Empire itself would scarcely recognize some of the adaptations, but as long as the capital E is retained it is all right. The morning and street dress cannot he too rigid, simple, plain and severe. So modest are the ladies becoming that I look for the Spanish veil or mask lor outdoor wear before long. Some picturesque costume is generally carried during that portion of the day, after morn ing and before dinner. The "Louises" are called upon to contribute to the dinner cos tume. Ah. me! I. wonder if those roval per sonages of the name of Louis ever turn over and swear in their new incarnations that they should have been rendered immortal. not by their royalty, but by the clothes of weir timet NO MOBE HAT FUSS. "Thank Heaven! No more hat fuss till next winter." The pretty red lips were slightlypuckered over the last nice new bill, but the soft brown eyes rested happily and lovingly upon the last of four new head pieces which this wise little belle had, with commend able forethought, "got out of the way," be fore even the 28th of March, 1889. "This year I am just going to get every thing provided and done with early, so that when the time comes to go lean think what to do. not what to wear!" One was tine black, lace braid straw, of tne "oouDreue brand, tne sole trimming a wreath of maple leaves, so young and juicy looking that one was lenmted to chew them. Where they fasten was tied with a knot of tne yeuow-green grass, which, by the way, always get in place of the green. Two was a dark blue, plaited braid tur ban, one of the very latest imports, with two long wings lying close, flat and forward along the side of tbe top. A FBENCHT BEATJTr. Three was a black braid turban, with velvet rim and rosette, upon which perched, life-sized, one black and one white butter fly such a Frenchy tonch butterflies! Four was a yellow-white Tuscan, with poke flare rim. short in the back. The poke was faced with white velvet not auite to the edge. On the edge was a narrow band of tne same, leaving a strip of tbe straw be tween to relieve the dead white. (It is those little things that make dress effective when reasonable.) The crown was trimmed in a very Frenchy cream-white ribbon, em broidered in moss rose buds. The ribbon was heavilyclustered in the back, and from it fell a veil two yards in length of white silk dotted tulle. Along the crown, from back to front, lay the most realistic spray of moss.-rose buds and their leaves that I ever saw. A cluster of the buds fell lusciously over the front rim, two or three got caught in the ribbon on the way, and three or four more remained tangled in the back bows. One single bud in its moss garnished the white velvet flare and gave character, that of elegant simplicity, to the whole. Some of you will see these pretty things before many moons, so there. Fannie Edgab Thomas. BALLOON ADTESTDEES. Professor King Gives Some Interesting Ex periences Way Up in the Cloads. Nashville American. To some extent rain retards upward pro gress, but I have made a number of ascen sions in the face of storms. Snow, however, is much more of an obstacle, and in a short time will accummulate upon the top of the balloon sufficiently to drive it to the earth. The clouds are sometimes as much as 3,000 feet from top to bottom when the sky is en tirely overcast. Often even above such a body of clouds may be seen smaller clouds with clear spaces in between. When with in one of these spaces the sensation is that of being in a vault. With the solid snowy clouds below you and the smaller clouds around you being by perspective brought close around, it appears as if you were in a cavern. I have been above the clouds during a snowstorm, and the light of the moon shin ing so brightly through the rarified air pro duced an illumination rather supernatural. I have very frequently passed through frozen clouds. This is where vapor has fallen below the freezing point and being congealed into a substance resembling flour in appearance. This falls, and in doing so reaches a higher temperature, where the small particles are aggregated into flakes of snow. Some clouds, however, present very mnch the appearance of a veil, and objects on the earthcan be distinctly discerned from a position above them. I have never known of an instance in which a balloon was hit by lightning. The thunder does not make a perceptibly greater noise than when you are on the ground. The sound proceeds from the upper layers of clouds, as does also the rain; and in many cases, when the lower strata appear very violent, perfect qniet there reigns, except for such motion as Is produced by the rain falling through from above. The upper currents are most active, and a cyclone or a wild storm is perhaps produced according as those upper currents descend to or remain above the earth. The Coming Exhibition. London Punch , Smudyer (who thought he really would "score" with his landscape this year) Now, what ou,ght I to get for it? Art Critic (candid friend) Three months! And pulls it all to pieces. A Perilons Errand, n tltoW uaiTi fjMGitiSK Officer (2 A. M.) Here, what are you doing in this doorway? Ton must move on. Nupop 'Sh ! I was only waiting 'for you. I'm going to rouse up this night drug-clerk, and I waafprotection. Fuck, THE MPSIDE SPHUI 4 A Collection of Enigmatical Ms for Hoie CracMi. Address communications for this department 542 A SAOE ADMONITION. 543 A MTSTEBIOTJS FABKIO. In former days, so we are told. Then brass was brass, and gold was gold; And wool was wool, and leather, leather, And goods were made to stand the weather. But in these days, when Shoddy's king, No ones, bnt those within the ring. But little know, or little care. What 'tis they eat, or drink, or wear. Yet sometimes things come to our knowledge Not taught in church, or schools or college. But yesterday, I chanced to find A'.curious thing that struck my mind; Though well I knew, earth, sea, and air Were searched for things for man to wear, Yet ne'er before had chanced to think That cloth was made from naught but drink! It seems in Dublin that famous city Where drink Is plenty, more's the pity. Mixed ale and beer, and liquor strong. Are woven In pieces wide and long; Wb ich cloth, th e quality possesses, When made in capes, in cloaks, or dresses, Of turning wet. In stormy weather. Like down of goose, or duckling's feather, Perhaps so strange it should not seem, Like idle thought, or poet's dream. For well we know, Eve's son ctr daughter. When fall of gin. will take no water. Uotonville, Conn. M. CWoodfobd. 544 CHABADE. There stands a man of whom you've heard, Behind him Is an insect small; But, strange to say. without a word. The two together fall, , And then another sight is shown. More durable than tha other. It is the precious diamond stone The mingled two together: O! who could think that living things So soon could petrify? But so It is; and nature brings Open wonders to the eye. ARTTLITTS liAUEZNTrUS. 545 WHAT WAS IT. As 1 was following a path, not long ago, lead ing into the woods, I safldenly came unon a barrier lying across the path, which checked my progress, and I was unable to proceed further in the direction that I had been going. This barrier was not stationary, as you may think, but was continually moving away from, me; and yet, stand as long as I might, it would always lie before me, although it did not stop an instant in moving away from me. ily weight was too great to pass over it, yet much heavier bodies than I could pass over it with, ease. Without the substance of which this) body was composed, no man could live, yet It causes the death of many people. This sub stance is continually rising in the air and thea falling to the trronnd. Men can make this sub stance rise in the air and float like a feather, but none can make it come to tbe earth again after it is in a floating condition. R. U. Osrorr. 546 ARITHMETICAL FBOBLEMS. A schoolboy. Euclid was my dread. Its sines and tangents turned my head; Algebra, too, 1 am afraid Was not my line; Tn TnathRtnat!rL it wa auM That I might shine. This problem then to me was given: So take a third of six from seven That what remains will then be even; 'Twas past my power. You try perhaps it may enliven An idle hour. Another one I call to mind: Take two from five, leave four behind; A sum like that was sure to find A dnsty shelf. I think the problem was designed By satan's self. The crowning task was still to come: Write down the number six and from The same take one, and leave the sum Remaining nine: I found the task so troublesome I couldn't shine. W. WILSON-. Montreal, Can. 547 transmutation. In these latter days of science and art, Tbe magician's skill takes no leading part, Still ynftnir a n(.!er xrn vt mov flnrt pcan puzzle the'orain and startle the mind. in a trial oi skiii not long ago Between one who came bom a landof snow. And a wizard brown from Arabia's Band, The latter held forth in his open huid A bulbous plant which gay flowerets bore. Simply a lovely plant, and nothing more. But a second look, to our great surprise. Revealed on Its front with glittering eyes A serpent's head, whose angry, rising crest And darting tongne,struck terror to the breait, With nimble fingers the magician tore Off tbe serpent's head and threw on the floor. When-of reptile form we could find no trace. Bnt.a radiant rainbow filled all the place. Then the Northern wizard essayed his art By pulling his head and body apart, when an ancient Persian appeared to view Of whose tragic end the Bible tells true; Bnt a moment he stayed, then of head bereft. Quickly disappeared; still a man was left Whose head, too, came off, and fell to tha ground; Yet underneath, another man was found Who still may live. Here tbe trial ended. The prize was won for which theycontended. M. C. WooproEix i 54i5 INVERTED TRIANGLE. 1. Swimming tObs.) 2. Signs meaning slow (Jfiu.) 3. Small drums. 4. Ago. 6. To weary; 7. Exclamations. 8. A bone. 9. A letter. . ABOT, 549 CONUNDRUM. "Riddle me this and guess him if you can:" Why is a wood pile like a frying pan f Although both often have to do with stakes (steaks). The one who guesses that the clue forsakes. I will not tell vou more. hecaiuR I thlnV - You'll catch the answer quicker than a wink. Oconojiowoc Wis. BrrrKR Swzbt. 550 ANAGRAM. The dread destroyer goes. abroad. He crashes spire and dome; He deals destruction with his rod. And he will not "Shield Rome." Nelsoniajt, i TWO PRIZES TOR APRIL. A handsome and verv desirable nriza tnii h awarded for each of the best two lots o?' an3wv9 iu tue oumux nuis puoiisnea during April. The solutions must be forwarded. weeajy, aim mil creuit will oe given eacn Coni pernor at tne Close ot tne month. ANSWERS. 534 The evolution theory. 535 Disinterestedness. 536 It-em. em-it. m-it-e. ti-ms. 6S7 Elaps: L Lapse. 2. Lepas. 8. LapeL . 4. Pales, fi. Leaps. & Salep. 7. Peals. 8. FleasJ 638 She Is out of -ten. 639- LAB ALA a a a , BEAR HAD RAZOR A C E R Z K A A D O O R DEAR OAF' , OB - 4 R 4 540 Off-end. 6U A pack of cards. Jfalr waning. .'? . Lire. J r? She xou must never let father see 'yo J put your .arm aronna my waist. He Why, would he be so angry? She No. dear: but he tn ro w some money from yon, "' tCj "--.,v-?cic -I : JT. V - kjt&&&ki Lal&ie&ii 1CMMCTim-ii.iiiMII..u..- ir jnBCTirngni l mi T - ' iiT'IISBiBSBBSBiiSWHWMwWW f SWSM