aa !5r ir THE iTTTSBUEG- DISPATCH, SUITOAT, APRIL , T, 1889. 11 DON'T DEITE OUT YET, Unless You Want to be Entirely Dis gusted With Country Roads. A GLAKCE AT THOSE MUD-TROUGHS And a Discussion of the Legislative Belief Contemplated. "WHATCOMHISSIONER MEE BATS OF IT A bill to improve county roads is to be submitted to the next Legislature and our County Commissioners hare been studying its provisions. The township roads of Al legheny connty are at present about the worst in the State, as they receive no more attention than those of the back counties where hauling is light, and, instead of growing better they grow worse from year to year. If people who gauge the civilization of a locality by the condition of its roads were to examine those of this county, they wonld place us lower in the scale than Tur key or Russia, and it aeems strange that Mr. Powderly, in his concentrated-lyeish reply to Superintendent "Warner, of the "Workhouse, did not impress the necessity of keeping criminals healthy by employing them where their labor would not only not injure the members of the p. of L., but where the field could not by any possibility ever be crowded. It may astonish people whose business re quires them to navigate the mud streams, called" roads in this countr, to know that every year over 5200,000 are wasted'on them, for almost the entire expenditure is wasted, and the levy for road tax on the townships ranges from 14 to 6 mills on the dollar.. If the claim be that the money is spent in the employment of the men who pay the tax, the reply is that these men might better let the roads alone and devote their energies to the creation of some kind of wealth or expend the money or time or effort to purchase tutti-frutti and other deli cacies rarely seen in farmers' houses. WHAT IT IS LIKE. Header, did you ever see a supervisor and fiis gang work country roads? They dig or plow a ditch on each side of the road and throw the dirt into the center. For some days it makes hauling very heavy; but, in dry weather, the track is eventually smoothed down and driving on it becomes a pleasure. This condition holds until the tall rains set in, when the ground becomes soft and slops over into the ditches. In a few days they are filled with mud, and the road is of the consistency of a bed of mor tar. "When freezing sets in it is still worse, and the roads of Allegheny county are worse than "the rocky road? to Dublin." "When spring comes the ditches instead of being at the sides of the road, often shift into one, and that in the center. It is said that 50,000 were expended last year on the main road leading out of Char tiers station, and to-day, if Chartiers creek were turned into it and 1,000 men set to mixing the mud, 'twould be a better road than it is, as now you strike obstructions every few feet which cause wheels to splash the mud as high as second story windows. It would pay the townships better were they to expend their levy in making side walks and let the roads take care ot them selves. They could not be worse than they now are, and children could at least get to school with some degree of comfort. The first bill proposed in the Legislature was an absurdity, as it only provided a 1 mill yearly levy, which, under the best management possible, would not produce enough money to make any appreciable dif ference in 50 years. COMMISSIONERS CONSIDERING. Senator McLane, of "Washington county, has prepared a bill, and this matter has been referred to the County Commissioners of all the counties for opinions. Messrs. Mercer and MsWilliams, of the Allegheny Connty Board, referred the mat ter to Commissioner McKee, they being city men and feeling incompetent to advise. Mr. McKee says it is the best that has been pro posed, but he finds in it considerable to which he objects. It provides for three su pervisors without salaries, who are expected to fix the hours of labor and price it, in cluding teams, etc The foreman is not re quired to do manual labqr, and his salary is to be the same as a man working under him. It provides for the election of a county en gineer. Taxes paid in cash ere allowed a discount, the Senator evidently being ac quainted with the fact that the average farmer who works ont his taxes considers that he has a right to "soldier." Of the amount of tax collected, 25 per cent is to be expended in macadamizing. The objections filed by Mr. McKee are against the provision that six petitioners can ask for a new road or a change of grade. Then, if the Commissioners grant the re quest, there is no appeal, save as to the amount of damage allowed; also, to the provision that allows the viewers to be selected from the township in which the proposed new road is to be located or grade changed. Mr. McKee DOUBTS THE EXPEDIENCY of allowing men who might be interested to be viewers, and thinks they should be chosen beyond the possibility of bias or self-interest. The same objection applies to petitions for bridges. He also thinks the work mapped out for one engineer would be more than he would be able to perform without assistance, and finally, Mr. McKee thinks it would be unjust to the cities and boroughs in this county to require them to pay 75 per cent of the cost of improving township roads, after the heavy expense they have been put to make streets within their own boundaries, the cities and boroughs repre senting three-fourths of the assessed valua tion of the county. Of course this objection would not apply in all counties to the ex tent that it does in this. The assessed valuation of the townships of this county was, in 1887, $52,024,923; in 1888, $53,025,502, and it is expected to be in the neighborhood of $55,000,000 this year. As nothing is likely to be done for two years, there is a prospect that the townships will waste $500,000 more, and the loss to business in both townships and cities from bad roads will be meantime as much more before a remedy is reached. Settlors Setts Reduced 25 Per Cent. This is one of the newest novelties in the market. Just the thing for a birthday memento. These prices hold only till our removal. HAEDY& Hates, Jewelers and Silver smiths, 533 Smithfield st, bet. Fifth and Sixth aves. -WEsa Dickson, the Tailor, Is the man tmake your spring and sum mer suits look like new at a trifle. Give him a trial, 65 Fifth ave., cor. "Wood st, 2d floor. Telephone 1658. A convenient fitting room is a specialty of our corset department. Come to the grand opening to-morrow. F. fiCHOENTHAL, 612 Penn ave. Spring: Goods. For a good fitting suit or overcoat eo to "Pitcairn's Tailoring Emporium, 434 "Wood street. -WSu See the great bargains in gold and silver watches this week at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. "WTSu GLOVES fitted In th hand, and everv oair guaranteed. Come to the grand opening to morrow. ff. Jr. Schoenthax, 612 Penn ave. Spring Goods. For a stylish suitor overcoat eo to Pit- I 'a V- All TTT-a . M - ra " v. mi n ooq, (, W8tt . . -jjlSlBfJIIMJfci .I! iVMMsfssMfsa''il iiiliTllUliili 'ssssillWs'"'iiil fHBlti fn'WftirSlsfhi THE BAD 01 AND HIS PA. "Tonne America 'Gets Even With Paterfa milias for Ones. San Francisco Chronicle. The small boy was fond of music, and there was an opera in town. It was Sunday night, but he stole out, having been re fused permission by his mother, and got away down in front by the fiddles. He sat there listening delightedly, when he turned around and suddenly discovered his father all alone in the next occupied seat. He made no excuse. He looked up and nodded pleasantly. ' "How do vou do, sir?" ""What? Joseph!" xes, sir. A sense of jnstice struck the, old man, and the small boy knew he was quite Bate. So they enjoyed the opera together, and then they started home. There was an awk ward silence between them. The small boy waited for his father to speak. "Ahem! Joseph we will not it would be better that is you needn't allude to this matter before-your mother." "No, sir." There was another long pause. Again the old man spoke, hesitatingly: "Ahem! Joseph, how how did you get ont of the house this evening?" "By the back door, sir." "Well ahem! Joseph, we'll go in by the back way quietly, and not disturb the household." And they went in the back way. Next morning at breakfast the two met without any sign. The mother spoke up. "Mr. Smith, I am sure I do not know' whatever is to come of that boy Joseph." "What is the matter, my dear?" "Do you know he actually came and asked me to let him go to the opera last night Sunday!" "You refused, of course?" "Certainly; what a question." Then the father turned sternly to the boy. "Joseph, I am surprised. Are there not enough week days for you to go to the opera that you must go on Sundays?" "Yes, sir. And I was going to ask you to give me some money to go to-night" The old man looked at the small boy, who was ingenuously looking up in his face, and said nothing; but when they left the table he tooc him by the ear and said: "You young rascal, I suppose you are go ing to bleed me for tickets everv night?" "Yes, sir," said the boy, candidly. And he got them. A WICKED MINISTER. A Diplomat Who Cruelly Deceived His Foreign Wife. Lewlston Journal.1 "When Minister Thomas re-entered Port land society with a beautiful Swedish wife there was a general sensation, and the story tellers, as well as the gossips of a less imaginative turn, found an abundance of material for their employment. The story goes that at a home breakfast one morning, before Mrs, Thomas had ac quired much English, an awkward servant spilled some coffee on the Minister's coat. "That's a d d pretty piece of work!" exclaimed the minister. "What did you sav then, my dear?" Mrs. Thomas innocently asked in Swedish. "I said this is a very fine cup, of coffee," blandly replied her husband in the same language. That very evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas attended a brilliant party. "With a lauda ble wish to compliment the refreshments and at the same time honor the English language by expressing her sentiments in it, the beautiful Swede exclaimed, after a sip of fragrant Mocha, "That's a d d pretty piece of work!" "Who do you suppose was so wicked as to invent that story? HIS PEAIEES WERE ANSWERED. What the Petitions of an Eccentric Yankee Brought About. Lewlston Journal. 1 Belfast used to have an eccentric citizen ot whom many stories are told. This man, known as Archie Harden, was once toI3 by a lady that somebody had Stolen her ax. "O ho," said he, "I'll get it for you." He appointed a prayer meeting for the next evening, and, after talking a while, he stopped, looked over the congregation a moment, and said: "Somebody has stolen sister P's ax, and if it is not brought back by to-morrow morning, I will tell who has it. Glory to God." The ax was leaning against the wood pile next morning. It is also claimed that he reformed a kicking cow by praying for her and that he once corrected a brother minis ter by stopping him in the middle of a ser mon and praying over the mistake which he said the preacher had just made. STORE ROBBED. Thieves Break Into Bernstien's Place and Steal Money and Goods. Thieves broke into the general house fur nishing store of S. Bernstien, corner "Wylie avenue and Tunnel street, early yesterday morning, and secured goods to the value of $135 in addition to $35 in cash. A smooth faced young man, who acted suspiciously in the store late yesterday afternoon, is sus pected to be connected with the robbery, and officers are on the lookout for him. Stronc Sunlight In Babies' Eyes. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.: A child of mine (said Joseph Kendall) suffered a severe affliction in the eyes a few years ago, and they are yet weak. I came to the conclusion that it was the result wholly of having the child's eyes exposed to the sharp rays of the sun. Every day you can seethe servants wheeling babes around in little carriages, with the little ones' eyes fully exposed to the sun. I believe that that is the cause of so many young children having to wear eyeglasses. The occulists ire now paying some attention to this matter. Qneer Festivals In Yankee Land. Augusta (Me.) Journal. Harlequin suppers are now quite popular in church entertainments. The meffu in cludes such queer dishes as mock tomato and hard tack, while the setting of the table is as peculiar. Side by side sit silver cake baskets filled with meats and tomato cans serving as butter dishes; silver salt cellars as vinegar cruets, et cetera. Everything is served on dust pans, while coal shovelSjare' used to dish out beans. The costumes of the waiters are made as fantastic as possible. A Clever Artist. A study head of an old lady.and a paint ingjof hollyhocks by Lillie N. Houston, in Gillespie's window, are attracting much notice from passersby. Miss Houston, who studied in the New York Art Students' League, is an accomplished artist. Dickson, the Tailor, Is the man to make your spring and sum mer suits look like new at a trjfle. Give him a trial, 65 Fifth ave., cor. "Wood st, 2d floor. Telephone 1558. Silver Mounted Inkstands Seduced 25 per cent. All goods marked in plain figures at Hardy & Hayes' removal sale, 533 Smithfield st, bet. Fifth and Sixth aves. "wtsu Triplicate mirrors 25 Per Cent Off Until our removal to the new building now being erected for us. Be sure to visit us for bargains in fancv goods. Haedy & Hates, Jewelers and Silversmiths, "fiTSu 533 Smithfield st. "Does your mother know you are here? "No, sir. She wouldn't let me come." "Anil nrAn'tirnn well ahem THE GRAND JURY CHARGES, I Judge Brokaw Says That Body Ignores Strong; Cases. Chief Brown ias instructed Captain Mer cer, of the Second police district, to make a new information in the case of illegal liquor selling which was ignored by the grand jury. Mr. Graham Scott, foreman of the jury, says that Captain Mercer was the only wit ness heard, and did not make known to the jury that he had other witnesses present Judge Brokaw said that it was customary for the jury to ignore such cases, and that he had tired of sending them to court, as the bills would be ignored in the face of the strongest evidence. He was angry at the actios of the jury. IYAKH0E LOOMING UP. A New Town to be Built on the Slto of Old Fort Vance. , "Work on Ivauhoe, the new town pro jected at the mouth of Montour run, on the Lake Erie road, is being prosecuted rapidly. Streets are being laid out and ground has been selected for a station house. The proprietors bought in their plot a hill, the stripping of which will furnish material to fill up low places, and underneath the epidermis is a body of rock which will furn ish good building stone. In a short time the place will be so changed that the ghosts of the Indians who scalped the early set tlers when they strayed incautiously from Fort Vance will not be able to recognize it - GROUND BROKEN And Work Commenced on the Wylie Ave nue Cable Road. The ground, was first broken yesterday for the construction of the cable railway on "Wylie avenue. It was the removal of cob ble stones and the laying of a switch on Fulton street, bo that cars may be switched from one track to the other while the exca vations are being made. The stone crushers have been stationed at three places along "Wylie avenue. They are now being repaired and oiled up for an early start Scrap stone and granite blocks are being dumped at various points alone the road. INJURE JUST TWICE AS BAD. George J. Smith Wants 820,000 for His Hurts and 810,000 for a Wife's Life. Suit was entered yesterday afternoon by George J. Smith against the Tarentum Light Company for $30,000 damages. An explosion of gas occurred in Smith's house, in Harrison township, February 26, caused by gas escaping from the company's line into Smith's cellar. Mrs. Smith was killed and Smith was severely burned. He claims $20,000 damages for his own injuries and $10,000 for the death of his wife. TO RESTRAIN THE LAKE ERIE. The Company, in Straightening; Its Line, Seeks School Property. James Musgrave, President of the School Board in Crescent township, filed a bill in equity yesterday, asking for an injunction to restrain the Lake Erie road from taking part of the school property. The Lake Erie is widening its roadbed and claims the ground by virtue of its right of way. THE LAWYERS MEET. An Effort to Be Made to Organize a State Association. The monthly meeting of the-Bar Associa tion was held yesterday. Some new names were added President Negley announced the committees for the year. The Executive Committee recommend the organization of a State association. The committee was asked to draw up a plan. Con tracts Let for Supplies. The Department of Awards met in Com mon Council Chamber yesterday and award ed the little contracts for stationery and the supplies for the 'ensuing year for the De partment of Public Safety. MEETINGS." mHE MEMBERS OP ENGLISH STAND X AKD Lodge No. 31, Order of Sons of St. George, are requested to meet at their hall, corner Forty-third st, on SUNDAY, APRIL 7, at 12:30 sharp, to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother, James W. Staiiton. ap&55 OTICE P. O. S. OF A. THE MEMBERS of Washington Camp No. 4, P. O. 8. of A., are most earnestly requested to meet at Wash ington Hall, corner Beaver and Washington aves., Allegheny, on SUNDAY, April 7, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend tbo funeral of Brother Joseph P. Forsytbe. Members of sister camps are respectfully invited. C. F. SHTVELEY, Pres't G. K. HELMS, R. a ap7-7 OTICE To rongbers and catchers of 10-inch mills and down, that tbere will De a meeting held SUNDAY, APRIL 14, at 2 o'clock, at Salisbury Hall, Twelfth street, S. S.; there will be business of Importance transacted. All roughers and catchers of small mills are requested to attend. ap7-62 -VTOTICE MODERN BUILDING AND L Loan Association. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Modern Build ing and Loan Association, of Pittsburg, will be beld at the office of tbe Association, No. 183 Wylie street, on MON DAY. April 8, 1889, between tbe hours of 7.80 and 9r.il, for the purpose of electing a Board of 13 Directors to serve during the ensuing year. J. E. McCRJCKART, Secretary. PrrrSB-PBO, -March 30. 1889. apl-11-1,7,8 NOTICES. PITTSBURG, April L 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Agency of the Allison Manufacturing Company, John E. Patterson, Agent, No. 8 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, was discontinued March 1st nit ALLISON MANUFACTURING CO., ap5-17 Philadelphia. PROPOSALS. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND., APRIL 2, 1889. Seal edproposals,intrlplicate,subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock A.M. (Central Standard time),Thursday, May 2, 18S9, and then opened, for furnishing at this depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of 133 flash test, in cases of two five-gallon cans each. The U. 8. reserves tbe right to reject any or all pro posals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, conditions of quality and price (including in the price ot foreign pro ductions tbe duty thereon) being equal. All information furnished on application here. Envelopes containing proposals sbonld be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil," and ad dressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster General. U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. ap4-78-4.5.6L7.21.22 GLASS FACTORY, FOR SALE. The undersigned, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, will offer for sale at public auction on WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M-, the jrlasshouse with 8- Sot furnace, known as the Independent Glass ompany's plant, at tbe head of South Four teenth street, Twenty-eighth ward, Pittsburg, together with tbe warehouse, cutting shop, In cluding engine, boiler, shafting, eta; also one frame dwelling house and frame offlce,stabling, eta, and other buildings pertaining thereto, and the parcels of ground fronting on Four teenth and Fifteenth streets and Union alley, comprising 12 building lots in Maria Denny's plan. See Sheriffs deed book, vol. , page . Terms of sale Ten per cent of the purchase money in cash on day of sale: one-third of the purchase money on delivery of the deed, and the other two-thirds in two equal annual pay ments, with interest from delivery of the deed. Deferred payments to be secured by bond and tight mortgage containingthe usual scire facias clause on tbe premises sold. The above will be offered as a whole first and subsequently in lots. 3. H. SORG, H. J. BERG, Jr., L. S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. mh640-6.10,17.24,311ap7 To Capitalists agJannfaGturers: A RARE OPPORTUNITY AS AN INVEST MENT OB TOR MANUFACTURING SITE. Tbe whole or part of 300 acres on the Alle gheny river and W. F. R. R., 12 miles from the city, underlaid with coal, surrounded by gas and oil wells: stone quarry and excellent tim berontbe psjmlses. For particulars address at once, ' D. BEHEN SON, ap7-6 - P. O. Box 875, Pittsburg. KS-Ditplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on tMs page such as Wanted, For Sale, Tq Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publio, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. prrrsBtiBO. THO MAS MCCAFFREY, S&,9 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY, 14th street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKETACO., Wylleave. and Fulton at. N. BTOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST ETD. ( J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER ASHElBLEK,Bthav. AAtwoodst EOUTHSrOZ. JACOB SPOHK, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. Af J. KAEKCHEB, 59 Federal street. H.'J. HcliRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS BON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS HCHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. G.W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Bebeccaand Allegheny aves. ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, Such as "Wanted," "For Sale," "To Let," etc, intended for Sunday's Issue of The Dis patch, should be received at the main office, Fifth avenue, not later than 1130 o'clock on Saturday night, to insure appearance under, proper Headings. WANTED. Male Heln. "Wi ANTED 10 'RAPID HAND SEWERS. SAUPLINEB A RICH, 819 Liberty St. api-ov WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CHEMIST for a steel works. Address TROY, Dispatch office. ap7-63 WANTED-2 INTELLIGENT YOUNG MEN as solicitors. Call before 9 o'clock A. M. 3S5) FIFTH AVE. ap7-96 WAN TED-BOY TO STAY IN OFFICE; call Monday morning. Apply to C. A. BRUCE, 82 Fourth ave. ap7-U6 -TTTANTED-MARBLr: CUTTER-GENERAL V V workman to tike charge of shop. SECH LOR & CO.. Prospect, Pa. ap-4 -VTrANTED-PRACTICALBETAIL CLOTHING V V salesman : good salary will be paid. Answer uuuxniznt, Ari5paicii.omce. api-io ANTED-QUABRY FOREMAN, 10 QUAR HYMEN and 20 laborers at WALKER'i MILLS, Allegheny county. Pa. ap7-45 WANTED GOOD AGENT TO -SELL patented novelty In city; pleasant business; pays (2 a day. Address J. IV., Dispatch office. ap7-2i WANTED-THEEE MEN OF GOOD AD DRESS: must reside in tbe city. Apply after 10 o'clock, 547 LIBERTY ST., Boom No. 3. ap7-67 WANTED GUIDE MILL ROLLER A flrit-elass fralde mill roller: give reference. Address RICHMOND IRON CO., Dispatch office. . apT-67 WANTED-GOOD BLACKSMITH USED TO general mill and forge work. Apply to duuijualij lawa a " " ' w. jjijii., scon- dale, Pa. ap5-73 WANTED-A COMPETENT YOUNG MAN as city salesman by wholesale house; first class references required. Address GROCER, Dlspatcb office. aD6-29 yTTANTED-TWO FIRST CLASS CARPET W upholsterers to lay carpetv only those with city experience need apply. E. GROETZINGER, 627 and E9 Penn ave. " ap7-37 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BOOT AND shoe salesman to travel In oil regions and northern counties of Pennsylvania. Address BOX 607, Pittsburg, Pa. ap5-28-FSU WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY MAN to set up machinery and take charge of small steam laundry outside city. Address BOX 401, Cumberland, lid. ap7-17 WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CANVASS ERS on portraits: experienced men only need apply. ELECTRIC PHOTO COPYING CO., 10 and 12 blxth st. , top floor. ap7-99 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN AS CLERK IN A largemannfacturing concern; must be ac curate with figures; fair salary. Address, with references, U. M., Dispatch office, ap7-59 WANTED A TEACHER TVHO WILL GIVE' Instructions in French and German in his or her leisure tlm In: exchange for board and lodging. Address P.-OBox, 638. apG-20 WANTED-S MARRIED MEN TO SELL LACE curtains, silverware and other household specialties on paymentsrsalary or commission. UNION CREDIT CO.rJWFourthave. ap7-103-TTSU ' - - WANTED-GOOD COATMAKERS NONE but good workmen lieed apply; fare up re funded If satisfactory. Apply 91 FRANKLIN STREET, Johnstown, Cambria county. Pa. ap7-124 WANTED-AGENTS" IN PITTSBURG AND surrounding towns to handle our work. Address PEARL LAUNDRY CO.. Ltd.. 65 Fifth are., or 25 and 27 Federal st, Pittsburg, Pa, ap7-139-TUSu WANTED-TWO CARRIAGE TRIMMERS one on light and one on repairs; also one first-class carriage painter: apply Immediately. THOS. S. O'NEIL i, CO., 8821-583 Penn ave., E. E. ' ap7-25 w ANTED-STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE Wltl'lEK. one who Is canable of dolnf office work in general, and who bas bad experi ence. Address, stating salary expected. W.. Dis patch office. ap7-71 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN, 18 YEARS OF age, as clerk and driver of a delivery wagon: must speak German, at JOHN PFITZEN MElElt'S, No. 70 Grand ave., Mlllvale boro., Bennett's station. ap6-10 WANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN ABOUT 18 years of age as solicitors. fork real estate; Industrious workers for Allegheny and East End; residents preferred. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tel. 167. , ap7-51 T7-ANTED-SALESMAN A PARTY WHO YY has some mechanical Ideas, and one who Is capable of working up to a good position; must be a, good talker and of good address. Address N. P., Dispatch office. ap7-2S WANTED-AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN of refinement to represent a leading bouse; business strictly first-class: a trial of three months given, If satisfactory pexmanent. Ad dress S. B. P., Dispatch office. ap7-lll WANTED-ROLLTURNER-A FIRST-CLASS roll turner that can tarn all kinds of mer chant bar rolls, rounds, squares, flats, ovals and bands, etc., etc Address (with reference and price per day) "TOLEDO," Dispatch office. ap7-65 WANT K D CANVASSING AGKN1S-A rare chance for you In Pittsburg; article Just out; millions In demand; first ever seen; sells on sight to gentlemen; no hnmbug. Apply Red LionHotel, Pittsburg, KAUFFMAif 4MEKCEE. ap7-49 WANTED-GOOD. RELIABLE AND SOBER man to take time and keep set books for public work, railroad construction, etc.. In West Va. ; single man preferred and must furnish satis factory reference. Address J. W.,careLock Box 778, Pittsburg, Pa. . ap6-85 -VTJANTED-S FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND VV granite salesmen; must have experience In this line; one for the city of .Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie. Pa. mh26-78 -TTTANTED MAN OF INTEGRITY AND Y Y ability to introduce our goods in Pittsburg; they can be sold to every business place and pri vate residence, and tbe demand will be continu ous. Address, with references, ROBAOHER'S DISINFECTANT CO., Rochester, N. Y. ap5-20 WANTED-IMMED1ATELY ONE EXTRA quick first-class granite tracer and letterer; must be especially fast In this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or four first-class granite cutters: must be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie, Pa. mh26-78 -T7-ANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW VV men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers In our line: Inclose 2-cenf stamp: wages S3 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati. Ohio. apJ-S5-TT6SU Female Heln. WANTED-HOUSEKEEPKR. ADDRESS W. M., Dispatch office. Reference required. ap7-21 w ANTED-TEN GIRLS TO SORT KAGS AUDlv at J. GOLrDBERG'S. cor. r.nlwi-11 and Dinwiddle sts. ap7-97 WAN1ED-GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE WORK; must be a good washer and lroner; reference required. 539 CARSON ST., S. S. ap7-U0 WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK In small ramily at Edgewortb, Fort Wayne Railroad. Address H. J., Dispatch uiiice. ap-Af TTTANTED-FEED GIRL ON CYLINDER YY presses; only competent feeder need apply at pressroom. A.A.ANDERSON & SON. Uls patch building, 99 Fifth ave. ap7-41 WANTED A T.ADY OF SOME-BUSINESS abilities and good education (former school teacher preferred); tlO per week: references; call after 10 A. M. Monday. H. A. SCHROEDER, Mo Cance block, Smithfield and Seventh ave. ap7-69 Booms, Houses, Etc. WANTED-BY ALADY ANUNFDBNiSHED second story back room within 10 minutes walk from Seventh st. bridge: Allegheny side pre ferred. Address A B Dispatch office, ap7-4Q WANTED. Dials nnd Female flelo. WANTED-AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, TO sell Missouri Steam Washer to families: ar guments In its factor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; profits Urge; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense Knot satisfactory: write for illustrated circular and terms. J. M ORTH, Si Beekman, N. Y. no25-w80-su Situations. WANTED-SITUATION BY A YOUNG LADY as stenographer and typewriter; wages moderate; reference given If required. Address TYPE, Dispatch office. ap7-43 , TTTANTED POSITION BY MALE NURSE OF . VV six years' experience, a patient to take -ww. . tiavcA vribu. auuics, v.vv. uuxju VAN, H Ninth St., Pittsburg, Pa. ap7-56 VTTANTED-SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, VV assistant, or office work by an exnerlenced bookkeper; good reference; bond furnished If re- qnta-ed. Address S. JV. F. Dispatch office. ap7-36 Partners. "TTANTED-PARTNER-TO INVEST fLMO IN VV a manufacturing business: a chance for an active business man. Address MFG., Dispatch office. ap7-78 WANTED-PABTNER WITH 1 15, 000 TO 125, 000 lu a saying manufacturing business; will guaran.ee 10 per cent on investment: busi ness a monopoly; no risk whatever. Address TRUSTWORTHY, P. O. Box 682, Pittsburg, Pa. ap7-120 TTTANTED CAPITALISTS BY AN OLD ES YY TAB1.1SHED New York House, a special capital of 5,000; object, enlargement of their business; references of highest character will be furnished, and good Interest caaranteed; active partnership if desired. AddreS INVESTMENT, Dispatch office. p5-15 "TTTANTED-LIGHT MANUFACTURING A ,VV party having a good plant and location Is desirous of getting established therein a manu facturing business; some capital may be fur nished: quite a rare opportunity is offered to the right parties. Address, stating kind of business, number of hands employed, etc, P. O. BOX 732, city. " ap4-61 WANTED-ACTIVE OB SILENT PARTNER actlve young man with some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred; business established and growing; too much work for present owner; capi tal desired to add new lines of goods; amount re quired from M, 000 to S3, O0O; references given and expected in return. Address ACTIVE PARTNER, Dispatch office. ap2-8S Boarding. TTTANTED-FUBN13HEDEOOMANDBOABD V V where there are no other boarders; private family preferred; state terms. A. K., Dispatch Office. ap7-19 W: ANTED BOARDEHS-SHADY81DE room with board, suitable for married coudIo or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBER SON AVE., third door from church. ap4-35-wsu Boarders nnd Lodgers. WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR FURNISHED room with board, at 137 WYLIE AVE. ap7-4S WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR PLEASANT rooms with board, also table boarders. Apply at NO. 60 B1DWELL ST., Allegheny. ap7-38 TTTANTED-A GOOD CLOTHING SALESMAN :V with city experience and city reference. BACHMAN MODEL CLOTHING HOUSE, Brad dock. ap7-133 -TTTANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR BOOMS; UN YV FURNISHED parlors: carpets andportleres only, inquire at 23 MONTGOMERY AVE., Alle gheny, Pa. ap7-127 WANTED-OCCUFAN'JS FOR SECOND AND third-sory front rooms, furnished or un furnished. Inquire No. 32 ARCH ST., a few doors from Stockton ave., Allegheny. ap7-105 WANTED-GENTLEMAN OCCUPANT FOR furnished room having all conven iences; use of bath, etc. ; fronting the parks. NO. 2t!l NORTH AVENUE, Allegheny. ap7- Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT SM AND 8 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; U4 Fourth ave. Ja20-2-su WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest rates of Interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield St. mh23-7 TTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PHOMPT- YY LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-81 TTTAN TEE-MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN VV at X, S and 6 per cent on city and Alle gheny co. property, no delay, J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap7-98 "TTJANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS TO Vv suit, for any desired time and at lowest rates: negotiating mortgages a specialty. D. P. THOMAS & CO. ,403 Grant St. apS-19 w AN TED-HOUSES AND LOTS, ALL nrlces and sizes, in Alleehenv or East End: we have applicants dally for property In above places. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield St. ap6-93 TTTANTED MORTGAGES tl, 000, 000TO LOAN YY on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK SUN, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED TO LOAN MONEY WE HAVE over onemllllon dollars to loin on city and antmrban nronertv at AM ner cent: no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms in Alle- KWUIf iK.mi C.fCIH, IIMUlUgHUi auu ,,io,r- moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. JeS-a9-su WANTED-PROPERTY-WE HAVE CU8TO. MERS for one unimproved farm of 70 or 80 acres; must be cheap, have running water, and located within 50 miles of city; also for one small farm of 20 or 25 acres, with some Improvements and running water, within 25 miles or city; also for several small dwelling houses of 4 to 6 rooms. In suburbs; also for business or dwelling houss property located anywhere In the old city or In tbe bill district between Court House and Mlnersvllls; also for vacant lots. Parties having any such property for sale will please communicate with or send particulars to office of MORRIS & FLEM ING, Real Estate and Insurance, 108 Fourth ave. mh31-88-TTSU . Mlscelldneons. WANTED-EVERY PERSON TO CALL AND get new for sale' catalogue. SWING & BYERb. 107 Federal St. ap5-6-MT6u TTTANTED-TO BOY FURNITURE, CAR VV PETS, etc, for cash. PITTSBURG AUC TION & SfORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. mh27-7-27. 29, apl, 3, 5, 7 WANTED-TO BUY CARPETS AND FURNI TURE: cash paid. Call at once, PITTS BURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO.. 93 Third ave. , ap5-68 WANTED-ONE LESSON A WEEK AFTER 5:30 P.M.. In the French language, from competent native lady or gentleman. Address P., Dispatch office. ap7-70 TTJANTED-PHOTOGRAHEH'S ARTISTS TO YY know that we make bromide prints on short notice and at lowest rates; send for price list. PITTS BROMIDE CO., 531 Smithfield si. ap7-77 WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW APRIL Is tbe last month for cabinets at ft 00 per doz. at ELITE GALLERY. SIS Market St., Pitts burg, Pa. ; come early; bring children ; use eleva tor. apl-lS WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND general merchandise for storage; lowest rates In the cltv: goods moved br experienced men. PITTSBURG AUCTION ASD STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. ap3-4-wrsu WANTED BUYERS FOR WATCHES, Jewelry, silverware, clocks; special In ducements: 10 to 20 per cent discount to cash buyers for IS days only. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. mh22-irwTSu W; ANTED-PUPILS DESIRING TO LEARIT Pitman's or Graham's shorthand and type writing: experience of 25 years as a practical sienqgrapner. Aaaress or cau at iuaj RTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood St. aps-39 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden bas laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 bmlthfleld St. noll-irwrsu WANTED-ALL BROKEN WATCHES AND Jewelry to be repaired: best workmen and lowest prices; engraving, gold and silver plating neatly done; old Jewelry taken In exchange for new goods. B. E. AEONS, Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave. ap7-l36 WANTED CIVIL BERVICE EXAMINA TION questions and full Information of how, when and where to apply for a government Cositlon sent on receipt 10c. Address NATIONAL LiLUSlBATED MAGAZINE, Washington. D.C. mhl7-5S-Su WANTED-PART1ES WISHING LACE CUR TAINS, rugs, table covers, lambrequins, silverware, clocks, lamps, etc., on easy payments, should call on us or send postal, and we will send samples to your bouse. UNION CREDITCO.. 103 $ ourth ave. ap7-102 FOB, SALE IMPKOVED REAL ESTATE. CItr Residences. FOB SALE-THIRD AVE., NEAR NEW POST OFFICE, good S-story brick dwelling,- 9 rooms, unfinished attic, hall, vestibule, batb, range, good cellar, side entrance; Iot24x80. J. R. COOPER & CO. ap7-98 FOR SALE-NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST.. NEW double frame dwelling or S rooms in each: lot 24x85 ft.; rents for f348; only S2,850f fSOO cash; bal ance to suit: positive bargain. THUS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler st. fe24-97-wssu FOR BALE A BARGAIN - CHATHAM" street brick house, 6 rooms, also two frame bouses In rear, fronting on State: lot 20x96; rent 8540; 10 per cent net investment. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avenue. ap7-98 CWR bALE-CONGRESS ST.-CHEAP 3-STORY A. brick dwelling; 9 rooms, hall. batb. range, b. and c. water, marble mantels; a well-built bonse and good repair; terras to suit. J. H, COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap7-98 FOR BALE BLUFF BTBEET, NEAR COL LEGIA new brick house 8 rooms, ball, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. mhlo-28-TT8Su house of 8 rooms and. storeroom; now occupied as grocery: first-class location; lot, 20x127, to Keat irJfif u.eJ! ! terms. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap7-9S FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Cltv Residences. FOB BALE-ON vCRAWFOBD ST. BBrCK dwelling; S rooms; lu good condition; price very low; lot 24X133 to Tannehlll st. J. C. REtLLY, 77 Diamond st. ap7-U2-TTS3n EOR BALE-ON HARRISON ST., UEAB Forty-nlnth-2 2-sty. frame dwellings of 4 and 6 rooms: price f3,900j will net purchaser 8 per cent; lot 22x100 to alley. J.C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. ap7-112-TTSsn FOB SALE-RARE BARGAIN - PROPERTY on Clay St., near Fotty-nlnth; lot, 22J,xl00 feet, with a good frame house, shingle roof and stone cellar, of 4 rooms and kitchen and frame of 4 rooms In rear: tbe whole renting for S25: price, S2. 400: very easy payments. THOMAS McCAFFBEY,-3y09 Butler it. ap7-125 East End Resloences. FOR SALE-2 SMALL HOUSES OF 4 BOOMS each at Oakland; price. Si, 600 each, or (3; 000 for the two, C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap3-84-wrsu FOR BALE-ON FIFTH AVE., NEAR OAK LAND, 4 6-room brick bouses, with lot 66x100 ft.: rent S80 ntonth. SPENCER A GLOSSER, 419 Bmlthfleld st- ap6-93 FOB SALE A SNUG HOME OF 7 BOOMS, with all Improvements: Immediate possession; lot 40x137; no cfty taxes; act qnlck. See JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 amlthfteld. street. ap7-54-iursu T7IOR SALE-I32.500-AN ELEGANT KESI JP DENCE, desirably located on a paved avenue, with good sewerage, In the heart of Shadyslde; lot 114x400 feet. W. C. SIEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ab7-3 TTIOB BALE-I1.200-TERMS 850O CASH, BAL JJ ANCE f 100 the first year and S200 a year there after will buy a 4 room house with 2 acres of ground on Leamington avenue. W.CTEWART, 14 Fourth ave. ap7-z FOR BALE-I16.C0OSUBSTANTIAL NEW and attractive brick residence of 12 rooms, with large lot; nothing better lor tbe money in the East End: is desirably located on one of the main avenues. W. C. BTEWAET, 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 P !OR 8 ALE-J3.800 WILL BUY A FINE 6-ROOM residence, bav -window. lar?ehalL rood cel lar, large fruit and shade trees; lot 37xl07H: this Is In a first-class neighborhood and near all churches, schools, cables, etc. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. ap3-13-FSU FOR SALE-IS, 900 TERMS TO SUIT PUR CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and batn on second. 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout; desirably located In Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 FOR SALE-7,50O-TERMS S1.000 CASH. BAL ANCE S25 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences: is ele gantly finished and located In one of the most de sirable neighborhoods In the East End. W. C. SIEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 FOR SALE-10,000-TERMS TO SUIT PUR CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 1 rooms and bath on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and bas fine gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenue. In a well-lm- roved and desirable neighborhood, W. O. TEW ART', 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 Hhzeltvood Residences. FOB BALE-HAZEL WOOD-A GREAT BAB GAIN ; only H 500; frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, good cellar, etc.: also frame house, 3 rooms; lot 90x300, fronting on two good streets: terms to suit buyer. J. B. COOPEB & CO.", 107 Fourth avenue. ap7-98 Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE ON BEAVER AVE., ALLE GHENY, frame house 6 rooms, hall, cellar and side alter; lot 23x80 feet; price S3. 300. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. ap"-3 FOB SALE-A NUMBER OF DWELLINGS located on Bldge ave., Lincoln ave., North are., and othergood streets in Allegheny. Parties desiring to purchase will find It to their Interest to see VV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave., befoie buying. ap7-2 FOR SALE-98.00O-EASY TERMS, NEW, SUB STANTIAL, attractive Queen Anne dwell ing, containing 11 rooms and all conveniences: lot 50x160 feet,located In a desirable neighborhood in lower part or Allegheny. W. C, STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. ' ap7-2 FOE 8ALE-S3.000-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, batb, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all lm- Srovements, located on Ackley st., head of lonterey st. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 TTIOB SALE-AN IAVESTMENT-A 2-STORY X? mansard and pressed brick front: hall, vesti bule, double parlors, dining room, kitchen and Santry on first floor; 4 rooms and bath on second oor:3on tbird: lot 22x120 to paved alley; located on Beaver ave.. Allegheny; price only $5,500. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. mh29-13-30,31apl,3,4,6,7 FOB SALE-AT A BARGA1N-A NEW HOUSE of handsome design with all modern improve ments. McCUntock ave., Allegheny, near new electric road, having 8 full-sized rooms, finished attic ball, vestibule, inside shutters, large pantry, cedar, china and other large closets, elegant gas fixtures, slate mantels, electric bells, both gases, city water, laundry with stationary tubs, bath, Inside w. c and stationary w.s. ; furnace in cellar; plumbing and drainage the best;, house finely pa-. Jiered throughout; porches, slate roof, and lot 0x135. REED B. COYLL 4 CO., 131 Fourth ave. ap8-S3 Suburban Residences. P lOB SALE-CHEAP LITTLE HOME ON Grey's road, near Brownsville ave. ; 4 rooms ana gooa cellar: price few; iot 04x01. j. i REILLY, 77 Diamond St. ap7-112-TTSSn FOR SALE AT CORAOPOLIS, P. &L.E.R. It., dwellings large and small; also a large number of desirable building sites and lots. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. ap7-3 FOR'SALE-AT SHOCSETOWN STATION, P. & L. E. B. R., 4 bouses and lots, each lot 47Kx200feet: price forall 3,300: also bouse of 6 rooms, lot 80x90 feet; price $000. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. ap7-3 FOR 8ALE-INGRAM, P., C. & ST. L.-S3.000-$500 cash, balance as rent; new frame house, 6 rooms, hall, attic front and side porch, well of good water, nat. gas, good sewerage, fruit trees, etc. J. B. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap7-93 FOR SALE AT SHERIDAN 2-STORY frame house,nearlynew,6 rooms, ball, trout porch.lot 60x100, well set with choice fruit; price 2,300. Two-story brick bouse, 9 rooms, lot UOx 64-13; price $3,800. Two-story frame bouse.3 rooms and stable, lot 40x100, well set with fruit: price $1,100: sold on small payments. Two-story frame house. 5 rooms and finished attic lot 100x100, well set with choice fruit; price &800. THOS. LIG GETT. 114 Fourth ave. ap5-24-Trran FOR SALE LOTS. AIleBbenv Lots. TJIOR SALE-TWO LOTS-ON EAST STREET X? extension: 24x125 each; price for both SLOOO. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh.B-13-30, 31apl,3,4,6,7 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE LOTS ON Strawberry lane, Allegheny; near street cars; cheap; easy payments. VVM. A. SIPE, Attorney at Law, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. ap6-8 Suburban Lots. P IOR SALE-LOTS AT EMSWORTH, CON VENIENT to station: one of the finest loca tions on the Fort Wayne rOad: lane, beautiful lots at low prices ; call and see plan. J. B. COO FEB & CO., .107 Fourth ave. ap7-98 FOR BALE-5 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS at Clifton station. P., Ft. W. & C. E. R. . 2 lots 45x133 feet each, price $X0, d lots fronting on Allegheny ave. to Middle alley, 185x156 feet In Llggate'splan; price (700. LASHELL & RAN KIN, 67 Fourth ave. ap7-3 FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, WIL KINSBURG, 6 mlnntes from station; finest location and cheapest lots In the borough: 52x120 each; new board walk from station : street sewered and macadamized; natural gas, etc.: terms $200 cash, balance 10 years. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth are. ap7-93 Farms. FOR SALE-FARMS IN OH 10, WELL SUITED for farming and stock; send for list. F. E. HARTZELL, over first door east P. O., Alliance, O. ap6-7 FOR SALE 147 ACRES SITUATE IN WEST MORELAND county, W miles northeast of Ardara station, only 18 miles from Pittsburg; bas 30 acres of coal. Is good wheat or stock farm; well watered; house of 5 rooms, large bank barn: land Is rolling, and all under cultivation: price 110, 0C0; this is the best farm ror tbe money dh the Penua. B. B. W. C. STEWART, 114 1 ourth ave. ap7-2 J710R SALE-200 ACRES AT -ARDARA 8TA- TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Ittsbnrg (as a whole or to suit purchaser), has a large sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and aoout 1C0 acres of level land suitable for man ufacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Bros. & Co., and only five miles from thenew Westlnir bouse Works at Wllmerdlng. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. ap7-2 FOR SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR GRAZING and stock farm. In Fauquier county, Vir ginia. 40 miles south ot Washington city, one mile from W arrenton Junction, Virginia M. it. R. ; 1.003 acres: highly improved, well watered, hand some residence, with modern improvements, stone grist mill, cattle house, etc.; this valuible property will be sold as a whole or In two parts at a sacrifice. Address A. N. BASTABLE. 27 West North ave., Baltimore. ap2-86-TTSSu Miscellaneous. I rOR SALE-LIST JUST ISSUED CALL OB send rorjone. EWING & BYERS, 107 Federal street. apo-S-MFSu FOR SALE-D. BEHEN & SON, 4112 Penn avenue, Pittsburg. One lot, 42x50, No. 518 Euclid ave., E. E., with new Queen Anne cottage, 6 rooms, hall, attic and batb. Two lots: 20x100, Carnegie ave., with 6 houses, 3 rooms each: will pay 10 per cent clear. Two lots, 21x130, Thlrty-se'oud st. and Penn arc, with 4 brickhouses on rear. i One lot, 34x103, Forty-second St., with frame honse of 6 rooms. Three corner lots, 71x103, Frankstown ave., E. j , wua a one ouuiuogs, a rooms ana storeroom each. Lot 20x129, 457 Cedar st , with 4-roomed frame bouse. ' Building lots: 20x110, Carnegie ave.: 20x130, Cedar st.; 20x100, Butler ave.; 50x185, Wllklns bnrg; 50x135, Bennett st., Homewood; 20x100, Laurel ave. : lots, sizes to suit, on Liberty ave. Two lots, 22x160, Ridge St., with frame house, t rooms and cellar. One lot, 30x10, 311 Arch: St., 'with 6-roomed frame house; payments same as rent; a rare bargain. Two lots,-20x89, Wylie, near Erin St., with brick house of S rooms. , For orlce and terms see D. BEHEN A BON. p BOB. SALE LOTS. CItr Lots FOR SALE-BLUFF ST.. NEAR COLLEGE, lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff st. mhlO-23-TTSSU East End Lots. FOB SALE-SEVERAL CHOICE XOT8 DESIR ABLY located on Fifth ave, Shadyslde. W. C. STEWABT, 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 ap7-2 TjWR SALE-2 LARGE LOTS. 24x100. REY JJ N OLDS street, near DaUas station and Bou levard place: price, $.350: easy terms. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. ap3-13-rsu FOR SALE-A TRIANGULAR LOT FRONT ING S3 feet on P. R. R. at Dalits station, op Boslte WestlnEhouse place: price $250. MELLON ROS.. 6349 fetation St.. E E. ap3-14-Thsu FOR SALE-ONE LOT 25x175, FAIRMOUNT avenue, near Penn avenue cable line; level and good location: price $300; easy terms. MEL LON BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. ap6-7-wsa FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD, NEAR car stables 3 acres: nicely situated, and can belaid In lots to good advantage: rapid enhance ment certain; terms easy. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. ap7-9S FOB SALE TWO CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, Bennett street. Bank of Commerce addition, Brushton station; each 40x139 feet to alley; price low and terms easy. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield street. ap7-63-TTSsa TTIOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA Jj TION. P. .R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from $403 to $600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no2S-y78 FORSALE-12 ACRES OF GROUND SUITABLE for laying ont In lots. Is perfectly level, weU elevated and desirably located In the heart of tbe East End. In a neighborhood that will undoubt edly be strictly first class: within 10 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars: has over 3,000 feet of frontage; owner was asking $3,600 an acre but will take $2, 500 an acre if sold by Slay 1; terms to subpurchaser. W. C. STEWART, ill Fourth ave. ap7-2 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOR SALE-$2,2C0-SUMMEB RESORT 4 MILES east of Cresson Springs. JAS. I). MAIT LAND, Gallitzln. Pa. ap4-75 FOR SALE-LARGE BRICK STOREROOM with 4 living rooms, in a first-class location; Frankstown avenue, near station St.: 3-room ten ement in reir: lot 20x100; price $5,800. MELLON BROS. ; 6349 Station St.. E. E. ap3-13-F Su FOR SALE - BUSINESS PBOPERTlES ON good business streets for $8, 000 cash; they are the best bargain now on tbe market for tbe money: will pay a good percentage on tbe Investment and bound to Increase In value. C H. LOVE, V3 Fourth ave. ap4-67-Thssu FOB SALE-$10O,C0O-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of propertv suitable for retail trade in Pittsburg: owner bas been holding for $140,000, but will take the above price If sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PBOP EKf Y on Fourth ave. : also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smithfield st. and other good streets: will take pleasure In sriving fnll par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. V. STEWABT, 114 Fourth ave. ap7-2 FOB SALE-ON LINE OF B. B.. ABOUT 45 miles west of Pittsburg, a good license hotel. 2-story frame, 11 rooms, good barn, ona-half acre of ground: doing a good bnslness. and within one mile of a good mining town with 300 employes: propertv, license, good will, etc.. for $3,000, If sold at once: good reasons for selling. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. ap5-23-TTS8a Bnslness Chances. FOBSALE-DRUG STORE: GOOD LOCATION; doing a good bnslness: reasons, going Into other business. Address W. B. M., Dispatch of fice. ap7-62 FOR SALE-JEWELHT AND STATIONERY store: will Invoice $1,500; a bargain that will bear investigation; town growing: 6,000 pop.: In Western Pa. Address A. B. M., Dispatch office. ap7-63 FOB BALE -FINE RETAIL GROCERY Store In tbe East End, doing a business of from $25. 000 to $30, 000 a year. Inquire of CHAS. F. FRAZEE, Drummer for ArbuckleCo . 800 to SOSHbertyst. mb3l-es TJIOR SALE LEASE, GOOD WILL AND FIX JD TUBES or a feed store: well located and now doing a good and profitable business; the only reason for selling Is declining health of the pres ent owner. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne. ap3-84-WFSU FORtSALE TIN AND SLATE BUSINESS, large tin and stove store with slate yard; all tools good condition; wagons and horses; doing paying bnslness; pay Investigation; farther par ticulars Inquire of ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. ap2-U TTOR SALE-GROCERY STORES FROM J250 TO X $2,500: drug stores, cigar and notion stores, boarding houses, bakeries, confectioneries, res taurants, hotels, shoe stores, printing office, coal works, gents' furnishing business, etc.: 100 busi ness chances to select from. SHEPABD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. ap2 FOR SALB-CONFECnONEBY-ONE OF THE best locations In Allegheny, all lor $1, 000, consisting of showcases, counters, shelving, 60 Jars, soda fountain. 6 marble top tables, chairs, freezers, tubs, 1 gas engine, cost $600, and every thing pertaining to a first-class confectionery; bouse contains 7 rooms and storeroom; also buggy and harness Included: low rent. J. R. COOPER CO.. 107 Fonrth avenue. ap7-98 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. niachlnerv and Metals. TT'OR SALE-REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS, JU cabinets, office supplies and fine grades of linen papers for writing machines. A. M. MAR TIN, 412 Wood st. ap5-39 FOR SALE-WjE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines andbollers, all sizes, from 2 b. p. np, taken In exchange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap; also new engines and boilers, every size and style,at rock bottom prices. HARME'S MACHINE DEPOT. 97 First ave. fe3-y77su Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. tc FOB SALK-1 BREWSTER SPAR BUGGY AND set of harness, nearly new; will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. JACKMAN & SON, No. 530 Penn ave. . ap7-73 FOB SALE-THOROUGHBRED KENTUCKY gray mare. 7 years eld, for lady's riding and driving use: warranted perfectly sound. J. K. DILWORTH, Bldwell St., Shadyslde. ap7-4 FOR SALE-TWO FINE PONIES. SUITABLE for any lady or child to ride or drive: don't scare at anything, and have good style with good manes and tails. 3806 FORBES STREET. ap7-33 FOR BALE-FINE CAERIAGETEAM-BLACK mares, gentle and sound, about is bands high: will be sold cheap, as owner has no further use for them. Can be seen at T.B.MORELAN D'S STABLES, East End. ap3-85-ThSSu FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL SMALL SHET LAND pony, aBeeoecart and light leather harness: pony Is well broke to saddle and harness. CaU at HOTEL VOGELEY STABLE, or write to W. A. C, P. O. box 1002, Butler. Pa. mb31-10-SU FOB SALE-ONE 4-YEAR-OLD TROTTING colt, sired by Pardo, 1420, dam by Tom AUen: it is well broken and shows great speed: also one 3-vear-oId filly by same sire and same dam. For particulars Inquire of SEIDEL BROS., 102 Fed eral St., Allegheny, Pa. apS-87 HBscenoneons. FOB SALE-SAFES-A LARGE NUMBER OF second-hand safes of small and medium sizes which we have received In exchange. We will sell them at low prices, ranging from $25 upward, delivered at your nearest railroad depot. Send for particulars. STANDARD MFG. CO.. Sixth andBaymlllerst.. Cincinnati. O. mnl7-80-sn KESOBTS. Atlantic City. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenne. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9, 18S9. fal3-72-MWTSn BUCK fc McCLELLAIT. SUMMER HOTEL AT INGLESIDE, COR. Rebecca St. and Penn ave., has been newly furnished throughout, and with Its' fine grounds, fruit trees, stables, etc, will make It THE MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION in East End, on line of Penn ave. cable cars. Terms reasonable. ap7-35 Address J.M.KENNEDY. "I'LL MOVE INTO MY OWHHOME" 'in knoxyille. We have yet a few of those beautiful homes as follows: First Avery beautiful 5-room honse. with natural gas. water, etc, for S20U cash and $19 33 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, 1200 cash and 110 33 per month. Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, 200 cash; S15 33 per month. Fourth We have also a number of other handsome properties on equally reasonable terms. -WTake Southside cars to Twelfth street, and ML Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. M0XVILLELANMPR0VE1NTC0. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, mh3-rrssa KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. TRAVEL TO EUROPE WILL BE UNUSUALLY HEAVY this season. Secnre berths early. We repre sent most popular lines, sell drafts, foreign coins, etc- at New York rates and secnre pass ports. MAX SHAMBERG & CO, lmhI7-WSs W Smithfield t Pittsburg, Pa. TO LET. Cltv Residences. rrfl LET-BRICK HOUSE. HALL" ASp' T X rooms. 195 Fulton st., at $22 per mo. J.3U BTONER, No. 22 BakeweU BaUdlng. ap. mo LET-OB FOB SALE-A COTTAGE HOUBH L. on Monnt Washington, cor. Gray and Dll- worth streets; has eight rooms, large lot. asd it supplied with natural gas and cltv water, In- qulre at the office or the . CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. inire st ine omce ox we jrxxj.auxfcu J J uriii xnh22-34 Cost End Residences. TO LET-FENN AVE., EAST END. ON LINl of cable cars, 7 rooms and bathroom, new bouse. $27 50 per month. THOS. LIGGETT. 114. Fourth ave. ap3-e5-rrsu TO LET-MELLON STREET, 7 ROOMS, NEW LY papered, large reception halL gas. Queen. Anne design, large grounds: best nelghbortiood: $25 per month. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. E. ap6-SS TO LET A NEW S-ROOM RESIDENCE. Bond street, with batb, w. c, bot and cold water, gas. good sewerage, large porches: good nelghoorhood:$20per month. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st E. E. ap6-64 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STORY brick mansion- seven rooms and finished attic, cemented cellar, bathroom and all convert-' lences; a acres oi ground, xrurt trees, sajuouerr. stables, etc: win be rented, low to good party; Shady ave., opposite Wllkins ave. Inquire or N. 8. SNYDER. St. Nicholas Hotel, or J.B.HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave.. East End. mh5-3-TW88g Allegheny Residences. TO LET FINE 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 70 Klrkpatrlck avenue, Allegheny: bath, lava tory, laundry, bath gases: $28: no water tax. W. ' W. MCNEILL & BRO.. 105 Fourth ave. p5-41 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT BHADYSIDE, A HOUSE OF fi rooms; large ground, modern comfort and elegance possession at once. Address MATHEWS, Dispatch office. ap7-22 O LET-HOUSE 10 BOOMS, WITHGABDEN. stable, etc, near Patterson station, P. C. a Y. B. B.. and Crafton, P. C. & St. L. R- R. In- Snlre of B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa., orad ress F. C. BIGGEST. Rochester. Pa. mh21-63 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN BOWM8, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage honse two acres ground, with ilrer view. Inquire onprem lses. or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 ADunmenls. T IO" iET NICELY FURNISHED IBONX room. 63 ARCH ST., Allegheny. ap7-3t TO LET-1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AT reasonable price. Inquire No. 70 CHATHAM ST.. city. ap7-71 TO LET-ONE FURNISHED FRONT BOOM. or2rooms unfurnished. 60NORTHDIAMOND ST., near new library, Allegheny; rent moderate. ap7-4i TO LET-FIN ELY" FURNISHED BOOM WITH; all modern conveniences, on Union ave. ; suitable for one or two gentlemen; reference. Address E. Z., Dispatch office. ap7-U7 TO LET-UNFURNISHED ROOMS-SOME four-room flats for housekeeping; one six room house: some storerooms For particulars. Inquire on premises. 44 FOURTH STREET. apZ-18 TO LET-ELEGANT FURNISHED BOOM, with board, with privilege of bath, to man and wife or two single gentlemen; reference re quired. Address F.O.X., Dispatch office. ap7-64 Business Stands. TO LET-THBEE-STOBY WABEHOUSB with basement, 138 First ave. Inquire of H UNT CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mhl9-44 TOLET-THBEE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms for general bnslness purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new DISPATCH building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be bad In the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Bents $300. $400 and $1,000 per annum: situation the most central, within a few hundred feet ofaU tbe public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. if. and 4 P. if. atthe NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 miscellaneous. T IO LET-SMALL BRICK STABLE-INQUIBH ol j ii. jjjDjiij, IMA renn ave. pi-iw PERSONAL. PERSONAL BERNARD E. ABONS, JEWEL ER, can now be found at 65 Fifth are.: new goods, large stock and lowest prices; fine watches and lewelry repaired. ap7-136 PERSONAL FRENCH SPECIFIC! UN EQUALED for kidneys and bladder, blood Olson, discharges, etc. GRIFFITH'S PHAR 1ACY, cor. Third ave. and Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. ap7-121 PERSONAL DEAB JOHN WILL YOU please buy zee one of those beautiful chate laln bags which I saw at ACHE'S Trunk Store, cor. W ood and Diamond sts. They are Just lovely and all the rage. Yours, Mollle. ap7-108 PERSONA L BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth $1,003, let us know: we will bny one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 ERSONAL-IT IS REALLY A COMFORT TO shop at ACHE'S: clerks are always courte ous and accommodating: It seems no trouble for them to show goods, and then you are always sure of tbe best at the lowest possible price; they bare Just finished some elegant styles of harness, trunks and bags; see them. Cor. Wood andDla mond sts. ap7-106 REWARDS. BEWARD-TA-VA-ZONI NATURE'S PRICE LESS gift to suffering humanity : for all ail ments. Visit GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY. 301 Grant, cor. Third are.. Pittsburg, and secure a bottle; you wiU be well rewarded for your visit. Also a bottle of that sovereign remedy Ta-va-zoa Lung Cough Syrup A most potent and unfaUlng cure for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. ap7-119 Z LOST. LOST-BULL TERRIER DOG, YELLOW AND white oval spot on bead; heavy collar; name F. Corse; liberal reward. Return to BOOM 2, Jackson building. ap7-79 LOST-SOLID GOLD ENGRAVED BAND rings for ladles, $1 each; babies' solid gold rings. 50 cts.: children's solid gold rings. 73c and SI: gent's solid gold Initial rings, $5 Si. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler. 65 Fifth ave ap7-13S T OST-BETWEEN THE CORNER OF FIFTH JU ave. and Stevenson St. and Bobert st. and Wylie avenue, a book belonging to the Mercy Hospital. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at tbe MERCY HOSPITAL. ap7-61 FOUND. FOUND-SEVERAL GENUINE DIAMOND rings, from $10 up: genuine diamond cus and collar buttons, $3 50 and np: genuine diamond ear drops, $10 and up; dlamondscleaned free of charge. B. E. ARONS. Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave. -aD7-138 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF CONSIGNMENT OF flrst-class carpets and furniture, Friday morning, April 9, at 10 o'clock. Fine parlor suit in crushed plash, all spring edges and hair filled, fine oak suit, cherry and walnut salts, mirror door wardrobe. Windsor folding bed, Turkish conch, hair and husk mattresses, fine china closet, oak sideboard. Etagere fine cabinet, French plate mirrors, fine rugs, cur tains and clocks, moqnets, body brnssels, Wil ton velvets and ingrain carpets, china, glass and silverware, eta; goods will be sold regard less of valne to highest bidder. HENRY AUCTION CO., LLSL. Auctioneers. ap7-S3 A UCTION SALE Carpets, ingrain and brnssels; rags, portiers, chenille, Turkoman lace curtains, shades, eta. ON 8ATURDAY. APRIL 6, at m a. m. ana v r.n. Furniture, bedding, stoves, parlor and chamber salts, sideboards, wardrobes, tables, chairs, rockers, chiffoniers, lounges, tetea, beds, hanging lamps, dishes, matting, oil cloth, linoleum, toilet sets, engravings, historical paintings, refrigerators, ice chests, baby bag gies, etc., etc. TERMS CASH. PITTSBURG AUCTIONAND STORAGE CO-apo-61 93 Third ave. GREAT AUCTION SALE AT LAWS SALE STABLES. Comer Thirteenth and Liberty streets. The following described stock will be sold to tbe highest bidder: 73 head of Moles, of which 25 are good pit mules. 105 head of horses. 1 beantif ul brown horse; can trot in 2:40 1 gray horse, with record of 2.35. 1 sorrel horse; can trot in 2:40. 1 bay horse; can trot in 2.35. ' Any person in need of the above stocK will find it to their advantage to attend this sala ' Saturday, April 13, at 10 o'clock. ap7-122 D. A. McKELVEY. Anctloner. " TO IHYESTORS. The nnderslmed offer for sale at par and i ' accrued Interest " $100,000-6 Feruent, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE CMere Valley Gas Company. Bonds are registered, $1,000 each, and mataw : at various dates from 1B90 to 1893. , Price subject to advance without notice. ., THIRD NATIONAL BANK mhSl-89-TTsn Pittsburg. WALTIB J. OSBORNE. RlCSAXSBAB&Oirsl BARROWS A OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street, TeIenb.onsNo.813 SSSTtaB-XIBSm v '-'-' 'fiq 1 J sKBBmnsiianTwfsmistmsms!'9!!f'siw t I'iiM -iamkiwMB-)rwmt