Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 07, 1889, Image 1
PORTY-FOUItTH TEAR. PITTSBURG, " SUNDAY, APRIL ' 1889. CEHTS -. J 3Kv twT A CRUSHING BLOW "AUhe English Liberty League, in the Form of a Threaten- ing Attempt to SHUT UP SUNDAY SALOONS. English Society Shaken Once if ore by a Divorce Scandal. STEEL SAILS SELL FOB $130 A TON. ' Information Wanted In England Concerning the Failure of Prohibition to Prohibit In America PIgott Letters Commanding Biff Premiums A Death Blow to the Conceit of English Artists President Carnot Too Bnsy to Run Aronnd Kissing the Hands of Queens Bloodcurdling Tales Told of Hermitages In Holland English Society Awaiting Bonlanger's Probable Coming With Open Arms Haw the Famous feculptor, Bianchl, Courted Death. The friends of proprietary legislation and the opponents of sumptuary laws in America are called upon to furnish their fellow sympathizers in England with the facts as to the failure of prohibition to pro hibit in America, as far as it has been tried. The Beaumont scandal is to be aired in the divorce courts. Steel rails command 130 a ton in South Africa. English society has open arms for Boulanger if he is driven from Belgium. " rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCR. IjONDch.-, April 6. Copyright The Liberty and Property Defense League was established some years ago for the purpose of maintaining the freedom of contract, up holding proprietary rights, and resisting socialistic legislation. It has a council upon which sit the representatives of 88 feder ated defense societies, and of which the Earl of Wemyss, Lord Bramwell, Baron Dimsdale, Earl Portescue, the Earl of Pem broke, Lord Penzance, and other great peo ple are members. The League cannot be said to be a blazing success. Since its establishment the free dom of contract has been persistently inter fered with by acts of Parliament, -and pro prietary rights, notably the rights of Irish land o jeners to ruin their tenants, and of London landlords to set sanitary laws at defiance, have been assailed with more or less success, and the whole tendency of leg islation has been socialistic Torn by Conflicting Emotions. This week the League has been torn by conflicting emotions. A. royal taiKWilflrtBg has been appointed to -inquire into the op--erationsof the Sunday-closing law in "Wales, a law which the League has denounced for years as subversive of the elementary rights of man, but against this partial victory has to be set a crushing blow at the freedom of contract and proprietary rights involved in the passing of the second reading of the bill which proposes to close taverns on Sun days in England. In his sore distress Earl of "Wemyss,. Chairman of the Council, turns his hopeful eyes toward the American continent. He believes that the working of prohibitive laws in the United States and Canada has Resulted In a Miserable Failure, and lie would be glad if the friends of free dom of contract and proprietary rights in America would furnish him with proofs of increased drunkenness, immorality and crime, which he knows have followed pro hibition in Maine and elsewhere. Meanwhile, his lordship requests me to state that from his place in the House of Lords last Thursday he gave notice that at an early date after Easter he will ask Her Majesty's Government if they will Jtake steps to obtain and lay before Parliament reliable information regarding the present working of liquor laws in Canada and the United States. It is not probable that Her Majesty's Government will take any such I steps, even to please the Liberty and Prop erty Defense League, but his lordship's op appeal presents an unique opportunity for the friends of temperance in America to extend their propaganda to the most ex clusive circles in London. A SOCIETY SCANDAL. One of the Descendants of the Last King of Jerusalem Wants a Divorce His Wife Quite too Giddr for Him Even Her Income is no Recompense. rBT CABLE TO THE SISPATCH.1 London, April G. One of the most sen sational scandals which has ever disgraced English society is about to come before the world. The Hon. Henry Stapleton, ninth Baron of Beaumont,and a descendant of the last King of Jerusalem, has filed a bill in the House of Lords proposing to dissolves marriage which he contracted only last year with the pretty brunette daughter of Madame Elise, the great court dressmaker, who a year or two ago sold her business for over 52,000,000 and married Mr. "Wootton Isaacsons, M. P. Lord Bean mont'sfriends claim, and it is believed to be truth, that he is not responsible for the scandal. He discovered immediately unon his marriage that his wife's ideas as" to the holy state of matrimony and marital duties generally were, te put it very mildly, of a character to make any man's hair stand on end. It did not have that effect in his lord ship's case, because Lord Beaumont, al though nly 40 years oldt is very bald, but nature found another vent for his pent-up, emotions, in a rush of blood to the head. Lord Beaumont has many fits, chiefly of anger, "but they had no effect upon his ama zing yonng wife, who defied his authority, jeered at his jealousy, made mirth of his person, sneered at his diminutive rent roll, ana scoffed at his ancestors, the King of Je rusalem not excepted. Lord Beaumont ar rived at the conclusion that his wife.must be insane, but as she had an income of $35, 0C0 a year in her own right, he bore with her for awhile. Ere long, however, evi dence accumulated under his hand which left him no option but to take measures for dissolving the ill-starred union. The charges upon which the bill for di vorce is based ore so revolting and unnatur al that they cannot be specified here. For the credit of human nature it Is to be hoped that some of them, at least, may be dis proved. The lady's friends do not deny that she has peculiar ideas, and that her ways are startlingly unconventional. They put them all down to the account of the wild days of her youth, when she roved the African desert, hunting and riding for days together, sometimes with no female compan ion. The adulation of the French cavalry officers probably turned the young beauty's head. It has certainly not since received the right twist. There are letters in the case bushels of them, and some of the peculiarly Zolaesque documents are claimed by a well-known man about town, who has suddenly shown a yearning desire to get them back into his possession. It is probable that in this con nection the matter will come before one of the courts of justice next week, and a big effort will probably be made to have the case heard in camera. OPEN AEMS FOB BOULANGER. English Society Eagerly Awaiting the Ad vent of Another Lion. rBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.J London, April 6. Society is getting ready for Boulanger, in full confidence be gotten of a belief that he is making Belgium too torrid to hold him. We already have ex-Empress Eugenie, Compte de Paris, and Prince Jerome Napoleon, and there is room for Boulanger. Although his blood be not blue, Boulanger has set the world talking about him, and he is understood to be nice looking. His credentials are, therefore, amply sufficient to open wide all the mouths and exclusive portals in London. The newspapers here are much, worried about Boulanger's flight. They have so frequently made asses of themselves by an nouncing his political demise that they hes itate to prophesy any more, even when the circumstances seem more cropitious. The Standard, after clumsily balancing on the fence, has flopped down on the anti-Boulan-gist side of it, and informs its confiding readers that the General having proved him self a coward, has effaced himself. The Daily Xeict cannot quite make up its mind, and the Daily Telegraph is editorially dumb. Mopsieur Blowitz, the Paris correspond ent of the Time, states emphatically that Boulanger is dead and beyond the hope of resurrection, but Blowitz has said the same thing over and over again, and has been in his dealings with French affairs so noto riously and consistently wrong that thous ands of Englishmen believe in the vitality of Boulangerism, and proclaim Boulanger to be a live lion simply because the Times says he is a dead donkey. But whatever their opinions, all the newspapers here devote columns daily to Boulanger's movements and sayings, and spend lots of money to get the latest news about him. HERMITAGES IN HOLLAND. Bloodcurdling Tales Told ot a Couple of Deserted Huts. rSrZCIAL TELEGRAM TO THB SISFATCB.1 London, April 6. Your correspondent at Amsteidam sends me some interesting information jibout the hermits in Holland. Alrermit who lived in a most remarkable manner up to the traditions of his venerable calling has justdied in nVbut in Genethal, in .the royiqee of ., Limburg. Ear a long but unknown number of years he had lived alone and abstained from all food except bread .and water. He- never used a bed, and in his last illness the people who came to relieve him were unable to make him either use a bed or take more nourishing food than that mentioned. Once when he was absent, thieves broke into the hermitage, suspecting that he had hoarded treasure. Thev found absolutely nothing but a lash with which the recluse had been accustomed, often and regularly, to scourge himself. The hermit age was on the property of Count Villers, who has received more than 100 applica tions for the vacant place. The applicants are probably more moved by a desire to ob tain a place of profitable notoriety than anything else. The Duchy of Limburg. however, pos sesses another genuine hermitage with a blood-curdling history. Fifty years ago it was purchased, with the adjoining chapel, by two rich men who had become tired ot the world. In; 1868 the one still remaining alive was killed by the terrible winter of that year. After a long delay the house was broken into. The hermit lay dead on the floor, and his cat, which was sitting on the corpse, had, driven by hunger, eaten a considerable portion of the dead man's head. A dead dog was at his feet. A Franciscan monk has since been in posses sion of this hermitage. A DEATHBLOW TO ENGLISH CONCEIT. An Exhibition of American Art to be Given in IfOndon. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, April 6. There is to be an ex hibition of American art in London next month, at Johnson & Norman's galleries, in New Bond street, and the collection is expected to be one of the interesting-features of the season. Among the representa tive things to'be shown are needle-woven tapestries, embroideries, etc.,bytheassociated artists of New York, and stained glass, art tiles, plastic sketches, pottery, wrought iron work, reproduction of old leather work, ex amples of Moorish fret and spiral work and other exhibits from private firms. The. Associated Artists' show will, it is hoped, take some of the insular conceit out of the English women, of whome nine out of ten firmly believe the average American woman does not know a needle from a jack knife. SMOTHERED TO DEATH. The True Artist's Slodo of Suicide Employed . by Achllle Blanch!. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 6. Achillc Bianchi, the famous Milan sculptor, and known to many Americans, shut himself up in his studio in Borne, Monday night, stopped up all means of ventilation, set fire to a pan of charcoal and went to bed. "When discovered the next morning he was quite dead. The suicide was due to un fortunate speculations. TOO BUST TO KISS EVEN QUEENS. President Carnot's Excuse for Snubbing Her Majesty of England. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. I London, April 6. Some of the French newspapers are violently abnsing President Carnot for net paying sufficient attention to Queen .Victoria. They reproachfully re mind him that that the Queen is a woman, and think he ought at least to have gone to Cherbourg and kissed Her Majesty's hand. Carnot siys he has too much to do in Paris, just now, to allow time for kissing. Steel Rails Selling at S130 n Ton. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.; London, April C. Are the Pittsburg people aware that steel rails are selling for $130 a ton at Johannesburg, Jn the South African'gold district? DEATH OiLOUCPSS. Another Shock (o English Society The Queen's Venerable Aunt Expires A Fresh Lot of Of ournlng Gar ments to be Ordered. CBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 1 London, April 6. Society has had an other disagreeable shock this afternoon by the announcement of the death of the Duchess of Cambridge. The court was gradually getting out ot mourning, and fashionable folks cherished hopes of a gay season. Now fresh mourning frocks "will have to be ordered, and there will be no state balls for some considerable time to come. Next week's drawing room has been postponed, for Queen Victoria was very fond of her venerable aunt, add never failed to visit her when in London. The old lady was 92 years of age, and has been confined to her rooms for many years. Nevertheless, she was a most genial invalid, and it was her delight to have musical par ties in the afternoon at St. James' Palace, where she lived. She paid a regular salary to several eminent instrumentalists forplay ing at" her;parties, and occasionally she would have a violinist in her room and keep him going for hours at a stretch. The parties were nearly always made up of the same old ladies and gentlemen, for the royal D uchess was chary of making acq uaintances, and she positively disliked strange faces, either among her servants or visitors. Her last little gathering was on the 26th of March, and it was given in honor of the 70th birthday of her son, the Duke of Cam bridge, Commander-in-Chief of the army. The Queen heard of the death of her aunt while holding a council at "Windsor Castle. She, at once ordered a special train to be prepared for her, and as soon as the state business had been completed she came to London. I saw Her Majesty drive up to St James' Palace. Her eyes were red and swollen, as though she had been weeping. A BOOM FOR CONGO LANDS. The Belgian King Thinking of Emulating Stanley's Example. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.l London, April 6. General Strachey, one of the Secretaries of the Boyal Geo graphical Society, informs me that Stan ley's letter to the society gives details, both ethnographical and geographical, of his journey which will prove of surpassing in terest and importance. Between the mouth of the Ituri river and Albert Nyanza there are nearly 300,000 square miles of forest, but any 'syndicate proposing to handU that lumber will have to dispose first of cannibal savages and equally ferocious dwarf tribes, not to men tion such trifles as rapids, cataracts and swamps. Nevertheless, Stanley's published letters have deeply moved certain capital ists, and there is wild talk of a colossal Central African syndicateonthe linesof the old East Indian Company. "Would-be speculators, however, will find that Stanley has done a considerable amount of pre empting on behalf ot Sir Francis De Winton and the other astute gentleman who backed the expedition. It is believed that Stanley's discoveries will attract capital to the Congo free State, which has been under a cloud lately. The King of the Belgians has long cherished the idea of paying a visit to Congo, and thus starting a boom. This information comes from an exalted functionary at the'Belgian Court, and its accuracy is beyond doubt. His Majesty will penetrate as far into the interior ot Africa as 'may be considered safe for a king, and he may be absent from Europe over & year. Before starting a re- eney- will -be appointed. It is confidently oped that Earopean,.teJtalauot fall to follow thecSttCEuropeaBTnonarch who 'has set foot in Africa within.modera times. PIG0TT 1ETTERS ABOVE PAR, A Premium That Solicitor Sondes Might Well Take Advantage Of. tBT CABLE TO THE DpipffcH.: London, April 6. AnyAinerlcan citi zen possessing letters written by Pigolt may find a market here. The prices range from $5 to $25. according to the date. It is estimated that Solicitor Soames, of the Times, has at least a couple of thousand dollars' worth of them, but he is not likely to spoil the trade by flooding the market. ALMOST PEEPETUAL MOTION. A Machine Patented That, Once Started, Bur Till it Is Worn Out. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! St. Louis, April 6. Daniel "W. Smith, a St. Louis engineer and mechanic, secured, on March 9, a patent for an electric steam generator that he claims will revolutionize motive power. By means of electric heat steam is generated and superheated. The steam passes into the engine to be operated, whence it is carried into an electric dynamo, which supplies the electricity for heating the water, and thence the exhaust is deliv ered back into the generator, so that there is no waste. In starting the machine some extraneous heat is necessary to put the dynamo in motion. After that the machine runs itself. The dynamo supplies electric ity, which heats the water and makes the steam; the steam runs any engine to which the generator may be attached. After serving the engine the steam passes into the dynamo, which it also operates and the exhaust is then, by means of a very in genious and original mechanical device, forced back into the generator, so that no steam is wasted. Thus there is no smoke, no exhaust, no noise. The machine is self operating, self-acting and self-regulating. It consumes no fuel, and after once being started in operation, runs itself until its parts wear out SCOOPED IN BI THE STANDAED. The Cleveland Gaslight and Coke Plant Captnred by the Great Harvester. tEPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Cleveland, O., April 6. After many unsuccessful efforts the Consolidated Gas Trust, which is virtully the Standard Oil Company, has secured control of the plant and franchise of the Cleveland Gaslight and Coke Company. The Cleveland Gas light and Coke Company has had control of the gas business of almost the entire city, and its rights are perpetual. The1 Standard Oil Company has already begun leasing land and securing the right of way for an oil pipe line from Cygnet, "Wood county, to this city. The distance is over 100 miles, and the line wijl pass through parts of "Wood, Seneca.Ysandusky, Erie, Lorain and Cuyahoga counties, and the supply of oil will be used 'for other pur poses as well as the manufacture of gas in the big Cleveland plant KETUKNS FB0M THE DEAD. Reappearance of n Qlan Supposed to Be . Drowned Iast November. Eastpobt, April 6. H. F. "Wilder, pro prietor of the Eastport Messenger, disap peared last November. His hat and small boat in which he had gone to Lnbec were found at that time bottom up, and he was given up by his wife and friends as lost Within three days his wife has'received a letter from him at Pawtucket, B. I. He says the last thing he remembers is standing on the beech at Lubec. After that his mind was blank until he found himfelf in the "-oods near Pawtucket, ragged and poor. At the time of his dis appearance he was worn out by overwork and sickness in his family. These cares, ,wlth loss of sleep, probably unsettled his mind". - DISS DEBAE'S L0TE. The Celebrated Spook Artist 3ecoae8 Deeply Infctuated With A HANDSOME SPANISH STUDENT. She Watches His Nightly Perfonnaaws and Sends Him RARE BOUQUETS AND PEREUMED N0TE8. Madame Desires tne Serrlees of the Students far Her Spirit Temple. Mme. Diss Debar is before the .public again. She is "visiting a theater nightly to watch the performance of a Spanish student, and allows the audience to viewber infatua tion. Madame sends flowers and notes to ber Borneo, who is oppressed by the unlooked-for honor and by the gibes of Ma comrades. Madame's affection is platonic She is endeavoring to obtain recruits for her projected temple to the spirits. fSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yoke, April 6. For the pasl fbw weeks the audiences at Dookstader's The ater have nightly had their attention divided between the performances of Magician Kel lar and a very large woman occupying a front chair in the right hand box. Frost the way in which her movements are ws tched by a portion of the. audience it is evident that to some, at least, she is very well known. The woman's size and assurance .are sufficient to attract attention to her, however, even if , she were a stranger to all. At first she came at the beginning of the performances and stayed through to the end, but lately she has been in the habit ef coming in at 'about 9:30, just before the Spanish students come upon the, stage, and going out as soon as their performance is over. She is Madame Diss Debar, the great spook artist For some time Mr. Kellar and the members of his company wondered what was theattrac tion that drew the big medium to the thea ter so often. Mr. Kellar has his share of human conceit, but he could not believe that it was his skill Alone that delighted the J madame so greatly. WATCHING FOR HER AFFINITY. At first she sat calmly through the per formauce smiling broadly or shaking with subdued laughter at the funny incidents. After the fourth or fifth visit she hardly looked .at Mr. Kellar at all, yawned as though bored to death while he exposed the supernatural arts of mediums, and was quite distressing to look at until the Spanish students made their appearance. Then all was changed in her demeanor. She became interested almost, excited. He face lit up with a smile so expansive as to be almost' startling. The fat cheeks fell into many folds and dimples, the dark skin became illuminated, the black eyes danced with innate fun, the vast bosom rose and fell with the power of a bellows. She bad apparently lost all consciousness of the au dience, and was intent only on watching the graceful movements of SenorPaul Bipal, Mia leadpr n( the xtndpnfa-. d THE SOHAXHO BTPAL.- x , Bipal is a rather short, stout man, who looks anything but Spanish. He has classi cal features, to which a somewhat fierce ex pression is imparted by a bushy red beard and mustache, worn in the English fashion, that is divided in the center and brushed from the part. He is the only one of the "students" who stands during the perform ances. He wears a long velvet cloak which hangs in graceful folds from his shoulders and makes 'him look quite romantic. He plays the violin with much feeling and is just the sort of man who might be expected to impress the heart of a lovely boarding school miss. But he has caught bigger game this time, or rather, perhaps, the game has tried to catch him. SenorBipal cannot count upon the fingers of both hands the beautiful bouquets that the smitten lady has sent him, while the perfumed notes are said to be legion. Each bouquet was composed of the choicest flowers the market affords, and spoke well for the depths of Mme. Diss Debar's purse. It was invariably tied with a silk ribbon. Sometimes this was snow white, doubtless indicating the purityof the affection that had inspired the giver; sometimes red, which was.taken to denote great warmth of passion. FOB LOVE'S SWEET SAKE. In these visits to the theater, Mme. Diss Debar was usually accompanied by a small, young, slightly built man, who the theater attaches supposed was Mr. Marsh's nephew. He usually sat in the shadow behind Mme. Diss Debar.and appeared desirous of escap ing public attention. On: last Friday night Madame drove up to the door of the theater at about 930 o'clock. She stepped out as lightly as though she did not weigh in the neighbor hood of 300 pounds, and was followed by a handsome young woman. Madame has free entrance to the house through the courtesy of Mr. Kellar and she did not, therefore, have any tickets. "With many groans and signs, she mounted the Steep flight of stairs that leads to the inner doors. Then she mused and L clung to the railing while she waited for ner Dream hj revuru. xier companion siooa by her side smiling. In a moment Madame had regained her composure and climbed up the second flight Arrived near the head of the stairs, she ran up the few remaining steps and looked down the aisles, Then she walked rapidly across the parquet to the box and took her seat in front near 'the stage, while the young woman sat a little behind her. AN OVERGROWN JULIET. Madame looked well, and, for so large a person, almost handsome. Her skin was as smooth and polished and firm looking as a school girl's. She wore a black bonnet trimmed with jet beads and ornaments, a handsome and elaborate black silk dress and a very -filegant pressed velvet wrap. The latter was thrown open, showing the generous outlines of her figure. Madame's dress fitted without a wrinkle, and even Judge, Duffy's committee of experts would have been puzzled to find a blemish in it. Yet there was something that gave the im pression thatMadame had been compelled to lace very tightly before she was able to get inside that waist Some of the other occupants of the box shuddered asf they saw Mademoiselle calmly drop down on a chair. The box chairs are Email nnd look frail, and it was natural to fear that Mademoiselle might find one a feeble support Nevertheless no accident occurred, and Mademoiselle surveyed the audience through her glasses without a sug gestion of embarrassment Following the wonderful adventures of the young wdman known as "Astarle," Mr. Kellar vanished from the stage and the Spanish students occupy the attention of theaudienceorsomelC minutes. On this occasion Madamo leaned forward in her chair waiting lor the plush curtains to part and reveal the handsome Bipal. my Love has come. There was a look of ecstatic joy in her face and her hands nervously played with the opera glasses. Bipal stood sideways on the stage, -facing the box opposite to that in which Madame, Diss Debar was seated. There was a slight; frown on his ace and he appeared to avoid looking in her direction. Nevertheless, Madam e 'gazed at him with gratification arid seemed entirely deaf to all music but that of his violin. She applauded vehemently at the end bf the playing, clap ping her hands together with vigor and en ergy. Her eyes rolled with tragic intensity every time his face turned at- all in her di rection and her efforts to attractfhis atten tion became painful before the act was ended. The students played three selections, but not once did Bipal face the siren who was watching him so closely.- Some of his com panions, however, ogled her surreptitiously and seemed to enjoy Blpal's position. "WTen the curtain finally shut him off from view Madame heaved a languishing sigh that thrilled every occupant of the box, rose ana left the theater. Many eyes fol lowed'her and. ber companion as they dis appeared down the stairs. A moment later her carriage-was rolling down Broadway, SERVANT3 OF THE TEMPLE. The contents of some, of the notes that Madame has sent to Btpal are known only to the two. At first Bipal didn't seem to mind her flatterlng-'.attentious, but much bantering on the part of his companions has made the subject a sore one to him. Usually the flowers and notes were ad dressed simply: "To the Spanish student, from Loleta." By her directions they were always delivered to Eijtflf Madame has disclaimed any tender senti ment in the mattery and has declared that her admiration is without any manner of feeling. She would like the services ot the students, she said, for the temple that she intends to dedicate to the spirits. Madame is living in elegant style these days in West Twenty-eighth street She declares that she loves the "General" Diss Debar, and considers him to bet her husband. She vows vengeance -against Bill Howe, the Judge and the jury that convicted her, says she is a Catholic and not a Spiritual ist, and rambles in a most bewildering manner over adozen subjects in one-quarter as many minuter. WANTED, A .MAIL 0IEEK. Jahn G. Thompson, of Ohio, Disappears, Under n Cloud Charged With Steal Ins- Registered Letters While Employed In the Ball way Postal Ser vice. tSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Columbus, O., April 6. For several days rumors concerning the mysterions dis appearance of John G. Thompson, a railway mail clerk', have been rife. The reports have coupled his absence with the loss of several registered letter packages on the -Columbus and Toledo Bailroad. All doubt as to the cause of his absence has been re moved by the Government secret service of ficials announcing that he has failed to ac count for several registered letters, and be ing unable to avert the investigation pend ing, has absconded, taking with him all books and papers relating to his work in the mall service. Thompson is a son of the late John G. Thompson, for, many years Sergeant at Arms of the National House of Bepresenta tives, and once a prominent man in "West ern Democratic politics. Young Thompson will be known in the East by recalling an incident that happened nine years ago at a preparatory school near the "West Point Military Academy. He had an -appointment, , secured through the influence of Senator Thurman, and was preparing for examination. "While at this school he in sulted a young Texan named-Buck, who retaliated by shooting . Thompson in the stomach. The affair caused a great deal of : comment, and for months -Thoa'psoa hang between" life and death. Buck was ac quitted, and, upon regaining his health, Thompson took '.his examination and passed, bat was refused on account of phys ical disability arising from the wound. Since then he has been concerned in sev eral questionable transactions, but finally gave promise of reform, and upon the re commendation of Judge Thurman secured a place in the postal service two years ago. Early in this year he was transferred to the railway mall service. The amount of his peculations is unknown., FOUND JE0N ON HIS FAEJI. The Lucky Discovery Made by a Maryland Dentist-Farmer. ISPECIAT. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Baltimore, April 6'. Dr. David Genese, a well-known dentist of this city, who some time ago purchased a farm of seven acres at Betterton, Kent county, on the east shore of Maryland,1 recently picked up pieces of a dark substance that looked very much like iron ore. He had the ore examined by an iron master from Troy, who sajd it would yield 70 per cent of the metal. There is very little sand and a good deal,of metallic substance in the ore. The Doctor has made an investigation and ascertained that a Vein of iron ran in a line 12 miles in the. direction of Galena, and another in the direction of Stillpond, five miles from Betterton. In fact, the vein is supposed to lie along the entire extent of what is known as the Sassafrass route of -the proposed Chesapeake and Delaware snip canal. AN1 AMOPI OF PON: The Entire Popnlrice of Kittanning; Out After a Legion of Wild Ducks. tEPECIAL TELEQHA1I TO THE DISPATCH.l v Kittanning, April 6. Our sportsmen, and their name has beenlegion to-day, have been in luck, and Kittanning expects to revel in duck for its Sunday dinner. Vast numbers of this aquatic but misguided fowl, probably chased south by the storm, have swarmed along the river in search of shelter and security, but instead have called out the entire armament of the plate, from the costly fowling piece down to the gun bean shooter, and the popping of firearms has been almost incessant "While some ot the hunters met with good success in shooting and capturing their game, there were donbtless enough powder and lead wasted"" to purchase a river full of ducks but then Kittanning has not en joyed so much fun for a decade. KILLED BI A COWARDLY COMPANION. Frank Shnfer Shoots a Friend Who Is Botan izing With Him. tEPECIAL TILEGItAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Ft. Scott, Kan., April 6T This after noon, at 2 o'clock, M. H. Millspaugh, of Ypsilanti, Mich., and Frank Shafer, of Ot tawa, 111., were rambling through the woods near the city, examining botanical speci mens. While Millspaugh was in the act of stooping' over, Shnfer drew a pistol and shot him twice in the head, killing him in stantly. The murderer fled, but was ar rested at Gerari,two hours later. The men have been traveling together, and the motive for the murder is supposed to be Jobbery. FOfifiERY, AES0N AND ABDUCTION. The Only Charge the Prisoner Cares to Deny Is the Latter One. Newark, S. J., April 6. J. S. Urier, a special agent of the' Governor of Colorado, arrived here to take the Cowboy Herbert E. Coddington, back to prison in that State on three indictments burning the hotel of James Pyle, forging en order for ? 200, and running away with Pyle's" daughter,, and was looking for Governor Green to-day to get his requisition signed. The onlv charge Coddington depies is that of kidnaping the girl. She claims to have been 16" years" old when she left home. ' THE EXILE IS HAPPf. General Boulanger, from, His City of Kefnge, Views the Victory SCORED BY PKIENDS US PAEIS. Instead of Being Sent to Prison for a lear They Are JTerely Fined. THE EUNAWAt WILL EEM AIN TILL FALL His Fair TriTellnz Companion Mates a Firm: Visit to Paris. The Boulangists on trial in Paris yester day scored a victory. Instead of getting a year's imprisonment, the League-members were only fined ?20 apiece. The General is yet in Brussels, and. says be will probably remain there till the October election. The woman who accompanied him in his flight made a flying trip to Paris yesterday, with a satchel of important papers. CBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Paeis, April 6. Copyright Early yesterday morning the lady with whom Boulanger escaped from Paris, disappeared from the Hotel Mengell, in Brussels, and came to Paris. A valise, whjch she carried, was said to contain an important batch of papers. She came here, but eluded the police, .and left again for Brussels last night Meanwhile, a small, sinister and nebulous looking man arrived in Brussels and called on the General. He was not received. After glaring glooniily at the exterior of the hotel, the sad, small man went to a neighboring cafe and resolutely drank him self into a state of exalted antf autocratic Inebriety, after which he communicated to Belgium at large the- important interna tional fact that he was the divorced husband of a lady who at present enjoys the devotion of the brave General. A wiid and vivid hope sprang up in the hearts of a platoon of the sleepy French journalists on watch, that the husband would become dangerous and make it un pleasant foi" Boulanger, but the husband lacked what is generally known at home as sand. He returned by the evening train in ft state-of maudlin slumber and a third-class compartment THE PAIR COUBIEK EETTJENS. At 2 o'clock this morning there was a slamming of outer doors in the Hotel Men gell, and a patter of small feet on the stairs. The General's beautiful courier had 'got back from Paris, after traveling continually for nearly 24 hours. Her big- eyes were blazing with excitement as she rushed up the first flight of stairs, and her cheeks were flushed with triumph. The General knew her step and hurried out into the corridor to meet her. "S're got them," she cried, happily, as a smile sprang to the General's face, and with muttered words of satisfaction and de light he handed her into his salon. "Word was sent to Count Dillon, who immediately hurried down the corridor, to the General's apartment. "Whatever the papers were that the madam brought back they were, evi dently of great'isiportance. bepresent aftine Palace of Justice when the decision was' given on the trial of the League of Patriots. X expected -some ex citement, but the Condition of things that ensued rather staggered me. Just before I left I asked General Boulanger what he thought the result would be. He wrote in reply: "The temper of the people of Paris is such that anything short of the full pen alty asked by the Government will be re garded as an acquittal." A COEEECT FOBECAST. It struck me at the time that this was a rather sanguine forecast, but Boulanger's judgment was correct The sentence of the Judges has struck into the Government ranks like a thunder-clap. It was totally unexpected. The Government demanded that the accused leaders of the Boulangist pp.rty sbould be sentenced to two years' im prisonment, and, what was more important still, have all civil rights interdicted for five years. Instead of this, Naquet, ,Derou lede, Bichard and Gallean were let off with a trivial fine of 520 apiece. "When the President of the court pro nounced this sentence to-day, at 1:30 o'clock, every man in the courtroom jumped to his feet and a shout of "Vive Boulanger" rang above-all the din. The acquitted deputies hurried out and turned toward the Cafe Bacqne, 2 fine Desnatles, followed by a vast crowd howling Boulanger's name like mad. I noticed that the men who did the greatest vocal honor to the General were lawyers of the court who had assembled to hear the verdict There can be no doubt in the world of the extraordinary popularity of the General. All the Government organs are uneasy over the verdict It has increased the prestige of the General. Five or six thousand people are around the Cafe Bacque now, at mid night, cheering the refugee. Omnibuses are stopped in the street while people swarm over them trying to get a loot: at the leaders in the cafe. EVEBTTHLNO IS BOULANGEB. At Belleville a big dinner by aqti Bonlanglsts was given to-night. A reporter whom 1 sent there has just sent a line by messenger to say that the Boulangists have surrounded the place and made egress and ingress impossible. The enthusiasm In that democratic suburb of Paris, over the Gen eral, Is very great He Is the only topic ot talk on the boulevards. Bochefort's statement that he has posi tive proof that the council of the Govern ment recently decided thai Boulanger could be tried by court martial is generally believed. This was in answer to an in quiry of President Carnot Bochefort says that this means that the General would be shot immediately alter conviction. "Warrants are said to be out for the arrest of Count Dillon and Henri Bochefort, so that the choice whichjhoso gentlemen made to remain by the side of the exiled General is undoubtedly strengthened. In an inter view which I had with General Boulanger last night, jie assured me that he had no reason to believe that the Belgian Govern ment would object to his presence. Indeed, he was now free to, say that there would be no objection at all, and he spoke after hav ing received distinct assurances. fi"Will you stop here till the general elec tions in October?" I asked. WON'T BETTJEN TILL FALL. "Yes," was the answer, "in all likelihood 1 shall. Then my enemies in the Senate "will no longer hdve power." 0 ""What do you say of the disaffection of some of your former partisans, M. Thiebaud, for example?" "Oh, Thiebaud 1 He Is of little import ance. "We have long suspected him of re lations with the Government. Spies were seeking an opportunity to place him outside our party. He has saved us the trouble, at first menace. It is better that we should be without the support of others like him." On leaving the General I asked if he had not experienced any fatigue in his present weak state of health. "Not at all," he an swered quickly. "X have seldom, felt bet ter. For a long time at Paris my house was always full of callers, receiving whom, it is easy to understand, was an arduous dntv. Here I have more leisure, but I bavcsU'll little time to sleep." " , A MpQBNABY MAIDEN. She Dismissed Her Lover for a Pledge of $19,089 Cash and 81,660 a Year A Law bolt Necessary to Secure the Prom- -Ised Wealth. Chicago, April 6. A novel suit has just been decided by Judge Clifford, after a litigation lasting several years in different courts. The case was that of Sorosia. S. Alexander, an elderly spinster of Brattle boro, Vt, against the estate of E. S. Alex ander, her brother, a wealthy Chicagoan, now deceased. The litigation grew out of alleged breaches of agreements made by the deceased with his sister upward of 20 years ago. According to the statements made by Miss Alexander and the evidence given by numerous witnesses, whose depositions were taken in Boston and other Massachusetts cities, she was, at the tiae of making the first agreement, a teacher of muSic of ac knowledged reputation and ability. Her brother was anxious to'have her re turn to theliouse of their aged parents in Brattleboro, which, he thought, needed her care. He offered to pay her $1,000 a year, or as much as she could earn by teaching music, if she would assume the care of the old folks. She accepted, and for a number of years took care of them. About three or lour vears before the death of her brother Miss Alexander was about to be married, when he wrote to her; urging her not to marry and leave her parents, but to stay with them. He agreed to pay her an addi tional $10,000 if she would remain with her parents as long as they lived. "With this promise before her she "ship ped" her lover and the wedding was de clared off. Miss Alexander remained an old maid and cared for her father and mother in their declining years. "Dp to his death Alexander did not even keep his promise to pay his sister the 1,000 a year he had agreed to pay her, and, except a teir small sums of money which she used for the common house suDport of herself and parents, she re ceived nothing. Alexander made no provision in his will for the payment of the $l,00a a year, or of the $10,000 promised her. She filed her claim against the estate, but it was disal lowed by the Probate Court and an appeal was taken to the Circuit Court The case was before Judge Clifford, and, upon the evidence, a verdict was given for ?41,80O against the estate-in favor of Miss Alexander. , "WINDOM'S FINANCIAL JPOLICI. The New Secretary Designates the Prices He Intends'to Pay for Bonds- WASHiNGTON.April 6. Secretary "Win Qom to-day verified the prediction made several days ago that he would buy i per cent bonds if offered at reasonable rates by accepting $1,376,000 bonds of that loan at 129. He also established the highest price he will pay for 4 per cents by accepting 582,500 of that class of bonds at 108, and re jecting offers aggregating $l,633,0OOatl0S, 'It was learned this afternoon that the above rates, -viz: 129 for 4 per cents and 103 for 4 per cents will govern bond-buying opera tions of the Government for sometime to come, unless some unforseen disturbance should occur in the money market to re quire a modification of this policy. It is regarded as likely that Secretory "Windom, in dealing with the surplus ques tion, will confine himself for the present to the purchase of bonds without attempting any radical change in the system of Na tional. Bank deposits adopted by his prede cessor. The surplus to-day is stated at $55, 000,000, an increase of $10,000,000 since the 4th of March. The total amount of bonds purchased to date under the circular of April 17 Is $128,914,600, of-which $52,713, 000 were 4 per cents and'$76,201,300 were 4J4 per cents. The cost of these bonds was $150,222,620, of which $67,700,939 was paid for the 4 per cents and $82,521,681 was paid for the i per cents. TO BEACH THE NORTH POLE. A Companion of Lord Lonsdale Has a Very Planslble Scheme. . Chicago, April 6. Alphone Leduc, the half-breed who accompanied Lord Lonsdale part of the way to the Arctic, arrived in Chicago to-day from Manitoba. Leduc says that with funds and material he con reach the North Pole. His idea is to go overland by sled. He thinks that with 300 men a line ot communication for supplies north and news south could be maintained without great difficulty. Headquarters would be on the Peninsula of Boothia, 12 days by courier from the nearest telegraph to Winnipeg. Leduc will attempt to interest a number of newspapers to get them to back him. It is possible that Government aid will be asked. Leduo goes from here to New York within a day or two. TO BUKN THE BRIDGES. Oklahoma Boomers Are Bonnd to be the First la the Weld. "Wineield, Kan., April 6. A reliable man jnst from Oklahoma says he learned the fact that the boomers, hundreds of whom are hid in the thicket brush on the many streams in that country, have combined on a plan to burn all the bridges on the Santa Fe on the night of April 21, or sooner, so that no trains can get in Oklahoma on the 22d. He says the Dooniers swear they are going to have the claims they have staked over at whatever cost. People bound for Oklahoma ate arriving here daily from all over the Union, and ex citement runs high. Thirty-five wagons ar rived from Lead and Comanche counties to day and camped just west of town to await the proper time to move to Oklahoma. A VARIETY OF WEATHER. Washington's Snowstorm Pnnctnnted With Thunder nnd Lightning. "Washington, April 6. A heavy snow storm and rainstorm has prevailed here since early this morning. The rain, which began falling some time before daylight, it about 9 o'clock changed to snow, and from that hour until after dark the air was dense with great flakes driven before a strong north wind, but the weather being mild, it melted as it fell. Several times during the day; heavy peals of thunder were heard, and stray sparks of lightning frequently darted across the switchboards in the telegraph offices. THE SETTLERS ON TOP. . The United States Marshals Forced to Dis continue Their Forcible Evictions. Des Moines, April 6. The United States Marshal's posse that went from here to evict settlers in Hamilton county has re turned. The men say that no more attempts ts ill be made at evicting for a few days, as the settlers are prepared to use force, and the evictors are not prepared to meet it Pardon Applications to be Heard. JStECIAL TXLXQHAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Habbisbceg, April 6. Among the cases to be heard by the Board of Pardons, at its regular meeting, are the following: A. M. Bowser, murder in the second de gree, Allegheny; James H. Jacobs, Lan caster, murder in the first degree; George Clark, Westmoreland, murder in the first degree;i" Robert & Geary, robbery and bur glary,. Allegheny; John 'Wilson, felony, Alleghjny. WT..n j ft SOLDWJI.SLAYERY.. Eomantic Story of a PeansylyaBia, Yolnnteer in the Civil War. M0UKNED AS DEAD FOE 25 IEAE8. W Captured by Confederates and. Soli aaa. Slave to a Cuban Planter. TREATED LIKE A BEAST FOE TEARSJ Hs at last Succeeds In Escaping and IladsHi Hotter Star Belfefonte. A hero ofa romance of the civil war bag turned np at Bellefonte, after an absence of 27 years, for 25 years of which he wa mourned by friends as dead. He tells a tale that rivals many a page of fiction. He sayl he was captured by Confederates and sold into slavery in Cuba, where he was treated cruelly. He has at last found and rejoined his mother, who is as happy over his returat as a little girl with a new doll. (SPECIAL TELMKAM TO THE DISPATCH! Bellefonte, April 6. Joseph Wesley Whitten, who went to the war 27 years ago, has just returned to his mother's home ia Pleasant Gap, near this city. For 25 years he was believed to have been dead, and his mother, now Mrs. Edward Stoner, has been mourning over his supposed fate all that time. The incidents which have occurred since the time he left home until their meet ing a few days ago seem like a page from fiction. Wesley and his brother went to the battle field one bright morning in May and joined Company C, Eighth Pennsylvania Volun teers, andin their first fight the brother was killed and Wesley was dangerously wounded. He recovered and joined hia command several months afterward, and ia a subsequent battle he was captured by Confederates. j HE "WAS REPORTED DEAD. His comrades believed him to be a pris oner in Andersonville prison, and at the) close of the war they returned home and re ported that he died in that place. His real fate, however, was worse than that, as ha now savs. His experience in these 25 years is given in his own words. "I was sold to a Cnban planter, andhavo suffered such hardships as I believed no man could possibly endure. There were a large number of slaves on the plantation where I lived, and we worked in the open, fields without a piece of clothing on our backs and with balls and chains to our feet. We were given tasks to perform almost be yond the endurance of men, and upon the slighteefcjprovocafion we would be lashed until the! blood run from our backs, and after each whipping we would be washed in a strong brine, which added greatly to the) punishment, but the washing process was done to prevent insects from depositing; their eggs in the sore places on our flesh." ESCAPING FEOH SLAVEBT. One day Whitten and other slaves wer( sent to the wharf, bearing produce on their back) to be loaded on a PhiladelpUikJ steamer running between that point and the West Indies. Whitten succeeded" in escap ing the close watch of the guards which always accompanied the slaves, and he told his story to the captain, who aided him in his escape, and ha was carried back to the United States. He went direct to Millers town, Perry county, where he had left his mother, but she Had long since married a second time and left there. No one seemed to remember her, and Whitten gave ber up for dead. He then began searching for George, Williams, one of bis friends of many years ago, and tound him at the Busk House, this place, and from him Whitten learned where his mother was. - Mrs. Stoner. whose grief for her supposed dead son had caused her to become broken- k down, is now one of the happiest women to be found, and she is now more like a wo man of 20 than 65, Whitten shows his friends the scars on his back made by tha cowhide lash to substantiate his Btoryqf his cruel treatment. A GUIDE TO CONTESTS. Where the Good Things Offered the Pnblla Can be Keadilr Foand. The live business men who like to let tha public know what they are doing have en croached so liberally on the space devoted to news by The Dispatch that it Is necessary tolurnish a 20-page number this morning. Some changes have been made In the make-up, the most important being the transfer of tha classified advertisements wants, for sales, to lets, business changes, auction sales, real estate cards, etc from the Third Page ot the First Part of THE Dispatch to the Eleventh Page of the Second Pait, In order to enable readers to find the offerings of their favorite contriSu tors, as well as guide them in the selection ot new food for thought, the appended tabla of contents is given. The first part contains all the latest telegraphic, local and sporting news, the other matter being distributed as fol lows: . Part II. , I'ageS S je Booms J. C. New. Bill NY An Immoral Stage Talmaoeetal Bnral Lire in Cuba ......BevxrltCbcmP' East and West (Fiction) EDWARD E. HALS Page 10 Diamond Thieving .Wiu. r.'foXD On the Em of Ages Gail Hamilton Sunday Thoughts AClxkgxmaX Fape 11- ' Local News and Classified AdvertisemenU. Page B ' Etiquette, Society, The Drama, O. A. B. News, I Educational, Military Notes.. r Page IS . , Trouble's Lessons. Bxv. GEO. H0LM3I3 Secret Society". Market BeTlew. Page li , The Cafe Concerts HENRY" Katxie A Matchmaking Miss .KliakiK Castxas .Waiting for Crumbs E. W.L; - Business Cards. Page IS The Land of Dreams J.B.M. Biralsof the Suo Selected Here's an Argument Paitii TXMFLETOX. Business cards. . - Page IS , Bareand Bounds..... BERT ' Amusement Directory, Bnsiness Cards. Part ITT. Page V Slanfand Its Peonle r. G. CABrJemsav ' AManofManrWIles HMttJ Cranks at Hotels BahtI J An Jrjien in me ocean ueo. a. jiaddexma Page IS After Sitting Bull CAPTAIX XBS -j Clara Belle's Chat Claka Bellx Ererrdav Science statp-Wbiter Page 13 , Tbo 1'rozen Violets ,....E. B.HsnmiCBS lrih Castle Life.... E. L. WAKntAsr Head Versus Heart FANStK E. THOMAS i'irrafdo Sphinx B- E. Chadboukne Page 20 To Join rwo Ocean 1JOLIVASt. The Southern Land .....Bxsmc Bsaxblx' Art Notes, Business Cards. y. Colonel Swords Reaps His Reward, i WASnrxdTON, April 6. Colonel H. L. Swords. Sereeant-at-Armstnthe'Rffnnb.linaa National Committee, has heen nrmn!ntl inspector oi js urnitur. in tne Treasury de 'J - , . .... .... J paruoenb . , t ?. - i. y . - - s-" tmmf-Liss-rfs . .-3f, - 7-r- -- t ys ,.