Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 06, 1889, FIRST PART, Page 8, Image 8

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Has Caused a Moderate Improvement
. in the Condition of Trade.
Eeports to Bradstreet's Are Generally
Hopeful in" Their Tone.
Tim Last Tear, EoweTcr, ana B. G. Dan Co, Do
Sot Like the OatlooL
Eeports to Sradstreet's show a slight im
provement in general trade, due to the
opening of spring. The drygoods lines do
not share in this activity. It is thought
ihat good crop prospects trill encourage
legitimate business. K. G. Dun & Co. find
matters generally rather dull and quiet
Kew Yokk, April S. There is a mod
erate improvement in the state of general
trade noted in telegrams to Bradstreet'i this
week. Spring weather is largely responsible
for this. The greatest relative activity is
at Kansas City, St, Paul, St. Joseph and
Louisville, though a fair distribution is re
ported at Philadelphia, Boston Cleveland,
St Louis, San Francisco, Galveston and
New Orleans. Panning is well advanced
"West and South, and, excepting rice crops,
are promising welL
AtNew Tork groceries are in fair de
mand, somewhat in excess of a year ago.
Commission liquor dealers report general
trade improving, with prices, particularly
for Eastern rye whiskies, tending upward.
Cigar manufacturers and dealers in seed
leaf tobacco, dealers in drags and furniture
report trade fair only. Stock values at New
Tork have improved sharply on the prospect
of the intervention of a leading banking
firm in the affairs of Atchison.
The strength of the Gould stocks leads to
the belief that that interest has been pla
cated in the matter. Bonds are strong and
fairly active. Money at New York has re
turned to a lairly easy basis. Call loans,
34i4 per cent Foreign exchange is
steady, but hangs below the gold shipping
point Demand sterling, M 88ii 89.
Forty-four railroad companies report to
Bradstreet's gross earnings of 513,778,957 in
March, against $12,347,553 in March, 1888,
a gain of 12 per cent
Reports to Bradstreet's of mercantile fail
ures throughout the United States during
the first quarter of the current year show a
total of 3,569, against 3,053 in the first quar
ter ol 1888. The aggregate liabilities of
failing traders are 541,861,000, against $34,
108,000, and actual assets $20,376,000, against
517,936,000 in ihe first quarter of 1888. Five
or six lailures in Boston with exceptionally
heavy liabilities will more than account for
the $7,000,000 excess liabilities this year
over the first quarter in 1888.
The bank clearings at 40 cities for March
aggregate $4,479,128,091 against $3,782,
909,740 in 1888, an increase of 18.4 per cent
The total for the first three months of 1889
is $13,313,788,214 against $11,376,678,609
during the first quarter of 18SS, an increase
of 17 per cent
The reported generally satisfactory con
dition of the winter wheat crop, favorable
weather throughout the wheat belt and fair
progress in planting wheat has resulted in
slighter volume of specnlative trading
less than one-half as much as last week
and in SDite of renewed inauiries from the
United Kingdom and France prices are off
i;j per cent at js ew xorfi. A t Chicago the
May option dropped 7c to 92c on Thurs
day on free speculative sales. Flour sym
pathized and is offl525c and heavy.
.Stocks of wheat out of farmers' hands
east of the Eocky Mountains, March 30,
amounted to 39,636,000 bushels, against 44.
683,000 bushels March 1 and 59,859,000
bushels April 1, 1888. Stocks of flour at
principal points of accumulation aggregate
1,814,000 againstl.823,000 barrels one month
ago, and 1,690,000 barrels one year ago.
Corn, with a good foreign demand, is firmly
held, and 1 cent higher. Oats are steadv.
The heavy arrivals of raw sugar are offset
by limited offerings at extreme prices in
anticipation of higher prices later on. Re
finers have full stocks of raw 26,000 tons,
against 31,000 tons a year ago, while im
porters have only 21,000 tons against 99,000
tons a year ago. The "trust" is reported to
have transferred the American refinery at
San Francisco, to avoid legal complications.
The world's visible supply and the crop out
look favor full prices, while the increased
American consumption of foreign sugar
within three months is placed as high as 13
per cent, dne to short home crop. Prices
are one-sixteenth to three-sixttenths of a
cent higher on the week at New York. Re
fined is a quarter of a cent off at San Fran
The actual distribution of coffee is light
Prices have been lower, but Thursday's re
action brought them to last week's close.
Full crop estimates and financial uneasi
ness abroad have lent heaviness to option
dealings, with prices off 4c Drygoods
jobbers are less active in New York and
Boston. The March distribution in New
York did not equal expectations. Com-
J tared with 1888 the spring business in most
ines at both markets shows a satisfactory
Resumption of work at Fall Biver has
depressed print cloths prices Xc Aside
from this prices are generally lairly well
held, with brown cottons relatively weak
est. Iiow grade ginghams have almost dis
appeared as a weakening factor in the mar
ket "Woolen goods are in good movement
on old orders. Baw wool is dull, with the
tone of the market weak; prices unchanged.
Baw cotton is l-16c higher on good demand
and a lighter crop movement.
There have been reported to this Journal
for the past three months 160 industrial
strikes, involving 36,731 employes, as com
pared with 190 strikes and 71,952 strikers in
three months of 1888, and 262 strikes and
120,219 strikers in 1887. Copper is still held
at 16$e per pound in this market, and con
sumers are unable to obtain supplies from
the syndicate stocks at a lower price.
American and European parties interested
are in consultation at Paris. Prices are
much lower abroad. The opinion prevails
that no important decline will be realized
here for a month or six weeks.
finch Is the General Report Received By
R.G.Dnn fc Co.
New York, April 5. R. O. Dnn & Co.'s
weekly review of trade says: Railroad earnings
show an increase of about 15 per cent over last
year for March, so far as reports have been re
ceived, and yet stocks are lower, though at
later quotations partial recovery is seen. Trade
at interior points is dnll or quiet In nearly all
cases, though at Cleveland It is fairly satisfac
tory; at Atlanta It Is satisfactory, with spring
business well Sustained; at Omaha it is consid
ered goodt at Kansas City improving, ana at
Bt Paul trade in dry goods and clothing is
very active. There is Improvement at Detroit,
particularly in shlp-bullding, and lumber is
firmer. The money markets are easy and col
lections have improved somewhat at Kansas
City and Detroit, but have fallen off at Atlanta.
Wool has declined for nearly all qualities,
except New Mexico and Texas. The average
of 104 quotations is 24-8 cents. The outlook Is
favorable for a good demand when the new
clip appears. Depressing influences are felt in
the several branches of the drygoods and
clothing trade, not the least being the accu
mulation of stocks which the open winter left
unsold. Raw cotton is Y, cent stronger. In
the iron market more pressure to realize is
seen here and at Philadelphia, and Southern
iron is offered at $50 to $100 below the corre
sponding Northern grades. Bar iron remains
very dull, and rails have sold moderately
witnont lifting of prices. The allotment for
the year has been increased 200,000 tons. In
the coat market no Improvement appears. The
sales of copper abroad at about 41 per ton,
with no news of settlement between the syndi
cate and producers, causes stagnation here,
and while lake is sold at 15 cents for April;
the quotation for G. M. B. July is only 10.0a
cental Oil has been a shade higher, but pork
SO cents lower. Pressure to sell abroad and
fear of roonetary'trotbles growing out of the
Paris difflculty.have reduced the price of coffee
accent. The average prices of all commodi
ties have again declined over half of 1 per cent
for the week.
The most important change is the fall of 2c
in wheat, which naturUly weakens as the
dreams of expected' famine give place to the
realization of large unsold stocks on hand. Re
ports from growing and sowing regions con
tinue to forshadow a large yield this year, and
the demand from abroad, though better since
prices fell, is not large enough to prompt a
carrying of surplus stock on hand. Corn nas
look for improvement in all branches of legit
imate business. The export business distinct
ly improves already, and forthepast five weeks
the value shipped from this port aggregates
S34,O7U,000, against t25.901.000 for the same weeks
last year. The apprehension of stringency in
the money markets about April 1 has now
passed, and the heavy liquidation in securities
on foreign account causes as yet no such with
drawal of foreign capital as has been f eared.See
retary WIndom has made it clear that he will
not at present pay 108 for 4 per cents, or pur
chase i per cents in preference, and during the
past week the Treasury has taken in about
1500.000 more money than it has nald out
The business failures number 222, as com
pared with a total of 240 last week and 249 the
week previous. For the corresponding week
last year the figures were 227.
The Offices of the Westlncbouie Electrlo
Co. Will be Moved.
The offices of Mr. Byllesby, Vice Presi
dent; Mr. Bowand, Secretary, and Mr. Mc
Cullougb, Auditor of the. "Westinghouse
Electric Company, are. to be removed to the
new "Westinghouse building on Penn ave
nue next week.
The company makes this change owing to
the want of more room for the works.
All the rooms now occupied by the
officials in the old building on the corner of
Garrison alley and Duquesne way will be
converted into a part of the machine shops.
Three Boats Start.
The stage of water yesterday was over
eight feet, but falling. The Alarm, Penny
and Jim Gilmore were preparing to go out
with tows. No boats arrived from lower
ports with empties yesterday.
The Handsomest Man
In Pittsburg would look well in one of our
$10 or $12 spring ovgrcoats, silk-faced as
they are and cut en the latest of English
box patterns, or take and examine our suit
line and likewise you are favorably Im
pressed. $10 or $12 gives you choice of some
very nobby suits. To-day we expect a big
trade; 25 extra men are in our clothing de
partment Call and secure oneof these suits
or overcoats. Our low prices have made us
popular and we mean to continue with the
good work. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Kid Glove Bargains!
2,400 dozen, our own importation, at 68c,
75c, 89c, $1, $1 25; best for the money any
where, at Bosenbanm & Co.'s.
SI. Last Month. $1.
April is positively the last month for $1
per dozen cabinets at Elite Gallery, 516
Market street, Pittsburg Come early and
bring children, ram or shine. Use elevator.
The Most Agonizing, Itching, Burning and
Bleeding Eczemas Cared.
Eczema in Its Worst Stages. A Raw Sore From
Head to Feet Hair Gone. Doctors tnd
Hospitals Fail. Tried Everything. Cured
by the Cuticura Remedies for $6.
I am cured of a loathsome disease, eczema, in
its worst stage. I tried different doctors and
been through the hospital, but all to no pur
pose. The disease covered my whole body from
the top of my head to the soles of my feet. My
hair all came out, leaving me a complete raw
sore. After tiring everything, I heard ot your
Cdticura Remedies, and, after using three
bottles of Cuticuka Resolvent, with Cuti
cttba andCcxicuBA Soap, I fina myself cured
at the cost of abont S6. I would not be without
the Cuti cuba Remedies in my house, as I find
themusefnl in many cases, and I think they
are the only skin and blood medicines.
ISAAC H. GERMAN. Wortsboro, N. T.
A Most Wonderful Cure.
I have hadamost wonderful enroof salt rheum
(Eczema). For five years I have suffered with
this disease. I had It on my face, arms and hands.
1 was nnable to do anything whatever with
my bands for over two years. I tried hundreds
of remedies, and not one had the least effect
The doctor said my case was incurable. I saw
your advertisement, and concluded to try the.
CrrncuBA Remedies: and, incredible as it
may seem, after using one box of Cuticuka
and two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two bot
tles of Cuticura Resolvent. I find I am en
tirely cured. Those who think this letter ex
aggerated may come and see me for themselves.
GRACE P. HARKHAM, Belle River, Ontario.
Cuticura Remedies
Cure every species of torturing, humiliating,
itching, burning, scaly and pimply diseases of
the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, and
all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores, scales
and crusts, when physicians and all other rem
edies fail.
Sold everywhere. Price, CuncURA, 60c;
Soap, 25c: Resolvent, SL Prepared by the
Potter Drug and Chemical Corpora
tion. Boston.
i-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
PIMPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped
r im and oily skin prevented by Cuxicuba
Soap. fc
- a
and pains, backache, weak kidneys,
rheumatism and chest pains relieved
in one minute by the Cuticura Anti.
S Pain Platter. The first and only in
stantaneons pain-killing plaster. WS
One of the Consulting Physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute
at 22 Ninth street.
Mr. John H. King, a well-known citizen of
Allegheny county, residing atTarentuiri,has
for a long time suffered from Catarrh. Be
had a hacking cough, dizziness and pain Over
the eyes. The tough, tenacious mucous In his
head and throat was hard to raise, and gave
him such a choked-up feeling. He took cold
easily, andhls throat often became sore. Hav
ing been urable to find any relief, he began
treatment with the specialists for Catarrhal
22 Ninth street. He says:
"In testimony that I have been cured of
Catarrh by the physicians of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, I hereby sign myname.
The above lady physician can be consulted
by ladies suffering from diseases peculiar to
their sex. The medicines used are positively
curative, and are so prepared as to allow the
patient to use the treatment herself. They
treat successfully Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dys
pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney
and Female Diseases.
'Office hours, 40 A. K. to 4 P. M., and 6 to 8 p.
JC Sundays, 12 to 4 p. M. Consultation free
to all. Will remove to 323 Penn avenue on
April L mh2S-D
T dealers in wines, liquors and French cor
dials for family use Sole agents for San Gab
riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND
SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a spec
alty I se22-bl3-rrs
mNo Chemicals.
m ' Wit
MUpL R l 'H
being based upon the action of some alkali, potash, soda or
even ammonia. Cocoa which has been prepared by one of'
these chemical processes can usually be recognized at once
by the distinct alkaline reaction of the infusion in water.
W.- Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa
is manufactured from the first stage to the last by perfect
mechanical processes, no chemical being used in
its preparation. By one of the most ingenious of these
mechanical processes the greatest degree of fineness is
secured without the sacrifice of the attractive and beautiful
red color which is characteristic of an absolutely pure and
natural cocoa.
W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass.
Want to Sett to Their Customers by Sample we will Send Samples to
W1YI. H. ALLEN, 5S,od-
At 4 per cent Compound Interest, expressed In Round numbers, as issued by
lk Isli M fir Sails
PerDa, FoVears. ForlOYars. Forbears. Forbears. Kor0Ye,rs. flfl Mll 10., LlUl.
!02 40 90 230 320 730
.03 60 140 S40 470 L090 OFFICES-
.05 100 230 570 780 1,820 urriuco.
I js $ II I'i J5 ' MbeIw Bilflii, Etiston, Pa.
L00 2;0W 4;540 11,800 , 16,658 86,240 ap6-44.TQS3u
The above table shows what can be accomplished by anyone disposed to lay aside a small
portion of their weekly receipts, and depositing the same in some well-managed Savings Bank.
Everyman who is obliged to work for his living should make a point to lay up money for
that "rainy day" which we are all likely to encounter when least expected. Unquestionably the
best way to provide for this emergency is to open an account with a good, live Savings Bank.
Accumulated money, thus cared for, is safe, is rapidly increasing, is always ready to use
when needed, and is free from the many uncertainties and fatalities of life.
Strive at once to get together five dollars, or even one dollar, and make your first deposit.
Then resolve to add to it as often as you can, even thongh the amount be small.
Tou will be surprised with the magic comfort and strength of this course. Nobody knows,
without having tried it, how easy a thing it is, without being miserly or stingy, to save money,
when once an account with a bank has been opened.
A man then feels a new ambition and a constant desire to enlarge his deposit. It gives him
pleasant lessons in frugality and economy, weans him from the habits of extravagance, and is
the very best guard in the world against intemperance, dissipation and vice.
If you are not already a depositor, and have no special bank In view, permit us to suggest
that you at once try a deposit with
THE PITTSBURG BANK FOR SAVINGS, No. 60 Fourth Ay., Pittsburg, Pa.
To all who may thus favor us, we promise a courteous and accommodating treatment, and
it shall be our endeavor to ma e our business relations, when once formed, pleasant and of long
continuance. GEO. A BERRY. President.
CHAB. G. MILNOR, Treasurer,
Managers Geo. A Berry, Alex. Bradley, H. C. Bughman, J. K. Dorrington, J. L. Graham,
Geo. A Kelly, Jas. Idtaghlln. Jr Chas. F. Wells, T. C. La-ear, J. Painter, Jr., -LFIumer,
Frank Rahm. A C. Dravo. Win. Rosehnrg. Chas. Q. Mllnor. ap6-42
TVTTT .T .TT"TnT?."V Our opening last week proved a
great success, notwithstanding the cool weather. However the bright
spring sun will soon shine again on nature's lovely flowers, and you will
not be able to resist those beautiful creations of millinery art rivaling in
beauty the leal article as shown in our Millinery department. The
choice of Straw Goods displayed here cannot fail to please you, as well
as the beautiful patterns exhibited. Hundreds of them to select from,
and suitable to every purse.
XjA-0-DS beautiful line of the popular Chantilly Laces
and Flouncings to match.
A r-f. A "F This department attracts" crowds of purchas
ers. The display of Beaded and Silk Wraps, Jackets and Infants'
Cloaks is simply immense, while prices are exceedingly low. Fine silk
lined Beaded Wraps are shown from $2 85 to $25 apiece. Mantles and
Wraps for elderly ladies in large variety and at very moderate prices too.
F5! TT) G-iO"V"E department: Besides the well-known
makes of Gold Medal and Carola we have added a complete assortment
of Kid Gloves with Foster's patent lacings. , We have spared no efforts
to produce the best gloves for the least money and we expect that our
reputation for selling the best fitting gloves in Pittsburg will be acknowl
edged by every lady. Our special makes of lacing gloves will be known
as Premiere, the Superieur and the sublime, three qualities of Hook
Gloves. Each pair stamped on the inside and qualities distinguished as
8fll Mlllil lIiTirii W
Premiere quality, real kid, 5 hooks, $i; 7 hooks, 1 25.
Superieur quality, real kid, 5 hooks, $1 50; 7 hooks, $t' 75.
Sublime quality, 7 hooks, $2 25.
We also have nice, soft 4-button Kid Gloves at 75c. 4-button real
French, $1 50 glove, at 89c 4-button real French Suedes $1. 8-button
real French Mosquetaire Suede, $1 50. 6-button Kid Mosquetaires, 85c
Our assortment of well-fitting gloves is the largest in Pittsburg, and
we hope that every lady will give this department a trial.
T?.TT3TtTnT") "tTZEDS-TS T-is department offers
the following attractions; A nice Ribbed Vest, 15c; "blue and pink Ecru
Vests, 19c; a better article, 22c; a superior article, 23c; Ribbed Lisle
Vests, 45c
Look at our Umbrella bargains.
bnecialtv Correct fitting of lenses and
Kframes. All styles of Spectacles and Eye-
u lasses. jxpenencea upacians ana our own
factory and workmen are onr inducements.
WM. E. STfERM, OfrtieUn,
& CO.'S
Breakfast Cocoa
Is absolutely pure
and it is soluble.
To increase the solubility of
the powdered cocoa, various expe
dients are employed, most of them
S3 Sixth Street,
opcctacies ana .Eyeglasses
to every defect of sight
correctly adjusted
- ieia ana upera
lopes, Barometers,
uiasses, 'xeieseepes, jtc;
j.uesoer, etc
8 made to orider,
Iways on hand a
tOCk. 16-TT36U
? and warranted.
large and complete
imI lEIPIIiT-.
APEIL 6, 1889.
Safe, Accurate, Durable, Eco
nomical and Noiseless.
Over 1,000 already in use in Pittsburg and
vicinity, giving perfect satisfaction to the con
sumers and the gas companies.
This is the only cas meter manufactured
that will resist any pressure that can be ad
mitted, and, at the same time, be relied npon
to measure natural gas accurately.
It is of superior mechanical design and
workmanship, and wUl last longer in use than
any other meter.
This meter is constructed entirely of metal,
and no part of it can in any way be injnred or
impaired by the action of the gas.
It Is so constructed that it is not liable to set
out of order: the moving parts are almost in
perfect equilibrium, requiring a pressure of
less than one-hundredth of a pound to do the
work of measuring the minimum; and it will
likewise measure the maximum quantity of
gas, or its full capacity, at high or varying
pressnres, without any readjustment of the
parts. Every revolution discharges a certain
quantity of gas, and the measurement is en
tirely exact, whether the quantity passing
through is at the rate of 1 cubic foot or 1,000
cnbio feet per hour. With this great rane of
capacity, it is at the same time safe, durable
and entirely noiseless in its operations.
Consumers will readily appreciate the advan
tages this meter enables them to secure. All
who are desirous to economizo in the use of
gas, and pay for just what they use, can now
do so, instead of being obliged to pay a certain
sum per month, or per annum, which precludes
any opportunity to realize the benefits which
should result from a careful and economical
use of the gas.
AU honse meters are tested at the works to a
pressure of 20ponnds per square inch or, over
80 times the pressure at which the gas is usu
aUy delivered.
These meters are manufactured and sold by
The Fuel-Gas and
Still Sellin
the Best.
We haven't said a word for
an age about Boys' and
Children's Clothing. If the
sale of it depended on the
advertising we should have
run against a snag long ago.
It doesn't. It depends on
the mothers finding out the
store that keeps the right
sort. They found out at the
start that we had the Best.
The Best for Boys has to
be handsome as well as tough.
Cheapness in quality and
showy lopks may be shifty
devices to draw the money
for Boys' Clothing, out they
don't last
Our make looks well and
wears well besides being low
in price.
How much do you want to
spend on a Spring Oversack?
You needn't look past that
You're sure of getting one to
fit you as if made for you
silk-lined or not silk-lined.
Turn your eyes on the
prices, too. They bear the
Wanamaker stamp for fair-
& Brown,
Sixth street and Penn avenue.
Tailoring to-order from
nearly 1,000 styles of goods.
N1A Sonoma dry port, $1 20 per gal.; Cali
fornia Sonoma dry sherry. SI 20 per gat; Cali
fornia Sonoma Angelica, $120 per gaL; Cali
fornia Sonoma muscatel, SI 20 per pal.; Erie
Island AAA Dry Catawba, Jl 20 per gal.; Erie
Island A Dry Catawba,Sl 00 per gat; Erie Island
Sweet Catawba,Sl 00 per gat: Sonoma Brandies,
from $2 0O to $4 00 per gal.; Gnckenhelmer Rye
iv inajr, .a wioto wpergai.; iiooneKarau oifc
terLIqucur.il 00 perqnart. F.ANDRIESSEN,
mTTT DTIVPDnTTnrt nr m ncr. . T rr
Jackson buildlnir. Sixth and TVnn B.VR.
Latln, German, Shorthand, Memory Training,
rolled. mh9-7S-rrs
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
DER. Roaches banished by con
tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no nav. 83 SEVENTH AVE..
f.-fPittaburg. Pa Price 1 SO per
' pound. ' JaaWfl
- isfi 1 ' sg-S--M
8 JBlllfli.
m nt7 ii iiJMPF
Mu llnQSM' lafl ff
The progress and improvements of the past decade are
most apparent in the Clothing trade. Ready-made
Clothing, both in its manufacture and mode of dis
tribution, has undergone wonderful changes for the .
better; it has now to be honestly made of conscien?
tiously selected materials, and must be .sold in the
light of dayor under the searching rays of electric ? nuf,
light, if a reputation, such as
is to be built upon it The stigma that once attached itself 'to th
business has died out; the only remaining faint sparks are flick-' ',
""5 i" amau wu uiuaauic uan aaicbiuums WBCrC 3 SHU'
ing scale of prices prevails; and even such places only
get a very precarious
strangers to be found in every large city,
, . mostly from the rural districts', who, out
of sheer ignorance, allow themselves
f i to be steered into such dens.
But the guileless countryman is not
the only one that is caught by trickery.
His self-satisfied, know-it-all city cousin is
, sometimes caught Here in our midst we have
shoddy run riot in "cheap" made-to-order tailoring,
and tho still "rheanpr" rcarlv-marle "elnrlincs " anrl a
"- "- .- '-
worst of it is, it takes, until it is found out You have tell-tale &
evidence of such practices in certain ungainly, baggy-kneed trousers
that offend your eyesight on the streets every day. Returning
to a better order of things naturally leads us to
You can tell them anywhere you see them. Their superiority makes
glad hundreds of well-dressed men, and their reliable attributes
makes ours a safe place to purchase. Just now our objective point
is to dress the gentlemen of Pittsburg and Allegheny in fine, fash
ionable, form-fitting Spring Suits and Spring Overcoats for less
money than other dealers ask for far inferior goods, and that we
are doing this pretty rapidly a sight into our continually crowded
salesrooms will easily prove.
See Our Men's Sack Business Suits
At $8, $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20.
They are made of strictly all-wool, choice domestic and im
ported Cassimeres, Broad Wale Cheviots, Scotches, broken plaids,
interwoven plaids,. Mixtures, Corkscrews, Worsteds, etc., and while
you may secure suits of the same materials elsewhere by paying 25
per cent more money, you will not find them as perfect in fit and
make as ours.
See Our Men's Cutaway Frock Suits
At $10, $12, $15, $18, $22 and $25.
We'd like to have you compare these Suits with those turned
out by the scores of so-called cheap merchant tailors whose shingles
hang out in nearly every block. You'd be surprised surprised be
cause ours are called ready-made, while theirs masquerade under the
title of custom-made. But, "what's in a name?" Quality tells, the
price tells; all else is foreign to your interest. You know whaf
good for you.
See Onr Men's Spring Overcoats
At $7, $10, $12, $15, $16, $20 and $25.
They're the most graceful, shapely and gorgeous garments man
ufactured. No matter how fastidious or exacting you may be, we
can easily suit and fit you from our choice assortment
Ours is the only establishment where you can find a complete
stock of extra size garments, and our prices for these are but slight
ly very slightly in excess of our regular sizes.
Clover," as well as our Calliopes
every Boy's Suit this week.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
Sea OIrt is practically intact as one property,
while perhaps one-third of Spring Lake re
mains unsold. The two places are so well
known as Summer Besorts that details are un
necessary. Maps and data will be exhibited to
possible buyers. A fine opportunity for capi
talists or a syndicate. Several of the hotels
and a number of the Spring Lake improved
lots can be included in the purchase.
Apply to SAMUEIi B. HUEY, Attorney for
owners. Nos. 615 to 650 Drexel Building,
Philadelphia. ap3-"4-TTS
Is a preparation of the Drug by which Sts in
jurious effects are removed, while the valuable
medicinal properties aroretalned. Itpossesses
all the sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic
powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of
the stomach, no vomiting, no costlveness, no
headache. In acute nervous disorders it is an
Invaluable remedy, and is recommended by the
best physicians.
E, FERRETT, Agent,
372 Pearl St, New York.
With an Increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper ana better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. ie5-5o-TTS
the first symptoms of diseased kidneys, and
want to save yourself from the agony of a sur
gical operation, always attended with more or
less danger to life, use
and cure yourself of a disease which, without
proper treatment will surely hasten death.
JAMES E. MORBJE, Sole Agent,
153 Chambers st New York,
Sole Whplesale and JtetaU Agent in Pittsburg,
81 Market st, my22-TTS-
Repairing a specialty.
488 THIRD AVK., near Wood St.
Telephone 861. " PITTSBURG, PA.
patronage from a surolus of
.w , ,. .. , .. MW ,.J.
will receive four grand presents this week. The
New Puzzles: "Cows in the Corn" and "Pigs in
and Crack Shots, will go free with
Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nosa
blades fitted to other eye glasses.
Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on tha
premises. 90S PENN AVENUE, PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
B y a thorough knowledge of tha natnrallaws
which govern the operations of digestion and
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythejudldous
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
may be gradually built np until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to ucx wnerever mere is a weat point, w e
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simplv with bolliucr water ormllk. Sold
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
Arethe Best,
Durability", Evenness of -Point
and "WorkmanshiTJ. .
receipt of lOcentainstamps. AskforcardliaS
Established 1S& ' Telephone CaHMTo.
Contractor and Manufacturer of
Doors. Wainscoathig. Ceilings and Hard "Wood
Work of every description, for fcalldtsg and
decorative purposes. Mantels, CaMseta aad
Furniture of Special Design. Dnwku aad
EsttmateefarnMiedoayplieaWoB. OAeeaad
factory. No. 8Bf and 79 Seveetb Areaae, Pitts-
Durg,jra. turn wooa lasser., BW-kHB-na
f Jl t 11
X ,-PK JUL JS, IBWfcsse-