i'' t?y ft' S THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, FPJDAY, APRIL 5, 1889. -' Hj EACH FOR HIMSELF. Splendid Building Project That Will ' Catch the Average Man. fiEAL ESTATE REVOLUTIONIZED. A Homestead Plan toBuj Land and Erect Ten Thousand Homes. SUCCESSFULLY TESTED IN THE EAST Pittsbnrg and Allegheny will, in a few days, have perfected a co-operative organi zation unlike anything heretofore tried in this State, and before proceeding to tell what it is it may be briefly stated that its object is similar to that horse sense which which would be supposed to impel three families to pool their issues and buy a bar rel of onions for 5150 and divide, instead of each paying 51 60 for a bushel. ' It is often noticed that the wealthy can combine with facility and profit, but the poor very rarely, in this country at least, and the corporation noted proposes to en dow the poor with the same power that the rich possess. Thejncorporators are Morton Hunter, Esq., solicitor; Frederick Muegle, J. T. Geisinheimcr, J E. McCrickarr, Theodore Doerflmger. George P. Letsche, George "W. Crawford, John "W. Bell, J. S. Foster, J. "W. Bnrford and Albert Pafen bach. Their seal is a Harrison log cabin affair in appearance. AN IXTEEESTI1TG TALK. In answer to inquiries of one of them he said: The Pittsburg Homestead Co-operative As sociation is a corporation organized on a plan which, plainly speaking, means that all its members work together for the accomplish ment of its business purposes; and is strictly a mutual corporation, as its members mutually contribute to its capital, which is employed for their mutual benefit. The purposes lor which it was chartered are the buying, selling, holding, leasing and improving of lands, tene ments and buildings. The corporation was first suggested with a view to afford a better opportunity to people of small means of procuring their own home steads, and the conclusion arrived at, that such an opportunity could be better obtained by an association composed of all such people, w"ho by small periodical payments within their ability, to a common capital, would in a quicker time get better homes at a cheaper price than bv their own individual efforts. The feasibility of this plan had been demonstrated in New York City by a few workmen organizing an as sociation composed ot kUOO uf their fellow workmen, who each paid SI SO a week into the association, and in the course of a year, bought a large tract of land in tbe village of Alt. Vernon, a suburb of New York, on the New Haven Railroad, and furnished homes to all their members and many others who subse quently joined them. This homestead plan Is to be put in opera tion here by this corporation. Tbe periodical payments have been fixed at $1 per week, so as to make it available to peopleof limited means. The land is to be bought in the city of Pitts burg or Allegheny, or suburbs, on the line of some speedy public means of travel, as near the present built-up portions of tbe city as possible, in such location as the members may de termine, whenever sufficient capital has been acquired. On its purunase one lot is to be con veyed by deed to each member. The member is to obtain HIS LOT AT ACTUAL COST. The corporation also undertakes to build houses on all the lots, at cost price, on like easy terms. The membership is intended to be very large, it being estimated that it will run up to 10,000. The members have but one vote each. The membership is not restricted, any person, male or female, of good character, being eligi ble. Minors, it seems, are permitted by law to become members and make contracts with the corporation, this being the only instance in which it can be done. One commendable fea ture that deserves notice is that a member can withdraw and get his money back. This is cer tainly the most beneficial scheme forthe better ment of oar people of small means in its un dertaking that has ever been introdnced here, and with proper encouragement from tbe pub lic in joining it, and strict attention to business and the exercise of good judgment, onght to result in an annex to our city of at least a thou sand homes, and prove both a public benefit to the city and a personal benefit to the people. This is a novelty in real estate associations, being the only one of the kind in this country. It has no similarity in its organization or plan of business to the associations known as "homestead, loan and trust companies." It is chartered under an entirely different act of assembly from any other real estate corpora tion dome business here. In the manner of carrying on its business, it very closely re sembles building and loan associations. Cities like Philadelphia owe the extent to what their improvements have reached very largely to such enterprises as this, and this seems like a move in the right direction, and one greatlv needed to improve the thin settlements and outlying districts of our city, and cannot be too successful or have too many competitors. The leading idea of this plan, that the people can help themselves to homes by concentrating their resources and efforts, is the trne one. The principle of the power of centralization has been recognized in most other things, but somehow seems not to have been applied in this direction heretofore. A WIDE DIFFEBENCE. There is a radical difference between the manner proposed for doing business by this corporation and that usually ioUowed by building and loan associations. The money paid in is represented by stock certificate, and, though a holder may sell his stock, he cannot borrow on it from the association, the object being to accumulate with a spe cific object and not dissipate energy by scat tering the lund among a portion of the members. Accordingly, they do not bor row. "When there is money in the treasury it will be loaned or invested so as to make money for all, until the accumulation is sufficient to buy a suitable tract of land. Up to this time a member may withdraw, but after the land is bought he simply has a right to his lot at cost and withont any profits going to middlemen or speculators, the object being to enable the poor to get homes they could never acquire singly. "When the land is bought and paid for, and it must be paid for as the seller must secure bis pay or be unable to collect it sub sequently the dues will continue to be col lected until each man has paid in one-third of the money necessary to build bis house. 2ot until then will there be any mortgaging, but as soon as the 33 per cent for building is accumuiated the association will contract at wholesale rates, and mortgages be given the contractors, and so the grind will go oh. If a man does not want bis house so soon he . can hold off until his stock is worth the whole amount necessary to pay for the build ings The law under which the corporation is lormed does not allow it to go into debt. It may lend, but must not borrow. After the first series has run its course, it is the purpose to start another for people who may wish to build more expensive bouses, and they will be allowed to pay 55 or more a week, and they can build Queen Annes or any other kind of palaces they see fit, but the primary object is to assist the very poor, something after the -fashion of the old-time "bee" or "frolic" STRENGTH I1T XTSIOS. The pioneers by these methods did their heavy work, such as log rolling, house building, etc, work that could not be done by individual effort, and in days when the individual had no money with which to hire help. The promoters feel sanguine of suc cess, and expect to revolutionize building and loan methods, which they say are not adequate to provide very poor people with homes, as a man who can only save 51 a week cannot in a lifetime secure a. leverage in the present building associations suffi cient to buy himself a comfortable home. A meeting for organization has been called for Saturday evening. It is estimated that if 10,000 houses worth $1,000 each, all costing 510,000,000, were built, half of it would be labor: 55,000,000, which would be consumed, for if not put into this shape it would go into products tbe making ot which add but little to the wealth of a country and less to the comfort of the purchasers. The argument is similar to that of political economists, that there is no money profit in making whisky unless the product is sold in loreign countries. They, in this case, look at it in the light that a little exhilaration now and then is notprofitable. "While these corporators do not express themselves thus formally, they think the main trouble with 'the very poor the ina bility to save enough to form effective cap italwill be dissipated, self-reliance cul tivated and self-respect with it, that will in a few years redeem many worthy poor people from the thralldom of political task mastera who fatten on their suffrage, and they point to the success of the experiment on the New Haven Railway, in New York State, as proof that it is easy of accomplish ment W QUIBBL1KG HERE. The Brewer Come Out Flnt-Footed They Will Boycott All Who Attempt to Injure Them Some Surprise In Store. Tfie regular monthly meeting of the Alle gheny County Brewers' Association took place yesterday afternoon at their new quarters on Fourth avenue This being the first meeting at the new rooms, and on account of Secretary Wal ther's illness, no notices had been sent out, except a telephone message to each member at 2 o'clock, and the attendance was rather meager, , The monthly routine business was gone through and several committees reported, the principal one being the Campaign Com mittee of Allegheny county, of which air. Wainwright is Chairman. The committee reported that the principal work being done at present was the naturalization of would be citizens at the expense of the association. In addition to this, all parts of the coun ty, but especially the rural districts, are being flooded with anti-prohibition litera ture, the different brewers throughout the county acting as the agents of the commit tee. It was decided furthermore that it would be best toallow the Campaign Com mittee jurisdiction oyer all matters per taining to the active work in the campaign. This step practically places the matter of the proposed step against hostile firms in the hands of this body. President Eberhardt, in speaking to a Dispatch reporter in regard to theproposed step above mentioned, said: "We are now coming out fairly and squarely against all those who go against us, and we shall not try to make a secret of it either." Mr. Straub. speaking on the same sub ject, said: "I don't care who knowsit, but I will always fight a man in his business if he tries to kill my business." The above appeared to be the prevailing sentiments among all the brewers present, and some moves that will astonish the pub lic are certainly under quiet discussion. Then Curtain and Jubilant Music. Tragedy: Afflicted Men. Scene: A System Failing. Enter: Compound Oxygen. Exit: Ache and Ailing, But here's tragedy turned to comedy. Des. Staekey fc Pales: "I havenever had an attack ot neuralgia of the stomach since using your Compound Oxygen Treatment," Mbs. H. 8. Woods, Victor. N. Y. Diss. bTABK EY fc Falen: "Your Compound Oxygen Treat ment has been of the greatest benefit to me in serious throat trouble." Olivia S. Bboad WELL, Lawrenceburg, Md. Drs. Starkey & Palen's office records show over 45,000 different cases in which their Com pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by physicians in their practice, and by invalids in dependently in cases of consumption, bron chitis, asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous pros tration, rheumatism, neuralgia, and all com plaints of a chronlciature. Their brochure ot 200 pages will be forwarded Tree of charge to any one addressing DBS. Stabkey fc Palex, No. 1529 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. What Is It t It's this, that tor to-day and to-morrow only we will sell a special lot of men's fine suits in both cutaway and sacks at 510. They are new goods of this season's make (about 350 in all), and include fine cheviots, diagonals, cassimeres, etc.. elegantly made and trimmed. We only have to add that they are strictly high grade goods, and 520 to 522 would be cheap for them. Ten dollars takes your choice for the next two days only. Avail yourself of this liberal offer, and if you don't want to bny call and inspect them for your own satisfaction. Our low prices have made us popular and famons, and we mean to continue with the good work. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House HENRY BERGER, Cash Furniture and Garpet Home, Liberty Avenue, Corner Sixth Avenue. Furniture and carpet buyers are most cordially invited to see our mammoth house and most excellent stock of reliable make of furniture and carpets, which we guarantee to sell at fully 20 per cent below regular prices this spring. Hekey Beegee, 612 & 644 Liberty st, cor. Sixth ave. Where to Go For spring overcoats. Gents, don't fail to call at the Hub. We show the best 510 and 512 coat in the city. We lead the town in suits for boys at 52, 52 50, 53, 53 50, 54. 5450 and $5. See our men's wool dress pants at 51 75, 52 and 52 50. Fine dress pants at 53, 53 50 and 54. A fine ball and bat to every boy customer at the Hub. Call and see 'em at Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield st. Your Enatcr Bonnet or Bat Should be selected from the lovely line of Paris patterns on view in the extensive millinerv department of the People's Store, 83. 85, 87 and 89 Fifth ave. tvt Campbell & Dice. Tlilt Oar Cloak Room For All the latest spring and snmmer styles of ladies' overgarments. mwfsu Hugus & Hacks. Ladles, They're Beauties! The genuine cut jet spring wraps, which Kaufmanns' will sell to-day and to-morrow for 55. If you can get them elsewhere be low 59, Kaufmanns' will make you a pres ent of one. 1,200 dozen ladies' ribbed vests, 14c, 18c, 19e, 22c. 25c; cheapest in the city, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. 5 pieces black satin Merveilleux, 22 inches wide, a quality usually advertised as a bargain at 51 25, our price while they last 95c per yard. STWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. Whitney baby carriages, the cheapest, finest, neatest and most durable baby car riages made, at J. G. Lauer's Toy House, 620 Liberty street. " snvr Ladies, look 55 will buy your pick and fit to-day and to-morrow at Kaufmanns' from 200 magnificent, genuine cut jet spring wraps; sold everywhere at 59. 1,200 dozen ladies' ribbed vests, 14c, 18c, 19c, 22c, 25c; cheapest in the city, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Challis The most desirable summer fa bric known; S00 designs to select from, light and dark colors, large and small figures, 50c a yard. - , jiwfsu HtJGTJS & Hacke. To-day and to-morrow Kaufmanns' will offer 125 Jadies' fine lace wraps, best Otto man silk, worth 510, at the extremely low price of 56. Economy ia Wealth And the saving you can make on a nice spring dress at the People's Store will add to your satisfaction, be it either of silk, cashmere or other fabric Our dress goods department bristles with bargains. Campbell & Dick. to 83785, 87 and 89 Fifth ave. Now, ladies, what do you say? Only 52 75 will buy your choice from 800 beautiful braided spring wraps it Kaufmanns to-day and to-morrow. They're the regular 54 50 wraps sold elsewhere Top can't get the good of your electrio light unless you have proper shades or globes. The most complete assortment and newest designs are to be found at Craig head's Lamp Store, 615 Smithfield st. D A SAD ACCIDENT. A Well-Known Gentleman Ron Over by an Engine In Allegheny. ' Colonel Bichard Long, of the Pittsburg Forge and Iron Company, while walking on the Ft Wayne tracks between Sandusky and Federal streets, Allegheny, yesterday morning, was run over by engine No. 42 and fatally injured. He has been taken to the Allegheny General Hospital. He is well-known among the business men of this city. The following telegram was received from Chicago in regard to the unfortunate gentle man, and indicates how well and favorably he is known: Colonel Bichard Long, Treasurer and Gen eral Manager of Long's Truss Bail Joint Com pany, who was run over by a train and fatally injured at Pittsburg this morning, was the in ventor of a truss rail joint that has been adopted by a number of leading railroad com panies. He left Chicago March 18, and was abont to take the train for home when the ac cident occurred. He has resided in Chicago for about two years. His home is in Columbus, O. He is a widower, without children, and is about SO years of age. Colonel Long had command of the Seventy third Ohio Regiment during the Rebellion, and served under General Fremont. Ho gained historical prominence by capturing Belle Boyd, the notorious rebel spy. MEETINGS. Office of the PrrrsBtrBG Gas Co. MABCH26.1889. 1 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE stockholders of the Pittsburg Gas Company are hereby notified that a general meeting of the stockholders will be held at tbe office of the company on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M., to take into considera tion the. making of a contract with the East End Gas Company. W.H.AICCLELLAND, Secretary. mh26-68-D LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF HENRY ROBINSON, DECD Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment; and those having claims to present the same, withont delay, to DAVID ROBINSON, Admint'r, West View, Allegheny co. Pa., or his att'y. MARSHALL BROWN. 157 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mh29-6-F BUSINESS CHANGES. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under tbe firm name, of Becker & Jarvis was dissolved the first day of April, 1889, by mutual consent, W. Jarvis retiring. The business of the firm will be settled by the re maining partner, L K. Becker, who will con tinue at the old place, 646 Penn ave. I. K. BECKER, ap3-58 W. JARVIS. Browxsytlle. Pa.. March 9, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, partners in tbe coal business under the name and style of the Climax Coal Company, in the Fourth Pool of the Mononga hela river, in Fayette county, Penna., was this day dissolved by the purchase by Thomas Neel of the entire interest of J. S. Neel in the same. All debts of the said partnership will be paid bv Thomas Neel, who has authority to collect all outstanding Indebtedness due and to be come dne to the Climax Coal Company. Thomas Neel and Sons will continue the coal business at the same place J. S.NEEL, mhlS-92-WF THOMAS NEEL DISSOLUTION THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name of Scott, Poth & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, W. F. Scott retiring. W. F. SCOTT, CHARLES POTH. P. HABER MAa, Jr.. JOS. W. HABERMAN. Having purchased the interest, of W. F. Scott, we will continue the wholesale prodnce, fruit and commission business at the old stand, corner First avenue and Smithfield street, un der the firm name and style of Poth, Haberman & Co., who will collect all outstanding ac counts due tbe old firm and pay all debts. CHARLES POTH, P. HABERMAN, JR., JOS. W. HABERMAN. Pittsbtjbg, April 1. 1889. ap4-S3 PROPOSALS. JEFFERbONVILLE, IND., APRIL 2, 188ft Sealed proposals,in triplicate,snbject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a.m. (Central Standard time),Thursday, May 2, 18S9, and then opened, for furnishing at this depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of 135 flash test, in cases of two flve-Tallon cans each. Tbe U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all pro- Sosals. Preference will be given to articles of omestic production, conditions of quality and price (inctudlog in the price ot foreign pro ductions the duty thereon) being equal. All information furnished on application here. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral OH," and ad dressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster General. U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. ap4-78-J,5,6.7,2L22 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 48-INCH CAST-IRON WATER-PIPE AND CAST INGS Office of Washington Aqueduct, Wash ington, D. C, March 20, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until noon, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1889, for famishing and delivering in the city of Wash ington, 22,700 lineal feet, more or less, of 48-inch cast-iron water-pipe and such special castings as may be required for increasing the water supply of the city. Forms and specifications can be obtained at this office. The United -States reserves therJght to reject any and all pro posals, xne attention oi maaers is invited to the Acts of Congress approved February 26, 1885, and February 23, 1887, Vol. 23, page 332, and Vol. 24, page 414, Statutes at Large. JOHN M. WILSON, Colonel. U. 8. Army. mh20-77-20,21,22123,ap5,6 PROPOSALS FOR ARMOR-DECK MA TERIAL etc, for monitor "Terror." March 28, 1889. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Armor-Deck Material," etc, will be received at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Navy Department, Washington, 3. C, until 11 o'clock A. M.. April 20, 1889. and publicly opened immediately thereafter, to furnish and deliver, at the Navy .Yard, Brook lyn, New York, about 95,000 pounds of plate, shape, and rivet material for completing armor deck and building hatch coamings and trunas of the monitor "Terror." Blank proposals, with specifications and description of the above, can be obtained upon application to tbe Burean, or to the General Storekeeper at the Navy Yard, New York. Tie bids decided by lot. The Department reserves the right to re ject any proposal not deemed advantageons to the Government. JAMES FULTON, Pay master General, U. S. Navy. mb29-7-P PROPOSALS FOR IRON BUOYS AND appendages, mooring-chain and bells Office of Lighthouse Inspector, Third district, TompUnsville. N. Y March 28, 1889, (postofflce box 2128, New -York City): Proposals will be re ceived at this office until 1 o clock p. jr., on MONDAY, the loth day of April, 1889, for furnishing to the Lighthouse Establishment iron buoys and appendages, mooring-chain and bells. The articles to be furnished embrace nan, can, bell, whistling, gas, and ice buoys, shackels, swivels, mooring-chain. ballast-balls, iron and stone sinkers, and bells for light vessels, all of which are enumerated in tbe specifications attached to the form of bid, which may be obtained on application to this office. Contracts will be awarded on each item separately, and bidders are required to state the time when they will agree to deliver the articles. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, to strike ont any Item or items in the specifications. and to waive any defects.' FREDERICK ROD GERS, Commander. U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector, Third district. ap3-25 AMUSEMENTS. Grand Opera House Extra E. D. WILT Lessee and Manager. Week commencing MONDAY, APRIL 8. Special engagement of MISS MAODERN. - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings and Wednesday Matinee, CAPRICE. Thursday, Friday. Saturday Evenings and Saturday Matinee, In Spite of All. SEATS NOW ON SALE. ap4-93 B IJOU THEATER CRYSTAL SLIPPER. Next Week "JIM, THE PENMAN." Ci RAND OPERA HOUSE XX Every evening. Matinee Saturday. NELLIE McHEN RY fin "3 OF A KIND." Week April 8 Minnie Maddern. ap4 w ARRY WILLIAM8' ACADEMY IX TV-IS IUO.T. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. top VTirnT nwis THE NIGHT OWLS NOVELTY AND BURLESQE CO. apl-12 A E. L1NKENHE1MER, ' ARCHITECT, 615 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelts Freund Building, second floor. mh2i-80-MWF "l"TJNCAN C WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street, t,- Second door above Smithfield, Ztf -'. , Pittsburg. ielt-7-JiWT JO-Display advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise mention this page each as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each Inser tion, atidnone taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBJjrCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE dis patch. . FITTSBUHG. THOMAS MCCAFKBKY, 35o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 14 th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wrlle ave. and Fulton at. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST EOT. J. "W. WALLACE, 6121?enn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHED3LEB,5thav. AAlwoodst. EOUTHSrDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. S Carson, street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H.T.GGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. 3. F. STEVEN SOX, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHEN EY, Western and Irwin ares. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKY M. G LF.IM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, Such as "Wanted." "For Sale," "To Let," etc. Intended for Sunday's issne of The Dis patch, shonld be received at the main office, Fifth avenue, not later than 11:50 o'clock on Saturday night, to insure appearance under proper headings. WANTED. Male Heln. TTTANTED-A GOOD BABBEKAT 82 WABH- TT IMUlUJi ST., city. ap5-63 VTrANTED-DBOG CLEKK-GERMAN PKE VV FEBKED. Address ACONITE, Dispatch office. ap5-57 TTT A.N T E D A COATMAKFR-STEADY VV work; good wages, at J. J. MUNN'S, 3817 Butler st. ap5-o WANTED AN EXPERIENOED CHEMIST for a steel works. Address TBOY, Dis patch office. ap5-l4 rrxs-rED-K good barbeh-apfly at YV once at No. 8 SMITHFIELD ST., opposite Monongaheta House. ap5-5S -IT7"ANTED-A GOOD HARNESS MAKER-NO YV other need apply, at JOS. SCHILLER & CO.'S, No. 302 Fifth ave. apS-82 "TTJANTED FIRST-OLA8S PLUMBER. AF YV FLY to l. J. MOORE, residence 31 North Main st., Sharpsbarg, Pa. apS-76 -TtT ANTED QUARRY FOREMAN. 10 YV quarry men and 10 laborers at WALKER'S HILLS, Allegheny county. Pa. ap5-30 -rrr anted agents to sell the only YV American metal polish; lane profits. In quire at 11 Market st. CHARLES WOLPERT. apS-54 WANTED SALESMEN FOE CITY AND surrounding towns; 2s a week for good men. Apply J. J. HOBKlS,83 Fourth ave., Pitts burg. ap5-46 TrrANTED-GOOD BLACKSMITH USED TO V general mill and forge work. Apply to SCOTTDALE UtON 4 STEEL CO. LIM., IJcott dale, Pa. ap5-73 WANTED A FEEDER FOR LITHO GRAPHIC steam press. Inquire at tbe ARMOR LITHOGRAPHING CO., Chestnut and Bluff streets. ap5-21 TXANTED-TWO CARPET UPHOLSTERERS Y V to lay carpets; none but those with city ex perience need apply. E. GBOETZ1NGER, 63 and 63 Penn ave. ap4-31 -TTTANTED-BOOKKEEPER; YOUNG MAN: VV mast also do office work and collecting; salary no per week. Address, with reference, P. o. JJUA117, eity. apa-49 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED, BOOT AND shoe-salesman to travel In oil regions and northern counties of Pennsylvania. Address BOX 607, Pittsburg, Pa. apS-2S-rsu -TTTANTED A TEACHER FOB A PUBLIC Mv V Bbuuui iu Acarr.o tunuBUlu, Aliecueur bounty. Apply to FREDERICK TSCHUME, 602 East St., Allegheny City. ap3-41-'WP -fTJANTED-lNUUSTRIOUS MAN: MOST BE VV temperate and 'have good references; 112 weekly; position permanent. KUNZ & CO.. 62 Fourth ave., upstairs. ,p5-45 .. WANTED-A COMPETENT AXLE HAM MERMAN can secure steady employment by applying to KEYSTONE AXLE WORKS, Thirty-third st. and A, V. B. K. apS-65 WANTED-YODNGMAN TO WORK IN JOB printing office; about three years ex ?erlence required; a good chance to complete rade. Address PRINTER, Dispatch office. apS-43 WANTED-BOLICITORS-TWO OB THREE experienced men; must be of rood address and personal appearance. THE COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCY, No. 163 Fifth avenue, ap5-27 WANTED-BOLL TUBNER-A FIRST-CLASS roir turner that can turn all kinds of mer chant bar rolls, rounds, squares, flats, ovals and bands, etc, etc Address (with reference and price per day) 'TOLEDO, " Dispatch office. J2, P4-" TTJANTED - RESPONSIBLE AGENTS IN VV every city to canvaBS for my Asbestos Safe "Wallet (fire and steam proof); every business man needs one. For Information write to EMIL WEISSBROD. patentee and manufacturer, Greenfield, Mass. aps-18 WANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND granite salesmen; must have experience In this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GBANITEiCO., Erie. Pa. mh28-78 -TTTANTEO MAN OF INTEGRITY AND V V ability to introduce our goods in Pittsburg; they can be sold to every business place and pri vate residence, and tbe demand will be continu ous. Address, with references, ROBACHER'S DISINFECTANT CO., Rochester, N. Y. ap5-20 WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; S7S PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Inst what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. fel3-S-r TT7"ANTED-IMMEDIATELY ONE EXTRA V V quick first-class granite tracer and letterer; must be especially fast in this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or four first-class granite cutters: must be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh26-78 Female BelD. TT7-ANTED-GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE VV WORK, with references. Apply at 166 BUENA VlbTA STREET. Allegheny. ap5-75 WANTED-A TRAINED SERVANT FOB general housework In a family of four at the East End; a good Protestant girl can have pleasant home and good wages. Address, giving reference, P. O. BOX 51, Pittsburg. ap4-54 Situations. WANTED SITUATION BY dresser and show card writer. J., Dispatch office. WINDOW Address R. apS-12 TTTANTED SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER. VV bill or shipping clerk; references given. Address W., Dispatch office. ap4-30 WANTED-POSmON AS STENOGRAPHER by one who understands using a Remington. Address E. B., Dispatch office. a p 5-72 WANTEDPOSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OB assistant by a young man of experience; have good reference. Address WILL, Dispatch office. ap5-53 WANTED-SITUATTON BY A YOUNG MAN with five years experience in a retail grocery store; can give best of reference. Address T. M. J., Bnena Vista, Pa. ap5-34 WANTED-SITUATION WITH A BUTCHER by a young man wishing to learn the busi ness, who can give good references. Address BOOM 2, Richie block, Beaver Falls, Pa. ap4-74 WANTED-BY AN XXPERIENCED SALES MAN, position' in drygoods or furniture house: good references. Address or Inquire E.H. DREW, 67 Firth avenue. 2d floor, Pittsburg, Pa. ap3-21 Partners. WANTED-A PARTY TO BUYHALF-INTER-ESr In valuable Invention (patent applied for): or, to loan S3,000 to conduct the business. Address PATENT, Dispatch office. ap4-5a TTT-AN 1 ED-A RELIABLE MAN WHO CAN VV invest tl,O0O or more in a corporation now forming to extend a very promising manufactur ing business; must be able to take charge of books and to act as Secretary and Treasurer: ref erence required. Address LOCK BOX 60, Pltts bnrg, Pa. Bp5-a WANTED CAPITALISTS BY AN OLD ES TABLISHED New York House, a special capital of 25,000; object, enlargement of their business; references of highest character will be furnished, and good interest guaranteed; active Sartnershlp if desired. Address INVESTMENT, 'lspatcb office. apS-U -TT7-ANTED-LIGHT MANUFACTURINGfA V V party having a good plant and location Is desirous of getting established therein a manu facturing business; some capital may be fur nished: quite a rare opportunity is offered to tba right parties. Address stating kind or business, number of hands employed, etc, P. O. BOX 732, city. ap-l WANTED-ACITVE OK SILENT PAKTNEB actlve young man.'Tlth some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred; business establlshedand growing; too much work lor nresent owner; capi tal desired to add new lines of goods; amount re- quirea irom ji,wi 10 wi. vw; reierences given ana expected in return. Aaaress AViiVlsrAlilKl.K, Dispatch office. . , "p3-S8 WANTED. Male and Female fleln. "TTTANTED-A MALE COOK, 10 PEKWiiXK TT Second cook, farm hands, seamstress, nurse, chambermaid! and traitress. 60 cooks, 200 house firls. 40 for hotels. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, 15 Grant St. apl-D FlnanclaL WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PKOPEBTY IN either city: lowest rates of interest. bPEN CEB4GLOSSEB, 419 Smithneld st. mhJJ-7 WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY' settlement with Itemized statement. iBLACK it BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D TTT-ANTED-MOirTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN TV In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GRABBING A XYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-P ANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP- ERTY. over 14. 000; X ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., SZFourthavenne. iuu4-a-D "T7-ANTED-RENT3 COLLECTED PKOMPT VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. lal-81 WANTED-BENTS TO COLLECT; 8PEC1AL attention given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield st. mhiJ-7 WANTED-50 SHAKES PLEASANT VALLEY stock; parties having any of this stock for sale will please call. JOHN H. McCREEKY, 95 Fifth avenue ap5-13 w ANTED-TO LOAN (500,000, IN AMOUNTS of 13.000 and nnward. on cltv and suburban property, on H per cent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent. BLACK BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d28-D w ANTED-IO LOAN 80,000 ON MOBT- uauuj; sioo ana npwara at o per cent; 500, 000 at 4)4 per cent 6n residences or business uiuuerty; aiso in aaioiuing FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. Jso In adjoining counties. S. H. ocu-eM-u TTrANTED HOUSES TO BENT, BENTS TO VV collect, mortgages on city and suburban property at i, 5and6percent; property selected and bought or sold on lowest commission : call for new property list for April. J. DEBMITT, 407 Grant st. ap5-14 WANTED-MOKTG AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4H, Sand 6 per cent, and on (arms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 Miscellaneous. WANTED-EVERY PERSON TO CALL AND get new for sale catllogue. EWING BYERs. 107 Federal St. ap5-6-MF8u .TTTANTEO-TO BUY-FUBNITURE. CAR- VV PETS, etc, for cash. PITTSBURG AUC TION 4 STORAGE CO., 83 Third ave. mhI7-7-27.23.apl,3.5,7 W ANTED-TO BUY CARPETS AND FURNI TURE: cash paid. Call at once, PITTS BURG AUCTION AND STORAGE C0..93Tnlrd ave. ap5-68 WANTED-WE PAY CASH FOB SECOND HAN O carpets and furniture at your resi dence. Address P1TTSBUBG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO , 93 Third ave. ap3-3 TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW APKTL VV Is the last month for cabinets at II 00 per doz. at ELITE GALLERY. 516 Market St.. Pitts bnrg, Pa.; come early; bring children; use eleva tor. apl-13 WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND general merchandise for storage; lowest rates In the city; goods moved by experienced men. PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. ap3-4-WFBU TTTA N T E D BUYERS FOB WATCHES. T v jewelry. nllverware. clocks anecl&l in ducements; 10 to 0 per cent discount to cash buyers for 15 days only. JOHN MITSCH. 130 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. mh22-jrwrsu TTTANTED-PUPILS DESUtlNG TO LEABN VV Pitman's or Graham's shorthand and type writing: experience of 25 years as a practical stenographer. Address or call at MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood St. ap5-39 TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT VV H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock ot American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place HENRY TERHEYDEN, SJObmlthfield St. noll-jiwrsu FOR SALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. City Residences. FORSALE-tl,200 WILL BUY A NEW HOUSE 3 rooms and cellar, lot 20x100 ft., on Soho St., near Reed St. SPENCER GLOSSER. 419 Smithfield st. ap3-27 T7IOB SALE-J3.000-TEBMS EASY, BUYS A E good brick dwelling of 7 rooms, vestibule, halls, good cellar, gas and water; In good repair: Bedford ave., near High School: bargain. ALLE& BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. ap3-53-wrs FOR SALE-PAYING INVESTMENT-NEW frame and brick dwellings of 28 rooms each; rentals ,1,968 per year: fronts on three paved streets near Ninth street, Southslde; price 118,000: terms to snlt; a bargain. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. ap4-52 FOB SALE VALUABLE PBOPEBTIES ON Penn ave. and Thirty-ninth st., city, at trustees public sale, on Thursday afternoon, April 11, at 2 and 3 o'clock, on the premises; handbills of full particulars, with description of properties, fromWJL B. VATES. Atty., or J AS. W. DBAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. ap5-31-D FOB SALE-ON BLUFF STBEET. NEAR Chestnut, a beautiful 2-story and mansard pressed brick dwelling, with stone trimming, of 8 elegant large rooms, handsomely papered and painted, slate mantels, tile hearths, natural and artificial gas, bath, range, h. and c water. Inside w. c. stationary washstands, large closets, etc.; this Is a desirable home, with all modern con veniences; 5 minutes from Court House; will sell reasonable. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. , mh31-135-apl,2,3,4,5,8,10l12 East End Residence. FOR SALE 2 SMALL HOUSES OF 4 BOOMS each at Oakland; price, JI.C00 each, or 3,000 ; prli UVE, for the two.- C. H. LO 93 Fourth avenue. ap3-64-WI'SU TjIOR SALE-SS. 800 'WILL BUY A FINE 6-ROOM JD residence, bay window, large hall, good cel lar, large fruit and shade trees; lot 37X107K; this Is In a first-class uelghborhood and near all churches, schools, cables, etc. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. ap3-13-FSu TTIOR SALE-SHADYSDJE H CASH. BAL- X ANCE to suit: a 2-story and finished attic frame dwelling, on Walnut st. near Belfont, of 8 rooms, hall, sliding doors, range, h. and c. water, batb: all conveniences; nice lot: good neighbor hood; call at office and see photograph. BLACK BAIBD. 95 Fourth ave. ap2-15 -JJ.J IOB 8ALE-NIAGABA ST. NEAR CBAFT. Oakland A 2-storv and mansard brick dwelling with sone trimmings containing 9 beau tiful rooms, ball, vestibule, 2 stalrscases, laun dry, bath, w. c, washstands, sliding doors, china closets, state mantels: all modern Improvements; desirable location and convenient to cable cars. BLA CK BAIRD. 85 Fourth ave. ap2-15 FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE., HOMEWOOD, beautiful cor. lot 48x179. brick house, recep tion hall, parlor, Ubrary, dining room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor; five good bed rooms, bath, etc, on second floor; large finished attic room and cedar closet on third floor; electric bells,"" speaking tubes, slate mantels, sliding doors between parlor and library and reception ball and ftarlor; elegant front porcb, bay window In par or; elegant neighborhood; about 5 minutes' walk from Dallas station, or abont 10 minutes' walk from Firth ave. cable cars; a rare bargain If sold at once THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. mh29-12.29, 30, apt, 2, 3, 5, 6 Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-A NUMBER OF DESIRABLE houses and several choice lots on Clifton ave nue and other streets In the Tenth ward; a few lots nearblue line stables, very cheap for cash. JOHN H. MCCBEEBY. 95 Fifth avenue. ap5-8 FOR SALE-THE BRICK DWELLING AND lot No. 13 Linden street. Allegheny, near North avenue, or estate of Isabella Thorn, de ceased: an excellent dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, natural gas, etc., etc. : to be sold at public sale, by order orexecutors, on Tuesday afternoon, April 9, at 2 o'clock, on thepremlses; title perfect; Im mediate possession. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ap5-32-D Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN home; new; all conveniences, large grounds, irnits, shade trees, Ingram station; 12850 on easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. ap5-52-irrwy FOR SALE-IN WH.KINSBURG, NEAB STA TION, new house of 6 rooms, hall, cellar, water, gas, sliding doors, finished attic porches, slate mantels, etc. E. D. WINGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave. 81)4-51-4,5,7,9.11,13 FOR SALE-AT A SACRIFICE TO A QUICK buyer, 4 acres beautiful ground, covered with choice fruit trees, never falling spring pure water: new six-roomed frame bouse: Ave minutes' walk rrom Haysvllle station, on Ft. W. C. K. B. For further particulars address 407 GRANT AVE., or J. M. DAVIS, Lock Box 102, city. ap3-55 FOR SALE A SUBURBAN HOME, AT Sewlckley, P Ft. AV. & C. B'v, 4 minutes from station; a good frame dwelling of 8 elegant rooms, batb, h. ana c water, both gases, cemeut ed cellar: lot 115x152, covered with fruit and shade trees; stable and carriage house: this is a beautiful property and cheap: call at office soon. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ap5-J6-MWThF TJ'OR SALE-IN WILKLNSBURG, 2-STOEY JL- inline nouse, & rooms; one-hlf acre of ground, bet with fruit trees; price p.600: new 2-story mansard frame house, 8 rooms, reception hall, slate mantels, 'batb, etc.; 13,500; 2-story brick. 8 rooms; lot 52x149; ?5,8O0; 2-story frame 6 rooms and finished attic slate mantels, etc.; S3. 100; terms to suit the purchaser. THOS. LIGGETT', 114 Fourth ave. ap5-2i-Mwrs FOR SALE AT SHERDDAN 2-STORY frame bouscnearlynew,6 rooms, hall, tront porch, lot 60x100, well set with choice fruit; price S2.300. Two-story brick house, 9 rooms, lot HOx 4-13; price 83,800. Two-story frame house.3 rooms and stable, lot 40x100, well set with fruit: price 11, 100: sold on small pavments. Two-story frame bouscSooms and finished attic lot 100x100, well set with choice fruit; price (2,800. THOS. LIG OETT. 114 Fourth ave. ap5-24-TTTSu FOR SALE LOTS. ,Clty Lot -rriOR SALE-BEDFOED AVE.', LOT 24x100 TO I' an ftllPV AM. nw i,M. ItnA. thfa will mlri Lat a bargain If taken at once; call soon. 4SLACK BAIBD, 90 Fourth ave, apS-88-xuwrs, , FOR. SALE LOTS. East End Lota. TrnOR SALE-2 LARGE LOTS, 24x100, BEY JD NOLDS street, near Dallas station and Bou levard place; price, two; easy terms. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. ap3-13-rsn FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. B. It . convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from S40S to (600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no28-y78 FOR SALE-2,300-SHADYSIDE LOTS 50x181 feet In Walltngford place plan, on 60-foot street; all houses to be set back at least 40 feet from street: very desirable neighborhood; 5 min utes from Fifth avenue cable or P. R. K. station. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. mh31-44 T7IOK SALE LOTS! LOTS! 3 CHOICE LOTS J on Frankstown ave., Brushton station; Bank of Commerce addition plan : each 40x140 feet to 24 foot alley; terms, SSO down and S10 a month; cheapest lots In the market. Secure plan from J OHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield st. mb31-75-irwT FOB SALE BAUM GROVE LOTS. BOUP station and near both cable lines: this is tbe most desirable and central location In the East End; wide flagstone sidewalks through the whole plan: secure colored plan from MELLON BROS., East End, or JNO. F. BAXTER, Agt.. 512 Smith field st. mb31-75-MWF Alleshenv Lota. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avennes and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43N. Diamond St. mb7-98-D FOR SALE-DUQUESNE PARK. PERRYS "VILLEav., Tenth ward, Allegheny, at the terminus or the Federal st: electric railway; Dn quesne Park is the name given to a plan of lota laid out on the Thomas farm; lots 50x150; beautiful view, good water and pure air; sale Saturday next. April 6, at 2 p.m. : cars leave postofflce every 20 mlnutts. Plans and particulars from A. 1. PENTECOST, Keal Estate Agent, 413 Grant at. apl-7 OR BALE DUQUESNE PARK. FERRYS-' VILLEav.. Tenth ward, Allegheny, at the terminus of the Federal st, electric railway: Dn quesne Park Is the name glven,to tbe plan of lots laid out on the Thomas farm; lots 50x150; beautiful view, good water and pure air; sale Saturday next, April 6, at 2 p.m. : cars leave poBtoffice every 20 minutes. Plans and particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Beal Estate Agent, 413 Grant st. apl-7 Miscellaneous. FOB SALE LIST JUST ISSUED CALL OB send for one. EWING BYERS, 107 Federal street. ap5-6-MTSn FOR SALE-PROMISING INVESTMENTS AT Sea Girt and Spring Lake N. J., to party or parties with money: see this paper to-morrow or address SAM'L B. HUEY, At.,: Philadelphia. apS-TS-MWn- ' FOB SALE ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses toletorforsaleby I. G. ADAMS CO., real estateagents, Beal Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City. N. J. , ap5-9 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. T?OE SALE-t2,200-SUMMER BESOBT4 MILES east of Cresson Springs, JAS. D. MAIT- LAND, GalUtzln. Pa. ap4-75 JTIOB 8ALE-LAHGE BBICK STOBEBOOM with 4 living rooms. In a first-class location; rankstown avenue, near station St.; 3-room ten ement In rear: lot 20x100; price to, 800.- MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St.. E. E. ap3-13-FSn Business Chances. ' A L E A WELL-ESTABLISHED TJ'OR X 1 bakerv with rood trade. Inaulre at the nlace. JOHN HAID, Southern avenue, Mt. Oliver. ap4-53 FOB SALE -FINE RETAIL GBOCERY store In the East End, doing a business of from S23. 000 to 130,000 a year. Inquire of CHAS. F. FRAZEE, Drummer for Arbuckle & Co , 800 to 808 Liberty st. mh31-63 FOR SALE-LEASE, GOODWILL AND FIX TURES ofafeed store; well located and now doing a good and profitable business; the only reason for selling Is declining health of the pres ent owner. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ap3-84-wrsn OR:SALE-TIN AND SLATE BCSINESST large tin and stove store with slate yard; all tools good condition; wagons and horses; doing paying business: pay Investigation: further par ticulars Inquire of ALLES BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. ap2-U FOB SALE GENERAL STOKE IN COUNTRY town; choice stock, good trade: community highly moral: excellent private academy nearby: a rare opportunity, reason for selling, death of head proprietor. For particulars address E. GAMBLE. Sogers, O. mh26-33-D TJOR SALE-GROCERY STORES FROM $250 TO X? 12,500; drug stores, cigar and notion stores, boarding houses, bakeries, confectioneries, res taurants, hotels, shoe stores, printing office coal works, gents' furnishing business, etc.; 100 busi ness chances to select from. SHEPABD CO., 54 Fifth ave. ap2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metala. FOB SALE-BEMLNGTON TYPEWRITERS, cabinets, office supplies and fine grades of linen papers for writing machines. A. M. MAR TIN, 412TVood at. ap5-39 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stockl from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest price; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25Parkway. J,S. YOUNG, ABegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWl' FOR SALE 28x43 CORLISS ENGINE; ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure J. A. MCCORMICK, ISO First ave. aul-p32-irwr FOB SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7)jxl2-inch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope centrifugal pumps, etc; two 26x48-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CABLLN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-iiwr Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec FOB BALE HANDSOME EAY MABE; sound, gentle and good driver: owner has no use for and will sell cheap. Inquire at 161 SAN DUSKY ST., Allegheny. ap5-74-srr SnaceUaneona- TjIOR SALE-60 BABY BUGGIES. 20BEFKIGEB JP ATORS and Ice boxes very cheap. PITTS BUBG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. ap5-69 TTIOR SALE-GOOD, NEARLY NEW SAFE, 67 j in. mgn, win. wiae 31 in. aeep: win do soia very low. Call at S. HAMILTON'S, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. ap5-51 TO LET. Suburban Residence!. TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc, near Patterson station, P. C. Y. R. B.. and Crarton, P. C. St. L. R. R. In- 3ulre of B. F. SHAFFEBS, Crafton, Pa., orad ress F. C. BIGGEST. Rochester. Pa. mh21-68 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, ABegheny. Wli. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-SEWICKLEY HOUSE-P., Ft. W. C. By. : furnished or unturnlshed; a good dwelling of 8 rooms; bath, both gases: lot 115x152; stable and carriage house; only 8t00 per year, with use of cow, horse and carriage: or 350 un furnished: this beautiful place Is ior sale cheap. BLACK BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave ap5-37-MIWFS Business Stands. TO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement, 133 First ave Inquire of HUNT CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mhl9-44 TO LET-AN OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY stand In Allegheny: a fortune assured the right party. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 501 and 506 Smithfield st. ap5-55 TO LET-BUSINESS CHANCE, WYL1E AVE. Brick dwelling, 6 rooms and storeroom; nsed as drygoods store; splendid stand. Further particulars Inquire of ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue. Tel. 167. ap2-60 TOLET-THBEE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for wore or for display rooms and for offices: light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free; passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service In cluded. Rents J3O0, 8400 and JI.OCO per'annum: situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all the public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. M. and 4 P.M. atthe NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Apartments. TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENT'S suitable for light housekeeping, with gas, water ana nam. Appiyto J.u. jiukkow, suoestnre, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. ap5-40 TO LET-UN FURNISHED BOOMS-SOME four-room flats for housekeeping; one six room house; some storerooms. For particulars, inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET, apl-16 ' Specinl. mO LET-OUR "TO LET" LIST, as HERETO JL FORE Issued from our office Is now pub lished every Saturday (without expense to land lords) In Ibe Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 91 Fourth ave. ap3-88-MTwTP TO LET-BY EWING BYERS, NO. 107 FED ERAL ST. At Reduced Rents. zlilawell street, bouse 8 rooms. Manhattan street, house 6 rooms. Nixon street, house 7 rooms. Beaver avenue house 9 rooms, Warner street, house 5 rooms. Manhattan street, house 4 rooms. Vermont street, house 7 rooms. N. Diamond street, house 6 rooms. High street, house t rooms. Chestnut street, store and dwelling. SDlamOnd street, large store room. Perrysville avenue, bouse 7 rooms. East street, houses rooms. Buena Vista street, bouse 9 rooms. Washington street, house 6 rooms. 'Lincoln street, bouse 10 rooms. Ackley street, home. 7 rooms. Also several small houses at Laurel and Avalon stations on P., Ft. W. a K. B. Call at office and tee; bulletin. EWING ft BYERS, p5-7 . ,- - 107-Federalst,- TO LET. Cltv Residences. T 10 LET-OR FOB SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE nn afnnntTVtt.fitnf.tnn hap. tlnLV and 1111 worth streets; has eight rooms, large lot, and Is supplied with natural gas and city water. In quire at the office of the PITTSBUEQ FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. mh2Z-3S East End Residences. TO LET-EAST END. PITTSBURG. COB. Margaretta and Beatty sts. , house 8 rooms and stable Urge lot; rent, 23. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. apt-45 TO LET-P2 BRICKHOUSE.6 ROOMS. BATH, front and back yard; 4 minutes' walk from cable cars and East Liberty station. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave mb31-U7 TO LET-DESIBABLiS EAST END HOUSES at reasonable rents: 6 to 10 rooms: late lm erovements; rent for (25 a month and upward, all or send for prlntedllst. W. A. HEHRON SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. mh31-85-MWP Allegheny Residences. TO LET "WESTERN AVE. HOUSE 8 ROOMS, porch, etc; rent, JMO. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st., Allegheny. ap3-45 ffai TO LET TAYLOR AVE. NEW TRICK honseof 10 rooms: all modern imDrovemeiita: rent, S550. A. D. -WILSON, 55 Federal St., Alle gheny. ap3-45 TO LET-37 ALLEGHENY AVE.-3-STOBY brick dwelling; 8 rooms: all modern Improve ments; rent 840. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st , ABegheny. ap3-45 irlcfc house; 8 rooms and modern Improve ments; rent, S400. A. u. WILSON, ta Federal st., Allegheny. ap3-45 TO LET-ON PAGE ST. . FINE BKICK HOUSE 8 rooms, hath, laundry, bay windows, front ana Dacayaras, etc ; onry sou. .A. v. YtlLfsua, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ap3-45 T 10 LET FINE 7-BOOM BBICK HOUSE, 70 iuraoaincK avenue, juiesmenv: oaxn- lava tory, laundry, both gases: 128; no water tax. W. W. MCN KILL BRO., 105 Fourth ave p5-41 mO LEI A LARGE BRICK DWELLING ON JL Stockton avenue near Federal street, Alle- gneny: is rooms, natural gas, etc., etc. JAS. W. DBAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. ap4-71 TOLET-ATS21 PEBMO. FOB 8 BOOMS AT No. 100 Taggart st., Allegheny; If desirable owner will room with tbe tenant and make due allowance off the above named rent. W. A HERRON SONS, SO Fourth ave ap3-87-wr Offices. Desk Room. &c TO LET IN THE sMcCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lltrhted offices, each room frontlnsr on a nrlii- clpal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. jas-iD mO LET-AT 802 FKSK AVE.-2 DOUBLE JL rooms on first landing, suitable for offices; also, ono nicely furnished room on third floor; also, stable In rear of the above suitable for a shop. SPENCLR GLOSSES, 419 Smithfield St. ap3-28 mO LET LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON X the second and all or third floor of Mellon's bulldlncr. opposite City Hall, Smithfield street; good light; reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MEL LON SON'S BANK, 512 and 514 Smithfield street. mn.ii-. 5-mwf rii JL building; corner Wood and Diamond street four offices at low rent; one single office 15x20, and two connecting offices 20x26 and 15x18; one single office 12x15: all snlendldlv lls-hted: finished In modern style; all newly painted and papered: pos session ai once. mnai-as-D PERSONAL. TTlERSONAL-IF J. S. D1NN1N. FORMERLY JL of Toronto, Canada, will communicate with the writer be wlU hear something to his advant age. Aaaress A. jr., AHspaten omce. apa-5 T EKS ON AL BOOKS WANTEDIF YOU JT have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worta iuiam, let us tnow; we win out one as Sulckly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, eventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 TTlERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE. X. mother or daughters in renalrlng and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle bv DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits madetoorder; spring styles now reaqy. xeiepnone laao. mua REWARDS. TEWARD-TA-VA-ZONI NATURE'S PRICE- jL.ii was girt to suffering humanity: for all ail ments. Vfilt GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, 301 Grant, cor. Third ave., Pittsburg, and secure a Dottie; you will De wen rewaroea tor your visit. Also a bottle of that sovereign remedy Ta-va-zon Lnng Cough Syrup. A most potent and unfailing cure ior cougus, coias, mroai ana lung iroumes. ap5-67 LOST. LOST-BULL TERRIER DOG: WHITE, WITH black spot over right eye; heavy plated col lar; initials u.ij.; iioerai rewara. Actum 10 STABLE, rear 22 BidwelL Allegheny. mn5- OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. T5 miiij uilun TJ a Hfovitti OQ TOOf! ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLl report of Viewers on the opening of Boutn xwenty-eigntn street, irom tast uarson street to Mary street, has been approved by councils, wnicn acaon wiir do nnai, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief, of Department of Public Works. mh30-8-D PrrrsBUBO, April 1 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessments for the construction of board walks on Sycamore street, from Stauwix street to Shiloh street, and Natchez street, from Southern avenue to Bangor street, are now ready for examination and correction, and will remain in this office for ten U0) days, after which they will be returned to the City Treas urer ior collection. Ji al uiuislo w. Chief ot Department of Public Works. apl-25 QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE LD CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until THURSDAY, April 11, 1889, at 2 o'clock P.M.. for removing two prison cells from No. 8 Police Station and replacing the same in No. 13 Fire Engine House Plans and specifications can be seen on ap plication to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe .Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. apSl rilTY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY j eiven that the duplicates for March and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the year 1889 have been placed in my bands for collection by the Board of Assessors authorized to assess the same First installment of City Taxes payable In March or April, second installment payable iu April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first: installment In month of March, but no discount is allowed on first installment. ' Business Tax and Water Rents payable In month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on May J, on July 1 for Busi ness Tar and Water Rents, and October 1 for second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you Intend paying your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March and April, until 8 o'clock P. if. J. F. DENNISTON, mbl4-100-D City Treasurer, Departstent of Franc Safety, Municipal Hall, FITTH8UEU, March 27. 1889. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City controller until 2 P. ST. on MONDAY. April 8, 1889, for printing and binding; SU0 copies An nnal Report Department of Public Safety for the year 1888; 500 copies report of Bureau of Health for year 1S8S; 500 copies report of Board of Health for 1887, and 1,000 copies "Manual Bureau of Health." Specifications can be seen at General Office, of the Department. Bond in donble the amount of bid must ac company each proposal, said bond to be pro bated before the Mayor er City Cleric Tbe Department uf Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. mhZ7-10 (.Continued on Eighth Page.') Oakland Square. For Sale (99)-,5oO-''OaWana Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance $300 per annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, batb, lanndry, inside shut ters, stationary tuba, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear Eorcbes, eta, large lot facing a beautiful pub c square, around which a street has been laid out, sewered, and is being paved with aspnal torn; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl3-4S-D - 32 Lots at $100 each. 12 Lots at $200 each. 7 Lots at $300 each. 1.0 Lots at $500 each. These are large lots fronting on 50-feet streets, one of which is being paved; and are marked at low prices to sell themselves. Situated in Thirty-second ward, 10 minutes' walk from incline; water and gas; good neighborhood; fare 3 cents; monthly tickets SI 25. I will bo on the ground every Satunl ay from 1 to 5 o'clock. Terms to suit. 8. GIFFIN, .Fourth ave. and HmltMeld. ap5-18-MT3 NOTI CBS. PiTianuBO. April L UH.;! "VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE xi Agency or tns Allison Manufacturing Company, John E. Patterson. Agent, No. a JLl Agency of ths Allison Manufacturing Smithfield street, Pittsburg, was discontinued March 1st nit. ALLISON MANUFACTURING CO-ap5-17 Philadelphia. Office of l Tbeabttbzb of axlzohext Cotxntt, v April J, 1889. J -jtTOTICE 4 In pursuance of the 21st section of an . act relating to Allegheny county, approved ths "' 1st day of May, 1861, and of the amendments ot the said section,approvedthe30th day of March,. 1866, 1 do hereby give notice that tha dupli cates for the several wards, boroughs and town ships will be open and I will be prepared to re ceive tha county. State and poor taxes for 1889 on and after the 1ST DAT OF MAY. 1889. Said taxes can be paid at this office until tha 1st day of August with a deduction , of 5 per cent for prompt payment to all persons paying' the whole amount of their taxes. There will be no reduction allowed during tha month of August. There will be 10 per cent added to all taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of September, WILLIAM ftTr.r., apVlS-rj Treasurer of ABegheny County. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com 'monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election to be held June 18, 1889. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article XVm of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth. ' Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate audi House of Representatives of tha Common-' wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment is pro-' posed to the Constitution of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with; the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said' Constitution to be designated as Article XTX, as follows: ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ofj intoxicating liquor, to be used as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this' prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punish able as shall be provided by law. Tbe manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, of intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be allowed in such manner-, only as may be prescribed by law. The Gen- eral Assembly shall, at the first session suc-l ceeding the adoption of this article of the Con-i atitutlon, enact laws with adequate penalties for its enforcement. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE. mhl5-100-F Secretary of the Commonwealth. ' AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval' or rejection at a special election to be held; June 18,, 1889. Published by order of the Secre tary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of i Article XVTH of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. SEcnoj-L Be it resolved by the Senate an Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That the following is proposed as an amend-' ment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth- of Pennsylvania in accordance with the pro, visions of the eighteenth article thereof: AMENDMENT. Strike out from section one, of article eight-,) the four qualifications for voters; which reads' as follows: "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, ha shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed ar least two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that tbe section which., reads as follows: "Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age.' possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First. He shall have been a citizen ff ths i United States at least one month. I Second. He shall have resided in tbe State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding tho election. Third. He shall have resided in the election district where he shall o&er to vote at least two' months Immediately preceding the election. Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, av state or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months and paid at least) one month before tbe election," shall be amended, so as to read as follows: Every male citizen twenty-one years of age possessing the following qualifications, shalll be entitled to vote at the polling place of thai election district of which be shall at the time, bo a resident and not elsewhere: First, He shall have been a citizen of theV United States atleast thirty days. Second. He shall have resided in the Stata one year (or if, having previously been a quail fled elector or native born citizen of tbe State,, he shall have removed therefrom and returned,' then six months) immediately preceding tho election. Third. He shall have resided in the election, district where he shall oiler to vote at lease, thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature, at the session thereof, next after tbe adoption of this section, shall,i and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws to properly enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a citi zen for thirty days and an inhabitant of this Stato one year naxtfpreceding an election, ex.'. ceptat municipal elections, and for the lass; thirty days a resident of tha election district In! which he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to) vote at such election in the election district of which he shall at tbe time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or here- after may be elected by the people: Provided, That in time of war no elector in tha actual military service of the State or of the United' States, in the army or navy thereof, shall ba deprived of his vote by reason of his absence from such election district, and tbe legislature! shall have power to provide the manner InJ which and tbe time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for tbe return and canvas of their votes in the election dis trict in which they respectively reside. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resi-i denceby reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of tha United' States or the State, nor while engaged in the1 navigation of the waters of the State or of the, high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the) right of suffrage hereby established." A true copy of tha Joint resolution. CHARLES W. 8X0NB. mh!4-l-F Secretary of the Commonwealth AUCTION SALES. jM RAND CLEARANCE BALE' AT AUCTION Commencing Friday, April 5, at 10 A- 31. The entire unsold stock of J. A. Gal-. lingers (formerly of 433 Wood street) now as 49 Sixth St., will be sold by auction; consisting: of a large and splendid assortment of finer China dinner, tea, and chamber sets, vases, dishes, etc: bric-a-brac, bisque, terra cotta, and Japanese eoods- in CTeax variety. Roe-era" silver plated ware, cutlery, etc.. etc Sales aauy iu a.mj ana7.au p.m. to positively close out to make room for new goods. , T.A.GALLINGER. BMITHSON & MOORE. Auctioneers. ap4-40 A UCTION SALE Carpets, ingrain and brussels; rugs, cottiers, chenille, Turkoman lace curtains, shades, etc. U.t OA1U1U1AI, ACllLLl 0, at 10 A.M. and 7 P.M. Furniture, bedding, stoves, parlor and chamber suits, sideboards, wardrobes, tables, chairs, rockers, chiffoniers, lounges, tetes, beds, banging lamps, dishes, matting, oil cloth, linoleum, toilet sets, engravings, historical paintings, refrigerators, ice chests, baby bug gies, etc, etc iiituia UAan. PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO, V3 ap5-61 93 Third ave. AUCTION SALE-FINE CARPETS, FUR NITURK and cnrtalna-at auction FRI- " DAY MORNING. Anril 6. at 10 o'clock, at No. 311 Market street, fine brocatelle, plush and sue solas, easy cnairs, concnes, divans, rockers, parlor suits, bed lounges, antique fur niture, fancy cabinets, unique sideboards, hall racks, bookcases, buffets, mirrors, etageres dressers, washstands, bedsteads, chiffoniers, extension tables, dining chairs, velvets, brussels and ingrain carpets, two pianos, cham ber toilet ware, oak, walnut and cherry Cham, ber suits, stoves, bedding, folding beds, etc Goods now on exhibition at rooms. HENRY AUCTION CO- LTM., Auctioneers. ap4-79 TESHT!UTTEI5 J RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON A CO- GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH. AYKMUE. Jawe-xir' -. M m tl s- Mi, ;iS .A. .'i&tr.J-J, &aL ku&Bek-& rifcS