THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1889. - LOCAL LITE STOCK V leading Features of Trade at East Liberty Stock Yards. IKCfiEASED SDITLY OP CATTLE Weaker Markets Stockers ana Feeders in Active Demand. HOGS HEM, SHEEP AKD LAMBS SLOW Office of Pittsbuko Despatch, Wednesday; April 3, 1&S9. J The run of cattle this week was about 80 loads, an excess of 13 loads over the two previous weeks. The majority were from Chicago. From 12 to 14 loads were stockers and feeders, the bulk of which were common prades. For stockers buyers were plenty, from Washington, Fayette and Green counties. Grides were not quite up to the standard, but all that were on hand sold freely. There has been a demand for a high quality of stockers at Liberty fer some weeks past that has not been met. Many more than were to be had would have found ready buyers this week. The range of prices for stockers was S3 00 to 3 35, the buUK of sales being nearest to the lower figure. High grades would have brought even more. Cattle supplies were in the main of lighter weights, from 1,100 to L200 pounds. There is little demand of late for prune heavy cattle, competition with dress beef having spoiled the trade in this line. The heaviest cattle received this week were not above 1,450 pounds, and very few reached this figure. Markets were 5 to 10 cents off from prices of last week on all prades excepting stockers. Notwithstanding increased run, stock was well cleaned np orly in the weefc The run of calves was little short of TOO head. Dealers report that they were agreeably disappointed over the activity of markets for calves. Though supply was large, demand kept pace with supply. Said one dealer: "We all looked to see prices off, on account of big run, and were agreeably surprised to see everything taken at last week's Trices." On Monday as high as 5c was paid for a few extra calves. "The range of prices to-day is4to43c. Sheep and Lambs. Receipts on Monday were 20 loads, Tuesday 12 additional, and this morning 2 loads. Last week on very light run, not above one-half this week's supply, markets advanced. This ad vance has not been maintained, owing to the heavy run. "Shadow and shine is life," and a feast or famine appear to alternate at Liberty yards. Last week we had too much shortage. This week supplies are In excess of demand and markets drag. The range of prices was 54 25 to S5 10, the last figure being for a few ex tras weighing 160 pounds. The range of lambs was 5 to 6Kc One little bunch brongbt 6c, but was hardly a cri terion to markets, as it was bought for New York parties to fill up a load. A few lot of clipped sheep were among the supplies, but buyers were disposed to fight shy of this class in view of the uncertainties of weather. Hojrs. The run has been light all the week and everything taken up as fast as it appeared. Prices at Chicago are the same as a week ago, with S4 90 for tops. At East Liberty the range has been $5 05 to 5 15 for a day or two past, and to-day the latter figure was paid for all that appeared. The difference between prices of heavy and light hojrs is now reduced to a minimum. Heavyweights find much readier sale than they did through the winter. Said one of the large operators: "We have no trouble selling everything that comes this week at outside quotations." BIcCall & Co.'s Report. The receipts of cattle are fair and mar feet slow, the better grades selling at about last week's prices, while common to medium stock are a shade stronger. We give the follow ing as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1,600 lbs, $4 104 40: good, 1,200 to 1,400 fts. $3 754 10; rough fat, L100 to LSOO tts, $3 403 75; good butcher grades, 900 to L1U0 fts, S3 303 60; common to fair, 900 to 1,000 lbs. S3 103 50; bulls, S2 002 50; lew light, S3 00; almost im possible to sell heavy bulls; fat cows, S2 00 3 00; fresh cows and springers, 20 0040 00 per head. The supply of hogs on Monday was equal to the demand, and the market closed easy. Yes terday and to-day the receipts were light, and with a better feeling, the market was active at the following quotations: Philadelphias and Yorkers, S5 105 15. The receipts of sheep Monday and Tuesday we.e fair, and the market steady at about last week's prices. To-day receipts were light and the market steady at the following quotations: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 fts. $4 805 10; good wethers, 90 to 100 Us, S4 654 Sw; fair to good mixed. So to 90 fts, $4 404 05; common to fair, 75 to SO fis, S3 253 60: prime lambs. S5 to 95 fts, $6 00 6 50; good, 70 to So lis, S5 005 75; common to fair. 50 to C5 tts, $4 505 00; clipped sheep, 75 to fc5 tts, S3 754 00; there have been very few clipped sheep on sale; veal calves, 110 to 140 tts, S4 505 00. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, S3 carloads to be sold and 30 carloads for city slaughterers direct; market fairly active and 10c per 100 pounds higher, with an early clearance; com mon to choice steers sold at S3 704 70 per 100 pounds; fat bulls at 82 402 SO; exports to-day from this port 3,040 quarters of beef, 1,012 sheep and 335 beeves. Sheep Receipts, 5.800 head; market firm at former prices, with a good clearance; common to prime unshorn sheep sold at SI 50G 00 per 100 pounds, with a few extra up to S6 12 and some very poor at S4 00; clipped sheep went at $4 O0S4 75; unshorn yearlings at SS 007 75: clipped do at 85 00 6 00; spring lambs at S2 50ig5 50 each, with a few extra offerings at S6 006 60. Hogs Re ceipts, 7,000 head, nearly all tor slaughterers direct; market reported steady at the nominal range of $5 205 50. Kansas Citt Cattle Receipts. 3,317 head; shipments. 2,491 head; market stronger for me dium weight steers; stockers and feeders strong to a shade higher; cows strong to 5c higher: good to choice cornfed, S44 25; common to medium, $2 753 70; stockers and feeding steers, SI 603 40; cows, SI 602 75. Hogs Re ceipts, 9,189 head; shipments. 550 head; market opened weak and25c lower, closingstronger with the decline regained; good to choice. $4 50 l 55; common to medium. S4Q4 45. Sheep Receipts, 3,413 head; shipments, none; market active and 1015c lower: good to choice mut tons, S4 254 50: common to medium, S2 5033 90. Chicago The Drovers? Journal reports: Cattle RecelDts. 10,500 head: shipments, 6,000 head; market steady, strong; choice to extra beeves, $4 254 35: steers, 3 004 15; stockers and feeders. 2 403 45; cows, bulls and mixed, 1 603 10 Texas cattle, 2 003 70. Hogs Re ceipts. 14,o00 head; shipments, 6,500 head; mar ket strong: mixed. S4 704 82jJ; heavy. $4 50 f 5 00: light, S4 755 00: skips. S3 504 60. Sheen Receipts, 6.000 head; shipments, 2,500 head; market 6teadv: natives. 83 605 50; Western cornfed, S4 50S5 25; lambs, $5 006 25. St.Locts Cattle Receipts. 1,700 head; ship ments, none; choice native steers, S3 704 30; fair to good do, S3 003 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 002 70: rangers, corn fed. S2 75Q3 60: grass-fed. 1 902 6a Hogs Receipts. 8,600 head; shipments, 1,100 head: market steady; choice heavy and butchers' selections, S4 704 S5; packing, medium to prime. S4 604 75; light grades, ordinary to best, S4 704 85. Bheep Receipts, 425 head; shipments, none; market stronger; fair to choice, 3 005 la Buffax-o Cattle active and a shade higher than Monday; receipts. 800 head through; 100 on sale; steers. 3 403 95. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 200 head through; 500 on sale; sheep active and 1025c higher than Monday; good, 5 255 40; lambs a shade higher; good, 6 40 6 75. Hogs active and 510c higher than Mon day: receipts, 6.000 head through; LS00 on sale; mediums and Yorkers, 85 155 25. Dryeoods. New Yoke, April 3. There was a good trade with jobbers to-day, nearby buyers now coming into the market; sales were governed fairlv; steady tone. Business with agents continues fair in plain cottons, declining in some directions and increasing in others. The market maintains a good tone with quota tions unaltered, though print cloths and kindred goods are less firm, with prints steady because of small stock. Metal Market. St. Lotus Lead dull and uneasy, with sales of refined at S3 4a New York Pig Iron steady. Copper nom inal: lake, April, 814 50. Lead quiet and steady; domestic, $3 671C Tin firm and moder ately active; Straits, 821 25. Wool Market. St. Louis Wool quiet and nominally un changed. Cable Car Casualties. A grip breaking on car 126 near the Penn avenue powerhouse yesterday brought the car to such a sudden halt that several of the passengers were slightly hnrt. About the same time another car collided with an -Allegheny car at Sixth street, injuring the mutes attached to it l-' k Vb ril1 fiJmniflftwriiiiMftf '11 dJlMJfflMMMMiMMiMM TitMfiiMtffMifl nifflm -i l MABKETS BY WIBE. Wheat Weak AH Alone the Line, With a Sweeping Drop-In the Mny Future Corn Higher Oats Steady Ilos Products Unsettled. Chicago The feeling was unsettled to-day in wheat, and a surprise was in store for hold ers of May in the shape of a material decline, with the more deferred futures sharing in the weakness some. Only a fair business was transacted, and influences governing the mar ket were principally local. May opened Kc to lc lower than Monday's closing, and declined 3c more, fluctuated some, and closed 4c lower. July opened KXo lower and declined c more, then advanced lc, and closed about the same as Monday. The May future is clouded with mystery, and operators are entirely at sea, though it is the openion that the decline to-day has forced a large holder out. It was rumored that the St. Louis market for May was being controlled by Chicago operators. It was also rumored that a grain house at Berlin had failed. Outside in fluences had but little to do with the market. While July ruled weaker, there nevertheless was good buying, especially during the last half of the session, with more inquiry also for June. The buving. too. was credited mainly to parties who are supposed to be interested with the "bull" side in the May future, A moderate trade was reported In com, and the feeling developed was relatively firm. There were no new outside features of import ance, and prices were governed entirely by local influences. The market opened at Mon day's closing prices, fluctuated within c, closing at K6J4C higher than Monday. Oats were weaker and lower, but the volume of business was only fair. Buyers were scarce, and the liberal offerings caused a decline of 5c. May being the weakest. The break brought in a few buyers, and a reaction of 14 Jc followed, but the close was quiet at nearly iuside figures. Quite an active business was done in mess pork, and prices ruled somewhat irregular. Opening sales made at 687!c decline, and a further reduction of 1215c was had. Later a steadier feeling prevailed and prices rallied 10 12c but the market soon weakened again, and prices receded 1215c Near the close prices rallied slightly, but trading was light. A comparatively light trade was reported in lard, and the feeling was easier. Fluctuations in price were slight. Trading was only mod erately active in short ribs, and the feeling was easier, prices ruled 25c lower and the mar ket closed quiet. The leading futures raneea as follows: Wheat No. 2 May, 99V99,H95U95Jgc; June. 91949292&c; July, SoK80S5J2 S6Mc;year, TSOTyKc Cohn No. 2 May. 35c; June, SoJi35Jic; July, 36S36X36fc. Oats No. 2 May, 26-i6K25K25c; June, 23K25Kc; July2232o2&. Mess Pork, per bbl. May, S12 4012 42K 12 2012 25; June, 812 3212 3512 25 12 30; July, 812 5012 5012 32K12 37K. Labd, per 100 tts. Mav. 7 02K7 02M 6 97K6 97K; June, 87 037 00; July, 57 lu 7 107 057 05. Short Ribs, per 100 tts. May. S6 20 6 17K; June, 6 256 25; July SB 30Q6 306 SO 6 30. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour nomi nally unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 94c: No. 8 spring wheat, 87c; No. 2 .red, 94c; No. 2 corn. S4c JXo.2 oats, 2ic No. 2 rye, 43c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. 81 51 1 52. Prime timothy seed. 81 331 85. Mess pork, per barrel, 812 2012 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. StS956 97. Short ribs sides (loose). 6 156 20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 5 60 5 75. Short clear sides (boxed), 6 62J6 75. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 18,000 bar rels; wheat, 36,000 bushels: corn, 163,000 bushels: oats. 122,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 65,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 13,000 barrels; wheat, 22,000 bushels; corn. 128,000 bush els; oats, 12LO0O bushels; rye. 1.000 bushels; bar ley. 53,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firmer, but not q notably higher. Eggs steady at lOJc New Yore Flour heavy and unsettled; lower to sell freely. Wheat Spot strong and Kc higher; options iic higher and strong, Barley quiet. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot VA-VtYp uiK"; uau mure acuve; options auil and ysic higher. Oats Spot dull and barely steady; options JVc lower, dull and weak. Hay quiet and steady. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened barely steady, 1520 points down, closing steady at 1520 points below yesterday: sales, 78,000 baes, including April, 15.7515.80c; May, 15.8516.00c; June. 16.0016.05c; July, 16.1516.20c: August, 1625 ia30c; September, 16.3516.50c; October, 16.45W 16.50c; November, 16.5016.55c: December,I6.60 16.66c; January, 16.6016.65; February, ia60c; spot Rio quiet; lair cargoes at lSc. Sugar Raw steady and quiet; centrifugals, 96 test, 6V6 9-16c; refined, quiet and steadv. Molasses Foreign rather easv; 50 test, 25c; Hew Orleans dull; open kettle, good to fancy, 2S42c Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow dull; city, 4c Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine dull, nominally about 45c Eggs quiet and about steady; Western, 10 eilKc; receipts, 8,479 packages. Pork lower: old mess, $12 6012 75; new mess, 813 5013 75; extra prime. 812 50. Cut meats Quiet sales; pickled bellies, 11 ponnds, 7Kc:pickled hams, 9K9?ic; pickled shoulders, 55c; middles, easy: short clear, 86 85. Lard dull and easier Western steam. 7 30; city, 86 80; June. 7 34. closing at 87 317 32; April, 7 25 asked; Mav 7 297 30: July. 7 31; August, 7 36; September 7 377 38. ButterChoice in demand and firm Western dairy, ll17c; do creamery, 1625c; Elgin, 26Kc Cheese dull and weak, Western. 9i10?ic St. Louis Flour dull and uneasy, .but un changed. Wheat lower; there was an urgent selling pressure at the opening on the perfect weather and weak, lower markets elsewherp? later on there was a rally, and the close was firm, with May 1c. June Jc,July leand August c below Monday; May. 82K93'c closing at 93c; June, STQSTc, closing at 87&C ""t ","j 'wvzm wuaws ai wac; August, 77K.ic closing at 78c bid. Corn Very 1t1n tmllni. 1,n- ma1: A -kT n .J """ ""'"(m "" cciiu nun; j.d. 2, casn 30Hc; April, 30XC closing at 30Jc; May, 30 30?c, closing at3(ftfc; July, 32K323fc. bats weak: No. 2 cash, 25c; May, 2bc Rye No 2, 4242&c Barley Sales of Wisconsin on private terms; nothing doing. Flaxseed un changed. Provisions dull and weak. Philadelphia Flour Dull and weak. Wheat Carlots firm, with fair inquiry from millers; futures neglected and nominal; No 2 red, April, 91K92c; June, 9lk92c; July, 87 8Sc Com Spot firm with a fair demand; fu tures quiet; sales No. 4 white in elevator, 38Kc No,2 mixed and high mixed in grain depot. 40Xc; No. 2 yellow afloat. 41Kc; do in grain de pot, 41c: No. 2 mixed, April, 4141c; May. 41K42c: June, 4242c; July, 42JS43V Oats Fair demand for carlots at steady prices- No 2 mixed, 31Jc; No. 3 white, 31Kc; No. 2 white' 84c; do fancy, S6c; futures quiet hut steady N. 2 mixed. April, 33K34c: May, 83K31c: June. 3334c; July. Si34Kc. ogl)lc. CiNCEMfATi Flour easier. Wheat weak No. 2 red, 9092c; receipts, 500 bushels; ship-' ments, 500 bushels. Corn in moderate demand- i.Y : ; c i """i, "-"H 4uleu -"o. a mixed, 26&C Rye firm; No. 2, 49c Pork easier at 12 75. Lard quiet at $6 80. Bulkmeats and bacon easier. Butter firmer. Sugar firm. Eggs dull. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steadv. Wheat steadv cash, 86c; May. 87Kc;Jnly, g6Vc. Corn firmer No. 3, S233c. Oats steady; Ko. 2 white. 28iffl 2SJ&C Rye Arm: No. L 45c. Barley easier; No. 2. ooc Provisions steady. Pork, 12 15. Lard. 6 91 Cheese dull; Cheddars, 10Ue. Baltimore Provisions steady. Butter good grades steady; others easv; western packea, lb19c: creamery, 25c "Eggs. lOKc Coffee quiet; Rio fair. VSJL ""c. Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash. March, 4 85 receipts, 245 bags; shipments, 905 bags. AGAINST TICKET COMMISSIONS. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Warn ing Their Agents. J. E. Wood, General Passenger Agent ot the Pennsylvania Railroad, yesterday issued another circular to all the agents on the lines of the company warning them against violating the rule regarding com missions on the sale of tickets. The notice read that any agent violating the rule would be immediately dismissed from the service. The agents are trying all manner of means to get around the company's orders. They are not only prohibited from accept ing m commissions, but are not allowed to receive free transportation or other consid eration for favoring aconnecting line. It is not at all likely that any agent will have the hardihood to disregard the circular. Don't irritate your lungs with a stubborn cough, when a sate and certain remedy can be had in Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, A Written Guarantee Properly countersigned-by the manufacturer for five yearsj is what we give with every sewing machine. Get the best by all means. Remember yon don't have to pay us agents' comnissions. That amount is reduced from the regular price of every machine to the customers. Call at a legitimate place of business and buy a machine. HOPFEB BKOS. & CO., TTSu 307 "Wood street. The People's Store. Call and see our immense stock of new laces, embroideries and parasol covers, com prising all the popular makes and styles, at lowest prices. " Oaupbxll & Dick. ' rf- . . " il P.- . j - J-t c 3dlL.,-L. Aj - - jt ... vw&J4bI .Z- -Tl- ""Miir T1 fWl T T IST.r T Zi. . TfZ.,KC K-JCr ', - - . J.. . ' ,. .. . .. r r. J r . f -f- .. , . ; - . " . -JJDP . I u ..ii'Vrft 7t f, , BAD COWTKY EOADS. Their Wretched Condition No Credit to the State of Allegheny, MONET SEEKING INVESTMENT. Pittslurg Business Jffen Letting the South ern Trade Go by Default. THE STEEET OPENEES GAININO GROUND The wretched condition of the country roads is a serious obstacle to local business. It is almost impossible for farmers in many parts of the country to bring their produce to the city. The sight of horses and wagons sticking in the mud is a familiar one to the ruralist. This embargo costs Pittsburg thousands of dollars every year. Any scheme to remedy this great and growing evil a,nd place the granger ona solid footing would be thankfully accepted by the suffer ing public It is no credit to the opulent "State of Allegheny" that it contains the worst roads in the State. "There is more money seeking investment this season than ever before within my recol lection," said a Fonrth avenne real estate dealer yesterday evening. "Every day men with from 500 to 10,000 come to me for some thing in which to invest it. They can't get bank stocks at what they consider a paying price, and they won't look at speculative shares nor oil. The result is that they buy real estate as offering the best and snrest return for their money. I have placed a large amount of cash this way in the past three months. I am glad of this. It not only helps business direct ly, but has consequential Importance. It keeps money at home and gives others confldenca In the permanency of re "tate values." j Mr. W. A. Broom, who is in the city in the interest of the Southern Lumberman, pub lished at Nashville, Tenn., and who is familiar with business in the South, says Pittsburg is falling behind other northern cities in the race for the trade of that section. He attributes this entirely to the apathy of our businessmen. There is no good reason, he thinks, why Pitts burg, with her immense natural advantages, hermagnificent railway and water communica tions, touching almost every Southern State, and her great manufacturing plants, producing everything needed in the way of machinery, should not go in and possess the land. He is fully persuaded that a little more energy and enterprise in placing Pittsburg products promi nently before the Southern people would re turn a large profit on the investment. Another piece of Diamond street property changed hands yesterday, but particulars of the sale were withheld. It is situated below Wood street, and the price realized was said to be pretty steep. It is understood the purchaser is in favor of widening the street. From other sources it was learned that this project is meeting with better success than was antici pated from the stormy opposition raised against it at first. Signatures in favor Df it are both numerous and influential. It is understood that Mr. Craig is heartily in favor of the scheme, and that Mr. Gregg's opposition is likely to be overcome. All admit that the improvement would be a great public benefit, and that this is a good time to carry it into execution. A gentleman! rom Detroit was in the city yes terday, and visited several real estate agents in quest of a building in which to establish a clothing store. He wanted it in the business center between Smithfield and Market, Sixth and Fourth. As there is not an empty business house in the prescribed territory, of course he was unable to accomplish his wish, and left for Cincinnati, hoping to meet with better luck there. He was well pleased with the evidences of activity that ho witnessed on every hand during his brief sojourn, and greatly regretted his inability to secure a place. , .,,.,, Wilkinsbuig is enjoyjula , church boom. Father Lambing had ground broken yesterday for the building to tathe -place of the one destroyed by fire a few. months, 350, It will occupy the same site, but will be larger, having a school room in the basement It will cost about 18,000. The Methodists will soon lay the foundations for their new church on what is known as the Howard property, but which was purchased by the congregation last fall. The building will be of stone and cost about 25,000. The United Presbyterians ana the Episco palians are also talking of building, their mem bership having outgTown the capacity of their present places of worship. FUN ON 'CHAKGE. Capr. Barbour Encounters an Unruly Crowd ' A Drop In Electric. Captain Barbour, the autocrat of the Stock Exchange, had an unruly and noisy audience yesterday afternoon. Since the removal of the blackboard and the Captain's throne a few days ago, to the southeast corner of the room, the jam in front of the board has been so great as to shut out those in the rear ranks from a view of the proceedings in front To remedy this evil the Floor Committee drew a line, beyond which It was not lawful to stand. Yesterday everybody seemed uossessed of a disposition to ignore this limitation, and crowded the reserved space in such numbers as to cause considerabln confusion and some angry talk on the part of two or thren members. It is probable a railing will be put up around the space sought to be reserved. This would effectually accomplish the end in view especially If barbed wire were used. It was a good day for the bears. There were no transactions In Electric At the first call 65 and 56 were bid and 57 asked; In the after noon there were bids of 5 with offers at 56. The brokers who had orders for the stuff re garded the drop with complacency and smiled at the prospect of raking it in at still lower prices. The rumor of a reduction of the force employed in the Allegheny plant although de nied by the company, doubtless contributed to the depression. A bull on the stock said yes terday evening, "Electric is all right The bears think they have put it In a hole, but they will soon find they are mistaken. I want a lot of it but I want it as cheap as possible. There are large orders here for it As soon as an at tempt is made to fill them there will be another boom. The business of the company is con stantly increasing. I think the stock is the cheapest on the market considering its possi bilities. It will ultimately be as valuable as Airbrake." Philadelphia Gas was stronger, going at S9l in the forenoon and at 89 In the afternoon. It was not pressed for sale. La Noria was the most active of the stocks dealt in. It onened at 2, at which 100 shares changed hands. After that it became weaker and sold freely at VA Just before the close It rallied on a good de mand and finished at the opening figure Switch and Signal was str6nger, selling at 23J After the last call 24 was offered. There was no material change in the rest of the list Bids and offers were: Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Pitts. Pet.S. AM. Ex.. -510 850 Keystone Bank or P'g 68 City Insurance. 85 .... .... Chartlers Vat Gas Co. 50 MM 60 "... Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va CO .... .... "" PMl&delphlaCo S9& S9) mc 393 Pine Bun Gas 85 90 .... .... Wheelinr Gas Co .. 30J 30K 30 HK Central Traction 23 .... 2i 22 Citizens' Traction 87 .... Pittsburg Traction.... 49K ffljf lH 49J Consignee Mining Co.. Si .... .. ." LaNorla Mining Co... ljg 2 IK 2 SUverton Mining Co... t u ju Tankee Girl Mining O. i ... . Westinghouse Electric 66 67 65 SS U. Switch & Signal Co. 23Jf 24 23 2351 Pittsburg Cydorama C 4 .... The forenoon sales were 10 Philadelphia Gas at39Ji, 115 at 89K, 100 La Noria at 2, and 800 at VA. Before call 20 Chartiers Gas sold at 50k. In the afternoon 45 Bhares of Philadelphia Gas went at 39, ISO at 39, 50 La Noria at :2, 17 Switch af23K and 60 Central Traction at 22? Robinson Bros, sold 12,000 McKeesport and Bellevernon ffs at $105 and interest Henry M. Long sold 16 shares of Airbrake at 122L J. F. Stark sold 200 La Noria at 2. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 256.51U shares, including: Atchi son, 45,710; Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern, 15,800; Lake Shore, 4,325; Missouri Pacific, 13.100; Northwestern, 16,000; Reading, 45,800; Si Paul, 6,246; Union Pacific 21,94a Mlnlnir Stocks. New Yobk; April 3. Mining stocks closed: Amador, 100: Aspen, 10.25; Caledonia B. H.; 300; Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 600; Deadwooa T.. 150: EI Cristo, 160; Eureka. 100; Hale and Norcross, 890: Home stake," 850; -Horn Silver, 135; Iron Sliver, 800; Mono, lOOf Mutual, 140; Ophir, 480; Plymouth, t 10.00: SavageriSO: Sierra Nevada. 260; Stand ard, 100; Sullivan, -150; Union Consolidated, 295;YeUow Jacket, 800. ABOUT ETEN. Demand for Money nt ilie Banks Holding tho Surplus Down. The Clearing House report yesterday showed a satisfactory condition of general trade, the exchanges amounting to 2,193,164 91 and the balances to 8302,071 88. The expansion of busi ness incident to the opening up of the spring trade begins to be rea'Jzed in the greater de mand for funds, the outflow of which at most of the financial institutions is about equal to the income. Rates were steady at 56 per cent Counter business was the best so far this week. The wretched condition of the country roads is one of the worst obstacles that business people have to contend against. Bankers feel it as much as others. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at K to 4 per cent. Last loan K, closed offered at L Prime mercantile paper, 4K6X- Sterling exchange dull but firm at 4 8S& tor 60-day bills, and 4 8S for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dhpatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: TJ.S.4HS. reg 103 mm V. 8. 4S4S, coups 108 10S U. 8'. 43. rcg.... ..1 1 1SBSIS U. B. 4s, coups .', 12S129 Did. Currency, Opercent, i895reg 1M , Currency, 6 percent. 1898 teg. 123 Currency, Spercent, 1897 rejr 126)4 Currency, Bpercent, 1898reg...., 150 Currenoy, Spec cent, 1899 reg. , 132 New Yoek Clearings, $122,698,221: balances, 7,034,792. Boston Clearings, $17,771,567; balances, $L 635,835. Money, 3 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, S2220,2D8; balances, 275,721. PmLADELFHiA-CIeanngs, $13,915,661; bal ances, 2,101.237. St. Louis Clearings, $2,728,840; balances, Chicago Money steady and unchanged. Bank clearings, $14,202,000. London The amount of bullion gone Into the Bank of England on balance to-day is 180,000. Bar silver 12d per ounce. Pabis Rentes, 85f ; 50c for the account A CRISIS IN OIL, The ttlarket Sustained by Fears of a Short aBe A Broker's Views. The oil market yesterday would doubtless have closed lower but for apprehension ot a shortage. The same Influence caused a strong feeling at the opening, which was 91Kc This was followed by a snurt to 91c, after which a less confident feeling prevailed and the price declined, with little doing, to 91c Later there was a slight rally, which stiffened the market a little. The final figures were 915c Carrying here was flat A broker salo: "I think there j will be a stronger market in the morning unless mere snouia De important field news mean time, after which I would not be surprised to see a'Slump. There must be a radical change of some kind before long. I am afraid it will be in the direction of a lower level." A. B. McOrew"& Co. quote puts 9i, calls Ine following tame, corrected uyDeWltt DI1 wortb, broker in petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc. : Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ait Opened...... 01H 8's 12:p. k.... SIM 91H 10:15 A. M.... mi mi 1:00 P. M... BIX SIM 10:S0A. M.... 9M 8lS 1:1SP. M.... 91X 919? 10:45A. it.... 91 91U 1:30 P. M.... BVA 91 11:00a, II.... 91 81 H 1:43 p. ll.. 91)2 9U4 11:13 A. u.... 91 01 X 2:00 p. it..,. 91l Sli 11:30A. IS..... 91 na 1:13 P. M.... nH 91h 11:45a. it.... 91 91H Z:S0P. M.... 91H 91M 12:O0M 91. 91f 2:15 P. M.... 91 91& 12:13 p. M.... 91 91)s Closed 814, .... 12:30P. M.. 91H 9U Opened. 91o; highest, 91fcc; lowest, 91c; closed, 91c. . Barrels. l)Uy Ains 60,675 Average runs 80,675 iMUy shipments 101.8S7 Average shipments 101,837 IJally charters 19,245 Average charters 19,246 Clearances ......u..t..l, 028,000 New York closed at 9Kc Oil City closed ngiHc Bradrora closea at 81e, ew York, retlned. 7o. London, renued, 5d. Antwerp, refined, I6t Other Oil Markets. On, CITT. Anril 3. transit ror. f tiflcates onened at 91Jc; highest, 91?c; lowest pic; ciuseu, vigc BRADroBD. April 3. National transit cer tificates opened at91c; closed at 9134c; highest 91c; lowest. 91c . TrruaviLLE. April 3.-National transit cer tificates opened at 91c: highest 915c; lowest 91c: closed, 91c new York. April 3. Petroleum opened firm at 91c, and, after a rally and reaction in the forenoon, advanced lie after noon, and closed firm atfiyc. Sales, 519,000 barrels. PASSING AWAI. Real Estate Still Changing Hands The Latest Reported Deals. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to H. C. Roddy lot No. 92 in the'Hay plan of lots on Rebecca street near Penn avenue cable line, 20x84 feet, for 200, payable $10 down and the balance on easy payments. They also placed the following mortgages; One of $700 on a property in Stowe township for three years at 6 per centf another of $4,000 on Southside property for one year at 6 per cent and 800 for three years at 6 per cent on a property in the Twenty-flrst ward. East End. Ewing & Byers, No. 107 Federal street Alle gheny, sold for Annie Klipham to James Ryan, No. 28 Alpine avenue, Second ward, Allegheny, frame house of five rooms, lot 20x90, for 1,750 cash. Dennison & Schwansold for Mrs. E. Bennetz toOtta E. Heineman, lot 25x146, No. 6011 Penn avenue, East End, for 10,500 cash. S.J. Fleming, 147 Fourth avenue, sold a frame house of six rooms, with lot 22Kxl00 at Dallas station, for $2,450. W. A. Herron & Sons sold a houso and lot on Copeland street Twentieth ward, frame house of six room3, lot 50x100 feet to a 10-foot alley. for3.200. L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for the Gross estate lot 60x110 feet to a 20-foot alley, situate on tbe south side of Penn avenue near Mathilda street. Twentieth ward, to Camnbell & Harrigan for $4,500. James W. Drape & Co. sold a piece of ground of 11 acres on Woods' Run avenue, Allegheny, for $7,250 cash, and closed a mortgage of $10,000 on house and lots in McKeesport at 5 1-5 per STOCKS HAMMEEED. Realizing on tho Look Side of the Market Canses a Tumble A Strong Opening, but a Weak Close Bonds Quiet. NEW Yobk, April 3. The stock market to day was strong at the opening, but the close was weak. Most stocks are lower this evening, though important changes in quotations are few in number. The covering of shorts was still in progress at the opening this morning, and first prices were generally to per cent higher than last evening's figures, and a few shares made further advances of small frac tions in the early trading. There was great ac tivity, which, however, was confined to about a half dozen stocKS, in which all the interest centers at present Atchison, Reading, North western, Chicago Gas, Union Pacific, Lacka wanna and New England. The market however, soon showed its nar rowness, as when the realizing of the traders who lately shifted over to tho long side began prices gave way, and when the early demand had been satisfied the bears again came in and hammered some of tbe list down rapidly. The Coal stocks were the first point of attack, and Lackawanna was let off over a point, though Reading was very well held. The expectation that the tolls would be reduced at to-day's meeting, which was announced later in the day, was the principal influence by which the stock was weakened. After the first raia dull ness settled down upon the market and prices were moved back and forth within very narrow limits, though the drooping tendency which marked the general list still continued, but after noon the issue of the Burlington state ment for February with its decrease of 630,000 in the net earnings, notwithstanding an in creased gross, created a very unfavorable im pression, and it was tho signal for an attack upon the Grangers, and Burlington was soon knocked off 1 jf, Union Pacific 1 and Rock Island 1 per cent Chicago Gas, which had touched 50 and met some stop orders, then joined the procession, and it also dropped a point The movement spread to the general list and by 2 p. 11. the lowest prices of the day were reached. Dullness again Decaine the lead ing feature, but strong.buying of Missouri Pa-i cine by an influential houso, said to be for in side account shot that stock urf over a point ana a half toward the close of business,and the whole market sympathized in the movement BurlingtonJtndLackawanna being especially strong. The market finally closed qnietbut firm to strong at something better than the lowest prices. The great majority of the active list are lower to-night but the only important losses were Colorado Coal 2 and Union Pa . , ', i " Si '"V " ! cific 1 per cent while Missouri Pacific, which closed at the highest price for a week, rose 1. Railroad bonds were quiet, the sales of all is sues aggregating $1,350,000, but outside of the registered West Shore 4s, which contributed $113,000 to the total, there was little special ani mation In the market Prices were generally steady, and tbe changes in all but a few Issues are entirely insignificant The important ad vances comprise Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Ists, 2 to 97; St Louis receipts, 2 td97, and the Great Western 1st receipts, 2 to 97. The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of Itew York Steck Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Clos-Open- nigh- Low- Ing lng. est est. Bids. Am. Cotton Oil S1H 66 AtCh., Top. 4 B. P.... 42 42 41$ 41 Canadian Pacific 49!j Canada Southern S2H 62 62. 82 Central orNew Jersey. .,., , 95 CentralFaclflc 33 Chesapeake & Ohio.... 1G 16H UH ISM 0., Bur.i Qulncy..... 92 93ff 90 91 ii C, Mil. & St. Paul.... 62J4 62Jf 62i 62S C, Mil.ASt. P., pf....l01 101 10O 1006 C, Kockl. &r 91)a 91& 90JJ 90ft C., Bt. L. & Pitts .... 16 C., St. L. Fltts. pf.i 87 37- 37 SSK C., St. P..M.&0 31)2 C, St. P..M. &0 pr. 92K 92) 92K 92 C. & .Northwestern.. ..104J6 104)$ Va VHii C.& Northwestern, pf. .... I 137M C. C. U.&I.......7... .. ... 70 Dei., L.- & W. 186M K8!i 134H 135 fake Erie ft Western 17 Lake .Erie 4 West pr,. 1 56 Lake Shore ft At. S...:.101M 101K 101U 1014 Louisville ft Nashville. 62 t2 61?J ei Michigan Central. 88 Mobiles Ohio '. 10M Missouri Pacific . 67K ..... .... tvt Jiew York Central 107i JJ.Y.. L.E. ftVV 278 an N. Y&JJ. a...., 43 41W 41H 42j . Y..O. ftW U KH 1W 16 Jiorfolk ft Western 15 Norfolk ft Western, pf 50 -SO 50 49X Northern Pacific 23 Nortnern Pacific pref. 60 S0H 60 60)4 OMoft Mississippi..... 21)4 21M 21 20T Oregon Improvement. 47i 47($ - 47 47 Oregon Transcon 33H 33 32Jf 32Ji PaciflcMailJ 8854 36V 35 S6 Fhuadel. 4 Beading., 44)4 43 Pullman Palace Car..,179i 179 179K 179 Richmond ft W. P. T.. 25fc MM S5 25X Richmond 79 St. Paul ft Dtuuth 33 St. Paul & Uuluth pf. , .... 85 St P., Minn, ft Man 93 Bt. L. ft Ban Fran 22$ 2( 22 22 St. L. ft San Fran pf.. 66 Mb 58 56! St. L. 4 San F.lst pf.,103 108 108 103 Texas Pacific 18 18" 18 mi UnlonPaclfic 61 61 60H 60H Wabash nu Wabash preferred 25J6 Western Union 84)4 844 81 8IJ4 Wheeling ft L. E j 65 6SK 6o4 MX Ex-dividend. BOSTON STOCKS. A Strong Opening, Which Was Weakened by Subsequent Tradlna. Boston, April 3. The stock market onened very strong to-day, but the subsequent trading proved the opening prices to be the best of the day, the influence of the market in Wall street overcoming the rising tendency here. AlCIl. C10D..lSt7S. 113 5 A. & T. .Land or' 1 7s. 105 Old Colony 171 15)4 AllonezM'gCo. (new)90 Calumet ft fleda....215 Franklin 11 Huron 2S4 Atch. &Top.B.K.. ia Boston 4 Albany.. .213jj Dusioii s jiiame.....iu a, b. 4q eis Clnn. San. 4 Cleve. 24)4 Eastern B. B 80)1 Eastern It it 6s 125 Flint ft PereM. ofd. 96 Little B. ft Ft. S. 7s. 100 Mexican Cen. com.. 125f M. C, 1st More bds. 63 N. Y. ftNewEng... 42K N. Y.ftNewEng 7s. 126)4 usccoia iz Qulncy 60 Bell Telephone 225 Boston Land.. 6Jf Water Power... Tamarack Ban Diego , .120 . 23 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney 4 Stephenson, brokers. No. 87 Fonrth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked- Pennsylvania Railroad., ...-.. 84 64)4 Beading Railroad J ...Z.TilZ .... Bqfialo, Pittsburg and Western 12)4 Lehigh Valley 53)4 53J4 Lehigh Navigation 61)4 51)4 Allegheny Valley bonds U3U Pittsburg. Clnn. ft St L. bonds. ...119)4 U. Co.'s New Jersey. 225)4 Northern Pacific, 25 26)6 Northern Paclflo preferred 60Ji 60J4 LATE -ftEWS 1H BEIEF. Prairie fires have been doing great damage throughout portions of Dakota. Yesterday's bond offerings were 6.000 reg istered 4Js at 108, which were accepted. Tho United States man-of-war Brooklyn, found at sea in distress and out of provisions by the British steamer Falshaw, has since ar rived saf ely at St Thomas. A freight train on the Chicago, St Louis and Pittsburg Railroad broke west of Center ville, Ind., yesterday morning, and killed Ave persons, supposed to be tramps. The Indiana Supreme Court overruled the petition of Sylvester Grubb, the Princeton youth who murdered his sweetheart, for a new trial. In consequence, he will be hanged, un less a respite is granted by the Governor, on the 12th of this month, at Princeton. After a vigorous fight the female candi dates for the city offices at Oskaloosa, Kan., won the day by sweeping majorities. At Cot tonwood Falls the ladies were also triumphant, Mrs. Minnie Morgan being elected Mayor, with all the members of the Council of her sex. The Postmaster General has been officially informed that the Government of Trinidad, one of the West India Islands, has established a subsidized semi-monthly line of steamers to ply between New York and Port of Spain for the convenience of the fruit trade and direct mail service. In the Toronto Police Court yesterday morning John Lee West of New Orleans, con sented to give up tbe money stolen by him from his employer, Charles Peahney. of New Or leans. The charge of having brought stolen money into Canada was then dismissed and West was released. The stolen money will be returned to Mr. Feahney. The cases of James E. Welch, formerly en gineer, and Winfleld S. Stier, conductor, grow ing out of the railroad accident last October near Tuscaraora station, in which seven per sons were killed, were tried at Rockville, Md., yesterday and resulted in their acquittal. It was alleged that the accident was due to their negligence in running their train. General Sigel, the New York Pension Agent has made good to the Government all the money known to have been taken by his son up to the time of his conviction, but letters are constantly coming in from pensioners stat ing tbat various snms have been deducted from their pensions. Treasury agents are at work examining into the complaints, and, if they are found to be just tho Government will re imburse the pensioners. About 40 switchmen in the Erie yards at uunaio strnck yesterday morning. The men went out because three of their number were discharged ten days ago and not reinstated at their demand. A delegation from tbe Switch men's Union visited Superintendent Van Etten last evening and asked that the men be put back, or if not they would go out this morning. Their places are being filled as rapidly as pos sible. The carpenters and painters strike re mains unchanged. The contest for the Mayoralty at Leaven worth, Kan., lay between D. R. Anthony, Re Bublican, and L. M. Hacker, Democrat Susan :. Anthony, sister of the Republican candi date, worked heroically for him, but Hacker was elected by about 2,600 maiority. Nearly 4,000 women voted during the day, most of them casting their ballots for Hacker. A man was stabbed at one of the precincts, and the women at another ward became involved in a wordy war. The Municipal Council of the Irish Na tional League at its regular monthly meeting in Philadelphia instructed Rev. Walter P. Gouch and John Field, treasurers of a commit. rtee appointed by the League to collect funds. to turn over 10 treasurer Aicuany, 01 tne Mu nicipal Council, all money in their possession, and that Dr. McCahy be then instructed to forward 10,000 to Dr. O'Reilly, Treasurer of tbe Irish National Leagne of America, as part of Philadelphia's contribution to tbe Parnell defense fund. Prof. Ernest a music teacher, recently eloped with tbe wife of a Winnipeg grocer. The wife subsequently returned to her hus band. The other night there were two separate &uuaos 01 men looiung zor ".rroi." jLTnest. One numbered about Bo, the other 20. The smaller crowd found him before the tar and feathers were ready. He begged and pleaded so for mercy that they had to substitute axle grease, syrup, paregoric etc The party gave him a grand dose of feathers and the foregoing ingredients. They then showed him his way out of the city, he having promised never to turn .up again in Winnipeg. A collision occurred on the Northern Pa cific Railroad, near Helena, by which three people were killed andthree wounded. The east bound passenger train leaving Helena ran into a double-header freight train standing on the side track, wrecking three engines and piling them in a promiscuous mass on the track. Of the killed only one has been identified, Charlie Gieen, a fireman, whose 'home is in Baltimore. The injured are Harry Conger, A. L. North, mail agent and Joseph Jackson. None of their injuries are "serious. The station agent is blamed for not closing tbe switch,knowing that the passenger train was due. The Brooklyn Is on her way from the China station to New York. Coming right after the Apia-disaster, the news created a profound sensation in shipping circles. The Brooklyn's passage home was not an exceptionally long one, since many sailing vessels not handicapnod by any dragging screw, as was the Brooklyn, have required as many as 150 to 160 days. It is very likely that in heavy weather som6 of the provisions may have been spoiled, and the men were compelled to live on bare Hard-tack and "salt horse," as Jack calls salt pork,forto those acquainted with the provisioning of war ships for long passages it is known that great quantities of fresh provisions are carried in improvises Dins on aecx. --- w.' . DOMESTIC MARKETS. Eggs Drooping, Butter Finn, Tropical Fruit Ticking Up. SDGAE AND COFFEE ABE ST110NGEE Choice Say and 0at3 in Good Demand, Wheat Has a Tumble. LU1IBEE SHOWS AN UPWAED DEIFT Office op the fittsbubo dispatch, j Wednesday; April3,18S9. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Egg3 again show drooping tendencies. .The best price that could be had for job lots to-day was llKc Nearby stock in small lots sell at 12c, which Is tbe outside price. The Elgin But ter Board advanced prices of creamery K at the Monday meeting. As there was a drop of He last week, prices are now the same as two weeks ago. We do not change onr quotations on this small rise, as we made no change on last week's drop. Ohio creamery is in good de mand and moving out freely. The tropical fruit trade is picking up. Domestic fruits do not follow suit In general produce lines there are no signs of improvement but the reverse Farmers are kicking hard against returns re ceived for products consigned to commission merchants. Our commission men have their own trials and tribulations this season in the effort to satisfy shippers. Many of the latter not only lose their stuff, but are forced to pay up in addition for expenses. To this class of shippers explanations are very difficult Butter Creamery, Elgin, 28c: Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021c: country rolls, 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 23030c Beans Choice medium, fl 90; choice peas, 52 052 15. Beeswax 2325c fl B for choice: low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined, $6 607 50; common, 53 504 00; crab cider, $3 008 50 ft barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 11K12C Dried Peas-81 451 60 ft bushel; split do, 2&3Kc f! ft- Egos IlK12c V dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $1 001 oO ft barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ft ft; cranberries, 88 00 ft barrel; $2 402 50 per bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft ft, HOMINY $2 652 75 ft barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, 3035o fl bushel; J2 60 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer scy sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 90c fl pair: dressed chickens, 1315c ft pound; turkeys, 18 ,20c, dressed, ft pound; ducks, live, 8085o ft pair; dressed, 1314c ft pound; geese, 1015c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $6 ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 Bs, S6 25; clover, Alsike, $8 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean, 11 Its, $1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00: millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet 50 fts, S2 00; Hungarian gras3. 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. TALI.OW Country, 45cr city rendered, 55c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 60 4 00 ft box; common lemons, S3 75 ft box; Mes sina oranges, 53 004 00 j? box; Florida oranges. S4 505 00 ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy, 85 50 6 00 ft case: Malaga grapes, S9 0010 00 ft per keg; bananas, S3 50 firsts: SI 60, good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, $4 0C4 50 ft hundred: new figs, 1214c ft pound; dates, 5ii 6Kc ft pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, $1 502 50 ft hundred: new cabbage, 2 002 50 ft crate; onions, 5075c ft barrel; onion sets, fancy Enes. S3 253 50: Jerseys, $2 753 00; Western, S2 502 75; turnips, 25 SOc ft bushel. -" Groceries. Coffee options have advanced a few points in New York, and packages here are firm at quotations. Sugars are strong, notwithstand ing recent advance. Other groceries are un changed. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 22(223c; Mooha, 30K31Hc; Santos,P922Kc; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2l23c; La gnayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,23c high grades, 25)27Kc: old Government Java, bulk, 8233c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos, 21K23Kc; peaberry, 26Jc; peaberry Santos, 21j23c: choice Rio, 2oc; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 22c, ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 21 25c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nntmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150 8c: water white, 10Kc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, llc; royalinc 14c 8YBUP8 Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, S338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strict ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fanoy, 48c; choice, 46c: me dium. 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Jtfs, 5JJc: bi-carb,- assorted packages, 56c; sal- Duujt 111 negs, i?ac, uu grauuiuteu, zc. Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearine, per set oXc: paramne. 11012c mice neau, uaronna, 77C! T... .:... tZtl . .... Lf?$lr- H..WU .-... V.W.,UM. , .41, 711,., (JUUllK- V?.IU Staboh Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 5k7c: gloss starch. 5&7a Fobeign Fbutts Layer raisins, 52 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, S2 60; Muscatels, $2 23: California Muscatels; $1 85: Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants,, new, 4JrJ5c; Turkey prunes, new, 4ffi5c; French prunes, 8K13c;Salonica prunes, in 2-a packages, Sc: cocoanuts, per 100, id 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna ngs,12U 16c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, S1314cj orange peel, 12$a Diued FbUITS Apples, sliced, per 6, 6c; apples, evaporated, 66Kc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c: cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle berries. lOfillic. Bugabs Cubes, 8K8Kc; powdered, SV 8ic; granulated,! SJi8c; confectioners' A, via'Jic; sianaaru a, vjjc; soit wnites, l?iwic; J(C11UW, UJiUlUOi yellow, fair, S Pickles J diums. half bbls (600). $2 75. Salt No. 1 fl bbl, 95e; No. 1 ex; fl bbl, 81 05; dairy, ? bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, bbL $1 20; Higgitfs Eureka, 4 bu sacks, 82 80; Hlggin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Cakned Gooss Standard peacnes, $1 30 1 00;2ds, $1 301 35: extra peaches, $1 501 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, 81 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima beans, 81 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 83c; marrowfat peas, 81 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, 82 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages, 81 25; egg plums, 82 W); California pears, 82 50; do greengages, 82 00; do egg plums. 82 00: extra white cherries, 82 90; red cherries, 2fis, 90c; raspberries, 81 151 40; strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 201 30; tomatoes, 82)492c; salmon, 1-ft, 81 752 10; blackberries, SOc; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90ct do green, 2Bs, 81 251 50; com beef, 2-fi cans, 81 75; 14-lb cans, 813 50: baked beans, SI 4001 45; lobster, 1 ft, 81 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, 81 50; sardines, domestic, Vs, H 154 50; sardines, domestic Js, $8 25ig8 60; sardines, imported, Ms, 811 6012 50; sardines, imported, Ks, 818 00; sardines, mustard, 4 00; sardines, spiced, 84 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 ! bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do. messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Kc fl ft.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, 85 00 fl bbl.; split 7 00; lake 82 50 ) 100-ft.half bbl. White fish $7 ?1 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, 5 50 fl half bbL Finnan hadders, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut 13c fl ft. Buckwheat Flour 225 ft ft. Oatmeal 6 306 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flonr and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 24 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of hay, 2 of feed, 1 of straw, 2 of oats, 1 of flour, 1 of barley. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 2 cars of oats, 2 of hay, 1 of s. corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 3 cars of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of corn, 2 of hay.Jof nats. There was but 1 sale on call, viz.: a car of sample oats at33c elevator. Corn of all varieties is ex. ceedingly depressed. Mlllfeed is little better. No. 2 white oats are in excellent demand at outside quotations, because of their scarcity. Other grades aie very slow, because of their abundance. Choice nay is not in supply equal to demand. The reverse is true of common grades. May wheat was beared In Chicago this morning to the extent of 4c per bushel. At noon the rates for May wheat were Soiic The opening price was 99Kc. The lowest point touched by June wheat this morning was 92)4c and July 85c The downward movement is largely speculative, but the drift of both wheat and flonr is toward a lower le vel of prices, .WHEAT-nJobbiug prices-No. 2 red, il 02 l,03:No.3red,9193c. , Corn-No. 2 vellow.ear, 38a3Sc; high mixed c; yellow, dark, 6c ' tedium, bbls. (L200). S4 fin- tno. iSb ear, -S8K37c; No. 1 yellow,-shelled," S839c; No. 2 yellow, shelled,) 37H38c; binh mixed, shelled, 3737Kc: mixed, shelled, 853Cc Oats No. 2 white, 32K33c; extra. No, 3,31 31Kc;No.3 white, 303OKctNo. 2 mixed, 23 29c RYE No. 1 "Western. 7075c; No. 2, 5556c Barley No. 1 Canada, 9598c: No. 2 Cana da, 8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, 7880c ' Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, J6 25 6 50; spring patents, $6 506 75: winter straight So 505 75; clear winter, to 005 25; straight XXXX bakers' S4 755 00. Rye flour, J4 CO. Millveed Middlings, fine white, 316 00 17 00 ft tonr brown middlings. 13 0013 60; winter wheat bran, S13 00U 60; chop feed, S15 0016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $14 25014 50; No.l do, J13 50614 00: No. 2 do, JU 60012 00; loose from wagon, $18 002U 00; No. I upland prairie. S10 O010 25; No. 2, 8 0008 60; packing do. S6 7&S7 00. Straw Oats. S8 00Q8 25; wheat and rye straw, 87 007 50S8 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured, hams, large, 10ic; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small, llc;J sugar-cured breakfast bacon, l(c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried beef sets,9Kc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, HKc: bacon shoulders, 7Kc; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders,o;dry salt clear sldes,7c Mess Eork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50. ard Refined in tierces, 7JJc; half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs, 7c; 20 ft pails, 7c; 50-ft tin cans, 7c; 8-ft tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, 7Kc; 10-6 tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c;large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barrel. SI 75, Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 &3, 6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs, 8Kc ft ft. Hogs, 6c Lumber. ' There is a growing demand for poplar wood for inside finish. Walnut appears to be recov ering its lost prestige, and bids fair to become popular again, as in years gone by. Yard quota tions of lumber have not changed, but there is a stiffening tendency in markets. Jobbing rates are higher than last spring, and retail 3 notations are not unlikely to advance when le season is fully on. PINE UNPLACED YARD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per M.. $52 00o5 00 Select common boards, per M. 30 00 Common boards perM 20 00 Sheathing 18 00 Pine frame lumber nerM 22 00(327 00 Shingles, So. i, lain, per SI 500 Shingles, So, 2, IS In. per M..... 3 75 Lath. .7. :. 300 PLAITED. Clear boards, per M. $ 6000 Surface boards , SO 0035 00 Clear, K-inch beaded ceiling - 26 00 Partition boards, peril 3500 Floorlnsr, No.l 30 00 Flooring, No. 2 25 00 Yellow pine flooring 50 004OOO Weather-boarding-, moulded. No. 1, ou uu 25 00 20 00 v eamer-ooaraing, mouiaea, no. z.. Weather-boarding, H-lnch... HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIOX3. Ash, 1 to 4 In $40 Black walnut green, lop run 45 link walnut, dry, log run 60 Cherry 65 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 25 Dry white oak plank, Zto 4 In 25 Dry white oak boards, lln 35 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 25 West Va. yellow poplar, Ktolln 25 Hickory, 1 to 3 in....... 13 Hemlock building lumber, perM Bunk rails . Boat studding Coal car plank HARD WOODS JOBBING PRICES. Ash, 1 t041n 25 0030 00 Black walnut green, log run 45 00330 on Black walnut dry, log run 30 00eoo Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 17 001320 00 Dry white oak plank, 2,to4In 18 0020 00 Dry white oak boards, lln 19 00320 00 West Va. yellow pine, lln 18 owaao 00 WestVa. yellow pln IX In 19 00022 00 VestVa. yellow poplar, Mtolin lsoor&soo Hickory. Vito 3 in . 18 00322 on Hemlock building timber, 1M 10 0012 00 Bunk rails 1400 Boat studding. 1400 Coal car plank isoo Dealers Laughed at Us. "When we said last year that people had common sense enough to call at a place of business to buy a sewing machine and not be annoyed by persistent peddlers. People are wise in this generation and know a good thing when they see it. Kow, when a ped dler calls and persists in "just leaving his machine over night" he is met with "be off with you; will call at Hopper Bros. & Co., and get a sewing machine when we need it and not before." Very sensible people indeedl Dear reader, don't forget our place" of business is 307 Wood street ttssu The People's Store. Our grand opening of parasols, sunshades and umbrellas is attracting great attention, anu our very tow prices piease tne ladies. Campbeli & Dick. ICE BEST ICE in the mar ket at lowest ruling prices. No advance in prices during the season to regular trade. In ordering from wagons see that they carry our trade mark, THE POLAR BEAR. I April ist principal I nffirp will r-if r. moved to our new building, Thirteenth and Pike streets. Principal Office Telephone No. 703. East End Telephone No. 5058. Southside Telephone No. 605L Allegheny Telephone No. 3100. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ICE COMP'Y., Thirteenth and Pike streets. mh26-74-TT3 CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of 8500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAa CALLERY President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. ' AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc. , PETER WRIGHT fc SONS, General agents. 307 Walnut st Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. McCOR MICK, Fourth avenne and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfield street. mhl3-66-TTS -1UNAHD LINE. NEiYORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS TOWN, KROil P1EK 40 NOBTH EIVEB. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Auranla, Apr. 6, 9:30 AMIUmbria, Apr. 13, 3 p M Uallla, Apr. 10, lPMlServla, Apr. 20, 9am Cabin passage. 60, (so and SIOO; Intermediate, 35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. VERNON H. BKOWN & CO., General Agents, t . ,. ,..tJ?9wJl!nB Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent, Fourth ave. and Smithfield St., Pittsburg. apZ-84-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passageJ35 and S50, according to location of stateroom. Excursion $05 to J80. steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN 4 CO.. General Agents, B Broadway, New York. J.J. McCORMICK. Aflonl, Pittsburg. Pa. mhl2D "VfORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST 1 route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. !Trave.Apr.3.8AJt. I Ss.Elbe . Apr. 13, 3 P. M. B8.Fulda.Apr.6,10AM 8s.Elder.Apr. 16.6:3UA.M 8a.Lahn.Apr. 10.1P.X Ss. Aller. Apr. 17, 7 A. St. First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward. MAXSCHAMBERa burg. Pa. & CO, Agents, Pltts- OELRICHS&CO., 2 Bowling Green, New York City. . Ja29-7M . i' V - 00f75 00 OC75 00 00(330 00 0OTS3O0O O04OOO OOf 25 00 0030 00 00(5)30 00 O022 00 13 00 15 00 14 00 13 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .J Our little girl when bns three weeks old broke out with eczema. We tried the nrescrio-1 tion from several good doctors, but without any special ueneai. w e tried . ts. u., ana or the time one bottle was gone, her head began 1 to heal, and by the time she had taken six not-1 ties she was completely cured. Now she has a full and heavy head of hair a robust, health v. child. I feel It but my duty to make this state- J ment H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo. .PS-Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Sis eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed tree. The Swift Specific Co-fel-7-rrs Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa. EczemaItchy, Scaly, Skin Totm- SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Tie ilipl. ppUclon of "Swim's Oiw;" wUm SWAYNE'S OINTMENT SKIN DISEASES STiSSrS or ton- imll. K1 J7 jS? or lent Vr mU Sir 50 ett. S Bom, L2S. AAJreMjJtt. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of 1J Special offerings this week in K" SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEEBSUCKEB, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHKVIOTa Tot largest assortment and lowest price call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-D THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St.. CAPITAL, . . - . 300,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. . ' EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES V. SPEER. Vice Prest mh22-95-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. TTIONEYTOLOAN- On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of 51,000 and upward. Appl v at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-31-r No. 124 Fourth avenue. BROKERS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL IVOR TBI BROKER IN PETEOLETJM Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsa WHITNEY & STEPHMSOft 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL, MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x7Sk MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER fill pew .ivvm? tifnaTTT a s As old residents know and back files of Pitts- ourg papers prove, is the oldest established and. most prominent pnysiaan in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From peSonT8 NO FEE UNTIL CURED MppWni f and mental diseases, physical 'iuii i wj uecay, nervous aeouiir, lacK OI..H energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem- fi ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im-'jj poverished blood, fallingpowers. organic weak--j HMQ Hvan.n.l. Xrme.ln.tlnn Anno,,......!.,.. .... "3 WW uj ,,u. W1UMJJ.MUU, bVUSUJJiUUUU, -'-S uluiiv Liuiiitfrann inr iiiisitir?. wiatt nnn mav-?jBi riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. Dl nnn AMn CIIM diseases in all OLUUU rtlMU OrVIH staees. eruptions.. blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandularis ovvciuugs, uiuexabiuus ul muffle, moum, luroaiL-j ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood M poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. jS lIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange-a5 Uninrtn I jment3,weak back, gravel, ca- i3 tarrbal discharges, inflammation and other M paimui symptoms receive searching treatment; j prompt reiiei ana real cures. Dr. VVhittier's life-long, extensive ezperiencd r insures scientific and reliable treatment on . common-sense nrincinlea. Consultation frpn ' Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if -a nere. vmce uours a a. m. to a p. sr. aunaiy, 10 A. M. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Jf enn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. f eB-o-Dsuw WHAT IS MONEY WITHOUT HEALTH j Health, Energy and Strength secured by uting AHORASDA WAFERS. These wafers are guaranteed SPECrFic and the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent core otlmpotency,' no matter how long standing. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the usa alcohol or tobacco, Sleeplessness. Mental Depress, ion. Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prematura Old Age, Barrenness, Spermatorrhoea, Harrassin'e Dreamj, Premature Decay of Vital Power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or ovei indulgence. 73 cents per box or six boxes for, 84X0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price," Six boxes is the complete treatment and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO REFUND THE MONEY' if the wafers do not benefit or effect a permanent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL.1 INSTITUTE. For salo only by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON. 412 Market Street, Pitts burgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 37. to whom all.commuuK i cation should be addressed. mh31-BSUH2 GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE! CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, Luai viuun. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fall particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray's Speclne sold by druggists only In' yenow wrapper. Price, l per on receipt or price, far addres- lug THE GKAT j Soli ia tMK ,?.-. . -rr"w 6I).II.M . w .L J " " "--'--' -.""; ti4 iu A iiHUiirir mr pt. - hiii.i.i iuii Mfinta -ja. mucin am., uiuerty 8-8. aplZ-53 HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checfca thn wnr.t tm& An tVi-rV days, and cnrei In five days. Price 81 00. at rM J. FLE3UNU-S DRUGSTORE, $9 JUW4W--1UO-1 XUiilUUIiOkOUCCbt MEN ONLY A POSmVE CURE For LOST or Palling iUA.iatvv.iicrTOQ: Body Mind, Velonment. ra: ness, weakness Lack of Strength. Vltror and De-J yelopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Boo MODB Of SEU-TBEATJUETT. and Proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address E&LB MEDICAL CO:;- iuniti&iwi 1 WEAK" ABY1SSFB5S. X0WTOAT. f " JJJ V UtVlgorsndMinboodB!Ted. Pr- , MfrV.sDlT aiatoreDeelfti-andl'iiMtlonaldifor. JIT- ffc Am. nmd StomKh MedlciBM. i TDnUI3s1T",',Mrent''on-nlisuon. Ul rtUriW 'Mqjronca.iSPuknM,,j..i, de-15 -STT3WTC TflWEAKHCU suffciiAu frum tl ef fl 9 TT.m iots, earlj decay, 1 lecu oi vontarui i tnatb (Kaled gSI containing' full particulars Cor home core. PROF. F. O. FOWLER, Moodu, Conn. l-noivCKU3UWK ft 13H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers