The Boys Are Done Up Again l)y the Browns, BUT THEY'LL GET THEBE. f Old Jeenis Galvin Pitched Well Amid Bad Support. . JOHN TEEIER AND JAKE GAEDATJR New Articles Forwarded to tlie St. Louis Han's Backer. GENERAL BPOETIKG KEWS OF THE DAT Another defeat met the local baseball representatives at St. Lonis yesterday. Galvin faced the Association champions, and pitched well, but his support was wretched. He kept Von der Ahe's men vdown to four hits, and still was beaten. The Browns played well, and Freeman, their pitcher, did excellent work. The score was 5 to L lErECTILI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! St. Louis, April 3. A combination of ball-tossers in black and orange faced the champions and a high wind at Sportmen's Park to-day. The visitors hail from the natural gas borough of Pittsburg, and the tints of the uniform were in perfect har mony with the feelings and play of the Leaguers. Black is still the fashionable color at funerals, and orange or "yellow" de noted the particularly "saffron" character of tho League play. But in truth, it must be said that Dunlap's men have not yet struck their gait. They show the effects of a lazy winter, and with two weeks' hard practice will prob ably come around all nght. Galvin, Dunlap, Beckley, Sunday and Miller showed up with rood activity, but "Pop" Smith, Kuehne and the others are short of the article. The Browm, Latham excepted, played a per fect game. The man from Shoctown made a double, caught a line fly and then made three errors out of two and ahalf chances. Freeman pitched a good game and Fuller played a brilliant short. Beckley knocked out three fine hits, but they were of no avail. Galvin pitched in good form, but tho infield work was discouraging. By an adroit movement in the first inning Dunlap allotted Boyle's hit to go between his legs and Comisky and -O'Nell scored. Errors by Kuehne and Smith, a wild throw by Sunday and a hit by Boyle netted three runs in the third. The visitors' only run was the result of bases on balls tendered Cole man and Dunlap and a long fly by Kuehne, which allowed Dunlap to score. Full score: 8t rocis. AD n B r A Latham. 3 .. . Tnllcr s ..., O'Ncit, 1 Comistev, 1... ltoylc. r . . ililligsn, c ... Duffee, ; Cuilworth, m.. Tret-man, p.... Totals. .35 S 4 27 11 3 ALLEGHEXIES. AB E B 1 A E Sunday, m Miller, c Beckley, 1 , Dunlap, : Coleman, r Mnlth, e Kuehne, 3 Nichols. L Galvin, 1 1 1 0 4 3 16 0 10 Totals 32 1 33 8 Alleirhcnlcs fet. Louis 0 100000001 ...2 03000000 S ranted rnns St Louis, 1; Alleghenies, 1. Two-base hits Beckley, 2: Latham. Stolen base; Comltkey and Bovle. Double plays Dunlap and Beckley. First baeon balls Mllligran, Dunlap, Coleman and Mchols. Struck out Dunlap, 1; Cudworth, 2; MllUiran,l. 1'assed ball-Mlllifran. A ild pitch Gall in. Time of game One hour and 35 minutes. Umpire ilason WAIID'S STATEMENT. Ho Gives tbe Reason Why He Won't Go to Washington. Regarding his case, John M. Ward made the following statement to a PlSPATcn reporter on Tuesday- "I asked Mr Day last fall," said he, "to offer my release to such clubs as might desire my services. In doing this I mentioned Boston and Washington, just as I would have men tioned Boston and Indianapolis, or any other club. Boston at once began negotiations with me, and when I left 'Frisco I had a legal con tract with that club in nv pocket. "The Washington management did not say one word to me, and the first I beard of it was at Cairo. Egypt. It was not my fault, but their own. 1 could have saved them all their trouble if they had only dropped me a line before I left the country. Washington is a beautiful city and I like its people, but this is a mere matter of interest with me, and I am simply doing what I believe will be best for me in the end." OJIAHA'S CHAMPION' HERE. IL O. Merrier Arrives nnd Makes a Good Impression. IL O. Messier, the Omaha pedestrian, arrived 1 the city yesterday. He is entered for next week's contest. Yesterday afternoon he was on the London Theater track and covered about ten miles. He Is, indeed, a "good looker," and goes well. The talent consider him a likely winner. He has a good record and has gone through three or four six-day races. Day, Koremac, Golden and Nolan were also on the track, all in excellent condition. The first named has many friends here, and one of them offered to bet that he would defeat Golden. There is fctill a strong feeling between Golden and Noremac, and the friends of each are just as demonstrative about the respective qualities of the two pedestrians. Kcnl Lost His Head. TSTECIAl TELEGKAM TO TH DISPATCH.I CxvcnmATX, April 3. If Neal, the old Asso ciation twirler, had not lost his head in one in ning and sent four men to bases on balls the Springfields f rom Illinois would have made things interesting for the Cincinnatis this after noon. Duryea pitched his first regular game and did welL Barring that fatal inning tho Central Inter-State League team did good work. Score by innings: Cincinnatis .0 07020000-9 bDrtagfidds 0 001000001 Clva Wins the Plate. Ihcdox, April 3. This was the second day of the Northampton and Pitchley hunt spring meeting. The race for the Ascot plate of 430 sovereigns, for 2-year-olds, at five furlongs, was won by the Duke of Portland's chestnut filly TTlva, by Master Kildare out of Staffa. The race for the great Northamptonshire stakes of 600 sovereigns, a handicap for 3-ycar-olds and upward, at one mile and three-quarters, was won by Lord Howe's 5-year-old bay horse Claymore, by Camballo, out of Seta pore. Mnjor Thomas' Racers Seld. New Yobk, April a The entire racing stable of Major R. C. Thomaa, owner of the Dixiana Stud Farm at Lexington, KyM was sold at public auction hero to-day. There was a good attendance of buyers and the prices were, on the whole, good, a total of J1LSS0 being realized. A 3-year-old bay filly, sire King Ban, dam Rosaline, went to Dr. Smith, of Toronto, for SLO00; Ban Flag to Arthur White for SL20O; Lady Pulsifer to W. Lovell for $3,300; and Lady Heel to Dr. Smith for 1,300. Will Walk HoaKlnnil. Merrier, the Nebraska pedestrian, who ar rived in the city yesterday, has great confidence in his beel and toe walking abilities. Last even ing he stated that ir he wins any money next week he will put it all np to walk Peter Hoag land or anybody else six days. Ho will also un dertake to beat Homeland's record. St. John Ilns Not Accepted the DIcKccs porter's Terms A Copy of New Articles Forwarded Gaodanr's Backer Conces sions Made. John Teemer, the scnller, stated definitely yesterday that he has received no word from St. John relative to the acceptance of any con ditions of a raco between him. Teemer, and Gaudaur. In view of recent announcements this is significant, and it may turn out that St John will decline to match Gaudaur against Teemer on any of the terms already conceded by tho latter. However, Teemer desires that matters be thoroughly understood by the pub lic. Ho is willinc to row Gaudaur on the terms proposed by St. John, and yesterday requested the writer to draw up the following articles and forward them to St. John. Articles of agreement entered into this day, April , 1SSS, between John Teemer, of Mc Keesport, and Jacop G. Gaudaur, of SL Louis, Mo., to row three races, in best and best boats, at the following respective distances: Two miles, three miles and four miles, each with a turn, and each race to be for 500 a side. The two-mile race to be rowed first over a course to be named by Jacob G. Gaudaur. The three-mile race shall be rowed second over a course to be named by John Teemer. The course of the first race shall be named four weeks before tho date of tbe first race. Teemer shall name the course for tbe second race at any time after Gaudaur has named the course for the first race, but not later than 14 days before the second race. If a third race is necessary, the contestants to toss a coin for choice of course. The first race to be rowed on June 1, 1SS9, the second on June 15, 1SS9, and the third, if necessary, on June 29, 1S89. The winner of any two of the three races to be entitled to all the stakes. The first deposit of $750 each to be put up on April 12, 1839. in the keeping of The Pitts bukg DisrATCH, who shall be final stake holder. The second and final depositor 750 cacn io ue maae gooa witn the final staKe holdcrtwo days after tho first race. The races shall be rowed according to the rules of the National Amateur Rowing As sociation and each race to be rowed between the hours of 4 and 0 r. II. If the contestants cannot agree in the selec tion of a referee three days before the first race the final stakeholder shall appoint one, and he shall officiate at each race rowed. The referee's decision shall be final and subject to no appeal at law. If a ontestant objects to the roughness of the rowing course the referee shall decide for or against such objection. iiiereieree snail oe satisnea as to a clear course for both rowers before ha gives the word "go." All "coaches" to remain astern of tho hind most contestant. Either contestant failing to comply with tho requirements of the foregoing articles shall forfeit all money up. Signed this day, April 1SS9. A copy of the above was forwarded St. John last evening, and Teemer is also In possession of a copv. It will be seen that Teemer has conceded everything demanded bv St John. The latter. If quoted correctly In some papers, evidentlybas been mistaken on one or two im portant points. Teemer's original challenge, as it appeared in this paper, stated that he w ould row anybody three races of 3, 4 or 5 miles respectively. St John, in behair of Gaudaur. substituted a two-mile race for that of five miles. Teemer agreed to this, so that St John or anybody else is wrong in stating that Teemer originally wanted a two-mile race. It is only fair to explain the matter fully, and the explanation certainly proves that Teemer is not a quibbler, and that he means business. WIKOFF'S BULLETIN. Tho Association President Issues Orders to the CInbs. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.I Columbus, O.. April 3. Wheeler Wifcoff has issued the following baseball bulletin: Contracts 1SS3 With Brooklyn, R. H. Clark: Kansas City, H. Porter; Louisville, H. Vaughn, GuyHecker, L. R. Browning; St Louis, J. E. O'Neill: American Association, C. F. Daniels, umpire; Indianapolis, L. L. Shreve, C. E. Bas sett J. C. McGeachy, R. D. Buckley, J. E. Whitney; Washington, Wm. O'Brien. J. B. Donnelly, John Healy; Chicago, Frank Dwycr, A J. Sommers; Boston, I. B. Ray, J. F. Morrill. Released By Kansas City, H. Esterday. F. Hoffman: Washington, J. E. Whitney; Boston, J. A Sommers; Indianapolis, John Healy; Omaha, J. Campana. A, Donoghue. Change of dates The Brooklyn and Louis ville clubs have changed the game scheduled for May 9 to August 19 by agreement, and Brooklyn aDd Baltimore have changed the game scheduled for May 1 to April 30 A. M. by agreement All clubs must have foul lines so they can bo seen by the umpire from his position behind the batter to the extension of the grounds. All clubs that have not already done so must put down rnbber home plates before the champion ship season commences. JOHN L. A LUSHER. Tho Bis; Boston Brnlscr a Complete Slavo nt the Shrine of Red Eye. Boston, April a John L. Sullivan is con tinuing his Providence spree in Boston, but he is quite harmless. Yesterday he was unable to go about and was confined to tbe house by friend-:. Boston people are beginning to wish he would keep his word and "blow" the town for good. Men who were ready to back him for thousanJs three months ago won't lay a cent on him now. It is tl e general opinion that Kilrain will have a pudding when he tackles the former champion if iudeed the men ever come together. But unless Sullivan shows more of a disposition to mend his ways he will not be allowed to begin training for the fight New Orleans Winners. New OBLKAX6, April 3 Fl'st race, five fnr- lones-Lucy Howard won. Orange Girl second and Catherine B third. Time, 1:04. Second race, six furlongs Dudley Oaks won, Stuart second and California third. Time, 1:17K. Ihlrd race, seven furlongs-Colonel Hunt won. Lord Grosvenor second and Kermesse third. Time, 1:31,. Fourth race, half mile Lexington B won, T. J. Busk second and Jim Itced third. Time, ol'A, A Match for Stanley. New Yore, April 3. Senator Morgan, the well-known Omaha sporting man, to-day cov ered the S250 deposit ot, Billy O'Brien, backer of Miss Lottie Stanley, who recently issued a chaHengc, open to all lady bicyclists, for $1,000 a side. Senator Morgan represents the backers of an "unknown," supposed to be Miss Emma Williams, winner of the recent six days ladies' bicycle race at Omaha. McKeirnan Won. Greensburg, April 3 A large crowd of sports witnessed a prize fliht in Toner's grove last night between Pat McKiernan and Clay Evans, cf Latrobe. After a desperate battle the fight was awarded "to McKiernan. Both men were badly used up. Yesterday's Ball Games. Baltlmores, 5, Washingtons, 8; Indianapolis, 9. Louisvilles, 0; Omahas. 1, Kansas Citys.2: Athletics, 8, Princetons, 0, Sporting Notes. Jimmy Tailor, the veteran sculler, will be Sam Day's attendant in next week's race. Merrier, the p'edestrian, thinks that Miss Williams is the best female bicyclist In tbe world. James albert, the pedestrian, has received $1,000 to contest In the six-day race at 'Frisco next May. The Boston baseball authorities claim that thev knew weeks ago that Ward would not go to Washington. CnccnrsATi enthusiasts are now satisfied that Dunlap is inferior to McPhee as a second baseman. This mnst settle it Horace Phillips did not have to use a shoe horn to put on his hat after supper last night The result of the two games with the Cincinnatis reduced the size of his cranium very materi?lly. Cincinnati Enquirer. Where to Go For spring overcoats. Gents, don't fail to call at the Hub. We show the best 510 and S12 coat in the city. "We lead the town in suits for boys at $2. $2 50, $3, $3 B0, fl, $1 50 and $5. See our men's wool dress pants at ?1 75, S3 and $2 50. Fine dress pants at $3, $3 50 and $4. A fine ball and bat to every boy customer at the Hub. Call and see 'em at Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield st. Put Money la Thy Parse. Persons contemplating putting in new carpets will look well to their purse strings by looking at our stock before selecting. Remember that it pays better to buy good carpets than poor ones, and you can well afford to when you get six months' time to settle for the same, say nothing of the satis faction given from the moment you get the goods, besides a year or two longer wear. Wc think after considering the above that you will appreciate our manner of doing business. Hopper Bros. & Co., ttssu 307 Wood street, " Joseph Cook, April 4, "Seven Modern Wonders." Pennsylvania Insurance Companies Complain That the TAX ON FOREIGN CORPORATIONS Is a Boomerang "Which is Euining Our Home Companies, as It EATS DP 60 PER CENT OP THE PKOFITS Of the Business, Owing to the Retaliatory Tax Im postd bT Other States. The insurance companies of the State sent I representatives to Harrisburg yesterday. These gentlemen claimed that under the present law they are too well protected. A tax upon ioreign companies doing business in Pennsylvania has resulted in other States taxing Pennsylvania companies. This, it is claimed, is mining our home companies, as most of their business is done outside of the State, and a tax of 3 per cent on their gross receipts actually amounts to 60 per cent of their net profits. rFltOK A STAFF COBBXSPOSrPENT.l Harrisburg, April 3. Gentlemen rep resenting the 42 insurance companies of Pennsylvania appeared to-day before the Senate Committee on Finance and asked that the tax on foreign insurance companies doing business in this State be reduced from 3 to 2 per cent on the gross premiums, thus making the tax uniform on all insurance companies, whether- chartered under the laws of Pennsylvania or of some other State. The law imposing this tax was passed in 1873, with the idea of protecting the Penn sylvania companies in the business of the State. But other States adopted retaliatory laws. They are in this form,, that to the extent Pennsylvania discriminates against the companies of these other States, her own companies are discriminated against. That fs, Pennsylvania companies are taxed 3 per cent on their gross premiums in other States, because Pennsylvania levies that tax on the companies of these States doing business within her borders. The 42 Penn sylvania companies do a larger business outside the State than the foreign com panies do in the State. Hence tbe State in trying to protect them has laid on them a burden of taxation without the State much larger than the revenue the State derives from the foreign companies. A boomerang tax. Insurance Commissioner Poster was be fore the committee, and supported the state ments of the gentlemen, adding that the Pennsylvania companies would really make money by paying the State the additional 1 per cent levied on the outside companies. The representations of the gentlemen were favorably considered-by the committee, and it was resolved to insert a clause or section in the general revenue bill removing the discrimination against outside companies. The gentlemen who appeared before the this point were T. C. Henry, Vice President of the Insurance Company of North America; Joseph L. Cavan, President of the United Firemen's Asso ciation of North America, and Colonel Dale Benson, Vice President of the Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company. In speaking of the general subject In surance Commissioner Foster said 60 per cent and sometimes more of a fire insurance company's premiums go to pay fire losses, and at least 30 per cent to pay expenses. Where 90 per cent represented these items a tax of 3 per cent on the gross premiums was equivalent to a tax. of CO per cent on the pronts. xnis, ne declared, amounted to confiscation, and what, he asked, did it amount to when fire losses and expenses ex ceeded the gross premiums. He thought a tax of 5 per cent on a company's profits, such as was levied on stock companies, would be ample. NOT MILLIONAIRES ONLY INTERESTED. Mr. Henry showed that largely owing to the system of taxation in our State in the seven years past 42 companies had paid in the aggregate over 500,000 for the privilege of doing business, having lost'that amount. Mr. Cavan also referred to the fact that there was a loss of $544,000 by the companies in the seven years past, and said that only by careful nursing of their investments are they able to live, and only through the accretions of years previous to 1881 have they been able to pay dividends. To show thatther than millionaires were concerned, Mr. Henry stated that 1,200 of the 2,500 of his company are women, who have invested their savings thus. Mr. Reynolds, of Lancaster, and Ii. G. Fouse, of Philadelphia, appeared on behalf of the lire insurance companies, and this gave Senators Cooper and Grady the idea that mutual insurance orders such as the Odd Fellows, Eoyal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, etc., ought to be taxed in some way. Insurance Commissioner Foster thought it would be only right, but didn't think the Legislature would consent to it. At the re quest of the two Senators, however, he con sented to draw up a section for the general revenue bill covering that point, and they promised to do their best with the Legisla ture. TRIPLE TAXATION IS TOO MUCH. M. Olmstead, Esq., appeared before the committee in behalf of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia. Under the general revenue bill, he said, this company would be taxed on its mortgages and gross premiums, and, if an appeal now in the courts from a decision of the late Auditor General Nbrris was decided ad versely, it would also be taxed on its net earnings. He did not, object to the double taxation, as taxed, but he did object to triple taxation, especially as this particular company wo aid be the only one in the State so taxed. He asked an amendment that would exempt the company from the tax on net earnings. Senator McLain, of Washington, ap peared before the committee, ana made an eloquent plea for the retention or Dr. NefTs amendment to the revenue bill, providing that when a person is both borrower and lender, heshall only be taxed on the money he has on interest after deducting his in debtedness. The Auditor General is strong ly opposed to this amendment The com mittee will meet again to-morrow and hear the Auditor General, who, among other things, will endeavor to have the House amendment exempting manufacturing cor porations from taxation changed in its phraseology. His idea is to bring itMnto closer harmony, if possible, with the Con stitution. Simpson. Three Reasons Why People should buy goods on easy payments: First, it is most impossible lor people of moderate means to accumulate enough money to furnish a house properly. Second, that a better class of goods can be purchased than though you were compelled to pay spot cash. Third, having your house properly .fur nished it is an encouragement to live and be more happy; you take more pleasure in keeping good goods in nice order, and by so doing are considered good housekeepers. The satisfaction is complete; your friends, yourself and your dealer are satisfied, so what more is desired? Be wise in yonr genera tion, and let Hopper Bros. & Cc furnish your homes. Call at 307 "Wood street, and look over their extensive stock of goods; sold on easy payments. ttssu New Shades In Silk Wrap Cashmeres At $1 and 1 25 a yard, the best goods be cause they are the best made. Jos. Hobne & Cos Penn Avenue Stores. The Democratic Candidate 2,000 Ahend In Rhode Island, but Lncks n major ity Over All Effect of lh'o In troduction of it New , Party. Providence, April 3. The State elec tion will probably nob- be decided by to day's votiDg, and just how it stands may not be known until to-morrow morning. Four tickets were in the field, and early in the day an election by the people was seen to be improbable, as the successful candi date must have a majority over all. The new fourth party in the field was borne for the single purpose of opposing the resubmission to the people of the prohibit ory amendment The party was made up largely of Republicans, men who have be fore refused to affiliate with the Prohibition party, though believing in that party's gen eral objects, and who on this occasion when they divorced themselves from the Republi can resubmissionists, still retained apart from the third party, which was working for similar purpose against resubmission. They nominated an independent State ticket, but in Providence and most of the towns joined with the third party on the Legislature ticket. The result was that while there were four general tickets in the field there was only the usual number of Legislature tickets. The Legislature is Bepublican in each branch, which will be reduced if this city is Democratic, as it is likely to be. The Legislature will vote to resubmit the Pro hibitory amendment. Thirty towns out of 36, including all cities but Providence, give Davis, Democrat, 10,904; Ladd, Re publican,! 9,174; Richardson, prohibition ist, 903; Chace, Law Enforcement, 2,662. Davis lacks 1,835 of a majority. HE BECAME A HEBREW. A Young; Wife Converts Ilcr Husband to Her Own Fnltb. Columbia, April 3. A marriage was celebrated in this city last night in the same house which a year ago was draped in mourning for the bride of yester day. Lost April Miss Cam ill e Piexotto, the pretty 13-year-old daughter of a wealthy Hebrew of this city, cloned with "William A. McCartha, a Christian, nnd was married to him by a Baptist clergyman. The girl, the pride of the family, was mourned by them as dead. The house was draped in mourning and funeral servioes were conducted. The family were highly incensed that a Christian preacher should have married such a child. The mother of the bride threatened to kill both her child and her husband. McCartha has been worked upon by his young wife until be recently consented to join the Hebrew faith. At 1 o'clock yes terday he was dulv initiated into the faith at the hands of Rabbi Ruben, of Charleston, and last night he was remarried to his wife in the house ot the bride's father under the name of Abraham. There was great re joicing. YinGIXIA'S NEW BLOOD. The Nesro Bclns Supplanted by Immigrant Fnrmcrs Who Como to Slay. Richmond, April 3. The Virginia au thorities arc making strenuous efforts to induce immigration to this State. The in dications are that more Northern and West ern people will make their homes in Vir ginia during the present year than at any time in the past quarter of a century. Colonel Thomas A. "Whitehead, the State Commissioner of Agricnlture, said to-day that more than 1,000 have bought farms and located in Virginia this year. There are hundreds prospecting every day in different parts of the State. The most of these new comers are settling in Piedmont and other white counties of the State. Few, if any, will buy lands in the counties where it is possible for the negroes to have control of the local finances. "I believe in a very few years,"he added, "we will have gained from fifty to a hun dred thousand white settlers. When this is accomplished the race problem, as far as, Virginia is concerned, will be solved." AFTER A LINK. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Wnnls the Huntingdon nnd Brond Top Road. Philadelphia, April 3. The Penn sylvania Railroad is anxious to secure pos session of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, as it is a desirable Southern feeder, and now separates the Pennsylvania main line from one of its links the Bed ford and Bridgeport Railroad, It is said that the Pennsylvania Railroad will try to force the sale of the Huntingdon and Broad Top road, intending to buy it in. Fail ing in this, it is said, the Pennsylvania Railroad will parallel the line. There has been some talk of the Pennsyl vania Railroad building along the survey of the South Pennsylvania Railroad from Har risburg to Mount Dallas, to make its con nection with the Bedford and Bridgeport If such a step should be taken the Hunting don and Broad Top Railroad would be pretty effectually "hung up." COTJLD NOT CONTROL HIMSELF. A fllnn Irresistibly Impelled to Theft A Strancc Case. Boston, April 3, A man about 45 years of age was arrested this afternoon for steal ing a box of horseshoe nails from a store in Faneuil Hall square. He gave his name as Charles Faulkner, of East Boston. On the way to the station he was suddenly taken sick. Captain Hemenway asked him at the station what made him take the nails. He said he was going by the store when he felt an irresist ible impulse to steal something. See ing the package of nails, he grabbed it He had never experienced a similar sensation. While he was talking he suddenly fell to the floor in a dead faint. A physician was called, who pronounced him dangerously sick, and said that he had been stricken with paralysis. The man is respectable in appearance. A BURGLAR AT WORK. Officer Carey Surprises One In a Liberty Street Grocery Store. Last night about 10 o'clock Officer Carey discovered'a man in McCoy & Bumberger's wholesale grocery store, No. 1017 Liberty street. An entrance was effected through the skylight. The man made his escape, but it is not thought he secured anything from the store. A Specimen of Bnflalo English. Buffalo Courier. The other day a lady walked into an up town drugstore and inquired for some Queen Ann. The drugclerk said that there was no such article in the store. She insisted that there was, and that it was powders. The clerk gave her some quinine, and she went away satisfied. Fulfilled Its mission. Washington, April 3. The commission appointed to select a site for a navy yard on the North Pacific coast has returned to Washington, and its President, Captain A. T. Mahan, had an interview with Secretary Tracy yesterday. " He Was Qualified. Washington, April 3. Mr. Terrell, of Texas, the newly-appointed Minister to Bel gium, took the oath of office at the Depart ment of State to-day, and qualified for his place. New Patterns in Printed Coalites, 35 and 50c A yard hundreds'of styles to select from. All now, fresh goods, Jos. Horne & Co.'s -, - , T . Penn Avenue Stores., Chicago Jail Officials United in tlio Belief That They Have AN ELEPHANT ON THEIR HANDS. A Polished Forger, Who Once Moved in High Social Circles, is USIXG YRI .EFFORT TO AT0ID TRIAL. ir Every Other Scheme Fails, He Will Suicide With Hidden tlorphine. A remarkable prisoner is now in jail at Chicago. He is a forger with an extensive criminal record. He is handsome, well educated and of polished manners, and has moved in high society. Since his arrest he made an effort to secure his release by an ingenious story. Then he tried sickness, even bleeding himself. It is now thought he will suicide with morphine. Chicago, April 3. The officials of the Cook County Jail have on their hands the person of James Egan, a strikingly hand some young fellow who with a long criminal career combines a good education and pol ished manners and the muscular develop ment of an athlete. Egan is 'locked up under the alias of J. H. Hammill, on the charge of forgery. His remarkable conduct since his arrest here gives renewed interest to his previous sensational record. At Denver, Col., three years ago Egan secured entrance to the first social circles and was a great favorite until ho was arrested on two charges of forgery. He was sent to the penitentiary at Bowlder for two years. AN OLD OFrENDEE. It was then ascertained that he had pre viously done time in the penitentiary at Jackson, Mich. When Egan was released from the Colorado prison he came to Chi cago, and last October was arrested for forging a promissory note purporting to be drawn by James H. "Walker & Co. in favor of "James H. Hammill" for ?4,675, in pay ment for the steam fittings in the nrm's new building. Egan, or, as he called himself, Hammill, endeavored to negotiate the note with the Surety Loan and Savings Company. While in jail awaiting trial he endeavored to in duce States Attorney Longnecker to be ISnient with him, offering in return to give valuable evidence against the bond thieves, Shaw, Plessner and Corbett. When placed on the stand Egan told an ingenious story to the effect that C. D, Tay lor had given him the bonds subsequently received "by Shaw. Egan, however, broke down under cross-examination, and con vinced the States Attorney that he was a rascal. NEW TACTICS ADOPTED. "When taken back to jail he suddenly be came insane, but failing to convince Dr. Egbert that his mind was gone, he chancred his tactics and became very ill. For days he lay on his cot in a semi-comatose condi tion, and'the most careful watching failed to show that he was shamming. His aim was to be sent to the hospital, and the doctor had about decided to allow him to go there, when he spoiled his chances. He was seized with a violent fit of coughing, and when the physician next made his rounds Egan showed him about a pint of blood which he had coughed up. At a glance Dr. Egbert saw that the blood was arterial, and not lung blood. He care fully searched the prisoner, but could not find 'the slightest sign of a wound from which the blood had been drawn. The. shrewd forger had probably drawn it from1 either his mouth or nostrils. Bnt Dr. Eg bert is of the opinion that Egan is very sick, though by no means in the dangerous con dition he assumes. SUICIDE PEAKED. He is an inveterate morphine eater and has taken as much as 20 grains a dav. The physician allowed him some morphine in gradually reduced doses until a daily dose of one grain was all he was allowed. This was suddenly stopped, as Dr. Egbert became suspicious that Egan was "holding out" some of the drug from each dose with the evident idea of securing enough to make a suicidal dose in case of emergency. The supposed missing morphine cannot be found, bnt the doctor is afraid of his wily patient and wishes him safely out of his hands. Egan is too sick for trial and not sick enough to go to the hospital. He has ap parently made up his mind not to go to the penitentiary again, and in nil probability has the means at his disposal to commit sui cide. The officials are all anxious to be rid of such a champion rascal. KEEP OUT OF THE LIOU'S MOUTH. Brazilian minister Adams Not Ready to Offer nimself as a Sacrifice Jast Yet. Washington, April 3. Colonel Robert Adams, Jr., the new TJnited States Minister to Brazil, was in Washington to-day, where he called upon President Harrison. In an interview with a reporter, Colonel Adams said: I am not going to my post of duty for somo time. The average human being would hardly expect me to, m view of tbe fact that Brazil is now suffering from one of the worst epidemics of yellow fever that ever afflicted even that country. I could not possibly ar range my private affairs so as to go on the next boat, which leaves on tbe 20th of this month, and if I could we would be quartered at Bio. Secretary Blaine told me to-day that he would not, under any circum stances, havo me go until the force of tho epi demic is lessened, and I think I agree with him. If I were in the country then, of course it would be ray duty to remain and to-do all in my power for the distressed, but as 1 am here there seems to be no good and sufficient reason why I should inject .my presence into a disease-stricken community at this season of tbe year. It is a very glorious thing to die for your country, but to live, under the present circumstances, is much more attractive so far as I am concerned. A MURDER UNAVENGED. One of the Accused Escnped nnd the Other Was Acquitted. New Toek, April 4. The'jury in the trial of Vincenzo Quarterao for the murder of Antonio Flaccomio, on October 14, were discharged at 12:45 this morning, being un able to agree. They'hadbeen out since 5116 in the evening,ond stood four for conviction and eight for acquittal. The murder of Flaccomio was, at the time it-ocenrred, a verr mvsterious 'one. Flaccomio wna Istabbed to Tenth in front of Cooper Union Tl,ir! avonno .fit Irilnnl. l ill. ....! while the street was crowded. It was proved almost bevond question that the prisoner's1 brother did the 'itab bing.and Vincenzo was thought to have been an "accomplice. Vmcenzo's brother fled and the former gave himself up. His defense was an alibi. The murder was committed after a game of cards. The Evidence Pointed Thnt Way. Chicago Trlbnne.3 "What was in his pockets?" inquired the Coroner. "Nothing. They were turned inside out," was the reply of the witnesses. Verdict of the jury: "We find that the deceased stranger came toVhis death ironi causes unknown to us, bui circumstances incline us to the theory of suicide and point to the probability that his last stopping nlftnft was some'hotel in Wnsninwfjin T n ' I -' l.Q-V..,. W. Getting Ready for thi Sea, Washington, April 3. 4- The com mandant 6f the marine corps has been directed to detail guards for thYorktown and Adams, the former to report bn the 10th and the latter the 20th iasi. .,-. .- . - . . ' YSM.Ci , Warnings That tbe New Lower California mines arc Slnch of n Fail arc. New Toek, April 3. A private letter received in this city from an American mining expert who has visited the recently discovered gold deposits in Peninsular or Lower California and examined them says : " The placer mining is already a failure. There is gold in the placers, but not in such quantities as to make their working profitable to Americans. The Mexican people ot the neighborhood will continue to work them in their way, because they are satisfied if they can make half & dollar a day and have the hope of making a richer find by chance. "There are, however, some quartz ledges which promise well, and which, if they were developed in a systematic way, with the help of considerable capital, might turnout well. That remains to bs seen, and in my judgment no one should attempt it without large capital. I have advised mere pros pectors and placer workers to keep away from these diggings. A great many have already returned home, and in my belief it will not be long before the place is deserted by this class of miners, except the Mexi cans. "Governor Torres has already given official notice that the placer diggings are not rich, and that it is rot prudent for people to go to them. He has done right in this, and the International Company's people also discouraged the rush as soon as they ascertained that there was no promise of profitable diggings. HINDOO THUGS. One Who Strangled 07 Victims ns Sacrifices to His Horrid Goddess. A recent letter from India says: During our stay at Jubbulpore, Colonel Hughes Hallett, the superintendent ot prisons, was kind enough to show us over the jail, and the excellent school of industry, which he manages for the benefit of children of the old thugs or stranglers, who have long been kept under restraint at Jubbulpore. From the jail Colonel Hughes Hallett took us to see the interned thugs, a caste of Hindoos for centuries the terror of India, who carried their devotion to the cruel goddess Bowanee to such a pitch, as to make it their religion to strangle human beings in her honor. Many years ago, the Indian Government suppressed them, and confined them in a special village at Jubbulpore. There are only 152 of them left, many of whom are aged and infirm, their women and children bringing up the total to 346. There is a venerable bed-ridden -old "saint" much looked jap to by the rest, who has strangled 97 victims with his own hands as sacrifices to his horrid goddess. His closing years are tinged with gentle melancholy; he wishes that a meddlesome Government had allowed him to complete his round hundred. These people are employed in various ways, chiefly teat-making and carjiet-weaving. Colonel Hughes Hallett manages matters so skillfully, that the profits not only keep the aged and infirm in comfort, but leave a handsome annual margin. FASHIONABLE FOOTGEAR. Something New in tho Boot nnd Shoo Line far I lie Coming Season. Lady's Pictorial.! Boots and shoes, I am pleased to say, are being made more and more dainty and or namental. The shoes prepared for the com ing season are both novel and pretty, but tan and Russian leather are still used in their manufacture. Some of the prettiest of the new shoes I have seen have the fronts made of the tin iest strips of leather and ribbon, and are finished off with the usual buckel of paste or steel. The ribbon can, of course, be sup plied in any shade the wearer may desire, so that the shoes can be made for any occa sion. I saw'so'me in white Suede, with very narrow bands oFbuttercup yellow, that were so fairy-like ih&y might have been the veritable slipper worn by Cinderella her self. Another pair were composed of white kidand white ribbon, and were richly em broidered in seed pearls; while a third pair, richly worked in gold beads, had stockings en suite, the open-work fronts being elabor ately outlined in the same manner. Nothing, however, is so effective as a toe ornamented in the wee paste brooches. Those who are debarred irom wearing smart-looking patent leather walking boots py reason oi tneir drawing propensities, will be glad to hear that new hide is now being used which looks quite as fanciful and has no such drawback. DESPOT OF THE WHIT HOUSE. It is Not General Harrison, bat Little Baby Benjamin H. McKcc. New York World Washington Special. Monday is in theory the President's day off, but it isn't much of a picnic after all. He was apparently as busy to-day as any other day. About 11 o'clock the President was called downstairs into the red parlor, and there he and Mrs. Harrison received the ladies and gentlemen of the Japanese Embassy. Secretary Blaine accompanied the diplomats, and they spent fully 15 min utes in very pleasant converse. It was after 1 o'clock when the President went down to the 300 or 400 members of the general public. No one outside of the fam ily seemed to know why he was late, but the general belief is that Benjamin Harrison MeKee was responsible for it, for shortly be fore the President started to go down stairs a loud wail of distress went up from the throat of the aforementioned B. H. McKee. Just what hurt him can only be surmised, but it is certain that the fond grandparent laid aside the cares of office for awhile and busied himself in soothing the woes and suppressing the infantile cries. WANTED A SHARE OF THE BABY. A Minnesota Farmer Who Has a Peculiar Idea of Live Stock. Hebman, April 3. H. H. Schram, a wealthy farmer, leased his homestead to Alexander Weir, it being stipulated in the lease that all the increase by live stock on the farm should be equally divided between the lessor and lessee. Before Schram could remove from the place his wife gave birth to a son. Weir now claims that bv virtue of his lease he is entitled to one-half of the baby, and has in stituted proceedings to prevent its removal. Before nnd After. Buffalo Courier. J (Overheard in a fashionable restaurant.) Pennywaite Their menu is wretched here, my love, but order the best you can. Angelica I'll take some broiled part, ridge, French mushrooms, and omele sonffle. Pennywaite The same for me, with a small bottle of Roederer. (Three months later.) Pennywaite -What are you going to eat? Angelica Give me a beefsteak and some celery. Pennywaite Now don't be so extrava gent. Your aristocratic tastes would bank rupt a millionaire. Waiter bring us some pork and beans and a bottle of beer. Slaughter of tho Iaaocents. Life. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is notified that a New York newspaper is printing portraits of the small boys and girls of our public 'school. Per haps thcpohtician and the actor may de serve this, bat mav not the innocents be spared? See Oar Stock of Jersey Waists nnd Blouses. - New ones in Btock to-day best values in our large cloak room. - , , Jos'. JBobne & Co.'s &." ,Penn Avenue Stores. THE PEOPLES STOKE. ENLARGED DEPARTMENTS REPLENISHED WITH NESPRING 'GOODS OUR SHiK STOCK is one of the finest in this part of the country, embracing all the staples and novelties known to the trade. BLACKS are the leading feature of the depart ment. Solidity, utility and economy expressed in every piece we show. COLORED'. The new shades are porcelain,' antique, mahogany, old rose, gobelin and sapphireJ The staple colors are also well represented. , INDIAS, plain and figured, in exclusive designs. SURAHS. An elegant line in- stripes and plaids PLUSHES, VELVETS and VELVETEENS.;' All newest shades and almost every conceivable' price. DRESS GOODS. All the new spring shades in Silk Warp Cashmeres of best makes; also Blacks.. Spring weights in Broadcloths. Fancy Bordered1 Serges, with plain to match. Paris Robes in boxes. Plain and Striped Mohairs. Tricots, spring colors. Black and White Cashmere Cloths, in plaids and stripes. Low Priced Dress Goods, such as Alpac as, Cashmeres and fancy novelty weaves. SUITS and WRAPS. All the fashionable fab-, rics enter into our made-up Suits; Silks, Cashmeres, Lustres, Flannel, Phalli's, etc., etc. WHITE SUITS in large numbers for Misses and Phildren. Something extra is shown in a great variety of Tea Gowns. EVERT VARIETY OF WRAPS, both im ported and domestic. Long Silk, Long Lace and Gloth Jackets. Endless variety in Stockinette. There are numberless bargains in this department. Ladies can be fitted with any size, from the largest to the smallest. THE CARPET DEPARTMENT occupies the entire second floor., This noble room is filled with the rrost choicely selected stock of all grades, from the finest private designs in Royal Wilton, Axminster, Moquette Velvet, Body Brussels and Tapestries, down to the cheaper Ingrains and the still cheaper Hemp, Cottage and Rag Carpets. RUGS of all kinds and sizes. ART SQUARES, our own importation. LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS and DRAPERIES increased ten fold above anything we have ever carried. WINDOW SHADES, POLES and all manner of Upholstery Trim mings. SPECIAL For completeness in every department; for bargains in all lines, and for satisfactory expenditure in an economical manner visit CAMPBELL & DICK, Nos. 83, 85, 87 and 89 Eifth Avenue. THE BEHEING'S SEA SHAEL. Some British Colombians Inclined to Dispute Undo Sam's Claims. Ottawa, Ont., April 3. In the Senate to-day, MacDonald, of British Columbia, interrogated the Government regarding the recent proclamation of President Harrison respecting Behring's " Sea. Senator Macinnes, also of British Columbia, read an editorial from-a United States paper, to the effect that one-half of Behring's Sea be longed exclusively to the "United States In conclusion he urged the Government to ask the question at once and forever the Im perial Government to settle. Mr: Kaulbach spoke in a similar strain. Macinnes interrupted him to state- that the United States "had put forth a pretension in 1887 to exclusive privileges in the sea, and had seized British vessels. Mr. Abbott, leader of the Government, said he did not understand the proclama tion to assert any new right by the United States, or any right over Behring's Sea. He believed the American Government con tended that certain portions of Behring's Sea were exclusively under American juris diction. The Canadian Government would contrive to act in accordance with the opin ion of Lord Salisbury. The just demand 'of British subjects for compensation for dam age done by these illegal seizures would not be abandoned. DAKOTA SWEPT BT PIEE. One County Seat Town Wiped Oat, and Tito Persons Burned to Death. Abeedeek, Dak., April 3. Leola, tho county seat of McPherson county, 33 miles northwest of Aberdeen, was destroyed by a prairie fire during yesterday's whirlwind. The fire came from the west, and was not noticed until it struck the town on account of the terrible dust. Sixty dwellings and business houses were burned, entailing a loss of $150,000. The only buildings re maining are the Court House, two stores and six dwellings. C. "W. Old and T. Thomas "Wardwell were terribly burned and cour iers from the demolished village Bay they cannot live until morning. Leola is an interior town, with no rail roads or telegraph, and further particulars cannot be obtained. Persons who drove across the country to Westport, the nearest railroad station, say the surrounding coun try is nearly devastated. Hundreds of farm houses ore in ashes, and the carcasses of burned animals lying along the road. A Whalo for the National Mascara. "Washington, April 3. The whale cap tured by the United States life saving crew at Atlantic City last Thursday arrived here to-day by express and was delivered at the Hational Museum. DIED. MULLEN-On Wednesday, April 3, 1889, at 7 p. ar Jlns. Eixen, aged to years. Funeral will take place fromthe residence ot her son, Patrick Muixex. Independent street. West End, at 9 o'clock A. ., Friday. Friends of the family are 'respectfully Invited to attend. ap2-TTS i THE WEATHEE, For Western PenntyU vania, rain, followed by air; warmer wind, shifting to southerly. For West Tirginio, colder, fair, northvsesU erly winds. PxrrsBTTBG. April 3. 18891 The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes the following: Time. Ther Oner. Mean temp .,,. SI Maximum temp..., 68 Mlnlmnm temp.aM4 47 Kanirft 19 8 .-00 A.M.. !. . imjuf; m , 2:00 p. H , 5:0O F. H .84 Precipitation. ...... .00 8:00 P. X 44 Klrer at 5r. M., 10.0 lMt;arlse of LSfeetlntt hoars. River Telegrams. , rSPXCTAI. TZX.SOBAMS TO THZ DISPATCH. 1 x Browsvxlxe River 8 feet 2 inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 60 at 7 p. M. Wabbo Hirer 4 4-10 feet and falling. Weather cloudy aad cold. MoBOAirrowir River 6 feet 3 inches and falling. Weathercloudy. Thermometer 63 OX 4 P.M. Tbe Bed Cross Wrecked. WASHraoTOir, April 3. The United States Consul at Auckland has informed the State Department of the wreck of the American ship Bed Cross, ot Bichmond, Me , on the Tonga. Islands. Nineteen of her men are destitute at Auckland. 15 '1 have been a great sufferer from Torpid Liver and Dyspepsia. Every thing I ate dis agreed with me until I began taking Tutt's Pills can now digest any!klndof food: never have a headache, and harvo gained 15 pounds in weight." W. a SCHUX.TZE, Columbus, s. a - Sold Everywhere. TTSSU Established 18i& Telephone CaUlOTh. PBANK J. QUOKERT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE. STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, . Work of every description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels. CnMn.tL . a Furniture of tf Special Designs. Drawings and intimates furnished on application.. Office and f3xtorj7Nos.6Sand TO Serenta Avenue. Pitts- burg, ft. HwttwooAijtMHij wtSimnk 3ff lit i a 1 i lv, -t' f T . - . . fc !"S.4 .. ' - N K ... T-'Sflr- . -"-r .- -v.." . -t.. Vt . - V3&S&&FtXHW -
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