K 4 ' !CHB PITTSBXJBG- -DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APPJB 4, 1889. ' 'X -. . . . ' " ' - ET- 3 l i i 1 4 i - . I $ J M$$&t JESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1S46. Vol. 44, Ko 88. Entered at PittsbtirR Postoelce, Hoveinber 14, 1&S7, as second-class matter. Business Office 67 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average circulation of the daily edition of The Dispatch for six montha ending April 1.ISS9, 27,986 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of the Sunday edition of The Dispatch for March, 1SS9, 46,423 Copies per issne. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE rr.E IS TOE EXITED STATES. Daily Dispatch. One Year ? S 00 DAILT DlBrATCH, Ter Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month. 70 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one year 10 00 Daily DisrATCll, Including Sunday, per quarter 250 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month SO Buxday DisrATCll, oneycar....: 2 50 Weekly Dispatch, one year 1 23 The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per week, or including the Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, APR. 4. 1SS9. PRESIDENT ROBERTS' GRATIFICATION. President Roberts refused to say anything for publication, yesterday, about the show ing of discriminations against Pittsburg or her freights: but instead contented himself with expressing his surprise and gratifica tion at the growth of Pittsburg's industrial interests. The pleasure which the railway ruler thus expresses may hare a sinister significance for our city. It is, of course, both surprising and grati fying that Pittsburg's industrial strength is so great that it can bear an excess of freight charges, a dollar per ton of pig iroD greater than is levied on competing cities. But there may be in it an element of gratifica tion for the Pennsylvania Railroad mag nate that onr city cannot share, namely, the capability for theimposition of further burdens. Back in the '70s, when the Pennsylvania Company was making Pittsburg carry the stress of hard times, its managers employed an expert to report on the exact advantage that Pittsburg's iron industry had in the economy of fuel on a ton of finished iron, in order that they might know exactly how much greater freight charges they could levy on Pittsburg's iron than on other points. The idea that Pittsburg had any light to the full advantage of her cheapness of fuel was as remote from their minds then as now. The creation of new competing lines by Pittsburg enterprise forced them to give Pittsburg a share of her own advan tages in subsequent years; but now that the rule of combination between the trunk lines is established, they are reverting to the policy of piling on all the freight will bear. Possibly President Roberts' pleasure is not wholly unconnected with this policy. He may not deem it necessary to employ an expert; but can rely on his gratification at perceiving that Pittsburg can keep on even when deprived of its advantages to the tune of a dollar per ton on pig iron, and his re cognition of the possibility that he may per haps make the discrimination two dollars jerton. HARD PAN PRICES. Reports as to a decline in the price of coke to Si 10 and 1 15 per ton, with inti mations that contracts are made as low as a dollar, are in circulation. The habit, "which seems to have risen to the dignity of a custom, of making all reports about the coke trade as strong as possible, warrants a deduction of a certain percentage from this reported decline. Probably a falling off in demand with a continued production, has depressed the market somewhat; but when coke reaches the present level the demand is sure to improve. It may be as well to recognize the signs of the times that, for the present at least, hard pan prices and narrow margins of profit are likely to rule on the bulk of Pittsburg products. The more clearly this fact is recognized in practice, the sooner will its influence revive the de mand for coke, coal, iron, steel and glass. STANLEY'S STORY. The letter in which Stanley recounts his march from the Arnwhimi to the Nyanza and back to his starting point gives noth ing new, as to what the explorer has done since he left the Congo the second time to rejoin Emin Pasha. It adds the interesting details to the bare skeleton of the facts fur nished before, that he had reached Emin, and had returned to the Congo to get the rest of the supplies that he had left with B&rtalotte and Jamison. The full story shows that the first march was a perilous one, with difficulties enhanced by hostile tribes and scarcity of food. But the patience and energy of the explorer having once sur mounted these troubles the second march does not appear to have been particularly severe, so that we can hope that Stanley re joined Emin without difficulty. "What will then be done is not apparent in the letter; but there is reason to suspect that before Stanley returns to England he will have added another striking exploration to his record of achievements. FRANCE'S PET TIGER. "When Louis XVI. was brought back to the Tuileries from Versailles by the revolu tionary Parisians on October 6, 1789, the mob satirically hailed the royal party, which included the Queen and the little Dauphin, with the cry: "lie boulanger, la boulangere, et le petit mitron," that 'is, "the baker, his wife and the little baker's boy. From the way events are shaping themselves, the cry of "Boulanger" may come from the throats of a Parisian mob again when the hundred years are up on October 6, next, under different circum stances to those which surrounded the royal "baker." The present Ministry of France seems to have concluded that their only hope of safety lies in striking vigorously at General Boulanger. It is their last chance to level a blow at the General, and by convicting Mm of conspiracy against the Government, end his reign as an uncrowned king in the humiliating limits of a common prison celL The Ministry of 31. Oonstans is certainly not to be blamed ir it cairies out this plan. The Patriotic League, whatever its founders meant to be, had become an insurgent body pledged to take its final instructions from General Boulanger, when it was suppressed by the Government, In Paris the League was especially strong, numbering seventy thousand men armed with revolvers and drilled in military maneuvers. "With this body of armed followers it is plain to see what General Boulanger might have done, and it is quite reasonable to believe that it ra only the lack of an opportunity that prevented the "man on horseback" from precipitating a revolution. Now General Boulanger appreciating with unerring accuracy that his 'name, if not his neck indeed, is no .longer safe from the assaults of his foes in Paris, has fled to Belgium. From his refuge he has is sued a characteristic card announcing that he prefers exile for a time to trial before a Senate which is determined to get rid of him, the idol of the French people. He also denies emphatically that he is guilty of treason to the Republic. "What his plans are he does not say. The hasty character of his change of base may account for the absence of the programme. Masterly inactivity has hitherto been Boulanger's policy ; and there is no need for him to depart from it imme diately. He can lose nothing by waiting, and he may gain a great deal. It looks as if M. Constans were bent upon a return to Jacobin methods, and it is quite possible that tho fate of the Jacobins a cen tury ago may overtake him and the Minis try he manipulates. The people of France can recall Boulanger to a dictatorship, or rest content with the Republic as it is. Tile choice will be awaited with intense interest by the world. POWDERLY ON PRISON LABOR. Mr. Powderly's reply to the letter of Mr. Henry Warner on the subject of convict labor is full of the incisive points with which the labor leader's letters generally abound. It is interesting as defining the position of the Knights of Labor on this qnestion, and as showing that their attitude does not differ materially from that of the great majority of thinking people. In some of the minor points Mr. Powder ly takes positions that are open to criticism. Thus, when he says that "it was unfair com petition on the part of the Standard Oil Company and kindred concerns that drove other corporations with less capital out of the business;" he gives utterance to a per sistent error that beclouds that subject. It is not particulaaly vital to the question of prison labor, but it is vital to the question of monopolies and competitions that the power of the Standard was established, not by competition, but by unfair combination with the railways to secure them rates so much lower than those of their competitors that they could do business at a profit while the competitors could only do it at a loss. But on the question of prison labor Mr. Powderly's position will be generally re garded as about right. It is that prisoners should be given employment; but that the contract system by which large bodies of prisoners are farmed out at low wages is the evil which depresses the wages of self-supporting labor, and really does the prisoners no good. Incidentally Mr. Powderly takes the opportunity to make a point for the pro hibitory amendment, which will be appre ciated or not according to the views of the reader. This discussion is of course useful as stimulating thought on the subject. It may lend force to the idea heretofore advanced in Tun Dispatch that a good way to employ able-bodied prison labor is to use it in making good highways throughout the country. THE RAILROAD WHTPSAW. The fresh example of the way in which the railway officials are withdrawing rates on Pittsburg products to far Western points, in the cancelling Texas rates on the thread bare pretense that they are afraid of tbelnter State Commerce law, can only strengthen the belief that they are resorting to the two-year-old game of trying to make the law' odious. Perhaps they may have some reason for the withdrawal of these rates, in the com plications of Western pool maneuvers, of which the public is not advised; but when they say that they are afraid to make a through rate from Pittsburg to Fort Worth less than the sum of the two rates to and 'from St Louis, they simply resort to that form of misstatement which was considered objectionable in the case of Ananias. The proof of the untrnth is very simple. It con sists of the fact that the same railroads whose managers make this pretense are dally carrying thousands of tons past Pitts burg on which the through rate is less than the sum of the two locals. The acrobatio feat of railway logic by which the rates are made to work against Pittsburg both ways is more instructive than pleasant to our business interests. t PRINCIPLES AND PERSONS. The talk which is heard in Ohio of mak ing Mr. Halstead's re-election an issue in the State campaign that will determine the election of a successor to Senator Payne, does not propose to drag personality into politics. There is an almost universal con viction among Ohio Republicans and it is shared by many Democrats that Payne's seat in the Senate was purchased by the most unblushing corruption. This opinion is strengthened by frauds and forgeries committed in the interest of the Payne-McLean wing of the Democratic party in the election of 18S5. To make the rebuke to the men who had perpetrated that sort of thing as pointed as possible, by electing their most radical enemy, is not fighting for personal interest but for the principle of decency in government. But the project to make Halstead the rival to Payne in the election lacks one vital element. Mr. Payne will never submit himself to the ordeal of a popular election. His party does not do things that way. It was much simpler in 1884 to let a Democratic Legislature be elected on the understanding that Pendleton was to be Senator, and then to buy the votes away from Pendleton. SOLDIERS IN EMBRYO. Considering the very small standingaarmy which the United States maintains and in the absence of the European system of en forced service, any system of popular mili tary education which is effective plainly ought to be maintained. Congress has re cently marked its approval of the system of detailing officers of the regular army and navy to act as instructors of tactics and military science at institutions of learning throughout the country by increasing the number of instructors to 60, CO of whom come from the army and ten from the navy. Besides these under the Revised Statutes retired officers of both services may be em ployed at colleges and universities in addi-. tion to the 60 from the active list Each institution to which an officer is sent will be provided with a couple of three-inch rifled guns, with carriages, lim bers and appurtenances, and with ISO Springfield cadet rifles. Ammunition amounting to 100 blank cartridges and 300 primers for the cannon and CO ball cart ridges for each cadet taking up rifle practice is also' issued. The colleges are only re quired to give an adequate bond for the re turn of the ordnance and ordnance stores or to satisfactorily account for them. Although it is doubtless a fact that in the past the services of these military Instructors have not been all equally valuable, owing often to the lack of sympathy and intelli gence of the heads of the schools, yet it manifestly must be of advantage to the nation to have the rudiments of a military education imparted to the scholars of sixty of our principal schools. It would be found, probably, on investigation, that a very large percentage of efficient militia officers and men have enjoyed the benefits of a military training in their boyhood. In a New York letter to an English pa per we find the following singular state ment: "Corrupt, uncomfortable, but fast that is the Broadway tramcar. and it is, I regret to say, in these respects characteristic of the great country which permits it to ex ist" We do not demur to the charge of corruption and discomfort, but surely it is a cruel thing to say that an American horse car is fast. As to the United States, it has a speedy gait, but it is comfortable enough and not more corrupt than the other countries. Bills against company stores and fixing a penalty for violating the semi-monthly pay law were passed by the Legislature yesterday. Now the question is whether these acts will be enforced or follow the ex ample of so many of their predecessors in remaining a dead letter. The announcement that Mr. Gould is go ing to retire from speculation and travel in search of health is not entirely novel. Reminiscences of the times when it has been previously made justify the lambs in taking a tight grip on the fleeces and the stockholders of outlying railroads in put ting their property under guard. When Mr. Gould travels for his health some one else is likely to get sick. Nqw, that Chicago's city election is over, it is to be hoped that its papers may permit the impression to appear in their columns that there is an occasional honest man in the city of oleomargarine and cottonseed lard. It is interesting to observe that Teller's declaration for open executive sessions was judiciously timed. Peoplecan forget agood many things between the present time and the next session of Congress. Teller has had opportunities to declare himself in favor of open sessions before this; but heretofore there has been danger that he might have to vote for them. One of the best cures for the trust rob beries is to have them smash up and inflict loss on all the plotters, as the copper com bine did. Will not a few of our monopolies in this land of the free kindly go to smash? Lite's pictorial review of March repre sents President Harrison as struggling with the "pigs in clover" puzzle. Therepresenta tion of the difficulty of the pnzxle is pointed enough, but it fails to make it clear that the difficulty in the President's task is not to get the pigs into the pen, but to keep them from crowding in too unanimously, as it were. The list of callers on the President yes terday indicates that some of the insurrec tionary Senators think that with the Senate adjourned it is a good time to open negotia tions for a treaty of peace. Why should the Senators be more for ward about questioning Mr. Carnegie's citizenship than they were in regard, to Mr. Patrick Ford's? Has the Irish vote, or the fact that they were less pleased with the administration at the. time of the later nomination, the most to do with the ap parently unjust discrimination? The cold wave that is announced by the Signal Service, as coming from the West, appears to have struck Chicago in time to make it frigid weather for the wheat cor nerers. The attention which Mr. Andrew Car negie's position is receiving .in regard to the discrimination against the State of Pennsylvania by its railroads is evinced by the request of the Legislature that he appear before it and deliver an address, and next Monday evening has been appointed for that purpose. Perhaps, after all, the charitable way to view the Senate's action is to.attribute it to the Senatorial desire that Mr. Halstead shall succeed Mr. Payne as one. of their number. i BOTTL-fKOEB's determination to decline martyrdom and carry on the fight from the safe harbor of Belgium, is vindicatory of Boulanger's common sense and care of his own skin, but destructive of Boulanger's reputation as a patriot and his fame as a subverter of administrations. The suicide epidemic will, it is to be hoped, warn the Pennsylvania Railroad not to kill itself by killing off its Pittsburg traffic. The Pennsylvania Railroad reports show that in the first two months of this year it made nearly $9,000,000 in gross earnings, or 82,500,000 in net earnings. This seems to afford more corroboration to Mr. Carnegie's position than to President Roberts' plea of unsatisfactory business. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. Princess Christian Is being treated by an oculist. Aston Rubinstein will celebrate the fifti eth anniversary of his first publio performance on July 23 next. Senatob Gorman Is ha-ing his house en larged and other important improvements made on his place at Laurel, Md. Wat. D. Howelxs, the novelist, ran up to Boston a few days ago. Ho likes to camp out now and then since he settled down in New York. Tahberlxk did not look like an artist. He was short broad-shouldered, burly, and might have, been mistaken for an enriched Lascar seaman. Thomas Ryan, United States Minister to Mexico, has a smooth face, a bald head, a large nose and a strong mouth. His eyes are small, bright and humorous. H. Rider Haggard Is at work on a novel which he says will be his greatest effort He will not finish it for two years, as ho is putting a great deal of polish on it. If he had begun this sort of thing earlier he might have won a higher place in literature than he now holds. Attorney General Miller has a little room on the fifth floor of the RIggs House, Washington. Secretary Tracy lives In pretty apartments at the Arno. Secretary Proctor has several rooms at the Arlington. Postmas ter General Wanamaker is the only member of the new administration who Is permanently lo cated in his own house. X Reduction In Freight Rates. New York, April 3. The representatives of the coal-carrying roads, after a long meeting to-day, reduced tolls 10 cents per ton to Tide water and 25 cents to Buffalo on Lehigh coal; 15 cents on Wyoming to Tidewater and 20 cents on buckwheat to Tidewater. The sales agents meet next week to consider the matter of chancing their schedules. An Unsolved Problem. JTrom the New York Press. Precisely how many fried oysters the aver age girl can eat is a problem which no attend- young man has ever yet been able to solve. I ant young mannas ever yet been aoie.to solve. 1 toe city. t '.', ..!' - 1, 1 tneaa jrennsyivaau uas aws, , 1 two wuer ui any pcnuraiaaco nu.iv wee. 1 utsaut hhw'' - , -j. -AHTst Ayti ai. An Unusual Caudldato for a Consulate Dick Hlnton's Prize A Word to Bismarck. There Is a gentleman In this city who has a desire to serve his country at considerable ex pense to himself. This In itself is a very re markable fact The true patriot in these en lightened days usually is willing to serve his native land strictly at the latter expense. But the man with the singular desireis a living, breathing Pittsburger,'all the, same. Not a myth at all. He wants the Consulate at Nice. So badly does he want it that bo is said to have in formed, or his indorsers have informed, the authorities of the State Department at Wash ington that he is willing to spend his private income of 810,000 a year in addition to the $4,000 of Consular salary to keep up the credit of the United Btatea at Nice, Whether this offer, which certainly cannot be beaten for liberality on the part of the candidate, will be accepted remains to be seen. On the fa6e af the matter, considering also tbe personal character of the petitioner and cogent reasons, the State De partment ought to jump at the chance to get a Consul who actually wants to spend his own money In the State's service. V But would the grand society, the mild and salubrious climate barring the mistral which now and again unpleasantly reminds the good people of Nice of their proximity to the Alps the fashionable delights of the Promenade des Anglais, the polyglot murmur of gossiping in valids, seem to you a fair exchange for $10,000 a year in America? But then if. we all wanted tho same thing, very few of us would be happy. Each man to his taste. And happy is the man who has no worse taste than to sigh for the Consulate at Nicel Prob ably the poems of the late Mr. Slack Davis will be collected and published in book form, so his son, Mr. Mackenzie Davis, informs me. V Among the newspaper men who have re ceived a share in the spoils and without a chance of the revengeful Senate's interference between the cup and the lip is Colonel Rich ard J., commonlj known as Dick, Hinton, He is a veteran newspaper man as well as a veteran soldier, and his newspaper friends sincerely hone that his salary as engineer, or something or other in the Department of Agriculture, is a fat one. When I met Mr. Hinton at the Chicago Re publican Convention last year, he was a sin cere shouter for Harrison. It Is a compliment also to the socialistic circles of the country that Dick Hinton has been singled out for a snug office, for Mr. Hinton is an outspoken ad vocate of socialism, and a generous exponent of its principles in his daily life. Ever since Dick Hinton lent his aid and risked his life with pld John Brown in 1859,-and it was a mere whirl of fortune's wheel that saved him from sharing Brown's martyrdom he has been a consistent friend of .freedom and the people in all the places, high and low, which he has occupied in a life of singularly varied experience. So, there will be none who will not be glad to hear that Dick Hinton has a comfortable place instead of a precarious hold on a halt a dozen papers in New York. SO Blzzy thinks that Hurricane Has cleared his way in Sam-o-a, He'll try the tame old bluff again That tailed to pan out yesterday. But let him not imagine now, That any wind or wave can smother Old Uncle Sam one navy gone. He'll swear a bit and build anotherl And it may be casually remarked that Uncle Sam showed the world a trick or two in build ing a navy at short notice a quarter of a cen tury' ago. TO CEUSH YELLOW JACK. Secretary Lee to Assist the Florida State Board of Health This Spring. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Philadelphia, April 3. Dr. Benjamin Lee, Secretary of the State Board of Health, is abont leaving for Florida on a sanitary mission of some importance. .The Legislature of that State at its last session passed a resolution re questing that a commission of sanitary officials should visit Jacksonville and other points es pecially exposed to yellow fever, and-confer with the newly created State Board of Health as to the proper means to adopt' to prevent a recurrence of the serious epidemics of previous years. Dr. Lee represents the interests of the Middle Atlantic district on the commission. Had a State Board of Health been in existence in Florida two years ago, many lives and mil lions of dollars might have been saved. It is to bo hoped that the result of this conference will be to strengthen the bands of the young board that all the money needed to carry out the measures proposed will be forthcoming, and that its orders will be implicitly obeyed. The party will leave Washington in a private car at 430 A. M. Thursday, and will occupy about a week in their tour of inspection. ALI QUIET AT HAITI. Nothing Exciting Has Occurred With the Exception of an Earthquake. New York, April 3. The steamer George W. Clyde, which arrived to-day from Cape Haytien, reports that she left the United States steamer Galena in port on March 29. The United States steamer Ossipee sailed on March 26 from Cape Haytien for Gonaives and St Marc and was expected to return about April L All was well on board the men-of-war. Pnrser Scholtz. ot the steamer El Caliao, which arrived to-day from Port de Paix, Hayti, reports that at about 10:45 A. M., March 28, a heavy shock of earthquake was felt in the town and adjacent country, which lasted several sec onds. At the time the steamer left no news had been received of any loss of life or damage to property. A PLEASANT PILGRIMAGE. The President's Wife and Danghtcr Will Go gontli With Ex-Scnntor Davis' Family. Baltimore, April 3. Ex-Senator Henry G. Davis and family will start on a Southern trip to-morrow morning in a special car tendered by the Pennsylvania Railroad. At Washington they expect to bo joined by Mrs. Harrison, wire of the President, and her daughter, Mrs. McKce. Mr. Flagler, proprietor of the Ponce de Leon Hotel at St Augustine, expects to join the party at Charleston. . They will go by the Atlantic Coast line, first to Charleston, thence to Jacksonville, and then to St. Augustine, to be absent about ten days. They will return by the Atlanta and Piedmont line. OUR MARY IS BETTER, Bliss Anderson, Accompnnled by Her Friends, Sails for Englnnd. New York, April 3. The passenger list of the White Star line steamer Germanic, which sailed hence this morning for Liverpool, con tained the names of Miss Mary Anderson, Mr. Joseph Anderson and his wife, and the latter's sister. Mr. Anderson said that his sister's con dition showed much improvement since her arrival in this city from Philadelphia. DEATHS OP A jDAY. Annt Mary. Atlanta, OA., April 3. At the country home of Governor (lord on, near this city, there died yesterday a negress with a history. She was known as Aunt Mary, and nursed four generations of Mrs. Gordon's family. She first belonged to Judge Lewis, noted Georgian, going with Miss Lewis when si. aecaroe the wife of General Haral son, once Congressman from Georgia, and long prominent in Georgian attain. .Aunt Mary went with Miss Kannle Haralson when she became the wife of John D. Gordon. When Mrs. Gordon was with her husband daring the war. Aunt Mary was with her. Her last appearance in public was upon the occasion oftho wedding of MUs Fanny,, Gov ernor Gordon's daughter, some months ago. (she was 85 years of age. About her bed when she died were four generations of the family of Mrs. Gordon and three generations of Aunt Mary's own family, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wlnans. BALUMOBE. April 3. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Winans, widow of Boss Wlnans, died at her resi dence in this city yesterday. Mrs. Wlnans was the second wife of Ross Wlnans, and stepmother of the late Thomas Wlnans. Her maiden name was Elizabeth K. West .Boss Winans lert her eon tlderabie property, which goes to his two sons, DeWitt Clinton and Walter Scott Winans, who now live in Europe. i Iter, F. W, McNniyruter. CUAMBERSBCBO, April 3. Hev. F. w. Mc Naughter died at Webster's Mills yesterday, aged 89 years. He had been .for 60 years In the active ministry, and for 30 years was pastor of the Asso ciate Beform Chnrch at Mercersburg. William E. Murdoch. William E. Murdoch, 'aged 27 years, son of II. J, Murd6ch,T publisher of the United Presbyterian, died of pneumonia.- at his residence in Sewtckley, Tuesday night. He was a clerk In the P ennsylva- ma itauru&u'suuuiiujK ubivc, buu wbu Known in tne city. i V. ' . it - A Famous Hoax on the Peoplo of Pittsbarg, and Another Played In London. Colla Logan, in Belford's Magszlne.1 On a 1st of April some 40 years ago adver tisements appeared in the morning news papers of Flttsbnrg announcing that at 3 o'clock that afternoon the inventor of a new flying machine would give a publio exhibition of the practicability of his invention. He would fly from one of the Allegheny river bridges to another, over the middle of the stream. Long beforo the hour set 'for the fcovel exhibition, both tho bridges and the banks of the river between them were densely crowded by men, women and children, all ex citedly eager to see the flying man. But the only flying done was by a frightened goose that somebody liberated from the middle of the upper bridge a little after i o'clock, until which time the crowd had, with tolerable patience, waited. The bird, alarmed by the roat of the multitude that greeted it, flew swiftly down the river, under the lower bridge, and far be yond the Point, where it was lost to sight Then, all at once, tho knowledge seemed to burst upon the throng that tho whole affair was an "April Fool" joke, and the many thou sands of spectators disappeared almost as if by magic, so in haste were they to get away from the spot. And that evening it was bard to find a citizen who would admit that he had been near the Allegheny river that day. Even better than that as a joke upon pop ular credulity, was a trick perpetrated in Lon don no longer ago than 186a Thousands of persons received official-looking invitations to be present on Sunday torcnoon, April 1, "to witness the annual ceremony of the washing of tho White Lions in the Tower.', The favored recipients .of these missives were instructed to present themselves at the AVhlte Gate for ad mission. All the forenoon the streets near the Toner were thronged by hundreds of vehicles bearing people in earnest quest of the White Gate. Finally somebody a little less thick-witted than tbo rest of the crowd remembered that therewas no white gate to the Tower; that there wore no white lions, and that ceremonies under governmental auspices on Sunday were at least wildly improbable. Like an electric shock his reflections flashed through the throng of ceremony seekers, and their recognition of the fact that they all were "April Fools" sent them scurrying away In angry haste. INDIANA BONDS WON'T FLOAT. A Defect In the. Law Authorizing the Issne Which Troubles the Bankers. New York, April 3. State Treasurer Lemcke, of Indiana, who came to New York a few days ago with Sl,400,000 worth of new bonds of that State In his satchel, which had been awarded to the German Savings Bank of this city upon a bid that included a considerable premium, is in a peck (Of trouble. The bank hesitates about taking the bonds on account of an alleged technical defect in the law passed by the last Legislature authorizing the issue Treasurer Lemcke has got the opinion of Attor ney General Michenor that the bonds are all right and that the bank would be perfectly safe in taking them in spite of any technical effect, so long as there was no fraud involved. The bank officers, however, still hesitate. There have been several conferences between Treasurer Lemcke and the bank officers and also between 'the Treasurer and Winslow, Lanier & Co., who are the financial agents of the State, and1 through whom the bonds were floated. At the office of these bankers it was said yesterday that the bonds were perfectly good, and that there was no doubt that they would be successfully negotiated, whether the bank took them or not The trouble did not arise from anv vital defect in the issue, but from carelessness in the drawing of the bill authorizing it If the attempt to dispose of the bonds should fall it would probably be necessary to call an extra session of the Indiana Legislature, as the money is absolutely necessary to meet current expenses of the State and interest on other bonds. The Legislature will not meet In regu lar session again until 1891. GO WEST, YOUNG MAN. General Grcely Says Thar Oregon nnd WnahlngtOu Territory are Garden Spots. Washington, April a General Greely has prepared a report on the climatio conditions of Oregon and Washington Territory. He says the rainfall on the Pacific coast is the heaviest in the United States, ranging from TO to 107 inches annually: but this enormous fall covers only 6 per cent of the area of Oregon and Wash ington Territory. On the other hand, the area where less than 10 inches fall is less than 5 per cent ot the whole. Wheat can be grown in nine-tenths of these two Btates without irriga tion. Owing to the equable rainfall all agricul tural operations are more fruitful with a small rainfall than in some sections of other States with considerably larger precipitation. Re markably equable temperaturo conditions also obtain. In 300 miles of latitude along the coast the range of temperature in the summer time is only 8. During the winter months the mean temperature of more than half of these States is above freezing point and on tbo coast ranges between 40 and 45, General Grcely says: To summarize: Oregon and Washington Terri tory are favored with a climate of unusual mild ness and equability, while the Immediate coast re gions have very heavy rainfalls, yet such rain oc curs during the winter months of December to February, and in all cases the season gives place gradually to the dry season, during July and Au gust. "While the preponderating amount of rain falls dnrlng the winter, yet the spring, early sum mer and late fall are marked by moderate rains at not infrequent intervals. Tnese climatic condi tions favor to a marked extent the growth of most cereals and other important staples. A CHANGE ON THE B. St 0. A Probability of tho Retirement of Vice President Orland Smith. Baltimore, April a It looks as though Colonel Orland Smith, Vice President of the Baltimore and Ohio, intended soon to retire from the service, as late last evening President Mayer issued the following circular, and di rected that a copy be sent to each office on the Baltimore and Ohio lines: The Second Vice President Mr. Thomas M. King, will have charge of all'questions pertaining to the physical and operating branches of tbe company's service, andsuch'other duties as may from time to time be assigned him by the Presi dent. Beports heretofore sent to the Vice Presi dent, Colonel Orland Smith.on such subjects wllL on and after April 1, 1889, be referred to the Sec ond Vice President. Mr. Klne to-day established his headquarters in tbe offices heretofore occupied by Vice President Smith, and tbe .secretaries and clerks of the latter are occupying the same po sitions with Mr. King. General Smith, accom panied by Mrs. Smith, left Baltimore for Cin cinnati to-day. A LIQUOR COMPROMISE. Tho New York, Legislature Passes nfow High License lUeasare. Albany, April a The Legislature last year appointed a commission to revise the excise laws of the State and prepare a new bill which should be general in its application, and thus remove tbe grounds upon which Governor Hill vetoed the high license bill passed last session. The bill prepared by this commission may bo described as a low high license measure, and is a compromise between the extreme high license and liquor interests. This bill came before the Assembly this nM.f riw . nA .Era a nqee.J 1, . n.n . cJ .a fa The bill was passed by a party vote, except that four Republicans voted with the Demo, crats in the negative. 'STRENGTHENING THe"naYY. Bids Received at Washington for P. Fonr Thonsand Ton Monitor. Washington, April a Bids were opened at the Navy Department to-day for the con struction ot an armored coast defense vessel of tbe Monitor type, and of about 4,000 tons The bidders for constructing the hull ancT machinery, according to the department's de signs, were William Cramp & sons. Philadel phia, SL614,000: N. F. Palmer. Jr & Co. (the QuinUrd Iron Works.) of New York.Sl.690.000, and the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, f 1,628,850. No award has yet been made. A Disgusting Exhibition Stopped. From the Hew York Tribune, A sensational "dime museum", has had on exhibition a representation of the murder of tho drug clerk Wecbsung by the boy Krullscb. That such things are available as an "attrac tion" betokens the low tone ot public morals and public taste In the city, but in this case there was an obvious Injustice to the lad, against whom the gravo charge ofmurder,has not been proved. So everybody will rejoice to learn that the Superintendent of Police has caused this particular exhibition to be stopped It is rarely that we hear of a more disgusting affair. Really, there ought to be a law prevent ing such demoralizing exhibitions. One Hundred New Jtl. D's. Philadelphia, April a The sixty-fourth annual commencement ot the Jefferson Med ical College was held in tbe Academy of Music this afternoon. The degree of Doctor of Medi 3dl ng 'A cine was conierrea on ziz graduates. Among mem jrennsyivania n&s iuk. .. FROM THE 3TATE CAPITAL. A Moral Victory If -an Actnal Defeat A Granger Argument on tho Taxation Qnestion Compulsory Education Vro' vokes a Heated Discussion. tFDOM A STAPjr COBBXRpoNDBNT.l HARRianuBOj April aMr. Magee did not arrive in Harrisburg to-day. His chief of staff, George' von Boonhorst, did. To-night It l stated thatMr.Mageowas In Washington to day, and will arriye here to-morrow forenoon. Mr. McManes, of Philadelphia, Is here. He says he is opposed to Mr. Magee's Senate bill No. 70, as well as to Mr. Fletcher's electric light bill. Mr. Leeds and Tax Receiver Clay, of Philadelphia, are also here, and are declared to be not in favor of Senate bill No. 70. A friend of Mr. Leeds says he merely came down to look around. Mr. McManes was also inter ested in the bill Increasing the salaries of the Judges. This afternoon the House Jtfdlciary General Committee considered the Senate nil! and made the salaries of Philadelphia and Alle gheny judges 9,000 Instead of $3,000, as the biU prqyided. Mr. Magee's friends admit defeat to-night, but, in view of the forces brought to bear against them, claim a moral victory. They complain, however, that the Speaker.who has been niuob. out of his cbalr lately, has been using his influence against them. Dolaney Wants to Go to Utnh. Captain Delaney, librarian of tne Senate, Is being heartily supported here in his effort to secure the appointment of Commissioner of Registration of Utah Territory. His petition Is signed generally by State officials, Senators and Representatives. A Taxation Problem. The Grangers' equalization tax bill was be fore the Senate Finance Committee tbJs after noon. Mr. Cooper objected that section i, 'pro viding that tbe borrower should pay the tax and deduct the same from his interest payment, rendered the bill unconstitutional, and thereby defeated its main object the taxation of per sonal property, for tho purpose of relieving real estate of some of its present burden. Worthy Master Rhone and Secretary Thomas, of the State Grange, spoke in favor of the bill, as did Senator Brown, of York, who is a Granger. They said real estate was valued at 81,800,000.000. and paid 531,000,000 taxes, while 1,600,000,000 of corporate and personal property liaid but $4,000,000. Arguments on the New County BUI. The Senate Judiciary Local Committee heard arguments for and against the new county bill for three hours this afternoon. Arguments against the bill will be continued to-mor?ow. Those in favor of the bill will close the argu ments. Tbe three Senators from the inter ested counties oppose the measure. SamLosch is here against it A Hot Discussion an Compulsory Education. Mr. Cochrane, of Armstrong, made a strong sneech to-night in favor of his comnulsory edu cation bill when it came up on second reading. Mr, Wherry opposed the bill, which compels tho attendance of children at school until they reach the age of 14 years. The debate became quite heated, and when Representative Rose, of Cambria, offered an amendment confining the provisions of the bill to first and second class cities. Captain Billlngsley charged that Mr. Rose was trying to nullify the measure by making it unconstitutional. He also referred in the same strain to the action of Mr. Rose on one of tbe morning's labor measures. Mr. Rose said Mr. Billlngsley stated' what be knew to be an untruth, and Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, who -was in the chair, nearly broke his gavel at the instance of Speaker's Clerk Hahn calling him to order. The House adjourned at 10:30. in some confusion, without taking definite action on the bill. Beaver Will Preside. General Master Workman Powderly was here to-day to invite Governor Beaver to preside over a Farnell demonstration at Scrantonon the 11th. Unless something interferes, the Governor will preside. Afraid tho Bill Was Loaded. Captain Dravo's Innocent bill relating to patentrights and copyrights came over from the Senate with an amendment to section 11 of the corporation law giving corporations ten in stead of five years to complete their work from the time of beginning it. r. w nerry argued that this wonld give the Sonth Penn people Ave years longer to hold their right of way. Mr. DraVo and Captain Skinner thought so, too, and tho House, by a vote of 131 to 23, refused to concur In the Sen ate amendment ,hj, A. Chance to Appeal. The Senate Judiciary General Committee this afternoon acted favorably on tbe Lytlea bill permitting appeals on tax assessments from boards of appeal or County Commission ers to the Common Pleas Court The commit tee amended it however, to give but SO instead of GO days in which to make the appeal. Important Bills Passed. The House to-day passed bills fixing a pen alty of from $300 to S1.000 for violating the act requiring the semi-monthly payment of wage workers. To prohibit mining and manufactur ing corporations from carrying on company stores. To provide for the support and main tenance of associations formed for the control of fires, and the protection and saving of hu man life and property in case of fire in cities ol the first and second class; providing for the adoption of regulations to preserve order in and about county buildings and for the preser vation of the same. An Allegheny county bill. An Investigation to be Made. The Senate passed a bill to-day providing for an Investigation of the management of the charitable and correctional institutions of the State. Matrons for Police Stations. Among the bills introduced In the Senate to day were the following: Providing matrons at police stations in cities of first and second class empowering County Commissioners to relieve County Treasurers from loss through tbe failure of trust companies wherein county moneys have been deposited and providing for the opening and maintenance of highways. In the House a bill was introduced giving ceme tery associations tbe right of eminent domain. Remains as Heretofore. Tho bill requiring fire insurance companies to pay the face of a policy was defeated in the House to-day by a large majority. Siiifson. DR. M'COSH IMPROVING. His Physicians Think He Has a Fair Chance for Recovery. Princeton, N. J.. April a Dr. McCosh Is very much improved to-day. He passed an un usually quiet night, and was able to sit up this morning. He has been a very sick man. and is still exceedingly weak, but his physician con siders nim now in a convalescent state, and thinks that, owing to bis strong constitution, he will recover. The doctor's daughter, and friends from the city who were summoned here, have returned on account of his improved condition. An Afternoon to Ourselves. From the Philadelphia Ledger. A conference ot prophets In London has set 12:40 F. M., March 6, 1896, as the exact time at which the world will come to an end. They go Greenwich time, of course, so that we will have a whole afternoon to ourselves after the dis turbance has begun over there. Bamboo, Booze and Bamboozle From tho New York Press. Armed with rod and flask, the angler now marches forth, to return laden with spoils of tbe imagination. It is bamboo, Dooze and bam boozle. THE PITTSBURG STAGE. The Great Eastern Specialty Company comes to the Casino April 8. There's an excellent bill at the Academy this week, and several other variety favorites are coming next Monday. That strong and always popular play, 'Hoodman Blind," In the bands of a capable company, will be next week's attraction at Harris' Theater. Miss Minnie Maddeen's visits to Pitts burg are almost angel ic from their inf reqnency, and this bright little comedienne is all tbe more welcome because so seldom seen here. Her engagement next week at the Grand should prove brilliant She will present two strong comedies, "Caprice" and "In Spite of All." Tbe advance sale of seats opens to-day. "Jim, the Penman," is a play which It is hardly necessary to commend to Pitts Burgers. It has been seen here before and pronounced superb. Its production by a strong and well balanced company at the Bijou, beginning Monday next will be one 07 the most enjoyable theatrical treats of the season. It is one of the best attractions on the road. The advance sale of seats begins this morning, and it Is safe to say there will be little unoccupied space In tbe theater at any performance next week. MATTEBS METROPOLITAN. Two Souls With But a Single Thought. rHHW TOBX ntfBKAU SrXOIALS.l New York, April a The witnesses in tbe Stewart will case to-day told what Mrs. Stewart was like. General James G. Wilson described her thus: "She was very intelligent but was hard of hearing and partially nearsighted. She was not a great conversationalist and I never knew her to engage in much reading. She never discussed books." To illustrate Mrs. Stewart's lack of practic ality Mrs. Helen Brown told how she once or dered from a corset peddler and paid tor in ad vance six pairs of corsets, although she bad just brought home from Paris ten brand new pairs. Mrs. Brown also said that Mrs. Stewart couldn't understand the difference between principal and interest Dr,Haight related how he urged Mrs. Stew art to convert an idle building intoanofflco building. "And what are office buildings, prayr asked Mrs. Stewart. Dr. Haigbt ex plained to her and she said "Oh." Another witness detailed at length Mrs. Stewart's opin ions of the late Alexander T.: "Mrs. Stewart thought as her hnsband did on all subjects. If Mr, Stewart thought any one an angel Mrs. Stewart entertained the same opinion. If Mr. Stewart regarded a person as having ability Mrs. Stewart participated in the same opinion. If Mr. Stewart disliked a person the aversion extended to Mrs. Stewart And If any person disagreed with Mr. Stewart she was offended. She was influenced entirely by her husband in all matters.1' Afraid to Waken His Wife. Harvey K. Glidden, of San Franeiseo, 38 years old and flashily dressed, excused himself in court this morning for stabbing a cabman. by saying that be was a Kentuckian, a grand son of John U, Breckinridge, and that no man could insult him with impunity. He was sent back to jail, nevertheless, because he could not furnish J1,000 bail. Last night Gildden asked the cabman, who had driven him home, to come up stairs while he borrowed the amount of the fare from Mrs. Glidden. " The cabman went Then Glidden said he was afraid to wake up Mrs. Glidden to get the money, and told the cabman to caU again. The cabman demurred and the Kentuckian stabbed him in the side, A policeman who heard the cabman yell stopped the row by arresting Glidden. He Wonld JUake a Model Hnsband. Castle Garden is becoming a famous matri monial bureau. Almost dally some man sends the superintendent an order for a wife. To day three applications were received. Charles T. Cooper sent all the way from Monticello, I1L, for a brunette English girl. She. must be under 36 years of age and good-looking. Mr. Cooper prefers a girl with 1,000 cash; in fact only such a girl need apply He says that he Is good looking and has 700 in the- bank. Added to this, he is slightly deaf, and will not mind a talkative wife. Steam Stops Business, Several breaks occurred In the pipes of the New York Steam Company In lower Broadway this morning. Tremendous clouds of steam were puffing up from the cellars under the walks, and made the street quite impassable. A small panic prevailed among tbe occupants Of tbe surrounding' buildings, and they came tumbling out into the street hatless and coat less. After two hours or longer the steam was turned off and business was resumed. An Awful Invasion. The Musical Union here has been grumbling for a year or more about tbe constantly in creasing importation 'of German bands. The members of the union complain that every in coming German steamship in the spring lands a couple of dozen of these Itinerant musicians, who return home in the fall with the money they have made during the summer. The mat ter was brought to a crisis to-day by the ar rival of 400 German musicians with their horns, harps and drums in the steerage ot the steam ship Westerland. Representatives Of the Musical Union swore hard before the Castle Garden officials that the 400 come over under contract with a manager who had agreed to pay them fixed salaries, and would reap the profit of letting tbem loose on the country. The officials are Investigating the compltints. He Chose a Grander Title. The clerk of the Naturalization Bureau has turned a real German Baron into a plain American Mister, Baron von Shullka is just 21 years old to-day, and he celebrated the first day of his majority by becoming an American citizen. He can't call himself Baron any more, because tbe naturalization clerk made him promise not to do it The late Baron is. a man of some wealth and fine education. Ha gives his occupation as "gent of leisure." OUR MAIL POUCH. Distributing Tracts Time nnd Place In Qnestion. To the Editor of The Dispatch: The church organization which claims that dis tributing tracts on the street constitutes dis orderly conduct Should be careful to specify that it does not refer to the tracts issued by its own denomination, Replying to the above clipping from to-day's issue, it is proper to say that when tho church organization of which I am a member has any tracts "Issued by its own denomination" to distribute, it is usually done within the church building, and then only to those who take them willingly. Also, we would expect to be corrected for disorderly conduct If we went upon tbe street in front of buildings owned or occupied (as places ot worship) by other de nominations and thrust tracts at thore who did not want them as they were coming away from the usual Sunday service. A Member, Flrst Presbyterian Ohnrch, of Allegheny. Pittsburg, April 8. 1889. Doubly a Villain. From the New York Snn.J The reward for the capture of the man who made Bank President Moffat of Denver, write out Sign and draw the cash on a check for $21, 000 and hand him the money has been increased from $2,500 to $5,000, This is probably due to the fact that tbe bottle containing alleged nitro-glycerlne used as one of the means of in timidation was discovered to bold only common oil. Tbe man added deception to robbery, and hence is regarded as a double villain by the in jured Moffat ODD ITEMS FROM FOREIGN SHORES. Murders are decidedly on tne increase In Paris. MB. Balfour, it is expected, will soon be succeeded by Sir John Gorst as Chief Secretary for Ireland. Bismarck has got a new dog to succeed the lately defunct Tyras. He Is called Sedan, and came from Warsaw. The 100-ton gun is not yet regarded with great favor. The majority of guns for new Ironclads are between 60 and 70 tons. Mrs. Maceay has returned to her house In Buckingham Gate in excellent health, and has renewed her entertainments in their original magnificence. The horse of Major Foster in the Essex bunt slipped and fell with his rider into a ditch, and the latter died from suffocation before tbe horse could be pulled "off. The fees for ascending the Eiffel Tower are 5 francs to the top, 3 francs to the second plat form and 2 francs to the first Tho three plat forms will hold 10,000 people. A Waterloo veteran began bis lOlstyearon January 1, in tbe Province of Farona, Brazil. The Germans assembled to do him honor, and put a crown of laurels on his head, which is not yet bald. A discussion as to the height of trees In the forests of Victoria has elicited from Baron von Muellor, the Government botanist, the state ment that be saw one of the height of 525 feet Tbe late Chief Inspector of Forests measured one fallen and found that it was 483 feet long, " ' Moltke's request to resign from the Danish navy, addressed to tbe King of Denmark, is still to be seen at tbe Danish War Office at Copenhagen.' Moltke gave as a reason for his resignation that he hoped to get on better in the German service, and also asked for three months' pay in order to bo able to travel to Berlin, which the Ring, however, refused. Moltke had to go without Ik reply to a correspondent complaining of delay in telegrams because of overhead wires breaking in a recent snow storm, the British Postmaster General says: "The advantages of laying wires under ground are fully appreciated by the department, and a considerable mileage of .underground wires already exists; but the system Is so much mora costly than that of carrying wires overhead as to preclude itt !- oefuut extewien." CURIOUS COPESSATI0N3.; The Indiana woman who only a short time ago was married for tbe seventh time is now seeking a divorce. A flock of about 1,000 wild geese, bound north, alighted on Long Island Sound, near Bridgeport, the other afternoon. Josephine Marie Bedard, a French girl living in Tingwick, Mass., has eaten noth ing for seven years, and Is still alive. At New Haven recently Thomas J. Oaborn wrote 103 words of memorized matter on tbe typewriter in half a minute breaking the record. A man In Huntington, elnd., raises skunks, which he sells to zoological gardens for 810 a pair. He Is making a profitable living out of his venture. '- A Toledo man bought a shotguivSy cents worth of poison, half a bushel of oordT and spent three days' time trying to rid his place of English sparrows. He killed two and twenty others came to take their place. A Cincinnati father bought his boy a drum. The boy paraded and drummed on his drum. Five of the neighbors went to law about It and the drum was hung up and the boy sent to the country. The Court held that it was a public nuisance. A prominent club man of Philadelphia frequently imbibes too freely, and on such occa sions his friends tie a handkerchief to his St Bernard's collar, and by the man holding on the doe leads him safely home, and actually successfully resists his owner's efforts to stop in saloons on tbe way. The highest price on record for a postage stamp was realized last week, when an unused 4-cent British Guiana stampof 1856 was knocked down at auction to Mr. Buhl, the dealer, for (250. The same gentleman also bought a similar stamp, which had, however, been through the post for $190. I presume Mr. Buhl was commissioned to buy these rarities by some customer of exceptional wealth or per haps exceptional idiocy. A Boston drummer says: "One of ths meanest men it was ever my misfortune to havs any dealings with was a retail grocer, who at the time was selling a poor woman three pounds of common crackers for 23 cents, for which he paid at tbe rate of Scents per pound, but to make his scales exactly balance he found it necessary to break a cracker in two. As this man finally met death bv falling down stairs and breaking bis neck, I thought he received only his just dues." A beautiful flower, called the rice lily, grows thickly In parts of Southwestern Georgia. It Is extremely sensitive to the light Tbe blossoms fold np at night but open in the morning. At night, while the lovely white blossoms are closely enfolded in their purple covering, and the flowers are asleep, if a lamp , is placed near them they will gradually open ' and turn toward It If a strong light is placed on one side of a vase containing them, the half of the bouquet that faces the lamp will be un folded, while tbe other half that is In the shadow will remain tightly closed. Among the many good works of the Queen of Saxony is her education of women ot all ranks to be nurses. In 1867 she sum moned the women of Dresden to meet her in Council, and at the end of a year there wero 1,200 nurses ready for service. They were called Albertinerinneu, from the name of the then Crown Prince. Any one 111 In Dresden sent a request for a nurse to any hospital man aged by Albertinerinneu. Under their charge is the Queen's Hospital and a convalescent's home on the banks of the Elbe, which the Queen purchased from her private means. One of the most wonderful things that have been discovered of late is the new glass which has just been made In Sweden. Com mon glas3 contains only six substances, while the Swedish glass consists of 14, the most im portant elements being phosphorous and boron, which are not found in any other glass. The revolution which this new refractor is destined to make Is almost inconceivable, if It is true, as positively alleged, that, while the highest power of an old-fashioned microscopic lens re veals, only the one four hundred-thousandth part of an inch, thU new glass will enable us to distinguish one two hundred-and-four-mlllion-seven-hundred-thousandth part of an inch. A new system of canal construction has been designed and recently patented by an Englishman. Tbe object Is to do away en tirely with the necessity for steam or horse power in canal traffic, and this end Is sought to be attained by the creation of acurrentof water strong enough to carry the boats along from point to point Mr. Pickard has designed a double canal, at one end of which is a screw, resembling the propeller of a steamship. This screw, which is worked by steam-power, forces tbe current in one direction and causes it to re turn in the parallel division of the canaL the direction of the current being reversible at will. By this arrangement all loss of water is obviated, and the bed of the canal is kept clean. The current is, of course, confined to each separate level of canal, and wben locks Intervene another current has to be created. The Rev. James Rusk, aged 70,. of Chicago, offers medical science a case probably without a parallel. Mr. Rusk has an average heart action of 17 pulsations to themlnnte. with a frequent recurring minimum of 11 beats to the minute, a recorded suspension of all ac tion for 10 seconds, and several incidental periods of cessations estimated at from 30 seconds to a full minute. A pulse nnder 68 is unusual, 60 abnormal, and beneath that com monly accepted as the precursor of dissolution. Mr. Rusk's trouble dates back to May last when." shortly after arising one morning, befell insensible to tbe floor. He recovered in about 20 minutes, but was taken to bed faint and weak. He lay ill for weeks, and then feebly resumed his dally rounds. Three weeks later be was seized with another attack, and since that time he has been very feeble. The gathering of coral and sponges is an Important industry on the Florida reefs. Both are frequently found in the same locality. The sponges are found wherever the bottom is rocky, gen erally from 10 to 30 feet beneath the surface. Two or three dozen schooners are now engaged In the work of gathering the sponges, each schooner carrying two small boats, manned by a crew of two. When the reef is reached the small boats put off, and while one sculls the other keeps an eye out for sponger A simple contrivance enables the watchmen to see sponges on the reef 20 feet or more under the water. On tbe side of the small . boat a long barrel sort of arrangement Is built the lower end of which is under water -and closed up by a glass head. By placing bis head in this barrel the watchman can see through the clear water to the bottom of the sea with remarkable distinctness. When a good sponge is detected it is broucht up with an Iron hook on a long pole. TAKEN FROM LIFE. A Successful Scheme Brown (to Smith, who Is standing very near an organ-grinder's elbow) What Is the matter. Smith? Have you gone Into partnership with Garibaldi? Smith Mo; he's hitched his machine on to my Waterbury, and is winding; it no. It's' a scheme of my own, Brown, and works like a charm. A Contented Mind Papa (that is to be) What are your prospects. Mr. de Brazen? 31r. de Brazen Merely that of being your son In-law, sir. I don't want anything better. President Harrison has shaken 43,000 hands and 143 office seekers. The Value of a Reputation ""Why do you look so sad, Miss Ethel?" Sister Helen is going to marry Tom Barry." "The worthless young reprobate! So wonder you are sad." .'Ob, It is not that. I wanted to marry hhnmy self." ......,.., a "Sweete maide," ye Iovesieke youths re marked, "Thou'rt fickle as my star; By far ye worste I ever sparked You are, yon really are. 'Albeit yt my brains are nil, I'm gallante as can be; Pile be toe yon what e'er you wlUo If you'lle be more toe me. " Fair youthe,'' ye maide replied, "Idoe Sot barter as rule; Bat l'lle be sistere untoe you lie you my April roolel" .- 1 SrSrSO STTLE3. T Divorce suits will berworn decollette, vS usual. ia Heavy overcoats will not be worn after June I. Jfc1' Spring poetry comes in four line verses this), year. Trousers are worn still, except the very loud patterns. ' White duck trousers win bo the thing for TicnV lag. Canvas-back duck ha3 gone out . "'' Large hats will be fashionable after a night with the boys. When invited to dine with Chauncey M. Depew, be sure to wear a swallow-tale coat No change in their crowns will be made by. tbe Iron kings this summer. Fashionable dogs will wear muzzlln' in July and August. The ear muff is no longer worn by really fash ionable people. . T Appointment) this season are cut a la Republi can. ,.- Tbe largest diamonds will be found on the base ball grounds. 'ljLr'Si' Umpire will wear hand-palate4 black eyes. -JLUJTt1V ""BgsSj?J,"-SBBBSSSSBSSSSSSBB3S3SBjBSpBSSJSBSBBBJgBgBBBS3PB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers