Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 04, 1889, Image 1

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Is the title of
written for The Dispatch
by Rev. Edward Everett
Hale. The opening chap
ters will appear in next
Sunday's Dispatch.
The Disfatc
r of Sunday next will be
ue up 01
Many new f el
the news of the
-'tirtj juiroaaceu, ana an
r7i. i j 1 -
form. Everybodyi v The Dispatch
The General Fled From Paris
Just in Time, as the Senate
Was Preparing to
The French Capital Wild With Ex-
citement Over His Escape.
How the Flight Was Planned nnd Execnted
Boulanger Entered Six Cabs In Quick
Succession to Throw the Detectives Off
the Track He Then Took the Train for
Beldam, nnd Is Now in Brussels The
Government Supporters Deride Hlm.but
His Followers Are Still rnlthfnl A
manifesto Isnucd to tlio French People
Sir Cbnrles Kussell Continues His Elo
quent Address in Bchair of Parnell
Germany 'Will Send Another Fleet to
Paris is in a fervent of excitement over
the precipitate flight of General Boulanger.
Many claim that he is still in the city, but
he is undoubtedly safe in Brussefs. The
general opinion is that the escape was made
just in time. The Senate would have sure
ly convicted and executed him. Boulanger
announces that he will return ana submit to
trial before any customary and impartial
tribunal. His friends, the members of the
Patriotic League, have been arraigned in
court. Sir Charles Bussell presented an
other conclusive argument before the Par
nell Commission yesterday. Germany will
replace its fleet at Samoa as soon as possi
ble. Tbt cable to the dispatch.!
Paeis, April 3. Copyright The most
extraordinary excitement prevails in Paris
to-night over Boulanger's movements. The
bulk of Parisians are of the opinion that he -I
is still in the city, and no less than three
evening papers announce that he is among
his friends here, though there is no doubt
whatever that he is at present in the Hotel
Vangelle at Brussels.
It is claimed that the Government dressed
up a man to look like Boulanger and sent
him to Brussels. A huge crowd gathered
around the small house at No. 3 Bue
Teheran to-night, and cheered with robust,
frantic and turgid Gallic fervor under the
impression that the brave General was in
side. Cheering to the EmptyAlr. n
Another multitude howled wildly for him
before an old French mansion,- five miles on
the other side of townin the Bue Jacob.
Meanwhile the partisans of the Government
assert that the career of the most prominent
man in Prance is ended because he ran
away, but so far the larger part of the
Parisians believe that he showed prudence
in leaving town. As his chances of a fair
trial here were very small he would have
been a fool to stay, is the customary com
ment. Of the many stories of his departure, I
give the following. It comes from the lips
of the editor of the most famous paper in
Paris, who said to me in his office a few
minutes ago: "The move to my positive
knowledge was decided upon four days ago.
It was then that Count Billon left for
Brussels, where he put up at the Hotel
Vangelle. The following day Bochefort
left for Mons, within the Belgian frontier.
Boulanger's Latest True Love.
"Day before yesterday General Boulanger
went to see his new girl in the Bue dc Berri.
It is not Madam Eeichemberg," said the
great editor, thoughtfully. "That affair is
somewhat old. There has been a change.
Paris is much interested in it. Boulanger
put on a tall hat and a long cockney plaid
English ulster, and, accompanied by her,
jumped into a cab. A detective followed.
"The General changed cabs six times,
hoping to throw off the detective, finally
reaching the Railroad of the North, where
he took the Brussels train. a Mons he
picked up Bochefort, who doubtless wrote
the manifesto published this morning here.
Billon received them at Brussels and there
they all are to-night,"
General Boulanger refused to be inter
viewed when called upon by your repre
sentative there. He has assumed the name
of Bruno. It is undeniable that many
Boulangists are put on the defensive by the
recent action of .their chief, but their argu
ments are accepted by the people who form
Boulanger's following with good faith.
A Fair Trial Wu Impossible.
It is pointed out that since the first article
of the General's faith is the abolition of the
Senate it would be absurd for him to sub
jnit to trial by that body. His friends claim
that he is willing to come back to Paris to
morrow morning to be tried by regular
judicial procedure, but he will not take the
chances of being condemned and shot be
fore sunrise by a court-martial, where his
conviction is a certainty from the fact that
his judges re all his personal enemies.
Great stress is laid upon the well-known
bravery oFBoulanger in his campaigns. In
deed, a man needs a great record of past
glories to carry pff such remarkable inci
dents as the Floquet duel and this flight
from Paris. The Government supporter
grow louder every hour in their expressions
or derision, but it must be said that a care
ful view ot the prevailing "sentiment points
to a conviction on the part of the French
people that Boulanger has taken a prudent
His Friends Are Still Firm.
His following clings closer to him as the
abue increases. The cafes are crowded by
"great throngs of men talking with great
vehemence, volubility and frenzy to every
one in sight, but as nobody pays the slight
est attention to what anyone else is saying
no serious results are anticipated. Crowds
f men occasionally tramp through the wet
jjaad dripping streets, howling compliments
or curses on the General's head, as the case
may be, and catching cold with enthusi
astic and rabid eagerness, but whether he is
temporarily up or down Boulanger is still
the greatest name in France to conjure
A despatch from Brussels says that Gen
eral Boulanger has issued the following
manifesto to the French people:
I will never consent to be judged by a Senate
of men blinded by their personal passions and
the consciousness of their unpopularity. The
suffrages of all Frenchmen, legally consulted,
forbids me to lend myself to an arbitrary act
tending to suppress liberty and to outrage law
and tho wishes of the nation. I am ready,
however, to answer before magistrates, or be
fore a jury, the accusations inado against me,
btat otherwise I will wait in afrco country un
til tho general elections shall have made the
Republic habitable, honest and free.
TIioso Who Did Not Get Atray.
But while Boulanger himself has balked
the vengeance in store for him, his chief
friends here are being vigorously prosecuted
by the Government At the trial ot the
leaders of the League of Patriots to-day the
assistant procureur accused the league of
converting itself into an army for the new
party, denounced the issue by the league
of its manifesto condemning the bombard
ment of the Atchinoff expedition at Sagallo
by the French Admiral, and declared' that
the issue was an act of stupidity.
M. Laguerre, one of the accused leaders
of the League, vehemently protested against
the language of the assistant procureur,
nnd M. Naquet, another of the accused, in
terposed with the remark: "Let the assist
ant procureur drivel on."
The procureur demanded that M. Naquet
be committed for contempt. These proceed
ings created a sensation in the court room.
M. Naquet finally withdrew his objection
able expression.
The Flisht Officially Announced.
Late to-night the National Committee of
the Boulangist party announces that Gen
eral Boulanger departed from Frauce by
the advice of the committee. Four mem
bers of the committee opposed this step.
M. Thieband, the principal election organ
izer of the party, and Beputy Michelin
have seceded from the committee, as against
General Boulanger's action in leaving the
It is reported that M. Susini, M. LaurJ
and other Boulangist Beputies have adopted
a similar course. M. Thiebaud also retires
from the editorship of the Cocarde, the
Boulangist paper. He says he is disgusted
with the secrecy maintained by General
Boulanger, which tends to mislead the
latter's friends. M. Michelin contends that
Boulanger should have remained and faced
even martyrdom.
DIo Did Not Want to Go.
The Bonapartists approve the General's
course, while the Boyalists stigmatize his
flight as an act of cowardice. Senator
Naquet and Deputies Laisant and Laguerre
wrote to General Boulanger about the mid
dle of Match, advising him to flee.
The General strongly objected to adopt
ing this course, as he knew that he would
be accused of cowardice if he left the
country. Finally M. Naquet and the two
Beputies threatened to secede from the party
unless he took their advice, and it was this
threat that caused his departure.
The Great Lawyer Continues Ills Defense of
tic Onoso of Ireland; ,
London, April 3. Copyright Before
the Parnell Commission to-day Mr. Bussell,
after a conclusive argument, showed that
there was no abnornal crime in any part of
Ireland, except in the distressed districts.
He marshalled a crowd of witnesses from
Bean Swift to the reports of modern parlia
mentary commissions to prove the infamy
of the Irish land system and the absence of
any attempt to protect the tenants against
the landlords' tyranny until 1870, while
even since then, when Gladstone gave the
first installment of long delayed justice to
Ireland, the land laws have been in many
respects inadequate. Then followed over
whelmingly incontestable statistics to prove
the distress in 1879, a distress so terrible
that it was no wonder the Irish popular
leaders used langnage not that of men
calmly philosophising or discussing some
problem of economy or politics.
Further statistics were produced proving
the prodigious increase at the same time of
the evictions or notices of ejectment which
Mr. Bussell contended afforded ample justi
fication for the league's existence. The
speech concluded for the day with a deeply
moving eulogy of Bavitt, O'Brien, Billon
and Parnell in particular, and the other
Irish leaders in general. To-morrow we
shall hear from the lips of the eloauent Law.
yer an authentic account of the founding of
the Land League. The examination of Mr.
Parnell has been fixed for Tuesday next
A New Fleet to Meet That of the United
states nt Samoa.
Beelin, April 3. In the Eeichstag to
day the naval secretary, referring to the loss
of German war ships in the recent hurricane
at Apia, said it was the duly of the country
to mitigate the sufferings of the victims of
the disaster. Begarding the situation in
Samoa he said that the report of the German
officer in command there did not show that
the lives or property of the Europeans were
endangered, and he was sure that the Brit
ish war ship Calliope would not have left
Samoa if the position had been critical. He
announced that the Government intended to
replace the wrecked German vessels as soon
as possible, as the United Stales Govern
ment was about to send three cruisers to
take the place of the American war ships
that had been lost
A late dispatch from Auckland says that
the recent-hurricane in tbe South Pacific
Ocean caused great damage on the island of
Tahiti. Parts of the island were submerged"
and many persons were drowned. On the
island of Tonga the hurricane created great
havoc Thirty persons perished there in
the storm.
Emperor William Recalls a minister Dis
missed by His Father.
Beklin, April 3. The Emperor, as a
mark of renewed confidence, has summoned
to the Herrenhaus Br. Von Puttkamer, the
Minister who was dismissed by the late
Emperor Frederick. It is semi-officially an
nounced that the prosecution, of the VolKs
Zeitung for defaming the memory of
Emperor William L was undertaken at the
demand of the present Emperor.
The monarch of Abyssinia Defeated and
Slain In Battle.
Rome, April 3. Advices have been re
ceived from Massowah to the effect that
King John of Abyssinia was defeated and
slain in a recent battle and that the whole
country is in a state of anarchy. The Ital
ian Cabinet will decide to-morrow whether
or not to alter Italy's present course toward
He Snys Wall Street nnd tho Broker
Aro All Right Doctors of Divin
ity Take Pointers on a
Sare Thing.
New Yobk, April 3. The Hon. Stephen
Van Cullen White had a big audience to
night in the Sunday school room of
Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, to hear him
lecture on "Wall Street." The lecture was
one of the winter and spring series before
the Plymouth congregation, and the big
turnout indicated in a measure the peculiar
attractiveness of the subject The ladies,
young, middle-aged and silver haired, were
as intense listeners as the men.
. Mr. White said he was very glad to lec
ture on the street and the men in it. He
was glad to have the opportunity to strike
back against thajnjustice and prejudice.
He .had heard a good deal about stock gam
bling, as some folks characterize Wall
street speculations and the business of the
Stock Exchange. "Speculation is specula
tion," said Mr. White, "whether it is in
drygoods or railroad stocks, and if specula
tion is illegitimate, it is just as illegitimate
in land as in railroad bonds."
Mr. White referred to the notion that
some doctors of divinity and others had
about Wall street transactions, and added:
"I never saw a doctor of divinity who
wouldn't take a sure point on the stock
market if he could get one. I have many
letters from the editors of religious weeklies
asking for a clear and succinct review of the
situation of the stock market. They want
my views on the market, and probably in
the next week's issue I find editorials de
nouncing Wall street and the whole busi
ness. If Wall street is so bad, and the
Stock Exchange so bad, why do these men
want an honest, straightforward opinion
about the situation?"
Mr. White referred to the nonsensical
ideas that many had of money getting in
Wall street They thought all you had to
do was to lay down S1,000 and pick up
$2,000. The business was the same as deal
ing in calicoes. Mr. White regretted
strongly that there was any such thing as
speculations on margins. He did not be
lieve in that style of business. Buy what
you can pay for aud no more. He also re
gretted the stock tickers. They gave rise to
severe nervous tension. He said he en
joyed making 55,000 on the bull side of the
market more than making $25,000 on the
bear side, and yet the bears were very good
people in their way.
A Wife Submits to the Caresses of tho Hus
band Who Gouged Her Eyes Oat.
Auburn, N Y., April 3. Last Septem
ber William Bohan, of Far Bockaway, was
sentenced to State prison for a term of 27
years on conviction of the charge of gouging
out his wife's eyes. For the last two weeks
Bohan has been an inmate of the hospital,
suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia.
He has been in communication with the wife
he had so terribly wronged, and when she
heard that he was sicK she determined to
visit him.
She arrived at the prison yesterday, ac
companied by her niece. The wife is stone
blind, but, sjtrange to say, she still loves the
man who caused her misfortune. She was
permitted to visit the-brutal husband in the
hospital, and their meeting was very affec
tionate. He walked up to her, and placing
his hands on her cheeks kissed her several
times. He then led her to a chair, near his
bed, and they spent-anhour jn earnest con
versation, during" whiebitEe,' qonv'ct hus--band
cried UkM cMf iTir
Is the Name of a New Coal Firm That Will
menace Pittsburg Operators.
Beteoit, April 3. The land purchase
in Tennessee by General Alger, who is as
sociatcd with Messrs. Foraker and Blaine
in the transactions, turns out to be a vast
coalfield. On 7,500 acres of the total tract
of 15,000 acres purchased there are three
distinct veins ot very fine bituminous coal.
The company will aim to supply the entire
region south of the Gulf. A narrow gauge
railway will be built to connect the mines
with the Tennessee river, and the coal will
be floated to New Orleans to get the open
ing made, and the mine in proper shape
will cost, together with the purchase money,
51,000,000. General Alger is at present
looking after other large interests in Ten
The Deal Which Means Denr Lieut for St.
Louis About Perfected.
St. Louis, April 3. It is now probable
that the Laclede Gas Light Company will
go into the gas trust, not by surrender, but
by purchase. The stock now out is $2,500,
000, in 25,000 shares. Of this number 10,
000 shares have been for a long time in a
pool, and to the head of that pool John J,
Mitchell. Becently a bargain was made
under which the Philadelphians, repre
sented by W. W. Gibbs, are to pay 6140 per
share for a controlling interest in the La
clede Gas Light Company, obligating them
selves at the same time to take all the stock
over a control that is offered. This would
mean the payment of S3.000.000 for the La
clede Gas Light Company's property and
charter. A majority of the stock is pledged
in the deal, and much more, it is said, will
go in the trust
The Confessor of Poor Maximilian Dies
Full of Memorable Years.
Chillicothe, O., April 3. Eev. E. T.
Leib, for seven years the tutor ofMaximil
ian, the Mexican Archduke who became
Emperor of Mexico nnd was shot at Quera
tero in 1865, died here this morning. Father
Lieb was 87 years of age. He was induced
to come to America in 1851 by the late J
Archbishop .rurceii, ana nas ever since had
charge ot St Peter's Church of this eity.
He was a man of high character and greatly
loved bv his people. He delighted at times
to dwell on reminiscences of his princely
The Shawnee Assembly Won't Give Secre
tary Lewis a Chance to Resign.
Columbus, April 3. THeiocal Assembly
of National Trades Assembly No. 135, K.
of L., at Shawnee, has suspended W. T.
Lewis, Secretary of the Miners' Progressive
Union, for a period of 30 years. This action
was to prevent his resigning. The charge
was being affiliated with the miners' union.
Mr. Lewis is in Pittsburg to attend the
convention of miners to-morrow.
Which Are to be Used In the Battle of Prof
blbllion Against Llqnor.
Habbisbtjeg, April 3. Secretary Stone
has ordered the printing of 7,000,000 tickets
to be used at the Constitutional Amend
ment election on June 18.
Countv Commissioners will soon receive
instructions from the State Department as
w now me uciieba aro m w uibtnuutea.
By the President lo Colored Office
Seekers From, the South.
Political Clubs Don't Count in the Distri
bution of Offices.
Cameron, Quay and Hagee Famish Harrison With
Several Pointers,
President Harrison took occasion yester
day to talk very plainly to a colored dele
gation from the South. His remarks went
to show that he does not intend to increase
the social and political friction in that sec
tion. The Pittsburg Postoffice is still being
hustled for in a lively manner. New York
State has at last agreed upon -a division of
the offices, and everything there is lovely.
Colonel Elliott F. Shepard declares that he
won't go to Berlin as United States Min
Washington, April 3. The President
has given a delegation of colored men from
South Carolina some very plain talk about
office seeking, and if they take it with tSe
spirit in which it was given it will safe
them and him a great deal of trouble. iy.
There has been as great a scramble for tab
plums of patronage among the negroes yf
the Sonthern States as there has been amorig
the white men of the Northern for the
plums of office, and the President told these
gentlemen it was useless for them to come
to Washington and annoy him with their
He said that he should make appoint
ments to office in the South with great de
liberation, and that he should select the best
men he could find after consulting with the
leading men of the sections in which the
offices are located. He said that the policy
of the Administration would be to
break np organizations that had been
formed simply for the purpose of
securing offices for their members,
and those who expected favors from the
Administration must be in a position to do
something to contribute toward the build
ing up of the material interests of the
South. He said that in a country where
political conditions existed such as is found
in nearly every portion of the South, it was
not fair to the white people, nor to the.
black, nor to the .Republicans, nor
to the Democrats to make appoint-j
ments simply lor partisan reasons; mat
it produced social and political friction and
interfered with the material development of
the State. He should endeavor to obtain
the services for the Government ot men who
were acceptable to all classes of the com
munity when he filled the prominent offi
ces of the South, and he thought it better
both for the whites and the blacks that he
should do so. 4
This is taken to mean that the President
Will wt Tnn-f r.r."'"""'""-',!'- .fJr.nAfi
I strictly upon party lines, but will tender
positions to gentlemen of meritregardlcss
of their party affiliations.
The Fat Offices Aro Distributed
Ilnrmonlons Manner.
Washington, April 3. Joel B. Erk
hardt will be appointed Collector of the
Port, and Cornelius Van Cott postmaster of
New York to-morrow. These appointments
and those of General John N. Knapp for
Naval Officer, and Theodore Willis for
Surveyor, were approved at a conference to
day with Vice President Morton, Secretary
Tracy aud Senator Hiscock by Messrs. Erk
bardt, Van Cott, Louis F. Payne, John I.
Bavenport and other visiting Republicans.
The conference to-day was only a matter of
form, as the names agreed upon had all
been selected in New York before the visit
ing statesmen came here.
Collector Magone removed the last pos
sible straw in tne wav of the appointments
by making a flying trip to Washington to
bring his resignation. He paid an early
call to Secretary Windom and his resigna
tion was offered and accepted with thehest
of feeling all around. Mr. Magone said he
was gladindeed to lay the burden down.
P. M. Pearson's term expired April 2, and
no resignation was necessary in his case.
To one of his visitors to-day the President
expressed himself as greatly pleased witn
the way the New Yorkers were settling
their differences and uniting upon first
class men. He said that with these ap
pointments disposed of he should feel that a
great load was taken off his mind.
Colonel Elliott F. Shepard arrived to
night too late for the conference of New
Yorkers. He told the reporters who waited
upon him that he could not accept the Ber
lin mission.
A List of President Ilnrrisou's Nominations
Uf jected or Not Acted Upon.
Washington, April 3. Of the 350
nominations sent to the Senate during the
special session by President Harrison,
Murat Halstead to be Minister to Germanv,
Isadore S. Loventhal to be postmaster at
Modesto, Cal., were rejected.
The following remain unacted upon (and
therefore died) at the end of the session:
William H. Whiteman lo be Associate Jus
tice of the Territory of New Mexico; Edwin
L. Kurshedt to be Marshal for the Eastern
district of Louisiana; Carl C. Crippen, post
master, at Eustis, Fla.; Burt C. Brake at
Gainesville, Fla.; Bobert F. Bebout at
Bushville, Jud.; George F. Nicholson at
Ness City, Kan.; Samuel C. Moore at Find
lay, O. President Harrison's nominations
were contained in 284 messages.
During the special session of the Senate
at tbe beginning of President Cleveland's
term he sent to the Capitol 418 messages.
Eighteen of his- nominations failed to re
ceive confirmation, but there were no re
General Helton's Promotion Affords Gratifi
cation to Oar Warriors.
Washington, April 3. It is about set
tled that General Helton will be 'promoted
to Adjutant General of the army upon the
retirement of General Brum on the 1st of
May next, and there will be general gratifi
cation throughout the army, both because
of the personal popularity of Mr. Kelton
and the establishment of a precedent by
this administration ot promoting officers ac
cording to their standing in the army regis
ter. A Chance for Xaiaa One Else.
Washington. April 3. It is under
stood that Mr. W. O. Bradley, of Ken
tucky, lias., declined the Corean mission, to
the pittsbueg p. o.
Senators Cameron and Quay and C. I
Mnifco Visit the President Some
Names Suggested for Postmaster
W. D. Riddle Wants
to be ft Consul.
Washington, -priT"3. Among Penn-1
sylvanians there was'sonieihing of a flurry
to-day on account of the coincidence of a
visit here of Mr. C. L. Magee and of a some
what conspicuous visit of the Pennsylvania
Senators to the Executive Mansion. . The
three distinguished gentlemen did not con
sort together to anv irood extent Mr.
Magee visited the President subsequent to
the departure of the Senators and urged
anew the appointment of Hon. Harry Ford
as the successor of Postmaster Larkin. It
is surmised that Mr. Magee is encouraged
to think he may carry the day since the ap
parent split between the Postmaster Gen
eral and SenatotQuay. Of course none of
the gentlemen, will give the least intima
tion of the conversation between them and
Mr. Harrison, but they admit there were no
promises. There was nothing more than
n discussion of the situation in Philadelphia
nnd Pittsburg.
Beside most of the local offices of both
cities, tbe Senators presented suggestions in
favor of the appointment of Br. W. B.
Eoberts, of Titusville, to be Minister to the
Argentine Bepublic, and of W. B. Biddle,
formerly President of the Penn Bank, of
Pittsburg, for any foreign Consulate that
Mr. Harrison may have the grace to give'
him. Mr. Biddle presents a great array of
complimentary letters. His purpose is to
get abroad for his health and to have the
prestige and occupation comprised in a Con
sulship. Mr. Magee passed most of the day and
evening in company with Senator Cameron,
and was not to be found at the Arlington,
wherehe is stopping, during the day. One
of his Pittsburg lriends asserts he is here
for the sole purpose of interesting Senator
Cameron particularly in Harrisburg legis
lation of interest to Pittsburg, but his visit
to the White House and to Postmaster Gen
eral Wanamaker suggests that his presence
means that and something more.
lands R. J. Fisher In the Pleasant Position
of Patent Commissioner.
Washington, April 3. Mr. Eobert J.
Fisher, who was appointed Assistant Com
missioner of Patents, owes that honor to the
persistent efforts in his behalf of Represent
ative Charles O'Neil, of Pennsylvania.
Mr.Fisher was formerly from Illinois, but
has been out of the State so long that he has
lost his grip there and is not even ac
quainted with the present Senators and
He is a friend of Mr. O'Neil, and the lat
ter took the case in hand and has been
pushing the claims of Mr. Fisher in season
nnd out of season, until he got both the
Illinois Senators and all the members of the
delegation from that State to indorse his ap
plication and urge the appointment. Said
one of the Congressmen: "Charlie O'Neil
has Torn out three pairs of shoes since in
auguration day hunting indorsements for
Secnres the Governorship of Alaska for
Author Edward S. Roberts.
1 Washington, April 3. Mr. Edward S
fllobertsrth-wTjlt-taowrrutTior and .maga
zine writer, is a candidate for Governor of
Alaska, -and is likely to be appointed, be
ing indorsed by what is called the better
element of Massachusetts society, namely,
the literary and scientific circles of the
modern Athens.
Mr. Roberts is eminently qualified for the
office, has spent considerable time in Alaska
and has written a great deal about the
A 81,600 Clerk is Promoted to a Depart
ment Chieftainship.
Washington, April 3. Secretary Win
dom has appointed Mr. John Hawkins, of
diana, to be Chief ot a division of the First
Auditor's office, to fill a vacancy.
Mr. Hawkins was formerly a $1,G00 clerk
in the same office, but was reduced under
the last administration to a 1,400 clerk
Bismarck Wants to Know What Ships Wilt
be Sent.
Washington, April 3. The Trenton,
when wrecked at Samoa, carried down with
her some fine mpdern rifled guns. These may
be readily placed ou another vessel or used
in the fortification of the new naval station
at Pago Pago if they can be recovered. Con
sequently some curiosity is expressed by
naval officers as to whether Admiral Kim
berly has taken steps -to recover the guns
from the shallow harbor.
A somewhat sensational statement is
made here to the effeot that the German
Minister yesterday received a telegram in
cipher from Prince Bismarck, instructing
him to cable at the earliest moment the
names of the vessels ordered by the Secre
tary of the Navy to pioceed to'Samoa and
take the place of those wrecked by the hur
ricane there March 15; also the number of
men aud officers carried by each ship, the
number, size nod kind o gn'ns, whether the
vessels are equipped with torpedoes, and
whether the sending or reinforcements to
Samoa will weaken the American1 navy in
any other part of the world to any consider
able extent. The Minister was also in
structed to report to the German Foreign
Office, without loss of time, the condition
of the new vessels in process of construction.
Why Sonthern PInnters See the IiizhtfJrcak
jno Through the Pine Trees.
Atlanta, April 3. A pine straw indus
try backed by Southern capital is the an
swer which will be made to the Jute Trust
this year. The pine bagging patents are
owned by five men who purpose to have
ready for the fall cotton 'crop five factories
that will make 10,000,000 yards of bagging.
It takes about 55,000,000 vards of bagging
to cover 7,000,000 hales of cotton. That
means 28 factories, which at present esti
mates would cost 3,600,000, or about 80
cents a bale permanently invested in fac
tories. The five factories they will under
take to build this season will put things in
decidedly better shape than they were last
j ear. Tho farmers are not out of the woods
yet, but they can see the light breaking
through the pine trees.
Negro Prisoners Who Will be lornclied If
the Law Fnils to Demand Their fiends.
Columbia, S. C, April 3. A company
of militia took four negro prisoners.charged
with murder and criminal aesault, to York
ville this .evening for trial. The military
company ordered to guard these prisoners
has received several letters within the past
few days saying that the train they were on
would-be ditched when near Yorkville and
the prisoners lynched, but this is generally
considered an idle threat. It is certain
that the prisoners will be1 found guilty if
orougntto trial, and, even it acquitted, it
The Great Tragedian is Unable to Fill
the Eoll of Iago Owing to
The Curtain Has to be Rung Down and the
Audience Dismissed.
Booth's Condition Very Grave, tint Immediate Danger
fs Not Feared,
Mr. Edwin Booth, the greatest tragedian
on the American stage, jf not in the world,
has broken down. He was seized with an
attack of paralysis and compelled to disap
point an eager audience awaiting his per
formance of Iago. His engagements in the
near future have been canceled. While his
friends realize the gravity of his condition,
it is thought that no great immediate
danger is to be feared.
Eochestee, N. Y., April 3 Edwin
Booth, the greatest living tragedian, was
too ill to appear at the Lyceum Theater in
this city to-night. The theater was thronged.
Booth was to play ago and Barrett Othello
in Shakespeare's masterpiece. The curtain
went up promptly, and the attendance was
intent on the acting of Barrett, who was at
his best. lago's lines in the two first acts
are insignificant, and it was not noticed
that another than the great Booth recited
them. It was not until the curtain was ex
pected to rise on the third act when the ill
ness of Mr. Booth could be no longer con
cealed that the audience was horror stricken
by the following announcement by Mr. Bar
rett: "Ladies and Gentlemen I am
called upon to perform the most painful
duty of my life. My colleague has shown
symptoms of breaking down for three or four
days past, and his condition to-night is so
serious that it is impossible for him to act
We had hoped that he would rally from this
attack and that he would be able to play
his part to-mght, but one of your own phy
sicians, Br. Sumner, says that it would be
perilous for him to attempt it.
steicken with paealysis.
"Mr, Booth has sustained a partial stroke
of paralysis, and we fear that this is the be
ginning of the eud. I cannot express to you
the deep sorrow withwhich I make this sad
announcement. The world has probably
heard for the last time the greatest actor who
speaks the English language. We shall of
course cancel all engagements, and I hope
that we shall be able to move Mr. Booth to
his home. .It pains me to speak these words.
I am sorry to disappoint this great audi
ence, but the play cannot go on. It would
be presumptuous for me to undertake to fill
the place of this great man whom you have
come to see and hear, and it wonld be worse
than useless to attempt to proceed further.
I know that you will be indulgent and that
you will fully appreciate the sad plight in.
rwHiclrwe are placed. The management will
make arrangements' as may seem best for re
funding your money."
The audience was astounded. The thea
ter was quickly emptied, but the city is
greatly excited and anxious inquiries are
being made at the newspaper offices and
The facts do not appear to be so serious
as the speech of Lawrence Barrett would
lead one to fear, but it is impossible to-night
to get at the exact state of the case. Mr.
Booth was at once taken to the Powers
Hotel in a carriage and when it arrived
there several people, whose word cannot be
questioned, saw him alight and walk into
tbe hotel wtthout support. He is evidently
not iu the dying condition that Mr. Bar
rett's speech would lead the public to sup
pose, but the admission in the first portion
of that utterance show clearly that the
danger is a very real one. While evidently
not paralyzed to any great extent, it is the
only possible inference to suppose that the
great tragedian is a very sick man and that
his friends realize the gravity of his ail
ment. Mr. Barrett refuses to be interviewed.
Thenauagerof the combination says: "Mr.
Booth is not so seriously ill as the public
has been led to think. The engagement in
Buffalo to-morrow and probably several
others will have to be sacrificed, but in all
probability the great actor will be himself
again within a short time."
Late to-night Mr. Barrett issued the fol
lowing bulletin:
Since his return to the hotel Edwin Booth Is
easier, and the doctor gives every assurance
that a week or ten days of absolute rest will
restore him to his usual health.
Laweence Baeeett.
He Made a Mistake When Ho Palled Gov
ernor Beaver's Nose.
Washington, April 3. It was quietly
suggested to-day to the military gentlemen
who compose the court martial which is
now sitting in the case ot Captain Lydecker,
that-it would be well for them not to dis
perse immediately at the conclusion of that
trial, and it is interred by them that they
may be wanted to sift the charges against
Captain Armes, who assaulted General
Beaver a few days ago in the rotunda of the
Biggs Hotel. . '
Immediately following tho inauguration
Captiin Burke -preferred charges against
Captain Armes of conducting himself in a
manner unbecoming an officer nnd a gentle
man, but it is probable no further notice
would have been taken of the matter had
not the Captain followed up his silly act of
inauguration day by pulling Governor
Beaver's nose. Adjutant General Brum
admits that the charges have been given a
more serious aspect bv the latter action and
that they are now under consideration. It
is probable the only thing which will pre
vent a trial by a court martial is a satis
factory explanation from the Captain.
To Prevent the Partial Puymcnt of the
Mexican. Claims Award.
Washington, April 3. The Secretary
of State to-day filed an answer to the motion
for an injunction to restrain tbe payment of
one of the Mexican claims awards. The
answer says that as an officer of the Govern
ment he is not snbject to be restrained and
alsg alleges irregularities in the bill asking
an injunction.
The case arises out of a suit brought bv
F. F. Bunne against John B. Shannon and
others, and the object of the injnuction
prayed lor against-the Secretary is to pre
vent the payment of any portion of the
award until a receiver can be secured to
divide the award nmongihe several claim
ants. ' x
The Machine Knocked Oat in Chicago
Fights and Murders Numerous Bon
field Challenges a Police Captain A
Colored Voter Disemboweled.
Chicago, April 3. Complete returns
show that the Bepublican machine was
beaten in the election yesterday by over
12,000 majority. Tho Council is heavily
Bemocratic and in favor of elevated rail
roads. The excitement in the city last
night over the result of the balloting was in
tense. The uproar did not cease until morn
ing. The La Salle Club reoeived the returns at
its clubhouse. Among those present was
George H. Williams, President of the club
and the machine candidate for Assessor in
the West division, and ex-Alderman
Simons, a staunch Bepublican, but op
posed to the machine. Williams accused
Simons, who is an old man, with voting the
Bemocratic ticket. The Alderman did not
deny the charge. A quarrel ensued, and
then Williams drew a revolver and beat the
old man about the face with the muzzle of
the weapon until his shirt was soaked with
blood. Simons was carried home in a car
riage. His head is covered with wounds.
Williams was not arrested.
Just as the polls were about to close ex
Inspector of Police Bonfield entered the
Besplaines street station and began to de
nounce Captain Aldrich. Both men have
been enemies for years. Since Bonfield'i
dismissal from the force the enmity has
grown to intensity. Bonfield, who is always
heavily armed, demanded a fight there and
then, but Aldrich said that he wonld not
fi;ht because of the love he bore his wife.
Bonfield thereupon lelt the station in a
rage. ,
Among the many murders yesterday was
the disemboweling of John Carr, a Bemo
cratic negro, by a black Bepublican voter.
Carr will die.
not Mucn snow FOR PEACE.
The Contending; Parties la Quarrelsome
ITaytl Cannot Agreo on Terms.
' New Yoke, April 3. The Clyde steam
er George W. Clyde got in from Cape Hay
tien yesterday. The peace commission of
three which Legitime sent to Hippolyte
aboard the Belta left for home while the
Clyde was iu port They brought Hippo
lyte a proposition for "a basis of peace which
retired Hippolyte practically to private lif
and left Legitime President.
Hippolyte didn't take kindly to this pro
posal. He told the Commissioners to tell
Legitime that peace could be had only on
these terms; that both Hippolyte and Legi
time should retire to private life; that
neither should again be a candidate for the
Presidency; that a general election should
be held; that no Government officials must
attend the national convention as delegates,
and that there must be no soldiers in the
town where the convention is held.
News also comes by the Clyde that Presi
dent Hereaux, of San Bomingo, formally
recognized Legitime as President of Hayti
when he ordered the Mercedes and Caron
delet out of Dominican waters. Bothjthesc
Vessels were in the harbor of Cape Hayti
bristling with guns when the Clyde left
Captain Scholtz, of the steamer El Callao,
just arrived from port de Paix, says Hippo
lyte is scouring the coast in search of able
bodied men for his new navy.
Wheeling PostafCco Aspirants Will Talk to
v Ilim Tea Hours a Day.
Wheeling, April 3. A strong delega
tion of local Republicans, representing the
various claimants for the Postoffice here,
left for Washington this evening for the
purpose of attempting to settle the disposi
of the office. Chairman of the State Com
mittee W. J. W. Cowden, G. W. Atkinson,
late' Bepublican candidate for Congress;
Senator N. B. Scott, member of the Na
tional Bepublican Committee from West
Virginia, and a number of others were in
the party. John Frew, of the Intelligencer,
who is an aspirant for thefplace, did not go,
intrusting his claims to the care of Senator
Scott The party say they are prepared to
talk to the President ten hours a day for the
next week, and have agreed not to return
until the matter is disposed of.
ATcstCaso of Great Importance to Street
Railroad Companies. '
Harbisbubg, April 3. The court of
Dauphin county has had submitted to it for
decision the case against the Lafayette
Traction Company, of Easton, whose charter
is alleged to be worthless, because the cor
poration was formed under the act of 1878.
held to be unconstitutional. '
Ex-Bepnty Attorney General Snodgrass,
counsel for the company, hod the case post
pqned from time to time in hope that the
validating act now before the Legislature
would pass, but the case was called to-day,
and its decision Till involve at least 70
street railway companies in this State.
Ho Is Bounced From a Grocery Store by tho
Angry Proprietor.
Chaeleston, W. Va., April 3. Last
night as Editor Beber, of the State Tribune,
was standing in a grocery store he was ac
costed by Governor Wilson, who shook his
fist under his nose nnd threatened him with
personal violenoe for criticisms made in the
paper of the Governor's official actions.
The grocery keeper, not being an admirer of
the Governor, ordered him out of the store,
and as he failed to go, summarily ejected
him by force, with the injunction never to
enter his doors again.
This is the second attack made on Beber
by Wilson during the past four weeks,
lriends interposing each time.
Forty Houses Unroofed by a Vigorous Gale
Ijast Evening.
Baltimoee, April 3. A part of the
storm which started in British America on
the 1st of the month reached here this even
ing. For half an hour the wind blew so
hard that 40 houses were unroofed in South
west Baltimore, inflicting a damage to prop
erty of about 12,000.
The walls of several unfinished buildings
were blown down, and the schooner N811ie
was capsized, but none of her crew were
Tbo Arizonn Train Robbers Kill a Couple
While Resisting Arrest.
Peescott, April 3. In a fight near Flag
staff, between a Sheriffs posse and robbers
who held up the Atlantic and Pacific ex
press about two weeks ago, Edward Sinclair
and T". S. Wilcox, deputy sheriffs, were
killed. Reinforcements have been sent to
the ShcriU Irora Flagstaff.
It-is thought the leaders of the train rob
bers is McNeill, a noted desperado, for
whom a reward of over $2,000 is offered.
' A Big Contract Let.
Washington, April 3. The contract
for the construction of the machinery of the
armored cruiser Main1; bos been awarded
to N. F. Palmer & Co., of New York, at
$735,000.' -- - - .?, '
In Soots Where it is Weakest!
. by General Master Work- I
man Powderly,
mi.. t!. -i ,- . ; i
xue criminal tompeuiion iionsisi3lBtJ
,,,. . . . t -
reaanng uut uonncts.
an Incisive Manner the Great Labor
Leader Asks Why Not Make Lawyers,
Surgeons or Preachers Oat of Prison
ersHe Thinks That Wonld be Better
Than the Making of Barrels far tho
Standard OU Monopoly to Belp Brash.
Out the Semblance of Competition Cans
tic Comparisons for Philanthropists to
When Mr. Henry Warner, Superin
tendent of the Allegheny county work-, j5
house,-wrote and printed an open letter to
General Master Workman T. V. Powderly,
he invited a reply. He has it It hasn't
reached him in manuscript form as yetpbnt
he can read it in this issue of The Bis
The apparent evils growing out of the
forced shut-down of all competitive labor in
the prisons of Pennsylvania were treated in
a sort of circular letter which Mr. Henry
Warner, superintendent of the Allegheny
county workhouse, printed for Mr.T. V.
Powderly and the rest of Pennsylvania to
read. Though this letter was not sent in
manuscript form to Mr. Powderly, he got
it, as an inclosnre of a letter
written him by Editor J. M. Kelly, of this
city, inviting the strong reply which, it was
presumable, Mr. Powderly could write. Mr.
Kelly has the answer already in type for
puoiication in this week s issue of the Com
moner and Qlassworker, and The Bis
patch is favored with an advance copy
thereof, which is published below.
The fact that Mr. Warner doesn't get an
autograph letter in reply to his circular ad
dressed to Mr. Powderly, is attributable, no
doubt, to the fact that the latter hod to read
in printed form the "letter that never
Such incisive sarcasm as the General
Master Workman deals out to philanthro
pists who won't teach convicts more than
they do, is well worth reading.
the labor leader's ssrpirs. - x,
I am Indebted to a clipping from a Pittsburg;
paper for an Item of news contained in "the
letter which never came" from Henry Warner,
of the Allegheny County "Workhouse, concern
ing a bill now pending before the Pennsylvania
Legislature, Known as "House bill No. 477," en
titled an act "resulating the employment of
convicts and inmates of the penal and reform?
atory institutions within the State." ' :
If Mr.Warner his written ma such a letter ha
has forgotten to mad it As it is not called an ,
open letter, I am at a loss to know how it found
its way into print before finding its way to
In this letter Mr. Warner seems to be labor
ing under a misapprehension as to his base ot
attack, or action rather. Mr. Warner knew
nothing of Bill No. 477 and has not up to this
writing seen a copy of lr. He is not competent
to criticise the bill in question.
Mr. Warner says he "has a contempt for any
class of workingmen who would concern them
selves about entering into competition with
prison labor." So havo I, and during all ot my
experience I have never heard of workingmen
concerning themselves about entering Into
competition with prison labor until it ha3 -en
tered into competition with them.
Possibly it will be as well to relieve his mind
as to the aim of the order of the Knights of,
Labor concerning convict labor; the twelfth
section in the preamblo of the order says that
it is the aim of the association "to prohibiten
hiring out of convicts." It is not the intention
to add to the number of the insane by keeping
the convict in Idleness.
No one has ever heard a member of thai
Knights of Labor, who understands the prin
ciples of his order, contend that convicts shond -bo
kept in idleness, neither do Knights assert
that they should not workat such trades and
occupations as may be followed on the ontsida
of prisons: but we do contend that honest
workmen.shonld not be compelled to enter Into
unfair competition with those who have been
locked np for their misdeeds. The hiring out
of convicts is what we complain of, and all
fair-minded men -will admit that we have x
good case. If it is right to teach a man a tradsf
on the Inside of a prison, why not teach him
the whole of ltT Why teach him but a part of
a trade? He cannot follow the piece of it thai
he learns after he is released, and it is only a
question of time until the "philanthropists"
will have him m their dutches again for soma
other offense. Turned oat from prison without
a dollar in his pocket, no friends, no knowl
edge of his surroundings and no chance to get"
work, his every effort at obtaining employmenti,;
balked, witn "philanthropists" who sympa
thize with him only when he Is earning money
for them in prison, anxious to secure the ala of
1.1. MV.nln.An AnnA . m.. 1., . . , J
U3 cfGii;jii.o vuwo uiuig uu uicu VUUbfaCKS la
side of prison wails, what chance has ha to
If he had learned a whole trade on the In
side it would be different, and while it is con- 'ik
sidered right to instruct a man in some ocenpa-
tion in a prison, way not give all occupations a,
trial? The fitness of the convicts for certain"
avocations should be considered; some ara
naturally keen and bright, were Incarcerated;'
for some shrewd piece of swindling. Why not
make lawyers of them? Others were im
prisoned for attempting to amputate, orcarvs;
an arm or an ear belonging to a neighbor. Why i
not make surgeons of such? Why not attempt "a
to reach tbo moral, the Intellectual, the
iiiuutai uiau as weu u me paysicaj, uj training,
the mind inside of prison walls as well as tSej i
hands, come are pious rogues, as pious as -
some of the "philanthropists." why not
givo them a religious training on the inside,, j
tnat wouiu nt tnem to expound tne gospel?
among the heathens when liberated? I believe i
that an investigation would Show that onrjl
prisons and penitentiaries, notwithstanding
Mr. Warners statement, contain as mucnl
talent as the House of Representatives of thai
State, and while it would not do to turn that
convicts into legislators it would be eminently
proper to so drill ana educate tnem that there
would be more amenable to law and its'ln-M
fluences when they leave tho.prisons. i j
Mr. Warner argues that the workbouse Is thaJ
only successful place to compete against the
Standard Oil Company, but he does not stata'-'J
what influence tho pernicious actions of thq,J
manuaru uu iymijauj uau ia juung tne Wors
nouses -anu prisons.
It was unfair competition on the part of thai
Standard Oil Company and-kindred ebneerai j
i. 7. 3 P- " Pj
t2.K's-&.? :
i. A.