Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 03, 1889, Image 1

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    - . FIT utheutieot v'lrf Fks V' (t vr " ' ' '"W. H. - . 3d. . Rav Friuarri Fvarott Uata 'I -' ".!9
Is the title of
written forTHE DisrATCH
liv Rev. Edward .Everett
Ilalc Tbe openlns chap
ters will appear in next
Sunday's Dispatch.
Wtcjl ispatch. - .- -w ,--, I , Re-aVitr-r" ' m
Bold Explorer Stanley, in the
Face of Great Peril, Cuts
a Path Through
Hostile Natives, Mutinous Men, Star
vation and Sickness Only
All Obstacles Sonnonnted, and Lake Nyanra
Reached Many of the Party Fcriib by
the Way Several Shot by Poisoned
Arrow The Explorer Forced to Pot
Others to Death for Disobedience
Stanley Himself Stricken With Illness
The Meeting With Emln Pasha Plans
for the Fnttsre.
Henry M. Stanley has been heard from
at last The explorer writes a letter from
the very heart of the Dark Continent. He
gives full details of his Jong and weary
march to Lake Nyanza. The party -was en
gaged in an almost continnal struggle with
hostile natives. Many were killed on both
sides. Stanley was forced to hang some ol
his party as an example to the others. The
ranks were further decimated by disease,
starvation and desertion. The meeting with
Emin Pasha was a most joyful one.
LONDON, April 2.
The mist of doubt and
fear which has clouded
the whereabouts and fate
of Explorer Stanley has
been dispelled, to a great
extent, at least TJp to
last September the bold
adventurer was in the
Henry it Stanley, land of the living, al
though having passed through countless
trials and vicissitudes. The letter received
from him gives a complete and interesting,
and, at times, thrilling description of his
perilous journey between Yambunga and
Albert Nyanza.
The explorer's Narrative.
Mr. Stanley, after stating the orders given
by him to Major Barttelot, goes on to de
scribe the advance of the columns. The ex
pedition, which consisted of 3S9 officers and
men, started from Yambunga on June 28,
lSSi". On the first day the expedition
marched J2 miles along the river bank to
Yankarde. On the approach of the column
the natives set fire to their Tillages, and
under cover of the smoke, attacked the
pioneers. A skirmish followed lasting 15
During the next six days the expedition
marched inland in an easterly direction,
through a densely populated district The
natives used every art known to them to
molest and impede the advance of the party,
but, although several conflicts took place,
Stanley did not lose a man. Finally, per
ceiving that the path he had been following
was taking him out of his proper conrse,
Stanley struck out toward the northeast and
again reached the river on July 5.
From this date until October 18 he fol
lowed the left bank of the Aruwhimi. After
17 days of continuous marching the expedi
tion halted for one day's rest
The First Death.
On August 1 the first death concurred, the
cause being dystentary. So far, for 34 days,
the course had been singularly successful.
The party now entered a wild country, in
their nine days' march through. which their
sufferings multiplied, and several deaths
occurred. On August 13, on arriving at
Airsibba, the natives presented a bold front,
and the party lost five men from the
poisoned arrows, lieutenant Stairs was
wounded below the heart. and suffered
greatly, but recovered.
On August 31 the expedition met a party
of Manyemas, and their misfortunes began
on this date. Stanley writes that he had
taken the Congo route to avoid Arabs who
would tempt his men. Within three days
of this unfortunate meeting 26 men deserted.
What Stanley describes as an awful
month begins on September 18. Leaving
the station of the Arab Chief TJgarrava,
when the expedition numbered 263 men,
having lost 66 by desertion and death, and
having left 56 sick with TJgarrava, the
march led to the Arab settlement Kalings
Longa. The men lived on wild fruits,
fungi and nuts.
Starvation and Desertion.
Before reaching Kilinga Longa Stanley
lost 55 men through starvation and deser
tion. A slave owner at Kilinga Longa,
named Abed Salim, did his utmost to ruin
the expedition, short of open hostilities. He
insisted upon purchasing rifles, ammuni
tion and clothing, so that the expedition
left the station beggared. The men were
absolutely naked, and were so weak that
they were unable to carry the boat
Stanley was therefore obliged to leave the
boat, together with 70 loads of goods, at
Kilinga Longa, under the care of Surgeon
Parke -and Captain Kelson, the latter of
whom was unable to march. After a 12
days journey the party, on Xovamber 12,
reached Ibwiri.
The Arab devastation, which had readied
within a few miles of Ibwiri, was so thor
ough that'not a native hut was left standing
between TJgarrava and Ibwiri. What the
Arabs did not destroy the elephants de
stroyed, turning the whole region into a
horrible wilderness. Mr. Stanley con
tinues. Reduced to Mere Skeletons.
Onr sufferings terminated at Ibwiri. We
were beyond the reach of destroyers. We
were on virgin soil in a populous region
abounding with food. We ourselves were
mere skeletons. From 2S9 persons we now
numbered 171. Several of the party seeming to
hive no hope of life left A halt was there
fore ordered lor 'the purpose of recuper
ating. Hitherto our people were skeptical of what
we told them. The suffering had been so awful,
the calamities so numerous and the forests so
endless, that they refused to believe that by
and by we wonld see plains and cattle, the
Kjranza and Emln Pacha- They had tnrned
v a deaf ear to oar prayers -and entreaties, for,
driven by hunger and suffering, they sold their
rifles and equipments for a few 'ears of Indian
i -
5? M
corn, deserted with the ammunition and be
came altogether demoralized.
Harsh Measures Necessary.
Perceiving that mild punishment would bo
of no avail, I resorted to the death penalty,
and two of the worst cases were hanged in the
presence of at We halted for IS days at
Ibwiri. reveling on fowls, goats, bananas, corn,
yams, etc The supplies were Inexhaustible,
and our people glutted themselves with such
effect that we had 173 sleek and robust men.
One had been killed with an arrow.
When we started for Albert Nyanza, on ,No
vember 21, we were still 128 miles from the lake.
Given food, the distance seemed nothing. On,
December 1 we sighted an open country from
the top ot a ridge connected with Mount
Pisgah, which was so named from our first view
Of the land of promise and plenty. On Decem
ber 5 we emerged upon the plains, leaving the
deadly and gloomy forest behind us.. Alter 160
days of continuous gloom we saw the light of
broad day shining all around, making all things
We thought we had never seen grass so green
or a country so lovely. The men literttrly leaped
and yelled with joy and raced over the ground
with their burdens. Ah, this was the old spirit
of former expeditions, 'successfully completed,
and all suddenly revived.
The Party Cheerful Again.
Woe betide the native aggressor whom we
may meet However powerful, with such a
spirit the men will fling themselves upot him
like wolves on sheep. Numbers will not be
considered. It was the eternal forest which
had made them the abject slavish creatures so
brutally plundered by Arab slaves at Kilon
langa Longa.
December 8 we entered the country of the
powerful Chief Mazamboni. The villages were
scattered so thickly that no road except
through them could be found. The natives
sighted us, but we were prepared. We seized
a hill as soon as we arrived in the center of a
mass of villages, and built a zareba as fast as
bill hooks could cut the brushwood.
The war cries were terrible, resounding from
hill to hill, and pealing across the intervening
valleys. The people gathered in hundreds at
every point war horns and drums announcing
tho struggle. After a slight skirmish, ending
in our capturing a cow, the first beef we had
tasted since we left tho ocean, the night passed
peacefully, both sides preparing for the
War With a Vengeance.
Here Mr. Stanley narrates how negotia
tions with the natives failed, Mazembom
declining a peace offering, and how a de
tachment of 40 persons, led by Lieutenant
Stairs, and another of 30, under command
of Mr. Jephson, with sharpshooters, left
the Zareba and assaulted and carried the
villages, driving the natives into a general
rout The march was resumed on the 12th.
There were constant little fights all along
the route. "On the afternoon of the 13th,"
say3 Mr. Stanley, "we sighted the Nyanza,
with Kavalli, the objective point of the ex
pedition. Six miles off I had told the men
toTprepare to see the Nyanza. They mur
mured and doubted, saving 'Why does the
master continually talk this way?" Nyanza,
indeed. When .they saw the Nyanza
below them, many came to kiss my hands."
The letter continues:
An Enjoyable Prospect.
We were now at an altitude of 5,200 feet
above the sea, with the Albert Nyanza 2,900
feet below, in loao. the south end of the
Nyanza lay about six miles south of this posi
tion. Every dent In Its low flat shore was visi
ble, and, traced like a silver snake on the dark
ground, was the tributary Lanilkl, flowing Into
the Albert Nyanza from the southwest After
ashore halt to enjoy the prospect we com
menced the ragged and stony dercent. Before
the rear guard had descended 100 feet the
natives from the plateau poured after them,
keeping the rear guard busy until within a few
hundred feet of the Nyanza plain. We camped
at the foot of the plateau wall, the Aneroids
reading 2.5U0 feet above sea level. A night at
tack was made, bat the sentries sufficed to
drive our assailants off,
We afterward approached the village ol
Kakongo. situated at the southwest, corner of
Albert lake. Three hours were spent by us In
attempting to make friends," but we signally
failed. Tney would not allow us to go to the
lake because we might frighten their cattle.
They would not exchange the blood of broth
erbood because they never heard of any good
people coming from the west side of the lake.
No Presents Accepted.
They would not accept anypresent from us
because they did not know who we were. But
they would give us water to drink and would
show us the road up to Nyam-Sasslc From
these singular people we learned that they had
heard that there was a white man at. TJnayora,
but they had never beard of any white man
being on the west side, nor had they ever seen
any steamers on the lake. There was no ex
cusefor quarreling. The people were civil
enough, but they did not want us near them.
We therefore were shown the path and fol
lowed it for miles.
We camped about half a mile from the lake,
and then began to consider our position with
the light thrown upon it by the conversation
with the Kokongo natives. My couriers from
Zanzibar had evidently not arrived, or Emin
Pasha, with bis two steamers, would have paid
the southwest side of the lake a visit to pre
pare the natives for onr coming. My boat was
at Kilinga Longa, 190 miles distant, and there
was no canoe obtainable.
To seize a canoe without the excuse of a
quarrel my conscience would not permit. There
was no tree anywhere of a size sufficient to
make canoes. Wadelal was a terrible distance
off for an expedition so reduced. We had used
five cases of cartridges In five days fighting on
the plain.
Too Much Fighting.
A month of such fighting must exhaust onr
stock. There was no plan suggested that was
feasible, except to retreat to Ibwiri, build a
fort send the party back to Kilinga Longa for
a boat, store up every load in the fort not con
veyable, leave a garrison in the fort to hold it,
march back to Albert Lake and send a boat in
search of Emin Pasha. This was the plan
which, after lengthy discussions with the
officers, I resolved upoD.
On the 15th we began a night march, and by
10 o'clock A. u., on the ISth, we had gained the
crest of the plateau once more, the Kakonhos
natives having persisted in following ns to the
slope of the plateau. We bad one man killed
and one wounded. On January 7 we were in
Ibwiri once again. After a few days' rest
Lieutenant Stairs, with 100 men, was sent to
Kilonga Longas to bring the boat and goods. I
also sent Surgeon Parke and Captain Nelson. -
Out of the S3 sick men in their charge only 11
men were brought to" the fort. The rest had
died or deserted. On the return of Stairs with
the boat and goods he was sent to Ugarrow.
He was to brine up the convalescent. Soon
after his departure I was attacked by gastritis
and an abscess on the arm. After a month's
careful nursing by Parke I recovered, and set
out again for the Albert Nyanza on April 2, ac
companied by Jephson and Parke.
Brothers br Blood.
Nelson was appointed commandant of Fort
Bodo in our absence, with a garrison of 13 men.
On April 26 we arrived in Mozambinf s coun
try again. This time, after solicitation, Mozam
brai decided to make blood brotherhood with
me. His example was followed by all the
other chiefs as far as the Nyanza. Every dirfi
culty seemed now to be removed. Food was
supplied gratis. Cattle, goats, sheep and fowls
were also given in abundance, so .that our peo
ple lived royally.
When one days' march from the Nyanza,
natives came from Kavlli and said tbat a white
man, named Malejja, had given their chief a
black packet to give to me, his son. Would I
follow them, they asked. "Yes, to-morrow," I
answered, "and if your words are true, I will
make you rich." They remained with us that
night telling us wonderful stories about big
ships as large as islands filled with men, etc,
which left no doubt in our mind that the white
man was Emin Pasha. ' '
The next day's march brought us to Chief
Kavili. After a while be handed me a note
from Emin Pasha, covered with a strip of black
American oilcloth. The note was to the effect
that as there had been a native rumor that a
white man had been seen at the south end of
the lake, he bad gone in a steamer to make in
quiries, but had been unable to obtain reliable
information. He begged me to remain where
I was until he could communicate with me.
The next day, April 23, Mr. Jephson was dis
patched with a strong force to take the boat to
the Nyanza.
Emln Pasha's Territory.
On the 26th the boat's crew sighted Mawa
station, the southernmost belonging to Emln
Pasha. Mr. Jephson was there hospitably re
ceived by the Egyptian garrison. The boat's
crew say that they were embraced one by one,
and that they never had such 'attention shown
them as by these .men, who bailed them as
brothers. On April 26 we once again reached
, the bivouac ground occupied by us on Decem
mm mu9uima mwmxi ik .Mmi
y t r ---. - ri - . r with nrrnntn pac nArnnnATPS nr a. rftntnrr ..n
ber 16, and at 5 p. M. of that day 1 saw the Khe
dive steamer about seven miles away steaming
up toward us. Soon after 7 p. M. Emln Pasba,
Signor Casati and Mr. Jephson arrived at our
camp, where they were heartily welcomed by
all of us.
Next day we moved to a better camping
place, about three miles above Nyamsassie,
and at this spot Emln Pasha also made bis
camp. We were together until May 25, when I
left him, leaving Mr. Jephson, three Soudanese
and two ZanzlEaris in his care. In return he
caused to accompany me three of his irregu
lars and 102 Madl natives as porters. Fourteen
days later I was at Fort Bodo.
At the fort were Captain Nelson and Lieuten
ant Stairs. The latter had returned from
Ugarrowas 22 days after I had set out for the
lake, bringing with him, alas! only 16 men out
of 58. All the rest were dead. Mv 20 couriers
whom I bad sent with letters to Major Battel
lot had safely left Ugarrowas for Yambugaon
March 16.
Raising Indian Corn.
Fort Bodo was in a flourishing state. Nearly
ten acres were under cultivation. One crop of"
Indian corn had been harvested and was in the
granaries. On June 16, 1 left Fort Bodo' with
111 Zanzlbaris and 101 of Emin's people Lieu
tenant Stairs was appointed commandant of
the fort Captain Nelson was Jsecond In com
mand, and Surgeon Parke, wis medical officer.
Thecarrison consisted M 59 rifles.-Ithus de
prived myself of all my tjrficers in order notto
be encumbered with baggag; provisions, and
On June 21 we reached Kilonga and on July
IS) Ugarrowas. The latter station was de
serted. Ugarrowas having gathered as much
ivory as he could obtain from the district had
proceeded "down ths'river about three months
before. On leaving Fort- Bodo I had loaded
every carrier withf0 pounds of cojn, so that we
were able to pass.througji tho wilderness un
scathed. Passing en, down the" river as fast as
we could go.daily expecting to meet the couriers
who bad been stimulated to exert themselves
for a reward of 10 per head, or the Major
himself leading an. army of carriers, we in
dulged ourselves in pleasing anticipation as we
Beared the goat , .
On August 10 we overtook Ugarrowas with
an immense flotilla of 57 canoes, and, lo our
wonder, our couriers, now reduced tolrwho
related an awful storv of hairbreadth, .escapes
and tragic scenes. Three had been slalnr"two
were still feeble from wounds, all except' five
bore on their bodies the scars orarrow wounds.
Meeting With a White Man. '
A week later, August 17, we met the rear
column of the expedition atBunalyea. There
was a white man at the gate of the stockade
who at first I thought, was Mr. Jamleson. A
nearer view revealed the features of Mr.
Bonney, who left the medical service of the
army accompanying ns.
"Well, my dear Bonney, where's the MajorT"
I asked.
"He is dead, sir; shot by a Manyuema about
a month ago," replied Bonney.
"Good God," I cried, "And Jamiesonf"
"He has cone to Stanley Falls to try to get
more men from Tippoo Tib."
"And TroupT"
"Troup has gone home invalided."
'Well, where is WardT"
"Ward is at Bangala."
"Heaven alive, then you are the only one
"Yes, sir."
After describing what a wreck he found
the rear column to be, Stanley complains of
the officers at Yambuga for readily accept
ing the deserters' report of his death and
sending his personal kit, medicines, etc,
down the Congo, leaving him naked of
necessities for his return to Emin. "By ac
cident" he says, "two hats and four pair
of boots and a flannel jacket were left, a
truly African kit with which to return."
The letter then proceeds to summarize what
had been accomplished. Stanley says:
'We were 160 days in the forest one con
tinuous, unbroken, compact forest The grass
land was traversed by us in eight days. The
limits of the forest along the edge of the grass
land are well marked. We saw it extending
northeasterly with its curves, bays and capes
just like a seashore. Southwesterly It pre
served the same character.
An Immense Forest.
North and south the forest area extends from
Nyanglve to the southern borders of the Mon
buttu east and west' it embraces all from the
Congo, at the mouth ot the Aruwlmi, to about
east longitude 29, latitude KP. How tar west
beyond the Congo the 'foresV reaches I do not
know. The superficial extent' of the tract de
scribed as totally covered by forest Is 216,000
square miles. -
North of the Congo, between Upoto and Aru
wlmi, the forest embraces another 20,000 square
miles. Between Yambuga and Nyanza we
came across five distinct languages. The land
slopes gently from the crest of the plateau
about the Nyanza down to the Congo river from
an altitude of 5,500 feet to 1,100 feet
above the sea. North and south of our
track through the grassland the face ot
the land was much broken by groups of cones
or isolated mountain ridges. To the north we
saw no land higher than about 6.000 feet above
the sea, but bearing 215 degrees magnetic, at a
distance of 0 miles from our camp on the
Nyanza, we saw a towering mountain, its sum
mit covered with snow, probably 17,000 or
18.000 feet above the sea..
It is called Buevenzorl, and will prove a rival
to Kellmaryaro. I am not sure that it may not
Srove to be the Gordon Bennett mountain in
iambrargara, but there are two reasons for
doubting if it be the same. First, it is a little
too far west for the position of the latter as
given by me in 1S76. Secondly, we saw no snow
on the Gordon Bennett. I have met only three
natives who have seen the lake toward the
south. They agree that it is large, but not so
large as the Albert Nyanza.
Emln Pasha's Military Force.
Before closing let me touch more largely
upon the subject which brought me here, viz.:
Emln Pasha. He has two battalions of regu
lars, tbe first consisting of about 750 rifles, and
the second of 640 men. Besides these bat
talions he has quite a respectable force ot ir-.
regulars, sailors, artisans, clerks and servants.
"Altogether," Emin said," if I consent to go
away from here, we shall have abont 8,000 peo-
pie with us. Were I In your place I would not
hesitate a moment, or be for a second In doubt
what to do. What you say is quite true. But
we have such a large number of women and
children probablv 10,000 people altogether.
How can they all be brought ut of here? We
shall want a number of carriers."
"Carriers for what?" I asked.
"For the women and children. You surely
would not leave them, and they cannot travel."
"The women mnst walk. It will do them
more good than barm. As for the little chil
dren, load them on donkeys. I hear you have
about 200. Your people will not travel very far
the first month, but little by little they will
get accustomed to it. Our Zanzibar women
crossed Africa on my second expedition. Why
cannot your black women do the same? Have
no fear of them: they will do better than' the
"They would require a vast ajmount of pro
visions for the road."
Tbe Provision Difficulty.
"True; but you have thousands of cattle, I-
believe. These will furnish Deer, ana tbe coun
tries through which we pass must furnish grain
and vegetable food."
"Well, we will defer further talk until to
morrow." This conversation with the Pasha took place
on May 1, 1SSS, during a halt In camp at Nsabe.
The Pasba came ashore from the steamer Khe
dive next day about 1 v. it. In a short time we
commenced our conversation again. Many of
the arguments used above were repeated. He
said: . .
"What you told me yesterday has. led me to
think it best we should retire from here. The
Egyptians are very willing to leave. There are
of those about 100 men besides tbeir women
and children. 1 should be glad to be rid of
them, because they undermine my authority
and nullify all my endeavors for rotreat. When
I informed them that Khartoum had fallen
and that Gordon Pasha was slain they always
told the Nubians that it was a concocted story,
and that some day we should see steamers as
cend the river for tbeir relief. Butot the
regulars I am extremely doubtful. They have
led such a free and happy life here that they
would demur at leaving a conntry where they
have enjoyed luxuries they cannot command
in Egypt. The soldiers are married" and sev
eral of them have harems."
A Very Delicate SItnatton.
"Many irregulars wonld also retire and fol
low me. Now. supposing the regulars refuse
to leave, you can Imagine the position would
be a difficult one. Would I be right in leaving
them to their fateT Would It not be consign
ing them all to their ruin? I should have to
leave them their arrns and ammunition, and,
on returning, all discipline would be ended.
Disputes would arise, factions would bo
formed, tbe more ambitions would aspire to be
chiefs by force, and from these rivalries wonld
spring bate and mutual slaughter until there
would be none left."
"Supposing you resolve to stay, whatnot the
Egyptians?-' I asked.
"Oh. these I shall have to ask yon to be good
enough to take with you."
The Pasha proposed to visit ForfBodo, tak
ing Mr. Jephson with him. At Fort Bodo 1
have left instructions to the officer to destroy
the fort and accompany the, Pasha to the
Nyanza. I hope to meet them all again on tbe
Nyanza, as Iintend making a short cut to tbe
Nyanza along a new route. . ,
Henet M. Btaklbt."-
The Ex-Minister to Germany May be
Offered His Old Place Agauu
JIr. Carnegie is Confirmed, but Not "Witji-
Protest to the Last.
Vice President Morton's AJ&Wllty Hating- Him Many
i Good Friends.
Mr. Halstead's friends say be won't accept
the German mission as a recess appointment
In that event ex-MinisterTCasson may re
main in Berlin when he goes there on the
Samoan Commission. The Senate has ad
journed sine die. Before adjournment the
calendar was practically cleared of all ap
pointments. The delegates to the Congress;
of American Nations were confirmed, Mr.
Carnegie's name being the only one upon
which a reconsideration was asked, and hla
confirmation was untouched.
rsrzciAi-Tzi.Eart.LH to tot dispatch, f ij
"Washington, April 2. The friendijsq
Murat.Halstead say that he can go to Beiv
lin if he chooses, his rejection by the Senate
to the contrary notwithstanding. The
President can appoint him at once, and
then get him confirmed next winter by the
aid of the eight Senators who are to come.
in with the new States. But Mr. Halstead
is not likely to accept any such appoint
ment, and his friends say he will not do so
Mr. Sherman is understood to have said so
to the Presiderit, and now the appointment
of Mr. Kasson, who has been one of the
Samoan Commissioners, is. expected daily.
Mr. Kasson was formerly Minister to Berlin.
Some curious people who have been look
ing up the records find that in 1831 Presi-2
dent Jackson nominated Martin Tan Buren
as Minister to Great Britain. Mr. Van
Buren appears to have been quite as un
popular ,in the Senate as Mr. Halstead, and
his nomination was" rejected through the In
fluence of DanieL Webster, Henry Clay and
John C. Calhoun. The next these gentle-,
men knew Mr. Van Buren was nominated,
and elected Vice President, and subse
quently President. Mr. Halstead can cut
this out and paste it in his hat
Bnt Six or Eight Senators Protested Against
Him at the Last.
WASHETOTOir, April 2. In the execu
tive session of the Senate to-day, there was
continned objection to the personnel of the.
delegation to the Congress of American
Nations, but it availed nothing; Senator
Beck characterized the Democratic mem
bers as mugwumps, who were not recog
nized as belonging to the party at all, and
he didn't think it fair to have them pose)
before the country as representatives of the
Democratic party. However, they were ajl
confirmed. A. motion was made to reconr
sider the vote-fljy which Andrew.Carnegie'
was' confirmed, but only six or eight Sena
tors voted for it
In the course of the session efforts were
made to remove the injunction of secrecy
from the votes on the motion to confirm" the
nominations of Whltelaw Beid,- to be Min
ister to France, and of Murat Halstead, to
be Minister to Germany, but they were un
successful. The farther consideration of
the extradition treaty with Bussia was post
poned until the next session of Congress.
The calendar of nominations was almost en
tirely cleared. The nominations of Edwin
T. Kensheadt, to be United States Marshal
for the Eastern District of Louisiana, and
of W, H-Whiteman, to be an Associate Jus
tice of the United States Court in New
Mexico, were the most prominent of those
that failed of confirmation.
He Will Indorse Nobody Unless tho Presi
dent First Consnlts Him.
"Washington, April 2. Mr. Edmunds
made his appearance in the Senate to-day,
just in time to vote for the final adjourn
ment, after having been absent from his seat
ever since the 4th' day of March. He has
been in Georgia seeking rest and recreation.
' he says, but it is possible that he would not
have gone out lor tne numDer ot omce seek
ers in Washington. Mr. Edmunds will not
sign an indorsement for anybody or write
any letters for people who want appoint
ments. His habitual answer to those who
applv to him is: "You may say to the
President that if he desires my views as to
the propriety of your appointment I will
very gladly give them, but, unless he should
desire to hear from me, I have nothing to
Assistant Secretary Wharton Not Liked
tbe Massachusetts Congressmen.
Washington, April 2. It appears that
the appointment of Mr. Wharton as As
sistant Secretary of State was a surprise to
the Massachusetts delegation in Congress,
and is not altogether agreeable to them, for
he has been a political kicker. They were
not consulted abont him, but he was se
lected, as most of President Harrison's
officials have been, without reference to the
opinions of the Congressional delegation
from his State. .
Mr. Wharton has been the private secre
tary of Justice Gray,, of the Supiemc Court,
and to him and to Henry Cabot Lodge, who
was his classmate in college and his inti
mate friend, the appointment is due.
He Leaves for Home, Satisfied He Can Do
No Good Ih Washington.
Washington, April 2. Senator Far
well has gone home disgusted. He says
there is nofeason for him to stay here; that
it is simply a waste of time ana effort for
him to seek appointments, and that upon
the President a letter is much more effective
than a personal interview.
Not one of the people recommended by
Mr. Farwell and Sir. Cullom have been ap
pointed, except Minister Enander.
The Vice President Making Many Friends
Amortp the Politicians.
Washington, April 2. -Vice President
Morton has made his arrangements to leave
for New York on Thursday. Mr. Morton
is much liked by all the New York poli
ticians who have met him in Washington.
He is affable, obliging and courteous to all
who call upon him, and while discreet in
his utterances, he has a- directness and can
dor of speech that pleases everybody who
meets him.
The Senate; Adioams Stno Pic.
' WASHTNGTON?TAlil .',2.
-.. ...... .'. -" ..
' -. -: -.j? 'K-.iSststfi.--fi-A,
a aong ais-
cussion. on the John Bright resolution in
the Senate to-day, resulted in its reference
to. .the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Vice President Morton thanked the Senate
for favors, and retired, thus leaving an op
portunity for the election of Mr. Ingalls as
President pro tempore. After the execu
tive session, the Senate adjourned sine die.
Three New York Offico Seekers See the
President but Get No Encouragement.
"Washington April 2. Messrs. Van
cott, Earhart and. Lyon, the three gentle
men who are believed to be slated for the
New York Postoffice, Custom House and
District Attorney's office, respectively, held
a conference with Mr. Morton to-day.
. They afterward visited the White House,
to pay their respects to the President
Mr. Harrison did not tell them when he
should make the New York appointments.
iPIown 'bjf tho American .Man-of-War
Brooklyn 137 Days Coming From
Honolulu Under Sail, With
Broken machinery Aid
From a Britisher.
Pensacola, Fla., April 2. Captain
Bennett, oi the British steamer Falshaw,
which arrived here this morning from Cape
Verde, brought the information that he had
met the United States man-of-war Brooklyn
at sea, in distress and out of provisions. He
said it was at noon on Tuesday, March 26,
in latitude 230 4? north; longitude 63 37'
west; that he observed a vessel about seven
miles off his port bow. The stranger was
flying flags of- distress and signaling him
to come closer.
' Captain Bennett bore down upon the ves
sel, which he found. to Tie the United States
man-of-war Brooklyn. A boat was lowered
from the latter, and Lieutenant Heald, Sur
geon Grover Beardsley, and the chief stew
ard were rowed to the Englishman. The
party, on boarding the latter, explained
that the Brooklyn had broken her shaft,
and that other machinery was out of order.
In addition to this, they were terribly short
of provisions, and asked Captain Bennett to
assist them. This the latter, did, and a lib
eral supply of stores was sent to the Brook
lyn, The Americans said that they were pro
ceeding under sail from Honolulu for New
York, and had been at that time 137 days at
sea. Letters, official and private, were in
trusted to Captain Bennett, who mailed
them npbn his arrival here this morning.
All aboard the Brooklyn were' reported
well, and as the ships parted company, the
Yankee tars gave three hearty cheers for
the Britisher. .
General Sherman Talks Happily to
Clerical Slethodtst Veterans.
Netv Yoek, April 2. The veteran or
ganization of the New York Conference
held its second annual campfire to-night
The organization is composed of clerical
and lay members of the conference who
fought in the Civil "War. Commander W.
H. Mickie presided. After "Tramp, the
Boys are Marching," had been sung, Gen
eral Clinton B..Fiske indulged in a few
reminiscences of the war, and then made
wav for General Sherman." whom he called
jjjie greatest qglivingaoldier?.;tt-The Gen-
V 1U .MUU.
'I have dealt too much in words since tbe war
closed, but as I grow older I grew, wiser, if not
better, and I don't like to let myself out It is
a wise measure on tbe part of the' Methodist
Church to thus encourage memories of the
war, A new generation Is springing np. To
my amazement I find great strapping men
ignorant of the very lesson taught by tbe war.
Other denominations, the Presbyterians, the
Episcopalians, the Catholics, 'should keep up
organizations like this to preserve the mem
ories of the war. ,
Army songs are as good holy music as any of
Watts' hymns, and neither you nor your church
would be any the worse for hearing "Tramp,
tramp, tramp" sung every Sabbath. Patriot
ism, love of country, obedience to the consti
tuted authorities, subordination to law, come
as near to virtue as the law of God,
In the few words in which he took leave
of his audience, General Sherman spoke ot
himself as being in his 70th year. His
speech was greeted with prolonged applause,
which was finally merged into "Marching
Through Georgia."
A Prominent Knnsan Who Conld Not Stand
' Disgrace Uses a Revolver.
Topeka, April 2. General H. K. Mc
Connell, one of the most prominent at
torneys of Osage county, committed suicide
this morning in the Fifth Avenue Hotel by
shooting himself. He shot himself through
the head. -The suicide is believed to be the
result of an escapade in which General Mc
Connell figured two months ago. He was
caught in the home of James McNames, a
well known contractor, at midnight and in
a way that reflected seriously on the moral
character of the contractor's wife.
McNames pursued him to the street and
shot him twice id the back. It was thought
at the time that he was fatally wounded, but
recovered, and has since remained away
from bis home. General McConnell has a
grown family, and tbe disgrace in which
the affair culminated rendered him almost
Jndge Barke Will Fight tbe Big Four Con
solidation Scheme.
Cleveland, O., April 2. Jndge Ste
venson Burke, who is one of the directors of
the Bee Line, declares emphatically that he
will oppose the consolidation of the road
with the Big Four and the Cairo, Vincennes
and Chicago, at the coming meeting on May
15. and adds that if called upon to do so he
may take the matter into the courts. Judge
Burke has the support of most, if not all, of
the stockholders of this neighborhood, and
the opposition to the Vanderbilt plans,
which oe now makes public, is not new, al
though it has been smothered in connection
with past meetings.
The claims in opposition to the consolida
tion are that tbe Bee Line stockholders do
not get what they are entitled to in the di
vision of stocks; that the Cairo, Vincennes
and Chicago is worthless, and that the sys
tem will be under the control of "the Big
The Bee Line and Big Four Authorities Con
cluding Their Bargain.
Indianapolis, April 2. President
Layng, of the Bee Line, has called a meet
ing of the stockholders of that company, to
be held in Indianapolis May 15. The pur
pose is to vote npon the consolidation of
the Big Four and Bee Line roads. The
same men hold the stock of both.roads, that
part of the consolidation scheme being
merely a matter, of convenience.
On the same day the Big Four stock
holders will alsoineet in Indianapolis, to vote
upon the-consolidation, but it must not be
supposed that everything relating to the
deal is being held in abeyance until the
stockholders have voted. It Is understood
that they favor the iplau ajid will certainly
vote for it. The officers are proceeding with
some of the preliminary steps in the actual
coHsolIdatlon; ''-.""' '?' V - .
A DEIOCEATIG DAT., making it snow. Tm& THE CEEAa
VU vuivu&V 14 UU, kill AiUUtU vww i KSljrA Tr.sssll
x. - ?r .,-..... x to M"8 TUn Pv Lively Jsferb n rn,c, K"im
Mayor Boche and the Machine Snowed Un
der by 12,000 Majority.
Eat tbe Liquor Element is Conceded the Victory by
About 1,000 Votes. '
The Independent voter was abroad in
Chicago yesterday. After a disorderly bat
tle with ballots the Democrats won the
Mayoralty fight and downed the
partisans of Yerkes and the
bosses who have engineered his schemes. It
can hardly be regarded as a party victory.
In St Louis the municipal muddle was"
mixed, but a Democratic Mayor was
Chicago, April 2. The municipal elec
tion here to-day resulted in tbe complete
overthrow of the Republican machine, its.
candidate for Mayor, John A. Boche, being
defeated by, DeWitt C. Creiger, by 12,000
majority. The rest of the Bepnbllcan ticket
was also defeated. The- Council will be
The election was the most disorderly in
tne history of the city, he"machine spend
ing its money right and left, and being the
direct cause of all the brawls in the-dive
districts ot the city. In one fight Congress
man Frank Lawler was hit on the head
withaclnb. In the Eighteenth ward the
street fighting was so incessant that the po
lice were worn out with their efforts to pre
serve thc peace. Up to midnight there
had been five murders.
The downtown streets to-night are
choked with howling Democrats, who are
burning fireworks and blowing hornB.
Edward Waller, a prominent citizen of
the Nineteenth ward, was one of the men
murderously assaulted at the polls. He was
denouncing the Bepublican machine in se
vere language, when Paddy Halpin, a .ma
chine heeler, knocked Waller down - and
then kicked him in the head and breast
until he. was unconscious. The officers at
the polls made no effort to stop the assault,
and the hoodlum escaped, leaving his vic
tim in the'gutter. Mr. Waller was taken
to his home by an expressman. It is
thought that he will die.
The "Social Six" ball at Uhlich's Hall
had just broken up this morning when John
C. Lutdgens, who stood outside on the pave
ment, began to talk politics to some of the
revelers. Then a dispute arose about the
beauty of a woman. Lutdgens shot John
Phelan in the left breast and Charles Fresh
man through the hand. He was arrested.
.Phelan may die.
Pembroke Butler and John Patton" quar
reled over' the attempt of the machine thugs
to kill Frank Collier. Collier is an English
man; so is Patton. During the fight Patton
plunged aknlftblade IntcCj3jitlerU throat;
The woundetf nj'an will die.
Frank Collier, who was so- brutally
slugged by Bepublican heelers two weeks
age, won $8,000 on the election. Collier
voted tbe straight Democratic ticket for the
first time in his life. To-night he hired a
band of music and marched in front of the
Desplaines street station, where the musi
cians played tbe "Bognes' March." Captain
Aldrich came ,o'nt and demanded the cause
of the serenade.. , Collier walked to the head
of the column -and said: "I'll bet yon $500 1
will have your Scalp in 30 days." Then the
musicians marched away, amid loud cheer
ing. Concerning the causes of the landslide
the Daily Nevis will say:
The street car employes stood like a rock In
the Cregier phalanx. Antipathy to Yerkes
was the. reason that partyism was for once for
gotten. When the full oxtent of tbe landslide
toward Cregier became known last night tbe ex.
pressions around tbe bulletin boards were sng
gestive. They fell from tbe lips of Republicans
as well as Democrats. "Ycrkss is a hoodoo,"
saidoneT"bls man Roche played a big confi
dence game on the public, and got left"
" 'Rah for Creigar and L roads,'' shouted an.
other, as one of tbe Westside wards showed up
with .a big Cregier majority. "We're done
with Yerkes." It was a great day for rapid .
The iVeicjadds editorially:
Part of tho Republican defeat was due to a
popular uprising against the despicable at
tempts of the machine bosses to prevent free
expression of preferences at the primaries.
The Inter-Ocean says:
Notwithstanding the result, Chicago is still a
Republican city upon a strictly party vote.
Mayor Roche was the victim of a series of un
toward circumstances and conditions which
were beyond his control.
The St. Louts Slnm Candidate for Mayor
Elected by 1,000 Majority AOIlxed
Up Mess, In Which the Dem
ocrats Came Ont Ahead.
St. Louis, April 2. After a campaign
unparalleled in local annals for bitterness
and personality, the battle of ballots was
fought to-day. The situation presented
some unique features. There were bolters
from each convention, and tbe Republi
cans bolted into the Democratic camp, and
the Demdcrats virtually into the Bepubli
can camp. George W. Allen, the present
Democratic Mayor, was conceded a month
ago to have a walkover for the nomination.
Mr. Allen succeeded D. B. Francis, when
the latter was elected Governor. Mr. Al
len 'cultivated the bosses, and in a short
time had the Democratic machine' at his
Judge E. A Noonan, who four years ago
ran a dead heat in the Democratic Conven
vention with C. C. Bainwater, was Mr.
Allen's only opponent He was until Sat
urday the Jndge of the Court of Criminal
Correction, and while in that office made
himself particularly solid with the liquor
element. He declared the Sunday-closing
law unconstitutional," and was heralded as
the champion of personal freedom, He was
opposed by the Republic and denounced as
the slum candidate.
After a' desperate fight, Noonan, to the
great surprise of the whole city, carried the
city and was nominated by acclamation by
the Democratic convention. Allen's friends
were paralyzed and disgusted, when some
of them organized the holt.
The local Bepublican party has for years
been divided into the Filiey faction, or
hoodlums, and the Globe-Democratio fac
tion, or silk stockings. The strongest can
didate before the Bepublican convention
was Captain D. P. Slattery, a wealthy
elevator man. Boodle, however, got its
work in, and, to the amazement of Slat
tery and his friends, he was dumped
and Colonel J. G. Butler was a
candidate without a' flaw..
Beturns complete from thewhole city give
Noonan, Democrat 1,626 plurality. The
Democrats also ' elect Brown, Auditor.
Ziegenhein, Republican, for Collector, and
Stevenson, Bepublican, for Controller, got
in bv small pluralities'.' The resnlt is asnb-
1 stantiai victory lor the Democrats. -
Mr. Magee's Advent In Harrlsbarg To-Day
Eagerly Awaited He Is Expected
to Make Things Pretty Lively
for Awhile.
HAEEisnuBO, April 2. C. L. Magee
will be here to-morrow, according to an
nouncement, and his friends expect him .to
make it snow for the opposition between
now and Friday. The opposition, how
ever, is not losing any sleep, and knows
just where it stands. It also points witl)
some pride to the fact that the Allegheny
county delegation is likely to be split in the
middle on the question.
Mr. Magee's friends are working hard for
the Democratic vote, and claim to have it
almost solid. On the other hand, the Dem
ocrats, many of them, have bills on the
calendar that depend on Bepublican favor,
and these are looking cautiously aDoutthemr
before committing themselves to the man
who is not in power.
The bill that Mr. Magee's friends have
been showing about the House is not the
bill as it passed the Senate. The main in
tent, however, remains the same. As it
stands it provides that a street railway may
be leased with the consent of a majority of
its stock.
James McManes and David H. Lane are
to be here to-morrow or Thursday. There
was some talk that they would be with
Magee, but it is stated on authority that
they are against him and against his bill.
They are coming in the interest of Mr.
Fletcher's electric light incorporation bill,
under which" their steam heating company
can also do business, as it covers companies
supplying light, heat or power by electricity
or other means. This bill was defeated last
week, but was reconsidered and temporarily
postponed. It is not stretching a point to
say its reconsideration is in some measure
the price of their support Against Magee.
Mr. Lafferty's motion to place Mr. Magee's
bill on the calendar will come up Friday
morning, but before that time the street
railway incorporation bill, previously nega
tived, will be favorably reported from com
mittee, and this- is expected to take much of
the wind ont of Mr. Magee's sails.
While on the Stage She Learns of the Death
ot an Idolized Son. 7
Philadelphia, April 2. A startling
incident occurred at the Arch Street Thea
ter, during Marie Frescott's performance of
"Ingomar," last night, which illustrates in
a forcible manner the pathetie side of stage
life. While Miss Prescott was in her dress
ing room, preparing for the next act, a tele
gram was handed her. It was only a line,
but it caused the actress to grow pale and
almost fall to the floor. It was from her
home, and simply announced the death of
her son, a yonng man of 16, who had been
the idol of her heart. Before she had recov
ered from the shock the call boy came to
announce the act By a powerful effort she
roused herself, and with a heroism that
would have done credit to a Spartan mother,
went on the stage to continue the entertain
ment for the benefit of the waiting audi
ence. The most dramatic part of ihe event, how
ever, was yet to come. Just as the actress,
In her part of Parthenia says to Ingomar:
"I will never see thee more," she fell sense
less and prostrate at his feet. It was some
moments before the audience realized the
situation. Some thought it was in the play,
but they were soon undeceived. Several
sympathetic spectator, grasping the state
ofthings,""(cried: "Lower the curtain." This
was done,' and restoratives were applied to
the actress. In les3 than ten minutes the
play was resumed, the star sustaining her
diffiqult part rendered still more difficult
under the circumstances with heroism that
called forth unstinted praise. After the
performance she was removed to her hotel
in a coupe.
The Venerable Head of Princeton is Very III,
bnt Not Beyond Hope.
Pbinceton, N. J., April 2. Dr. J. H.
Wikoff, the attending physician of the Bev.
Dr. James McCosh, says that the reports as
to his illness have been greatly exaggerated.
At a late hour to-night he was resting com
fortably, and Dr. WikofT entertains no
doubt as to his recovery. Dr. McCosh left
Princeton about two months ago for an ex
tended lecturing tour in the West, and
about two weeks ago, while at Delaware,
O., he was suddenly stricken with an attack
of bronchitis. Though in poor condition to
travel, he was anxious to reach home, and
set out from Delaware immediately, arriving
in Princeton two weeks ago to-day.
His illness increased during the journey
home, and on his arrival here his condition
was serious. Dr WikofT says, however,
that the report that he was suffering from
pneumonia is untrue. He has had no at
tack of that kind. There was a rumor in
town to-day that Dr. McCosh had had a re
lapse, but this is pronounced untrue by his
attending physician.
The Stricken A'ctrcss Will Sail for Europe
In spite of Her Severe Illness.
New Yoek, April 2. The only visitors
who were permitted to see Miss Mary
Anderson in her rooms at the Victoria
Hotel, to-day, were her brother and his wife
and Mrs. Griffin, the actress' mother, and
one of the proprietors of the hotel. She is
still very sick, suffering from what one of
the visitors described as extreme nervous
prostration. Despite her weakness, bow
ever, it was decided by h'er family that it
would be safe to allow her to undertake the
proposed Journey to Europe, and she will
leave the hotel for one of the ocean steamers
at 6 o'clock this morning with her maid and
brother. It was said at the hotel last night
that staterooms had been engaged for her on
the Germanic, which sails at 8 o'clock this
morning, and not on the City of Chester,
which sails at 7:30.
A Reception at the White Honso In Honor
of a Real Royal Conple.
"Washington, April 2. The President
gave a special "reception at the White
House, from 9 to 11 o'clock this evening, in
honor of Prince and Princess Takehaito, of
Japan. The President was assisted ih re
ceiving by Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. McKee,
and .the ladles of the Cabinet. The parlors
were profusely decorated with palms and
evergreens and a great variety o'f early
Secretary Blaine fntroduced the members
of the diplomatic corps and Colonel Wilson
made the other presentations. The Marine
Bandplayeda number of musical selections,
including several Japanese national airs.
The Legislature Has Adopted the Anstroll
an System of Voting.
Nashville, April 2. The Legislature
finally passed the Doritch election bill,
which embraces the Australian system of
voting. It has also passed a registration
bill and a bill changing the make-up oi
the Third and Fourth Congressional dis
tricts. The latter bill makes the Third district
heretofore doubtful, and now representee!
by Henry Clay Evans, Eepnblioan, surely
Democratic. .. ' - . . ' ; ,
V;. . ' ym
rne MK5csVTCfirs oi western renfrj
DJ1K.-jK''yllu' iluol J ,;.
Pittsburg's lacteal Business to lie EerD m
lated by One Company. "-',;. 'jj
Ihe All Important Ileetfng Held Yesterday at tle
Eeystone Hotel.
Pittsburg and Allegheny milk dealers
wanted to run a trust They will be run
by one. Their voice in the matter is
silenced. The festive farmer scores the
point. Milk that has been sold to dealers
at10 and 11 cents a gallon, will now draw
13, or go to the creamery. The dealers
"pay their money and take their choice."
It is a great surprise all around.
The Milk Producers Union of Western
Pennsylvania, which comprises 411 dairy
farmers of the seven counties surrounding"
and adjoining Pittsburg, constitutes a com
bination or trust that was formed yester
day, which will be likely to knock the
business of Pittsburg's independent milk
dealers sky-high, unless they, coma to the
terms of the trust The scheme is one of
the largest deals that has been made lately
in Western Pennsylvania, for its immedi
ate results will affect every household In
these two cities. Moreover, it is a marvel
ous surprize to all local dealers, who had
figured that they were to reap the benefit
of whatever trust might be formed.
The scheme is simply this: From this day
week all the milk which is produced. by the
farmers who ship their product into this
city will be sent tb the Chartiers Creamery
Company, which will act as an agent of
each individual milk shipper. In other
words, the 20,000 or 30,000 gallons of milk
that are now sent into Pittsburg and Alle
gheny daily, and at the different Tailroads
taken charge of by various local milk
dealers, will in the future all be shipped to
one man, who virtually commands the; en
tire milk trade of tbe two cities.
The agreement between the Executive
Committee of the Milk Producers' Associa
tion and Mr. Frank C. Beed, President of
the Chartiers Creamery Company, was
drawn up and execnted yesterday afternoon,
at a meeting held in the Keystone Hotel on
Fourth avenue. A Dispatch reporter
was Invited by Dr. Irwin, of Evans City,
Butler county, Chairman of the meeting,
and was present while the discussion was
going on.
,In the agreement the. creamery company
stipulates that all the producers of the as-'
soeiation, numbering about 411 members,
will ship to the company their entire pro
duct at 12 cents a gallon in the summer and
18 cents a gallon in the winter. The cream- .
;erj company then proposes to supply all the .
wholesale milk dealersy grocers and bakers, .
and by this means the farmers hope' to get a
fair price for the milk, without being sub
jected to the whims and fancies of the
Dr. Irwin, President of the Producers,
while speaking of the plan agreed upon
with Mr. Beed, said yesterday :
"We have been trying onr best to get .the
milk dealers to make some amicable ar
rangement with us, which would allow us
a fair profit But they simply laughed 'at
us. Last Tuesday afternoon we met a com
mittee, but as ve could not agree, we ad
journed to meet again to-day, and what has
been the resnlt? Not one of them was here
at all to-day. So we had to find" other
means of getting our rights, and X think we
have accomplished it.
"The result of our agreement with the
Chartiers Creamery Company is that the
middleman is knocked out of the business,
and it serves him right. Just let me tell
you: We are now selling our milk to tho
dealer at 11 cents per gallon; but the con
sumer is paying all the way from 24 to 33
cents per gallon for it In other words, the)
dealer takes over 100 per cent for selling an
article which we sell him for less than his
profit is."
"How will your agreement be of benefit
to the public at large?"
"In many ways. First of all. there is a
clause in the agreement compelling Mr.
Beed to sell none other but good, fresh milk.
All the surplus milk which he gets he will J&
turn into his creamery establishments in A
w asumgum county, ana tnere convert tne
milk into butter. That is a great advantage
to the consumer, because he will get pure
milk and not half water:
"Then again, the milk dealer, in getting
his milk from Mr. Beed, will have to pay
for every gallon he gets, and will not be
able to come and bring him half of it back."
"Mr. Beed, President of the Chartiers
Creamery Company, said to The Dis
patch reporter:
"We will take care that no surplus of milk
will get into town to be sold to the consumer.
That is where the people have suffered so
much. A man who buys a lot of milk to-day.
and cannot sell it directly, will try and seH.it
tbe next day. Now, milk 13 not fit for use
after it is Several- days old, and our company,
therefore, takes all the surplus milk that
comes into the city and ships it to our cream
ery factories, we have three bf them in
Washington, large enough to handle 30,000
gallons of milk.
'The public has been imposed upon by un
principled dealers, who have sold to tho con
sumer skimmed milk instead of the purs
product We mean to have every gallon of
milk tested by our own employes as soon as it
comes Into the city, in order to assure its
quality to be perfect. In such a condition we
will furnish it to the milk dealer, and if any
consumer comes to us and furnishes us with
conclusive evidence that his dealer has sold
him skimmed milk, we will not supply that
dealer any more, and he will have to go out of
the business.
"You see our object! The farmers want to
prevent the middlemen from imposing upon
the people and. reaping a large profit, and I. as
the farmers agent W"I prevent such a thing.
"The farmers have no idea of raising tbe
price'of milk to tbe consumer; that is totally
wrong; bnt they are opposed to having the
dealer make the profit alone. Now the farmer
sends bis milk to the dealer, who first skims off
the cream and then sells the milk too. It is no
wonder that some of them are getting rich!"
How the dealers will take to this scheme
of the producers is hard telling. The likeli- '
hood is that they will resist and try to buy
their milk somewhere else. Unfortunately
for tbe dealer, however, all the producers in
the surrounding counties are In this union,
which appoints the Chartiers Creamery
Company its agent There are only two sta
tions .in Ohio where the farmers do not be-'
long to it and the freight on the milk from
there wonld be too large to give the dealers '
a competing chance. - - t
From what could be learned among the
farmers at the meeting, it is very likely that
for a few days next week, there will be a
milk famine in this city, because no dealer
will like to pay 13 cents for a gallon, of
milk to the Chartiers Creamerv Comnahr
when they have only paid lOandll'cenUi?'
J.M ' ' . Sn. f i
uuui now j, r