"a V -.?: k ft r, ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1818. X'ol.H Xo M. Entered at Pittsburg rostofflce, November 11, 1837, ai second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House .75, 77 and 70 Diamond Street. Average clrcnlntlon of the dolly edition of The Dispatch for six months ending March 1, lbS9, 27,988 Ceples per Isaac Average- circulation of the Snnday edition of The Dispatch for Fcbraary. 1SS9, 45,144 Copies per Issne. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. , POSTAGE TREE IX TUE BMtID STATES. DAILY DISPATCH. Onecarv t 8 00 DATLT DisrATCH, Tcr Quarter 2 00 Daily DisrATCH, One Month TO Daily DisrATcn, Including bandar, one rear Daily DisrATcn, Including feunday, per quarter 25a Daily Dispatch. Including feunday, one month SO ECXDAY Disfatcii, oneyear I 50 ekkly Dispatch, one year 1 25 TitE Daily Disfatcii is delivered by carrier at 15 cents per week, or Including the Sunday edition, at 20 cent, per week. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY. APR. 2, 1SS9. SO PERSONAL ISSUE. The comments which some of the railroad officials are reported as making concerning Mr. Carnegie's agitation for State regula tion of railroad rates, show a failure to com prchend the public bearing of the issue. They evince, rather, an idea that the allega tion of discrimination against Pittsburg is sufficiently met by intimations that Mr.Car negie's motives are personal and interested, and do not call for either a serious answer or modification of the rates in the interest of the public "When one railroad official is reported as intimating that the author of the charges was engaged in some "deal" within the Pennsylvania Railroad, which was defeated, and mates another intimation in the asser tion: "At the present time Andrew Carne gie has to pay the same rates as any one else," an utter failure is shown to grasp the real issue presented in the assertion that the rates to every one in Pittsburg are in excess of the charges at other points. The fail ure is even more total to reply to the propo sition for legal regulation which shall insure that neither Andrew Carnegie nor anyone else shall ever get better rates than others, but that Pittsburg, as a whole, and Pennsylvania as a community, shall be secured rates as good as are secured to other sections. The idea attributed to another official that the expansion of Mr. Carnegie's establish ments is an evidence that he is not bur dened with excessive rates is a little more specious, but really dodges the question. Pittsburg's natural advantages have fre quently enabled her to bear the burden of heavy freight charges. The question is not whether Pittsburg has grown of which there is no doubt but whether she has the full growth to which her naturaladvantages and position entitle her. Do onr .railroad friends wish the public to infer from these replies, that they can make no more direct denial of such assertions as that they charge double rates on coke to Pittsburg, and that the excess of charges on Pittsburg freights, oyer what competing pointshave to pay, equals a dollar per ton on finished iron? It is not necessary to put Mr. Carnegie in the position of a purely disinterested cham pion of Pittsburg, or to claim that he has never in the past been willing to take re bates, if he could get them. Those matters are simply and entirely foreign to the ques tion at issue, namely, whether the interests of the city and State shall be preserved by legislation to secure equitable rates for the entire community. On this point Mr. Car negie is on the side of the public, and, what ever may be said of past events, The Dis patch is with him. It remains to be seen whether the manufacturers and merchants of PittsbArg, who are equally interested with him, will exhibit the same energy and incisiveness in upholding the public cause. It may be well for our railway triends to take notice that Mr. Carnegie says he is in this fight to win, and to reflect that a man of that stamp who is fighting the public's battle is likely to make good his promise. Although the tone of the replies so far may be born of the confidence in railway circles that this Legislature will do nothing to which the Pennsylvania Railroad ob jects.it is worthy their consideration whether it is not wiser to make a prompt and equit able reduction of rates now, than to wait for a prolonged fight to lead to legisla tion which might be unpleasant for them. THE SCALE QUESTION C0MIHG UP. The maneuvers of both sides, preparatory to the annual discussion of wages in the iron mills, appear to have already begun. Some of the mills are closing down under circumstances that are expected, at least, to influence the waste question, while the Toughers and catcher, on the other hand, are preparing the suggestion that their wages be advanced by a proportion of 50 per cent. Of course this contains an ele ment of bluff on both sides; but it is worth while tor both sides to remember that such maneuvers may easily be carried too far. Past experience indicates that the em ployers have needed this warning more urgently than the employes; but it remains, nevertheless, a fact that a proposition for such an increase of wages on the present market is more apt to repel a compromise than to aid it The side that tries its best to make a fair offer does the most toward securing a prompt settlement of this annual dispute. THIED-CLASS DIS-HlLUSIOHS. It begins to look as though the alleged bribery cases in Allegheny will lead to a very general washing of municipal linen. Not merely the proceedings begun, but those threatened, now convulse the usually placid atmosphere of the sister city, whose politics have hitherto been invested with the sweet simplicity and almost primal inno cence of corporations of the third class. Allegheny has not exactly been an Arcadia, but it has possessed many of the ways of rustio simplicity. It has no debt at least none to speak of. Its taxes are low. The Law and Order Society and its dread agents find no disturbance ot the peaceful Sabbath within its limits. The hay wagon, with the new-mown odors yet upon it, still stands in season in frcat of the City Hall, a re minder of the grateful husbandry close to the boundaries where Agricola joyously drives his team afield, and the bees gather the- honey all the summer days from the clover blossoms. There is not now a May pole dance by the young people" of Alle gheny every year, it is true; and some of the other early English customs of villages like :- .? ,. ,'-- i...tt . ,.r?..:.-.i3..i- . - '-ugft. .M.'itiK.. ... . v. r.kH. aMMSMirfnMre'rfhT it, famed in poetry, where "health and plenty cheered the lab'ring swain" are likewise missing; but, on the whole, every one must admit that Allegheny is about the last place in the world in whose young poli tics the mercenary and trading spirit might be expected to show itself. Pittsburg has had its "bad quarter of an hour" occasionally in respect to municipal legislation, but nothing quite so direct ever turned visibly up in its Councils as accu sations with actual money real green backs involved. It is to be feared that if ever any business of the sort was done on this sideTit was done mostly on what is im politely known as "wind," i. e., promises lacking dimensions, and too often mate riality. But what might be 'almost ex pected of Pitfsburg, a city of the second class, fast getting on to be as big and almost as bad as Philadelphia, which is of the first, is really a painful surprise as com ing from Allegheny. How earnestly will the exterior world hone, if it might, that the whole affair is but some leverish dream I ELECTEICAL TBANSIT. The'progressof the work of improving municipal transit, and a promise of the growth of a motor system that will be a competitor of the cable method, are shown by the announcement that the Pleasant Valley Passenger Eailway has decided to adopt the electrical system for its cars. It has for some time been apparent that if the system of electrical motors could be made to do the work that is performed by the cable roads, it would present many ad vantages. Prominent among them are the very much decreased cost of construction and the ability of each car to set its own speed. The general public has not yet been convinced of the working qualities of the electric system; but the fact that the mana gers of the Pleasant Valley road have adopted it after full investigation amounts to very strong evidence of its practical utility. There has been an understanding, whether well-founded or not, that the two electrical roads which have been in operation here, were not wholly satisfactory. The use of electricity as a motor on the Pleasant Val ley road, which will be in operation to the central part of the city within the year, will certainly extend the experiment. The probability that added experience will en able all three roads to make the use of elec tricity a success, brings that motor more prominently forward as a factor in our mu nicipal transit. The demonstration of the success of elec tricity will make it incumbent on the cable roads, not only to furnish the best tacilities, but to put their rates as low as possible to pay dividends on actual, unwatered cost, in order to prevent the parallelling ot their lines with roads carrying a mere fraction of their capital. A NOVEL CLAIM. The expressions of Senatorial opinion in yesterday's Dispatch, concerning the dif ferences between the Republican Senators and the Senate, reveal what should be a novel theory concerning the appointing power, but is, nevertheless, one that is firmly fixed in the Congressional mind. Thus, one Senatorial statesman is re ported as saving that the President "has re jected our nominees, and we have just as good a right to reject his." The same high authority goes on to specify the fact that the administration will reject Senator Quay's "nomination" for postmaster of Philadel phia. Another Senator finds fault for the President because "He seems to think that he is solely responsible for the conduct of this Government." As the responsibility referred to is solely in connection with the appointing power, these utterances amount to distinct avowals of the" theory (1) that the Senators hold the nominating power, with a specification as to Sena tor Quay's title to the Philadelphia "nomination;" and (2) that this power rests in the Senators to such a degree that they claim a share of the responsibility for its exercise. This has been supposed to be a govern ment by constitution and laws. But when we find the body which should naturally be supposed to conform most carefully, not only to the letter, but to the theory of the Constitution, setting up such claims it is calculated to create a doubt upon that point. It is the general impression that the Constitution and laws vest the appointing power in the President and his Cabinet ad visers. It would most certainly be diffi cult for the Senators to produce the stat utes by which they have been given any nominating power, as claimed iu these in terviews. Tet the theories of private title in public offices have been carried to such a length that the members of the highest leg islative body in the land suppose them selves to be improving their position before the public, by setting up claims for which there is not the slightest warrant in the Con stitution or laws. Could there be a more thorough demon stration of the fact that the principles of spoils politics are utterly opposed to the principles and spirit of the Constitution ? MOVING. "Whatever doubts the world may have about the sanity of the Kev. Mr. Jasper's doctrine that "the sun, do move," people hereabouts have the plainest ocular evi dence that a great many free-born house holders faithfully stick to the rule of mov ing on the first of April. The weather yes terday war very unfavorable for moving household effects, though as the day ad vanced the heavens consented to show a lit tle mercy to the movers. t'erhaps nothing is more importantas there is certainly nothing more tiresome and laborious in the annual history of a man, than this transportation of all his goods and belongings from one habitation to another. It may mean much more than misery of a single day's duration, for it is not always possible, much as a man may desire it, to make a change for the better. Changes are always precarious, and some of those made at this season are always dis astrous. It is to be hoped that all of The Dis patch readers who moved yesterday, did so to their advantage, and that they may find comfort and refreshment for their jaded senses in a perusal of their favorite journal to-day. GERMANY AND ENGLAND. Count Herbert Bismarck's efforts to con ciliate the British is a puzzle, in view of the decidedly anti-English attitudeof Germany's rulers a few months ago. It is plain that England's friendship is desired now; and the possibility that it is wanted for the pur pose of aiding the schemes of German ex pansion in the South Pacific, is an interest ing one for this country. It is hard to per ceive in the European situation any com plications which make England's friendship more important to Germany than it was a short time ago, when the Government organs were attacking the English officials and ap parently trying to pick a quarrel with the Emperor's grandmother. , But England's acquiescence might be a vital element in a THE scheme to. override the'TTnited States on the Samoau question; and it might be well worth tho younger Bismarck's complaisance to secure such a result One thing is cer tain, and that is that the Bismarcks do not eat their words just for the fun of the thing. It is an indication -of the difference in national ways of looking at things that while European financiers go in for corners and combinations as unscrupulously as our money kings in this country, they resort to more severe measures when their schemes come to wreck. Two bankers who were in volved in the copper syndicate have com mitted suicide, and a speculator in Antwerp has similarly taken himself off by reason of a speculation in wheat which jumped the wrong way. In this country, the fin anciers pluckily pull themselves together and start another little game at the earliest opportunity. Possibly the European method may have its uses-in keeping down the surplus population of speculators. That last letter from Stanley is princi pally remarkable for telling nothing new about the explorer, and requiring an expla nation as to which postal route it took from the place in Central Africa whence it was mailed. After the Samoan blow it seems that Germany and the United States might come to an agreement to let Mataafa and Tama sese fight it out between themselves, unre strained by the presence of the foreign navies. But our Government is ordering vessels to those coral reefs as if the national prestige required a demonstration that we are no more afraid of Pacific cyclones than of German navies. "Why not propose' to Bismarck that both Governments shall swear off from Samoa? If Quay is going to declare war on the President, possibly his antagonist from this city can discover methods of compensating himself for any defeats-which he may sus tain at Harrisburg. New York's share of the diplomatic spoils comprises three important missions France, Austria and Russia. Pennsylvania gets one Brazil; while Ohio after the Sen ate gets through with it has a share which is represented by a goose egg. The good things of politics seem to fall in the direc tion of the doubtful States. Councils of both cities managed to sound their note of squabble, and. then simmered down iu to the conviction that they had properly signalized the occasion of reorganization. Thirteen millions of a reduction in the public debt during March is a sign that the process of reduction goes on whether Demo cratic or Republican administrations are in power. As no bonds have been called and but few purchased, it also proves that the process of piling up a surplus continues with equal steadiness. Those gold fields in Lower California appear, on investigation, to contain nearly the same proportion of fiat wealth that is to be discovered in the corporate capitalization of this country. Some very comfortable offices were filled by nominations sent to the Senate yester day; but no Pennsylvania name appears on the list The opinion is gaining strength amoug the heretofore hopeful politicians that Senator Quay ought riot to have de clared his rupture with the administration quite so prematurely. " n The notes of coming warfare over that cable railway bill at Harrisburg promise to leave the Allegheny Council .fight with the aspect of a peaceful and amicable dis cussion. The April movers had the traditional weather for the aggrevation of their woes. It is to be hoped that they will recover sufficiently by the 1st of May to note the difference in the temperature on that date, and to ask whether a May moving day would not be an advance in civilization. I The coke region strike did not material ize, which was evidently the wisest course. A house divided against itself is not likely to stand a strike. ' Eighteen million pounds of oleomar garine were produced in the United States during the last half of 18?7. Of course none of it was sold in Pennsylvania. It is against the law to sell it here; and this is al leged to be a government of law. Sporting With Heavy Swells. From the New York Herald.! The American baseball teams continue to be the favorites of high society to the very end of their trip; for, if weather reports are to bo trusted, they are even on the ocean sporting with heavy swells. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. Pellegrini died almost penniless. The Kmpress of Japan has abandoned her in tention to visit this country. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland has left her orange grove and taken rooms at a hotel in Paola, Fla. The late Sydney Bartlett, of Boston, during his active career at the bar saw the Supreme Court of the United States twice entirely re newed. Senator Edmunds, who went South for his health two weeks ago, has returned to Washington feeling better, and was in his seat yesterday. The Peking Gazette is over 1,000 years old. Hence the editor does not know what it is to be troubled by the correspondent who has, sub scribed f rpm the start C. E. Mitchell, of Connecticut, Commis sioner of Patents, and A. D. Hazen, of Penn sylvania, Third Assistant Postmaster General, yesterday took tbe oath of office and entered upon their new duties. The Emperor of China has ten men whose sole duty is to carry his umbrella. In cases of emergency they are backed up by the entire Chinese army, and in spite of alLtbis the Em peror complains that.he cannot keep an um brella for any length of time. Three United States Ministers took the oath of office at tbe Department of State yes terday. They were William N. Scruggs, who goes to Venezuela; Lanzing B. MIzner, Minis ter to Central America, and John Hicks, who will represent tbe United States at Peru. The "Speech from the Throne" in Sweden is the genuine article; far different from those at other capitals. It is delivered by stalwart King Oscar himself, clad in white ermine trimmed with red and cold, wearing a cro-cn of gold upon his head and bearing a leweled scepter in his hand. He has a line voice and is a graceful and eloquent orator. The other day tbe Emperor, busied in his own room, beard a violent tumult in tbe nur sery and speedily made his way to the scene. When he entered the Crown Prince and Prince Eitel drew themselves up and saluted their father in the military fashion as Is their wont. "What is all this noise about! asked the Em peror. "A slight dispute, sire," said his eldest Bon, "and I was obliged to let my brother Know who is Crown Prince in this establishment." "Good," said His Majesty, "I see what you mean, and I think it will be as well if I let jou know In the same way who is Emperor in jthis particular family," and ho forthwith adminis tered a punishment which impressed itself on tbe mind and also on the body of tbe Crown Prince in a manner highly suggestive of tho possibilities tf the situation. -' W . .... I - . ,. ...... ?.'-' 'rx- .3.aifei....V-JA.X PITTSBURG DISPATCH, m THE TOPICAL TALKEB. The Pacific's Storm signal A Word With Some Correspondents Tho National Jllottq. Reoabdinq the loss of the war ships in Apia harbor Mr. George Hay, the well-known analytical chemist of this city, has consider able authority to speak, for he spent a good many years, I believe, on the Pacific ocean. He said the other day that he had seen many storms liko that which did such damage to the American and German squadrons at Samoa. These storms 'are preceded Invariably on the Pacific, Mr. Hay says, by a hissing sound that is well understood by sailors accus tomed to those latitudes. The hissing murmur continues evenly for a time long enough to allow a sailing vessel to get all her canvas In. The storm breaks with terrific violence without further warning. The only hops a captain has when canght In oneot these storms is to keep out to sea with bare poles and battened hatches. If the steer- ins gear hold,s out. the ship has some chance of weathering tho cyclonic gale. A similab warning sound, a low hissing heard over the water, is sometimes the pre cursor ot a violent storm on the Mediter-J rauean. It seems strange.if the storm which fell npon the ships at Apia was preceded as usual by this impressive monition, that there was not a man on one of the ships which were afterward lost to explain what it meant Butnotono of the ships in that' harbor, or better, roadstead, attempted to put to sea, where alone safety lay, except the British man-of-war. The particulars of the disaster, when they come, may explain all this satisfactorily, of course. . ? A correspondent very kindly writes to explain that the Constitution of this State for bids legislative and all judicial and connty of ficers to take railroad passes, and that there fore he thinks it is not particularly creditable tothp Judges of this county that they do not ride by the courtesy of railroad corporations. This constitutional obligation is as well known in this State by its breach as by its observance, and Allegheny county ought to rejoice that her Judges are mindful of their oaths. Tlfe inter-State Commerce law has done more to curtail the use of passes by legislative and other State and County officers than any moral obligation in the Constltutionevcr did or is likely to do. " Touching correspondents, I feel that some answer is due to a lady who has taken the pains to explain at considerable length that cooking a la Farloe cannot be "learned like a rhyme and sprung off at leisure," as some light remarks upon the subject in this column made a long time ago seemed to her to suggest. The seriousness of cooking cannot be over stated. If it is good it is a blesssng of the first order; if it Is bad, it is little short of a crime. The tronble Is that some young women think it is a joke when they take It up, and proceed to cook in a flippant don't-care-a-hair-pin style. The kitchen is no place for any persiflage. A frying pan or, a gridiron, a kettle or a spoon In the hand of a woman who isn't aware of the vast responsibility of cooking Is every bit as dangerous as a hatchet or a loaded revolver. If accidentally some remarks have crept into this column which have seemed to Indicate that the Importance of cooking was not prop erly appreciated by the writer, he is prepared to shed tears. Thotjsakds moved yesterday, There were moving scenes by flood and field in abundance. They suggested, tho following lines: the national motto. "When yon hear a wild racket at breaking of dawn, Tbat bints at the breakage of more than the day; When later you see the best bed on the lawn, And your wife says she wishes that you were away I - When yon watch the rain pelting on piles of your books, And your youngest falls headlong from attic to hall: 'When calmness deserts every race but the cook's, "Who's haopy because well, 'cause you're not, that's nil; Then yon feel you're a patriot trying your best The nation's Immovably set In the groove To establish your right to the national crest: An eagle in flight with motto, "I move!" AUTOMATIC SPELLING. i PeopIeWbo Cultlvnte a Blurred Calligraphy to Dlsgulso an Orthographic Weakness. 'From fhe London Globe. An American writer expresses the hope that, before the type-writer is many years older, some Inventive genius will have been able to compass the problem how to give it some sort of dictionary attachment which will enable it to spell better than it does at present. Our Transatlantic contemporary is quite right The type-writer is a tell-tale instrument. It conceals nothing. It is In that respect very un- Jike the pen,'and especially the quill pen. the breadth of whose stroke, like charity, covers a multitude of sins in orthography. Speaking generally, everybody who is not a good speller should wrlto with as broad a nib as possible. If it is even a little fluffy at tbe point, why, so much the better,. The great thing, of course, is to wnte as vaguely as may be to leave as much as may be to the imagina tion. Our contemporary raises the important question of "ie" and "ei." of "ible" and "able." How often an uncertainty in regard to these two combinations is got over by the simple ad dition of a little more obscuritv to the unintel- ligibllity of one's handwriting! It is, indeed, whispered that there are people who actually cultivate a rather blurred calligraphy, In order to disguise an orthographic weakness which would otherwise be only too apparent The type-writer, it is clear, mnst be avoided by such persons unless, indeed, the suggested attachment can be made. And then, conceive tbe popularity of the machine imagine the run upon it. its almost universal adoption. Of course, the thoroughly educated person" always spells correctly, but how many are thorodghly educated, or, if they ever were so, have been able to retain their acquirements? OPENING DP SIBEEIA. A New Railroad to bo Constructed by an American Syndicate. It is rumored, says tbe Glasgow Mall, tbat an American syndicate, with a capital of $50, 000,000, has been formed to construct a railway in Siberia, and that several former and present diplomatic and consular American agents are interested in the undertaking. It is singular how thoroughly, these gentlemen share with Sir Robert Morier the view that there is money to be made by the development of Siberia. DEATHS OP A DAY. Professor Richard Prosscr. After a very brief prostration of typhoid pneu monia. Prof. Richard Prosser, Supervisor of Music In the public schools, died, aged about 41 years, at his home in Alientown yesterday noon. He was discharging his duties on Wednesday and was compelled to cease bis work through a severe cold. He went to his home and placed himself under the care of a physician. The cold developed Into typhoid pneumonia and resulted In death. Prof. Prosser had filled the position for the past nine years. During his residence In this city he had taken parti In many of the more Important local musical events. Professor black Davis. Prof. Slack Davis, the veteran educator and writer, died Sunday at his home on Pcnn avenue, at the age or63ycar6. Prof. Davis was an English man by birth, having come to this country-and city In 1862, since which time he had been a resi dent here. He was au accomplished linguist and a graceful writer of poetry. Andrew J. riolese. , A. J. Bolese, one of the oldest Pennsylvania Railroad employes In this city, died yesterday at his home. Mo. lMtfWylle avenue. He entered the service of the company a short time after the close or the war, and for the past -"0 years has been a checkmauln tho outbound baggage room at the Union Station. Mrs. Sarah E. G. lUncrnm. At an early hour yesterday morning Mrs. Sarah E. a. Macrnm, relict of the late David 8. Mac rum, died at her home In Bcwlckley. Mrs. Mac rum was well known In Pittsburg and Allegheny. Her death was sudden and most unexpected, hav ing been caused by paralysis or the heart. Stephen Van Dresser. Home, N. Y., April I. Han. Stephen Van Dresser, ex-Surrogate of Oneida county, and the first Recorder of the city of Home, dlel at his home here yesterday, aged 72 years. r Mrs. John B. Linn. Special Telegram to Tho Dispatch. CUAMBEltsncna, April l.-Mrs. John B. Linn, only sister or Colonel A. K. McClure, of the Phila delphia Ttmu, died here last night, aged 66 years. Olojor III. A. Reno. v AVASiriNGTON. April 1. Major Marcus A. Keno, formerly of the United States army, died at the P-rovldencc hospital last night.1 TUESDAY, APBH; 2, AT THE THEATERS. The Mirer Slipper, Three of a Kind, and Other Stage Attractions. The pretty story of Cinderella was never more gracefully told on the stage than in tbe version which is to be seen at the Bijour Thea ter ibis week. Last night it was received with the highest favor by a very large audience. "The Crystal Slipper" Is an extravanganza, which does not depend entirely on its spectacu lar merits, great as they are. The scenery is very good, and was Bhown to greater advantage than one expects on the first night of its pro duction. It Is very complicated scenery, and the chances of scene are made with a darkened stage. They were effected last night very smoothly. This reflects great credit on the management. , When a full review of all 'The Crystal Slip per's" good points is made, we find that it is staged richly, .there are a half dozen actors of considerable ability, several of whom have ex cellent voices, the comedian element is strong, the ballet is pleasant to Iooe at'and can dance , the costumes are very handsome and skillfully combined, and the wonderful variety in the whole performance makes It curiously new and strong. One falls to comparing this pro duction of "The Crystal Slipper" with the mlseraD't second-hand affairs, called spectacu lar e avaganzas, which have been thrust upon Pittsburg until the public here has come to fight very shy ot everything bearing thename. There is nothing In "Tbe Crystal Slipper", to suggest the faded and fatiguing exhibition of traveling canvas and young women with little In the way of attire or terpsichorean ability to boast of, which all the spectacular pieces seen in Pittsburg for years have been noted for. The old story is a little amplified, of course, but "The Crystal Slipper" is still the tale of Cinderella, the poor little girl with the tiny foot and the ill-natured sisters, and her ulti mate triumph is worked out through the old fashioned fairy transformation. Miss Mar guerite Fish makes an ideally petite and pretty Cinderella andsbe is to boot a very vivacious versatile little woman, who can sing and dance very pleasantly. Her bad, bold sisters are capitally presented by Mr. Charles Warren and Miss Topsy Venn. The laughter is princi pally provided by Mr. Edwin Foy, as a flunkey of a unique character, and Mr. James Jlaas, as tbe father or Cinderella. The comicality of Mr. Foy is quite a revelation in its way, and largely due to bis grotesque personality. His dancing is also of a very remarkable character. To him, in a more sedate way. Mr. Maas is a good foil. Everything these two did last night by way of song, dance or action, was applauded vociferously. Then, and it seems almost too gratifying to be true, there are a very large number of pretty women in the company. Miss Daisy Kamsden, tor example, Is a wondenui little dancer, with good looks and to spare and this would describe perhaps a dozen more. The ballet contains no sexagenarians, but on tbe contrary, marvelous to say, is composed of young and graceful women. The admirers of the Pittsburg ballet, which economical man agers are in the habit of dragging in to rein force "a grand ballet" of six imported cory phees, will bo disappointed, for it does not ap pear this week on the Bijou stage, although 150 people are massed on it at one time. The pre mieres danseuses are really premieres, and ot coarse M'lle Qualitz is the star among them. There are more special features of this spectacle than can be enumerated here, but Little Tich must be singled out for his singu lar and simply indescribable grotcsquery. He is a dwarf in size, possessed of a simply mar velous suppleness and agility. Because ot the part he takes In it the dolls' quadrille becomes one of tbe funniest things in the piece. This reminds us tbat the Mother Goose Nursery dances havo a quaint charm of their own, thongh the military marches in the grand banquet ballet are more ambitious. Very seldom, indeed, is it possible to say of a stage production nowadays tbat it is fit and adapted to any special extent for luvenile audiences. "The Crystal Slipper" Is just the thing for children. The tiny ponies, the pu gilistic cat, the fairy transformation and the pantomimic humor will delight childish eyes. Grand Opera House. "Three of a Kind" is very amusing. It is more of a variety show than a comedy, but it abounds in mirth-provoking material. Its wit is not stale nor offensively coarse, and Miss Nellie McHenry and her clever company man age to bring out all the fun in amanner which, could hardly fall to be appreciafed even by the dullest of mortals. Songs without number, both comical and sentimental, are interspersed, the whole forming a combination that is en joyable from beginning to end. The audience at the Opera House last night was an apprecia tive one, and encores were so numerous that the play ran considerably over the allotted time. Miss McHenry,,In the role of Dolhe Dash iratd, a perfect tomboy, was as vivacious and as pleasing as ever. Her voice is not remarka ble, but her songs, together with her dancing, captivated all her auditors. She is assisted in tbe fnn-maklng by Mr. Frank Blair, Mr. Thomas E. Jackson, Miss Dickie Martinez, Miss Frances Herbert and others. Mr. Blair is a comedian of first rate ability, and his imper sonation -of the eccentric Jack Pott brougbt down the house. He did not overdo his part even in the wildest of the horse-play, of which there was a great deal, but almost every move of his was a signal for a laugh. Mr. Thomas E. Jackson was as ridicu lous as anybody could be in the role of Priscilla Prism, and his falsetto voice and giddy man ners were the best that could be expected in such a part Miss Martin made a pretty and graceful country girl, and Mrs. Herbert sang several popular airs very sweetly. As a laugh producer, '"Three of a Kind" is a complete success. The Rosenthal Recitation. The Rosenthal-Krelsler concert at the Old City Hall last night was attended by a large audience, which was also decldedly.lf not enthu siastically.appreciatlve. A different programme was performed than that which had been an nounced previous to the concert; but tho change was for the better in presenting a some what different class of anisic from that which formed tbe mam part of their previous enter tainments. Rosenthal's piano programme In cluded the berceuse and a bal)ade ot Chopin, coupled with a morceau of his own composi tion entitled, "At the Fountain:" tbe "Hexameron," or variations upon a sin gle theme of the six composers, Lizst, Chopin, Thalberg, Herz, Czerny, and Plxls, and as a response to tbe encore a waltz by Chopin, and for tbe finale the Fan tasia Italienne. more vddely known as the Tarantelleby Lizst Young Krlesler opened the entertainment with the first movement of Vleuxtemps, and also gave an allegro by Wien iawskl, and a mazurka by tbe same author in response to an encore, completing his rendi tions with a polonaise, by Lautt. All the per formances were keenly enjoyed and enthusi astically encored, but only two responses tj the encores were given. The concert to-night will attract all music lovers as the last oppor tunity of hearing these talented artists. narris' Theater. Lovers bf the exceedingly melo-dramatlc melo-drama have a treat this week in "The Boy Hero; or, Held in Slavery," at iHarris' Theater. Martin Hayden and Miss Eugenie Besserer, the joint stars, have made a decided hit Mr. Hayden, in the title role, is heroic and manly, and merits tbe applause his rendi tion of Julian, the sailor boy, draws forth. Largo audiences attended both performances yesterday. Miss Besserer, a talented young Udy, became a favorite, her conception of the' role of Jennie La Koclie, a white slave, being very good indeed. Tbe rest of the company are equal to tbe requirements of tbe play. The lubllee singers add to the enjoyment of the performance, likewise the scenio effects,. tho real rainstorm, ana mo lire scene ueing ine most striking. Beautiful souvenirs are being given to every lady attending the the theater this week. This, added to the fact that the performance is far above the average, and the clever singing, dancing and mimic theatrical work of Richard Lysle and Miss Llbbie Moore, will doubtless fill this popular houso every aft ernoon and evening this week. Next week a first-class production of "Hoodman Blind" is promised, with a Wallack cast and Wallack scenery. . , Academy of Music It is a merry time when the Night Owls come to the Academy always, and last night a large audience enjoyed the performance immensely. The statuesque comeliness of the youngwomen in tbe company Is given plenty of opportunity for display in the Eden Musee grouping, and lu the final burlesque called "Drummers m Para dise." The soeclaltlcs on the programme are new and clever and were well received. .Notes of the Stage. A Wednesday and Saturday matinee will be given at the Grand this week. There is a matinee on Wednesday as well as Saturday at the Bijou, with "The Crystal Slip per." The Swiss bell ringers and a variety of more startling attractions drew large audiences at tbe Casino Museum "yesterday as usual, while the tame black bear kept up a lively conversa tion with the pedestrians on Fifth avenue. A Complicated Question. From the New ITork World. If tbe Legislature bad appropriated $1,000 for the erection of a grand stand in this city, how, much would tho grand' stand have cost? This looks like a simple problem in mathematics, bnt it Is in fact a very complicated question in political economy: 1889. V-fi. THE fiUSSIAN GYMNASIUM. Facts Connected With the Russian Schools Related by n Farmer PnplI Hindrances Placed In tho Way of Education Dis torting History, r v From 1860 to 70, Russia has taken long steps in education, and the result was that young men who were enlightened by her could clearer see the tyranny of their rulers and thcrstrong oppression under which the people are kept by the Russian government. Owing to the bad influence (from the Czar's point of view, of course) which education has upon young Russians, it has become a difficult h matter for the latter to attend a gymnasium. The number of vacant places Is decreasing, while the number of applicants is on the in crease, and it is often the case that for every vacant place there are ten petitioners. Of course the children of more influential parents have an advantage over the poorer and less influential part. On the other hand, the high price (CO roubles a year, uniform, book?, etc) keeps the poorer class away from the Russian temples of education. The gymnasium is divided into eight classes. Examinations are held annually in every class, and if the scholar has been successful he passes into a higher class; if not, be remains in the same class for a second year. Only two years is he allowed to remain In the same class. If the scholar's examination has proved unsatisfactory atter the second year he is exclnded trom tbe gymnasium. It takes a very good scholar to go through tbe eight classes in eight years. You may find some lucky fellows who were successful enough to get a diploma after being in the gymnasium 16 years. As an illustration I'll bring before you the following fact: The Gymnasium of Minsk numbered 30 scholars in tbe first class in 1878. Let us see whit has become of those 30 scholars in a period of five years. In 1883 there were only 8 ont of 30 in the fifth class, others were in the third and fourth class, while over 12 have been expelled from the school. It Is not tbe fault of tbe scholars that they have such a hard time in going through. The higher officers of public education are sending orders after orders to the gymnasium authori ties to keep the number of the scholars as low as possible. Especial attention is given to the conduct of the gymnasists (as they are called in Russia.) If the scholar has dared to read" such works as Dohroluboff, Plssareff or other great Russian writers, the gymnasist may lose his title for bad conduct In 1S81 the scholars in the third class in the Minsk gymnasium organizod a circle for the purpose of helping pecuniarily some of their poorer brothers. This frightful conspiracy was discovered by one of the teachers. The names of the principal originators were placed on the blackboard, and all the honorable mem bers were 'put under arrest for 21 hours. Fear is tbe characteristic line In a Russian gymnasist. He must be always on the gnard; every ritual, every policeman, police agent and school teacher is watching his movements. In order to keep away the young Russian's mind from the rest of tbe world, considerable atten tion is given to the dead languages: Greek and Latin. History is being tangbt just enough to give tne scnoiar to understand tnatino uzar is, was, and always will be all-powerful and om nipotent and that the Russians also are the strongest nation on the face of the globe. Thero were a very few bat tles between Russia and other nations whore tbe Russians (accofdlng to the Rus sian history, of course) were not victors. When it came to the French Revolution our teacher did not say yery much. Of course, be could not hide from us the great fact in the French history, and be said in a- few words about the ungrateful Frenchmen in regard to their benefactors Kings. Indeed, he was very sorry for the poor Kings! But when it came to tell about the bravery and other qualities of Peter or Ekaterina tbe Great, the teacher got very excited and it took him five lessons to tell us about Ekaterina the Great. We had to re member every single fact of her life. Of course there were always some bad boys among us who use to tell quite different stories concerning Ekaterina and other greatnesses of the Russian rulers. As I have said before, Greek and Latin oc cupy the first place in a Russian gymnasium, while less attention1 is paid to'phvsics, mathe matics, languages, etc Bnt in spite of all tbe difficulties which a Russian gymnasist has in developing his intellectual faculties, a large number of talented and useful friends of the Russian people have spent their best years be tween the walls of gymnasiums. WILLIAM LIGHTERMAN. FOOD F0K THE DEAD. A Chinese Bnnqnet to tbe Departed in a Philadelphia Cemetery. Prom the Philadelphia Record of Monday. Chinamen, arrayed In all the gaudy finery of the land of chrysanthemums, poured out of Race street yesterday and moved' to the Methodist Union Cemetery, at Tenth street and Washington avenue, to celebrate tbe Chinamen's Decoration Day. It was the one day in the year when all Chinamen good, bad and indifferent felt it incumbent to do honor to their dead ' ancestors by visiting their graves and going through the ceremony of their oriental home. About 200 Chinamen went to the cemetery. Tbe procession started ont from Race street with an express wagon In tbe lead, containing a lot of pots, kettles and pans, and proceeded slowly to the cemetery. Here a tripod was put up In the center of the Chinese graves, a pot was hung from it and a wood fire built underneath. When the water was boiling some chicken and a big pleoe of sliced pork was thrown in and cooked to a nicety. A little rice was then added. While the cooking was in progress the Chinamen chanted religious songs. After the boss cook had tasted the food and found it to be satisfactory he fished it out with chonsticka and laid it tenderly on tbe graves. Tbe pieces of meat were watcbed eagerly by the Chinamen for about ten min utes, and it was finally concluded that the dead heathens were not hungry. Tbe meat was left there when the Chinamen went away, aftor burning joss-sticks, and the big bloodbonnd who watches for grave robbers made a meal of it THE HOME ALL EIGHT. Another-Gcnerous Donation Made to the Confederate Enterprise. New York, April L Major Joe H. Stewart, member of the Board of Directors of the Na tional Confederate Soldiers' Homo at Austin, Tex., now In this city in the interest of the home, is in receipt of a telegram from the President of the Board of Directors at Austin, stating that the Texas Legislature had just passed a bill leasing the old Capitol building at Austin for ten years at to per annum. The State Constitution forbids the property being given and hence this nominal rental. This Income will maintain 15 inmates annu ally, as the cost is about 88 per month per capita. Up to this date about 81.500 has been sent to Treasurer Chauncey M. Depew for the home. COLUMBIA'S NEW ANNEX A College for Women to be Added to tho Institution. New York, April k In accordance with tbe action of the trustees of Columbia College this afternoon, that institution will probably soon have a sister college for women. Hitherto the young women who have attended Columbia have had limited privileges, and were not given degrees, although paying the regnlar tuition fee of $150 Hamilton Fish presided at tbe meeting of the trustees. The scheme of a woman's college was approved. It was decided to call the new seat of learn ing Barnard College, as a testimonial of respect to the venerable Dr. Barnard, who had been the president of Columbia College for a quar ter of a century. A PEEACHEB AND HIS BEIDE. Asked to Resign for Beating a member of HI Chnrch Ant of n Wife. Monttcello, April L The members of the "New Light Church at La Place are greatly In-, censed at their pastor, Rev. George W. Dra por, and have demanded bis resignation. They clrarge the reverend gentleman with having cheated Charles Sampson, a member of the New Church, out of his intended bride. Samp son was engaged to marry Miss Addle Daniels, and had bought bera wedding outfit. Drapor, it is said, persuaded the girl to marry him and jilt Sampson. Sampson proposes to sne the preacher for damagos, and there Is lots ot trouble In storo for tbe unfortunate, or fortu nate minister. IN MEM0ET OP JOHN HEIGHT. The Senate Considering a Resolution of Re spect for the Great Commoner. Washington, April t In tho Senate to-day Mr. Ston art offered the following resolution, which vias laid over till to-morrow: Resolved. That tho Senate has learned, with pro found sorrow, of the death of John Bright: and remembering nIsconstantandunwaerlng friend ship tor the United States, desires to loin with tbe Parliament olhls own country in paying a ente ral iriDnte to one wno, auring nis longpuouc uie, was conspicuous In his devotion to the cause of GOSSIP 0E THE METB0P0US ' Jades Hilton Ran tbe Stewart Fatally. TNIW TORK BUREAU SrECIALS. New York, April l.-Mrs. Kate A. With erll, grand-niece of Mrs. A. T. Stewart, told a long story in. court to-day concerning her grand-aunt and Judge Hilton. Whenever Mrs. Stewart went out shopping, she said, the Judge directed her what to buy and where to buy it When asked what "shopping" meant Mrs. Witherlll ingeniously replied that it "sim ply meant shopping." In further explanation she remarked tbat shopping did not necessa rily mean purchasing anything. It oftcner than not consisted of "simply looking around." Mrs. Witherill also related now juase wuv, at a garden party in Saratoga, told Mrs. Stew art she was notproperly dressed, andhow Mrs. Stewart immediately retired in confusion to put on the gown which the Judge preferred. This testimony was adduced to show that Mrs. Stewart was completely under Judge Hilton s influence. Cleveland Gets a Good Paying Job. . Ex-President Grover Cleveland jas to-day appointed Commissioner of Estimat and As sessment In the matter of the new High Bridge Park. His duty as Commissioner will be to ap praise some 2,000 city lots: in company "with two other discreet and disinterested persons," and to draw a big salary for doing it Doesn't Pay to Sanfc Aldermen. "There is more tronble brewing for the Cen tennial Committee bf Four Hundred. This time it's the Aldermen. Some two moaths ago the City Council appointed a special committeev with President Arnold as Chairman, to confer with Mr. MacAllister's committee concerning arrangements for the big celebratibn, and sent Mr. MacAUister a copy of the resolutions of appointment But the 400. from tbat day to this, have paid no attention to tbe Aldermen and their resolution. The Aldermen are terri bly Indignant over this snub, and are to-day threatening the Centennial Committee with all Sorts of indignities in case proper recognition and tickets to the grand stands, tbe ball and the banquet ate not immediately forthcoming. Beat His Whole Family. John Verden, a Jersey City saloon keeper, 20 years old, went home drunk last night and beat tho whole Verden family. He began with his lG-year-old sister and wound up with his 70-year-old grandfather. While he was caning his wife tbe sister, whom he had beaten, sum moned a policeman. The officer arrested him just as he was trying to shove his grandfather through a second story window. This morn ing the old man died. Young Verden was held without bail to await the result of the autopsy. A Wedding ns n Ball Band. Some time ago William List was put in tbe Raymond street jail because ho refused to keep bis promise to marry Lena Steffens, 19 years old, and handsome. For several weeks Miss Steffens visited him about every other day, to tell him she was ready to get him out by marrying him. List, however, said he did not love her and would not marry her. Late last night he took it all back, and this morning he and Miss Steffens were married by an Epis copal clergyman In the jail. The bride was at tended by her mother and was given away by the keeper. . DEDNKENNESS OP SPECULATION. Gains Made With TJnusunl Rapidity Have nn Intoxlcntlng Effect. We cannot hut suspect, says tbe London Spectator, that cool business men get intoxi cated with gain, even if it is only visible on paper; that they think anything possible, that they lose the sense ot proportion, and that the impulse which so often destroys conquerors comes upon them also. Their brains cease to act steadily. We see tbat in small individuals every day, and the big men have no exemption from human disqualifications. It is not at all likely tbat any man at the center of the copper speculation was more qualified to conduct it than Napoleon was to conduct his later wars. He could not know his maps better," or have the essential figures more perfectly at his fingers ends. Yet we all know that Napoleon was beaten, and not wholly by providence or fate; that success had. in some way whichnone of us quite understand, but which all ol ns in stinctively compare to drunkenness, impaired his mental power. We do not see wby a speculator should not suffer from deterioration of brain or morale, or both, as well as Napoleon: and we believe Jbat it happens much oftener than it is at all sus pected. At a point In his career the great financier has. In fact no judgment, is subject to the mania which Infects speculators in Mis sissippi or South Sea stock, and must land all who follow him in greater or less loss. That, and not ill-intent. Is our own explanation of M. de Lesseps, whose 'campaign of Russia" was the Panama canal; and it is one which onr readers will do well to recollect for the special peculiarity of the speculation of to-day 6 the readiness to follow successful and wealthy i n divlduals Into anything; however wild, or h ow ever demonstrably certain to end in final dls aster. FAITH CDEE ENTHUSIASM. A Convert Baptized la the Ocean Daring a Fierce Storm. Jersey City, April 1. In the heavy snow squall and while the keen, penetrating March wind blew fiercely yesterday morning, twenty ardent faith curists were assembled on the bank of New York bay singing merrily "Shall We Gather at the River." They sang to cheer a convert who was wading out in the chilly water with Pastor Haneock for baptism. The convert was James Madden, a short stout, athletic man of 40 years, who bad come from Mlddletown, N. Y.. to unite with the church of the Faith Healers. He will return to do missionary work at his own home. There was no more haste in the ceremony than In midsummer when'tho temperature of the water is much more agreeable. The preacher offered a short prayer before the candidate was dipped below tbe surface. It was not a pleasant day to face tbebittingwind, but the candidate did not appear to mind it and waded slowly ont and stopped on the bank to be congratulated and receive the blessings and words of encouragement of tho members. Tbe baptism took place at the grounds of the Mount Zion Sanctnary, foot of Chapel avenue, Jersey City. The morning was selected as tbe tide was high. The immersion had no bad ef fect on the candidate, who was one of the most enthusiastic at the faith meeting held yester day afternoon. ' - A EATHEE COSTLY WALK. Fifty Thousand Dollar Damage Snlt Against a Railroad Company. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Mansfield, O., April 1. Harvey R. Mess more has sued the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company forJoO.OOO for In juries received near Dayton on February 18, 1883. He bad come to tbat city on an Erie train, the conductor of which told bim he could pay tbe Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis conductor nis fare Instead of getting out of the coach to buy a ticket He was put off the train, and in walking back to Dayton a train knocked him off a trestle, breaking both arms. The Failures far Three Months. New York, April 1. The failures for the first quarter of 1889, as reported by B. C. Dunn & Co.'s mercantile agency, 'number 3,291, as against 2.JW3 for the corresponding three months of 1S88. Tho liabilities for the first quarter of 1880 are $i2.7S6,C00 as against SB.831. 000 for the first quarter of 1888. The failures in Canada numbered 5J5 for the first quarter of 1889, with liabilities of $1,802,000, wbile those In the first quarter of 1883 were 529, with liabilities of 55,020,000. A Baseball Bacarole. From the New York Evening Sus.l . Over tnejiright blue sea Came Spalding, Anson, Fogartee O'er proud ancestral hall They've banged tbe bounding ball Shout! o'er the bright blue sea For Spalding. Anson. Fogartee! ShoutI for Columbia's Three! For Spalding, Anson, Fogartee! A Decision Against Breyfogle. Louisvtlle, April 1. Iu the suit of W. L. Breyfogle to have a receiver appointed for tbe Kentucky and Indiana Bridge Company a de cision was to-day rendered refusing the pe tition. It was also decided adversely to Brey f pgle that the company might issue the second mortgage bonds agreed upon by tbe directors. The decision Is considered a great victory lor the company. s i And Vet Xhey Don't Go. From the Louisville Courler-Journal.1 Our desperate Harrison has opened Okla homa In the vain hope that some ot tbe office hunters may fly there. CURIOUS, COSDEHSATI0XsT?H A canvasback dock: is said to be able to fly 80 miles an hour. An Englishman has invented a bonnet which can be taken off in the theater, folded up and used as a fan. 1 In London last 'week 2,699 births and L639 deaths were reglstereS, the annual death rate being 19.7 per L00O. The death rate in 23 large towns averaged 2L3per 1,000. A pigeon missed seven times at a shoot ing match In New Jersey finally broke the string attached to its leg'that it might he again used as a target if not hit and flew off. An Indiana girl flared up and fired a pistol at her yonng man because he was half an hour late on Snnday evening, and he didn't want to explain that he had been washing his feet. "A superior house parlor maid who can teach elementary music" and "a plain cook, under 23, who knows short hand." were advertised for in a recent issue of an English paper. A portable house has just been com' pleted down in .Orlando, Fla. It has on three floors six comfortable rooms, and being con structed in sections 20 inches wide, it can be taken down and transported like ordinary lumber. A revivalist at Tama, la., recently asked all of the congregation who paid their debts to rise. All rose but an editor, who ex plained tbat he didn't pay his debts because tbe rest of the congregation owed him on sub scriptions. A whale and her calf were washed ashore at Santa Barbara, Cal., during a recent storm. The discoverers rigged up a windlass and hauled the carcasses on the beach and will fry out the oil. They expect to get several hundred barrels. A Mr. Sweeney, of Cummings, Ga., has some extra smart stock. He says that one day recently one of their bogs slipped up on a large hen hawk that was devouring a chicken and caught and kill it At another time a cow ran down and caught a rabbit, In Tallapoosa, Ga., a party had run a large bill with a merchant, and given his prom issory note in payment To avoid paying a legitimate debt the said party brought action to show that said merchant bad never had his weights and measures tested, and for this rea son could not collect any bills for goods sold by weight and measure. The law is rigid on this point, and specifies tbat merchants cannot col lect bills for goods sold by weights or measures not bearing the stamp or seal of tbe ordinary. A young married man of "Washington who has been annoyed by vagrant dogs at night, coqeeived the idea of setting a fish hook to catch one. He succeeded in catching one, which be killed. A few nights afterward he dreamed that a black dog was after him; after a wbile the dog changed to a bear, which seemed intent on his destruction. His gnn dropped from his hands and he set up such an unearth ly yell, calling for his nearest neighbor to come and kill the bear, as to awaken him and frighten his wife almost to deatb. Ai gentleman of Americas, Ga., was bragging of having the best wife in tbe State. He says that in the ten years he has been mar ried she has never asked him for a dollar. He never gave her a dress, S3, nor anything. Ha generally borrows money from her, and she makes more than be does, yet he Is a mer chant ene sens ail borne products, sucn as meat, lard, chickens, wood, hay, etc. and beats his store. He does not buy anything but sugar, coffee and a little rice, as he has every thing else to sell off at bis place. He says she Is above all price to him. At Macon, Ga., the other morning amaa named Sparks saw a flock of English sparrows feeding in their energetic, nervous way. In among them was a pretty canary. The sparrows seemed to be paying a good deal of attention to the little stranger and seemed to be taking especial care of him. He concluded to capture him, and walking toward the flock, the spar rows all flew away and the canary remained quietly eating. He walked closer, and holding out his hand, called to him and be hopped on it, seemingly glad to hear a human voice. The bird is now caged and as happy as can be. Dr. S: L. Butler, of Lousville, Ky., has a white mocking bird tbat Is remarkable not only for its rarity, bnt for tbe fact that it succeeded In killing a half-grown rat; which entered Its cage the other afternoon. The rat evidently intended to make a supper of tbe bird, but the latter knew a thing or two itself, andpouncingnpon the bold intruder, pecked its eyes out. Having it at this disadvantage, the bird pecked it to deatb, and when tbe doc tor returned soon after the dead rat was found on the floor of the cage. Dr. Butler says he be lieves his to be the only white mocking bird in the country, f, -a During a revival at a Methodist church in Orlando, Fla., the other night quite a solemnly comic incident occurred. There is a certain dog in town who has been taught by his owner to kneel in tbe attitude of prayer wben commanded by a snap of tbe owner's fingers. The dog followed a lady and gentle man into the church, and insisted upon making himself at home around tbe altar, to the an noyance of those conducting the meeting. One of tbe congregation, noticing the unwelcome presence of the canine, rose from his seat and proceeded to conduct his dogsblp to the street. He was making slow progress in his efforts, and when abont midway down the center aisle chirped and snapped bis finger at tbe animal, who deliberately turned ronnd, placed bis paws upon the end of a pew, and bowed his head as if in earnest prayer. A dice-shaking game has been going on for some time past in a small Southern town, and a saloonkeeper has been sweeping the sbekels into bis pocket, much to the dismay of tbe participants in the game. It came to a sud den close, however, the other day when a con stable came in and examined the table upon which tho dice shaking was going on, and found tbat under the cover there was a steel plate which was connected with an electric battery beneath, and a current from which could be applied whenever tbe saloonkeeper wished to shake high by pressing bis knee against a knob. The dice were loaded and worked very well without the battery, bnt wben tbe current was applied the sixes came out on top every time. It was quite an ingenious contrivance, and paid the saloonkeeper well for his trouble. FUNNY MEN' FANCIES. The amateur photographer is commonly regarded as a public nuhance, and yet he has a very taklnway. , There are two great events in th? life of a Chicago girl one wben she Is married, and the other whcil she Is divorced. One o the quickest ways to get wisdom is to watch a fat man trying to learn to ride the bicycle. SomereiUe Journal. The correct walking shoe has a low heel and a square toe. Impecunious lovers will be clad to learn that the pointed toe has gone out of fashion. Major Stofah I say, Hawkins, what do yon think of that cigar I gave you? Hawkins (weakly)-I don't think of It at all. I'm trying to forget It. Washington Critic. B EIGHT BITS. "How it Feels to Take a Bath" is the big headline on a long article In a Western paper, vr-tprn editors never hesitate to sacrinee their y personal feellngi In order to get a piece of sensa tional news. Caller (to fond mothet) Isn't it some what remarkable and wonderful, Mrs. Hobsoa, that yonr little boy Frank, though 8 years old, can neither read nor write? fond Mother-Ob, yes, I think so. The dear little fellow always was a remarkable and won derful child. Uarpif Magazliie. AN OTT-RZrZATXD XRBOB. "Sweet love, good-night Beneath the stars which radiantly are glowing, Reluctantly I quit tby sight. For joy mnst end; time flies and I am going Sweet love, good-night." "Sweet love, good-nlgbt" The maid replied; "and yet that note of warnlmg' Which sharply cuts the air; oh. prythee, harkl Was it the mellow lay of matin lark. Or barnyard rooster crowing in the dark? Kay-see the East: 'tis Phoe Iras' glaring sparK Alas, methlnks, thou shonldst have said goooU morning, ' VJfef ' And not 'good-night'" "! ' -Ttxat Sifttngtip, TIMELY WARNTNO. In the hammock, slowly swinging, Where the butterflies are winging , , Idly through the summer air, Tbroujrh tbe boughs tbe snnllffbt stre&mlag ' nn.iitir.Aii hr trolden hair. aGeL, Wltf v - w - - Coming close to her, I wonder Ather beauty, ana ipouuci Whether It would be sin . a Just to kiss her, or would make her Angry, If the kiss should wake her. . ' " Pressed above tier dimpled chin. fM i few 'Heath her lashes bright eyes twinkling All at once give mean inkling; , That her slumber Is a sham; And my faint resolve grsyrs nrmer,' , ' "' When ber ripe lips sortly murmur:! Jj . "tioodness. Jack! Don't be aelaml" SomenUl Journal jfc I lilHslsllwsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll