Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 02, 1889, Image 1

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    HHprajp'fB' v PBHH? W? jt-t ' ;& t"' !SRf'lWlfv. vSfc , "'"" " '"HBHBiK i': " PJMP19HIH
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Who has a good article to sell, and who adver
tises rigorously and libcrallj. Advertising is
truly the life of trade. All enterprising and
judicious advertisers succeed.
The Senate Continues to Find
1 Flaws in the President's
(he American Congress
ferees Kot at all Liked.
Senator Frye Snys Onto One of Them Is
Fit to Servo In Such a Commission
HaUtcnd'a Friends Want Ilini Ap
pointed Minister to Germany During
the Recess The Totes of Senators
From the New States Might Confirm
Him Harrison Badly Troubled About
the Party Break Steve Dorscy in Iho
Damps Over a Territorial Appointment
Conkiins's TJtlca Friends Also Criti
cise the Administration.,
Yesterday's executive session of the Sen
ate was almost as interesting as were those
during which the Halstead nomination was
under consideration. An attack was begun
upon the delegates to the Congress of Amer
ican Nations, of which Mr. Andrew Car
negie is a member, and the conferees were
not confirmed. Another nomination of
President Harrison's a California post
masterwas rejected. Altogether, it begins
to look as if war had been declared on the
Washington, April 1. Another lively
executive session of the Senate wasield to
day. The nomination of Isadore Loventhal
to be postmaster at Modesto, Cal., was re
jected. This was one of President Cleve
land's hold-overs who failed to be confirmed.
President Harrison sent in the name since,
but the Senate forgot that it was one of
Cleveland's appointments, and Mr. Loven
thal fell into the bouillon.
Considerable disenssion followed nponthe
nomination of the delegates to the Congress
of American Nations, to be held in this city
next autumn. Objection was made to them
by the Democrats, on the ground that they
were almost unanimously Republican in
politics, and that if their report was to have
the weight before the country and with Con
gress that it ought to have, there should be
a more equitable division between the two
Three of the List Called Democrats.
Senator Sherman, Chairman of the For
eign Relations Committee, which had recom
mended confirmation of the list, stated that
three of tbem, namely, Messrs. Whyte,"of
Maryland, Trescott, of South Carolina, and
Hanson, of Georgia, were Democrats.
The minority Senators, however, insisted
that Messrs. Trescott and Hanson were
Mugwumps, not Democrats, and ought not
to be bo considered.
Then said Senator Sherman: "Well, Mr.
Hanson was recommended by a Senator
from Georgia as a good Democrat."
To this specific statement there was no
Senator Frye criticised the list Of appoint
ments, saying that so far as he knew, with a
single exception, none of the delegates
named ought to have been appointed. He
had been deeply interested in this
subject of a Congress of American
Nations, and had called at the State
Department and White House to urge the
selection of delegates familiar with the sub
jects to be discussed, but at neither place
had he been asked any questions, and -accordingly
had made no individual recom
mendations. One of Them at Least Has Ability.
Senator Hoar eulogized T. Jefferson
Coolidge, the Massachusetts delegate, as a
man of ability, an author of note.
"And yet," interjected Senator Frye,
"no more fit for a place on the delegation
than the Senator (Hoar) himself."
Continuing, Mr. Frye said there could be
no objection to the persons selected on the
score of ability. They were simply not ac
quainted with the subject in hand, or were
not in sympathy with some of the objects it
is desired to accomplish. He said that
"William Pinckney Whyte was opposed
to paying subsidies to ocean steamship
lines, being interested in the operations of
clipper ships trading with South American
countries, a statement which Senator Gor
man is said to have confirmed.
The report of the committee went over un
til to-morrow, without action, by general
consent, there being no formal motion or
objection entered.
Senator Teller Advocates Open Sessions of
the Senate to Consider Appoint
inents Ho Speaks Warmly
on the abject.
Washin gton, April 1. When the Sen
" ate met to-day at 1P.M., Mr. Teller offered
the following resolution:
Resolved, That hereafter all executive nom
inations shall be considered in open session of
tbo Senate.
Mr. Teller then epoke as follows on the
subject named in his resolution:
I do not intend to ask a consideration of this
resolution at this time. I merely offer it that
it may be referred ta the Committee on Rules.
At the next regular session of the Senate, If I
live to be present, I intend to press the reso
lution, in season and ont of season. I have
never believed that there was any reason why
an executive nomination should be considered
by the Senate with closed doors. I amsatisfled
that the great majority of the people of the
United States, irrespective of part,
are of the same opinion. I am
tired of giving my reasons to the
benate with closed doors, for the votes which I
Give, and of seeing in the newspapers the next
day entirely different reasons ascribed to me
and, not infrequently, no reason at all. I have
never expressed a sentiment nor given a vote
in the Senate, with doors closed, which I would
not give in open Senate. I do not believe that
any considerable number f Senators desire to
shield tnetnselves from public criticism or the
puDlic caze in matters or this kind.
While I admit that in considering questions
otlntcrnational relations there may be, and
frequently arc, times when the Senate should
sit ith closed doors, on account of great pub
lic interest, I can conceive of no reason why
we should close crar doors when we are asked
to pass on the qualifications of men nominated
for public office, ido not desire to conceal
from tho public any action of mino in
reference to such matters. On "the con
trary, I am exeedingly anxious Ahat
when I exercise a Constitutional or
Senatorial dutyi here I may execute to
in the gaze of the wholo world: or at least, of
so much, of the world as has the right to call
me In question for my conduct and that is,
the peoplo of the United States. I believe the
time has come when public sentiment will not
tolerate the closing of our doors on mere ques
tions 6f confirmation. I believe that that prac
tice is one of the agencies that is calculated to
bring the American Senate into disrepute and
into contempt, for the people will believe,
under the charges that are mado day by day,
that we are afraid to express our views in
public, that there is some truth in them.
The newspaper men, with all their zeal, must
find some reason for our conduct, and very
frequently they put in our mouths thines we
never have said and never have thought.
While there may be good reasons and strong
reasons for the rejection of a candidate, the
public is not aware of those reasons, which it
has a right to know.
Therefore, I wish to give notice now that
when we assemble'here again in regular session
I shall insist, so far as I can, that this question
uhall be presented to the Senate, and that wo
shall have a vote on this branch of it, at least,
clear and independent of the question as to
what shall be done with public treaties and
public affairs pertaining to international law.
The resolntion was referred to the Com
mittee on Rules.
If IIo is Appointed During the Recess He
Slay be Confirmed Next Fall by the
Eight New Senators Har
rison Non-Comuimltnl.
Washington, April 1. Senator John
Sherman and the Hon. James Gillespie
Blaine were the most interesting pair of
visitors that President Harrison saw to-day.
Fellow-feeling for Halstead had made the
two great rival chieftains kin. They drove
up to the White House in Mr. Sherman's
private carriage and walked in side by
side in confidential conversation. The ob
ject of their visit was to state to the Presi
dent that in their opinion Mr. Halstead's
name ought to be sent to the Senate again,
and that in the eventof the second rejection
or a failure to confirm, he should be ap
pointed during the recess anyhow
Messrs. Sherman and Blaine contented
themselves with this expression of opinion,
but did not press Mr. Harrison for an im
mediate decision. The President asked how
Mr. Halstead felt about it, aud whether he
cared for a recess appointment, and wasyin
formed that he had not been consulted, but
that-he doubtless would accept if the Presi
dent desired.
General Harrison is said to have expressed
himself as being.greatly troubled over the
bad party break in the Senate, and said he
wanted time to consider the matter further.
His visitors retired uncertain as to what
the President would do. Some of Mr. Hal
stead's friends thisk if he were appointed
in the recess and his name went to the Sen
ate next winter, he could be confirmed by
the votes of the eight Senators from the
newly-admitted States.
TJst of Those Who Drew Frizes In Tester
day's Government Lottery.
Washington, April 1. The President
sent the following nominations to the Sen
ate to-day:
James N. Huston, of Indiana, to'be Treasur
er of the United States; Ellis H. Roberts, of
New York, to be Assistant Treasurer at New
York City; William F.Watson, of Massachu
setts, to be Assistant Secretary of State; George
HShields, of Missouri, to be Assistant Attor
ney General, vice Rich Montgomery, resigned;
Drury K. Bnrcbett, of Kentucky, to be Mar
shal of the United States for the District of
Kentucky: Major Charles CByrne, Surgeon,
to be Lieutenant Colonel aud Surgeon;
Captain Curtis E. Muun. Assistant Sur
geon, to be Major and Snnreon; Captain George
B. White. U. 8. N., to be Chief it the Bureau
of Yards and Docks in the Department of the
Navy, to fill a vacancy; L. Bradford Prince, of
Santa Fe, N. M , to be Governor of New Mex
ico; Louis A. Walker, of Helena, Mont., to be
Secretary of Montana; James & Kelly, of Ne
braska, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at
Bloomington, Neb ; William W. Junkin, of
Fairfield, Iowa, to be Indian Inspector. To be
agents for the Indians Charles A. Ashley, of
New York, at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
Agency in the Indian Territory; Charles R. A.
Scobey, of Montana, at the Fort Peck Agencv,
In Montana,
A Bitter Enemy of Conkllng's Hoqored at
Their Own Home.
rsrxciAx, telecbau to the dispatck.1
Washington, April 1. The old stal
wart element among the .New Yorkers is
deep in the dumps over the selection pf
Ellis H. Roberts, of the mica Herald, for
Assistant Treasurer at New York. The ap
pointment is criticised as being a recog
nition of the foremost of the enemies of
Roscoe Conkling right at his old home. The
place was first offered to Senator George B.
Sloan, of Oswego, and by him declined.
The patronage of the office is small and
the responsibility great, "and it is not a
greatly coveted birth, bnt still there is some
feeling about letting Mr. Roberts have it,
by reason of his prominence in faction war
The Hon. Stephen Depressed Over a Terri
torial Appointment.
Washington, April 1. The appoint
ment of L. Bradford Prince, formerly of
New York, as Governor of New Mexico,
will make a merry old fight in that Terri
tory. The Hon. Stephen W. Dorsey op
posed the nomination strenuously, and made
two fruitless visits to the White House to
day to protest against it.
He is greatly depressed to-night, ana1 his
relations with the administration have been
so wrenched that the final snap may come
at any moment.
Ee Will Have but Little More to Say to the
Washington, April 1. In the Senate
to-day Mr. Sherman with Mr. Ransom re
ported that the committee appointed to wait
on the President aud inquire -whether he
had any further communication to make the
Senate had performed that duty, and had
been advised by the President that he
would to-day communicate to the Senate
certain messages, but that, after to-day, no
other messaces would be sent except of a
formal character, to fill vacancies as they,
A Slight Increase for the Week Over Last
Year's Similar Ontpnt.
Washington, April 1. The issue of
standard silver dollars from the -mints for
the week ended March 30, 1889, was $339,.
803. The issue during the corresponding
period of last year was $305,819.
The shipments of fractional silver curren
ay for the month ended March SO. 1889, was
Will Carry the Wealth.
Washington, April 1. The United
States Express Company to-day began the
transportation of Government money, the
contract with the Adams Express Companv
haying expired yesterday.
foe pp$Jwt
A Big Brcnk Being: Made for Oklahoma
Not Enongh Land to Go Around-A
ICftlned Town Poor People,
Will Be Left Oat. "
St. Louis, April 1. "A flood of immigra
tion is moving for Oklahoma Territory,
which is to be opened to settlement on the
22d inst. The mail matter received daily at
the offices of Hhe St. Louis railroads which
,run anywhere within range of the promised
land indicates that there is not nearly
land enough in sight to go half way round.
The St, Louis roads which can deposit pil
grims within reach of Oklahoma, are the
'Frisco line, the Wabash Western, the
Santa Fe, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas,
the Iron Mountain, the Southern Kansas,
the Missouri Pacific The longest route
traversed by any of these lines is 562 miles
to Arkansas City, and the shortest 515
miles with a running time of 22 or 24
Purcell, which was expected would be
the first boom center of the new territory,
now promises to decline more rapidly than
it rose into prominence. It lies just outside
of Oklahoma. For a long time past a large
number of expectant boomers, who have
been quartered there, have been paying
lease, rental or some form of tribute to a man
named Love, who had a priority of right,
and who has been making a speculation
out of his holdings. Now "that Purcell
has been left out of the line it is a
sure thing that it will be a deserted village
after 12 o'clock noon of the 22d. There are
so many capitalists waiting to go in for
town sites and mineral land that it is a sure
thing that a great many poor people will be
left There is not room for overlO.OCO
homesteads in-the lands to be thrown open
to settlement. Over 30,000 applications for
transportation have already been received
at St. Louis railroad offices.
Killed by Moresly Island Indians for In"
snltinc Women,
New Dungeness, Wash. T., April 1.
The Koderack trading schooner, Captain
Morton, was cruising between Graham and
Moresly Islands, and a stop was made
at the latter for food and water.
Five seamen two Americans, Henry
and Anderson, and three Kanakas went
ashore, taking some trinkets for
barter with the Indians. Without the1
knowledge or consent of Captain Morton
the two Americans took with them a con
siderable quantity of spirits. With this
they made the natives drunk and then at
tempted to take liberties with the women of
the tribe.
This was resented by the Indians, who
warnedlthe tresspassers to return to their
vessel. They refused, and subsequently at
tempted to rob the Indians of some valuable
furs. The result was that the Indians de
molished the whale boat, in which
the sailors came ashore, and then
killed the five. Subsequently Cap
tain Morton went ashore, buried
the bodies, which were fearfully mutilated,
and secured some provisions. With the aid
of a single sailor he navigated the schooner
to this port, the trip lasting 25 days. Henry
and Anderson were natives of New Bed
ford, Mass., and the Kanakas were shipped
at Vancouver, B. C.
The Most Excitlns Municipal Campaign
the Windy City's History.
Chicago, April JL, The Mayoralty cam
paign in this city closed to-night, after one
of the bitterest and most acrimonious bat
tles in the history- of the town. Mayor
Roche, who was elected "two years ago, has
become intensely unpopular because of his
affiliations with Charles T. Yerkes, the
Philadelphia capitalist, and ex-Congressman
Davis and George B. Swift Since
Roche went into office his administration
has been vacillating and unsatisfactory.
Crime was never more rampant in the city
than it is at the present time. The police
force is demoralized and rotten to the core.
In order to keep its grip on the city, the ad
ministration, it is alleged, is spending thous
ands of dollars for votes. All day to-day a
procession of unfortunate creatures filed
into an office on Dearborn street, where the
machine was paying 55 lor every vote.
The feeling to-night is very bitter, and it
is probable that there will be serious trou
ble at the polls to-morrow. Betting on the
resnlt of the balloting is slightly in favor of
DeWitt Cregier, the Democratic nominee.
Opposing Counsel in a Law Suit Call Each
Other Names.
Washington, April 1. Hon. Benjamin
F. Butler came to Washington to be pres
ent in the Equity Court, where he is argu
ing the case of Butler vlrsus Strong. He
took little notice of his colleagues, Confining
his attention to the work before him, and
when he came in contact with Mr. E. T.
Browning, the counsel on other side, he lost
his temper. Mr. Browning had the floor,
and had pausett momentarily to refer to
some papers, when Mr. Butler attempted to
address the Court. Mr. Browning inter
rupted with,"I have not yielded the floor."
General Butler made several vain efforts to
fix the attention of the Court, and, failing,
said: "Your honor, I don't propose to be
snapped at by a cur."' To this Mr. Brown
ing replied: "And may it please the Court,
I don't propose to be bullied by a bulldog."
The contestants quieted down when the
Judge threatened to fine them both for
contempt of court
The Froprletor of a Hotel Fays SllO for a
Spaniard's Fan. ,
New Haven, Oonn, April 1. A porter
at the Arlington House went to the private
apartments of the proprietor, S. E. Bick
ford, this evening, and there found a Span-,
iard named Montiere Colbas. The contents
of Mr. Bickford's trunk lay scattered about
the floor. The porter -collared Colbas and
marched him into the office and there ex
plained the circumstances to Mr. Bickford.
He believed the porter was playing an
April fool joke, took no notice of the affair,
and Colbas left the hotel.
Upon going to his room, Mr. Bickford
missed a note of $110 and a bank book.
Colbas broke open the trunk, with atmall
jimmy. .
The American Snear Refinery nt San Fran
cisco Bonght In.
San Feancisco, April 1. It is stated
that the American Sugar Refinery was for
mally sold to the Eastern SugarTrust to-day.
The refinery was transferred to the trust one
year ago, reserving trust certificates in pay
ment. Suit was afterward commenced to
annul the charter of the company for join
ing the trust and some of the stockholders
objected to the transfer, and as a result it is
stated lhat the refinery to-day was bought
by the trust.
Fonr Children Drowned.
Clinton, Mo., April 1. Yesterday John
Boylvwith his wife and six children, at
tempted to ford Grand creek. In the middle
of the stream his wagon was overturned,
and four ot -his children drowned. Boyle
saved bis wife and two children.,;
Admiral Schufeldt Returns From a
Three-Year's Tjrarand Gives
Which is Ahead of All Civilized Nations in
Many Things.
Enormons Fronts Made ly Foreign Vessels in the
Japan Trade.
Admiral Schufeldt has returned from the
Fast. His description of Japan is enough
to turn the tide of emigration in that direc
tion. It is blessed with a liberal Govern
ment, good railroad, telegraph and postal
.facilities, education is general, the banking
system excellent, and it costs less to' live
there than it does to keep the average Pitts
burger in tobies. The Admiral shows that it
affords an excellent field for the investment
of American capital; and makes a strong
plea for'a rejuvenation of ihe American
merchant marine,
New Yokk, April 1. Eetired Admiral
Schufeldt has just returned from a three
years' absence in the East, and is as hale
and sturdy a man of 67 as can be found any
where. He comes back full of enthusiastic
ideas on the subject of increasing American
commerce with Japan.
The Admiral has seen a good deal of the
world in his time. Besides his services jn
the navy, which included & commercial
tour of the world.he was the chief function
ary in negotiating the first treaty with
Corea, and one of the commissioners for es
tablishing the Liberian boundary on the
west coast of Africa. He was Consul Gen
eral at Havana 25 years ago, and has done
some diplomatic service. On his way t5
the East he stopped to inspect the DeXes
seps Canal, and he made up his mind that
the lock system would have to be adopted,
and that only abouf one-fifth of the work
had been completed at the end of the first
five years,
From San Francisco the Admiral went to
Japan with authority from some Western
men of ideas to Investigate the question of
securing the trade of Japan for this coun
try. He found the Japanese officials quite
friendly, but he also soon felt that the keen
competition from Europe, chiefly from Ger
many, has been gradually undermining
American commerce, so that although we
buy from Japan 513,000,000 worth of goods
every year, we 'sell her only about $3,500,
000. " The reasons for this, the Admiral
thinks, areThat the Germans are satisfied
with more moderate profi and that though
the Japanese Government and people are,
friendly to us, they are naturally disposed
to sympathize with a Government more
akin to their own.
Another reason is that American cap
italists tppcar to be timid about investing
money there, while European capitalists
ore eager to furnish funds for new under
takings. The telegraph system which, he
says, supplies as good service as ours at
cheap rates, reaches all -parts of the empire,
so that "-ou can telegraph anywhere in
either the English or Japanese languages.
This was supplied by other than American
Admiral Schufeldt spent a year in the
southern island of Japan, and had ample
opportunity to study the Government and
people. He found there a postal service as
crood as our own. extending to the smallest
towns. He saw all over the empire signs in "j
English, and found a system or tree public
schools much like our own, purely secular,
and the English language taught in every
one of them. He found the benefits of this
tree education extended to the females as
Well as the males.
At Nangasakl he saw three schools where
400 boys were being taught by the mission
aries, and three schools Where 200 girls were
taught He found that the Japanese are
being civilized, although he could not say
they are getting Christianized. He found r
the religion of Buddhism on the decline,
and its temples replaced by schools. He
found intelligent and educated Japanese
men reading Darwin, Tyndal, Huxley and
Herbert Spencer. He found, in short Ori
entalism "becoming rapidly replaced by
modern ideas, and liberal ideas at that He
found the younger, men disposed to take
possession of the Government, and prepar
ing for that time which the Government of
Japan has promised shall soon come, when
there shall be a system much like that of
the German Empire, with one branch an
elected representation of the people.
He found railroad communication with
the capital was being rapidly opened. He
found a system of national paper monny,
the counterpart of our national banking
system with circulating notes engraved and
printed in New York, with even greater se
security than surrounds our own national cur
rency, and it is kept constantly at par. He
found a mint coining the most beautiful
coins in 'the world. He found in the in
terior a system of canals with storage reser
voirs sufficient to supply water for irriga
tion. He found small farms owned by the
Government, but leased at low tatesfor
generations to thesame family, each family
building and owning its own nouses.
The Admiral saw few beggars in Japan,
and no large prisons or almshouses like
ours. He saw a -cleanly and healthy peo
ple; no great accumulation of wealth, but
general health and prosperity. The com
mon people can live on three or four cents a
day, chiefly on vegetables and fish, and get
decent clothing for $5 a year. They dres
chiefly in their native cotton and silk goods.
Their houses are not fortified against thieves
as ours are. Their taxes are light. There
is a general spirit oi hospitality and gJod
leeling and good temper. The courts are
much like ours, onlv rather more speedy in
arriving at a decision, with the right oi ap
peal to the capital from the decision of the
iocal judges.
Bya system of district governments there
is a good deal of home rule, although the
Government is at Tokio. The Japanese
have a university, he says, as perfect as any
university in Europe. Qne detriment to
the health of Japan he found to be the ab
sence of aqueducts like ours and a failing to
Becure wholesome water for drinking pur
poses. This leads to cholera epidemics, but
strangely enough, the cholera does not seem
to affect the foreigners so much as the
The Admiral says there is no reason ex
cept the timidity of American capitalists to
prevent our having a large sharerot the
trade of this great and growing country,
soon to make itself felt among the family of
nations. He cannot see why they should
not have American machinery or why there
should be a fleet of CO merchant steamships
built by the English instead of by Ameri
cans. He can see no reason why our pres
ent commerce with Japan should be carried
in English bottoms anv more than the date
crop of Persia should be brought to us by
the English. . v
' Aa an ill titration of the way the English
- 9 -- Jt v
ships do it, the Admiral says he camo home
m an English "ocean tramp" steamship,
which started at Yokahoma and stopped at
various ports in China and came through
the Suez Canal, pickibg up cargo for New
York all the way, and arriving here with
about 5,200 tons of freight, realizing $00,000
forthe'ship at" a cost of only about 530,000.
This ship was managed by a crew of about
43 men all told, with.' all the modern ap
pliances, and needed only four men on deck
to keep her running. " She came through
the, Suez Canal with nine other ships, eight
of whicitwere English.
Admiral Schufeldt has spent about nine
months in Corea, and he speaks highly ot
the disposition of the Government'and peo
ple there to welcome andremuiierate Ameri
can capital. Ee deplores tho obvious fact that
Americans have of late years rest ground
commercially in the East, but hopes that as
our country gets richer and capital finds it
necessary to look about for profitable in
vestment the time will come when we shall
not only regain our lost ground but again
send out the Stars and Stripes.
Chicago Speculators Carry Ids the War Into
St. Louis The Elevntors Thought
to bo Deep In the Deal
Some Shorts Scared.
. St. Louis, April 1. It is said that the
speculators who are long on May wheat in.
nicago are trying to corner the same option
in this city. Flour gossip has it that the
Grier Commission Company are long for
John B.Lyon, of Chicago, who is one of
the principal traders in the market and gen
erally supposed to stand in with Fairbank
and "Old Hutch" in the May deal now
working Chicago. Another report had it
that certain elevator companies in this city
are the principal longs. Some color was
given to this the other day by the heavy
buying of May by. Samuel & Gessier, a
.brokerage firm that has a large elevator
clientage here.
The elevators of this city own all or most
of the stock of No. 2 red they are carrying.
It is usual for carriers of stocks of grain to
sell against them for some future delivery,
and it was supposed the stock of wheat here
was sold against for May delivery. Now it
is claimed the elevators are long on both the
actual wheat and May, too; that is, they are
carrying the wheat in their stock and have
May option bought also.
Nothing definite can be arrived at con
cerning the shortage of May wheat. The
bulls say it is from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000
bushels, and it is asserted that John B.
Lyon alone is long of 1,500,000 bushels in
'this market Who the shorts are cannot be
ascertained with any more definitcness than
the actpal shortage. Some of the shorts
were scared enough this morning to run the
rice of May up to 95c, but it dropped
ock later to 94e. A strong "tip" was out
late to buy Jnne wheat, which, it is said,
the bulls will take up and run into a deal if
they can.
Surrounded by Shootlns Stars, Witnessed
by Oregon People.
Portland, Ore., April 1. Last night
about 9 o'clock the heavens were illumi
nated by one of the most brilliant meteors
ever seen in this city. The meteor
was first seen at a point about
20 degrees from the zenith, in north
eastern part of the heavens. It traveled" in
a northwesterly direction, passed through
.the handle of the dipper, and lost itself at a
point within ten decrees from the horizon.
TT head -of the meteor "was
elongated in a shape of a
spike. It reached its ereatest brilliancy
at a point 20 degrees below the North Star,
where it seemed to break near the center,
one portion continuing to follow the other
with some four or five degrees intervening.
While the meteor was at its brightest
myriads of little stars in red, yellow, blue,
green and all colors were whirled off on
both sides with great rapidity, making
the most beautiful display of celestial fire
works. The main body of the meteor
appeared to be about 20 degrees
in length, while the tail, which grew more
filmy with distance from'tbe head, extended
nearly across the whole sky. There is some
difference in opinion regarding the length
of time the meteor was visible. Estimates
range all the way from 5 to 20 seconds. The
sight was grand and thrilling.
President Harrison Tenders Stonewall's
Widow the Ricnmond PostofQce.
BlCHMOND, VA., April L It is now
said that President Harrison has tendered
the Bichmond Postoffice to Mrs. Stonewall
Jackson. This lady has been living with
her father in lorth Carolina, during the
past six months. Her father has reached a
very advanced age, for which reason she de
clined the tender of the postmastership at
Lexington, Va., where the body of her hns
band is buried. Her friends here will, how
ever, endeavor to induce her to accept the
Bichmond postmastership, which is a lucra
tive one. Mrs. Jackson is of a singularly
unobtrusive disposition and an enthusiastic
church woman.
When General Grant was elected Presi
dent he. appointed Miss Lizzie Van Lew
Postmaster of Bichmond. She wasa Union
sympathizer during the war, and rendered
the Union cause signal service. She held
the office during the two terms of President
Grant It is said that the President thinks
that by appointing Mrs. Jackson he will
not have to recognize either of the contend
ing Bepublican factions here, and will at
the same time give the office to a lady held
in high esteem by all parties.
The Reading Iron Works to be Thrown on
tho Olarket.
Beading, April 1. The directors ot the
Beading Trust Company, assignees of the
Beading Iron "Works, met here this after
noon. They appointed committees and
made other arrangements to assume formal
charge of the concern. One of the directors
said after the meeting that under no circum
stances did he think the Trust Company
would continue the business of the iron
The company might, said the director,
work up the stock and material on, had,
but eventually the immense establishment
would be $old to the highest bidder.
Holds Up a California Singe and Rifles the
Milton, Cal., April 1. A stage from
Murphey's to Milton was held up by a lone
highwayman this morning near Angeles.
The driver was ordered to throw out the
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s treasure box and mail
bag, which he did. Thev were riflea by the,
robber, but 6nly a small amount was se
cured. Another mail bag supposed to have
contained valuable registered packages was
not touched, The five passengers on the
stage were not molested.
Thought it Was Not Loaded.
Chillicothe, Mo., April 1. Lee
Brown, a colored boy, aged 15 years, was
shot and instantly killed Sunday morning,
at 9 o'clock, in J. B. Myers' livery stable,
by Scott White, a colored man. Theywere,
as usual, fooling with an unloaded pistol,
with the above result.
B 4 ' V S. W f IT'S A -WAIfTS f
Tho Independent Voter Attends a
Kegular Picnic Over in Ohio.
Republicans Lose the Control of Several
Valuable City Machines.
Columbus, Airon and Zanesrllle Swept Clean by tho
Taken all around, the Democrats are
victors in yesterday's municipal elections.
They made great gains everywhere and are
in line to make an interesting fight next fall
when a Legislature to be elected that will
phoose a successor to Senator Payne. In
Cincinnati, Columbus, Akron and Zanes
ville the change of politics was so sweeping
as to appear almost significant.
Cincinnati, April 1. Enforcement of
the law was the main issue in to-day's elec
tion, and the issue was forced by a Com
mittee of Five Hnndred, put forward by
the Law and Order League of this city.
The Committee of Five Hundred waSOr
ganized about six weeks before the meeting
of the conventions of the two great parties.
It in effect served notice in advance on the
two parties that if the one or tho other
didn't commit itself in favor of the enforce
ment of the law, notably the law forbidding
drinking saloons to keep open and sell
liquor on Sunday, they might-look for an
independent ticket
The Bepublican Convention smothered a
delegate who arose to present a resolution
committing the party in favor of the en
forcement of law in general, and the reso
lutions were silent on the subject, and the
candidates, when approached, have exhib
ited sealed mouths.
The Democratic convention resolutions
were not any more satisfactory, but the
candidates, notably those for Judge and
Prosecuting Attorney, reipectively, of the
Police Court, have committed themselves
since their nomination for the impartial en
forcement of the law. The Committee of
Five Hundred, therefore, nominated Daniel
Stone, a business man of universally ac
knowledged ability and of unsullied repu
tation, for Mayor, arid filled out its ticket
with General Noyes, the Bepublican candi
date for Judge of the Superior Court and
Stevens, Ermston and Corcoran, from the
Democratic ticket, for City ' Controller.
Judge of Police Court, and Prosecuting At
torney of the Police Court
The Bepnblicans were handicapped by. a
boss ticket put up at the dictation -of
George B, Cox, who was slaughtered at the
polls last fall. The Commercial Gazette
opposed Cox before the convention, but has
supported his ticket The Times-Star re
pudiated the Bepublican ticket and sup
ported the Citizens' ticket, and thus the
case stood when the polls opened this
The Bepnblicans elected Mosby Mayor by
tne sein ot. ins teem. Dy only 001 plurality.
Daniel Stone, citizens' candidate for Mayor,
polled nearly, 7,500. About SO.OOO' votes
were cast out of a registry of 63,000. The
only candidate elected besides Mosby, with
out the co-operation of the citizens' ticket,
was Ziegler, Bepublican candidate for
Treasurer. The candidates elected with the
help of the citizens' ticket were General
Noyes, Bepublican, Judge of the Superior
Court; Edwin Stevens," Cotroller; J. D.
Ermston, Judge of Police Court; P. J. Cor
coran, Prosecuting Attorney of Police
Court all Democrats. The City Solicitor,
Theodore Horstman, Bepublican, was
elected in a party contest, as no nomination
for that office was made on the citizens'
ticket Stevens, for Controller, has about
5,000 plurality. The others, except Mayor,
have about 2,700 plurality. It was a ring
breaking election, all around. There 'is
much excitement over the result
A Gain of One ODlce-Made by the Demo
crats of the City. .
Youngstotvn, April 1. A compara
tively light vote was polled in all the
wards and precincts at the municipal elec
tions held here to-day. William A. Will
iams, Bepnblican, was re-elected City Mar
shal for the third term; Gottlieb Lunley,
Democrat was elected Water Works
Trustee, defeating Edward Turner, Bepub
lican, for re-election. .
The Council stands the same as last year:
Republicans 9, Democrats 7. The Bepnbli
cans have a majority on the Board of Edu
A Black Eye Given the Great monopoly In
the Tiffin Election. -
Tiffin, April 1. The election here to
day resulted in the election of the entire
Democratic ticket in the city and ward con
tests, with the exception of Marshal and one
Councilman. The Mayor had thex usual
majority. The balance of the ticket was
greatly reduced.
The Standard Oil Companv was given a
black eye. The proposition for the city to
pipe its own gas for the use of private con
sumers was carried by an overwhelming
Tho Town of Toronto Elects Two Temper
ance Candidates for Council.
Toronto, April 1. At the city election
to-day, A. J. Stewart was elected mayor.
Two of the three conncilmen chosen were on
the temperance ticket, local option being
.the issue.
Mayor-elecf Stewart is a Democrat, and
has been nostmaster under the Cleveland
administration. The water. works project
carried by a, vote of 237 to 63.
Dayton Remains Republican.
Dayton, April 1. The Bepublicaus
elected Wat.er Works Trustee and members
of Council and School Board. That gives
them control of both Boards for two years.'
The Democrats re-elected the Street Com
missioner and were successful on Market
Master and Infirmary Director.
, Democrats Retain-Canton.
Canton, April 1. The whole Demo
cratic ticket, with the exception of Street
Commissioner and one councilman, was
elected here to-day. Mayor Blake, Demo
crat, was re-elected by a majority of about
Bnrncsville Will Take a Drink.
Barnesville, ApriL 1. The "wets",
won a decisive victory over the "drys" here
to-day. They now have a majority of Coun
cil, and the prohibitory ordinance will be
repealed. ,
cdi rtinm 0f any kind can'
iirnin tvpiHKPlamns of Til
Party Lines Ignored and tbo Democrats
Get the Best of It.
Columbus, Aprjl 1. The election here
passed off quietly. The vote was one of the
smallest which has been polled in the city
in many years. There were very few
straight tickets voted. The scratcher was
abroad, politics was ignored, and party
lines broken down in the feeling which ex
isted against the head of the ticket and
some of the other candidates on the Bepub
lican ticket .In 1887 Foraker bad 115 ma
jority in the city. Bruck, Democrat, for
Mayor, will carry the city by 1,800 to 2,000,
and the entire Democratic ticket is elected
by majorities ranging from 800 to 2,000.
The Council of the city, which was two
thirds Bepublican, will not have more than
one or two majority, and the School Board
will be in a similar position. Columbus is
Bepublican by 200 or 300 on a straight vote.
Walcnt asked for a vindication on his
defeat when he ran for Mayor before, and,
he has received it He filled the office four
years, and his administration was one of the
most corrupt in the history ot the city. The
better class of Bepnblicans went against
him to a man. It is not considered a jiarty
A teletrram from Delaware announces
,that city went Democratic, the only excep
tion Demg one ward, ifunning information
from other surrounding towns in Central
Ohio indicate that the Democrats have
been at work, and have won in the ma
jority of the municipalities.
Bepnblicans Hold Tbeir Own, With the Ex
ception of One Ward.
Alliance, April 1. The election passed
off quietly with a light vote, resulting as
follows in the city: Fiist ward. Council,
Early, D.; Assessor, Bupert, D. Second
ward, Council, Seifert, B.; Assessor, Town
send, E. Third ward, Council, Hull, IT.;
Assessor, Moses, E. Fourth ward, Council,
Hartzell, E.; Assessor. Boss, E. Fifth
ward, Council, Brinker, B.; Assessor,
Wood, B. Sixth ward, Council, Crubaugh,
E Council, Crainer, B.
The township is close on Trustees. It is
thought Stanley aritl Ellett, Bepnblicans,
are elected. For constable, C. w. Koch,
an ex-saloon keeper, is elected by a smali
majority. For members of School Board,
Heer and Conger, B., had no opposition.
The Mayor and Fonr of Six Conncilmen
Elected by Good Majorities.
Akron, April 1. Beturns from 9 out of
12 precincts in the city indicate that Wil
liam H. Miller, Democrat, and a workman
in"the Buckeye Mower and Beaper Works?
is elected Mayor by 200 over L. D. Seward,
the present incumbent, who is a Bepub
lican. The Democrats elect four conncilmen out
of six, and have three j of the hold-overs,
giving them a majority in Council for the
first time in eight years. The labor and
prohibition votes decided the contest,
neither of these parties having a ticket in
the field.
Warren Totes Auninst a Democratic Tem
perance Candidate.
Warren, April 1. The city election
passed off quietly to-day, with but only an
ordinary vote cast. Some little interest centered-
in the efforts of the Law and Order
and Temperance element, which supported
the Democratic candidatejbr Mayor. His
being on the Order League ticket lost Mr.
FiUius a good deal of his party's support,
while Smith, the Bepublican candidate, was
re-elected Mayor by 344 majority.
Democrats Will Bale Where Republicans
Have Held the Sway.
Zakesville, April 1. The Democrats
scored a sweeping victory to-day, electing
John Conraae Mayor over John Ferren by
a vote of 2,501 to 2,246.
The only Bepublican elected is Thomas
Lindsey, City Cemetery Trustee.
The City Council, which was overwhelm
ingly Bepublican, will be Democratic by a
majority of 4. A light vote was polled.
Gives Her Seasons forLeavIno- the Catholic
Church She Says the Bishops Pay
No Heed to the Pope's
Boston, April 1. Miss Mary F. Cusack,
"the Nun of Kenmare," entertained a large
Boston audience to-night in Tremont Tem
ple with a review of her reasons for desert
ing the Boman Catholic Church and a story
of her persecutions while endeavoring to
aid the poor working girls of Ireland.
Much of her story has already been pub
lished in her well-known autobiography,
"The Nun of Kenmare," but to-night she
enlarged upon that work. She stated that
one of her principal reasons for leaving the
Boman Catholic Church was her discovery
that Archbishop Corrigan and other Bishops
treated the Pope's authority with the most
.supreme contempt. As the one great doc
trine of the church was the infallibility of
the Pope, she thought she could no longer
remain in a church in which this belief was
treated with so much contempt by those in
"I believe," said she, "that that was whv
Dr. McGlynn did.not go- to Borne. Even
if you secure justice there and come back
here the Archbishop does not do anything
about it Dr. McGlynn knows as well as I
do that if he went to Borne and returned
with a release the Archbishop would pitch
it into the fire. The Pope cannot afford to
quarrel with the Bishops. When I came to
America Archbishop Corrigan would not
see me. I was good enough for the Pope,
but I was not good enough for Archbishop
No Bednction In Their Wage Scale Will be
Columbus, Apiil 1. Answers have
been received from the miners in almost all
parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Penn
sylvania in reply to the circular issued by
the officers of the National Progressive
Union of Miners and Mine Laborers,asking
for an expression from the miners at large
on next year's price of mining. In every
case the miners stand for last year's scale,
though in several instances they are willing
to leave it to the discretion ot the officers of
the union. The general sentiment of the
miners, however, places the officers of the
union in a positive position to accept no
Some of the miners want the present price
of mining maintained, which is 5 cents
higher than would be paid during the sum
mer if the old scale was continued. Not a
linele renlv was received from Indiana or
"Pennsylvania, the two disturbed States,
lavoring a reduction, xiie operators have
not yet taken any definite position, and it
is thought they are awaiting the result of
the vote among the miners. $
m:. n7.m,Yj
Ta&e the Place
Richmond, Alert and Adanu
Leave 03 Soon as Possible.
As All of the Trouble llij be Settled by the Berlin
The Navy Department is making every
effort to forward a new fleet to Samoa.
Three ships have been ordered to sail aa
as soon as they can be got ready. They are
of the antique prder, and not so good as
those wrecked by the hurricane at Apia.
No new, instructions will be sent to Admi
ral Kimberlev.
Washington, April 1. Owing to tha
imperative necessity of the situation the?
Navy Department is making every effort to
secure an adequate representation at Samoa.'
Orders were sent ont to-day to have the
Bichmond, Alert and Adams sent to Apia'
at the earliest practicable moment Tha
Alert is at Honolulu all ready to sail when
she coals and provisions, and can reach
Samoa in a month or 40 days.
The Bichmond-is not in such a favorable .
place, being at present in the Biver Bio del
la Plata on the east coast of South America,
and must go around Cape Horn. The
Adams is under repair at the Mare-Island
Navy Yard. Ten days or two weeks will
' serve to complete the -repairs and after a
few days additional consumed in taking in
stores and coal she may sail on her voyage,
which will take about a month. The Xan
tic, now at Brooklyn, will be ready to sail
on the 10th instant, probably to relieve the
While the vessels ordered to Samoa to-day
are fair vessels of their kind, yet they are
by no means equal to the three vessels which
were wrecked, and are of antique type com
pared with the vessels of the German East
African fleet, which have been ordered to
Apia. The old Bichmond is by far tho
largest of the vessels that will go. She was
built in Norfolk in 1858, and is of 2,700 tons
burden, 225 feet long, 42 feet broad and
17.4 draft Her speed is set down at 9
knots when in trim, but she is doubtless
foul, and consequently much reduced in
speed by her stay in South Atlantic waters.
She is commanded by Captain A. Y.
Beed, with Lientenant Commander Louis
Kingsley, and Lieutenants W. H. Everett,
J. H. C. Coffin, E. H. Crosby, J. M. Bob
inson and J. O. Nicholson. Her comple
ment is 29 officers and 321 men. The battery
is headed by 12 ten-inch smooth-bores, 1
eight-inch muzzle-loading rifle, and 1 sixty
pound breech-loading rifle, 2 twenty-pound
breech-loaders and some smaller secondary
The Alert is a 1.000 ton vessel, built by
John Roach in 1875. She carries 21 officers
and 127 men. She is rated at 10 knots, is
175 feet long by 32 feet beam, draws 12J
feet of water and carries a battery up of 1
eleven-inch, and 2 nine-inch smooth-bores,
1 sixty-pound rifle and 4 small guns in tha
secondary battery. Her officers are Com
mander James D. Graham and Lieutenant
John Garvin, F. F. Greene, C. T.Moore, J.
P. Parker, C. D. Bostick and William C.
The Adams is rated at 1,375 tons. She
was built in 1876 at Boston by Donald Mo
Kay. Her length is 185 feet by 35 feet
beam and 14.3 draft She is set down as a
9 8-knot ship, with a battery of four nine,
inch smoothbores, one eight-inch muzzle
loading rifle and five guns in the secondary
battery. Her detail of officers is not yet
made up, but she was last under command
ot Commander Bichard P. Leary, who has
already achieved fame by his firm stand in
exciting times at Samoa. She carries 20
officers and 116 men.
Benewed instructions have been sent to
San Francisco to hurry forward the prepar
ation of the Charleston, and every effort
will be made to get her guns and carriages
transported overland at the earliest possible
moment. The guns are ready at the proving
ground at Annapolis, and the carriages are
about ready at the Washington Navy Yard.
no new orders.
There will be no new orders in regard to
Samoan affairs given to the commanders of
the vessels. Admiral Kimberley will re
main at Apia and will continue in com
mand of the squadron. He had instructions
issued to him before his departure, and the
situation has not changed since then. The
Admiral has considerable discretion vested
in him, and may to a considerable extent
exercise his own judgment in regard to
what shall be done. Shonld anything occur
to render new instructions advisable they
can be prepared and sent to Samoa long be
fore the war vessels get there.
The thing now needed tbere is ships, not
instructions. It is not improbable that tha
Samoan Conference will have met and
settled the entanglement between the United
States and Germany before our vessels reach
Samoa, and any new orders sent to Admiral
Kimberley will doubtless largely be gov
erned by the proceedings of the conference.
A graceful tribute from the English naval
officers was contained in the following
cablegram, received, by Secretary Tracy,
when he- returned to Washington this
Gibraltar, March 31.
To the SecretarV or the Navy, Washington:
The officers of the English Channel fleet
sympathize with the American navy on the
terrible loss of life in wrecks at Samoa.
One Engine Palls n Train 423 Miles on a
Vast Line.
Bufpalo, April 1. A most remarkable
feat of railroading was performed to-day on
the Erie Bailroad. A locom otive of Amer
ican manufacture hauled the Buffalo day
express the entire distance from Jersey City
to Buffalo, 423 miles. This is the greatest
mn ever made by, one engine. A special
Pullman car containing several representa
tives of the New York press, invited by the
Erie Bailway and the locomotive company
to witness this performance, was attached to
the train at Jersey City and brought through
to Buffalo.
The train left Jersey City at 925 a. m.
and arrived at Buffalo exactly on time, at
10:30 p. m. A speed of over a mile a min
ute was attained on several occasions. Tha
party will retnrn to New York to-morrow.
A Lengthy Letter Beeelved From the Bold
African Explorer.
London, April 1. A letter from Henry
M. Stanley dated Smuputuri, September 4,
1888, has reached a friend of the explorer in
Edinburgh. In the letter Mr. Stanley says
he is well and in good spirits. He met
Emin Pasha on the shores of Albert Ny
anza. They were together for 28 days..
When Mr. Stanley left Emin Pasha tha
latter was enjoying good health.
Sir Francis de Winton, President of tha
Emin Bay Belief Committee, says tha't'the
letter from Mr. Stanley will make five
newspaper columns; that it will not be pnl
lished before to-morrow and that the Gov
ernment is ignorant ofits contents.
TV .A. .sV