Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 01, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Mje Bgpfolj.
Vol. H 10 SS. Entered at Pittsburg Fosto&ce,
"November 11, 18S7, as second-class matter.
BusinessOfflce--97and DQFiTth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing' House--75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the daily edition of
The Dltpatch for ilx months ending march
Copies per Issue.
Average circulation of the Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for February, 1SS9,
Caplfcs pcrlnne.
Dailt Dispatch. One Year f 8 00
DAH.Y DlhPATCH. Per Quarter 2 00
Daxlt DisrATCH, One Month 50
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
year WOO
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter 250
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month . ...-,... w
SCSDAT DiSPATcn, oneycar 5 50
Weekly DisrATCH, one year 1 25
The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or lncludln g the bunday edition,
at 30 cents per week.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie's response, else
where, to the editorial reference in The
Dispatch of yesterday, to "the common
understanding that he was one of the prime
agents in destroying the South Penn enter
prise,' is an interesting and important ad
dition to the records of that apparently dead
and buried project.
The Dispatch is certainly not desirous
of misrepresenting Mr. Carnegie, nor has it
wished to believe the reports which created
the common understanding referred to, and
which haTe remained uncontradicted till
now. It is ranch more pleasant to receive
Mr. Carnegie's assurance that he was a de
voted and unswerving friend of the project,
and only succumbed to the adverse fates
which decreed the death of that enterprise.
Mr. Carnegie's declaration of his own frame
of mind is one of the highest authorities at
tainable on that point It must be accepted
as conclusive, although he declines to pro
Ions an unpleasant controversy by answer
ing in detail the allegations on which the
theory of his friendship to the Pennsylvania
Railroad has been based.
It is all the more grateful to accept this
declaration of Mr. Carnegie's attitude, be
cause his declaration in favor of State
legislation to prevent discriminations and
secure equitable rates on Pittsburg freight
is an indorsement of the position which
The Dispatch has constantly held for
many years. This is not merely a question
of commercial and industrial profits; it is a
question of public justice and enforcement
of fundamental law. One of the greatest
restraints on the Pennsylvania Railroad's
supremacy in this State would have been
the creation of a competing line through
the State; but it has always been our con
tention that the requirements of the Con
stitution on the regulation oi our corpora
tions should be enforced by statute law.
5Ve have urged that principle in season and
out ot season; and when Mr. Carnegie de
clares his intention of taking up that fight
we are glad to welcome him as an invalu
able ally to the good cause, as Ve have done
"Whatever allegations there may be as to
the manner in which the South Penn was
done to death, Mr. Carnegie's present
position is indisputably right. THE DIS
PATCH always has been and always will be
ready to join hands with any one who is
ready to support that issue.
A story disseminates itself over the
country from "Washington that Hicks, of
Wisconsin, who has just been nominated
for Minister to Peru, is an accident of the
petition habit. The number of those who
have ever heard of Hicks is very small; but
from some quarter it is told that Hicks
while carrying around his petition met
Senator Sawyer and asked him to sign it
Signing was the easiest way for Sawyer
to get out of the scrape, and so the Sena
torial signature went on Hicks' petition
with a very Indefinite knowledge as to who
Hicks was. "When the petition reached J,h
President he concluded that Sawyer's sig
nature ought to vouch for Hicks, and the
latter got the plum. Sawyer did not know
what it all meant until he "was confronted
with his own signature, and then he could
say no more. Hicks will gnide our diplo
macy with Peru, and lawyer has no re
venge except to take it out of Murat
The difference that can be exhibited in
the methods of asserting dignity, is p:rti
nently set forth by the Philadelphia
, Times with a couple of reminiscences of
Lincoln and Grant, to which the attention
of the Senators is respectfully directed.
During the war, General Hooker in
dulged in some very injudicious criticisms
of President Lincoln's administration, and
even hinted at the establishment of a mili
tary dictatorship. Mr. Lincoln's sole no
tice of this outbreak was when he appointed
Hooker Commander of the Army of the
Potomac, and suggested to him that
only victorious Generals could become dic
tators. .
Admiral porter at one time wrote some
letters viciously attacking General Grant
"When Parragut died and the promotion of
Porter to his" position byOrant as Presi
dent was under consideration these letters
were brought out, and Porter hastened to
Grant to explain and apologize. Grant re
fused to listen to him and took action by
promptly sending his. nomination to the
These illustrations of how some great
leaders are able to separate their personal
feelings from the public service should be
studied by the-Senate. But it is doubtful
whether it will do any good. The element
that is necessary to make the Senators per
ceive that their personal spites are not a
public affair, is caliber.
"When the Pour Hundred of Hew York
City and the less gilded but more combative
Legislature of New York State come into
conflict the latter are triumphant That is
at least the outcome of the great struggle
over the right of the statesmen to free seats
on the grand stand at the inauguration cen
tennial. The legislators have, in this case, vindi
cated their majesty. The aristocratic plot
to exclude the representatives of the people
from the stand has been defeated, and if the
eagle, does not scream, it can be taken as
beyond question that the roosters are crow
ing. The lights of Murray Hill must sub-
mit to be elbowed by Hon. Michael Mur
phy and Drydollar Sullivan, together with
their wives, sisters, cousins and aunts, or
stay out of the show. One thousand seats
was the tribute paid. by the conquered Pour
Hundred to the victorious legislators, and
at that price peace reigns once more.
Perhaps the aristocratic surrender would
not have been quite so complete if the
mental powers of their leaders had not been
struggling with another mighty problem.
The question as to the kind of champagne
to be served at the centennial banquet has
been agitating the New Yorkers. A .large
element of public opinion calls for sweet
ness and light in its champagne. But the
stern McAllister sets a high standard for
the occasion, and demands that the princi
ple of drinking extra dry champagnes must
be adhered to, with such firmness as to
produce the shocking suggestion that he is
an agent in disguise for his favorite brands.
"When this forms the .subject of editorial
discussion it is evident that the metropolitan
mind is so engrossed with this topic that it
cannot be expected to keep the legislators
in their proper, or improper, place.
"With such details does New York intro
duce its Centennial celebration. They are
certainly successful in marking the fact that
they are an entire century distant from the
days of our fathers.
Some of the rather sharp comments on
the feature of appointments which are
awarded by virtue of the recipients' parent
age calls forth the Brooklyn Eagle to the
defense. This apology commences with de
claring: "The worthy and accomplished son
of Abraham Lincoln will go to London
just as the modest and scholarly son of
Ulysses S. Grant will go to Vienna. There
is a fragrance of sentiment in these nomi
nations. There is no principle of heredity
in them, proletariat alarms to the contrary
notwithstanding." Prom which the ao7e
goes on to argue that the greatness of men's
fathers should not prevent their sons from
serving the public
Certainly not No one has ever claimed
that it should. Mr. Lincoln's appointment
has received universal commendation be
cause the character of the recipient has been
established by his own efficiency and ability
in private as well as-public life. But when
it is asserted that there is "afragrance of
sentiment," but "no principle of heredity"
about these appointments, it becomes perti
nent to ask what the sentiment is in the
case of Colonel Grant, for instance, except
that of rewarding the son with public place
on account of the great services of the
father? What is that but the principle of
The sons of eminent sires are just as
much entitled to political preferment, when
they have proved their ability and integrity,
as any one else who has done the same. The
sons who have not that ability or integrity
should be mercifully kept in the back
ground. Any other rule of action is a de
parture from the principles of democracy
toward those of privilege.
In reply to some comments about the
favor which the Republican administration
is showing toward editors, the New York
Sun says,: "The Post-Express would have
done well to wait until the nomination of
Mr. Halstead had been disposed of in the
Senate before concluding that the editor is
in much higher favor in the Republican
party than in the Democratic." But this
ray of the brilliant Sun appears to over
shoot the faot that the great mass of votes
against Mr. Halstead's confirmation were
those of the Democratic Senators. "Whether
this was due to the general Democratic
opposition to the profession in which
"ghoulish glee" abounds, or to sympathy
with the venerable Payne, or to the old
grudge against Halstead's rampant Repub
licanism, is not decided; but at present the
balance is decidedly on the side of the Re
publicans, as regards holding the editors in
favor. That is, of course, the editors of
Republican organs.
Pbesidekt Habkisojt having demon
strated that Blaine is not entirely running
this administration, Postmaster General
Wanamaker seems to be taking his turn
with a little evidence to the effect that Sen
ator Quay is not operating the Postoffice
Department at present.
The difference between what a man asks at
the start, and what he is willing to take, is il
lustrated by "Wm. O. Bradley, ofKentucky.
He commenced last summer as a Vice Presi
dental candidate and winds upby taking the
Coreau mission. Likewise Mr. Piatt, who
was going to be a Cabinet officer, is now
only anxious to control some New York
patronage. There is a slight suggestion in
these gentlemen's ambitions of the Italian
image vender who asks fifteen dollars for a
plaster specimen of art and snaps you up
when you offer him fifty cents.
Advices from Cincinnati are to the effect
that the politics of Hamilton county, Ohio,
may shape themselves up for the purpose of
shaking the foundations of the dignity of
the United Stales Senate.
The announcement that ex-President
Cleveland and his charming wife will spend
the summer at Bar Harbor, the Adiron
dacks, Saratoga.and other places too numer
ous to mention, would have been promptly
recognized last summer as advertising for
the watering "plaoes. But as the ex-President
is now merely a private citizen, the re
newal of the announcement causes a sort of
mild wonder as to who is getting advertised
this year.
We are glad to notice one thing in con
nection with the Senate's recent action.
Senator Ingalls did not object to Mttrat
Halstead on account of his too great plain
ness of speech.
The appearance of Uncle Dan Bice with
the claim that his wife must dance in New
York's centennial quadrille because she is a
descendant of Alexander Hamilton, issex
pected to bother the "leaders of the Four
Hundred. But it will not After they have
surrendered to the New York Legislature,
they cannot be troubled by the proximity of
a merely respectable circus clown.
After all, the limb prevailed at both
ends of March, except on the speculative
exchange1. There bis persistent absence
makes it very cold weather lor the manipu
lators. The work of the wind at the Riverside
Penitentiary last night, contained another
suggestion that green walls in wet weather
don't fully meet the requirements of safe
architecture. The damage was not large,
but this wind got in its work more severely
than the wind of criticism which blew upon
that institution by way of Harrisburg.
The Oklahoma proclamation is likely to
be a very small tub to a very large whale
But if the President should set to work to
get some of the railroad land grants for
which no fair consideration was given
opened up, the relations between demaqd
and supply might be better adjusted.
To President Harrison Drop another
outspoken editor's nomination into the slot
and see the Senate get up on its hind legs
and assert its alleged dignity.,
Chauncet M. Dkpkw calls Senator Evarts
the "maximum of the mental and the minimum
of the adipose."
Makion Cbawfobd, tbo novelist, has con
quered the cigarette habit after a long strug
gle. But the habit of writing two or three
novels a year when he ought to write but one
in two years still clings to him.
AJtor-obe speakers at the Scotch-Irish Con
gress at Columbia, Tenn., In May will be Dr.
John Hall. Dr. MacCracken, Mr. Robert Bon
ner, Colonel A. K. McClure, Mr. Henry W.
Grady and Senator Vance.
Ueouge H. LoRnro- when told by a corre
spondent that he had been nominated for Min
ister to Portugal, was taken completely by sur
prise, and bad not he said, been consulted by
either the President or Secretary Blaine.
Sister Bexedicta, superior of the new Bal
timore City Hospital, has received a check for
$150, forwarded by order of Emperor William
ot Germany, for the benefit, of the institution.
The money will be used to furnish a room in the
building when completed, which will be named
in honor of the Kaiser.
The largest taxpayer in Germany is Ilorr
Krupp, the Essen gunmaker, who pays 6,4S0,
on an income of 219,000; and next comes Baron
Willy de Rothschild, of Frankfort-on-Maln,
with an income of 203,000 and a tax of 5,940.
The greatest income returned by a resident in
Berlin is 123,000. There are three others
whose incomes vary from 48,000 to 57,000, and
there are six more who have upward of 30,000
a year each. There are also 166 persons in Ber
lin whose incomes are between 6,000 and
J ohx Bright was not a man whose reading
had been wide. He -A as unacquainted with any
language but English, and seldom read trans
lations of the Latin and Greek classics. He
learned something of mythology and ancient
history through his close study of Milton's
poetry, but he devoted most of his time to the
great questions of his own day. He bad no
special knowledge of science and was not an
enthusiast regarding art. But while in a cer
tain sense he was narrow in his attainments, he
was as broad as humanity in his sympathies.
In the Physiological Society of Berlin, Prof.
Moebtus has given the results of his investiga
tions into the habits of flying flsb, and the re
sults are not those which are usually put forth
in the books ot the current "popular science"
order. Prof. Moebius proved that these fish
do not really fly, because the anatomy of their
fins and muscles docs not permit them to do so.
When they are frightened they shfcot up out of
the water, as many other fish do, and are then,
under favorable circumstances, carried along
by the wind. In answer to the objection that
the wings of flying fish buzz as they skip along
over the waves, Prof. Moebius showed that the
tins of dead flying fish do the same when they
are blown with a bellows. The question, bow
ever, Is still open.
Doctors' Bills Saved by Dally Rides on
Aksoxia, Conj., March 31. People afflicted
with rheumatism and neuralgic pains in this
place have a new fad. Ever since the electric
street railway between Ansonia and Birming
ham has been in operation it has been noticed
that certain persons make it a point to ride up
and down on the electric cars at least once a
day. The system employed here takes the elec
tric current from an overhead wire, and the
motor is in a small compartment in the front
end of the car,being separated from the passen
gers by only a light partition. These persons
generally manage to sit as near this partition as
possible, and they lean their beads "against it
when they can. A reporter asked a conductor
about it.
"They are taking their shock," was his reply,
and questioning brought this:
"There's several of 'em who ride up and
down on my car every day, sometimes making
one and sometimes two round trips at a time.
There's one old lady down in Derby avenue
who stops my car every 'day at the same hour
and takes the trip with me. When she first
began she was so lame from rheumatism that
she had to use a cane to walk with, and often
I had to help her on to the car. She used to
sit close to the motor, and in such a position
that her knees as well as .her bead touched the
partition. At last she discarded her cane, and
now she is almost as spry as I am, though she
is twice as old. Then I have ladies get on my
car suffering from sick headache, and they tell
me that a round trip cures 'em every time.
One of them tells me that she is so sensitive to
the electric current that sho can leel it as soon
as the car starts, while another savs she can't
feel it all, but feels the effect after the ride."
A Courageous Mocking- Bird Attncks and
Kills a "Large Rat.
Looisvilxe, March 31. Dr. S. L. Butts, of
the Wayt Dental Company, of this city, has a
white mocking bird, a species remarkable for
its rarity. One afternoon the Doctor had been
feeding nls pet and left the cage on the floor
with the door .open. The bird was in the cage
pecking at some seeds, when a large rat en
tered, evidently intending to make a supper of
Its occupant- The bird could have easily es
caped through the open door, but it was evi
dently not averse to battle, and flew straight at
the rat.
A spirited combat, witnessed by Dr. Wayt
and a friend, ensued. Tbo bird pounced upon
the rat and pecked at its eyes. The rat bit at
the bird, but the latter was so active that the
rat succeeded only in nipping the ends of its
feathers. The bird's point of attack was al
ways the eyes of the rat, and it soon had the
rodent's face covered with blood. The rat fi
nally endeavored to escape from the cage, but
was so blinded that he ran against the wire
work several times before be found the door.
But having reached the outside, he was too
much weakened to dash off, and was followed'
by the bird, which eoonjiecked both eyes out,
and did not cease its warfare until the rat
tumbled over dead.
A Man Who Hns Deen In Office Holder for
Thirty-Two Ycnrs.
Cahden, March 31. This city boasts of the
prize office holder of the century, and Is will
ing to back him against all comers. It is Will
iam Tatem, or "Grandpa Bill," as be is better
known. He served two years as a member of
the Legislature; six years as County Collector;
five years as County Clerk: two years as Provost
Marshal, and 17 as Collector of Internal Reve
nue for the First district of New Jersey, a
position paying 2,500 a year, making a contin
uous stretch ot 32 years of office holding.
Mr. Tatem is now a candidate for his old
position of Collector of Internal Revenue. He
knows more people in Camden county than any
other man In the district.
Sixteen-Year-Old William Scfaellcr Skips
With Pretty Utile Wary Hoehn.
EVAKSVIXI.73, IJJD., March 3L A novel
elopement which occurred in this city was
brought to light this afternoon. William
Scheller, a German boy, 18 years of ace, had
fallen in love with pretty Mary Hoehn, one
year younger than himself. They had been
allowed to play together with the utmost free
dom, the parents little dreaming that thev
meditated such a serious step as matrimony.
un last -si-nnay aiternoon tueyouiniui lovers
disappeared, and have not been seen or heard
of since. The matter has been kept very
secret but leaked out to-day.
John A. DnfT.
Xkw York, March 31. John A. Duff, the well
known theatrical manager, died at 7 o'clock this
morning at bis home, .No. 33 'West Tenth street,
lie was attacked with a "stroke of paralysis in Hip
box office of the Standard Theater, of which he
was manager, Just before the opening of the mat
inee performance yesterday, railing irom a chair,
and to alt appearances, lifeless. An ambulance
was summoned and he was taken to the .New
York Hospital and tliencato his liomc. An ex
amination by the family pUyslclan disclosed that
he was suffering from appopicxy and paralysis of
the left side, lie was speechless. Mr. Duff was
born In Ireland a years ago and came to this
country at .an early day. He leaves a wile and
four sons and three daughters, all of whom were
at his bedside when he died.
Colonel Richard II. Alexander.
Los ASOELES, .March 31. Lieutenant Colonel
Richard I. Alexander, until recently Medical Di
rector of the Department or Arizona, died here
last night. The deceased was the. son -of General
V.- H. Alexander, born In Illinois, entering the
army from Kentucky and reaching his high rank
for meritorious services during the war. The
funeral will bo conducted with military honors
on Monday. - '. .
The Mean Sun Explained A Difficult
Problem Measuring Distance by Mill.
Ions of Miles Tenn Waning Jupiter
Getting Interesting The Moon's Doings.
The sun still continues to move northward,
bringing longer days and warmer weather. His
altitude increases during the month from 51
21' on the 1st to 61 82' on the 30th, while the
day increases in length by 1 hour 13 minutes.
About the middle of the month the sun leaves
the zodiacal constellation Pisces and enters
Rises. Transits. Sets.
Aprils 5:58 12:13 6:tf
April 13 6:42 12:33 6:58
April 23. 5:23 12:13 7:03
It will be uottced'that the sun does not cross
the meridian exactly at our noon. Since we
are using Eastern standard time, this Is really
the tin in Philadelphia at which the sun
crosses our meridian, making a difference of 20
minutes; in addition to this, the sun's apparent
motion, caused by the real motion ot the earth
in its orbit, is not uniform, owing to the ec
centricity of the earth's orbit This may not
be fully understood, but It has the -effect of
making the sun sometimes ahead of time and
sometimes behind, the differencebelngas great
as IS minutes In February and November. As
It would be impossible to have clocks and
watches keep up with such a sun, astronomers
have invented a fictitious sun, called the mean
sun, which travels at an absolutely constant
rate, keeping near the true sun, being some
times ahead of it and sometimes behind It, and
it is to the motion of this theoretical mean or
average sun that our clocks and watches con
form. A Little Matter of Measurement.
The sun's distance on tho 1st is 12,800,000
.miles, and his apparentiianicter 32' 01" chang
ing to 1600,000 miles and aria" on the soth.
The distance of the sun is one of the most im
portant things an astronomer needs to know,
since this is the standard to which all other
distances, except that of the moon are re
ferred, and if it were found that the accepted
distance of the sun was incorrect the dimen
sions of the whole solar system would bavo to
be altered. Unfortunately, this problem is
one of the most difficult the astronomer has to
solve, and it has not yet been solved with the
accuracy desirable, although a great deal of
time and money have been spent upon its solu
tion. Several plans have been used. Tho
most natural one, which serves admirably to
determine the distance of the moon, is that
which a surveyor would use to determine the
distance of an inaccessible object such as- a'
tree on the other side -nf a river. He would
proceed to lay off a base line of a certain
length, and having measured at each extremity
of the base line the angle which the tree made
with the other end, he could, by a simple trigo
nometrical computation, find the distance of
the tree. But the surveyor would want a base
line at least one-hundredth as long as the dis
tance to the object Now the longest base line
the astronomer can employ in measuring the
sun's distance is only 8,000 miles, the diameter
of the earth, while the sun is nearly 100,000,000
miles away. He must therefore make
measures to determine an angle of 20''
with the greatest accuracy. The problem Is
the same as determining the distance of an ob
ject two miles away with a base line a foot long.
Of conrse the desired accuracy could not be
attained in such a dertermination, and so the
astronomer has had recourse to other methods,
among which maybe mentioned observations
of the transits of Venus, of Mars near opposi
tion, ot the ecipses of Jupiter's satellites, and
of the motion of the moon. A comparison of
all the determinations of the sun's distance,
by various methods, shows considerable diver
sity, but the true distance cannot be far from
92,600,000 miles.
Morning and Evening Stars.
Mercury cannot be seen during April except
with a good telescope. .He is morning star
until the 25tb, at 2 A. si., when he passes be
yond the sun and becomes evening star. His
apparent diameter is 5 C on the 1st 5 C on
the 15th, and 6 2' on the 30th.
K. A. Declination. Transits. Risen.
April 5 Oh.lm. 2 31' south 11:18 A. M. 5:JB.u.
April 15.... lli.Tm. l24' north 11:44a.m. gets.
Aprils.. ..2h.l6m.IS IV north O0:16r. M.7:U6i. M.
Yenus now shines unrivaled In the evening
sky, making her appearance a few minutes af
ter sunset and continuing visible for several
hours. She will not long maintain her posi
sion of supremacy, however, as she Is rapidly
approaching the sun, and will fade from view
altogether in the latter part ot the month as
sue passes uciween us aua urn ooi,
only to reappear on his western side
soon after as morning star. This inferior
conjunction, as it is called, Sokes place orr the
30th at 9 P. it. At these inferior conjunctions
the declinations of the sun and Venus are gen
erally considerably different so that the planet
passes north or south of the sun, as in the pres
ent case, the sun being 15 OS north and Venus
19 23' north. Bntif they have about the same
declination. Venus will be seen to pass directly
over the sun's disk as a black spot. This phe
nomenon is called a transit and is of great in
terest to astronomers, as it has been thought
to offer the best means for determining the
Bun's distance. They take place but rarely, at
intervals of 105 and 8 years, and 121 and 8
years. The last two, in 1874 and 18S2, were ob
served at great expense by private parties and
by expeditions fitted out by the principal Gov
ernments. Tbe next transit of Venus will not
occur until 19S8. when tbe sun's distance will
probably have been so well determined by other
methods that it Will not be an event of so great
The phase of Venus is a slender crescent
which will grow thinner and thinner until the
inferior conjunction on the 30tb. Her apparent
diameter on the 1st is 43.2" and her distance
30,000,000 miles; on the 30th, 59.9" and 27,000,000
K. A. Declination. Transits. Sets.
April 5...2hS3m, 23 34' north 2:21 P. K. 8:52 P.M.
April 15.. .2h 88m. 23 39 north 1:40 p. M. 8:01 P.M.
April 25.. .2b 39m. 21 39 north 0:44 p. M. 8:15 P.M.
Mars Is still evening star, but far away and
of little Interest. As tbe earth and Mars are
more nearly the same distance lrom tbe sun
than is tbe ca;e with tbe earth and any of tbe
other superior planets, they travel at more
nearly the same rate, andjhus maintain about
the same relative positions for a longer time.
The Interval between successive oppositions of
Mars is about 780 days, wblle the oppositions of
Saturn occur at intervals of about 378 days.
The apparent diameter of Mars is 4.2'' and
his dlstanoe about 225,000.000 miles.
R. A. Declination. Transits. Sets.
April 5..2h. 12m. 13 18' north l:16p. M. 8:26r.M.
April 152b. 4ttn. 15 44' north 1 :25 p. M. 8:24 r.M.
April 25. .Sli. Wm. li" 54' north lil4p. m. 8:22 r.M.
Jupiter Easy to be Keen.
Jupiter is now getting into good position for
observation. He rises soon after midnight,
and reaches a sufficient altitude in two or three
hours for a view of bis belts -and satellites.
Tbe great red spot on tbe planet is still visible
in large telescopes, and is being carefully ob
served to determine tbe. period of Jupiter's
axial rotation, with a view of comparing this
value with other values obtained from otber
On the 1st tbe apparent diameter of Jupiter
is 37" and his distance 503,000,000 miles; on the
30th, 40" and 438,000,000 miles.
It. A. Declination, ltlscs. Transits.
Apr. 5.131i.33m. 22 ay south. 1-26 A.M. 8:58 a.m.
Apr. 15. ISh. S5m. 22 55' south. 0:43 A. M, 5:20 A.M.
Apr. 25. 1811.36m. 22 55' south. 0:11 A.M. 4:42a.m.
Saturn is evening star, and can still bo well
seen, although he is receding from tbe earth.
He Is just on tho border line between Cancer
and Leo, about 15 west of Regnlns, the load
ing star ot that constellation. His apparent
diameter decreases from 18.2" on the 1st to 17.2"
on the 30th.
li. A. Declination, ltlscs. Transits.
Apr. S.,9ij.05in. 17 54' north. 1:20P.M. :27 p.m.
Apr. 11.. sfi.OSm. 17 55' north. 0:40 p.m. 7:48 p.m.
Apr. 23..9h.03m. 17 W north. 0:01 r.M. 7:00 p.m.
Uranus") 3 In good position for observation, as
he is at opposition to the sun at noon on the
9th of the month. He is in the constellation
Virgo about 3 north of Splca.
K.A. Declination. Rises. Transit1!.
Apr, 5.13h.15in. 7 10' south. 7:00P.M. 00:41 A.M.
Apr. 15. nil. 14m. 7 00' south. 033 P.M. ll;5o p.M,
Apr. 25. 13h,12m. 6 W south. 5:04 P.M. 11:15 P.M.
Neptune Is far away and uninteresting. Ho
is in the constellation Taurus, in right ascen
sion 3h 55m and declination 18 43' north. His
appaicnt diameter is 2.5".
The Phnses of the Moon.
Tbe moon presents the following phases;
First quarter , April 8, 2 p. m.
Full moon .April 15, 10 r. r.
Last quarter Aprll22, 2p, m.
Mew moon April so, 2a. m,
Tho moon is farthest from the earth April 0,
when her diameter is 29 35"; nearest on the
18th, her diameter being 33'; she attains hor
greatest altitude, 72 03', on the 7th; ber least,
20 05', bn the 21st.
The moon is in conjunction with Mars on the
l,at9.1SP. M., Mars being .5 07' north; with
Neptune ou the 4th, at 6:32 a. M..Neptuno being
2 oy north; with Saturn on the 10th, at 8 A. M.
Saturn being 110' south; with Uranus on the
15th. at 8:49 A.M., Uranus being 4 "42' south;
with Jupiter on the 20th, at 3:10p, m, Jupiter
being 19' south; with Venus on the 29th. at 0
p. M , Venus being 10 15' north; with Mercury
on tho SOth, at 7:10 A. M Mercury being 6 OS'
north, and with Mars on the same day, at 10
p.m., Mars being 4 21' north. "
Bebt V, Luty.
Lots of 1'eople Uke III in.
From the New Orleans Picayune.!
Someone says John Wanamaker began life
without a dollar In bis pocket There is noth
ing strange about that. Lots of young chaps
had no pockots as well as no dollars, whor", they
commenced life.
)NDAY, ' APPJI? 1,-
Brief Summary ot Leading Features of the
Mammoth Donblo Number.
Full details of the disaster at Samoa show
that a dozen vessels were wrecked in the terri
ble storm, and that the loss of life was even
greater than at first reported. General Bou
langer's illness is said to have been caused by
a boll on his neck. The German Emperor is,
laboring industriously .to improve his army.
The Government measure to restrict the liberty
of the press fn Germany is meeting with great
opposition, and it is thought that tho Reichstag
may defeat it Strikes are prevalent through
out the Empire, and serious trouble is feared.
The Dispatch's foreign correspondent gave
a new and Interesting account of the events
-which' led to the suicide of Prince Adolf, of
Austria. Eighteen lives were lost in a collision
of steamers at Ostend.
The second attempt to get tne nomination of
Murat Halstead confirmed by the Senate was
unsuccessful, and violent attacks from unex
pected sources were made on tbe Cincinnati
editor. Several Republican Senators, In
cluding Mr. Quay, voted for his rejection. The
Commercial Oazctte, of Cincinnati, publishes,
an editorial in which Senators are acoused of
disgracing their office. Louisville has got a
pipe line, and her citizens are speculating
wildly in natural gas stocks. The failure to In
dict Dudley is bitterly denounced by Judge
Woods, an Indianapolis Republican. The at
tacks on Mary Anderson, which preceded her
illness, are- supposed to have been instigated
by another actress from motives of jealousy:
An interesting review of the condition ot the
oil industry in this state was' published In the
news columns. The cream of tho current news
of surrounding towns, editorials, market re
views, the music world and other regular de
partments were as complete and attractive as
Two prominent citizens of Allegheny have
been arrested, charged with being concerned,
in the attempted bribery of councilmen. It is
expected that other arrests will follow. A full
story or the sensational disclosures was pub
lished."' Andrew Carnegie's gift of a public
library was formally turned over to the au
thorities of Braddock. Mr. Carnegie was
present and delivered an able address, in
which be discussed the Industrial intorests of
this section at length. The speech, which was
given in full, is worthy of the careful perusal
of every Plttsburger. The Bearing of appli
cants for retail licenses in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny was concluded. .
The sporting columns contained a full report
of tho prize fight between Joe Lannonand
Jack Ashton in Rhode Island. Lannon was de
feated after a closely fought battle of 19
rounds. The records of tbe two American ball
teams abroad was given, together with a com
plete summary of sporting events at home and
A choice assortment of literary matter of a
high standard was contained in the secondl
part. It included the final chapters
pters of Maur-
ice Thompson's fascinating novel; Bill Nye's
application to John Wanamaker for a suit of
clothes-and a postoffice; Frank G. Carpenter's
letter from China, descriptive of the barbarous
cruelties Inflicted upon criminals In the Celes
tial Empire; Mrs. Frank Leslie's paper on the
entertaining theme of "Women's Ages;"
Henry Haynie's pen pictures of scenes in the
Paris Bourse; Captain King's story of exciting
conflicts with Western Indians; a descrip
tion of Whitelaw Reid's mansion from tbe
pen of Mary Gay Humphries; Clara
Belle's letter; E. W. Brady's historical sketch
of several noted Vice Presidents; remarks on
social customs by tbe author of "Don't"; the
eccentricities and peculiarities of tbeCnbans,
sketched by Beverly Crump; Gall Hamilton's
defense of the doctrine ot miracles; Rev.
George Hodges on the "Influence of Asso
ciates;" Frank Fern's account of the origin and
growth of spiritualism: a special article, de
scriptive of the gymnastic exercises practiced
by New York women to develop their forms
and Increase their physical strength; "Sunday
Thoughts;" a paperontheTerrltorialParadise,
Oklahoma, and many other entertaining feat
ures. '
He Captures a Deer With Many Pounds of
Gold on Its Horns.
Something like the excitement over alleged
discoveries of gold in Lower California is at
tending similar news from the Transvaal, in
South Africa. Tbe diggings there are reported
to be enormously rich, and a swarm of pros
pectors is flocking to tbe field. As revealing
a hitherto unsuspected vein of imagination and
lightsome humor on the part of the Boers, the
current story of tbe discovery of the gold field
is interesting. It was first published in tbe
Transvaal Advertiser.
A well-known resident of the republic, it is
said, while out hunting one morning, saw a
koodoo bull, which he tried to st-lk. After he
had slightly wounded the animal, and while he
was riding after it down a stony declivity, his
horse stumbled, be was thrown, and his rifle
was broken. At this the koodoo turned and at
tacked the man, knocking him down and at
tempting to kneel on him. By holding the ani
mal's forelegs tbe man kept tbe buck upright
but the animal's horns had evidently entered
tbe bank for somo distance and its head was
held down close upon tbe man's breast. The
animal seemed as anxious as the man to get
the horns loose, but was evidently helpless,
the horns being held fast in the ground. Held
thus, unable to move, man and beast remained
in tbe broiling sun all that day. At niahtfall
jackals and wolves came prowling about and
even brushed against tbe man and sprang upon
the buck.
But tbe yells of tbe roan and the kicks of the
buck kept them away until dawn, when they
slunk away. Soon after daylight a rifle shot
was heard and a bullet slightly wounded the
man In the forehead. By waving bis handker
chief and shouting he prevented further firing,
and the hunter, who bad at first seen only the
buck, came up and learned the real situation.-
Wlsning to iase tne animaianve ne nurrieu ou
to tbe nearest farm and brought men with ropes
and shovels, who bound the buck and extri
cated the man. But when the horns were at
last freed there was found upon each a mass of
metal, which, being removed, proved to be nug
gets ot gold weighing respectively eight and
six and one-half pounds. This led to the dis
covery of a rich gold field. Any one doubting
the entire accuracy of this story can make
further inquiries at the office of the Transvaal
A Bank Refuses to Renoir Its Notes and
Disquietude Results.
Boston, March 31. Atchison was the cause
ot some disquietude on State street yesterday,
because the company for some reason sought
tbe renewal of a couple of notes for
110,000, more or' less, held by tho City
Bank ot New York and maturing about April
L Tne bank was averse to renewing them and
they were otherwise provided for. As to the
financial position of the company, it goes with
out saying that tbe light traffic receipts are en
hancing somewhat the difficulties ot company
It bad been hoped that the advance In trans-
?iortation rates would add to tbe revenues ere
bis, but the gain in charges has been fully off
set by tbe loss In tonnage, and the end of
March brings no improvement in tbe situation.
It has required 80 per cent of tne 87,000,000
guarantee fund and the sale of treasury assets
to provide for the obligations maturing up to
and Including April 1.
A Philadelphia Veteran Who Wears n
Medal for n Historic Act.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Caspar Knobel, who enjoys the distinction of
having been one of the H Union soldiers who
captured Jefferson Davis at the close of tho
war, appeared at tbe Orphans' Court office on
Thursday and secured a license from Clerk
Bird allowing him to marry Annie Stoll. a
. Mr. Knobel is an Austrian by birth, and lives
at No. 2624 Coral street On his watch chain he
w-arsagold medal bearing the inscription:
"One of tho 14 who captured Jefferson Davis
.and family May 14, 18G5; Fourth Michigan Cav
alry, Colonel Prltchard."
Consolation for Halstead.
From the Chicago Mews.J
Courage, MuratI If you are forced to stay aff
borne you at least can have lots of fun with the
fellows who don't like you. Besides, Bismarck
smokes a great horrid pipe and is getting old
and somewhat stuffy. You can extract more
solid enjoyment out of stray chats with Andy
Hickenlooper and Deacon Smith tban you
cbuld in formal discourse with Otto of the Iron
It Would Certainly Collapse.
From the Chicago Tribune. 1
What would become of the Whisky Trust if
John L. Sullivan and ex-Senator Riddleberger
should swear off simultaneously?
This Body Is an Improvement Over Any of
lis Predecessors Courtesy the Kale In
Debate Capital Notes.
rntOM a sTAir coRsxspoirBX-rr.l
Habbisbubo, March 3L Whatever may or
can De said of legislators and legislation at
Harrisburg, at least one fact is conspicuous:
Never in history did a more agreeable body un
der all circumstances do business for tbe Com
monwealth. Persons familiar with many Leg
islatures say there has been a continued change
for the better In their composition. The last
Legislature was an improvement over the pre
ceding one, and this is an improvement over
the last.
From the Speaker down to the smallest page
there is an amount of courtesy and harmony
never exceeded in so large a body. Members
differ about bills and express their differences,
sometimes forcibly, it Is true, but personali
ties are decidedly the exception and
are not regarded with fayoi. The Speaker en
courages the somewhat fraternal feeling that
prevails by his uniform Imprtlallty. Members
have little to complain of from the gentleman
in the chair, even 'when his patience is sorely
tried at times by the failure of tbe House to
keep order during the consideration of Impor
tant legislation, or while the roll is being
No distinction is made between Democrats
and. Republicans, and pleasant relations are
thereby maintained between the majority and
the minority. So far is this carried that the
Speaker, frequently, when he leaves the chair,
puts a Democrat In his place.
Courtesies In Debate.
Opponents In debate, as a rule, are most
courteous to each other, and,qn very few occa
sions has party feeling been appealed to by
members on the Republican side. On at least
two occasions when it was done it resulted dis
astrously to the object for which they were
solicitous. Tbe Democrats have, carefully
abstained from anything of the kind. On the
'part of the minority, if they desire any legisla
tion for the benefit of their constituents, tms
is good policy.
Republicans, on the other hand, can afford
to be magnanimous in view of their large 'ma
jority, and, as a party, frown down any attempt
of any individual member to "rub it in" on
the opposition. Democrats are listened to with
attention when they speak, and no men are
more popular In the House than some of them
who might be named.
The influence some Democrats have on leg
islation, in the Ilgbt of what has been stated,
is less remarkable than it might otherwise ap
pear. Itwa3the personal popularity of that
stalwart and gallant Democrat, Captain Skin
ner, of Fulton, and that alone, that won for
bis eloquence the consideration that resulted
in placing "the border raids bill" on tbe calen
dar by a large majority, and that won for it SO
votes on the final struggle, when it was de
feated with many regrets on the part of the op
ponents that they couldn't carry friendship to
the extreme of enacting the measure into a
Short Speeches.
uenuemenwno are pitiea against eacn omer
"" ..vi.i aicuo, .u mo uc-u.uU
rule has been adopted, are the first on their
feet when tho Speaker's gavel falls tomove
that "the gentleman's time be extended."
Nothing so operates to disarm wrath or rob
venom of its sting as little things like these.
The molasses candv of evervdav life is much
jiicer than its vinegar, and the former circu
lates to a much larger extent than the latter In
inis -mouei legislature."
One Pecullnr Thing.
One of the peculiar tblng3 of the present ses
sion is the action of tbe advocates of the bill
giving corporations the right of eminent do
main over tbe property of otber corporations.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to refer to
their conspicuous inaction.
On Monday night last the correspondent of
The Dispatch asked Chairman Brooks, of
the Railroad Committee, what had become of
the bill.
"It is still in committee." he replied.
"When will it be reported?
'I can't say," be responded. "Consideration
has been postponed because the people in favor
of it want another hearing. They have asked
this from tim to time and of course their re
quest has been granted. Otherwise the bill
would have been reported long ago."
"Isn't it rather late in tbe session to do any
thing with it. If it is reported?" ,
"Yes, perhaps it is. But it would seem dis
courteou not to give the friends of a measure
all the opportunities they seek to explain It,
and we have held back just on their account."
Tbe next evening a party of Plttsburger ap
peared here and talked in favor of tbe bill De--fore
tbe committee. The succeeding day a gen
tleman connected with the Baltimore and Ohio,
which has been pushing the measure, said to
The Dispatch correspondent that the session
was too far advanced to permit of tbe passage
of tbe bilL '
But one delegation, and that composed ot
Allegheny Valley Railroad officials, has ap
peared against the bill, and a member of the
committee hinted recently that tbe advocates
of the measure really didn'twant it passed, but
merely want to play with it to frighten the Val
ley people into yielding to the demands of the
Junction road.
For the Centennial. .
The resolution to take the Governor and his
staff and tbe Legislature to New York's "Wash
ington Centennial at the expense of the Com
monwealth, passed the House some time ago,
and is now before the Senate. Senator Rey
buro has been investigating tbe matter of hotel
accommodations at New York, and finds that
at no one place can accommodations be secured
for more than 50 persons unless tbe Coney
Island hotels are opened. Therefore the plan
of going in sleeping cars and using them while
at the celebration is greatly favored. The Cen
tennial observance will last some days, and the
expense of the trip would probably not be less
than 515,000.
Each State of the original 13 is
joiuing in the celebration in some way
and Senators and members who enjoy
such things can see no better way for Pennsyl
vania to go into It tban by sending her Gov
ernor and Legislature to New York to fittingly
represent her and thoroughly enjoy themselves.
It Is very doubtful, though, whether the trip
will be taken. Senator Delamater is under
stood to be opposed to it. tie 'wants the Legis
lature to adjourn as near tbe 2oth of April as
possible, and he fears a trip such as is proposed
will interfere very much with tbe expedition of
The date of tne Centennial Is April 30, and If
the adjournment is not to take place until some
time in May, as many now think, an inter
ruption of several days would prove very de
moralizing and would make it come much
later tban the Crawford Senator cares to see it
Others object to the trip as a mere junket, and
Senator Delamater to carry his point may call
it that Simpson.
An English Idea Adopted by tho Barbers of
Ibe Metropolis.
From the New York Sun.3
lt is interesting to see how a whim grows. In
London some of tbe swell barbers have discov
ered that no matter how cleverly they cut a
man's hair, tbe scissors would miss some of tbe
long hairs or the comb would not happen to
take them all up. It was found that if a taper
was lighted and run around the subject's head
after tbe balr cutting, the flame would seize
these single long hairs, and the result would be
a smooth, even job.
That idea, on being transported to this coun
try, was recommended as the only known way
to promote a new growth of hair on heads be
coming bald. With that idea-singeing is hav
ing a great run .In this cityjnst now, and no
one seems to reason ont the fact that as the
flame does not touch the scalp it cannot influ
ence the dead roots of the missing hair.
Sweet the song of the thrusft at dawning.
When the rass lies wet with splausrled dew,
Sweet the sound of the brook's low whisper
'Mid reeds and rashes wandering through;
Clear and pure Is the west wind's murranr.
That croons In the branches all day long:
Hut the songs unsung are the sweetest mnslc,
And the dreams that die are tbe soul of song.
The fairest hope Is the one which faded,
The brightest leaf is the leaf which fell;
The song that leaped from the lips of sirens
Dies away irran old sea shell. .
Far to the heights of viewless fancy
Tbe,soul's swift flight like a swallow goes,
For the note unheard Is the bird's best carol,
And the bud unblown Uhe reddest rose.
Deepest thoughts are the ones unspoken.
That only the heart sense, listening, hears,
Most great Jots bring a touch of silence,
Greatest grief Is In unshed tears.
What we heap Is the fleetest echo,
A-rong dies out, but a dream lives on;
Tbe rose-red tints of tbe rarest morning
Arc lingering yet tna distant dawn.
Somewhere, dim In the days to'follow,
And faraway In the life to be.
Passing sweet Is a song of gladness,
The spirit chant of a soul set free.
Chorduntouched are the ones we wait for,
That never rise from the heart unstrung;
We turn our steps to the years beyond us.
And listen still for tbe songs qnsung. . -
hrnut Medaffay in Nebraska State Journal.
r&T T"T
r ,-',. rr !?.
Union Jacks.
To the Editor of The Dlssstcb:
Have tbe United States and Great Britain
ensigns called Union Jacks. Gxoboil.
Axxvohest, March 30.
The United States hasnot; Great Britain
has a Union Jack. The Union Jack bears on a
blue ground tbe red cross of St. George for
England, the white diagonal cross of St. An
drew for Scotland, and the red diagonal cross
of St. Patrick for Irelahd. The original Union
Jack was adopted in 1606, three years after
James VL, of Scotland, became King of Eng
land, and consisted of the crosses of St George
and St. Andrew. The name Jack is said to-be
a corruption of the word Jacobus, Jaques or
James. The flag was adopted 101 years before
the two kingdoms were united- during that time
they were separate kingdoms, with, as it hap
pened, one ruler. In 1S01, when Ireland was
"taken into the union," the cross of St. Patrick
was added. Our Jack bears 33 or 42 stars, typi
cal df our States, and may "property be called a
Union Jack, only it isn't so called: and any
"Union Jack" casually mentioned must be un
derstood to mean a British ensign.
A Street Improvement Suggestion,
To tbe Editor of Tbe Dispatch :
I see by a recent number of your valuable
paper that the Department of Public Works
contemplate using those power sweepers. This
is a move in the right direction. Now, let the
department go a step further and place in use
in the un paved districts horse-power rollers and
scrapers for rapidly smoothing down the roads
In the spring, and at such times In the winter
as they may De available. One heavy roller,
drawn by six or eight horses and crushing down
a track six feet wide, will accomplish more
work (on mud roads) in one day than 100 men.
While it may not be the pollcy-of the street
department to encourage tbe continuance of
mud roads, yet so long as the city is extending
its limits into new territories, we shall have
them, and itls certainly due a large and very
respectable portion of the community who re
side in tbe unpaved sections that some speedy
and economical method should be resorted to
render- their streets and avenues passable in
tbe shortest possible time. A. W. Smith.
Mt. Washiwgtos-, March 30.
Appointment of Postmasters.
To the Editor of Tbe DlsDatch:
Please state for the benefit of some of your
readers how the postmaster at McKeesport is
appointed. Does the postmaster at Pittsburg
have a certain district in which to appoint oi
ls onr postmaster and all others appointed by
tbe Postmaster General? R. .
McKeesport, March 3a
Postmasters for first second and third class
offices are appointed by the President and con
firmed by the Senate. For fourth class offices
the First Assistant Postmaster General makes
the appointments. Tbe Pittsburg postmaster
can only make recommendations, and anybody
else has the same right
The Planchette.
To tbe Editor of The Dispatcn:
Can you tell me something about Planchette?
Butlee. JIarch 3a Reader.
Planchette was a small heart-shaped board;
is rested on three legs, whereof that in tbe
point of the heart was a lead pencil. A sheet
of paper was placed on a table; on this plan
chette was placed, and on planchette tbe oper
ator placed his hand. In course ot time plan
chette would begin to move, writing answers
to questions put to it, etc
Crovrley's Brain.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Can you tell me something about the size,
etc. of the chimpanzee, Crowley, which died
at New York some time ago? Student.
Titusville, March 3a
Crowley's brain weighed 401 grammes, about
14 ounces, and is the largest and oldest chim
panzee brain on record.
Editions de Laxe.
To the Editor of The Dispatcm
"What are tbe meaning and pronunciation of
the word3 de luxe, as applied to an edition of a
book? " Reader.
FArBVlfcTV. W. Va., March 30.
An expensive and handsome edition. Give
the words the French pronunciation and
' Referred to Gas Experts.
To the Editor of Tbe Dispatch: -
What is the comparative relation of bulk to
density in gas? Or, in other words, if a cubic
foot of gas, at 18 ounces pressure, were ex
panded to two, fcnbla feet what would be its
pressure? Or If compressed to 32 ounces pres
sure, what would be its cubic dimensions?
ALLEQUEsr, March 3a B.
Revolutions Is What Von Mean.
To the Editor or The Dispatch:
Will yon please say whether tbe word evolu
tion is correct as used in the followingsentence:
How many evolutions will a 9-foot wheel make
In a journey of 35 miles? F. B.
McKeespobt, March 3a
The Law Says He Must he SI.
To the Editor or The Dispatch: -
It is claimed that an American born citizen
can vote at a regular election if he is within
one day of being 21 years old. Is the statement
correct? - W. R.
Pittsbubo, March 30.
In 1859.
To the Editor of Tbe Dispatch:
In what year was Miss Mary Anderson born?
Pittsbubo, March 30. P. W. F.
Fonr Friars of the Order to Take Charge
of Dr. McGlynn's Old Parish.
From the New York Sun.I
The arrival of the four Irish Carmelites on
Thursday, which was announcedMn the Sun, toj
take charge of a portion of St Stephen's, Dr.
McGlynn's old parish, excites interest as to
their history and mode of life, as they are the
only representatives of the order in the arch
diocese. They came from tbe headquarters of
the Irish province, Wnitefriar street Dublin.
They are one of the oldest and strictest orders
in tbe Church. Berthold. a crusader in the
middlo of the twelfth century, became
a monk to carry . out a vow which
he had made "that if victorious
in battle ho would embrace the le
Ilgious life. He settled on Monnt Carmel in
Palestine, tbe home of the Prophet Ellas, with
ten brothers, and is considered to have been
tbe founder and first General of tbe order.
Tbe rule was adopted in 1209. It forbade the
possessidn of property; interdicted the use of
meat altogether; recommended manual labor
and silence: ordered that each hermit should
live in a cell bv himself, and imposed a strict
fast from the Exaltation of the Cross Septem
ber 14 to Easter, Sundays being excepted.
In 1229, on account of the growth of the Mo
hammedan power in Palestine, Christians
found it difficult to live there, and tbe Carmel
ites abandoned Carmel in 1238 and established
themselves In Cyprus and elsewhere. Tbelr
first General In England was St Simon Stock,
who introduced tbe brown scapular which is
so generally worn and has become so popular
with the people. When the Carmelites entered
Europe tney found it impossible to live any
longer as hermits and lived in common. Tbe
White Friars habit, tbe brown robe with
white cloak and scapular, is well known all -over
Europe, and streets In London and Dublin
are named for tbem. St. Teresa, of Spain, was
tbe founder of tbe Discalced or barefooted Car
melite nuns. The Carmelite nuns were first in
stituted in the fifteenth century by John
Sorrtb, the general of the Carmelites. In 1880
the French Uovernmentselzed all the convents
of the Carmelites and turned the monks adrift.
They are numerous to-day in Spain.
A Surgical Operation Makes a Good Boy
Ont of a Bad One.
A dlstliY-uisbed physician of tbls city tells of
a recent case in his practice that has certain
features of interest. Ira household of this city,
says the .New York Sun, there was a boy of a
12 who possessed many excellent qualities, be
ing amiable, truthful and upright Passing
along the street one day a piece of board fell
from tbe second story of a bonsethat was being
built, and struck him, inflicting a wound on his
bead. After a time the wound healed and left
merely a slight scar. But it soon afterward
appeared that the boy had undergone an un
accountable change of character. He bad be
come a liar and a thief, and "was almost brutal
in bis nature. At last the parents consulted
tbe physician to whom we have referred, and
wto made a study of the case. He finally sug
gested that tbe boy should be trephined, in or
der to ascertain if any Injury bad. been done to
tbe brain when tbe skull was struck.
When the operation bad been performedin
tbe vieinitv of the scar it was found that a
splint from tbe Inside of. the skull had pierced
the brain. After the spunt had been carefully
removed and tbe wound properly dressed tbe
boy rapidly recovered. To the delight ot his
parents it was then made apparent that the
evil traits whlcb bad been brought Into play by
soma unknown means bad disappeared. He
was changed again, and was once more the
amiable, truthful and upright boy that be had
been before bo was wounded. 'This case,"
said tbe distinguished physician who narrated
tbe facts of it, 'would be remarkable if the.
'medical books were not full of similar cases.";
Qdeen Victoria has decided to hare
electricity replace candles in "Windsor Castle. '
"If I knock three times ou the coffin lid
during the church service you must let me
out," said James Dalley, of Providence, as bo
was nearine his end the other day. Everybody
waited andJlstened, but James did not signal
and tbe burial went on. If bs (forgot It the
fault was his own.
An old saddle which had been kicking
aroundTln a Nashville harness shop for several
years was ripped up the otber day and found to
contain $1,800 in Confederate money. If the
owner ot tbe shop could only have found the
prize in March, 1865, he could have bought a
breakfast and three cigars.
A month ago Miss Lucy Roseberry, of
Slatington, Pa. announced that she would
open a boarding house. A day or two ago she
stated that she had abandoned the project and
was going to marry a PhlladTelnhia grocer Tbe
husband that is to be advertised for a wife; a
correspondence, an exchange of photographs
and an engagement resulted in a very brief
A gentleman in Albany made a pur
chase in a drug store a few days ago. The
clerk, tied up the package and Inadvertently
neglected to cut off tbe twine. The purchaser
carelessly put the package in an inside coat
pocket and left tbe store. He had gone nearly
a block when a passer-by noticed tbe string
trailing behind him. He had unwound nearly
a ball of twine without knowing it.
-A. novel branch of learning has been
introduced into the higher grades of the pub
lie schools of New Haven. It consists of a
bulletin board, upon which are pasted each day
clippings nf important borne and foreign news
taken from the newspapers. Special attention
is given to matters brought up in connection
with tbe study of history or geography. Tb
pupils ta'-e a great interest in tbe "bulletin."
and vie with one another in bringing the great
est number ci Items which are suitable to bs
In 180 some 30 young women in Berlin
started an Old Maids' Club, with a provision
for a fine of 1,000 marks upon everyone who
married. Tbe club was a great success, but
suddenly an epidemic of marriage set in and at
tbe annual meeting this year only one member
was left, and she felt herself called upon to
dispose of 28,000 marks, the accumulation of the
fines paid by the former members. She took
the advice of the ex-members, and it was de
cided that half the sum should go to a hospital
and that the solitary old jnald should have the
rest for herself.
An English statistician makes the fol
lowing curious estimates: Each year 15 people
out of every 1,000 marry. Of each 1,000 men
who marry 861 are bachelors and 139 are wid
owers, while of each 1.000 women only 98 have
been married before and 902 are spinsters.
Twelve marriages out of every 1C0 are second
marriages. The average age at which men
marry Is about 27,whlle tbe average age at which
women marry is about 25 years. Out of every
1,000 persons 602 are unmarried. 345 are mar
ried and 53 are widowed. Over one-half of all
the women between 16 and 45 are unmarried.
The mail route between "Woodstock
and Bridgewater.Vt, a distance of six miles,'
appears to be a star route .that does not need a
Congressional investigation, but does deserve
some notice. For the last four years it has
cost Uncle Sam only 4 cents for a dally mail
service on this route, and for the ensuing four
years 1 cent is to par for tbe same service. If
warrants are drawn quarterly they will call for
only one-sixteenth of a cent each, and tbe con
tractor will "have to wait four years, or until he
has received IS warrants, before he can draw
his cash. William Billings, who is believed by
his friends to have seen more years of stage
driving tban any other man now living, is to
carry the mall over this ronte.
The "pigs" in "Pigs in Clover" are the
ordinary marbles, or "migs," with which the
festive small boy doth disport himself in the
springtime, and thereby hangs a tale. There
are nearly 80,000 of these fascinating puzzles
manufactured daily, and as there are four pigs
for each one, the enormous number of '115.200
marbles are used daily in making up the pig
driving outfit This phenomenal demand for
little jokers consequent upon the advent of the
new puzzle, has caused tbe dealers in marbles
and those having a supply on band, to become
piggish, and tbe price has doubled already, and
is still rising, and efforts are being made to
"comer" the market This country has been
treated to corners ot all kinds, but a corner in
"migs" is unique.
When the old drifts of the Ophir mine,
at Virginia City, were opened the other day, it
was found that a tremendous growth of fungi
had In some places nearly closed. the passages.
Itgrewfrom.top and bottom and tbe sides
were dotted with it; but the fungi growing
from the bottom was different from the otber.
The foot-wall fungi had In several instances
raised stones weighing from 50 to 150 pounds.
and some were held In the air at a height of
over three feet. Some of the fungi resembled
human hair, they were so fine: some were five
or six feet long and as large as a broom handle;
another kind terminated In a sort of bulbous
blossom: others hung from tbe roof and looked
like serpents. The heaviest growth was in the
darkest parts.
A gentleman was riding to Americus,
Ga., a day or so ago, when an old negro woman,
with a scared look, ran from her honse, saytngt
"Boss. Is you got a gun In your pocket?" "No,"
replied the gentleman; "what's tbe matter?"
"Well, yer see dat jaybird up dar?" Yes."
"Well, dat jay bird come dar when my old man
died; an' he peck an'-he holler: den my old man
die den dat same jay bird cum dar two yera
atter, he pecks an' be hollers, and my little gal
dies. Den las' yer he cum, and be go fro da
same akshun, an sum onerous rascal steal all
ml chicken; den ha cams to-day, an' If yer doan
shoot him old Sallle be ded 'fore mornfn'." He
took a pistol and fired at the bird and the old
woman shouted: "Bless de Lord, yer duss skeer
de debble away dis time suab."
A curious cause of death has recently
been recorded in India. A native who was
fishlnz in a stream caught a 'flat, eel-like fish,
about 15 to 16 Inches in length. Being desirous
of killing it be promptly, but with great lack
of judgment and questionable taste, put it into
his mouth in order to bite off its nead. The
flsb, however, scarcely appreciating this some
what clumsy attempt at decapitation, vigor
ously essayed to make other arrangements. In
whlcb it was partially successful. Gifted with
a sllmlness, which made it difficult to hold, it
slipped through the man's fingers into bis
mouth and conveyed itself partly down his
fullet The situation was now bad for the flsb,
ut still worse for the man, for owing to the &
sharp fins on the back of tbe fish It was not
possible to withdraw it The man died in great
agony within an hour.
"All stuff," says the tricky politician
when- be reads about the ballot-box being tam-
pered with.
Many' a hapless man has attempted to
kick an old bat lying in tbe streets April Fool's
Day and round a brick In It. There la a 'growing
Impression that Secretary Blaine has found ("rand
father's Eat loaded.
Prison Missionary What axe' you. in for,
Convict (bitterly) Just for missing a train.
Ko nonsense, sir. Imbued strata forMontreal.
' Talkative Tommy. Tommy O, Miss
.Stnckup, what do you think ma said about your
new bat?
Miss Stnckup I don't know.
Tommy Why, she said It was a perfect fright
but It don't sears me worth a cent.
Not a. Bad Idea. Smith Another ocean
steamer has run down a fishing smack on the
Newfoundland shanks. Is there no way by which
these accidents can be averted?
Jones Certainly there Is. Name the ocean
ateamersarter the detectives. They rarely run
down anything.
Argumentum Ad Hominem. Philosophic
bore If you will listen to me for ten minutes
I'll provs to yon that the theory of the survival of
the Attest Is correct.
Sarcastic sufferer-lf that theory is correct, how
Is It that you manage to survive? Explain that,
please, betore you go any further.
A Chance for Guppy. Mi. Gruff Have
you been to see "Midsummer Night's Dream" at
the theater, Guppy?
Guppy-Naw, hut I hear that the-aw-leadlng
lady Ir a beauty. She mlght-aw-faU la love
with me if I went. Hal ha!
Shouldn't wonder. In the play she falls In love
with an ass. A chance for you, Guppy.
Two of a Kind. Shultz Do you see that
dog of mine over there?
Miller Yes, I see blm. Bight smart looking
rou bet hell. That dog has got more sense than
I hare. . M
Is that so? Well, some years agolhadadaglust
like that dog ofyonrs. still hchadn't sense enough
to go fn out of the rain. "?
An Insult toWhoop Valley City?--Dakota
District Attorney-Say, there'sa jonngfeller
moseyiu 'round town scllln' a book called "How
to Entertain an Ereulng farfy Pleasantly." Ba
we goln to have It look 'slf we didn't know how
to play draw poker In Whoop Valley Clty?
, Codnty Treasurer-Not by a doggone'd slghtl
I'll go right up to the Court House and have
Judge Brassknuckle adjourn court and'-get the
ropexeadyl .. -""
, Alt from Texas Stftlngt.
v .. t ,