Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    -"-" '
Andrew Carnegie Says He Has
Not Given Up the Battle
He Denies That the South Penn Suf
fered at All at Bis Hands,
Borne Mighty Pertinent Suggestions on
' State Transportation.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie takes decided ex
ceptions to the popular superstition that he
had anything to do with the death of the
South Ponn .Railroad, whatever connection
he may have had with its burial. The gen
tleman not only makes, a positive state
went in this behalf, but with it offers to the
public of Pittsburg and vicinity the sug
gestion that submission to the extortionate
and discriminating freight rates of the
Pennsylvania Bailroad has ceased to be a
virtue not only, but has placed the public
in the position of blame for whatever the
community suffers in that particular.
"What Sir. Carnegie says in the appended
letter to The Dispatch will be read with
interest, not only because it shifts all
blame from his shoulders to those of the
Vanderbilts, but because of the spirit of
combativeness that seems to be willing to
make itself lelt in the line of opposition to
an acknowledged injustice.
It was hoped that a more detailed state
ment of the exact doses administered to
bring about the death of the South Penn
project would have been vouchsafed; but
Mr. Carnegie insists that the following is
quite sufficient:
To the Editor of the Dispatch.
Your editorial this morning amazes me. I
one of the prime agents in destroying the
South Penn enterprise ! I never heard such
nonsense !
I was the first man Mr. Vanderbilt consulted
about it, and I said, if he was resolved to build
a competing line to Pittsburg, 1 would furnish
one-half the amount ho did.
You will T " said he. " Then I will put in
"My share, then, Mr. Vanderbilt, is $2,500,
000," iTerlied.
With Messrs. Jones, Chalfant and Watson,
myself and partners f nmished this amount.
While 1 was absent in Europe Mr. Vander
bilt, sick in mind and body, sold ont to the
monopoly. I then advised all my associates to
sell out also. To fight the Pennsylvania Rail
road monopoly with Vanderbilt and his com
peting lines, meant victory. To attempt it
with these gone, meant defeat. I never fight,
Mr. Editor, when I don't see I can whip.
The Vanderbilt sale was Interrupted by the
courts. I was the man who stepped in again
and reorganized the South Penn, and induced
Mr. Vanderbilt's sons to agree to join the reor
ganization. The signatures were obtained and
we called upon the Vanderbilts to maLe good
their promise and sign also. They announced
at the meetinc that they could not do so, and
offered to pay us 60 per cent of our investment;
and it was a surprise to all of us, although I
had been advised that the officers of the Penn
sylvania Bailroad Company had been negotiat
ing with them.
I then advised our people to save all they
could from the wreck. The monopoly had
evaded the edicts of the Court and had done
indirectly what the courts had prevented their
doing directly. The South Perm -nas again in
its clutches; but the South Penn game is prob
ably not played to a finish.
So much for the South Penn. Instead of
being the agent for its destruction I have been
foremost in laboring for its completion as long
as the Vanderbilt interests could be held with
us. When they went I advised all to go out
also. "Discretion is the better part of valor."
We cannot get a competing line at present,
and therefore I urge all Fennsylvanians to con
centrate upon a demand for State Commis
sioners. It is, in my opinion, the surest means
of preventing discriminations against the in
dustrial, commercial and agricultural interests
of the State, all of which are equally inter
ested. I say this after having labored with
the Pennsylvania Railroad officials for three
years, most anxious to avoid a rupture with
them. They will do nothing until forced to
We ask for no special favors for ourselves;
we want none. I want Pittsburg manufactu
rers all to pay the same open, fair rates not
(inly, but those rates to be the same as charged
Pittsbnrg's competitors in otherjStates.
No corporation in the Union is so vulnerable
as the one whose reports show $19,000,000 sur
plus after paying regular dividends, and which
last year made 4,000.000 beyond all its interest
and dividends every cent; of this from our
State, as its operations in other States show a
The Produce Exchange of Philadelphia has
appointed a committee to investigate the rea
sons why the number of ships arriving with
cargoes at Philadelphia and forced to leave
there empty to load at other ports, has in
creased 60 per cent within the past three 5 cars,
although freight to load aU these ships is car
ried by the monopoly past Philadelphia. The
Ledger calls in italics for a thorough report,
and the reason and motive for this alarming
fact. They will call in vain: because the people
responsible forthis alone know the reason, and
none of them will turn State's evidence.
bo, you see, rittsburg Is not alone in her
troubles; Philadelphia suffers likewise, and is
rising in revolt against the monopoly at last.
The truth is that competition has forced the
Pennsylvania Railroad to reduce its rates be
yond the State, and it is, unwisely and most
ungratefully, seeking to extort the former
rates within the State, because here it has a
If thd Pittsburg Board of Trade will call a
public meeting and appoint a committee to
meet the directors and officers of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company and demand justice,
the freight upon every ton jpf iron made in
Allegheny county can be reduced $1 per ton,
and all its commercial interests corresponding
ly benefited, for there is discrimination in
freight rates to Pittsburg upon all commodi
There is no doubt of victory here. We have
only to arouse public. sentiment to force the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company to desist from
discriminating againstthe State whose creature
it is. Monopolies must always yield when at
tacked by an indignant community which de
mands only jnstiee, and means to have it.
SI will gladly be in the front ranks of this cru
sade, as I was in the Sonth Penn. We shall
not fail this time, because the people of Penn
sylvania are greater than the railroads, and
cannot be bought.
Respectfully yours.
Ax drew Carnegie.
Allegheny, March 31, 18S9.
After the receipt of Mr. Carnegie's letter
at this office a reporter went to see him at
the residence of Mr. Henry Phipps, for the
purpose of asking him a few questions in
regard to the details of allegations which
had been made against him to the effect
that he had been the chief cause of delaying
-the building of the Sonth Penn Bailroad.
Mr. Carnegie then said:
"My letter to The Dispatch, covers
everything fully, and I have nothing more
to say."
fic. im. sMsWsssS!JsW &i!&i&. &-JI-- ,., -At A&JMffc1 IssJlAsfc'wff fcfoihittt v .jj&Mteg-AarMMCfflttsJM I n-PsMMffliM
Mar Matters of Slnch nnd Little Moment
Tcrsclr Treated.
Waksi showers.
Bad luck and good sense rarely travel to
gether. This weather is rather a good joke on the
Some people are more positive in the wrong
than in the right. '
Can It be said a baby is safe at home when it
gives its first bawl.
It isn't strange that a man winds up his
career when it is run down.
If Pittsburg is ever encircled by that road,
she will certainly be in this hoop."
Vokks will long be remembered as the
ugliest and truest actress in Pittsburg for
Judge Slagle and John C Porter, of
Spang, Chalfant & Co., left last night for Har
nsbnrg. John Sells, of Twenty-seventh street, fell
down the stairs of his house last night and
broke his leg.
The Emperor of China has ten men to carry
his umbrella. The other nine watch the man
who carries it.
The wind blew down part of the penitentiary
yesterday. This is a slight variation from "the
usual blowing up it has undergone.
The spirit of Daniel Boone is to preside at
Arbor Day in Kentucky. They ex specter
wrestle with more material spirits also.
While Harrison is providing berths for
newspaper men, wonder if he ever thought the
editor of the Voice should be provided for.
Now a Cincinnati paper has offered a prize
for a good joke. How would it do to send that
editor a halter as illustrating a "good choke?"
"And the raven, never flitting" Cleveland
is havine more trouble. An enthusiastic mis
taken friend lately called him "a broth of a
Man in his savage state must have been a
migratory bird. Nothing else can explain the
intense longing for travel at certain seasons of
the year.
David Labixeb broke some windows in
Barbara.Carr's house. No. 18 Robinson street,
Allegheny, and Mayor Pearson fined him $5
and costs.
Charles Reese was arrested and locked up
in the Twenty-eighth ward station last night
for raising a disturbance in the hall of the
Salvation Army.
Lieutenant Thornton and a posse of
officers raided a gambling house at No. 25 East
street and captured ten men. They were each
fined $3 and costs.
James Small, while walking on Forbes
street yesterday afternoon, was assaulted by a
lot of young ruffians who knocked him down
and maltreated him.
A riot was almost caused by the refusal of
a Chicago judge to grant a divorce. He ex
plained the couple were not married and his
apology was accepted.
Georoe Gould says his father is not specu
lating. True enough, probably. Speculation
involves a certain amount of risk, and the old
man always has a sure thing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Riesmeyer last even
ing celebrated the anniversary of their silver
wedding at the residence of their son-in-law,
Mr. A. Goetman. 2S0 Wylie avenue.
J. W. McFarland. of the Liberty avenue
M. E. Church, conducted services at the jail
yesterday. Music was furnished by the Lib
erty Avenue and North Avenue M.E. Church
A GROWTN(3.uspicion that there is too much
baby in the administration has been confirmed
bv the President, who says his newspaper
friends will please not mention them again.
Vale Babe McKee.
An easy conscience Wifey (at 2 a. H.) Oh,
George, drinking again, and you swore off only
yesterday. Have you no more regard for your
oath than that? Hubby (placidly) I'sh all right,
m" dear. I losh m' affidavit.
William Little, Hugh Maddow, John
Geiger and Christopher Rudolph were fighting
on Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, yester
day afternoon. Officer David Speer stopped
the fight and arrested the men.
That man from the wild and woolly West
who eloped with a man's daughter, wonld be
called Indiscreet here in the East for burning
down his prospective father-in-law's house. He
might need it to live in some day,
Lawrenceyille streets are in need of a
"spring house cleaning." In some places they
are filthy, especially in the neighborhood of
Forty-eighth street Physicians attribute the
prevalent sickness to their condition.
There was once a man named Halstald,
Who had some brains in his haid.
But the Senators bold.
Carried theirs in the hold.
And they wouldn't confirm him, they said.
Police Magistrate McKenna disposed
of nine cases yesterday morning at the Twelfth
ward station, six were disorderly conduct cases
and three drunks. At the Seventeenth ward
station six disorderly cases and one drunk
were disposed of.
About 6 40 yesterday morning there was an
alarm from box 139, located at Jones fc Laugh
lins' American Iron Works. The fire was
located in the mill, and was caused bv some
boards taking fire from an overheated oven.
The damage was trifling.
Frank P. Miller was sent to the Alle-1
gneny General Hospital at his own request
yesterday morning by Mayor Pearson. Miller
had fallen in a fit on the street, and, after re
covering, went to the Mayor's office and
requested to be sent to the hospital.
Williasi Young was arrested by Officer
O'Donnell yesterday afternoon for fighting on
Carson street, near Painter's mill. While the
officer was making the arrest Charles Black
burn interfered with him, and they were both
locked up in the Thirty-sixth ward station.
A Western literary club collected $500 for
the purchase of books, and the members are
calling each other hard names because they
can't agree upon the sort of books wanted. At
last account Bibles ranked but fair to medium,
with Cowper, Hogg, Bacon and Lamb as prime
A FEW newspaper boys had gathered in a
chatty knot, and one made a light remark, as
is frequently done, to relieve a momentary em
barrassment. "S . lead us in prayer." "I
would," answered S (an acknowledged
bright fellow), "but there is none to follow."
He was right, for they all went before.
"April showers," saith the prophet, but we
all knew that before. If he said what April
showered, it would be news to onr store. Wily
Wiggins isn't Riving everything away just yet.
If he told it all to people, the weather clerk
wonld be To Let. He is wiser far, my children,
prophecies of what is past, so his meager store
of knowledge, for the full twelvemonth will
last. Umbrellas is the burden of his chestnut
song tOjday. We wish he would go to Chicago,
and we wish that he would stay.
Distributing Bible tracts on the Sabbath
must be equally as wicked as that word Dr.
Mahameke said when he was in the pen. John
S. Slagle of the board that convicted the
German scapegoat of saying that truly awfully
shockingly demoralizing word charges a Mr.
Bryan, of Allegheny, with disorderly conduct
in distributing tracts. Mayor Pearson will
hear the charges this morning. Mr. Slagle says
he did not read the tract. One of the most
Sromlnent sayings in it is, "He that loveth
Is brother," etc
A Lawrencevllle Citizen Who Thought a
Doe Had a Right to Fight.
'Considerable excitement was created on
Penn avenue, near Eighteenth street, yes
terday afternoon by a dog fight. A large
crowd gathered and quite a number acted
in a disorderly manner. Officer Roach at-
tempted to disperse the crowd, but met with
Patrick Raean objected to any interfer
ence in ths fight, and when Roach placed
him under arrest he foughtvigorously. He
was at last overpowered, but the officer had
to fight bis way to the patrol box on account
or numerous efforts madebyfeagan's com
panions to secure his release.
Elgbtv Young Members of Cnlvnry Epla
copnl Church Are Blessed.
The Rev. Boyd Vincent. D. D., the newly
installed Bishop of Southern Ohio, and
formerly rector of Calvary Episcopal
Church, East End, has returned to the city
for the first time since assuming his 'new
duties in Ohio. Yesterday, at 11 o'clock a.
m., he confirmed 80 children in Calvary
Church. He was assisted by Rev. George
Hodges, the present rector, and Rev. Messrs.
Lawrence McLure and William Heakes.
The church was crowded and the ceremo
nies were very impressive.
Both Sides Confident in the Alle
gheny Chairmanship Fight
Hadfield Threatens to Sue Messrs. Hunter,
Bradley and Ebbert.
The Allegheny Conncilmanic bribery case
was the main topic of conversation and
speculation on the Northside yesterday.
There were a nnmber of new rumors afloat,
but all were promptly contradicted when
the persons interested were seen. W. A.
Hadfield, one of the alleged bribers, said
yesterday that he intended to -sue Chairman
Hunter, Health Officer Bradley and Coun
cilman Ebbert for libel, bat would not do
anything at present. He again denied
having attempted to bribe anybody, bnt
bad nothing further to say on the subject.
Mayor Pearson said last night that IT.
H. Stauffer had received a letter from his
employers stating that he had made re
quests before, but in this case he demanded
that Stouffer should vote for Mr. Parke.
The Mayor said he had seen the letter and
Mr. Stouffer had been released from his
pledge to. vote for Hunter. Notwithstand
ing this last vote, he claims that Hunter
will have 29 votes, or two more than enough
to elect, and probably 34. Mr. -Hunter has
pledges, it is claimed, from the following
number of councilmen :'
First ward. 3; Second, 2; Third, 3; Fourth, S;
Fifth, S; Sixth, 2; Seventh, 2: Eighth, 2;
Ninth, 1; Tenth. 2; Eleventh,; Twelfth, 2;
Thirteenth, L
Mr. Hunter was asked for the names of
the Councilmen who had pledged them
selves to vote for him, but he declined to
mention any names.
Mr. Parke was seen last night, and also
claimed to have 29 votes pledged; but, like
Mr. Hunter, he would not mention the
names of persons who had -agreeed to vote
for him. He said that a week ago he bad
30, bnt one man asked to be released from
his pledge until the day of election, and
Mr. Parke expects to receive his vote.. In
speaking of the charges of bribery, Mr.
Parke said:
"There is no truth in the charges, and I
think that although the suits were brought
lor the purpose ot injuring me, they have
done me more good than harm. I have not
heard of one of my supporters deserting me
on that account. I have a high regard for
Mr. Hunter, and do not believe he had any
knowledge of the transaction. JC am confi
dent of success.
It was reported yesterday that informa
tion had been made against two of Hunter's
supporters, and they would be arrested
when the balloting began, in order to pre
vent them from voting. , This, however, is
denied by the Parke supporters.
paeke's confident letter.
Mr. Parke has sent the following letter to
his friends:
Dear Sir I have carefully investigated the
report; published in the morning papers, and
firmly believe it to be a conspiracy ot a de
feated lot of politicians. It has already made
our side stronger. Remain firm to the end.
Mr. Fisher, one of the persons connected
with the alleged bribery, refused to talk on
the subject when he was seen yesterday.
Simon Drum, who has been Hunter's op
ponent for years, said last evening that
Parke would undoubtedly be elected.
Hunter's supporters, however, say they are
more confident than ever.
Mr. Richard B. Scandrett was found by a
Dispatch reporter at his home and ap
peared to take matters very calmly.
"I have very little more to say," began
Mr. Scandrett, in a pleasant manner. "Of
course my letter to the press has indicated
my standing on the subject, and I can
further say that I deny all complicity in
any and every bribery scheme which may
be on foot."
"Then you have no fear of the result?"
queried the reporter.
"No,, indeed; not at all. I don't care to
talk on the subject, or say what we will do.
"When the proper time comes I shall be
ready with but never mind; there is no
use of saying anything now." And the
speaker broke off with a smile.
Councilman Swindell, of the Third ward,
happened to drop in at this, juncture.
"When spoken to on the bribery subject,
that gentleman said:
"Although I am a Hunter man in fact
have pledged myself to vote for Hunter
still I don't believe there is anything at all
in the charge against our friend Scandrett
"By the way," continned Mr. Swindell,
"did it ever occur to you that Ebbert has
not been sworn in yet as a Conncilman? If
I were in his shoes I wonldn't be sworn in
to-morrow morning if I could help it. I really
believe, if Ebbert should come around to be
sworn in, that strong objections would be
raised against his becoming a member. I
am pretty positive that there would be, at
any rate. I don't think that they can do
anything with him in the line of prosecu
tion before be has become a member of
Councils, however."
There will also be a lively scene in the
Select branch when it organizes this morn
ing The seat of Morris Einstein, re
cently elected in the Twelfth.ward, will
be contested, on the ground that he is not of
the required age. Mr. Einstein, it will be
remembered, defeated Samuel "Watson last
February. He stated that he was 25 years
of age, and would take his seat this morn
ing. There will be no opposition to Chairman
Lindsay, or to Clerks "White and Dil
Was the Blotto of Two Tonng Fellows Who
Met nn Old Man.
Frederick Yeager, an old man, was on
his way home early yesterday morning, and
when near the corner of Steuber and Alex
ander streets, "West End, was stopped by
Charles and Michael Downey, who in
sisted that he should play them a tune on
his accordeon, which he had with him.
Mr. Yeaj,:r refused, and they had a few
words. The Downey boys said if he did
not play he would have to fight. Charles
Daine happened to be passing, and said he
would take the old man's part Michael
Downey, it is alleged, then struck Daine,
knocking him down, and bit and chewed his
fingers and his nose.
They were finally parted. - Mr. Yeager
and Daine went to the drugstore ot Ed
ward Montgomery, corner of Main and
Alexander streets, where Sis wounds were
dressed. The police were notified, and an
information will be made against the
Downey brothers.
Tbo Pastor of the seventh 'Presbyterian
Church Ready to Resign'
At the close of the services in the Seventh
Presbyterian Church, Thirteenth ward, yes
terday morning, Rev. Robert A. Hill an
nounced that he would ask. the congregation
to unite with him in a call to the Presbytery
to dissolve tbo pastoral relation. The reason
assigned is the continued ill health of Mrs.
The pulpit of the Seventh church has
been filled by Mr. Hill for the past five
years, and the congregation will see him de
part with deep regret. . .
Arthur Crnschlnsky, From Chicago, Get
Here He Denies That Be Has a Rich,
Grandfather Living In Germany.
Arthur Cruschlnsky, the youug Chicago
lad who was reported to have been abducted
from Chicago because he was supposed to be
heir to , a fortune of $80,000, was at the
Twenty-eighth ward police station yester
day, where a reporter found him and elicited
the following facts'from the boy:
."My name is Arthur Cruscinsky, and 1
am 14 years of age. My home is on Geneva
street, Brighton Park, Chicago, where my
parents now live. I was not abducted, but
I went away from home voluntarily."
"When asked why he said: "My father
has always treated me very cruelly, in fact,
I do not believe he is my right father; any
how, one of my aunts in Chicago has often
told me so. I have two sisters and brothers
and my father always treats them better
than he does me. t Mv mother never takes
my part, because if she did father would
beat her.
"I have for years been at work in a tin
factory where'l earned 53 and often $4 a
week. I also worked in a lumber yard
once, where I made $2 a week.
"I was walking along the street in Chi
cago when this man who brought me here
came to me and asked me whether I would
like to go to Youngstown with him. I said
yes because I had often wanted to go away
on account of my father's cruelty to me,
and then I have an aunt who lives in
Youngstown, and I thought I might be bet
ter taken care of by her. That is the rea
son why I left with him. Idonot'know
his name at all. We got into Pittsburg
yesterday morning and we were trying to
get on a Lake Erie Railroad train when the
man skipped and left me behind. I was
found there by a policeman, who took me to
the Thirty-sixth ward station house, and
from there I have been brought here."
"Do you want to go home again?"
"Yes; my experience nn the stock train
was very rough, and 1 want to get back to
my mother."
When the question was asked him whether
he knew that he was heir to a fortune of
$80,000, left him by his grandfather, the boy
remarked, smilingly:
"I guess that is a" mistake. I read some
thing like that about another boy while I
was in Chicago. My grandfather is a poor
man and not able to leave me $80,000.
Inspector McKelvy telegraphed to Chi
cago to the boy's parents, and he will prob
ably be sent home to-day.
The Ceremony of the Lighted Candles at
the Point Church. ,
The mission at St. Mary's of Mercy
Church, at the Point, which was conducted
by the Bedemptorist Fathers, closed yester
day afternoon. At 3 o'clock the last ser
vice was held and was for the benefit of the
male members of the congregation only.
Father tTrimple conducted the service and
preached the sermon. The subject of his
remarks were: "Baptismal Vows." The
discourse was instructive, and was listened
to very attentively.
A curious feature of the services was the
ceremony of holding the lighted candles by
those present. After the sermon Father
Trimple blessed the candles and then had
them lighted. While holding the candles
in their hands the congregation repeated
after the priest a renewal of the vows made
by their sponsors. This is probably the first
time that this solemn ceremony has been
done in this country.
The mission has been a very successful
one, and the credit is due to Father Sheedv.
who has been very zealous to keep his flock,
in tne straignt ana narrow pain, xne total
number of communicants during the week
has been 1,200.
The reverend fathers left on the 9 o'clock
train last evening for Monnt Washington,
A Portion of One of the Walla
Down Lights Fall Also.
About 7:30 o'clock last evening the wind
blew down a portion of the wall of the un
finished wing in the penitentiary. The
noise caused great excitement in that
vicinity, and a report was started to the
effect that an attempt had been made to
blow up the institution. A large crowd
soon collected, expecting to see convicts es
caping. Warden Wright said last night that the
damage would probably amount to $1,000.
No one was hurt '
The storm blew down a number of the
new electric lights suspended across the
streets in the Point district. One of the
lamps fell at the corner of Penn avenue and
Fort street. Travel was suspended one the
West End and Union street car lines for
over an hour.
A section of the roof was blown off a
house on Smithfield street, and Officer
Singer, who was passing along Smithfield
street, made a narrow escape from being
struck by it. '
Dr. Carrlngton, the Marine Officer, III With
Dr. Joseph B. Stoner, of the United
States Marine Hospital Service, arrived in
the city yesterday to temporarily take
charge of the marine station at this point
until Dr. Carrington is again able to be on
duty. The latter, is lying at the St Charles
Hotel suffering with a, bad attack of pleurisy
and neuralgia.
1 As an illustration of the efficient service
of the marine corps the case may be cited.
No sooner had Dr. Carrington taken sick
than Dr. Stoner was ordered to Pittsburg to
attend the wants of marine, patients. He
will stay here until his brother officer has
fully recovered.
Dr. Stoner comes from the city station in
New York. During the recent yellow fever
epidemic in the South he w.ent to Charleston
and remained at his post until the last
vestige of the dread disease had been de
stroyed. There are at present about 210 marine sta
tions in the United States, and they are in
charge of about 60 officers. .
He Went to Church for the First Time In
Ten Yenrs and Was Arrested.
Last evening, during services at the St.
Peter's Pra-Cathedral, in Allegheny, a
man named Charles Rice was ejected on
account of being intoxicated. He had been
out on the street but a short time when he
went in and was again put out. He refused
'to go away, and Officer Pollitt was called.
Rice resisted, but, with the assistance of
Lieutenant'Scott, he was finally placed be
hind the bars in the lockup. He was high
ly indignant at his arrest, and said he had
not been in church before for ten years and
would not go again if he was to be arrested
for it
William McFarland, a companion of
Rice, who had been to church with hira,fol
lowed im to the lockup and was also held.
'Squire A mm on Left for the Fatherland to
Recover Hl Health.
'Squire Ammon has gone to Europe for
the benefit of his health. While the gen
tleman was ill last week his doctor advised
him to take a sea voyage, or expect to die
at any time. The fact of the matter is that
the 'Squire suffers of heart disease, and it is
to be hoped that his trip" to his fatherland,
among the friends of his youth, will re
cuperate him and set bim up for another
20 years. This is the first tune Mr. Am
mon has paid a visit to Germany since he
left there in 1853.
He embarked on Saturday night and he
expects to be back again in Pittsburg
about the middle of May.
Spiritualists Celebrate the Discovery
o the Modern Faith
The Spirit of Murdered Sadie Pruener Bays
She is Unhappy.
Pittsburg Spiritualists yesterday cele
brated the forty-first anniversary of the ori
gin of modern Spiritualism in the little vil
lage of Hydesville, IT. Y. The little old
frame house in which occurred the first
manifestations in 1847 is yet standing. At
that time it was occupied by Michael Wake
man, who was so troubled by the -mysterious
raps heard in the house at night that he
moved out. On March 1, 1848,
the father of the famous Fox sisters
moved into the house. 'On the night
of March 31 these raps, which the neighbors
made very possible effort to trace to their
origin, first gave evidence of being directed
by some controlling" influence. The account
of the discovery of their alleged communi
cations with the spirits has been given so
often that a repetition is unnecessary.
Although Catherine and Margaretta Fox
have since confessed that they are frauds,
and that the mysterious raps were produced
by the cracking of their toe joints, which
power they had accidentally disoovered,
and had practiced until they had acquired
a high degree of proficiency, the belief is
still held, and there are multitudes of be
lievers throughout the world.
Spiritualistic mediums are now common,
and the faith is unshaken. '
The society in this city made special
efforts to have a pleasant anniversary.
Their hall on Sixth street was lavishly de
corated with evergreen streamers. Ameri
can flags were tacked to every bid of wood
work which would hold one. On a stand
was placed a huge, gaudy group of artificial
flowers. On another stand was a similar
pot. On the speaker's stand was placed
some natural flowers, The words "Angels.
Guard Us" were chalked on a black
board. The audience was a mixture
of curiosity seekers and believers, in which
-the former were in the majority. The meet
ing was opened by the jinging'oi some gos
pel hymns and other appropriate exercises..
Mr. G. H. Keats, from Greenville, O., then,
to use his own words, "skimmed the vesti
bule of Spiritualism." It took almost an
hour of talk to remove the cream. He prom
ised that the day was coming, and
ohl what a glorious day it would
be, when legislators will be in
flnenced by other spirits than those which
now are favorites, and that wise laws (as if
our laws were not wise) would be made.
All churches and -creeds would yield to
spiritualistic teachings, there would be no
wars, and a host of other things which go to
make life worth living would tie done away.
When he had concluded he an
nounced that Mrs. Keats would
give a test exhibition. They are
about to leave the city, and he announced
that whenever Mrs. Keats was leaving her
friends, she always imagined that she
would never see them again. She is a very
sympathetic woman, and he feared that per
haps she might not be able to give a full ex
hibition of her powers, owing to her fear of
never meeting her friends again. After a
few votes of thanks, Mrs. Keats made a
pretty little speech, stating that she would
never forget her Pittsburg friends.
The medium is not ethereal bv any means.
She is a woman of medium height (nat
urally), and weighs In the neighborhood of
170 pounds, she has a round, florid face.
In her hair she wore a white flower, and, as
she sat waiting for her cue, she gracefully
waved a large gilt fan to and fro before her
face, displaying a neat wrist and a pretty
hand. She is very stagy in her gestures.
She talks stagy, and hitches her words to
gether with gasps.
Stepping to the front of the stage, she
proceeded to describe a spirit Tich had
then passed before her.
She is wringing her hands as if In pain; an
expression of trouble and discontent is on her
face, as if she were dissatisfied with herself;
she is fairly good looking; her cheek bones are
rather high, ana her face is thin. The spirit
has dark hair, which is combed back, and she
wears bang!. The spirit has left this life sud
denly, as if she were shot She was not a bad
woman, but had been unfortunate. She is
standing in a partially lighted doorway, when
a man who acts strangely comes up toward
her and Doints a pistol at her breast. He is
close to her, bnt the pistol does not touch her
breast He fires, and she, falls to the ground
with ber hand to her breast Her name Is
She has no friends in top audience: but there
are some here who will recognize her. Does
anyone dosoT
An old gray-haired " man said he recog
nized the spirit as that of a woman who was
shot in the doorway of a fast house on Third
The medium evidently had reference to
Sadie Pruener, who was murdered by Joe
Evans a few years ago. Sadie did not wish
to talk with any person, but the medium
stated that she was unhappy.
The medium then came down among the
audience and nicked out a number of persons
with whom spirits wished to converse. In
every case, they said nothing, but that a
brighter time was coming for their friends,
and that they were with them at all times in
life. They were all recognized, but no
names were given.
Mrs. Keats then gave the names of four
spirits whowere present, but they had.evi
dejitlygot into the wrong house, as nobody
recognized them. .
When the medium had. finished she sat
down on the sola and fanned herself ener
getically, as it talking to spirits was hard
The audience was quite large.
A similar meeting was held in the morn
ing. This morning Mrs. Keats will have a
meeting for ladies only.
A Branch of the Relief Society Established
at St. Paul' Cathedral.
A meeting was held yesterday afternoon
in the old Episcopal, residence connected
with St. Paul's Cathedral, by members of
the congregation, for thepurpose of forming
a branch of the Society of .St. Vincent De
Paul. An organization was effected and
James Kelly elected president. The new
society starts out with a good membership.
For many years there was a branch of the
society at the Cathedral, bnt owing to a
lack of interest-in the organization it fell
through. The object of the society is to
take charge of all the needy poor and help
them as much as possible. When a mem
ber dies his family is provided for by the
Ther Will be Immersed.
On next Sunday afternoon ten persons
will be baptized in the Allegheny river, at
the foot of Thirty-fith street The parties
all belong to the colored Lawrence rille
Baptist Church, on Butler steet, near Thirty-fifth
street. Rev. J. C. Taylor, pastor of
the congregation, will -perform the cere
A Dfy Shed Darned,
The SonthsideHre department was called
to Jones & Laughlins American Iron
Works yesterday morning, where a dry
shed had caught fire from a defective flue.
The flames were xYTcome in a short time,
only causing about C50 damage.
Knight of Bottle and Tnmblrr Protest In
Horror Lest Judge White Hears of a
Saloon Song Fan fa Drummers.
The serio-comic bearing of events sup
posed to affect the granting or refusal of
licenses to applicants, has hardly had better
illustration than was afforded bytwofritty
traveling men from out-of-town last week.
Applicants from Allegheny were to be
called before Judge White the jjext day.
Everybody anticipated a severity more
striking by far than was actually panned
out The remarks of Judges White and
Ewing last year, concerning the marvel
ous development of single or double
room hotels on the Soutbside; the
scorching sarcasm administered to every
saloon keeper who based his claim as land
lord of both hotel and restaurant upon the
fact that a patron at his bar could, for a
nickel, get not only a glass of beer, but a
ttoothpickoranibbleat a little crust of bread
with mustard on it these and other mem
ories of admonitions had caused the Alle
gheny applicants to tremble in their boots.
Everybody appreciated the real delicacy
of the situation, and the two travelers
alluded to were none too slow to catch on.
One of them, a Celtic citizen from Home
stead, proposed this plan to his fellow!
"Music, they say, hath charms to soothe
the savage breast Let's try it on some of
these anxious ones, or at least offer them the
chance to try it. Let's see if they'll con
sent to have us sing them into the sev
enth heaven of that hope that springs eter
nal in the heart of every man who doesn't
want a license."
The plan of campaign was none too
clearly defined at the outset, either in this
prospectus or in the mind of the pros
pector; but that it was susceptible of devel
opment was clearly proven in the subse
quent proceedings. .
The plotting pair started in to "do up"
Federal street and the Allegheny Diamond,
so far as saloon men were concerned. Drop
pincinto one place away up Federal, the
jolly gentlemen ordered drinks, and then
another round for the hangers-on. Then
one of the two, assuming the air of a man
half-seas-over, placed an index finger along
one side of his nose, looked really earnest,
and (to the barkeeper) said:
"This is a right iolly group of fellows; I
wonder how a good song would suit them"
clearing his throat as if by way of prepara
tion. "No, no, nol Oh, for heaven's sake,
don'tl No music here, pleasel They'll call
it a low dance house, if you do; they'll say
we countenanced breaches of the 'peace;
they'll swear its a variety show, and not a
restaurant we runt and Judge White'll
well, you know Allegheny is to be called in
the License Court to-morrow!"
Such was the expostulation of the bar
tender, who, with both hands up, and an
anxious, imploring look, pleaded for a
withdrawal of the musical proposition.
This formula was repeated, with varia
tions, at every saloon on Federal street, and
some of the horrified protests were amusing
in the extreme. At the last place visited
the barkeeper's retort to the suggestion of
"a song" was : '
"Sing? Not'fi know it! Look 'ere, gen
tlemen, I was oncet a member of the Salva
tion Armyjwith lungs to qualerfy me, too.
I sang, I did; and I was arrested, I was;
and it was good religious singing, too.
Look 'ere, gen'lemen, 'fyou should sing in
ere wilst Judge W'ite's 'oldin' court, I
couldn't answer for the conserkences no,
siree ! Ye can't sing. D'ye hear me ? Ye
can't sing in 'ere, 'tbout you do it over my
dead corpus. We want license, we do; an'
singin' don't go !"
A Gang of Boys Clean Konrtu Avenue CeHars
of All Eatables. X
A gang of boy thieves have begun lively
operations right in the center ot the city,
and people on Fourth avenue are greatly
exercised in consequence.
Saturday night, shortly after 1, they
broke into the cellar of 204 Fourth avenue,
.occupied by Ed Mellon, watchman at the
Fourth avenue station, on the Panhandle.
The boys helped themselves to everything
in sight, including bread, meat, butter, pre
serves, etc., but did not attempt to break
into the house proper.
They must have conducted operations
very quietly, for no one was awakened, and
they extended their operations to No. 200,
occupied by a Mr. McCann. Here, as be
fore, they paid all attention to what was in
the cellar, and obtained a supply of chick
ens, meat and provender sufficient to feed a
The same gang then moved on to No. 60
Boss street, and at about 1 o'clock Mrs.
Burns heard a cautious grating at the door.
She opened the window and saw a few slight
forms on the street, evidently boys quite
young. She leaned forward and saw that
two boys had crawled over the wire screen at
the door and were cautiously trying thelock.
She began to scream for the police, or any
body else, and anybody but the police came.
The boys were frightened and scampered
away toward the jail, where they will ulti
mately land, various opinions are ex
pressed as to where the gang came from, and
police are on the watch, expecting to run
them in on their next attempt.
The New Proprietor, Messrs. Anderson &
Woof, Now In Possession.
At 12 o'clock last night the old Mononga
hela House was turned over by Lessee
George S. Griscom to the new proprietors,
Messrs. Anderson & Woog. The latter
formally took" charge early in the evening
and at the stroke of 12 Mr. Griscom retired
to bis new ho'me on Allegheny avenue, on
the Northside.
Messrs. Miller, Richardson, Barrows and
Stagier, of the office force, will
be retained in their positions. An
architect builder will go over the
house to-day and make plans' of the
proposed improvements. A large number
of Colonel Griscom's old employes and
friends about the hotel dropped into his
office last night to bid him goodby.
John J. Wallace, the steward oV the hotel
for a number of vears, left on the 3 o'clock
train this morning lor Jersey City, where
he takes charge of the Jersey Central Rail
road's great cafe.
' A Demosthenes Injured.
James O'Marron, aged 11 years, of Eifty
first street, fell from the back yard fence of
his home yesterday while addressing some
juvenile companions and sustained a frac
ture of the thigh.
Are Yon Forbidden to Take Anresthetlcs
vTo get your teeth extracted? If so, try Dr.
Smith's Bohell freezing process, which
j benumbs the gums so that very little pain
is lelt. it is perfectly sate; no bad enects
Dr. F. H. Smith's Dental Offices,
604 Penn avenue.
Office hours from 9 A. m. to 5 p. h.
Wash goods the largest and best se
lected line in the city. 'Etoils du Nord, drap
de Venice, fine American, French and
Scotch zephyr ginghams, American and
French sateens in endless variety.
Whitnex baby carriages, the cheapest,
finest, neatest and most durable baby car
riages made, at J. G. Lauer's Toy House,
620 Liberty street irwr
India Milks.
Those 27-in. wide, $1 25 quality, India'
silks which we are selling at 76c a yard are
going quickly. Make your selections at
once. .
TwENTY-nvE cent iron rolling hoop, ' ALLEGHENY. , ,- ' ' '.'-vSJEf
with hook handle, at' Lauer's Toy House, - - " '"-tsS .'- - - i i2ksl$x ,
620 Liberty street, mwt -: - ,' V,- - apMtWFF ftSwWK ' : s'-'jWasTTSSs- M
The Dnrk Bide ot Life Trials aad Troubles
of the Unfortunates.
"Evil doers bring upon themselves swift
destruction," solemnly enunciated the
Court at Central yesterday morning; then
he set to work to demonstrate the Biblical
An officer testified he found Ed White
and Frank McCague scrapping. They
were "in holts." The Court grappled with
them, and both went down in the first
round ?8 40 each.
Frank Smith backed up against a wall
on Tunnel street, drew a sanguinary knife
and defied everybody of his day and gener
ation and two other men. It just takes
$6 40 to do that in Pittsburg, and Sam
Early, one of the other men, paid the same.
The other man galloped away ere the police
could surround him.
Dan Stewart, drunk on "Wylie, $4 40.
Massie Walls loaded up, hunted a hand
some pane of glass on Fifth avenne, and
calmly fell through. This sort of amusement
comes high.
James Early, up on Wylie avenue, asiced
the officer where in Chicago he was. The
officer gave him his geographical bearings,
and during a dispute on some technical
point, run him in. Gripp said "Go," and
he stood not upon the order of his going,
but fled toward Butler county.
John Besenwald, "while waiting for his
ma" in Gusky's, tried to absorb a vest An
officer absorbed Johnnie, and his ma will
wait for him.
Messrs. Doyle and Brenner ate a meal i
a downtown restaurant, and growled about
the check. His Honor used to board there.
Martin Dugan insulted two ladies, and
chivalrous Bosey called him down. Martin
made a swing at Bosey with a knife, but
only cut through coat and pants. It was
then the officer's turn, and Martin's life was
made miserable until the .patrol came. An
information will be made against Dugan
for attempting to mar the beauty of one of
the handsomest officers on the force.
Joe Johnston raised a row on Second ave
nue, and when an officer was called tried to
get away with the same old bluff, "Officer,
what's your number? I'll have you fired"
J8.40, and the officer is still on his beat
Seven Men Drawn Out of n Little Game of
Draw In Allegheny.
Yesterday morning about 3 o'clock Lieu
tenant of Police Thornton, of Allegheny,
found a game of poker going on at 25 East
street, and securing a number of his men,
he made a raid on the place. He captured
eight men, who were either players or lookers-on,
and had them all taken to the May
or's office and locked np.
They gave their names as James Wilson,
John Hading, John Smith, Ed Wilson,
George Alexander. John Linders and Will
iam Johnson. At the hearing it was not
developed who operated the game or who
was proprietor, and they Were fined S3 and
costs each for gambling. An outfit of chips
and cards was left at the Mavor's office.
FOB cough, cold, and incipient consump
tion take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and no
5 pieces black satin Merveilleux, 22
inches wide, a quality usually advertised
as a bargain at $1 25, our price while they
last 95c per yard.
Irnce Curtains.
See our SI, SI 25, SI 50, S2, $2 50 a pair
quality. Some special bargains.
Geo. W. Snamak,
mwssu 136 Federal st, Allegheny.
Challis The most desirable summer fa
bric'known; 500 designs to select from, light
and dark colors, large and small figures,
ouc a yard.
MYFFsn Hughs & Hacke.
Yotr can't tret the eood of vour electric
light unless you have proper shades' or
globes. The most complete assortment and
newest designs are to be found at Craig
head's Lamp Store, 615 Smithfield st r
Novelties and bargains in black goods,
the choicest spring and summer fabrics
from the best foreign manufacturers. Our
46-in. wide 50c cashmere positively the best
value ever shown at the price.
mwfsu Hugus & Hacke.
Don't buy a carpet or pair of curtains
until you see our stock.
j Geo. W. Snamajt,
mwssu ' 136 Federal St., Allegheny.
Come and see our carpets and curtains.
mwssu Geo. W. Sn-amam-.
, 9
The spring term at Curry University be
gins Wednesday, April 3.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Onr New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Onr New Kid Gloves.
Oar New Kid Gloves.
Onr New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Onr New Kid Gloves.
Onr New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Oar New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
Our New Kid Gloves.
:: T- T. T.
109 Federal' Street,
Without doubt the largest and most varies!
' " ?r&
stock we have ever shown. All departmental.
are filled with the choicest styles In entirely!
new and choice goods.
An entire building devoted to our stock of
Suits and Overgarments of every description
for Ladles, Misses and Children.
Our special spring display of Ladles' Sum
mer Costumes, in Salines and Zephyr Ging
hams this week.
Extreme high novelties in Imported Long
Garments, Connemara Cloaks and Directoira
Jackets, plain and braided, black and colors,
45 to $25, all in newest shapes.
Latest designs in Jerseys and Blouse Waists
m fancy flannels and si)ks.
Special attention given to qutflts for Infant
and small Children, band-made goods our
Nearly 300 pieces new French Printed Chat
lies at 50c a yard, also at 35c
Elegant Empire designs in Side Border
Challles, exclusive styles, entirely new.
New Handkerchief Plaid Dress Patterns.
Largest assortment ot Paris Embroidered
Robes, a la Directolre, in spring color combi
nations. .
Plain Mohairs, Printed Mohairs, Plaid Mo
hairs, Striped Mohairs. .
English Suiting Cloths, tailor styles, in singl
patterns and by the yard.
. New Paris Cashmeres, superb in finish and ,
In ultra shades, dyed to our own prdsr.
New Silk Warp Cashmeres, II to II 25 a yard,
beautiful colorings in full assortment "
Fancy Combination Suitings, Plaids, Jac
quards, Stripes, Ombre effects. Tapestry Pat
terns, the largest collection of novelties ever
shown in this city, 50c to $2 50 a yard.
Suiting Cloths, 50 inches wide, 40c to Jl 55 a
New Broadcloths, -in all the spring colorinjv
$1 to $2 50 a yard.
Fine English styles, all-wool, 60c a yard.
Specials In India Silks. 45c to $4 a yard. Go
where yon will, the largest stock Is here and
the best values.
Plain India Silks, 43c; finer qualities If you
want them; latest colorings. "
New Striped Surahs, Satins and Royales.
Printed Crepes, Paris Brocades, Satin Striped
Special good values in Black Silk, best makes
only and most of them. $4, 13, S2, $1 and down.
Fancy Striped Black Silk Fabrics, latest
New Black Silk Grenadines, Plain, Satin'
Striped and Brocaded.
Our Spring Hosiery Bargains Over 1,000
dozens now in stock. Oar celebrated "Cable
Dye" Fast Black Stockings for Ladles and
Children, 25c to $1 a pair. Ladies Colored SUk
Stockings, 75c to U a pair. . f
' '..;
A special offering of 250 Embroidered Cham
bray Robes at 52 50 each; this is less than half;
Special bargains in Ginghams and 8a tines..
New 'Marie Antoinette Cloth and Printed
Crepes. -jj, .
Our Lace Curtain Room is Busy Curtains, !-
to $85 a pair; best values ever offered; also Cap
tain Materials of all kinds.
Special display of Children's Hats this week;
in Millinery Department
JOB. HDRNE i m m
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