Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 01, 1889, Image 1

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Who has a good article to sell, and who adTer
tlses vigorously and liberally. Advertising is
truly the life of trade. AH enterprising and
judicious advertisers succeed.
The President and Secretary
Blaine Very Badly Cut
Up Over the
No Use at the White-House for Sena
tors Who Opposed 51. H.
General Harrison' Backbone Stiffened br
the Charges Once Blade A benntor
Thinks the Rejection of IlnUtend
fchonldn't So Affect ibo President A
Dose of Bis Own Medicine Quay's Feci
Ins for Leeds Halstend's Nnmo May
Agnla be Sent to the Senate Blnino
Never Knows What Harrison Is Going
to Do A Damping Ground Fonnd for
Men Not Good Enough for Foreign
The President feels badly cut up over
the rejection of Halstead by the Senate.
Mr. Blaine is also hurt. The Republican
Senators who voted against the Cincinnati
editor will not ask any favors at the "White
Home or State Department for awhile, at
least It is rumored that the President will
renominate Halstead and give the Senate a
chance to reverse its action of Saturday. In
"Washington the idea that Blaine was to be
President is about exploded. Such a rumor,
it is said, stiffened General Harrison's
backbone and made him declare himself.
"Washington, March 31. The Presi
dent and Secretary Blaine feel very much
outraged at the action of the Senate in re
jecting Mr. Halstead, and the Senators who
voted against him will not find the atmos
phere of either the "White House or the
State Department "healthful for some time
yet. A gentleman who was driving for
two hours with Mr. Blaine on Saturday
said that he talked of nothing else than Mr.
Halstead's rejection; that he seemed to feel
worse over it than he did over his own de
feat for the Presidency.
It appears that there were several Re
publican Senators ho tidnT vote for Mr.
Halstead, but only four Kepublican votes
againSt him. For the benefit of the Presi
dent and Mr. Blaine the following accurate
list of those who opposed the confirmation
of the Field Marshal is given:
The Opponents of Mr. LTnlstcad.
Quay, Evarts, Dawes, Cullom, Teller,
PJnmb.jrugallsJpnes pt JJeradafiteart;
and Stanford 10 in all. Those who voted
against him on Saturday were Quay, Teller,
Plumb and Ingalls. Evarts, Dawes and
Cullom were psired. Jone, Stewart and
Stanford did not vote at all, but would have
voted had their assistance been necessary to
secure rejection.
The Senators say they cannot understand
whv the President should show so very
much feeling over Mr. Halstead's rejection.
Said one: "He has rejected our nominees,
and we have just as good a right to reject
his. Under the Constitution the Senate
shares the appointing power with the Pres
ident. "We advise and consent that certain
people shall be appointed to office. I have
been up to the White House and nominated
half a dozen men, and the President has re
jected them all.
Qnnv Very Anxious Abont Leeds.
"I don't see why he should be mad be
cause I simply oppose the confirmation of
one of his nominees. There is Quay, for
example. The President is going to reject
his nomination for postmaster at Philadel
phia, and I reckon that Quay is a great
deal more anxious that Bill Leeds should
be postmaster at Philadelphia than the
President was that Murat Halstead should
be Minister to Berlin. If the President re
fuses to advise and consent to the appoint
ment of Bill Leeds, I don't see why he
should complain if Quay refuses to advise
and consent to the appointment of Hal
stead." It is believed by some that the President
will renominate 'Halstead, and give him an
other chance. Mr. Harrison is a very ob
Etinate man, and if Mr. Halstead desires it
he will send his name to the Senate a sec
ond time.
Sledill Runs Awnj From Danger.
The Washington Fost suggests that Uncle
Joe Medill be given a chance to wrestle
with the Senate over the Berlin mission, but
as soon as he heard of the rejection of his
friend Halstead, Mr. Medill took the train
for New York.
A leading Senator who voted for Hal
stead said this afternoon: "The President
need not be surprised if he gets into a row
with the Senate, and if he does it will be
his own fault. He seems to think that he
is solely responsible for the good conduct of
this Government, and we want a share in
the responsibility. I have quit going to the
"White House to ask for appointments, and
now when a man comes here and asks me to
go with him I alwavs beg off and write him
a letter that he can take up himself.
He Otrm All the Offices Himself.
"I have been up twice to ask for appoint
ments that I thought my State was entitled
to and which any other President would
have given me without a word. But Gen
eral Harrison acted as'though all the offices
belonged to him, and that I was thp; to
beg.iborrow'or steal one, and the President
appears to be quite as independent of his
Cabinet officers 'as he is of the members of
the Senate."
The reports published so extensively after
the election that Mr. Blaine was to be
President of the United States were not
true. These publications seem to have af
fected the President's backbone, and he
leaves no excuse for anyone to mistake the
situation. There have been a number of
other instances beside the nomination of
v "Whitelaw Beid for the English mission in
. Mr. Blaine Hns Been Overruled.
s It leaks out that he knew nothing of ihe
selection of Robert Lincoln for that place
until the very morning the nomination was
.ASL'U' "" e appointment of the delegates
on the part of the tTnited States to' the con
ference of American nations is an even more
conspicuous example, of Presidential iqde
pendence. K was given out at the State
Department.oFriday that these nomina
tions would notbe made until after the Sen;
ate adjourned, and yet there was a telegram
from the "W-hite House in the hands of a
Senator announcing that they would.be
sent to the Senate on Saturday. , '
Although Mr. Blaine claims a patent on
the Congress of American Nations, I the
President appears to have taken the matter
entirely out of his hands, and there are but
two names in the entire list of delegates
ihat .may "be attributed to Mr. Blaine,
namely, those of Carnegie and "William
Henry Trescott
He Consults With No One.
The President consulted with no one, so
far as can be learned, in making these selec
tions. He certainly did not consult with
Mr. Frye, who introduced the bill in the
Senate and secured its passage; nor with
Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, who managed
the measure in the House. Mr. Frye un
derstood from the State Department that
Se appointments were not to be made at
is session, and Mr. Blaine is reported to
have assured certain Senators who had can
didates that there was no immediate neces
sity to present their names.
As one Senator expressed'it, the President
has" used this Congress of American Nations
as a dumping ground for gentlemen for
whom he could no) find foreign missions.
Little Prospect In View of Very Muoh for
Mr. Carnegie nnd His Fellow Dele
gates to Do The Congress of
Nations Notldkely to Fan
Oat Terr Big.
"Washington, March 31. When Mr.
Blaine was Secretary of State J eight years
ago, one of his pet projects was a Congress
of American Nations, to be held in Wash
ington, a project which was generally re
marked on as increasing the points of re
semblance between his career and that of
Henry Clay. The invitation was sent to
the South American States in November.
1881, but the project failed because of the
difficulties then existing between Chili and
Peru and Mexico and Guatemala.
It is a rather curious fact that the act of
Congress providing lor -a Congress of
American Nations this year was passed last
May, before it was known that Mr. Blaine
was to be Secretary of Stale; even before
the national conventions were held, and so
Mr. Blaine finds a continental Congress
already 'ordered, but it is no more certain
now than it was eight years ago that the
Congress will be held.
The President appointed the delegates to
represent this country, thus providing brief
honors for several gentlemen whose friends
have nominated them for Cabinet offices
and leading missions; but the acceptances
from our sister republics come slowly.
Only about half the South American States
have acceptedrsnd unless all or very nearly"
all accept, it will be idle to attempt to hold
a congress. Chili is unfriendly to the con
gress now as she was eight years ago. Sev
eral of the South American States, and
notably Chili, are jealous of the growth and
power ofthe United States, and resenfrthe
idea of being in any sense under the pro
tertion of the United States, and thev are
f afraid that to participate in a congress in
Washington, at the invitation ot wis uov-
raojesj, would be a reeogtiluon.v-athe.
claims of this Government to the primaey
among American nations.
The principal promoters of the inter
national congress are advocates of steam
ship subsidies, and the act of last May pro
viding for the calling of the congress was
pushed by gentlemen who want Congress to
vote subsidies to steamers running to Cen
tral and South American ports. Chili is
not only unfriendly to the United States on
account of the part we took, or are accused
of having taken, in the war between Chili
and Peru, but the commercial interests of
Chili are mainly in English hands, and
they are not anxious to have the commerce
with the United States extended.
The Sanity of the Notedl Patent Medicine
Man Questioned Once More.
Netv York, March 31. Dr. Henry T.
Helmbold was arrested late on Saturday
afterneon by Policeman Kerns, who found
him helpless in "West One Hundred and
Twenty-eighth street. In the Harlem Po
lice Court, to-day, he was sent by Justice
"White to Bellevue Hospital for examina
as to his sanity. He was examined by Drs.
Field, Douglass and Fitch and pronounced
able to take care of himself, and his son
Elmer L. Helmbold was permitted to take
him home.
Dr. Helmbold is a rotund little man with
a long grav mustache and goatee that gives
him the appearance of a Frenchman. He
was famous for many years previous to 1871
for the gorgeous way in which he spent the
money made from his patent medicine. He
has been in about a dozen insane asylums,
among them being the Sur-Seine, in Paris,
Bloomingdale, Krrkbrlde's, in Philadel
phia, and the Norristown Asylum. His re
lease from the latter was secured after a long
and expensive fight. There was nothing
the matter with hint on Saturday but too
much to drink.
The Fear of Being Kidnapped Preys Upon
His Mind.
Baltimore, March 31. It is understood
that the Garrett party will return here in
about two weeks. Already arrangements
are being made for the reception of Mr.
Garrett at his country seat, "Uplands," in
Baltimore county. The residence is under
going repairs, and will be ready for occu
pancy within a week. All the horses and
carriages are now at this place, and no ex
pense has been spared to make it pleasant
for Mr. Garrett There will probably be a
covered walk arranged pretty much as was
that at Bingwood, so that he may take daily
The Southern trip has not proved as ben
eficial to Mr. Garrett as was hoped. He is
still very irritable, and far from being a
well man. The fear of being kidnapped is
said to have preyed upon his mind and
made him nervous.
A Railroad Man Suicides, But Doesn't Want
Anything Said Abont It.
St. Louis, March 31. Asa "W. Kellogg,
general agent of tbe,Southern Pacific Bail
way at Cincinnati, committed suicide in the
Southern Hotel last night. He retired at 2
o'clock and left orders to be called at a late
hour in the morning. He failed to respond
to repeated calls and the door of his room
was torced open. Mr. Kellogg lay dead on
the bed and an empty laudanum vial and a
noted told the rest ot the story. Ihe note
read: "I have fought the battle and lost.
Bury me deep and say as little about me as
possible. A fool is better soon forgotten."
Mr. Kellogg was 41 years of age and was
widely known among railroad men in the
"West. The motive for his act is not known.
Df nth of Jacob '.Sleeper, a "Noted Philan
thropistSome of His Charitable .
Deeds He Believed la Doing
Go'od Wjtbont Fuss.
, Boston, March 31. Hon. Jacob Sleeper,
the widely" known philanthropist, whose
benefactions, to public institutions and de
serving poor have aggregated hundreds of
thousanqsdied to-day at-his home in "Bos
ton. He was born in Maine in 1802, and
has lived in Boston since 1825. The bent of
his mind was shown even in his youth, when
he gaye'to the church the first $50 he earned
by hisown exertion.
In life wholesale clothing business and
real estate transactions Mr. Sleeper ac
quired the large fortune which he has since
so liberally Teturned to the world. It was
accepted as an axiom among his acquaint
ances that if any plan was broached to Mr.
Sleeper in the name of Methodism a sub
scription was assured. If $1,000 was needed
for parish work the committee could always
expect $900fram Jacob Sleeper. He was
one of the incorporators of the Boston Wes
levan Association, which was organized in
1831, and at the time of his death was its
oldest member in age, and the only survivor
of the original members. Mr. Sleeper was
president of the association several years.
He was one of the three founders of Bos
ton University, and "Jacob Sleeper Hall,"
one of its finest buildings, is a memorial of
his generosity to the institution. The New
England Conservatory of Music also has its
Sleeper Hall, named in hoivr of its bene
factor. The Wesleyan Missionary Home at
Newton arose ohiefly through Mr. Sleeper's
aid. Over a hundred churches in New En
gland have been helped by him. Hisper
sonal benefactions were innumerable. Many
a young man has been able tojfinish his
course at "Wesleyan only because Mr.
Sleeper's hand lifted him over financial
troubles, and poor families without number
have tided over disaster and escaped suffer
ing by his kindly help.
His modesty was as great as his gener
osity. To a friend he once gave the advice
that evidently was his own principle: "Do
as much good" as you can; and make as little
fuss about it as possible." In his home life
Mr. Sleeper was the reverse of extrava
gant. '
Mr. Sleeper leaves a rson and three
daughters. Two of the latter are the "wives
of prominent New York' 'publishers. He
was officially connected with scores of in
stitutions. 'He served in the Massachusetts
Legislature and in Governor-Bank's coun
cil. For 12 years he was one of the 0ver-v
seers of Harvard College. For 59 years he
served as Superintendent of the Bromfield J
street .Methodist Uhurch Sunday schooL
A Tali Blonde Beats and Berates Two
Brooklya Gentlemen.
Brqoklyn, N. Y., March 31. Major
Stephen Pettus, the Secretary and Treasur
er of the Brooklyn Union Elevated Bailroad,
and Joseph Elliott, his brother-in-law, who
is also a director in the company, were con
fronted by an angry woman described as a
tall and thin blonde, just as they stepped
from their carriage on Friday morn
ing, and were about to enter
the office of the company in Sands street,
near the bridge entrance. "When Mr. Pet
tus find his orother-in-law stepped from
their carriage she advanced toward them
and simultaneously assailed them with
words and with blowAfrom a silk umbrella,
which she wielded vigorously. "
The gentlemen effected their escape up
the office stairs as rapidly as possible, and
,al though. a-policeman.was4ight, no com.
piciiui was uiaue .agaius msir assailant,
who hurried to the' bridge and crossed to
New York. Subsequently, when asked for
an explanation'of the incident, Mr. Elliott
said that the woman was a Mrs. Hannah
Southworth. He could not say whether her
husband was living or dead. He admitted
that he was involved in some trouble with
the woman, but it was a private matter
Bntcmnn Denies That He is Dead, nnd Tells
a Story Which is Not Believed.
Indianapolis, March 31. The marshal
of Muncie has received a letter from H. F.
Bateman, who was supposed to have been
killed there last week, and upon whose per
son was found life insurance policies to a
large amount on New York and Brooklyn
companies. The letter is dated Terre Haute,
March 28. It states that he is on his way
to Colorado, but will stop in Muncie on his
He says the dead body found was that of
a hard-looking man whom he found in Mun
cie and took with him to hunt a man named
Thompson, who lived near Muncie. The
man was hard up, and Bateman gave him
an old coat 'which must have contained his
insurance papers. They returned to Mun
cie, Bateman says, just in time for him to
catch the westbound train. He gave the
man money to pay for the horse and buggy,
and told him to deliver them at the livery
stable, and says the man's name was Neaf,
and he must have been killed and put on
the track after he left. Muncie people
don't believe the story, and .Bateman will
be arrested.
An Injunction Granted Against One of His
Many Railroad Companies.
Austin, Tex., March 31. The Gould
influence in Texas received a hard knock
to-day when Judge "W. McKey, of the Dis
trict Court of Travis county, Texas, at the
instance of the-State1, granted an injunction
against the Missouri, Kansas and Texas
BailwayCompany and its agents, restrain
ing them from voting or controlling the
stock owned by said company in the Inter
national and Great Northern Railway Com
pany at the annual election of the Inter
national to-morrow.
The injunction grows outof a suitagainst
the international Company for forfeiture of
A Man Shot For Insisting on Having Somo
Louisville, March 31. At Bnrksville
Thursday Matt Baker was shot andmor-J
tally wouuaeu uy " uutic, xji. ouuunuge,
and his cousin, Sandrjdge's son. The town
is under local prohibition law. Sandridge
keeps a drug store. "When he refused to sell
Baker whisky Baker followed him to his
house and became very abusive.
After ordering Baker away several times,
Dr. Sandridge fired upon him aiyl his son
followed with further shots. At last re
ports it was considered impossible for Baker
to recover.
A Watchman Killed at His Post. -
Shepherdstown, "W. Va., March 31. ,
Frank Beaham, a watchman on the Shenan
doah Valley Kailroad, was shot last night
and instantly killed while on duty in his
watchbox. The assassin used a 32-caliber
revolver, and fired through a windows
John Cameron, who lives in the vicinity,
has been arrested on suspicion. ,
The Doke of Nassau's New Job.
Luxemburg, March 31. The Council
of State has resolved to invite the Duke of
Nassau to become Regent of Luxemburg.
pafwrjg M$pmn
Formal-and ImposinE1 Opening of the
Modern Tower' of Bahel.
Prime Minister Tirard Delivers the Oration
of'ttie Day.
Emperor William Deeply Moved by tbe News f th
Samoan Disaster.
The great Eiffel Tower, which will be one
of the principal featuresof'the coming Paris
Exposition, was opened officially yesjerday;
Premier Tirard delivered the oration. An
immense crowd was in attendance. At a
banquet given to M. Antoine he stated
that France needed no other patriotic
league than the army. The German Em
peror is personally relieving the sufferers in
the flooded districts.
Paris, March 31. For a short interval
at least, to-day the excitement of the ups
and downs of French politics temporarily
lost their hold upon the. public mind, and
even Boulanger was for the moment for
gotten. The occasion was the formal open
ing of the great Eiffel tower, wniqh every
true Parisian regards as the eighth wonder j
ui iuo muueru uunu.
27ie Eiffel Tower.
The tower, which is destined to be one of
the chief attractions of the approaching ex
position, is constructed entirely of iron and
steel. Its height is something over 300
meters, or in the neighborhood of 1.000 feet.
Other-structures a thenear vieiirfty,-whfcb
would be considered high in an isolated lo
cation, are dwarfed into mere pigmies in
comparison. It is only at some distance
from the base of the tower that its dimen
sions can be realized, and even then the eye
has difficulty in taking in the1 immensity of
its proportions. A building of ordinary siz e
could easily be placed under each of the gi
gantio afphways which form the first stage
of the ascent.
An immense crowd assembled in the
neighborhood to-day previous to the hour
for the official dedication. At the given
signal the national flag was run up on the
topmost pinnacle, the auspicious event be
ing greeted with loud shouts of approval.
Prime Minister Tirard delivered the oration
of the day. .His address was confined
mainly to matters relating to the exposition,
and the effect it would have on -the indus
trial progress of France.
M. Antoine Says France Needs No Other
Patriotic Iiengnc. ,
Paris, March 31. M. Antoine was hon
ored with a banquet this evening, given
him at Havre by his friends and admirers.
The occasion was enlivened by the delivery
of some very enthusiastic speeches. The
guest of the evening delivered an excitable
He strongly protested against anything
approaching dictatorship for France, and
denied that he entertained a desire for the
organization of a new PatriofJo League.. A
veritable league existed already, he said.
It wasthe army.
The German Emperor Fays a Visit to the
. Flooded Districts.
Posen, March- 31. Emperor William ar
rived here unexpectedly this morning. Im
mediately after his "arrival he visited the
schoolroom, in which a large number "of
persons who were, rendered homeless by the
floods are temporarily sheltered. His
Majesty gave a large sum of money to the
committee having in charge the relief of
sufferers by the floods.-
Subsequentlythe Emperor inspected the
garrison at Fort Pritiwitz. The visit of the
Emperor created enthusiasm in the flooded
The German Emperor Deeply Moved by the
Samoan DIsnster.
Berlin, March 31. Emperor "William
was deeply moved by the news of the
Samoan disaster. He immediately tele
phoned to Prince Henry and afterward
conferred with Count Von Moltke, Prince
Bismarck and others.
All the papers congratulated Prince Bis
marck on his birthday. His political
policy was the subject of many encomiums.
Count Herbert Pleased with England.
'London, March 31. Count .Herbert
Bismarck is so well pleased with his visit
to England that be has expressed his inten
tion of returning to the country upon the
occasion of ihe visit of the Emperor "Will
iam the coming summer.
A Bomb. In a. Church.
Bome, March 3L "While Father Agos
tino was preaching in the St. Carlo Church
to-day a bomb was exploded. There was
great excitement in the congregation and
several women laintea, Dnt tne preacher con
tinued nis sermon.
Jerome Bonaparte All Rlght
London, March 31.-Prince Jerome
Bonaparte and two othen survivors of the
disaster to the steamer jpountess of Flan-
steamer Princess He$setter reached here
One Good Trapper Kills That Number- of
Murderous Reds A Aght for Bonver
Pelts Vengeance for a
Dead Brother.
'"Washburne, N. D., March 31. News
of a terrible tragedy has just peached this
place. Among the many who have trapped
beaver up and down the river during the
past eleven years were M. A. Williams and
hisbrother Tom E. Williams. Two weeks
ago these veteran trappers of McLen county
packed up a feyr necessary articles and
started on one of their hunts and trapping
expeditions. They had been gone two weeks
before anything was heard from them. En
couraged bjj their good Inch in trapping
they kept on pp the river until they came
to the point where the Little Missouri
empties into the great Muddy.
After a three days,' journey up that little
tributary to the great Missouri, they found
an old deserted cabin and went into camp.
The traps were set again. They were set in
Indian Territory, and the boys knew it.
They second morning after the traps were
set it was found they had been visited and
the game taken out. One of the boys re
solved to watch and see what became, of the
fame, and Tom volunteered, to act as spy.
lis nrndio. ..n.w 4lin !1. ifno ifirnlranaf)
-by several shots fired in close proximity to
the cabin, and snrnn? onl of bed. to see his
I brother fall across the doorway a corpse.
u.ne cabin was surrounded at once by tne
redskins, to the number of 15. William
saw at a glance that his brother was dead,
and what he wanted was revenge.
The Indians, knowing that but one; man
stood between them and a big catch of
beavers' pelts, rushed upon the cabin door
firing at random. William remained un
hurt, and taking a Colts navy in either
hand, opened upon the dastardly Beds.
3Iis aim was sure, and every shot spoke the
death of a Eedsfein. Ten shots had been
fired by the lone man and ten Indians lay
dead. A panic seemed to seize the five who
remained and they turned to beat a hasty
. Close bv the door stood a double-barreled
shotgun,heavily loaded with buckshot, and
' as the five Indians ran down the river bank,
'both barrels were emptied in their midst.
une ten mortally wounded, but the other
four got away, carrying buefcshot in their
red skins. "Williams, severely wounded as
he was, managed to bury his. brother on the
banks of the Little Missouri, and to drift
down the river to Fort Stevenson.
He Will Give the Central Lnlor Union
' 811,000,000 in Gold for a Co
operative Industry A Story
That Will Havo" lo
- Bo Verified.
New York, March 31. At the meeting
of the Central Labor Union a communica
tion was read purporting to come from Jay
Gould, through Washington Davis, 'a
railroad contractor, stating that Mr.
Gould was willing to hand over"
to the union $11,000,000 in gold with interest
from 1889 if the Central Labor Union
would be willing to adopt a plan for co
operative industry proposed by Mr. Gould.
i The Secretary will wait upon Mr. Davis to
morrow to see what the communication
At the meeting of the.Central Labor Fed
eration the locked out oystermen asked for
aid, stating that unless it came to them
soon their union would be broken up. Ger
wlai'prlnters reported that they wouldr to
morrow demand $3 50 a day and go on
strike if it was refused.
Beaten Terribly to Order to Tell Where His
Money Was.
Martinsbueo, W. Va., March 31.
James M. Billmyer was attacked by rob
bers at his residence near Vanclevesville,
Saturday night, and subjected to the most
brutal treatment. . About 9 o'clock three
men knocked at -his door, and asked for
something to eat. As Billmyer turned to
get them some food, one of the three hit
him with a sandbag, knocking him sense
less. He was dragged inside and robbed,
and one of the trip was left to guard him
while the house was-tearched.
By the time this was concluded Billmyer
had revived. He refused to tell where nis
money was, and was beaten and kicked-in
a terrible manner. He is in a serious condi
Verona Baldwin, of California Notoriety, the
Victim of Strange Hallucinations. .
Los Angeles, March 31. Verona Bald
win, who gained such notoriety several
years ago by shooting Millionaire "Lucky"
Baldwin in his hotel in San Francisco, is
in jail here charged with insanity. She
fancies she is filled with electricity and that
she is related to a noble - English family.
She has also made -application to be ap
pointed on the detective force and has wor-,
ried the police so much that they propose to
put her in an asylum. In spite of her life
for the last few years she is still a remarka
bly handsome woman.
Several YoungXadles Made the Victims of a
Wicked Photographer.
rsrsciAL teleoram'to the dispatch.
Shefherdstown, W. Va, March 31.
A number of young ladies of this place an
swered a Trenton, N. J., advertisement a
week or so ago, tne offer being that if 25
cents was sent on, together with a photo
graph, a dozen miniatures would be for
warded. ' '
Some of the pictures have turned up in
town, the heads of the ladles being affixed
to the bodies of artists' models, to the con
sternation of the parties interested.
Dayton nnd Vicinity Terrorized by a
Powerful Wind.
Dayton, March 31. A March cyclone
whistled oVer this valley all day, causing
anxiety for exposed structures on the
hilltops, like the Soldiers' Homi
and Lunatic Asylum, but no special
damage is reported except to the
uncompleted Sacred Heart Catholic church
in this city. The heavy timber framework
for the dome, towering 40 feet above the
roof, tottered three hours in the storm and
then fell with an awful crash into the
church, wrecking everything under it.
Indicted on Three Charges.
Charleston, W. Va., March 31. The
special grand jury has returned three in
dictments against S. A. Higginbotham, one
for the murder of .Simon Wallace, one for
the murder of Bachel Wallace, his wife,
and the. third for the burning of the Hig
ginbotham Hotel and -Wallace store.
A Brother Murdered With a Knife.
New York, March 31. During a quar
rel to-night in the Chelsea Flats, 147 West
Twenty-eighth sfreet,Benben Sands,21 years
old, stabbed his brother George in the heart
with a jack knife, killing him instantly.
The fratricide escaped.. He is a mulatto.
Postmaster General Wanamafeer
Talks'to His Bible Glass on
Preachers ani Politicians Under the In
fluence of Beer.
License i3 a Partnership of State and Saloon Keeper
i to Enin Men.
Postmaster General "Wanamaker at
tended his Bible class as usual yesterday.
He took occasion to come out pointedly in
favor of the Constitutional amendment. He
declared that prohibition can and will pro
hibit, and said that ministers, teachers and
politicians who were afraid to come out for
the amendment were under the influence of
the liquor element. He made a strongap
peal for prohibition and advised his hearers
to pray to God for help to carry the amend
ment. Philadelphia, March 31. Postmaster
General Wanamaker made his first public
utterance to-day on the question of high
license and prohibition. He declared in
favor of the Constitutional amendment,
and exhorted- the 800 persons who listened
to his words to work, pray and vote for it.
Mr. AVanamaker reached Bethany Sun
day school at 2 o'clock. Half an hour later,
while the Bethany Orchestra played the
opening hytnn, Mr. Wanamaker was in his
place of superintendent of the largest Sun
day school class in America. After the
usual exercises Mr. "Wanamaker. led the
way to the church, followed by 400 mem
bers of his adult Bible class and 400 visitors.
While the visitors were being seated, Mr.
Wanamaker announced that it was quarter
ly meeting and that theie was no regular
lesson. He said he had been requested to
talk of temperance. He read a portion of
the fifth chapter of E-phesians, beginning
with the verse, "Be not drunk with wine."
He said: "What is the Christian idea of
right? It is important that we get the right
thought, because then we will do right and
lead a happy life, The Christian idea is
that we carefully guard our deportment.
We should be temperate in all things that
we do. The Bible says that he who does
not do this is a fool. Now, a man who calls
youafoolis not ', minded much, but when
God writes us down as fools it is a very seri
ous thing. "We should be temperate in
everything. That means the use of tobacco
and of opium; it includes profanity and
anger and impurity of life. We are to so
talk that we shall build each other up."
Mr. "Wanamaker then referred to the
wreck of the American men-of-war at
Samoa, and spoke of the broken-hearted
wives and children who were waiting for
the return of their husbands and fathers,
who had been dashed to pieces on the rocks.
He continued: "Eight here in our city
are broken hearted people beaten against
the rocks of 'adversity by this tide of liquor
andof license,. j-Ihe man wber will not sign
a temperance -pledge- though he does not
need it himself, to'help a weaker brother is
not as much ot a man as he thinks himself
be. Christ said: Deny yourselves. Take
up your cross and follow me.
"There is no need to be drunk, to be under
the influence of wine. The man who takes
only a little and will not give it up is as
much controlled by it as if he was an
habitual drunkard. He is under the influ
ence because he won't give it up.
"What's the. reason you won't stand out
for the amendment? Because you like a
glass of beer. You say, 'I -want to be free
to take an occasional drink if I feel like it.'
the influence of beer.
"What influence keeps you from voting
for the amendment? Isn't it the influence
of the glass of beer? There are thousands
of men in this city who do not get drunk.
They say, 'We have the right to drink it if
we want to, to sell it, to buy it or to give it
away.' A man mayjnot drink it at all, but
he may be under the influence of the liquor
spirit. He will say, 'I am a temperance
man, but I am in business and the liquor
people deal with me, so I won't say any
thing against it' Now what influence is
he under?
"It's the same with many a politician.
He's afraid he won't get votes, so he is
silent on the liquorquestlon. "When a minis
ter or a teacher refuses to speak out on this
question he is'ruled by the liquor interests.
The drunkard who votes for prohibition is a
freer man than the total abstainer who car
ries water on both shoulders and then votes
for liquor, or to put it in the harness of high
must pray for the amendment.
"Just as the saloon keeper must answer
for every glass you must answer for voting
for liquor. It is simply a ciuestion of
whether or notwe are in favor of the saloon.
It isn't a question of high license. The
quibble that prohibition does not prohibit
has nothing to do with it. The law against
stealing does not prevent stealing. The
same power that puts the amendment on
our Constitution willattend to the enforce
ment of the law. It is our duty to make it
as difficult to get liquor as it is to get poison.
"License means thatthe city, the State and
the saloon keeper shall go into partnership
to ruin men. to build un iails. alms houses.
hospitals and houses of correction, and toH
keep up the taxes, uod's- going to count
the votes. Vote for prohibition' and you
will be voting for him, for order, for re
ligion and for the highest civilization. He
will see every ballot. When -you go home
to-night go down on your knees, every one
of you, and pray God to help you to carry
the amendment."
Mr. "Wanamaker then closeiwith a prayer.
Homes Unroofed, Fences Blown Down nnd
Other Damage Done.
Cincinnati, March 31. A terrible gale
of wind, accompanied bylight rain, passed
over the city from the southwest to the
northeast between 4 and G o'clock
this afternoon. ' Its maximum veloc
ity as measured by the Signal Service
office was ii miles per honr. Many
houses in thesouthwestern and northern
part of the city wereunroofed and numerous
fences were prostrated. Covington and
Newport suffered in the same way. The
damage, however, was light and no persons
A 16. Year-Old Boy Killed on the Same
' Ancient Flan.
.Minneapolis, March 31. Gns Peter
son, a boy about 16 years of age, was proba
bly fatally shot to-day by 'Willie "Woods,
aged 15. Woods nnd a playmate found an
old musket in a pile of rubbish and "didn't
know it was loaded." Woods had some
.caps and they set about to frighten Peterson.
As Peterson entered the outhouse where
the boys -were playing Woods snapped the
cap. The gun was loaned with buckshot,
and the right ear and right cheek of Peter
son were almost entirely shot away.
Arrested for Burning a Hotel, Stealing the
Proprietor's Dloney and Daughter)
Then Bunnlng Away on
Stolen Horses.
,Newark, N. J., March 31. Cowboy
Herbert E. Coddfngton was arrested here
on Saturday night at a late hour, on infor
mation furnished by a dispatch from
"W. "W. Dunbar, District Attorney at
Trinidad, "Col. The -telegram said the
yonng man was accused of arson, larceny
and kidnapping. He was found by Ser
geant Boylan at OSColden street, where his
stepfather, Jarvis Ayers, resides.
Herbert was with a 15-year-old girl, who
claimed to be his wife. Both wore som
breros, and tried to look like rustlers from
away up the gulch. She is pretty and her
head is full of romantic ideas. "He is a
long-haired young man, who left Newark
four years ago, and reached Colorado by
vay of Brazil, Cape Horn, Valparaiso and
Lower California. Coddington is not more
than 28 years, and has evidently imbibed a
great deal of border literature.
He was locked up at police headquarters,
the girl remaining at Mr. Ayers' house.
Her name is Aurelia Byle, and at home she
was known as Beely. She is the daughter
of A. H. Byle, who keeps a miners board
ing house at Zopher mine, five miles from
Trinidad, Col. Coddington said to-day that
he went to work for Byle in December last
as a cook, and that one day in January
Beeiy came to him and told him that she
was ill-treated by her parents and had ar
ranged to elope with a young man who
suddenly changed his mind and fled with
out her.
She worked on his sympathies, he said,
and as she was a good looking girl he stole
two ponies from an Indian and rode with
her to Trinidad where they met many
friends who fully understood the circum
stances and commended his course. They
went over the border into New Mexico and
were married that night, and got back again
to take the train for the East
In the latter part of January Chief of
Police Hopper, of Newark, received a letter
from A. M. Byle, of Zopher Mine, asking
him to look out for Herbert Parker and his
daughter Aurelia Byle, as Parker was
a Newarker and would probably return to
his home. Kyle's letiersaid thatParker had
stolen- 200 and set fire to the writer's hotel
betore running away with the girl. He
asked the Chief to watch for them and
promised to send the necessary papers for
their arrest. Young Coddington admitted
to-day that he had been known, by the name
of Parker, but said that Mr. Byle knew
that his name was Coddington. He said
the charge of arson was trumped up. This
he said he would prove by a letter which
Byle sent him long after the escapade. He
said Byle informed him in this letter that
the hotel had been burned, .-but he said
nothing about missing any money.
The girl and Coddington's mother visited
him at noon, and the former assured him
that she would stick to him through thick
and thin. He will be held to await the
receipt of the papers from Colorado.
Performing the Marriage Ceremony a Profit
able Business In Camden.
Camden, N. J., March 31. It marriage
is bliss, Camden ought to be Blissville. For
the last fiye years there have been recorded
at the City Clerk's office here from 4,000 to
5,000 marriages annually, which is about
four times the normal rate for a city of
70,0QO inhabitants, It is more trouble to
get alicense to marry in Philadelphia-than-It
is to get a girl willing to marry.
Courting has become a secondary consid
eration as a preliminary to marriage in the
Quaker City. The great thing is to make
sure of your license.. Both parties have to
pass a sort of civil service examination as
to their age, sex and previous condition of
servitude or otherwise, and after that the
parents all around have to submit schedules of
Information under oath as to the condition of
their minds as to the contemplated cere
mony. If the parents are dead the fact has
to he established. If they live in distant
parts of the country they have to send on
their affidavits just the same. If they are
unknown, missing or beyond reach, it makes
no difference, the law is the law, and the
marriage cannot go on unless something
that will pass for a parental consent'is ob
tained by forgery, perjury, or in some other
wav. f
Naturally, the young people object, and
therefore go to Jersey to avoid the bother
caused by the Pennsylvania laws. One
preacher makes marrying almost his sole
business, uniting on an average 100 couples
a month. Many justices of the peace also
do a thriving bnsiness, and their
revenue is quite an important one.
A, few vears ago, when a marriase
license bill was up before the New Jersey
Legislature, the Senator from Camden
county hotly protested against it, on the
ground that it would deprive the ministers
of his county alone of an annual revenue of
512,000. It was bad public policy, he ar
gued to drive that amount of money out of
the State. The Legislature didn't pass the
bill. The Senator's estimate was probably
not an exaggerated one. The fees from Cam
den marriages are generally from $2 to $5.
How a New York Assemblyman Gat Oat
of Albany.
Nirw York, March 31. There is a bad
story afloat about Assemblyman Timothy
Dry-dollar Sullivan. It is said that" he had
been sued by his boarding mistress
in Albany, and even that he had left
his trunk, with $300 worth of clothing and
diamonds, in the clutches of the Albany
woman. "Absolutely false," said little
Jack Sullivan; "anybody who knows Tim
knows hfi wouldn'tleave his trunk."
"Tell you all about it, fellows," the As
semblyman said; "Dominick Mullany, over
in the Fift', and me hired lodgings in North
Pearl street. Dom got sick and left. I
couldn't keep such quarters. I sent a fellow
with the rent for two weeks, to get my
trnnk. The boarding mistress said that she
would see me. She did see me. She sent
a lawyer after me with a summons
from Justice Donaher's court. Now
you know if Donaher was only
down here she would not stand
a ghost of a show, but ydi know he is in
Albany, where she isT That's how I am
being goosed. The boarding mistress can
keen the trunk, diamonds dress suit and
A Yellowstono Scoot nnd a Soldier Among
tho Missing.
LivinostSn, Mont., March 31. It is
about certain that a park scout named Wil
son and one soldier who accompanied him
are lost. They started three weeks ago for
a trip through the park to see if there were
any trespassers molesting the game. Thev
were to have been back in ten days, but
have not turned up.
A relief party was started out this morn
ing by Captain Harris. The theory is that
the unfortunate men have attempted to
cross the Yellowstone, and have gone
through the ice.
Bismarck's Offer to England.
London, March 31. The Daily Tele
graph says that Connt Herbert Bismarck
has made a definite offer on the part of Ger
many to cede Damaraland to England.
Of -m-eaMnd -can beat bo
advertising in"
of The Dis-
Bri2hten the FafcSpfSome Who Hata
Not Smiled Since Novemher.
They See Some Show for a Yictory In T
Day's Cincinnati Election.
Aifa May End In a Democratic Legislature and Thus a
V. a Senator. .
To-day's election In Cincinnati far exceed
the usual municipal contest in interest.
Indeed, It rises almost to national import
ance. If the Democrats carry the city, as
seems likely, they will be in good shape to
carry the county for their legislative con
test in the fall, "As goes Hamilton county
so goes the State." A Democratic Legisla
ture would give Senator Payne his longed
for opportunity to seek a "vindication."
So all eyes in Ohio to-tlay center on Cincin
Cincinnati, March 31. To-morrow will
be an important day in the political his
tory of Cincinnati, and in the State also,
for that matter, for the complexion of the
next General Assembly and the election of
Senator Payne's successor, it is thought,
will be determined by the result of to-morrow's
contest here.
There is a deal qf trouble in the local
camps. The causes have existed for at
least two years, and the result was inevit
able. The Bepublicans are in the worst
fix and the chances for their success are
much against them. The existence- of the
organization known as the Loyal Kepub
lican League is responsible, directly, for tha
present chaos in the fold; or, rather, the ex
posure of its existence is responsible, for it
has been an organization for several years,
and it counts among its members gentle
men the mention of whose names would oc
casion a flurry of considerable proportions.
The organization is unrepublican and
was bound to result in injury to the party,
but it would have been better for party
organs to have waited till after the election
to attack it. However, it was jumped upon,
and pencils of unwonted sharpness showed
to the public thehideousness of the "gang,"
resulting in a direct conflict in convention
and the presentation by the Committee of
Five Hundred of an independent ticket,
with Daniel Stone for Mayor.
The question has really become one of
morals, and the closing of the saloons on
Sunday is the hinge upon which to-morrow's
result will turn. The present Mayor,
Amor Smith, Jr., has made practically no
effort to enforce the law, and after a couple
of Sundays of quiet the saloons resumed
their all-week custom, and the front doors
have been as open on Sunday as on Satur
day. This fact was the first thing that induced
the organization of the Committee of Five
Hundred,- and now that an organization,
calculated to keep in power men who would
follow in Smith's tracks, has been dis
closed, this committee has nominated a
strong ticket "which, while it cannot be
elected, will poll at least- 8,000 ToteJ
most of which will be Republican, and
thus will the
almost as a whole. General Noyes, the Re
publican candidate for Supreme Judge,
may weather the storm, but it Is doubtful if
any other Kepublican candidate escapes
Such a result will give the Democrats
control of the municipal machinery, and if
with it they do not elect the Democratic
Legislative ticket next fall the surprise,
even to sanguine Bepublicans, will be
A Democratic delegation from Hamilton
county in the State Legislature would al
most without a doubt make that body Dem
ocratic, and Senator Payne, with proper in
ducements, might realize his hope; to suc
ceed himself in the United States Senate.
Arising from the differences in the Ke
publican ranks there are reports affecting
the State machinery, The Times-Slar, the
organ of the "Mugwumps" here, says that
Governor Foraker, who has always been
very thick with George B. Cox, one of the
big 'uns in the Loyal Kepublican League,
has determined to again be a candidateJbr
Governor, and that as soon as opportunity
offers which means after the election he
will chop off the head of every Sherman
man employed in any capacity under the
all-powerful Board of Public Affairs.
This may and it may not be simply a
campaign rnmor. A gentleman close to
the Governor informed The Dispatch
correspondent that, so far as Foraker's can
didacv is concerned, there is not a word ot
truth 'in it "The Goernor." said he, "is
not and will not be a candidate for re-election."
The same gentleman only laughed
t the other rumor, saying it wasn't worth
denying or contradicting, because the lie is
given it by the fact that Foraker will not
again be-Governor, and the beheading of
the gentlemen in question would, therefore,
do him no possible good.
It may seem a difficult matter to foretell
who will likely be the successful contestant
in the Gubernatorial race that is, in the
race for the Kepublican nomination be
cause Bushnell has twice declined to run,
while General Gibson, E. L Lampson,
Lieutenant Governor Lyon and others are
announced. But the same gentleman above
referred to, a gentleman.who has had years
of experience in State politics, is of the
opinion that despite Busbnell's declination
he will be nominated on the first ballot, if
not by acclaim.
Since, the rejection by the Senate of the
nomination of Murat Halstead as Minister
to Germany, that gentleman's name is also
used in connecon with the Gubernatorial
race, the talk being that if elected Governor, ,
he would be a candidate for Senator; thus
being able to make a deal with Lieutenant
Governor Lyon, and get that gentleman off
tne track he now being an avowed candt
date for Governor.
But, to return to Cincfnnati politics,
though every circumstance and combination
of circumstances seem to indicate the defeat
of the Kepublican ticket this spring, Mosby's
supporters are quite confident, and it is a
possibility that he may, with the assistance
of the liberal class, pull through. How
ever, nobody will bave an overwhelming
majority, and to-morrow's contest is not
likely to be definitely settled until tho polls
close at 4 o'clock.
DIurdered While Working Up Evidence la
the Clayton Assassination.
Xittle Bock, Ark., March 31. Joseph
Smit, a negro detective, who, it is reported,
was trying to work up evidence against
certain parties at Plummerville, in relation
to the Clayton murder, was shot and killed
last night by a white man named Dan
The killing has caused another sensation.
Bichmond claims Smith attempted to draw
a pistol on him. The killing -occurred 4 -mile
from town. --.