A" "V THE ETETSBTTKG DISPATCH SUNDAY, r MARCH- - -81, ' ' 1889. rFOR A BIG BONANZA. What the Latest Scheme to Gel 2,000 , Merchants Here Means. WHOLESALE PURCHASES TO BOOH. Hundreds of Thousands Secured bj Boston in Just That Way. r r PLAK TO SELL VEGETABLES BI WEIGHT The retail grocers of the surrounding country, within a radius oi 200 miles, in ad dition to the 75 delegates to the State Con vention, from this State, will take this city by storm during the week beginning Mon day, April 22. It is estimated that there will be about 2,000 of them in town during the week. Each of them will, in all proba bility leaveorders for goods which, in the segregate, msT amount to hundreds of thousands oi aoiiars. j.ne visi tors will be taken about the city and shown the sights. If any of the grocers from the remote country districts do not "see the ele phant," from the hinges on.his trunk to the fly brush, on his tail, it will not be because they were not given an opportunity to view him. The object of the scheme is to bring the grocers into the city twice a year to pur chase goods. The idea originated in Boston, and has been worked there very success fully. Percy 3?. Smith, who is always "on the alert for the Pittsburg grocers interests, and who will be responsible for the great influx oFvisitors, in 'speaking of the scheme yesterday, said: JTARROW BAILBOAD EMTSSABIES. "We were not sure that we could hold the festivities until this morning, owing to the narrow minded policy of some of the railroad companies here, who did not want to pre us reduced rates. A meeting of the Pittsburg Association of Railroad Passenger Agents was held this morning In the offices bf Pennsylvania Company, and it was finally agreed that a rate of two cents per mile be made for all points beyond 50 miles and within a radius of 200 miles of PittSburg. This will enable the outside dealers to come to the city and see what kind of merchants there are here. The programme of the week, which will be known as -Merchants Week," will include visits to the Davis Island Dam, the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, the National Tube Works, the inclined planes, the Allegheny parks, Phipps' conservatories, water works and all the principal industrial establishments. Steam boats haTe been chartered to convey the gro cers from this city to Davis Island. Bessemer and McKeesport. On Thursday evening a ban quet will be given, and on Friday carriages will be provided for the visitors to ride about the city. This will be in addition to the ban quet and other festivities of delegates to the State Convention. Their banquet will be held in Lafayette Hall on Wednesday evening. The whole object of the scheme is to intro duce the grocers living around Pittsburg to the wholesalers of this city. Pittsburg has little trade beyond a distance of 75 miles from here, and in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Baltimore the wholesalers smile at us as If we belonged to some cross-country settlement. There is no reason in the world why all the merchants of Pittsburg cannot have a good trade In such towns as Altoona, Sharon, Green ville. Youngstown. etc THE SCOPE OF IT. We want to get as far east as Harrisburg, and think we can do so. Why, the idea of the retail business men in Johnstown beinV sup plied by Philadelphlans, and the men in Union town going to Baltimore for their supplies, is preposterous. There is no reason for It, and if we made some effort we would get this money into our city. Pittsburg to-day stands seventh in the Clear ing House; but, when I mentioned our whole sale grocers at a banquet in Cleveland, the merchants there smiled at me. If the scheme has worked well in Boston, there Is no reason why it cannot be worked here. In that city a permanent organization has been formed for the-purpose. but we will try it for a week first, to see how it works. Xheiailroadsupon which excursion,tickets will be sold are the Pennsylvania lines fast and west of Pittsburg, the Allegb4p,y Valley, Pitts burg and Western, PittSburg and Tiki Erie, Wheeling ana Lake Erie Ohio Valley. Cleve land, Akron ana columDus, v alley naiiway. New York, Lake Erie and Western, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Lake Snore and Michi gan Sonthern, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Shenango and Allegheny roads. In addition to t be. reduced railroad rate, we have secured low rates at all the hotels. At the meeting of the State Association a proposition will be made to reduce the per capita tax from $1 to 50 cents. The matter of selling vegetables by weight to consumers will also be acted upon. A. number of grocers are doing this now, and the scheme will likely be generally adopted. A uni form pass' book will be submitted for adop tion. An effort will be made to stop price cutting and the handling of adulterated goods. P. B. Thurber, the millionaire grocer of -New Xork, will be present, and will make an address at the banouet. QTVmffiW&??W& THST COCOAXTJT CAKE. The yolks of six eggs well beaten; add two caps white sugar, three-quarters cup butter, one enp sweet milk, three and a half enps flour having in it one measure "Banner" Baking Powder; add with the flour the whites of two eggs beaten stiff; bake in jelly-cake pans. Por the Icing. Take one cocoanut: re move the shell; pare and grate; add to it the whites of four eggs well beaten and one quarter pound powdered sugar; mix well to gether; spread this on the layers of the cake when they get cold. There is no economy in using inferior and so-called cheap baking preparations. It would beArell for the economical and pru dent housewife to count the cost and final expense in the use of an inferior baking powder and compare the different results, which are largely in favor of the -high test pure cream tartar powder. The Banner Powder is composed of 99 per cent pure crystal cream tartar, giving it the most pow erful leavening force, hence it always does more and better work with a given quantity of flour than any other. The "Banner Recipe Book" is replete with valuable household information for baking tea biscuit, rolls, muffins and all kinds of fancy cakesj instructions for roast ing meats, fish and fowl; for preparing French ana mayonnaise dressing, and mak ing all kinds of desserts. Every lady should have one of these books. Order a pound can with the Banner Re cipe Book from your grocer. If he cannot supply the book send your address to B. B. Powder Company, P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mall it free. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY. Scourene to clean windows. Scourene to clean"woodwork. Scourene to clean bathtubs. Scourene to clean marble slabs. Scourene to clean tinware. Scourene 5 cents a cake. Yon Will Nerd China Mattings When the warm weather gets here. Such a stock as we now show cannot be found else where in the West. Edtcabd Gboetzikgee, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. i if mi&' ji vs?V H I B" "t j i&C7WlWF A REMARKABLE FIRE. The Splendid Chambers Dlanslon In the East End limited .Mysteriously A Mng nlflcent but Expensive Scene. At 7 o'clock last evening the colored dri ver in the employ of Mr. Xawrence Dil worth, who has been ocenpying the old Chambers mansion on Fifth aveuue, oppo site Amberson avenue, discovered a fire in one of the upstairs rooms, and immediately notified Engine Company No. 14. By the time the firemen reached the scene1 the blare had become so large that more than a Bab cock was needed to control it, and when th line of hose. was extended to the place, which is situated on a knoll about POO feet from Fifth avenue, the fire had gaineu "o rapidly that an alarm from 231 wa. .ent in. Assistant Chief Coates on reaching the scene sent in second and third alarms. The fire meanwhile gained rapidly. The flames leaped from every window, making a beau tiful sight and were not subdued until the entire building was in ruins. Mr. Dilworth's nroDertv had all been packed up preparatory to removal to his handsome new residence, about 100 yards away, at the foot of the hill; in fact, three wagon loads of stuff had been taken away yesterday afternoon, the wagon having just departed with the third load when the fire was discovered. Some of the furniture was saved, mainly that in the lower portion of the house; but it was very, little in comparison with the large amount destioyed. Among other things were a couple of trunks containing jewely, etc Mr. Dilworth estimated the loss on his furniture at $5,000, which is covered by insurance, but in what compa nies he conld not tell, as the policies were not at hand. The destroyed Chambers mansion was at one time considered one of the handsomest residences in the county. It was built of brick, with stone trimmings, trad was shaped quite like a cros, having two towers facing Fifth avenue. The house was situated on a knoll, affording a beautiful view of the en tire Past Liberty Valley, while the grounds surrounding the building were large and laid out in excellent design. The building was owned by Mr. "Walton Perguson, who at present resides in Hartford. Conn., and was valued at about $35,000. This loss was fully covered by insurance, but in what companies is not known. Just how the fire originated is a mystery. Mr. Dilworth stated that there were no fires in the house at the time, and he was at a loss to know the origin. The fire caused a great deal of excitement and thousands of people flocked to the scene. Travel on the Past End branch of the Pifth avenue traction road was suspended for a time, ,the tracks being crossed by hose. The suspension did not last long, however, as a force of men were on hand who lifted the hose and passed it over the tops of the cars, allowing them to run under. SI. Last Month. SI. April is positively the last month for $1 per dozen cabinets at Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Come early and bring children, rain or shine. "Use elevator. DIVIDENDS. PrrrsBUBO, March 30, 1SS9. THE BOARD OK DIRECTORS OF THE Tuna Oil Company have this day declared a quarterly dividend of four (4) per cent., pay able on and after April 3 next, at the office of the company. No. 6f Fourth avenue. GEO. W. COCHRAN, mh30-35 Secretary and Treasurer. RESORTS. rpHE ISLESWORTH. JL ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9. 18S9. jal3-72-MWTSn BUCK & McCLELLAN. AUCTION SALES, BY HENRY AUCTION CO. TMPORTANT AND ATTRACTIVE AUCTION BAT.K FINE FURNITURE. CARPETS, PIANOS & HOUSEHOLD GOODS FROM DEAL ERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS i Removed to the auction Tooms for convenience of sale. TUESDAY MORNING April 2, at 10 o'clock, superior parlor suits in satin, broca telle, plush and mohair, art tables and chairs, piano fortes, lace curtains and draperies, mir rors, handsome chamber -furniture, dressers, mirror doored wardrobes, chera! glasses, cheff oniers, marble clocks, mantel cabinets and ornaments, elegant dining room sideboards, leather seat chairs, china, glass and silverware, library book cases, desks, couches and lounges, hail racks, office desks and chairs, bedding, hair and other mattresses, stoves, kitchen and laundry f urnlshments, etc, etc A full and complete assortment of household furniture and carpets, both new and second-hand, from dealers and housekeepers, with instructions to close out at once for cash to close accounts. HENRY AUCTION CO., LUL, mb.31-91 311 Market street. BULLETIN OF AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, at the rooms, 3D- Mar ket st., at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY. APRTL 9. fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st. THURSDAY, APRIL U, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, 3U Market St. HENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7-105 AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, CAR PETS, bedding, stoves, etc, at 93 Third avenue, pn WEDNESDAY, April 3. at 10 A. M.. parlor and chamber suits, wardrobes, side boards, bookcases, desks, chenille and lace curtains, shades, rugs, chiffoniers, chairs, tables, library lamps, bronze and bisque stat uary, handsome portieres, lambrequins, pianos, organs, mirrors, engravings, paintings, clocks, wringers, washers, refrigerators, fie chests; also a lot of goods too ncmerous to mention. P. a Two thousand yards of brussels and ingrain carpet will be sold at a saenfic Don't fail to attend. PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY. mh31-150-Tnsu 93 Third avenue. MEETINGS. -VTOTICE- L To roughers and catchers of 10-Inch mills and down, that there will be a meeting held SUNDAY, APRIL 14, at 2 o'clock, at Salisbury Hall, Twelfth street, S. S.; there will be business of Importance transacted. All roughen and catchers of small mills are requested to attend. mh31-33 MEETING THE MEMBERS OP LAW RENCE Council No. 61, Jr. O. U. A. M.. are reanested to meet at their hall. No. S810 Bntldr street, on SUNDAY at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Frederick Greenwalt. Sister councils are re spectfully invited to attend. By order of CHARLES ATKINSON, Councilor. WM. STIRM, Sec mh30-41 Pittsbuko, April 1, 1889. We are now permanently located at the cor ner of WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS, Germania Savings Bank Building, directly op posite our former office, where we will continue to execute orders on commission for either in vestment or margin account in Stocks and Bonds, Petroleum. Also all commodities dealt in at the Chicago Board of Trade at the minimum rates. We are members of the Pittsburg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Excbance, and the New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges, and have private wires to Philadelphia and New York. Quotations of all the markets posted in our office Special attention given to orders in Local "Stocks and Securities. Respectfully. REA BROS. & CO., Telephone 705. 423 Wood street mb3I-8i IMPERIAL CLUB RECEPTION AT Imperial Hall, cor. Seventh ave. and New Grant street,THURSD AY EVENING,APR1L 4. Mozart f nil orchestra, with harp and chimes; Col. Christy. DANCING FROM 8 TO 2. AD MISSION, 50c mh31-l?0 JMPORTANT TO MEN BUILDING houses For sale, at the German National ink, corner Wood and Sixth ave., 200,000 bricks, joists, doors, windows, grates, mantels, shutters. Inquire on the premises of mhSl-121 T. M. BOANLON. MS'Duplay advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise mentt on this page such at Wanted, IforBale, To Let, eic, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or leu thanfljli) cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, Por Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. I'lTTSBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 8509 Butler street EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., WyUe ave. and Eultoa St. N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHEIBLER,5th av. Atwood It. souinsnix. JACOB SFOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, S9 Federal street. H."J. McBBIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FBED H. EGGEHS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGOEBS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EKBYM. GLEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny avea. WANTED. Main Ueln. WANTED-REGISTERED DKUG CLERK. Address MENTHA, Dispatch office. mhSl-zs -tTT-AJ'TF.D-GKEENHOUSE MAN TO TAKE VV charge of small place in the city. X. B., Dispatch office. mhtl-102 WANTED IMMEDIATELY AN EXPERI E.NOEI) bill clerk. Address BOX 1063 Pittsburg 1. O. mh3l-lll WANTED-TWO FIRbT-CLASS CABINET makers: no others need apply; steady work. Apply 54 NINTH ST. rob.31-27 -T7ANTED STUDENT TO LEARN DEN YY -TTSTRY Must pay fee. Inquire W. S. YATES, 80S Penn ave. mh31-41 T7"ANTED-PAFEK HANGER. INQUIRE E. VV D. STBICKLEB'S PAPEB HOUbE. 6206 Penn ave.. East End. mb3l-125 TJITANTED-DBUG CLERK, REGISTERED. VV Call alter April 1 at 194 FEDERAL S r., cor. Montgomery ave., Allegheny. mh31-25 WANTED-2 GOOD PANTS MAKERS AND 2 good coat makers. W. F. WEST, Merchant Tailor, Sixth avenue, -Homestead. nib 31-1 M WANTED-ONE SHORT STRAW AND TWO long straw collar makers at once. GEORGE W. ACHE, 426 Wood St., Pittsburg. mh31-113 VXTANTED-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE YV art of ventriloquism at a small cost. Ad dress VENTRILOQUIST, Dispatch office. mhtt-67 WANTED-IMMEDIATELY FIK3T-CLAS3 carriage painters Apply to F. W. SAWERT ft CO., 5917 to 5923 Penn ave., E. E. mh31-15 WANTED-10 MEN OF GOOD AUDRESS f 113 per month can be made. PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO., Manorvllle, Armstrong Co., Pa. mh31-24 WANTED-SALESMEN-TO SELL A PAT ENT ledger, advertising specialties, etc., to merchants. W. B. PERSHING, South Bend, Ind. mh23-35-eod w ANTED-NICKEL BUFFER ALSO BOY that bas bad some experience In nickel . w. E. HAGUE, virgin ailev. above bod St. mh31-123 WANTED-SIEN LOOKING FOB STEADY employment and good wages In city and surrounding towns to call on J. J. MORRIS, S3 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh31-108 TJANTED-A HARNESS MAKER; NONE VV but sober man need apply. Address or call on A. W. SMITH, Carriage and Harness Mfr., McKeesport, Pa. mh30-33 WANTEDA YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN newspaper office; must be active and Intel ligent: one who speaks German preferred. Ad dress BOX 285, Pittsburg. 4hh3l-53 -rrrxhTEU-a young man to drive VV. grocery wagon: experience and reference required and must reside In Allegheny. Apply after 9 o'clock at 14 DIAMOND. Pittsburg. mh3l-141 WANTED FIVE ENERGETIC AND TEM PERATE men to solicit In the city and Al legheny; liberal compensation to the right parties. WHEELER & WILSON CO., 6 Sixth street. mb.27-78 -TaTA TED-MAN OF STEADY, INDU8TKI VV OUS bablts; nu" ijave good certificates for trustworthiness ive ajft. nil name and former -employment. Adfliesa C. ft ti JJlsnatch office. mh3l-llo , r -TTrANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE VV trimmers, one for light and one for heavy work: also one general woodworker: acDlv im mediately THOS. S. O'NEIL ft CO., 6825 Penn ave., E. E. mh31-71 -TTJ-ANTED-AGENTS FOB A LITTLE 5 CENT V V article that outsells everything this spring: every house must have from 25 to 100; enormous profits to agent. J. B. PAGE ft CO., 3213 Fifth avenue, Chicago. mh30-S7 -rTTANTED-A COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED T V wholesale grocery shipper: must be thor oughly reliable and give satisfactory reference. Address. In own "handwriting, GROCERY SHIP PER, Dispatch office. mh3in03 WANTED BUSINESS MANAGER AND solicitor for organized male quartet; per son directly interested In musical profession pre ferred: liberal Inducements to right party. Ad dress QUARTET, Dispatch office. mh31-38 WANTED-A FEW SALESMEN TO SELL BY sample to wholesale and retail trade; sala ry, 30 per week; send 2c for particulars: perma nent position. BRISTOL MANUFACTURING CO., Box 1215, Philadelphia, Pa. mh31-16-Tusu TTANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MABBLE AND VV granite salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city or Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie, Pa. mh26-78 WANTED-BAD WRITERS-SMART'S COL, LEGE. 13 Sixth street, Pittsbnrg, open dally from S A. M. to 9 P. M. ; penmanship taught in a few easy lessons; bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic, etc.; Instruction thorough and private; terms (5 per month for alL mh27-TTSSu -VTT ANTEDIMMEDIATELY ONE EXTRA VV quick first-class granltetracer and letterer; must be especially fast In this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or four first-class granite cutters: must be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MAKBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh26-7S -T7-AN TED-SUPERINTENDENT, BY LARGE W New York hardware manufacturers, for their wholesale and retail business in this State: knowledge of the territory required; will handle all moneys and control over f 10,000 (wholesale) worth goods: must have SL800 cash (no bonds); salary, $150; references. Address "MANUFACT URER;" Station D, New York. mh31-17 WANTED AGENTS ONLY NEW SUB SCRIPTION book of this year; ''Anarchy and Anarchists." by Captain Schaack, of Chi cago police; all about the red terror In Europe and America; Illustrated by photoi of Anarchists and scenes of riots In Pittsburg, Baltimore, Chi cago, etc; diagrams or bombui exclusive terri tory; liberal terms: outfits reay. P. J. FLEM ING ft CO.. 77 Diamond st. mh29-23 WANTED-AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent ink erasing pencil: greatest novelty ever produced; erases Ink in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to 5uoper cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to SSXI 00 in six days; another S32 00 In two hours: territory absolutely tree: salary to good men; no ladles need answer; sample 35 cents. For terms and full particulars address the manufacturers, J. W. SKINNER ft CO., Onalaska, Wis. mh29-l -VTTANTED-AGENTS IN EVKRY TOWN TO W sell and everybody to use Dr. O'Keefe's liver pills,- cold or catarrh pills, cough pills, diarrhoea pills, dyspepsia pills, rheumatism pills, headache pills, skin eruption pills, worm pills, kidney pills, piles pills, neuralgia pllis,menstrual pills, leucorrhcea pills, backache pills, eve pills, teething pills, asthma pills, croun pills, sore throat pills, nerve pills, nervous debllitr pills, general debility pills, whooping cough pills, non cathartic pills, fever and ague pills. 25 cents each, large bottles, 11 each. DR. O'KEEFE ft CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth ave. and 423 Penn ave., Pittsburg. mh30-134 Female HelD. -TTTANTED-GIRL TO WORK IN KITCHEN. VV Apply 609 SMTTIiFIELD ST., between 9 and 10 a.m. Monday. mh31-152 -fTTANTED-lO LADY AGENTS-CAN MAKE VV tioo per month: proof free. PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO., Manorvllle, Armstrong Co., Pa. mh31-24 TtT ANTED FIItST CLASS PANTALOON VV maker: steady work and good pay. Inquire at WILLIAM THOMAS', 301 Beaver ave., Alle gheny. mh3l-28 WANTED GOOD GIBL FOB GENERAL housework In small family; must be good washer and lroner (no house cleaning). 144 JACK SON SLAllegheny mh31-l06 WANTED-43IBL FOR HOUSEWORK: MUST be good cook, and come well recommended; good wages paid. MRS. J. H. REED. No. 163 Belter street, East End. mh31-151 TUTANIED-LADY AGENTS SALARY OB VV commission. Call between ijLX. and 12. ROOM 82, Schmidt ft Friday Building, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, Plt,tsbnrg. mh31-70 w ANTED-A FIKST CLASH GIBL. TO "WORK online cusiom coaw: oestwagef anasteadr ir.T.lrvrmp.TU! none but first class need annlr. at KSKJT 01 itittinil Oiii wuimuwi, -TTANTED-LADY AGENTS. TWO NEW W Inventions for ladles' spring, summer wear. Outsell everything. Pay iloo monthly. These, with our bustle-skirts, rubber goods, hose supporters, etc.. make best business known. Ad dress with sump. E. H. CAMPBELL ft CO., 484 Randolph St., Chicago. mblO-UZ-TTgu WANTED. Blalo and Female nolo. WANTED-AGENTS, MEN OK WOMEN, TO sell Missouri Steam Washer to families; ar guments in its favor numerous and convincing: sales made without difficulty; profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense If not satisfactory: write for Illustrated circular and terms. J. 'ttOBTH, M iJeekmtn, N. Y. no25-w80-su Situations. WANTED-SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER or chipping clerk; good penman. Address c 11. II.. msoaicn omw. juuov-iff WANTED BROMIDES TO MAKE FOB photographers and agents and also finish them fn cravon at lowest rates. PITT'S BKO MIDE CO., 631 Smlthfield St. mhI-80 WANTED-BOOKKEEPEB A COMPETENT and reliable man desires a change of posi tion; thoroughly posted In doable entry and voucher system ; can furnish undoubted references and bond. Address C. J. W., lock box S. Alle gheny. mh31-l53 Partner, t -TTTANTED-A PARTNER IN A BUSINESS IN W this cltv covered by letters patent to con tribute a small amount ot capital and take charge of the manufacturing department. Address Z. D., Dispatch office. mli29-32 WANTED-A PARTNER TO CO-OPERATE In a planing mill and lumber business: ex cellent location: two railroad sidings on the prop erty, with suitable buildings; capital required 15. (no. Address LUMBER, Dispatch office, mh31-116 TTAN TED-PARTNER WITH S15.000 TO 25,- V 000 In a paying manufacturing business; will guarantee 20 per cent on investment; busi ness a monopoly; no ?lsk whatever. Address TRUSTWORTHY, P.O. Box 682, Pittsbnrg, Fa. musi-130 WANTED-OAP1TAL1ST TO INVEST 130,000 against equal amount In cash In sound manufacturing business: thorough practical knowledge of the parties can assure regular Jrofits or at least 10 per cent a year. Address BON AND STEEL, Dispatch office. mhSM6 Hoarding. -TTA N T E D FURNISHED ROOM AND VV board or room near first-clas boarding houserprlvate family preferred; reference. Ad dress K. B., Dispatch office. mh3i-l Boarders and Lodgers. w ANTED OCCUPANTS . FOB LARGE front room. 45 WASHINGTON ST., near East Park, Allegheny. mh31-2 WANT ED-OCCUPANTS FOR A SECOND STORY front room, wlthalcove. 169 NORTH AVE., Allegheny, Pa. mh3t-45 WANTED-OCOUPANT3 FOR TWO NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire at 205 FEDERAL ST., cor. North ave Allegheny. mh31-H2 -T7-ANTED- OCCUPANTS FOR PLEASANT VV rooms: references exchanged. Apply at NO. 60 BID WELL ST., Allegheny. mh30-23 WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR NICELY FUB N1SHED second-story front: alo- unfur nished third-story front. 32 AKCH ST.. Alle gheny City. mh3l-28 THTA.NTED-GENTLEMAN FOB SECOND VY STORY room, with first-class table beard: rate $5 per week; reference given and requirtd. 145 SECOND AVE. mh31-l24 WANTED-OCCUPANT FOR FURNISHED front room; privilege or bath ; situated one square from parks, Allegheny. Apply to B. N. MCLAIN, 44f Wood St. mh31-146 WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR HANDSOME LY furnished rooms, with board; to be had by first-class parties only, at 17 N ORTH AVE., Al legheny, from April L mh29-U WANTED OCCUPANTS FOB AN ELEGANT furnished front room, facing the North Park, with good, table- boarding. Inquire 45 MONTGOMERY AVE.. Allegheny. mh31-122 w ANTED BOARDERS SHAD YSD3E rnAtn with hoard. flnltahlft formiLrrledcouDle or two eentlemen. ADnlv on premises. AMBER- SON AVE,, third door from church. mh23-18-'WThsu WANTED-TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN for two furnished front bedrooms on Arch St.. near parks: suitable for sitting and bedroom: newly papered: with both gases; Sis for both. NO. 95 ARCH ST. Immediate possession. mh31-104 Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT ,KLt AND 6 percent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. Ja20-2-su WANTED-MORTGAGESON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest rates of interest. SPEN CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mh23-7 -TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PBOMPT- VV LY;property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. U19-81 WANTED-BENTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL attention given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER ft GLOSSEH, 419 Smlthfield st. mh23-7 -TJANTED-WE HAVE A.LARGE AMOUNT VV of money placed In our hands to loan on mortgages; Is not Easterneapltal: rates and terms reasonaoie. srKAUD s Aiuiutis, corner wooa street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mb31-29 -T7-ANTED-MOBTG AGES-fl, 000, 000TO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at fi per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNUCK. ft UONr 103 Fourth avenue. , -apt-Hi -fTTANTED-WE GUARANTEE 6 PEE CENT VV Interest to capitalists willing to erect store rooms on certaiu city property we control, as we represent prominent- business men Trilling to make 5 and 10 year contracts and pay S per cent net on money Invested, STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg, mh3l-29 -TTTANTED-TO .LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE VV over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban propertyat 4W per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on Improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette, v, ashington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount, BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. . e3-a9-Su TTTTANTED-PROPERTY-WE HAVE CUSTO VV MERS for one unimproved tarm of 70 or 80 acres; must be cheap, have running water, and located within 50 miles of city; also for one small farm of 20 or 25 acres, 'frith some Improvements and running water, within 25 miles of cltv; also for several small dwelling houses or 4 to 6 rooms, in suburbs; also for business or dwelling house property located anywbere In the old city or in the hill district between Court House and Minersvllle; also for vacant lots. Parties having any such property for sale will please communicate with or send particulars to office of MORRIS ft FLEM ING, Real Estate and Insurance, 106 Fourth ave. mh31-8S-TTSn Miscellaneous. WANTED-10, 000 YARDS F COBBLE STONE delivered at McCandless ave,, city. K. BRACKEN, McCjindlessavC, city. mh31-107 WANTED-TO BUY A SECOND-HANDED tricycle for child 9 years old; must be in ood condition. Address for 3 days at 131 WEB TEB ST., Allegheny. , mh31-115 WANTED MANUSCBHTS AND fcoBRE SFONDENl'E from amateur antbors. Ad dress Editor DILETTANTE MAGAZINE, 44 and 46 Larned St., Detroit, Mich. mh31-30 TTTTANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN VV who wish to thoroughly learn shorthand; re helped to positions. MARTIN'S SHOKT ) school. Hi wood st. mtm-2 HAND SCHOOL, -TT7-ANTED TO SELL BRASS FOUNDRY YY outfit embracing a 12-stamp battery stamp ing mill for reducing brass ashes: well located. Address, for one week, TJH ASS, Dispatch office. mb.31-28 WANTED BUYERS FOR WATCHES, Jewelry, silverware, clocks: special in ducements; 10 to 20 per cent discount to cash buyers ror 15 days bnly. JOHN MITSUH, ISO Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. mti22-invrsu WANTED-EVEEYBODY TO KNOW THAT II. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that ho can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HEN BY TERHEYDEN, UObmlthfleld st. noU-MWFSu WANTED CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TION questions and full information of how, when and where to apply for 'a government Eosltlon sent on receipt 10c Address NATIONAL L.LUS1BATED MAGAZINE, Washington. D.C. mhl7-58-Su WANTED WE INSURE HOUSEHOLD furniture, dwellings, stocks 01 merchan dise and other property at lowest current rates; losses adjusted andpaid at this office.- STRAUB & MORRIS, corner wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh3l-29 WANTED -PARTIES WISHING LACE CUR TAINS, rugs, table covers, lambrequins, silverware, clocks, lamps, etc, on easy payments, should call on us or send postal, and we will send samples toyour house. UNION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. nih31-fO T7"A.NTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOGRAPHER, 98 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybodyto know that be Is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered, when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-63 w ANTED-BAUEB ft SCHIMPF'S FURNI- IU1IE renairing.estaDilshmct. cor. Chestnut and Pike streets. Allegheny cltv. Pa.: furniture of all kinds neatly and promptly repaired, reno vated and made to order; orders by mall will re- ceive prompt attention. mndi-iM FOH SALE IMPHOVED REAL ESTATE. lesidi frf si Cltv Rendencea. FOE SALE-BLUFF STBEET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick nouses rooms, ball. bath. room, inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. BOBEET COWABD, No. 20 Bluff street. uuuv-zs-ttbsu TTU1R SALE WEBSTER AVENUE.NEAKROB- J? EBTS street, a great bargain, good brick nonse oia rooms ana storeroom; uow occupieaas grocery: first-class location; lot, 20x127, toKcat Fng's alley; easy terms. J. H. COOPER ft CO., lOTFourth ave. mh31-90 fTiOB SALE-DAVIS 8T., NEAB WYL1E AVE., JO new brick house, 6 rooms; finished attic hall, vestibule; marble mantels, basement laundry, nat. and art. gas: street sewered and paved; good lot; can bo bought cheap. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 OB SALE-MAIN STREET, SEVENTEENTH ward, new and very neat pressed brick dwelling, 6 (rooms, hall, finished attic bath, range. Inside shutters, hard wood mantels, mod ern and complete: price low and terms easy. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 -Fourth ave. mbJl-80 FOB. SALli-IMFKOVED HEAL ESTATE. Cltr Residence. FOB SALE-CHEBBY ALLEY, NEAR SIXTH ave. : tirtefc hnnf X rnnyna lnt-S3liS7. .1 . H. COOPKK ft CO,, 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 FOB SALE-HOUSE 4 BOOMS. WITH LOT 48 x20Ofeet, on Boggs ave., Mt. Washington, STENCERft GLOSSEB, 419 Smlthfield St. mh30-74 FOR BALE-ON TENNIS ST.-A HANDSOME residence, front and back porches, large lot; price 82,800. c. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. mh31-93 FORSALE WrTHIMMEDIATEPOSSESSION, 2-story brick house In First ward; will sell on very easy payments. C. H. LO VE, 93 Fourth ave- nne. mh28-45 "CMJR BALE-83,200 WILL BUY TWO 6-ROOM A.' frame houses on Somers st. : lo50xl3) feet, to an alley. SPENCER ft GLOSSEB, 419 Smith field st. mh30-74 FOB SALE (4,500 COMFORTABLE SIX roomed brick dwelling in excellent order on Chatham St.; a bargain. STBAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg. mh3l-29 FOR SALE-NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST., NEW double frame dwelling or 6 rooms in each; lot 26x85 ft. ; rents for S34S; only 82,850: MOO cash: bal ance to suit: positive bargain- THOS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butler St. fe24-97-WSSu FOB SALE A BARGAIN CHATHAM street brick house, 6 rooms, also two frame houses In rear, fronting on Bute: lot 20x96: rent 85(0: 10 per cent net Investment. J. .B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth avenue. mh21-00 FOR SALE-CONGRESS ST.-CHEAP 3-STORY brick dwelling; 9 rooms, ball, bath, range, hi and c. water, marble mantels; a well-built house and good repair; terms to suit. J. B. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 East End Residences. FOR 8ALE-AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON Lincoln avenue. East End. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. mb3l-98 FOR SALE A VERY DESIRABLE RESI DENCE on.Dlthrldge St., Oakland. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mhll-BS FOR SALE-GOOD S ROOM HOUSE ON MEY RAN avenue Oakland; price 13,800. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh31-98 FOR SALE-LOT FRONTING 60 FEET ON Webster ave. and 80 tcct on Channcy st., with 6-room frame house. SPENCER ft GLOsSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mh30-74 FOR SALE-113,000 AND S20,000-TWO HAND SOME residences on Hlland avenue, E. E.; particulars on application. S rRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mb3l-29 FOB BALE-ON SHADY AVE.. EAST END, brick house, 9 rooms and bath; lot 29x126 to a street: very deslrablylocated; onlyts,500. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave, mh29-U-29. 31, ap2, 3, 4, 6 FOB BALE-TO RENT IS A LOSS-WE CAN sell yon a fine 7-room residence with every improvement and large lot 36x100; Hays street, H square from North Hlland avenue, near cable; price, 13,800. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mh23-s7-rsu FOR 8ALE-A NUMBER OF HOUSES LO CATED in all parts of the East End. rang ing in prices from si 000 to 690,000. Parties who in tend purchasing will find it to their Interest to see W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave.. before bay ing. mhJl-M FOR SALE-S2.600-FRAME DWELLING OF nine rooms on Wlnthrop street, Oakland; lot 40x124 feet, with fruit and forest trees: only one square from, cable line; this Is a bargain. STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave nue, Pittsbnrg. mh31-29 F OB SALE-GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY a North Hlland avenue nronertv adlolnlng the elegant residence of Charles Lockhart, Esq. ; lot, 129x309; double brick honse; stable: fruit and Buaue trees; price, K5.UM. ha m. s. wiLiiun BON, Sole Agents, 419Wood St. mh31-37 FOR SALE-S8.O0O TERMS TO SUIT PUB CHASER, substantial new and attractive brick dwelling, having 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second, 3 attic rooms and all conveniences: well finished throughout: desirably located in Oakland. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. mh31-e0 FOR SALE-S4.B00-NEW FRAME RESIDENCE on Cedar street, one square from Liberty av enue, containing eight rooms, bathroom, laundry, cemented cellar, front and back porches: 11,500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsbnrg. mh31-29 FOR SALE-7,500-TERMS 81,000 CASH, BAL ANCE 825 a month a new, attractive and substantial Queen Anne brick dwelling, contain ing 9 rooms, bath and all conveniences; is ele gantly finished and located In one of the most de sirable neighborhoods in the East End. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mh31-66 FOR SALE-EAST END NEW FRAME dwelling 7 rooms and large attic bay win dow. Inside shutters, china closet, large pantries, corner fireplaces with slate mantels and tile heartbs; lot 40x137 to a 20-foot alley; 5 minutes from station; immediate possession. JOHN F. BAXTER, Ag't., 912 Smlthfield St. mh31-76-TTsu TTtOR SALE-8S.500-NEW PBESSED-BBICK J dwelling on Ellsworth avenue. E. E., contain ing 10 rooms, hath rooms, laundry, etc., cabinet mantels, hardwood finish; all modern conve niences; lot 50x200 feet: 84,000 of deferred pay ments will be carried at ii per 'eat. SfRAUB ft MORBIS. corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 FOR,BALE-82.700 WILL BUY A -COSY dwelling with 4 large rooms; cemented cellar: frontand back -porch: large lot 24x145. fronting Broad and Klricwood streets; room to build an other house on the same Io(: JH sqnare from cable. Nineteenth ward; will be sold with small pay ment and balance like rent. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mh23-83 FOR SALE-810,000-TERMS TO SUIT PUB CHASER; new Queen Anne brick residence, having large porches, vestibule: 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second and 3 attic rooms; well finished, nicely papered and has line gas fixtures; good stable on premises; large lot; located on a paved avenue, in a well-lm- roved and desirable neighborhood. W. C. TEWAR1, 114 Fourth ave. mh31-6S TjIOR SALE-84.00O-I5O0 CASH, BALANCE IN JD monthly payments of 830, same as rent, will purchase an elegant new 2-story irame, slate roor dwelling on Sheridan ave.. near Howells st .E.E1: slx'rooms, finished attic bath room and w. c., tile finished grites and hearths, slate mantels, etc. ; J purchaser cin have finished to suit: near cable Ines and East Liberty station; this honse will readily rent for 830 per month. Applv to MORBIS ft FLEMING, 100 Fourth ave. mh24-46-TTSu FOR SALE-ON LABIMEB AVE, EAST END, new, selected brick bouse, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, good, wide nail and vesti bule; 4 good bedrooms, bath, etc., on second floor; finished attic; electric bells and lights; all modern Improvements; about four minutes' walk from East Liberty Station or either line of cable cars; lot 47X120: (8,200: or house and lot, 24x120, JO, 500. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh28-l 1-29, 31, ap2, 3, 4, 6. Allegheny Residences. FOB 'SALE-IN TENTH WARD, ALLE GHENY, oneacre of ground, good house, plenty of fruit, shade, etc.; price 86,000. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mb.31-98 IiWR SALE-PROPERTY IN ALLEGHENY CITY, now rented for over S900 a vear: will take 15,000 cash. If applied for quick. C. H. LOVE; 93 Fourth avenue. mh28-46-Thssu FOR SALE 1 10, 000 NEW BB1CK RESI DENCE, thoroughly modern, on Buena Vista street: not yet occupied. Sl'KAUBftMOBRIS, corner Wood street and Third aveuue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 FOR SALE 120, 000-HANDSOME RESIDENCE on bherman avenue, Allegheny; owner re fused 822, 000 for same property last year. STBAUB & MORBIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pitts bnrg. mh31-29 FOR SALE-88.500-COMFORTABLE. EIGHT ROOMED brick residence in Second ward, Allegheny, now rented for SSOOperyear. STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave nue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 FOB SALE PRESSED BBICK FBONT, house of 6 rooms, laundry, pantry, hall, 2 finished attics, both gases, electric bells, large lot with stable, etc.: Central st , Allegheny, Fifth ward. LASUELLftBANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. -mh31-18 FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF DWELLINGS located on Bldge ave, Lincoln ave.. North ave . and other good streets In Allegheny. Parties ideslrlug to purchase will find it to their Interest to see W. C. STEWABT, 114 Fourth ave.. befoie buying. mh31-63 F 'OR 8AEE-?8,O0O-EASY TERMS, NEW, SUB STANTIAL, attractive Oueen Anne dwell ing, containing 11 rooms and all conveniences: lot 50x160 feet, located Jn a desirable neighborhood In lower part of Allegheny. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. mb31-66 FOE SALE-J8.000-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing V rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all lm- Srorenients, located on Ackley st., bead of lonterey st. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mh31-63 EOB 8ALE-S7,500-TWO-STORY AND MAN SARD brick dwelling, on an excellent street in Second ward, Allegheny; house contains nine rooms, bathroom, laundry: all In good order and occupied by owner; lot 2ox80. STRAUB ftMOR KIS, corner Wood street and Third ave., Pitts burg. . mIi31-29 FOR SALE AN INVESTMENT A 2-STORY mansard and pressed brick front: hall, vesti bule, double parlors, dining room, kitchen and Santry on first floor; 4 rooms and bath on second oor: 3 on third; lot 22x120 to paved alley; located on Beaver ave.. Allegheny: price only 85,500. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. mh29-13-30, 31apl, 3, 4. 6, 7 Hozelwood Residences. FOB 8ALE-HAZELWOOD A GBEAT BAB GAIN ; only 84,500; frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, good cellar, etc.; also frame house 3 rooms: lot 901300, frontlngon two good streets: terms to suit buyer. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth avenue. mbll-90 Suburban Residences. TTIOR SALE-TWO HOUSES ON THEINSTALL JD MENTplan at Ingram; price 82, 6O0. 8400 cash, balance (15 per month and interest; each bouse contains six rooms, hall, pantry and finished attic: fitted with natural gas, and one square from station. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 F lOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegbenv county; the house is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl boost: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplleTwlth choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLEXAND IM PROVEMENT W 86 Knox avenue &noxvllle borongb. JslJ-9 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE AnBurbon Residence. FOB BALE-A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE AT Bellevne, with large grounds, fruit, shade, etc. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. mh31-98 FOBTsaLE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES AT Ingram. Cratton and Idlewood. at prices rnMnir from 1600 to Slinm. RTRAIIB ft MOR- -K1S7 corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pitts burg. mnai-s F lOR SALE-BELLEVUE BESIDENCES-WE have several sne nronertles for sale in west Bellevue at prices ranging from 82,000 to 83,500. hTRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street ana Third avenue, Pittsburg. mb31-29 FORSALE INGRAM, P., a ft ST. L. 83,000 tSOO cash, balance as rent; new frame house. 6 rooms, ball, attic front and side porch . well of good water, nat. gas, good sewerage, fruit trees, etc. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-9u FOR SALE -87,500 SUBSTANTIAL BRICK residence containing 7 rooms, bath and all conveniences; lot 80x360, with outside lanndry with rooms fochelp: terms, 81,500 cash, balance same as rent: located at Edgewood. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fonrth ave. mh31-GS FOR SALE-NEW FRAME HOUSE, 7KO0313, reception hall, good dry cellar, natural gas. etc., at Wllklnsburg, Blddle street, 6 minutes from station: 50-foot street and macadamized: boardwalk from station: lot 52x120: possession at once. J. R. COOPEB ft CO., 107 Fourth avenue. mh31-90 FORCALB-WEST BELLEVUE, P.. FT. W. 4 O. It. B. One of the most desirable bouses in the borough: new frame house of 6 rooms, hall, front and Side verandas: good spring water piped Into kitchen; big bargain: sax) cash, balance same as rent. EWINfcr ft iJYERS, 107 Federtl St., Allegheny. ' mh31-64-TTSa FOB SALE-AT COEAOPOL1S, P. 4 L. E. R. R., large dwelling 12 rooms, outside kitchen and lanndry, large stable H acre of ground; a bargain If sold at once: also 8-roomed house and one acre of ground, orchard, etc.; several good residence and building sites. LASHELL 4 RANKIN, STFourth ave. mh31-18 . FOR SALE-AT W1LKINSBURC 1 MINUTE from station; new 7-room bouse finished attic, ball, bath room, laundry; slate mantels: slate root: backand front porches: corner of two streets (42-96); house now being finished: painting to suit baycr: greatest bargain west of Harris burg: price, 83,500; 81,000 cash, balance to suit. Inquire THOS. A. COLEMAN, opposite station. mh31-39 FOR SALE LOTS. - Cltr l,o FOB SALE BLUFF ST., NEAB COLLEGE, lot 23 It. 9 In. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 U1U1T St. mUUKSJ-TTSSU FOB SALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, ON WYLIE. Webster and Bedford avenues. Thirteenth ward. SPENCER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mb30-74 ' FOR SALI-t2,600-LOT 24x76 FEET. CORNER of Center avenue and Erin st. STRAUB ft MOBBIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 FOR SALE LAWHENCEVILLE FIVE LOTS each 20X82 feet, on Hatfield street; 83,000 for all. STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave, Pittsbnrg. mb3l-29 FOR SALE-LOTS ON MERIDEN, HALLOCK, Virginia, Oneida and Sweetbrler streets, Dn quesne Heights. SPENCER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mh30-74 POR SALE-LOTS ON CONRAD STREET, 50X 133 feet or 50x160 feet: Penn ave. cable line within 1,000 feet. THOS. MACCONNELL. JR., 91 Diamond street, L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth ana Butler sts. mh30-85 FOB 8ALE-THIBTEENTH WARD. NEAR car stables 3 acres: nicely situated, and can be laid In lots to good advantage: rapid enhance ment certain;. tenns easy. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 East End Lots. FOR SALE-3 LOTS ON GILMOREST.. OAK LAND, at a bargain. V. H. LOVE.93 Fourth avenue mh3l-9S FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE, SHADYSIDF, building lot, about 130x260 feet. C. H. LOVE, oarin avenue. , . modi-w F OR SALE-SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS DESIR ABLY located on Firth. ave., Shadyslde W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. mh31-6T FOR SALE-GOOD BUILDING LOT ON Fifth avenue Sbadvslde; 60 feet front: price low. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne. mh31-S8 FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST lots la the East End; will pay you to see us before buying. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave mh31-66 fTiOR SALE-A VERY CHOICE LOT ON AV INE JD BIDULE ave., E. E., 100x300; also lot 200x286 on Conrad St., or will divide. S. W. KERR. No. 139 Fourth ave. mh31-65 FOR SALE-ATLANTIC AVENUE-LOTS 501 140 feet or 50x160 leet, near Shadyslde station, .P. R. R , or Penn ave. cable Une. THOS. Mac CONNELU, JR..91DIamond St.; L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Bntler sts. mh30-85 FOB SALE-A FINE LARGELOT,40x110FEET. to 20-foot alley ; fruit, shade trees, stable and good sewerage; St. Clair street, ,S square from jiipney, near cauie; price fi,uuu. ju.LiLAsn URKJO., , 6349 Station St.. E. E. mh31-137-TU8 FOR SALE-S3.600-LOT 82x175 FEET. LOCAT ED in one of the finest avenues In Shadyslde, southern exposure; adjoining property Is held at $100 front foot: this Is certainly a bargain. W. C STEWART, 11 Fourth ave. mh31-6S, FOR SALE- 83,250-LOT 60x150 FEET, ON Center avenue, near Roup street; terms 8750 cash, balance can remain five years if desired, or part or all paid Anytime; choicest lot on the ave nue W. C. STEWART, U4 Fourth avenue. . mh31-K FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. K. R . convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassedjprlcoTanglng from 8406 to 8600. Inquire orD. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no28-y78 FOR 8ALE-83,000-ON YOUR OWN TERMS; lot 50x115 feet, located on one of the finest ave nues In the East End; neighborhood strictly first class; within five minutes' walk of station or cable cars. W. C. BTEWABT, U4 i ourth avenue. mh31-68 these lots on easy terms. STBAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh3l-29 FOB SALE-DON'T DELAY. BUT ACT quickly, and secure one or those desirable building lots. Bank or Commerce addition plan, Brushton station; 60-foot streets; good walks and no cltv taxes. Full- Information from JOHN F. BAXf ER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield street. mh3l-77-TTSSu FOR BALE-ONLY 80S A FRONT FOOT; LOTS '39x173 or 58x173 feet, located in Shadyslde on Rebecca St., adjoining handsome residence of Mr. Samuel Hamilton: well elevated eastern exposure, convenlentto cable cars and station; this neigh borhood will undoubtedly be strictly first class and this property Is bound to be worth, in a short time, double the money. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave mh3l-66 FOR SALE-THE FINEST LARGE RESI DENCE lot on Negley avenue, 100x235 feet; fruit and shade trees and Is bounded on both sides by fine residences: this is without doubt the choicest lot In the East End and will be sold cheap, with street Improvements all paid, to any one who will build a good, substantial residence. MEL LON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. ., or JOHN F. BAXTER, 512 Smlthfield st. mhll-136 ABeshenv Lots. FOR SALE-TWO LOTS-ON EAST STREET extension: 24x125 each; price lor both 8LO0O. 1HOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. ' mhJ9-13-S0,31apl,3,4,6,7 OB SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL 1ES1B- ABLE business lots and buildings ouBeaver avenue: will pay on present rentals over 7 per cent; clear of taxes. . STRAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. mh31-29 FOR SALE 114,500 CAPITALISTS AND builders can make money by erecting build ings on a row of lotawe have for sale at corner of Fayette and Manhattan streets; terms cash. STRAUB ft MORBIS. corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. mh3l-29 Snbnrban Lots. FOR SALE LOTS AT EMSWOBTH, CON VENIENT, to station; one of the finest loca tions on the Fort Wayne road; large, beautiful lotsatlowprlces:caUand see plan. J. B. COOPER ft CO.. 107 Fonrth ave, mh3l-30 ORSALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS. LtffS, WIL KINSBURG, 6 minutes from station; finest location and cheapest lots In the borough; 52x120 each: new boardwalk from station: street sewered and macadamized; natural gas. etc : terms 8200 cash, balance 10 years. J. B. COOPEB 1 CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 Farms. FOR SALE-200 ACRES AT ARDARA STA TION, Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Pittsburg (as a whole or to suit purchaser), bas a arge sand stone quarry opened, a large sand bank and aDout 100 acres of level land suitable for man ufacturing purposes; adjoins Carnegie Bros. 4 Co.. and only flvemllesfrom the new Westing house Works at WUmerdlng. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fonrth avenue. mh31-68 VOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. F IOK SALE-HOTEL PROPERTY, SITUATED In Canal Fulton. Stark co. Ohio: no local option. For price and description address-J. C. SMirH, P. O. box 254, MassUlon, O. mb28-21 FOR 8ALE-S100.000-THE LARGEST AND best located piece of propcrtv suitable for retail trade In Pittsburg; owner bas been holding for 140,000, but will, tale the above price if sold at once; particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWABT, 114 Fourth ave.. mb31-66 FOB SALE-3HARPSBURG-FHAME HOUSE of 8 rooms and store room, occupied as gro cery and doing a first-class business; situated on one of the best streets in the borough; lot 30x100; low price and easy terms. J. B. COOPEB 4 CO., 107 Fonrth avenue. mh31-90 FOR SALE-SEVEBAL PIECES OF PBOP EttfY on Fourth ave.; also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smlthfield st. and other good streets; will take pleasure in giving full par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWABT, 114 Fourth ave. nih31-63 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN, TWO THBEE STOBY brick stores and dwellings (real estate) on Ohio St., between Madison ave. and Chestnut St., Allegheny City, will sell as a whole or separate if so desired; only offered at this low price for a few davs : 88,000 for the whole or 84,000 for one O. H. L0VE7 Fourth avenue. rn.h21.109 . - FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. TTOB SALE-PLAIN BAKERY AND CONFEC X TIONERY in good location: good reasons for selling. Apply at 539 GBANT ST., city. mh31-47 FOR SALE-XKASE. GOOD 'WILL, STOCK, etc., of a feed store now doing1 a goodand profitable business. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave nue. mh31-VS FOR SALE-GOOD COBNER DKUG STORE? located on one of the best streets in AUe 6heny: must be sold; easy terms. Address P1UM, Dispatch office. rah28-81 FOR SALE-A GOOD WAGON AND BLACK SMITH shop cheap: plenty work. Call at end of EAST ST;, forks of YerrysvUle and Ever green road. Allegheny. mh31-144 FOB SALE-GROCERY STORE WITH STOCK of about 82,500, on principal street; doing food business; good bargain will be given. HEPARU 4 CO., 54 Fifth ave. mh31-83-rrsu FOB SALE-A GOOD CHANCE FOR A MAN that wants to Invest In a good paying business. bHANEB'S RESTAURANT. Diamond Market. Good reasons for wanting to sell. mhH-123 FOR SALE-SALOON-1N GOOD LOCATION, on principal street, with tobacco and cigar store connected. Address JOHN G. GOELTZ, No. 15 N. Phelps street, Yonngstown, O. mh30-73 FOR SALE -FINE RETAIL GROCERY store in the East End, doing a business of from 825.000 to 830,000 a year. Inquire of CHAS. T. FRAZIER, Drummer for Arbuckle 4 Co., 800 to 808 Liberty st. mh31-S8 FOR SALE DRUG STORE WITH GOOD stock and fixtures, at less than cost of fix tures If you come quick; stores- of all kinds; boarding houses, cigar stores, notion stores, hotels, confectioneries, etc.: some splendid business chances. SHEPARD 4 CO.. 54 Fifth ave. mh2S FOR SALE GENEItAL MERCHANDISE business, established in 1824, in the largest city in Maryland, outside of Baltimore, paying handsomely; can be bought at a moderate price on easy terms: this is a good opportunity for an Industrious man; good reasons given for selling. Address HENRY W. ROGERS, Baltimore Md. mh31-54 FOESALE-CONFECTlONERY-ONEOFTHE best locations in Allegheny, all for $1,000-, consisting of showcases, counters, shelving, 60 Jars, soda fountain, 6 marble top tables, chairs, freezers, tubs, 1 gas engine cost 60U, and every thing pertaining to a first-class confectionery; house contains 7 rooms and storeroom; also buggy and harness Included; low rent. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 i ourth avenue. mh31-'J0 manufacturing; Sites. . FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE, COR NER Thirtieth and SprucesW., 96X100. J. K. COOPER 4 CO., 107, Fourth ave. mh31-90 FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE AT Elba station. B. ftO. R. B.: 12 acres at a low price. J. B. COOPEB 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. mh31-90 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOB SALE-LIGHT GROCERY DELIVERY wagon. Inquire at RUDOLF SCHMITT'S, 89 James St., Allegheny, Pa. mh29tl5 FOR SALE-NEAT AND GENTLE MARE, S years old: also harness and cart; will sell cheap. Address HORSE, Dispatch office. mh31-U4 FOR SALE-A FAMILY BAROUCHE, WITH curtains, latest style: also a phaeton buggy. Apply at NOS. 8 AND 10 SEVENTH ST., city. mh31-105-wsu OR SALE-BAY TEAM-OWNED BY LOUIS P. FALCK. Can be seen at the CAL1 FOBNIA STABLES, cor. of South and West Dia mond, AUegbeny. mh30-l FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL SMALL SHET LAND pony, aBeeDecart and light leather harness: pony is well broke to saddle and harness. CaUatHOlEL VOGELEY STABLE, or write to W. A. C., P. O. box 1002, Bntler. Pa. mh31-10-su FOR BALE-ONE 4-YEAK-OLD TBOTTING eolt, sired by Pardo, 1420. dam by Tom Allen; this is well broken and shows great speed; also one 3-year-old filly by same sire and same dam. For particulars Inquire of SEIDEL BROS . 10S Federal street, Allegheny, Ea. mh31-12 Machinery and Metals. FOE BALE-THE UNEQUALED BEMING TON typewriter, the fastest writing machine In the world. For descriptive -pamphlets and price lists call on or address A. M. MARTIN. 412 Wood St. mh31-73 FOB SALE-WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines andbollers, all sizes, from 2 b. p. np, taken In exchange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap: also new engines and boilers, every size and style at rock bottom prices. HARME'S MACHINE DEPOT. 97 First ave. fe3-y77BU Miscellaneous. . FOR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF FINE HARD WOOD show caset, at lowest prices, at WM. FRIEBERTSHAUSER'S, No. 400 Firth ave mh3l-10l FOR 8ALE-FIXTURE3-FAKT1TIONS, GAS fixtures; also one large gas or coal store stove and two large mirrors, etc, etc NICOLL, 88 Fifth av?. mh31-ll FOR SALE THREE VERY GOOD COPPEB Uned bath tubs for sale at a bargain. In quire at ADAM WEIDMAN'S, No. 13M Carson st.r Pittsburg, S. S. mb.29-4 FOR SALE-SAFES A LARGE NUMBER OF second-hand safes of small and medium sizes whieh'we have received In exchange. We will sell them at low prices, ranging from 825 upward, delivered at .your nearest railroad depot. Send for particulars. STANDARD MFG. CO.. Sixth andBaymlllerst.. Cincinnati. O. mhl7-80-sa TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-SEVEN-BOOMED HOUSE, NAT URAL gas, 816. J. W. LOWBY, Bldge St., near Thirty-third st. mh30-SS TOLET-MT. OLIVER-TWO DESIRABLE 6 room houses on Washington ave adjoining Mt. Oliver Incline station: having all modern conveniences. Inquire of W. S. BARKER, room 4, tl'i Sixth street, city, . mb31-79 TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE on Monnt Washington, cor. Gray and Dil worth streets; has eight rooms, Urge lot, and Is supplied with natural gas and city water. In quire at the office of the I'lTTSBUBG FOUNDBY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. mh22-3S TO LET-A BRICK DWELLING OF BIX rooms and finished mansard, on line of cable road, now building: supplied with range, hot and cold bath, w. c. and natural gas; rent 822 per month: water free. Inquire ON PREMISES, Wylle avenue, one sqnare beyond Klrkpatrick st. mh31-142 TO LET FIRST-CLASS HOUSE OF TEN rooms. Including bath, hot and cold water on three floors, laundry In basement, No. 411 Wylle ave. ; new cable cars will pass door; live minutes' from Court House; rent 833 33 per month; no water rent: privilege of another year at same rent. C. BEBINGEB 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh30-l0 . TO LET-TWO HOUSES OF 7 ROOMS ON Francis st.. near Center ave, with hot and cold water, bath Inside w. c, front and back porch, fitted for natural gas: rent 820 per month: also store and dwelling ot 6 rooms on Dnquesne Heights, corner Grandvlew ave. and Plymouth St., Tbirty-flfth ward; also 2, 3. 4 and 5-roomed apartments. WM. M. JOHNSTON, 101 Wylle avenue. mh3l-S2 East End Residences!. TO LET-BOND STREET, A NEW 5-ROOM house, bath, gas, pantry, large porcbesrrent jj per monia. .aixa.ijua .m.us., oj station St., E. . mh31-13S TO LE1-822-BRICK HOUSE.6 ROOMS. BATH, front and back yard: 4 minutes' walk from cable cars and East Liberty station. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. mb31-U7 TO LET 1 7-ROOM HOUSE. MELLON street, near Penn avenue cable: this is a modern style house with large lot: rent (25. MEL LON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mh31-136 TO LET 1HAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, having all modern Improvements, corner Collins avenue and Broad street. East End. Ap ply toALEXANDEK KING, 138 Fifth ave. mh24-56 TO LET OB FOR SALE-NOlfTH H1LAND, East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic: modern Improvements; stable and lanndry; lot 60x180. W. D. KIN G, 64 Fourth avenue. mti21-70 TO LET-FIBST-CLASS BRICK. RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; nat. and art. gas, hot and cold water, bath room: first-class neighborhood, one square from cable line on Forty-fourth street. Seventeenth ward. M. P. HOWLEY, 3319 Butler St., or 127 Fourth ave. mb31-22 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE. TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres of ground, frn It trees, shrubbery, stables, etc. ; will be rented low to good party; Shady ave, opposite Wllklus ave. Inquire of N. S. SNYDER. St. Nicholas Hotel, or J, B. HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave. East End. mb5-3-rwssn Allegheny Residence, mo LET-FINE 7-BOOM BRICK HOUSE, 70 1 nuricpairiCK ave., Aiiegnenv; oatn, lavatory, both gases, large ard; 826: no water tax. W.W. Aicni tiLtLi x jmu., iu a ourtn ave. mnsi-iai O LET-830 PER MONTH-THE PRES3E0 brick, eight-roomed modern dwelling. Xo 80 Klrkpatrick avenue. Allegheny. sntAlKj & 310RR1S, corner Woodstreet and Third avtnae, Pittsburg. m!rji-29 Snbnrban Residences. T iO TET A GOOD SIX-ROOM DVrVM.WO L with large lot, near Mansfield station. P., C. 4 St. L. R. R. C. II. LOVE, S3 Fourth, avenue ) mh29-3S TO LET-HOUSE 10 BOOMS, WITH G ABDEN. stableetc, near Patterson station, 1. C 4 Y. B.B.. and Crarton, P. C ft St; l. R. B. In quire of B. F. SHAFFERS, Craffon. Pa., or ad dress F. C. B1GGERT, Rochester. ps. mh21-63 .) ra. TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Way0e road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-83 TO LET-ATEMSWOETH-HANDSOME RESI DENCE of 8 rooms; modern improvements: 3 minutes' walk to Clifton and In toEmsworth station; situated on Beaver road avg approach to Clifton station. Inquire of THOMJ& BARRETT, on premises. mh2-26-Thsu r v Aitr iciuu uuu.au.LLi.nu. o, jcjk OSxes. Dek Room. OciL JT 'iaM TO LET-3 ROOMS OPPOSITE COUJrr HOUSE; L S. OP L, . SX suitable for offices or light housekeeping; . . ... . .-..-- rent low: w. c.ra. and n. gas, J.C. BEILEY.n Hare removed from IIS Federal st, to No. 27. jiH Diamond st. tmba& Federalat., Allegheny, Bo jle's Block. ali31- , tB TO LET. Farm. mo LET THE BEST GARDEN FABM AT MO; JL KEE'S Bocks. Inquire Ncv 633 LIBERTY BT.. Pittsburg. mh7-84-X0D mtv LET-DAIRY FARM OF 40 ACKES IN s, roe xviaeteentu wara; gooa siaDiing, pieubj of pare water. STRAUB 4 310RRIS, corner Wiuut itn.t m.nA Thlrrt awn Plitihnp. mh31-29 TO LET-FAKM OF 30 ACBES, WITH DWELL IN re honse and barn, on Forward ave. Twenty-third ward; good location fora dairy. D. v. u. .BiLfWJLU. a jj. i-u water St.. corner Cherry alley. roh2S-M Basmens Stands. m( IO LET-FBOM APBILL A LARGE ROOM ., IV liUrKC, Kill" ataad street. B.W.HOLLAND. for storage; terms reasonable; at 2io. 6 SIxtn. mnzj-7 TO LET THBEE-8TOBY WAREHOUSE with basement. .133 First ave. Inquire of H UNT 4 CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mhl9-44 TO LET-STOREBOOM IN MONONGAHELA House suitable for druggist or gents' furnish ing. E. D. WINGENBOTH, Agent, 100 Fourth avenue. mh31-119 TO LET-GOOD STOREROOM AND DWELL ING: a good opening for dry goods, notions, trimmings, etc., or a tin store. C. H. LOVE; 93 Fourth avenue. mh29-3S TOLET-STOBEAND DWELLING, 4014 BUT LER st.. Seventeenth ward, now occupied as av dry goods store. Inquire or B AML. F. PATTElt SON. 4012 Bntler St. mh31-33 mo LET-AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED JL bakery stand In a good town near the city; good brick store and dwelling; rent low to a good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue mh23-C8 TO LET-BBICK DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS and business front. No. 112 Erankstown ave nne East End, Is adapted for most any business. H. P. KREBS, cor. Penn and Shady avenues. mh30-47 TO LET-THE THREE UPPER FLOORS OT No. 631 Smlthfield street, suitable for doctor, dentist, dressmaker, housekeeping, etc. STRAUB 4M0BRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenne, Pittsburg. mh31-2 T IO LET-STOHEBOOMS NG. 327 LIBEBTY street, corner Penn avenne and Third. 407 Feny street. 85 Robinson street. Allegheny, desk room on ground floor. Inquire on premises, 4i FOURTH STREET. mb.30-75 TO LET-THREE ADM1BABLY ARRANGED rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new-DISPATCH building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light tbebestto be bad In the city: electric lighting freer passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents 8300, 8400 and 31,000 per annum;, situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all the public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. II. and r. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Apartments. TO LET-FUBNISHED OB UNFURNISHED front room, with board. Apply at 33 STOCK TON AVEN U E. mh30-95 TO LET-A FURNISHED BOOM IN ALLE GHENY, with privilege or bath. Address X. A. T., Dispatch office. mh31-40 TO LET-2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR LIGHTHOUSE KEEPING and one furnished room. Inquire of WM. DICE, Druggist, cor. Nixon and Beaver aves., Allegheny. mn30- TO LET I NICE ROOMS. SECOND FLOUR, for offices or dwelling, with natnral gas and water; 2 minutes from Court House. Inquire of W. H. DEVORE, 512 Grant st. mh27-4S TO LET ELEGANT NEW FURNISHED) rooms for gents only In the large new build ing on the corner of Boyd and Watson sts. : refer ence required. Inquire on the premises. .P. HEBMES. mh31-132 TO- LET-A COZY. WELL-FURNISHED room with board on Union ave.. both gasesT stationary washstand: first-class In every respect: suitable for one or two gentlemen: reference-required. Address COMFORT, Dispatch office. mh313 . LOST. LOST 83 BEWABD IF RETURNED A black-and-tan dog; answers to the name of Kink, had a collar on with the name of M. Coates. 643SMITHFIELD, Pittsburg. mh31-l T OST PEABL-MOUNTEDOPEKAGLASSES I i Friday evening; probably dropped from cab) on Hlland avenue or left in Fifth avenue cabla car. Finder rewarded by notifying. ROMAINE COLE, 300 Shady ave. East End. mhll-3) LOST-STRAYED OR STOLEN MEDIUM sized alderney cow; marked on right side; small turned np horns: color yellow; very fat; re ward given If returned to owner. MICHAEL MCNALLY, 1363Secondave.t Twenty-third ward. mh30-o REWARDS. BEWARD TA-VA-ZONI NATURE'S PRICE LESS gift to suffering humanity: for all ail ments. Visit GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY. 3UI Grant, cor. Third ave, Pittsburg, and secure a bottle; yon will be "well rewarded for your visit. Also a bottle of that sovereign remedy Ta-va-zon Lung Cough Syrup. Amost potent and unfailing cure for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. mh31-129 PERSONAL. TEBSONAL-DB. MARY E. SMITH HAVING JL Teturnea can be consulted at her office. No. 43 EastDlamond St., Allegheny. mhM-145 ' PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 'TLLJDVE INTO MY 0WH HOME" '. IN KNOXYILLE. ' We have yet a few of those beautiful homes as follows: First A very beautiful 5-room house with, natural gas, water, eta, for S20u cash and 819 S3J4 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, S20O cask' and SIS 33 per month. Third A beautiful 3-room cottage. S200 cajhr" 115 33 per month. . Fourth We have also a number of other! handsome properties on equally reasonable) terms. , 49-Take Southsido cars to Twelfth street, and Mt. Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOMLELMMPROYEMfflTCO OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, mh3-TTSSu KNOXVILLE BOROUGH: GLASS FACTORY FORSALE. The undersigned, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, will offer for sale as public auction on WEDNESDAY, April 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. Jf., the glasshouse with 8- Bot furnace, known as the Independent Glass ompany's plant, at tbe bead of South Four teenth street. Twenty-eighth ward. Pittsburg, together with the warehouse, cutting shop, in cluding engine, boiler, shafting, etc; also one frame dwelling house and frame office,stabllng; etc., and other buildings pertaining thereto, and tbe parcels of ground fronting on Four teenth and Fifteenth streets and Union alley, comprising 12 bnilding lots In Maria, Denny's plan. See Sheriff's deed book, voL . page Terms of sale Ten per cent of the purchase) money in cash on day of sale: one-third of tha purchase money on delivery- of the deed, and. the other two-thirds in two equal annual pay ments, with interest from delivery of the deed. Deferred payments to be secured by bond and tight mortgage containing tbe usual scire facias clause on the premises sold. The above will bo offered as a whole first and subsequently in lots, J.H.SORG, . H. J. BERG. Jit. L. S. CUNNINGHAM. Assignees Farmers and Mechanics' .Sank, mh6-4O-tU0,I7.21,3I,ap7 TO IHHSTORS. . The understood" offer for sale at par and, accrued interest $100,000-6 Per Cent. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE toilers Valley Gas Company. Bonds are registered, 1,000 each, and matures at various dates from 1890 to 1833. Price subject to advance wlthont notice. THIRD NATIONAL BANK mhSO-29-TTSU Pittsburg; TO BUILDERS AND INVESTORS. The handsomest and most desirable piece of. property on the parks for sale, suitable for apartment house, club or private residences property of tbe late James H. Sewell, cor. N orth ave. and Poplar at. Apply to BL AUK di BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave., city. mhZ7-25-xhsa WAIrER 3. OSBORJTE. RlCHABB BASSOW3, BARROWS 4 OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U se3-k5B-TTSSa 4 i " " i jgm
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