THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1889. WASTED. Boarders nnd Lodsrere. w ANTIO-OCCUPANTS WBpM" ro-r-s: rercrences excnsngcu. mkj. at No. 00 l.iU ELtbT, Allegheny. mh3o-2s TlTANTni-pcoirAWisroBHAMijwi- i v n iai uiimi -with board: to be hadr " J " mwv W.M-, i. nr KT r T .1 b first-class parties only, at u jw&i" CS? ff leglieay, rrom April 1. mh28-ll WANTED - BOOMEBS AND BOABDEKS; ' one large, elegant front room and parlor; excellent location; ronrenlent top. K. K. and cable cars. Address C42S PENN AVE., KEj Financial. TTTA NTED-MOBTGAGES ON PEOPEBTT IN W clthfr dtv: lowXt rates of taterert. SPEN CER & U LOSsEB. 419 bmlthfield St. -mhS-7 TTTANTl D ULNTS TO COLLECT; MONTH W LV frttiement with Itemized statement. BLACK BAlKD. Fourth aTenue. a28-a29-D -v-tv-A NTEU-MOKTGAGES-MUNETTO LOAN AV in sul s to suit, at 4W, S and 8 per cent. GKAEBINU LTON.lSlfoartat.Te. ap6-cl-P rVTTAVTED-MOKTGAGES ON CITY PBOP I W iKTl. over HOOO; X per cent; no tax. -HENRY A. WEAVLBACo, 82Fourth aTenue. inh2-a22-D w ANTED-KENTS COLLECTED FBOMPT !. nronertv managed -with satlsractlon. ALLEb & BAILED. 164 Fourth aTenne, TeLJ67. U19-81 -rrrANTED-KESTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL V attention given to this branch of the real pule business. bPENCEB GLOSSES, 411 Ssmlthfleld t. mhH-7 -TTT ANTED MORTGAGES IN ANT V amounts: -4K to S per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. 89 fourth aTenue. Ja20-35-ltThs XrrANTtD-MOKTGAGES-50a000 TO LOAN V at h and t per cent on Allegheny and Pitts burg Improved nroperty. UEO. JOHNSTON, A rent, 62 Fourth are. mh29-69 -TTJAN TED-STUDENTS OF bHOETHAND desiring to acquire expert speed to call for full particulars at MJLBXIN'S SHOBTHAND SCHOOL, 412 - ood st nh30-30 WANTED-MOBTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN in sums or S500 to 30,000 on Pittsburg. Al legheny or suburban improved real estate, at low est rates. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 31J Wood st mhSO-84-D -ITTANTED GOOD MORTGAGES FOE ANY V amount: lowest rates or Interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO.. LLM., Beal Estate and insurance, US Fifth aTenue, Pittsburg, Pa. fe7-S7-WB TTTANTlSD MORTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN V 1300 to tLOOOup to 1100,000 on cltyandcoun- try property: 4, a ana per cesw wAij. DRAPE 4 CO., J29 Fourth aTenue, Pittsburg. mh3D-ll WANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE OB small amounts on improved cttvorAlle ghenv county property. McCUNEA COULTER. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 8S Fourth ve. mhlS-80-s WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban nroncrtv. on y per cent, free ortax; also smaller amounts at S and e per cent. BLACK & BAUU), 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D -XrANTtD-TO .LOAN t200,000 ON MORT sV GAGES; JJ109 and upward at 6 per cent; tort), 000 at AX per cent on residences or business propertr: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 12o Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D -rrr ANTED HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS V to collect: we give special attention to man agement or properties: Itemized accounts, month lv settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, .LIM.; Real Estate and Insurance, 1SS Fifth aTe. fe"-S7--ws -TTTANlED-HOUbES TO BENT-RENTS TO W collect, mortgages on city and suburban propmy at 4"i, 5 ana 6 per cent; propertr selected and bought or sold on lowest commission. Call for new property list for March. J.DERMITT, 407 Grant St. mh27-47-W8 -TTT ANTED MORTGAGES fl, 000, 000 TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at S, Sand G per cent, and on larms in Allegbeny and adja cent counties ate per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. FENNOCK. & bON, 105 1 ourth avenue. ap7-f41 DllsceUaneoua. TTTANTED-GOOD SECOND-HAND OAK OR IT pine sills and Joists; also window sash and frames Inquire orH. F. DUNHAM, at 189 First ave., Pittsburg. mh2- WANTED-TO PURCHASE FOR CASH A good second-hand upright, double folding bed: Phoenix or Indsor preferred. Address, stating price, LOCK BOX 852, PltU. P. O. mhao-94 -rTTANTED-TO INSURE YOUR DWELLING V or household furniture against fire In re liable companies at lowest rates, PITTSBURG CO., LIMA ED. REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE, 153 Fifth avenue. Ja2-32-B TTTANTED BY-PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGRAFHER. 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised; Instan taneous nrocess. mbU-63 WANTED-MANUFACTURERS AT 8HEP HEKDSTOTN, West Va., situated on sonth bank of the Potomac river, twelve miles above Harper's Ferry, on line or Shenandosh Valley K. It,, and Chesapeake nnd Ohio -canal, superior Inducements are offered to- capital ists, manufacturers and farmers: gdod water Fiower and sites for manuracturlng; cheap coal, umber, land and labor. For full particulars ad dress H. L. SNYDER, Chairman of Com., bhen herdstown. West Virginia. roh23-57-BA FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residence. "CV)R SALE HOUSE 4 ROOMS, WITH LOT 43 X x200 feet, on Bocgs ave , Mt. Washington, SFENCER& GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mh30-4 FOR SALE-NO. 17 SECOND AVENUE-AT H500, Iot20x80ft., houseof Srooms. W.A. HERRON & bONS, 80 Fourth aTenne. mh20-90-2LSi,28,30 TT'ORSALE WTTHDirMEDIATEPOSSESSION, X? 2-story brick bouse In First wardwlll sell on very easy payments. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth aTe nue. mh2S-45 FOR SALE-S3.200 WILL BUY TWO 5-EOOM frame houses on Somen st. : lot 50x120 feet, to an alley. bPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smith field St. tnh30-74 T7OR SALE MT. WASHINGTON PROPERTY: JD can give tou your choice of nice homes In that locality; prices ranging from JJTOO to IS, 000. J. C REILLY; 77 Diamond St. xuh24-144-TTEEu TTIOR SALE-12 PER CENT. INVESTMENT ON r Coal st. Thirtieth ward: nice 2-sty. fr. house, renting atfSO mo.; price C.600; terms to suit; lot 74x220. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mh24-144-TTEgU FOR SA-LE-NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST.. NEW double frame dwelling of 6 rooms In each: lot 24x85 ft.: rents for 343; only 12,850: tSOOcash: bal- anceto snlt: positive bargain. FRET. 3o09 Butler st. THOS. ilcCAF- le-ST7-WSU -TTIOR BALE-ON MONTHLY PATMENTS. A J neat house of 6 rooms, with natural gas. hall, cellar, etc; low price: monthly payments: imme diate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh30-ll -TJiOK SALE BLUFF bTBEET, NEAR COL AJ LEGE, new brick house 8 rooms, halL bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements: lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. mhl0-23-TTSU FOR SALE-CORNER WTLIE .AVENUE AN D Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x30 feet; low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMANIA (SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. deS-19S-Trs East End Resloescea. TTIOR SALE BATES ST, OAKLAND, 2-STY; t frame dwelling; nearly new: six rooms: price fLTOO; lot 32x115 feet. J.C.BE1LLY,77 Diamond tt. mh25-144-TTSSU TJWR' SALE-LOT FRONTING 60 FEET ON JD Webster are. and 80 leet on Channcy St., with 6-room frame house. SPENCER A GLObSER, 419 bmlthfield St. mh30-74 TTiOR 8ALE-v750 WILL BUY YOU A NICE JJ comfortable little 4-room house and 3 lots at East Liberty; C50 cash and f 10 a month; this It a rare chance. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth aTenue, xnh2S-47rh3 TMI P from Illland ave brick -boose of 6 rooms. bath, natural gas. etc: corner lot 51x100 ft.: fruit and shade trees. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 ood st. xuh30-S3 T7IOR8ALE 8-ROOM HOUbE, WITH ALL MOD JO ERN ImproTements, corner Lang aTe. and Juniata st. East End; lot, 82x120 feet; beautifully located; price low. MCCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth aTe. mblS-80-s JO GANT2-tory and Mansard brick dwelling. 8 rooms, hall, oatn, insioe snutiers ana w. c, range, laundry, etc; lot 50x160 to a street: finest residence portion of the aTenue: a great bargain. bAMUKL V- BLACK 4 CO, 99 Fourth arc mh2-38 TTIOR AI,E-!2.700 WU.L BUY A COSY X rfW.ntmfvlta 4 large rooms: cemented cellar: : . -nifhrt norch: large lot24x!45. frontmr Broad and Klrkwood streets; room to build an other house on theaanse lot: M,sqnare from cable. Nineteenth ward: will be sold with small pay mend balance like rent. MELLON B$g., 6349 button St., E. E. "28-88 FJE SALE EAST END IRESIDENCE. NEG XE Y ., near Penn, elegant new brick resl dence, 11 rooms, bath room, spacious and well lighted laundry, large closets, closets with draw ers and shelrei. lte mantv Ued beartb and vestibule, speaking tubes, electric bells and lights, flagstone parements; uTery desirable and con- N egley avenue paid l tcmcufc uouse; pnuiuK, --., s v. paid wiinj bout extra cost: key can be Jound at residence of H. P4.SloWrbecfcvcorner Penn and Negley ayes. ljiva. uxuru.A, 11 mhlO-89-Tnssu .WIUMl.YC. FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE, HOMEWOOD, beauarul cor. lot 46x179, brick house, recep tion hall, partnr, library, dining rpom, kitchen and large pantry on first floor; flTe good bed rooms, bath, etc, on second floor; Urge finished attic room and cedar closet on third floor; electric bells, speaking tubes, slate mantels, sliding doors between parlor and library and reception hall and parlor; elegant front porch, bay window in par lor; elegant neighborhood: about minutes' walk m JflS tatiou, or about 10 minutes' walk from Firth ave. cable cars: a rare bargain If told at once. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth aTe, mh2-l2.2a,ao,api,3,s,6 Allegheny Residence. F?JitV TPE sn:TH VABD. AIAE GHENY. frame house or 6 rooms and finished attic; 10(20x132 feet to an allev; stable and car riage house; a bargain. ALEXANDER A LEE, S3 Wood tt. mh30-83 FOR SALE IMFHOYED REAL ESTATE. AIIrcnenx'KesMencea "TTKJB SALE OR TO LET A NICE 8-ROOM A- ."??.' il": "" Hoeuw st, Allegheny City. C . LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh27-3 TJWB SALE-PROPERTY IN ALLEGHENY Js. cJ?x nw rented for orerfSOOa Tear: will J?e fgch. If applied for quick. C. H. LOVE, 98 ronrth aTenue, mh2S-46-Thssn TSSALJ-ATABARGAIS-BBICKUWELL-JL IMG or 5 rooms and kitchen, ball, vestibule, Jaeenj?"!. etc- on Chartlers st, Allegheny. BALTENBPSBGKK & "WILLIAMsT 154 Fourth are. li mh39-77 T7H1R BALE-IN VESTmAt-MBRICKDWELL-AJ INGS or rooms ach. cor. Bldwell and Franklin sts., Alleghenj City; these can be bought at a figure that will give good returns: jo trouble to rent; lot 130x96. J. C RE1LLY, T7 Diamond st. roh2l-l44-rr6Ett TTWR SALE-AN INVESrMEHT-A S-STOBY A? mansard and pressed brick front: ball, vrstl bnle, double parlors, dining room, kitchen and p-aitrr on first floor; 4 rooms and bath oa second Soon ion third: lot 22x120 to paTed alleys located on BeaTer aTe.. Allegheny: price only ftSSO. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth aTe. . mh29-lS0, Mapl, MA7 TTyjRSALE- JRWIN AVE, ALLEGHENY RES JD 1DENCE elegant and well built house of 11 rooms, all modern eonTenlences.goodstable,etc, lot 40x220 fceu this property Is on the best park mb21-20-D FOR SALE-ROBINSON 8T., ALLEGHENY, .Irmtnts-storTand mansard brick house, 10 rooms, finely finished, -attic snb-dlTldcd Into two tj comiorraoiesieepinK ruoais, wtiuigBkuu ,.- - richly panered, stationary washsUnds, laundry, heater and washtuns In cellar; natural and artifi cial gas throughout: lot 2x120: complete In all that unites to make a-rery comfortable home: fit -OOO. For particulars call on J. DEHMITT. 4U7 Grant St. . mb27-47--ws FOR-SALE-A HANDSOME XlTTLEi-ROOM house, lust completed: good lot; Center street, Tenth ward. Allegheny; fl,350; easy terms, bev eral -room bouses, Harlan avenue: quarterly payments. 2 rery handsome 6-room houses, Clif ton aTenne. 4 brick houses, large lot; Fourth ward: at a bargain. Magnificent property near the parks; nothing more desirable on the North side. S brick houses, large lot: Pride St., city: $3,000; will pay s percent. Parties looking for safe and profitable Investment should examine this property. JOHN H. MCCREERY, 95 Fifth are. mh9-20-TTS Hazclw ood 'Realdencea. FOR SALE-SECOND AVE., HAZELWOOD the handsome residence propertr or Geo. H. Anderson, Esq., a modern dwelling of 11 rooms, bath, laundry, all conveniences, large porches, etc : good stable and carriage house; beautiful grounds, either 2 or 4 acres, with shade and fruit trees SAMUEL W. BLACK & U0.99 Fourth are. mh26-17-TTS Suburban Residences. TJlOE SALE TWO BfX-ROOM HOUSES AT JO Ingram. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth are. mh29-69 TCMB BALE-AT INGRAM-SEVERAL VERY X' fine residences. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth arc mnsMssi FOR SALE-HOUSES WITH ALL MODERN improvements, near Wllkinsburg. station; prices low and terms easy. MCCUNE &.COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth are, mhl6-80-8 "CWR SALE AT EMS WORTH. P., Ft. W. & C. Jj R. K.: convenient to station: cottage house, natural gat, etc stable, etc.; lot of V4 acres ot ground, fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, grapes, etc.: a desirable suburban home; price low. ALEXANDER ft LEE 313 Wood St. mh30-83 F)R 8ALE-5 ACRES AND 1 ACRE OF LAND at Evergreen, or the estate or William Cooper, deceased, to be sold by order or the Orphans' Court at public sale, en Thursday, April 4, at 3 o'clock p. M, on the premises. Handbills or full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO , Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth are,, Pittsburg. mh30-U , FOR SALE (99)-ON LINE OF PROPOSED electric road, Bellerue, handsome modern dwelling, 8 large rooms, hall In center, heater, natural gas, laundry, porches,hard wood mantels. Hied fire-places, splendid lawn 1 1x80, cholcejrnlt and shade trees; neighborhood flrst-clsss: 2 acres of ground; can be subdivided. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO, 99 Fourth ave. mh26-17-TTS FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN bouse on Beaver road, Enuworth, J., Ft. W. & CRy, only 3 minutes from station: a new frame dwelling of 7 rooms, halt marble vestibule mar ble and hardwood mantels, natural gas, good well water, large lot lOOx&A covered with elegant large trees. This Is a bargain. Call at office and tee photo. BLACK &BAIRD, 95 Fourth are mb23-54-D TTIOR SALE OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST X! beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county: the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished; and surrounded with 'wide erandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house; the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from X to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue. Knoxrllle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE-LOTS. Cltr lxi FOE SALE BLUFF ST, NEAR COLLEGE, lot 23ft. 9 in. bv 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD. ,20 Bluff St. mhlO-28-TTSSU TTIOR SALE-BARGAINS IN LOTS. NEAR X? W Tile are. cable line, f(50 to 3500. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. mhl9-40-TTS TTt X route; Wylle arc GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave " mh29-69 FOR SALE LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, ON WTLIE, Webster and Bedford avenues. Thirteenth ward. bPENCER&GLOSbEE, 419 Smlthfield su mh30-74 FOR SALE LOTS ON MERIDEN, HALLOCX Virginia, Oneida and Sweetbrier streets, Dn quesne Heights. BPENCER A GLOSSER. 419 bmlthfield st. mh30-74 FOR SALE LOTS ON CONRAD STREET, 501 133 feet or 50x160 feet: Penn ave. cable line within 1.000 feet. THOS. MacCONNELL. JR., 91 Diamond street, L. O. FRAZ1ER, Fortv-flfth ana Butler sts. mh30-85 TTIOB SALE-LOTS-P50 EACH; NICE LEVEL JJ lots on Federal st, 8. 8.: 20x110: right near bead or Twenty-second st. Incline: very easy payments; (10 down and (10 monthly. ir. J. J. Aubui, ,, uiimona si. mh24-144-TTSSU TTIOR BALE-CITY -FBOFERTY-60X160 JTEET JD on Penn aTe, 31x120 feet on Seventh are, 45x80 feet on becond ave, 90x80 feet on Third ave, 72x110 feet on Liberty are, 48x110 feet on Penn are, 53xllu feet on Sixth street, 20x112 feet on fettn are, 80x35 feet on Market st, 50x60 feet corner Duquesne way and Seventh st, 22x114 feet on Firth are, 39x80 feet on Market st. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourtn are. mh29-69 East End Lots. 8ALE-1N THE EAST END. ON A FIR par Dared street, a fine building lot. 45x120 fcrtr street Improvements all paid; a bargain. ALEX ANDER & LEE, 3X3 Wood St. mll30-83 FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton are', near Hilaad; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable Inquire of D. C NEGLEY, 6106Pennave, East End. Jal9-l2-rrs FJR SALE-ATLANTIC AVENUE-LOTS 50X 140 feet or 50x160 leet, near Shadyside station, 4 R. R, or Penn are cable line THOS. Mac CONNELL, JR,91Dlamondst.;L.O. FBAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. mh30-8V TTIOR 8 ALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA X TION. P. R. R, convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surnasscdmrlce ranging from 406 to tfwi. lnnntm Kofi). C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn are. East End? nu-a-f io TTIOR SALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS; MOST DE X S1RABLE location in the East End; wide' flagstone sidewalks through the whole plan; se cure colored plan from MELLON BROS, East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 bmlth fl eld street. mh24-50-TTESu FOR BALE-LOTSl EOTS1-S CHOICE LOTS on Frankstown are, Brushton station: Bank of Commerce addition plan ; each 40x140 feet to 24 foot alley: terms, (so down and -(10 a month; cheapest lots In the, market, becure plan rrom JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent. 512 Smlthfield st. mh24-iS-TT8SU TTIOR S ALE-LIN DEH PLAN LOTS; LOTS ON X Linden are and Hastings street, 120 leet deep, for (20 and (25 per root front; easy terms; these lots are dellglitfnllT located In finest neigh borhood of East End, only five minutes from either train or cable cars. THOMAS LIGGETT, 114 Fourth are mb.2t-lUriTFSSu TTOR SALE-FRIENDSHIP GROVE AND JP PARK A large portion or this rery desirable property hat been laid out In lots ranging from 20x100 feet to 100x309 reet, which are now offered for sale for residence purposes; the facilities for reaching this property are unsurpassed r Ben Venue and Bhadyslde stations, Penna. Railroad being very few minutes walk from It, and the Penn are cablellnes pisses within 125 feet of It: the streets laid ont through the property are 50 and 60fuet wide and alltya 20 feet wide are lu the rear of all lots: as a whole this property lies much higher than the surrounding vacant property, thus" affording the most excellent drainage; to parties desiring a location for a honsethcrclsno such property now offering In this city. Apply to THOS. MAC CONN ELL, JK, No. 91 Diamond tt, city, or dj. O. FHAZIER, cor. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. mh2335 Ths Suburban Lota. TTTtOR SALE-ELEGANT BUILDING LOTS AT A. Ingram station. ux.u. JOHNSrON, 62 1 ourth ave mh29-G9 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS at Xdgewood, 60x170: three minutes from station; laying high and almost level: price (550 and (600 If sold soon. H. C. CLARKE. Pitt and neay streets, ivuainsuurg. mh30-78 TTOR SALE-RESERVE "TOWNSHIP, JUST X outside Twelfth ward, Allegheny, 30 rery cbeap lots; no snch bargains abont the city; close to blue line street cart; admirably adapted to ftrape cuuiTaiiuiii men iota are uie last oi a large plan, and will be closed out promptly. JOHN II. tlCCREERY, 95 Fifth arenne 11 mh30-82-TTS poj Wllkl R SALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAL Bank of Commerce has a Terr few lots left t iVllklnsbunr. aU well situated and Terr deslrahii. also at Edge wood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they hare quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole ralley: they will be sold free of taxes fox 18S9 on rerr easy terms. Aplyat the BANK, fe27-fl.WS FOR SALE-11 ACRES OF'LAND ON WOODS Run arenne near New Brighton road, Alle gheny, of the estate of John and W Illlam Cooper, deceased, to ho told by order of the Orphans1 Court at public sale, on Wednesday afternoon. April 3, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Handbills of fall particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO, Agentt and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth arc, Pitts burg. - mhso-ii FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lou. SALE 82 ACRES AT RR1N1T1V. in T7IOR a; acres. 23 acres and S3 acres at WlHrln.hnnrt ii first class Investments. Mcottne rxnir- TER, Agents. 98 Fourth are. mhl-80-S TTIOB 8ALE-1,0 BEAUTIFUL BUILDINOi J? lots at Ingram; no city taxes, pure air, pure water. 5 cents railroad fare to or from city. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, E Fourthve. mh29-69 TTIOR SALE-LOTS NEABSWISSVALEEDGE JD WOOD. Wllkinsburg and Brushton stations at low prices and on easy terms. MoCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 96 Fourth ave. xnhl6-80-s TJTOR SALE-LOT ON FRANKLIN ST.. WIX P KINSBUBG. about 5 minutes' from station; 300 ft. front by 122 ft. deep; price very low. Mo CUNE& COULTER, Agents, SS Fourth ave mh!6-80-8 Allegheny Xiota. TTIOB SALETWO LOTS ON EAST STREET X extenslonjMxlSSeaeh; price for both tLOOO. THOS. LIGGETT, 111 Fourtn are. mha.13-30.3Upl, 3, 4, 6,7 TTIOB SALE-LOTS O V MAPLE -AN D LIN DEN JO avenues and Lombard street Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McN AUG HER, 43 N . Diamond tt. mhT-SJ-D FOR SALECHOICE LARGE LOTS "Osgood Place" near street ears IN and schools; city water, natural and artificial gat, etc: 13 seat handsome houses now on this plan, costlngabont (50,000; low prices and easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mh2S-i9 Farms. TTIOESALE OREXCHANGE FOBIMPEOVED JP nroperty: Kansas land: well watered and de sirably located. Call on or address W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth are. mhl-44-Ths TjWR 8AL&-C4 ACRES' CHOICE TIMBER JO land In Westmoreland county, six miles from l.iconler and six miles from Derry, on the P. R. R. : the timber on this land has nerer been culled; will be sold at a bargain. GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth are mh2-69 FOR SALE OR TO LET-OR EXCHANGE A nice farm of about 60 acres near the city, one mile from railroad station, large dwelling and barn, fine orchard, water, etc, etc.; will rent low to a responsible tenant: Immediate posses sion. JAB. W, DRAPE CO, 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg, mhaj-u TTIOR BALE-150 ACRES, 5-ROOM HOUSE n. ' fine orehard. I mile from station. 18 X farm. miles below Pltsburg, only (40 per acre to close an estate: also 80 acres, house barn, orchard. 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for (2.500; 125 acres, 7 room house barn, orchard, near Beaver, ago per acre must be sold: 60 acres, 4-room, barn, orchard, 4 miles from Beaver, for 32,000; send for big rarm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Rochester, Pa. mha.2S-TT8 SHsccIlaueous. TTII tor SALE-BY THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 X Butler street. 31,800 Drygoods store on Penn are. Twelfth ward, stock, showcases and fixtures; will lnrolce for about fl,80U; rent of storeroom, (18; the com mission on laundry business will pay rent. On Klncald st. and Rosetta, 39 lots 22x110 each; prices, from (250 to (409 each; (5 on each down; monthly payments for the balance . ts,300 On Penn are, Twelftn ward, two brick business houses and dwellings of 6 rooms and attic In each; one half cash, balance to suit; this Is a rare bargain. IL850 On Laurel st. Sixteenth ward, lot 30x160, with a good frame dwelling of 4 rooms and attic good stable etc ; one-hair cash, balance to suit. (775 Corner Thirty-third and Hill sts.. two lots 25x110 each: terms to suit; positive bargains. (2,600 Keystono are, near Fifty-third st, lot 40x115, with a new 2-story frame house of ( rooms and an attic; one-third cash, balance to suit. (3, 850-N o. 3945 Hawley are, lot 20x97: new brick dwelling, hall, Testibuie, six rooms and a finished attic: 2 slate mantels; half cash, balance to snlt. (3,250 At Hoboken station, W. P. R. B, lot 40x 165, fronting on Freeport road: a new frame house with water, natural gas, porches lront and rear, large hall and 8 rooms, newly papered through out; handy to churches and schools; terms to suit purchaser. c (2,750 On Smallman st, near Twenty-fifth, one lot 52x79 feet: terms to suit. rsi,550 Cor. Thirty-third and Harding sts,lot24x Iu5, with a frame house of fire rooms: terms to suit. (1,900-No. 48 Nineteenth street: lot 20x60: a good frame house or5 rooms, In No. 1 repair; one-third cash, balance to suit. ir you want good bargains and sonare dealings call on THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Of fice open evenings. Telephone connection, 1611-2. FOR SALE-BCSINESS. Business Chances. TTIOR SALE-GOOD CORNER DRUG STORE, X located on one of the best streets in Alle gheny: must be sold; easy terms. Address OPIUM, Dispatch office mh28-81 TTIOR SALE-8ALOON-1N GOOD LOCATION, JD on principal street, with tobacco and cigar store connected. Address JOHN G. GOELTZ, No. 15 N. Phelps street, Youngstown, O. mh30-73 TORSALE-AN EXCELLENT RETAIL GRO X CERY In Allegheny near the Market House; an old stand and doing a fine business. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh30-H FOR SALE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND best stocks of general hardware, in Rockford, 111.; wlll-lnvolceanout14,000: best of reasons for selUng. Address A. W. COBB, Mineral Polni Wis. mh24-4S FOR SALE MEDICAL PRACTICE AT NEW Haven, opposite Uonntllsville, Pa.; good reasons for selling; established 10years;possesslon April 1. Apply GEO. A. TORRENOE, New HaTen, Pa. mh27-27 FOR SALE IN A LARGE MANUFACTUR ING town near the city-a good paving busi ness, steam bakery, confectionery and ice cream parlor: the leading bakery and confectlonerv: price low; terms reasonable. ALEXANDER &, LEE, 313 Wood St. mh30-83 FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN COUNTRY town; choice stock, good trade; community highly moral: excellent private academy nearby; a rare opportunity; reason for selling, death of head proprietor. For particulars address E. UAMBLE, Rogers, O. mh26-33-D FOR SALE-DRUG STORE WITH GOOD stock and fixtures, at less than cost of fix tures ir you come quick; stores of all kinds; boarding houses, cigar stores, notion stores, hotels, confectioneries, etc: some splendid business chances. SHEPARDA CO.. 54 Fifth are mh26 FOR SALE AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GRO CERY business In the city, with a trade of about (30,000 to (40, 000 annually; stock In good con dition; valueabout (4,000; will sell on an appraise ment: a good stand and fine opening. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO , 129 Fourth arenue Pittsburg. mhSMl Bnslness Stands, FOR SALE-HOTEL PROPERTY. SITUATED In Canal Fulton, Stork co. Ohio; no local ontlon For price and description address J. C. blUTH. P. O. box 254, Masslllon, O mnzs-zi FOR SALE IN OUR HANDS EXCLUSIVELY to sell, the 2 3-story buildings. Nos. 411 and 4i3Smltbfleldst.;lots 20 ft. front each by 60 ft.; S lease call for particulars. HENRY A. WEAVER ; CO, 92 Fourth are mh29-22 FOR SALE 315 FIFTH AVENUE AT AUC TION; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 2 o'clock: lot 25 feet wide in front. 34 feet wide In rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brict dwell ing and store good business stand. A. LEG GATE & SON. Auctioneers. mh20-U FORSALE OR EXCHANGE-A FLOU R MILL In best condition and good trade with dwell ing house and four acres of land, planted with grapes and fruit; located In West view on the perrysviiie roau, lourmues irora Aiiegneny uity; tue c rent ply mh2S-34 ItlunufBCtnrlne Sites. FOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE MANU FAC1 CRIN G sites fronting on railroads and rivers. GEO. JOHNbTON, Agent, 62 Fourth are lnh29-69 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Lire Stock, etc FOR SALE-LIGHT GROCERY DELIVERY wagon. Inquire at RUDOLF SCHMITT'S, Kf jamesst, aucsucu'i " .in 029-15 FOR SALE BAY TEAM-OWNED BY LOUIS P. FALCK. Can be seen at the CALI FORNIA STABLES, cor. of South and West Dia mond, Allegheny. ml)30-l TTKJRSALE-A CITY-MADE, LIGHT PANEL JD barouche, used by owner only a few months list summer; In splendid order; no second-hand old trap; offering It for want of nse: price (175. Inquire of WILSON A BRO, .LlTery Stable, North Diamond st, Allegbeny. mh24-15-TTEEu Machinery and Dletals, Fi R SALE-REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS at the lowest cash prices, or on the lnstall tplan. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood st.mh30-20 ment FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc VKLTE& MCDONALD, I'ennare, cor. Thirty-second tt. Jel6-!63-rrs FOR bALE-IRON PLANER. 24-IN.Irr.: Howe metal scales, verticil boiler, 41 In. x 8 rt. and smaller sizes: vertical and horizontal en gines; miscellaneous machinery. FAIIEY & PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-T35)f-TT8 Mlsccllnneoua. R SALE TWO MILLIARD AND TWO tool tables; la gooa conuiiion. as x ana 37 NKSTOWft AVE, East End. mh29-59 F)K 8ALE-I2-SYRUP SODA FOUNTAIN, AT one-third of cost ir sold at once Inquire at RESIDENCE, No. tl9 Dennlson are. East Lib erty. mh30-93 FOR SALE THREE VERY GOOD COPPER llned bath tubs for sale at a bargain. In quire at ADAM WEIDMAN'S, No. 1300 Carson st, Pittsburg, S. 8. mli29-3 EOR SALE FIXTURES -PARTITION, tables, gas fixtures: also, one large gas or coal. -store store two large mirrors, etc, etc NICOLL, 88 Fifth are. mil 30-96 PERSONAL. E R S O N A L BOOKS WLNTED-IF YOU hare one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth rUOOO, let ut know: we will buy one at quickly at the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe . TKRSONAL-WRY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, ST mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the' Tailor, corTTIfth are. nnd Wood st, second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits made to order; spring stvlrs now ready. Telephone 15W. mhS TO XET. Cltr Residences. TO LET-SEVEN-BQOMED HOUSE. NAT URAL gas, (16. 'JT W. LOWBY, Ridge st, near Thirty-third st. mh30-S9 TO LEI Z1UUS.E, U( A.n xtuunio, aum modern Improvements Center ave GEO. JOHNBTON. Agent, 62 Fourth are. mh29-6 TO LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN ROOMS ON Third are, between Smlthfield and Grant sts. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 63 Fourth are mh29-69 TO LET-GOOD BRICK HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS on Wylle are, near Erin st. ; only (400 per year: no water rent. O. BEBINGEB A SON, 103 Fourth are " mh27-S7-wi-s TO LET-HOUSE OF TWELVE BOOMS ON Penn are, between Ninth and Tenth sts. : all modern Improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth are.- mh29-69 TO LET OR FOR SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE on Mount Washington, cor. Gray and Dll worth streets; has eight rooms, large lot, and Is supplied with natural gas and city water. In quire at the office of the PITTSBURG FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 13 Wood U-d mh22-3S riTO LET FIRST-CLASS HOUSE or TEN JL rooms. Including bath, hot and cold water on three floors, ltundry in basement, No. 411 Wrlleare: new cable-cart win pats door; fire minutes' from Court Honse; rent (33 33 per month; no water rent; privilege of another year at tame rent, a BERInGER SON, 103 Fourth are. J" mb30-!0 East End Residences. TO LET-EAST END. PtTTSBUBG, COB. Margaretta and Beatty sts., house 8 rooms and stable large lot: rent 08. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny.. mh27-33 TO LET-THAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, baring all modern Improvements, corner Collins avenue and Broad street. East End. Ap ply to ALEXANDER KING, 136Firth ave. mb24-M rTTO LET OK FOR SALE-NORTH HILAND, X East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic; modern Improvements; stable and laundry; Jot 60x180, W.D. KIN G..64 Fourth avenue. mk21-"0 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE TWO-STOBT brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; Saeret of ground, fruit trees, thrnbbery, stables, etc.: will be rented low to good party; Shadr are, opposite WUklns are. Inquire of N. 8. SNYDER, W;. Nicholas Hotel, or J.B.-HYND-MAN, 6212 Penn are, Ealt End. mb5-3-TWSSu Allegheny Residences. TO LET WESTERN AVE HOUSE SROOMS, porch, etc: rent. (550. A.D.WILSON, 65 Federal tt., Allegbeny. mh27-38 TO LET-OH FOB SALE-A NICE 8-EOOM honse No. 35 Locust st, Allegheny City. C H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. . mhZ7-6S ITTO LET-ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE -SIX X rooms: all Improvements; rent (360. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal rt., Allegheny. mh29-10 TO LET-ON REBECCA ST.-NEW BRICK house, 8 rooms: modern Improvements; rent, (30. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mh27-3S TO LET-37 ALLEGHENY AVE.-S-STORY brick dwelling; 8 rooms: all modern lmprore ments;reut(40. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mh29-l0 TO LET-ON BUENA VISTA ST, GOOD brick house; 8 rooms and modern Improve ments: rent, (400. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal at, Allegheny. mh27-38 TO LET-TAYLOR AVE.-NEW BRICK honse of 10 rooms; all modern Improve ments: rent, (550. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mh27-33 rpO LET TWO SMALL. 4-ROOMED HOUSES, JL near Allegheny Diamond; suitable for a fam Uf or 2 or 3 persons. Inquire at 170 SANDUSKY ST., Allegheny. mh30-36 TO LET-ON PAGE ST., FINE BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms, bath, laundry, bay windows, lront and backyards, etc; only (150. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mh27-33 TO LET-VERY FINE TEN-ROOM DWELL ING, all modern Improvements, on Monterey st, near North stc, Allegheny. GEO. JOHN BIO N, Agent, 62 Fourth arc ' mh29-69 TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY, ONE SQUARE from street cars, brick honse of 6 rooms and finished attic bathroom, w. c, range both gases, etc. : (26 per month: no water rent. ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. mh30-83 TO LET TO A SMALL FAMILY, ON LINE of Western are. cars. Allegheny, six rooms In a honse partly occupied by a physician: rent and additional compensation for ooardand care of rooms. For full particulars apply to A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mh29-10 TO LET ALLEGHENY HOUSES; 3 FRAZIER st, 6 rooms, (25; 23 Klrkpatrick aTenne 8 rooms, (22; 313 Sandusky st, 6 rooms, (23; McDon ald st. Eleventh ward, 6 rooms, (18; Arbuckle and Stoddard alley. Fourth ward, 4 rooms, (15; Harrison St., Observatory HilL 4 rooms, (1L A. LEGGATEASON, 31 Federal st , Allegheny. mh29-6i Suburban Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS AT IN GRAM. GEO. J0HNSlON,Agent,62 Fourth ave. mhffl-69 TO LET-HOUSE AND STABLE ON BUTLER street, Etna;-aood place for doctor's office Inquire of GEO. SEAL, Wlble street, Etna. . -- j7 - mb2S-27 TO LET-A GOOD SIX-ROOM DWELLING with large lot, near Mansfield station, P, C. &St.L. R.H. C.H. LOVE, 93 1 ourth avenue mh2-38 TO LET-AT INGRAM-HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, with ten acres or ground, fruit and shade trees. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. , mh29-63 TO LET-OR FOR SALE-ELEGANT NEW house in Wllkinsburg. lot 50x200, house 28x34; 12 minutes from station; price low. Inquire I. M. K1TCHIN. Ross st, Wllkinsburg. mh30-21 FTIO LET-SEVERAL DESIRABLE DWELL- JL INGS at Bellerue, Emsworth and Glenfleld. , on P, Ft. W. & C. R. R, from (15 per month and'! upward. uirjuaut,Koun, 103 ironrtn ave. mh2J-87--wrS TO LET-HOUSE IOEOOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc, near Patterson station, P. C. s Y. R. B and Crafton, P. C. & St, L. R. R. In quire or B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa, or ad dress F. C. B1GGERT, Rochester. Pa. mh2l-6S TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern lmprorements, stable and carriage honse, two acres ground, with llrer rleir. Inquire onprem lses, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 Farms. TO LET-FARM OF SO ACRES, WITH DWELL ING touse and barn, on Forward stc. Twenty-third ward; good location for a dairy. D. W. C. BlDWELL A CO.. 143 Water it, corner Cherry alley. mh23-14 TO LET-GOOD FARM NEAR THE CITY, ONE mile from B. R. ttatlou, a large dwelling and barn, fine orchard, water, etc, etc.: rent low to a responsible tenant; Immediate possession, JAS. W. DRAPE & CO, 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mb29-41 TO LET-FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A HOUaE. stable and greenhouse with? or 8 acres of land, on P. & L. E. R. It, 1,S miles below Char tiers station: farm contains 1.600 raspberry plants, 1,000 grape vines, eter Apply to JAS. NICHOL, on premises. mb22-39-TTS Special. TO LET-BY BLACK & BAIRD, 95 FOURTH arenue dwellings, stores and offices In Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, 8outhslde and In all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are Issued erery Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For rerlsed copies of these lists call upon any-of the following named: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Center are J. M. Blackburn, No. 383 Fl th are J. P. Urbeu, Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. Stucky & Co, WyUoavc and Ful ton st. A. H.TVIlson, Penn and Frankstown ave George E, Foster, cor. Washington are. and Fremont St. Jacob Spohn. No. 2 Carson st. M. Blackburn, No. SSSFenn are Peter Walter Jr., No. 64 Chestnut st, Charies Bchwarm, No. 1707 Carson st ' E. Holden & Co, 63 Federal st. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel, Webster arc- cor. Roberts St. Ja2(K4-ws ' T O LET-BY BLACK 4 BAIRD. " PITTSBCRO. 6S Wylle avenue near Tunnel street good dwell ing rooms on third floor; water, etc (14. 940 Penn arenne a two-story brick dwelling of 12 rooms, hall, both gases, etc Stable In rear. KASrENT. Comer Roup and nowe streets, East End, a two story and mansard brick, dwelling of 11 rooms, bathroom, ball and laundry, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gaa,,lnslde shutters: good stable in rear. (50. Oakland aTenne near' Bates street, Oakland, only three minutes' walk from cable cars, two story frame dwelling of 6 rooms, halL attic and cellar, both gates, hot and cold water, etc. (40. Charles Emalch, owner, Summcrlea street, near Etwood street, only few minutes' walk from Roup Station, 2 choice new frame dwellings, 8 rooms, bathroom, reception hall and laundry each, range, natural and artifi cial gas. flue chandeliers, etc (40. Inquire for the Black & Balrd houses" . o Niagara street, Otkland, two-story and man sard stone front dwelling of 9" Tooms, bathroom, hall and vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, cemented cellar, front and back porches, range, fine chandeliers, etc. (00. Inquire for J. M. Por ter's house. ALI.Eonz-v. 17 James street, two-story frame dwelling 066 rooms water, etc (17, inquire at 24 James street. 106 Ackley street. In the rear, a two-storr frame dwelling of 4 rooms and cellar, natural gas, water, etc. Convenient location. (13. Liberty street, near Madison street, three-story brick dwelling of 9 rooms, bathroom, halLhot and cold water, both gases, good yard, etc (40. Jacob Hill, owner. , 123 James street, above North arenne opposite Knoll street, a two-story and finished mansard brick dwelling of 8 .rooms, hall, bathroom and good cellar of 3 rooms, (25. 142 Bldwell street; near Pennsylvania arenne a nice three-story brick dwelling of. 8 rooms, halL Testibuie bathroom, natural and artificial gas, range hotand cold water; will paper throughout If desired. (25, 112 Farette afreet, nress brict ilwlfim, r a rooms, range hot and .cold water, bath. lanndryr' iwuuubi wuii ,iafcuA iuu arcmciai gas, ce mented cellar, porch and large yard. No. 52 Bldwell street,' near Cabinet street, 2 story .brick of it- rooms, both gases, all conTen- Also a number of other desirable houses Can as omce xor ust. .. BLACK 4 BAIRD. mhSO-17 95 Fourth arenue. TO LET. Bnslness Stands. TO LET-LARGE WAREROOM, NO. 112 WOOD street, cheap. Inquire at OFFICE, on the premises. mh27-84 TO LET-FROM APRIL 1, A LARGE ROOM for storage: terms reasonable: at No. 6 Sixth street. S.W.HOLLAND. mh27-7S TO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement, 138 First are. Inquire of H UNT 4 CL API", 96 Fifth are. mhl9-44 TO LET-IN THE MONONGAHELAH0U8E the room now used for the barroom. E. D. W1NGENROTH. Agent, 190 Fourth aTe. mbSMO TO LET-GOOD STOREROOM AND DWELL , IN G; a good opening for dry goods, notions, trimmings, etc, or a tin store, fl. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth arenue mh29-38 TO LET-THE LARGE AND DESIRABLE warehouse No. 1033 Penn arenue; at present occupied by Wm. Charles & Co. Apply toTHOS. K. KERR, Room 4, 1036 Penn are. mh26-64-TTg mOLET-AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED JL bakery stand In a good town near the city: food brick store and dwelling; rent low to good enant, C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth arenne ' mh29-33 TO LET-BBICK- DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS and business front. No. 112 Frankstown are nue. East End, Is adapted for most any business. H. P. KREBS, cor. Penn and Shady avenues. mhSO-47 TO XET-THE 3-STOHl BUILDING, NO. 4063 Penn are, storeroom and dwelling: complete fixtures as counter and shelving for grocery store. Inquire of CUSHIN G 4 FOX, 4319 Butler st. mh23-14-TTS TO LEr-STOREROOMS NO. 327 LD3EBTY street, corner Penn avenue and Third, 407 1 eny street, 85 Robinson street, Allegheny desk room on ground floor. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mh30-7S TO LET-A GOOD BUSINESS STAND-A storeroom and dwelling, suitable lor any kind or business on Federal st, Allegheny: will be rented Tery low to good tenant THOS. WELSH 4 CO, 157 Lacock st, Allegheny.- 1nh2S-97-TTS nno LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND-NO. JL 173 Firth are, opp. Court House running through to Wylle are. ; new plate glass fronts on both streets; Immediate possession; rent low. J. C. REILLY, or ON PREMISES. mh28-39 TO LET-FOUR LARGE WELL-LIGHTED rooms with power (about 8,000 square reet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works Grant arenue Allegheny, inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving-Co. Ja23--KWg TO LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms for general business purposes with or without power, to rent in the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents (ioo, (400 and (1.000 per annum; sitnatlon the most central, within a fewihnndred feet of all the public buildings and of the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. M. and 4 t. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Offices. Dealt Room. Jfcc TO LET-AT A BARGAIN-A LARGE FRONT office Penn building. Address G, Dispatch office. ' mh30-22 T 10 LET DESK BOOM-APPLY AFTER 4 P.M. WM. F.MAXON, Boom JJ, McCance Block. mh26-61-TT8 TO LET-3 ROOMS OPPOSITJ!. COURTHOUSE; suitable for offices or light housekeeping: rent low: w. c, a. and n. gas J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. ' mh29-31 fTW LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, L Smlthfield. Libertr and HTenth arenne well-Ughted offices each room fronting on a prin cipal street, passenger ana mercnanaise eleva tors JaS-32-D TO LET-GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK building, corner Wood and Diamond streets four offices at low rent; one single office 15x20, and two connecting offices 20x26 and 15x18; one single office 12x15; all splendidly lighted; finished in modern style; all newly painted and papered: pos session at once. mh30-88-D , Apartments. TO LET-FURNISHED OB UNFURNISHED front room, with board. Apply at 36 STOCK TON AVENUE mb30-9o TO LET-THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS suitable for houjekeeplng, atNO. 218 ROBIN SON ST, Allegheny. mh30-53 TO LET-NEWLY FURNISHED THIRD story room, 73 ARCH ST. (west side), 4 doors north of Ohio st, Allegheny. mh30-99 TO LET-UNFURNISHED PARLORON FIR8T floor, suitable for office or sleeping room; also nicely furnished bedroom, at 51 EAST DIA MOND, Allegheny. mb.30-45 fTW LET-4 NICE ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR, JL for offices or dwelling, with natural gas and x.ftt 9 mln.ta, frn,n f iin Until.. TnniilM nf W. H. DEVOHE, 512 Grant st. a-K TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats two six and eight-room dwtlllng houses some storerooms. Inquire on premises FOURTH STREET. mh24-114 T IO LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENTS suitable for light housekeeping, with gas water and bath. -Apply to J.U. MORROW, shoestore 289 Ohio st, Allegheny. mbSO-ia ..I.OST. LOST-STRAYED OR 8TOLEN-MEDIUM sized alderney cow; marked on right side; small turned up horns; color yellow; rery rat: re ward given li returned to owner. MICHAEL McN ALLY, 1363 Second ave. Twenty-third ward. mh30-5 MEETINGS. MEETING THE MEMBERS OP LAW RENCE Council No. 61, Jr. O. U. A. M, are reanested to meet at their hall, No. 8810 Batler street, on SUNDAY at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Frederick Greenwalt. Bister councils are re spectfully invited to attend. By order of CHARLES ATKINSON, Councilor. - "WM. STIRM, Sec mh3Ml Office of the Pittsburg Gas Co. ( MAKcn 28.1889. ( STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE stockholders of the Pittsburg Gas Company are hereby notified that a general meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the company on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M, to take into considera tion the making of a contract with tho East End Gas Company. W. H. MCCLELLAND, Secretary. mh26-68-D Office of Allegheny Valley R. R. co. Pittsburg. Pa, March 9. 1889. i mHE ANNUAL MEETING OP TH JL stockholders of this company -will be held on TUESDAY, April 9, 1889, at 11 o'clock A. Jf. at the General Office of the Company, Pitts burg, Pa., to hear the report of the Board of Managers, elect a Board of Managers for the ensning year, and act upon such otljer business as may be brought before it. THOMAS R. ROBINSON, mh7-85- Secretary. AMUSEMENTS. gnc LTOU THEATER- - MONDAY, APRIL L CRYSTAL SLIPPER. BEATS NOW ON BALE. mh30 GRAND OPERA HOUSE MISS ROS1NA VOKES. To-day's Matinee In Honor Boundl The Circus Riderl A Pantomime Re hearsal! To-night A Game ot Cards! My Milliner's-Bill! The Rough Diamond. Week April 1 Nellie McHenry in "3 of a Kind." mb3f5 BIJOU THEATER TO-DAY, Matinee at 2 o'clock. "THE STOWAWAY I" Next week "The Crystal Slipper." rmh30 H ARRIS THEATER Every afternoon and evening, "BEACON LIGHTS." April 1 A Boy Hero, or Held In SlaTerr, HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY-TO-NIGHT. TTNEES TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY. THE BIG 4'S NEW "DEPARTURE. 29 SPECIALTY ARTISTS 29 mh24-7 CASINO MUSEUM-MONDAY, MARCH 25 Capt, Piul Boyton's Monstrous Sea Ser pent. Happr Jack Sutton's Mirror, of the Plains 'Madam Johnson, the Jersey Giantess; Ad Carlisle.Sleigbt of Hand; Clark Glbbs.Dnn can SIsters.Nellfe Ollve.JoIin Gilroy, mb25-105 BASEBALL TO-DAY! Weather Permitting. ATHLETICS Va ALLEGHENY. Game at 3 p.m. Admission. 25c mhSO-8 CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stores and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose by using tbo jureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address. JAMES ANDERSON, S3 East Diamond street, leS-nCT.TTn Allegheny, Pa. Walter J. osborne. Richard harrows. BARROWS 4 OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street, TeIephoneNo.8U . se2-k5P-TTSSn CHASING CHEYENNESf" rovertof the Far WeHern plaint, together wm the Cvuter massacre and incident, of cavalry life are described in a realistic mmmer by Xlaptain Charles King in lo-morrcM's Dispatch. - AUCTION SALES. B ULLETIN 'OP AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM. 8ATURDAY.MARCH SO, at 10 o'clock, line carpets and furniture, at No. 101 Grant street. City. TUESDAY. APRIL 2, at the rooms, 811 Mar ket st, at 10 o'clock, fine carpet and furniture, FRIDAY, APRDj 5, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at SU Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, fine furniture nd general mdseH at 10 o'clock, 811 Market st. THURSDAY, APRIL U, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, JUO'CIOCi rco. mU7-106 an Market st, Aiumx AUCTION co. AUCTION" SALE. Carpets, furniture, bedding, stores, etc On SATORDAYMORNING, March 30. at 10 A. K, we will sell the entire f urnlsbment of an elegant residence, consisting of parlor and chamber suites, carpets, rngs, chenille and lace curtains, shades, tables, piano, hat racks, hanging lamps, bed springs bbok ' cases, desks, refrigera tors and ace chests, mirrors, engravings, dry goods; also a horse, wagon and harness. Sale at 10 A.M. and 2,r. jr.- PITTSBURG-AUCTION AND STORAGE CO, 93 Third arenue, next to Bank of Pittsburg. mbDO-39 A UCTJONSALE iL - 3T3 t At No.101 Grant st, on SATURDAY MORN ING, March 39, 10 o'clock, of bedsteads, bu reaus, washstands, bedding, mirrors, side boards, chairs, tables, rockers, carpets lino leum, dlsbe glassware and cooking utensils; curtains, bed springs, lamps, etc., etc; goods on new after8o'clockonmornlngof the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM.. mh28-55 Auctioneers. BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of John Kennedy 4 Sons, contractors and lumber dealers. In Tarentum, Pa, ias this day been dlssolred by mutual consent, John Kennedy, Jr, retiring. All debts owing to said firm are to be paid forthwith to James Kenne dy, Sr, and all demands on said partnership are to be presented tb him forpavment. JAMES KENNEDY. 8n JOHN KENNEDY, JE. TABXNTUM, Pa, September L 1888. Notice Is hereby given that the business here tofore carried oh by John Kennedy t Sons has this day been purchased by the undersigned, and will be continued under the name and style of James -Kennedy 4 Sons. Ames Kennedy & sons. Tarkntttm. September L 1888. rohaHOO-S OFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. SEALED PROPOSALrTwlLL BJE RE CEIVED at the office of Controller until Saturday, April ft, 1889, at 2 o'clock f. K, for lurnishlng supplies as follows: Groceries, float and feed, meat, fresh fish, bat ter and eggs, sweet milk, dry goods, doming, shoes and leather, hardware, tinware, queens ware, coal, drags and paints and undertaking services, for the Departmcntor Chart tiesf or one year from tb e first day of , May, 18S9. Bonds in doable the amount ot the proposal most ac company each bid. Blanks for bidding, bonds and information famished on application at the office of the Department, No. 177 Fourth arenne. The right to accept or reject any or all bids reserved. R. C. ELLIOT, mb27-70-D Chief of Department of Charities. Continued on the Sixth and Tenth Pages. NOTICES. NOTICE THE MEMBERS OF STONEMASONS' UNION NO. 9, Of Pittsburg, Pa, will more to NO. 41 FIFTH AVE. OX WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1S89. mhSO-38 'TLLMDVE sINTO MYOTJHOME" IN KNOXYILLE-. We bare yeta f ew of those beautiful homes as follows: First A very beautiful 6-room house with natural gas, water, etc, for $200 cash and 819 33 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, 8200 cash and 816 33 per month. Third A beautiful 8-room cottage, 8200 cash; 815 33 per month. Fourth We iava also a number of other handsome properties oil equally; reasonable terms. ' -W-Take Soutbside cars to Twelfth street, and Mt Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOMLELAilPROYElIITCa OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, mh3-TTSSa KNOXVIXIaE BOROUGH. Steam Dyeing and Scouring. LADIES' MORNING AND TEA GOWN8 PRY CLEANED WITH OUT BEING RIPPED APART. Sixth Avenue Dye Works, M. MAY SONS & Co. mhl6-83-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE. INVESTMENT! With speedy profitable returns. Twelve and one-half acres nice cround at Hazel wood, salt able for building lots; near the station where 23 trains stop each way daily; also the new electric railway, which is assured. Price asked will allow liberal profit to pur chaser, who sab-divides it Samuel W Black & Co., 99 FOURTH AVENUEL mb2G-15.TTS - BARGAIN. Five acres choice land at Hazelwood, front ing 600 ft on river; abovo high water; excellent for manufacturing purposes; siding can be had from one or two railroads; would -also sab divide to advantage into good building lots; cheapest property of like advantages. Samuel-W. Black & Co., . 99 FOURTH AVENUE. mh28-14-RS Oakland Square. For Sale 99)-lu,50O-"Oakland Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance SoCOper annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, bath. laundry, inside shat ters, stationary tabs, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear Borcbes, etc, large lot facing a beautiful pnb c square, around which a street has been laid out sewered, and is being pared with aspbal turn; the whole Surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minntes from Fifth ave. cable line SAMUEL W. BLACK it CO, 99 Fourth ave. mhl3-48-D FIFTH AVENUE, $10,000! Corner property, near Hlland, for sale, sub stantial Two-Story Queen Anne Style, fnms dwelling 10 rooms, reception hall, jnarble mantels, batt laandrv, and all conven iences. This dwelling cost 810,000 to build, the entire first floor finished in solid walnut; very large lot; a bargain. SAMUEL f7bLACK& CO., mh29-35D FOURTH AVE. IO PER CENT NET. Sixth Ward investment' 84,000 for all three brick dwellings,- with lot 26x97 on a good street. Total rent 8540 per annum; a bargain SAMUEL W. BLACK fc CO, 99 Fourth ave. mh29-9S y1 A.BALPBJ BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-rrs ,' KZW; ABTBHTISEJgyTS. jteja 1 1 jfyr - (99). -; -alf 14J8 i iwH . b . Jlfci ! .J. -i4 , ,- V iff LET:1 . Th!sRent? Lfefi pviblhhecT only la the "Pittsburg Dispatch" Wednesday and' Saturday, -without expense, to landlords, SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO," 99 Fourth. Avenue, Real Estate Agents, Established 187$, " Renting and Collecting a Specialty, t ' STOKE BOOMS, fcTC. Second ave.. 159. storeroom and cellar, S390 yr. Fenu aye., 9 and 11. t-sty B. warehouse, JO H. F. boiler engine, etc, ss,00Oyr. Liberty St, K7, s-sty. brick warehouse. KOGOyr. Third Are, 148, opp. U. a. Y. O. store K. SttsS, plate glass windows, cellar. S50 no. Sixth St 24, elegant large store room, on 2d floor. skylight In center, large windows front and rear, glrlng- abundance or. light handsome stairway from the front: 900 yr. Liberty itc, near 8th, 2nd floor, axUd, elerator, . fi,000yr. Grant St U3. t sty, store, IB0. West Carson St, ti. 8, 713. store, i B, S38 raa. Lowry and Clark, A.C store. 30iX71t, sassyr. -Lowry St, A. V., store,- 20x40, 7 B., 9W yr Western Ave, 237 rear, SB, 18x20 ea,, flBOyn Second aTe, near Sobo, I acres; B. R. siding; river front; iheds. offlces, etc. tl,200 yr. Wood St, 201 and set, 2d floor wareroom, KxX, . wlth2oaeea and eleTator. moderate rent to good tenant Carson st, 1804, store MxSo and (dwelling roams, SGOyr Liberty Bt , 1389. 3-sty store. 20x30. 4 K, sagmo. Haielwood, 2-sty store and I B., tlJ mo. orriczs. Fourth are, 99, 2d floor front 2 elegant large of fices, m odern front windows, Jjotn gases,,mar- ble mantels, folding doors: excellent place for Insurance offlre., moderate rent to good tenant. Fourth ave, 99, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water, nat and art gas, inside w. c. moderate rent to good tenant. Fourth ave, 101, 2d floor front two large con necting offlevnat. gas, taomo. Flfth,ave. & Wood st ; offlces. single and In suite In the new eritery "Eisner Building:" Firth ave. entraneei. Crane elevator, steam heat . janitor services, etc ; floor plans can be seen at this office. "Penn Building," Pennave, ncaT Serenthst, offices, single or in snite in ths elegant news stoiy building, 2 Crane elerators, beat and Janitor services: rents exceptionally low. jfloor plans can be seen at this office. Penn ave., 506. 1st floor, 2B. $500 vr. Fourth ave, 152, 2 K, 1st floor. SSM yr. Wood St, S04-2t), 1st floor, IB. Moderate rent to good tenant. Water St, 143, front office. 2d floor; lSxSO. 175 yr. Water St, 143, front office, 2d floor, 15 rt. sq. SlWyr. Fifth ave., 163, opp. Court House, 1 office, 2d floor, nat. gas and water. S3S0yr. Pennave, 811, two connecting parlors, furnished, both gases, 2d floor, J30yr. Cor. Wood and Third, omce, 2d floor front ta mo. Western ave, Allegheny, large parlor, good light S300VT. Fourth are., 109, zd floor rear, two nice offices, Sl5mo. , . Fourth aTe, , 101, 3d floor rear, 1 nice offlce, 7 mo. PITTSBUBO DWELLIJiGS. Fifth are, OS. 2-tty. 8 K., mod. imp., bath, range, etc., etc, SMmo. Penn are, 315, 3-sty residence. 12 B, Shall, 2 baths, all mod. imp , t?tcoo yr. Boquet near Wllmot, 2-sty. mansard, 12 B, I'M acre ground, carriage house, etc., mod. imp, ssooyn Bluff St, 23, 2-sty, 10 B.'. mod. Imp.. 0mo. Center ave, 95, 2-sty, 7 B. side, yard, mod. con., (35 per mo. Lot 44 feet front on Centir are. Forbes, 333, 2-sty, 8 K.. mod. Imp, S38 mo. Liberty st 1239, 3-sty, store; iUx30.4B, S90mo. Center ave, 218, 2-sty , 8 B, t26 33 mo., mod-imp. front and rear yards. Bldgest, nearThlrty-thirdst, 2-sty; B ,C0 mo Center ave, 372. 2-str. 7K., 113 mo. Craig st , cor. Center ave., 2-sty, SB., mod. Imp. SwSmo. t llornlngslde sta., A. V. B. B, 7 B.. attic, flue rlverrlew. mod. Imp., 20 mo, ftfe; Decatur st, 1st floor. nat gas ana w. free, 115 mo, Lawn st near Forbes, 2-sty, SB, Slimo, 4742 Corday st. Bloomfleld. 4 B, 111 mo. 4742 Corday st. Bloomfleld. 4 B., Ill mo. Bear 163 Bedlord are,, 3-sty, IB., S10 50 mo. Foward are- 22d wd. 2-!itr.. 2 R.. la mn- Grant St,-113.2sty,H.;s0mo;, '. Herron ave., rear 98, 2-sty. 4 B, cellar. n mo, , Coleman Sta. , A. V. B. B . 2-sty, 6 B 0 pOj ALLEGHENY JJWELIilNGS. Liberty st, 112, 2-sty and man:, 8 K, mod. Imp, Ellsworth street 9, 3-sty, ( B, (20 mo Gallagher, 59, 2-sty, SB, mod. Imp.. 12 JOmo. Gallagher st, 81. 2-sty. 8 B., hall, both gases. water and w. c, (12 50. Gallagher, 65, 2-sty. , 8 B., mod. imp, S12 50 me. Gallagher. 57. 5-sty, SB . mod. Imp, 112 SO mo. Lowry and Clark, store K, cellar. 7 B.. S27 mo. Lowry, Troy Hill, store, 7 B, 125 mo. Madison ave., 243, second floor. 2 B., 9 mo. Gerst alley. 102. 1 B. first floor, 7mo. Madison are, 2B, 2B. first floor, 9 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. Negley are, frame dwelling, 14 B., all mod. imp., finely finished, stable, carriage house, green house, outhouses, etc, l!,300vr. Boquet near Wllmot 2-sty, mansard, 12 B, 1 acres ground, carriage house, mod. Imp, f600 Fifth are, cor. Emerson, 2-sty, 10 B4 mod. Imp, delightful home. S750 yr. ; on cable line. Frankstown are., 413. 2-sty., SB, mod. imp., mo. Neville st, 1st from Fifth are., 8 B, large lot fruit and shade trees, SBOO yr. Grazier st , 7006, near Dallas sta, S B., ISO mo. 5633 Mignonette, 2-sty, 4B . 113 mo. Ellsworth are, 6724 near Boup sta, 2-sty, 8 B, mod. Imp., moderate rent to good tenant. Greensburg pike, 4 K, l)i acres ground, orchard, etc, 6 mo. SOUTHSIDE DWELLINGS. McLean are..,SB,tISmo. West Carson st, 718, store B.and S B, S35mo. Carson st, 1804, store 16x50, SB., ftaoyear. B. & O. B.K. DWELLINGS. EazelwoooV 23d wd.. Flower are. and Eilbuek sts, 2-sty. 5 B, ball. SIS mo. Same as above, 3 2-sty frame dwellings. 4 B. each, ' rent S W mo. each. Same as above, 2-sty store and 2 B, S12 mo. Hazelwood, near Brown sta. Saline are., near Hazelwood are, ZZd ward, 2-sty. 6 K, stable on lot and 3 acres or ground, with fruit trees, tc, mod. Imp., S360 yr: , Hazelwood. Lytic st , near Teeumseh, 23d ward, 2-sty Qaeen Anne. 7 K, 1300 lyr. . Hazelwood. near sta, 2-sty, 7 B, ban, cellar, mod. Imp, S30O yr. Glenwood, 2nd ay, 2-story mansion 15 B, 4 acres , of ground, city water; etc., esoo. Glenwood, Benora st, 2-sty, 6 B, t30. Glenwood, Blair st, 2-sty, S K, SIS. Forward ar., 22 wd, 2-sty, 3 B, (8 mo. Mansion at., 6, Glenwood, 2-sty, 6 B, fa) mo. P, FT. W. a B. B. DWELLINGS." SewlcUey. Graham, near Peebles st, completely furnished, 10 B. frame Queen Anne dwelling. with mod. Imp. and 2 acres ground, with fruit' and shade trees, near station, moderate rest . to good tenant Sewlcfley, cor. Thorn and Little sts, 2-sty, 5K., occupied by W. B. Treadwell, S30 mo. Sewlckley, Centennial, near Nerln. 2-sty, 8 B, H acre lot 2yr. Sewlckley. Clark, near Peebles, 2 sty, SB., mod. Imp, S240 yr. West Bellerue, Orchard are, near Chestnut st. . Aralon sta., 2-sty, 7 roomed furnished Bouse, fikl mo. t . - " 5t Same, unfurnished, fS5 mo. . , Sewlckley, Thorn st4 8 K, formerly oceupleoTbr' A. Baldwin. 835 mo. , . , Same, with carpets, blinds now in house, 845. STABLES. . 1 ti South Diamond, near. Union aTe., A. C, stable, 4 stalls, 8240 yr. '--- on LASBLORDS! In order to secure the benefits oi this method of reaching tenants, without ex penseto you, please have a memoran dum of your houses at our office by 4 P. M. each Tuesday and Friday. BAMuELW..BLAEOEQ.' 99 FOURTH AVENUE. Established. 878. "'i', 1 tahao-tra