Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    . .!,
Full fieturns of Week's Transactions
' at Liberty Yards.
Buyers Kmnerons-Supply of Stockera Kot
Up to Demand.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Thursday. March 28, 1SS9.
Through receipts of cattle two weeks ago
were upward of 6,000 head. Last week the
number was a little above 3,000. This
week, as appears by the accompanying re
port, only 2,800 head Had their Sabbath
rest and food at Liberty yards. Local re
ceipts last week were scarcely up to demand.
With an increase of 100'head this week there
was still a shortage on good light butcher
stock.weiching 1,100 to 1,200 pounds. On this
grade of cattle there was an advance of 1015c
over last week's prices.
There were an unusual number o'f buyers on
hand, more, in fact, than for some months
past. The demand for stockers was so strong
that a dozen or more loads went off like hot
cakes, and many more would have found ready
A leading stock firm sent out the following
statement to customers: "With a light display
of cattle our market was more active and
stronger for the local trade. Eastern markets
as yet show no margins for shipment, hence
heavy grades are not ready sale at prices."
The tone of cattle markets shows a steady
improvement since the beginning of March.
There has been no boom, and trade is far from
being on a satisfactory basis. There lias, how
ever, been a steady appreciation of values, par
ticularly for smooth, light butcher stock, and
the feeling is general among stockmen that
trade reached its nadir the first week In March.
Since that time it travels slowly, but surely,
toward the zenith. A new and better day
dawns for the cattle trade.
The principal drawback to the trade now is
that farmers who are able to do it are holding
back prime heavy cattle from markets on ac
count ot low prices. Only those whose necessi
ties force them are pushing stock to the front.
Thi drawback will, it is believed, soon find its
relief in higher prices for prime steers. It is
not probable that values of these high craa.es
will descend as low for a long time to come as
they were at beginning of the month. Future
changes are bound to be upward.
Sheep and Lambs,
The run is the lightest of the season, and not
above one half that of one or two weeks in
February. Sales for a number or weeks have
been f rem 7,000 to 10,000 head. This week sales
are 5,469 bead.
The stock firm already quoted on the cattle
situation sends ont the following statement to
customers on the sheep situation:
Owing to a Tery light supply, our market
was firm and stronger, except on light and
common lambs. But we cannot give our cus
tomers any encouragement for the balance of
the week, as New York markets still remam
very bad."
Pittsburg has been a better market this week
for mutton on the hoof than New York has
been. This has been one of the exceptional
weeks, when prices were better here than there
for choice wethers. The shippers who took
their stock East went further to fare worse.
With returns of the week's transactions all in,
it seems that supplies are 4,555 head below last
week, and nearlj 3,000 less than the week be
fore. The heaviest runs of the winter past
were in the last two weeks of January, when
receipts were above 32,000 and 34,000. From
these figures there has been a drop of 15,006
head ascending to this w eek's report.
And still markets hive not been active. At
Chicago yesterday there was a decline of 10c,
and in some grades 15c Advices to-day are
that there has been a recovery of 5c.
The drift of hog products, particularly mess
pork and lard is toward a higher level, but
packers claim that there is room for consider
able drifting in that direction before a paying
basis is reached.
Following are the full returns of the week's
transactions at Central Stock Yards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday S3) 80 2,03 l,o
Friday 780 .... S.5M 1,760
fcaturday 410 160 2,775 850
Sunday 900 660 5,325 2,730
Monday 80 20 900
Tuesday 260 1,875 2,640
Wednesday 80 20 2,400 2,090
Total 2,800 1,400 18,6a 11,200
Last week 3,360 1.300 23,380 16,610
Thursday 13 SIS
FrJdav 874 654
Saturday 775 25
Monday 1,149 3,578 1,7-H
Tuesday 206 1,206 2,371
Wednesday 24 1,174 675
Total 1,392 S.8H 5,469
Lastwcek. 1,291 10,554 7,703
By Telecraph.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 2,132 head:
shipments, 1,133 head; market slow; dressed
beef, steers and cows steady: good feeding
steers strong: stockers steady; good to choice
cornfed, S3 854 25; common to medium, $2 75
63 60: stockers and feeding steers, 1 603 40;
cows. SI 602 75. Hogs Receipts. 6,750 head;
shipments, 1.S4S head; market strong, active
and 57c higher; good to choice. S4 62K
4 67 common to medium, $4 254 50. Sheep
Receipts, 2,408 head; shipments, none; mar
ket active but steady; good to choice muttons,
S4 254 50: common to medium, S2 50S3 90.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 1L000 head: ship
ments, 5,000 head; market active but lower:
choice to extra beeves, S4 004 25: steers, S3 00
63 85: stockers and feeders. S2 203 40; cows,
bulls and mixed. SI 403 10: Texas cattle, SI 85
3 50. Hoes Receiptsl3,500 head; shipments,
7,000 head; market stroneand 10c high enmixed,
S4 754 95; heavy. S4 754 97:light, S4 755 00;
kips. S3 004 55. Sheen Receipts, 6,000 head;
shipments, 1,500 headtmarketstrnnc, active and
1015c higher; natives. S3 005 50: Western
cornfed, S4 2o4 95; lambs, S4 756 37J.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 600 head; ship
ments, 200 bead: market strong; choice heavy
native steers, S3 754 30; fair to good do, S3 10
3 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 52 00
2 90: rangers, cornfed. S2 S0S3 50: grass-fed.
S2 002 80. Hoes Receipts. 3,100 head; ship
ments, 1,000 head; market higher; choice
heavy and butchers' selections, S4 8004 90;
packing, medium to prime, S4 654 80; light
grades, ordinary to best. 84 70S4 85. Sheep
Receipts. 100 head; shipments, none; market
strong; fair to choice, S3 004 90.
New York Beeves Receipts. 860 head, all
for slaughterers direct; no market for beeves;
market steady for dressed beef, at 506Jc for
city slaughterer's sides; exports to-day, 870
beeves and 1,800 quarters of beet. Sheep Re
ceipts, 1,300 head: market quiet and firm, at
S4 505 60 ner 100 pounds for sheep, and $6 00
7 60 for lambs. Hogs Receipts, 2,900 nead: the
few sales of good hogs were at $5 45 per 100
pounds, and common would go down to S3 10.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 800 head
through; no sales: no bids or offerings asking
S4. bheep and lambs Receipts, 400 head
through; 2.600 bead sale; sheep steadv; good,
$4 754 90; lambs slow; good, S6 10G 50. Hogs
Receipts, 4.300 head through. 2.700 head sale:
market strong to 6c higher; mediums and York
ers, S5 155 2a
Ctjtchtnati Hoes in good demand and
firmer; common and light. S4 004 80: packing
and butchers', S4 6034 85; receints, 3,110 head;
shipments. 2,050 b ead.
Salvation Oil has made a most bril
liant debut, because it has a genuine merit.
25 cents.
Lace Flouncings.
The largest and best variety of patterns in
chantilly and guipure lace flouncings,
drapery nets, Enssian and fish nets, etc,
ever exhibited in this city will be
found in oar lace department this week.
arwrsu Hugus & Hackp.
Very Uw Prices This Week
At Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth
ave. Fine watches a specialty. Extra
bargains in silverware. It will pay you to
call this week. WFSu
Is a word which should have no place in any
vocabulary. A man must have ability to suc
ceed, and a medical preparation, merit. There
is no luck about Sozodont. It was sure to suc
ceed from the first, because it was good, and
did all that was claimed for it. WTSu
Ojte httxdked pieces black cashmere,
456 inches wide; the-value is -75c. "While
they last will sell at 60e,per jard.'
Reports of, Bis Failure Abroad Weakens
the Wheat Market Corn and Oats
Quiet Hoc Products Active
and Irregular.
Chicago Trading m wheat was light to-day
and the market ruled quiet mostot the session.
Large traders did not manifest much inclina
tion to trade, with an effort, if anything, to
hold the market within moderate range. May
opened at about yesterday's closing, and was
advanced Jfc on moderate buying and only
.small offerings, but the advance brought out
some wheat which checked further advance,
and prices receded c, closing about c
higher than yesterday. July opened a shade
under yesterday's closing, closing H lower
than yesterday, with moderate trading.
Advices received confirming the failure of
the largest grain house in Antwerp had a
tendency to cause weakness here. General re
ports of the coming crop are favorable. July
sold lower than yesterday's closing, yet there
is a feeling among dealers that some large
traders are getting under the market.
Very little interest was manifested in corn,
which ruled quite duU most of the session,
with transactions limited to -the operations of
room traders. The feeling was firm, fluctua
tions being confined within H&Vi cent range.
The volume of business in oats was fair, but
show cd a marked decrease from that of the two
preceding days. An unsettled feeling pre
vailed, but prices changes were confined to c
range, and the close -was steady at li7& be
low yesterday's sales.
Mess pork was active and irregular during
the earlv part of the day. Prices were ad
vanced l512c. Later prices receded 25
27tc, and the market closed quiet.
Trading in lard was only moderate and the
feeling comparatively steady. Early sales were
made at 25c advance, but a weaker feeling
prevailed later, and the improvement was lost.
Short ribs were active, and followed the
fluctuations of lard.
The leading rutures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 May. $1 011 021 01
1 01 June. 9S5ie96J953696Kc; July, HSK&
S8l,i(lb8'ASSc; j ear, SOkc
CORS-Na 2 April, 34&c; May, 3535c;
June. 35Ji35?i85K3SMc.
Oats No. 2 Ma v. 2W26W25K25c; June,
2525Kc; Inly, 25SX25i7Xe.
Mess Pork, per bbL May, S12 9u12 92K
12 6512 G5: June. J12 8012 82127012 70;
July, $12 90S13 0012 7512 75.
Labd. per 100 Rs. May, S7 157 15
7 107 10; June, S7 157 12: July, S7 22X
7 2247 157 15.
Short Ribs, per 100 as. May. S6 406 40
6 356 35; June, S6 456 40; July, 6 506 52
56 45 6 45.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 99K995c;
No. 3 spring wheat. 92c: N o. 2 red, 99$9!Bgc
No. 2 corn. 3434Jc. No. 2 oats, JSoc No.
2 rye. 43c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed. SI 51. Prime tlmotliv seed, SI 35.
Mess pork, per barrel, S12 6012 65. Lard, per
100 lbs.$7 0i Short ribs sides (loose). SS SO
6 35. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). S5 50
65 75.- Short dear sides (boxed), S6 62&tt 75.
Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour,
11.000 barrels; wheat, 24,000 bushels: com, 127,000
bushels: oats. 81,000 bushels; rye. 2,000 bushels:
barley, 31,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 6,000
barrels; wneat. 6.000 bushels; com, 75,000 bush
els: oats, 109,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; bar
ley. 24,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was easy and unchanged. Eggs weak
at lOglOKc
New Y'ork Flour dull and heavy. Corn
meal steady; yellow Western; S3 502 85.
Wheat Spot dull and ?c lower; options
lc lower. Barley dull. Barley malt quiet.
Corn Snot firmer and fairly active; options
Qbifi higher. Oats Spot dull and steady; op
tions firmer and moderately active. Hay quiet
and easy: shipping, 65c; good choice. 8595c.
Hops steady and quiet. Coffee Options firm,
closed 1015 points above yesterday; sales, 37.
750 bags, including March and April, 16.70
16.75c; Mav, 16.7516.S0c; June, 16.8516.90c;
July, 16.9517.05c: August. 17.1017.15c; Sep
tember, 17.1517.30c; October, 17.30c: Novem
ber, 17.35c: December, 17.35 17.40c:
January, 17.40c; spot Rio quiet; tair
cargoes, lSJJc Sugar--Raw les active
and strong; fair refining, 55 U-16c;
sales, 26,268 bags:Pcraambuco, ETgM test, 5
5 9-16c; 8,000 bags Muscovado, 5c for 87 test;
refined, firm but quiet at 510c; foreign firm.
New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady.
Cottonseed oil stronger; crude, 4243c;
yellow, 50c. Tallow firm: city, 4 9-164c
Rosin quiet. Turpentine quiet and easy at
49c Kjres more demand and firmer; West
ern, 10llJc; receipts, 7,740 packages. Pork
steady; extra prime, $12 5012 75. Cut meats
qmet; sales pickled bellies, 10 pounds, 7c;
1415 pound4, 6Kc; pickled hams, 9Ji10c:
pickled shoulders, 5c; middles quiet. Lard
opened firmer and closed easy and dull;
Western steady at S7 40; city, $6 95; March,
57 41. closing at S7 40; April, $7 35 bid; May,
S7 4007 44, closing at $7 40 asked; Jane.
S7 43 asked; July. S7 457-47, closing at E7 45
asked; August, S7 47 asked; September, $7 60
asked. Butter quiet and easy, except for
choice; Western dairv, 1217cv. do creamery,
1624cjElgins, 2626c Cheese quiet and,
easy; Western, 9$ll4c
St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged bnt
firm. Wheat Cash unsettled; options lower;
the feeling was extremely unsettled, but
favored the selline side, as the cable advices
were very depressing, and yesterday's ram had
a bearish effect,but speculative operations were
conducted with great caution; the close was Kc
lower for Mav, lc for June, Ke tor Julv. 5c
for August and lc for year; No.2 red.cash,922e:
May. 92Ji93c closing at 92?c asked; June,
8SS9Wc, closme at 87c bid; July, 8H
SlJc, closing at 81Ji81Mc asked: August, THjSc,
closing at 79Vfc nominal; year, 78Kc. Corn dull,
closing weaken No. 2 cash, 29ic; April, 30c,
closing at 29Jc bid: May, 30ji30Kc, closing at
30JJc bid: June, 31g31c, closing at31Jc bid;
A ugust, 33c cl osing at 33c bid. Oats steady;
No. 2 cash, 2426c bid; May, 26c asked, 26Jc
bid. Rye No. 2. 43c. Barley Nothing doing.
Flaxseed very quiet at 51 45. Provisions steady,
firm but quiet.
CixcrTATl Flour heavy. Wheat dull; No.
2 red. 949oc: receipts, 500 bushels; shipments,
none. Corn in fair demand and firmer; No. 2
mixed. 35Vi35c Oats easier; No. 2 mixed,
27c Rye firmer; No. 2, 47c Pork quiet and
firm atS13 00. Lard easier at $7 00. Bulkmeats
and bacon steady and unchanged. Butter
steady. Sugar strong and higher: hard re
fined, 89c; New Qrleans,' 5Ji(Kc. Eggs
heavy. Cheese quiet.
Philadelphia Wheat Options dull and
nominal. Com Speculation tame and very
little inquiry from shippers, but prices of op
tions ruled steady; carlots for local trade dull
and unsettled, closing lc lower. Oats Carlots
steady with moderate demand; futures dull
and late months c lower. Butter dull and
weak: Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 2324c;
do prints, extra, 2324c
MILWAUKEE Flour steady. Wheat steadv:
cash. SSc: May. 89Jc: July. SSc Com dull;
No.3,3131Uc Oats dull; No.2 white. 27K
2Sc Rye quiet: No. 1,44c Barley nominal:
No. 2. 56c Provisions firm. Pork, $12 55.
Lard, $7 02. Cheese dull; Cheddars. 10Kllc
Baltimore Provisions 'firm but quiet.
Butter quiet; western packed, 1820c; cream
ery, 2526c Eges easy at 10Kllc Coffee
quiet; Rio, fair, lSJic
ToLEDOCloverseed active and steady; cash,
March, $5 15; receipts, 239 bags; shipments,
1,160 bags.
There has been no material increase in the
volume of business since last week's report, but
there is more inquiry and prices are steadier.
The feeling among manufacturers continues
Pio Iron Neutral Gray force, S14 75,
cash; -ntlte and mottled, S14 0014 50. cash;
all ore mill. S15 7516 00, cash; No. 1 fouhdry,
S17 2517 60. cash; No. 2 foundry, S16 00, cash;
No. 2 charcoal foundrv. $21 0021 50, cash:
cold blast charcoal, 925 0028 00, cash; Bessemer
iron. $16 7517 00. cash.
Ferho-Makgauese Eightv per 'cent, S55 00
56 00: speigel-eisen, S2S 0028 60 f or20per cent
Mastufactubed Irou Bars, $1 751 80, 60
days, 2 per cent off; skelp, grooved, SI 801 85;
sheared. $1 952 00.
Muck Bar $27 75 is the extreme.
Billets Bessemer steel, $28 60 cash; nail
slabs, S27 7528 00; domestic bloom and rail
ends, $19 0019 60.
Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, $190, 60 days; 2
per cent off for cash.
Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam,
gas and water pipe: Mack. to linch, 65 per
cent, IK to 12 inches, 67K; galvanized, VK to
lij-inch,47 per cent: 1H to 12 inches, 55 per
cent: oilwell casing, 60 per cent; 5-inch cas
ing, Sl per net foot;2-mch tubing, 13c: boiler
tubes, tn and oil well casing, 60 per cent off
large lots.
Meechakt Stkel Tool, SKc; crucible
spring, 4c: crucible machinery, 6c; open
hearth machinery, 2c
Rail Fastentkgs Spikes, 2.20c per pound,
SO days; splice bars. 1.80LS5c per pound; square
nut track bolts, 2.752.85c. and hexagon nut.2.90
2.95c f. o. b. Pittsburg.
Old Rails American tees, $24 00Q24 60:
steel do. $18 50 for short, $19 50 for long.
Steel Rails Heavy sections, $2$g29 cash,
at works.
Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, S2121 25 pernet
ton; cast Bcrap, $15 5016: wrought turnings. $13
14. net: cast borings. $1213, gross: car axles,
$25 0025 50, net; old car wheels, $19 00019 60,
gross; Ail ends, $19 5020 00; bloom do, $19 60,
Skelp Iron Grooved sizes, $1 65, cash;
sheered, $1 9a
Metal Market.
New Yost Copper nominal; lake, April,
$14 75. Lead dull and steady; domestic, S3 65.
Tin dull and easier; straits, $21 00.
Wool Market.
St. Louis Wool market-quiet and easy at
unchanged prices.
National Bank of Commerce Building
to be Eazed, Giving Way to
Mystery and Uncertainty of Stock Dealing
Discussedby a Broker. , .
Early next week workmen will commence
tearing down the Bank of Commerce build
ing on "Wood street, preparatory to the
erection of a new one on the same site. It
will be of granite, eight stories high, and be
provided with" all modern improvements.
The top stories will be utilized as offices. It
will be completed in about a year, hd will
be one of the handsomest buildingr in the
city. TJnlil it is completed the business of
the bank will be transacted in the triangu
lar building on Liberty and 'Wood. Tnis is
the first of the projected Wood street improve
ments. Work on the new building for the Ger
man National Bank on the same street will
begin in a short time.
That people, whether of a speculative turn
or not, want toknowtne facts about stocks,
general as well as local, is shown by their ap
preciation of any fair statement or deduction
which tends to thrown light on the subject and
assist them to a correct understanding of the
situation. "Outsiders who dabble in stocks
generally find it an uphill business," remarked
a broker yesterday afternoon. "They operate
in tne dark, knowing nothing, or very little,
about the securities In which they desire to in
vest. This gives the companies unlimited op
portunities to resort to all the tricks of the
trade, and manipulation in every form is the
result. Startling stories of big profits,
ot favorable decisions in the courts and
of combines and consolidations are flashed
up to create a boom, and then the work of un
loading beeins. This brings discredit upon the
business, and deters many from investing their
money where success or failure is in the bands
of unscrupulous sharpers. Jay Gould has done
more to lower the standard of stock dealing
than any other man in the country. He has
worked the 'watering' process for all it is
worth, and has been hull and bear by turns to
hoodwink the public The fact that his busi
ness is known to only a chosen few shows how
dangerous it is to handle anything with which
he Is connected. Uis methods. I am sorry to
say, are being adopted here to a considerable
extent to the manifest injury of business.
Stocks must be sustained, if sustained at alkby
outside support. This can be obtained and held
only by honorable, straightforward methods. If
stocks were placed upon the market on their
merits there would be more customers for them
than can be found at present."
The cold snap of Wednesday night and the
lower temperature since was a blessing in dis
guise. It checked the development of vegeta
tion and rendered it less liable to destruction
by the frosts of the early part of April. A few
days more of inch weather as prevailed last
and the early part of the present week, would
have coaxedleaf and flower from their cover
ings and subjected them to great danger.
Gardners think the change of temperature in
'sures a good crop of early fruits and tierries.
Pittsburg business men are hopeful that the
present administration at Washington will im
prove the trade relations between this country
and foreign nations. One of them said yester
day: "I see that the French Government is
making war on the American hog. Heretofore
that business has been confined to Germany.
They say it is diseased, and that its consump
tion as food causes scrofula and other hideous
diseases. Of course this is all bosh, but the
trouble Is to convince the people that the meat
is perfectly sound and wholesome. The only
way out of the dUBcutly that I can see Is to
have every article of food exported from this
country properly Inspected and marked. This
could be done either here or in Europe. In
either case it would be a guarantee to the con
sumer. If that wouldn't work I would recom
mend a cessation of exportation of food .pro
ducts for a time. I thinkthis would soon bring
the people over there to their senses. As it is
this country is greatly handicapped in its for
eign trade through English, German and
French Interference, and something will have
to be done to give relief, or Uncle Sam will be
ruled out altogether."
Referring to the proposed widening of Dia
mond street, a business man said yesterday:
"A strong argument in favor of it is that It
would relieve the pressure on Fifth avenue
between Smithfield and Market streets, where
the people seem to flock by instinct every even
ing and on holidays. My business compels me
to pass along there every evening between 8
and 9 o'clock, and I always have great difficulty
to make my way through the mass of human
beings that Is always found there about that
time. It Is worse for women and children.
The crowd is so great at times as to suspend
street traffic This is a great annoyance. I
think the opening of Diamond street, as pro
posed, would abate this evil, by giving the peo
ple more elbow room. Attractions would be
divided between the two thoroughfares. This
would be a gain to the city."
Electric Keeps on Advancing While Nearly
Everything EIa Is Weaker.
Westlnghouse Electric was the only stock
dealt in at the Exchange yesterday that scored
an advance. The first sale in the morning was
at 63. In the afternoon it went at 63 and 63.
Philadelphia Gas was a trifle weaker, the high
est point reached by it being 39K and the low
est SSJi, with more offers than bids at the close.
The depression was attributed to scarcity of
orders. The other gassers were both weak and
duU. Central Traction sold at 22 in the morn
ing and 22 in the afternoon. The best bid for
it on Wednesday was 2a The sales at both
calls aggregated 898 shares.
STOCKS. "Id. Asked. Bid. Asked.
Commercial N. Bank 100-
Keystone Bank of F'g SJH 53
Brfdeewater 30 42
Chartlers Val. Gas Co. .... 51 SO SI
Hax. Gas Co. of W. Va S5
Pennsylvania Gas Co.. 19
Philadelphia Co 39 39Ji 33X 38K
Fine Run Gas SI .... 81 ....
Wheellnr Gas C . .. 30 30Jf 30 30W
Hazelwood Oil Co 40 "
CcntralTractlon ZM- .... ....
Plttsburjc lTactlon. .... 2l ax
People's Nat. Gas Co.. 16 17J
Pleasant Valley K.K... 87tf
Ash. Jt Pitts. K. R..... 28 .... 28 ....
PltU.,Cln.4St.UH.B. 15 ....
LaNoriaMlnlcgCo.... IK l ....
bllverton MinlncCo... Ui ljj ijj ....
WestlnghouseElectrlc. 63X 6JJJ 63J4 63
Westlnc'scAIrB. Co.. 121 .... ia ...."
ritts.riate Glass Co.. 155
At the morning call 100 shares Philadelphia
Gas sold at S9: 263 Electric at 63. 25 at 6 125
at 63. and 100 Central Traction at 22.
In the afternoon 25 shares of Philadelphia
sold at 39J4 10 at 39. 5at 38, 100 at 38K; 50 Cen
tral traction at 21: 20 Electric at 63, and 75
at 63.
Henry M. Long sold 400 Electric at 63 and 63
and 20 Airbrake at 12L
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terdav were 299.9S7 shares, including: Atch
ison, 51.285; Delaware, Lackawanna and West
em, 9.000; Lake Shore. 3,185; Louisville and
Nashville, 4.S85: Missouri Pacific, 7.900; North,
western, 166?5; Readme, 111,725; St. Paul 6,
965; Union Pacific, 15,06a.
The Oloncr Market Recovering From the
Kccent Disturbing Influences.
Indications of a liberal Treasury pulley tend
to lessen apprehensions of a money stringency,
which continues to agitate the New York
financiers. The ease of funds helps to sustain
values. The low rates at which money is
loaned show that gold exports are far below the
expectations formed when the copper bubble
burst. This and a few failures of some magni
tude in the iron trade caused a slight depres
sion and fears of a squeeze, hut these disquiet
ing Influences have in a large measure passed
away, and the financial situation is as hopeful
as at any time since the beginning of the year,
with a certainty of improvement as the spring
trade develops. . .
Dealings at the local banks yesterday were of
fair proportions, discounting being rather bet
ter than usual and counter business up to the
average. The Clearing House made a good re
port, showing general trade to be in a healthy
condition. The exchanges were $2,156,882 73,
and the balances !i3(i3,961 28.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 2lpex cent; last loan at 3; closed
offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 4Vi6K
Sterling exchange dull but firm at MBS for
60-day bills and H 88 for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros, Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
V. 8. 4s. reg ll I3108M
u. s. 4 coupi ...............los mm
U.8.4s?rog.... 'fflKg
U. 8. 4s. coups.., i:9130
Currency, S per cent, 1893 ree 120
Currency, 6 per cent. 1898 reir. U3
Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 reg, I2S
Currency, 6 per cent, lb98reg iSaH
Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 re 132
Government bonds dull and firm: State bonds
dull and steady.
New York Clearings $111598,399: balances,
Boston Clearings, 514,002,691; balances, Sl,
424.966. Money, 22 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $12,555,183; bal
ances, Z,Z43,Sil4.
Baltimobe Clearings, $1,166,257; balances,
Chicago Money steady and unchanged.
Bank clearings, $8, 153,000.
St. Louis Clearings, $2,893,055; balances,
Prices Go Down In the Face of Bullish In
fluences. A scarcity of certificates had the apparent ef
fect yesterdoy of weakening instead of
strengthening the oil market. While this Is a
contradiction of terms, the truth of the asser
tion can hardly be denied. Oil seems to be in
dependent of the laws governing every other
branch of trade, going down in the face of
bullish influences, and vice versa. This is con
vincing proof that there is somebody or some
thing behind the screen manipulating the
wires. Outsiders have a poor show under such
circumstances, and it is no wonder that they
hold aloof.
The market opened at 91 soon weakened to
91. then rallied -to 91J4 and closed below the
opening. There was no vim on any or the ex
changes. Calls sold at 91 and puts at 90,
with plenty of buyers at that figure. Carrying
at Oil City was 25 cents: Bradford, 10 cents. In
New York a small premium was paid. Here
carrying was flat. 'This is a beginning of the
spring slumps," said a dealer, "and I thinK:
prices will rnle lower." He may be mistaken.
A. B. McGrew & Cov quote, puts, 90; calls,
ihe following tawe, corrected Dy lie Witt I1
worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc. :
Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened 91K Sa" 12:43 p. it.... MX 91X
10:15A. M.... HI SIX 1:00 r. X... SIX 81M
10:30a. V.... SIX S1H I:" P. M.... 9I4 SK
10:45a. m.... 8LX Si'A 1:30 p. r.. 91!4 SIX
11:00a. It.... SI 814 1:45 p. II.... 91! SIX
11:15A. U.... 91 SIX 2:00 P. M.... SIX 9X
11:30a. M.... SIX "IX 2:15P. It.... SIM SIX
11:45a. M.... SIX 91H 2:30 P. M.. SIX 01X
15:00 M SIX SIX 2:5P- X.... SIX SIM
12:15 p. x.... SIX SIX Closed SI ....
11:30 P. M.. 91X SIX
Opened. SIXc: hlgheat, SlXc; lowest, 91c:
dosed. Sic
Us nr runs , 59.552
Average runs 46,055
Dally SMnnients 99,836
Average shipment! 72,632
Average charters . 40,303
Clearances - ....,,,.,., 783,000
New York closed at 81c.
Oil City closed at SOftC
Bradrora closed at 81c
ilew York. rertnwL Jc
London, renned. 5X.
Antwerp, renned, 16C
Other OH markets.
Oil City. March 28. National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c; highest, 91c; lowest,
90c; closed, 9QJc
Bradford. March 28. National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c; closed at 91c; highest,
91c: lowest. 90c
TrrusvTLLK, March 28. National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c; highest, 91c; lowest,
90c: closed, 90c.
New York. March 28. Petroleum was dull
and featureless, and prices were confined with
in narrow limits all day. The opening was
steady at 92c, and after a decline to 90c it
moved up to 90c Later it settled back to the
opening figure, and remained there until the
close, which was dull at 91c Sales, 314,000
First Lutheran Church Property Sold to the
Central Telephone Company."
Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold"
the old First Lutheran Church, property on
Seventh avenue, comer of, Montour way, with
lot 66x100 feet, to the Central Telephone Com
pany, for $58,000. The-.purcbasers Will erect at
once a magnificent newrblock for their central
office. They also sold an? elegant two-story and
mansard brick dwelling, .No. 117 Sheffield
street, Allegheny City, with lot 22x124 feet
through to Hamlin street, to a well-known
minister, for the price of $13,000.
James W. Drape & Co. closed the sale of a
dwelling house and grounds on Reed street,
near Center avenue, contiguous to the resi
dence of Mr. E. P. Jones, for $7,000. The
owner, Mr. Montgomery, contemplates a trip to
Europe. -
L. O. Frazier, comer Forty-flfth and Butler
streets, sold to Mrs. B A. O'Connor a new two
storv frame dwelling of 6 rooms, lot 20x100
feet to an alley, situate on the north side of
Llbertv avenue, near Fortieth street. Sixteenth
ward, for William Velte, for $2,700 cash.
John F. Baxter sold two lots in Bank of Com
merce addition extended. Brnsbton station,
Nos. 49 and 50, with a frontage of 100 feet on
Baxter street by 250 in depth, to Jacob Schu
macher for $1,400.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a lot on Erin
Btreet, Eleventh ward, city, 22x115 feet, for
Mellon Bros, sold to Delia Schell lot No. 38,
fronting 25 feet on Finance street by a depth
of 100 feetto Pennsylvania Railroad, in Mel Ion's
Homcwood plan, for $550. Miss Schell will
build a residence thereon, at once.
Stocks Successfully Hammered, Notwith
standing a Good Home and Foreign
Demand Almost Everything .Heavy
and Fractionally Lower
Bonds Fnirly Active.
New York, March 28. The stock market
was In the aggregate more active to-day, but
this was due entirely to heavy trading In Read
ing, the rest of the list being dull and feature
less outside of the few leaders which have of
late monopolized the business and interest of
the speculation. Everything appeared bright
er this morning; London coming higher with 'a
reported increased confidence in Americans on
the other side and a reduction of the rate of in
terest outside of the Bank of England,tbe fort
nightly settlements both In London and Paris
having passed off without a single failure. The
foreigners also wero buyers to a limited extent
in this market, while commission houses were
better supplied with ordsrs, and there was a
disposition shown among the smaller bears'to
cover up their shorts. Several specialties made
marked advances.
The market was very narrow, however, and
the February statement of the Reading was
made a club whereby to hammer the price of
that stock down, although the extreme decline
was only a shade pver 1 per cent, to effect
which thero were sold over 111,000 shares of the
stock. This result was not so satisfactory, and
later the attention was turned to Atchison.a'nd
that stock was found more vulnerable and
broke 2 per cent from the best price of the
forenoon. Efforts were made to get other
shares down, but no success attended them ex
cept In Union Pacific, which was unfavorably
affected by the decision of the dfrectors net to
pay a dividend, and in Burlington, a portion of
which was afterward recovered, however.
Among the inactive shares the consolidation
again helped Big Four and Cleveland, Colum
bus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis, each rising
about two points, although the Improvement
could not be beld in the face of the general
weakness. . Memphis and Charleston was higher
on the recent decision In favor of the minority
stockholders, and some others, such as Chicago
and Alton, Denver. Texas and Ft. Worth. San
Francisco preferred and Manhattan, sold ma
terially higher. The market closed heavy to
weak and fairly active generally at but slight
chances for the day. Almost everything is
fractionally lower this evening, though Big
Four is up 1 per cent, but Atchison is down 1J
and Reading 1 and Union Pacific 1.
Railroad bonds were still fairly active, the
sales of all issues aggregating $1,495,000, but
the only feature of note in the trading was the
animation in the Denver and Rio Grande
Western assented bonds, which contributed
$152,000 to the grand total. They were weaker,
however, and lost a portion of the advaaeeof
the past few days, going back 1 per cent, to
90. Tbo rest of tbe list was rather heavy and
final changes are quite irregular, though
there was a better tone in tbe latter portion of
tbe day. Advances are in a majority. Utah
Southern extension 7s rose 2, to 110.
Tbe following table snows tne prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected oalij f or The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
stock .Bxcnange, 07 ourtn avenue:
ing Wd.
Am. Cotton OH 3SX
Attn., Top. a 8. Jr.... uh
Canadian Paeifle SIX
Canada Southern ....
Central of New Jersey, stttf
Chesapeake ft Ohio ... 18X1
C., Uur.& Qulncy.,... S2
C, Mil. & St. Paul... Ih
C, J111.& St. P.. pr..,.10O
C., KocKl. & 1' SIX
C., St. L. & Fltts
C., St. I,. Pitts, pf.
C., St. P..M.AO Jl
C.,8t.F.,M.4 0.. pr. X
C. .Northwestern.. ..103
CJt Jiorthwcstern, pt ....
C. C. (1 .ft I , 70X
Col. ft Hocking Val
Dei.. L,ftW... ,I38X
Del. ft Hudson..
UenverftRloO.... 16J4
Denver ft Bio U., pr... 4.1X
K.T.,Va. ftUa , 8
E.T.,Va.ftOa.. lstpf ....
E.T.. Va.ftGa.2dpf. ....
Illinois Central 109
fake Erie ft Western.. 1654
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 65X
Lake Shore ft M. S 101X
Lonlivllle ft Nashville. 61JS
Michigan Central
Mobile Ohio
Mo.. H. ftTexas 12X
Missouri Pacific 67
. J.. L. E. ft W 27
N. V., JL. E. ft W.pref 87X
? J., C. ftSt.L 17
.,, o. at. L. pr.
if. ;, C. ft St.li. 2d Pf 41X
.YftJN. E 4X
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk ft Western, pf SBA
Northern Pacific 25V
Northern Pacific pref. 60X
Ohio ft Mississippi..... 21X
Oregon Improvement. 4S
Oregon Transcon 32X
FacificMail 36K
Feo. Dec. ft Evans
PhUadel. & Heading.. 43X
Pullman Palace Cat. ..181
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 25X
Richmond ft W.P.T.pf ....
St. Paul ft llnlnth pf.
St. P., Minn, &Man... S9X
St. L. A San Fran
St. L. ft San Fran pf.. 55X
St. L. ft San F.lsvpr.
Texas Paclfio 18X
UnlonPaclfic 63X
Wabash .....
Wabash preferred 75H
Western Union SIX
Wheeling ft ju e 65X
61 3
An Irregular Market and a Close Decidedly
Boston, March 28. On the stock market
bonds were irregular, with more losses than
gains. Stocks, however, were dull and strong
until 12 o'clock, when a weak tone prevailed,
and earlier gains were lost in Atchison, Chi
cago, Burlington and Quincy and Union Pa
cific. West End preferred and copper stocks
developed the most strength.
.aicn. arioc., ut.s. ii79 uga.ij.i,'nam,com. s
Atch. &TOP.R.K... 42 K
Boston ft Albany.. .215
Boston ft Maine.. ...170
C, B. 4Q 90S
Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 23X
Eastern E. K 82
Eastern R. R. Ss 125
Flint Fere si 27
Flint ft Fere M, nfd. SX
Little R. ft Ft. S. 7.100
Mexican Cen. com.. 13
. Y. ftJNewEnjr... 43V
N. y. ft New Ens 7s,126)J
Old Colony 170
AllouezM'ftCo.(new) 1
Calumet A Hecla.,.,230
Catalna 10
Franklin 10X
unron .
Pewable (new)..
OulncT ,
Hell Telephone..
Boston Land
Water Power....
Tamarack ,
San Diego
,. M
. 6X
.. 63,
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad 54 MX
Reading Railroad 21 5-18 21X
Bufialo, Pittsburg and Western IIS 12
Lehigh Valley.... 53U
Lehlgu Navigation 51 52
U. Co. 'sNew Jersey 225
Northern Pacific 25X 261s
Northern Pacific preferred 69X 69X
Mining Stocks.
New Yokk. March 28. Mining quotations
closed: Amador. 100: Bodie, 110; Caledonia B.
H., 300; Consolidated California and Virginia.
837; Commonwealth, 450: Dunkin, 100: El
Cristo, 150: Gould and Curry. 235: Hale and
Norcross, 435; Homestake, 900: Horn Silver. 135;
Iron Silver, 300: Opblr. 524: Savage, 280: Stand
ard. 100; Sullivan, 145; Union -Consolidated,
330; Yellow Jacket, 365.
Captnin Craft Removed From Harrlsbnrg
-to o. Washington Asylum.
"Washington, March 28. Captain
David L.Craft, Sixth Tnfantrypvas brought
here from Harrisbnrg, last evening, by
Lieutenant Sellnier, Third Artillery, and
placed in St. Elizabeth's Insane Asylum.
Captain Craft was found incapacitated for
active service by an examining board, on
account offat.but no mention of his diseased
mental condition was made on the papers.
He weighs 300 pounds, and Lieutenant
Sellmer was obliged to employ an assistant
to help in bringing him to Washington.
A Month's Shaving for 2 Cents.
For 2 cents Colgate & 'Co., 55 John at, N. Y.
will mail you a sample of Demulcent Shaving
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, as witnessed bv the fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOB EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with tbe bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
service between New York. South
ampton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw
steamers of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power.
Fast time to London and the Continent, steam
ers unexcelled for safety, speed and comfort.
Regular service: Everv Thursday from New
York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris)
and Hamburg. Through tickets to London and
Paris. Excellent fare. Rates extremely low.
Apply to the General office. No. 37 Broadwav. New
York. R. J. COKT1S. Manager; C. B. RICHARD
CO., General Passage Office, 61 Broadwav,
New York: MAX UCUAMBERG ft CO., 527 Smith
field st., Pittsburg. mh23-27-WF
L route to London and tbe Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Ss.Saale.Mch.27.2p.M I Ss.Fulda.-Apr. 6, 10 A.M.
Ss.Eras.Mb.30.5:30AJr Ss.Lalm . Apr. 10. 1 p.m.
Ss.Trave.Apr.aMA.M. Ss.Eibe . Apr. 13, 3 P. M.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from 575 upward.
MAX SCHAMBERG fc CO.. Agents, Pitts
burg, Pa.
OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City, . ja29-71.D
State Line
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passageJ33 and S50. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion S85 to too.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO., General Agents,
Si Broadway, New York.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Plllsbnrg. Pa.
mhl2-D '
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate, $30. Steeraee. 519.
Passengers by this route are saved tbe ex
pense and inconvenience attending transfer to
Liverpool or from New York.
J. J. Mccormick, or a. d. scorer a son,
Pittsbunr. mhl5-99-MWF
Atlantic Express Service.
Steamship "CUT OF ROME." from New York,
JVEDN ESDAY, May J, May 29, June 28, July 24.
Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat,
saloon passage, SG0 to $100; second-class, S30.
Glasgow service.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Ulasgow, Londouderry. Liver
pool 50 and (GO- Second-class, S30. .
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount Issued at lowest current rat's.
For books of tours, tickets or further informs-'
J. J. MCCORMICK, Fourth and' Bmlthneld: A. D.
SCORER a SON, 41) Smithfield It., Pittsburg; W.'
BEilPLE, Jr., 165 Fedenlit., AUeghenv.
Butter and Eggs Active, Potatoes
Drifting Downward.
Choice Oats Scarce, Hay Eeceipts Chiefly of
low Quality.
Office ofthe ptttsbtrq dispatch, (
THURSDAY, March 28, 1889. J
Country Frodace Jobbing- Prices.
Creamery butter is moving out actively at
last week's prices, notwithstanding the H
drop at Elgin, One large dealer in Ohio cream
ery said to-day: "We have cleaned out our
stock and have not a tnb left." Eggs are also
active, but prices give no signs of going up.
Retailers are buying freely on account of low
prices. There is a good inquiry for cheese, but
no advance. Potatoes keep drifting downward
since improved roads enable farmers to get
stock into markets. Fancy apples are scarcely
to be had. The best in the market are slow at
1 SO. An improved demand for tropical fruit
is reported by dealers. Bananas are firm.
About all that can be said of produce trade is
that this month's record shows an improve
ment on that of February. There is a more ac
tive movement all along the line, but margins
otproSt are closer than ever.
BUTTER Creamery, Elgin, 28c; Ohio do,
25020c: fresh dairy packed, 2021cj country
rolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
Beans Choice medium. SI 90: choice peas.
52 0o2 15.
Beeswax 2325c ?1 & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 16 S07 60; common,
$3 504 00; crab cider, Si 008 60 $ barrel;
cide'r vinegar, 1012c $ gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 12K13c: Llmburger,
lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 11K12C
Dried Pk AS $1 151 50 31 bushel; split do,
2Ko V
Eggs 10K11c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, SI 00l oO l barrel; evap
orated raspberries. 25c $1 ft; cranberries, S8 00
V barrel; S2 402 50 per bushel.
Feathers Extra live ceese. 5060c; No. 1
do., 40345c; mixed lots, 303oc f? ft.
Hominy S2 652 75 f barrel.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3035o f? bushel; S2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 60 for Jer
seysweets. '
Poultry Elve chickens, 90c S pair;
dressed chickens, 1315c pound; turkeys, 18
20c, dressed,.? pound; ducks, live, S0S5c JJ
pair; dressed, 1314c f) pound; geese, 102215c
per pound.
Seeps Clover, choice, 62 fis to bushel, 8 If!
busuel; clover, large English. 62 lbs, S6 25;
clover, Alstke, $8 SO; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 ft?, SI 00; blue grass fancy, 14 fis, SI 20:
orchard grass, 14 lbs, S2 00; red top, 14 fis, SI 00:
millet, 50 S3, $1 25; German millet, 60 fis, S2 00;
Hungarian grass. 48 fis, 52 00: lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per fi.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00
3 60 f) box; common lemons, 82 75 M box; Mes
sina oranges, $2 603 5Q$ box; Florida oranges.
53 604 50 1? box:"Valencia oranges, fancv, 86 SO
7 50 J case; Malaga grapes, 89 CO 10 00 f)
per keg; bananas, 82 50 firsts;. SI 60, good
seconds. $) bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 oO W
hundred: new figs, 1214c fl pound; dates, 5
6Ko V pound.
Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches:
cabbaees, 81'502 50 $1 hundred: new cabbage,
$2 0002 50 ft crate; onions, 5075c ft barrel;
turnips, 2530c ft bushel.
Sugar continues firm at he late sharp ad
vance. Coffee is steadv. General groceries
have undergone no change.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice
Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 22g23c;
Mocha. 30K31c; Santos,U922c: Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 20K22c: La
guayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c
high grades, 262Sc; old Government Java,
bulk, 32K33Xc; Maracaibo, 2728c;Santos,
2324c; peaberry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22Kc; ordinary, 21Jic.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 21 2.5c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70S0c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, Sc; headlight. 150, 8Kc: water
white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; camadlne,
UKc; royaline, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strict
ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c.
K. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 45c; me
dium. 45c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb in Ks,
5cs bi-carb. assorted packages. 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine,
per set, 8Kc; parafilne, ll12c
RICE Head, Carolina, 77Mc; choice, 6
7c: prime, 5Ji&Kc; Louisiana, 66tic
8TARCH Pearl, 8c; cornstarch, 5C7c; gloss
starch. 5Ji7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 SO; Muscatels, 82 25: California Muscatels;
81 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K7Kc; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4Jf ?5$c;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes,
813c: Salonica prunes, in 2& packages, 8c;
cocoanuts, per 100, 86 00: almonds, Lan., per fi,
20c; do Irica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
016c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c;
pecans, ll15c: citron, per fi. 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft, 81314c; orange peel, 12c.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c;
apples, evaporated, t6c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated,
pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424c; blacKberries, 78c; huckle
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes, 88Kc; powdered, SV
8c; granulated, SMSJ4c; confectioners' A,
78c; standard A. 7c; solt whites, 7Ji'c;
yellow, choice. 6Ji7c; yellow, good, 6j6Jic;
yellow, fair, 6?$c; yellow, dark, c
Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), $4 75; me
diums, half bbls (000), S2 85.
oiu.1 nu. i 71 uui, uui,i.iu. x ex, m uui, 91 uo;
airy, bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, 81 20;
liczin's Eureka. 4 bu sacks. S2 SO: Hicsrin's
.turcica, io-ii x pockpis, uu.
Canned Goods Standard pearnes. 81 30
1 90;2ds, 81 301 S5: extra peaches, 81 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. 81 001 SO; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, 81 101 15: soaked peas,
70075c; pineapples, SI 401 60; Bahama do,
S2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, 81 25;
egg plums, 82 00; California pears, 82 50; do
greengages, 82 00; do egg plums. 82 00: extra
white cherries, 82 90; red cherries, 2fis, 90c;
raspberries, SI 15Q1 40; strawberries, 81 10;
gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, 1-ft, 81 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-fi cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fis,
81 251 50; corn beef, 2-fi cans, 81 75; 14-fi cans,
813 69: baked beans, 81 401 45; lobster, 1 fi,
81 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, 81 60;
sardines, domestic. Vs. 84 154 60; sardines,
domestic s, 88 258 50; sardines, imported,
Ks. 811 60U 50; sardines, imported, K, 818 00;
sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, 84 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 ft
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 840: extra No.1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36;
No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft.; do medium George's cod,
6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod In blocks, 67Kc Herring
Hound shore, 85 00 ft bbl.; split, SI 00: lako 82 60
ftJOO-fi. half bbl. White fish, 87 ft 100-fi. half
bbl. lako front, 85 SO ft half bbL Finnan
hadders. 10c ft fi. Iceland halibut. 13c ft fi.
Buckwheat Flour 225J ft fi.
Oatjieal-SC 30Q6 60 f bbl.
Mikers' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grnln, Flonr nnd Feed:
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 25 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayneand
Chicago, 3 cars of oats, 1 of straw, 6 of hay, 1
of malt, 6 of flour, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg.
Cincinnati and St. Louis, 2 cars of hay, 1 of
corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats, 2 of
hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of
hay. I of flour. There was but one sale on call,
viz.: a car of No. 1 timothy hay at $14, 10 days.
A good quality of oats is hard to find this sea
son, say retailers. A craln operator said to
day: "There Is not 1 car in 20 coming to mar
ket that will grade as No. 2." Rains in harvest
times bleached the oats and very much injured
their selling quality. Late receipts of hay have
also been in the main of inferior quality. The
difficulty of securing high grades of oats and
hay has as much to do with demoralizing mar-kets-as
over-production. There is a more ac
tive movement in flour the past few days, but
margins to the jobber are close. A large oper
ator reports that be sold 4 carloads yesterday,
but scarcely made enough to pay his preacher
tbe regular dues.
Wheat Jobbinc prices No. 2 red, $1030
1 04: No. 3 red. 91S'J5c
Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,89B3BKc: high mixed
ear, 3637c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, Ss39c;
No. 2 rliow, shelled, 87k38c; uleh mixed,
shelled. 3737Kc: mixed, shelled, 3586c
OATS No.2white.32K33c; extra, No, S.31
631 He; No. 3 white,' 3030c: No. 2 mixed. 2S
RYE No. 1 Western, 70875c; No, 2, 65856c.
BAELEY-No,lCanada,8oeSci.No.2 Cana-
8588c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore,
LOUR Jobbing prices, winter patents, 86 25
6 6 60; spring patents, 86 506 75: winter straight,
85 &05 76; clear winter, 85 005 25: straight
XXXX bakers', 84 755 00. Rye flour, 84 00.
Millteed Middlings, fine white, 81S 000
17 00 ft ton; brown middlings, 813 0013 50;
winter wheat bran, $13 5014 00; chop feed,
$15 0016 00.
HAY Baled timothy, choice, 814 60014 75;
No.1 do, 814 00014 25: No. 2 do, 81150012 00;
loose from wagon, 818 002U 00; No. 1 npland
prairie. 810 00010 25; No. 2, S3 008 60; packing
do. $6 757 00.
Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, J7 007 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small,
lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c:sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, lie: bacon shoulders. 7c; bacon clear
sides. 8c; bacon clear hemes, 8c: dry salt
shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess
Eork, heavy, 814 00; mess pork, family, 814 SO.
ard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7c;
60-fi tubs, TJjJc: 20 fi pails, 7Jc; 60-fitlncan,
7c;3-fi tin pails, 7&C; 5-fitin pails, 7c; 10-fi
tin pails, 7c Smoked sansage, long, 6c;large,
5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel,
$3 75; quarter barrel. 31 75.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fis,
5c; 650 to 650 fis, 6c: 650 to 750 fis, 6c Sheep,
7c ft fi. Lambs, 8Kc Iff ft. Hogs. 6c
and Neuralgia
These twin aiseases cause untoia sauermg. '
Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure
bo do their patients. Pained
Celery Compound has per
manently cored the worst
cases of rheumatism and
neuralgia so say those who
have used It.
"Having been troubled
with rheumatism at the knee
and foot for five years, I was
almost unable to get around,
and was very often confined
to my bed for weeks at a
time. I used only one bot
t.l nf Palnp.'s Celerv Com.
Jt .n ri pound, and was perfectly
11 curea. 1 can now jump
M around, and feel as lively as
a a boy." iFrank caroll
B Eureka, Nevada.
."Paine's Celery Compound has beenaGod
send to me. For the past two years I have suf
fered.with neuralgia ot the heart, doctor after
doctor falling to cure me. I have now taken
nearly four bottles of the Compound, and am
free from the complaint. I feci very grateful
to you," Chas. H. Lewis, Central Village, CL
Celery Compound
"I have been greatly afflicted with acute
rheumatism, and could find no relief until I
used Paine's Celery Compound. After using
six bottles of this medicine I am now cured of
rheumatic troubles." '
Effects Lasting Cures.
Paine's Celery Compoundhas performed many
other cures as marvelous as these. copies of
letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take,
does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire
ly vegetable ; a child can take It. What's the
use of suffering longer with rheumatism or
neuralgia? ,
$1.00. Slrfor 85.00. Druggists.
Mammoth testimonial paper free.
Wills, Eichardson & Co. jTops.,Burlmgton,Vt,
DIAMOND DYES cOatt than anyoOerSyes.
n intrnLivingu-pon LactaiedFoodaTeHcaUhy,
UlalCo Happy, Hearty. B is Daequaled.
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1423.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbcrsof
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of $500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLEBY President
W.J.BURNS .Vice President
sue or
v v
Bilious Headache,1
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges-
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively eured by
The People's Favorite Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe,' an4 1,
their effect is lasting; the fact is they have not
equal. Small dose: Dig results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25a,
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared
by an old apothecary, Five bottles JL. -,
The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL '
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped,
rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c
No. 410 Smithfield .St-.
CAPITAL. . - - . 8200,000 08, y"
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest., -mh22-95-D
JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. '
On mortgages on improved real estate in snafT
of $1,000 jnd upward. Applv at
1 IL,AK) jni
No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Oil bought and sola on margin. de27-21-isa
As old residents know and back flies of Pitts'
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and "
most prominent physician In the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDni IQ ana mental diseases, physical
IMLll V UUw decay, nervous debility, lack of
energr, ambition and hope. Impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf nlness, .
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue,mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood-'
poisous thoroughly eradicated from the systems
1 1 D I M A D V Sidney and bladder 'derange-;
U III IN All I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures. .
Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.,
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if. ,
hre. Office hours 9 A. x. to 8 p. jr. Sunday,
10 A. jr. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, ?3ff
Fenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ie8-6-usu'W
m-i 1.1 SCIEKCH OX t.i wut
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline.Nervou"
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim,
for Work, Business, the Married or Sodal Relation
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful,
binding, embossed, full gilL Price, only 11.CO by
mail, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free. If you apply now. Tha
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, If. D.. re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
FHYSICALDEBILITT. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mail or In person, at tbe office of
No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston. Mas., lo whom aU
orders for books or letters for advice should b
directed as above.
ERGY and strength secured by using Am
oranda Waf e"rs. These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of lm.
potency, no matter how long standlng,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for $
six boxes i3 the complete treatment, and with,
every purchase of six boxes at one time we will
gve a written guarantee to refund tha money
the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street, Pitti
burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k56-3TWTSa
so c::-3 iLiara izxsa.
OrlgfuL ltL It rraab u
reliibla pill for tale. erer Till, j
Ask for OUcXcsUr's ZngiitAC
Diamond Brand, i& red -1
tMlha boxes, sealed witii bins rib
boo. At Dmszlsta. Accept
A other. All Bills ta Basttv
board boxes, pick wrappers, an a dancer
out counterfeit. Send 4c (stamps) tor
particulars and "Belief for Lades,wtH
LAD1ESwboBaTaseltliii. KaoMFapcr.
letter, or return mail. iu.wiu itma,
Chichester Chemical Co.,MadlwnSq.,Fhllx,Pa
Gray's Specific Medicine.
EOT. An unfail
ing cure for
Seminal Weak
ness, Sperma
torrhea, lmpo
teney. and all
diseases that
follow as a se
ouence of Self-.
Abuse; as loss
BEFORE TAKI1IS.TJnirai L&amo T4flB.
sltude. Pain lu the Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre
mature Old Afte and many other dlseaes that lead
to Insanity or Consumption and, a Prematura
J-i'nll particulars In our pamphlet, which wo
desire to send free by mall to every one. ffS-Tha
Specific Medicine Is sold by all druftsrlsts at $1 per
pacta jre, or six packages for Jo, or will be sent frea
by mail on the receipt of the money, by addressing
THEGKA MJSi5lClJ.ECQ., Buflalo. X. Y.
On account of counterfeits, we have adopted tha
Yellow Wrapper; the only rcnnlne.
Sold In PlttsbuiK by S. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smithfield and Liberty streets. mhlj-ktl
All forms of Delicate and Com
plicated Diseases rebuiring Con
fidential and ScrasTOTO
Medication are treated at this Dispensary with
a success rarely attained. Dr. 8. iC Lake is a
member of the Boyal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, and; is tbe oldest and most expo,
rienced Specialist in the city. Special atten
tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive
mental exertion, indiscretions of youth, eta,
causing physical and mental decay, lack of
energy, despondency, etc.: also Cancers, Old
Sores, Fits, Piles. Rbenmatism. a! all diseases
of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs,
etc Consultation free and strictly confiden
tial. Office hours 9 to i and 7 tri s P.M.: Sun
day. 3 to 4 P. 3f. only. Call at office or address
a K. LAKE.M. D.. M. R. C. P.Sor E. J.
Lake, 31. D. sel-131-3CHrwk
Isutfeiuuc feuui the ef.
fects of youthful vr
ot, eany decay. lost
labia treatlsa (sealed)
w. ww4 mb. Twin
containing (oil particulars tor homo.cun
cum m or
liiP fOsFif iff ufi fefli rlUdi
BtonlSla trim