THE HTTSBTOiG- DISPATCH, FETDAT, MAKCH 39, 1889. A TERY CUTE SCHEME To Have the'Street Railway -Measure Considered by a Fall House. ROAD LAWS ARE TO BE REVISED. The Teterans Employment Bill Declared Unconstitutional. SO OLIVE BRANCH TOE SAMUEL LOSCH rrr.OMJl STAFF COBSESPOXDXXT. Haerisbubg, March 28. Mr. Magee left Harrisburg to-day for Pittsburg. He wore a serene countenance and an undimmed smile. Next week he will return, and then the dogs of war will be let loose. This morning Mr. Talbot, of Chester county, offered a resolution that when the House adjourned to-morrow it be to meet on Tuesday evening. There were no objections to the offering of the resolution, and it went through as though its pathway had been greased. The Quay men esteemed it a victory. Mr. Magee's resolution to place Senate bill No. 70 on the House calendar will -be offered, if the programme is carried out, to morrow. Under the rules it will hare to go over for one legislative day. This would bring it before the House Monday. Adjournment until Tuesday wonld, under the rules, throw it over until Friday. The Quay men considered the delay a bis ptint gained against Magee, but another view of the matter ere long presented itself.' Mon day night, as is well known, the attendance Is very small. -and Mr. Magee would probably have more difficulty then than at any other time in getting the necessary 103 votes to place his bill on the calendar. On Friday It will be different, though Friday is not as good as some other day. More members will be here, even if it is the last session of the week, and it will be much easier to hold the members than to bring them back in time to vote. These considerations make the Magee men happier than they would otherwise be, and there be those who hint that Mr. Mafree worked the adjournment scheme himself. Collector Bigler also went home to Pittsburg to-day. As a result of his visit here it is un derstood the Democrats will for the most part vote with Magee. '-Quay is probably just as good a friend of the Democracy as Mr. Magee is," said one, "but it is good politics for us to join with the under dog every time." It is ex pected that Mr. Lafferty will make the motion to place the bill on the calendar. Simpsox. LOSCH IS AKGEI. HI Fet BUI Defeated Because He Asramed Too Much. rXBOK A STAIT COKEESrOXDEJTT. Habbisbcrg, March 2S. Sam Losch, of Schuylkill county, ex-Chief Clerk of the House, who came here to oppose the new county bill, is very angry. He expected to de feat the bill, and claims to have had the prom ise of State Chairman Andrews that the latter would keep his hands off. The latter, however, turned in and pulled the bill through, with just one vote to spare. In justification he later ex plained to Mr. Losch that he had to do it be cause there was so much talk that Sam Losch was going to defeat the measure. Mr. An drews thought it only right under the circum stances to show that Mr. Losch t as not run ning the Legislature. The latter expects, however, to defeat the bill in the Senate, and in addition may turn in and lend any influence be has to Mr. Magee in his fight. Mr. Losch feels that at best he owes nothing to Colonel Quay. He supported Harry Oliver for delegate at large in the last State convention, in opposition to If. P. Reed, and for that reason, be and his friends believe, was dropped from the chief clerkship of the House. Had he been permitted to defeat the new County bill he might have esteemed it an olive branch and consented to let bygones be by gones, but just now ho is not feeling that way. The Quay forces, on Jiheir part, probably saw something to be gained in passing the bill or it would not hare been done. . AX VSCOXSTITUTIOXAL EEASTJKE. The Veterans' Employment Bill Will Have to be Amended. tTFtOX A STAIT CORUESrOITDEXT. Habrisbtjkg, March 23. The bill providing that preference be given soldiers, sailors and marines of the late war in public employment, was withdrawn from the Governor to-day by the concurrent resolution introduced in the House by Mr. Stewart. It had been learned that the Governor raised the objection that the section of the lull making it a misdemeanor to discharge a veteran without a hearing was an unconstitutional interference with the right of a public officer, and the Governor and the friends of the measure In the Legislature thought it best to make an effort to amend it so as to make it unobjectionable. After the return of the bill to the House it was recommitted to the committee on military affairs, and may die there. JIOXET FOE HOME CHARITIES. Bit Appropriations Passed br the Lcrfsin tnrc for Allegheny Comity limitations. SPECIAL TXLEaru.lI TO TUX DISPATCH.I Habbisbukg, March 2S. Among the ap propriation bills passed by the House to-day were the following: One thousand dollars to the Home of Aged Colored Women, in Pittsburg: $10,000 to the Pittsburg Free Dispensary; 81,000 to the Alle gheny County Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Aged Persons: 54,700 to the Home for Colored Children, Allegheny: J6LO0O to the West Penn Hospital, Pittsburg. To RcTise the Road Laws. FROM A STAIT CORRESPONDENT. Harbisbcrg, March 28. Representative Foight, of Westmoreland, will to-morrow in troduce a resolution authorizing the Governor to appoint a commission to revise and consolidate the laws relating to roads and highways. It will provide that the commission shall consist of three Senators and five Repre sentatives, who shall sit during the recess and report to the next session of the Legislature by bill or otherwise. t The Soldiers Orphans Bill Passed, IFROM A STAFT CORRERPOXDEICT.l Haerisbubg. March 28. The soldiers' or phans' bill passed the House this afternoon. In spite of Mr. Wherry's objection that there was nothing in the measure to prevent the intro duction of more children into the schools. Messrs. Stewart, Billingsley, Walk and Kauff raan held that the objection was met by exist ing legislation. Caring for the Orphans. tTROX A STAFF CORRESPONDED.: Harrisburg, March 23. The House Com mittee on Appropriations to-night decided to report in favor of appropriating J4S0.O0O for maintenance and education of soldiers' or phans for the two years ending June i 1891, with a proviso that none of the money shonld be applied to the care of children of soldiers who are not now in the orphan schools. Hon. Henry Hall III. ITE01I A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. HABBISBUBG, March 28. Hon. Henry Hall, Chairman of the House Judiciary General Committee, was'saken seriously III this after noon and for a time was Jn a dangerous condi tion. The labors of the session have been very exhaustive. Mr. Hall's malady is palpitation of the heart, brought on by overwork. Will be Reconsidered. rFROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.! . HaebisbubG, March 28. Mr. Fletcher's electric light company charter bill was brought up again to-day by Messrs. Brooks and Riter, of Philadelphia, who moved the reconsideration of the vote by which it was defeated. This was done, and further consideration of the meas ure was then postponed for the present. A Cowardly Poltroon. ISPECtAI, TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCR.l Haerisbtjeq, March 28. At the session of the House this afternoon, Mr. Council, of Philadelphia, offered a resolution which was adopted, brooding G. A. Annes, who assaulted governor Bearer at Washington, as a cowardly Addressed by John "orri. rFEOM X ETATF CORRESPONDENT. ' TT AT1?TCT,TT..H II l as m. A-.. .It. t t a&atioa bill was consideredjin the Judiciary SKjGcneral Committee tin. r.r,r, .rnhn Kni-rU CAMERON ffO L0NGEB. The Daughter orPennsylrania's Senior Sen ator Led to the Altar End of a Case of Love at Slr Sight A Tonr to Europe. ISrECTJU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCII.l Habbisbueg, March 2S, The marriage of Miss Margaretta Cameron, the fourth daughter of Senator Cameron, In this city to-day, with John 'William Clark, of Newark, N. J., was a brilliant society event A conspicu ous figure in the assembly was the stately and vivacious General Cameron, the bride's grand father, who celebrated the ninetieth anniver sary of his birth on the 8th instant. Governor Beaver, none the worst for the thrilling experi ence he had at Washington yesterday, also con tributed his presence to the wedding scene. Senator and Mrs. Cameron and the father and mother of the groom, and many relatives com pleted the group of people who witnessed the marriage ofthe young couple. Mrs. Margaretta Cameron Clark. At high noon the orchestra began the open ing strains of Chopin's Wedding March, and soon after Senator Cameron appeared, with the bride leaning on his arm. preparatory to giving her in marriage. After the groom bad placed a ring on the finger of the bride, and the offi ciating clergyman had pronounced them man and wife, the orchestra struck up the Men delssohn March, and the relatives and others began extending their congratulations. The reception continued for two hours, dur ing which time hundreds of friends called on the couple. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clark, accom panied by a number of their friends, left tn a special car for Newport, where they will re main for a week, when they propose taking a trip to Europe to spend the summer among the hills of Scotland, viewing the manv places of interest with which tnanamesof the Camerons and Ciarks are associated. John William Clark Is the junior partner of the great thread-making firm at Newark, and also has a large interest in a similar manufacto ry at Paisley, Scotland. He is reputed to be an estimable young man, possessing excellent business qualifications and other commendable traits. He first met his bride in the West In dies, while on a cruise with his parents and a number of guests, among whom was Miss Mar garetta Cameron. It was a case of love at first sight, which grew in intensity until it culmi nated in the wedding of to-day. Mr. Clark is only 23 years old, while his wife is three years his junior. She is tall and stately, and pos sesses all the graces of a qneenly woman. Her education has been liberal, and she is adorned with all the elements of domesticity character istic of the Cameron family. THE PAINTERS DEMANDS. No Strike of the Trade Likely to Occur This Season. The master painters of Allegheny county held a meeting at their hall, on Fourth ave nue, yesterday afternoon. Secretary L. E. Haid presented his resignation, but the associ ation declined to accept it. As already stated, Mr. Haid was one of the first to attempt to en force the grading scale, but as the organization did not stand by him, he decided to leave. Mr. Haid was seen by a reporter for this paper at the close of the meeting, and said: "They would not accept my resignation, and I noticed that the members of the organization who wonld not enforce the grading scale were absent from the meeting. Nothing further will be done until the close of the spring season. We may then insist on the grading system de cided upon at the last meeting. COAL MEN REORGANIZE. Officers Are Elected and Plans Are Ar ranged for Another Tear. The Pittsburg Railroad Coal Association met yesterday and reorganized for another year by electing the following officers: President, T. Burr .Bobbins; Vice Presi dent, George V. Schlenderberg; Secretary, J. . TJmbstatter; Treasurer, John George. Several changes were made in the constitu tion, and it is believed that coal operators who are not in the organization will join. The as sociation is on a firmer basis than it was last year. The selling price of coal will be fixed at the next meeting, and will not be rednced. THE GLASS TRADE. Window Glass Is Picking Up bat the Chimney Trade Is Dull. The weekly report of the glass trade shows a better condition of affairs than last week. There are 1,100 window glass pots in opera tion and only 206 are idle. This shows an in crease In operating pots compared with last week. Mr. Isaac Cline reports that the glass trade is good. The Beaver Falls window house have to buy glass to fill their orders. Macbeth fc Co. have laid off one-third of their men owing to a dull ness in trade. The Ft. Pitt Foundry in Operation? Mcintosh fc Hemphill put a large force of men to work cleaning up the wreck after the fire on Wednesday morning and progressed so rapidly that yesterday they were able to start up their lsrge moulding and foundry shops. A new lino of natural gas pipe was laid and the boilers were started so that work was going on yesterday almost as it nothing had happened. No Trouble nt Dnqncsnc. The report that the Allegheny Bessemer stee plant at Duquesne is idle owing to the strike of the men is pronounced incorrect at the of fine of the company in this city. It was stated that wages had been reduced and that all but two of the men had quit work. The fact that the mill Is in lull operation disproves this report. A PATENT DECIDED. After Hanging FIro for Five Tears a Deci sion Was Rendered. An interference case over a patent on a method of attaching filaments of incandes cent lamps to the platinum wires was de cided in the patent office yesterday, which is of great importance in the incandescent lamp business. The suit has been pending in the Patent Office for the last five years, and it arose from the tact that Mr. E. A. Weston, of the United States Electric Company, and Mr. Thomas A. Edison applied for a patent on that invention about the same time. The decision rendered yesterday holds that Mr. Weston should have the patent Granted on account of prior Invention and application for patent. Now is the Time To purify your blood and fortify your system against the debilitating effectB of spring weather. At no other season is the bitter taste in the mouth more prominent, the breath so of fensive, the drowsy dizziness so frequent, or that extreme tired feeling so prevalent. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to build up the system, purify the blood, cure biliousness and headache, overcome that tired feeling and create a good appetite. Try it this spring. "I wish to enroll my name as one of those who have derived health from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. For many years I have taken it, especially In the early spring, when I am troubled with dizziness, dullness, unpleasant taste In my mouth In .the morning. It removes this bad taste, relieves my headache and makes me feel greatly refreshed. The two bottles I have used this spring have been worth a dollar a dose. I advise all my friends to take it,' John BinxS, 663 -13d Street, town of Lake, Chicago. III. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for 5. Prepared only byC.LHOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass. , 100'Doses One Dollar .Jlarrlage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Nsroe. Uestdsnee. Hugh lourd...... Penn township Ids E. BUncb&rd ... renn township ! Charles H. Blanchard Venn township LiHle A. Yourd l'enu township I Thomas Henry., Benola lAUciaHannan Allegheny cWm.A. Brown Pittsburg Mary Kalbacfc a'lttsburg .George A. Ackerly ; Homewood JilaryMcKce ..Bruihton Harry J. Byerly Pittsburg (JtettieL. Abbott -...Pittsburg C Bryant A. Ward 8hrpsburg I Christina Schlmmcl Pittsburg ( Benjamin J. Work , .McKeesport JKosaC Smith McKeesport J Kobcrt Brown Homewootl 1 Betty Itanudcn , Penn township i Kmory Shields Allegheny I Magjrle Q. Kectlcr Waynesboro J Percy r. Goldlng Chartlers township J Lizzies. Kelt.... ..Chartlers township f.lohnH. King Harrison township Bachael Sticker Harrison township (Julius BrodengeTer Pittsburg J Hermlna Kulbskorf ...Pittsburg I Alexander . I'aden Pittsburg I Edna P. Kelsjr Pittsburg J Alex. McD. 8. Kerr Westmoreland county Margaret Torrance Westmoreland county IWm. Beir Allegheny JAnna Vlerllng Allegheny (Thomas W. Uowness T... McKeesport J Elizabeth Varty McKeesport (WlnfleldS. Emrlct Oikmont borough ( Lizzie M. Knell Verona borough ( Henry L. Josenhalls Allegheny EttleWrlgley Allegheny ( Wm. Sellers Mifflin township 1 Hannah Leadbcater Mifflin township (bamuel Adams Pittsburg Mary Glover Allegheny ( Benjamin Wood Pittsburg IMaryLudwig Pittsburg ( JohnH. Brown Wheeling, W. Va I Minnie Johnston Allegheny ( Wm. L. Henscl..-. Allegheny 1 Eliza Anna Probst Allegheny I Henry Prase Allegheny Kosa Weber Allegheny J James S. Connell Chartlers township 3 Mary A. Sharp Allegheny CpLUMBUS discovered America, but who discovered Columbus? I do not know, but what I do know is that I discovered the "Belle" Jane Hading Veiling at a dry goods store, 75c a yard. HENRY BEUGER, Furniture and Carpet IIousc, Liberty Slrect, Corner Sixth Avenue. Furniture and carpet buyers are most cordially invited to see our mammoth house and most excellent stock of reliable make of furniture and carpets, which we guarantee to sell at fully 20 per cent below regular orices this spring. Hen by Beeoee, 642 and 644 Liberty street, corner Sixth avenue. You can't get the good of your electric light unless you have proper shades or globes. The most complete assortment and newest designs are to be found at Craig head's Lamp Store, 61S Smithfield st. D , - -' Black Goods. The difficulty of getting a black dress that will look really new and different is easily obviated by a "glimpse at our new spring and summer novelties, styles the very new est and prices as reasonable as ever. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. J list for Saturday. On Saturday we will sell men's $2 SO pants for $1 75 and $3 50 pants for $3; $22 spring overcoats for $18, and $6, $7. 58, $10 and $12 spring overcoats that can't be equaled by any house in the city. Special bargains in suits for man and boy at the Hub, and every boy gets a fine ball and bat. You find nothing but the best at the Hub. Clothing for men" and boys at the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield street. Ladles' Jackets, Ladles' Jackets. The best line of jackets we have yet shown, plain and braided. All prices from $5 to $20 each. A choice line of the new di rectoire coats just received. irvvrsu Hugtjs & Hacke. Pine watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth aye. WFSu Dr. Sophy B. Feltwell, Dentist. On and 'after April 1, office, room 407 Penn building. MARRIED. McNALLY ACHESON March 2S, 18S9. by Rev. E. M Wood,D. D. Mr. Thomas Mo Sallt and Miss Abciixa Achesos, All of Pittsburg. DIED. , BAILEY On Wednesday, March 27, 1SS9, at 11 A. M.. Mast, widow of the late Samuel Bailey, in the 73d year of her age. Funeral Fbiday afternoon at 230 o'clock from her late residence. No. 190 Sandusky street, Allegheny City. Private interment. 2 BATSCH On Thursday, March 28, 1889, at 12 o'clock noon, Henry S., son of William and Sarah K. Batsch, aged 3 years and 2 months. Funeral notice hereafter. COLMER At t-30 o'clock P. M., March 28. 1889. William Coljikr, at his home, Avalon station. P.. Ft. W. & C. R. R. Fnneral services on Friday evening at 7:45. Friends of the family are invited to at tend. EBBERT In Philadelphia, March 28. 1883, at 4jl.ii., Rev. John H. Ebbert, formerly of Pittsburg, In the 81st year of his age. Funeral services from the residence of Mrs. William Little, No. 186 Fayette street, Alle gheny City, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment private. 2 HARDY On Thursday evening, March 28. 1889. at 4:10, Nettie, daughter of Edward Hardy, aged 4 years 10 months. Funeral from residence of parents. No. 2 Samples alley, Allegheny, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. JTJNGK At West Penn Hospital, on Thurs day, March 28, 1889. at 1 o'clock a. m., Charles Jungk, aged 56 years. Funeral from the residence of P. Le Goullon, at Forty-seventh street, Pittsburg, at 2 p. it. ROSS-On Tuesday, March 26, 18S9, at 11 p. il. at the family residence. Nolo, Indiana county, Pa., David Ross, in his 87th year. Fnneral services at the residence of his son, John Ross, No. 510. Lincoln avenue. Twenty first ward, this (Friday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attentt. VAN EMON At residence of his son-in-law, David Rowland. Pine Township. Armstrong county. Pa., Geoboe Van Emon, aged 83 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. WOLFF On Tuesday evening, March 26, 1889, at 8 o'clock, Jacob Wolff, son of the late Frank Wolff, at the age of 37 years, 6 months and 19 days. Funeral to take place on Friday at 8 o'clock, from his father's residence, NewBrighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny City. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 JAMES M FULLERTON. UNDERTAKER AND-EMBALMER, i No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. oclS-WTSu ANTHONr MEYER, (Successors to Meyer. Arnold fc Co., Lim,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, U34 Penn avenue. Tel ephone connection. mylO-h53-3twF FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. C J. B. MURDOCH, CI f OiUXAiir'AXAXv x. yiif Telephone 429. de6-f4-stWF SEEDSISEEDSISEEDSI Get our illustrated 66-page spring catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Plants, Flowers arid Garden requisites. JOHN B. & A. MTJRDOOH, Telephone 239. 08 Smithfield St. fel9-MWF pEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG-IN ISO, assets . $9jtrn,696ia Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WIIJJAM L JONES, 84 Fourth avenue, ia20-s2-D MLLE. E. DREYER. NO. M PENN AVENUE, IMPORTER OF FRENCH MILLINER. Trimmed Bonnets and round Hats. ' Mourning a Specialty. , mhl9-78-Tursu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE HAVE REMOVED. WATTLES & SHBAPEEj THE JEWELERS, HAVE : REMOVED : TO 37 FIFTH AVENUE. We will occupy the entire building, and will carry as nico a stock of goods as can be found anywhere. Don't forget our new number, , 37 FIFTH AVENUE. FormerlvoccupiedbyKornblum, the Optician. felS-MWF CARPETS! BARGAIN ANNEX, In Basement Just Inside Our Fifth Avenue Entrance, Our closing out sale in February disposed of a large quantity of last season's patterns. Many remain, however which have been crowded out by the unusually large number of new patterns, and are now placed in our Bargain Annex. A few samples of the remarkable bargains to be found there may be seen in our window display on Fifth avenue. For in stance : Cotton Ingrains - - 18 to 20c Heavy Cotton Ingrains - 25 to 35c Eitra Super Unions - - 40 to 50c Extra Sier. Best -' - 55 to 65c Tapestry Brussels - - - 45c Bofly Brussels - - - 85c Yelyets - - - - 85c ChinaMattinfroi$4 50perMlnp. 0. McCLLTOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 mhlW-MWF Clothing to . Your Own Shape. We are merchant tailors, too, with extra advantages for serving you well. What can you think of that stands in the way of our do ing as good tailoring as any body in the city? Nothing, nothing at all. Needn't vin dicate our tailoring. But, we can do better. Bet ter in the variety of materials we can show you; We have gathered the most perfect ex position of cloths to be found in any store in the land. There is no such in the city. And they're the qualities styles appropriate to make up to measure. The finest fabrics we have them. The smooth, the cheviot finish (so fashionable how), the imported, the home mills manufacture, full dress, business; all are here. We have more by far than you'll take time to look at, likely. Will you wait for the rush to see them? or to-day? It isn't necessary to pay out a deal of money to get a style that pleases you and makes up handsomely. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. mh25-D CORRECT, STYLES -AND- NO FANCY PRICES. Stiff Hats, Soft Hats f or men and boys. Children's Hats and Caps in endless variety. Base Ball gratis with each boy's Hat. -- THE HATTER, : iU vHARIETJT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST OUT. Among the books received thisvreek, the following are late ones, jnst published: Under False Pretenses, by Adeline Ser geant, in paper, at 38c. 6 St. Cnthbert'sTower, by Florence "Warden, in paper, at 23c. Jack Dudley's Wife, by E. M. Davy, yi paper, at 20c. The Story of Happinolande and Legends, by Oliver Bell Bunce, in paper, at 20c. Dr. Bamean, bv Georges Ohnet, trans lated from the French by J. 0. Curtin, illustrated, at 38c. Received E. P. Boe's works, in cloth, at 90c each. Little Lord Fauntleroy, illustrated, at 51 45. Klaus Brewer's Wife, from the German of Paul Lindau, translated by Clara S. Fleishman, at 38o The Romantic School. by Heinrich Heine, translated by S. L. Fleishman, at $1 20. PlWM TVf lanallaniA. VlV TTAiniMpll TTolni translated by S. L. Fleishman, at 75c. Miss Bretherton, by Mrs. Humphrey "Ward, in paper, at 10c. Received in the Arlington Edition, at 25c a copy: Grimm's Household Stories. Anderson's Fairy Tales. Russian Fairy Tales. Robinson Crnsoe. Barnaby Rndee. David Copperfield. Great Expectations. Little Dorrit. Oliver Twist. Dombey & Son. Nicholas Kickleby. Tale of Two Cities. Dickens' Character Sketches. Poe's Poetical Works. Poe's Tales. Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Five Weeks in a Balloon. Mysterions Island. Romola. Mill on the Floss. Middlemarch. Jane Eyre. Hypatia. ' TJarda. English Harry. Wooed and Married. "Wee Wifie. Perfect Etiquette. A full line of Bertha M. Clay's most popular works, in paper, at 10c each. j Complete stock of all the favorite musical albums, containing the latest operas, songs and dance music of the day, at the. prices advertised before 15c and 25c each. 1500 EASTER BOOKLETS jnst re ceived, at 10c each. Something in new and pretty novelties for Easter. Fleishman & Co's. NEW DEPARTMENT ST0BES 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBUBG, PA. N. B. All the new Periodicals and Magazines received. mh29-D "This Trade Mark is on Our Windows." SILK MATS. $4. $5. $6. Spring Btjles now on sale at above reason able prices, including Knox's beautiful Silk Hat at $8. STIFF HATS. $2. $3. $4. Good, Reliable, and (what is ot great im portance to the careful dresser) Correct in style. Knox's celebrated Derbys also. SOFT HATS. $1. $1 50. $2. Easily folded Crush Hats for traveling and neglige wear at above prices. This includes our finest imported French Pocket Hat at S2, sold elsewhere for 32 E0L PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. N. B. We iron all Silk Hats Free of Charge, no difference where purchased. mh25-MWP M-t 'i I nvTT A insurance co., Xlll L LN -A. Hartford, Conn. Assets, January 1, 18S7.. SU,S6S,S 50 EDWARDS & KENNEY, Agents, OQ Fourth avenue Pittsburg. 1al5-59-Mir " WM, 8EMPUF& Unprecedented Attractions for This Week. - J PI n A If F1CDADTMCNT bLUHfl ULrflnl I TIC It I. plnin, embroidered and braided. Misses' Loner and choice materials; all well made garments. On same floor we show a superior line of Kuslin Underwear, in great variety and range of prices. Chemises, Drawers, Night Dresses, Skirts and' Corset Covers. Complete outfits ior infants. A visit to our Cloak Boom will repay you at the presenttime. I 1M CM nCDADTMCMT Another importation o-f specialties in Table Linens from 20c ap. See those Golden Flax Table Linens at 50c; never sold under 65c. And LI l Hll LILT Ail I If till I - those 72-inch Damasks at 75c. They are beauties. Fast-colored Turkey Bed Tablings at 20c and 25c; liner grades equally good values. New, extra large, colored bordered Towels, very choice, 18c, 20c and 25c; nboat half their values. Napkins, 75c, $1, $1 25 up. A full Dinner Napkin at 51 60; specially good. Tapestry and Flush Covers in sizes for the stand, table and piano. Stamped Linen Tidy Splashers. Tray and sideboard sizes in "White and Ecru, at low prices. We carry full lines of Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Sheets and Pillow Cases, ready made. White and Colored Bed Spreads at popular prices. PI flTHQ ANI") PAQCIMFRPQ We. have just opened afine line of Spring Cassimeres for Men and Boys' wear. Latest styles in Checks, Stripes, Mixtures, UUw I I1W P1I1&V tinvWI lilbl Ibv. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 2sSft5sSLSSf3S: Open to-day, two cases'Fancy Dress Goods at 23c; best goods for the money ever offered; 40-inch, all-wool Serges, at 25c, worth 40c. Double width Flajds and Stripes, new styles and excellent clothes, 37c, including Black and "White Plaids and stripes lor combina- tions, with the latest High-Art Novelties in Imported Fabrics, 50c, 75c, 51, SI 25 and 51 50 ajard; all the new Spring colors in French Cashmeres, 50c, G5i". 75c, UOc, and 51, 40 inches wide and superior values; lots of Challies from 6Ju up; Domestic Ginghams, excellent dress styles, 10c and 12c; Scotch Zephyrs, 20c, 25c, 37Jc and 40c; Etoile du Nords and other wash fabrics at low prices. Note our superior assortment Satines, 10c, 12Jc, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c and 37Jc. CIlV hrDlDTMCUT Black and Colored Dress Silk, 50c up; Black Gros ILIV ULT All I llltn I . Grains, G5c, 75c, SlUc; 24-inch at 5L, 51 12K and 51 25 are unquestionably rare bargains; very superior values, 51 60 to 53 a yard. Double "Wrap Surahs, Merveilleanx, Baratheas, Bhadames and other fancy weaves at low prices. PADDCT DnnCUB The stock is now complete and prices lower than ever. Fine uHnr C I nUUln. line Tapestry Brussels, reliable make, 50c, 60c, 65e nnd 75c. Body Brussels, New Patterns Ingrains. Hall and stair Carpets, Mats and Mattings, Smyrna Rags nnd Druggets and Oil Cloths at popular prices. "VTIXjXjIA1VC NEW ADVERTISEXEKTS. B.1B, Friday, March 20. WRAP & SUIT DEPARTM'TS. is not egotism that prompts us to earnestly invite the people to visit our Wrap and Suit Rooms. It is not because we simply want yon to know what elegant and complete lines we carry, but because we know we have served your interests in securing them. We want you to do yoitrxown part for yotir self, by comi7ig here and ptir chasing. The constant arrival of new goods keeps our stock always full. We have no stickers; every 'thing seems to bedesirable. WRAPS. A large line of Beaded Wraps will be slwwn you. Beaded bShottlder capes from $2 50 up. Fine Silk Wrap, Braided and trimmed in Bead and Cord Passementerie. Mantillas are perhaps the prettiest Shoulder Wraps shown, especially for middle aged ladies. We have them in Faille Francaisse, Corkscrew, Camel Hair and Serge, lined throughout with Surah, trimmed in Braid or Passe menterie, at $10 to $50. An elegant line of Imported Man tillas, braided all over ; $25 and $30, is especially handsome. A lot of cord-trimmed Shoulder Wraps are pretty and popular. The elegant Silk and Lace Connemaras, that handsome and entirely new spring gar ment, is here shown, all the beautiful styles in which they come, at prices ranging from SfS t 50' & s impossible to praise them too highly. You doubtless havesien them on the street, as many Jiave already gone out. If you are only curious to see wliat they are like, come in and we will take pleasure in displaying them for you. A truly handsome Black Diagonal Newmarket, Empire style, with Faille Frdncaise Revere, at 2. We show these with no little pride. SUITS. We have no hesitancy in claiming for our stock that it is the most complete shown in the two cities. The few we men tion are only to attract your attention in the hope that yoic will pay a personal visit to see for yourselves. A line of Combination Cash mere and Faille Francaisse, Persian trimmed, are among the handsomest. A special is the line of Braided Cloth Suits, all colors, at io, and another is a line of handsomely trimmed, fine Cashmere Suits, 2o to 4o'. . Another very attractive thing is 'the line of Henrietta and Silk Combinations, stylishly made, Persian trimmed, $25 to $37. 'A Tailor-made Cloth Suit, Directoire, all Shades, $16 5a Gimp trimmed Colored Cashmere Suits, $15. New Cashmere Accordion Skirts, black and colored, J16 60. Combination Silk and Wool Suits, 'Persian Trimmed, 25, $35 and $37 60. Fine elegant Black Silk Suits, S20 to SCO. Black Lace and Net Suits, 25, 43 and $05. -.. BOGGS&BUHL, 115-121 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. I mh23-70 MARCH n tn's room we are displaying the latest Stockinette Jacket! in Black and Colored. Garments and .Jackets. Jersey Blouses, viorit&urcws uuu jjima, nuicu ;uu niu NEW ADVERTISEMENT. j -J- CHILDREN AND MISSES' Trimmed Pattern HAT OPENING, Friday and Saturday, THIS WEEK, MARCH 29 AND 30, The very newest and most stylish Hats that good taste and skill can prodnee will be shown. Come in and bring the children along. In the meantime, we are showing a fnll line of the newest things in SPRING MILLINERY FOR LADIES. TRIMMEDANDUNTRIMMED GOODS. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. mh2S-D HOUSE-CLEANING TIME r Is here. Yon wijl need curtains renovated and carpets cleaned. There is but one place where yon can get them done in the best manner pos sible, and that is at CHAS. PFEIFER'S ALLEGHENY STEAM LAUNDRY. Offices in Pittsburg, 443Smithfleld street, 1913 Carson street, and 100 Federal street, Alleghe ny. Works, 353-309 Beaver avenue, Allegheny. Telephone 1261. mh26-HWT YOU WILL FIND THAT when we quote prices we do not take a cheap article and describe it mis leadingly, but mention only such as we know to be good and are willing to stand -behind tor value and satisfaction. OUR $i3 DRESS SUIT FOE GENTLEMEN is having an enormous sale. We have it in bine and black worsted, warranted all wool and fast color, sewed with silk, and as well as ens-" torn made; often and easily sold by others at $16 and $18. Don't lail to examine them. CONFIRMATION SUITS. . WIS have an endless variety of qualities and styles, and at prices that will save you SI to SI 50, and on some styles $2 on the suit Parents and guardians ; should look at our line before buying elsewhere. We also have a complete stock of White Linen Waists, without collars, White Shirts, White Ties, Etc OUB MANY. NOVELTIES IN CHILDREN'S KILT AND PANTS SUITS AT $2, J2 75, $3 25 and, & are being picked up fast Don't delay making your purchases. OUR HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT EXHIBITS a complete assortment of the newest imported and domestic shades and shapes at lowest prices. STRASSBURQER & JOSEPH; TAILORS, CLOTHIERS AND MATTERS, 161 AND 163 FEDEBAL ST., mlrtl-'WTSu BE CAREFUL When Making Tour Purchases, and by Doing- So You Will Save Money. This can only be done by purchasing of a good, reliable firm, and we have that reputation. Having it, we are bound to keep it. Our prices are the lowest and all our goods are recommended. So it will pay you well to deal with us. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY, As there is but very little time now left before the buy season starts. Come now and make your selections. By paying a small amount down, you know that we will pack the goods and store them for you without it costing you a cent Besides that, you now hare the choice of all the newest and best patterns and designs in the house, and it is full of them.' Hurry, now, and get the attention paid you that can not be given when we have become busy. Lovely Neiv Parlor Suits. Elegant New Bedroom Suits. Neiv Carpets. New Rugs. Netu Druggets. ' Nero Goods. Everything new, from the highest to the lowest, and don't forget that anything in our bouse can be bought either for CASH OR VERY EASY PAYMENTS. HOPPER BR0S& CO., 307 WOOD STREET, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH AYES. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "EW HIGH ARM" DAVIS SEWING MACHINE. Passenger Elevator. Open Saturdays "Until lO o'oloolc , mhlO-wrau 23, 1889. choice styles and largest assortment in New New Sprint; weight Newmarkets in Black' and plain and braided. Infants' Cloaks. -'Ladies' uu wen w ciuiuiu& MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. nais ana uonnets, ail new ana tne latest snapes and colors. New Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers, Gauzes, and Ornaments for hat trimmings. N. B. No chargc.for tramming hats hought ot us. MEN'S. FURNISHINGS. Colored Shirts. Collars and Cutis. New Neekware and If nipnr nnd KpannnriIiTTnilrirrxi' at low figures. BARGAINS in New Corsets, Hosiery, for ladies, and children; Gloves, Dress Tris. mings, Lace and Eeavy Curtains,JPortiers, "Window Shades, etc SPECIALS Five Cases New Ginghams at 6c; regular price, 10c See thea. Samples sent when requested. Mail orders promptly filled. SBMPIlB' OFFICIAl-PnTS8URG. STATIONERY SEAliED FR0P03AUB will be received no until Wednesday, April 3. 1889, at 2 o'clock p. M.. for famishing sta tionery for the use of the several departments of the city government for the year beginning May 1,1889. Bonds in the penal sum of one thousand dol lars must accompany each bid. The right reserved to accept or reject any or all bida. Blanks and information furnished on applica tion at the Controller's office. E. a MOBHOW, ControHer. aiABCjf a. 1889. mh2Mi DEPABTMX3T OP PUBLIC HjUrETT, 1 PrrrSBTJBG, March a. 1889. J. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until TUESDAY. April 2, at 2 o'clock PJt, for the painting of engine houses Kos. 7, 9 and 13. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Samuel N.Evans, Superintendent ot the Bureau of Fire. Bonds In donble the amount of each bid will be renuired. said bonds to be crobated baton I the Mayor or City Clerk. f The Department of Awardsreserrestherigfet to reject any or an mas. j. u. nw wr. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. mh23-58. DEPAHTSTEIfT OT PUBLIC SAFETY. PlTTSBtTBG. March 19, 1889. C1EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KB. IO CETVED at the office ofthe City Controller until SATURDAY. March 30, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. v., for the building of a one-horse patrol wagon. Plans and specifications can be seoa on ap plication to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in donble the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Deoartment of Awards reserves th right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. mhl9-16 Department or public Satett. I PrrrSBTJBG, March 19. 1889. i SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until SATURDAY, March 30. 1889. at 3 o'clock P. sr. for the finishing of Nos.5and8 Police stations, and for the erection of a stable, at No. 5 police station. Plans and specifications can he seen on appli cation to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds m double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. mhlSHS PHOTOGRAPHER, 18 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait $3 SO; see then before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and 2 SO per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. oc9-p70-jrwTsn ALLEGHENY. ffltrrriL WM, SAMPLE'S, Spring Jackets for Ladies. $1 50 up. Colors. New Jerseys, Black and O New dilnrA. and Hisses' Suits and Dresses: latest It1p "We are famous for correct styles and low Tirices. "We show this wpek 100 Trimraid1. ITnlaundried Shirts, 31c, 45c. 50c, 60c, andtha best shirt in theconntrv!it7ix Tinndried Shirt? " , - m m addressed the committee. " . 165167 and 169 FEDERAL:STREET, ALUEGEENY. PA.- i , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers