IHH -tic &?pj: f? itf THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, FRIDAY, MARCH i889v ?3; DOCTORS' DIPLOMAS. Some New Physicians Received Their Papers Yesterday from the PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL COLLEGE A Banquet at the Seventh Avenue Hotel Last Evening. THE TOASTS AND RESPONSES TO THEM The Opera House was as much crowded resterdar afternoon, on the occasion of the third annual commencement exercises of the "Western Pennsylvania Medical College, as if Booth and Barrett had been on the stage to give a free representation of "Othello" to the people of Pittshurj. .The programme was opened soon after 2 o'clock with a well rendered overture by the orchestra. Kev. "W. P. Shromm made the opening prayer. Prof. James IcCann, President of the faculty, was thereupon announced by Prof. J. B. Murdoch to make a few intro ductory remarks. The gentleman called the attention of the graduates to the importance of thcoccasionIn some well well chosen remarks, which were greatly appreciated by the audience. Prof. J. Q. Dunn, in his valedictory address to the graduates, gave the young men some wholesome apd valuable advice. He told them that the play days of their youth were over and that from henceforth the grave realities of life would constantly be before them, principally suggesting the question, What sha.l I eat 7 what shall I drink, and "WTIH WHAT SILAXti I BE CLOTHED? As the sure road to success, he enjoined the young men to be diligent and no one could de fraud them of success. He asked them to throw their wholo heart and mind into the work, or else leave it altogether and start in some other business. Physicians must ever be watchful and learn, because new things are constantly coming up, and older methods in medicine and surgery are constantly improved. Bnt in these it should be necessary to examine and test before indorsing everything as it is given. He warned them not to pander to the fashion in medicine of accepting anv theory because it happened to come from a physician of renown and popularity. Young doctors, he also argued, should be carcfulnot to follow the advertisements of knowledge of a certain clique among the practitioners who are alway anxious to rush into print on the small est occasion. Hetoldtbem to be careful and think long and ponder long over what they had to write before they gave it to the public Toward the close he spoke of the spirit of charity, and stated that it was a mistaken idea to suppose that a doctor should have to go to anvone and evervone, whether he would get paid or not. He said they ought to act accord ing to the words of the Scripture: "Do unto everybody as you would like to be done by," and as everyone EXPECTS A DOCTOR TO TAT his bills, the physician in his turn had every right to expect other people to do the same to him. Bills should be paid promptly, whether doctor's, or any other kinds of bills, and the physician ought to see that his patients did not have too large an account. After Prof. W. J. Asdale had called the roll of the graduates. Prof. C. B. King conferred the diplomas upon the class and Dr. S. M. Crosly made the valedictory address for the graduates in a grand elocutionary style. Prof. W. Smvely presented the prizes. He accompa nied this act with a very pleasant manner. Prof. J. M. Duff responded to the presentation speech in the name or the winners, and Rev. w. J. Holland pronounced the benediction, which closed the afternoon's exercises. The banquet, which is always the most en joyable feature of the commencement, was given in the large dining hall of the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Plates were set for 100 people, and the menu was gotten up in hst Willson's best style. It embraced everything in market, and the style of cooking would tickle the palate of an epicure. AT THE FESTIVE BOARD. The dining room was profusely decorated with potted plants and ferns. From every lit tle nook and corner there peeked out choice cut flowers, loading the air with their delicious fragrance. For over two hoars the. company discussed the choice viands, and the. speech making was then begun. At the center of one of the large tables sat Dr. J. B. Murdock, the toast master. The first toast, "The Medical Profession," was re sponded to bv Dr. T. D. Davis in a few well selected words. Dr. Charles Shaw kept the company in a merry humor bvhis response to the toast "The Medical Press." Judge Slagle spoke of "Our Hospitals" and Dr. J. D. Thomas did the honors for the "West ern Pennsylvania Medical College" "Our Alumni" was eulogized by Dr. C w. Coulter, and "The Class of '89 will ever remember Dr. J. A. Logan. Rev. Dr. Holland, who seems to be indispensable at these gatherings, responded to the toast "Our Brethren of the Clerical Profession," and did it in a charming manner. The Alumni Association held its annual meeting yesterday morning in the college building. The election of officers resulted as follows: President. Dr. C. W. Cohlter, of Oil City, Pa.; Secretary. Dr. C, W. Biswick. Manor, Pa.; Treasurer, John L. Wessels, Allegheny. An address was made by Dr. R. B. Ferree, and a paper on medical egotism was read by Dr. Platner. He Has to Give In. The sneering cynics grimly sup The lees of stale regrets; For anv hope thatfaith sets up Their unbelief upsets. But they can't upset facts. Here are the names of a few of those who have been cured of catarrh by Drs. Starkey iPalen's Compound Oxygen Treatment: Hon. H. S. Griffith. Alma, Neb.: Hon. William Kelley, Philadelphia, Pa.; W. D. Parker, President of State Normal School. River Falls, Wis.; Rev. J. B. Whaling, Lead City, Dak.; Weslev Miller, Shell Creek, Carter Co-Tenn.; W. W. Dowling, Toleston, Lake Co., Md.; M. Randolph, Custards, Fa.: R. U. Foster, Greenville, a C.; R. W.Wheeler, Jasper, X. Y.: Geo. C. Rhoderick, Jr.. Middle town, Md.-; Mrs. E. M. Millard, Middleton, MdL, and thousands of others in ail parts of the country. A brochure of 200 pages containing the his tory of the Compound Oxygen Treatment in cases of consumption, bronchitis, asthma, ca tarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, rheuma tism, neuralgia, and all complaints of a chronic nature, will be forwarded free of charge to anyone addressing Drs. Stabket fc Pale', No. 1529 Arch street, Philadelphia.?? ANOTHER TUMBLE. Down Goes the Price of Flour, Canned Goods, Sonps. Etc 1 bbl Fancy St. Louis Flour ?6 75 1 sack Fancy St Louis 1 65 1 bbl White Swan (best family) 6 25 1 sack "White Swan (best family) 1 50 1 bbl Genuine Amber 6 00 1 sack Genuine Amber 1 45 1 bbl Good Amber...1 .' 5 50 1 sack Good Amber 1 35 20 cans Choice Blackberries (for pies).. 1 00 14 cans Choice Cherries (for pies) 1 00 16 cans Choice Sugar Corn.... 1 00 15 cans Choice Peas. 1 00 14 cans String Beans. 1 00 14 cans Standard Tomatoes. 1 CO 40 bars good scrubbing soap 1 00 32 bars 3-year-old soap (equal to Dob bins) 1 00 30 bars White Elephant soap (floats).. 1 00 26 bars Proctor & Gamble's Lenox soap 1 00 25 bars Proctor & Gamble's Ivory soap 1 00 20 bars Proctor & Gamble's German mottled 1 00 26 bars Schultz & Co.'s Star soap 1 00 30 packages Washing Powder. 1 00 20 boxes Concentrated Lye l 00 50 good Scrubbing Brushes 1 00 30JbsJargelump starch l 00 20 lbs Evaporated Peaches l 00 24 lbs Turkey Prunes 1 00 18 lbs Evaporated Apples 1 00 G lbs Evaporated Apricots 1 oo If you don't want the dollar's worth take the halt Goods delivered free to all Darts of both cities. Tothoselivingoutothecity will pre pay freight on all orders of $10, $15, $20 and upward. Send for catalogue. Opposite Gusky. M. B- Thompson, fsu 301 Market st. DECORATE YOUR PARLORS. S3 00. Only 2 Morn Days. S3 00. A life size crayon for $5 00, worth $25 00, at "Elite Gallery," ClGMatket street, Pitts burg, for two more days only. Shawls, Shawls, fchnwla. One hundred shawls slightly soiled to be closed at less than one-third original prices, srwrsu Huors & Hacke. Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, ifo. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu TROUBLE WITH MEXICO. A Linguist Gets All Tangled TJp In Some Spanish Legal Paper. Close relations -with Mexico will probably give an impetus to the study of the Spanish language ere long, judging from the trouble ot transactinjrbusiness,anJ especially as the present generation of Mexicans is not likely to learn English to any considerable extent, the latter being difficult to acquire, while the former is comparatively easy for one who has .had an average training in Latin. Last September Charles McKee sent for J. D. WatKnn tnt.lr.t1ia aclrnnwlftrifrment Of SOUie Incorporators who wanted to make applica ! tion for a charter for the Recompense Gold and Silver Mining Company, in nuranzo. " everything had been gotten into shape, w. a. Stevenson. Ksq., was employed to translate the document into Spanish so that it might be in telligible to the Mexican authorities. The matter was alnfost forgotten, except by those who had their money embarked, when a few days since the Mexican grant of power was received, and the incorporators were in a box again, for it was in Spanish, and that they could neither "sprecben" nor understand. There were 27 pages of closely-wntten foolscap and Mr. Stevenson's services were again re quired. By the time he had made the second translation he had the provisions of the charter memorized, while he was paralyzed. Those Spanish lawyers seem to be some rela tion to the ancient breed of conveyancers in England, who got pay by the word for their worK and. In consequence, coined such verbi age as "all the right, title,interest, and claim of. in and to the aloresaid premises," etc. for most of our charters can be compressed nowa days into mnch less space than 27 pages of closely written foolscap. f FOR MALARIA Use Ilorsfbrd's Acid Phosphate. Dr. E. G. Davies. DeSmet, Dak, says: "I have used it in slow convalescence and preven tion from malarial diseases,where the drinking water was bad; I believe it to be beneficial in preventing summer complaints; also one of the best agents we have to rectify the bad effects of the drinking water upon the kidneys and bowels." Spring Wraps. An unrivaled assortment of new spring and summer long and short wraps, many exclusive novelties, lace circulars and wraps, beaded and braided wraps, lace trimmed silk and camels' hair wraps, and a special line of light and dark colored cloth wraps in plain and brocade fabrics, the handsomest and most stylish garment shown this season. MWTSU HrjGtJS & HACKE. E. P. Roberts & Sons Want Yon To come and see the wonderful stock of sterling silver they carry on hand. Some really elegant goods trunks of spoons, forks, and knives containing 24 to 120 pieces berry dishes, tea sets, water pitchers, ice cream sets and hundreds of iancy articles. They do a large business in wedding gilts in this" line, and their stores, corner of Fifth ave. and Market st, are constantly filled with such purchases. They engrave, pack, ship or deliver all such goods on any day or date free of charge. rsu Just for Sntnrr'ny. On Saturday we will sell men's $2 50 pants for $175" and $3 50 pants for $3; $22 spring overcoats for $18, and $6, $7, $8, $10 and $12 spring overcoats that can't be equaled by any house in the city. Special bargains in s'uits for man and boy at the Hub, and every boy gets a fine ball and bat. Yon find nothing b'ut the best at the Hub. Clothing for men and boys at the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield street. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wfsu E. T1. Roberta it Sons Want You To feel at perfect liberty to come in their stores at any time and examine their collec tion of sterling silver in coffee spoons, oyster forks, ladles, ice cream slicers, salad sets, frnit spoons, bon-bon trays and tongs, and an almost endless variety of novelties, rsn Wash Goods. American challis, an immense assort ment, large and small designs, beautiful colorings, at 5c, 8c and 20c a yard. mwfsu Htgtjs & Hacke. MEETINGS. THE MEMBERS OF LAWRENCE COUN CIL No. 6L JR. O. U. A. M., Will mc;t at regular place of meeting, at 7 o'clock sharp, to make suitable arrangements for the funeral of our late brother, Frederick Greenwalt. By order CHARLES ATKINSON, Councilor. WILLIAM ST1RM, Secretary. inb29-61 Office of the Pittsburg Gas Co. MARCH 26. 18S9. STOCKHOLDER S' MEETING-THE stockholders of the Pittsburg Gas Company arc hereby notified that a general meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the company on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1SS9, at 10 o'clock A. si., to take into considera tion the making of a contract with the East End Gas Company. W.H. MCCLELLAND, Secretary. mh26-6S-D BUSINESS CHANGES. Brownsville. Pa., March 9. 1&89. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between thS undersigned, partners in the coal business under the name and style of the Climax Coal Company. In the Fourth Pool of the Mononga hela river, in Fayette county, Fenna., was this day dissolved by the purchase by Thomas Neel of the entire interest of J. S. Neel In the same. All debts of the said partnership will be paid by Thomas Neel. who has authority to collect ail outstanding indebtedness due and to be come dne to the Climax Coal Company. Thomas Neel and Sons will continue the coal business at the same place. J. S.NEEL, mhl3-92-WF THOMAS NEEL. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF HENRY ROBINSON, DECD Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to DAVID ROBINSON, Admint'r. West View. Allegheny co. Pa., or his att'y, MARSHALL BROVN, 157 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mi29-6-F LEGAL NOTICES. -J STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY of Allegheny, ss: In the Court ot Com mon Pleas No. 1, No. 459 September Term, 18SS. Rose C. Schmidt, by her next friend. Sa tins. C Hoeveler. vs Joseph Schmidt. In divorce a vinculo matrimonii. And now, to-wit, March 25. 18SS, on motion the Court ap points W. S. Thomas, Esq.. commissioner to take testimony in above case, and report the same to court. From the record. Per curiam. JsmT ( JOHN BRADLEY, Piothonotary. To Joseph Schmidt, respondent: You will please take notice that the undersigned, having been appointed commissioner to take Testimo ny in the above case and report the same to court, will attend to the duty of his appoint ment at the office of John S. Lambie. No. 134 Fifth ave Pittsburg. Pa., on TUESDAY, Aprils, at 2 o'clock P. M., when and where you may attend If you see proper. mh27-37 W. S. THOMAS. Commissioner. OFFICIAL-PITTSBCRG. OFFICE OF CITY CONTROLLER, I Pittsburg. March 18, 1889. t PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office until 3 P. M., March 30 next, lor printing 100 copies of controller's annual report, to be completed in three weeks' time, and bond furnished in sum of $200. Specifica tions furnished on application and right re served to reject any bids. E. S. MORROW. rnh20-7I-D City Controller. Crrr Treasurer's Office, i Municipal Hall, Smithfield street. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, eta, must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or beforo first Monday in March, 1883, will be placed in the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee ot 50 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1SS9. will bo sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before tne proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, 6 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each f onr-horse vehicle, 12 00: each four horse hack, J15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn bv two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENN1STON. fel4-70-D City Treasurer. Continued on Fifth and Sixth I'ages, XS'DUplay advertisement! one dollar jpwr square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tho accommodation, of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TttE DIS PATCH. riTTSBUHa. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, Si Bntler street. FJHIIi G. STUCKEY. S4th street and Tenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKEL.Y. Fifth Avenue Market House. east end. J. W. WALLACE, 6K1 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK A SHEIBLER,Sth av. At wood St. EOUTUSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. f. KAERCHEH, M Federal street. H. J.McBKIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS JlrHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUCHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. SIolc Hcln. WANTED-A GOOD BRIGHT BOY TO WORK In a Jewelry store." Address R. P., Dis patch office. mh29-96 WANTED-ltELIABIB MEN ON SALARY orcommlsslon;callafter4F. M. ROOM 604, Hamilton building. mhS-49 WANTED-AT 0CE TWO GOOD COAT makers: steady work. Apply to JOHN LEGETHOFF, Braddock, Fa. mh29-7I VTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER MUST YV hare good city reference. Apply at KAUF MANNS', Fifth averand Smithfield St. mb29-42 "TTTANTED-STEADY BOY OF ABOUT 18 t V years, German preferred, to take care of horse and cow. 5823 PENN AVE., E. E. mh29-95 WANTKD-SALESMEN-TO SELL A PAT ENT ledger, advertising specialties, etc., to merchants. W. B. PERSHING, South Bend. Ind. mh23-35-eod WANTED-SINGLE MAN, GOOD DRIVER, take chance of cow, small greenhouse and garden: relerence required. Address L., Dis patch office. mh29-23 WANTED-TWO MEN TO SOLICIT ORDERS lor teas, coffees and spices; family trade; salary and commission. Apply to ASSAM. TEA CO., 4505 Liberty ave. - mh29-17 -TTANTED-2 FIRST-CLASS CUSTOM COAT TV MAKERS, and pantaloon and vest makers, to go to Greensbnre; steady work. Apply to J. KLEE& CO.. 611 Liberty St. mh29-S9 WANTED-5 MORE GOOD MEN FOR CITY and surrounding towns: (IS 00 to $20 00 a week sure to the right parties. Apply MR. MORRIS. 93 Fourth ave, Pitts., Pa. mh29-97 -TTANTEU A GOOD TRIMMER WHO HA8 W had experience in a wholesale clothing busi ness: none but competent men need apply. M. OPPEN HEIMER & CO., 713 Liberty St. mh29-63 WANTED-LOCAL MANAGER, fl.000 A vear: permanent position; no soliciting or Seddlirig. Apply by letter to J. STEPHENS, en'IMVr, 227 Main St., Cincinnati, O. mh3-95-MWP WANTED-F1VE ENERGETIC AND TEM PERATE men to solicit In the city and Al leghenv; liberal compensation to the right parties. WHEELER A WILSON CO., 6 Sixth street. mh27-76 WANTEO-A FIRST-CLASS HAT SALES MAN to take care of hat department: must be thoroughly competent. STRAUSBERGER & JOSEPHS, 161 and 163 Federal st., Allegheny. mh2M6 -TTT-ANTED -CANVASSERS TO TAKE NAMES YV for City Directory: must bring good refer ences and write a good plain hand. J. F. DIF FENBACHER, 78 Fourth ave., second floor. mhlWOO WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS TINNERS at once, to work on milk cans: steady work and good wages to right men. Address MILK CAN ANDTINWARECO., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. rati 23-62 "TTTANTED-HAND TO DRIVE AND TAKE Y V care of horses; one who has some knowl edge of gardening preferred : salary 15 per month and found. Apply BOOTH & FLINN, 30S Ross street. mh29-24 w ANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE trimmers., one or llcht and one for hea w work: also one general woodworker; apply lm- mcaiateiy. uuua. a. umiisuj s. ju., s&a renn ave., E. E. mh29-94 WANTED-IMMEDIATELY, ATHOROUGH LY competent nurse and hospital steward for an Institution outside the city; wages SMper month, with board and washing. Address P. D. L., Dispatch office. mhiO-CO TJANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND YV granite salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh2S-78 -rrrANTEO immediately one extra Y V quick first-class granite tracer and letterer; must be especially fast in this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or Tour first-class granite cutters: must be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mb20-78 -YTTANTED AGENTS ONLY NEW SUB YV hCRlPXlON book of this year; "Anarchy and Anarchists." by Captain Schaack, of Chi cago police: all about the red terror in Europe and America; illustrated by photos of Anarchists and scenes of riots inPlttsbnrg, Baltimore, Chi cago, etc.: diagrams of bombs; exclusive terri tory; liberal terms: outfits ready. P. J. FLEM ING & CO.. 77 Diamond st. mh29-23 WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent Ink erasing pencil: greatest novelty ever prodnced; erases Ink in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to Soo per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to 620 00 In six days; another 32 03 In two hours: territory absolutely tree: salary to good men; no ladles need answer; sample 33 cents. For terms and fall particulars address the manufacturers, J. W. SKINNER a CO., Onalaska, Wis. mhts-1 Female TIelD. TTT-ANTED DRESSMAKERS. APPLY AT VV once at WM. SEMPLE'S, 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. mb29-2 WANTED-A WOMAN AS HELP IN A honse where there is scarlet lever. Address MRS. HOGG, corner Wylie ave. and Franclsst. mh3-57 -TTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL YV housework. Apply to MANAGER ORO VER. Harris' Theater, between 3 and 5 o'clock p. M. Friday. mk29-25 -TTTANTED-LADIES TO SELL OUR HOMEO YV PATHIC Medicines and Bitters; steady work; can make 89 to 12 per week. Dr. O'KEEFE 4 CO., 34 Fifth ave. mh27-84 -YTTANTED-GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE YV WORK; Protestant preferred; good wages to right party; references required. 124 CLARK ST., Pittsburg. Pa. mh23-54 -TTTANTED A LADY WHO IS ACCUSTOMED YV to painting on glass or china. Apply at NO. 38 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny City, to-day or Saturday after 10 A. M. mh29-43 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK; must come well recommended; a first-class place: small ramlly: no children. Ap ply for a day or two at DRUGSTORE, 388 Firth are. mh29-16 Male nnd Female ITcId. -TTTANTED-IOFARM HANDS, DISHWASHER YV and laundress Tor small hotel; cooks, cham bermaids waitress, nurse girl. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant St. mhlS-D -TTTANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY: P5 PER Y T month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Just what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. fe!8-3-D Situations. WANTED-SITUATION AS CLERK OR assistant bookkeeper by a yflung man who sneaks English and German. Address H. G. P., Dispatch office. mh23-99 WANTED-ENGAGEMENT BY ENGINEER and draughtsman; capable or superintend ing the erection of work and handling or men. Address Y. D., Dispatch office. mhIS-19 WANTED-SITUATION BY DRUGGIST AS manager or head clerk April 1; 13 years ex Serience: single; best or references. Address LENTHA, box 144, Pittsburg, Pa. mh28-36 WANTED POSITION BY AN OPEN hearth steel smelter, well up in working pig, ore or scrap, either natural or manufactured as. can furnish good references. Address UELTER. Dispatch office. inh27-30-wp -ITTANTED-A SITUATION IN A MERCAN YY TILE or manufacturing firm by a young man who Is quick In figures, a competent book keeper and strictly temperate; prefer position where hard work will count. Address F. 11. C., Dispatch office inh29-19 Pnrmers. WANTED-A PARTNER IN A BUSINESS IN this city covered by letters patent to con tribute a small amount ol capital and take charge or the manufacturing department. Address Z. D., Dispatch pace. mh29-H WANTED-A PARTNER-S6.000 WILLBUYA halflnterestlnoneoftbe largest and best established and paying businesses or Its kind in Western Pennsylvania, located In heart of busi ness center In Pittsburg; trade the most refined and elegant: business strictly cash; the price Is nothing compared to business done and profits re ceived therefrom: only those who are willing to become helpmates and mean strictly business needspplyfor particulars to CASHBUB., Dispatch office. ' mha-f35 WANTED. Boardera nnd Lodgers. WANTED-OCCUTANTS FOR HANDSOME LY furnished rooms, with board ; to be had by first-class parties Only, at 17 N ORTH AV E, Al legheny, fromAprlU. mh28-ll Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGKSON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest ratcsor interest.. SPEN CER A GLOSSER. 419 Smithfield St. mh23-7 WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK & BAWD. 95 Fourth avenue. a5S-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.OOO; 4)f ner cent: no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TTTANTED-BENT3 COLLECTED PROMPT W LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLE3 X BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. U19-81 WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL attention given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 SmlthBeld st. mh23-7 WANTED-MORTGAGES-KOOLOOO TO WN at and 5 per cent on Allegheny and Pitts burg Improved property. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. . roh2-69 WANTED MORTGAGES. LARGE OR small, at AH to 6 per cent, according to kind and size or mortgage. W. A. HERRON bONS, 80 Fourth ave. . mhl-38-1. 4, 6, 8,11, 13, 15, 18, 20. 22, 25.27,29 -TTTANTED-TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES-I500 W to S500, 000, city or country property, at 4X . 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 1 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Telephone 975. mh23-4S-2IWTS w ANTED-TO LOAN (500,000, IN AMOUNTS Armynftndnnwuni. nn.itvnnri suburban property, on 4K per cent, freeortax: alsosmaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK A BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D w ANTFD-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MORT GAGES: tlOO and unward at 6 per cent; (500, 000 at 4U per cent on residences or business property; also in aajoming counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. OC31-e84-D WANTED-MORTG AGES-tL 000, 000TO LO AN on city and suburban properties at 4j, 5and 6 per cent, and on tanas in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK A BON, 105 Fourth avenue. , j ap7-f41 Miscellaneous. ANTEO-TO BUY-FURNITURE. CAR PETS, etc. for cash. PITTSBURG AUC TION A STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave. mu2j-7-27.23, api,a, a, TTTANTEO-GOOD SECOND-HAND OAK OR YV pine sills andjolsts; also window sash and frames: Inquire or H. F.DUNHAM, at 189 First ave., Pittsburg. mh29-34 WANTED-WALLSHELVING WITH GLASS doors: also counter 20 to 25 ft. long, suit able forjewelry store. Address, to-day only, JEWELER, Dispatch office. mh29,17 TIT ANTED PERSONS VCTSHING TO V thnrrtnp-hl v learn Bbnrth&nri and tvm thoronghly learn shorthand and typewriting in the briefest time to call at MARTIN'1S SHORT HAND bCHOOL, 412 Wood St. mh29-53 WANTED BUYERS FOR WATCHES, Jewelry, silverware, clocks: special In ducements; 10 to 20 per cent discount to ca6h buyers for 15 days only. JOHN KITSCH. ISO Federal st., Allegheny. Pa. mh22-Mwr8u WANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that be can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, M0 Smithfield st. noll-irwrsu -TTT-ANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND W 'general merchandise for storage; lowest rates In the city; hauling and packing promptly attended to by experienced men. PITTSBURG AUCTION A STORAGE CO.. S3 Third ave. mh27-6 . WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 98 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at 150 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocess. mbl3-S FOB. SALE IMFKOVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR 8ALE-AT t6,50d-NO. 27 ROSS ST., brick house 8 .rooms; lot 20x69 ft. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. . mhS0-91-Iu23,26,29 FORSALE-WITH1MMEDIATEPOSSESSION, 2-story brick house In First ward; will sell on 'very easy payments. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave nue. mh28-45 Enat End Reslaencea. TTlOR SALE ON SHADY AVE.. EAST END, Sj brick house, 9 rooms and bath; lot 29x123 to a street: very desirably located; only (8,500. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave, mh29-U-29. 3L ap2, 3, 4, 6 FOR SALE-(500 CASH. BALANCE ON LONG time, a neat new house 6 rooms; lot 22x 100 feet: well located on -Meyran ave., Oakland, near cable line: nrfce onlv S3. 400. -IV. A HER- KO.N A HOy 8, 60 Fourth avenue. Tnh27-64-wy ) T7OR SALB-ON FARRAGUT ST.. A VERY J' deslraDie property, house witnsrooms, hav ing all modern Improvements and good location, adjoining the residence of C. B. Seely: price rea sonable. Inquire of U. B, SEELY, 6017 Penn ave. mh20-28-Mwr s FORSALE-TOJRENT IS A LOSS-WE CAN sell you a fine . 7-room residence with every Improvement and large lot 36)jxl00; Hays street, square from North Hiland avenue, near cable; ice, fd,aw. juiuijijun naus., ojto station St., E. - mh28-t7-FSu TTIOR 8ALE-(3,B00, WARD ST., OAKLAND X? 2-story and mansard frame dwelling or 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, hath, range, inside shut ters, electric bells, natural gas, etc.; nice lot; very good location. BLACK A BAIRO, 95 Fourth avenue. mhl9-ll-19,2L23,25,27,20 FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE-(10,800-ELE-GANT 2-story and Mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall, bath, Inside shutters and w. c, range, laundry, etc; lot 60x160 to a street: finest residence portion orthe avenue: a great bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. mh29-3S FOR SALE-(5,000-OAKLAND-BEAUT1FUL location, new 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, Inside w. c, range, pantry, front and back stairs, sliding doors. Inside shutters, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, front and back porches. A good bargain for buyer acting promptly. BLACK A BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. mhl9-13-20,21,22,25,27,29 IOR SALE ON LARIMER AYE, EAST END, 1ur anlnirfaJ t.11nlr tin... a ..., Jlnl.. 1 room, kitchen, pantry, good, wide nail and vesti- Duie; a gooa ueurooms, uam, etc., on secoca noor; finished attic; electric bells and lights; all modern improvements; about Tour minutes' walk from East Liberty Station or cither line of cable cars; lot 47X120: (8.200: or house and lot, 24x120, (6,600. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. mh23-l 1-29, 31, ap2, 3, 1 6. FOR SALE-AN EAST END HOUSE AND 2 lots, at Orphans Court sale; No. 5371 Ellsworth avenue, near Roup Station. A good bouse, almost new; 8 rooms, finished attlchall, porch, dry cellar, bath. natural gas, etc.; and 2 lots 46x100 feet, to be sold by order of Orphans' Court, on Tuesday after noon.Aprll2,at3o'clock.on the premises. Title Serfect; Immediate possession. Particulars from AS. W. DRAPE A CO., LS Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. mh27-61 FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE., HOMEWOOD, beautiful cor. lot 46x179. brick house, recep tion hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor; five good bed rooms, bath, etc, on second floor: large finished attic room and cedar closet on third floor; electric bells, speaking tubes, slate mantels, sliding doors between parlor and library and reception hall and parlor; elegant front porch, bay window In par lor; elegant neighborhood: about 5 minutes' walk from Dallas station, or about 10 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars; a rare bargain If sold at once. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh29-12-29,30,apl,2,3,5,6 Allechcny Residences. FOR SALE-OR TO LET-A NICE 8-ROOM house, No. 35Locust St., Allegheny City. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh27-68 FOR SALE-OR TO LET-NO. 215 NORTH avenue, fronting the parks, Allegheny, ele f:antnew honse 12 rooms; latest Improvements: ot 28$xl30 It. W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mh24-113-MWP FOR SALE IRWIN AVE., ALLEGHENY RES IDENCE elegant and well built house of 11 rooms, all modern conveniences, good stable, etc, lot 40x220 feet; this property is on the best park front in Allegheny, and is a rare opportunity to buy, being the only property on the street for sale. BLACKABAIUD, 95 Fourth ave mb21-20-D Suburban Residence. FOR SALE-TWO SIX-ROOM HOUSES AT Ingram. GEO. JOHNSTON Agent, 62 Fourth ave. jnh29-69 -pi it? mr.r at ivniriuoiiTVDii trvnv fine residences. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, Mirth ave. ,tihHUt9 62 Fourth ave. FOR SALE A UEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN house on Beaver road, Emsworth, P., Ft, W. A C Ry., only 3 minutes from station ; a new frame dwelling of 7 rooms, ball, marble vestibule mar ble and hardwood mantels, natural gas, good well water, large lot 100x250. covered with elegant large trees. This is a bargain. Call at office and see .photo. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh23-54-D FOR SALE OB TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county:.tbe house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house; the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrnbbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE I.AND IM PROVEMENT C'0., K Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. ja.19-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Alleshcnv Lota. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenthand Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D JrOR SALE-A FEW OF THOSE FINE BU1LD 1 INGlots: cheap if sold at once: located on unnery Hill; very easily reached from the center or Allegheny by Federal st. incline; price aa low as (100; easy terms. W. A. HiKRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. . i mh7-43-7,f,121li,lI12a122,27, FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr jai ' TTIOR BALE 600 LOTS 017 NEW CABLE XV route, Wylle ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62Fourthavc mh29-69 FOR SALE-CITY PROPERTY 60X160 FEET on Penn ave., 31x120 feet ou Seventh ave., 45x80 feet on Second ave, 90x80 feet on Third ave., 72x110 feet on Liberty ave., 43x110 feet on Penn ave., 53x110 feet on Sixth street, 20x112 feet on Sixth ave., .80x35 feet on Market St., 60x60 feet corner Duquesne way and Seventh at., 22x114 feet on Firth ave., 39x80 feet on Market sU GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourtb ave. mh29-69 East End Lots. FORSALE-AT A SACRIFICE-BOULEVARD Place, lot 54x187 to 20 ft. alley: best and cheapest lot offered In this desirable plan. Ad dress BOULEVARD, Dispatch office. mh29-4 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT SHADY SIDE on Atlantic ave., near Liberty ave.; convenient to station andVcable cars. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. . mhl9-12-19,20,21,22,2S.26,WI28,a FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. R.. convenient to. steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation nn surpassed: price ranging from (406 to (600. Inquire ofD. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no2S-y78 FOR SALE-WHY NOT HE YOUR OWN landlnrriy nommenre now bv bnvlnca 40- foot lot on a 60-foot street: Bank of Commerce ad dition plan: Brusbton station: no city taxes; now is the time to buy: secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smithfield St. mh24-49-MWP FOR SALE-LINDEN PLAN LOTS; LOTS ON Linden ave. and Hastings street, 120 teet deep, for (20 and (25 per foot front; easy terms; these lots are dellgntfullv located ln'flnest neigh borhood or East End. only five minutes from either train or cable cars. THOMAS LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh24-UlirwTESu Suburbnn Lots. FOR SALE-ELEGANT BUILDING LOTS AT Ingram station. GEO. JOHNSTON. 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 FOR SALE-1,000 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING lots at Ingram; no city taxes, pure air, pure water, 5 cents railroad fare to or from city. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 Forms. FOR 8ALE-424 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER land in Westmoreland county, six miles from Ligonler and six miles from Derry, on the P. R. B. : the timber on this land has never been culled; will be sold at a bargain. GEORGE JOHN STON, Agent. 62Ponrth ave. mh29-69 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bualneas Chances. FOR SALE-GOOD CORNER DRUG STORE, located on one of the best streets in Alle gheny; .must be sold; easy terms. Address OPIUM, Dispatch office. . mb28-81 F IOR SALE-ONE OF THE LARGEST AND best stocks of general hardware. In Rockford. 111.; will Invoice about (14,000: best of reasons for seaing. Auaress A. . uudu. .mineral iroint, Wis. mh24-45 F OR SALE-MEDICAL PRACTICE AT NEW Haven, onnoslte Connellsville. Pa.: good reasons for selllng;establlshed l0years;possesslon April i. Apply ux.u. jl- luanLuiw new Haven, Pa. mh27-27 FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN COUNTRY town; choice stock, good trade: community highly moral; excellent private academy nearby: a rare opportunity; reason for selling, death of head proprietor. For particulars address E. GAMBLE; Rogers, O. mh26-33-D FOR SALE-DRUG STORE WITH GOOD stock and fixtures, at less than cost of fix tures If you come quick; stores of all kinds; boarding houses, cigar stores, notion stores, hotels, ctufectlonerles, etc.: some splendid business chances. SHEPARDA CO., 54 Filth ave. mh2S FOR SALE-BAKERY THE UNDERSIGNED will sell his bakery with everything pertain ing to a first-class bakery, on reasonable terms; good reasons for selling; population of town, 1. 500; only bakery In the town. Call on or address W. 51. SMITH. Barnhart's Mills, Butler Co., Pa. mh29-27 Business Stands. FOR SALE-HOTEL PROPERTY. SITUATED In Canal Fulton, Stark co. Ohio; no local option. For price and description address J. C. SMITH, P. O. box 254, Masslllon, O. mh2S-21 FORSALE-INOUR HANDS EXCLUSIVELY to sell, the 2 3-story bulldiugs. Nos. 411 and 4l3Smlthfleldst.:lots 20 ft. front each by 60 ft.; S lease call for particulars. HENRY A. WEAVER : CO., 92 Fourth ave. mh29-22 FOR SALE-315 FIFTH AVENUE AT AUC TION ; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 2 o'clock: lot 25 feet wide In front, 34 feet wide in rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brick dwell ing and store, good business stand. A. LEG GATE A SON, Auctioneers. mh20-U filnnnfacmrlns Sites. TTIOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINEJIANU JD FACTORING sites fronting on railroads and rivers. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery and metals. -I7OR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND J Remington typewriters and writing machines of other makes. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood st. mh29-53 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to ICO b. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. WSFarkway. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWP FOR SALE 28x43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation: price on application: also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-uw7 FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS MACHINERY: one 7)$xl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN S SON S, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts. , Allegheny . al"-MWF miscellaneous. FOR SALE-DESK AND CYCLOSTYLE, IN good order and cheap. Apply at ROOM No. 63, Schmidt building. mh29-33 FOR SALE TWO BILLIARD AND TWO pool tables; In good condition. At 35 and 37 FRANKSTOWN AVE., East End. mh29-59 FOR SALE-THREE VERY GOOD COPPER Uned bath tubs for sale at a bargain. In quire at ADAM WEIOMAN'S, No. 1300 Carson St., Pittsburg, S. S. mli29-3 FOR SALE-FURNITURE AT AUCTION, 139 Rebecca St., Allegheny, on Friday, March 29, at 2 o'clock: there are bedsteads, mattresses, blankets, comforts, extension tables, brussels and ingrain carpets, lace curtains, cane seat chairs, stoves, chamber -suite, clock, glassware, dishes, etc. A. LEGGATE A SON, Auctioneers. mh26-D FOR SALE-TOOLS, ETC.. AT AUCTION, this day (Friday) at 2 o'clock, at blacksmith shop adjoining Iron yard, corner Market and Greenwood avenue, Allegheny; bellows, anvils, vices, blacksmith tools, wrenches, steel crowbars! picks, shovels, iron single and double-trees, good safe, waslistand, gas burners, push cart, one me dium size 3-sprlng wagon, heavy 1-horse wagon, lion axle; horse and harness, double set work harness, one buck wagon, nulley blocks, grind stone. 30 feet 16-lnch gum belting, lot leather belt ing, 200 bushels blacksmith coal, etc: sale posi tive: terms cash. P. McNAMEE, Auctioneer. ' mh29-14 TO LET. 1 Business Stands. TO LET-LARGE WAREROOM. NO. 112 WOOD street, cheap. Inquire at OFFICE, on the premises. mh27-84 TO LET-FROM APRIL 1, A LARGE ROOM for storage; terms reasonable; at No. 6 Sixth street. S. W. HOLLAND. . mh27-76 TO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement. 133 First ave. Inquire of HUNT A CLAPP. 95 Fifth ave. mbl9-44 TO LET-CHEAP FOR STORAGE, THIRD floor of nice warehouse, 160x23 feet. In quire of JOHN A. MCCONNELLA CO., 69 Water St. mb29-30 TO LET-GOOD STOREROOM AND DWELL ING; a good opening for dry goods, notions, trimmings, etc, or a tin store. 0. U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. " mh29-38 TO LET-AN OLD AN D WELL ESTABLISHED bakery stand in a good town near the city; good brick store and dwelling; rent low to a good tenant. C. U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh29-3S T) LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND-NO. 173 Fifth ave., opp. Court House, running through to Wylle ave. ; new plate glass fronts on both streets; Immediate possession; rent low. J. C. REILLY, or ON PREMISES. mh2S-3S TO LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms ror general business purposes, with or wlthont power, to reut In the new DisrATCB building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting tree; passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service ln clnded. Rents (300, (400 and (1,000 per annum; situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all the public buildings and of the leading business, squares. Apply between 11 A. 11. and 4 P. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75, "J7 and 79 Diamond street, mhl4-74 Offices. Dexk Room. tc TO LET-3 ROOMS OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE; suitable for offices or light housekeeping; rentlowiw. c, a. and n. gas, J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. 'mh29-31 TO LET- IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and all of third floor of Mellon's building, opposite City Hall,. Smithfield street: good light; reasonable rent, inquire at T. MEL LON A SON'S BANK. 511 and 614 Smithfield street. mh24-47-jrwr Special. TO LET-DWELL1NGSLABGEAND SMALL, in both cities and suburbs;' call or send for printed list free. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-itwr mo LET-OUR 'TO LET" LIST, AS HEBETO . FORE Issued from our office. Is now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) in -lb a. Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO,, 99 .Fourth ave. J miS-iS-MOT TO LET. CItv Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS, ALL modern Improvements Center ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-9 TO LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN ROOMS ON Third ave., between Smithfield and Grant sts. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh299 TO LET-GOOD BRICK HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS on Wylle ave., near Erin St.: only (400 per year: no water rent. C. BEBINGER A SON, J03 Fourth ave. mh27-7-wrs TO LET-HOUSE OF TWELVE BOOMS ON Penn ave., between Ninth and Tenth sts. : all modern Improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 TO LET-BEICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS. NICE lot, trees, etc., (22, choice location, Mr, Washington, nat. gaa and water. 8. L. CUTH BRT, 97 Fourth ave., room 15. mh29-18 TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE on .Mount Washington, cor. Gray and D1I worth streets: has eight rooms, large lot, and Is supplied with natural gas and cfty water. In quire at tne omce oi tne xixi.ais u.ku CO.,-10 and 12 Wood st. Enst End Residences. TO LET-EAST END, PITTSBURG. COB. Margaretta and Beattysts., bouse 8 rooms and stable, large lot: rent (28. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. mb27-38 TO LET-THAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, having all modem Improvements, corner Collins avenue and Broad street. East .end. Ap ply to ALEXANDER KING, 136 Fifth ave. inh21-5S TO LET OR FOR SALE-NORTH HILAND, East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic: modern Improvements; stable and laundry; lot 60x180. W. if. KING, 64 Fourth avenue. mh21-70 TO LET-COR. ROUP AND HOWE STS.. 2 squares off Fifth ave., E. E., near Roup sta tion, good bouse, 10 rooms, large vard. stable in the rear. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. , mh25-49 TO LET-NEW noUSE, JUST COMPLETED. 9 rooms beside a bath, laundry, pantry, large cupboards and all very latest conveniences: near Roup station and Fifth ave. cable line. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80Fonrthave. mh28-19 Alleaibenr Residences. TO LET WESTERN AVE, HOUSE 8ROOMS. porch, etc.: rent. (550. A.D.WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh27-33 TO LET-OR FOR SALiC-A NICE 8-ROOM house. No. 33 Locust St., Allegheny City. C. H.LOVE,. 83 Fourth avenue. mb27-68 TO LET ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE.-SIX rooms; all Improvements; rent (360. A.D. WlLSONf 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh29-10 TO LET-NO. 101 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY; good honse, 8 rooms: (40pperyear. W. A. HERRON ASO.KS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh29-43 TO LET-ON REBECCA ST. -NEW BB1CK house,8rooms; modern Improvements; rent, (30. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. TO LET-37 ALLEGHENY AVE. 3-STOEY brick dwelling; 8 rooms: all modern improve ments; reut (40. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny, , mh29-l0 TO LET-ON BUENA VISTA ST., GOOD brick house: 8 rooms and modern Improve ments; rent, (400. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mb27-33 TO LET-TAYLOR AVE.-NEW BRICK honse of 10 rooms: all modern Improve ments: rent, $550. A. D. AVILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mhZ7-33 TO LET-TWO SMALL 4-ROOMED HOUSES, near Allegheny Diamond ; suitable ror a fam ily or 2 or 3 persons. Inquire at 170 SAA DUSKY ST., Allegheny. mb29-46 TO LET-ON PAGE ST., FINE BRICK HOUSE . 8 rooms, bath, laundry, bay windows, front and backyards, etc.: only (450. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. jnh27-33 TO LET-VERY FINE TEN-ROOM DWELL ING, all modern Improvements, on Monterey st., near North ave., Allegheny.- GEO. JOHN S10N. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 TO LET-IN SUE SECOND WARD. ALLE GHEN Y, one square- from street cars, brick house of 6 rooms and finished attic, bathroom, w. c, range, hall, etc., at (26 per month: no water rent. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. mh29-5 TO LET-TO A SMALL FAMILY, ON LINE of Western aye. cars, Allegheny, six rooms In a house partly occupied by a physician: rent and additional compensation for board and care of rooms. For full particulars apply to A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh29-10 TO LET-ALLEGHENY HOUSES; 3 FRAZIEE St., 6 rooms, (25; 23 Klrkpatrlck .avenue, 6 rooms, 22; 313 Sandusky st,. 6 rooms, t2o; McDon ald St., Eleventh ward, 6 rooms, (18; Arbuckle and Stoddard alley. Fourth ward, 4 rooms, (15; Harrison St., Observatory Hill, i rooms, (11. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. mh29-64 Suburban Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS AT IN GRAM. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh.29-69 TO LET-HOUSE AND STABLE ON BUTLER street, Etna: a good place for doctor's office. Inquire of GEO. SEAL, Wlble street, Etna. mb2S-27 TO LET-A GOOD SIX-ROOM DWELLING with large lot, near Mansfield station. P., C. A St. L. R. B. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh23-3S O LET-AT INGRAM-HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, with ten acres of ground, fruit and shade trees. GEO. J 0HN STON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mh29-69 TO LET-SEVERAL DESIRABLE DWELL INGSntBellevue. Emsworth and Glenfield, on P., Ft. W. A O. R. R., from (15 per month and upward. C. BERIN GER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh27-87-WFS TO LET-(18 00 A MONTH-GOOD HOUSE OF 8 rooms, large grounds, on Cook St., near Second ave.. Twenty-second ward; a very desira ble suburban home for the money. W. A. HER RON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. nih2S-49 TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable, etc, near Patterson station, P. C. A Y. B. B.. and Crarton, P. C. A St. L. B. E. In quire of B. F. 8HAFFEBS. Crafton, Pa or ad dress F. C. B1GGERT, Rochester. Pa, mh21-63 TO DET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DU.NN. mh9-63 Acnrtmenla. T lO LET-4 NICE HOOSIS. SECOND FLOOR, for offices or dwelling, with natural gas and water; 2 minutes from Court House, inquire of W. H. DEVOBE, 512 Grant St. mh27-46 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling houses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mh24-114 T O LBT-OJfE FLOOR OF NICE APART- HI FMTV sttl ItaTila fnw ltnVit- linmatsoHlnM .(4h -M- Aki auDuiMuibiut aiilb nuuiciccijiiif;, J" pas, -water and batb. Apply to J.ti. 31GKUOW, a hoes to re, 289 Ohio st., Allegheny- mh26 Farms. TO LET-THEBEST GARDEN FARM ATMC KEE'S Rocks. Inquire No. 638 LIBERTY Sl, Pittsburg; mh7-84-OD TO LET-FARM OF 30 ACRES, WITH DWELL ING house' and barn, ou Forward aye.. Twenty-third ward; good location fora dairy. D. W. C. B1DWELL A CO.. 143 Water St., corner Cherry alley, mh23-14 TO LET OR FOR SALE-ISO-ACRE FARM, i minutes' walk from town of Manoi, on Fenna. R. B., Westmoreland co.: 15 acres timber, balance cleared; house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCUEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-MWP TO LET-XIOOO FARM NEABTHEC1TY.ONE mile from B. R. station, a large dwelling and barn, fine orchard, water, etc., etc.: rent low to a responsible tenant; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhgMl PERSONAL. PERSONA L BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth (1,000, let us know; we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 ERSONAL-nOLLERBAUM-THE DAUGH TERS ol Samuel Hollerbaum, 'deceased, of Bavaria, Germany, formerly residing in New York, will hear something to their advantage by addressing N. OBERDORFER, 68 Warren street. New York City. mh2S-43 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother ordauehtecs In renairlng and clean lnryour old clothes, when it can he done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor; Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed ; suits made to order: spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. inn8 REWARDS. EEWAHD-J5 CO-LOST A PACKAGE OF papers In large envelope, between Mt. Oliver and Suilthfleld St., either on Eighteenth st. road or Tenth street bridle. Return toFlTPSBURG SHOE CO., 142 Third ave. . mh2S-24 KEWARD-TA-VA-ZONI NATURE'S PRICE LESS gift to suffering humanity: for all ali ments. Visit GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, 301 Grant, cor. Third ave., Flttsburg, and sccuro-a boltleyou will be well rewarded for your visit. Also a bottle of that sovereign remedy Ta-va-zon Lung Cough Syrup. A most potent and unfailing cure for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. -mb29-60 LOST. 1-OST DOG BEAGLE COLOR, WHITE J body, with brown marks about the head, heavy set, height, about 14 inches over the snoul der, with slight crook m his tall. Any informa tion of his wnereabouts will be well paid for. F. F. DAVISON. No. 4614 Fifth ave. mh29-9 D UNCAN.C. WHITE; Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smithfield, Pittsburg. fel4-7-irwT ERESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. 8TEVENSON 4 CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, STXThTaVEOTE. JaWOOTWF AMUSEMENTS. BIJDU THEATER MONDAY BEGINNING APRIL L Matinees WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. erybtalTslipper OR PRINCE PRETTIWrrZ AND LITTLE t CINDERELLA. Presented with the same Superb Scenery and Costumes, Brilliant Ballets, Gorgeous En sembles and Strong Cast, witnessed in its lonf: runs in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago. ISO people on the stage. SEATS NOW ON SALE. mh29 Grand Opera House Extra E.D. WILT Lessee and Manager. MOMI April L FOR ONE WEEK. MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday. The Queen of Comediennes. NELLIE M'HENRY, Supported by her own Famous Company In the Great Laughing Snccess, THREE OF A KIND. - Seats now on sale. mnZ8E9 GRAND OPERA HOUSE ' MISS R081NA VOKES. To-night In Honor Bound I The Circus Rldert A Pantomime Rehearsal! Week April 1 The sparkling Nellie McHenry in "3 of a Kind." mh2SV5 TT ARRIS THEATER Everv afternoon and evening, "BEACON LIGHTS." April 1 A Boy Hero, or Held In Slavery, mh25-10 B IJOTJ THEATER TO-NIGHT, "THE STOWAWAY I" Next week "The Crystal Slipper." mh228 HARRY WILLIAM8' ACADEMY TO-NIGHT. MATINEES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY. THE BIG 4'S NEW DEPARTURE. 29 SPECIALTY ARTISTS 29 mh24-7 A8INO MUSEUM-MONDAY, MARCH J 25-:-Capt, Paul Boyton's Monstrous Sea Ser pent, Happy Jack Sutton's Mirror of the Plains, Madam Johnson, the Jersey Giantess; Ad CarlisIe.Sleight of Hand; Clark Gibbs,Dnn can Sistets.Nellie Olive. John Gllroy. mh25-105 NOTICES. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election to be held June 18, 1869. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth. Section L Be it resolved by the Senate and Honse of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment is pro posed to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to Said Constitution to be designated as Article XIX, as follows: ' ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping forsale of intoxicating liquor, to be nsed as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punish able as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, of intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be allowed in such manner only as may be prescribed by law. The Gen eral Assembly shall, at the first session suc ceeding the adoption of this article of the Con stitution, enact laws with adequate penalties for its enforcement. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE. mhl5-100-F Secretary ot the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or relection at a snecial election to be held June 18, 18S9. Published by order of the Secre tary ot tne uommonweaitn, in pursuance ox Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitntion of the Commonwealth. Section L Be it resolved by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .in General Assembly met That the following is proposed as an amend ment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the pro visions of the eighteenth article thereof: AMENDMENT. Strike ont from section one, of article eight, the four qualifications for voters which reads as follows: "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that the section which reads as follows: "Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age. possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First. He shall hare been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native oorn citizen of the. State, he shall hare removed therefrom and returned, then six months immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at leasttwo months immediately preceding the election. Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, be shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election," shall be amended, so as to .read as follows: Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, Sossessmg the following qualifications, shall e entitled to vote at the polling place of the 'election district of which he shall at the time bo a'resident and not elsewhere: First, He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least thirty days. Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Thifd. He sbH have resided in the election districtwhere be shall offer to vote at least thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature, at the session thereof next after the adoption of this section, shall, and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws tq properly enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have bun a citi zen for thirty days and an inhabitant of this State one year nextlpreceding an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for the last thirty days a resident of the election district in which he may offer his vote, shall beentitled to vote at such election in the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not plspwhern for all officers that now arn or nnrp. after may be elected by the people: Provided, mat in time ot war no elector in tne actual military service of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his vote bv reason ot his absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the manner in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election dis trict in which they respectively reside. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resi dence by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States or the State, nor while engaged irftbe navigation of the waters of the State or of the high seas, nor while a stndent of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institntion, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established." A true copy of the joint resolution. CHARLES W. STONE. mul4-l-F Secretary of the Commonwealth TfORSALE ValnaWe Gas anarmiiisLaJifls. The undersigned invite correspondence and proposals for sale or a 173-acre farm, within sight of the city of LANCASTER, O. These lands, are well improved, good farming lands, and in theGREATLANCASTER GASBELT. The great gas well, "The Old Man Himself." is almost in sight, and the famous "Runner Well," near Thurston, but a few miles away. Correspondence and bids invited. Address either- HENRY B. LEIST, Stoutsville. O.; or J. 8. SITES, Attorney. Lancaster, O.; or SAMUEL W. COURTRIGHT, Attorney, Clr cieviUe, O. mh23-l-D A E. L1NKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 645 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa. FreiheiU Freund Buildinc, second floor. mhSl-SQ-ilwT W "V AUCTION SALES. BULLETIN OF AUCTION SAliESBX" -' HENRY AUCTION CO.. LlM. - V - . , - '.vSK FRIDAY, MARCH 2V, at 10 o,clock..rarni ture. carpets and household goods, 311 Market; street M j.. FRIDAY. MARCH 29, at 10 o'clock;- -flna house fnrnishments, at No. 163 North avenue Allegheny. ,- . SATURDAY, MARCH 30; at 10 o'clock; lino ' carpets and furniture, at No. 101 Grant street,' City. f . "' TUESDAY, APRIL 2, atthe rooms. 311 Marl ket st, at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, TCTTTTkA'V ATJDTT. C ... IA.N.1. t. JT -jj A- A.AAS A. A . JU Ifcl-U IM. AV V ..IU..&. Ml 13 VWB- signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9. fine furniture- and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market sc ' THUR3DAY, APRIL 11, unclaimed: freight at the auction room', commencing at 10 o'clock," 311 Market St. HENRY AUCTION CO.- - - mhl7-105-... A UCTION SALE FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, -At 10 o'clock, - -- At the rooms. No. 311 Market street, chamber and parlor suits, library, office and dining room furniture, kitchen and laundry fnrnishments," folding beds, wardrobes and hall racks, brussels and ingrain carpets, 3 pianos, docks, lamps, pictures, rugs, curtains, ornaments, shades, wringers, linoleum, notions, toiletware, stoves, . mattresses, feather beds, springs, dishes and glassware, cribs, baby buggies, screens, refrig erator, fire irons, fenders, shoes, tea, tinware, bedsteads, bureaus, wasbstands, lot miscel laneous goods, etc.. etc HENRY AUCTION CO- LTM.. , mh2a-45 Auctioneers. - -TUNE CARPETS, FURNITURE AND household roc tnrr AT tvnti OO f Irt rt'rt1j-yL etiiiMt NO. 168 NORTH AVE-ALLEGHENY. Fine chamber suits, bed lounge, folding bed, dressers, washstands, wardrobes, bedsteads, fine toilet ware, shades, curtains, mattresses, springs, comforts, brussels and ingrain car pets, rugs, easy chairs, mirrors, pictures,-bric-a-brac, ball rack, sideboard, extension table,' dining chairs, dishes, cutlery, glassware, stover tinware, etc House open at 8 o'clock on morning of thej sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM. mh27-71 Auctioneers AT AUCTION-FURNITURE, CARPETS, curtains, AT 133 AND 135 SECOND AVE., On THURSDAY. March 28. at 10 A. Jr. , Fine fUrniture, elegant carpets, chenille and lace curtains, rugs, hatrack, bookcase, refriger ator, center tables, parlor suit, chamber suits, lounges, engravings, marble clock, fire irons, chairs, stores, bedding, etc. etc House open at 9 A. 3f. Terms cash. PITTSBURG AUCTION & STORAGE CO. mh27-o-WF Auctioneers. UCTTON SALE At No. 101 Grant st, on SATURDAY MORN ING. March 30, 10 o'clock, of bedsteads, bu reaus, washstands, bedding, mirrors, side boards, chairs, tables, rockers, carpets, lino leum, dishes, glassware and cooking utensils; curtains, bed springs, lamps, etc etc; goods ou view after8o'clockonmornlngof the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO- LIM.. mh28-o5 Auctioneers. PROPOSALS. TJROPOSALS FOR LOCK ON MUSKIN Y GUM RIVER-U. S. Engineer Office, Zanesville, O., February 13, 18S9. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, for furnishing material and constructing a new masonry lock; in the Muskingnni River at Taylorsville. Ohio, 10 miles below Zanesville, will be received at this office until 1 p. at.. Central time, on Thursday, th e 4th day of April, 1889. AH information f ur nisbedon application to Lieut. Lansing H. Reach, Corps of Engineers, Zanes ville, Ohio. The attention of bid ders is invited to the Acts of Con gress approved Febrnarv26, 1885. and February 23, 1887. WILLIAM E. MERRILL. Lieut. Col-ofEneineers. mb3-101-l.5.6,7,2,30 PROPOSALS FOR ARMOR-DECK, MA TERIAL, etc, for monitor "Terror." March 28, 18S9. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Armor-Deck Material," etc. will be received at the Bnreau of Provisions and Clothing. Navy Department, Washington, D. C, until 11 o'clock A. St., April 20, 1889. and publicly opened immediately thereafter, to furnish ana deliver, at the Navy Yard. Brook lyn, New York, about 95,000 pounds of plate, shape, and rivet material for completing armor deck and building hatch coamings and trunks of the monitor "Terror." Blank proposals, with specifications and description of the above, can be obtained upon application to tha Bureau, or to the General Storekeeper at tha Navy Yard. New York. Tie bids decided by lot. The Department reserves the right to re ject any proposal not deemed ndvantaeeous to the Government. JAMES FULTON. Pay master General. U. S. Navy. mh23-7-y TflORSALE LARGE -BUiQlHG SITES LINDEN AVE. NEAR PENN, BAST END, No lots sold less than 100 feet. Finest elevation and view In the East End yet convenient to P. R. R. and Fifth ave. and cable cars. ONLY $30 PER FRONT FOOT. First buyers will get choice of lots. BLACK& BAIRD, ;: 95 FOURTH AVENUE. -1 Call at office for plan. 1. 1 . . rah3-I42-4-8.12-14- Oakland Square. For Sale (99) W.50O "Oakland Squares dwellings, moderate, cash payment, balance $500 per annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, hall, batb. laundry, inside shut-, ters, stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths,, range, hot and cold water, front and rear fiorches, etc, large lot facing a beautiful pub-J ic square, around which a street has been laid, out, sewered, and is being paved with . aspbal tnm; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line SAMUEL W. BLACK? CO.. 99 Fourth, ave. mhl3-48-i FIFTH AVENUE, $.10,009! Corner property, near Hiland, for sale, sub stantial Two-Story Queen Anne1 Style, frame dwelling 10 rooms, reception hall,' marble mantels, bath. laundry, and all conven iences. This dwelling cost $10,000 to build, tho entire first floor finished in solid walnut; very large lot; a bargain. SAMUEL w7bLACK&C(L mh29-35-D D9-FOURTHAVE,' TO LET. v - GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK BTJTLDrNG,' Corner Wood and Diamond streets. 15x20, and two connecting offices, 20x29 and t l.lfi. MnA t)nfrlA'nffli.a 1v1C All m.IhJM1. ..., vuw a.u.v wu.bw, .ub&.u. .AM PpiCUlUIUJ lighted; finished in modern stvle. All newly painted and papered. POSSESSION AT ONCE.' mh2S-23 io PER CENT NET.- Sixth Ward investment, U.O0O for all three brick dwellings, with lot 26x97 on a good street. Total rent $.M0per annum; a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth, are. , T M4 9HET. Fifth avenue investment; 3 minutes', walk from Court House: substantial, new, 11-rooia brick dwelling; all conveniences; can easily! be . converted into a business property: very deslra- bly located and adapted for a physician; en hancement certain. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4f CO., 99 Fourth ave mh24-76-Xwi fTIHE PITTSBURG CLASSICAL AND I MATHEMATlCALINSTITUTE,iooml.' UsHiAWU UIUIIUU OiAiU sVUU rCUU ATd. -Mf-" Latin, German, Shortliantl, Memory Traltrla.. tfwmcmnww, erW utb viuom BowooinC&v luucu, SU.9-?iTT9 i .f i&&LiLLZ- ;&&.. .$&. mm