'fW-WSri1- Vt" 'fV' "ff-rrv; " ,sfrac'w re k -Wt b - 't ur- ItlLIO, CENTRAL! ' The Business of Wires, Pretty Girls and -Vexations to be Moved .TO A HAKDSOME KEW BUILDING. si- ftJ75,000 Set ot Offices Will be Occupied on SeTenth Avenue. fTHE FIEST STEP TO 1HPB0YE A STKEET ' In the not-very-far-distantfuture the hello 'business Trill be transacted at the corner of Seventh avenue and Cherry alley, or Mon tour way, in modern parlance. The Central .District and Telephone Company has pur chased the Lutheran Church building on that corner, and purposes to erect its offices, etc, there, on the site now occupied by the church building, and will also cover the ground now occupied by a dwelling house in the rear of the church. The latter is, as antiquity goes west of the Alleghenies, quite an old building, having been built in 1640. It seems to be well preserved, but is nqt considered just the correct thing for the telephone business. The lot is 66x100 feet, and the price paid was JoS.OOO. The company will make the new building it proposes to erect the central office, and it will tea good one. No specifications are furnished, as the construction will not begin for some time, but the cost is fixed at $75,000, and it is likely to be the precursor of several fine struc tures on that avenue. After the "glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same nnto us their children," hare been declared from that corner for years, it becomes the headquarters of an insti tution that will send tidings both glad and sor rowful, and in nearly as many. If not the same tongues, as those bestowed on that great day of Pentecost when, as now, "there ap peared unto them cloven tongues as of fire." By the way. haTe they .telephones in Jerusalem? Had there been a few phonographs in that building on that day when Parthians and Modes, and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia. and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and In the parts of Lybia about Cvrene and strangers of Rome. Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians were heard speak in their own tongues the wonder ful works of God, wa would listen to them with more amazement than did that multitude to St. Peter, for at that time miracles were con sidered sort of matter-of-fact affairs, while now their assertion would set scientists to work with a vim unknown at any time since the day the reign ot the Baconian philosophy was es tablished. fEUITS, FLOWERS AKD BELIEF. MarchTlelded Iu Fnll Quota Thereof for Ihe Hospitals. The March Committee of the Fruit and Flower Mission wish to acknowledge donations from the following named persons: Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Kobert FaUerson, Miss Grace Williams, Miss Znjr, Pittsburg Clnb, Miss Charles Cole. Mr. B. A. Elliott, Miss Montooth, Miss Mary Koberts, Mrs. Dr. Hostetter, Mrs. Pelle treaa, Mrs. O. D. Brace, Mrs. Charles Artrathnot, Mr James Orr, Messrs. John K. and A. Murdock, "Whatsoever," ten ot tbe King's daughters of New Brichton, ra,: Mrs. 'Um.TFrew and Miss Uravo, Sir. V Mlla.nl. ?10; Miss Arbutbnot, S10; MlssM. A. Boblnson. fS; Mrs. Dr. Fulton, $1; Mr. H. K. Porter, MS; Miss Watson. $11; Mr. George Gorden. $5: a friend, 10; Miss Patterson, f3:iI&sWood, K; Miss Stevenson, fjl; Jlr. Her bert Dn luy, 110. To the usual hospitals there were sent, during the month, 226 bouquets, 1C5 roses and carna tions. 2 plants, 816 oranges. 53 lemons, 100 pounds or prunes, 40 glasses of jelly, 10 jars of jam, 1 gallon of orange jelly, 6 boxes of crackers, Sol bananas, 1 bushel of apples, and books and papers. Titer Say It febould Go. Comments on the proposed traction road leg islation arc po ing in from all sides, especially fromprominu. local lawyers, who raised the point that the building of the new Central road cann t g, on unless the bill, now before the Legislature, is passed. THE INAUGURATION Or the Jnckion Building OBrought Thou sands oCPeorJle To the large and handsome' clothing house, Xos. 954 and 956 Liberty street.. The build ing was handsomely decorated and the peo ple were pleased with the display of the handsome clothing department. The hat and furnishing departments took the prize for the most beautiful display. Tbe people were surprised at the large stock. The peo ple were amazed at the low prices. Every body promised to become a customer, and no wonder, for the suits we're selling at $10 cannot be had elsewhere for 515. The pantaloons we sell at 52 50 would cost you 54, no matter where you'd go. Jackson's was voted to be the" place to buy clothing. Jackson's got the majority for hats. Jack son's is the place for furnishings. As for merchant tailoring, there is no place like Jackson's. Thssa Special Sale Thursday of each week during the present season we shall devote entirely to advertis ing our business, by selling the most desira ble "goods in our establishment without profit, and in many instances below cost. To-day we offer a line of the most elegant suitsand spring overcoats which money and skill can produce, at $10 $10 and we guarantee that the garments sold to-day cannot be duplicated for less than $20 to $25 anywhere in Pittsburg. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. HENRY BEKGER, Furniture and Carpet House, Liberty Street, Corner Sixth Avenue. Furniture and carpet buyers are most cordially invited to see our mammoth house and most excellent stock of reliable make of furniture and carpets, which we guarantee to sell at fully 20 per cent below regular prices this spring. Hexet Beegee, 642 and 644 Liberty street, corner Sixth avenue. Xotj can't get the good of your electric light unless you have proper shades or globes. The most complete assortment and newest designs are to be found at Craig 'head's Lamp Store, 615 Smithfield st. D Oar Spring Importation of Henry Scotch Table Linens, Usual and extra widths close prices come now for largest assortment Napkins to match. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. An Attractive Catalogue. The handsome 1889 catalogue of John B. and A. Murdock, flrists,"is from the new presses of Percy F. Smith. 'Fancy Bordered Black Dress Goods, In Spring and Summer weights latest nov elties in this Black Dress Goods Depart ment. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Kid Glove Bargains I 150 real French, embroidered kid, hOe, worth $1.60, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Extra Quality Children's Cable Dyes, Fast Black, 25 Cents A paii Bibbed Cotton Stockings a spring hosiery bargain. Jos. HOKNE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Those who want to buy furniture at the lowest prices should examine the stock car ried by Dain & Daschbach, 111 Smithfield street. Thssu Bended Spring Wraps Great bargains, from $2.95 np to $15, offered this week. Bosenbaum & Co. Novelties In Embroidered and Lace Ap. -s Pliqae Black Mlks nAs high as $20 a yard finest goods ever hown in this Black Silk Department. jos. horne & vo.s ! t,V- Penn Avenue Stores. "..; MPlfcrtHii nMiMiiirnn fr TitT-r-"'- -- --Ai.ft4a..jiki BIDDING FOE A PLOW FACTORY. Ft. Wayne, Ind., Trying; to Grt tbe Empire Plant From Pittsburg. The following from the Ft "WaynejSenft nel shows how high little citie are com pelled to hid if they wish to attract a manu facturing plant away from Pittsburg: 'This morning Mr. William Pape handed the follow ing letter to this journal: PiTTSBintO. March 22, 1889. Fleming Manufacturing Company, Fort "Wayne, lnd.: GliifTS We received a letter from Mr. D. N. Foster yesterday, and we do not feel encouraged as to our prospects of moving our plant to tort Wavnc Any donation we get will remain there. We are not taki ug any thing away, but will add to the life and prosperity of your cfty more than yon are aware ot. Have written Mr. Foster to look over the field agaiu and mate us a proposition. The EiiriBE Plow Co., Lot, "Mr. Tape explains that he has offered the company four.acres of land on the Northside, and feels that a little more will induce them to come. Thev have no room to enlarge their works at Pittsburg, and want to come West The Fleming Manufacturing Company buy $15,000 worth of steel from the firm yearly, and Mr. Pape pronounces it a first-class concern. They employ 100 men." A New Illnmlnant. As tbe result of some trouble between the Department of Public Safety and the electric light companies, it is proposed to substitute the Welbach lights for tbe incandescents now in use. By means of the former, natural gas can be used as an illnmlnant, making a much cheaper light than the incandescent, though very similar. A Hard Case, If Trur. Elmer Allendore, a suspected bail jumper from Rochester. K. Y where he stabbed an officer and assaulted a girl, according to a newspaper clipping found on him, was sent to the workhouse yesterday by Judge Gripp for 80 days until the facts could be ascertained. He had been arrested ag a suspicions character. MEETINGS. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUBO GAS CO. MABCII26,1SK. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-THE stockholders of the Pittsburg Gas Company are hereby notified that a general meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the company on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1SS9, at 10 o'clock A. K, to take into considera tion tbe making of a contract with the East End Gas Company. W. H. ilcCLELLAND, Secretary. rnh26-6S-T official rrrrsBURG. Office of Cmr Controller, i Pittsbubo. March 18, 1SS9. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office until 3f.ii., March SO next, for printing 100 copies of controller's annual report, to be completed in three weeks' time, and bond furnished in sum of $200. Specifica tions furnished on application and right re served to reject any bids. E. S. MORROW. mh20-74-r City Controller. STATIONERY SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up until Wednesday, April 3, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M., for furnishing sta tionery for the use of the several departments of the citv government for the year beginning May L 1889. Bonds in the penal snm of one thousand dol lars must accompany each bid. The right reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. Blanks and information furnished on applica tion at the Controller's office. E. & MORROW. Controller. March 2L 18S9. mh22-59 Department of Public Safety, 1 PrrrSBUBG, March 21, 1889. J " SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until TUESDAY, April 2. at 2 o'clock P.M., for tbe painting of engine houses Nos. 7, 9 and 13. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Samuel N. Evans, Superintendent of the Bureau of Fire. Bonds in donble tbe amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tberight to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. mh22-58 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of Controller until Saturday, April 6, 18S9. at 2 o'clock p. M for furnishing supplies as follows: Groceries, flour and feed, meat, fresh fish, but ter and eggs, sweet milk, dry goods, clothing, shoes and leather, hardware, tinware, queens ware, coal, drugs and paints and undertaking services, for tbe Department of Charities for one year from tbe first day of May, 1S89. Bonds in double the amount ot the proposal must ac company each bid. Blanks for bidding, bonds and information furnished cm application at tbe office of the Department, No. 177 Fourth avenue. The right "to acceptor reject any or all bids reserved. R. C ELLIOT, mh2S-70-D Chief of Department of Charities. Department of Public Safett, Pittsbubo. March 19. 1889. J. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until SATURDAY, March 30, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. II., for tbe building of a one-horse patrol wagon. Plans and specifications can be seen on ap plication to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of tbe Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Major or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. mh!9-16 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETT. I Pittsburg, March 19.1859. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until SATURDAY. March 30, 1SS9, at 2 o'clock P. M. for the finishing of Nos. 5 and 6 Police stations, and for the erection of a stable at No. 5 police station. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Pnblic Safety, mhl9-16 department of public safett, Municipal Hall, PITTS BUKG, March 27. 1SS9. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 P. M. on MONDAY. April 8, 1889, for printing and binding 300 copies An nual Report Department of Public Safety for the year 1SSS; 500 copies report of Bureau of Health for year 1888; 600 copies report of Board of Health for 1SS7, and 1,000 copies "Manual Bureau of Health." Specifications can be seen at General Office of tbe Department. Bond in double tbe amount of bid must ac company each proposal, said bond to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. mh27-10 CITY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that tbe duplicates for March and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the yearlSSO hare been placed in my bands for collection by the Board of Assessors authorized to assess the same. First installment of City Taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first: installment in month of March, but no discount is allowed on first installment. Business Tax and Water Rents payable in month Qf June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on May L on July 1 for Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October 1 for second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you Intend paying your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March and April, until 8 o'clock p. m. i. F. DENNISTON, mhl4-100-S City Treasurer. CittTbeasurer'8 Office, i Municipal Hall. Smithfield street. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-rcsi-dents of tbe city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, eta, must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, 1SS8, will be placed In the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee ot 50 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1S89. will be sub ject to a penalty double the -amount of the license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on tbe license. Rates of license: Each one-liorse vehicle. $6 00: each two-horse vehicle, f 10 00: each f our-borse vehicle, 312 00: each four, horse back, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, 10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, fe!4-70-T City Treasurer. (.Continued on Eighth Pape.') "YED.B. BARBOUR; XX CIVIL ENGINEER, Surrevor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Bulidlne, ilel2-k66-l H FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. tO-DUplay. advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such a Wanted, for Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BHANGS OFFICES. For tbe accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where WantFor Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dls rATcn. PITTSBUK&. THOMAS McCAFFKKY, SVfl Butler street. EJ1IL G. STDCKKY. SUh street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY 4 CO., Wyllc ave. and Fulton St. '. STOKEliY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6ia Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCA LLISTEK & SHEI13LEK,6th av. & Atwood St. SODTUSIDK. JACOB SPOHN. Ho. 2 Carson street. CUAS. SCHWABM, 1T0T Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCUEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBUIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FBED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEHKYM. Gt.EIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. 3Inle Heln. T7-ANTKD-A BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER W trade. Apply J. FIERST, 204 Wylieave. mu2S-S5 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED FURNI TURE packer. Apply at 14 OHIO ST., Al legheny. mu2S-73 TTTANTED-A FIRST-CLASSMAN AS COOK: W cood wares paid; bring references. 638 SMITHFIELD S f., city. mh23-l WANTED-THAVELING MEN TO HANDLE hosiery as a side line. Address GLOBE HOSIERY MILLS. Detroit, Mich. mh.7-53 WANTED-A COSIPETENT BOOKKEEPER, by a wholesale grocery house. Address, with reference, E. T. X., Dispatch offlcs. rob28-59 WAJTED-LMMKDIATELY FIRST-CLASS carrlace painters. Apply to F. W. SAWERT & CO.. 5J17 to 593 Penn ave., E. E. mhU-86 WANTED-A PANTALOON MAKER TO GO to McKeesport. Inquire at WA LTER AN DEItSO 'S, cor. Seventh ave. and bmltbfield st. mh2S-30 WANTED SIX FIRST-CLASS STONE masons to work on the wall immediately. Apply to ANDREWS A WARNER, Cadiz, O. mhi2-91-D -TTTANTED-YOUNG MAN AS WAITER-T)NE YV speaking English and German prepared. Apply A os. 45 and 1 DIAMOND bT.. Pittsburg. nihi3-60 w ANTED A STRONG BOY ABOUT IS years old to make himself crenfirallr useful about a factory. Apply to 57 THIRD AVE., city. mh23-50 TJANTED-MAKCH28, 1S39, MEN FOR CITY V V and surroundlnc towns: big pay to good men. Apply to MR. MORRIS, No. 93 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. inli28-20 WANTED-A FEW FIRST-CLASS BOOK canvassers to handle a new work of unnsual merit. Appiv. after 4 P. M., WM. F. MAXON, Room 23, McCance block. mh28-61-TTS WANTED-BOOKKEEPER: GIVE REFER ENCE and salary expected: one acquainted with the lumber business preferred. Address GRANT, Dispatch office. mb28-57 WAN'TED-FIVE ENERGETIC AND TEM PERATE men to solicit In tbe city and Al legheny; liberal compensation to the right parties. WHEELER & WILSON CO., 6 Sixth street. mli27-76 -TTAN TED-STEWARD FORt CLUBHOUSE, VV centrally located ForJuIl particulars apply to GKORGE TREUSCH, Clerk or Courts' office, and JOHN GEMSENHALNER, Recorder's office. TTT'ANTED YOUNG MAN CAPABLE OF T V taking care of a horse, and to make himself generally useful around the house: must have ref erences. Apply immediately at 129 FIRST AVE. mh2S-58 WANTED-BOY 14 TO 16 YEARS OF AGE TO run errands and assist lu a grocery; must be able to write a good hand, be apt at figures and come well recommended. Apply at 420 FERRY ST. mh28-64 TTJANTED-INTELLIGENT MAN LOCATED YV outside Pittsburg, to represent. In his lo cality, a responsible house: good salary; refer ences exacted and given. SCPT. MFG. HOUSE, Loekboxisio, N. Y. oc7-4S-Th WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ATHOROUGH LY competent nurse and hospital steward for an institution outside the city; wages fMper month, with board and washing. Address I'. D. L., Dispatch office. mhK-60 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or millmen can raakeraoney in their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson at., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-86-TTS TTJANTED-A GOOD RELIABLE MAN FROM i V 40 to 50 years old: one possessing some busi ness qualities, to be night clerk in a hotel of this citv; good home and permanent position for rlghtparty. Address HOTEL, Dispatch office. WANTED-A GENTLEMAN OF ABILITY and good address; If conversant with in dustrial Insurance preferred: good references In dispensable. Apply this day between the hours of .12:30 and 7:30 F. II., at RED LION HOTEL, No. 7 Sixth st,, city. mh28-31 -rrr-ANTED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND V granite salesmen; must have experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience, DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie, Pa. mh26-78 "VTiTANTED BAD WRITERS-SMART'S COL VV LEGE. 13 Sixth street. Pittsburg, open dally from 9 A. M. to 9 r. M. ; penmanship taught in a few easy lessons; bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, arithmetic, etc.; instruction thorough and private; terms $3 per month for all. mb27-TT6SU WANTED-IMMED1ATELY ONE EXTRA quick first-class granite tracer and letterer; must be especially fast in this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or four first-class granite cutters: must be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Erie, Pa. mh2S-;8 WAM'ED-ENERGETIC CITY AND COUN TY canvassers for Zell's Digest of the Large English Encyclopedias, Ir, One Massive Volume, with Maps and Plates: Unuinal induce ments to tbe right parties. T. ELLWOOI) ZELL, publisher. Philadelphia, Pa., or call for this week only at 8 MARKET bT.-, Pittsburg, Pa. mh26-38-Tr Female HelD. WANTED-GIRL 15 OR 16 YEARS OLD TO do light housework: must come well rec ommended. Call at 14 CENTER AVE. mh27-32 WANTED-LADIES TO SELL OUR HOMEO PATHIC Medicines and Hitters: steady work; can make p to fl2 per week. Dr. O'KEEFE CO., 34 Fifth ave mh27-S4 -rvTANTED LADY AGENTS. TWO NEW VV Inventions for ladles' spring, summer wear. Outsell everything. Pay loo monthly. These, with our bustle-skirts, rubber goods, bose supporters, etc make best business known. Ad dress with stamp. E. H. CAMPBELL & CO., 4S4 Randolph at- Chicago. mhlo-112-TXSu ainle nnil Fcmalo flcln. TfT AN TED FRENCH AND GERMAN VV nurses, chambermaids, cooks, dining room girls, laundress, German girls. 100 house girls, waiters, white and colored, farm hands, garden ers. MRS. K. 1 HOMPSON, 608 Grant st. mh24-106-MThS WANTED IMMEDIATELY 20 FARM bands and vegetable gardeners, 200 house girls, dishwasher and laundress for small hotel; cooks, chambermaids, waitress, nurse girl; girls supplied on short notice with first-class situations. MLEHAN'S, 545 Grant St. rtlh28-D WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; 75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Inst what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. fel8-3-D Sitnntlons. -rTrANTED-ENGAGEMENTS BY MONTH VV JjY nurse; terms reasonable. Address for one week M. B., Dispatch office. mh28-56 ANTED-ENGAGEMENT BY ENGINEER and draughtsman: capable of superintend ing the erection of work ana handling of men. Address Y. P., Dispatch office. mh28-19 -riTANTED-SITUATION BY DRUGGIST AS V manager or head clerk April 1; 13 years cx- ciicuic. o.m.e, vo v. AClCACilUCS. AQUTCSS ETT1HA, doxhi, srnisourg, ra. mh28-36 WANTED-S1TUATION BYYOUNG"WOMAN who has been a .seamstress, as nurse for chUdren in good family: can give best or refer ence. Address for one week M. G., Allegheny P. O. mb28.17 -rrjANTED-posrrioN at once as house- VV KEEPER by a widow supplying excellent credentials: understands housekeeping thoiouch ly. Call or addres MEEHAN'S AGTSNCY. 64S Grant street. mu2j-52 ANTED-FOS1TION IN ANY CAPACITY by a physician, graduate or both Regular and Homeopathic Colleges, New York City: Is sober, stesdy and Industrious. Address MEDICUS, Hotel Hamilton. mh28-54 ANTED BY A COMPETENT YOUNG man, clerical position In business bonse; can furnish unquestionable reference as to char acter and ability: wages an after consideration. Address BUSINESS, box 1013, Pittsburg. mh2J-W WANTED-HEPRESENTATIVEOFENGLISH bouse of good standing at present staying in Pittsburg, is desirous of arranging for working or patents In England: iron works and englnecr Inc specialties. Address B. B., Dispatch office. a THE PITTSBtJEQ" ' DISPATCH, ." WANTED, Pnrrnera. WANTED-A PARTNER-8,rxxnVILL BUY A hairinterestinoneorthe largest and best established and paying businesses or its kind In Western Pennsylvania, located In heart or busi ness center In Pittsburg; trade the most refined and elegant; business strictly cash; tbe price is nothing compared to business done and profits re ceived therefrom: only those who are willing to become helpmates and mean strictly business need apply rofparticolars Jo CASHBUS., DUpaten office. mhss-es Rooms, Houses, Etc WANTED-FBOM MAY-1, A FURNISHED bouse In the outer wards or suburbs or either city. W. A. HERKON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh26-4-TTS . Bourden and Lodgers. rrUT1ll nnTTlAITH Vlltt "PAHLORS! W carpets, portlers only: best location; facing park. 23 MONTGOMERY AVE. mhSMl WANTED BOARDERS SHADYSlur. room with board, suitable fbrmarried couple or two gentlemen. Apply on premises, AMBER SON AVE., third door from church. mh23-18-WThsu Flnnnclnl. WANTED-MORTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN either city: lowest rates of interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield St. mhJ3-7 TTT-ANTKD-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH W LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a23-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GR AEBIN G & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-P WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.W0; iX ver cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAViR CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. lal-81 WANTED-HENTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL amotion given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield st. mh27 WANTED- MORTGAGES IN ANY amounts: 4 to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. ja20-SS-MThs WANTED-HOUSES TO BENT, LARGE OR small, in both cities: great pains taken to secure good tenants Established 1833. W. A. HERBON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-40-TTS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN ASIOUNTS of 3,000 and upward, on clty-and suburban property, on 4i per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2MLB-D TT-ANTED-TO LOAN 2&0.000 ON MORT W GAGES; 100 and upward at 6 per cent; 500,000 at 4H per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. 8. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES IN ALL amounts from 300 upward: money at H, 5 and 6 per cent, as to amount, security, etc ; can furnlsb It at short notice and small expense. C H. LO VE, N o. 93 Fourth avenue. mh25-44 WANTED-MORTGAGES-tl, 000, COOTO LOAN on city andsuburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at S per cent: no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-fU miscellaneous. -TTTANTED A FEW EXPERIENCED PEO- V PLE to buy fine silver-plated ware at prices never before known. B. E. AEONS, Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st. mh28-tl -VTTANTED-PAHTY TO PURCHASE AMER W ICAN rights, valuable patent; already suc cessful in England: whole or share; good thing; share, 5,000. Address O. P., Dispatch office. mh28-71 w ANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND srenerai mercnanoise ror storage: lowest rates lu tbe city; hauling and Tacklugpromptly attended to by experienced men. PITTSBURG AUCTION STORAGE CO., S3 Third ave. mu-7-o WANTED-FUPILB DESIRING TO LEARN Pitman's or Graham's shorthand and type writing: experience of twenty-five years as a radical stenographer. Address, or call at, ARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood st. mb28-48 w ANTE1-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Firth avenue. Plttsbure. and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous orocess. mhl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE NO. 17 SECOND AVENUE AT 4.500, Iot20x80ft., houseof 5 rooms. W.A. HERRON &.SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh20-90-21, 25, 28, 30 FORSALE WITH1MMEDIATEPOSSESSION, t 2-story brick house in First ward ; will sell on very easy payments, u. u. iai v x tts r ounn ave nue. mft23-45 FOR SALE 2 FIVE-ROOM FRAME HOUSES, with lot 50x120 ft. -on Somers St., near new -cable line. SPENCEB & GLOSSER. 419 'Smith- field st. - . .mn2S-ai I Ft SALE-MT, WASHINGTON PROPERTY: can give you your choice of nice homes In that locality; prices ranging from. 700 to 5,000. J. c. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. mh24-144-TTSSu FOR SALE-12 PER CENT. INVESTMENT ON Coal St.. Thirtieth ward; nice 2-sty. fr. house, renting at 30 mo.; price 2.600; terms to suit; lot 74x220. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mh24-144-TTSSU FOR SALE BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick bouses rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house, all late Improvements; lot .23 feet 9 inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. mhlo-23-TTSSu East End Residences. FOR SALE BATES BT.. OAKLAND, 2-STY. frame dwelling; nearly new: six rooms: price 1,700; lot 32x115 feet. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mb25-144-TTBSU FOR SALE-750 WILL BUY YOU A NICE comfortable little 4-room bouse and 3 lots at East Liberty; esocath and 10 a month; this is a rare chance. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mh2S-47-Ths FOB SALE-AN EAST END HOUSE AND 2 lots, at Orphans Court sale; No.6371 Ellsworth avenue, near Roup Station, A good house, almost new; 8 rooms, finished attlc-hafl, porch, dry cellar, bath, natural gas, etc.: and 2 lots 46x100 feet, to be sold by order of Orphans' Court, on Tuesday after noon. April 2, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Title Serfect; Immediate possession. Particulars from AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., L3 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. mh27-61 FOR SALE-HC0O-f500 CASH, BALANCE IN monthly navments of S30. same as rent, will purchase an elegant new 2-story lrame. slate roof aweiling on ouenuau ave, uc xiotvciis Ufa., AmX , six rooms, finished attic, bath room and w. c, tile finished grates and hearths, slate mantels, etc ; purchaser can have finished to suit: near cable lines and East Liberty station; this bouse will readily rent for 30 per month. Apply to MORRIS & FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. mh24-46-TT8n Hnzclwood Residences. XTIOB SALE-SECOND AVE., HAZELTVOOD C tbe handsome residence property of Geo. II. Anderson, Esq., a modern dwelling or 11 rooms, bath, laundry, all conversances, large porches, etc : good stable and carriage house; beautiful grounds, either 2 or 4 acres, with shade and fruit trees. SAMUEL "W. BLACK & C0.99 Fourth ave. mb6-17-TTS Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-OR TO LET-A NICE 8-ROOM house. No. 35 Locust st., Allegheny City. C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue. mb27-6S FOR SALE-ONLY 3,600 FOR SUBSTANTIAL 5-room brick on Ckartlers St.. Allegheny: good lot, HALTENSPERGER4 WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave, IiTOR SALE-PROPERTY IN ALLEGHENY 1 CITY, now rented for over 900 a vear: will take S3. 000 cash, if applied for quick. C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourthavenue. mh2S-46-TbsSu FOR SALE-INVESTMENT-10BRICKDWELL-INGS of 5 rooms each. cor. Uldwell and Franklin sts., Allegheny City; tbese can be bought at a figure that will give good returns: no tronblc to rent; lot 130x96. J. O REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mh24-144-TTSSu FOR SALE-IRWIN AVE., ALLEGHENY RE3-IDENCE-elegant and well built house of II rooms, all modern conveniences, good stable, etc, lot 40x220 feet; this property is on the best park front In Allegheny, and is a rare opportunity to buy, being the only property on the Btreet for sale. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mh21-20-D Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-(99)-ON LINE OF PROPOSED electric road, Rellevue, handsome modern dwelling, 8 large rooms, hall In. center, heater, natural gas, laundry, porches, hard wood mantels, tiled fire-places, splendid lawn 1 1x80, choice fruit and shade trees: neighborhood first-class; 2 acres of ground; can be subdivided. SAMUEL- W. BLACK 1 UK. A CO, , DO Fourth ave mli2S-17-TTS FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL 8URURBAN house on Beaver road, Emsworth, P., Ft. W. & City., only 3 minutes from station: a new frame dwelling or 7 rooms, hall, marble vestibule, mar ble and hardwood mantels, natural gas, good weU water, large lot 100x250. covered with elegant large trees. This Is a bargain. Call at office and see photo. BLACK & BAIRD, 9 Fourth ave. mh23-54-D EOR SALE OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county; the houso Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted np with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the wbole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 45 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle borough. jal9-9 FOR SALE-LOTS. Allegheny Lors. T7I0R SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN JO avenues and 1-ombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth waTds: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D FOR SALE-LINDEN, OSGOOD AND MAPLE avenues, "Osgood Place. fine large lots only 15 minutes' walk to tbe Market House; near the electric ears and Incline: good Investment: low prices: enhancement certain, SAMUEL Wi BLACK i CO.. 99 fourth are, mUK-U THURSDAY;' MABOH 28, FOR BALE-LOTS. Cltr Ijoik FOR SALE-BLUFF ST.. NEAR COLLEGE, lot 23 It. 9 In. by 141 It. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff St. mhlO-23-TTS8U TTIOR SALE-BARGAINS IN LOTS. NEAR JP Wylleiive. cable line, 450 to SS00. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. mhl9-lO-TTS TflOR SALE-LOTS-250 EACH: NICE LEVEL X! lots on Federalst.. S. S.;20xUO: right near head or Twenty-second st. iucllne: very easy payments; 10 down and 10 monthly. J". O. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. mh24-144-TT8Sn Fast End Lots. FOR 8ALE-BEAU11FUL LOTS AT SHADY SIDE on Atlantic ave., near Liberty ave.; convenient to station and cable cars. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. mhl9-12-19,20,21,22,25.26.27,28,29 I ?OR SALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL : land on Stanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of 4. C NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-TT8 FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 406 to 600. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no28-y78 i TTKIRSALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS; .MOST DE--T SIRABLE location In the East End; wide flagstone sidewalks through the wbole plan; se cure colored plan from MELLON BROS.. East mo, or juhn F. 1SAA.T.UU, Agent, six smin- fieid street, mh24-50-l kTTSSU FOR SALE LOT81 LOTS! I CHOICE LOTS on Frankstown ave., Brushton station: Rank of Commerce addition plan: each 40x140 feet 1024 foot alley: terms, 90 down and 10 a month; cheapest lots In the market. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smithfield st. mh24-48-TTSSU FOR SALE -FRIENDSHIP GROVE AND PARK A large portion of this very desirable property has been laid out In lots ranging from 25x100 reet to 100x300 feet, which are now offerea for sale for residence purposes; the facilities ror reaching this property are unsurpassed; Ren Venue and Shadyslde stations, Penna. Rallroid being very few minutes walk from It, and tbe Penn ave. cable Hues passes within 125 feet orit, the streets laid out through the property are 50 and 60 reet wide and alleys 20 feet wide are in the rear of all lots: as a whole this property lies much higher than the surrounding vacant property, thus affording the most excellent drainage; to parties desiring a location for a house there is no such property now offering in this city. Apply to THOS. MAC CONNELL, Jr., No. 91 Diamond St., city, or L. O. FRAZIER, cor. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. mh2S35 Ths Suburban Iiots. FORSALE LOT 50x150 FT. ON CENTENNIAL ave., Sewlckley. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smithfield st, mh-34 ' Farms. FORSALE-OREXCHANGE-FOBIMEROVED property: Kansas land: well watered and de sirably located. Call on or address W. A. HER RON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-44-ihs TTOR SALE-150 ACRES, 5-BOOM HOUSE, J? farm, fine orchard, 1 mile from station, 18 miles below Pltsburg. only 46 per acre, to close an estate: also 80 acres, bouse, barn, orchard, 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for (2,500:125 acres, 7 room house, barn, orchard, near Beaver, (90 per acre, must be sold: 50 acres, 4-room, barn, orchard, 4 miles from Beaver, for 2,000; send for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Rochester, Pa. mh2i-2S-TTS Miscellaneous. F OR SALE-PRIDE STREET. CITY-5 NICE brick houses at a barffalntlonrtlme If desired: this is an Interesting property, and should com- uiauu too attention oi capitalists. ALLEGHENY CITY. Two handsome modern dweUlngs In most desir able location on Clifton avenue at' prices and on terms tbat should be very inviting; also 5 beautiful lots on this avenue. Clifton is coming rapidly to the front as oneol the finest points for residences on the Northside: a handsome little four-room bouse, Just finishing, Center st., lust north and parallel with Clifton avenue: reached by the new Incline and close to electric cars; sev eral cheap houses on Harlan avenne; long time. FOB BALE. An unusual opportunity; 2 magnificent houses; everything modern; choice locations; terms easy. , BOLD Small lot. Tenth ward. 650 JOHN H. MCCHEEBY, 95 Fifth avenue. mh23-32-TTS FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslness Chances. FOR SALE-A BLACKSMITH SHOP AND set of tools. A rood trade established. Leasedproperty and cheap rent. Apply at 115 NINETEENTH ST. S. S. mh26-47 POK SALE-GOOD CORNER DRUG STORE, located on one of the best streets In Alle gheny: must be sold; easy terms. Address OPIUM, Dispatch office. mh28-81 FOR SALE ONE OP THE LARGEST AND best stocks of general hardware. In Rockford, 111. ; will Invoice about (14,000: best of reasons for selling. Address A. "W. COBB, Mineral Point, Wis. mh24-45 FOR SALE MEDICAL PRACTICE-AT NEW Haven, opposite Conncllsville, Pa.; good reasons for selling; established I0years;possesslon April 1. Apply GEO. A. TOBRENCE, New Haven, Pa. mb27-27 'tJIOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN COUNTRY UA7 town; choice stock, good trade; community nirniv moral: excellent nrlvata acaaemv nearnv: a rare opportunity; reason for selling, death of neaa proprietor. j or particulars aauress x GAMBLeT Rogers, O. mh26-33-D "TnOB SALE-DRUG STORE WITH GOOD JO stock and fixtures, at less than cost of fix tures ir you come quick; stores or all kinds; boarding nouses, cigar stores, notion stores, hotels, confectioneries, etc.: some splendid business chances. SHEPARD& CO., 54 Fifth ave. mh26. FOR SATE HARE BUSINESS CHANCE storeroom, stock and dwelling, one square from P. A L. E. R. R. depot, Beaver Falls, Pa. ; good well water on premises; natural gas for light and fuel: present owner doing good grocery and bakers' business: has reasons fer selling. Call on or address J. C. EVANS, Agent, 1051 Third ave., Beaver Falls. Pa. mhl5-S9-TTS Business Stands. P IOK SALE-HOTEL PROPERTY. BITUATED in Canal Fulton. Stark co. Ohio: no local option. For price and description address J. C. SMITH, P. O. box 254, Masslllon, O. mh28-21 FOR SALE-S15 FIFTH AVENUE AT AUC TION ; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 1 o'clocklot 25 feet wide in front, 34 feet wide in rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brick dwell ing and store, good business stand. A. LEG GATE & SON. Auctioneers. mhIO-11 Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP-ONLY (6,500 IF sold at once, on Cherry alley, near Seventh avenue, lot 36x63 reet, a very desirable site for a. .nnnf'.J..A w rt a ...Via. tk. 1..III... r.n ...vm .ui.uu.nv. v.j v. .v. imwic. ue u n ...ujlo vu ku,v are now bringing in.a good rent. W. A. HERRON &SON8. No. 80 Fourth avenue. mh22-68-MTbr FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec FOR SALE-1 HANDSOME BROWN HORSE; be Is sound and kind: can trot In 2:50; sent here from Minneapolis. NED JACKMAN; 530 Penn avenue. mb27-G0 TTIOR SALE-A CITY-MADE, LIGHT PANEL JD barouche, used by owner only a few months last summer; in splendid order; no second-band old trap; offering it for want of use; price 175. Inquire of WILSON & BRO., Livery Stable, North Diamond St., Allegheny. mh24-15-TTSSu Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. 1 Ball engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE & MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-16S-rrs FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power up, boilers, pumps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY A PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v33)-TTS Miscellaneous. T710R SALE REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS. JP cabinets, office supplies and fine grades of iineu papers I or writing macmnes. A. M. MAR T1N, 412 Wood St. mh28-48 FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS STEREOPTICON advertising outAt, complete and cheap. In quire at MABHY'S cigar store, No. 82 Firth ave., between 2 and 4 p.m. . mli2S-12 FOR SALEHFURN1TUREAT AUCTION, 139 Rebecca St., Allegheny, on Friday, March 29, at 2 o'clock: there are bedsteads, mattresses, blankets, comforts, extension tables, brussels aud Ingrain carpets, lace curtains, cane seat chairs, stoves, chamber suite, clock, glassware, dishes, etc. A. LEG GATE & SON Auctioneers. mn26-9 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-HARRY WILLIAMS. COME TO your borne or write at once as you are needed. M. mh27-50 PERSONAL-IF THE PARTIES NOW EN GAGED In safe blowing would seethe ele gant solid gold rings I sell ror 1 00 they would never do so again. B. E. AHONS, Jeweler, 65 Firth ave, cor. Wood st. mh2S-91 PERSON A L BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 1,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Av. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cpr. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? 'Charges moderate; faculties unsurpassed; suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. inha LOST. T OST-ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH .-J 26, carpet tool bag, on Fifth avenue, between Oakland power house and Morehead's lane; re ward ir returned to Oliver McCUntock, 33 Fifth ?rJ?v. or ""r of 45 Second St., Allegheny. M. HELLRIEGEL. mti28-72 REWARDS. XEWAHD-5 TO-LOST A PACKAGE OF JLtJ , papers In large envelope, between Mt. Oliver and Snifthfleld st either on Eighteenth st. road or Tenth street bridge. Return to PITTSBURG SHOE CO., 142 Third ave. mh28-24 FOUND. FOUND-VOLTAIC D1AMONDS-THE ONLY imitation or the genuine diamonds tbat will retain their luster. For sale onIrbyB.E.ARONS, Jeweler, S3 Firm ave., cor Wood st. mu26-96 1889. 10 LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE: NATU RAL gs: (16. J. W. LOWRY. Bldgo St.; near Thirty-third St. mh27-42 TO LET-199) -FORBES ST., CITr, 2-STORY and mansard brick dwelling, ten rooms; modern conveniences: 600. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.i 99 Fourth ave. mh28-S3 TO LET-.HOLbE NEAR GRACE CHURCH. Mt. Washington. 7 rooms, bay window, lot Biiiuu: trees ana snruDDery: uat. gas sou . B. L. CUTHBERT, 97 Fourth ave. mh27-40 TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF 8 rooms, with bath. w.c. natural gas. etc.near Fulton street and Center avenue, Pittsburg: close to street cars: 10 minutes from Court House. JAS. W. DRAPE A CL.,129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. mh27-6S T 10 LET-OR-FOH SALE-A COTTAGE HOUBE nn Mnnnt Washington, mr. Gray and Dll- worth streets: has eight rooms, large lot, and is supplied, with natural gas and city water. .In quire at the office of the PITTSBURG FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. mb22-36 East End Residences. TO LET-EAST END DWELLINGS. LARGE and small. Call or send tor printed list free. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mbI-43-TTs TO LEX-EAST END, PITTSBURG, COR. Margaretta and Beattysts., bouse 8 rooms and stable, large lot: rent 28. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh27-38 TOLET-7-BOOM HOUSE, NO. 45 CARVER St., East End; "natural gas and water;" nicely finished; rent low. Inquire or J. F. MC CUNEu212 Frankstown ave., E. E. mh26-5-TT TO LET-THAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, having all modern Improvements, -corner Collins avenue and Broad street. East End. Ap ply to ALEXANDER KIN G, 136 Firth ave. mh24-56 TO LET OR FOR SALE-NORTH H1LAND, East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic: modern Improvements: stable and laundry; lot 60x180. W. if. KING, 64 Fourth avenue.. ml-H-TO TO LET-COR. ROUP AND HOWE STS., 2 squares off Fifth ave., E. E., near Roup sta tion, good house, 10 rooms, large yard, stable In the rear. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth avo. mb28-49 TO LET-NEW HOUSE, JUST COMPLETED. 9 rooms beside a bath, laundry, pantry, large cupboards and all very latest conveniences: near Roup station and Fifth ave. cable line. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. mhSS-43 TO LET-DWELLINGS-ATMELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. I 5-room. with bath, gas, porches, pantry, etc ; Bond street. Nine teenth ward: (30 mo. 1 7-room, Mellon St.. large lot, water and gas; near Negley avenue and Penn ave. cablet 25 mq. 1 4-room, St. Andrew's St., 247, near Larimer avenue; Umo. mb27-28 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-WESTERN AVE. HOUSE 8BOOMS. porch, etc.: rent. 550. A.D.WILSON, 55 Federalst., Allegheny. mh27-38 rTW LET-ORFORcSALE A NICE 8-ROO H.LOVK93 Fourth avenue. lnhI7-63 TO LET ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE.-6 rooms, stable, etc.: rent, 100. A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh27-33 TO LET-ON REBECCA -ST. NEW BRICK house, 8 rooms modern Improvements; rent, 30. A. 1). WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. TO LET-FINE 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; ALL conveniences: 70 Klrkpatrlck ave.. Alle gheny; (!6; no water tax. W. W. MCNEILL, 162 Fourth ave. mb26-3l TO LKT-ON BUENA VISTA ST.. GOOD brick house; 8 rooms Tnd modern improve ments; rent, 100. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal -St., Allegheny. mb27-38 TO LET-TAYLOR AVE. NEW BRICK house of 10 rooms; all modern Improve ments: rent, 550. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st,, Allegheny. mh-7-38 TO LET-37 ALLEGHENY AVE.. 3-STORY brick dwelling; 8 rooms; all modern Im provements; rent, 8550. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federals!., Allegheny. mb27-38 TO LET-ON PAGE ST., FINE BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms, bath, laundry, bay windows, front and backyards, etc.; only fc450. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mb27-38 TO LEr TWO SMALL HOUSES NEAR Allegheny Diamond; positively too small for a family ofmore than three persons. Inquire 170 SAND USKY ST.. Allegheny. mh28-63 TO LET -PART OF HOUSE 324 WASHING TON, ave, Allegheny: 3 rooms on first floor, one bedroom, laundry. cellar, etc. Apply to WM. FRANCE, 14 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. mtt3-28 TO LET NEAT NEW HOUSES, JUST COM PLETED, 9 rooms and all tbe latest Improve ments, on Locust St., Allegheny; location first class. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. mh21-86-TTP TO LETH22 PER MONTH, 8 ROOMS, SITU ATE No. 100 Tatrgart St., Allegheny; owner will room with tenant 11 desired and make allow ance on rent for same. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh27-63 mo LET-18-BRICK HOUSE HALL, SIX . rooms, juuancu attic, mansaru. water in bouse, stable: McDonald wavi klff New Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. A. LEGGATE vC sun, t neaerat at., juiegueny. , xnaafr-va TO LET A GOOD BRICK" DWELLING ON Sheffieldt.. Allegheny: 9 rooms, with batb. lavatory, naturaf gas. and all modern conven iences: uouse almost new.anu in eiegaut oruer. JAS. W.DHAPEACa, 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. mh27-62 TO LET-ALLEGHENY, NO. 205 MADISON ave, seeond door from North ave.. brick house 6 rooms and basement kitchen: rentt25ner month. Inquire of PETER LAUSfER, No. 207 aiauiBou are. luexLUvOrto toepiacej; streetcars pass the door. mhS7-41 Suburban. Residences. mO LET-HOUSE ANDSTABLEON BUTLER JL streetEtna; a goodplace for doctor's Inquire of GEO. SEAL, Wible street, Etna. mh2S-27 TO LET-18 00 A MONTH-GOOD HOUSE OF 8 rooms, larco grounds, on Cook St.. near Becond ave.. Twenty-second ward; a very desira ble suburban home for tbe money. W. A. HER- itun a bo s, no. so J1 ounn ave. mnawi TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable, etc., near Patterson station, P. U- A Y. R. R.. and Crafton. P. C. A St. L. R. R. In quire or B. F. SHAFFERS, Crarton, Pa., orad- UrvSS X V. DlvTvTXaA, JMJCuvStvr. fu. Ulluil-OO TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, aU mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, wltii liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 LaCock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-t09)-SEWICKLEY, 3 SOUARE3 from station, completely furnished Queen Anne frame residence, 10 rooms, modern imp. ; 2 acres ground, fruit and shade trees: to good ten ant, moderate SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. mh26-S4-TT mO LET FOR ATERM OF YEARS. A HOUaE. JL stable and greenhouse with 7 or 8 acres or tana, on i a u. i a. u., m mues ociow unar- :ana, on r. s, u. n. a. xt., xn uiues ociow hoar ders station; farm contains 1,600 raspberry plants, 1,000 grape vines, etc. Apply to JAS. NICHOL, n premises. mbS2-39-TTS uers 1, on preml TO LET-ATEM8WORTH-H ANDSOME RESI DENCE of 8 rooms: modern Improvements; 3 minutes' walk to Clifton and 10 to Emsworth station; situated on Beaver road and approach to Clifton station. Inquire or THOMAS BARRETT, on premises. mh28-26-TT Business Stands. TO LET-LARGE WAREROOM. NO. 112 WOOD street, cheap. Inquire at OFFICE, on the premises. rah27-84 TO LET-FROM APRIL L A LARGE ROOM fer storage: terms reasonable; at No. 6 blxtb street. S. W. HOLLAND. mh27-76, mo LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE JL with basement, 138 First ave. Inquire or uuax a uijAiri', ya r ma ave. mnn-H TO LET-SPACE 60x80 FEET ON SECOND and third floors for light manufacturing, with power. Inquire of W.C FREID, 83 Main street, Allegheny, Pa. mh23-37 mo LET-TH& LARGE AND DESIRABLE JL WMCUUUM V. AUOO XTvUU uVCUUvi at UTvSvut occupied by AVm. Charles A Co. Apply toTHOS. K. KERR, Boom 4, 1038 Penn ave. mb26-54-TTS TO LET-THE 3-STORY BUILDING, NO. 4063 Penn ave, storeroom and dwelling: complete fixtures as connterand shelving for grocery store. Inquire of CUSHINGAFOX, 4319 Butler st. mh23-I4-TT8 TO LET-ELEGANTBU8INES9 STAND NO. 173 Fifth ave., opp. Court House, running through to Wylle ave. ; new plate glass fronts on both streets; lmmedlatenossesslon; rent low. J. C. REILLY, orON PREMISES. mb28-39 T 10 LET-A GOOD BUSINESS BTAND-A storeroom ana dwelllnz. sultahta fnr any kind of business, on Federal st., Allegheny: will be rented very low to good tenant. THOS. WELSH A CO., 157 Lacock St., Allegheny. mhX-OT-TTS TO LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms ror general business purposes, wltb or without power, to rent In the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and ror officesr tlgbt tbe best to be had in the city: electric lighting free; passen ger aud freight elevator and Janitor service In cluded. Rents 300, 400 and (1,000 per annum: situation the most central, within a few hundred feet or all the public buildings and or the leading business squares. , Apply between 11 a. m. and 4 P. M. at tbe NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Offices. Desk Room. &c TO LET DESK ROOM-APPLY AFTER 4 P. M. WM. F. MAXON, Room 23, McCance Block. nib26-I-TT8 TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D Farms. TO LET-FARM OF SO ACRES, WITH DWELL ING house and barn, on Forward aye. Twenty-third ward; good location for a dairy. D. W. C. BID WELL A CO.. 143 Water St., corner Cherry alley. mh28-j4 Special. TO LET FRAME HOUSE 4 ROOMS AND office stabling fer 12 horses: suitable ror livery stable or feed store Apply 4662 PEaN AVENUE. " ' mh!6-M rriO LBT-OUB "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO X. KOUE Issued from our oBlee, Is now. pub lished every Wednesday and Satnrday (without expense to landlords) In Tbe Dispatch only, SAMUEL W. liLACK CO., SO Fourth ave. mM-vS-HTM -. TO LET. Apartments. TO LET A SUIT OF THREE BOOMS IN Smith block, 98 WYLIEA.V. Inquire on the premises. mas-so TO LET-SECOND-STORY AND BASEMENT or No. U6 Second ave., near Wood sU: eleva tor. Inaulre at 103 MARKET ST. mh28-79 TO Ijlffr JA.N 1 JSUJltL. I susauiuw rooms, with board; to be had byllrst-class parties only, atl7NORTHAV., AUegheny.rrom April 1. rafias-ll TO LET-TWO ROOMS! ON PENN AVE., near Fourth street, ror single gentlemen only: reference required. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh26-3-TT TO LET FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS single or en suite with board: finest loca tion in Allegheny: on parks; reference exensnged. Address B, Dispatch office. lnh27-75 TO LET-4 NICE ROOSIS. SECOND, FLOOR, for offices or dwelling, with natural gas and water; 2 minutes from Court House. Inquire of W. H. DEVOBE, 512 Grant st. mh27-4 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room flats, two six and eight-room dwelling houses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mh24-114 T O LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART- .UENX9 suitaoie tor ngnt Housekeeping wim water and batb. Apply to J. G. MORROW, store, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. mh23-4U eas. ' shoestore, : AMUSEMENTS. BIJDU THEATER EXTRA. CRYSTAL- h --SLIPPER. HEATS ON BALE THIS MORNING. BEGINNING MONDAY APRn' Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. I Chicago Opera House, Second 'Annual Spectacular juXtravagauza, a no CRYSTAL SLIPPER; RAN 17 WKB CHICAGO. 6WEEKB BOSTON. Or, Prince Prettiwitz And Little Cinderella. Prononnced the erreatest the 6 "WEEKS NEW YORK. atrical production witnessed in America. 6 WEEKS PHILADEIA. ISO People on tbe Stage. 3 Great Ballets. A Score of Comedians. A Wen Trained Chorus. Superb Scenery. Magnificent Costumes. mhZS Grand Opera House Extra E.D.TVXLT Lessee and Manager. MONDAY, Asril L FOR ONE WEEK. MATINEES Wednesday and Saturday. The Queen of Comediennes, NELLIE M'HENRY, Supported by her own Famous Company in the Great Laughing Success, THREE OF A KIND. Seats now on sale. mh2S-$9 DIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT, "THE STOWAWAY I" Next week "The Crystal Slipper." mh25-26 GRAND OPERA HOUSE MISS ROS1NA VOKES. To-night In Honor Bound I The Circus Rider! A Pantomime Rehearsal! Week April 1 The sparkling Nellie McHenry in "3 of a Kind." mh2S-5 TT ARRIS" THEATER Everv afternoon and evening, "BEACON LIGHTS." April 1 A Boy Hero, or Held in Slavery, rnhZS-lD HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY-TO-NIGHT. MATINEES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY. THE BIG 4'S NEW DEPARTURE. 29 SPECIALTY ARTISTS a mn2f-7 ptASINO MUSEUM-MONDAY. MARCH j 25 Capt, Paul Boyton's Monstrous Sea Ser pent, Happy Jack Sutton's Mirror of tbe Plains, .Madam Johnson, the Jersey Giantess; (Ad Carllsle,Slelght of Hand; Clark. Glbbs,Dun ,can Slsters.NelUe Olive.John Gilroy. rnb.25-105 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned on the estate ot Charles Espicb, deceased. All persons owing or having elairos against the said estate will please pre sent them without delay to mb21-63-Tu LAURA ESBICH, Executrix. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY of Allegheny, ss: In the Court of Com mon Fleas No. 1, No. 459 September Term, 1888. Rose C. Schmidt, by her next friend, Sa bina C. Hoeveler. vs Joseph Schmidt. In divorce a vinculo matrimonii. And now, to-wit, March 25, 1888, on motion the Court ap points W. S. Thomas, Esq., commissioner to take testimony in above case, and report tht same to court. From the record. Per curiam. jseaTj JOHN BRADLEY, . Piothonotary. To Joseph Schmidt, respondent: You will please take notice that the undersigned, having been appointed commissioner to take testimo ny in the above case and report the same to court, will attend to the duty of his appoint ment at the office of John S. Lambie. No. 131 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. Pa., on TUESDAY, April 9. at 2 o'clock p. ir., when and where yon may attend if you see proper. mh27-37 W. S. THOMAS, Commissioner. Tf OR SALE yalna.leGasiiy'aiiiiLaiiJs. The undersigned invite correspondence and proposals for sale of a 173-acre farm, within sight of the city of LANCASTER, O. These lands are well improved, good farming lands, and in theGREATLANCASTER GASBELT. The great gas well, "The Old Man Himself," is almost in sight, and the famous "Ruffner Well," near Thurston, but a few miles away. Correspondence and bids invited. Address either HENRY S. LEIST, StoutsvUle. O.; or J. 8. SITES, Attorney. Lancaster, O.; or SAMUEL W. COURTRIGHT, Attorney, Clr cleville, O. mh23-I-s BARGAIN. Five acres choice land at Hazelwood, front ing 600 ft, on river;' above high water; excellent for manufacturing purposes; siding can be had from" one or two railroads; would, also sub divide to advantage into good building lots; cheapest property of like advantages. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 FOURTH AVENUE. mh28-14-TT3 Steam Dyeing and Scouring. LADIES' MORNING" AND TEA GOWNS DRY CLEANED -WITH. OUTBEJNG RIPPED APART. t Sixth Avenue Dye Works, M. MAY SONS &. Co. mhl6-S3-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE. INVESTMENT! i With speedy profitable returns. Twelve and one-haM acres nice ground at Hazelwood, suit able for building lots; near the station where 23 trains stop each way daily; also tbe new electric railway, which is assured. Price asked will allow liberal profit to pur chaser, who sub-divides it. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 FOURTH AVENUE. mh2S-lo-TTS TO LET. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Corner Wood and Diamond streets, FOUR OFFICES at lowrentt One single office, 15x20, and two connecting offices, 20x26 and loxl8; one single office, 12x15. All splendidly lighted; finished in modern style. All newly painted and papered. POSSESSION ATONCE. ahae-as 1 :-? AUCTION .SALES. MASTER'S SALE IN" PARHTiQN BT virtue of my appointment and an W of the Court of Common Pleas N".2 ctAlIe---gbeny county, at No. 4340ctobex Term, lSW" will expose to public sale, nn tha-pxesiisestP: SATURDAY, April 20th, at Z.P. JC, tha t ollSW ing lots of ground; ' -,-' All those three certain lots or pieces oi ground situate in the borough ot MansaI4;i county of Allegheny and State of. FennayV" vania, bounded and described aslolHoWSto wit: :: - Fronting on Main street, formerly 166 Noble; town plank road, one hundred f eet UCOftJjaadT extending back, preserving tbe same width", -one hundred and fifty feet (ISO .ft), between lots numbers three and , six (Nos. 3 and 6) in Mary Sheridan's plan-allots hereinafter mentioned; "also a certain lot fronting fifty feet (50 fCl on? Jane street, and extending back one hundred and fifty feet (159 ft.) to line of lot number four (No. 4J in 'said plan, said ground being lots-Hnmbersour. ftva and ten (Nos. A, 5 and 10) in said plan of Iota laid out by Mary Sheridan in said borough. Said' plan being recorded in Plan Book, Volume two (2), paga sixty-nine (69, in ths Recorder's Offleo of Allecreny county, being property of Edward Flood, deceased. Terms of Saler Ten (10) per cent of the pux ehasn mnnev t hf nald on dav of sale: balance cash op confirmation of sale and delivery ot deed. EDWARD F. HAYES, JOHN H. RONEY. Master in Partition. 127 Fifth avenne, HUGHSY 4 BENNETT, 160 Fourth avenne. Pittsburg; Pa' mh27.iarh Solicitors for Plaintiff. BULLETIN OF AUCTION SAEES BX HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, at 10 0'clock.t titxlW ture. carpets and household goods, 202 Frank--town ave, E. E. FRIDAY. MARCH 2, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 3H. Market street. ,-.. FRIDAY. MARCH 29, at 10 o'clock, flnei house f umishments, at No. 168 North avenue,. Allegheny. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, at 10 o'clock, fine) carpets. and furniture, at No. 101 Grant street," City. 1 - TUESDAY. APRIL 2, at the rooms. 311 Mar ket St., at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY. APRIL 5, at 10 o'clock, largo coa signment honsehold goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9. fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Markets. THURSDAY, APRIL- U, unclaimed freight at tbe auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, 3U Markets. HENRY AUCTION CO. mhlT-105 -PUNE CARPETS, FURNITURE AND household goods at auction. Friday morn ing. March 29, at 10 o'clock sharp, at NO. 168 NORTH AVE., ALLEGHENY. Fine chamber suits, bed lounge, folding bed, dressers, washstands, wardrobes, bedsteads, fine toilet ware, shades, curtains, mattresses, springs, comforts, brussels and ingrain car pets, rugs, easy chairs, mirrors, pictures, bric-a-brac, hall rack, sideboard, extension table, dining-cbairs, dishes, cutlery, glassware, stove, tinware, etc House open at 8 o'clock on morning of tha sale HENRY AUCTION CO LIM. mh27-71 Auctioneers A T AUCnON-SUPERIORFURNITURE, XX carpets, piano forte, etc. at the residence. No. 202 Frankstown avenue, Pittsburg, E. , THURSDAY MORNING, March 28, aWt o'clock, prompt, superior parlor furniture, art chairs, tables, curtains, portieres, cornices, pictures, ornaments, clocks, Steluway-plana forte: fine chamber furniture; bureaus, bed steads, wardrobes, pillows, springs, bedding; library bookcase, tables and chairs; dining room sideboard, extension table, delf, china, glass and silverware, kitchen and laundry furnlsh ments; also brussels and other carpets, oa rooms, balls and stairs. Sale- positive. Terras cash. House open after 8 o'clock- on morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION- CO..EIM.. -"V- rnh2f-S8-TWTSu Auctioneers.;. AT AUCTION-FURNITURE, CARPETS, curtains.at residence No. 211 Lacock street, Allegheny, on ' FRIDAY. MARCH 29. AT 10 A-M Furniture, carpets, chenille and lace curtains; bookcases, dishes, glass ware, ail ver ware, gas fix tures, hatrack, cushion chairs and Settees, lounges, bedding, stoves, etc Terms cash. Sals positive. This Is arand opportunityi-fortor. gain seekers. No postponement ot account of weither. PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO., 93 Third ave.. Auctioneers, mh28-71 . " , AUCTION SALE- ; -3 , c. At No. 101 Grant st, on SATURDAY Md&jj ING, March 30, 10 o'clock, of bedsteads, .bu reaus, washstands, bedding, mirrors, side, boards, chairs, tables, rockers, carpets, -.lino-leum, dishes, glassware and cooking utensils; curtains, bed springs, lamps-ato, etcC; goods 6a view after8o'elockonmorbirigof the sale. -HENRY AUCTION CO- LIM.. mh2S-55 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE-ATNO. 133 AND 135 SEC OND ave., of furniture, bedding, carpets; bookcases, hat racks, rockers, sideboard gletures, paintings, silverware, glassware, sew ig machine, chenille curtains, lace curtains,' marble top stands, parlor suit, dining chairs, clocks, rugs, stoves, etc By ., . PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORA.GH COMPANY. 93 Third are.. Auctioneers. Sale THURSDAY MORNING, March 27. 1888, Sale positive. mh28-75 UCTION SALE In HOMESTEAD, Pa,, MARCH 29, 18S9, at 3 F. 31., property known as Star Bakery, three story frame dwelling, 7 rooms, nrSt-class ttaka shop and storeroom, stable, etc Lot 70x113 feet on Fourth are. and McClure st. Wagons, show cases, etc Possession given at once. One-half cash. mhZWd- AUCTION SALE OF LEASED PROP. ERTY. No. 13 First sC near North ave-. Allegheny City, Thursday, March 23. lSS9,'a$-.3 o'clock P. 3L, on tbe premises, 2-story frame, of 6 rooms; water in tbe house: lease has 8 .years to run: ground rent (35 per year. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. mh25-12 mjnvE INTO MY OWjEPOME"- IN KNOXYILLE. Vl "We have yet a few of those beautiful home as follows: First A very beautiful 5-room house, with natural gas, water, etc, for S20u cash and $19 33 per month. . Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cask and $18 33 permonth. - Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, 200 cash $15 33 per month. u Fourth We have also a number of other handsome properties on equally reasonable terms. 43Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street. and Mt. Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOfflLELMDIMPROYEMMTCd i OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, , mh3-TTSSu; KNOXVILLE BOROUGH." - Oakland Square. For Sale 99)-ftt,50C"-"Oakiand Squara' dwellings, moderate cash payment, balanco JoOOper annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, bath, laundry, inside shut ters, stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, etc, large lot facing a beautiful pub lic square, around which a street has been laid out. sewered, and is being paved with asphal turn; the whole surrounded with beautiful for. est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cabla line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. mhl3-lS-T TO BUILDERS ANL .INVESTORS. The handsomest and most de-irable piece of property on tbe parks for sale, suitable for apartment house, club or private residences property of. the late James H. Sewell., cor." North ave. and Poplar st, Apply toBLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave., city. mh27-25-Thau, ' CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same-f or cooking, orady other purpose, by using- tha Eureka. Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on of address JAMES ANDERSOtf, 63 East Diamond street, . .. JeS-nST-rts Allegheny,?. .. TO LET. . Fifth avenue. East End, a furnished. howL Tor the summer. Inquire of J. R.MCCLINTOCK1 mhiwe-na TSLIifewttfH; i ,-r 4 4
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