K '2 '' THE PITTSBTJRGr DISPATCH, THURSDAY, MARCH ''28, 1889. ' ' yiL ? W W i.-..vaii. n..'iat.t.niaBii.nl n.m . wn vn-rmve I AH HTITl T O f U IT3TlTn J THAT STRANGE CASE. I TTn ITUTT A TVTF. A Tr,f.Tr TROUBLE 0VEE AN ORGANS ' SAHDBAGGED AND K0BBEIL ate. r,tnThtnraomonfkhL.: jjuiho aui, auiwuo, ii i , ii n ii ,1 n yv a p n 1 1 , u i h TA n AlfA nUUlA. b r- - r. j r ... .. . .. I I wj. .- . -m a. aa. ... v . 1 jvawi-m . -., a . - EVa, . JUUge Dl&ie cmukcu uuu mo irausier. & "Yes, and it Judge Slagle and the other A- Jadges would come to those who have held m license court before granting transfers, they B would learn something that would help them." H fjndxe Slacrle heard this case patiently, and re- E-, fused to grant the transfer until he heard from E you. Me sent Mr. Harunan down to Sewlcxley to If see jcro. and you refused to Interfere in the mat- "Itwoald be better If Jndre Slaclehsdcometo lie himself.'" 'Well, lam not hero to defend Jndpe Slagle; I merely want consideration for my client." ."Yea, I fcnow.lbnt I must discountenance this thlnr of traffic In license." "The eiamlnatlontefore Judge Slagle -when the transfer was made was very straight, as much so probably as that of this court." 'W eU, I'll consider the case." A TRIFLE MIXED. Judce White, in the case of Theresa Kaiser, nldjLhat be had received a letter from a child, a little boy, "pleading him for GsA's sake not to give a Vicente to this woman, as his falherjs a drunk ard and Is In the habit oi spending his money and getting drunk In her saloon. He did not give the name of the child whose pathetic eplstleliad been more powerful in its effect than letters from some or.FltuburjT's most prominent men. Mrs. Kaiser tould not answer such a letter. Mr. Kaiser was called, and he. In his examination, did not know what day of the week it was. Be fore the commencement of the afternoon session Judjre White said that he had made a mistake in regard to the letter, and that the complaint was made against Bernard Kerns, and not Mrs. Balser. The plain, ordinary American cltlten must lung over a low railing in the rear or the room. The. narrow space allotted to him Is always crowded, lie constitutes himself into a Judge and Jury, and tries the case of eTery man who applies. Where he comes from Is mysterious: Vhat he does for a llrlng is even more enshrouded In darkness; for, day after day, you can see the same set of faces, on which there Is always a set, pained erpression. The face Is red, and the eyes are bulging. THE ABBREVIATED FELLOW. There is occasionally, also, a little, sawed-off young fellow, with a round fat face and closely cropped hair. He is continually smiling. He beams serenely at His Honor, the attorneys, the applicant and occasionally upon the W. C. T. U. ladles lu the Jury box. One or the latter, with all dpe respect to the remainder. Is in the habit of beaming in return either at him or at one of the other spectators. A miniature court was held in a corner of the lobby yesterday atthe noon hour. A young fel low perched hlmelf on the stone railing, and, with an assumed air of severity, questioned a friend, who assumed the part or the applicant: Young man," thundered the Judge, "what are your reasons for starting a saloonr" Very good: have you any further reasons?" "Iwant tomakeaming." blrrahl What excuse have you for that?" 4oneatalU vour Honor." What did you do last year!" "Kept a cigar store." Old you uot sell milk or elder in bottles?" "o. sir." sirrah!" 'I cot some for mv own use." "t ho drank this beer!" "I said cider." "Sirrah, you said beer!" "1 drank It." "Oo yon give any to your friends?" "I have none: I am an orphan." "Don't the) come to sec you on SundaT?" "io, sir; 1 walk all day." "Are you married?" o, sir; but I would like " AIT AWFUL CHARGE. "Never mind what you would like. I heard tome bad reports about you. It is stated that you great-grandfather kept a grocery store and sanded his sugar. What do you say to that?" "Why. Judge " "That's all; call another." The first name called at the afternoon session was Mary A. bplane, who had a hard row to hoe. His Honor complained of the noise made In the court and requested the tipstaves to keep better order. "This is not a barroom," he remarked. Her husband Is now in the workhouse for renting a honse on Grant street for Immoral purposes. The property is In his name He will net be out of Jail unto. April 6. The Court said It would think about the case. Mr. Christy objected, because the saloon was near a railroad. Attorney Watterson said that this objection was an absurd one. Earlier In the day the same objection was made, as it was claimed men would become intoxicated and get killed an th railroad. A. C W agoner. of No. I Carson street, does not furnish anv meals, never did, and yet his receipts were as high as 50 a day. Judge white had re ceived some private Information regarding a man who had worked about the saloon. He gave the man a severe lecture. His Honor remarked that thev bad made a erand mistake last Tear crantlnr such men licenses, and that he proposed to corrects luc uiuiftftca tula jcu A SAD, SAD VOICE. August Strickenburger, Washington avenue, was anpther man with a mournful voice. Mr. Christy endeavored to prove that Mr. S wai en gaging In some illicit dealing in beer, and in a measure succeeded. He did not have a license. Jamts F. Holtls says he has no boarders, but has eidit children. His wife and children "do not drink, because she and the children are temper ance." He gets a box of beer every week, and drinks It all. He said he would not tell a lie, as It woujdnotpay. Mr. Christy The rest of your family are temper ance? "Yes, sir.-" "How xnanv drinks did you have to-day?" "1 don't thlnfc It is any of yonr business." "That's the bestanswer 1 could get. What have you sold to bovs who come from outer's rink?" "Tobacco, cigars; soft drinks, etc" "Especially the and-so-forth'?" "Yes, sir, quite an amount of etc." Hd111s has been returned for illegal liquor sell Henry Meyer never had a fight in his life. He explained he was not a fighting man. Another man only got Meyer's thumb in his mouth, and bit it off. If he was a fighting man he would not have allowed the man to bite his thumb off. Judge White said during the examination or a Mrs. wilbert: "Every person who has a license Is responsible for what his barkeeper does." Adam Spohm did not respond to his name. SAD AND ALONE. John Conway is the only man In theThlrty-thlrd ward who wants a saloon. The ward may continue to be a dry one. Peter Carlin. 758 and 760 Carson street, says he does a nice business: receipts ) to $50 a day, and ou Saturday (100. He said be quit the bottle trade two weeks ago. "Are you annoyed by people going to church?" asked Judge White. ".No. lr." 'You had five or sir disturbances In your place last year," said Mr. Christy o.lr. I never had that many; never had over three or four servants." answered Carlin. "Oh. 1 mean fight!" said Mr. Christy, explain ing the word "disturbance," and he looked like the opposite. Mr. Carlin had a searching examination, and will be lncky it he pulls through. Adam Wagner. 649 Carson street, died on March SO. His widow answered to his name. Mr. Oiri6ty commenced to question her. His Honor remarked: "We cannot visit the sins of her hus band on her head; he has died so recently." Mrs. agner will likely get her license. Louis Welm, Main street, did not have a license lastyear. "Judge. Your Honor," he remarked, I have another reason. 1 ou said last year that if lbehaed myseiri would get a license." When he was rerused the Carlin saloon was within a stone'sthrow of him. John Hass is the only applicant from the Thirty fifth want. They had no license last year, and will not have one this Tear, for Mr. Hass was a mem ber or the famous ashington Irving Literary So ciety. "He ought to be proud of that, " said Attorney Sobb. as a parting shot. NO MORE MISTAKES. Morris Gibansky, 195 Main street, reported re ceipts or from fM fo 7S a day. Jndge White said on his case: "1 won't grant a license to a retail liquor store. We made mistakes last year. I did not knowingly give my consent to retail liquor stores." The applicant said be did not keep a restaurant, but only a retail liquor store, William Gundelfinger. 113 Steuben street, kept a grocery store and sold out March 1. He Is fire doors from a church. Judge White said bis per sonal appearance was in his favor; the applicant was much obliged, and he will likely get a license. Samuel Harper and James Calhoun were called. The former testified he saw intoxicated men come out of Hay's saloon and has seen minors go into his saloon. The utter savs he has seen disorderly conduct about-the place, and saw tbem put men out or the place, and has the reputation of being a disorderly place, keeping the neighbors awake. Charles Sellers, 1,1 Main street, has a good boarding house and told a good story. His re ceipts from liquor on week days were 135, and on haturdays f90. A pool room adjoins his saloon. This will likely deprive him or his license, as Judge hite said he has serious objections to such an arrangement. Kd Montgomery testified that the man who owns the poolroom brought beer in irom we saloon to tne room. Charles Turnblacer, 114 Wabash avenue, has a saloon at present. He'made a good showing, with seme exceptions. .Mr. Compton was sworn and testified that he had seen drunken men come out or Turnblacer's saloon, and they had assaulted him. He testified that the man sold to minors, selling drink to a colored boy named Hubby Carter, 17 years of age. He also seen Intemperate men coming out of nil saloon Intoxicated. THE PARTING SHOT. Attorney Bays took charge of the witness and shook bis testimony badly. The father of the boy Carter went to the saloon and said the boy was of age. This closed the examination ot all the applica tions from I'ittsburg. Allegheny will "be taken up thlr morning, and the first four wards will be examined: One passing note before dismissing yesterday's report: Man, with an air of superiority, will ra'l and laugh at woman for her fondness for wearing lewelry; hut IT an Inventory were taken, it fi dollars to doughnuts" that It would be found men own and wear more Jewelry than w omen. They have worse taste, too. and wearjcwelry ihat has no semblanceof beauty. This Is most notice able in the matter or rings. ETery applicant holds up his hand to be sworn, and thus dlsplavs some or the most hideous designs in lings. Enormous seal and cameo lings pre ponderate. The latter consist ot some big white heads or some old Roman warriors, whose chief weapon or defense must have been his own ugly face with a black background. There are, too, large seal rings, heavy gold ones, and occasionally a diamond, which, although it may be paste, glis tens and sparkles with an air of wealth that Is bard to overlook or overcome. The watch chalps are heavy gold. In which quantity and not quality U most noticeable, "watch charms are common, and usually consist ot the badge of some secret society. h C .-,.-,'.- . . ... '-v.,, J- Ik l'jfc.-4.j, .&&&' -I . && -Jr.li .v. KasssssWJBaSJaSsaVJtf Many Matters of Mach and Little Moment Tersely Treated. Showers. One day nearer death. The last slight colds of the season. The world Is dark for the death of Bright, Samuel H. Charlton has returned from, Alabama. The International Chess Congress Is in ses sion. "Your more." A son of General Grant has taken the oath as Minister to Austria. John Geipp held Dade Clare In S5O0 bail for court on a charge of larceny. Bestattrant keepers held their regular weekly failure to meet yesterday. Pupils of the Thad Stevens school gave a pleasant entertainment yesterday. Workmen on the Fourteenth ward station honse hare encountered a bed of quicksand. THE horiion ot future success is often ob scured by the passing cloud of present failure. A Fifth avenue cable car actually stopped for a man yesterday. It had almost run over him. Canada prays for a third party. The law only recognizes two; the thief and the acces sory. Ajaz Jones has put the official seal of Pitts burg on more than 51,000,000 worth of city bonds this week. Charles Sutten pleaded guilty to stealing coal .from P. fc W. B. B. cars yesterday, and was held for court. Borert Louis Stevenson's wife resembles Letts. The "children of his fancy" also re semble some people. Mb. Thomas W. Barer will succeed Superintendent McKelvey, of the Bureau of Health, who retires April L Ohio raises a howl about her breed of office seekers deteriorating. Science explains this on the intermarriage basis. Almost moving time, yet no one has men tioned the stove that does not more or the el bow joint that does not join. William Blaeslee, son of a former well known oil man of St. Petersburg, is In the city. His home is now in Albany. No wonder that Chicago man failed to es tablish a marriage agency. He should hare begun at the divorce end first. Those new electric lights look as if they were trying to put themselves oat with an old fashioned candle extinguisher. The inquest on the remains of Joseph Wolfe, theBcllevne suicide, resulted in a verdict of snlcide while in a fit of insanity. "Gentleman" Ward McCalllstei, of New York, is greatly troubled about his tax arrears. The law says foreigners, are exempt. The Board of Awards will open to-day a .bushel basket full of bids from firms anxious to supply the cityrith yearly necessities. Tis said Mrs. Cleveland's under lip trembles when people refer to her disappointment. Never mind. She keeps a stiff upper lip. There are fewer beggars lu this city than any other of its size. This either speaks well for her good times or for her Poor Board. Messrs. Justice and Fitch, charged with embezzlement as the agents of the Keystone Watch Company, are in jail In default of $2,000 bail. With everybody going somewhere as foreign Ministers, it might be proper to inquire who Is going to stay at home and hold Miss Columbia's hand. Burglars attempted to enter the dry goods store of M. Fire at No. 511 Fifth avenue. Tues day night, but were scared away by a burglar alarm. , Major R. D. Clarke, of the United States army at York, Pa., is in the city and stopping with mine host Griscom, at the Monongahela House. 'TIS said American boodlers in Canada shud a shudder that is painful when tney hear the newies cry: "Here is your morning paper, extra edition." The Board of Directors of the U. P. Theo logical Seminary conclnded their yearly sesion yesterday with the transaction of some unim portant matters. A man is wanted by the Government to help get up truthful records of the late war. He will please call on the President In batches of not more than ten. The National Tube Works Company, of McKeesport, are building 20 new paddling fur nace, which will make 100 in all. Other im provements Are contemplated. , New Yore Judges still continue to sen tence prisoners to the awf ol punishment "ten years with hard labor" when unfortunates are daily going mad for want of work. Like a hound on the last scent, England now and then gives a pitiful yelp over those White chapel affairs, but Pittsburg has an affair as mysterious, and never whines the Goldberg murder. An Indiana man put some dynam lte into the kitchen oven, mistaking it for yeast. The last seen of him he was on his way yeast, probably to see Harrison about the explosive inspector ship office. When Oscar Wilde was asked to arrange a lot of Japanese screens for a 1 ady, he said: "Oh, don't arrange them, let them occur." He prob ably thought even Wilde could not misplace a Japanese screen. Willie Snowden and Charles Griffiths, two boys who escaped from the St, Paul's Orphan Asylum, last Friday, were arrested by Officer Thompson on Forbes street, yesterday, and taken back to the asylum. Albert Dieteick, a newspaper carrier and an Allegheny City lampwasher, fell from a lad der while engaged In the latter occupation on Franklin street yesterday afternoon, having become sick and faint. He was not badly hurt Some of these fine days Pittsburg will waken up to find herself famous, and a metropolis. A Western paper has plaintively asked "where is Pittsburg ?" And what a Western paper does not know, would make most any place fa mous. The weather may continue fair, or may turn in with showers to moisten new spring over coats or aid the blooming flowers. The wind will turn northwesterly and change from warm to cool, but children should take umbrellas be fore they start for school. This is what Wig gins says, but everyone can see the man must make some sort of guess to earn his salarie. TUG CLOSING EXERCISES. Programme of the Allegheny U. P. Theologi cal Seminary Commencement. The commencement exercises of the Alle gheny TJ. P. Theological Seminary were concluded last night. W. Tt. Wilson gave a brief history of the life and character of Malachl and compared the customs and habits of that age with those of the present time. W. 8. Nevin spoke of "In the Power of the Spirit" J. H. Lishniewsky talked of missionary work among the Jews of America. J. F. Jamieson sooke on "The Fourth Gospel and the Synoptic Gospels." B. B. Harsha's subject was "The AuthorsHp of the Epistle to the Hebrews." E.E. Fife gave "The Influence of Calvin." Samuel Dodds spoke on the "Jesuits in the United States." - A LITTLE CHDRCH WAS. The Trouble That Factions and a Pastor Have at Emswortb. The Emsworth Presbyterian Church has a sensation. A sister preferred, but failed to sustain, charges against a brother. Thereat the pastor, Bev. J. M. Ferguson, was author ized to read the sister out of the church. He tried to do it last Sunday. The sister retorted, in snbstanco and In open meeting. "You're an other!" Then there was consternation; and now there is to be no flag of trace raised in that church or village until somebody shall hare gone somewhere. . BRADDUCK'S- DEDICATION. The Carnegie Library to be Formally Opened Next Saturday. The Carnegie Library at Braddock will be formally dedicated next Saturday. Be side numerous visitors the donator is expected to be present, and great preparations are being made to receive him. The Bev. T. N. Boyle, who is in Scranton at present, has been dis patched for, to be present at the occasion. To Keep the Streets Clean. The Bureau of Highways is getting ready for work. Besides a lot of new sweepers other Im portant additions have been made to the work ing powers, and with the aid of the new hoe gang. Superintendent Andrews expects, to do goouwork. A Good Man Appointed. Mr, George MUler, night depot master on the Pennsylvania Ballroad, was appointed yester day by Chief Bigelow to fill the position of Water Asscsor, left vacant by the death of Hon. Matthew Edwards, A Prospector Prom That Place in the Gitj on a Booming Mission. COMPANY PITTSBURGERS. He Tails About the Country Where the Old Diamond Sines Are. THE GOLD EXPORTED THEEE LAST YEAR A company of Pittsbnrgers to bore for oil in South Africa is one of the possibilities of the near future. For the past two days there has been a gentleman here talking the matter up and he has received great encour agement. L. Campbell Johnston, of Johannlsbnrg, State of Transvaal, South Africa, is the name of the gentleman, and he is now stop ping at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. In an interview last night Mr. Johnston said: - "I came here for the purpose of looking over your oil fields to try and get some of yonr rich oil men to put some money in a company to be formed in the country where I came from. From what I know of oil, I think we have it there in vast quantities, and all that is needed is to get enough money to do the boring. . "I have been prospecting in Orange Free State, which is about 750 miles from Cape Town, and found unmistakable evidences of the existence of rich lubricating oil. I found it In springs and pools of water, and the indications are that there is plenty of it underneath the ground. The jeople there do not know anything about it, and are shy about putting money into such an enterprise. "While talking up the formation of the com pany, I have been looking around and getting a little practical knowledge of oil wells. When I go home 1 will be able to tell whother the oil Is really what it promises to be or not "Where the oil 'has been discovered in Or ange Free State the land is very cheap. The country has a little republican form of govern ment "Since I left Scotland many years ago to make my home in South Africa I have been engaged in gold mining, which is a very lucra tive business in that country. Last year there were exported 1,000,000 sterling. This all came from the ports of Durban and Cape Town. "There is also any quantity ot coal similar to what you use in Pennsylvania to be found in the country. It is a soft bituminous article, and we also have something not unlike your anthracite. It is also a great wool growing country, and sngar and wines are among the productions. The climate there is delightful. A trip can be made from this city to Cape Town In about 32 days. "The Government State Mining Engineer there, whose name is Woodhouse, is an Ameri can and I think came from one of yonr Eastern cities. There are few other Americans in the country, however. "From here I go to Lower Calif ornla, on some business connected with gold mining.' THAT DETROIT POISONING. Reports ol Murder Arc Emphatically De nied by Friends. John Zschoegner and wife, of Detroit, who came to Allegheny a couple of weeks ago to bury Hiss Emma Zschoegner, re turned to their home in Detroit yesterday. They wero very indignant over the report that they had poisoned the girl, and went back to disprove the charges. It was alleged several days ago and published in this paper that Mrs. Zschoegner, accompanied by her daughter Emma, went to Detroit to visit her son John. While there they were poisoned, as was Mrs, John Zschoegner. Miss Emma died and the body was brought home for interment It was clUmed at the time that the poisoning was caused by eating canned fruit bat after ward it was claimed that an attempt had been made to murder the elder Mrs. Zschoegner in order to secure her property. Edward L. Saess, a butcher doing business on Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, is a brother-in-law of the dead girl. .He was very indignant over the report of murder, and says the matter will be thoroughly investigated. Mr. and Mrs. John Zscboegnerleft on Monday nlent for Detroit to contradict the report It is said that Mrs. Zschoegner was married four times.and two of her husbands died under very mysterious circumstances. THE PRINTERS' ELECTION. Several Exciting Contests Among the Typos Yesterday. The annnal election of officers tof Typo graphical Union No. 7, held yesterday, was unusually interesting. About 450 votes were cast, including seven ladies, who be long to the organization. This was the first opportunity they ever had to cast a ballot as they were but recently admitted to the union. There were four candidates for delegates to the L T. U., and two to elect The result is ap pended: H. J. Kimpton, 215: Frank A. Lewis, 12; P. J. Lydon, 183; W.J. Hopkins, 176. The following officers were chosen: Presi dent Edward Hope; Vice President Geo. B. Acklm: Recording Secretary, Thomas J. Dicusj Corresponding Secretary, Joseph L, Evans; Financial Secretary, James B. Cully; Treasurer, Hugh Adams; Sejgeant-at Arms, Partrick M. Carey; Doorkeeper, George D. O'Neill; Trustees, George D. O'Neill, Sam uel Stern and John R. Hoover: Judges of Elec tion, Oscar E, Adams, O. A, Williams and C. M. Lelghley. A 14-IEAR-0LD RUNAWAY. He Hired a Horse and Baggy to Get Back Home to His Father. Several daj s ago "William Cunningham, a 14-year-old boy, hired a horse and buggy from Byrne & McCabe, the Butler street liverymen, to drive to Bedford, Pa. As he did not return ip three or four days Detective Shepp&rd was sent after him. He found the lad at Bedford living with his father, a wealthy New York citizen. The boy's head bad been turned reading novels, and he ran away from home to go West When he reached Pitts burg his heart failed him and he conclnded to return home. He hired the rig to take htm as far back as Bedford, intending to send it baek to the owners. He did not have enough money, and tele graphed to his father, who came to him in Bed ford. The father arrived just as the son was being arrested by the detective. He accom panied the detective back to the city and settled all claims for damages. YIBITING TELEGRAPH OFFICIALS. Western' Union Company Men In Town on nn Inspection Trip. M. C. Bristol, Superintendent of Con struction, and C. H. Summers, electrician of the Western Union Telegraph Company at Chicago, arrived in the city last evening In the company's special car and will remain In the city several days. They have been on an inspection tour of the Pennsylvania Company lines west of the Ohio-Pennsylvania State line, and came in over the Fort Wayne road. Thev expected to meet Colonel dowry, the Vice President of the company, who Is now in New York, and accompany him back to Chi cago over the Panhandle lines. To-day they will visit the Western Union main office and will probably leave for home to-morrow. THAT BIG FODNDRI FIRE. The Injured Fireman GeiilngBettcr, and the Loss Slated. Kelvin Harvey, the injured fireman of Truck A, who was hurt at the Fort Pitt Foundry fire, is rapidly improving at the West Penn Hospital. While the exact loss by the fire cannot yet lie given, a member of the firm stated yesterday that the loss would be about 100,000, covered by an insurance of 1120,000. Remembered by Hi's Friends. Mr. William Burden, of Federal street, Alle gheny, a member ot Pride of the West Council No. 37, A. O.U. W., was last night presented with a magnificent gold emDlem by members of the council. Mr. Burden is the oldest mem ber ot the order on the Northslde. The pre sentation speech was made by Mr. Charles V. Lewis, and Mr. Burdett responded. A German Talks Abont. Germans. Ludwlg Grosse, of this city, the son of a well known German poet and author, lectured last night before tie German Library Association, on the subJecd'The Germans of This Country; their Hlstory.Kheir Prejudices and American irejuaicesAgiaMiinem.", - , to considerable property. -tj, i - Poclter was elected President. . , - Penn Avenue Stores. M3-Trsea - H!Sl SfSAfw. '&&: SiKx.rTT m The Woman Charged With Attempting- to Kill Her Hasband Released From Cus todyA Baraor pt Suicide. Mrs. John Thuering, of 48 Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, who was arrested, charged with plotting to murder her hus band, bad a hearing before Mayor Pearson yesterday afternoon. The only witness was Charles Koch, who testified that Mrs. Thuering had engaged him to kill her hasband. He agreed to do the Job. he said, and te plans were laid; but he decided to notify the police, and the plans were not carried out The prisoner denied the charge, and, as there was no further proof, the Mayor discharged her. She left the office at once, Dut did not go home. The woman had a young babe with her, and it was reported last night she had done something rash. ' Koch reported the matter to Mayor's Clerk Hunneshogen, and told a very straight story. Mr. Hunneshogen at once notifledChlef of Police Klrschler, who ordered an investigation ana placed the case in charge of Detective Eichenlanb. The officer told Koch to agree to everything the woman wanted and to try and secure her consent to have an assistant Mr. Elchenlaub being willing to take the Job of murder in order to secure evidence against the woman. Mrs. Thuering declined to allow a third party in the plot and Koch made all the arrangements himself. In speaking of tho matter last night. Detec tive Elchenlaub said: "All the arrangements made by Koch with the woman were carried out; the back gate and door were open, and the woman had the dog and children downstairs where they could not Interfere with the plans. We had no proof of attempted murder, and City Solicitor Elphinstone said that the only charge that could be brought was one for surety of the peace, and that had to be done by the husband. This he refused to do, as be does not believe his wife wants him to be murdered. As soon as the woman was discharged she dis appeared, and I believe she has gone for good." PROBABLI THE FINAL TERSION. The Report to the Consnlnr Agent in the DI Dlontercole Case. The dismal difficulties of the Count and Countess Si Montercole have been told in so many forms, from the original New Tork Beratd story to the Count's own story and the Countess' own story, that the public must be" pretty tired of it But now comes the story 'of the proprietor of the Hotel Bellevue, wlilch.be ing officially given to the United States Con sular 'Agent at Ancona, may presumably be taken as something final and official. It tells of the Initial fuss: Daring the night of the 25th and 26th of October, toward 1:30 in the morning, 1 was suddenly awak ened hy the porter, who came to Inform me that a very violent scene was taking place In room No. 59, occupied by the Count and Count of Monter cole. A. lew moments afterward I presented my self In the room. The couple were standing in night costume and In a state of great exeltement 'This is a mad woman, or she is drunk, ' ' yelled the Count pointing with his linger at his wife, while the latter Hang herself into my arms, Im ploring my help agaln6t the brute, who had fright fully beaten her, adding that she would not con sent to live another minute with the Count. She showed to me the traces of .violent blows received from her husband on the chin and arm. At that h moment the Count attempted to throw himself again on his victim, butl prevented: mm rrom doing so, and tried afterward by evervthlng that reason could dictate to a stranger In such circum stances, to bring back the peace to the Count's mind. He stayed rebellions In spite ot my efforts, and I was obliged to tame him by hinting to him of the intervention of a police officer. He promised at once to make no more noise, and asked only to be allowed to go to bed again. The Countess re fused to tass the rest of the night in the same room with the Count. On the next morning, the Scfh. the Countess ex pressed her desire to me to call in a physician for the pnrpose of getting a statement of the brutali ties of which she haa been made the object so as to enable her to ask for a divorce. I tried to dis suade her from this, telling her at the same time to leave the hotel during the day to avoid the curiosity of the guests and employes of the honse, and to continue at once her journey toward Italy, where the Count had, as he said, castles and Im mense properties. She took my advice, and after having thanked mo for my good offices, the Count ess left the Hotel Bellevne at 7:30 in conmany with her hasband on that same day. G. SFIERS. THE MLLYALE MILL Said to Have Been Fdrcbnsed, and Will be Pat In Operation In Two Weeks. The big rolling mill 'at Millvale station, on the West Penn Bailroad, formerly oper ated bv Graff. Bennetts Co.. is being- put. m shape, and will be started" in 'about to weeks. It was reported yesterday that Mr. Harry Darlington had purchased the works and would put them in operation. An effort was made to Bee Mr. Darlington last evening, but without success, and the report could not be confirmed. Mr. Darlington tried to secure these works some time ago, but could not make a satisfac tory arrangement with the gas company. He therefore leaves the Elba Iron Works, which are in operation now. If the report is correct that he has secured the Millvale mill it is an indication of prosperity In the Iron business. Another report on the disposition of the machinery in the Millvale mill Is given by Mr. Benjamin Catlay, who was manager of the works for 20 years. During the past few days experiments have been made at the Homestead works of Car necte, Phipps tCo., with the recently patented process of the Redeman-Tllford Steel Com pany. Prof. McCloud. of Buffalo, witnessed the experiments, and pronounced them a sac cess. Several capitalists from Louisville, Ky., were here, and Mr. Catley believes they will purchase the machinery of the Graff. Bennett fc Co. plant and remove it to Louisville. SCDLLI'S CHURCH NO MORE. The Followers of the Ex-Uov. Priest Go Bnck Into the Fold. The Church of the Messiah on Forty third street is now a thing of the past. At a meeting of the members of the congrega tion last night they decided to re-enter the Baptist Church and drop the name ofBe formers. Since the resignation . of Bev. F. B. Scully as pastor of the church, the congre gation have depended entirely upon the voluntary offers of different ministers to preach on Sundays. This did not suit the majority of the members, who wanted a regular pastor. At the meeting- last night, several means were discussed to secure a permanent minister, but It was found that this was Impos sible. Mr. Scully aupears to have been the only apostle of his independent creed. As they conld not get a pastor to permanently till his place it was thought best to discard the name Messiah. The Sunday school of the church consists of 100 pupils and the congregation under the new regime will number 300. Arrangements are being talked of to raise funds to build a church. On next Wednesday evening an advisory board will be appointed to secure a permanent, regular Baptist minister. TWO MDRDER CASES. Draper Must Answer for Murder A Con vict's Appeal for Pardon. Bequisition papers are being prepared to bring hither William Draper, who is at present imprisoned in Owensboro, Ky., and who is supposed to be the murderer of Joseph Whalen. The latter was mysteriously shot at a picnic on Tom's Run last June, and the circum stances convicted Drapet, who eluded all search to date. An application for the pardon of William Goldnlck, who was sentenced to the peniten tiary for seven years, for the shooting t)f John Hohlwell, has been forwarded to Governor Beaver. OKLAHOMA BOOMERS. Brookvllle Citizens Going to Settle on the Disputed Territory. A party of seven men, under the-leadership of Mr. John Bussell, of Brookvilie, were at the Union station last night on their way to Oklahoma. They -were settlers going out to ''boom" the county, and after getting comfortably fixed they intend to send for their families. Several of the party said they had read the President's order opening up the Territory, but did not think it was of any advantage to them. Two Aged Travelers. Nathaniel Crane and his wife Sarah, an old couple, asked for a night's lodging at the Twenty-eighth ward station house last night They alleged that they were on their way from Bedford to St Joe, Jin., whefe they hope to find their daughter. They are over 70 years old. Jacob Wolf Dead. jwsjuan cianneis ur uwn impgnauon, UIUUU XA UnUlUll) . yy. . Jaeob Wolf, the Bellevue iman who cut his Dr. PoalterXlected. The finest goods and most satisfactory to . J- r, - Sfsfll i 1 throat on Tuesday morning, died on the follow- The alumni of the Western Pennsylvania wear; new colorings now in stock. ofiSANDnOTMARKET ST. '' . . v ."tVt tBMWB 4 ingevenlng. His widow and children are heirs MedlcalCollege met last nleht Dr. William Jos; Hoene & Co. S gnaoaj.. -. ' .'?-; njllsy f Annie Swinde, or Simon, Tears Oat a Leaf and Flays Innocence. THE EVIDENCE OP TWO HUSBANDS Is so Overwhelming She .Admits II, Claim in? an Ocean Divorce. WAS SHE PERSUADED TO DOUBLE UP? An unusual and interesting case came up before Alderman Doughty last night in the trial oi Anuie Swinde, alias Simon, on the charge of bigamy, and the 'squire's of fice, together with the pavement in front of it, was crowded with a miscellaneous mass of men and women. The defendant in the case is a pretty little German woman of about 27, and judging from her innocent face and manner, we would not at all sus pect her of polygamous propensities. The accusation had been made by her step-son, Albert V. Simon, and rested on the follow ing story: t About three years ago Annie Bentinger was married to Carl Swinde, in Freiburg, Germany. Last year a separation took place, and the wife came to this country, where she made the acquaintance of Vincent Simon. ' On the 9th of last January the two were married in Philadelphia, Simon being in ignorance of his wife's former relations. They moved to Pittsburg, and on last Fri day the husband, through a prayer book in his wife's possession, discovered the facts In the case, and his son immediately entered suit The first witness called was Joseph Mueller, who had crossed the ocean on the same ship with the defendant After some preliminary questioning the query was asked which de veloped the fact that he knew both Annie Simon and her German husband. THE SILENT COBEOBOBATION. The attorney then produced a prayer book and asked: "Did you ever see this prayer book?" "Yes." "In whose possession was it at the time?" "That woman had it" (pointing to the de fendant). "Where was she when you saw her with it?" "On board ship, coming from Germany." "Was this page torn out then?" (pointing to where a page had been abstracted). "No." "That will do." The next witness called was Chris Bigelow. He had also crossed the ocean, on the same boat with the defendant and bad known her and her first husband. He had allowed her to remain with him a short time after arriving in Pittsburg; but on account other conduct, had ordered her out of his house. Mrs. Sellna Fritz was next sworn and pro ceeded to testify. She had befriended the de fendant, who lived at her house four months. Identifying the prayer boot before mentioned as belonging to Annie Swinde, and being asked In regard to the missing leaf, she said: "Yes, that leaf was there when I last saw the book." "Was there anything on It?" "It contained the uate of the marriage of Annie Swinde to Carl Swinde." "Bo you know how it is that the leaf is miss ing now." "Annie told me that she would tear it out as she didn't care to have anyone know of her German relations." JUST MKE IiICENSE COURT. At this point the Court became very angry and excited at the conduct of some people in the audience, and one man was put out thus restoring the Court's peace and dignity. Vincent Simon, the present husband of the defendant, was called for the purpose of iden tifying his certificate of marriage with the de fendant He was followed by the latter, who told the following story: About three years ago she married Carl Swinde, in Freiburg, Germany. About nine months ago she discovered her husband to be unfaithful to her, and immediately informed the Mayor ana her relatives. By these she was advised to come to America, If she could not live any longer with her unfaithful spouse. She also corroborated the other testimony given In .a manner-so simple that an onlooker would be convinced she was doing what she thought per fectly right This closed the case, and the Court wishing to be lenient with her, placed her under $500 ball. She was unable to procure this, and was committed to jail to await a court trial. Alderman Doughty, in speaking to The Dispatch reporter, Bald: "I don't believe that she Intended to do wrong. In fact It appears to me as if she thought that crossing the ocean and coming into this country severed all her relations with her German husband. This no tion was probably drummed into her head bv those instrumental in securing her departure.1' ALL WAS QUIET. The Flint Glass People Settled Their Differ ences Amlcnbly. The joint convention of the Executive Committees of the flint glass workers and manufacturers, who have been meeting during the last few days for the purpose of ad justing a few classifications of goods, adjourned last night after the question had been partially settled. These classifications of prices on different articles had frequently caused hard feeling In some ot the glasshouses between the employers and the workers. All except one article was settled by yesterday's conference, and no tronble will occur. Tho statement that the question of advanc ing the men's wages would likely canse a disa greement, and possibly a strike, was utterly refuted yesterday. The committee of the work ers did say that 'hey contemplated a request of having wages raised in the future; but the ?uestlon was not discussed, because the manu acturers maintain that they never made any promise of an increase in the pay. Yesterday rule IV., which says, that gather ing boys shall.work for six. months as appren tices for 10 per cent less than list prices, came up for discussion, because several of the manu facturers seemed to pat different meanings .to the words. That was also settled, the rule to remain as It stands. The meeting adjourned at 6 o'clock, to con vene again in the latter part of next week. COULDN'T FIND THE GOODS. An Officer Said to Have Notified Some Thieves They Were Wanted. Detective Allen, of Gilkenson's Detective Agency, has been at work for several days on the robbery of $1,200 worth of goods from Charles Klopfer's clothing store at Sharps burg. The robbery occurred about four weeks ago, and Officer Allen finally succeeded in locating the stolen goods. He took another officer into his confidence and told him where the goods were. A search warrant was Issued, but when six houses were scaiched yesterday none of the goods conld be lound. Detective All en said last night that the man whom he took into his confidence must have given the suspected people a "tip," as no stolen property was found. FINED FOR BAD MILK. The Milk Inspector Brings Two Lacteal Wa tcrers to Jastlce. A. Hammers and E Erie, milk shippers on the Montour Railway, had a hearing be fore Alderman Means, oq Frankstown ave nue, yesterday on a charge of selling adnlter. atedmllk. The charge had been preferred against tbem by Mr. McCutcbeon, the Milk In spector. Rammers was fined $30 and costs, and Erie had to pay costs. FATHER WALL IS A D. D. Tho Sector of St. Paul's Cathedral Is Hon ored by a University. Georgetown University, D. C, has con ferred on Kev. Father Stephen "Wall, rector of St Paul's Cathedral, the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Father Wall has for many years, though a comparatively young man, been recognized as- a man of scholarly attainments and great executive ability. As He Got-OK James McQuside was arrested yesterday as he stepped from a Cincinnati boat, charged with robbing a McKeesport man in a saloon at the corner of Grant and Water streets about three weeks ago. The Members oTlhe Sontbslde Presbyterian Church Who Did aod Did Mot Waat the New Instrument. , The congregation of the Southside Pres byterian Church held'aneeting last night in the lecture room of the church and de cided to purchase a new organ, which will cost $3,250. But thereby hangs a tale. A gentleman, who Is a member of the church explained last night about as follows, regard ing the new purchase : "It is a well known fact that our church has been in a pretty bad way for a long time, and. the administration of the Rev. Alexander Jackson did not improve the church any, finan cially. Since our new pastor, however, has come here, things are beginning to look -up, and. of course, it has been found that the church wants a great deal of Improving and beautifying. But all that requires money. A new organ seemed to be an object of great necessity, only the money to buy one was not at hand. . . . "In this difficulty a gentleman offered to buy a lot adjoining the church for $1,200, as a financial aid in their undertaking. This caused quite a rupture, however. In the con gregation, and it looked quite senous at one time. There was one faction willing to sell the lot but the other expressed themselves satis fied to come to church and listen to the old organ sooner than sacrifice a piece of property that improves the entire frontage ot the church. "The meeting to-night was held for the purpose of getting all the church mem bers together, and have them discuss the question. The argumentations lasted tor nearly two hours, and they were conducted in a very spirited manner in some instances. However, a vote was at last taken, the result of which being that the church is going to re tain the lot ad buy the organ as well." The Instrument is to be as fine a one as can be obtained sor the money. ALWAYS DRY ON ONE SIDE. An Ohio Mnn Who Never Perspires Except on Half His Body. Wavebly, O., March 27. When William Shockey, a laborer aged about 26, Is working or exercising, the right half of his body perspires so freely that his clothing becomes as com pletely saturated as If water had been poured upon him, while the left side remains perfectly dry. The line of demarcation is as exactly drawn as It he had been surveyed by an ex pert The line comes across the scalp, fore head and nose, extending down the breast and abdomen, dividing him exactly in halves. Pne side of the torehead, one side of the nose and the whole right half sweats most freely, while the other half remains in feverish dryness, never -even becoming moist He at tributes the phenomenon to illness from which he suffered some time ago. SELECT KNIGHTS' PARADE. They Will Tarn Oat ia Uniform on April 30 The Iilne of March. The Select Knights of the A. O. TJ. "W. will parade on April SO. The following Is the line of March: Form on Second avenue, right resting on Smith field street move to Third avenue, to Grant street Diamond street Boss street Fifth avenne, Con gress street Wylle avenue, fifth avenue. Market street Sixth street over bridge, Federal street Ohio street East street. North avenue, Irwin ave nne. Western avenne, Marion avenue to Stockton avenue ana dismiss. ONLY HARRISON KNOWS. Congressman Dnlzell Is Quiet On the Post mastership Flsht. Congressman Dalzell was at the Union station last night on his way to Washing ton on business. While waiting for his train a reporter asked him when Mr. McKean would -be appointed postmaster. A sinister smile passed over the young Congressman's countenance as he replied: "Indeed I do not know. I do not think that anv man but President Harrison knows any thing about it" A Wrong- Diagnosis. Timothy ckert was brought to the Central station last night and stated that he was suf fering from heart disease. An investigation by Dr. Oldshae revealed the fact that he was suffering from an overdose of whisky, and In spector McAleese therefore had him locked up. He Wanted Tases. 'Sirs. John SIppach, of Washington street, Allegheny, charged F. H.' Hasllgs. before Alderman Richards yeaterday.with the larceny of a pair of vases worth $10. Haslage gave $500 bail. The Pennsylvania Officers Re-Elected. Philadelphia, March 27. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company elected yesterday, met to-day and organized. The present officers ot the company were re-elected. Are Yon Forbidden to Take Anaesthetics To get your teeth extracted? If so, try Dr. Smith's Bonell freezing pro8ess? which benumbs the gums so that very little pain is felt It is perfectly safe; no bad effects after. De. F. H. Smith's Dental Offices, 504 Penn avenue. Office hours from 9 A. m. to 5 P. M. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIE, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $38,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts Plain India Silks New Shades, 43 Ceuts a Yard, For dresses and decorating and fancy work usually sell at 50 ceuts silk department Jos. Hoene & Co. '8 Penn Avenne Stores. PUBLIC SALE Of 20 Head Ohio Horses. At Central stock yards. East End, Pa., Friday, March 29, 1889, tor sale, twelve head of heavy draft horses, the balance for general purpose and driving. Sale com mences promptly at 10 o'clock. P. Mc Namee, Auct. Foley Beos. Boys' English Wash Silk Ties 125 dozens in stock to-day entirely new patterns. Hen's furnishing department JOS. HOEJTE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Abend of the Circus. Several hundred thousand attractive quarter sheet hangers from the press of Percy F. Smith tell the people or five or biz States of the qualities of Harvin's crackers. "It pays, sirl it pays!" Beaded Sprlnjt Wraps Great bargains, from $2.95 up to $15, offered this week. Eosenbatjm & Co. Special Sale. Thursday of each week during the pres ent season we shall devote entirely to adver tising our business, by selling the most de sirable, goods in our establishment without ?rofit, and in many instances below cost o-day we offer a line of the most elegant suits and spring overcoats which money and skill can produce, at $10 $10 and we guarantee that the garments sold to-day can not be duplicated ior less than $20to.$25 anywhere ink Pittsburg. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Marie Antoinette Styles Wasb Dress Goods, Lovely printed cottons, plain finish and in printed crepes; in satine department. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Me. Wabren Wattles, of Wattles &? Bbeafer, Jewelers. 37 Fifth ave., has re turned from'New York, where he has been buying goods for their new store. All th'eir new goods will Be opened by April 1. Bended'Sprlngr Wraps Great bargains, from $2.95 up to $15, offered this week. Kosenbaum & Co. English Flannels Oar Own Importation, The finest goods and most satisfactory to wear; new colorings now in stock. Jos; Hoene & Co.'s , . Penn Avenue Stores. f'...V& " . - if-.. fr.fj&jAte'.3stt-!l.M. . j&- An Array Offlcer Who Was Probably As saulted In Pittsburg". Haeeisbueo, March 27. To-day an officer of the War Department at Washing ton came here to take charge of the Captain Craft, of the United States Army, who had been in. confinement here since Monday evening. Captain Craft arrived here on a train from the West on that evening, and at the station acted as though demented. He was taken in charge, locked np and care fully watched for fear he might do himself bodily injury. Last night he became more rational, and said the last thing he conld remember was somebody striking- him on the head with the heavy end of a revolver. A gold watch and $300 in cash, he said, were missing. It is the theory of the police that Captain Craft was sandbagged, robbed and then placed on a train at some point west of this city, probably Pittsburg. He was taken to Washington this afternoon. CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION. A Girl's Fortnae the Subject of a Family Qnarrel. (SPECIAL TELZGKAM TO TflX DISPATCH. 1 Canton, March 27. Lizzie Myers, a pretty 16-year-old girl, was abducted irom her home in Justus, this county, by two of her uncles, Andrew and William Maurer, and taken to TJrichsville, O., where he now is. This afternoon the girl's stepfather, Charles Adams, came here and swore out warrants for the arrest of the two Maurers on a charge of abduction, and an officer left at once for TJrichsville to secure the men and the girl. There is considerable mystery about the case, Adams, the stepfather, charging that the object of the abduction is to get hold of a large sum of money which is to be left Miss Myers upon the death of 'her grand father, John Maurer, the old gentleman having recently executed a will to that effect. , CAPTURING FISH PIRATES. The Struggle Warden Schnfer, of Erie, Is Engaged In. rSrZCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBZ DISPATCH. 1 Eeie, March 27. Fish Warden George Schafer, with a squad of officers, made another raid on fish pirates to-night, and those who failed to pay the fine of $25 and costs are in jail. The' lake men take the part of the fishermen and Fish Warden Schafer's life is in constant jeopardy. Mayor Brady has been appealed to for clemency toward the pirates, whose proper ty has been confiscated by the city, but he stoutly refuses to grant the pirates any favors. There is a great deal of excitement over the situation and the wholesale dealers who have been buying the fish may also be prosecuted. ASA JONES IS WILLING. One Mnn Found Who Wants to be Governor of Ohio. ISFECTAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Totjngstown, March 27. General A. W. Jones,a leading member of the bar here, this afternoon stated that in response to numerous letters from nearly every section of the State, he had decided to enter the race for the Republican nomination of Gov ernor, and had assurances of a strong sup port among those who wonld probably be selected as delegates to the State conven tion. General Jones has a large acquaint ance through the State, and his name at the head of the ticket wonld make it strong. Thirteen Million Youun While FI sh. - rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Eeie, March 27. The Superintendent of the Erie White Fish Hatchery commenced to-da"y to plant the 13,000,000 white fish spawn being propagated here. Two mil lion of the fif were taken out into the lake and plauted in deep water and the balance will be planted fn a Jew days. A Bednctlon of Paddlers Wages. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Hollidaysbubg, March 27. The Iron manufacturers of this place are suffering from the depression in the trade, and the mills of McLanahan, Smith & Co. and the Hollidaysburg Iron Company have reduced the wages ot their puddlers from $3 75 to $3 50 a ton. An Unprofitable Transaction for Joha. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOT DISPATCH.l New Toek, March 27. John Lynch pleaded guilty before Jndge Corningjto-day, in the General Sessions, to selling his vote for $1 in the last election to John Schmidt, proprietor of the Windsor Hotel, and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Llqnor Men Organizing. ISFECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Chahbebsbubg, March 27. The liquor men of Franklin county held a secret con vention at Green Castle to-day, and formed a preliminary organization to fight the pro hibition amerfdment Base Ball. The contract for all the colored poster printing for the Allegheny Baseball Club's season of 1889 has been awarded to Percy F. Smith. J Extra Quality Plain aad Striped Mohairs. Latest styles, largest assortment to choose from, all are choice goods. Jos. Hokne & Co's Penn Avenue Stores. Angostura Bitters are the best remedy for removing indigestion. Sold by druggists. BIBER & EASTON. NEW SPRING COSTUM-INGS. 40-inch French Side Band Suitings, self trimmings, only 50c a yard. 46-Inch Pure Mohair Snitlngs. 40-1 nch Henriettas at 63c Extra Satin Finish, 46-inch widths, 85c and II CO. Silk Warp Henriettas, spring shades. Black Henriettas in all the numbers, from 85c to $2, the most perfect finished grades im ported. The most complete line of novelties and FANCY DRESS GOODS, All at attractive prices. Second shipment in Silks brings to us a spe cial bargain in a colored Satin Luxor, all the prevailing shades, at 83c regular $1 goods. Fancy Stripe Surahs, for trimmings at S5c Novel and stylish designs in India Silks. WRAPS, Cloaks and Suits. New and handsome effects for Ladles. Misses and Children. JACKETS. Stockinette, fair grade, for 13. High grade Jackets, 15 50, 37, (9, $10. Bound Corkscrews and wale Cloths, lined and unlined,wlth or without vests, 55, S7, $9, f 12 to 816. Colored FrenclTCIotb, Loose or Directolre Fronts, S9. $12. SI6. Bead Wraps, all grades, from f?to $10. B raided Silk and Cloth Mantles, S3 to $40. Nottingham. Swiss and Irish Point Curtains. Curtain Nets and Sash Draperies, neat and effective patterns, low range of cost.' House Furnishing Linens, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels and Qallts, the best values shown; underground prices. BIBER I EASTLE A MYSTERIOUS CASE. Apparently Another Hotel M order HaaBeea Committed In St, Lonl. St. Louis, March- 27. Last night a vea erable looking, well-drested man, appar ently about 50 years of age, went to the Hotel Parle accompanied by a good-looking neatly, dressed woman, registered as S. M. Waite and wife, of Florida, and tho couple were assigned a room. During the night Waite drank a great deal of beer and and had supper reived in his room. This morning the woman let the hotel and did not return. Later Waite was found in a dying condition with a bottle of morphine near him. The morphine was nut nn bv Powers and Weightman, of Philadelphia. Soon after being taken to the City 'Hospital Waite died. j.uc puuee are loosing ior we mys terious woman, and the body of S. M. tit..:,.. -t?i tj- i? -tii it ,, uk, ui .c lunuu, lies on a siao in we mor gue, unidentified. The dead man is well dressed, with iron gray hair and mustache. 5 feet 11 inches in height, with soft ana slender hands, showing he had never done manual labor. He claimed to own an orange grove in Florida. ' 4 A SECOND CHARLIE BOSS. ' A Chlcnio Heir to n Fortune ol 886,ew Abducted. '&, Chicago, March 27. Arthur Kro" chaurki. a 14-year-old lad and heir to a i or' tnne of $80,000, has disappeared, andrliif father believes that he has been abducted'' for the purpose of extorting a ransom. Yes terday morning he sent his son to a butcher ' shop at the stockyards to procure some meat for the evening meal. Hi gave the lad th"e necessary amount to make his purchase and 10 cents for car-fare. The father has not seen his boy since. A number of people had seen the lad, two or three having met him in company with a man leading a Mexican mustang. A light dawned upon the father's mind, and the father believes that the lad was either ab ducted by one of the many cattle men he was inthe habitof associating with or that he ran away to live ou a ranch and raise cattle. 1 ..' -3PC ar .4' JOB. HDRNE I CE'B j; " PENN AVENUE STORES, aar 1 1 ia.jg ,& MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS! t NOW .' . -Ef- LACE CURTAINS, HEAVY CURTAINS, PORTIERES and DRAPERIES., Curtain Materials by the yardVloc ta . J finest qualities. j gg New Velour Curtains just received. ril M Now Velour Table and Piano Covers. New Cretonnes and Furniture Cot erings. v Pillows and Bolsters, regular sixes) and special sizes to order promptly. Our Lace Curtain stock is all new . this spring's importations $1 a pair to finest Brussels Point. We make estimates on high decorat ing for interiors equal, to any in the country. Our Curtain Boom is large and well lighted and customers receive prompt attention. All the latest styles of Printed Silks as fast as they come out, for fancy work and sash curtain use. New styles in Upholstery Iringes, Gimps and Sash Curtain Loops. Send in your orders now for any kind of drapery work, which will receive our best attention. . JDB. HDRNE k El! ., PENN AVENUE STORES ""Ifr'fr , V : ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers