ffjrT yw- TP" m. ws t . r- .:- t -,,; IV V'V A' ' "ST""- " THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,, TUESDAY,- MAJIOH 26, 1889. , MARKET- FEATnEES. Cattle Receipts Lislit at Herr's Island, but of Good Grade. LIVE HOGS TENDING DOWNWARD. Extra Eun of SUeep and Lambs, bat the Demand Equal to Supply. THE WHEAT SITUATION TCZZLES ALL Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, u" Monday. March 25, 1&9.J The run of cattle was lighter than usual, the total being 23 loads, against 30 loads for a few months past. "While the volume was below the average, quality was above aver age. Zcigler ft Gerson had U loads, among which were a few bunches which were as near prime as anything received for a number of weeks. There were a few prime steers in the lot, weighing about 1,6C0 pounds, which were gobbled up like hot cakes at 414c. Nothing on hand last week brought much oer 4c All bands agree that the quality of supplies was much above the average for a number of weeks back. Shortness of supply and Improve ment in quality bad the effect of stimulating markets, and everything was cleaned up early in the da. One dealer, who carried over from last week 20 head, is happy to-day over the fact that every bullock is sold. The range of prices was S3 404 50. Markets show a decided im provement on anything for a month or two past. baid a leading dealer: "We have found mar kets pretty draggy for a week or two past, but this week we have no cause to complain. We are able to dispose of all our stuff early in the da. and feel entirely satisfied w ith this week's trade." There is no question that the tone of trade m live stock shows a decided improvement over a number of weeks past. frheep and Lambs. The run was large, but not too large for the demand. While the lolume was above the average, the quality was ditto. Some new dealers appeared on the stage of action with a choice lot of sheep and lambs. The rate of the best wethers wasojjeand lambs 6?.fc A few bunches of extra lambs were sold at c Notwithstanding the big run. markets were active, and sellers had no difficulty in disposing of their stock. A Diamond market butcher, who gets his sup plies at Herr's Island, reports that his oppor tunity for securing good juicy mutton this week has been better than for some time past IIopi. At Chicago and East liberty to-day, prices advanced with S4 fco to $5 05 as the ranee at the former place; and So 15 as the outside figure at the latter At Herr's Island there was a down ward tendency, and S3 10 wasthe outside figure. There is now no perceptible difference be tween price of heavy and light hogs. All win ter light weights have been at a premium. Since lard shows stiffening tendencies, heavy weights have gone up to the place they held in former seasons. The drift of hog markets is upward in snite of the fact that prices were a shade lower at Herr's Island this week than last. Wlirnt and Flour. The wheat and flour situation is a puzzle to the oldest speculator. The dull movement In wheat, which lifted prices last week in a day or two 13c per bushel, has culminated and we are now baling a movement of bears. The current number of the Minneapolis Jliller seems to be entirely at sea on the situation. We quote from its disquisition. "In the words of the puzzled operative in Dickens' Hard Times, it is a' a muddle.' The past has been a vear of trials and tribulations to the miller. Doubt and uncertainty bounds all his horizon. There is, however, one thing sure, it has been a bad year all around, and may as well go on to record as such. Better things are hoped for later ou, but hope deferred maketh the heart sick. There is quite a large community of heart-sick millers in this land at tins writing, who have begun to look forward to the new crop as the only chance for a better state of thingsl It Is a lucky miller who submits to the inevitable and makes the best of the situation." To the last sentence the commercial editor of The Dispatch would say Amen, and com mends to all tradesmen everywhere the senti ment. The season has not been one of large revenue to jobbers in lines of grain and produce, but auarreling with stubborn facts does not im prove the situation. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsbcbg Dispatch, MOKDAY, March 25, 18S9. J CATTLE Receipts, 1,820 head: shipments, 1,000 head. Market active and 10c higher than last week's prices. One car of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 3,000 head: shipments, 4,300 bead. Market fair; medium Philadelphia. S3 10; heavy hogs, $500; pigs and Yorkers, S3 005 10. Twenty-two cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts, 8,400 bead: shipments, 3,000 head. Market firm and Jc higher than last week's prices. By Telejrrapb. New York Beeves Receipts yesterday and to-daj, 4,200 head: for the week, 9,500 head; fresh arrivals Included 110 carloads for city slaughterers direct; 71 carloads for exportation, and 61 carloads for the market. The trading was slow, but prices were firm; very common to very choice steers sold at S3 534 70 per 100 pounds: bulls at S2 253 00. Sheen Receipts 13.400 head, making 30,000 for the "week; dull' and easier with a slow trade; unshorn sheep sold at S4 4G5 50 per 100 ponnds; unshorn yearling lambs at S3 257 25 with a single car load at S7 37-,; clipped Yearlings, three car loads at S5 505a7J. Hogs Receipts 11.705 head, making 20.760 head lor the week. A small bunch of good hogs changed bands alive at S3 45 per 100 pounds; reported steady at So 10 (25 43. Kansas City Cattle Receipts. LS92 head: no shipments; maiket active; dressed beef steers o10c higher: cows active and strong; stockers and feeding steers steady; good to choice corn led, S3 904 25; common to medium, 52 753 75: stockers and feeding steers, SI 60 3 20; cows. SI 602 80. Hogs Receipts. 3,363 head; shipments, 270 head; active and 5c higher for all grades; good to choice. S4 60 4 63; common to medium. U 101 50. Sheep Receipts. 973 head: shipments, 280 head; active and strong; good to choice muttons, S4 254 50: common to medium. 2 503 SO. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 900 head; ship ments, 100 head; strong: choice native steers, 53 SJfjl 40; fair to good do, $3 00g3 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 103 20: rangers, comfed. 82 80S3 60: grass-fed. S2 003 00. Hops Receipts. 2.500 head; shipments, 1,200 bead; market higher; choice heavy and batchers' selections. S4 704 S3: packing, me dium to prime. SI 704 85; light grades, ordinary to best, S4 S04 95. Sheen Receipts. 200 head; shipments. 100 head; market firm; fair to choice, J3 00o00. Chicago Cattle Receipts, U.500head: ship ments, 6,000 bead: market stronger; beeves, S4 00 j4 5: steers, S3 00g3 90; stockers and feeders. S2 303 30. cows, bulls and mixed, SI 605J320. Hogs Receipts. 13.500 head; shipments. 5,000 head; market opened 510c higher, closing easier; mixed. S4 705 00; heavy. S4 704 97K: light, S4 7565 10; skip. S3 504 50. bbeen Receipts, 4,500 head; shipments, l.bOO head; market strong; natives, S3 00S5 10; cows, S4 10 4 70. Buffalo Cattle steady; receipts, 1,800 head through; 2,400 sales: prime steers, S3 504 00; mixed butchers, 52 503 25. Sheep and lambs; receipts, no throueh; 10.000 head sale; sheep firm: good. SI 754 90; lambs, shade lower; good, S6 OOS-6 40. Hogs active; mediums 5c higher; Yorkers 510c lower; receipts, 6.100 head through. 13,000 head sale; mediums, 55 15; Yorkers. S5 155 2a CrscnCTATT Hogs in fair demand and steady; common and light. S4 004'80: packing and butchers', S4 754 95; receipts, 3,900 head shipments. 450 bead . DURABILITI OP STEEL BAILS. Results of the Observations of a German Commission Interestlne Particulars. A Berlin correspondent says that a commis sion, representing tbevarious German railway companies, has just published a report detail ing the results of observations made during six years on the durability of steel rails on German, Austrian. Hungarian, Dntch and Belgian lie ts. from which it appears that the durability of a steel rail may be reckoned on an average at 35 J ears, presuming that the annual trafhe be cat culated at 343,000 tons, and the minimum and maximum of wear and tear allowed be 0.007 and 0.017 millimetres. The avera-e traffic on tbe German lines amounts in the year to 1430,000 tons, and repre sents 28 passenger and 10 goods trainspor diem. In estimating the value of tbe above calculation, it must, however, be borne in mind that before reaching the maximum of tear and wear named tbe rail would probably have to be condemned cn.accou.nt of the roughness of its surface. On the Henslnger line, where there are neither steep gradients nor sharp curves, andthe brake consequently comes but little into play, the wear only amounted to one millimetre for about 10,000,000 tons. markets by .wire: A Tumble In Wheat Almost Cnnsea a Panic Corn and Oats Also Lower Hog Products Generally Active and Strom. Chicago A marked reaction occurred in the wheat market to-day and prices were con siderably lower. May, after opening a fraction higher, declined 4c, and closed 3c lower than Saturday. June declined 1c and closed 2Jc low cr. July, on the other band, opened a shade higher, declined 2c and closed about c lower than Saturday. The impression was that the large bull traders had realized freely on the advance of last week and that tbe most anxious shorts had covered. Consequently, with less demand from the short interest and fair offerings from the bull interest a weak and almost panicky feeling was devel oped for May. The buying for July maybe in fluenced some by tbe reports of continued dry weather in soma of the winter wheat sections. and possibly by the reports that frosted wheat is used for seed In the Northwest, there being a possibility that such may not insure a good crop. The decrease In the visible supply was 916,000 bushels. Corn was rather quiet most of the session, with the exception of a short period of moder ate activity after the opening. The feeling was steady and prices did not vary materially from Saturday. A feature was the free offerings of June, one operator selling in the neighborhood of 400,000 bushels. Receipts were in excess of expectations. The visible supply increased 404.000 bushels. The market opened at about Saturdays closing figures, fluctuated within ya Kc range, closing a shade lower than satur- In oats no striking features were developed. The decrease of 173.C00 buf hels In the visible supply had no effect on the market. Price changes were confined to a range of c, due chieflv to the local decline in wheat. There was more activity in hog products to day. Prices opened strong and made good ad vances on free buying. Later long stnff came out, and stop orders helped carry the market down. Short ribs sold for May at S6 37. May lard started at $7 15 and sold at S7 12K- Mess pork sold 10c higher at the opening, advanced 10c later declining 40c straight, closing at the bottom for the day. The range was $12 35 1275. Ribs sold $6 2586 27K at the close. Lard, 57 U2). closing for May. Tbe leading futures ranged as follows Wheat No, 2 May. SI 051 031 011 01; June, 999995J95Mc; July, 8KS3X87K 87Kc; year, bieWc Corn-No. 2 April. 34c; May. 35K35Kc; June. 35?355&85K351c: Julv. 3643oKc Oats No.2ilav.-Jae2o2oJ2oc; June, 25?;25c; luly. 2aVc. Mess Pork, per bbk-May, S12 6512 75 12 3512 35; June, S12 62K12 7512 40Q12 40; July, S12 75012 8512 5012 5a Labd. per 100 fts May, S7 17U7 17U 7 007 02i:June, S7 17K7 207 05. 05; July. S7 22M7 22K7 107 10; August, $7 22K7 25 S7 1-lV.Gf 12k. SHOUT Ribs, per 100 lis. May. S6 3766 40, 6 276 27; June, S6 42K6 32; Jul, S6 52f U& ogXi 37JS&6 40; August, 6 4a. Cash quotations were as follows: flour dull: No. 2 spring wheat, 9iK9!5ic; No. 3 spring wheat, 83J4c: No. 2 red. SW9:2c. No 2 corn, SlJgC. No. 2 oats, 24c No. 2 rye, 42Uc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI al. Prime timothy seed, tl 33. Mess pork, per barrel, $12 3012 35. Lard, per 100 lbs. S7 00. Short nbs sides (loose). S6 256 3a Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S3 255 50. Short clear sides (boxed). S8 408 45. Receipts Flour, none; wheat. 1200 bushels: corn, 156,000 bush els: oats. 119,000 bushels: rye. 2,000 bushels; barley, 38,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, none; wheat. 28.000 bushels; corn. 157,000 bush els: oats, 06.000 bushels; rye. 2,000 bushels; bar ley. 29,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was active on fine grades, others dull; creamery, 1724c; dairy, 1221c Eggs weak; fresh, ll12c New Yoke Flour quiet and unchanged: Wheat Spot dull and 22c lower; options active and 1KS2JC lower. Barley quiet Barley malt dull. Corn Spot steady and moderately active; options dull and KKC lower. Oats Spot firm and dull: options steady and qr let. Hay easy and quiet. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened barely steady, and closed steady at 515 points below Saturdav: sal 35, 37,500 bags, including March, ia8016.95c: Apnl, 16.90c; Mav, ia90 17.05c; June, 17.0517.10c; July, 17.1017.25c: August. 17.25i17.35c; September, 17.3017.50c; October, 17.3517.55c: November, 17.5517.60c; December, 17.5f17.60c: January, 17.6017.70c; spot Rio firm; Jair cargoes, 19c Sugar Raw very strong; offered sparingly, .fair Tefining, 5Mc; centrifugals. 96 test. 6K6c; sales of a cargo of centrifugals at 3 15-16c and F. refined c higher, light demand and firm; C, G)&6Jc: extra C, 66Jc; white extra C, 6 15-167 l-16c; yellow, 64G2f c; off A. 7 l-167ic:lniold A, TJJc; stand ard A,73c; confectioners' A, 7jc; cut loaf, ?c; crushed, Sc: powdered. 8c; granulated, 7JJc: cubes, 8c. Molasses Foreign firm: 10 cargoes sold at 25c; New Orleans quiet. Rice steady. Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow dull; city, 4c asked. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpen tine easy and nominally at 5151c Eggs dull and lower; Western, 10ffillc; receipts, a862 packages. Pork strong; old mess, $12 75 13 00; new mess, S13 50013 75; extra prime, S12 5a Cut meats quiet; sales of pickled bellies, 12 pounds. 7c; pickled shoulders, 5c; pickled bams, 910c: middles quiet; short clear, S6 85. Lard opened higher, closed weak and dull; sales of Western steam S7 40, closing at S7 37K" 40: March. $7 31; April, S7 31; Mav. S7 So7 46, closing at S7 37 bid; June, S7 397 45. closing at S7 38; Julv. S7 45 7 4S, closing at S7 40 asked; August, S7 42 asked; September, S7 5i closing at S7 44 asked. But ter dull and w eaker; Western dairy, 1318c; do creamery, 1625c; Elgins. 26g26Xc Cheese quiet and steady; Western, 9JllJic. St. Louis Flour easy and vervlquiet. Wheat Cash lower and moderate trading by millers; options lower: there was a pressure to sell right at the opening on the fine weather, unfavorable cables and declines elsewhere; this was followed by a partial recovery, but the feeling was weak and late came another break: May suffered most, closing 2V2c below yesterday, while June was lc Julv c and August Uc lower; No. 2 red, cash. 90c, nominal: May.90K93c. closing at90K!Jsc; June, SSOSSKc, closing at 87Uc asked; July, 80K80?81c closing at 80k80c bid; August, 78X79Kc closing at 7S$c bid; year, 7SJc Corn higher; No. 2, mixed, cash, 30c: Mav. 30K31c closing at 30Jc asked: July, 32K32c; August, 33Jc closing at S3Kc bid. Oats quiet; No. 2 cash. 25Kc bid; May,26Kc Rj e quiet but firm at 42c Bar ley quiet; little doing. Flaxseed quotable at SI 45. Provisions firm and higher, but quiet Philadelphia Flour quiet. Wheat Fan cy grades scarce and firm; futures neglected and closed nominally Kc lower, in sympathy with the decline in the West Corn Market steady for both spot and options; fair local de mand, but exporters heading off and specula tion was quiet Oats Carlots quiet but steady; futures quiet but steady. Provisions in moderate request Pork Mess, new, S14 00; do prime mess, new. S14 60; do family, S15 oa Hams, smoked. 1012c Lard Pure refined, 88Kc Butter dull and weak; Pennsylva nia creamery, extra, 2425c; do prints, extra, 24ff25c Eggs weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 11 Uc Uhceso dull; part skims, 6Sc Cincinnati Flour in fair demand; family, $3 904 10; fancy, S4 504 65. Wheat dull and tending downward: No. 2 red. 949oc; receipts, 1.400 bushels; shipments, 500 bushels. Corn in rair demand; No. 2 mixed, 34K35c Oats dull; No. 2 mixed, 27K28c Rye dull; No. 2, 45c Pork firm at S12 75. Lard dull at S6 90. Bulk meats quiet; short nbs, S6 60. Bacon steady; short clear. S7 75. Bntter dull: fancy Elgin creamery, 28c: choice dairy roll, 1718c Lin seed oil steady at 5557c Sugar in fair demand and higher: hard refined, 885c; New Or leans, 5lc Eggs heavy. Cheese in light demand. Milwaukee Flour firm. Wheat easy; cash, KTUc; May. SSJc: July, 87c Com dull: No. 3, 3131Kc Oats dull; No. 2 white. 2S 28Kc Rve active: No. L 44c Barley firmer; No! 2, 5959Kc Provisions easy. Pork. $12 25. Lard, S6 95. Cheese dull; Cheddars. llgllKc Baltimore Provisions quiet and un changed. Butter steady; western packed, IS 20c; creamery, 26c Eggs weak and easy at lie Coffee seady. Toledo Cloverseed active and lower; cash and March, $5 10; receipts, I,300bags;shipmenU 1,904 bags. ALDMIN1UM IN FRANCE. A Large Company Formed for Infusing metallic Alloys by Means of Electricity. A Paris correspondent says that a French company the "Societe Elcctro-metallurgiqne" has just been formed with a view to erecting extensive aluminium works at Forges, in tbe Department of Isere. Heroult's process will be adopted, which consists in fusing the rebellious metallic alloys by means of an electric current, and separating the metals by electrolysis. The current will be obtained by means of dynamo machines, each, of 7,000 amperes and 20 volts, and the motive power will be supplied by two vertical turbines of 300 horse-power. Besides aluminium bronze the apparatus will produce all tbe alloys of aluminium, with tbe exception of such as become volatilised at tbe same tem peratpie as alumininm, and it is expected that the daily production of aluminium alone will amount to 800 kilos. Drycoods Market. New York. March 25. There was a fair Mnndav trade in drygoods with both agents and jobbers, with relative activity at the hands of the latter in dress cottons and notions, prints receiving a good share of attention. Special attractions are announced for to-morrow. Cotton goods were in very fair demand at first hands, and sales were made for Imme diate delivery. Woolen goods of all kinds re main more or less quiet The market for cot ton goods continues stead to firm, and there are no surplus goods. . THEY WILL NOT SEE. The Local Business Situation Not Sat isfactory to Everybody. PACTS AND FIGURES IGNORED. A Parmer Comes to Market and Discourses About the County Roads. STOCKS GOING IIP LIKE A E0CKET The croaker is always with us, and he is always sanguine in his pessimistic views. One of these peculiar gentlemen complained yesterday that Pittsburg was falling behind less important cities in theTolume of general-trade, singling out New Orleans and San Francisco, where it is reported active, to fortify his position. He forgot, or did not choose to remember, that the spring season is far advanced at the places indi cated, and that there is demand lor classes of goods there which will not be in request here for two or three weeks spring dress goods and millinery, for instance. The warmer climate of New Orleans and San Francisco makes a demand for these things long before they are even thought of here. Another thing overlooked by these gentlemen is the Clearing House report. This shows that in general trade Pittsburg is away ahead of New Orleans and but a trifle behind San Fran cisco. This one fact outweighs a hundred theories, and should forever silence those who affect to think that Pittsburg is rushing head long to the demnition bowwows., Wilkinsburg is to Wave a bank. The pro motor is A. W. Duff. He is a resident of tbe borough and a well-known memberof the Pitts burg bar. Work on the building, which will be a three-story brick, and occupy a good position on Wood street, will be commenced in a few weeks. It is stated that the Masons will occupy the third story. The population of Wilkinsburg is nearly 4,000 enough to sustain a bank. Brad dock, with about 10,000 inhabitants, has three. Joseph Brown, a Pine township farmer, came to the city yesterday with a load of produce. Speaking of the roads, he said: "They have been in very bad shape all winter, but are be ginning to settle down a little. This is the sec ond time I have come to the city with anything to sell since November. Being shut out of the market for so long a time is a great loss to us, It also affects the city people, for it keeps the prices of produce up. It is a loss all round. A great county like Allegheny should have better roads. We are stirring our township authori ties up on tbat subject. If they refuse to do their duty we will bring tbe matter to the no tice of tbe County Commissioners. If the law is Inadequate they should take steps to have it changed or have a new one passed. We are de termined to have relief somehow." Citizens of Wilkinsburg are petitioning Coun cil for Belgian block pavements on the four principal streets of the borough. This Improve ment would cost a great deal of money, and, as the treasury is not overrunning with cash, con taining only about S100, the prospect for grant ing the petition is not very rosy. Tbe house-renting season, which has been un usually active for a month or two, is drawing to a close. Several real estate agents said yester day that they had about exhausted their lits, having scarcely anything left tbat was worth occupying. Agents will devote tbe next few weeks to making repairs on the houses they have rented, which is one of the most trouble some branches of their business. As proof that business in the renting line has been active it may be stated that three firms on Fourth avenue have rented over 3,000 houses during the season. Several other firms have done nearly as much. w Dr. D. W. RIggs and W. Jarvis, of Alle gheny City, have just closed the sale of all the land owned by them lying south of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, in the Third ward, borongh of McKeesport. together with 50 acres adjoining, jn Versailles township, to Samuel M. Bowman and W. C. Crosemyer, of the above place, for $70,000. The purchasers repre sent a syndicate of prominent business men of McKeesport, who will at once begin extensive improvements upon the property, and place it upon the market at once. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massa chusetts recently delivered an opinion affect ing the building trade which is of interest here. It held in tbe case of the Sonthbridge Savings Bank versus Mason, that as between mort gagor and mortgagee all machinery necessary to the business for which a building was erect ed, resting upon stone foundations laid as a part of the construction of the building especially for their support, or for the accom modation of which places were fixed in the floors, as well as other very heavy machinery fastened to tbe building or resting in position by its own weight, wonld be held to be part of the real estate. A WHIRL IN STOCKS. Electric and the Gassers Encounter a Gen nine Boom Active and Higher. Yesterday was a red-letter day at the Stock Exchange, over 2.000 shares changing hands. Electric and Philadelphia Gas were the prin cipal contributors to this grand total. Both of these stocks were stronger as wen as active. The first sale of Electric was at 61. The de mand being met by liberal offers, the price re ceded to 60K, from which point it advanced to G0K. 60J and 81, where it halted for the fore noon. At the afternoon call it was bid up to 61 and 62. After call 20 shares went at 62 and it was freely offered at 63 with no takers. Where and when the boom will cnlminate is a matter of concerns to brokers and prospective investors alike, but it is safe to say there will be no break so long as the demand fork keeps up. Philadelphia Gas sold in the morning at 39MT, with a private sale at 39. The first sale in the afternoon was at 40, 100 shares going at tbat figure. At the close it was steady at 39. Cbartiers Gas advanced to 50, with a small sale at 51. Wheeling Gas was in demand at 3L Switch and Signal traded in a small way at 24. Tbe rest of the list was dnll and about steady. ilOBNIMJ. AFTERNOOIf. STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Chartlers Val. Gas Co. 50 . 50J si .... Pennsylvania Gas Co.. 15J PlrtladelphlaCo H 398 39 39J Wheeling Us Co .. SO 31 .... 31 Central Traction 23 23X Citizens' Traction 68 68M 68 .... LaNorisUlninirCo.... H isi IK Hf WestlDBhouseElectrlc. 61,4 62 & 62's U. bwltcli &blicnalCo a 23J, Westlng'se AlrH. Co.. 1JI W estlnc'se B. Co. Hit. 63 64 63 64 Pitts. Plate Glmss Co.. 155 At the morning call 80 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at 39K, 25 at S 155 at 39K. 100 at S 115 at 39, 10O Wheeling Gas at 31. 20 Chartlers Gas at 51. 10 Electric at 61, 19 at 604, 14 at 60K. 25at6(25at60K.47o at 6 60 switch and Signal at 24, lo5 at 23. Before call 120 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at 39. After call 25 shares Central Traction went at 23, and 15 Chartlers Gas at 51. The afternoon sales were 100 shires Philadel phia at 40, 40 at 39Jg, 25 at 39, 100 Chartlers Gas at 50, 25 at 50, 5 atfil, 50 La Norla at 1, 187 Electric at 61, 25 at 62, SO Switch and Big. nal at 23, and 120 at23. Between calls 15 Electric sold at 61. After call 20 shares went at 62. Henry M. Long sold 400 shares of Electric at 61 to Bl. and 200 Philadelphia Gas at 39 to 39. . Tim total sales of stocks at New York vpk. terdav were 229,757 shares, including: Atch ison, I7.uw: uewwttioj uttuwuuuu ana west ern, 14,170; Erie.aOOO; LakeShore,5,415; Missouri Pacific, 8.350; Northwestern. 18,243: New Jersey Central, 3,400: Reading, 36,690: Richmond and West Point, 3.425; St. Paul, 10,475: Union Pa cific, 10.600. THE GOOD TIME COMING. April Expected to Bring Relief to tbe Money Market. While business at the banks was rather quiet yesterday," even for Monday, the opinion was generally expressed that the beginning of April would witness a radical change in tbe situation. Large quarterly and monthly set tlements must then be met, for which provision must be made at once. A number of new en terprises will also go into operation about tbat time, which will increase the demand for money. Several hundred buildings will be un der way In a few weeks. These will require considerable financial backing to enable tbe owners to pay for material and wages. These facts are sufficient to show that the financial outlook is encouraging. The fact that the Treasury has shown no dis position to increase the purchases of bonds produces little influence, nor do intimations that the Government-deposits with national bank depositories will-be curtailed attract much attention. The prevalent belief in this connection is that any change in the policy of the Treasury will be necessarily accompanied by more liberal bond purchases, to which end a renewal of the acceptances of tenders of 4 per cent bonds is thought to be a necessity. The refusal of tenders for a large block of 4 per cents at 130 Indicates that the Treasury is not inclined to arbitrarily advance its prices. Discounting was very light, but counter bus iness was fairly 'active.depositlng being the feature The Clearing House statement was one of the best of the year, the exchanges be ing $2,473,131 8L and the balances $432,625 75. ,B..f n0Anarp,nl Iftftt lnan A n.nd closed . Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U. S. 4s. reg l07gl08K U. S. 4HS. coups, mm U.S.4S, ro : '-JS! U. S. 43, coups 1Mj1 Hid. Currency, Bpcrcent. 1883 rec 120 Currency, 0 per cent. ISOGree. 123 Currency, 6 per cent, lOTrcg 126 Currency, Spercent, ltflSreg 129 Currency, Spcrcent, 1839 rejt 131)4 Government and State bonds dull and un changed. New York Clearings $64,489,635; balances, S3,5S7,6S5. Boston Clearings, $14,738,012; balances, $1, 951.517. Money, K2 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,559,001; balances,1- $OK,UDO. Philadelphia Clearings, $8,919,206; bal ances, SL200,8&3. St. Lours Clearings, $3,408,372; balances, $616,679. Chicago Money 57 per cent. Bank clear ings, $2,966,000. STRONGER AND DULL. Oil Brncon Up a Little, bnt the Situation Is Very Peculiar. The report that McEeown No. 11, on the Knox farm, at Taylorstown. was doing about 40 barrels an hour gave a feverish tone to the oil market at the opening yesterday, but this soon wore off and a better feeling ensued. Trading was light all day, and no special fea ture was developed.' There was the old com plaint in some quarters of the scarcity of cer tificates, but the supply of oil seemed equal to the demand. The market opened at 9L and graduallv advanced to 91, with very little doing. Within the last hour ortwoit sold down to 9 It then slowly pulled itself together and got up to 91. where it stuck until near the close, when it was struck by a little boom, which sent the price up to 98. It then weak ened, and closed at 91. The feeling in New York and Bradford at the'wind-up was stronger than here, though at the same figures, with carrying flat and 10 cents. Carrying here was flat. The situation is so peculiar bullish in fluences counting for nothing that tho market is as likely to turn one way as another and a little more so. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts, 91c; calls, 92c The following tame, corrected oy De Witt 1111 worth, broker Jn petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc : Time. Bid. Atk. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened 91 S'lS:45p. K.... 1H 91 10:15A. M.... V 91 1:00 F. X... tl Wi 10 JO A. M.... 91?s 91l 1:15 P. It.... 81H SIT, 10:45A. M.... 91H 91i 1:30 P. M.... 91b 91 11:00a. M.... 91i( 91ft 1:45 P. M.... 91M 91 11:15A. It.... 91K 91K 2.00 P. I.. 91V 917s 11:30A. II..'.. 91 BlTi MSP. M.... 91K 91K 11:45A. M.... 91X 91 2:30F. X.... 91.H 912 12:00 M 91X Si's 2:15 P. X.... 91H 91), 12:UP. X.... 91 DlVClosed 91 .... 12:30 P. M.... 91X1 91K Opened. 91c: Signet, 92Ks; lowest. 91c; closed, 91JJC Barrels. Ilally rum 51.46? Average rnns 46,345 Dally shipments 89,610 Average shipments 75,825 Dallr charters - 6.349 Average charters 44,999 Clearances .,,...,. 834,000 Sew York closed al SlTic OU City closed al 91Vc Bradrora closed at 91Tf e. Heir York, refined. Jo. London, rewicd. 5)l. Antwerp, refined, ltr. Other OH markets. On. Cm, March 25. National transit cer tificates opened at 91c; highest, 92c: lowest 91c; closed. 91c. Bbadtord, March 25. National transit cer tificates opened at91c; closedatVlc;highest, 92c: lowest. 91!c- " TrrusvtLLE, March 25. National transit cer tiflcates opened at 91c: highest, 92c: lowest, 91c: closed, 91c New York. March 25. Petroleum opened steady at 91Jc There were few selling orders in tbe market, and light buying by the Standard Oil brokers caused a gradual advance, on which the market closed firm at 92c. Sales, 789,000 barrels. STILL BOOMING. Big Sales In Itenl Estate in City and Suburbs. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold to D. B. Anderson for $7,000 one of those elegant new two-story and mansard eight-room brick dwellings, fronting "Oakland Square," Oakland. This is the third house sold in this plan. Messrs. Black & Co. anticipate selling these houses as rapidly as completed, as the price at which they are selling includes all street improvements. S. J. Fleming, 147 Fourth avenue, sold to Mrs. Cavanaugh brick house, No. 148 Fulton street, with lot 15x100, for $2,200: also, a house of six rooms, with lot 25x110, at Torrens station, for 2,300; also, frame house, with one-half acre of ground. In Twentv-third ward, near Laugh lln station, to William Weiss, for $1,600, and placed a mortgage for $2,100 on city property at 6 per cent L. O. Frazler sold for Charles W. Taylor, Esq., No. 273 Forty-fifth street. Seventeenth ward, a two-story brick dwelling of six rooms, and a small frame dwelling of three rooms, lot 20x 110 feet to a 20-foot alley, to Thomas D. O'Reilly for $4,200, and placed a mortgage of $300 on Millvale borough property for three years at 6 per cent. Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold for Frank H. Speer another of those six-room frame bouses at Homewood station, Pennsyl vania Railroad, for $1,500 on the easy payment plan without Interest. A few more are left on tbe same terms. Black & Baid, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for the Deitrick Barmann heirs a two-story brick dwelling, being .No. 22 Vine street, lot 20x80 feet, for $1,200 cash. They also sold for M. F. Herrnn to Miss Elenore Thompson lot No. 2 in the Herron plan of lots on Orchard street, West Bellcvue borough, 25x145 feet, for $300. James W. Drape & Co. sold a small house and lot in Wilkinsburg, 6 rooms in house and lot 33x120 feet, for $3,000. Tbeyalso sold an other lot of 50x120 feet at Ben Venue at a figure approximating $2,000, and also closed a mortgage of $1,000 on house and lot at Oakland at 6 per cent. YALUESWEAKEB. Bearish Infloencesllomlnnte the Stock Mar ket nnd Check Advances Nearly Ev- eryihlng Weak at the Close Railroad Bonds Are - Qolet and Dnll. New York, March 25. The stock market began the new week with, a feverish and weak tone on a very moderate volume of business, the Grangers, South westerns and Coalers being most prominent in the dealings. There were two principal Influences which worked against values to-day, tbe first being that the liquida tion in Burlington Invited further bear attacks, and the weakness in the stock spread to the rest of the list. Tbe second, the approach of the April settlements, caused a hardening in the rates for money, and as high as 6 per cent was paid for accommodations on call. On the other hand, the earnings fot the third week in March to band show very favorably, but seem to count for less than they would were other in fluences not so powerful at present. The an nual statement of the Jersey Central was also a factor, bnt while it was sufficient to advance the price of that stock somo 2 per cent, it failed to reach the rest of the list to any appre ciable extent, and could not keep Jersey up to the top notch. Tho Grangers, especially Burlington and Northwestern and to a lesser degree Atchison and Rock Island, attracted most attention.to day. and tbe selling movement in those shares was very pronounced at one time and served to bring everything down below first prices. The activity in Burlington was, greater than has been seen for a long time, and the stock yielded tyi per cent, closing at its lowest figure. There was also a drive at Heading in the afternoon, and, while the stock was better maintained than Burlington, It closed with a material loss. A feature of the day, in view of tbe weakness of tbe general list, was the renewed demand for tbe investment shares, all of which sold at somewhat higher figures than those ruling of late. The opening was quiet and fairly steady, and, while the feeling was not bullish, the early demand advanced quotations fractionally in tbe first few minutes. The pressure upon Bur lington, however, rapidly lowered that stock i j and everything yielded to tbe influence more or less. There was a general rally toward noon, when Jersey Central roso rapidly, and even Burling ton approximated its opening price. Later, however, the pressure was renewed with force. BurllngUra, Rock Island, Oregon Improvement and some otfiers reached the lowest prices of the day. There was another feeble rally to ward delivery hour, but the decline again be came general, and the close was quiet but weak in most cases at close to the opening figures, but the weak stocks were at the lowest. Most of the active shares 'are fractionally lower to night. Oregon Improvement is down 6 and Burlington 2Vi. while Jersey Central rose 1 and Pullman 1. The railroad bond market was quiet to dull, the sales of all issues aggregating only $1,076, 000,and only the Denver and Kio Grande West ern assented bonds showed any" animation, fur nishing $134,000 to the day's total. There was no other feature to the dealings, and the course of prices was quite irregn lar the final changes being evenly divided between gains and losses, which are lor fractional 'amounts in but few cases. Among those which are higher Jersey Central debentures rose 2, to 103: Morgans 7s. 2, to 126. The declines include Houston and Texas lsts receipts 3, at 123; St. Louis. Vandalia and Terre Haute guaranteed 2, at 110, and South Carolina incomes 2, at 5. The following table Bnows the prices of active stocks on tbo New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney 4 Stephenson, members of. New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Clos-Open- High- Low- tng lug. est. est. Bids. Am. Cotton Oil 55a; 55S Atch.. Top. S 8. jr.... 46X 46J4 45 4554 Canadian Pacific 49J Canada Southern S2H 52 513 Central orHew,Jerey. 95(4 97 95)4 93k CentraiPaclflc. 34 s Chesapeake & Ohio ... 11 17 16)4 HH C, Bur. Jt Qulncy 92), 92 K'2 90 C, Mil. & St. Paid... 62!, eii 61 61K C, Mll.ASt. P.. pr....lOO 100 99H 99K C, KockL&P 90 91 90 i C, St. L. & Pitts 16J C. St. L. & Pitta, nf.. 38 36 85M I'M U, St. P..M. AO... 30 C, St. P.,M. &0.. pf. 0 91 90 90 C. & (orthwctern....ll3JB 104 103!? 103g C& .Northwestern, p137 ffiH '"H 137 O.C.C.& i.. :....... to Col. Coal Iron 30 "SH Dei.. L. JfcW IJSX IMS 137 11SX Denver; KloG l- 154, VH 15H Denver & Rio ., pr... 423? 42 42 42 K.T., Va. &Ga E.T.,Va. &Ga.. lstpf 66 K.T.. Va.AGa.2dpf. 20 Illinois Central J09J4- 109J4 109 109 Lake Erie ft Western 17 Lake Erie ft West. pr 55! SoW 55K 55 Lake Shore 4; M. S 100 IWi 100H 100ft Lonlsvllle & Nashville. 60tf 61M 60K 61 Michigan Central 85 86 85 85 Mobile A Ohio -. 10 Mo., K. JkTexas 12U 12X I2VC 125 Missouri Pacific 7H 8S 67 67 . Y.. L. E. ft W 27 27 27M 27X . Y., L. E.&W.nret 62h a. Y., C. &St.L MX N. x., CftSt. L. nf. 69 N.Y., C. ASt.L.2d pf 41 S. YJtN. E 43X 44 43 43X 1. Y., O. ft W V. J6 fcorlolk ft Western :... 15 Norfolk ft Western, pf 49 49 49V 41H Northern Pacific 25 -Northern Pacific pref. MV SSX WK 58 Ohio ft Mississippi... . 20 i0-i VOU 20X Oregon-Improvement. 48 48 S 43 Oregon "Transcon 32 32X 32 XLX Pacific Mall 36 36 38 S6 Peo. Dec. & Evans 23J Phlladel. A Heading.. 4474 45 4.1 K 44 Pullman Palace Car.. .180 1803f 179!, 180 Richmond & W. P. T.. 25 25 2514 25 Richmond ftW.P.T.pf 79 70s 78 79J St. PaulADulnth 34 St. Paul ft Dulutli pf. 88 St. P., Minn, ft Man... 99 99 B3X 8S1 St.L. &San Fran 2iS St. L. ft San Fran pf.. 54X 54H Mb 543? St. L. ft San F.1M pf.. .... .. .... 106 Texas Pacific 18)4 18 18X 18 Unlonl'aclfic 62H 63J 62X SZH Wabash " .... 12M Wabash preferred 25M 25K Z5U 25 Western Union Siii MH 84)J 84H Wheeling-& L. E 65X &H 64 6iK Philadelphia Sticks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad 53 54 Reading Railroad... 22 221-16 Uuflalo, Pittsburg and Western 1135! 12X Lehigh Valley 5336 M Lehigh Navigation 52 Allegheny Valley bonds 113X Northern Pacific 252 Northern Pacific preferred 593i .... BOSTON ST00KS. With Few Exceptions It Wan a Wenk und Dccllnlne Dny. Boston, March 25. On the stock market to day, while few securities have held up well or even advanced, such as Boston and Albany, Pullman and Montana, the usually active features, like Atchison and Chicago, Burling ton and Qulncy, passed a weak and declining day, with only a trifling recovery. Atch. ft Toe 1st 7s. U7X Atch. &Top. R. R. .. H Boston ft Albany. ..215 Boston ft Maine. ....170 C B. ftU 90X Clnn. san. ft Cleve. 24 Eastern R. K 82 Eastern K. K. 6s 125 Flint ft PereM. pfd. 95X K.CSt.J.ftC.B.7s.l21 Mexican Cen. com.. n M. C. IstMort. bds. 68 N. Y. ftNewEnc... 43!4 N. Y.ftNewEnr 7s. 126), Ogd.ftL.Cham.com. 6 Rutland preferred.. 37 Wls.VentraI.com... 17X Wis. Central pf.... 34 AllonezM'gCo.(new) 1 Calumet A Hecla 235 Catalna IS Franklin 11 Huron tli Osceola im i-ewaDic (new) 3 Qulncy 57 Hell Telephone 223 Boston Land 6H Water Power 6H Tamarack 125 ban Diego 24 Mlnintr Stocks. New York. March 25. Amador. 100; Cale donia B. H., 300; Consolidated California and Virginia, 300; Deadwood T.. 150: EI Cristo, 135; Hale & Norcross, 860; Homestake, 900: Horn Silver, 135; Iron Silver, 300: Mutual, 140; Onhir, 512; Savage, 250; Standard, 130; Silver Cord, 105; Union Consolidated, 300. LATE NEWS IN. BRIEF. Orders have been sent to Philadelphia to have the new gunboat Yorktown, now at Cramp's works, delivered to the United States authorities at the League Island yard. Colonel Fred D. Grant called at the De partment of State yesterday, and took the oath of office as United States Minister to Austria. It is probable tbat he will not leave for his post before the latter part of April. On the Georgia Midland ana Gulf Rail road, near Nebula station, yesterday, the en ine and tender of a passenger train "plunged own a 40-foot embankment. T. C. Bedfleld. the engineer, was killed, and Fireman Walter Mahone seriously injured, A three-story brick block in process of con struction at Binghamton, N. Y., suddenly col lapsed yesterday morning. At the time of the accident about a dozen workmen were in the building. Fred Purcoll, a tinsmith, was in stantly killed. Two others, named James H. Smith and Youmans Thompson, were quite seriously injured. Others escaped without in jury. .A letter from Hamilton, Bermuda, under date of March 14, states that the entire garri sonofficers and men of the English Fort Cunningham, departed on the morning pf the 14th instant, and tbat no trace of the deserters can be found. It is thought that they left on board tbe Dntch ship Gebroeder Smit, which sailed tor New York early in the morning of tbe 14th. Tbe President has granted a pardon in the case of Frederick F. Bickell, convicted in Min nesota of abstracting funds of a national bank while acting as its messenger, and sentenced June 6, 1E88, to five years' imprisonment. Ho also pardoned John B. Brown, convicted in September, 18SS, in Washington Territory, of selling liquor to an Indian, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment at hard labor. All explosion occurred shortlv before noon yesterday at the junction of Fifth avenue, Broadway and Twenty-third street, NAw York. A large portion of the sidewalk was blown high up Into the air, and showers of stones fell on the passersby, but no one was seriously in jured. At first it was thought that the boiler in tbe- Fifth Avenue Hotel bad exploded, but later it was discovered -tbat the explosion was duo to an electric subway. Carlisle D. Graham, tbe hero of several trips throngh the Niagara whirlpool and Devil's Rapids, is at work on a boat in which be proposes to-again go-through the tempestu ous torrent. He is now in communication with lawyers in Washington In relation to get ting a patent on his invention. He will not tell anything abont it except tbat several persons can rido in it, and that he intenus to take along with him a few newspapermen. The Executive Council of Iowa, has just completed tbe annual assessments of railroads doing bustnessin Iowa. Tbe total assessment for purposes of taxation is fixed at $43,556,146, of which $43,269,603 is upon railroads proper and the balance upon sleeping and dining cars, Tbe sworn statements of the railroad officials show a decrease in the net earnings of Iowa roads last year of $1,500,000, while 10 roads tailed to pay operating expenses. The total assessments are about $270,000 more than last year. The use of frosted grain or seed in tbat district of Dakota where the grain was con siderably damaged by frost last fall, and which includes nearly all of the Territory north of tbe Northern Pacific, is causing a good deal of ta k and not a little apprehension among grain dealers. In the districts spoken of some of the farmers had all tnelr wheat frosted, and they have nothing but frosted grain on hand. They are not able to spend anything for good sonnd seeu. The crops' of some were entire failures, and they are destitute, while , still others bad a field here and there of good grain and have saved wheat out of it for seed. Eationally treat jonrcold from the start by using Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, and you may escape lung troubles not so easily gotten rid of. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cnstomary Blue Monday in Produce, No Signs of Revival. MAPLE SYRUP DRIFTS DOWNWARD Hay in Excessive Supply, Wheat Bulls on Top at the Latest. SUGAE KEEPS CL1JIBIKG UPiTABD OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG. DISPATCH, Monday. March 25, 1889. $ Country Produce Jobblnn Prices. Monday very seldom brings ont any new facts In produce lines. Though weather is propiti ous, trade is blue. Eggs are slow at closinc rates of last week. Maple syrup is coming in freely, and prices show drooping tendencies. It appears to be the fate of everything handled by produce commission men this season to go slow and low. Nature's generosity last season and'tbe early opening of spring combine to de press all products handled by traders in the products of farm and garden. Last season's fruit and vegetables being In excessive snpply all winter, are now driven to the wall, as new stuff begins to come in freely. The only ques tion with holders of old stuff now is how much can be saved out of tbe wreck. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 28c; Ohio do, 2526c: fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country rolls 2023c; 'Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 2830c Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas, $2 052 15. Beeswax 2325c l ft forchoice; lowgrade, 1618c Cideb Sand refined, $6 607 60; common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $8 008 50 ) barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c fl gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc; New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12Kc Dried Peas $1 451 50 1 bushel; split do, 2?i354c'fl ft- Eogs 1212Jc dozen for strictly fresh. FBUITS Apples, $1 502 00 1? barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ft; cranberries, $8 00 $1 barrel; $2 4002 50 per bushel. Feathees Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft ft. HOMINY $2 652 75 barrel. Honey' New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, S540c fl bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575e fl pair: dressed chickens, 1315c ) pound; turkeys, 13 15c, dressed, $t bound; ducks, live, S085c $1 pair; dressed, l314c fl pound; geese, 1015c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. $6 ) bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Alslke, $8 60; clover, wblte, $9 00; timo thy, choice. 45 fts, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts. $1 00: blue crass, fancy. 14 fts. $1 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00: millet, 60 fts, $1 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass. 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c peT ft. Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 3 50 ft box common lemons, $2 75 ?1 box; Mes sina oranges, $2 503 50 ) box; Florida oranges. $3 504 50 ?1 box: Valencia oranges, f ancv, $6 50 7 50 fl case", Malaga grapes. $9 0010 00 ft per keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 60, good seconds, f) bunch; cocoannts, $4 OOigl oO f? hundred: new figs, 1214c ft,pound; dates, 5 6Kc $) pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. hunches: cabbages, $3004 00 ft 100; onions, 50c fl busbel; Spanish onions. 7590o $) crate; turnips, 30 40c $1 bushel. Groceries. Sugars keep ascending and our quotations have again been raised. Other groceries con tinue as before. Coffee options suffered a slight decline the latter part of last week, but rallied again, and are now about as they have been for the past ten days. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18lc; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 2223c; Mocha. 30K31Jic; Santos,U922Kc: Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c: La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 32K33Kc; Maracaibo,27K28Kc; Santos, 2324c; peaberry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Ilio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2i23o; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c. Petroleum 4 jobbers'irices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150, 8Kc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 16c; camadine, HJc: royaline; 14c Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strict ly prime, 3335c; new1 maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 60c; choice, 48c; me dium, 46c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 3Kc; bi-carb in K8, 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c: sal soda in kegs, c; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 10c: stearine, per set, 8Kc; parafline, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Jc; choice, 6 7c: prime, 5K6Vc; Louisiana, b6Kc Starch Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 5:7c; gloss starch. 5J$7c . Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels; $1 85; "Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 77Kc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4Jf85Kc; Turkey prunes, new, 4JiQ5c; French prunes, 8JlSc; balonlca prunes, in 2ft packages, 8c: cocoannts, per 100, $6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna flgs, 12J eioc; new dates, 5K&6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15r: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, $1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced,, per ft. 6c; apples, evaporated, 6SKc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared. 1012Xc; cherries, pitted, 2122c: cherries, nnpitted. 66c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424c; blackberries, 7J8c; huckle berries, 1O012C Sugars Cubes, 64c; powdered, SJc: granu lated, 77Kc; confectioners' A, 77c; standard A, 7c: solt whites, 7V27c: yellow, choice. 6Xoc; yellow, good, 66Kc; yel low, fair, 6c:yellow, dark, 6c Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), 4 75; me diums, half bbls (000), $2 86. Salt No. 1 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl, $1 05; dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 80; Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 30 1 90;2ds, $1 301 35: extra peaches. $1 601 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. $1 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn. 70090c: red cherries. 90cfi'51 00: lima beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, $1 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, $2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums. $2 00; California pears. $2 50; do greengages, 2 00: do egg plums. $2 00: extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c; raspberries, $1 l&ffil 40; strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 201 SO; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotasb, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, $1 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans, $13 50: baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 60; sardines, domestic, K. $4 164 60; sardines, domestic Hs, 8 268 50: sardines, imported, Ks, $11 5012 50) sardines, imported, K", 818 00; sardines, mustard, $1 00; sardines, spiced. $4 23. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $10: extra Nc 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole gollock, 4c ft ft.; do medium George's cod, c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67KC Herring Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl.; split, S7 00: lake $2 50 ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 ft 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 ft half bbl. Finnan hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland htlibut, 13c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 22 ft ft. Oatmeal $6 306 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6S60c ft gallon. Lard oil, 76c. Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Ex change, 38 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 19 cars of hay, 3 of flour, 4 of oats, 1 of wheat,l of bran, 1 of feed, lof barley, 1 of com. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7 cars of of hay, 1 of rye, 1 of e. corn. There was but 1 car sold on call, viz.: No. 2 y. e. com, 37c, 6 days, P. & W. The ball movement in wheat has apparently spent its force. On. the 19th inst. May wheat was 91c. On the 23d it was $1 07. This morning it opened at $1 04Ji, and at noon had dropped to $1 03. Tho difference between the lowest and highest point since last Tuesday Is 13c per busbel. The fluctuations are in the main speculative. Bulls and bears have their ups and downs, and legiti mate dealers suffer, not knowing what n- day may bring forth. If speculators in'breadstnlls were all killed off, tbe millions wbo consume would have Jess to pay for tbelr daily bread. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 05 10;No.3Ted.9195c Corn No. 2 yellow,ear,39e39c; high mixed ear, 3637c; No, 1 yellow, shelled, 3s39c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 373Sc: bleh mixed, shelled. 3637c: mixed, shelled, S536c Oats No. 2 white,"32K33c; extra, No, 8, 81 31Kc;No.8 white, 8030c: No. 2 mixed, 23 29c Rye No. 1 Western. 7075c: No. 2. 5565c. Barley No. 1 Canada. 9698c: No. 2 Cana-, da, o58oc; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents. $8 23 6 0; spring patents, $6S0jg6 75; winter straight, $5 5035 75; clear winter, to 0036 23; straight XXXX bakers'. $4 755 00. Rye flour. $4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00 17 00 ft ton; brown mjddlings. $13 0013 ft winter wheat bran, $13 5014 00; chop feed, $15 00016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $14 60014 o; No, 1 do, $14 0014 25: No. 2. do. $11 60 12 00; loose from wagon. $18 0OJJ2O 00: No. I npadnl prairie. $10 004J10 25; No. 2, $8008,5O; packing do. $8, 757 00. Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. Hogs are higher at Chicago and Liberty to day, and an advance on all bog products can hardly fall to come before this week closes. Sugar-cured bams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured bams, small, lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, &c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c:sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders, 6r; dry salt clear sides, 7Mc Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 6a Lard Refined In tierces, 7c; half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs, 75c: 20 ft pails, 7&c 50-ft tin cans 7c;3-ft tin pails, 7?ic; 5-ft tin pails, 75c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sansage, long, 5c;large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 75; quarter barrel, $1 76. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs, SKo ft ft. Hogs. 6&c Brazilian Coffee Market. Rio Dk Janeiro. March 23. Coffee Regular first, 6,350 reis pdr 10 kilos; good sec ond. 5,850 reis; receipts during tbe week, 66;000bags; purchases for the United States, 26.000 bags; clearances for do, 31,000 bags; stock, 401,000 bags. Santos, March 23. Coffee Good aver age, 5,900 reis per 10 kilos: receipts during the week, 46,000 bags; purchases for tbe United States, 20,000 bags; clearances for do, 18,000 bags; stock, 250,000 bags. Grain In Sight. Chicago. March 25. The visible snpply of grain, March 23, according to tbe Board of Trade, is as follows: Wheat, 30,266.421 bush els; decrease, 916,009 bushels. Corn, ,17, 071.119 busheU; increase, 423.897 busfcpls. Oats, 7,338.31.1 bushels; decrease, 173.640 bushels. Rye, 1,569.449 bushels: decrease, 12,566 bushels. Bar ley. 1,602,993 bushels; decrease, 120.106 bushels. An Opportunity for Inventors. The Pans correspondent of the Glasgow Mail says that some valuable prizes are offered by the Town Council of that city for the 'in vention of'an instrument for or method of recording the amounts of electric light con sumed. The first prize is in amoftnt 400, while five others are offered of 80 in amount each. Metnl Markot. New York Pig iron steady; American, $15 0017 50. Copper auiet and nominal: lake, April, $14 76. Lead weaker and dull; domestic, $3 62K. Tin quiet and easier: straits, $21 10. . Ladies' Snede Gloves New Stock, i buttons and Mousquetaire, best black, 8 buttons, new embroidery, at'$l 25, black, gray and tans. Also, Alexandre & Eeymon's, tbe best Suede glove made, at $2 and $2 25, 8 button length, mousquetaire, greens and other new shades. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured 'by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea wlthont the knowledge of the person taking It: is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thonsands of Drunkards have been made temperate men wbo have taken Golden Specific in their coffee wlthont their knowledge and to-day "believe thevoult drinking from their own free will. IT NEVER "AII.3. The system once'lmpregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. 1'or salebyA.J.Bsnkln. Sixth and Penn ave..f lttsbnrs:: E. Holden A Co.. 63 E. Federal st., Allegheny. Trade supplied by lieo. A. Kelly & Co.. Pltt'burg. Pa. oei7-o8-rrs PRATT'S AROMATIC GEMA GUN Will be found an invaluable remedy and cer tain cure for Bright's Disease, Stone in Blad der, and all inflammation of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. It is also highly recommend ed, and is a sure cure for many female com plaints. JAMES E. MORRIS; Sole Agent, 153 Chambers street, N. Y. JOS. FLEMING, Sole Wholesale nnd Retail Agent In Pltts burir, '84 Market Street. myl7-n85-TTS RESORTS. Atlantic City. EOTHERGILLHOTjSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Located near beach. Perfect san itation." Steam heat. ELIZABETH HART LEY, Prop. . f e25-12-TTSSU ATLANTIC CITY. N. X HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or lor sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. fe!4-6-D THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the hone. Elevator. mhl9-32-P E. ROBERTS fc SONS. OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINLV. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe;openalltheyear, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, thelatter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temoerature for winter 48. Absol utely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months In the United States. Send for descrrptlvepamphlet. no27-y40-Tnrsu F. N. PIKE. Manager. STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT & SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia. Fnll information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESEE, bl6 Smithfield street tnhl66-TTS -VTORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST L route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. , Ss.Saa1e.Mch.27,2p.u I Ss.Fulda. Apr. 6, 10 A.M. Ss.Ems.Mh.30.5:S0A3 I Ss.Lalm . Apr. 10, 1 P.M. Ss.TravcApr.&oA.M. Ss.EIbe . Apr. 13, 3 P. x. First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward. MAXSCHAMBERG fe CO., Agents, Pitts burg. Pa. OELRICHS fc CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM .NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage J35 and &30. according to location 3f stateroom. Excursion 05 to po. bteeragc to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWLN 4 CO., General Agents, 13 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. mhC-D POSITIVE!, x CURES .". DYSPEPSIA ZJ!f ALL ITS FOBMS. w Cures Headache. Cures Constipation. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Swtft'S Specific cured m of mailznant Blood Potson after I had been treated In vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. S. not only- cured the Blood Poison, bnt relieved the Rheumatism which was caused by the poisonous minerals. ' GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave.. N. Y. Scrofula developed on my 'daughter swell-' ing and lumps on ber neck. We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the cure" prompt. S. A. DeArmond, Cleveland. Tenn. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetabla remedy, and is the only medicine which per-' manently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. f eI-7 its czemn.Itcb.y, Scaly, Skin Tortures.'" SWAYNE'S OINTTOT lbe simple application f -SwarsWa Outwit wiu aOT Internal medicine. wlU core anyeaie of Tetter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT, SKIN DISEASES bo muur hoir ob.dnto or ton niiJi. Sou ItfJfWSlJJ" r sent or mill for 50 cu. 3 Boxes, 11-25. A"-:'"-- SriSo.Poilidpal,r. Ask Tour drosoww WHOLESALE HOUSt JOSEPH HORNE & CO.,. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,- Importers and Jobbers of - - - - II GOODS and 11I0R Special off erings this week ia SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, ' SATEENS," SEERSUCKER, ""' " GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest price calk and seem. ,, wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D THE FBEEH0LD BANK,: Z No. 410 Smithfield S; CAPITAL. - - - - S200.00UOO. . DISCOUNTS DAILY,. - EDWARD HOUSE, Prest-''- JA3IE3 P. SPEER. Vice Presi. .. mh22-93-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier, . CITY SAVINGS BANK,- SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, $100,000, with privilege of $500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ao counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. CALLERY President. W.J.BURNS -Vice President- JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59 M' ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums' of $1,000 and upward. AppW at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-r No. 121 Fourth avenue. MROIvERS FINANCIAL. De WITT DILWORTH, BROKER IN fetiroliettim: Oil bonght and sold on margin. deJ7-21-csu YHlTiEY & STEPHEiS0iV 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an28-x7 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PEXN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA., As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in tbe city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From- Pewe NO FEE UNTIL CURED ML"Dni IO ana mental diseases, physical IMLn V UUO decay, nervous debility.Uckof, energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, solely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?&. blotches, falling hair,, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cureurfor life, and blood, poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system, llDIMAPV kidney and bladder derange U n 1 1 1 ft n I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience) , insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if hire. Office hours 9 A. 31. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 930 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. f e8-6-DSuw KHOW THYSELF. 'I'M H SOZESVCB ox zxKa A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatus oa the Errors of Youth, PrematureDecllne.Nervoua. and Physical Debility, impurities ot tne wood, Resulting irom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses: or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the -victim. . for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation- Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great? work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by mall, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. 111ns trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Tho distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, If. D., rt-t. celved the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL, from the National Medical Association. for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and ' PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkerandaeorps' of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mall or in person, at tbe office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. No.4Bulflnch St., Boston Mass., to whom all aiders for books or letters for advice should be directed as above. Jalo-xursawk HARE'S REMEDY For meat -Checks tbe worst cases in three. days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00, at" " J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE '-7 ja5-29-T-rssu 412 Market street. "- MEN ONLY A POSITIVE CUBE For LOST or ('ailing -MANHOOD. Setvous-, - ness. Weakness ot Body & Mind. Lack or Strength, Vigor and De- v velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, 4c. Book, JIODK of Selv-Treatmest. and Proof -mailed; (sealed) free. Address KIK MEDICAL CO., -Bnffalo. N. Y. deS-57-TTSJtwi; WEAK Strong ADYKSFSSS. HOW TOAST. -, ItVl!rorndMnhoodRitoti. Pre. , ME -nflE mature Decline ind Functional dor- Jdera cured mlioHt Stomach Xedteme. Sealed Treadsesent freeon application. ' M4R5T0H C0.tHrriaeftIIaTt. de-15"-gTT3Trk TO WEAK! I suffering from & tt t. 19 roro. earlr decar. lost . tects or youtnrol cr ninfiood .etc. I will send Tamable treatise (sealed . eontainin? roll particulars for nome cure, rre ot '-X"- r. nnwl . tlr.A. O . I. flH' OB f. KWFa r. rwnMMnp nawwMwy vvnntvl l-UOiMlMUWlC - '.. .Via w M :
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