Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 26, 1889, Image 1
mm ANY ONE CAN MAKE HONEY "Who has a good article to sell, and who adver Uses vigorously and liberally. Advertising is truly the life of trade All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. FORTY-FOUBTH TEAIL lie PADS AN ISSUE Almost a Race Riot Precipitated by a Shrewd Patent Medi cine Fakir. HE RAKES IN A FORTUNE By Getting the Colored People to All Bat Worship Him. THEI E3TEN CALL HIM THEIR MESSIAH. Yellowstone Kit, the Hero of the Atlanta Prohibition Campaign, Selling Liver Pads in Shreveport He Gains a Great Ascendancy Orer ibeXesrocs and Wields It to His Pecuniary Benefit All Efforts to Knock Him Onl Redound to His Ad vantage He Nearly Causes n Riot Be tween the Whites and Blacks. During the prohibition campaign in At lanta some time ago a power for 'the "antis" was "Yellowstone Kit." He is a patent medicine fakir, who has gained a wonderful power over the colored people, and they voted as he advised them to do al most to a man. He now turns up at Shreve port, La., and has almost caused a race war. He cannot be squelched and every attempt to get rid of him only endears him more to the heart of the negro. JEFECIAJ. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Kew Obleans, March 25. Shreveport, the leading town of North Louisiana, has been excited for some time past with possi bilities of race trouble growing out of liver pads. Liver pads are the only subject of conversation on the streets to-day. and the State, city and parish authorities, backed by the unanimous press and the white peo ple of that section, have sworn to drive the liver pads and their Tender, "Yellowstone Kit," from the town. "Kit" is well known from one end of the cotton country to the other. Traveling through it as a fakir and a vender of liver pads and popular medicines, he has made both reputation and fortune among the negroes. He pitches his tent a big one, too in some Southern city, gives a free circus, minstrels, and all that, makes speeches to the negroes, and then sells his pads to them by the thousand. In this way he has accumulated in a few years a large fortune. A Wealthy Fakir. Kit claims to be worth 55,000,000, wears the purest diamonds in the South, and has made himself the ideal of the negroes. It- is impossible to overestimate the admira tion they feel for him. lie is regarded by many of them astheir Messiah, the man who not only can cure their ills by his medicines, but who is destined to lead them to new freedom and prosperity. His influ ence with them was well shown in the great prohibition election in Atlanta, Ga., a year ago. Both the Prohibitionists and the "antis" bid for his support, and every inducement was offered him to come out on either side, but he kept si lent on the subject until the very night be fore the election. Then he burst forth to the thousands of negroes present, with a short but strong speech against prohibition. He is a vigorous speaker before a black au dience, and he settled the election. The negroes voted solidly against prohibition, and downed it, and everyone in Atlanta ad mitted that to Yellowstone Kit the result was due. He Talked Right Oat. Such is the man who opened his tent in Shreveport a couple of weeks ago, gave his usual free show with some theater per formers, made speeches to the negroes, and sold his liver pads. The show soon ac quired an even greater notoriety than Kit had bargained for. He is a strong advocate of "the rights of the negro," and in his speeches usually touched on this subject. He went a little further than usual in that line in Shreveport, and declared that the negroes were being ill-treated, defrauded and persecuted by the whites. The colored people are in a majority in Shreveport and the neighboring country, and there has always been some offishness there on the race question. Kit's speech caused some little alarm, and was de nounced by the press as incendiary. He replied with a stronger one, and the white people then became much alarmed lest he might stir up trouble with the negroes, while the latter got the idea that some harm was about to be done to their Messiah, and became boisterous. A Hard Man to Bounce. Thus the race feeling grew more bitter and intense. Jt was finally decided to get rid of Kit on the charge that he was a nuisance; that he had violated the license law, etc., and he was arrested and taken before the court, charged with a number of offenses. It was then seen that the situation was really serious. The negroes flocked to his assistance by th6usands and expressed a strong desire to release him from arrest by violence. Had he given the word or en couraged them a serious race not would in evitably have followed. He saw the result, persuaded the negroes to be quiet, and went to court and bonded himself by paying down his bond in cash, for he could ge no white man to go his security. By this time all parties were excited by the affair.., The episode had only made Kit dearerto the negroes, giving them greater confidence in him, and advertised him through all the country around Shreveport. For every dollar qf business he had done before he now did ten, selling from $500 to $1,000 worth of 'his medicines a day. The negroes flocked into Shreveport from the surrounding-country, his tent was always crowded with thousands of persons, and his speeches followed each other in rapid suc cession. The Idol of the Colored Race. Yellowstone Kit is to-day the idol of the North Louisiana negroes, and tens of thousands of them would do to-morrow whatever he tofd them to do. Says a Shreveport paper on this subject: "If Abraham Lincoln could rise from the grave to-day, thejnegroes of Caddo par- isgTorJnotregard-h!mTvlth more blind . --. -W&J?'' ' J&ft&r..t . - "..., S "d - " - .. - . idolatry than that which they bestow upon this fakir, who, under the forms of law, is robbing them of their money." There has been genuine alarm ever since over the subject. The whites declare that the negroes have become aggressive and tur bulent. The view taken of the situation by the white people of Shreveport is well shown by the following extract from the Democrat of that town. The pther news papers agree cordially with all it says, and Kit has the benefit of two or three editorials in them every day: A Time of Peril. "That these things have come to pass no intelligent man who has seen the countless multitude of negroes pouring into the city from surrounding plantations, who hasnoied the ominous scowls on their faces when con servative men talk of suppressing Yellow stone Kit, and who heard their shouts of tri umph with which his deliverance from jail on bond was greeted, can for one mo ment doubt. For a while the situa tion last evening was lull of gravity, if not of actual peril to the city. At the daily and nightly meetings of this man thousands of whites and blacks are mingled. In view of the condition of public sentiment and the marked aggressiveness of the ne groes, due to the teachings of this man, a proper regard for the public safety should suggest to the city authorities the impro priety of permitting a continuance of these meetings. A difficulty between a white and black man, which, under the present condi tion, is liable to occur at any moment, would result in a bloody riot between the races." The Situation Becoming Threatening. So far Kit has stuck to his past, although the situation has been growing more threat ening from day to day. No legal way of getting rid of him has been found, ' as he bonds himself out with cash whenever ar rested. During the last few days there has been a disposition to get rid ot him by ex tra legal means, and "White Cap notices are pouring in on him, warning him to leave the town. He is demoralizing labor, the whites say; he is creating an ill feeling be tween the races; he is capturing all the women of the negroes; he must be com pelled to leave. The iakir, however, finds Shreveport a good field, and he intends to stay.' Should violence be tried against him, he has the negroes at his back, and could cause a great deal of trouble. A race riot growing out of liver pads is not at all improbable in Shreve-' port. Politics is quiet and business slum bering while the citizens discuss the ques tion of how to get rid of the dangerous fakir. THREE DATS IN A CLOSET. Frlgbteued by Burglars, a Girl Locks Her self Up and Has a Long Fast. ISPZCIAL TELEOEAM TO THE OISPATCH.1 New Yobk, March 25. Last Friday evening a young woman named Susan Silker, a Hungarian, locked herself into a closet in her room at the house of Isaac Brun ner.on Bergen street,Brooklyn, where she was employed as a domestic. She was alone at the time, and it is supposed that she be came alarmed, imagining burglars were in the house, and, therefore, concealed herself. On the return of the family they were greatly surprised to find no trace of Susan. It was not until 6 o'clock this evening that tfae-discovery was made that the poor girl was in the closet While little Joe Brunner was playing on the second floor he heard a peculiar noise in the back room, and, going to ascertain the cause, he was at tracted to the closet by the familiar voice of the Hungarian girl. "Joe," she said to the child, "go tell mv sister to come and take me away." "Indeed I won't," said the boy. "I will go and tell mamma." The boy flew downstairs and told his mother that Susan was in the closet. Neither Mrs. Brunner nor her husband were able to force the door open, and so a policeman was summoned, who broke the lock. The girl was found so weak she could iardly stand, and a wild expression on her face showed the effect of the terrible and prolonged fright through which she had 'passed. After partaking of a little nourish ment the girl was taken to her sister's house. It was sometime before she conld talk ra tionally, and it was with difficulty that her sister was able to elicit the strange circum stance attending her long imprisonment. A physician who had been summoned said that her mind had become partly unbal anced, but he expected that a few days rest and careful treatment would restore her to her reason. COLORED C0XJUEATI0N. A Georgia Community Greatly Excited by a BIysterions Combination. ISPECIAL TELEGBAH TO THE DISPATCH.! Valdosta, Ga., March 25. Baptist Neck, the colored quarter of this city, is al most in a state of riot over an attemnted conjuration practiced by Mammaloi'Jav Cox upon Willis Mitchell. The Town Marshal was sent for and found in Mitch ell's yard a large living toad with a red flannel strip about twenty inches long, se curely fastened to its right hand foot. The other end of the strip was fastened to the center of a light wood splinter about ten inches long. Knots were hid at intervals along the red strip and here and there short pieces of white X sewing thread was at tached. Fastened to this lavout was a lot of nni and sewing needles, done up in a piece of reu uannei aoout as large as two hands. These things were found laying at Willis' doorstep, and he was very certain that Mammaloi Jay Cox had put them there in accordance with a threat to conjure him. When the Marshal went to interview Mrs. Cox, and stated the complaint against her, she flew into a violent rage. The whole neighborhood is stirred up over the affair. NATAL OFFICERS NETTLED. They Protest Against Receiving Orders From a Military Commander. Washington, March 25. No little dis satisfaction is felt among naval officers over the details of the programme for the cele bration of the Washington inaugural cen tennial in New York next month. Accord ing to the programme the army and navy are to figure prominently in the demonstra tion. Major General Schofield, the highest -commanding General of the service has eeen selected to take charge of the military forces, and against that selection no criti cism is made. But the naval officers com plain that their branch ot the service, which will make an exhibition of particular inter est because of its comparison of the old and hpw navy, has been placed in charge of a retired army officer. They argue that a naval officer of the highest rank should have been chosen to match the selection of Major General Scho field. and they have begun an agitation to have Admiral Jouett replace the retired army officer in command of the naval demonstration. A Cleveland Follnrr. -Cleveland, March 25. The drygoods store of Schedeler,& McWatters, corner of Pearl and Bridge streets, was closed late lttnTwM nmeutS HONOKS TO THE DEAD. The Last Rites Performed Over Justice Matthew Remains Brief but Im pressive Ceremonies Many ot His Former Comrades at the Funeral. Washington. March 25. The funeral services over the remains of the late Asso ciate Justice Stanley Matthews were held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the family residence, corner of Connecticut avenue and N street. The remains lay fn the sick room adjoining the reception room on the south, and the apartment was almost filled with flowers. The casket was cloth-covered with silver rails and handles, and on the cover wjis a silver plate bearing the inscrip-. tion: : STANLEY MATTHEWS, : . j Born July 21,1821; I : Died March 22, 1SS9. The face and bust of the deceased were ex posed to view and presented a life-like aspect. In the casket were bunches of Easter lilies and lilies of the valley, and a laurel wreath and a large wreath of white roses lined with purple ribbonsfrom Justice and Mrs. Field. The piano was covered with offerings from friends, the principal one being a massive pillow of white roses from President and Mrs. Harrison. On the face of the pillow, in purple immortelles, was imbedded the sentiment: Say not good night, but in some brighter clime bid me good morning. A large wreath of white roses from Justice Matthews' surviving comrades of the Com mandery of the District of Columbia Order of Legion of Honor, was prominent on the music stand. Among the earliest arrivals were the members of the Supreme Court, who had seats in the room where the bier stood. In this room were also the President and Vice President, members of the Cabiuet and the family. The Presidental party came in in the following order: President Harrison and Mrs. Blaine, Secre tary Blaine and Mrs. McKee, Postmaster Gen era! Wanamaker and Mrs. Russell B. Harri son: Secretaries Windom, Proctor, Rusk and NobletAttorney General Miller, Private Sec retarv Hal ford and Russell B. Harrison. Gen eral Schofield renresented the Army and Ad miral Porter the Navy. Among others pres ent were Senators Butter, Hoar, Farwell, Sherman, Payne, Evarts, Morrill. Hale, Manderson, Chckrell. Call and Paddock; ex-Senators J. E. McDonald and Conger: ex Speaker Carlisle, Representatives McKlnley. Spnnper, Cabot Lodge, Butterworth and Cox; Inter-State Commerce Commissioner Schoon maker, ex-Attorney General Garland; Judge Davis, ot the Court of Claims; Judges Hatmer and A. C. Bradley, of the District Court; Judge Wylie, ex-Secretary Hugh McCnlloch, ex-Postmaster General Horatio King; Rev. Father P. S. Cooney, of Notre Dame University, Indiana, who was chaplain of Colonel Matthews' regi ment in the war: B. H. Warder. Prof. Alex ander Graham Bell; Mr. Carter, the Hawaiian Minister: Colonel John Hay, Admiral Calhoun: President Welling, of the Columbia Univer sity, and Rev. Mr. Wynkoop: The services were conducted bv Rev. T. S. Hamlin, of the Church of the Covenant, pastor of the deceased, and Bev. Dr. Leon ard, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, and were brief. Dr. Hamlin began with a short invocation and closed with the Lord's prayer, in which many rjersons nresent joined. The Schubert male quartet sang "Jerusalem, the Golden," Justice Mat thews' favorite hymn. Dr. Leonard read Paul's assertion and description of the res urrection in the fifteenth chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians beginning at the twentieth verse. Then the quartet sang "Abide With Me," and Dr. Hamlin made a closing prayer. The remains were taken to the Baltimore and Ohio station, arriving there at 2:45 P. m. At 3 o'clock the special train pnlled ontof the station' and startedon its solemn journey westward. Two Pullman cam .were occupied -hy the family and the mem- Ders oi me supreme uourt, who accom panied the remains. COLQUITT WAKTS 10 DICTATE. An Assertion That He Will Control Appoint ments to Federal O fficea In Grorgin. ISPKCIAL TELXGSAlt TO THE DISPATCH.: Atlanta, March 25. The political sen sation of the day in Georgia is the announce ment that Senator Colquitt has gained the ear of President Harrison to such an extent that he will readily dictate all the Republi can nominations from this State. The state ment is all the more surprising in yiew of Colquitt's peculiar record. For four years past he has been a pronounced free trader. Less than a year ago, when Senator Col quitt was requested to present, on behalf of a Chatauqua assembly here, an invitation to Mr. McKinley, of Ohio, to speak in At lanta, he indignantly declined, alleging that he did not want to introduce Bepubli cans or protectionists into Georgia to breed discord among the Democrats. He pen sioned off bis relatives and retainers in various Federal offices. He had nothing but contempt for Democrats who thought kindly of Sam Randall, or who believed in protecting American labor. The election of Harrison, however, finlls Colquitt still at the front, pleading for Ms retainers that they may remain in offick Among those who are now applicants for pffice is Edgar A. Angier, formerlv City Attorney, who- seeks the place of Unite! States District Attorney. He joined thu Republican party on the nomination of Harrison. On Saturday his nomination would have been sent in, but Senator Coll quitt took the field against him and secured a postponement. It is now asserted by Col quitt s friends that he will dictate the ap-l pointtnents under Harrison as he did under Cleveland, and that bis hold upon Harrison is mrougu.uuurcu inuuence. A WEST YIEGINIA FIEND. Ole Decoys HI Stepmother to a Horrible! Death. Charleston, W. Va., March 25. InA formation reached here to-day.that last Sat-) urday Thomas Woods, who lives on Don-! nelly's fork of Mud river in Lincoln county,' UH1 AUtllftUtf AUDWWV5, Kttl WUrU Ml HIS stepmother. Mrs. Woodspn Woods, that ona of her neighbors across the hill was sick -and wanted her to come immediately. Hi concealed himself behind a tree, near a psth, to await her coming, and when she approached, stepped out, fired a revolver) full at her left breast, the. bullet takinrf effect just below the nipple. one ieit io me ground, ao mate sure off his wort, woods shot her again in tb neck, and afterward dragged her to a cliff nearby and dropped her to the ground ba low. WANTED HIS DEATH WITKESSED. A Despondent Drummer Shoots Himself In a Fnbllc Library. IEPXCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.1 New Haven, Conn., March 25. Johh F. Bond, a Boston drummer, went into the public library here this evening. He drew a 38 caliber hulljdog revolver and shot himt self in the head. The noise of the shot nti traded ine attention of other people in the! room, and before he could discharge the pis-) tola second time it was wrested from his grasp. He cried: "Let me shoot myself." Bond is despondent, and an incurable! victim of the morphine habit The wound will not prove fatal, 1 A Blc Seizure of Oleomargarine. 1 New Haven, March 25. Internal Eev-1 enue Collector Tecoup to-day seized 11,000 pounds of oleomargarine at the factory of) N. J. Nathan & Co., this city. 'The seiruie was made by order of the Washington au thorities, and neither the Collector nor thJe firm understand the nature of the' charges. , PlTTSBUKG, TUESDAY, MAEOH 26, 1889, . . BACKBONE JS NEEDED As Well as a Speedy Offer of Some what More Liberal Rewards, TO CAPTURE FAYETTE'S FIENDS. The Commissioners Dread to Increase the Promised Bewards, PEARIKG THE BOBBERS TENGEAHClC At Least One Hundred Members of the OrjintKd Band of Outlaws, Two plans to rid Fayette of its band of outlaw robbers are suggested. The first is to increase the offered reward to $150 for each man convicted. The other is to wait until the robbers make another dash on TJniontown, and then rely on the pride Of the county to use the means at its command to rid itself of its foulest blot. rrilOM A STAFF COEEESPONDEXT.: TJniontown, March 25. It is necessary for one of two things to happen in Union town before any strenuous measures -will be taken to capture the Cool Spring gang. One of these events is a general uprising of the populace in Fayette county for an effective demand from the authorities to employ the means at command to bring the perpetrators of such fiendish outrages asthe McClelland' town robberies to a speedy justice. That such an occurrence is likely to nan pen was very plainly demonstrated to me while I was in the office of the Penn De tective Agency on Main street A gentle man, who owns a manufactory near TTnida town, while speaking about the mysterious disappearance, to Mr. Chisholm, said: "Why don't you go for these Commission--ers? It is only their fault that the men have not been caught long ago. Who ever heard of such a thing as offering $200 for the capture of half a dozen whose desperate characters are so well known to us all?" ALMOST A THANKLESS TASK. "I have been frying for 15 years to prove to the whole county that at least two of them are unfit to hold such a position, on account of their fear and timidity. As taxpayers we have a right to demand the protection of our lives and property. It&s for that use the taxes are collected by Ae county. Why, do you know what J he3 Mr. Morris remark when he was urgeoho increase the amouut ot the reward? Simply this: 'I have a house of my own.' "Is this not a-olear admission thai he is afraid these men might pay him a visit some night? I should think so, anyhow. But pshawl He is not the only one; there are hundreds of people right around us who are just as timid, and instead of show ing these outlaws a bold front of defiance they would knuckle down to them and pray for their miserable lives." . At the postoffice door I met Commissioner Elijah Hatfield again. Said he: "I shall try my utmost once more fo-day to induce my colleagues to increase the re ward for the capture of the men, but I do not believe that I shall have any more" suc cess than I had before. Tbey "seem to be imbued with ah erroneous sense of economy which I cannot indorse," A KSOPOSmON WITH WEIGHT- What-wpDsitlori"do'yauirrean to'make to them?" "Simply this: X will ask them to put up a reward of $150 for each member of the gang who iscaptured and convicted. That would certainly be some inducement On my way into town I heard that the farmers in German township are willing to give the party who catches the gang a handsome re muneration how much or what I do not know, but the people out there are in a state of great fear and anxiety, the consequences of which cannot be quite realized. "The farmer will be afraid this spring, during planting time, to leave his wife and children at home- ,by themselves, for tear these men might enter the houses and plun der and outrage to their hearts' content," continued Mr. Hatfield. "He cannot take the whole family into the field, because that would leave the home at the mercy of these fiends. But last of all, it will also be dif ficult for any farm house to hire help, be cause not even a farm laborer will like to work in a district where he is liable to be killed at any time. A SAD OUTLOOK. "I tell you, the condition of our county is very sad, and the more I think it over and contemplate the imme diate results the more disastrous, terrible and unpromising seems to me the outlook. Sou traveled right over the track of the robbers yourself, yesterday. Did it not strike you as very peculiar that you never saw a human being outside of all the houses you passed?." The Commissioner was interviewing me now, and I replied that I had .noticed such a state ot anatrs. "Well, I will tell you the reason. The Eeople were afraid to come out of their ouses. It has always been a lingular char acteristic of all country people to look and stare at anything strange that passes them. I was surprised at it myselT this morn ing. Where I formerly met smiling children hanging on the gate and staring at me and my horse and buggy, I found nothing but the bare farmyard. The houses were completely locked up, front doors barricaded and the blinds drawn down. Every house gave one the impression that sickness or eyen death had crept -in. Wei), all this is caused by nothing but the late robberies, and the fact that thege de mons are still at large. No one leaves his house who is not obliged to do so. It is sad, very sad, aud I fear that its effects upon the crops and the general business ot our county will be bad. Unless the men are caught and put behind the bars we will not feel as if we were breathing free air." WHEKE THE GANG IS HID. I again went to the detectives and tried to get one of them to say something more about the present hiding place of the can?. During this conversation I gathered the. loiiowing irom. Jiir. imsnoim: "There is no doubt that it will be a great feat of detective work if the men are cap tured. You see this county has always been known for the many tough characters living in it You must "not forget that the National Pike, that glorious monument to Henry Clay, built by himself, runs ri?ht through here. There have been more rob beries committed along that road, up in the Blue Ridge mountains, than in any other part of the State. But now to our Cool Spring gang. There is not a set of men in the country-so desperate and daring in character as they are, and what is more; they have friends living around here for over a hundred miles. The cantr has reallr over a hundred members, of whom Charles Lewis is the head. He has more brains and executive ability than all the rest pnt to gether. The gang goes once every vear from Dunbar to West Virginia and right into Maryland." ONE OPPOETFNITT LOST. "How was it you did Tiot make any at tempt to catch them up in Markleysburg?" "Why, it was of no use. They had bet ter arms and plenty of ammunition, and they had also a larger force than we had. In addition to that, they hatrfriends all around Markleysburg. This a house, where they stayed, is a building as strong as a fort It is eminently suited for. a resort of law breakers "of any "kind. Why? 'Because, within a little over a 'mile ot that place the three States Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, come together iu a point The place lies in a hollow. About 200 yards in the rear of it a big forest com mences that stretches all alone the moun tains,'' The other event which I suggested a a necessity to force the Union authorities to 8trong measures was now touched upon by Mr. Chisholm himself thus: OTHEE ATTACKS EXPECTED. 'I have no, doubt that they will come back again. The most of them have wives or sweethearts here, and woman is a very attractive subject, even to outlaws. We have not given up the idea of following them, and still hope to capture them, but alone we are powerless. They did not make mush of a haul the last time, and that will soon be gone, but I believe they will make another dash, and, made bolder by their last success, it is probable that their operations will be on a larger scale. Then I dare say the county authorities will become alive to the danger, and they will lend us a helping hand." Heineichs. BUBIED TBEASUEE. Death ot a Miser Who Warn Visited by the McCIellandtown Outlaws Another Bold Hlghtfray Bobbery In Fayette County. rSFECllt, nilGUK to the disfatchi Uniontown, March 25. Samuel'Hum- bert, who was one of the victims of the same gang who raised terror at McClellandtown, died at Faircbance last night He was 80 .years old, has been a miser, and is supposed to have had a large sum of money Saved and stored away somewhere, being distrustful of banks. This fact led to his capture in his house near Fairchance one night last sum mer by the robber gang, who burned his feet with candles and held him over a fire, using every device conceivable to force him to disclose where his wealth was hidden, but in vain. The old man never fully re covered from the shnolr thns received, and Tieart disease was thecauseof his death. . Bather than touch his hoard he allowed his house to be sold by the Sheriff a month N ago. ue Knew death was staring him in the face, for the past week, and several times twas on the point of disclosing its hiding piace, once going so lar as to say it was put away in a box, but he became choked up and could not speak further. When he was gasping in the throes of death last night he tried to tell his attendant, but had only gasped "Bob, the box is ," when hewas seized with a choking fit and died. His relatives are now hunting for the con cealed treasure. The renort reached here this eveninc that while William Kiffle was on his way home, near New Salem last Friday, he was stopped on the road by three men who sprang from a thicket, seized his horse and alter searching his pockets and securing $40, allowed him to go. The robbery occurred not far from McClellandtown. WE AEE STILL PE0SPEEIKG. The Collapse of the Copper Trust Comparn. lively Harmless Monetary Situation. ISPECUlL txlioksji to TBX DISriTCH. New Yobk, March 25. Henry Clews & Co. say -to-day that compared with a week ago, there has been some improvement in the situation. The copper collapse in Paris had surprising small effect on the money markets ot Europe, owing to the fact that the losses "were confined to wealthy par ties, and that the French Govern ment, the Rothschilds and others all combined to avert panic Such a"combina'tionJfor-"-resisling disaster was urobablv never before witnessed. ' Com ing so soon after the bursting of the Panama, wui uuuuac, mc iuatcs vi wuiuu neruuis- tributed among the masses, there was a nat ural apprehension that the former might end in wide disaster. The crisis, however, has been passed, and the effect outside of Paris (proved much less than anticipated. The monetary situation, -although prac tically unchanged from a week ago, is still a source of considerable solicitude. Money appears plentiful in spite of increased re quirements; but confidence in Secretary Windom's policy regarding the surplus has not vet been fully established. There is less doubt about his intentions to buy bonds than about his method in reducing the depository balance. The new administration is already committed to reduce this balance to about $15,000,000 )or 30,000,000, the present amount being about SW,000,OOOj but there is the best of reasons for believing thai Mr. Windom will make any such reduction gradually, and at least defer such operations until the spring demands for money are passed. All things taken into consideration, the mone tary outlook is more satisfactory than usual at this stage of the season. HAfiD LINES FOR MOONSHINERS. Over Thirty or Them Arrested and Jailed la One Week. (SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Montgomeet, Ala., March 25. Five United States deputies captured 8 stills with a capacity of 600 gallons, 8 fermenters, 10,000 gallons of beer and 200 gallons of corn whisky during raids last week. They also confiscated $25,000 worth of apparatus. Threestill owners', Bill Tucker, John Cole and Bert Lovelace, were arrested and jailed. One Tidwell escaped at the price of a couple of pistol balls. Two others escaped after being shot at, but none were killed so far as known. The captured stills each had a larger daily output ranging from 15 to 25 gallons, than any before broken up in the State. The apparatus was also better and more costly than is usually used. Another set of officers went up into the counties of Clay, Chamber and Bandoloh the last three days of last vee,k and de stroyed several, stills and captured aud brought here upward of 30 moonshiners, who are in Jail. The stills were medium sized. The reason illicit distilling is now going on in Alabama is because there is a belief among moonshiners that the Govern ment appropriation1 for the prosecution of criminals has been exhausted, and that if they are caught they cannot be prosecuted. This is not the case, however. GOFF STILL CONFIDENT. Ho Thinks Be Will Yet be Governor of West-Tlrclnln. rSriCIAL-TELEOEAM;TO TltE DISPATCH. Wheeling, March 25. General N. Goff, the Bepnblican Gubernatorial candidate who is now engaged in a contest with Judge Fleming to .establish his claims to the office of Governor, arrived here this evening for a conference with his friends' in this part of the State. In an interview this evening he asserted in the strongest terms his determination to push his claims in all possible ways and before all proper tribunals and said he felt confident that the Legislature would from the evidence he would place before the special committee, finally acknowledge the justness of bis position and the sound ness of his claims to be legal Governor of the State. General Goffl will remain here for a day or two and will then return to his home at Clarksburg. Trnrap Floccod by Citizens. LrNCOLN,NEB., March 25. Eight tramps were publicly floeged on their bare backs in Fairbnry last- Saturday afternoon for their impudent and boisterous conduct. The flogging was'done by a citizens' committee, who led the pedestrians to the end of the eitrand. advised them to keep without the uuiu iu me wiure, A CHARGE OF BASE; The President and Postmaster Gen eral Decide a Knotty Point AS TO OFFENSIVE PARTISANS. A Frotest Against Judge Gresham as Jus tice ot the Supreme Court. HURATHALSTEAD'S TITLE NOT SO CLEAR Colonel Hew on the DefensiTt, and Quay and Wans maker Fall Oat President Harrison and Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaker agree that offensive partisanship alone is not sufficient to cause the removal of a postmaster. Practical politicians protest against the elevation, of Judge Gresham to the Supreme Bench. Murat Halstead is likely to find it hard to be confirmed when he is appointed,Minister to Germany, John C. New is on the de fensive. Quay and Wanamaker fall out over the Philadelphia Postoffice. tFrXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, March 25. Bepnblican Congressmen are agitated over the unex pected announcement of Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaker thatoffensive partisanship is not to be considered as a valid charge to secure the dismissal of postmasters before the expiration of their commissions. A few days ago Bepresentative Payson succeeded in securing the removal of the Democratic postmaster at his home ic Illinois, upon the grounds that he had beenover-active during the last election. The man was very active during" the campaign, and wasvne of the proprietors of a paper that was especially bitter in its partisanship. When Mr. Pay son asked for his removal some reluctance was shown by both the President and Post master General Wanamaker to take any im mediate action in the matter. NOT AT ALL A. PEECEDENT. Mr. Payson was asked if there was not some reason beside partisanship for the re moval, but he refused to make any other charge, and, as will be remembered, the re moval was made. The action of the department in this case has led to the filing of many charges of "offensive partisanship," and there was a very general exultation on the part 6f mem bers who wanted to "clear up matters" in their districts as speedily as possible. They have been pressing these cases upon the at tention of the President and Mr. Wana maker, and have been looking for a rapid clearing out of old postmasters. On Saturday Mr. Wanamaker made the positive announcement to a member who had a very offensive partisan postmaster that he was working to have removed, that the charge of offensive partisanship would not be regarded as sufficient cause for re moval. Some other good reason would have to be given, and it did not matter whether or not that charge was attached. THEY CHANGED THEIE MINDS. The member than called attention to the removal made for Mr. Payson. To this Hr. Wanamaker'-said that the President and himself had talked the matter over since then, and had decided not to begin making discharges of postmasters on those grounds. He stated the case very positively, leaving no hope that the partisanship charge would be considered. Some criticism was provoked in certain newspapers by the Illinois case, and mem bers think that it is sensitiveness to this criticism that has caused a halt in such re movals, ThW policy applies, of course, to those officers who are commissioned for four years. It is likely that removals of fourth class postmasters will be speedy. It is ex pected that allrthe division superintendents of the railroad mail service will be replaced within a few days. A FIGHT AGAINST GRESHAM. Practical Politicians Don't Want Him on the Supreme Bench. rEPECIAL TELXOnAM TO TBE DISPATCH. Washington, March 25. It is rumored that the President has been strongly in clined to appoint Judge Gresham to succeed Jnstice Stanley Matthews on the Supreme Bench, but that the strong opposition of personal and political friends to the selec tion may induce him to change his purpose. General Harrison has been informed, it is said, that the appointment would not pro mote harmony Or strengthen the party in Indiana, but would rather 'give offense to some of the President's best friends. 'Sev eral Republican Senators are also opposed to the appointment of Judge Gresham. In view of these complications the name of Secretary Noble has been considered in connection with the Justiceship. He is an able lawyer, a man of high character, and there would be no opposition to him within the party. His elevation to the bench would make a vacancy in the Cabinet for James S. Clarkson, of Iowa. The Interior portfolio is jnst the place Clarkson wanted, and there is little doubt that tbe President would give it to him if he should put Mr. Noble on the bench. The Michigan. Sen ators have recommended Allred Russell, of Detroit, for the Justiceship. THE I0RKT0WN ACCEPTED. Secretary Tracy Approve tho Job Com pleted by the Cramps. Washington, March 25. The Secre tary of the Navy has approved the report of tbe trial board of tbe Yorktown, and the vessel.including her fittings and machinery, excepting the electric lighting plant, will be accepted subject to the special reserve of 520,000 and to a further reservation of 85,- 000 to be held until the lighting plant shall be completed and tested. , Messrs. Cramp & Sons, are required be fore the vesselleaves their yard to place on board all duplicate pieces and other articles Belonging to the vessel, and at as early a day as practicable to deliver her to the com mandant of the League Island Navy Yard, when she will be formally accepted, subject to the above mentioned conditions. QUAY AKD WANAMAKER OUT. Tho Philadelphia Postoffice Stumbling Block for Them. ISFECIAI. TELEGKAJt TO THE DISPATCB.l WASHlNGTON.March 25. There appears to be a misunderstanding between Senator Quay and Postmaster General Wanamaker. The latter has tendered the office of Pout master at Philadelphia to Henry Field, a merchant of that city whomever had much to do with politics, whereas Senator Quav has recommended the appointment of Bill Leads, a well-known politician. It is not supposed that Senator Quay, when he secured the appointment of Mr. Wanamaker to the Cabinet made any con ditions with him about the Pennsylvania appointments, but the. Postmaster General shows a purpose of haying his own way. IT'S A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. HR. DRDM STILL A POWER.' The Adjutant General Succeeds, as Usual, In Having- HI Own Way. rSrSCIAt. TXUCCXAXTO Till DISPATCH.I Washington, March 25. During the administration of Secretary Endicott there was constant warfare between Adjutant General Drum and the other brigadier generals who preside over the various corps of the army, and General Drum came out on top every time. He seemed to have un limited influence with the Secretary of War, and was able even to set aside the orders of General Sheridan. Although Secretary Proctor has been in office only three weeks, General Drnm,appears to have captured him. and has downed General Schofield in what may be called a hand-to-hand encounter. There has been sitting at the War De partment for about eight months, a board of eight officers engaged in revising the tactics of the army. Under the expectation of re maining here two or three years, these offi cers have brought their families, and some of them have rented houses and made prep arations to stay until the end of the detail. Their surprise was very great, therefore, the othe'r day, to receive orders irom the Secre tary of War to pack up their traps and move out to Leavenworth. They immediately entered a protest, and upon inquiry learned that the order had been issued at the in stance of General Drum, and that the only reason given for it was that the rooms they were occupying were needed for the court martial of Major Lydecker. The tactical board sent a committee to General Drum and asked him to have the order revoked, but he declined to do so. Tbey then appealed to General Schofield, who made such representations to the Sec retary of War as to secure a revocation of the order, and the board settled down in blissful serenity a?ain. but their peace of mind was soon disturbed, and a new order came sending them to Leavenworth. Tbey again appealed to the Secretary of War without avail, and again sought the good offices of General Schofield. but hewasun- .able to secure another reconsideration. He then requested the Secretary of War to send the board to West Point, where they could have the advantage of a large military library, bntthe Secretary declined to inter fere, and now the officers are packing up their traps and tryingo sublet the houses they have leased. General Drum retires on the 5th of May next, and no tears will be shed by the offi cers of the tactical board when he finally leaves his desk. JOHN C. NEW ON THE DEFENSIVE. Charges Against Him as a Banker, and on General Grounds. rsrSCTAI. TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH. j Washington, March 25. The Capitol was deserted to-day, there being no session either of the Senate or of the Supreme Court, owing to the funeral of Jnstice Stan ley Matthews, bnt the Committee on Com merce met to consider the nomination of John O. New to be Consul General to Lon don. John Q. Thompson, the man Harry New once thrashed in Indianapolis, made his appearance with charges involving Mr. New's integrity as a banker, and his char acter generally. When asked for evidence io sustain his allegations, be referred to the records of various courts and connty officers in Indiana, and stated that plenty of wit nesses could be found, althongh he was not prepared at present to mention the names of anv. The committee was about to adjourn, hav ing concluded to report Mr. New's nomina tion favorably, when the latter gentleman put in an appearance and" requested that certain witnesses for the defense be heard. He named Senator Voorhees, ex-Senator McDonald, Bichard D. Bright and a num ber of other Indiana Democrats, all of whom, he said, would testify to his good moral character and qualifications for the office to which he had been appointed. He did not bring any witnesses from his own party, but only men of opposite politics. ( The committee decided to hear what these gentlemen had to say, and will meet at 2 o'clock to-morrow for that purpose, and as another meeting is to be held, it was decided to send for Attorney General Miller, who, Thompson said, would swear to the truth of many of the charges he made against Mr. New. RUSSELL NOT OMNIPOTENT. A Suggestion of the President's Son Doesn't Sleet With Approval. SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO TBE DISPATCH.." Washington, March 25. The .Mon tana gubernatorial question is about set tled, and to-morrow the President will probably send to the Senate the name of B. F. White, of Dillon, Montana, to be Gov ernor in place of Leslie, resigned. It looked at one time as if there would ba- a good deal of disagreement over the matter. Bussell Harrison desired the appointment of McCutcheon, while Delegate Carter was equally anxious for the appointment of L. S. Heisbfield, of Helena. Captain Cole, Speaker of the last House of the Montana Legislature, was spoken of as a csmpromise candidate, and it looked once as if he would be appointed. Some objection arose, however, and to-day Hershfield declined absolutely to allow his name to be used, and McCutcheon and Cole withdrew unconditionally from the race. It was then decided that the name of White should be submitted to the President and this was done. The selection of a Secretary has not vet been made, but it will be decided upon be fore the Senate adjourns. The Secretary will be selected from Lewis and Clarke county, as Helena thus lpses the Governor ship. White is an old resident of Montana. He has been a member oi the Legislature, and is engaged in the banking business at Dillon. CHICKENS COMING HOME TO ROOST. Marat Halstead's Chances of Succeeding Pendleton Not the Best. (SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Washington, March 25. It is expect ed that Editor Murat Halstead will be nominated for Minister to Germany to-morrow, and there will be a lively fight over him. His attacks on the Republican Sena tors who voted to keep Senator Payne in his seat were very sharp, and at least four of them have declared their purpose to vote against Jttaisteaa. Tbe Democratic Senators, out of courtesy to Mr. Payne, will all vote against confir mation, and if the Bepublican Senators are brought into line this will defeat the nomi nation. " DEAD AT THE POST. OF DUTY. An Old Engineer Expires In His Cab on a MoYlng Train. (SPECIAL TELEQBAX TO TBE DISPATCH.! Kochestee, N. Y., March 25.--When the St Louis express on the New York Central Road reached Chili, a town just west of this city to-night, the passengers felt a sudden slight jolt and a moment later the train came to a standstill. The passengers and train crew rushed ontof the cars and saw the fireman holding the head of the en gineer in the cab. Physicians examined the engineer and found him dead. It appears that the deceased whose name was Levi Lewis, took the train out of Buffa lo.. He was then feeling "as well as usual, but just belore reaching Chili fell from his seat without a word. The fireman then stopped tfie train at once. Lewis was one of the oldest and best engineers on the road. He had been in the service nearly 40 years. WAKTS Of any kind can best be satisfied by advertiis i the columns of The Dis. patch. THREE CENTS ' &E0 STUDIES Furnf1 e Applicants for VVl V LicWkl) re Judge VSAsBar. A PEN PANORAMA OF THEM As They Flit Before His Honor, Jib Frowned Upon and Ketire. TESTERDAI'S FOOD FOE REFLECTION. Inside GUnijiaf s of the Camera to andLGsera From That Utile Tellatr Table A Ee" cording Angel and BI Trlple-Entrr Books How Applicant Get All Tangled Up, Till They Don't Know Whether They Lie or Stand One Man Who Brought Wrinkles to SeyeralSweetjr. C T. U. Foreheads Scenes and Inci dents. It's a real study. You may sit and watch it for days and hours. Its panoramic, kaleidoscopic variety, which goes so far to make up the spice of life, rises superior to the routine of cross-examination. Hence, every person in the License Court listens attentively, right straight through. Tester day's scenes presented a picture which, though part aud parcel of tbe same pano rama the public has studied for a -week, was new and interesting in every feature. The Goddess of Justice is said to be blindfolded. The eyes of Judge White in the License Court, however, are wide open and aided by a pair of eyeglasses with good lenses. Bandaged optics evidently find no favor with His Honor, who is not only not blindfolded, but yesterday, in the examina tion of witnesses, remarked that in all his judicial career he had never seen a worse looking body of men and women than those who stood before him as applicants for license from day to day. "You are a re spectable looking man," he said to one pre possessing fellow; "why do you want to be come a saloon keeper?" And then followed the remark regarding the appearance of the applicants generally. His Honor cannot bnt know that some of the men standing before him are perjuring themselves, for they swear to contradictions, and occasionally an observer will notice that, when he knows a witness is telling un truths, his eyes have a dangerous sparkle, and an ugly smile hovers about his mouth. Men who are applying will, with the mest refreshing deliberation, swear in effect that they have restaurants that for order and style, would cause Delnionico to sink into insignificance. His honor remarked yester day to a witness: "I admire your candor when you say yon cannot call your lunch counter a restaurant, as I am perfectly aware that many who say they have restau rants have not even as much as you. -. NOT a. SINGLE DBOP. The number of applicants who do not drink, is on the increase. The fact -has be come very noticeable, and, of course, in many cases'ls doubted. 'License Conrt produces many strange in cidents. There is a little yellow table di rectly in front of the Judge, which will be remembered by many for a lifetime. It has been caressed by applicants when their ex amination was proceeding; smoothly scratch ed when they wae excited, and squeezed when they grew angry. It has proved a blessing to some, for, if it had not been there, tbey would, ontof sheer nervousness, have dropped to the floor. The License Court is an inquisition in one sense of the word, and that large, bare room a chamber of torture. It has its ludicrous scenes to be sure, and what makes it all the more interesting, they are real. The stream of oaths goes on, but now and then the smoothness of its flow is disturbed for a moment by some incident which brings a smile to the lips of an ob server. ' A DAY'S LONG LIST.. J The applications heard yesterday were: Eighteenth ward John Albrech, 5302 Butler street; Patrick Brennan, 5168 Butler street; M. C. Dwyer. corner Bridge and Butler streets; P. J. Donnelly, 5121 Butler street; John B. . Golden. 5102 Butler street; Denis Haggerty, 5164 Bnjler street; Andrewlmsmnd,5159 Batler street: Peter Miller, Butler street extension; Mrs. Louisa 6. Miller, 5103 Butler street; John Mclntyre, 5166 Butler street; derrick Schwep pl. 5321 Butler street; Martin Schuster. 6130 Butter street; Michael RtacK, 60o8BatIer street; Joseph Sipper. 5125 Butler street; John TJtxlg; 5333 Batler street. Nineteenth ward John Jacob Arnodt 155 Frankstown avenue; Timothy Barrett. 6027Penn avenue: Melkar Ballf, 5123 Penn avenue; Lewis Crist, 67 Frankstown avenue; James Fleming; 49 Frankstown avenue; Peter A- Ganster, 35 and 37 Frankstown avenue; John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown avenne; Henry Luchsihger; -77 Frankstown avenue; Peter Lauerman, 56 Frankstown avenue; Nicholas Leech, 1M Frankstown avenue: Fred Mausman, 6347 Sta tion street; Henry Meyer, corner Broad street and Frankstown avenue; Charles Neef, 6021 Penn avenue; Joseph McKee, 6343 Station street; Henry Schusler and Cyrus Pool. 15 and 17 Frankstown avenne; Jacob Scnulz, VIZ Frankstown avenue. Adolph Traneer, 44 Frankstown avenue; Anton Wolf, 6007 Penn avenne. Twentieth ward Aueustus Brill. Center ave nue; Peter Batterhof, 4701 Liberty street Louis Engel, 6374 Penn avenue; Jane Fallen, 4326 Penn avenne;John Grant; 6204 Penn avenue; Christian Haus, MIS Penn avenue; Louis List, 5C40 Penn avenue; Joseph Motzel. 6340 Penn avenue; Michael Miller, 5000 Penn avenue; Henry J. Thoma, 6103 Ellsworth avenne. THE STTBUBBAN TEBBITOBT. Twenty-first ward H. J. Branthoover,-264 Frankstown avenue; Jerry Beacom, 263 Franks town avenne; WrfllamDersam, 306 Frankstown avenue; Joseph H. Einstein, at Stock Yards; J. H. Hnsmann, corner Pntnam street and P. B. R.; Bertha Heinz. 350 Frankstown avende; Joseph Kreuer. 05 Larimer avenue; John Ker ner, corner Mnrtland avenue and Grazier street; John A. Miller, 383 Frankstown arenas; Frank Mersinger. 307 Larimer avenne; Victor Miller. 221 Frankstown avenue; Anton Menl kus, 538 Homewood avenue: Thomas Mnlvehill. 704 Tioga street; B. B. McDowell, comer Benn and Brusbton avenues; Martin J. Belber, Ball- road street; Wilhelmlra Schoeller, 6379 Penn avenne; William Van Baren, Penn avenue; Theodore Weiss, 200 Larimer avenne. Twenty-second ward Michael Jolce, 33 and 35 Forward a'renne. Twanty-third ward Frank Blessing. 2290 Sec ond avenue: Hugh Dngan, 1360 Second avenue; John Donlon, corner Yada street Foar-Mils Ban road; Nicholas Delehanty. 1598 Second avenue: Peter Dncan, 1896 and 18U8 Second avenue;John FianegaB, 2294. Second, aveauefl r .i jaatmst,, ..A.v.. . a . r... . i. K?"' 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