Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 25, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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la the Bible, the Host Common Sense
Bool' in all the World.
The Delude Described by an Eye-Witness
as it Appeared to Him.
Brooklyn, March 24. At the Taber
nacle this morning, after expounding some
passages of Scripture in regard to the mys
teries, the Kev. T. De 'Witt Talmage gare
out the hymn beginning:
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word.
The subject of his sermon was, '"Tough
Things in the Bible," and his text, H.
Jeter, iii, 16: "In which are some things I
aH tk nndarctAnil " Tlr. Tnlmnffp snirl? 1
The Bible is the most common sense book
in the world. But there are many Urines in
it which require explanation. It all depends
on the mood in which you come to this
grand old book. You ma;, take "hold of the
handle of the sword or its sharp edge. You
may employ on its mysteries the rule of
multiplication or subtraction. There are
things, as my text suggests, hard to be un
derstood, bnt I shall solve some of them, hoping
to leave upon all honest minded people the im
pression that If four or fire of them can be
explained, perhaps the; may all be explained.
Hard thing the first: The Bible says the
world was created in six days, while geolopy
says it was hundreds of thousands of years in
process of building. "In the beginning, God
created the heaven and the earth." "In the
beginning." There yon can roll In ten million
years if yon want to. There is no particular
date given no contest between science and
revelation. Though the world may hare been
in process of creation tor millions of years,
suddenly and quickly, and In one week, it may
have been fitted up far man's residence. Jnst
as a great mansion may have been many years
in building; and yet in one week it may be cur
tained and chandeliered and cushioned and
upholstered for
Ton are not compelled to believe that the
vorld was made in our six days. It may not
have been a day of 1 hours, the day spoken of
in the first chapter; it may have been God's
day, and a thousand years with Him are as one
day. "And the evening and the morning were
the first day" God's day. "And the evening
and morning were the second day" God's day.
"And the evening and the momlnc were the
sixth day" God's day. You and I living in the
seventh day. the Sabbath of the world, the day
of gospel redemption, the Grandest day of all
the week, in which each day mav have been
made up of thousands of years. Can you tell
me how a man can get his mind and soul into
such a blasphemous twist as to scoff at that
first chapter of Genesis, its verses billows of
light aurginc up from sapphire seas of gloryT
The Bible represents that light as created
on Monday, and the sun was not created until
Thursday. Just think of it! a book declaring
that light was created three days before the
sun shone! 'Why don't you know that heat and
electricity emit light independent of the sun?
Beside that, when the earth was in process of
condensation, it was surrounded by thick
vapors and the discharge of many volcanoes in
the primary period, and all this obscuration,
may have hindered the light of the sun from
falling on the earth until that Thursday morn
ing. Beside that, David Brewster and Herschel,
the astronomer, and all the modern men of
their class, agree in the fact that the snn is
not light, that it is an opaque mass, that it is
only the candlestick that holds the light, a
phosphorescent atmosphere floating around it,
changing and changing, so it is not to be at all
wondered at that not until that Thursday
morning; its light fell on the earth. Beside
that, the rocks in crystalization emit light.
There is light from a thousand surfaces, the
alkalies, for instance. The metallic bases emit
licht. There was a time in the history of the
world when there were thousands of miles ot
liquid granite flaming with light. Beside that,
it has been found that there are burned out
volcanoes in other worlds which, when they
were in explosion and activity, must have cast
forth an insufferable light, throwing a glare
all over our earth. Beside that, there are the
Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Anchalis. A
book on "Physical Science" says:
"Captain Connycastle, coming up the Gulf
of St. Lawrence on the 17th of September, 1826,
wasaroused by the mate of the vessel in great
alarm from an unusnal appearance. It was a
starlicbt night, when suddenly the sky became
overcast. In the direction of the high land of
Comwallis county an instantaneous and in
tensely vivid light, resemblinc the aurora, shot
ont on the hitherto gloomy and dark sea on the
lee bow that was so brilliant it lighted every
thing distinctly, even to the masthead. The
light spread over the whole sea between the
two shores, and the waves, which before had
been tranquil, became agitated. Captain Bon
nycastle describes the scene as that of a blazing
sheet of awful and mo5t brilliant light a long
and vivid line of light tl.at showed the face of
the high frowning lanu abreast. The sky be
came lowering and more intensely obscure.
Long, tortuous lines of light showed immense
numbers of large fish darting about as if in
consternation. The topsail yard and niizzen
boom were lighted by the clare as if gaslights
baa been burned directly below them, and un
til just before daybreak, at 4 o'clock, the most
minute objects were distinctly visible." My
hearers, there are 10,000 sources of light besides
the light of the sun.
Another hard thing: The storv of the deluge
and Noah's ark. They say that from the ac
count there it must have rained 800 feet of
water each day in order that it might be 15
cubits above the hills. Tney say that the ark
could not have been large enough to contain
"two of every sort," for there would have been
hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thou
sands of creatures. They say that these
creatures would.havecomefrom all lands and
all zones. They say there was only one small
window in the ark, and that would not have
given fresh air to keep the animals inside the
ark from suffocation. They say the irk finally
landed on a mountain 17.000 feet high. They
say they do not believe the story. Neither do L
There is no such story in the Bible. I will tell
you what the Bible story is. I must say that I
have changed my mind in regard to some mat
ters which once were to me very mysterious.
They are no more mysterious. This is the key
to the facts. This is the story of an eye-witness,
Noah, his story incorporated afterward by
II oses in the account.
Noah described the scene just as it appeared
to him. He saw the flood and he fathomed its
depth. As far as eye could reach everything
was covered up, from horizon to horizon, or, as
it says, "under the whole heaven.' He did not
rerer to the' Sierra Nevadas, or to Mount Wash
'ington, tor America had not been discovered,
or, if it had been discovered, he could not have
seen so far off. He is giving the testimony of
ah eye-witness. God speaks after the manner
of men when he says everything went under,
and Noah speaks after the manner of men
when he says everythingdid go under. An eye
witness. There is no need ol thinking that the
kangaroo leaped the ocean or that the polar
bear came down from the ice.
Why did the delnge come? Itjcame for the
?iurposeof destroying the outrageous inhab
tants of the then thinly populated earth,
nearly all the population, probably very near
the ark before it was launched. What would
have been the use of submerging North and .
South America, or Europe, or Africa, when
they were not inhabited? And as to the skep
tical suggestion ihit in orcer to have the water
as deep as the Bible states, it must have rained
SCO feet every day, I reply, the Bible distinctly
declares that the most of the flood rose instead
of falling. Before the account where it says
"the windows of heaven are opened," it says,
"All the fountains of the great deep were
broken up." All geologists agree in saying
that there are caverns in the earth filled with
water, and they rushed forth, and all the lakes
and rivers forsook their bed. The fountains of
the great deep were broken up, and then the
windows of heavens were opened. Is it a
strange thing that we should be asked to be
lieve in this flood of tho Bible, when geologists
tell us that again and again and again the dry
earth has been drowned out? Just open your
geology and you will read of 20 floods. Is it
not strange that infidel scientists wanting us to
believe in the 20 floods of geological discovery,
should, as soon as we believe in one flood of the
Bible, pronounce us non compos mentis?
Well, then, another thine, in regard to the
size of the ark. Instead of being a mud scon,
as some of the skeptics would have us under
stand, It was a magnificent ship, nearly as large
as the Great Eastern, three times the size of an
ordinary man-of-war. At the time in the world
hip building was unknown. God had this ves
sel constructed, which turned out to be almost
in the same proportions as our stanchest mod
ern vessels. Alter thousands of years of cx
penmentingin naval architecture and in ship
varpentery. we have at last got up to Noah's
ark, that ship leading all the fleets of the world
on all the oceans. Well, Sloan saw the animal
creation going into this ark. He gave the ac
count of an eye witness. They were the ani
mals from the, region where be lived; for the
most part they were animals nseful to man,and
if noxious Insects or poisonous reptlleswent
in, it was only to discipline tho patience and to
keep alert the ceneratinns after the flood. He
saw them going in. There were a great num
ber of them, and he gives the account of an eye
witness. They went in two and two of all
Years ago I was on a steamer on tho river
Tay and I came to Perth, Scotland. I got off,
and I saw the most wonderful agricultural
show that I had ever witnessed. There were
horses and cattle such as BosaBonheur bad
never sketched, and there were dogs such as
the loving pencil of Edwin Landseer never
portrayed, and there were sheep and fowl and
creatures of all sorts. Suppose that "two and
two" of all the creatures of that agricultural
show were put npon the Tay steamer to be
transported to Dundee and the next day I
should be writing home to America' and giving
an account of the occurrence, 1 would have
used the same general phraseology that Noah
Ubed in regard to the embarkation of the brute
creation in the ark I would have said that
they went in two and two of every sort. I
would not have meant 600,000. A common sense
man myself, I would have supposed that the
people-who read the letter were common sense
"But how could you get them into the ark?"
ask infidel scientists. "How could they be in
duced to go into the ark? He would have to
pick them out and drive them in, and coax
them in." Could not the same God who cave
instinct to the animal Inspire that instinct to
seek for shelter from the storm? However,
nothing more than ordinary animal instinct
was necessary. Have you never been in the
country when an August thunder storm was
coming up and heard the cattle moan at the
bars to get in? and seen the affrighted fowl go
upon the perch at noonday, and heard the af
frighted dog and cat calling at the door, sup
plicating entrance? And are you surprised
that in that age of the world, when there were
fewer places of shelter for dumb beasts, at the
muttering and rumbling ana flashing and
quaking and darkening of an approaching
deluge, the animal creation came moaning and
bleating to the sloping embankment reaching
np to the ancient Great Eastern and passed in?
I have owned horses and cattle and sheep and
dogs, but I never had a horse or a cow or a
sheep or a dog that was so stupid it did not
knoir enough to come in when it rained.
And then, that one window in the ark which
afforded such por ventilation to the creatnres
there assembled that small window in the
ark which excites so much mirtbfulness on the
part of infidels. If they knew as much He
brew as you could put on your little fingernail
they would have known that that word trans
lated window there means window course, a
whole range of lights. Those ignorant Infidels
do not know a window pane from 20 windows.
So If there is any criticism of the ark. there
seems to be too much window for such a long
storm. And as to the other charge that the
windows of the ark must have been kept shut
and consequently all inside would have per
ished from suffocation, I have to say thatthere
are people in this house to-day who, all the
way from Liverpool to Barnegat lighthouse,
and for two weeks, were kept under deck, the
hatches battened down because of the storm..
Some of yon, in the old time sailing vessels,
were kept nearly a month with the hatches
down because of some long storm.
Then Infidels say that the ark landed on a
mountain 17,000 feet high, and that, of course,
as soon as the animals came forth they would
all be frozen in the ice. That is geographical
ignorance! Ararat is not merely the name for
a mountain, but for a hilly district, and it may
have been a hill 100 feet high, or 600, or 1,000
feet high on which tba ark alighted. Noah
measured the depth ot the water above the
hill, and it is la cudiis, orz leec
Ah! my friends, this story of the ark is no
more incredible than if you should say to me:
"Last summer I was among the hills of New
England, and there came on the most terrific
storm I ever saw, and the whole country was
flooded. The waters came up over the bills,
and to save our lives we got In a boat on the
river, and even the dumb creatures were so
affrighted they came moaning and bleating
until we let them in the same boat."
We are not dependent upon the Bible for the
story of tho flood entirely. All ages and all
literatures have traditions, broken traditions,
indistinct traditions, but still traditions. The
old books of the Persians tell about the flood
at the time of Ahriman, who so polluted the
earth that it had to be washed by a great
storm. The traditions of the Chaldeans say
that in the time when Xisuthrus was King
there was a great flood, and he put his family
and his friends in a large vessel and all out
side of them were destroyed, and after a while
the birds went forth, and they came back and
their claws were tinged with mud. Lucian
and Caid, celebrated writers who had never
seen the Bible, described a flood in the time of
Deucalion. He took his friends into a boat,
and the animals came running to him in pairs.
So all lands, and ail ages, and all literatures,
seem to have a broken and indistinct tradition
of a calamity which Moses, here incorporating
Noah's account, so grandly, so beautifully, so
accurately, so solemnly records.
My prayer is that the God who created the
world may create ns anew in Christ Jesus; and
that the God who made light three days before
the sun shone may kindle in onr hearts a light
that will burn on long after the sun has ex
pired; and that the God who ordered the ark
bnilt and kept open more than 100 years that
the antediluvians might enter it for shelter,
mav graciously incline us to accept the invita
tion which this morning rose in music from the
Throne, saying: "Come thou and all thy house
into the ark."
tcjbc understood: Tho story that the sun and
moon stood still to allow Joshua to complete
his victory. Infidel scientists declare that an
impossibility. But if a man have brain and
strength enough to make a clock, can he not
start it and stop it, and start it again and stop
it again? If a machinist have strength and
brain enough to make a com thresher, can he
not start it and stop it, and start it again and
stop it again? If God have strength and wis
dom to make the clod of the universe, the
great machinery of the worlds, has He not
strength enough and wisdom enough to start it
and stop it, and start it again and stop it again?
Or stnD one wheel, or stop 20 wheels, or stop all
the wheels? Is the clock stronger tbantheclock
maker?- Does the corn thresher know more
than the machinist? Is the universe mightier
than its God? But people ask how could the
moon have been seen to stop in the daytime?
Well, if you have never seen the moon in the
daytime, it is because you have not been a very
diligent observer of the heavens. Beside that,
it was not necessary for the world literally to
stop. By unusual refraction of the sun's rays
the day might have been prolonged. So that,
while the earth continued on its path in the
heavens, it figuratively stopped.
You must remember that these Bible authors
used the vernacular of their own day, just as
you and I say the sun went down. The sun
never goes down. We simply describe what
appears to the human eye. Besides that, the
world, our world, would have literally stopped
without throwing the universe out of balance.
Our world has two motions the one around
the sun and the other on its own axis. It
might have stopped on its own axis, while at
the same time ft kept on its path through the
heavens. So there was no need of stellar con
fusion because our world slackened its speed
or entirely stopped in its revolution on its own
axis. That is none of the business of Jupiter,
or Mars, or Mercury, or Saturn, or the Dipper.
Beside that, within the memory of man there
have been worlds that were born and that died.
A few years ago astronomers telegraphed,
through the Associated Press, to all the world
the astronomers from the city of Washing
tonthat another world had been discovered.
Within a comparatively short space of time,
astronomers tell us, 13 worlds have burned
down. From their observatory they notice
first that the worlds look like other worlds,
then they became a deep red, showing they
were on Are; then they became ashen, showing
they were burned down; then they entirely dis
appeared, showing that even the ashes were
scattered. Now, I say, if God can start a world,
and swing a world, and destroy a world, he
conld stop one or two of them without a great
deal of exertion, or he could by unusual refrac
tion of the sun's rays continue the illumination.
But infidel scientists say it would have been'
belittling for other worlds to stop on
account of snch a battle. Why, sirs, what
Yorktown was for revolutionary times, and
what Gettysburg was in our civil contest, and
what Sedan was in the Franco-German war,
and what Waterloo was in the Napoleonic des
tiny that was this battle of Joshna against
the five allied armies of Gideon. It was that
battle that changed the entire course of his
tory. It was a battle to Joshua as important
as though a battle now should occur In which
England and the United States and France and
Germany and Italy and Turkey and Russia
should fight for victory or annihilation. How
ever much any other world, solar, lunar or
stellar, might be hastened in its errand of
light, it would be excusable if it lingered in
the heavens for a little wbilo and put down its
sheaf of beams and gazed on such an Armaged
don. In the early part of this century there was
what was called the Dark Day. Some of these
aged men perhaps mav remember it. It is
known in history as the "Dark Day." Work
men at noon went to tbeir homes, and courts
and legislatures adjourned. No astronomers
have ever been able to explain that dark day.
Now, if God can advance the night earlier than
its time, can he not adjourn the night until
after its time? I often ui-ed to hear my father
describe a night I think he said itwasinlS33
when his neighbors aroused him
All the heavenly bodies seemed to be in mo
tion. People thought our earth was coming to
its destruction. Tens of thousands, of stars
shooting,( No astronomers have ever beenable
to explain 'that star-shooting. Now.doesnot
your common sense teach you that if God could
start and stop tens of thousands of worlds or
meteors, he could start and stop two worlds?
If God can engineer a train of ten thousand
worlds or meteors, and stop them without acci
dent or collision, cannot he control two car
riages of light, and by putting down a golden
brake stop the sun, and oy putting down a silver
brake stop the moon? Under .this explanation,
instead of being skeptical about this sublime
passage of the Bible, you will, when you read
it, feel more like going down on your knees be
fore God as you read: "Sun, stand thou still
above Gideon, and thou moon in the valley of
Then there is the Bible statement that a
whale swallowed Jonah and ejected him upon
tho dry ground in three days. If you will go to
the museum at Nantucket, Mass.. you will find
the skeleton of a whale large enough to swal
low a man. I said to the janitor, while I was
standing in the museum, "Why, it does not
seem from the looks of this skeleton that that
story in the book of Jonah is so very improba
ble, does itf Oh. no," he replied, "it does
not." There is a cavity in the mouth of the
common whale large enongh for a man to live
in. There have been sharks found again and
again with an entire human body in tbem. Be
side that, the Bible says nothing about a whale.
It says, "The Lord prepared a great fish?' and
there are scientists who tell us that there were
sea monsters in other days that make the mod
ern whale seem very insignificant. 1 know in
one place in the New Testament it speaks of
the whale as appearing in the occurrence I
have just mentioned, but the word may just as
well be translated "sea monster"- any kind of
a sea monster. Frocoplus says, in the year 532,
a sea monster was slain which had for 50 years
destroyed ships. I suppose this sea monster
that took care of Jonah may have been one of
that could easily have taken down a prophet,
and he could have lived there three days if he
had kept in motion so as to keep the gastric
juices from taking hold of him and destroying
him, and at the end of three days the monster
would naturally be sick enough to regurgitate
Jonah. Beside that, my friends, there Is one
word which explains the whole thing. It says,
"The Lord prepared a great fish." If a ship
carpenter prepare a vessel to carry Texan
beeves to Glasgow, 1 suppose it can carry
Texan beeves; if a ship carpenter prepare a
vessel to carry coal to one of the northern
ports I suppose it can carry coal; if a ship car-
Esnter prepare a vessel to carry passengers to
iverpuol, I suppose it can carry passeneers to
Liverpool; and it the Lord prepared a flsh to
carry one passenger, I suppose it could carry a
passenger and the ventilation have been all
So all the strange things in the Bible can be
explained. If you wish to have them explained.
And you can build them into a beautiful and
healthful fire for your hearth, or yon can with
tbem put your immortal interests into confla
gration. But you had better decide about the
veracity ot the Bible very soon. I want this
morning to caution you against putting off
making up your mind about this book. Ever
since 1772 there has been great discussion as to
who was the author of "Junius' Letters," those
letters so full of sarcasm and vituperation and
power. The whole English nation stirred up
with it. More than a hundred volumes written
to discuss that question: "Who was Junius?,,
"Who wrote the letters of Junius?" Well.it
is an interesting question to discuss, bnt still,
after all, it makes but little practical difference
to von and to me who Junius was whether Sir
Philip Francis, or Lord Chatham, or John
florae Tooke. or; Horace Walpole, or Henry
Grattan. or any one of the 44 men who were
seriously charged with the authorship. But it is
an absorbing question, it is a practical question,
it is an overwhelming question to you and to
me, the authorship of this Holy Bible whether
the Lord God of heaven and earth or a pack of
dupe?, scoundrels or impostors. We cannot
afford to adjourn that question a week or a day
or an nour, any more man a sea captain can
afford to say: "Well, this is a very dark night
I have really lost my bearings: there is a light
out there. I don't know whether it's a light
house or a false light on the shore, I don't
know what it is; but I'll just go to sleep and in
the morning Til find out" In the morning the
vessel might be on the rocks and tho beach
strewn with the white faces of the dead crew.
The time for that sea captain to find out about
the lighthouse is before be goes to sleep. Ob,
my friends, I want you to understand that in
our deliberations about this Bible we are not at
calm anchorage, but we are rapidly coming to
ward the coast, coming with all the furnaces
ablaze, coming at the rate of 70 heart throbs a
minute, and I must know whether it is going to
I was so glad to read in the papers of the fact
that the steamship Edam bad come safely into
harbor. A week before the Persian Monarch,
plowing its way toward the Narrows, 100 miles
ont, saw signals of distress, bore down upon
the vessel, and found it was the steamship
Edam. She had lost her propeller. She had
200 passengers on board. The merciful captain
of the Persian Monarch endeavored to bring
her in, but the tow line broke. He fastened it
again, but the sea was rough and the tow line
broke again. Then the night came on and the
merciful captain of the Persian Monarch
"lay to," thinking in the morning he could
give rescue to the passengers. The morn
ing came, but during the night the
steamship Edam had disappeared,
and the Captain of the Persian Monarch
brought his vessel into harbor saying how sad
he felt because he could not give complete
rescue to that lost ship. I am glad that after
ward another vessel saw her and brought her
into safety. But when I saw the story of that
steamship Edam, drifting, drifting, drifting, I
do not know where, but with no rudder, no
lighthouse, no harbor, no help, I said: "That
is a skeptic that is an infidel, drifting, drifting,
drifting, not knowing where he drifts." And
then, when I thought of the Persian Monarch
anchored in the harbor, I said: 'That is a
Christian, that is a man who does all he can on
the way, crossing the sea to help others, coming
perhaps through a very rough voyage into the
harbor, there safe and safe forever."
Would God that there might be someone to
day who would go forth and bring in these
souls that are drifting. In this assemblage,
how many a score shall I say, or a hundred, or
a thousand? not quite certain about the truth
of the Bible, not certain about anything?
Drifting, drifting, drifting. Oh, how I would
like to tow tbem in. I throw you this cable.
Lay hold of that cable of the gospel. Lay hold
of it. I invite you all in. The harbor is wide
enough, large enough for all the shipping.
Come in, O you wanderers on the deep. Drift
no more, drift no more. Come into the harbor.
See the glorious lighthouse of the gospel.
"Peace on earth, good will to men." Come
into the harbor. God grant that it may be said
of all of you who are now drifting in your un
belief, as it might have been said of the passen
gers of the steamship Edam, and as it was said
centuries ago of the wrecked corn ship of
Alexandria, "It came to pass that they all es
caped safe to land."
Use Horaford's Acid Pbospbute.
Dr. E. G. Davies, DeSraet, Dak., says: "I
have used it in slow convalescence and preven
tion from malarial diseases,where the drinking
-water was bad; I believe it to be beneficial in
E reversing summer complaints; also one of the
est agents we have to rectify the bad effects
of the drinking water npon the kidneys and
The most exquisitely trimmed round
bats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil
linery opening on Thursday and Friday,
March 28 and 29.
Danzigeb & Shoenbebg,
Sixth st. and Fenn ave.
Are You Going to Move?
If you are, don't worry about baking.
Get Marvin's bread and pakes, which are
just as good and pure as any vou can pos
sibly make yourself, and which will be
brought to you fresh every day. Order
through your grocer. mwsu
" Magnificent display of new spring
millinery on Thursday and Friday, March
28 and 20.
Panzigee & Shoenberg,
Sixth st and Penn are.
Absolutely Pure-
This powder nover vanes. A marvel of pur
ity, strength and wbolcsomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin da, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est short weight alum or Phosphate pow
ders. Sold only tn cans. ROYAL BAKING
POWDEB CO, 106 Wall Bt, N. Y.
Four of Kli Great Feta Killed by One of
His Polar Bears.
New York, March 24. At the opening
performance of Barnum's show to-night, in
Madison Square Garden, the performing
seals, which attracted so much attention
last year.did not appearand everybody won
dered why. The fact is that theirnumber was
suddenly reduced from six to two while the
audience was gathering by a lamentable ao
cident caused by the Polar bear. The bear
cage and the seal cage, which both have
doors in the rear, were backed up against
each other, and Schaam, who is popularly
known in the circus business as "Seals'
because he makes seals his special care,
was in the bear cage, cleaning it The
habitual occupant of the cage resented his
intrusion, and made a dash at him.
Schaam backed up against the unlocked
door, which yielded, and he stumbled back
through it, carrying him also through the
seal cage door into the cage of his special
pets. The bear lollowed him. and bit
Schaam's leg, savagely taking a piece of
the flesh out, but the brute's attention Vas
speedily diverted by the seals, which form his
staple food in his Arctio home. He killed
four of the poor animals in quick succes
sion, and proceeded to eat them. Schaam
called for help, ahd the bear, was driven
back to his cage. The injured man's leg
was dressed and he was taken to his home.
The seals came from Norway. They were
very highly trained and very valuable.
Mr. Bailey has already sent to Norway for
seals to replace them.
A Boon to iho Farmers In tho Mnplo Belt
of Pennsylvania.
SCRANTON, March 24. One of the most
copious sap runs ever known in the maple
sugar camps of Newton, Scott, Benton,
Clifford, North and South Abington, Hol
listerville, and bther sections of northeast
ern Pennsylvania, began last Monday, and
lasted until Friday night, when the wind
changed to the east and the flow was stopped
for, the present, greatly to the satisfaction ot
the sap gatherers and boilers, for the sweet
fluid ran so fast during Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday that they were unable to
reduce it to syrup as fast as it came, and,
consequently, much of it went to waste.
It was just such weather as the farmers
delight to see after theyhavegot their sugar
works in order, the wind being in the west,
a stiff frost falling through the night, and
bright sunshine and thawing weather dur
ing the day. As soon as the wind veered to
the south and east the flow of sap began to
decrease, and yesterday, though it was thaw
ing a good part of the day, but little sap
ran out of the spiles.
Barry's Teicopheeous guaranteed to
make hair grow on bald heads; eradicates
scurf and dandruff. M
Catarrhal Dangers.
To be freed from the dangers of suffocation
while lying down; to breathe freely, sleep
soundly and undisturbed; to rise refreshed,
head clear, brain active and free from pain or
ache; to know that no poisonous, putrid matter
defiles the breath and rots away the delicate
machinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel
that the system does not through its veins and
arteries, snek up the poison that is snre to un
dermine and destroy, Is Indeed a blessing be-'
yondall other human enjoyments. To pur
chase immunity from such a fateshonld be the
object of all afflicted. But those who have
tried many remedies and physicians despair of
relief or cure.
Sanfoed's Radical Cure meets every
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in reliev
ing, permanent in curing, safe, economical and
Sanfoed's Radical Cure consists of one
bottle of the Radical Cube, one box of Ca
tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved In
haler, all wrapped in one package, with
treatise and directions, and sold by all drug
gists for SI.
Potter Drug & Chemical Co., Boston.
Back Ache, Kidney and Uterine Pains
and weaknesses, soreness, .Lameness,
Strains and Pains relieved tn one
minute by the Cuticuea anti-Pain
Plaster. The first and only pain-killing
Plaster. New, original, instantaneous, and in
fallible. The most perfect antidote to Pain,
Inflammation, Weakness, ever compounded.
At all druggists, 25 cents; five forSljor, postage
free, of Potter Dbuo and Chemical Co..
Boston, Mass. sip
One of the Consulting Physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute
at 22 Ninth street
Mr. John H. King, a well-known citizen of
Allegheny county, residing at Tarentum, has
for along time suffered from Catarrh. He
had a backing cough, dizziness and pain over
the eyes. The tough, tenacious mucous In bis
head and throat was hard to raise, and gave
him such a choked-up feeling. He took cold
easily, and his throat often became sore. Hav
ing been unable to find any relief, he began
treatment with the specialists for Catarrh at
22 Ninth street He says:
"In testimony that I have been cured of
Catarrh by the physicians of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, I hereby sign my name.
The above lady physician can be consulted
by ladles suffering from diseases peculiar to
their sex. The medicines used are positively
curative, and are so prepared as to allow the
patient to use the treatment herself. They
treat successfully Catarrh. Rheumatism. Dys
pepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney
and Female Diseases.
Office hours, 10 A. u. to 4 P. M.( and 6 to 8 p.
v. Sundays, 12 'to i p. M. Consultation free
to alL mh25-D
Near Wood Street.
Telephone No. 1888. Iel9-M,rffrTFSuwk
,ni!DALS yA,
4ML y jMli IKvlHvSBi
, ing Silver.
FASHION accords to the pur
chaser of Silver a choice of
three varieties of exterior
decoration: First, Engraving;
secondly, "Repousse," or ham
mered work in high and low ohas
ing; and lastly, Etching.
There are an equal number of
exterior finishes: first, the bright
and burnished surface; secondly,
a satin or frosted treatment; and
thirdly, the so-called "butler's
finish," which conveys the impres
sion of age.
From these varieties in different
combinations, the purchaser of
Silver may choose, and the em
phasis of society has clearly indi
cated the fitness of certain styles
for certain uses.
Our stock illustrates fully and
clearly the advance of artistic
taste in this direction.
206 Fifth avenue,
Madison Square, New York.
Correspondence invited from in
tending purchasers.
Clothing to
Your Own Shape.
We are merchant tailors,
too, with extra advantages for
serving you well.
What can you think of that
stands in the way of our do
ing as good tailoring as any
body in the city? Nothing,
nothing at all. Needn't vin
dicate our tailoring.
But, we can do better. Bet
ter in the variety of materials
we can show you, We have
gathered the most perfect ex
position of cloths to be found
in any store in the land.
There is no such in the city.
And they're the qualities
styles appropriate to make
up to measure.
The finest fabrics we have
them. The smooth, the
cheviot finish (so fashionable
now), the'imported, the home
mills manufacture, full dress,
business; all are here.
We have more by far than
you'll take time to look at,
likely. Will you wait for the
rush to see them? or to-day?
0It isn't necessary to pay out
a deal of money to get a
style that pleases you and
makes up handsomely.
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fenn avenue.
, mh23-D
n .n t.wtu aAii.tf...rtlnMif.
A V.y. 1J T 1W,VUUWI Ui 1 AHUM)
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld.next Leader
omce. uxoueiay.j Jotauiisueu iu years.
Right Royal Are Our Dress Goods Specialties All This Week.
Cordially and confidently invite yonr attention to followinc compilation of seasonable and at"
tractlvn bargains. We cannot enumerate all, bnt assure yon that a handsomer, better assorted'
more extensive variety, or superior value, was never offered in these two cities, and have great
pleasure In requesting you to come early and seenre the cream ol bargains in tint-class goods.
63 pieces rich black silks all guaranteed and will wear like pin wire, at 75c, 85c, 31, $1 12 and
tl 2o a jard. They're just 25c to 60c a yard cheaper than usual.
A most sublime range of 20-inch stripe and check surah silks to be offered at 49c. They'd be
cheap enough at 65c.
100 pieces of the loveliest weaves and prettiest shades ever gazed upon French dress goods,
in plaids, stripes and plains, at only 50c a yard. You'd never grudge 75c for them. Come early
and get llrst choice.
113 pieces really handsome nil wool French suitings, in all the most becoming and newest
spring shades; these come in dainty, invisible checks, and will be sold at 3733c, but are well
worth 60c.
A very nice selection all-wool French challies, in patterns of beauty and designs of elegance,
only 35c a yard; regular price, 50c.
Thousands of yards 42-inch all silk, black lace flouncings at 75c, 87c, Jl and up to S3 a yard.
They're very cheap; you'll say so when you see them.
VERY SPECIAL Our stock of ladies' and misses' spring wraps, jackets, etc., for beauty of
design and material, eitensi veness of variety and cheapness of price are unmatchable anywhere
l mh25-nvy
If you want to fix up and furnish your house in style and comfort,
ICeech's the man to do it for you.
If you want to make your dollars go as far as possible,Keech'sis the
house for you to patronize.
That shows a stock of fine Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Room or Sitting Boom Furniture as
extensive, stylish and cheap as that to be seen at Keech's, and the same holds good of
THE PITTSBTJBG CABPET STORES. Keech's simply beats them all, showing more
new designs in Body and Tap. Brussels, Ingrains, Velvets, Koquettes, Chinese and
Japanese Mattings and Bugs than any "three carpet stores in this city.
All kinds of Baby Carriages. Ladies' Beaded Wraps, Dry
goods and Clothing; stylish, substantial, elegant and oheap.
93 and 925 Penn Avenue,
ISTeax 3STi - n.
"Open Every Saturday Evening till 10 o'clock.
Shoes for Youths at 85c
to $1.
Shoes for Boys at $1 to
$1 25.
Shoes for Men at 85c to
$1 25.
Gents' Fine Call Sewed Shoes, in
button, bals. and congress. A 83
Shoe at $2 50, equal for wear and
style of any 85 Shoes.
N. B. Store open until 9 P. M. except Satur
day. Open Saturday until 11 P. M. mhl3-M.w
ij Mi
New and beautiful designs m piece goods.
Pants to order $3 np. Suits to order 20 up.
Corner DiamoM and Smitlifieli Streets.
Schedule In effect November 29, 1SSS. For
Washington, D. C, Baltimore and Philadelphia,
11:30 a.m. and '1030 p.m. For 'Wa.hlnirton, D.C.,
and Baltimore, tTrtO a.m. For Cnralerland, f7:00,
'11:30 a. m., and '10:20 p. m. Tot ConnellivUle.
:00 and '11:30 a. m., fl:00, 14:00 and 10:20 p. m.
For Dnlontown, 17:00. tll:30 a.m., tlKX) and '4:00 p.
p. For alt. .Pleasant, 17:00 and 111:30 a. m,, tlrtX)
and t4:00 p. m. For Washington, l'a., "7:30,
tt:30a. m.,:35, t5:30 and "3:300. m. ForNvheeU
lag, "7:30, 19:80 a.m.. "3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Cin
cinnati and tit. Loula, "7:30 a. m., 8::p. m. For
Columbus, 1:30 a. m., 8:30p.m. For Newark,
7:30, :30a. m., "J: '8:30 p. m. For Chicago.
7:30, 19:30 s, m.. "3:35 and "8:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and W ashing
ton, 7 :10 a.m. and "8:50 p. m. From Columbna,
Cincinnati and Chicago, 7M5a.m. and "9:10p.m.
From "Wheeling, "7:45, 10:50 a. m.. tSaTO, :I0p,
m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington ana Cincinnati.
For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:55
p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac. at S8;S)
Dally. tDailyercept Sunday. Sunday only.
The Pittsburg Translcr Company vrlll call lor
and check baggage trom hotels and residences
npon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General Manager. Gen. Bass. Agt.
station. Central Standard Tint. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louts, d 7:30 a.m., d 8:00 and
ft 11:15 n. Tn. T)fnntKATi 2;41 n. Tn. Phtrsirn
'12:05, d 11:15 p.m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12:05,
uuup. m. sieuoenviue, a:oaa m. wosmngion.
8:55, 8:35 a. in., 1:K, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Balger, 10:19
a. m. Bnrgettstown, Sll :35a.m.. 5:15 p. m. Mans
field, 7:15, 11:00a. m.. 6:30, d8:35; 10:4U, p.m. Mc
Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:00 p. m.
From the West, d 1:50, d 6:00, a. m 3:03, d 5:5J
p.m. Dennlsoi 9:35a.m. Stenbenvllle, 5:05 p. m."
Wheeling, 1:50, 8:45 a.m., S.-05, 5:55 p.m. Bargetta
toira, 7:15 a. m., S 9:05 a. in. Washington, 8:55,7:50,
S:55a. m.. 2:35, 8:20 p. m. Mansfield, 5:35,, 9:00
a. m 12:45 d 6:0) and 10:00 p. m. Balger, 1:40p.m.
McDonalds, d 6:35 a. m., d 8:00 p. m.
d dally; 3 Sunday only; other trains, except
- bla - S-beet;-
In springtime there, is usually a
brisk demand for these goods.
Don't go to dry goods stores and
pay fincy prices for poorly-made
goods, but come here and get the
best for as little money as you
would pay them for the worst Nice
Kilt Suits in flannels at $3. Hand
some embroidered ones at $4. Fine
imported designs at 5, $6 and 7.
We have Kilts of all kinds in flan
nels, cheviots, cassimeres, tricots,
corduroy and velveteen. Fine Jer
sey Suits, with gilt embroidery.
Excellent Blouse Suits, eta, etc.
Whatever you want in Children's
Goods we have got, and always
under competitors' prices.
4w ' l
Boys' Confirmation and Easter Snits
Our variety of Easter Clothing (long or short pant suits) for
Boys who are candidates for communion or confirmation this year
caps the climax for beauty, style and low prices; and don't forget
will take place as usual. We take the address of every candidate
for confirmation or communion, and, during the week before Easter,
we will surprise him with a handsome and costly gift. Every pur
chaser of a confirmation suit is requested to .leave his address.
A " A I 1 ADC
n vntsbtivrt,
Though it is but one short week since we have commenced .the
distribution of our wonderful Calliopes, they already have caught
on immensely and the fact is universally conceded that no more
pleasing and entertaining musical devices have been discovered
Since Orpheus first took a lesson to toot
On his matchless, soul-inspiring flutej
And birds piped forth their songs of glee,
Or the sigh of a zephyr was heard through a tree. ,..'
Silk Hats! Stiff Hats! Soft Hats!
and our matchless low prices are well known to the gentlemen of
Pittsburg. It seems that the particular mission of tour Hat depart
ment is to supply the men and boys of the Twin Cities with fine and
stylish Hats at popular prices, for this is exactly what we are doing
every hour in the day. We have now on sale all the very latest '
light and dark colored Derbys, including the celebrated Dunlap, .,
Youman, Miller and Knox shapes,, and the prices at which we sells
them make it possible for the ?6-a-week calico clerk to sport as fine
a Hat as the proprietor of the store himself. Hundreds of entirely
new and very lovely styles in boys' and children's Hats just opened.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
after Norember 28, 1SS3. trains leave Union
Station, Pltttbnrff, u follows. Eastern btandard
New York an d Chicago Limited of 1'nllman Ves
tlbcle dally it 7:15 a; la.
Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:00 a.m.
Mali train, dally, except Sunday, 6:55 a. m. San
day, mall, 8:40 a. m.
Cay express dally at 8. CO a. m.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m.
Eastern express daUy at 7:15 p. m.
fast Line dally at 9:u0 p, m.
Greensbnrg express 5:10 p. m. week days.
Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days.
Alltlironsb trains connect at Jersey CltrwUU
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y.,
avoiding double ferrtaze and Journey through N.
Y. City.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Hall Train, dally 8:3p. m.
Western Express, dally 7:43 a. m.
Paclnc Express, dally 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8 JO p.m.
Fast Line, dally HSp.m.
suimiWEsr penn mailway.
For Unlontown, o:45 and o:sia. m. and 4:25 p.
m without change of cars; l.OO p. m., connect
ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:4.) a. m.. 12XC6:15and8:20p. m.
FromFEUEUAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 0:45 a. m.
Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for '
Butler f.'Up.io.
Butler Accom 8:3) a. m.. 2:25 and 5:45 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 0:20 p. m.
Jrreeport Accom 4 SO, 8:15 and 100 p. m.
On Sunday - 12:50 and 0:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 6:03 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting for liutler 3:20 a. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation ll:C0p.m.
Trains arrive at FED EKALSTKEETSTAriON:
Express, connecting from Butler 10:15 a.m.
Mall Train. 2:Mp. m.
Butler Accom 9:23a.m., 4:40 and. 7:20 p. m.
Klalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52 p.m.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a. m 1:32, 7 .-20 and 11 KM p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m
Sprlngdalc Accom .8:37a. m., and 3.-02 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Union station. Pitts onrg,- as follows:
For Monongahela City. West Brownsville and
Unlontown. Ua. m. For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:40
p. m., week davs.
Dravosburg Ac, week days, 1:20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, :50a.m., 2:00,
2u and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. jjU p. m.
Ticket ofllccs Corner Fourth avenue and Trf
street and Union station.
General Manager. Ucn'l Fass'r Agent.
Trains (Cet'lSUn'dtlme)! Leaf e. I Arrive.
Butler Accommodation.......
Day Ex. Ak'n,Tol., CTn, Kane
Butler Accommodation.,,....
Chicago Express (dally)
New Castle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople sndFoxburg Ac.
Butler Accommodation.
6:00 am
7:10 am
7.-2J pin
itjj am
12:30 pm
11:05 am
luu put
J?Jfl nm
vd am
5:30 am
4.1(1 n.
5:40 pm
Tbrougn coach and sleeper
Co-WlnterTImeTable. On and afterOctober
14. 1888, until further notice, trains will run as
follows on every dav except bundar. Eastern
standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 8:15 a. m..
7:I5a.ui..9U5i. m.. 11:30a. ni.. 1:40p.m.'. 3:40 n.m.
8:10 n. m. C:30 n. m 0'D n. m.. jl:30n. m. Ar
lington 5:45 a. ro.. 5:30 a. m.. 8:00 a. m.. 10:20 a.
m.. 1:00 n. m.. 2:40 n. m. 4:20 n. m.. 5:50 n. m.
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
Plttsburg-10 a. m. 12 JO p. m., 2:30 p. m., S:M
.m.a vuju p. m. Arungwn :w a. m., i n,
ISO p. m.. 4i30 p. m : . m.
.i jyilN JAUN, sunt.
is a problem that's being solved daily by
For your careful and impartial consideratioai
print tne toiiowing few facts ana
.-. .. ngures aDout our .'.
t PwGni
-or- &
We show good lines of the fash-W
ionable short pants Vest Suits, andr
endless quantities of plain, pleated,
belted and Blouse Suits. In fact, ,
nothing is lacking to make ours theV
most beautiful and attractive stock.
Good strong suits, neat patterns,
only $1 50. First-class Cheviot
suits at $2 50.
Excellent Cassimere Suits at
$3 50 that are selling all over town
at $4. 50. At $5, $$ 50 and $6 we
show a line of suits way beyond
the conception of ordinary stocks
not less than 30 different styles,,
any one of which would cost yoa
at any other house in town at least
from $1 to $1 50 more.
The Great Musical
Wonder, Still Goes rnCC
February 10, 1839, Central Standard Tims.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d7.-2S
a. m., d 12:20. d 1:00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:33
p.m.: Toledo. 7:25a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00 and except
Saturday. 11:20 p. m.: Crestline. 5:45 a. m.; Cleve
lnnd,8:10,7:2S a.m., 12:35 and d 11 aT5 p.m.: New Cas
tle and Youngs town, 7 .-05 a. m.. 42:20, 3:15 p. m.;
Youngstown and N lies, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadvtlle,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m.. 12.-20 p. m.; Nlles
and Jamestown. 3:15 p. m.: Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.;
WbeeUng and Bellalre. 6:10 a. m T2:A, 3:30p. m.;
Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m., 3 8:20 a. m.; Leets
dale. 5:30 a.m.
ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:30 a. m.; Beaver
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon. 30 p. m.: Leets
dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.. 2.-C0, 4:30, 4:45. 5:30, 7.-00, 9:00
p. m.; Conway, 10 JO p. m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m.: Leetsdale, S 8:30 p. m.
TBAIN3AUK1VE Union station from Chicago
except Monday 1:50, d 6:00, d 6:35 a. m.. d 7:35 p.
m.; Toledo, except Monday ISO. d 6:35 a.m., 7:JS
S. m. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and
ew Castle. 9:10a. m., 1:25, 7:33. 10:15 p. m.: Nlles f
and Younntown. d 7:35 p. m. ; Cleveland, d 5:50 a.
IE.. 2:25, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:00 v
a. m., 2:25, 7:45 p.m.: Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25, V
10:15 p. m.: Masslllon. lOaD a. m.: Nlles and .'
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m
1:10 p. ni.. s 8:25 p. m : Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. V
ARRIVE ALLlUSHENY-From Enon, 80 a.
m.: Conway. 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a,nr.: Beaver
Falls, 7:10 a. m., 6:40 p. ra.x Leetsdale, 6:50,-6:13.
7:45 a. m... 12:00, 1:45, 4:30, 6:30. 9:00 p. m.: Fair '
Oaks, 88 :55a. m.; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. m.: Beaver'- &
Falls. S 3:25 p.m. 3ft
o. sunuay oniy; a, aauy; ouier trains, except ,
Sunday. feu '
PrrrsBUKO ahd lake ekie kailkoad.'
COMPANY-Schedule in effect February 24. v
. .
P. & L. E. K. K.-,-DirABT For Cleveland. 5:25.
7:40 A. K.. ISO, 4:15, 9:30 p. X. For Cincinnati.
Chicago and bt. Louis, 5:25 A. u., "1:31 9d0 r. X.
For Buffalo, 10:20 A. M.. 4:15 "9:30 r. M. ForBala
manea. "7:40 a. m.. "lax "9:30 p. M. For Beaver
Itatrl lAfl 4?WMA 41
Falls, 6:25, "7:40, 10:20 A. M., "1:20. 3:30, 4:15, SOB,
9:30 r. M. For Chartlers. 5:25. 5:35. 6:50. T7:0u.
7:15, 8:40, , tSS, 10:20 A. M 12:05, 12:45, 11:25, '
1:45, 3:30, 4:45, "5:10, 5.-20, "8:3), 10:30 P.M. .
Abbivx From Cleveland, 5:30 A. M.. 18, "
5:40, "3:00 p. ii. From Cincinnati, Chicago and a
St. Louis, '1.-00, S:0O p. M. From Buffalo, 5:30 A.
M., "1:00, 5:40 p. M. From Salamanca, "1:00, "S.-09
P. M. From Youngstown, 5:30, "6:50, 9:20 A. M.. .
1:00, 5:40, "3:00 p. u. From Beaver Falls, 3:30.
8:50, 7:20, 9:20 A.M., 1.-00, 1:35: :40, "S.-00. r. 2
From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:22, 3:30, 16:42, t:X, 78.
-7:30, 8:30, 9S. 10:10 A. M., 12:00 noon. KSO, "lil
135. 3:4! 4.-0Q. 4:33. SKT1 5-10. H:tO. sTlilI
P.. McK. JkV. K. It. DEPAOiForNew Haven.
5:30 A. M "3:30 r. it. For West Newton, 3:30 a. mT.
"3:30 and 5:23 p. ji. For New Haven, 7:10a. xl
Sundays, only.
ABBm From New Haven, 10:00 A.X.. 3.C6r.
K. From WcstNewton,6:15, 10:00A.M.. "Sal P.M.
ForMcKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. J:3n:
4:05, 5:25 P. K.. 17:10 A.M. ,77
From Elizabeth and McKeesport. 6:15 A. x.
7:30, '10 n A. m. . S:05 P. M. "
Dally. ISundays only.
E. holbkooK. General Superintendent.
A. E.CLAKK. General Passenger Agent..
City ticket office, 401 Smlthfleld street.
Wains leave Union Station (Eastern Staim.Wt
tftnel: Ulttanning Ac. 6:55 a. niT? Nura fcT1
dally. 8:45 a. m.. Hulton Ac. 10:io a. m . vinir.
Camp AC, 22:05 p. m.: Oil Cltvand DuUoIs v7
::w p.m. ; Hum n ac, 3:00 p.m. KitMnniiT
00p.m.; Braeburn Ex.,5aSp7ra xiSS.
..S-30 p.m.; BrMbornAe-TSiSSffl"'
... 7:30 n. m Rn,tAn 'SP-.: H.UI-
AC, 1W
lng Ac!
HSy,K2.Hi!'S fc"yWi
tun ac. rtjw u. aimz nans A Bf .
. ITnl.An ft m a.C .-
Pittsburg and Bulo. E.nrVWSflT.8?!:
1", A,; 1AY1D MCUAi&O, fcSi .',''
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