33pR vs. -sKr". "jTS-flWWas SSTT FfX?lT -if- 'iF THE PITTSBURG - DISPATCH. M03SFDAY, MARCH 25, 1889.- r The Pennycomequicks Written for THE DISPATCH by ' S. BARING GOULD, Author 0r'ilEHALAH,""C0nBTE0YAI.,,",JOHirHEEEnfG,""THEGAVj:E0CKS, "Etc ALL SIGHTS CHAPTEK XV. The Woman With a Pipe. What bad become in the meantime of Mr. Jeremiah Pennycomequick, over whose leavings-such a dispute was beinE waged? We left him clinpng to t00 head of a .Imbardy poplar that was being swept down the Valley of the Keld by the flood. The head of a poplar was by no means the most agreeable vessel in which to shoot the rapids of Fleet lock and navigate the lower Keld-dale. In the first place it allowed the wash of the descending current to overflow it. and in the next it had no proper balance, and was disposed to revolve like a turbine in the stream. The latter propensity was presently counteracted by the branches catching and en tangling about some ponderous matter in the bed, perhaps a chain from the locks. It was not possible for Mr. Pennycomequick to keep dry He was like Moses in the cradle of bul rushes, from which the pitch calking had been omitted. lie was completely drenched, because submerged except his head and shoulders, chilled, numb and giddy. The tree made a plunge over the lock edge, where the stream formed a cataract, carried him under water, and came up again with him still among the branches. He had seen the hut crumble Into the stream before he made his dive When the water cleared out of his eyes, and he looked again, he could see it no threw himself on his back, with his arms interlacing among the pliant boughs, and his face toward the night sky. He saw the clouds like card, and the moon glaring pitilessly down on him in his distress, showing liim a wide field of water on all sides and help nowhere. He was too cold to cry out; he knew that it would be useless to do so. Succor was out of reach. Lying cradled among the branches, elastic as those of willow, he was fast as in a net; bedded among the twigs, he might let go his hold and would be carried on. He looked np steadily at the moon, and wondered how long it would be before his eyes stiffened and he saw the things of creation no longer. He could distinguish the shadows in the moon and make out the darkened portion of the disk. How cold and cheerless it must be yonder! A life of numb ness and lack of volition and impulse must be the lot of the Selenites! Fear of death, anx iety for himself, had disappeared; only a sort of curiosity remained in his brain to know whether the condition of life in the moon was more miserable in its chill and helplessness than his present state of drifting in the cold water. Then be turned his head to take a last lookat Mergatroyd. The lights were twinkling there. He could distinguish those of his own house on the hill-slope. He would never again set foot within its doors, enjoy the comfort of his fire side: never see Salome again. And then in that odd, incongruous manner in which droll thoughts rise up in the mind at the most inap propriate moments, it occurred to him that there was to be anchovy-toast for breakfast. He had been asked by Mrs. Cusworth if he liked it. and she had promised it him. And as lie drifted, immersed in the deadeningly cold brown water, at the thought the taste of anchovy came into his mouth. The valley of the Kcld contracted a spur of hill ran forward from the ridge on which Mergatrojd was built, and forced the nverand canal to describe a semi-circular bend. The line, however, had bored itself a way through the hill, and came out beyond, in apart, among stately but blackened elms. The spur con tracted the volume of the flood, which there fore became deeper and more rapid. With his mumbled hands Mr. Pennycome quick unloosed his white neckcloth, and with it bound his arm to a branch of the poplar, tying the knot with obe hand and his teeth, while the water ran through his mouth over his tongue, and washedaway from it the smack of anchovy that fancy had conjured to it Then he resumed himself to his lot. A dull sense of being in the power of an inexorable fate came over him, the eagerness for life had faded away, and was succeeded by indifference as to what befel him, this to make way, as the cold and misery intensified, for impatience that all might be over speedily. He still looked up . at the moon, but no longer cared what the life of the Selenites was like, it was their concern, not his. The thought of anchovy toast no longer had power to bring its flavor to his toncue. Then the moon passed behind a drift of vapor that obsenred but did not extinguish it, and Jeremiah, half-unconsciously with his stiffening lips, found himself murmuring the words of Mi'ton which he had learned at school, and had not repeated since: "The wandering moon Riding near her highest noon, Like one that hath been led astray Thro' the beav'ns wide pathless way, And oil, as If her head she bow'd, btooping thro1 a fleecy cloud." And so murmuring again, and more brokenly, at last fell into complete unconsciousness. The critic who generally hits on those par ticnlars in a story which are facts, to declare them to be impossibilities, and those charac ters to be unnatural, which are transcripts from nature, is certain to attack the author for making a man who trembles on the confines of death think of anchovy toast and quote 21 J'enscroso; to which criticism we answer that he has had no experience such as that de scribed, or he would know that what has been described above is in accordance with na ture. For how long Mr. Pennycomequick was un conscious he never knew, and no one. of course, was able to inform him. When he returned to himself, he found that he was lying in a con tracted and queer bed, in the side of a chamber equally contracted and queer, tenanted, as far as be could make out, only by a contracted and qncer human being, whose sex was not be de termined at first glance. If Mr. Pennycome quick had recovered his sense of smell at the same time that he recovered his other senses, he would have supposed that during the period of unconsciousness he had been steeped in creosote, for the atmosphere about him was charged with the odor of tar. He was, in fact, on board a coal-barge, in the little low cabin, and in the little low berth that occupied almost an entire side of the cabin. The cabin was but five feet high; it was lighted by the hatchway, through which the steps de scended into it. At the extremity, oppo site the hatch, was an iron stove, the pipe from which poked through the deck above. At this stove was done all the cooking ever done in this establishment, and all the washing sup posed to be necessary in it. as a concession to public prejudice. On the side opposite Mr. Pennycomequick's berth was another, on 'which were heaped gowns, coats, wading-boots, a frying pan. a bird-cage, a broken jug, Tom Treddlehoyie's "Bairnslcy-Folks' Almanac" and a Bible. When that berth was tenanted by a unman inmate, then the gowns, coats, boots, frying pan, bird-case, broken beer jug, alma nac and Bible were transferred to the floor. Near the stove, peeling potatoes, and as she peeled them, chucking thn peelings onto the berth, witn its accumulation of gowns, coats, frying pan and other articles, was a woman wearing a man's black felt wide-a-wake, a man's coat, and smoking a mahogany-colored pipe. Her face was so brown, rugged and mascu line, that It was only possible to determine her sex when 6he stood up. Then she revealed petticoats, short, and fastened together be tween the calves, so as to convert them into something like Tnrklsh trousers. Beneath them protruded feet as big as those of a man, encased In stout boots. "Bless me J" exclaimed Mr. Pennycome quick. "Where am IT" Then the woman half rose. She could not stand upright in the cabin, she was so tall; and she came over to the berth In stooping posture. "Eh. lad, tha'rt wick! Dos't a' want to know wheertha art? Why, for sure, tha'rt i't Con quering Queen, as carries coils ta' Goole." "How came I hereT" "Ah reckon ah hugged (drew) tbeeahto't watrmysen. Ah saw thee fioatin' by on tha' rig (back) tairied like i' an owil tree Sea (so) I had thee ahti' a jiffy. If ah hed'dnt. lha'd been dead long agone. Hev naw a sup o' tea, and we'll talk after." Mr. Pennycomequick tried to move to raise himself but he was sRff in all his joints, and unable to stir more than bis bead. "Weelnaw!" exclaimed the woman. tha'rt vornorlthowt. AU'be mainso"rrjr for thee. JiESERVED. Ah'll bring t' peggy-tub, and turn't npside daan, and sot me a top, t'U do as weel as owt. Ah can talk ta thee a bit I da'ant mind. But I'm glad tha'rt better.lad. Come na,if tha woant ha' no tea, mebbe tba'll tak a sup o' tar water." By degrees Mr. Pennycomequick got to un derstand, how be had been rescued and where he was. Tbo flood had caught the Conquering Queen coal barge some way below Mergatroyd, where the land was flat, and where accordingly he water had spread and Its violence was ex pended. It had snapped the cable that fast ened the boat, and she had been carried on down the canal. She had not been lifted and stranded beyond the banks, but had gone along with the current in the proper course. The Conquering Qneen was the property of Ann Dewis. who inhabited and managed ber. along with a boy, a gawky lad of 15, all legs and arms, which became entangled among ropes and chains, and stumbled over lumps of coal and mooring posts, who never descended the ladder without slipping and falling to the bottom in a heap: and whose face and body, if not perpetu ally begrimed with coal dust, would have shown blue with bruises. Ann Dewis had given up her berth to the man she had drawn out of the water, and slept on the floor beside the clothing, bird-cage,cook-ing utensils, and literature sacred and pro fane. "Sure sartatn," said Mrs. Dewis, "t'ull be a long time wal (until) thar't better; and curias it es, but all wor prof ezled t' Tom Treddlehoyle i' hes predicshons for 1870. Jest yo listen till this. November: Ah look for menny foakes bein' brawt low. throo ababtat' middle ta t'end a' t'munth: haviver. theaze a good prospecht a' her" sooin lookin' up agean, if it is at they're laid flat a' ther' back, res fortunate these floods doant come offance (often) or we'd a' be ruined. Looik here, lad, ah'l clap t' pot o't'stove an mak thee poultices for thy joints." Six weeks were passed by Mr. Jeremiah Pen nycomequick in the cabin of the Conquering Queen, in great pain, sometimes in delirium, for he was attacked with rheumatic fever. Throughout his illness he was attended inde fatigably by Ann Dewis. She called in no doctor, she procured no medicine. The sole remedy she knew and favored, and which she exhibited against all diseases, was tar water, a remedy easily made on board the barge, of ma terial always at hand. Ann Dewis was reduced to temporary inac tivity by the destruction wrought by the flood. The canal was closed for repairs, and the re pairs were likely to consume many months. Accordingly she could no longer ply between the coal pits and the wharf on the Humber. This enforced inactivity enabled her to devote her undivided attention to her patient. She had no house of her own not an acre; no, not a foot of garden ground of her own in any of the various forms of ownership freehold, copy hold or leasehold. She had no other home than her barge. She paid no taxes no rates; the only charges that fell on her were the dues levied at the locks. And "Darn it!" said Ann, "that flood will ha' sent np the dues like scald in' water sends up t'momenter." She belonged to no parish, came into no cen sus, was attached to no denomination, and was identifiable as a Yorkshire woman of the West Riding only by her brogue. When the fever quitted Jeremiah Pennycomequick it left him weak as a child. He lay in the berth powerless to rise, and long after bis mind had cleared his joints were swollen and painful. He foresaw that many weeks, perhaps months, must elapse before he regained his former strength. She did her best to amuse her patient as well as to cure him. She read to him the richest jokes out of "Tom Treddlehoyle," and puzzled him with questions from the same, compounded as conundrums. But what interested him chiefly was her account of herself. I She bad been married, but that was nowt but a scratch, she said. "Wunccl thowt forsartain sure an'a uev to give up 10 oe uewis, ana suck to the Schoficld." "Schofleld!" said Mr. Pennycomequick, and passed his hand over his brow. His memory was somewhat affected. The name was familiar to him. but he did not recollect when he had heard it. "Eh, lad. It wor a thing of no consekans. Ah'll tell the t' tale." For the benefit of south country readers we will to some extent modify the broad West Hiding brogue. "It was na'lang that Earle and 1 were ac quainted "' "EarleT" "Eh. every man has two names, as he has two legs and two arms and two eyes and ears. He was called Earle Schofield forsartain; and he used to come and visit me in t' Conquering Queen. My mother was dead, and had left me a tidy bit o' mass, for shoo was a saving woman, an shoo had been cap'n, boatswain, steward and all tot' Conquering Queen ever sin' my father died. All t'brass he and she had addled (earned) was kip in but there I wi'nt tell thee, not that I mistrust thee, but we're all frail creetnres, and terribly tempted. So there, lad, this here pipe belonged to Earle. He wor a bit o' a gentleman, he wor. He'd niver been in a coil barge trading up an' down t'canaL We'd a famous scheme atwixt us. He was to set up a coil store an' a boms by t'warf at Hull, an' be sed that he knew o' a chap as ud sell t'good-will and all his custom for 100. And Earle be wor an uncommon clever hand at account He figured it a' tip on a slate and he showed me how great 'nd be our profits. And he to'd me that It wor the coil marchants as got a' t'profits o' t'sale o' coils, and I got nobbut their crumbs, as I may say. And be showed me how if be sold and I carried coils we'd be rich in no time, and after we'd got married then I tow'd him where I kep' t'brass. I didn't tell him before believe me. We were sitting on this aeck. drawed up by t'side o' t'wbarf at Hull, as be showed a' that, and as I tow'd him where I had my brass. Then he took t'pipe be wor smoking out o' his mouth and put it into mine, and sed I wor to kip it aleet wall he came back, he'd go an' deposit a hundred pound, he sed, for t'good-will, and se cure the hoffis at wunce. And I let him take all my brass, for sartain I thow't as we'd been married for three weeks all war right, and what was mine was his. He took t'brass, and he went ashore, and t'last words he sed to me wor, Ann, keep t'pipe aleet wall I retarn. I waited, but from that day Pve niver clapt eyes on him." "And your money?" "Nor on that noather." "What a great rascal he must have been!" "Nay.I wont say that We're a' sinful creeturs, and our temptations is terrible. Wot became o' him I can'na say, but for sure sartin he'd a mind to return to me, or he' not ha. tow'd me to keep t'pipe aleet Whacan tell, he may ha' got a drop o' liquor on shore, and ha besn robbed, and then ashamed to come back and tell me; or he may have found t'chap none so ready to sen t'good-will and so ha' gone about looik ing for summat else and not found it or he may ha' been took by them ramDagin' an' roarin' lions, as seek whom they can lock up theperlice. Nay! I'll not condemn him. and allow that he wor a rascal, for what sez Tom Treddlehoyle This world, we all naw, bezltsupsandfU daans, An' shorter wj'r time keeps wlndln'. An' day after day we arc crost 1 wlr way Then speak of a man as yo And him.' "But I think you found him serve you badly enough," said Mr. Pennycomequick. from Ms benh. "to walk off with your savings and leave you with nothing." ".Nay. not exactly," answered Anne, "There wor this pipe for wun, he left; and," after a pause, "there wer Jozeph. Tbairn came verra comfortin' when I wer I' a tew aboot loising ma' brass. Besides, t' lad, Joe, ha' been ov use to me as much as I paid a lad afore 7 shil ling a week, and he hev a'beent'sametome for six years. If tha comes ta reckon at 52 weeks i't year, that's 18 pound 10 per hannum; and for six year that mounts un to nigh on 110 pound, which is a scoering off of t' account" "And that is his pipe yon are smoking?" "Ecs, for sartatn. I sed I'd keep't aleet, and if he comes back at t' end o' seven more yean I'll say. There. Earle, is t' pipe burning, and as for t' account Joe hev a' scored it off, Interest and principal.' " CHAPTER XVI Who? What? ' It is hateful hateful as poison the packing, the turning out of drawers, and then the tilting of drawers to get oat the dost and grit and flue that has accumulated in the comers; the ar ranging of correspondence, the discrimination between valuables and things that may be come valuable, and things that are not but were valuable; the throwing away of rubbish, the consideration as to what thingsure to be disposed of, and If disposed of. how to be dis posed of, and to whom, and all the business and' care and misery of change of quarters. And yet how out of thorns spring roses, and out of troubles virtues come into bloom! Never, probably, In our whole career did char ity, the bond of all virtues, so lnxuriate, throw out such all-embracing tendrils, emit such fragrance, ripen in to such fruit as on the occasion of change of quarters. Old boots, slightly damaged bonnets, heavy bat tered pieces of furniture, for which a dealer would not give sixpence; articles that would fetch nothing in a sale, antiquated scboolbooks, magazines five years old, novels that have lost their backs, games, deficient in one or two pieces, old gloves, iron bedsteads minus their brass knobs, and that have to be tied together with wire; cracked dishes, snip ped tumblers, saucepans, corroded with rust with what lavish and lordly magnificence we distribute them to all, who will accept such alms. And then what a lesson does change of quarters teach us, to discriminate between the worthless and the valuable; and with equanim ity to endure separation from things which have become interesting to us, but which we cannot remove. When the author was a boy, his life was spent In traveling on the conti nent; in rambles from the Pyrenees to the plains of Hungary, from the Mediterranean to the Baltic and wherever he went be made collections of objects of curiosity, crystals, petrefactions, dried flowers, butterfles, medi aeval armor, books. Before quitting any place of sojourn for a winter, or halt for a night bis father explored every pocket and crevice of the carriage, and turned out the treasures there secreted, on which his son's heart were set and his pocket money had been expended. Nothing escaped his eye, nothing melted his heart The author came to a place bringing nothing with him, and left it carrying nothing with him away, all he acquired he was forced to leave. It was an excellent discipline for life, and yet hardly attained; even to this day he finds that he clings to trifles. How many times since boyhood has he had to shift quarters? and each time he has expe rienced a struggle, and has had to surrender some things on which his heart was fixed, but from which it was, perhaps, well to be free. He recalls how one winter at Bayonne, he col. lected every match and spill end that had been used for lighting cigars and candles, till he had accnmulated a trunk full. When, in spring, the move came, his father peremptorily re fused to dispatch this trunkload of scorched paper scraps by grande or petitte Vitesse to Vienna, and they were consigned to the flames. When he was in Yorkshire, he had collected some prehistoric querns, stone hand-mills. When he contracted with a furniture-mover to translate his goods to the south of England, the man struck at the millstones, they were not in his bond. The author had to resign them; but his heart aches for those stones to this day. When a family has inhabited a house for nigh on SO years it is incredible what accumu lations have gathered round them, how every corner, cupboard, closet, drawers, the cellar, the attic are stuffed with articles of various utility and importance, or let us rather say of different degrees of inutility and worthless, ness; none of which, however, can be spared without a pang, for to every one of them a recollection clings. The Cusworths bad been, not indeed 20 years, but approaching that time, in the house of Mr. Pennycomequick. Every room, the garden, the attic, were crowded with reminiscences, mostly pleasant; to the ordinary eye a thin veil of soot took the brilliance and sharpness off all things in this smoke-laden part of England.but to the girls, Salome and Janet, everything was overlaid with the gold dust of childish memo ries. Mrs. Cusworth had come to regard the bouse as a qniet home in which she might spend her declining days, without a care for the future of her children, for Janet was pro vided for, and Salome would not be forgotten. But now, with the loss of Mr. Pennycomequick, the prop had fallen on which the future was reared; and suddenly she found herself in bad health, obliged to think about her prospects, and leave the house in quest of another home. Mrs. Sidebottom, with the eagerness with which some women fly to do a spiteful thing, had taken advantage of herposltion to give the widow notice to remove. The Cusworths had receive notice to move within a fortnight, and it was not easy for them to find quarters into which to go. Salome had songht lodgings in Mergatroyd, bnt in vain. There none were vacant and she had been obliged to engage temporarily a part of a house in the nearest manufacturing town, a house that was called Redstone, but which was popu larly known only as Black hole. It was a low house, surrounded by tall factories, that crushed it into a well between them, into which no sun could penetrate, but which re ceived all day and night showers of condensed soot She counted herself fortunate in having secured this, and she bad already given orders for the removal to it of some of the packing cases tilled with their goods. The time bad been one of strain to Salome, already distressed by the lass of her best1 friend, and the subsequent doubt about the Identity of thecorpse recovered. Mrs. Side bottom had gone out of her way to make her feel uncomfortable, had said ill-natured things, had slighted her mother, and irritated Janet to the verge of an outbreak. She had been obliged to exercise great self-control to disre gard the sneers of Mrs. Sidebottom, to screen her mother and hold her sister in check. She had been painfully affected, moreover, by the mistrust Philip had shown, and though he had apologised for what he had said, the wound dealt to her self-respect was unhealed. She felt this blow the more because she had un consciously reposed confidence In Philip; not that he had given her reason for reliance on him, but that she had felt the need for some one to whom to look, now that Mr. Jeremiah PennycomequicK was removed, and she had trusted that he would be honorable and con siderate in his conduct, as behoved a Penny, comequick. To add to her difficulties, her mother had suddenly and unaccountably had a relapse, was seriously shaken, and in no condition to be moved. Unaccountably, for the attack had not come on when it might have been expected on hearing the news of the death of the old manufacturer. She had borne np marvelously under this trial; the bringing the corpse to the house and the funeral had not materially af fected her. She had spoken of the necessity she was under of leaving the house, with sor row, indeed, but not agitation: sha had taken some Interest in the assortment and packing of the family goods; and then, in the midst of the preparations to depart, had been taken alarm ingly ilL When the funeral was over, Mrs. Sidebottom had returned to her own house. All necessity for her remaining in that of her deceased half brother was gone. Nevertheless she was in and ont of. the house several times during the day. One evening she had left after 9, having dined these with her nephew, who had moved into his uncle's apartments, and had enjoyed some of her brother's best wine. At 950 the front door was locked and chained, and the gaslight in the hall turned down, but not extinguished. Old Mr. Pennycomequick had kept early hours, and the servants 'ob served the same routine of meals and work that had been instituted in his time, as they had re ceived no orders to the contrary. Now that Philip had taken possession of his uncle's apart ments on the first floor, and went to the mill at the same hours, and took his meals at the same hours, the house seemed to have relapsed into its old ways, out of which it had been bustled by the advent of .Mrs. Sidebottom. Mr. Pennycomeqnick's apartments consisted of a study, with a bedroom opening out of it. The front of the house on the same floor was taken np with a drawing room, rarely occu pied. A third door on the same landing ad mitted into the spare bedroom, in which the corpse of the drowned man had laid till the burial. On the ground floor were two rooms, cor responding to those occupied by Mr. Penny comequick, and these had been given up to Mrs. Cusworth, one the outer served as a sitting room. The dining room and breakfast room the latter under the spare bed chamber, completed the arrangement on the ground floor. Formerly Mrs. Cusworth and her daughters had slept on the storey above the drawing room and Mr. Pennycomeqnick's suite, and Salome's apartments were there stilLbut of late, owing to her mother's infirmity, her bed had been transferred to the inner room, which had been transformed from the housekeeper's oMce to a sleeping apartment for the old lady, to whom it was injurious to ascend many steps; and as it was not advisable that Mrs. Cusworth should be alone at night Salome had slept in the room with her. Since the arrival of Janet however, she had returned to her apartment upstairs, as the old lady had expressed a wish to have ber married daughter with her. "My dear," she had said, "it is not much more that I can expect to see of Janet She will have to return to her husband before long, and I am hot likely to live to have the pleasure" of many of her visits; so, if you do not mind, Salome, I should wish her to sleep in my room while she is here, that I may have her by me as much as I may." "Salome had accordingly returned to her chamber upstairs. She was glad that at this time her sister was there to relieve her of at tendance on her mother, while she went In search of lodgings and was engaged in pack ing. "I am expecting a summons to return to Elbcouf every day," said Janet "directly I get the news of the rout of the Prussians. Provi dence never intended that barbarism should prevail over'culture; and the French have such accomplished manners, and such perfect taste , why the German ladies I have seen have no idea how to dress." "You forget, Janet" said the sister, "that the Barbarians did, of old, overwhelm Roman civilization." "Oh yes, but only 'that they might assim ilate the culture and become civilized them selves. If the result of this wretched war were that German ladies learned how to put on their clothes tastefully, I could almost forgive Sedan and Metz." Salome had as little knowledge of the ar rangement arrived at between Mrs. Sidebottom and Philip as has the reader, and for the same reason. It had not been divulged. She, of course, could ask no questions. The reader does, but he must wait He shall be told pres ently. Suffice it for him to know that Mrs. Sidebottom had, unopposed, sworn to her brother's death, without will, and had taken ont letters of administration. Philip did not have his meals with the Cus worth party; they were served to him apart On this evening, after the house was locked up, and the servants had retired to bed, Salome was ln her own room; she had been engaged there for some hours, examining and sorting the house bills, and destroying such as were not required to be preserved. When this was. done, she began to pack her little library in a deal case, first wrapping each volume carefully in newspaper. As she did this she came on a garden manual that Mr. Pennycomequick had given her on her birthday when 15. The sight of this book suddenly reminded her of a score of hyacinth bulbs she had put in a dark closet under the stairs, in which to form shoots before theywero put in their glasses. The book had advised this as a corrective to the development of leaf at the expense of flower. In this cup board, which Janet and she as children bad named tho Pnmmy closet a name that had ad hered to it ever since she kept as well sundry garden requisites. Fearful lest she should forget the bulbs if she postponed their removal to another time, and accustomed, on principle, to do at once whatever occurred to her mind as a thing that bad to be done, she gently opened her door and lightly descended the staircase. The steps were carpeted, so that her foot was noiseless. She had no need of a candle, for the gas, though reduced, still burnt in the hall. She reached the bottom quickly; she was un willing to disturb and alarm her mother, and so trod noiselessly through the hall to the closet door, beneath the steps. Her garden-gloves, some tools in a little box that had been given her by Janet and the bulbs, were there, the latter. In a row, showing stout horns. She gath ered these bulbs into a chip basket, and took the rest of her possessions in the other hand. Thus encumbered, she closed the Pummy closet door with herf oot put down the basket turned the key, took un the basket and stepped out into the hall with the intention of re ascending the stairs as noiselessly as she had come down. But before she had reached the foot and. turned the balustrade; she was startled to see a figure on the first landing. At first shock sho thought it was Mr. Jeremiah Pennycomequick dressed to go out as she had seen him on the night thathe disappeared. If the hour was not now midnight, it was near it Salome conld not see whence the figure had come, whether from Philip's room or from the spare bedroom. Only from the drawing-room he conld not have Issued, as that door was in view, and was shut Who was it? The figure descended slowly, and with inaud ible tread. The light from the gas was suffi cient to show that the figure was that of a man, but not to let ber see his face. !U With a sickening feeling at the heart, and a chill that ran through every artery and frosted her blood, and deprived ber both of motion and the will to move, she stood looking at the appa rition that glided down the staircase, 'leisurely, noiselessly. She recognized the great coat and hat they were those of Mr. Pennycomequick. The great coat was that In which the corpse had been discovered invested. Who was this coming coming probably from the room recently tenanted by that strange, awful, dead man? That was the first thought ol horror that shot through her brain, followed by another still more horrible, "What is it?" For a while Salome was "bereft of power of speech and motion. There was' a sensation in her brain as though a handle were being turned that had attached to it every nerve In her body, and that they were being spun off her and on to a reel, like silk from a cocoon. Her hands contracted on what she held; she could not have let them fall had she willed to relax her grasp. They stiffened as do the hands of a corpse. She could not cry out; her tongne was paralyzed. She could not stir a step forward or backward; all control over her knees was gone from her. When the figure had nearly reached the bot tom of the stairs, it stopped and turned its head toward her, and looked at her. The light of the lowered gas jet was on her and off the face of the apparition; all she saw was black shadow, as all she had seen of the face of the corpse on the bed had been a black handkerchief cast over it But she distin guished the hair, somewhat long behind the ears, and frowsy whiskers aboutthe jaws. That was all she could make out in that moment of acute, agonizing horror. The figure stood looking at her, and she heard the clock in the hall tick, tick, tick, tick, and then begin the premonitory growl that preceded striking. The figure moved down the final steps, and stole in the same stealthy, noiseless manner to the gar den door, and disappeared through it The look of the back, the sit of the well known overcoat the way in which the hat was worn, all recalled to her the dear, lost friend, and yet she knew it could not be he. He would never have inspired her with shud dering dread. He would not have passed her without a word. In another moment the spell of rigidity was taken off ber. The blood rushed tingling through every vein, her hands, her feet, recov ered activity, her heart bounded and shook off Its fear, and her mind recovered its proper en ergy. She ran after the apparition, and found that the garden door was actually open. Instantly, without further consideration, she shut and locked it and then flew upstairs and knocked vehemently, loudly, at Philip Pennycome qnick's door. He opened it and was surprised to see Sa lome on the landing, breathless. "Is your mother worse?" he asked, for he saw that she was shaking and white. "Oh, Mr. Pennycomequick, do tell me. Have you had a man here with you?" "I do not understand." "I have seen someone descend the stairs. If he did not come from your study, he issued from that room in which in. which " she shuddered. "I mean from the spare bed room." "No one has been with me." "But he came down the staircase, slowly and silently, like a shadow, and passed me." "1 have seen and heard no one." "And yet there has been someone in the house." i Philip thought, and then said, "Miss pus worth, your nerves have been overwrought You have" been imposed on by your imagina tion." "But the garden door. I found it open. I have just locked it The figure went out through it" "Did you distinguish who it was?" "No; he came from the best bedroom, wear ing dear uncle's I mean Mr. Tennycome- quick's overcoat and hat" Philip again mused. "All my poor uncle's clothing;" he slid, after a moment of thought, "all that remainedthe overcoat included, 'l ordered yesterday to ba laid out in the spare chamber. I told your mother to dispose of them as she thought proper. I made no doubt that she knew of poor persons to whom they would be service able." "But no poor person -would come at this time of night, and slip out stealthly at the garden door, which,ought to be locked at 9:30." 'Let us go into the spare room and reassnre ourselves,'.' said Philip. "You will find the overcoat there, and then, perhaps, you will come to the same conclusion that I have, that you have been over-worried and over-wrought and that fancy has conjured np the ghost" He went back into his room lor a caudle, and Salome, standing alone, with beating heart, on the landing, asked herself wbethershe had been deluded by her Imagination. Philip returned with a candle. He smiled and said, "I remember particularly" that great coat It was laid on the bed, and the hat by it I went into the room this evening, about 8:30, and both were there then." He had his hand on the door. "Yon are not afraid to come in with me?" Salome shook her head. She had begun to hope that she had been a prey to fancy. He opened the door, went in, and held the light over his head. The great coat and the hat were gone. , 2b be continued next Monday. COMMERCIAL NftTES. A Week's Survey of tho Trade In Produce, Cereals and Provision Butter and Egffi Are Drifting Downward. v Office of Pittsbdbo Dispatch, Saturday, March 23, 18S9. J The most marked feature of the produce trade in the past week has been the drop in eggs. This has been a decidedly unpleasant feature to a number of our dealers. A week ago eggs were 13c a dozen at Chiaago. To-day they are slow here at 1212c. Thousands of cases were shipped to Pittsburg dealers in the foie part of the week, which must have cost at least 14c a dozen delivered here. Now they can bo delivered here at a cost of lie May like weather and tho consequent activity of hens in getting in their work far ahead of their usual timei has upset many a calculation and spoiled not a few dollars. Withont any statis tics at hand it may be rash to say what has been, but from the best information That can be gathered, eggs have not been so low here at this time of the year for a decade at least Con sumption has very much increased on the low .prices. A leading Liberty street jobber says that his retail customers are buying In larger quantities since the decline, believing that a reaction is bound to come. There has been much greater activity in but ter as well as eggs the past week, but prices are not materially changed. Creamery is off 2c in a jobbing way. Country butter is more active since oleomargarine has passed out of the mar kets, but dealers report ho difficulty in meeting all demands. Reports from rural districts are that there is butter enough and to spare. Cheese falls to follow Us custom in Lenten times, which is to advance in price. While na tive cheese holds its own, Limburger and Sweitzer show droeping tendencies. The stock of domestic, Sweitzer on band Is much above that of a year ago, and as the season for new products approaches there is a growing dispo sition on the part of the holder to unload. The cash customer will find jobbers of Sweitzer and Limburger cheese ready to concede on our quotations. In the lines of vegetables and domestic fruit the week shows no improvement in trade. Apples, potatoes, onions and cabbage are slow as ever. The books of produce commission men furnish some mighty nnpleasant facts, showing losses to producers in all these lines. One merchant showed the commercial reporter of The Dispatch a day or two ago a number of such items. Hero is a sample: On 488 bush els of onions, for which $47 62 was paid for freight drayage and sacking, and S100 ad vanced to the farmer, the loss was total. An additional outlay for hauling to the garbage pue was added to expense within a few days. A farmer who consigned 8 bags of potatoes, 3 of turnips and 5 of apples to this commission merchant had returned to him S3 36, which was all that was left above freights, rot and com mission. The oldest in the trade say they re member no season as disastrous to producers and middlemen as this has been. With the exception of wheat all cereals have been drifting downward the past week. Re ceipts of grain and hay have been far beyond demands of trade. At the Grain Exchange 231 carloads were bulletined this week. More than half this amount was hay. Two carloads of oats comprises the entire week's transactions at the Exchange. With such liberal supplies coming to markets it is plain enough to a blind man that the situation is In f avnr of buyers. The wheat boom, which has lifted prices from 94o to tl 06. is no doubt in a large measure speculative, and bears may be looked for to come of their holes any day. The bull move ment has given a firmer tone to flour. In grocery lines the most marked feature this week has been the boom in suear, which is advanced all along the line. Coffee options have had their ups and downs, but stand about as they did a week ago. Hogs and hog products are a shade higher. Mess pork and lard have been advanced at Chicago. At tho meeting of packers held here to-day it was resolved to make no changes, and hence, so far as this city's trade is concerned, hog products will stand another week as they have been for two weeks past The drift, how ever, is toward a higher level. UYE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, I SATCBDAT, March 23, 1889. J Cattle Receipts, 600 head: shipments, 520 head. Market nothing doing; all through con signments. One car of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts, 2,200 head: shipments. 2,200 head. Market fair; medium Philadelphia?, So 00; heavy hogs, $4 90; pigs aud Yorkers, $4 955 03. Nine cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts, 800 head: shipments, 800 head. Market dull at yesterday's prices. Br Telegraph. St. Lours Cattle Receipts, none; ship ments, 100 head; market steady; choice native steers, S3 804 40: fair to good do, S3 003 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 1063 20; rangers, cornfed. S2 0003 50: grass-fed. SI 80 2 9a Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head; shipments, 700 bead; market higher; choice heavy and butchers, SI 7004 90; packing, medium to prime, $4 G04 76; light (trades, ordinary to best S4 704 85. Sheen Receipts, none; ship ments, none; market steady; fair to choice. S3 004 75. Chicago Cattle Recetots. 21.000h.ead: ship ments, none: market strong; beeves, $4 00-S4 3; steers, S3 003 90; stockers and feeders. S2 2o 330; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 753 10. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head; shipments, 3,500 head; market strontr; 5c higher; mixed. 54 654 90; heavy. S4 654 87: light ?4 705 00: skips. 53 004 35. Sheen Receipts, 1,009 head; ship ments, none; market steady; natives, S3 754 90; western cornfed. S4 404 65: Texans, S3 004 05: lambs, S4 505 60. Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 809 head; no shipments; market about steady; good to choice cornfed, S3 854 20; common to medium, S2 70453 60: stockers and feeding steers, SI 60 63 25; cows, SI 602 75. Hogs Receipts, 3,029 head; shipments, 1,081 head; active and 5c higher; good to choice. S4 004 65; common to medium. S4 254 50. Sheep Receipts, 380 head: no shipments; steady; good to choice muttons, 54 254 50: common to medium. 52 503 90. BUFFALO Cattle feeling steadv: receints. 2,000 head through; no sales. Sheep and lambs active and a shade higher; receipts, 400 bead through, 3,400 head sale; sheep, good, $4 653 4 90; lambs, good, S5 756 50. Hogs active and 1015c higher; receipts, a200 head through, 2,300 head sale; mediums, SI 60: Yorkers, S5 25. Cincinnati Hogs in good demand and stronger; common and light S400480: packing and butchers', J4 754 95; receipts, 1,700 head; shipments, 600 bead Dletnl Market. y New York Copper.nominaL Lead dull and steady; domestic, S3 67K. Tin firm and quiet: straits, $21 20 Whisky Mnrkec , Finished goods are quoted at SI 03, with a good demand. Wool Market. St. Louis Wool unchanged. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively cared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, Tba People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no wey nave no Sugar coated equal. Small dose: : Dig results, ougar coated Sena for testimonials. 25a. ana easy to take. at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary. Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL nop umtment cures ana maKes cnannen tongh, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 60c, I 7Si I UVA-JB nJT I J DOMESTIC MARKETS. Week's Wind-Up Shows No Improve ment in Produce Lines. DEMORALIZATION IN EGG MARKET. Large Eeceipts of Hay--Wheat Still As . cending, Flour Firm. SUGARS HIGHEfi, COFFEES STEADY Office of the Pittsbueg Dispatch, ( Saturday, March 23. 1889. S Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Eggs keep coming to the front in quantities far beyond demand, and markets are slow at quotations. Betailer dealers take advantage of low prices and are buying freely in the ex pectation of a reaction from present low fig ures. The weather, however, has been of late -so favorable to laying hens that it is difficult to see how egg prices can advance. The week closes without an improvement in general produce lines. In the line of eggs some jobbers have found trade far from satisfactory, having suffered heavy losses. Tropical fruits are in improved demand. Aside from this line, everything Is slow as ever, and buyers are in possession of the field. Butter -"Creamery, Elgin, 28c; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021cj country rolK2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 2S30c Means Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas, 2 052 15. Beeswax 2S25c f) tt for choice; low grade, 618c Cider Sand refined, S6 607 50; common, $3 504 00; crab cider, S3 008 50 ft barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c jf) gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, HK12c Dried Peas SI 451 50 jf) bushel; split do, 23iS4c ?! ft. Eoos 1212Mc V dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, SI 502 00 13 barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ft fi; cranberries, S3 00 f) barrel; S2 402 50 per bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do., 4016)450; mixed lots, 3035c $ ft. Hominy S2 652 75 53 barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15u Potatoes Potatoes, S540c Tft bushel; J2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c ft pair; dressed chickens, 1315c 7? pound; turkeys, 13 15c, dressed, ft bound; ducks, live, 8085c ft pair; dressed, 13Uc f) pound; geese, lOQloc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. S6 ft bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts, S6 25; clover, Alsike, $3 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, io fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, S2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00: millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass. 48 fts, S2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00 3 60 ft box; common Ieinnns, $2 75 ft box; Mes sina oranges, $2 503 503 box; Florida oranges. S3 504 SSft box; Valencia oranges, f ancv, S6 50 7 50 ft case: Malaga grapes, S9 00 10 00 ft per keg; bananas, 52 60 firsts; SI 60, good seconds. $) bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 60 ft hundred: new figs, 1214c $1 pound; dates, 5 6Kc ft pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, S3 0004 00 ft 100; onions, 60c ?1 bushel; Spanish onions. 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30 40c 13 bushel. Groceries. Sugars have taken a decided turn upward, and our quotations are advanced all along the line. Coffee options keep fluctuating, and while prices have been a shade off, once or twice this week, there is no likelihood of their reaching a lowel leveL Oreen Coffee Fancy Rio, 2l22c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c: old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha. 30X31Hc; Santos.a922Hc; Caracas coffee, 20X22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c: La guayra, 2122c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 32K3SKc; Maracaibo, 27K2SJc; Santos, 2324c; peaherry, 27c: peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25Kc; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, ac Spices (whole) Cloves, 2123c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8X0; headlight, K0, 8Jc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine,' 15o; camadine, lljc; royallne, I4c Syrups Corn syrups, 2629e; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrnp, 3033c; strict ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, $1. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 4Sc; me dium, 45c; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in J. 5JjC: bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal soda In kegs IMc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weighty 10c; stearine, per set, 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77ic; choice, 6 7c; prime, &X6Vc; Louisiana, 66Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5J7c; gloss starch. 57c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels; 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7V7Kc; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4Jf ?5c; Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes, 8K13c: Salonica prunes, in 2 ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, SO 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K015c; Sicily filberts, 12e: Smyrna figs,12J 16c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, 11015c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, S1314c; orange peeL 12&C. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 21022c: cherries, unpitted, 5Gc; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, Sc; granu lated, 7M7?ic; confectioners' A, 77c; standard A. 7c: softwhites, 77mc: yellow, choice, 66Kc; yellow, good, 66Kc; yel low, fair, 6Kc; yellow, dark, 5c. Pickles Medium, bbls. (L200), 4 75; me diums, half bbls (GOO), $2 85. Salt No. 1 !J3 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, W bbl.'Sl 05; dairy, bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, 51 20; Higgitfs Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 80; Hlggin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 30 1 90;2ds, SI 301 85: extra peaches, SI 50l-90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. SI 0001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 60; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears. t'S 50: do greengages, 2 00; do egg plums. $2 00: extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2As, 90c; raspberries, SI 150)1 40; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fis, SI 251 60; corn .beef, 2-ft cans, 31 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic, A, f4 154 60; sardines, domestic 9, $8 258 50; sardines, imported, 4.s, Sll 6012 60; sardines, imported, s, $18 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced. S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S30 $1 bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. Id u. messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole Sollock, 4c 13 ft.; do medium George's cod, c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod iri blocks, 6K7Kc. Herring Hound shore. S5 00 bbl.; split, S7 00: lake S2 50 ft 100-Sx half bbl. White fish, $7 ft 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, So 60 ft half bbl.- Finnan hadders. 10c f) ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ft ft. UUCKWnEAT t lour lyJWVA v " OATMEAL-SC 300 60 13 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flonr nod Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 49 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 6 of hay, 4 of oats, 2 of middlings, 1 of feed, 1 of flour. By Pitts burg. Cincinnati and St. Louis,8 cars of com, 10 of hay. 4 of oats, 1 of middlings, 2 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, i cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of feed, 1 of hay, 3 of flour, I of oats. The only sales on call the entire week were 2 cars of white oats. Re ceipts for the week were 231 carloads against 205 last week and 217 the week before. More than one-half of the receipts this week were bay. - Markets are depressed all along the line. The situation In almost everything is in the buyer's favor. Wheat still keeps ascending; and flour roust follow soon unless a reaction sboald come to present bull movement. May wheat at noon to-day was more than 12c above prices of a week or two ago. WHEAT-Jobblng prices No. 2 red, $105 106:No.Sred.9195c Corn No. 2 vellow.ear, 39e39Kc; high mixed ear, 3637c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3s39c; No. 2 -yellow, shelled, 37K38c; high mixed, shelled. 3637c: mixed, shelled, 3o36c. Oats No. 2 white, 82K33c; extra. No, 3, 31 31Kc;No.a white, 3030Kc: No. 2 mixed, 23 Rye-No. I Western, 7075c; No. 2, 65056c. Barley No. I Canada. 959Sc: No. 2 Cana da. 85j8c; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore, Plojr Jobbing prices, winter. patents, S3 23 6 50; spring patents, S6506 75: winter straight $5 5005 75; clear winter. $5 0006 25: straight XXXX bakers'. $4 755 00. Rye flour. MOO. MiLLFEEDr-Middlings, fine white, $16 00 17 00 ton; brown middlings, $13 0013 60; winter wheat bran, $13 50li 00; chop feed, $15 0016 00. HAY-Baled timothy, choice, $14 6014 75; No. 1 do, $14 0014 25: No. 2 do, Sll 60012 00; loose from wagon. $18-002O 00: No. Lupadnl prairie. $10 0010 25; No. 2, S3 008 60; packing do. $6 757 00. Straw Oats. $8 008 2S; wheat and rye Straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. . Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c: sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small. He: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, &c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c:sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lie; bacon shoulders, 7Hc; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8c: dry salt shoulders. 6r; dry salt clear sides, 7Jc. Mess pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c: half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs, TJc: 20 ft pails, 7c: 50-6 tm can', 7c;3-ft tin pails, 7Vc; 5-fttin pails, 75c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long, 5c:large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barrel, $1 75. Dreued Bleat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 560 fts, 5c; 550 to 650 fts; 6c: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, 7c ? ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft. Hogs. 6&c. MAEKETS BY WIEE. A Bulge In Wheal, Accompanied by Great Excitement nnd Heavy Trading Hog Products Active and Higher A Spirited Dfnrket In Oats. Chicago The operations in wheat to-day would have been regarded as wonderful but for the fact that for range of prices and Intensity of feeling it fell far belowyesterday. The mar ket opened excited, with May selling at $1 04 to $1 05yi the first few minutes, after which that future was neglected, and the tip was out to take July. -While the deferred futures were be ing picked up freely, the shorts' scare again broke out in May. The price had eased off to $1 04, and started up with a rush which ended at $1 07. June sold at 9Sc to $1 00, and July at 88c to OOc Following the bulge there was bfg selling of May. The clique houses are closely watched, and no heavy selling was traced directly, but there seemed no doubt that Falrbank wheat went out above 107 quite freely. At the same time reports of rain where most needed were wired from the Southwest, and the fever to buy July was quickly over, and the price went off from 90c to 88c May, after touching tbe top for the day at SI 07. went off to $1 04 rallied to $1 06, went off to $1 05, and again rallied slightly before 1 P. H. June dropped back from $1 to 99c. During tbe last hour of the session May wheat held around $1 05 until just before the close, when It went down to $1 wfri, closing at $1 04. June closed at 9Sc Corn was fairly active and firm early and quiet and easier later. The market opened at about the closing prices of yesterday, was firm and'advanced Up on covering by shorts, influ enced some by the strength of wheat. Offerings became larger at the advance, the aggregate being sufficient to more than satisfy tbe de mand, and the market reacted, declining c, closing same as yesterday. The market for hog products exhibited con siderable strength during the greater part of the day, and prices ruled higher on all tbe leading speculative articles. When tbe ex treme figures were reached the offerings were enlarged somewhat and prices receded. Toward the close the feeling was Stronger, and prices were again forced to outside figures. Prices receded slightly, but the market closed strong. Oats took a slight bulge early to-day In sym pathy with wheat. May opened at 25c and closed at 25c June sold at 25c and 25c. The leading futures ranged as follows: ""Wheat-No. 2 May. $1 07K1 071 04 3SX25l 3372UPVfeV; uuc, OJy4,ViJKVt7WttJ7Vii u luSl Oats-No. 2 March. 24c:Mav. 25KI 2525?ic-June, 25J25c; July. 25025 MESS Vork, ner bbl. April, $12 30012 40 12 30; May, $12 55012 55, June. $12 55012 60 12 45012 60: July, $12 62012 70012 52 12 65. Lard, per 100 fts. March, $7 O2J4: May, 2$ $7 0507 12k07 0207 VOi: June. 57 m 7 1007 15; July, S7 1507 2207 12K07 17K. short iubs, per iuu ds. May. jo siw, June. S6 356 4006 So03 40; July. $6 4206 4o6 37 06 4$: Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet and firm: No. 2 spring wheat, $1 020 1 02: No. 3 spring wheat, -nominal: No. 2 red, $1 ffjjiai 02. No. 2 corn. 34c No. 2 oats, 24c No. 2 rye. 43c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 5101 52. Prime tim othy seed. SI 381 40. Mess pork, per barrel, S12 60012 55. Lard, per 100 lbs. $7 05. Short ribs sides (loose). $6 2506 3a Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S5 5005 75. Short clear sides (boxed), $6 6006 62J Receipts Flour, 5,000 barrels; wheat. 21,000 bushels: com, 175, 000 bushels: oats. 131,000 bushels: rye, none; barley, 20,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 6,000 barrels; wheat. 8,000 bushels; com. 75,000 bushels: oats, 76.000 bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels; barley. 28,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was slow; creamery, 1824c; dairy, 13 21c. Eggs weak; fresh, 10011c. New York Flour firmer and quiet. Corn meal dull andheavy. Wheat Spot dull and M c lower; options c lower, active and irregular. Barley quiet. Barley malt doll; un graded Canada, 75083c Corn Spot firm and quiet; options dull and a lower. Oats Spot firmer, and dull: options lLs higher. Hay quiet and easy; shipping, 65c; good to choice, 85 095c Hops steady andquiet. Coffee Options opened steady, unchanged to 10 points down; closed firm and unchanged to 15 points np; firm cables and moderate business; sales. 30.K0 bags, including March, 16.900 16.95c: April, ia.9017.00c: May, 16.95 017.05c: June, 17.05O17.10c: August. 17.2517.3oc; September. 17.35017.50c; Novem ber, 17.50017.65c; December, I7.5517.05c: Janu ary, 17J017.60c; spot Rio barely Steady: fair cargoes, 18c. Sugar Raw firm and quieter: fair refining, S 7-16c: centrifugals, 96 test, (c; refined firm and moderate demand. Molasses Foreign strong 60 test, 25c; New Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 23042c Rice quiet but steady; domestic, 4V06c: Japan, 425a Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow higher; city, ic Rosin qniet and steady. Turpentine lower and quiet at 5152c Eggs quiet and easier; Western, U012c; receipts, 6,398 packages. Pork firm: old mess, $12 75 13 OO. nav mMI S13 FSVFfl 75 n-rtr nrtma $12 5a Cnt meats steady; sales of pickled bellies, 12 pounds average. 7c: pickled should ers, 5c; pickled hams, 10c: middles firm. Lard steady but quiet; sales of Western steam, S737K: city, S6 90; March. $7 33 asked: Anril, S7 3307 35. closing at $7 33 asked; May, $7 35; June. $7 37 July, J7 33; August, $7 40; Septem ber, $7 4307 44. closing at $7 43. Butter easy and in moderate demand; .Western dairy, 13018c: do creamery, 1725c; Elgins, 26027c Cheese quiet; Western, 9$liJc St. Louis Flour very Btrong, but quotably unchanged. Wheat Cash higher: demand better; options, there was a further advance this forenoon, following a largely higher Chicago market and with advances at all points; shorts bought freely early, but this de mand slackened, and with relapses elsewhere prices went down; tbe close was at the bottom with May Kc June Jc July HHc and Aucust Kc belowyesterday; No. 2 red, casb,92093Wc; May. 92K094C closlngat 92Kc; June. 89-Ji09O?ic closing at 69c asked; July, 80K80k82J?c. closing at 81&c asked; Aucnst. 980c, clos ing at 79c asked; year, 7879ic, closing at 78Jc asked. Com strong and in demand at an advance early, but became nnsettled and fin ally closed weak; No. 2, cash. 29c: May, 30 3031c, closing at S0ic asked: Jnne, 31c, closing at 31c asked; July, 32032Jc closing at 32c bid; August, 33Kc, closing at 33c bid. Oats steady; No. 2 cash. 26c bid; May,25Vc Rye Nothing doing; No. 2, 41c Barley More doing, but generally at very low prices; sales, vviacuasjn, iuc; xuwu, uc juilx, f 1 40l Provisions firmer, but qniet. Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat dull; No. 2 red, 95c; receipts, 1.000 bushels; shipments, none. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, 34kc Oats easier: No. 2 mixed, 2728c Rye easy; No. 2,45047c. Pork quiet at $12 62. Lard strong at $7 00. Bulkmeats and bacon steady and un changed. Butter quiet. Sugar in good demand and higher: hard refined, 7e8Jfc; New Or leans, 506Kc Eggs heavy. Cheese steady. Philadelphia Flour dull. Wheat Noth ing doing in options; prices nominal. Com steady bnt qniet. Oats Carlots quiet but prices firm; futures quiet but steady. Baltimore Provisions dull and quiet. Butter easy: western packea, 18020c: roll, 150 17c; creamery, 26c Ezss easy at 11011c Cof fee firm; Rio, fair, 18c mining Stocks. New York. March 23. Mining quotations closed: Amador, 100; Belcher, 200; Best & Bel cher. 400: Caledonia B. H 300; Crown Point, 400: Consolidated California and Virginia, 812; Commonwealth, 500: El Cristo, 110; Gould & Curry, 240; Hale &Norcross, '365; Iron Silver, 300: Mexican. 335: Mutual. 140; Ontario, 3375; Onbir, 612: Savage, 260; Sierra Nevada, 275; Standard. 110; Silver Cord. 105; Sullivan. 140: Union Consolidated, 335; Yellow Jacket, S7a TlI ONEY TO LOAN - 1i On mortgages on improved real estate In sums of SL000 and "upward. Applvat ) DOLLAR SAVINGS-BANK. mh4-34-a No. 124 Fourta avenue. A BOW OF PB0MISE , ,, . L Spans the Local Blcy, Indicating. Tzade.flW 1. Soon Revive. ' The spring season limbers the joints, of the granger and makes him think aboat . doing something. "Weary pf tha i winteji torpor, he surveys his well-filled barns, ex-"' amines his haymows, makes an estimate 'of the daily egg product of his chickens, looik -over his apples, potatoes .and cabbages, awl) casts longing glances toward the citywherB,""" inch things are wanted at good pnces'ia' hard cash. This means a revival of tho country trade so soon as the roads get into ., good condition, which, if the weather coa- . tlnue as it has begun, will not be long. Bad roads cut him off from the market nearly all winter, and he has plenty of stnff to sell. Engineer Davis says the worst roads In tha State are In Allegheny county, and he is about, right. A new deal In their management Is one of the necessities of the times. That spring Is opening Is shown in the largs and rapid increase in tbe number of new houses that are going up and in the largo number projected. Permits' for 76 were issued the past week, at an estimated cost of $85,923.-, It Is safo to say that within the past tfirea years 6,000 houses, mostly for residence pur poses, have been built in Pittsburg and imme diate vicinity. These are all occupied and ths demand Is not satisfied. Allowing five persona to each house, a moderate estimate, we find as, , Increase of 30,000 Inhabitants within the period., mentioned. The growth of the city will be much greater this year. The syndicate,' of which Messrs. Flinn, Stewart and Mageeare1 members, will start In the Nineteenth ward" -this year with 50 houses. They will probably, erect 300 before they are done Another enter-. prise is by an Allegheny gentleman, who pro poses to put np 100 houses on Penn avenue, near Wlnebiddle, during the season. These) will be cheap and will rent at a low price. This will materially reduce the pressure fur small houses. Pittsburg women hold their own with th sterner sex in business affairs. Scores of them are engaged in mercantile pursuits, where. la many cases, large interests are involved, and are doing well. An enterpsising, energetio lady, who occupies an office on Fourth avenue, is making money as a solicitor for an Eastern stationery house. Several ladies support thenW selvesby speculating in oil and stocks, and ara often seen flitting around the Exchange build. Ing; They are generally on the bear side. . . ,, , One of the best moderate-sized houses ia Wilkinsburg was sold a day or two ago for $4,70a Two weeks before it was offered a& $4,200 and refused. This sale proves two things; That Wilkinsburg property is bracing up andU that delays are dangerous. The feature of the stock market yesterday was a further advance in Westinghouse Elec tric It closed rather weak on Friday, and at a slight recession from the highest price of tha day, mainly for the reason that the price had, passed the limit prescribed by the orders fo the stock, bnt yesterday tbe brokers seemed to have practially unlimited power, and they sailed in with such vigor as to boom the stock: to an altitude that confounded all previous calculations. The first sale was made at 59, This set the ball rolling, and the quotation con tinued to climb skyward until 60 was reached a gain of a dollar a share. Over 700 shares changed hands, the most going East where) electric plants are located. After call 75 was freely talked of. All the gassers were strongL and not pressed for sale. Chartlers was wanted 50. Wheeling at 31 and Philadelphia at 38. Tne rest of the list was dull and about steady. Bank shares were in request, but held beyond the limits of brokers' orders. -FidelityTltle & Trust Companyi CAPITAL, - - - $500,000 121 AND 123 FOURTH AVE. Insures titles to real estate and acts In all fiduciary capacities. Temporary offices, No. 100 DIAMOND STREET. fe86-M ,1- 1, BUTTER, i a. RIITTFP M v .em : BUTTER; .EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURS' . .. Chartiers Creamery Cot- Warehouse and General Offices " 616 LIBERTY STREET, - Telephone 11201 PITTSBURG. PA?sK Vfc! J Factories throughout Wester. Pennsylvania i. ... For prices see market quotations! i. Wholesale" exclusively. mhl8.jrwr -., WHOLESALE HOUSE, . JOSEPH' HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.i Importers and Jobbers of - Special offerings this week ia SILKS, PfiUSEBS, nRESSGnnns SATEENS Blirittamjftrirt, T- GLNGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS, For largest assortment and lowest prices cali0! ana see us. il G00M11K WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY I fe22-rS3-D -j ArTm, !V fldtuy.i.uu.n.0 EXTRACT OF BEEF, i ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO; SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now considered to be the best in tha market, as witnessed br tbe fact that we hare i lust secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL. LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition; now bej iug neiu in jrnuaaeipuia. rT.vivT.VTWMiVTTPAfrrmjr . SUPERIOR IK QUALrXT.;..! And with tbe bright appetizing flavor, of zresMvjj ly roasieo. oeei. wi REMEMBER. '.JSri mhil-Mwy BROKERS FINANCIAL: De WITT DILWORTHt 23KU.1VLVK 2t . j ZPZETZROLTSTTEM Oil bought and sold on margin. deJT-Zl-Dsa? WHITNEY & STEPHimV 67-FOURTH AVENTTiL ".'i4 ISSUE TRAVELERS CRXDtESif J TH UOUGH g MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN A COUi PASSPORTS PROCURED. stfB-s , ' ' ' . ' ft' I ft'