Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 25, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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1889 '
Some Opinions About the Lo
cal Team's Makeup.
BeTised Schedule of the Allegheny
County League.
Prince Wilkes, the Famous Trotter, Sold
for $30,000.
Now that the time has come for the local
ball players to get down to wort for the sea
son, everybody interested in the clnb is
wondering how the team will be made up.
So far there has been no desire at all among
the clnb officials to express any definite
opinion on this point. The most that any
of tli cm bas said is that selections will be made
after all are tried. The "trial" will be given
during tlie exhibition games, and probably will
continue into the championship season. This
method of testing the respective abilities of the
players seems all right, and it maybe that there
is all the honesty of nurpose in it claimed by
the officials. It is undoubtedly their right to
make np the team according to their own no
tions, bnt the public bas also a right to hold
and express an opinion on the matter.
There are some points settled already. Beck
ley will play at first and Dunlap at second.
There is an uncertainty, however, regarding
the other two infield positions. Judging from
present indications there are three men for the
two positions, viz., Allen, Smith ana Kuehne.
Ot course the fir-t named
and cannot be expected to take full charge of
the short stop territory right away. This is
pretty well understood, bnt how Kuehne and
Smith will be placed is an enigma. It would
seem, however, that Smith at third and
Kuehne at short would be the
best possible arrangement. It is a
well known fact that Dnnlap and
Smith are not as harmonious as little birds in a
nest, and Smith would be just as effective at
third as would Kuehne. Allen could be tried
occasionally, and it may be that bis serfices
would soon be required daily. Whether or
not Dnnlap will hold out is problematical. A
se ere twist of his ankle, w hich is likely to oc
cur at an v time, might disable bim for all or a
good part of the season. At any rate, this is an
emergency that must be prepared for.
The outfield is another matter of conjecture.
A gentleman interested in the club and exceed
ingly well informed on baseball matters stated
i esterday afternoon that the best outfield that
could be arranged would be: Miller left, Han
Ion center and Sunday right. This certainly is
an attractive combination whatever way it is
looked at. Ail three are excellent fielders, first
class base runners and goad bitters Without
doubt they would compare favorably with any
outfield in the country.
But the difficulty of arranging this trio rests
in Miller. "Were he to be assigned to the field
the catching power of the club would likely
suffer. However, when the matter is inlly con
sidered, it would seem that the loss would
not be as great as at first imagined. There are
great expectations about Lauer, and if he
turns out to be anything like what he is antici
pated to be. be will be a good substitute for
.Miller behind the bat. Carroll, we all know,
and probably he will be a catcher whether Mil
ler goes into the field or not. The most specu
lative feature is Fields, and if he shows up
well, then Miller can be snared in the outfield.
But if Fields cannot fill the bill, the sooner the
fact is definitely known the better will it be
for all. The club bas kept him two seasons or
more, and it is time be was ranked as a regular
and reliable man, or somebody secured who
can fill these requirements. If the catchers,
outside of Miller, are not good enough, others
must be secured, whether Miller catches or
If Miller is permanently in the field it will
do away with the almost daily changes in the
nine that invariably interferes with success
ful team work. This is a very important fea
ture, and should necessity demand now and
again Miller's presence behind the bat, Con
way would be well able to look after left field.
He is a good fielder and can use the stick with
great effect. It would, therefore, seem that a
team made up as follows would be the best:
Beckley, first; Dunlap, second: Kuebne. short:
Smith, third; Miller, left; Hanlon. center: Sun
day, right. Carroll and Morris, of course,
w sold be one battery, and Fields and Galvin
another. A short experience would enable the
others to be paired.
Willing to be Sold If He fehnres Bin Par
chase Money.
The Xew York Sun has the following to say
about John M. Ward's movements:
It can be set down that John Ward did not
come home simply for the purpose of calling a
meeting of the Brotherhood of Ball Flayers,
or to settle the question as to where he shall
play next season, but solely to look after pri
vate matters. Not only does he say this, bat
his friends Touch for the truth of it. Little or
nothing was learned of Ward's intended move
ments from the conversations had with him
yesterday. He had not become familiar with
the new classification rule, and had received
no offer from the Washington club,' so that he
was not in a position to say anything on either
subject. '
When asked about his fururr movements,
and what would determine then. Ward said
that salary would decide the while matter. He
said be would be content to co to Washington
if the release money, 12,000, would be divided
cquallv. He hardly thought it fair that the
New York club should dispose of him without
his receiving a share of thefnoney paid. Ward
also said that he desired to Vet away from New
York, but between Washington and Boston he
had not much choice. Hr further said that he
would see Mr. Hewitt of Washington and Man
ager Mutne about the proposed deal in a day
or two. Baseball was a business with him. and
he would be willing to play where he received
the most money. He did not know whether it
was true or not that the Washington club
would offer him $3,000 to manage and play with
the team next season.
A Cnban Gentleman Pays $30,000 for the
. V Trotter.
-Hakeodsbtjrg. Kt, March St The cele
brated trotting gelding Prince Wilkes has been
sold to a wealthy Cuban gentleman for $30,000.
Colonel Crit Davis, the trainer, started with
him this afternoon for New York, whence he
will be shipped to Havana, Cuba.
"Prince Wilkes was bred near here, and Colo
nel Davis not only trained bim but drove bim
last season, winning eight out of nine races.
Colonel George A. Singerly, of Philadelphia,
Pa., has owned the gelding for years, and ex
pected to trot bim this season and lower his
record of 2J4JJ. Prince Wilkes is 3 j ears old,
and was sired by Red Wilkes, dam Rose Chief
by Brown Chief. He (rot his record at Cleve
land, O- August 3. 18SS. in a iree-for-all race
for a purse of 2,000. Rosalind Wilkes was his
onlv competitor, and won the first heat in
2:1 Prince Wilkes took the next three
heats in 2:1 2:1 and 22 respectively.
Dexter told 30 years ago for $30,000, the
largest price ever paid for a gelding until this
sale of Prince Wilkes.
WItl Report This Moraine.
'The players of the local club will report for
duty this morning, at 10v30. at Recreation Park.
The outfield will be rolled if rain does not in
terfere, and it is expected that the boys will
get thoroughly down to work on Wednesday.
Dunlap is not expected here to-day, as he is in
terestcd in a real estate deal that demands his
presence in Philadelphia until to-morrow.
Slay Go to Chnttanoogn.
Jt is likely that two more of Pittsburg's ball
players will enters ully into the profession this
season. Chattanooga club is negotiating for
catcher Ed Keating and outfielder Ed
Brown. The prospects are that both players
will bejigned by Chattanooga. They played
with several local clubs last season and did
good work.
The Srlvnns Orcnnlze.
Tb"e Sylvan Stars have organized for the sea
son, and are willing to tackle any of the young
sters la the neighborhood. They prefer the
scalps of the Kt. Pauls and J, P. Beckleys. Ad
dress H. Brannon, 026 Jackson street, Allegheny.
County League Officials Straighten Ont
Their Imperfect Figures.
Secretary W. G. Barr, of the Allegheny
County League, left the following revised
schedule at this office last evening. "We made
several omissions in the last one," he said,
"but this one is all right:"
East End Athletics. At Home May II,
SIcKeesport: May 18. Braddock; May S3, Ems
worth: May 33, A. ii.. Homestead, P. M., Brad
dock; June 8, Etna Stars: June 20, Sewickley;
July 4. A. M., Kiverside Ureys; Jnlv so, Home
steads: July S7, Etna btars; August S, Oaklands;
August 10. Duqnesnes: August IT, Riverside
Greys; September It bewlckley: September S3,
Emsworth: October 5, McKeesport: October 12,
DnqnesnestOctoberSS. Oaklands. Total, 18.
Abroad-April 13, Riverside Greys: April 29,
Emsworth; April 27, Braddock; May 4. Sewickley:
June 1, Uuqnesnes; June IS, Oakland: June 22,
Homestead: July 4, p. it., Uraddock; July 6, Mc
Keesport; July 13, Emsworth; August S, Oaklands;
Angust 7. Etna Stars; August Si. Etna btars; Aug
nt a, hewlckley; September 2, A. M., Duqaesnes;
r. M.. McKeesport: September 7, Kiverside Greys;
September 21, Homestead. Total. 18.
HOMESTEAD. At borne-April IS. McKeesport:
April 27. bewlckley; Mav i, TJraddock; May 25.
Etna Stars: May SO, p. m., Etna Stars; June 15,
Duquesnes: June 22, Athletics; Jnlv S. Oakland;
July 17, Emsworth, two frames: July 27, Riverside
Greys: August 10, Braddock; August SI, Du
quesnes; beptember', McKeesport: beptember
21. Athletics: beptemberis. Riverside Greys; Oc
tobers, Oaklands; October 12, Sewickley, To
tal, 18.
Abroad May 11, Duquesnes; Mav IS. Emsworth,
two games: May 30, A. St.. Athletics; June 1,
Riverside Greys; June 8. McKeesport: June 29,
liraddocL: Julys. Oaklands; Julv 10, Etna btars;
July 13, Duquesnes: Julv 20, Athletics; Augusts.
McKeesnort: Aurust 17. Sewieklev: Aurast24.
Oaklands: beptember 2, A. M., Etna Stars: Sep
tember 2, p. M.. Riverside Greys; beptember 14,
Bnddoct; October 19, bewlckley. Total 18.
Braddock Blues At Home April 27, Ath
letics: May 11. Oakland; May 30, A. M., Duquesne;
Junes, Riverside Greys; June IS, Sewickley; June
29. Homestead: July 4, p.m.. Athletics: July 13,
two games, Etna Stars: July 27, Emsworth: Au
gust 17, Duquesnes; August 31, Riverside Greys;
beptember 2, A.M., McKeesport; p. M., Sewlck
lcv: beptember 14, Homestead: beptember 28,
Oaklands; October 12, McKeesport; October 28,
Emsworth. Total, 18.
Abroad April 13, Emsworth; April 20. Mc
Keesport: May 4. Homestead: May 18, Athletics;
Mayia. Kiverside Greys: Mav 30, p. m.. Athletics;
June I, McKceEport:Jnnc22,tnabtars, two games;
July 4, A. M., Duqnesncs; July 16, Duquesnes;
July;2a, Riverside Greys; August 3, bewlcltley;
August 10, Homestead? AugustM, Sewickley: Sep
tember", Emsworth; September 2L Oakland, two
games. Total, 18.
DCQUXSMS-At Home-April 20, Oaklands;
ilaylL Homestead: May 25. McKeesport: June I,
Athletics; June 8, Emsworth: July 4. Braddock,
A. at.; July 4. P. M., McKeesport: July 6, Brad
dock: July 13, Homestead: July 17, bewlckley, two
games: July 27. Oaklands; August 3, Emsworth;
August 18, Etnabtars; August 26, Riverside Greys;
beptember 2, a. M.. Athletics: September 11, Etna
btars: beptember 21, Riverside Grevs. Total, 18.
Abroad April 13, Oakland: April 27, Emsworth;
May 18, Kiverside Grevs: Mav 30, A. M., Brad
dock: May 3a r. Jr., Riverside Greys: June 15.
Homestead: June 22, Emsworth; June 29. Etna
Stars; July 20, bewlckley, two games; August 10,
Athletics: August 17, Braddock; August 24. Mc
Keesport: August 31, Homestead; beptember 2,
Etna. p. m.; beptember7, Oaklands: beptember
28: McKeesport; October 13, Athletics. Total. J8.
McKEEsrouT At Home April 20, Braddock;
April 27, Riverside Grevs: May IS, Sewickley, two
games: May 30, A. M.. Etna: May 30, p. JI.. Oak
land: June 1, Braddock: Junes, Homestead; June
29, Oakland; Julys. Athletics; August 3, Home
stead: August 10, Riverside Greys; August 24. Du
quesnes: August 31. Emsworth: September 2,
P. M., Athletics: beptember 14, Emsworth; Sep
tember!!, Etna; beptember 28, Duquesnes. To
tal. AO.
Abroad April 13, Homestead; May 4, Oakland:
May II, Athletics: May2S. Duquesnes; June 15, Ems
worth, twogames;Jnne22, Oakland: July 4. p. M.,
Duquesnes; July 13, Riverside Greys: July 5), Etna
btars; July 27, Sewickley, two games; August 17,
Etna; beptember 2. A. M., Braddock; September
7. Homestead: beDtember 19. Riverside Hrex-a:
Octobers, Athletics; October 12, Braddock. To
tal, IS. .
Etna Stabs At Home May II. Emsworth;
May 18, Oakland: June 1. bewlckley: June 22.
Braddock, two games: June 29, Duquesnes: July
4, A. M.,Oaklanas; July 4, p. M., Riverside Greys:
JulvT, Emsworth; July 10, Homestead; July 20,
McKecspoit; August 3, Biverslde Greys; August
7, Athletics; August 17, McKeesport: August 24,
Athletics; beptember 2, A. M., Homestead: bep
tember 2, p. M.. Duquesnes; beptember 28, Se
wlcklc. Totalis.
Abroad April 27, Oakland; May 25, Home
stead: May at A. M., McKeesport; May 30. P. M.,
Homestead; Junes, Athletics: June IS, Riverside
Greys July 13, Braddock, two games; July 17,
Riverside Grejs;July 27. Athletics: August 10,
Emsworth: August 3L Oakland: August 16, Du
quesnes; beptember 7, bewlckley: beptember 14,
Duquesnes; September 2L McKeesport; October
5, bewlckley: October 12, Emsworth. Total. IS.
EMSWORTU-At Home-April IS, Braddock: April
20, Athletics: April 27. Duqusnes; Mavis, Home
steads, two games; May. 30, r. M.,'Sewickley;
June lo, McKeesport, two games; Jnne22. Du
quesne: June 29, Riverside Greys; July 4, A. M..
bewlckley; July IS, Athletics: July 20, Oakland;
August 10, Etna: September 2. a. M., Oakland:
beptember 7. Braddock; October 5, Riverside
Greys; October 12, Etna. Total, 18.
Abroad-May4. Riverside Greys; May 11, Etna;
May 25, Athletics; May SO, A. M., bewlckley: June
1. Oakland: June 8, Duquesnes: July 4, p. JI..
bewlckley: July 6. Etna: July 17. Homestead, two
games; July27, Braddock. August 3, Duquesnes:
August 24, Kiverside Greys; August 31, MrKces-
Sort:Septcmber2. p.m., Oakland: September 14,
IcKeesport: September 2S, Athletics; Octobers',
Braddock. Total. 18.
Sewickley At Home May 4, Athletics: May
30, A. it., EmBworth: June 8. Oakland: June 22,
Riverside Greys; July 4, p.m.. Emsworth; July
6, Riverside Greys: J uly20, Duqnesnes, two games;
July 27. McKeesport. two games: AugnstS, Brad
dock: August 10, Oakland: August 17, Homestead;
August2i, Braddock; August 31, Athletics: bep
tember 7, Etna: October 5, Etna; October 19, Home
stead. Total, IS.
Abroad April 27, Homestead: May H. Riverside
Greys: Mav 18. McKeesport, two games: May 25,
Oakland: May 30, p. M.. Fmsworth; Junel. Etna;
June 15, Braddock; June 29, Athletics: Julv 4. A.
M., Emsworth: July JS, Oakland; July 17. Du
quesnes, two games: beptember 2. A. m., Kiver
side Greys: September 2, P. M., Braddock; Sep
tember 14, Athletics: beptember 28, Etna; October
12, Homestead. Total, IS.
Oakland At Home April 13,Dnquesnes; April
27. Etna: May 4, McKeesport: May 25, bewlckley;
Junel. Emsworth; June 12. RlrcrsIdeGreys: June
15, Athletics; June 22, McKeesport, Julys. Home
stead; July 13, bewicklry; August 3, Athletics;
Augnst24, Homestead: August M. Etna; Septem
ber 2, P.M.. Lmsworth.feeptember 7, Duquesnes;
beptembcr21, BraddocX, two games; October 12.
Kit erside Greys. Totalis.
Abroad April 20, Duquesnes: May 1L Brad
dock: May 18: Etna btars; May 30, A. M River
side Greys; MayA p. m. McKeesport; June 8,
bewlckley: Jnne 29, McKeesport: July 4, A. mT,
Etra: July , Homestead: July 20, Emsworth:
Juiy27, Duquesnes: August 3, Athletics: August
10. bewlckley; September 2, a. jr., Emsworth;
September 14, Riverside Greys; September 28,
Braddock; October 5, Homestead; October 28,
Athletics. Total. 18. .
Khehside Obeys At Home-April 13, Ath
letics; May 4, Emsworth: Mav 11. Sewickley; May
.16. Duquesnes: May 25. Braddock; May 30. A. M
Oakland; May 30, p. ji., Duquesnes; Jnne I, Home
stead; Jnne IS, Etna: July IT, McKeesport: July
17, Etna: July 20, Braddock: August 24, Emsworth;
beptember 2. A. M., bewlckley; Septembers; p.m..
Homestead; September 7, Athletics: beptember 14,
Oaklands; beptember 19, McKeesport. Total, 18.
Abroad Aurll 27, McKeesport; June 8. Brad
dock; Jnne 12, Oakland: June 22, Sewickley: Jnne
29, Emsworth: July 4, A. M., Athletics: July 4, P.
M., Etna; July 6, bewlckley; July 27, Homestead;
Augusts, Etna; August 10. McKeesport; August
17, Athletics; August 2S, Duquesnes; August 31,
Braddock: beptember 21, Duquesnes; beptember
S3, Homestead: October 5, Emsworth: October 12,
Oakland. Total, 18.
The Spider Suva He'll Have to Fight Hard
to Win.
Chicago, Im. March 2k Ike Weir, "The
Spider," was in jolly good spirits to-day. "Lord,
what beautifnl weather this is!" he said. "I've
just returned from a ten-mile walk about this
fine town, and I feel just as if I conld lick any
lightweight in the country at this minute," and
the little fellow made a swipe at an imaginary
Mnrphy that would have sent him to sleep had
it struck him in the right place.
"Is there going to be any of the Mver-McAu-liffe
sort of fighting in this mill?"
"Not if I know it. 'Parson' Davies has the
stakes and he says he won't give 'cm up till one.
of us is knocked out. Well. I ain't saying that
I'm going to win, bnt I will do my best."
Weir stripped this morning and tipped the
scales at just 117 pounds. This afternoon he
will take a trip in the country to some quiet
place and get the fresh air and do some tall
tramping about the woods and across the hills.
This sort of exercise will constitute the most
of his training. The fight will occur between
the 2Sth and 30th Inst., and, as "Parson" Davies
said to-day, within two hours' ride of Chicago.
The men will enter the ring about midnight.
Murphy, who is training hard at Beloit, Wis.,
weighs 120 pounds. In a letter he says: "I am
in better condition and stronger to-day than I
ever was before in my life. I never felt so con
fident of winning a ncht as I do this time, and
Weir will find out before we are in the ring
many minutes that 1 am not as big a "mark"
as he has been in the habit of fighting."
The Ball Players Reach Ireland and Talk
About Bomi Rule.
Bkxtast, March 24. Copyright The
American baseball teams arrived here at 9
o'clock this morning, after a pleasant sail
across the Irish Channel. They expected an
other severe English Channel experience, and
were happy they were disappointed. .Long
John Healy and W. Irving Snyder are the only
ones who succumbed to the tossing of the ves
sel. There was no demonstration on their ar
rival, and the players jumped on jaunting cars
and were driven at a furious rate to the Im
perial Hotel. There are five men of Irish par
entage in the All-America team, and six in the
Chicago, bnt Tener is the only native born
They seem to be very happy at being on the
native heath of their fathers, and talk about
gathering the bats and going on a landlord, as
the weather is dreary and the nights dark.
All of them are home rulers. After the game
to-morrow the clubs will be dined by the North
of Ireland Cricket Club. The Mayor of Belfast
will preside.
Johnson Won the Championship.
FrsDLATjO., March 2t-J. E. Johnson, col
ored champion pedestrian of Ohio, and Charles
Hymes, white champion, walked 23 miles
against time at Fostoria last night for the Stats
championship, S1C0 a side and the gate receipts.
Johnson won in 3 hours and 18 minutes.
Some interesting Facta About the American
Trotting; Business.
A correspondent of the Sorteman this week
gives the following interesting facts regarding
the affluence of the American trotting busi
ness: The amount of capital Invested in the busi
ness is enormous, and its rapid growth is almost
startling. It Is impossible for ns to give accu
rate figures concerning the capital Invested,
but we can give an approximate statement of
the investment or value of a few leading farms,
and we think we violate no confidence in doing
so. We know that a number of breeding es
tablishments make yearly estimates of their
property, or as merchants term it, take account
of stock. At the disposal sale of the Glenview
estate more than $400,000 was realized. It is
impossible to estimate the value pf the Wood
burn trotting interest, because the grand estate
is devoted to varied interests, but it de
rives its great fame and its largest in
come from the trotting-borse department.
There are three stallions, Belmont, Harold
and Lord Russell, whose service fee is $300, and
two at a f co of $200. Mr. Brodhead is not an
advocate of excessive stnd service, and about
45 mares to each horse is his limit. There are
51 brood mares on the place, which would leave
about 33 outside mares to each horse, suppose
the number to be evenly divided and the in
come zrom stauion ices would be about hu.iw,
besides the value of the 45 resident mares. Sup
pose we only estimate their service worth the
same as to outsiders, and the total would be
about $53,000 for stud lees alone, supposing all
the mares to be in foal. Bnt as this is not
probable, and 70 per cent would be a fair esti
mate, we have an assured income of not less
than 33,000 from stud fees. Fifteen thousand
dollars each was paid for King Wilkes and
Fallis, but we do not suppose an offer of 25,000
each would be entertained. It is certain Bel
mont, Harold and Lord Russell would not be
for sale, but for sake of argument suppose we
estimate the five at 25,000 each, and we have a
total of 125.000 for five stallions.
There are 50 brood mares, which we think at
auction would bring more than an average of
$4,000, which makes a total of 200,000. Then
there are a large number of colts and fillies
which wonld certainly bring an average of
$2,000. which would swell the estimate to at
least $100,000 more. So that in the trotting
stock alone we have an estimated total of
about $450,000 in this branch of the business
alone, saying nothing of the land. It is only
just to say we have made this estimate from
onr knowledge of the stock, and without con
sultation with Mr. Brodhead. The sales last
year were over $100,000. The Highland Farm,
the home of Red Wilkes, Wilton and Sentinel
Wilkes, is a yonng Institution, and its brood
mares are young and have not the reputation
of those at Wo odbum, but we know its vain
ation is about $300,000. Red Wilkes stands at
$300, Wilton at $200, and Sentinel Wilkes at
$100, and the sales in the past 12 months were
about $80,000. At Ash Grove, where George
Wilkes lies bnried, there are eight entire sons
of George Wilkes, 60 brood mares and
colts, and fillies enough to swell the
total to more than 100. There are stal
lions : there which are not for sale. But
no one wonld doubt that at public sale the eight
would average more tnan $20,000 each. There
are 60 brood mares, some ot which wonld sell
for enormous sums, but a number of them are
young, and for the sake of argument we will
estimate that they would sell at auction for an
average of $2,000. There are 44 colts and fillies,
and it is certain they would sell for enough to
swell the sum to $350,000 for the stock, without
a.ny valuation of land. The Forest City Farm
has six stallions, which we do not believe Mr.
Emery would sell for $140,000. He paid at the
rate of $25,000 for Patron when his record was
only 2:19. and we know he was recently offered
$30,000 for Brown Wilkes. We believe that he
values his establishment at more than $300,000.
The Jewett farms have five stallions by George
Wilkes, besides Jerome Eddv and other valua
ble stallions. They paid $25,000 for Eddv. and
he paid for himself in two yeirs, and the Wilkes
stallions, we should think, if they desired to
sell, they would not price them as low as an
average of $20,000. Their farms, brood mares
and colts would certainly swell the estimate to
enormous figures. There are many other farms
whose value would approximate to these
figures, but we have given only a few as ex
amples, and in each case the estimate is our
own. and is not based on figures given by the
He Disagrees With Jimmy Reed About the
Boston, March 21 It looks as though the"
proposed checker match between Champion
Charles F. Barker, of Cambridge, and James
P. Reed, of Pittsburg, for $250 a side and the
championship of America wonld fall through
on account of a hitch In the matter of expenses
to be allowed Barker for his trip to Chicago.
Barker said yesterday:
"lam only too willing to play Reed, tut he
doesn't mean business. I received a letter
from bim a few days ago, in which he practi
cally admitted that he wouldn't play. He says
in it that he doesn't want to play me, bnt that
his Chicago friends are nrcing him to make
the match. He adds that if I do not care to
concede certain points, which he knows to be
vital, we might as well let the matter drop, and
concludes with the hope that somethine will
occur to prevent the making of the match.
It's pretty bard to come to terms with a man
who is in that frame of mind. I propose to
bend my energies to the task of meeting with
Wylie. I propose, as soon as this controversy
is settled, to issue a challenge to Wylie for
$1,000 a side and the championship of the
world. He is now in Australia, but IwiU post
a forfeit of $100 and leave the challenge open
for six months In order to give him ample time
for accepting."
It Was Given Him by Jack Burgess In a
Fight at South Bend.
Indianapolis, March 21 A prize fight for
$500 at South Bend to-night between Jack
Burgess, of Boston, and Tom McDonald, ot
Elkhart, resulted after eight rounds in Mc
Donald's defeat. Burgess weighed 193 and Mc
Donald ISO. First knock down bv Burgess, first
blood by McDonald.
The last round was all one-sided, Burgess
making a regular chopping block of McDonald,
and he finally ended it with a terrific right
hander on McDonald's jaw, breaking it, and
knocking him senseless.
Sporting Notes.
Kilbaut has arrived in England in excellent
President Byrne does not believe in ballet
daDcers' uniforms.
Manager Phillips exoects that the Pitts.
burgs will face Tony Mullane at Cincinnati
next Monday.
Adams 4 Sons, of New York, offers $200
each to the leading batters of the League and
Association at the close of this season: $150
each to the best fielders, and $150 each to the
best base runners. No player shall receive
more than one prize. i
Tns Minnesota Intercollegiate Baseball
League broke up in a row Saturday night. A
meeting was called to arrange a schedule, and
during its progress a quarrel ensued between
the Minneapolis High School and the McAllis
ter College over the awarding of the pennant
of last year. The other colleges took sides and
the bottom dropped out of the whole scheme,
the meeting adjourning In high dudgeon.
"I encourage my men to chew gum," said
President Byrne, "particularly when they are
on the road. In traveling from city to city the
different varieties of drinking water encoun
tered are quite alarmlnc to any one who values
a good stomach. Base ball players must be in
good physical condition toplaycood ball. If
they drink every sort of water that they come
across sickness is sure to result, particularlyas
playing under a hot sun renders them very
thirsty and the resort to water necessary. To
offset this thirst I advise them to chew cum,
wttich keeps the month moist. They need little
water, and tho chances of sickness are greatly
Reports that spread from Long Island to
Kentucky on Friday night, saying that Mr.
John H. Sbults' famous trotting stallion had
died, or was practically dead, had no founda
tion in truth. The horse has enjoyed a vacation
in bis comfortable quarters at Parkville since
he was struck by lightning last August until
he appeared to be himself acain. About two
weeks ago he was used for the first time since
the acciocntand showed that he had recovered
his vigor. He was reported as well as ever at
the farm yesterday. It is intended to send bim
to Mr. Shults' breeding farm In Kentucky in a
short time, where it is believed that he will
prove a very live horse.
Tho Manner in Which Liquor Will be
(shipped Into Iowa.
Dubuque, Ia., March 2. The Illinois
Central Bailroad Company has given no
tice that it will no longer ship liquors into
Iowa from Dubuque. The liquor dealers
will hereafter send their goods to East Du
buque, 111., and irom there they will be
taken by the Central and other roan's into
the interior of the State.
The goods must hereafter be shipped for
what they are and not as vinegar or some
thing else, as the railroads have been losing
money by taking them so disguised as
fourth-class, when they should be taken as
secona-ciass ueigat. -.
Being, in Imagination, Tried on the
Feet of Several Gentlemen,
A Little Sbnfflo of the Cabinet Chief Among
the Possibilities.
OMo Would Like the Place, and General Keifer
Wouldn't Eentse It.
The remains of the late Associate Justice
Matthews are to be removed from "Washing
ton to-day, for burial to-morrow at Cincin
nati. That fact doesn't prevent agreat though
quiet hustle for the office he lately held. No
new names are mentioned except that of
General Keifer, whose Ohio friends imagine
the ex-Speaker has a show for the place.
Washington, March 24. Notwith
standing the fact that the obsequies of'the
late Justice Matthews have not yet been
conclnded, no office is more extensively
canvassed than the vacant one of the Su
preme Court. Those who try their hand at
assisting President Harrison to make a se
lection for the place find it difficult to
single out any prominent public man who
. fills the bill, and it is therefore rather freely
predicted that Harrison will follow the ex
ample of Cleveland in his last appointment,
and-choose a lawyer of high local repute,
rather than of national repute.
Looking among the Senators none ap
pear to be at all up to the requirements of
the place except some of the old heads, who
are too old, like Edmunds, Hoar and
Evarts, and Senator Spooner, who is in his
47th year. Senator Spooner has made so
high a reputation as a lawyer since his
advent in the Senate, and President Har
rison has asked his advice so frequently in
matters pertaining to his administration,
thus showing the confidence he reposes in
his judgment, that many think the brilliant
young Senator 'may be asked to accept a
seat on the Supreme bench. The Senator's
nearest friends assert, however, that he
would not permit himself to be retired from
the possibilities of politics in which he may
win higher preferment than even the United
States Senate or the Supreme bench.
It is an impression with some that the
vacancy will be filled from Ohio, as the '
death of Chief Justice Waite and of Justice
Matthews leaves that State and district
without a representative on the bench, but
Ohio presents no name which appears to
meet with approbation, and there is no
precedent or custom to follow in the present
instance. "When Justice Strong was re
tired the vacancy was filled from Missis
sippi by the appointment of Secretary
Lamar. The vacancy occasioned by the
death of Chief Justice Waite, of Ohio, was
filled by the selection of- M. W. Fuller, of
In making his selection to fill the exist
ing vacancy, moreover, President Harrison
will doubtless take into consideration the
probability of his having to choose one or
two,- and perhaps three, other Supreme
Judges during his term. Justices Fields.
Miller and Bradley have all
passed the age fixed for re
tirement. Jutice Bradley is about 76
and Field and Miller are past 73, being
nearly the same age. None oi the three are
particularly robust, even for their age, and
it is probable that all three will wish to be'
retired before the 4th of March, 1893.
Democrats say, however, that Justice Field
must hold on'at least until after the Presi
dential election of 1892, when, in the event
of Democratic success, he 'could be replaced
by a Judge of his own political faith.
Some of the gossips fancy that Attorney
General Miller, the President's late law
partner, will be appointed, but this view
does not have many supporters. It is still
a quite general opinion that Mr. Miller
went into the Cabinet merely to help Mr.
Harrison out of a disagreeable complication
at the last moment to assist him in the
construction of a temporary Cabinet, as it
were with the understanding that he would
soon resign.
Politicians very close to Mr. Harrison
say, as was outlined in The Dispatch
several weeks ago, that Mr. Miller's resig
nation will soon be forthcoming, that Secre
tary Noble will be made Attorney General,
and Assistant Clarkson presented with the
Interior portfolio. These persons also sug
gest that since the death of Jnstice
Matthews Miller may replace Judge
Gresham, and the latter be promoted to the
Supreme bench. They think it would be a
good movement to take Gresham out of the
political field, as he might otherwise be as
troublesome an element in the convention
of 1892 as in that of 1888.
Taking the sentiment of the hotel cor
ridors andof the politicians generally, it is
quite clear that the appointment of Gre
sham would be the most popular that could
be made, and the most politic, also, as it
would strenthen in more ways than one the
President's renominatiou to succeed him
Ex-Speaker Keifer Thought to Have a
Shadow of a Chance.
Spbingfiect, O., March 24. The
friends of General J. Warren Keifer, of this
city, Speaker of the House of Representa
tives in 1881 and 1882, are making vigorous
efforts to have him appointed to the place of
Associate Justice of the United States Su
preme Court, vice the late Stanley Matthews.
The movement is backed by Senator Sher
man, Sam Shellaharger, ex-Governor Foster
and General Sherman.
The matter leaked out here through ex
Senator Pringle, an intimate lawyer friend
of General Keifer. President Harrison and
the General were intimatelv associated in
army life, and have always been the best of
friends. The friendship of the two men, it
is thought here, may result in Keiier's ap
pointment to the position. The matter has
just become known here, and has created
great excitement.
A Dispatch correspondent called at
General Keifer's residence to-night, He
had retired. His son, Horace, said he had
heard nothing of the report, On being
called, General Keiter came out and said he
had not heard anything about the matter.
He intimated, on further questioning, that
such a thing might be possible.
The Obseqnles of ibe I.n to Associate Justice.
Stanley Matthews.
Cincinnati, March 24. The latest and
the final arrangements for the funeral of the
late Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court, Stanley Matthews, are that the body
will not be taken to Glendale, but will be
transerred from the Baltimore and Ohio
railway at Spring Grove Station
It will be taken to Spring Grove Ceme
tery Chapel, where at 11 o'clock on next
Tuesday morning the funeral will take
place. The Kev. Dr. Pise, of Glendale, will
officiate in the funeral ceremonies.
DICKIE Sunday, 21tb inst, at 13 M Mrs.
Joanna Dickie, in her 69th year, at her late
residence. No. i Belmont street, Allegheny,
Notice of funeral hereafter.
Reading and Oil City papers please copy.
ms flom TflE EEEKa
The Dark Side of CItyXIfe as Seen In Broad
Davllsht. '
"And there are many evil among ye."
was the text given out.at Central yesterday
morning, 'and 'Bob forgot himself and asked
Justice Gripp if he meant to be personal.
James Murphy essayed a cordial smile at
the Court, as if they were acquainted, but
was met with the cool, cultivated stare of a
haughty stranger, and Jimmy gasped "Save
me from my friends," when he heard the
sentence. He is a corner IouDger, and the
officer told him to move on, the legal three
times, and then moved him.
George Mashey was doing what he called
"singing" at 11 o'clock Saturday night,
and everybody tore open the shutters along
Fountain street to see what was the matter.
He had just struck the andante when Ros
enblatt struck him. Mashey's three Mends
stayed with him loyally; but "Bosey" was
there, too. It just cost him ?8 40 for bust
ing the chromatic scale.
John Schneider would be a dandy to
firdle the world. An officer swore he put
is arms around seven people and begged
money from them. The seventh man and
he began to fight. Schneider must have
promised to return it to him "in a day or
two." He will encircle barrels for 30 days.
John and Mary Durant are man and
wife; but it isn't necessary for them to go
out on the street when they want to fight.
Fight dollars and forty cents apiece will
pay for the patrol and leave some for tobies.
,Fred Oberhardt is an American citizen
so he told the officer at the corner of Fifth
and Moultrie; but there are limits to the
rights of an American citizen, if he does
spell it in German. Fred was carrying on
a heated discussion with a friend, and re
fused to "move on, please," and said the
officer could not arrest him. The policeman
performed that impossibility with the
greatest ease.
Some 20 more cases were disposed of in
about 20 minutes, but they yere of the
usual tough class.
Cincinnati, Now Orleans nnd Baltimore Far
In the Bear.
Boston, March 24. The following
table, compiled from dispatches to the Post
from the managers of the Clearing Houses in
the cities named, shows the gross exchanges
for the week ended March 23, 1889, with rates
prr cent of increase or decrease, as com
pared with the amounts for the correspond
ing week in 1888:
Inc. Dec
NewYork 6o6.MI.993 12.8 ....
Hoston 89.896,851 2.0 ....
Philadelphia 68.101,869 24.9
UhlCSgO 57.758.000 8.7
St. Louis 18.504.Z54 10.3
San Francisco 13,315.854 5.9 ....
Plttstrare 12,447,035 26.5 ....
Baltimore 11.891,8a .... 28.0
Cincinnati 9,859,900 11.3
New Orleans 10,505,2)6 3.9
Kansas Ultv. 7,537.233 16.1
Louisville 5,718.903 26.5
Providence. 4,032.200 .... 1.5
.Milwaukee 4,215.000 13.1
Omaha 3.322.432 30.7
Minneapolis .'. 3,270,397 4.5 ....
Denver 3,200,750 33.7 ....
Galveston 900,689 3.5
Detroit , 4.163.2S 5.9
Cleveland 3,397,555 15.8
lndlananolls 1,680,495 30.5
Memphis..., 2,520,423 41.6
Colmnnus 2,229,500 1.7 ....
Kichmond 2,107,934 53.9
Dnlntb 1.929,342 15.9
bU 1'aul 3,199,655 .... 5.8
Hartford 1.502,436 .... 13.7
Peoria 1.315.302 8.9
St. Joseph ; 1.265,962 11.2
New Haven. 1,022,292 .... 9.2
Norfolk 619,160 .... 24.0
Portland 902,643 8.9
bpnnftneld 1.133,717 .... 2.S
Worcester. 1,006,312 0.3
Lowell 740,901 34.1
Syracuse 635, 4js 2.5
Wichita 653,683 0.3
LosAnjreles 790,000 .... 42.5
UrandKaplds 605,177 .... 7.4
Topeka 359,790 19.0
Sioux City 4S9.123
Tacoms 277,944
Montreal. 7.769,906
Total H,0IS,9S9,O76 1LS
Outside New York 359,044,081 9.2
Not Included In totals. No clearing house at
this time last year.
A Sleeting In Now York Tor the Bcneflt of
the Confederate Home.
New York, March 24. There was a
meeting at the Academyof Music to-night
under the auspices of the New York Citi
zens' Committee in aid of the National
Confederate Soldiers' Home at Austin, Tex.
General H. H. Barnum presided. Many
Grand Army men were in the audience, in
cluding General T. T. Chittenden and Gen
eral Carl Schurz. There were also numerous
Confederate veterans present. Joseph Stew
art, one of the directors of the home, was
the principal speaker. He said in part:
Sectionalism is betas fast obliterated from
the minds and hearts of men. and the foemen
of 25 years ago now march shoulder to shoulder
in the struggles of civil conflict. The valor
and fortitude of the Confederate dead is an
ever living heritage, not of the South, but of the
entire Union. Both sides of the conflict were hut
fitting exemplars ot the American soldier. We
rejoice that many thousands of Union veterans
are now upon the pension rolls, and about
15,000 are maintained by the Government in
comfortable homes, and at an annual aggregate
expense of about 5100,000,000 and thatttbey are
honored wards of the nation. All honor to
those men, and the Government that sustains
and upholds them with its bounty.
Operators Insist Thnt miners' Wanes Must
be Reduced.
Indianapolis, March 24. On the first
of May the existing scale for coal mining
in the Brazil district will expire. It is now
75 cents for bituminous and 90 cents for
block. Day laborers are paid at the rate of
2 tons for a day's work. The operators
bolted the convention at Columbus a few
days ago because their demand for a 12 per
cent reduction was not granted. They
claim they can get coal mined at the reduc
tion. The miners held a nass meeting last
night at Brazil. "Work has been very slack
in the mines forseveral months and many of
the miners have suffered.
A committee was appointed to wait ou
the operators and miners in the interest of
the scale. The operators .propose a reduc
tion of 20 cents. The miners did not ex
press themselves on this point, but a strike
may result, though it is believed it will be
fruitless, A few days since ISO miners em
ployed in a mine near Knights ville accepted
a reduction of 10 per cent.
Trying to Find Some Way to Punish Corre
spondent Klein.
Berlin, March 24. The Cologne Gazette
says that neither criminal nor civil pro
cedure is applicable to the case of Klein in
America. It only remains for Germany to
bring evidence against him before the tri
bunal of Apia, including the American
It may be assumed that when Herr Steu
bel. the newly appointed German Consul,
arrives in Apia, satisfaction will be de
manded from Mataafa.
Death of nn Original Crusader.
Mrs. M. Cool, one of the original Crusa
ders, and a leader among temperance peo
ple, died at her home on Marion street yes
terday morning. Moorhead Union 'W. C.
T. IT., appointed a committee last night to
secure a suitable floral tribute to be sent to
the grave.
The Hospltalltv of the Capital Busted Bim.
New York Sun.l
Bob "Why, Fred, what's become of your
watch and diamond ring?
Fred Oh, I attended the inauguration
and was obliged to stay a night at a "Wash
ington hotel.
River Telegrams.
Bbownsvtlm River 5 feet 9 Inches and
falling. Weather clear. Thermometer 60 at
4 P.M.
Warren River 38-10 feet and stationary.
Weather clear and warm.
Mosoantown River 4 feet 6 inches ancl
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 68
A List of the Prohibition Campaign Gnth
erings of a Single Sunday Earnestness
on all Sands.
Grand "Worthy Chief Templar A. H. Les
lie and Kev. G. S. Bettes were the princi
pal speakers at the Opera House Union
temperance meeting last evening. It was a
well attended, enthusiastic meeting, .in
which the saloon was arraigned as the chief
factor in turning out criminals. If Mr.
Bettes were a saloon keeper, he said, he
wonld take his license to heaven when he
died and present it as his certificate of good
character indorsed by ministers, lawyers,
business men and mechanics who voie'd to
have that license issued. &
Bier. J. B. Koehne made an address for
the collection, in the course of which he
said the liquor men were fighting hard for
success. The baskets yielded well. After
the meeting over 200 pledges were obtained.
A Constitutional amendment mass meet
ing was held in the "Walton M. E. Church,
Southside, last night. The church was filled
with the sympathizers of the movement.
The choir of the chnrch furnished some spe
cial music. Eev. B. B. "Wilburn, the pas
tor of the church, opened the meeting with
prayer, and introduced "Wm.M. Price, Esq.,
who said that as long as the people of Penn
sylvania tolerated the liquor traffic they en
couraged the saloon keeper, engaged in a
business that took bread from the mouths of
hungry children, and made murderers of
Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held
at Moorhead Hall, on Grant street, in the
interest of the Constitutional amendment.
The hall was crowded to the entrance door,
the great majority of the audience being
mill men, and the best possible class of
men that the adherents of prohibition want
to talk to. It was announced that Colonel
"W. D. Moore would address the meeting,
but for some reason he did not appear. Mrs.
E. H. Jones, however, took charge of the
speech making, and, after reading a
Scripture lesson, she and Bev. Josephns
Cheaney made short addresses in their
earnest and well-known manner.
Mrs. B. H. Jones also conducted a meet
ing in front of the Southside Market House
yesterday afternoon. About 200 people
listened to the address which was delivered
by Mrs. Jones. Several members of the
Moorhead Gospel Temperance Union were
present and conducted the singing.
The Sons ot Temperance Hall, on Ohio
street, Allegheny, was crowded last night
for the first time since these meetings were
started. John Boggs, Esq., was the princi
pal speaker, and made an earnest address for
the Constitutional amendment.
Moorhead Union, "W. C. T. U., held a
well attended meeting last night. Mrs. M.
G. Allen presided, and speeches were made
by Captain Spohn, J. N. Moreland and
Bev. G. S. Bettes.
The Centenary M. E. Church, on Kirk
patrick street, will organize a branch of the
V. C. T. U. at a meeting to be held in that
chnrch to-night. The pastor, Bev. Mr.
Emerson, will conduct the meetisg, assisted
by Bev. T. J. Leak, of the North Avenue,
Allegheny, Church, and meetings will be
held weetly thereafter.
A Court House Temperance Oration That
Was Cat Singularly Short.
The population of the Fifth avenue hump
was edified yesterday afternoon by a novel
spectacle. Bev. Josephus Cheaney, the
well-known elder, all the way from Texas,
lectured, or began to, ou temperance, about
3 o'clock in the afternoon to a very miscel
laneous audience, which had soon swelled
to about 1,000. Some prominent people
were in the crowd, among them J. B.
Horner, ex-Sheriff Fife, Andrew Bryce, L.
Mooney and H. B. Bentley.
The Court House watchman, who guards
the peace and welfare of that part of the
town, thonght it incumbent npon him to
disperse the meeting for want of official
sanction, whichhedid, and it was adjourned
to the Moorhead building, where proceed
ings were resumed.
Mr. Brvce said last night that he had not
asked for permission for the meeting because
many open air meetings had been held on
Grant street, near the river, without trouble.
An effort will be made to get permission to
hold a meeting next Sunday.
Tho' Pittsburg Fostofflco System Is Now
OfQcially Superior.
Special Inspector C. S. Darby, of "Wash
ington, has been in the city since Friday
examining affairs at the postofSce. In
spector Darby's work is to superintend the
free delivery system, regardless of postoffice
division lines, and with particular attention
to the efforts of the different offices toward
enforcing the eight-hour law.
"With J?. D. Larkin, Superintendent of
Free Delivery in Pittsburg, Inspector
Darby went over the time sheets and papers
of the office, when it w&s found that the
Pittsburg carriers work as follows:
Honrs. Bange.
22 five-trip carriers 8:00 10 JO
3 four-trip carriers 7:43 9:45
7 three-trip carriers 7:30 10;0O
17 two-trip carriers 8:00 10:00
lone-trip carrier 8.00 9:00
2 hotels at nlttht carriers 8.00 8:30
7 collectors G:S3 8:30
The first column shows the actual working
time of the carriers, and the second colnmn
shows the hours from the time of reporting
for duty to the time when relieved, and in
cludes meal hours. The table gives the
record of the 9 carriers at the main office.
They work 8 hours, with short shifts, in a
range of 12 to 14 honrs, and the new New
York system is no better than theirs.
The inspector has authority to change the
system of any office, if he sees proper to do
so. He said he had examined over 70 .
offices, and found Pittsburg running under
a better and more accurate system of free
delivery than any of the others.
Don't forget I The more you Know
Of remedies, the batier health you Keep.
For Relief from INDIGESTION,
And Relieve Sick Headache,
The Surest, the Safest, the Best, the Quick
est, the most Permanent, are
In boxes costing 25 and 0 cents. Mailed any
where on receipt of the money.
DOOL1TTLE & SMITH, Selling Agent,
24 and 26 Tremont St., Boston, Muss.
For Sale by Geo. A. Kelly &. Co., Pittsburg.
What is a cough ? It is an irritation of the
throat and lnngs. What causes it? Conges
tion. Stop.the congestion, the irritation ceases
and the cough is cured. But how to stop the
congestion ! Ah, there is just where physicians
have always been puzzled. But it must be
checked, or pneumonia, quick consumption or
some terrible pulmonary disease will follow.
Some doctors give cod liver oil, others cough
syrups, but the most advanced nrescribe stim
ulants. Nature must be assisted. Pure whis
key will do it. See what physicians say:
Prof. Austin Flint, of Bellevue (Now York)
College, say 8: "The judicious use of alcoholic
stimulants is one of the striking characteristics
of progressin the practice of medicine during
the last half century."
Professor Henry A. Jlott, of New York, says:
"The purity of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey (as
simple analytical tests will readily convince a
physician or an expert) should certainly recom
mend it to the highest public favor."
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a certain cure
and preventive of congestion and should be
kept in every family. It is sold by all druggists
and dealers. Be sure and secure the genuine.
, Sauce.
ial3-7tatwi" "
For Western Pennsyl
vania, West Virginia
and Ohio rain, preceded
oy fair in northern Ohio
and northern PlennsiI
vania; slightly cooler;
variable winds.
POTSBTrBO. March 2L 1883.
The United States Signal Bervlce officer la
this city furnishes the following.
Time. Ther. "'ir
7MA.ir 37 Mean temp
10MT.it. :::.:.:....M Maximum wrap....
1ip. k 1 Minimum temp.... 38
3:00 r. lf Kanfte. ........ ....
5Kr. X 61 Precipitation w
SMr.it 56
Klver at 5 P.M., T. fejl; change In 24hours, a
fall of 0.7 reel.
A Card Which State. That the Writer U op
His Way to Perdition.
New York, March 24. A bridge police
man fonnd an old waistcoat in the middle of
the south roadway at 8.30 o'clock on last Sun
day night. It was ragged and worn. In one
of the pockets was a card on which bad been
scribbled with a pencil this legend:
To be given to J. McCarthy. When yon get this,
McCarthy, I will be In h . J. Squiue.
It was written on tho back of a South street
saloon keeper's business card, and there were
no addresses given. There was nothing else in
the waistcoat. A roundsman went down
to tho saloon keeper's address the
same night and made inquiries there and
throughout the neighborhood. No such
person as McCarthy or Squire could bo
found nor bad anybody ever heard of them.
To-day somebody started a story about shrieks
on the bridge, followed by the plunge of a
body into the water. It had no foundation.
The vest undoubtedly was dropped by some
funny truckman.
Bog Mother, since I have been using WoXff'iA.ema
Blacking my shoes wear longer than ever befaro,and
I never get ray feet wot, but I do not thmk they look
as smooth aa when I first used It.
ibther Indeed, my son, I am Sony you are so care
less. You forget that eTen a good thing is only good
when properly used. You hare not even looked at
tha directions, f or they are yet around the neck of
tha bottle. Howyoumust read them, and they win
get you out of your trouble. Yoor father sad I keep
our ahoes in elegant order by its usat, Insaitabout
once a month and papa about once a week.
Is wondeifnlfpreservlng and Waterproofing
any leather; siring it a deep, rich black
lustre vale" lasts a week. Dodt w ojiaur.
Do not confound ACME Blacking with any other:
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers. Druggists, 4c.
Try ft m your Harness.
WOLFF 4 RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.
prevent tout enjoying tne now weU.
attested benefits of the
"Meal" In
Name, Mature, Results,
as slight familiarity will prore. Re
commended by Prominent Dentists
ererywhere t amonff them Dr.T. B.
Arnold, 127 w. Mth St, N. Y writes :
M It has has no equal for Polishing tha
Teeth and Hardening the Qnms.'
At all Druggists.
Atlantic City.
Now open under old management,
f eZtSl-MWF J. A. REID.
Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath,
houses to let or tor sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO.,
Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law
Building, Atlantic City, N. J. f eli-C-D
On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue.
Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru
ary 9, 1889. '
Salt water baths in the house. Elevator.
mhl9-32-D E. ROBERTS & SONS.
route to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Ss.Werra.Mh23,10AM I SsTrave. Apr. 3, s A. M.
Ss.Saale.Mcb.27,2P.M Ss.Fulda. Apr. 8, 10 A.M.
Ss.Ems.Mh.30,5:30AM Ss.Lahm . Apr.10. 1 P.M.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from J5 upward.
MAXSCHAMBERQ & CO.. Agents, Pitts
burp, Pa.
OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja2S-71-D
State. Line
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage JS5 and SSO. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion St to too.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, New York.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.
Ailantie Express Service.
Steamship "CITr OF KOME," from NewYork,
WEDNESDAY, May J, JlayS, Jnne SB. July:!.
Largest and finest passenger steamer afloat.
Saloon passage, S60 to 8100; second-class, faa.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry. Liver
pool fo0 and ?60. Second-class, $30.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount Issued ar lowest current rat-s.
For books of tours, tickets or further Informa
tion Apply to HENDEJtSON BKOTHEKS. N. Y., or
J. i. MCCOKS11CK, Fonrth and bmlthflcld: A. D.
SCOKEKSON.'U5Smlthfleld St.. Pittsburg; V.
SEIU'LE. Jr., Ib3 Federal t., Allezhenv.
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate, S3U. Steerage, $19.
Passengers by this route are saved the ex-
Sense and inconvenience attending transfer to
Jverpool or from New York.
tell ' I ' Kl JL, ?
fiiuourg. ouuj-TO-ja.wJf
and Neuralgia-
These twin diseases cause untold surf erln?.
Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure-
so do tneirpauenia. .rauics
Celery compound has per
manently cured the worst
cases of rheumatism and
neuralgia so say those who
have used It.
"Havtaff been troubled
with rheumatism at the knee
and foot for Ave years, I was
almost unable to get around,
and was very often confined
to my bed for weeks at a
time. I used only one bot
na. nf Time's celerr Com-
ff ft tv pound, and was perfectly
ii cureo i ran uu j""
U around, and feel as lively aa
if l a boy." FnisrCiMLi..
B Eureka, Nevada. .
"Falne's Celery Compound has been a God ,
send to me. For the past two years I have sue
fered with neuralgia of the heart, doctor after
doctorfaningtocure me. I have now takea
neariyiour bottles ot the Compound, and am
free from the complaint. I feel very grateful
to you." Cms. H. Lewis, central Village, CU .,
Celery Compound1-
"I have been greatly afflicted with, acuta r?
rheumatism, and could find no relief until I , J
used Fame's Celery Compound- After nslnz v '
ax bottles of this medicine I am now cured of,
rheumatic troubles." J,
Samum. Hbtchinsox, So. Comlsh, N. H. ' ' -
Effects Lasting Cures. t
Palne'sCeleryCompoundhasperfonnedmany s?,
other cures as marvelous as these. copies of l
letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, -ij
does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire
ly, vegetable; a child can take It. What's ther
use of suffering longer with rheumatism or,.;
neuralgia? i t
JL00. Six for $3.00. Druggists. "'
Mammoth testimonial paper free.
WEiis;EiciUEi)SONCo.,Props.,Burllngton,Vt i
DIAMOND DYES 0,., them any other Dyes.
BAB I CO Happy, Hearty. It is Vnequaled.
J. B. Golden. 5102 Butler street.
city, says: "I was able to throw
away my crutches after using one
half a bottle of tho Anchor Rheu
matic Remedy. I consider my euro
marvelous and heartily indorse
the remedy." Price o0c.
Vr'e would be clad to have you
give the Anchor Sarsaparilla a trial. 'Tls the
ideal blood purifier, and is especially adapted
enriching the blood and invigorating the sys
tem. Our Beef. Wine andlon Is also meeting tho
wants of the public 'Tis he best tonic in tho
market, and we confidently recommend ltaa
such. Our price of each 75 cents; six bottles H.
No. 410 Smithfisld St.
CAPITAL. - - - - S200.000 00."
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest
mh22-95-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
Capital, $100,000, with privilege of 500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, 3.600.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERY ". President
W.J.BURNS Vice President
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
ML"Dni IC and mental diseases, physical
ItLII V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf nlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue.moutb, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange
U III IN An I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. Sundiv,
10 A. M. to 1 P. JI. only. DR. WHITTIER, 9J0
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. feS-6-Dsuw
ERGY and strength secured by using Am
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for tbe permanent cure of im
potency, no matter how long standing.seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for $1;
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
every purchase of six boxes at one time we will
S've'a written guarantee to refund the money
the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only bj
JOSEPH FLEMING.. 84 Market street, Pitts
burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-kSGoiWTSa
All forms of Delicate and Corn
pli.catcd Diseases requiring CoN
fidestiai. and SCTESTiinn
Medication are treated at this Dispensary with
a success rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake is a
member of the Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, and is tbe oldest and most expe
rienced Specialist in the city. Special atten
tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive
mental exertion, Indiscretions of youth, eta.
causing -physical and mental decay, lack of
energy, despondency; etc.: also Cancers, Old
Sores, Fits, Piles. Rheumatism, and all diseases
of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs,
etc Consultation free and strictly confiden
tial. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. jr.; faun
days. 2 to 4 P. 31. only. Call at office or address
S. K. LAKE.M. D., M. R. C. P.S..orE.J.
Lake, M. D. sel-lM-Jiwrwk
Gran's Sveciftc Medicine.
XDY. An unfail
ing cure for
Seminal Weak
ness. Sperma
torrhea, lm po
tency, and all
diseases that
follow as a se
quence of Self
Abnse: as loss
sitnue. i-ain in the Dace, mmness ui . '"". -mature
Old Age and many other dlscaes that lead
to Insanity or Consumption and a frematurs
49-Full particulars In onr pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mall to every one. aa-Tha
Specific Medicine Is sold brail druggists at St per
package, or six packages for s or will be sent free
by mall ou the receipt of the money, by addressing
THEGRAY MEBIC1NECO., lluaalo. H. Y.-
Yellow 1
Sold 1
l account of counterfeits, we have adopted the.
low Wrapper: the only genuine. ,. -, J
Id In nttsbnrg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner?'
Smlthfleld and Liberty streets.
muli-kii .
manhood .etc. I will iienda Taluabla treatise aeald)
containing full particulars for home cure, tna St
rHUTi r w i-wT ! nwwwvy Willi JK
4 '
i A'uwmimunA - m
-'., A i&tS M