I fje BippI4 ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 184& Vol.41 No . Entered at Pittsburg Postomce. November II, 18S7, as second-class matter. Business Offlce97 and 09 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average circulation of the dally edition of The DUpatch for six months ending March 1, 1SS9, 27,988 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of tho Sunday edition of The Dispatch for February, 1SS9, 45,144 Copies per lsnc. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTACE rCKK IN THE CSITED STATES. DAILTDISPATcn. One car ... 8 00 Daily DibPATCii, Per Quarter S 00 Daily Dispatch, One jionih n Daily Dispatch. Including bandar, one j ear MOD Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, per quarter 2 SO Daily DisrATCH, Including bunday, one month 90 ECJ.TJAY Dispatch, oneyear 2 60 eekly Dispatch, one jear 1 25 The Daily DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or Including the bunday edition. at 20 cents per week PITTSBURG, MONDAY, MAR. 25, 1SS9. To First of April Movers. . Persons chancing their residence at the first of April or before, can have The Dispatch delivered at their new addresses by ordering through postal card, telephone or in person at the Fifth avenne office. THE JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT. Political circles at "Washington are full of gossip about the nomination of a succes sor to Justice Matthews, with some of the reports involving a.recast of the Cabinet, It is safe to say that the people who put out the statements have about as clear an ideaof what is going to be done as any reader of The Dispatch, and but little more. No indication has yet been given by the 'Presi dent of his course, and probably the first authoritative information will be when the nomination is sent to the Senate. The very wide mention of Judge Gres ham's name is simply a recognition of his independence and high qualities. If the selection is made solely on that basis, there would scarcely be any room for question that Gresham would be the appointee. His nomination would be not only in accordance with the public interest, but it would be good politics in the interests of the Presi dent. It would consolidate factional ele ments in Indiana and give the administra tion strength throughout the country. But factional jealousy is strong and the corporation interests are stronger. The ability of the President to rise above these influences is likely to be tested in this ap pointment. THE "GROUPED" BATE OK COAL. The Inte-State Commerce Commission's decision on the coal case against the Pitts burg and Lake Erie Railroad decides in favor oi the "grouped" rate which the rail roads of this section have established for all mines within a radius of forty miles from this city. This is a complicated question, and one on which a wide variety of opinion is likely to be held. Evidently the group ing of rates is a necessity to a certain ex tent; and probably the great majority of the mining interests here will indorse the ar rangement of the railroads and the decision of the commission supporting it. Xct it is evident that the line must be drawn some where, and that distance as an element ot cost in transportation must be taken into account. "When one mine is charged as much for a haul of 110 miles as another for a haul of 140 miles, thete seems to be room for question whether the proper relations be tween cost of service and charges are pre served. A NEW BAILB0AD. The report that a new railroad is to be built from Pittsburg to Wheeling, there to connect with the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad, receives authoritative confirma tion in our local columns' this morning. It proves that, notwithstanding the efforts of the trunk line combination to shut off new connections from Pittsburg, its magnificent qualities as a freight producer draw all the lines which come within reach of it to a final connection here. The new line opens up a route to the lakes which, though too circuitous to be a very powerful factor in active competition, may be ot use. It gives better connections for westward shipments, and its work in open ing up the oil and gas section between here and Wheeling is positive. In all these re spects it will have its value and should be encouraged by the city. But Pittsburg's greatest interest lies in the securing of the new Eastern connections of which it was robbed by the strangling of the South Penn. Our business men should give their attention to making up that lack and providing terminal facilities for all futUre roads that may desire to come here. CUBIOSITIES OF LEGISLATION. The efforts of legislators to provide for the public weal sometimes lead to astonishing results, and none are more astonishing than those occasionally produced by verbal in accuracies. Some years ago the Maine Leg islature passed a law to provide for the kill ing of old and worn-out animals, and then by defining the word "animals" to comprise "every living creature," included old men and women among those to be killed off when they became decrepit. We are glad to say that the regulation has not been en forced; but it is noted that the Nebraska Legislature has rivaled that piece of states manship. It has passed a law forbidding the discharge of firearms on the highways "except to destroy some wild, ferocious and dangerous beast, or an officer in discharge of his duty." The juxtaposition of thetno classes does not seem to give Nebraska of ficers a very good character, but, whatever their offenses, they seem likely to be pun ished by making them legalized targets for Nebraska pistol practice. ANOMALIES IN THE MEAT TRADE. A rather novel feature of the dressed beef and live stock dispute has grown out of the laws which hare been received with some favor by the Colorado and New Mexico Legislatures prohibiting the sale of dressed beef. These measures provoke the retort from the Xansas City Journal: "If Kansas City dressed- beef is not good enough for Colorado consumers, then are Colorado bul locks good enough 'for Kansas City packers?" Of course the intimation of a boycott by -Kansas City packers against the cattle of any especial locality is all nonsense. If the packers can buy Colorado cattle cheaply they will buy them, boycott or nb boycott. It they cannot make money by buying them they will not do so. But it is a vital part of the whole matter that if the legisla tion against dressed beef as widely urged, is inforced throughout the country the market for Colorado, New Mexico and Montana cat tle will bo generally cut off. The economy in transportation of dressed beef enables the meat supply of the East to come from those distant territories. Without that economy, the market for the cattle of those sections must be diminished very decidedly. But this reveals another anomaly. What is the basis on which dressed beef is sold in the very States which "ship away an im mense surplus oi live stock? The saving in cost of transportation would, under normal condition:, warrant the killing of cattle in those States and the entire shipment by re frigerator cars. But when cattle are shipped East five hundred or a thousand miles, and the dressed beef shipped back again, at an expense which can be entirely saved by killing the local supply on the spot, thero is prima facie evidence of something ab normal in the conditions. The presumption is that extraordinary favors to thedressed-becf interest by the railroads, combine with ex traordinarily exorbitant charges by local butchers to produce this singular result. The evident interest of both stock raisers and consumers is that all should be given equal chances to compete in the dressed beef business, in which case establish ments will be located wherever they can be carried on most economically. But the present tendency in the West is directly op posite, and is likely to destroy the market lor Western cattle. A REMARKABLE DEFENSE. The ceiling investigation at Albany had reached a point where it became necessary for Speaker Tremont Cole to make the most unique defense of his reputation that has been heard for a long time. The investi gating committee discovered traces of a considerable sum of money in Mr. Cole's possession last fall, and commenced making inquiries about it. This led the Speaker to make a personal explanation on the floor of the House, in which he reprobated such prying into his private affairs, and indig nantly repudiated the idea that he got this money from the ceiling contractors. To show the falsity of the charge, he told whence the money did come. The State Committee, recognizing "that we had a large vote that is questionable, sent a large amount of money into my county," of which I was the recipient and disburser. The illustration of the demoralization of New York politics, could hardly go further than to present the Speaker of the popular branch of the New York Legislature in the attitude of repelling the charge that he got the money as a bribe, by the undisguised avowal that he used it for bribery. Per haps Mr. Cole is right in in preferring to put himself on record as the agent, rather than the subject of political corruption; and .in that light it is hardly correct to say, as the New York Herald does, that he has jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. But it is a terrible commentary on the politics of the day, when the best defense a leading legislator can make in the law making body, is to explain that the sus picious funds were in his possession for the purpose of corrupting voters. THE BABD IN CHICAGO. The course of true culture in Chicago never runs smooth. The Philistines, who are as frequently found in the pulpits of her churches as in the sweet areas other stock yards, are continually trying to rupture the coupling between Chicago and Art. It is very hard on An because somehow she is never allowed to get quite away from Chi cago. The latest painful incident of this kind is the united declaration ot a number of Chicago's Methodist ministers that " Shakespeare is a nasty old thing." The reverend critic who delivered the keynote of this denunciation of the world's greatest poet is the Bev. John O. Foster. "! Men were present, we are told, who are fond of books, but no protest came from them when itwas declared that Shakespeare ought to be shelved as an indecent and valuelesst book of the world. It may be, however, that good will come of this. Many will be tempted to read Shakespeare just to see if it is as bad as alleged. So Chicago may acquire culture yet by the very stupidity of some of her teachers. The death of Mr. John Scott, Receiver and President of the Allegheny Valley Bailroad, removes from our city one of its leading and most active business men. Mr. Scott's work for some years past lying in the charge of a corporate enterprise that was straggling under adverse circumstances has not been very easy; but his personal abilities and business character kept him in a leading position, and won the esteem and confidence bfalL Pittsburg's business cir cles will share the bereavement with his family and large circle of personal friends. It is amusing to read in journals of the stamp of tne Nashville American, such pleasant little assertions as that " 'Yankee tolerance' is a synonym for all that is little, narrow, arrogant, envious, cruel and ma licious," and then to hear Southerners ac cusing the North of cherishing "sectional hatred." The justice of providing fully against discriminations in railroad rates within the State, is indisputable. The requirement is also placed in the Constitution of the State; and therefore there ought to be no donbt about the passage of Mr. Wherry's bill, or some other measure for that purpose. But action on similar measures, has made it tolerably clear that whers corporations are concerned, this Legislature regards the Constitution as a barren ideality. Tee indorsements of Colonel Grant's ap pointment are varied, but most of them unique. The most unquestionable of them comes from the Chicago Tunes, which de clares that Colonel Grant will certainly make an envoy extraordinary. It must be rather surprising to the read ers of the usually accurate Philadelphia Telegraph to read its editorial reference, In connection with appointments to the United States Supreme Court, to Chief Justice Poller's appointment "as the single ap pointment to this high court that fell to Mr. Cleveland." Perhaps the Telegraph means to insinuate that Lamar does not make enough of a Judge to be worth mentioning u Cleveland's appointee. The mountain regions of Pennsylvania and Kentucky are furnishing more than their fair share of outlawries and violence to the public just at present. After all that has said about it, it is necessary to point out that notwithstanding the outspoken charge of Jndge Cunning ham, the grand jury of Conway county, Arkansas, has adjourned without finding any indictments either jor the ballot-box robberies at Plummerville or for the assas sination of John M. Clayton. This does THE not promise very much for the suppression of political crime in that section. Washin gtojt advices are clearly to the effect that some one will be appointed to the vacancy on the Supreme Bench if John C. New does not object too strenuously. The statement that Sir Charles Russell, the great English lawyer, beats Chief Jus tice Fuller's record by the possession of thirteen daughters, evokes the suggestion from a cotemporary that the two legal luminaries ought to get up "a daughter trust." A course more fitted to their es pecial exigencies would be to form a society for the encouragement of elopements. PUBLIC PEOPLE PARAGRAPHED. Sejatob Vaxce has only one eye now, but his friends say that he sees the fanny side of things as well as ever. Mr. George B. Lake, just elected Bute Superintendent of Pcblio Instruction in Ne braska,isa graduate ot Dartmouth College, Chandler Scientlflo Department, class of 1S67. Three popular Washington belles will soon go to the altar. Margueretta Cameron, Dorothy Phillips and Jean Matthews will marry re spectively William Clark, of Newark, N. J., Judge Hilton's son and Justice Gray. When Lord Beaconsficld was on his way hack from the Congress of Berlin, heremarked to a friend: "I shall not last long. When I am gone, Lord Salisbury ought to be leader. And in his nephew you will find a second Pitt." The nephew, of course, is Mr. Balfour. Little Marshall. P. WiLDERbas returned to New York froma successful tourin the West. In Chicago one night last week he made up as Coquelin to act as a super in the mob of "Paul Kauvar." When the supers saw him they howled with merriment, and the wrath of the stage manager found vent in a summary eject ment of the little joker. Wilder says that he thinks the manager was jealous of blm, "as they will not give an American actor a chance in this country." Franklin B. Gowen, ex-President of the Beading Railroad Company, is now devoting himself wholly to his law practice. His hand some face and figure may be seen on Chestnut street, Philadelphia, almost any day, as he is a great walker and seldom lides when he can avoid it. Ho dresses in rich but quiet style and looks as if he hadn't a care in the world. He still has a vigorous opinion about the man agement of the Reading road, but declines all invitations to speak for publication. His gen eral health is good. When Mr. Bayard becameSecretary of State he found just above his desk the portraits of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster and U. S. Grant. The combination did not please him and he banished Webster to an ante room and hung a picture of Mr. Cleveland in the vacant place. When Mr, Blaine came to the desk two weeks ago he louked at the picture of Mr. Cleveland with displeasure. Calling one of his assistants he whispered to him earnestly for a few moments. The following day the face of Cleveland had disappeared and Webster's strong countenance again held the place of honor. CATS IN THE CITIL SERTICE. An Attempt Will be Made to Fnt Them on Government Par Rolls. From the Philadelphia Eecord.3 When the politics of this country are brought down to such a fine point as to give alarm to the cats serving as nightwatchmen in the Phil adelphia postoffice, something must be done soon or the Goddess of Liberty may faint and totter upon her pedestal. No one doubts that the cats are worried as to what will be done for them under the new administration. They have so far refrained from trying to get at Mr. Quay's ear, but if some definite action shall not be taken soon they will, no donbt, take a run down to Washington and call at the White House. When the Republican party was formerly in power the felines had considerable influence, and they managed to lobby through Congress a bill making an appropriation for their main tenance every year. Then they lived in very aristocratic style, and about four nights in the week went out and painted the town in half a dozen shades of crimson. They were always dressed to kill not rats, but cats of the other sex. But then a change came, and one of the first things the Cleveland administaation did was to bounce the cats because they could not pass a civil service examination, and put rat traps in their places. But the cats refused to leave. They shot oil the traps every time they were set, and then caught the rats and ate them. Now that the Republican party is back in power.and as Mr. Blaine is known to be fond of cats, the postoifice felines are looking for a restoration of tbeirappropnation and a change in their menu cards. Speaking on the matter at a late hour last night one of the cats that called at the report er's residence and took up a position on the back fence said he (or she) believed that they would soon be placed upon their former status and fed on catfish and waffles. OTEERUJt BY SCOTCH TERRIERS. A Joke Which Brought Scores of Canine Visitors to a Plilladelphlan'a Door. Philadelphia, March 24. Robert M. Sny der, of Holmesbnrg, a clerk in Internal Reve nue Collector Gerker's office, has for several days been in receipt of numerous letters from friends offering their services in his behalf to have him retained by the new Collector who ever he may be. Mr. Snyder was nonplused to understand why his friends were interesting themselves so mncb, until he finally discovered that the whole affair was a practical joke, hav ing originated in the fertile brain of Charles Key, aiso of Holmcsburg. fanydcr Immediately planned revenge. He in serted an advertisement In one of tho morning Iiapers calling for six Scotch terriers, to be de lvered at Key's residence. The latter has since been overrun with canines of all species and descriptions, and has received bushels of letters offering dogs for sale. One letter was from a lady who stated that she could supply all six of the dogs If Mr. Key uas not particu lar as to sex four of hers being females and two males. BIRDS CADSE A FIRE ALARM. They Stop Up a. Chimney nnd "a Hotel is Filled With Smoke. West Liberty, March 24. By the ringing of the flrebell this morning a large crowd of excited people ran to the hotel 'building owned and run by the GInn Sisters, where smoke was seen coming from all parts of the house, but It proved to not be on lire. It is thought that the English sparrows, which abound in thousands here, had stopped up the flue with rubbish, and were the sole cause of the excitement. But little damage was done outside of a good scare. UETEE SAW A TRAIN BEFORE. A Youth Views the Cars Tor the First Time nnd Disappears. Lancaster, March 24. A. M. Zimmerman, aged 19 years, camo to town with his father yesterday. He had never seen a railroad train before, and was given permi'sion to go to the railroad, while his father attended to some business. He failed to return to his father, and his disappearance is a mystery that has not yet been solved. The police have scoured the ton, but can find no trace of him. A L0XG JOURNEY AL0KE. A Ten-Tear-Old Travels 'From Hungary to Cleveland Entirely Unattended. New Yore, March 21 Among the immi grants who arrived at Castlo Garden to-day was a little girl wearing a tag on which was written: "Susie Ivan Yak, 10 years old. Please help this child reach her brother, Andrew Yak, No..407 Hamilton street, Cleveland, O." She had come all the way from Hungary alone, and was duly forwarded this evening by the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. Bnseball In Scotland. From the Chicago Times. The clrcnmnavlcatlng aggregations have been showing the Scotch people how to play baseball. When "the baby" muffed a ball the pawkio Scots shouted: "Hoots awa' man can ye no grup it, ye wuckle coo?" Chicago Detectives. From the Pioneer Press.; Tis when they draw quite near to him, They droop in dire dismay; Jut It's always, always Tascott, Right thousand miles away. PITTSBURG DISPA.TOH, O'URJEN-BAIN G0S&IP. Vice Fresldent Morton's Experience as & Presiding Officer The Army of Office Seekers Not nn Average Indlanlan Harrison is Not Making Promises. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Washington, March 21 There has been a great deal of quiet hilarity on the floor of the Senate since the extra session began over the timidity of Vice President Morton as a presid ing officer. No one feels Inclined to poke fun at tho Vlco President, for everyone on the floor of the Senate has a kindly feeling for him and everyone appreciates the difficulty under which he labors in trying to fill without experience the place of so able a parliamentarian as Senator Ingalls. But the hesitancy and the extreme diffidence of Mr. Morton in the ebair are at times very amusing. Mr. Morton is entirely ignorant of the forms of speech used by the presiding officer in laying papers before the Senate or In putting notions. He does not seem to pick them up with any degree of ease either, and the clerks at the desk in front of him are kept busy prompting him. Secretary McCook, whose duties are not usually of an onerous character, is under the necessity of staying in the Senate chamber most of the time to be ready with a missing word or an unaccustomed but necessary phrase. He sits on one side and Chief Clerk Johnson and Reading Clerk Gilfrey on the other, and in regular alternation they supply the Vice President with the language appropriate to whatever occasion may arise. When formal announcement is to be made, Mr. Morton has It written out for him in advance, and he reads it in a rather diffluent manner from a paper be fore him. If he has to appoint a committee, he reads the announcement as well as the names of the committeemen from the slip of paper which has been has been prepared for him. When a motion is made he goes through the form of putting it to the Senate in a series of short, jerky phrases. For example, Mr. Sher man moves that the Senate proceed to the cpn slderationof the proposed change In rule 11 The announcement proceeds from the presid ing officer in this fashion: ... A Popular Presiding Officer. Mr. Morton The Senator from Ohio mores that the Senate Secretary McCook Proceed - Mr. Morton Proceed to the-; Mr. Johnson Consideration Mr. Morton Consideration of tho Mr. Gilfrey Proposed change Mr. Morton Proposed change in the rules. (Rising and addressing the Senate in an appeal ing manner.) Senators in favor of in the affirmative will please say aye (in a tone of deep entreaty); Senators In the negative, no. No one responds to either appeal. . Mr. Morton The ayes appear to have it The ayes have it. . Mr. Morton seems to be afraid to make a noise of any character, and when he does suc ceed in making himself heard he seems sur prised at his own temerity. He brings down the travel on the desk before him in a gentle manner, as though he 1 eared to aronse some one, and when headdresses the Senate it is in an apologetic tone, which Is in strong contrast with the emphatic manner of Senator Ingalls. Notwithstanding the little peculiarities inci dent to his initiation into the office of presid ing officer of the Senate, Mr. Morton is very popular with the men over whose deliberations he presides. The fact that he forgets their names and the States from which they ball creates no prejudice in their minds. They admire his business ability and his manner in social intercourse; and in spite of his timidity and diffidence in the chair, they say that Mr. Morton can be as firm in refusing a "small loan" to an indigent Senator as be is reluctant to call that Senator to order when he is in the chair. They Want to See Quay. All tbroughonttheextrasession of the Senate the corridors of the Capitol have swarmed with office seekers and their friends awaiting infor mation about appointments and seeking out Senators whose influence they wish to obtain. Senator Quay is one of the most popular men in the Senate just now, and his secretary, Frank Willing Leach, sirs all day with a pile ot letters two Inches thick In front of him. try ing to dictate answers to them and at the. same time to answer the questions of a line of im portunate men who want to know where the junior Senator from Pennsylvania Is to he, found. Senator Quay has In his list ten appli cants for every office in the gift of the Presi dent. . He Was Privileged. A letter was published in the Chicago Times not long ago telling of the respect with which all Indiana people Were greeted at the White House and of the army of Hooslers that be sieged the Executive Mansion. Evidently the writer thought that there was some unjust dis crimination practiced, and he seemed to feel particularly aggrieved at the reception ac corded "a Colonel Heath, of Indianapolis." He did not know, apparently, that Colonel Heath was the correspondent of the Indianap olis Journal, President Harrison's 'original organ, and ot the New York Prat, and that to Mr. Heath, as much as to any newspaper editor or correspondent. General Harrison owed his nomination. And. further, the correspondent knew nothing of the peculiar conditions nnder which Colonel Heath visited the White House on that day. It had been the practice of Colonel Heath to walk silently into the White House, slip Into the private room of Secretary Halford, and there arrange a brief conversation with the President whenever he desired to talk with him. But one day Colonel Heath tired of his greatness and freedom at the White House. He determined to seek a new "Arabian Nights" adventure, and disguising himself as "P. S. Heath, of Indiana," to see how quickly his commanding presence would obtain for him access to the President's library. In other words, after seeing day by day the throng of eager office seekers awaiting an audience. Col onel Heath made up his mind he would know how it was himself. Accordingly, he went to the Executive mansion and oresented his card to the doorkeeper with the information that he would like to see the President. The doorkeeper took the card and placed it care fully on the top of his desk. Then he sat and hummed "Sweet Violets" while Colonel Heath paced tho Hall and grew nervous, wondering why that card did not go In Fifteen minutes elapsed. Colonel Heath had worn a pathway down the hall. His nerves could stand the pressure no longer. He stopped in front of the doorkeeper and addressed him: "Has that card gone in yet?" he said. Th doorkeeper stopped humming. "Not yet," he said; and then be hummed again. "Why don't you take it in?" said the Colonel. 'The President has just got through the Cabinet meeting," said the doorkeeper. "He doesn't want to be disturbed." "You had better take it in," said the Colonel, and he resumed his tigerish pace. The door keeper .fat unmoved. Ten minutes more elapeed. Then the Colonel went to the door keeper with a look of determination on his face. This waiting like common people was giowing monotonous. There was not one-balf tbo fun in It that he had thought there would be. 'Look here," he said to the doorkeeper, "Yon take that card in to the President. I will be responsible if. there Is any trouble. You take It in." The doorkeeper looked dubious, for a minute. Then be went Into the President's room, twist ing the card between his fingers. Colonel Heath, expecting that he would be several minutes getting an answer, walked into the of fice of SecretaryHalford. He bad just shaken bands with Mr. Halford, when the doorkeeper shot through the door into the hall. Colonel Heath was not there. He left the door stand ing wide open and made a dash for the door of Secretary Halford's office. He grasped Colonel Heath with an evident desire to transport him immediately into the presence of the President, At the same time the door leading from the President's room into tne office ot the secretary was opened and thePresldentnimself appeared and extended his hand to the colonel All of this display was calculated to inspiro the on lookers with a sense of the importance of the average Indianlan. But Colonel Heath is not an average Indianlan. i Harrison Won't-MnUo Promises. President Harrison has manlfestedjone strik ing peculiarity in dealing with office seekers. He refuses to promise appointments. When he gets ready to appoint a man he makes out the commission and sends it to the Senate, but until he is ready to sign tho commission he will make no promises and give no definite as surances. This is very unpleasant for the office seekers, but It is -a measure of protection for the President. A peculiar case was laid be fore him a few days ago. It was the case of a man now holding office who was willing to re sign if a Republican who was highly recom mended for the position was appointed to suc ceed him. He handed his conditional resigna tion to a friend of the aspirant, who came with it to Washington and saw the President. He explained the conditions nnder which the resignation was given and said that there was practically no opposition to his Republican friend. The resignation of the incumbent would relieve the administration of some em barrassment, as the office was well managed and there was no excuse for a change. The President) took the papers and said that the matter would have early attention. "But wjll you make the appointment?" said the ambassador. "I cannot promise that," said the President, 'Iwitliot promise anything. There are men going dround Washington to-day saying that GrantQied to them, and .Hayes lied to them, and Garfield lied to them. They shall never say .that Harrison lied tp them. J , W SW.-1AU.I MONDAY, MAR0H' 25, SINGULARTtESEiNTMENT. A Father Who Didn't Speak to HlsDaagfater for Flftr Tears. Baluetvum:, Pa., March 21 Fifty years ago James Martin, a well-to-do farmer living near this place, refused to purchase his 15-year-old daughter a dress that she very much cov eted, on the plea that he could not afford it. It was a few days before St Valentino's Day. The daughter was a quick-tempered girl and took her father's refusal to purchase her the dress much to heart On St Valentine's Day Farmer Martin took from the village postoffice a valentine addressed to him In his daughter's handwriting. Itwasarough caricature, repre senting a miser counting and gloating over his money. There lived in the neighborhood a man of that kind. He had a niece whom he treated brutally. When Farmer Martin looked at his valentine he showed It to his wife, simply re marking that he had not expected such a bitter and uncalled-for insult from their child. Mr. Martin took the girl to task about it The daughter at oncedeclarcd that she hadnot sent the valentine to her father, but, on the contrary had mailed him a very complimentary one. entitled "TheHonest Farmer," it having been her custom since she was a little child to send him a valentine every year. Tbo old miser's niece had obtained the valentine Farm er Martin received to send to ber uncle. Farm er Martin's daughter was with her when she bought it The two girls had sealed'thelr val entines at the same time, and the Martin girl took them both and addressed tbem. In doing so she got them mixed, and sent the misers Valentino to her father. In spite of all explanation. Farmer Martin could not be brought to believe his daughter's story. From that day he never spoke to her. She narried and lived on a farm adjoining ber father's. With her husband and her children Farmer Martin was on the kindest and most familiar terms, but he never noticed his daughter. Last week he died. He left an estate valued at $15,000. To bis aged widow he left $30,000. To his son-in-law he bequeathed the remainder of the estate, provided he sur vived his wife, the farmer's daughter. If the son-in-law died first then the 315,000 was to be divided among his three children. To his daughter Farmer Martin bequeathed "a pack age to be found in his trunk, tied with a green ribbon, and sealed with green wax." When this was opened it was found to be tne unfor tunate valentine that had caused the extraor dinary estrangement of the farmer and his daughter 0 years ago. SEEKING A LOST SISTER. The Search, Began la 1872, Is Still Kept Up Fruitlessly. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Netjt York, March 21 For five years James J. Hughes, a young man employed in the com posing room of the Catholic News, has been trying to get some news of a sister whom he has never seen. In all that time he has written over GOO letters to different parts of the coun try and received but a single answer, and even this one didn't given him any clew. In 1864, Mary Augusta Landon. then a girl of 15, left her home in this city where she lived with her mother and stepfather, and went to Pittsfield, Mass., to learn the dressmaking business. She never returned to New York, but from Pittsfield went to Bennington, Vt, to live with Miss Kate Harrington, an aunt She wrote letters home at odd intervals to her step father, but in 1872 the letters suddenly ceased, and nothing more was ever beard from her by her family. Her last letter intimated that there was some great trouble distressing her, but she did not tell what it was. About six years ago ber step father, the father of the young man who is now searching for her, met Myron Landon on Fifth avenue. He is an uncle of the missing woman. They had not seen each other In ten years. "I have news for yon," said Landon; "Mary is still alive and is married to the cashier of a bank in Holyoke or Pittsfield." Landon could give no further information, and all inquiries whlcb Mr. Hughes made at the time proved fruitless. In 1884 Mrs. Hughes died. Just before her death she exacted a promise from her son James that he would spare no efforts to find his sister. This promise he has faithfully kept, and for years he has written letter after letter to bank officers and others in Massachusetts and other. States who, he thought, might be able to give him some clew. He has written, be 'says, as many as 25 and 30 letters on a Sunday, in which he has told again and again the story of his sister's disappearance, and the promise given to his dying mother, and now, after five years of fruitless Work of this sort, he is about ready to give up his task disheartened. QUEER DEMANDS OF CRANES. - - ..... - "" T Uncle Sam Asked to Give Away Land, Oxen and Scrap Books. Washington, March 21 The newly-organized Department of Agriculture, while it Is one pf the most interesting departments of the Government so far as its work is concerned, does not possess much attraction for the avarage visitor, unless be is interested in some of the experiments which are constantly being carried on there. Probably no other office is so bothered by cranks. Several days ago a request was received for a yoke of oxen, a horse, cow, wagon, plow and a complete agricultural outfit of the latest ap proved patterns from a modest farmer. In ad dition to stocking a farm for him, he asked the Department to give him an order on the Gen eral Land Office for 160 acres of land on which to place his outfit when he received it A Vir ginian, with a theory for the manipulation of rain storms, isa frequent visitor. His ideals to havo balloons carrying cannon, sent up into the cloud and fired. In order to produce rain, and he bases the feasibilitv of his theory on the fact that after every great battle rain has followed. The officials tell a good story on one of the clerks, who formerly attended to tho cor respondence. It happened one day that the mail was very light the only letter being a re quest for an agricultural report Not having anything else to do, the clerk wrote a long let ter to the applicant, which was a model of rhetoric. lie informed the applicant that the department had been in operation for some years, and consequently had issued a great many reports, both monthly and annually. If be would specify which particular one he de sired the office would take pleasure in comply ing with his request, etc The letter evidently riled the man whb received it, for this was his answer: "I have your letter. I don'tcaread what year It Is. I want It for a scrap-book. " INTOXICATED BY WATER. New Facts In Alcoholic Ilerldlty Somo Remarkable Cnscs. From the Fopular Science Monthly.! A prominent military man who had drank moderately during the war and had abstained from that time on, while attending a dinner with his old comrades, where most of them were intoxicated, suddenly became hilarious, made a foolish speech and settled back in his chair in a drunken state, and was finally taken home quite stupid. He had not drank any spirits, and had only used coffee and water, and yet he had all the symptoms of the others, only his was intoxication from contagion the favorinc soil had been prepared long ago in the army. Another case was that of a man who had been an Inebriate years ago, but had reformed. He was recently elected to office and gave a dinner to some friends. Among them was a physician, who had been greatly interested in these studies. He sent me a long report, the substance of which was this: On the occasion referred to many of the company became partially intoxicated, and the host who drank nothing bnt water, became hilarious and finally stupid with tbem. Ho was put to bed with every sign of intoxication, but recovered, ana next morning had only a con fused notion of these events. The third case occurred four years ago. A reformed man of 12 years' sobriety went on a military excursion with a military company, and, although bo drank nothing bnt lemonade, became as much intoxicated as the others. This event was tho subject of much comment and loss to him, socially and otherwise, al though be protested, and others confirmed his statements, that he did not take any spirits at this time. BAILROAD CONSOLIDATION. The Northern Pacific Will Gobble tbo Wis consin Central. Philadelphia, March 24. A reporter ot the Inquirer to-day learned from a well-known railroad man that the Northern Pacific Rail road Company has at last secured control of the Wisconsin Central Railroad, and- through it an entrance to Chicago.' The directors of the company will hold a special meeting In New York on Wednesday to formally approve the lease, but It will be purely a formal matter, as tho directors are a unit on the question, and the company is already in practical control of the Wisconsin Control's lines. HowThry Are tlandlcappcd. From the New Vork World J Certain good women of Washington meet, every day to pray that none but virtuous and" reverent men may be'appointed to office. They are handicapped by the fact that there are 100,000 offices to be filled. 1889. SOME STEANGE BELICS. Mementoes of the Time When Franklin Handled the Malls A Letter on a Shingle The Museum of the P. O. D. When Benjamin Franklin was appointed Postmaster Gei eral of the Colonies in 1775, he went down to the office in Philadelphia, hung bis coat on a peg behind the only door ot the one room which constituted the department, and went to work. He procured a small boost of 63 pages. In which he opened an account with each postmaster for the 40-odd postofflces In the 13 colonies, and kept it himself. Unlike the present Postmaster General, remarks the Washington Pott, the old Pennsylvanlan was not bothered to appoint assistants, and as for clerks, he did not have any. At odd times, and when he was feeling lonesome because some of the neighbors did not come in to bore him to appoint John Smith postmaster at Juniper ville, Franklin would go down to the city post office and assist to make up the raall which left by stage coach every week. In a glass case In. the Postoffice Department the curiosity seeker can see the very old leathern bound book In which Franklin kept the accounts of the Gov ernment The transactfons for three years from 1776 to 1778, inclusive are included in its 53 pages, and the mail transactions seem to have cut but a very Insignificant figure. You can also see the record of the uncalled for or misdirected letters that were returned for tho 11 years from 1777 to 1788. The book covers 44 pages, and during that time 365 letters were re ceived. The number of letters returned to the Dead Letter Office daily now averages 13,000. Revolvers and Reptiles In the Dlalls. The museum of the Dead Letter Office Is one of the most interesting resorts for visitors in the city. Many of the more curious articles that have been sent through the mails and failed to reach their destination have found an abiding place in the three large glass cases that are devoted to their exhibition, while a local auctioneer yearly disposes of thousands of the more commonplace articles that come to that office. The musenm contains some very interesting relics, but one's interest is mainly claimed by seeing bow some people have en deavored to use the malls for the transporta tion of articles that no express company would receive, knowing what they were. A stick of cord wood and a loaded revolver occupy posi tions of honor in close proximity to an alli gator and some snakes, which were alive when the attempt was made to send them. Bread must have been scarce at one time, or the sender had a hungry friend, for somebody mailed a loaf of bread, which is now one of the relics of the museum. A Love Letter on n Shingle. Some rural swain, who evidently lived in a section of the country where paper was a luxury, indited a loving epistle to bis best girl on a shingle. Whether the girl still looks for the letter that never came is a question. At all events, the postoffice officials never found ber to make tho delivery. An Indian scalp, a bottled centipede and a hitching post form a trinity ot curios, while a skull that never found an owner makes the background for the most miscellaneous collection of old combs that was ever gotten together. An old mall bag stained with blood tells the story of the faithful de votion to duty which he sealed with his life of an Arizona mail carrier who was killed by Apache Indians in 1885. A Relic of n Tragedy. An envelope bearing the inscription, "This contains my hair. Chas. G.Guiteau," recalls the tragedy of July 2, 1881. There are any number of other curious mementoes that never reached the parties for whom they were intended. One room in the Postoffice Department Is seldom frequented by strangers. It contains samples of all tho locks ever used by the department for the letter boxes and mail pouches. The first lock ever used was in 1812, and so far as outward appearances go, differs but little from the present style of lock. In the mechanism is where the improvement has been made, and the vigilant Cerberus who has charge of the exhibit will not allow you to examine the work ings of the lock. A Colored Mao's Great Invention. There are also three cases fitted with rejected locks, somo of tbem very ingenious, of all shapes and sizes. Probably the most ingenious lock over made was offered the department by a Texas negro. It is a flat piece of wood, with a staple on one side and a crank somewhat sim ilar to that nsed on a fishing reel on the other. The crank is the key, and yon conld turn all day without opening the lock, unless you knew the combination. When Mali Bags Were Few. There are also on exhibition the different va rieties of ma)l pouches. The office uses 25 dif ferent styles, some leather and some bagging. There are two old leathern bags, "gopher bags" they are called, that were nsed in 1835. At that time the mail was carried on the boot ot a stage coach, and one of these pouches car ried all the mall that went from New York to the South. To-day the Southern mail requires thousands of pouches. SOON TO SLEEP FOREVER. The Famous Slumberer of Attica, N. Y., Nearlng Death's Door. (SPECIAL TZXXGKAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Attica, N. Y March 21 Mrs. Emma Alt house, the sleeping woman, Is believed to be in a dying condition by her relatives. Her last long trance was six days, and since reviving from that she has had several shorter ones. The woman Is so weak that she cannot commu nicate with her attendants, and is unable to do the slightest thing to help herself. She is worse now than she has been, and her relatives think that the end is very near. THE LAST WAR HORSE DEAD. The Pet of an Ohio Regiment Expires at the Age of Thirty-Seven. Fremont, O., March 21 General R. P. Buckland's famous war horse Barney died to day at the age of 37. The faithful animal was in many of the principal engagements of the Rebellion, and received several wounds. He has ever since been tenderly cared for, and has been a pet of the boys of the Seventy-second Regiment The horse was probably the only one living that had been in the war. That. Puzzle Again. From the Chicago Tribune. "Goodbjt Vm gone!" 'Twas the voice of Grover, "I'll stay away Till the craze Is overl" r And he's fleeing South From the pigs in clover. A Sliding Scale Wanted. From the St. Pknl Globe.'! There would be little objection to increasing the pay of Congressmen If a scale of service could he established. One who earned nothing should be paid accordingly. A few should have 110,000, or more. Ten cents would be a. high appraisement of a good many. When Terrible Examples Abound. From the New YorkTclcgram.i Kate Field is lecturing on prohibition at Washington. Kate should pick a time when both branches of Congress are in full blast THE COMING OF THE SPRING' There's something in the air ( That's new and sweet and rare A scent of summer things, A whirr as if of wings. There's something, too, that's new In the color of the blue That's In the morning sky, Before the sun Is high. And though, on plain and hill 'lis winter, winter still. There's something seems to say That winter's had Its day. And all this changing tint, This whispering stir, and hint Of bud and bloom and wing, Is the coming of the spring. And to-morrow or to-day The brooks will break away From their Icy, frown sleep, And run and laugh and leap. And the next thing, In the woods, The catkins In their hoods Of for and ilk will stand, A sturdy little band. And the tassels soft and fine Of the hazel will untwine, And tho elder branches BhoV Their hnds against the mow. So, silently but swift Above the wintry drift The' long days gain and gain, Until, on hill and plain, Once more and yet once more Xeturnlngas before. We see the bloom of birth Make young again the earth. Nora Firry, in XouWs Companion. YESTERDAY'S DISPATCH. Brief Summary ot Lending Features of the Mammoth Doablo Number. The week just closed was f nil of turmoil and trouble for the British Parliament Govern ment organs-continue to talk of unanimity and harmony In the Cabinet, say that the Ministry is determined to fight home rule at any cost An American named Fletcher is astonishing London by wonderful experiments In hypno tism. The conduct of the Prince of Wales at York has been severely censured by the press and tbe people. Queen Victoria is in bad spirits, having caught a cold at Biarritz. The visit of Count Herbert Bismarck to England is regarded as one of great political significance. It is announced that the Samoan conference will De postponed, probably until May. to await the outcome of the Count's mission. The Senate confirmed tbe nomination of WhltelawRcid as Minister to France, though a number of Democrats tried to prevent such action. Fred Grant's nomination was con firmed without opposition. Corporal Tanner, who is to become Commissioner of Pensions, is the happiest man in Washington. Another having proved futile. Count di Montercole sailed for Europe. Mrs. Cleveland's dally life daring robbery Is reported in tho vi cinity of Unlontown; the whole county is thoroughly alarmed, all efforts to capture the gang of desperadoes in the metropolis was pleasingly sketched by a correspondent Ex-Presldeni Cleveland has arrived in Cuba and was heartily welcomed by the Governor General. Welsh tin plate makers talk of forming a trust u. A colored man named Lee, employed at tbe Black Diamond Steel Works, was fatally shot by Charles Allen at 2 o'clock yesterday morn ing. Thomas Atterbury. Sr., says the suit brought against the Mouongabela Water Com pany is a scheme to squeeze money from the corporation, and predicts Its complete failure. A business man of Sab Antonio talked inter estingly In regard to tbe demand for Pittsburg products in the South. A special article pre sented the results of some novel experiments with the phonograph. The sporting review was complete and newsy, as usual. A correspondent gave a humorous account of a game of ball played by the Amer ican team in Auckland. The teams abroad met English players and had an exciting game of ronnders at Liverpool The manner of playing this ancient game was fully explained. The usual departments, Olive Logan's enter taining letter from Washington and much in teresting special correspondence were also in cluded in the first eight pages. m. In the second part Frank G. Carpenter graph ically described tbe largest Chinese opium den in the world. J. W. Breen contributed a valu able paper on the art of money-making; Bill Nye sketched some of tho peculiarities of great men of bis acquaintance; Captain King con tributed another chapter, recounting exciting adventures among tbe Sioux; "The Lily of Rochon" was brought near its conclusion; Havana and its Interesting sights were de scribed by Beverly Crump, while a pretty pic ture of Florida, the land of roses, was furnished by M. M. "A Clergyman" and Rev. George Hodges furnished several colnmns of sound religious discourse, and Gail Hamilton con trasted the agnostic and the Christian creed. Mary Gay Humphries' paper dealt with a sub ject of particular interest at this season the Interior decoration of houses. Bessie Bramble, Clara Belle, Evelyn Malcom. Blakely Hall and Henry Haynie also discussed various interest ing themes. Theatrical and society gossip, military, Grand Army and secret society news, art notes, market reports, etc, were other features of an excellent number of a great newspaper. A SMART WOMAN OP SETENTI. An Aged Connecticut Lady Cleverly Captures a Bold Barglar. WATEBBTnrr, Conn., March 21 In a hand some mansion on Church street lives Mrs. Olive M. Elton, relict of the Hon. John P. Elton, mother of ex-Senator James S. Elton, and one of the wealthiest persons in the city. Although she is over 70 years old no one but her maid servant remains in the house with her. At an early hour this morning her maid came to horcbamber saving, she heard a noise below. Without the slightest hesitation the old lady slipped on a wrapper and hurried down to the pantry where the silver Is kept There she made out the figure of a man. "What do yon want here," she asked from the hall door. All was still Bhe locked the door and in a low voice summoned the police by telephone. One officer entered, leaving two outside to cut off retreat As the officer en tered tbe kitchen his light was extinguished, but he successfully grappled with his man. His name is Morris Mansfield, a workman, whose home is In a remote quarter of the town. In court Mansfield said he had mistaken the mansion for his house, and had broken a win dow and crawled In as the door was locked. He was bound over to Superior Court for burglary. PATABLE ON RESURRECTION DAT. An Uncertain Period Set for the Pnyment of an Obligation. Brooklyn, March 24. An application was made yesterday in the Supremo Court to have the case of tbe assignment of Henry Ruppel to George James Johnson transferred to the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Mr. Johnson, who lives in Greenpoint, makes some qneer charges. He declares that Mr. Ruppel got possession of the bouse 60 Bemsen street by fraud, and he also makes this picnliar allegation In the complaint he has filed: "And this complainant demands of this honorable Court that Herman Michael Her berg shall produce that check that Herman and Michael Herbert gave to Christina Ruppel payable on the day of resurrection, and placed in tbe coffin. She died May 26, 1872, and Henry Ruppel says she did not have It Who then didr Justice Cullen has not given any decision in the case. The complainant does not tell of the consideration for which tbe check was given. Two Krmarkable Tnicotts. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Dr. Alvin Tascott of Connecticut a Yale man of the class of '26, says that be reads 100 lines of Homer every night to go to sleep on. But that is nothing to tbe achievement of our Chicago Tascott Every night before he goes to sleep be dodges SCO detectives and refuses 150,000 in cash. Mr. Wntterson's Love for Pennsylvania. From tbe Louisville Courler-Journal.l A part of Scranton, Pa., is built over a mine, and some of the Scrantonlans are now surprised to find their houses sinking or getting out of plumb. The Pennsylvanlan will gradually learn that he cannot, at the same time, have all that is in the earth and all that is on top of it He's Bound to bo Heard. From the Kansas City Star.i A Neosho man bas invented a new kind of ear trumpet by the nseof which a very deaf person can be made to bear tbe very slightest whispers. It is understood that ChannceyL Filley is going to try it on President Harrison. PACTS AND FIGURES. Leather belts run with grain side to the pulley will drive 30 per cent more than if run with flesh side. The arrivals of immigrants at Castle Garden during the past six months show a decrease of 21,500 compared with the same months last year The anthracite coal production this year up to the latest advices foots up 4,370,722 tons, an increase of 281,763 tons over the like period last year. The average price of 14 of the principal Bos ton copper stocks is over 20 points below tbe highest average of 1888, tbe decline rep resenting a loss ot upward of S19.C00.000 in value. v The average natural-age of tho oak is from 1500 to 2,000 years: of the elm, 330 to 500 years; the maple, 600 to 800 years; the yew, 2,500 to 3,000; the cedar, 800; linden', 1,200 and the cy press 350 years. The shipments of oil from the port of Phila delphia last week were the largest ever before experienced, being 4,S65,928 gallons, and since January 1 they were 25,762,810 gallons, as com pared with 19,113, 006 gallons for the correspond, ing period last year. Competent experts estimate that nearly if not quite S3O,OuO,00O will be spent for newspaper advertising in the United States during the year 1889; and that over five times that amount will be diverted into the coffers of those manu facturers and firms who advertise, that would otherwise go Into the hap-hazzard channels of chance trade. CUKI0DS COKDENSATIOSSJ There are 623 newspapers and periodi cals published in foreign languages in this re public Fully 20O persons in Fairfield county, Connecticut are engaged In trapping skunks for their skins. Miss Braddon has written over 50 novels in which she bas given tbe world of fictIon,It is said, more than 500 characters. It Is said th3t a Georgia man committed forgery becouse starvation stared him in the face, and then starved himself because the for gery stared him in the face. A. hint that the silly season is coming around is given in the story from Yonngstown, O., that a turtle which disappeared last July has been found alive in the craw of a chicken. There is a superstition among miners that every ten years rich diggings will be dis covered somewhere. The record so far Is Cali fornia. 1849: Pike's Peak, 1859; Nevada, 1869; Leadville, 1879. Out near San Diego, in California, where there is much coarse sand rock, covered by, a tbln lajer of soil, the experiment Is being tried of blasting holes into which to plant shade and fruit trees. "" A lady of Albany, Ga., who went over to Nassau, purchased a pink pearl from i native for J10. Upon her return to America she wrote to a leading jeweler in New York,., clvlng the size of the jewel. He offered her JoOOforit She refused to sell. " ' Thirty-eight years ago Mrs. Frank Bur nett, of MInden, Mich., lost a pail ol butter In the well. A few days azo it was determined to dig the well deeper, and quite an amountof tba butter was found. It ! white but still solid, ana the butter flavor is plainly discernible. - - ' Joseph F. Young, of Augusta, is tfia owner of one of the smallest dogs In Maine. He Is a cross between a ratter and a spaniel both his parents having been extremely diminutive.' Though now 4 months old the little canine weighs bnt 24 ounces and is lost in the pocket of an ordinary overcoat Middletown, N. Y., has a blind nan, who buys and sells horses with good judg ment, after carefully feeling the animal over with his hands. He can take care of his horses and hitch up a team almost as readily as any man in his employ. He once, unattended, made the trip to New York City. There is an organ belonging to a family in Waynesboro, Ga,, whose keys are touched by unseen fingers. A few evenings ago, the gentleman of the house says, dellzhtful strains of music were heard issuing from this organ, and bis curiosity prompted him to investigate, but tbe music ceased. as soon as be entered the room. The ladies of Texas are making a hugs map, drawn on canvas, with all the 264 counties of the State laid off. One county, Tom Green, is larger than the entire States of Massachu setts and Connecticut combined. The name of each county will be worked with soraebeauti- . f ul prodnct made in the connty. The map will be exhibited in the Texas Spring Palace to be built at Fort Worth. A case of horse resurrection has come to light in Newburg,N.Y. Ahorse died, appar ently, on Thursday, and was buried beneath a pile of rubbish until an "equine undertaker" could be summoned to remove it to the bone factory. On Saturday removal was attempted. A rope was fastened to the animal and on the first pull it arose to its feet and frisked its tail Now the equine is seen drawing garbage on the streets. Prof. Kirchoff, of Halle, estimates that the language most spoken on the globe, for the last 1,000 years at least is Chinese, for it is, without doubt, the only one which is talked by over 400,000,000 of the human race; the next language most In nse (but at a verv great dis tance behind Chinese) being Hindustani, spoken by over 100,000,000. Then follow En glish (spoken by about 100,000,000). Russian (over 70,000.000). German (over 51006,000) and Spanish (over 47,000,000). Thomas Harris, a queer old recluse who recently died intestate, in China, St Clair county, Michigan, leavinjt an estate of 25,000 or 30,000, which may possibly escheat to the State, owned a good farm house, but he kept his wool in the parlor, his grain in the bed rooms, and slept in a wagon box on tbe kitchen floor, using an old sail for a coverlid, and a counle of sheepskins for a pillow. The Judge of Probate i trying his best to find If Harris bas any legal heirs, but with no success thus far. In Dalmatia chrysanthemums are large ly cultivated to supply chemists with the sub stance from which the well known "Dalmatian insect powder'is1 made. The Island of Lestna. is the chief seat of cultivation, and the flower most generally grown Is C. Cineraricetolium Trev. It Is said that no other local crop pays so well the product of a single acre of ground selling for from 500 to 1.500, and tbe Govern ment yearly distributes plants at very low rates in order that the industry may be still further developed. The fruit of the banana is the least valuable part of the tree. The fiber, which in some countries ispermitted to goto waste, is of value. Throughout Central America and the continent of Africa it is used, with only the preparation of drying, for sewing threads and fishing nets. The threads are of silky fineness, and It was thought that as an article of com- merceitwouldpayto import in large quanti ties. A firm in Bradford, England, having got possession of some of the fiber, wove a quantity v of handkerchiefs from it that for delicacy of finish and strength were unexcelled. With a silky sheen and remarkably fine web such arti cles would have obtained a ready market bnt it was found that tbe mode of obtaining the fiber by the natives was too slow, and until some machine was invented to strip the fiber quickly tbe small quantity would be of practi cally no use. As a Florida steamer was going around abend in Dunn's creek it struck a huee alli gator near alarge floating Island. The captain noticed that this particular 'island was rather large, but paid no attention to It for an oppo sition steamer was crowding him and be conld not afford to check up. The boat struck the floating Island with terrible force, breaking her bow stem and shattered tbe boat considerably. The passengers were terribly frightened and the ladles ran about asking in pitiful tones for help, and it toolc several minutes for the crew to quiet those frantic passengers. An invest!- atlonwas made. The creek was red with lood and the snorting In the water terrific. It turned out that the supposed island- was noth ing more than a huge alligator; whose back was covered over with bonnets and water lilies, re sembling an Island, obstructing the hide of the saurian from view. SIFTED AND SORTED. When Stanley is found he -will be a seen It lie old maa. We 'bear and read remarkable stories about cats abandoning their kittens and raising motherless papules or squirrels, but ln,Texas not long since a mule raised a giown man 11 feet, without any apparent effort At the Theatre. Miss Jones (to Smith, who has Just been out to see a man) You ought to go once more and toboggan. little. Why so? Because they say it takes away one's breath. One of the Congressional districts in Texas Is so large that when a candidate travels through It the suffragans at one end of It hare got sober before he bas been able to enthuse at the other end. The Prohibition candidate suffers a great deal durlngtthe canvass. Adding Insult to Injury. Hatter I've got no uso for young Snobberly. Friend What has he been doing? I met him the other day and" be .didn't take off his hat to me. I didn't mind that so much If he hadn't been owing me for that Identical hat How They Hade It TJp. They are newly married, but they quarrel over a trifle She will go home to her mother "Stay, dearestt"-Bat she won't stay He weeps A sadden thought strikes him "I have tickets for Barnum's show." "Oh, tieorgel George! How good you are!" Beeoncillatioo. Fully Justified. Judge Yon assaultedf' this man seemingly without any provocation. Prisoner Without any provocation! V hy,yourv Honor, we were talking about the acqnlttalJ,of'" Mr. Rerr. and he said It was as sad an a-kerr-ance aa he ever remembered. ' He said that? Mr. Sheriff, take luto custody the policeman who arrested this worthy gentleman. Yon can go, sir. $A A Gross Injustice. Pastor How is your son coming onr I've not seen blm lately. 3K Parent-Pretty well. ., Li I hope he Is not showing any signs or becoming fast as Is so frequently the case with boys In large cities. a-msS Fast? Why. parson, he's a messenger' boy. Don't (lander the poor boy that way. ' "j -s I beg pardon. Excuse me. I had no Idea' that he was paralyzed- ("' A Harmonious Couple. First clubfian So Prince Alexander of Battenbnrg has married an opera singer- Second club min Yes, and he Is so poor and so mncb In debt that she wilt be obliged to resume her profession. - t Funny. Isn't It? u i b.r What? ,- n ?XV That she has to take np her notes so as to enable him to take up his notes. " S: ., AUrom Texas Sifting t. jt j .. " -,. A":iT.'"iv tji a. -if j.t & j r- jj?" -m -. "T. -. v4 "k"&) jj-i y. h vf.i r". ?&-9 ". i, JKiiiS t u.-SafcJteilfA v WQk . , MlTP't- ttst&s- j ,. v. to J-r utBaLXuslHSsiiiKsVsb'BidswsiBslH