rrJ:f A NATION'S ORE SECT. Bishop Andrews, in a Dedication, .Predicts Catholic Absorption BI THE PUBLIC SCHOOL MEDIUM. The Bplendid Kew M.E. Church in the West End Dedicated. SETEEAL TEE! IlirEESSITE SERVICES It was a beautiful early spring morning and this may in a measure hare accounted lor the large attendance at the dedicatory services of the West End M. E. Church, on South Main street. The church is a stone structure with a large auditorium and Sun day school annex. These were thrown into one room and every seat was occupied. The interior is very pretty, and its beauty was heightened by the addition of pots of plants and jars of flowers placed about the altar. The services were commenced by the choir rendering an anthem. The usual de votional exercises followed. Bishop E. G. Andrews delivered a sermon on the growth of the church. His remarks were interest ing, and some of his views were rather startling, especially those on Catholicism. A report of it follows: Has ever progress-been more steady than that which has marked the advance of Chris tianity? Great nations have come to call them selves Christians. We have Christian art. Christian morality and Christian love. Such facts as these have in themsehes the potency of a mighty revolution. Yet there are men who say although Christianity hs had such a won derful advancement, that some system, will be adopted which will adapt itself better to the wants and advanced ideas of man, and Chris tianity will be relecated to the past. EXTBEMES TO BE AVOIDED. We must not be too optimistic in our views, nor too pessimistic. Both arise from the tem perament of the man. I find it to be the case that the man who is pessimistic in the church is usually the man who has the most cause to lament his experience. Within a centurv the growth of this country lias increased from 4,000.000 to probably 6a. 000.000 a people who are charged with elec trical forces which quiver and move under the touch of Christianity. In less than a century a new island-continent has been added to Christianity. In my boyhood days I often read of convicts being transported to Botany Bay. The discovery of gold in Australia changed all this, and we may expect the growth of another great Christian continent. More than a century ago, when George "Washington was on tbciU-starredBraddock expedition, there was added, partially for good reasons and partly for bad, a vast domain in the Mediterranean basin, of 230,000.000 people, which is slowly becoming as grand as it erer was under the sway of the Roman Emperors. Japan has adopted the rule of dating its chronological events from the birth of Christ, as we do. This is another step in advance. Azain, we have the growth of Russia, from a small country to the vast empire of to-day, which is gradually spreading the Christian religion through the Eastern empires. At the time of the Reformation the guns of the Turks, with their Mohammedan religion, were thundering at the gates of Vienna, while to-day Turkey is known as the "Sick Man of Europe," and is only kept alive because Europe's Western powers do not know what to do with its effects should it die. CLOUDS HAVE EOLLED AWAY. A century ago portentous clonds hung above the horizon, and it was feared that the bar barism would crush civilization. To-day the clouds are dispelled, and we only fear that the Christian nation will not act honestly toward weaker nations and thus call down the wrath of God upon them. This fight between Christianity and its ad versaries is an old one. It is only a part of the early experience of the growth of the church. From the beginning Christianity has had a bit ter conflict. The modern arguments against the church to-day are only new forms of attack by an old enemy. Bishop Andrews then reviewed the argu ments of the philosophers of the past cent ury, and pointed out how they are now gradually declining and new ideas taking their places, which will in turn.rise and de cline as their predecessors. He begged that no Christian ministers would decry the study ot science, asit would in the end be found that Christianity and science will march side by side. Continuing, he said: There is a vast amount of infidelity, and a vast amount of sin; but I believe that God's sun never shone on a better day in America than it does to-day. The growth of the Chris tian church within the past 100 years has been wonderful. . The Dranches of Christendom are: First, the Greek church. In this religion there is a con junction of btate and religion, which is always detrimental to Christianity. Second, in the Roman church, making a distinction between the papal people and the rulers of the church. I can see but little hope for the power of the latter. These mandates are each year more and more disobeyed. The old doctrine of the In fallibility of the Pope and the immaculate con ception, once so firmly believed, is 2JOAV BEING DOUBTED, and Its upholders are scoffed. The former have shaken off their bonds, and to-day Protestants may preach the word in Italy and Spain, which but a few years ago would have been severely Sunished. This has happened in our day. lany more incidents similar to the few I have mentioned could be related In America we have great reason for vigi lance, and possibly in the end sacrifice; but to dav I have but little to fear. This Roman church Is losing continually and unmeasurably. If they continue to keep their children in our public schools, even if they are not taught Protestantism, the children cannot help but breathe the air of America's freedom, and can not help but become Americans; and if so, they will become Protestants. The Immigration which is now 'pouring into our gateways consists of many Protestants. If we but take care of ourselves, and continue our labors, it cannot be otherwise than that America must and will become entirely a Prot estant conntrv. The speaker then reviewed the growth of the Protestant church, and the advance ment of more Christ-like ideas, and closed with a very optimistic prediction as to the future greatness of this church and Chris tianity. Mr. George B. Johnston, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, read a , statement of the expenditures on this church. Its total cost was $42,890. Of this amount $25,890 had been paid, leaving a balance due of $17,000. This amount was divided into 1,700 shares of 510 each, payable in two years on month ly installments. Shares may be purchased from 1 to 500. Certificates of stock will be issued to subscribers by the Board of Trus tees. AS INDEFATIGABLE PASTOR. Much credit is due Rev. H. C. Bcacom, pastor of the church, through whose individ ual efforts much of the necessary money was collected and the structure erected. A platform meeting was held in the after noon. Addresses were made by Kev. J. IT. Miles, presiding elder of the Pittsburg dis trict; B. T. Miller, D. D.; Bishop Andrews and H. L. Chaplain, D. D. With the ex ception of Bishop Andrews the speakers were former pastors of the church. Their remarks were of a congratulatory nature. Efforts were also made by them in their re marks to obtain subscriptions. C. 2f. Smith, D.D.. editor of the Pittsburg Christian Advocate, delivered an address in the evening. The solemn dedicatory ser vices of the Methodist Cnurch were con ducted bv Bishop Andrews at this session, and the church was formally given over to worship of God. During the dav almost $10,000 was raised by subscription," leaving the actual debt of the church now about $7,000. Don't spend yonr money without reflec tion, you can buy Salvation Oil for 25 cents. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 2U. DAN7IGEE & SHOENBEEG, Sixth st. and Penn are. Look at our line of 50c dress goods, latest spring colorings in variegated stripes and plaldi, with plains to match. iwrsu Huocs & Hacks. The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever nhown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 20. IMKziaen & Sjiokxhero, BizUt it and Penn are. ar E0ADS TO BE ELECTRUUD. A Prediction That Half a Dbzen Street Rail wnya Will Soon be Changed. General Superintendent L. Blackwell, of the Bentley-Knight electric street railway system, is credited with having said, while in this city a day or two ago, that no more -local street railways would adopt the trac tion system, owing to its enormous expense, but that nearly all of them would, without a doubt, soon be operating on the Bentley Knicht plan the system now in use on the Observatorv hill line in Allegheny. Colonel James Andrews is now in Boston investigating the system for application to the Pleasant Valley line here; the reorgan ized Second avenue company is also figur ing on its adoption; likewise the Western avenue line, the Pittsburg and Birmingham and Allegheny's contemplated Crosstown road. FANATICISM IN CHDECH. Its Work Hai Done More Barm Than Good Among Christians. The talk of the Kev. E. P. Cowan, of the Third Church, Sixth avenue, upon "Fanati cism," dwelt entirely upon the zealous, the enthusiast and the fanatic. The last named, he said,di d more harm than good, for he had passed the limit of sound reasoning, and was urged on by blind insanity. He touched upon the fanatic in history, and closed with an eloquent plea for the real earnest Christian. An Influential Guest. In catching public interest Deceit is seldom winner; You'll have conviction for your guest When there are facts for dinner. If your anxiety is caused by sickness it can be set at rest only by such facts as these: Dks. Stakkey & Pales: "I hadpleuro pneumonia. Your Compound Oxygen Treat ment cured me.'" Jos. S. Hoakd, A o. 67 Main St, Mansfield, Pa. DBS. Starkey fc Palxn: "Ssince using your Compound Oxygen Treat ment my lungs are sound and well." W. B. Hinton, Smlthville, Ga. Drs. Starkey & Palen's office records show over 15,000 different cases in which their Com pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by physicians in their practice and Dy invalids in dependently in cases of consumption, bron chitis, asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration,rheumatism, neuralgia, and all com plaints of a chronic nature. Their brochure of 200 pages will be forwarded free of charge to anv one addressing DBS. Stakket fc Palen, 1529 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. at rA Hundred Tons oi Money. It hardly seems possible that the money paid in one month for a 10-cent article could, if pen nies were used in payment, weigh 100 tons. Yet one of our bright schoolboys has figured that this is true of Diamond Dyes. To jndge from the stocks of our dealers in dye stuffs. Diamond Dyes own the field of package dyes, and are a complete success. Of course they have imitators. "Nothing is a success until imitated." But no one wants to risk a counter feit when the genuine can be obtained at the same price. Three new colors have lately been added to the list of Diamond Dyes: Fast stock ing b'ack. Turkey red for cotton and brown for cotton. The manufacturers, Wells,Rlchardson Co.,Burlington,Vt,will send colored samples of these new dyes, with book of directions, to any address, free of charge. These additions seem to have made the line so complete that any shade can be matched with some color of Dia mond Dyes. The beautiful sample book of shaded colors, lately sent to all dealers in dyes, wnll delight the eye of any lady. "It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes," is so absolutely true that home dyeing is no longer a difficult and disagreeable task. Almanacs, with their hints as to proper times for different work, tell us that now is the time for spring dyeing. This, together with the thought of that 100 tons of money, leads us to ask what schoolboy can fig ure how many thousands of ladies are now saying that this is the time to use Diamond Dyes. India Silks. Onr stock of new figured India silks is particularly attractive both in novelty of designs and colorings as well as in the ex tent of assortment We speciallv mention onr 27 in. 75c grade, the actual value of which is $1 25 pr. yd. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st. and Penn ave. Divorces are Often Cansed By raffled tempers. Unfiled tempers come from trying to bake during moving time. Don't run the risk of wrecking your happi ness but older Marvin's bread from your grocer. A single trial will convince you of its superiority over all other makes. mwsu S. S. Marvin & Co. Ladies Jackets, Ladles' Jackets. The best line of jackets we have yet shown, plain and braided. All prices from $5 to ?20 each. A choice line of the new di rectoire coats just received. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursdav and Fridav, March 28 and 29. Dauziger & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st. and Penn ave. Divorces are Often Caused By ruffled tempers. Ruffled tempers come from trying to bake during moving time. Don't run the risk of wrecking yonr happi ness, but order Marvin's bread from your grocer. A single trial will convince you of its superiority over all other mal es. mwsu S. S. Martin & Co. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danziger & Shoenberg, Sixth st and Penn ave. Black Goods. The difficulty of getting a black dress that will look really new and -different is easily obviated by a glimpse at our new spring and summer novelties, styles the very new est and prices as reasonable as ever. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danziger & Shoenbeeg, Sixth st and Penn ave. Don't Fail, Rain or Shine. If you want fine phototrraphs of yourself or little ones, cabinets SI 00 per doz. at "Elite Gallerv," 516 Market st, Pittsburg, until May 1, 1889. Wash Goods. American challis, an immense assort ment, large and small designs, beantiful colorings, at 5c, 8c and 20c a yard. MWFbn HUGUS iHACKE. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and.Friday, March 23 and 29. Danziger & Shoenberg, Sixth st and Penn ave. MEETINGS. A MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN City Executive Committee will be held in the Select Council chamber on Monday. March 25. at 70 r. It. WM. FLlNN. W. H. McCLEARY, Chairman. Secretary. mh24-43 NOTICES. Office of Pittbuko Juhction Tekmi- ) nal, Co., v PrrrsBCEO. March 25. 1889. S THE COUPONS FOR INTEREST, DUE April I, prox., on this Company's bonds will be paid upon presentation at the Trades men's National Bank, Pittsbnrc. J. B. WASHINGTON. Treasnrer. mh24-9 Countt Commissioners' Office, i . PrrrfiBunn. March II, 1889. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wlt: MONDAY. MARCH 85, Twentr-ntth ward, Pittsburg. Br order oi County Commissioners. R. E. MKHCER. GEO. Y, McKEE, DANIEL MCWUJJAMB. r. W. SUUMCKT, ClMlc ahU-U X THE tS-Display advertisements one dollar per tquare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, lor Sale, 2b Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser lion, and none taUn or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements arc to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Ths Dis patch. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5o9 Butler street EMIL O. STUCKET, 54th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylie ave. and Fulton st N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4 SHEIBLER,6th av. & Atwood at. SOUTnslDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 69 Federal street H.'J. MCBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street F. H. EGGERS & bON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. AV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'ERRYM. GLEIM. Rebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Heln. -TTr-A-NTED-SALESMEN ATHIMSIELRICH'S, YV 430 and 436 Market st. mh25-15 -TTANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD VV reference as bill clerk. Address, L., Dis patch office, mhi5-13 w ANTED SIX FIKST-CLASS STONE mason to wort on the wall immediately. lyto ANDREWS WARNER, Cadiz, O. 122-S1-D TTANTED-SALESMEN-TO SELL A PAT- TV JiAT ledger, advertising specialties, etc.. to merchants. ;a. W. B. JMiKsmnu, 3outn uena. Ind. mh23-35-eod WANTED-MEN FOR CITY AND SUR ROUNDING towns: fS per week. Apply MR. H1GGINS, Hotel Mahaney, Eleventh street and Liberty ave. mh2-7 WAN TED-BOOKKEEPER-ONE WHO HAS had experience, and Is willing to do gen eral office work; jtl e age and experience. BOX 276, East Liverpool, O. mh24-82 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to sell grocery specialties to retail trade; give experience, amount of sales, with reference. Address GROCERY, Dispatch office. mhI5-l WJ ANTED-LOCAL MANAGER, M.000 A vear: nermanent position: no soliciting or peddling. Applv bv letter to J. STEPHENS, Gen'lil'g'r. 227 Main St., Cincinnati, O. mh3-95-MWT -TT7-ANTED-A YOUNG MAN -WITH GOOD- V V aaaress to assise in saie oi rauroaa ticKeis, having some knowledge of telegraphing. Ad dress, with references, LOCK BOX 635. P. O , city. mh25-20 WANTED AN AMBITIOUS, EARNEST man, located outside principal cities, to represent. In his own locality, a responsible house; good salary, references. MANUFACTURER, Lock box lfilQ, N. Y. OC7-43-M -rjrj-ANTED-FlRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER V and typewriter; yonng man: state speed, experience, present employment, salary ex- Sected; references: answer In own handwriting. TENO, Dispatch office. mh2S-23 -TTANTED-A MARRIED MAN (PROTEST VY ANT) accustomed tofgardenlng and the care of horses and cows: 19 miles from the cttv: refer ence required. Apply at 110 DIAMOND STREET, room 70, before noon on Monday and Tuesdaj, 2ith &nd?Sth Inst- mh24-34 Female Heln. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO WORK ON coats; none but those having experience need apply at 56 THIRD ST., Allegheny. mli24-35 -TTTANTED-GIBL FOR PLAIN COOKING, vV German Protestant preferred, family of 3. Apply to MRS. ABRAHAM KELLER, Penn ave., E. E., city. mh24-36 WANTED-LAD1ES TO SELL OUR HOMEO PATHIC Medicines and Bitters: steady work; can make ?9 to S12 per week. DR. O'KEEFE Jfc CO., 34 Fifth ave. mh25-18 rrxHTEV-i. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER VY to work on fine goods; none but experienced hands need apply; steady work and good wages to the right person. MRS. M. KNEELAND, So. 45 Chlo St., Allegheny. mh24-39 Male and Female Heln. -TTT-ANTED-IMMEDIATELY-FARM HANDS YY and gardeners, man and -wife for farm, house cooks, chambermaids, house girls, laundress, dishwasher, dining room girl, colored girls. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, S4S Grant st. mh25-D TTTANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; ITS PER YV month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell onr goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Inst what we say. Address S1ANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. felS-3-D Situations. WANTED-SrrUATION BY YOUNG MAN: age, 25: sober. Industrious, experienced bookkeeper, salesman and custom cutter; good reference given. Address IHOMAS B. MILLER, Glrardvllle, Pa. mh24-42 Pnrfners. WANTED FREN CH AND GERMAN nurses, chambermaids, coots,. dining room girls, laundress, German gins. 100 honse girls, waiters, white and colored, farm hands, garden ers. MRS. K. THOMPSON, 60S (.rant st. mh24-106-MThS TTANTED-A PARTNER FOR A SUBSTAN Y HAL manufacturing concern In the city, well established and doing a tine business; this Is a rare opening; we are personally acquainted with the paitles and the business, and have pleasure In inviting correspondence and the closest Investiga tion; the firm stands high financially and other wise in everv sense; amount of capital required, (15,000: the party who may be accepted would re quire to take charge of the finances and the office or one of the departments. Particulars confident ially from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-47-MWS Business Chances. WA N T E D MANUFACTURERS S10.000 subsidy, free land and natural gas will be given for a substantial factory. Address LOCK BOX G., Marlon, Ind. nih!9-49 Financial. T7ANTED-MORTGAGES ON PROPERTY IN Yt either cltv: lowest rates of interest. SPEN CER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mh23-7 -TTTANTED RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- YY Ll settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK St. BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D "VTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN V V in sums to suit, at 4, 5 and 6 per cent. er cent. apS-el-D GRAEBING t Liu.i, us it ourtn ave. ap WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over HO00; 4J ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D XTTANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PEOMPT- YV LY; property managed Trlth satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. U19-81 WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL attention given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER & GLOSSER. 419 Smlthfield St. mh23-7 WANTED MORTGAGES IN ANY amounts: 4W to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. JaHW-MTh8 -T7"ANTED-TO LOAN ON MOBTGAGES-1500 YY to o00,000, city or country property. at4, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., L3 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Telephone 975. mb23-46-MWFS -XTTANTED MORTGAGES, LARGE OR Y y small, at 4K to 6 per cent, according to kind and size of mortgage. W. A. HERRON i SONS. 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-1.4,6,8,ll,H,15,18,20,22,35.27,29 -TTTANTED-SIORTGAGES WE CAN LOAN YV In sums of 500 to 20,000 on Pittsburg. Al- leghen) or suburban Improved real estate, at I,wn.t T-t AT.T.YANDER k T.h.TT 313 Wnn1 I street. mb23-31-jrws WANTED TO LOAN $500,000, IN AMOUNTS of 3,00i) and upward, on city and suburban property, on i per cent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 andS per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fonrth.avenne. se21-d28-p TV ANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MOET-flAl.F-S: flOO and unward at 6 ner cent: cvinmnnt iu ner rent on residences or hnHlnivq property; also In adjoining counties. S. H. FREN CH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-rt,000,000TOLOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and aqja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 Bliscellnneoun. -TT7-ANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT YV H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest : remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 630 Smlthfield st. noll-Kwrso W ANTED-ALu APPLICANTS FOR LI rRNMr md their friends to attend th inf. tlon salo ot carpets, curtains, furniture, pianos, engravings, etc., on Wednesday, March 27, at 10 X.M. PITTSBURG AUC1ION AND BTORAUE CO., M Third ave. mh2M4S TTTANTED-HY PEARSON, LEADING I'HO YY TOO KAPH ER, M Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody lo know that he is raaklur fins cabinets it fl to per doten I photos dsUTtfea wtHB promittdt lnttan ummi pro, akhH-w PITTSBUKGr ,- DISPATCH;' WAMKD. BHsccllaneons. WAN TED -BUYERS FOR WATCHES, Jewelry, silverware, clocks: special in ducements; 10 to 20 per cent discount to cash bujers for 15 days unlyy JOHN MITSCH. 130 Federal St.. Allegheny. Pa. mlrZa-MWTSn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-NO. 17 SECOND AVENUE-AT 4,500, lot 20x80 ft, honse of 5 rooms. W. A. HERRON &ASON8, SOFourth avenue. mh20-90- EOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE-5 ROOMS AND finished attic: lot 20x60 reet on Nineteenth St., 8. S. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st, mb23-6 FOR SALE-HOUSE AND "LARGE LOT ON Thirty-eighth St., between Butler st. and Fenn aye ; 7 rooms, hall, cellar, etc.. etc. ; large lot. 55x115 feet; will be sold cheap. JAS. . DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh.fl-49-D FOR SALE THAT LARGE 3-STORY BK1CK dwelling No. 1103 Pike street, Pittsburg, sec ond house east of Eleventh street, formerly used as a hotel: suitable for light manufacturing, stor age or any business requiring railroad facilities being surrounded by freight depots. SAMUEL DYER, 48 Park way, Allegheny. mh23-78 East End Residences. FOR SALE-ON FARRAGUT ST.. AVERY desirable property, house with 8 rooms, hav ing all modern Improvements and good location, adjoining the residence of C. B. Seely: price rea sonable. Inquire of C. B. SEELY, 6017 Penn ave. mnawa-iiwir FOR SALE-M,800, WARD ST., OAKLAND-2-storv and mansard frame dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, inside shut ters, electric bells, natural gas, etc.; nice lot; very good location. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. mhl9-ll-i9,2l,23,z5,27,29 FOB SALE-A NEW QUEEN ANNE RESI DENCE in the East End, contiguous to cable cars and R. R. station; 6 rooms, with bath,', c, natural gas; price only (4,750, on, easy payments; title perfect; Immediate possession. JAS. AV. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-4S-D FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, NO 5871 ELLS WORTH avenue, near Roup station. East End. to be sold by order of the Orphan's Court at public sale on Tuesday. March 26. at 2 o'clock r. M., on the premises. Particulars from JAS. TV. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-48-D TCWR SALE 5,000-0 AKL AND BEAUTIFUL X location, new 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath. Inside w. c, range, pantry, rront and back stairs, sliding doors. Inside shutters, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, front and back porches. A good bargain for buyer acting promptly. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. mhl9-13-20,21,22,25,27,29 TTIOR SALE-A GOOD HOUSEWITH CORNER X? lot. In the East End. Shetland avenue and ATllson street near Lincoln avenue and conven ient to the fine property of Mr. Thos. Armstrong: 6 rooms in house, with reception hall, attic and cellar, etc., etc: fine corner lot, fruit and shade trees, etc.. etc; to be sold at public sale on Mon day, March 25, at 2 o'clock F. M., on the premises; positive sale; owner going to Europe, terms to suit; Immediate possession: title perfect. Partic ulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mb23-49-D FOR SALE-6,250-A CHOICE OAKLAND property, near cable road; handsome modern style brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, laundry, etc.: latest Improved natural gas range; stationary tubs In laundry; patent sani tary w. c.; large bath tub; marble-top stationary washstand: an abundance oftgood large closets, also china and fruit closets; sliding doors, inside shutters, polished plate glass windows; tile vesti bule, tile hearths, natural gas grates, elegant slate mantels and hardwood cabinets; stained glass of very pretty design in vestibule door; chandeliers and gas fixtures; the walls and ceil ings are elaborately decorated with most beantiful designs of modern art; nice large front and rear porches and bay window balcony; flagstones and cement walks; nice lawn; large lot; iron fence; Saved street; both natural and artificial gas. LACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. mhl-10-MTWTF Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-OR TO 'LET-NO. 215 NORTH avenue, fronting the parks, Allegheny, ele f rant new house 12 rooms: latest improvements; ot 26xl30 it. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mh24-H3-MWF , OB SALE IRWIN AVE , ALLEGHENY RES- 1DENCE elegant and well built house of U rooms, all modern conveniences, good stable, etc. lot 40x220 feet; this property Is on the best park mh21-20-p Suburban Residences. ITWR SALE-NEW HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, ATTIC, JD hall, beating and Illuminating gas, water in kitchen, slate mantels, tile hearths, large porch, river view. SAMUEL 8LEETH. Forest street, Avalon station, Ft. Wavne Railway. mb20-42 FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL ESUBURBAN house rn Beaver road, Emsworth, P., It. W. & C R ., only 3 minutes from station: a new frame dwelling of ) rooms, hall, marble vestibule, mar ble andhardwood mantels, natural gas, good well water, large lot 100x250, covered with elegant large trees. This is a bargain. Call at office and see photo. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave mh23-54-D FOR 8ALE OR TO LET-ONE OFTHE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny conntv; the house Is large, containing IS rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandasrit Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will he sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVU.LET.AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 5 .Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. ja!9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. cltv r.ot FOR SALE-LOT 66x110 FEET ON WYLIE ave. and Trent St. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mh23-6 TJIOR SALE-LOT FRONTING 60 FEET ON D Webster ave. and 80 feet on Chauncy st., with 6-room frame house: only 4,000. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. mhS3-fl FORSALE-NO INCREASE OF PRICE OVER a year ago, if sold quick, although the price of property has steadily advanced in the same time all over the city, cheap and desirable build ing lots in the Ruch plan, thirteenth ward, con tiguous to two lines of cable cars; call or send for plans. AV. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. mh7-42-8.11,13,15,18,20,22,25,Z7 East End Lots. TTIOR BALE-ONLY 250 FOR A TRIANGULAR JO lot fronting railroad at Dallas station; come at once as It will sell soon. MELLON BROS . 6349 Station St., E. E. mh22-79 FOR SALE BEAU11FUL LOTS AT SHADY SIDE on Atlantic ave., near Liberty ave ; convenient to station and cable cars. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. m h!9-12-19, 20, 2L 22, 25, 26. 27, 23, 29 TTIOR SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA JD TION, 1. R. R . convenient to steam and street cars, cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 406 to 600. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., EastEnd. no28-y78 F lOR SALE-WHY NOT BE TOUR OWN landlord? Commence now bv bnvlnra40- root lot on a tu-iooi street: nans: oi commerce aa ditlonplan: Brushton station: no city taxes; now Is the time to buy secure plan from JOHN F. BAX1ER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield st. mh24-49-Mwr i . - : - -T- - . rj. ' , FOR SALELINDEN PLAN LOTS; LOTSOV Linden ave. and Hastings street 120 teet deep, for S and 25 per foot front; easy terms; these lots are delightfully located In finest neigh borhood of East End, onlv five mlnntes from either train or cable cars. THOMAS LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh24-UliTWFSSa Allegheny Iiots. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth ward s : on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER.43N. Diamond St. mh7-98-D ITanns. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TWO GOOD farms fronting on R R. and near station. In quiry of JAMES L. ORR, 61 Sandusky street, Al leghenyClty, Pa. mh24-12 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stand. - FOR SALE HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS; the well-known stand of J. J. VEITER, Penn ave. and Seventeeth st. ; est. Jan., 1868; the finest and most complete In the States; an elegant busi ness; immediate possession. mb.24-13 FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A gun and ammunition business; a well-established, growing, vigorous concern; young man with experience In the trade preferred. JAMES AV. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave , Pittsburg. mh23-47-MWS FOR SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of the best thoroughfares in Allegheny; stock and fixtures worth about 3.000: business about 30. 000. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh23-47-MWS FOR SALE-NEAT CIGAR SlORE: GOOD paying small, drygoods and notion store, either would suit lady; stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding houses, hotels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc.; 100 business chances. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. mh8 T7OR BALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GKO Jl CERY business in the city, with a trade of about 30, ouo to 40, 000 annually;stock in good con dition; value about 4,000; will sell on an appraise ment: a good stand and fine opening. JAS. AV. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-49-D FOR SALE-A PLANING MILL BUSINESS, with all necessary machinery, large stock of lumber, etc, etc., In an enterprising manufactur ing town on line of railroad: population about 20,000; value or stock about S3, 000; rent low. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-47-UWS F L1 eeneral store in an active manufacturing town on lino ol railroad, near the city; business about 80, 000 annually and paying well; the pro prietor needs assistance for, office work, and will sell a bair interest on reasonable terms to a com- Jetent man, and no other need apply; this is a rare penlng: none better in the county In this line of business. Particulars given confidentially by JAS. W. DRAPE CO.. Fourth avenue, Pitts burf. - mbK-ff'Mwa MONDAT; MAKQH 25, FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbanrca. FOR SALE-GENTS FURNISHING AND hat store; good location; rent low: fuel and light free. Address HAMMER A CO., Allegheny. mhllMl-MWT TTIOR SALE-A 'RARE CHANCE CONFEC JU TIONKKY and Tobacconist; 12 years stand; house of 4 rooms; rent,12S0. 44ROB1NSON ST., Allegheny. mh25-6 F IOR SALE-MERCHANT TAILOR bTOHE IN rood location? new stock, pood business: satisfactory reasons for sellin g. Address TAI LOR, Dispatch office. jnhl9-41-MWT F IOR SALE-GROCKRY STORE ON CARSON St.. Sonthslde. doincra nice trade: cood six- room dwelling attained: will invoice about 600. J. C. EE1LLY. 77 Diamond st mh22-66-MP FOR SALE-ONE OF THE LARGEST AND best stocks of general hardware, in Rockford, 111. : will invoice about 814,000: best of reasons for selling. Address A. W. COBB, Mineral Point Wis. mb2445 Business Stands. FOR BALE-315 FIFTH AVENUE AT AUC TION ; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 1 o'clock: lot 25 feet wide ln front, 34 feet wide in rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brick dwell ing and store good business stand. A. LEG GATE A SON, Auctioneers. mh20-ll FOR BALE PENN AVENUE PROPERTY. No. 1225, a good lot 25x100 feet with frame dwelling and storeroom thereon, to be sold by order of the Court of Common Pleas on Tuesday morning, March 28. at 11 o'clock, on the premises. Terms, etc , from THOS. PATTERSON, Master, or JAS. V. DHArE&CO.. Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-4S-D EOR SALE-THE CHAUTAUf UA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire furnisbment, head of Lake Chantauqua, Mayville. N. ., at railroad station; 55 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room , billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barber shop, office and barroom: also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel. Icehouse and cooling room; large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings; over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc.: everything in erfect order and in condition to continue the uslness in its usual prosperous state; the most profitable hotel stand on the lake: a rare chance for the right man; can be bought at an Immense bargain: satisfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particulars from JAS. AV. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-47-Jtws Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE, COR. Thirtieth and Spruce sts., 96x100. J. R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave mh24-137 FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP-ONLY 6,500 IF sold at once, on Cherry alley, near Seventh avenue, lot S6x63 feet, a very desirable site for a manufactory or for stable: the dwellings on same are now bringing in a good rent. W. A. HERRON A SONS. No. 80 Fourth avenue. mh22-68-MThr FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOR SALE-ON AVEDNESDAY, MAHCH27, AT 10 A. M., at auction, one horse and spring wagon, brass-mounted harness; must be sold, as the owner Is sick and needs the money. PITTS BURG AUCTION ANDbTORAGECO., 91 Third ave. mh24-143 FOR SALE-HORSES AND AVAGONS AT auction at Bailey's stables, on the gas works lot, Rebecca St., Allegheny, on Monday, March 25. at 2 o'clock. There are two good draught marcs, half Norman; one good bay mare; Iron, spring and rough wagons. A. LEGGATE ASON, Auctioneers. mh22-S3 machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest S rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. l-25Parkway. J.S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF FOR SALE-28X48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 in 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. anl-p32-MWT FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7)$xl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manila rope centrifugal pumps, etc; two 26x4S-inch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor, Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. ia!7-MWT TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-5-ROOM HOUSES WATER IN kitchen: 12 50 per month; Duquesne Heights, near Incline: inquire Third and Duquesne way. D, R. SPEER. mh21-3i TO LET-P7 PER MONTH, NEAT HOUSE 8 rooms and attic: late Improvements; 127 per mo.. No. 188 Bedford ave ; possession may be had at once. AV. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh24-ll2 TO LET-MT. OLIVER-TWO DESIRABLE six-room houses; water, both gases; on Washington ave , adjoining Mt Oliver Incline Station. Inquire AV. S. BARKER, room 4,42)4 Sixth st,, city. mh24-75 T 10 LET HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, BATH, water, nat. eras. etc.. at No. 63 Miller: rent only 28; also 5-roomed house, with 4K acres of ground, in xweniy-inira wara.- j. v. tuann' ROTH, 100 Fourth ave. mb21-80 TO LET-OR FOR SALE A COTTAGE HOUSE on Mount Washington, cor. Gray and Dll worth streets; bas eight rooms, large lot and Is supplied with natural gas and city water. In quire at the ofilce of the PITTSBURG FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12V ood st. mh22-38 East End Residences. TO LET-FRAME DWELLING OF 5 ROOMS on lower end of Larimer avenne East End. Apply to ALEXANDER KING, 138 Fifth avenue. mh24-56 TO LET-SHADYSIDE AND EAST END houses on good streets, of 6 and 7 rooms at 825, 827 and 30 per mo. AV. A. HEBRON ASONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mb24-H2 TO LET-THAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, having all modern Improvements, corner Collins avenue and Broad street, East End. Ap ply to ALEXANDER KIN G, 136 Fifth ave. mh24-56 TO LET-CHEAP-LAKGE HOUSE OF 10 rooms, late Improvements; large yard; cor. property: on Roup st., East End, near steam and cable cars. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh24-112 TO LET OH FOR SALE-NORTH HILAND, East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic; modern improvements: stable and laundry; Iot60xl80. W. D. KING, 64 Fourth avenue. mh21-70 TO LET OR FOR SALE-A RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms, stabling, etc , and 1H acres: abund ance of fruit and shade- one of the most delightful locations in E. E M. P. HOWLEY, 6326 Station St., E. E , or 127 Fourth ave. mhl7-59 TO LET-NEAT NEAV HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS and attic, bath and all the latest conven iences, with city sewerage No. 713 Aiken ave, Shadyslde near steam and cable cars. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. inh21-S5-MThF TO LET-ON SHADY LANE, OPPOSITE Marchand St., brick house ol 9 rooms, w. c, bath, laundry, stationary tubs, good sewerage etc house In perfect repair, inquire, of D. C. KUHN. 6117 Fenn-ave. 'telephone 5018. . mh25-27 a-0 LET-820-BR1CK, 7 ROO'US, FRUIT, . shrubbery, grapes. 2 acres ground, near Lemlugton ave; 75 Brick. 418 Lincoln ave: all modern Improvements, 14 rooms, stable, large lawn; 24 Brick; 6 rooms, halt bath, natural gas, 4 minutes from station and cable: 33 33 Brick; 6 rooms, attic, hotand cold water, w. c: Sheridan ave, two squares from cable cars; 33 33,No. 623 Lincoln ave, 6 rooms, attic, hot and cold water, w. c, natnral gas. JNO. ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. mb24-152 Allegheny Residences. TOLET-IN ALLEGHENY, NEAR THE PARK and street cars, a modern brick house of 9 rooms; the house is new and the equipments mod ern in every respect. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. mh23-30-d TO LET-ON KIRKPATRICK AVE., ALLE GHENY, good brick bouse of 6 rooms and finished attic both gases, w. c, range bathroom, etc.. at 23 per month: no water rent. ALEX ANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. mh23-30-D TO LET-TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING; 8 rooms, hath, laundry, attic; In good order; No. 177 Pennsylvania ave. Allegheny. Apply to MELLOR A HOEN E, 77 Fifth ave., or A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal st , Allegheny. mh24-94 TO LET-18-BRICK HOUSE HALL, SIX rooms, finished attic mansard, water In house stable: McDonald way, off NeW Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal st, Allegheny. mh22-93 Hnzelwopd Residences. TOLET-HAZELAVOODAVE, NEAR HAZ ELAVOOD sta., new house 9 rooms, very latest Improvements; location very desirable: rent reasonable. AV. A. HEBRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. . mh21-84-Mihs Suburban Residences. TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, AVITH GARDEN, stable etc, near Patterson station, P. C. A Y. H E.. and Crafton, P. C. A St. L. R. R. In- Sulre of B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa., orad ress F. C. B1GGERT, Rochester. Pa. mh2l-68 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire onprem lses. or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. roh9-63 Offices. Desk Room. tc. T O LET-A LARGE FRONT OFFICE OR . ,vn. iMWiu, v?i lng; see JANITOR. ucsk itoom, witn best or ugnt; penn Buiid- mnzw TO LET- IN 1HE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D rjlO LET-LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON JL the second and all or third floor of Mellon's building, opposite City Hall, Smlthfield street: good light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MEL LON SON'S BANK, 512 and 514 Smlthfield street mh24-47-uwr T O LET-FOUR OFFICES AT LOW RENT IN GERMANIA HAVINI1H RANK HITir.nTNIl 1 single room 15x20, and 2 connected rooms 20x26 and 16x18, l single room 12x19: these rooms are Liicuuiuiy iii-urea sua veutiiaiea: su lurnisaeu in modern style; walls newly painted and pa percdtpoHeHloaatoBoe. aha-Jo-D 1889; " 4 ,TO LET. ADartmenls. TO LET-A NICE FARS1 NEAR R. B. STA TION. Inquire JAMES L, ORR. 1 San dusky street Allegheny City, Pa. mh24-V2 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS, some four-room fiats, two six and eight-room dwelling houses, some storerooms. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. mh24-114 'I ' ' " ' ' ' ' TO LET-QNE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENTS suitable for light housekeeping, with gas, waterandbath. Apply to J. i. MORROAV, shoestore, 289 Ohio st , Allegheny. mh24-52 Farms. TO LET-THEBEST GARDEN FAHM.ATMC KEE'S Rocks. Inquire No. 633 LIBERTY ST., Pittsburg. mh7-S4-EOD TO LET-A FARM OF 50 ACBE3-AVITH dwelling, outbuildings; bilow Sewlckley, P., n. w. a c it. . ; rent siao. jas. Yi.unA.trcs CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mn23-49-D TO LET OR FOB SALE-150-ACRE FARM, o minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. It. R., Westmoreland co.; 15 acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON, 104 Fourth ave. jalS-30-MWT Business Stands. TO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement, 138 First ave. Inquire of H UNT A CLAPP, 85 Fifth ave. mhl9-44 TO LET -ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND-NO. 173 Fifth ave.,-opp. Court House running through to AVylle ave : new plate glass fronts on both streets; immediate posstsslon; rent low. J. C. REDELY, or ON PREMISES. mhl9-45 TO LET FOUR LARGE WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square feet), tor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as the Cbas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny AVood Carving Co. Ja2325-MW3 TOLET THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent in the new DISPATCH building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents 300. 400 and 1,000 per annum; situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all the public buildings and of the leading DUSiness squares. Apply Dciwecn 11 a. m. anu t p.m. at the NEW ULorjLXja. .ouixi.LJ.Lnur. to. tt and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Special. To let-dwellingslargeand;small, in both cities and suburbs; call or send for printed list free. AV. A. HERRON A SONS. SO Fourth ave. mhl-38-MWT riAO LET -OUR "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO 1 FORE Issued from our office Is now pub lished every AVednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) in The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. , mh8-58-MTTP PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL-AVHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now ready, lelephone 15o3. mh8 LOST. LOST-GOLD SPECTACLES-ON AVEDNES DAY, March 20, between Calvary Church, East Liberty and Homcwood station. A liberal reward will be given for their return toH. R. SCULLY, 124 Fourth ave. mh24-23 FOUND. FOUND-SPRING THE BESTTIME TO CURE all ailments. Dr. Griffith's GreatTa-va-zon! The people's favorite remedles;.makes pure blood, stomaci, lungs, liver and kidneys healthy, the weak strong: thousands buy them. GRIFFITH'S PHARMACY, Third and Grant, Pittsburg, Pa. mh2J-l6 AUCTION SALES. BULLETIN OF AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 23 Union ave., Allegheny. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, at 10 o'clock, furniture, carpets and household goods, 183 Second avenue THURSDAY, MARCH 28, atl0o'clock,Iurni. ture, carpets and household goods, 202 Franks town ave., E. E. FRIDAY, MARCH 2,at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street TUESDAY APRIL 2, at the rooms, 311 Mar ket st, at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY, APRHi 5, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st THURSDAY, APRIL U, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms. coramencingatlO o'clock, 311 Market st SENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7-105 FURNISHMENT OF AN ELEGANT EAST End residence which for convenience will be sold atthe auction rooms. No. 311 Market street TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, at 10 o'clock. Handsome parlor suit in silk and plusb, fine etagere mahogany cabinet easy chairs, elegant Turkish couch, mirror door wardrobe, solid walnnt chamber -suit Tennessee marble top and French plate glasses, Roger's groups, bronzes, fine pictures, ornaments,body brnssels, moquettes, velvets and ingrain carpets, square piano, secretary desk, some very massive an tique furniture, ebony clocks, china, glass and silver ware, kitchen and laundry f urnishments and everything included in the fnrnishment of a complete home HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM.. Auctioneers. mb.24-78 T AUCTION-FURNITURE, CARPETS, J billiard table at the residence, No. 23. Union avenue. Alleehenv. Pa., , TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 26, At 10 o'clock, prompt handsome parlor fur niture in plush; art tables and chairs, cnrtalns and porticrs, pictures, bronze clock, with side figures; mantel and cabinet bric-a-brac; super ior chamber furniture, bedsteads, bnreaus, washstands, wardrobes, springs and bedding, diningroom sideboard, extension table and chairs, library bookcase, leather seat chairs, mahogany writing desk, china, glass and silver ware, refrigerator, laundry stove and f nrnish ments, kitchen Utensils, billiard table; also brusseis and other carpets, on rooms, halls and stairs. Sale positive. Terms, cash. House open after8o'clockonmorningof sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. Auctioneers. mh24 79 BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. TTOUSE AND LOT IN THE EAST END JlL at auction, corner Shetland avenne and Wilson street, near Lincoln avenne and con venient to the luxurious property of Mr. Thomas Armstrong. A new house, with re ception hall, 6 rooms, attic and cellar; corner lot, frnit and shade trees thereon; everything in nice order; to be sold at public sale on MONDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 23, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect; immediate possession; terms to suit; positive sale; owner going to Europe. JA& W. DRAPE & CO. Acents and Auctioneers. mh23-ol-D 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. -TjlXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF J2J horses, wagons and harness, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1SS8, at 2 o'clock p. M., on the premises, No. 24 Fonrth street Pittsbdrg MRS. C. HAMMILL, Executrix. ALEXANDER & LEE, Auctioneers. nib24-2-MW AUCTION SALE OF LEASED PROP ERTY. No. 13 First St. near North ave. Allegheny City, Thursday, March 28, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. M., on the premises, 2-story frame of Grooms; water in the honse; lease has 8 vpars to run; ground rent 35 per year. BLACK fe BAIRD. 95 Fourth tive. mh25-12 AMUSE3IENTS. DIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT, "THE STOAV'AWAY V Next week "The Crystal Slipper." mh25-26 GRAND OPERA HOUSE MISS ROS1NA VOKES. To-night A Game of Cards! My Milliner's Bill 1 The Rough Diamond! Week April 1 The sparkling Nellie McHenry in "3 of a Kind." mU24-5 TT ARRIS' THEATER Everv afternoon and evening, "BEACQN LIGHTS.-' April 1 A Boy Hero, or Held in Slavery, , IT ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY I TO-NIGHT. ATINEES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY. THE .BIG 4'S NEW DEPARTURE. 29 'SPECIALTY ARTISTS 29 mh2i-7 -TASINO MUSEUM-MONDAY, MARCH j 25 Capt Fanl Bqyton's Monstrous Sea Ser pent Happy Jack Sutton's Mirror of the Plains, Madam Johnson, the Jersey Giantess; Ad CsrI!le,Sle!ght of Hand; Clark Qibbs.Dnn cn &titen,Nellio OUTe,Jo)n GUroy, mb.36-106 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. OFncE of City contbo.lm:b, PrrrSBtrBG. March 18, 1889. t PROPOSALS WTLL BE RECEIVED AT this office until 3F.2L, March 30 next, for printing 100 copies ol controller's annual report to be completed in three weeks' time, and bond furnished in snm ol J2CCI Specifica tions furnished on application and right re served to reject any bids. E. 8. MORROW. mh20-74-D City Controller. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TVORKS. I PTttsbuko, Pa.. March la. 18. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on the opening of Chestnut street from Locus street to Bluff street, and McCandless street, from Butler street to the Allegheny river, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOAV, Chief of Department ot Public Works. mhl5-25 Department of Public Safety. Pittsburg, March a. 1889. f SEALED PROPOSALS WTLL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller nntil TUESDAY, April 2. at 2 o'clock P.M., for the painting of engine houses Nos. 7, 9 and 13. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Samuel N. Evans, Superintendent of the Bureau of Fire Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. mh22-68 Department of Public Safety, J Pittsbubo, March 19. 1889. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until SATURDAY. March 30, 1889. at 2 o'clock P. if. for the finishing of Nos. 5 and 6 Police stations, and for the erection of a stable at No. 5 police station. Flans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Gamble AVeir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROAVN, Chief of Department of Public Safety, mhl9-16 rVTY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY j given that the duplicates for March and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the year 1889 have been placed In my hands for collection by the Board of Assessors authorized to assess the same First installment of City Taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first; installment in, month of March, hut no discount is allowed on first installment. Business Tax and Water Rents payable in month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on May 1, on July 1 for Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October 1 for second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you intend paying yonr taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March and April, until 8 o'clock P. M. J. F. DENNISTON, mhl4-100-D City Treasurer. Cmr Treasurer's Office, Municipal Hall, Smlthfield street i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licensesnot paid on or before first Monday in March, 1888, will be placed in the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of SO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889- will be sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before tne proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, 16 00: each two-horse vehicle, S10 00: each four-horse vehicle, 12 CO; each four horse hack, S13 00: omnibus and'tlmber wheels drawn by two horses, J10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, f el4-70-D City Treasurer. Department of Public Safety, ) Municipal Hall. Pittsbubo, March 16, 1889. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 P.M. on Wednesday, .March 27. 1889, for furnishings the following supplies for the Department of Public Safety for the year commencing May 1, 1889, the same to be furnished to such bureaus- and department storehouses as may from time to time be re quired, to-witt Harness and horse supplies, hardware house and stable supplies, horse feed, oils and grease 'hose hose cpnplings, etc., fuel, meals furnished prisoners, photographing criminals, sawdust, wire zincs, painting and lettering, electrical batteries, lumber, tin. copper and sheet iron works, soaps, telephone service, furniture, Smyrna rugs, cocoa matting, cocoa mats, carpets, bedding, drugs and chemicals, plasters, liquors, paints, oil sand varnishes, etc., buggies and buckwagons, miscellaneous. Specifications for the above can be seen at the general office of the department Bonds in double the amount of the bids must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of PublicJ3afety. mbl6-18-D INo. 276.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Achilles and Renfrew streets and through private prop erties of Daniel Ryan, Murray Bros, and W. H. Denmston, from Shetland street to Negley run sewer. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be, and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pitts burg relating thereto and regulating the same for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Achilles and Renfrew streets and through private properties of Daniel Ryan, Murray Bros. andW. H. Denniston, commenc ing at Shetland street thence along Achilles street to Renfrew street along Renfrew street to Lowell street to be 15 inches in diameter, and thence along Renfrew street to Turret street, 18 inches in diameter, and thence through private properties of Daniel Ryan, Murray Bros, and W. H. Denniston, to a connection with Negley run sewer and to be 20. inches In diameter. The contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the Improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Court providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, au thorizing the use of private property, and pro viding for filing liens and regulating proceed ings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," ap proved the 14th dav of June. A, D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day of February, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLL1DAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, March 7, 1889. Approved: WMMcCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OS TERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 617, 20th day of March, A. D. 1889. mb23-53 No. 282. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Center avenue from tho summit west of and near the inter section of Alleqmppa street to Reed street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by thp city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief ot the Department otTublic Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise is accordance with the Acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating the same, for pro posals for the construction of a sewer to be composed of pipe and brick and stone, on Cen ter avenne. commencing at the summit west of and near the intersection of Allequippa street, thence to Berthond street 18-inch pipe sewer, thence to Herron avenue 20-inch pipe sewer, thence to Francis street a brick and stone sewer three feet in diameter and from thence a brick and stone sewer three feet and six inches in diameter to an outlet atthe northwest side of Reed street on line of old ran. The con tract therefor to be let in the manner df rected. by the said Acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act oi Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An aet authorizing and directing Councils ot cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment ot streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, Mirers and tldewaUu requiring plis at WW OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. streets, providing for the appointment ot a Board of Viewers of Street Irajrovements,pre4 scribing their duties, granting appeals to Cou& cils and Court providing for the -assessment ' and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the use of private property, and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of publioj. streets without authority of Councils' ap--proved the 14th day of June A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of, this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27tb day of February, A. D.1889. i. s, H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. " Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL GEO.L.HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, H uierjLOi uimmuu buuutu. Mayor's office. March 7, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLTN. Mayor. Attest: BOBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 623, 21st dav of March A. D. 1889. mh23-53 . ANo.28IJ N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Harcums alley from South Twenty-third street to Soutbr Twenty-fourth street Section 1 Be It-ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg; in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same, That tho Chief of the Department of Public Works be, and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ordinances of the said city of PittsDurg relat ing thereto and regulating the same for pro posals for the construction of a pipe-sewer IS inches in diameter on Harcums alley, from South Twenty-third street to a connection with a sewer on Sonth Twenty-fourth street. The contract therefor to be let in the manner directed bytbe saioTActs of Assembly and or dinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act authorizing and directing Coun cils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, re quiring plans of streets, providing for the ap pointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Im provements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private prop erty and providing for filing liens and regulat ing proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14 th day of June, A.D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27tb day of February, A. D. 1889. H. r. FORD. President of Select Conncil. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President or Common Conncil. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, March 7tb. 1889. Approved WM. McCALLlN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 625, 21st day of March, A. D. 1889. mh3-o3 Continued on Fifth Page- BUSINESS CHANGES. VfOTICE- THE COPARTNERSHIP i. heretofore existing -between the under signed, under the firm name of C. A. Kennedy & Co.. has been dissolved this day by mutual consent The business will be carried on by S. Fleishman. C, A. KENNEDY, a FLEISH MAN. PrrTSBTTRO. March 16, 1889. mhl6-17-16.18.25 LEGAL fiOTICES. fvTTlTfOEIS-HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN on April 1.1889, at 10 o'clock A. M"., an application will be made by A. W. McDonald, Alfred McCabe, Thomas McFadden, Jr., Will iam N eely, James P. Bonbara and Frank G. Schlotter et al . to the Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, under the act of Assembly of said Commonwealth entitled "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation and Reg ulation of Certain Corporations." approved : April 29, 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to bo called the "Coraopolls Building and Loan As sociation." the character and object whereof is the transacting of such business as Building and Loan Associations may lawfully do, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of tho said act of Assembly and Its supplements. CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st. Pittsburg, and ' W. T. TREDWAY. 96 Diamond st, Pitttsburgv mhlO-70-H Solicitors. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR STONE. U. S. EN GINEER OFFICE, 507 West Chestnut st, Louisville, Ky., March 22, 1883. Sealed pro posals, in duplicate, will be received at this-, office until lF.n. (local time) on Tuesday, the 23d day of April, 1889, for furnishing stone for the construction of a lock in the Wabash river, near Mt Carmel, III. Amonnt to be ex pended nnder this contract about K3.00O. less contingent expenses. The attention of Didders is Invited to Acts of Congress of February 26, 1885, and February 23, 1887, volume 23, page 332, and volume 24, page 411, Statutes at Large Preference will be given to stone of domestlo production, conditions of quality and price being eqnaL The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Specifications and printer! forms for proposals will be furnished on appli cation to the undersigned. AMOS STICK--NEY. Major of Engineers, U. S. A. mh23-2-23.24,25.26,ap2U22 TTIOR SALE LARGE BUpIHG SITES, LINDEN AVE. NEAR PENN, EAST ENlVi No lots sold less than 100 feet Finest elevation and view In the East End yet convenient to P. R. R. and Fifth ave. and cable cars. ONLY J30 PER FRONT FOOT. First buyers will get choice of lots. BLACK& BAIRD, . 95 FOURTH AVENUE. Call at office for plan. ., mh3-142-4-8-12-14-19-22-2S.27.29 ! Oakland Square. For Sale (99) W.50O "Oakland Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment,, balance toOO per annum; new two-story and mansard' brick, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, inside shut ters, stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear Eorches, ete, ltrge lot facing a beautiful pub o sqnare, around which a street has been laid out sewered, and is being paved with asphal tnm; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only 5 minutes from Fifth ave cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mhl3-43-D TfOR SALE TQlnaMBtoaiJamigLaiiuS. The undersigned invite correspondence and proposals for sale of a 173-acre farm, within Bight of the city of LANCASTER, O. Theso lands are well improved, good -farming lands, and in the GREAT LANCASTER GASBELT. The great gas well, 'The Old Man Himself." is almost in sight, and the famous "Ruffner AVell," near Thurston, bnt a few miles away. Correspondence and bids invited. Address either HENRY S. LED3T, StoutsviUe. O.; or J. S. SITES, Attorney. Lancaster, O.t or 8AMUEL AV. COURTRIGHT, Attorney. Cir-, devllle, O. mhS-l-D " The Witness of the Sun, . A New Novel by AMELIE RIVES, Author of "THE QUICK OR THE DEADl" Complete in Lippincott's Magazine for April.- Price, 25 cents. For sale by all booksellers and , newsdealers. mh23fl-D,j 9HET. Fifth avenue investment; 3 minutes' walk" , from Court House; substantial, new, 11-room brick dwelling; all conveniences; can easlix-ba. WM 4 kGU 111VV UlUUiOO UIUVtt;i . J lAUkT- bly located and adapted for a physician; en-V hancement certain. SAMUEL AV BLACK-0V3 CO., 99 Fourth ave- mh21 76-MWT AE. L1NKENHE1MER, ( AJitniixiui.r ,f oa amitnueia street, rnuuarg, .c. .creweia;; r reunu -ouuuinc. secQua noor. muiKWAivr1! W Ell. IT. RATtBniTE. X CIVH, ENGINEER, ",. Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Jd Bridges Roofs and Mil Buildincv -i? del2-k66-D 64 FIFTH AVENUE. PiMbwJ?i D UNCAN C. WHITE, Bonding Contractor, ' 71 Diamond street, Beeeaa aoor aoovs oaiatsei, v. . Pittrtarg. - fclf7sXnY1
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