I ft TRJUIHELD OP, An Exasperating Time Witli Tramps on the P. &L.E. A HIGH TIME Otf AFEEIGHT Which, the Conductor Stops Many Times for Desperadoes. EESGUERS SUMMONED FROM HERE, While the Train is Side-Tracked at Alli quippa Airaiting Reliet AEEEST AKD SENTENCES OF A DOZEN A gang of tramps toot complete posses sion of freight train Kb. 51, on the Pitts burg and Lake Erie Railroad, near the city, late Saturday night, and defied the conduc tor or his crew to do anything with them. The conductor summoned aid from the city, and a special train, with a number of police officers aboard, went to the rescue of the freight train, which had been side-tracked, and placed 12 of the tramps under arrest. The more desirable portion of the ugly gang, so far as justice is concerned, took to the woods and escaped. freight train 2fo. 51 pulled out of the Cbartiers yards of the company at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. Beside its regular cargo of merchandise it had a number of disagreeable and unwelcome passengers. The tramps were as ugly looking a body of men as could be gathered together. They seemed to occupy every available part of the train, and had become so nu merous that the conductor could not, under any circumstances, cope with them. He and the brakemen ordered them off the train several times, but they refused to obey, and laughed at the railroaders. When they were pressed by the trainmen to leave they MADE SOME UGLY THREATS. The conductor baw that he and his crew could not do anything with them, and that, if a fight took place, his men would fare the worse for it. Kb blows were struck by the tramps, but if they had carried ont their threats with the coupling pins and missiles they carried, the train and the road would have been annihilated. Several times the train was stopped. The tramps would descend each time, and arm themselves with rocks picked up from the railroad ballast, coupling pins and other improvised weapons of defense. The con ductor would then parley with them for awhile, but when the train commenced moving again the tramps would climb back into their old resting places and laugh at the trainmen's efforts to oust them. Conductors on the road have received strict orders that no tramps be allowed to ride on the trains under any circumstances. This gang was beyond control, however, so a stop was made at Alliquippa, and the train was run on a sidetrack. A telegraph message was sent to the general offices of the road in the city, asking for aid. The train was compelled to lay at this station for several hours and await the arrival of the rescue train. Still the men could do nothing with the tramps, who amused themselves at the ex pense of the train hands by taunting and threatening them. Trainmaster Dietrich and Detectives Cook and Irwin went down the road as far as Coraopolis on the express. Here they got a special engine and car and made the r.scue run to Alliquippa. The major part of the gang of tramps, and a number of thieves besides, who are known to be work tnc the little towns along the railroad, sus pected that something was wrong and took to the woods, thus escaping. The OFFICERS DID N OT TABLET long with the remainder; but, being well armed and plucky, brought them to the car and locked them up. The tramps were, in deed, surprised by the officers and made no united resistance. The party arrived in the city at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Patrol wagon No. 8 was called, and the gang were taken to the Thirty-sixth ward station house. Kb concealed weapons were found on their clothing, although they all carried good big pocket knives. At a hearing yes terday morning nine of the fellows were sent to the jail and workhouse and three were discharged. Detective Cook, who assisted in the cap ture, last evening said that the gang of thieves who would have robbed the cars and private houses along the road (after whom they went in particular) had escaped. The number of tramps traveling over the road lately is enormous, he says, and dds that it is almost as much as a man's life is worth to act as a train hand on any train running between here and Youngstown. The names of those sent to jail were Frank Wagters, Andrew "Wheeler, Frank Kellar, James Connell, Thomas Swaney, Patrick Lynch and William Donahue. Edson Grosbeck, Martin Atkinson, John Kelly and John Smith were sent 30 days to jail. George Moor was discharged. One of the men, Matthew Shehan, had over S18 in his pocket; a second had over 9. Detective Cook captured the thirteenth tramp near the Pittsbnrg and Lake Erie depot before leaving the city. THEIR LAST MEETING. Finn! Arrangements Hade for the Cathedral Tea Party To Take Viace at Lafayette Hall It Will be Grand. The gentlemen of the St Paul's Cathedral Tea Party Committee met yesterday after noon in the basement of the Cathedral to make final arrangements for the party. Father "Wall announced that the tickets and invitations had been printed, and that the affair would take1 place in Lafayette Hall April 24. Father Mollyneaux and F. J. Totten were appointed as general supervisors and the following persons were appointed various committees, as follows: E. F. Houston, James Boyle. M. McCormlck and P. C. Daffy, on Tickets and Reception: P. J. McNulty, James Planner? and M. J. Dain,on Dining Room; F. J. WeixeL Floor Manager, helped by two assistants, to be appointed. The following General Committee on Recep tion was appointed: F. J. Totten. Tim O'Learv, Jr J. C. O'Donnell, Frank MCKnight, J. O'Neill. Jer. Dunn, M. J. McGann, A. F. Keat ing, William Dougherty, John Bums, Con-Hor-gan, Jer. Downey. J. B. Reilly, Frank McGin nes, P. McGee, J. C. Curran, James Qninn, Edward Kelly. Jr., Jesse Jones, J. B. Larkln, Captain John Rodgers, Thomas Barnes, Will iam Mitchell, D. Allen, J. J. Murphy. Dan. Mc Williams, J. C. Robinson and C. F. McKenna with Jeremiah Dunlevy as Chairman. The ladies will have a meeting to-night to distribute the various duties. The outlook for a successful entertainment is very bright, as many tickets have already been sold. A SUDDEN DEATH. John Miller,. of Allegheny, Dies From the Effect of Blood Poisoning. John Miller, foreman for Huckenstein & Sons, died yesterday morning from blood poisoning. He lived on East street, Alle gheny, and about a week ago cut a wart off his right hand with a penkmie. The wound bled considerably and he put an acid on it. Last Saturday he became seri ously ill and summoned a physician, who said he could do nothing for him. The deceased was 49 years of age, and leaves a wife and five children. BOTES AKD HOTIONS. Mnny Matter of Much and Little Moment Tenely Treated. SritiNG fever. Burning eloquence Firing a poet. A flipht of fancy A trip to the moon. A sensational affair An electrio battery. Vaju-coloeed dresses are the rage the hus band's rage. People who hold up trains will probably not be let down very easy. Colonel J. N. ScnooxMAKEK, of this city, went to Chicago last night. The man who sang of his home beyond the C. must have referred to the D. W. F. Johnson, of the Hubbard axle factory, had his hand badly crushed. Jail services were held yesterday. The prisoners were not carried away with the music Cynthia Leonard says women have larger brains than men. Borne women have larger heads. Evangelist Bailet addressed an East End audience on "Mother's Influence" last night. William Ktet will have a hearing to-day on the charge of stealing a keg of beer from a wagon. Public parks presented a midsummer scene yesterday. Every lady wore a new suit but dame nature. Beltzhooverites want Washington ave nue paved, and they ask the city to put up for half the expense. New Yorkers refer to Andrew Carnegie as being from Pittsburg. Many people here think he is from Alabama. Because Fred Grant goes as Minister to Vi enna it doe not indicate that the young gentle man is at all well bred. Faith cure seems to be moving toward the same headstone that marks the grave of tho bl ne grass craze . NextT TnE first campaign canard is afloat. Science claims there are authentic cases of men made drunk by drinking water. Edward Lewis, of Lawrenceville, was fined S5 and costs by Magistrate Brush yesterday for assaulting Samuel Harris. A BUGGY driven by Andrew Shields along Batter street was overturned and broken. No body hurt but the bucgy. John Davison and Wm. Brown fought about a woman.. Their battered faces will ap pear at tne morning hearing. That man whom an officer swore put his arms around seven people, would make a beau tiful support tor Emma Abbott. Burglars broke into the store of Mrs. Craig, No. 2519 Southslde, and blew open a safe, but found nothing and decamped. Messrs. Gersh, Williams and Hama had a triangular settoo, when an officer came along and called it a draw. Hearing to-day. The Exposition is looming up beautifully, and is significant of many things great and good, instructive and amusing, this fall. The police were notified that James Blondey, the brunette cashier of Wallace's restaurant, had disappeared with $23 early Sunday morn ing. Arrangements are completed forthe first anniversary of Acme Council 219 Jr. O. U. A. M Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' Halt A Chicago artist has drawn, with his eyes closed, a picture of their Mayor. As in some other cities, that ij about the only time he can see him. Louis T. Yes, there are sulphur baths in other places besides West Virginia, and if you write on both sides of the paper again you will probably find them. Steal would be fatal Since Pittsburg must have a new postmaster, as the baby said when it swallowed the mother's brooch, "Hits to be oped you're pure gold." Tve rode over too many a thousand mile to give up my seat to a woman," growled a pas senger on the cable, but the lady said he evi dently hadn't got beyond the rood. The Washington Inaugural Centennial Com mittee will meet to-night in the rooms of the Grain and Flour Exchange, and hear the re ports of the various sub.-committees. Levy, ihe clever New York poet of the new school, writes with measure, but without rhyme. Tnat is where he is behind some Pitts burg poets, who can write without both. Proceeds of a panic Rockefeller gave his parson son-in-law a $300,000 dot with his daugn- ter. and jnst 1,000 oil brokers turned uneasily in bed and groaned aloud and dreamed horrid dreams. A faiuier who wanted to use a report of the Department of Agriculture for a scrap book, has the thanks of Secretary Rusk, as he is the first man who has invented any use whatever for them. At the club reception "Oh, Charlie, what have you done?" gasped Mime, as a terrific crash greeted that worthy's efforts to hand himself another entree. "Nossin, hie, nossin; only ti tipped the waiter." Thieves jimmied a Center avenue cigar store and walked away with $20 worth of goods. This regular tobacco stealing looks like a stab at the Sunday law, as it is well-known all stores are deserted on th Sabbath. More charges of plagiarism are being brought. While they are at it wby don't some carping critic readPoe's forgotten "Wilson," where he will find not only the plot, but the striking mirror idea of Jekyll and Hyde. Clara Smith was found lying on the steps of a Seventh avenue residence, drunk and dressed up. Officer Ketter disturbed ber slumbers and Gripp sent her to join her num erous brother, John Smith, at the workhouse. George W. Miller, Grand Vice Protector of the Knights and Ladies of Honor; B. Good man, Grand Secretary, with a large number of the members of the order, will leave for Bea ver Falls to-day to attend the anniversary of Beaver Valley liodge No. 12S8. The universal American is going to be three times as plentiful abroad this summer as ever before. He will go over with the most rabid opposition to the deadly tipping system, but after being snubbed and insulted, neglected and starved, he will prefer robbery and live well. Members of local gun clubs aro drawing closer together, and planning when and where to shoot. It is said the bay at Erie is affording grand dnck shooting. As for the fishers, there are a few quiet nllsjnot many miles from here that might yield to a clever angler 'some 150 trout per day. The knowing ones are not talk ing, however. "Owl" passengers on the Fifth avenue cable will he pleased to learn that the man who de lays them for many minutes after midnight is a tall, spare fellow who crawls into the last car at Washington street and sinks back into a seat as if he intended to stay there. His duty is to stop the lines and examine the cables after midnight. He is like a fire escape, a life buoy, or a Texan's revolver, he may only be wanted once to do the splicing, but then he will be wanted bad. THEY WANT MORE SALOONS. The German Workincmen Petition Jadce White to be More Lenient. A meeting of German workingmen was held in Knights of Labor -Hall last even ing, the object being to take action look ing to the establishment of more saloons throughout the city. About 0 persons were present, and Henry Eeuter was made Chairman, and Charles Treschel Secretary. After a discussion of the objects of the meeting a set of resolutions were prepared for presentation to Judge White, protesting against the wholesale closing of saloons and requesting that he be more leuient with applicants. The resolutions ask for the granting of licenses to saloons' in districts closely adjacent to mills and workshops, and argue that they are needed in such places tor the comfort of the German popu lation at least. They also ask that the fact that beer is sold in buckets be not used against a saloon keeper for the reasou that it is better to have a bucket of beer taken home than for the man to go to the saloon where he will spend both time and money to the detriment of his family. The resolutions will be handed to the Court to-day. A RAID ON" CORNER LOAFERS. Allegheny Gnye That Won't Gny so Bin eh n They Caed to Do. Boundsmen Johnston and Wilson, of Allegheny, made a raid on a crowd of boys who loaf around the corner of East Jeffer son and Arch streets last evening. The boys aunoy the neighbors, who complained to the police authorities. Two of them were captured, and will have a hearing be fore the Mayor this morning. The boys gave their names as David Boss and Will iam Little. THE IT IS NOW A SURE GO. The Pittsburg, Cannonsburg and Wheeling Road Will be Built ONE OP THE PROJECTORS TALKS. Farmers .Become Interested and Are Giving Tip the Rights of Way. THROUGH THE HILLSIDE TO WHEELING One of the projectors of therailroad which is to go under or through Mt Washington, on the Eouthside, from this city to Wheel ing, necessitating a great tunnel a mile long at the outset, is in town looking after after some rights of way. In conversation with a Dispatch reporter yesterday he said: "The railroad is now an assured 'go,' and Pittsburg will soon have another outlet to the West. Theniatter is being kept very quiet for the present, and the people in the scheme do not wish to say much about it' to' any one. ' "We have not much difficulty in securing rights of way. The road will be mainly built by Cannonsburg capital, and the peo ple of the town are taking an interest in it On account of Little Washington having such a boom at present, with her oil wells and manufacturcs,there is a growing rivalry between that town and Cannonsburg. The people living in. and around the latter place think that if they only had a railroad which would be an outlet both east and west they would be getting some of the business which is now being given to Washington. On this account the farmers are giving us the right of way without having to fight very hard for it. "The name of the line will be the Pitts burg, Cannonsburg and Wheeling Raijroad, and will be a competitor of the Baltimore and Ohio Eoad between Wheeling and Pittsburg. It will be an independent road, and is mainly being built to open up the oil territory in that part of Washington county. "John Ewing, President of the Cannons burg Iron and Steel Company,, is at the head of the company, and all the other stockholders in the mill are putting money in the line. "It is really the Iron and Steel Company that will build the road. For years they have had a great amount of trouble getting their product to the markets. They have had to ship it via the Cbartiers branch road, and to freight for the West it would have to be shipped in a ronndabout way. The company got tired of this, and their handicapped facilities injured their busi ness. When they build the new road, stuff can be sent direct to Wheeling, and will probably connect there with the Wheeling and Lake Erie. The road will be of standard gauge." MUST HAVE THUNDER. That Seems to be the Slain Reason for the Latest Stagy Article of Rumble and Roar Mr. Hunter's Telephone. In view of the present warm and close contest for the chairmanship of Allegheny Common Council, many interesting stories have recently cropped out While many of them have obviously been circulated only for political effects, yet some tales have been told which at least make interesting read ing, and seem to amuse the principals, if nothing more. One of these stories alleges that it is impossible for a person, engaged in the same business, which President Hunter, of Common Council, pursues, to obtain a telephone, because it might injure the trade of the Councilmanic competitor. A Dispatch: reporter, with a view of getting at whatever interest there mizht be in this lightweight thunder, visited the office of the National Cement Company, whose name had been mentioned in con nection with the above rumor. Mr. W. B. Enos, a member of the company, was seen, and when questioned in regard to the part which the firm had taken in this alleged telephone transaction, the gentleman re plied as follows: Our company has a large plant at Wampum, on the West Penn road. Some months ago the telephone company removed the pay station which had been located there. leaving us with out any communication with the city. Mr. William Klrkland, a member of the firm, ap plied for a telephone from here to Wampum. Mr. Metzgar, of the telephone company, fixed a price, and, after we had consid ered it we decided to accept What was our surprise when we were told by Mr. Metzgar that we could not have the desired connection, for the reason that somebody in the same busi ness (presumably Mr. James Hunter), might be injured, because he bad connection by the same circuit. Mr. Metzgar, however, offered to construct us an independent -line from Wampum to New Castle, provided we were willing to bear the cost of construction. Of course, we had to decline this rather expensive offer. Mr. AY. C. Hopper, senior member of the firm, corroborated the above story, and Mr. Kirkland could not be seen, as he does not reside in the city. In order that nothing partial should be published, the reporter sought out Mr. Metzgar. After hearing the story, the latter gentleman smilingly remarked: "There is very little in that story." "Is it not a fact that many persons in the same business have telephone connection by means of the same circuit?" was asked. "No, Rir; we make it a rule to never put two men in the same business on the same wire, unless they have no objections." "Were you governed by any other reason than the one given, in your refusal?" was asked in conclusion. "No, sir," was the reply. "I was gov erned bv that alone." Mr, Hunter was approached on the subject yesterday afternoon by a Dispatch report er, bnt the latter conld get no reply to his queries. "As this interests you considerably, your name being'connected with it, have you no statement to make?" was the reporter's question. "No," said Mr. Hunter; "nothing what ever. 1 have talked enough to yon report ers, and intend to say nothing at all. Any thing else I can answer for you?" he con cluded, with a smile. AN OPEN-AIR SLEEPER. Mr. Pullman, tho Great Car Bnllder, Work ing on n New Scheme. George M. Pullman, the great car builder, and President of the Pullman Palace Car Company, passed through the city last night on his way to Chicago. He had a plan of something in his hands that looked like a new parlor car with the roof off. Possibly he is thinking of con structing a sleeping car tor the summer that will have a movable roof. What he wants to do, though maybe he doesn't think so, is to pay some attention to ine immovableness of some of the statuary conductors. A LONG RON FOR NOTHING. The Police Chase a Very Suspicions Penn Avenue Quartet. Early yesterday morning Officers Brennan and Miller, of the Penn avenue district, noticed fonr men acting suspiciously at the foot of Twenty-third street At the ap proach of the police the men .fled, and al though hotly chased, they all escaped. In the course of the chase Officer Brennan fell into a pit and was badly bruised. Will Colonel Bob Fight Philadelphia? Milton Weston is said to have engaged his old Peoria friend, Colonel Bobert G. Ingersoll, to prosecute his suits against the Philadelphia Natural Gas Companv in May. But Mr. Weston, when asked a'bout it, before leaving town, would neither ad mit nor deny the statement, , PITTSBTJKG - DISPATCH,' CAN COMPETE WITH CUBA. . Fine Bananas Now Being Raised In the Phlpps Conservatories In Allegheny The First Crop Plackrd Yesterday. The first bananas ever raised in this sec tion ripened and were plucked yesterday in the Phipps' greenhouses in the Allegheny parks. About three years ago two1 plants were put in the old greenhouses but did not yield anything, as they did, not have room to spread out When the new conservato ries' were built it was found that the two plants had increased to two dozen, which are now flourishing. Several of them have bunches of bananas on them, and others are in blossom. Superintendent of Parks Hamilton was seen in his office in the conservatory yester day, and in conversation with a reporter for this paper, became very enthusiastic on the subject of banana jrrowing. He said the plants in their native soil only grew 18 feet, while those in the greenhouses were crowd ins the class, which is 28 feet high. "Prof. Thurston, ascientist from the Cor- nell University, visted our greenhouses," said he, "and said our plants were magnifi cent I have had visitors here from Cuba, India and other places where bananas are raised, and they all said they nevei saw such fine plants in their own .country. These are the first we have ever raised here because we did not have the room. I be lieve our bananas are as good as those raised on their native soil. "The banana has been cultivated from most remote times in tropical climates, and serves as a staple foodfor a large number of the human race. There are several varieties of different flavors, but ours are as good as any. Humboldt says that one acre of bananas will give as much life sustaining food as 133 acres of wheat or 44 acres of potatoes. The natives of India live almost entirely on bananas. They are eaten raw, or cooked in various ways, and are also made into liquors." The conservatories are open on Sunday, and yesterday were visited by several thou sand people. They all stopped at the banana plants and inspected them, express ing surprise that tropical fruit could be raised in this State. Several of the plants have bunches on them, but they are not yet ripe. The bunch that was cut yesterday contained about 76, most of which were dis tributed among the Councilman, and city officials who called. There is a fig tree also in the greenhouse that will bear fruit shortly, and also other foreign plants. The houses are filled with a large variety of flowers and plants. RAIDING THE BPEAK-EASIES. The Police Department Tarns Into Root Oat Unlicensed Houses. While the court is busy with the licensed saloons, the city officials are rooting out the sly drinking places called "speak-easies." Two important raids were made yesterday, one at the Point and the other at Hard scrabble. Inspector McAleese on Saturday entered informations against John Connelly, of the corner of Penn avenue and Fort street, 'and Johanna Conners, of the Hardscrabble dis trict, above Old avenue, charging them with selling liquor without license, selling on Sunday and keeping disorderly houses. Bdth have been repeatedly notified to quit, but paid no attention to the warning. About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon Boger O'Mara,' "Detectives McTighe and Fitzgerald; with several officers in citizens' clothes, raided Connelly's place, which was running full blast. Eleven men were cap tured, including the proprietor. They cave their names at Central station as follows: Pat King, Martin Derrick, William Ogles by, Deacon Crowley, P. Connellv, Edward Bolton, John Bichter, Thomas McGarley, Mike Mullen and Joseph Foley. About an hour after this raid was made, Mrs. Conner's place was visited by the officers, who arrested John and William McGraw, Frank Bay, James Hurley, Henry Grinder and Frank Tiramey, beside the proprietress. The latter is a widow and has six children, ranging from 2 to 12 vears of age, and one of the children went into a fit of spasms when its mother was taken away. The men arrested in her house were nearly all under 22 years of age. A number of those arrested put up for feits for their appearance at the hearing this morning. Mrs. Conners was released on $1,000 bail about 9 o'clock last night, for a hearing be fore Magistrate Gripp at 4 this afternoon. Her children met her at the station house door, and clung, crying about her, making quite an affecting scene. JDYEN1LE BURGLARS SURPRISED. A Fair of Kids Caught and Compelled to Confess Peculations. A clerk went into A. Eddis & Co.'s hard ware store, 502 Liberty street, yesterday af ternoon, and surprised two small boys in the back part of the store. He called Officer James O'Hara, who took the youngsters to Central station. They had gained entrance by an open cellar grating, and had been preparing a load of plnuder which they in tended to carry away as soon as darkness came. The boys confessed haying stolen within the past week 20 pairs of roller skates out of the store at different times. The boys gave their names as Martin Flaherty and Martin Geary. The latter belongs "at Wood's Bun, and was arrested last week for stealing at the Market House. Officer Bovard last night arrested three more boys who are charged with com plicity. They are Joseph Haney, aged 12, and William Smith and Mike Joyce, each aged 15. MOURNING THEIR PRESIDENT. A Minute Adopted by the Mnnngers of the Domestic Training School. At a special meeting of the Board of Man agers of the Domestic Training School on Saturday the following minute was ordered placed upon record: For the first time since our organization we meet to mourn theloss of one of ournumbcr.and that one the President the guiding and sus taining spirit of the school. In works of charity and mercy she was pre-eminently a leader showing an intense ChrUtian desire to spend her life for the good of others. This school with its equipment and organization, is an evi dence of her ability, and under her inspiring guidance gave promise of the greatest useful ness. We ourselves will miss her as an officer, as a friend, as a worker, and in a spirit of Christian resignation tender to ber family and friends our heartfelt sympathy in this bereavement Resolved, That a copy of this minute be sent to the family of our deceased friend, and also published in the daily papers. FrrrsBimo, March 23.1SS9. AT THE SEVENTH AVENUE. Tho Americas Clnb BnnqaetWHl be Held There on April 27. Proprietor J. C. Willson, of the Seventh Avenue Hotel, has clcsed a contract with the Americas Club for the latter's annual banquet, which will be held at the hotel Saturday evening, April 27. The club will have the whole of the second floor of the nouse lor tnat aay. - In the afternoon a reception will be held in the rooms and parlors of the hotel. The dinner will be served in the large dinine 1...11 .A ....- on l..4 .-:n i.. ir j " UiMt, BUU UIU IWW JlilC3 1TU1 UB 1Q1U. COULDN'T KILL THE DOG. A Great Denl of Excitement In Pleasant Valley Dae to a Big Brate. A big Newfoundland dog created a great deal of excitement in Pleasant Valley, Al legheny, yesterday afternoon by biting every perapn wiu wuom ne come in con tact John Williams -was bitten in the leer and Georse McAleer in the hand. Several women had their clothing torn. Officer uoinns arrived on tne scene and put a bullet in the dog's head, when it walked away as u notntng naa happened. MONDAY, MARCH 25, JOHN SCOTT IS DEAD. The President of the Allegheny Val ley Railroad Passes Away. PNEUMONIA AND HEART TROUBLE. The Story of His Life, and the Business Enterprises He Was Engaged In. THE REMAINS TO BE BDRIED TO-MORROW Mr. John Scott, President and one of the receivers of the Allegheny Valley Bail road, died yesterday .morning at his late residence in the East End. The cause of his decease was pneumonia and heart trouble. Mr. Scott was one of the best known rail road men in the United States, and was generallyrecognized during his whole life as one of the shrewdest and most heavily in terested business men of the city. Among his interests may be men tioned the following: In addition to being President of the Allegheny Valley road, he was a director in the People's Sav ings Bank, a director in the Mansfield Coal and Coke Company, a heavy stockholder in the Pittsbnrg Locomotive Works and the Pittsburg Plate Glass Works at Creighton station. He was at one time President of the Pittsburg, .Virginia and Charleston Bailroad, and a director in the Pennsyl vania Bailroad. He was one of the projec tors of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, and, until a short time ago, a member of the firm of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. He was also at one time a director in the Farmers' Deposit Bank. A SELF-MADE MAN. Like other great men of the city, Mr. Scott was, to a remarkable degree, a self made man. He was born in Pittsburg in 1831. His advantages were meager; but he managed to pick up the rudiments of an education. At an early age he entered the wholesale grocery house of Church, Mc Veigh & Gordon, well-known to the early residents of the city, on Water street Some time about 1848 he left the firm and em barked in business for himself. He opened a large grocery store on Liberty street and his integrity and honest business methods won him host of friends. He afterward tired of the business and sold out He entered the railway service as a clerk a number of years later, and soon developed a knowledge of practical railroading. Pro motion became certain and easy, and he kept rising step by step. In 1874 he was elected President of the "Valley" road and continued at the head of the corporation until the time ot his death. ADout lour years ago, when the "Valley" passed nnder the control of the Pennsylvania road, he was made one of the receivers. The news of Mr. Scott's death was a sur mise to his friends in the city. Mr. Scott had been working at his desk tiro weeks ago Saturday. About that time he contracted a heavy cold, which settled on his lungs. In addition to this an old heart trouble set in, and he suffered terribly. He continued to grow worse and worse until Saturday, when he rallied. He continued to grow stronger, and his family expected he would tide over the crisis. Late in the night he took a turn for the worse, and, despite the skill of a number of physicians, Ee passed off in a gentle slumber. AN IMPKESSIVE MOMENT. While the church bells were pealinz forth their sweet summons to worship, and the sound was wafted through his window, his" spirit departed as peacefully as if borne out on the echo of the chimes. He was sur rounded by his family at the time. Among his familv may be mentioned, be- i sides his wife, his sons; John F., who is Treasurer oi ine irittsDurg riate mass Works and a director in the Masonic Bank; Bobert, David Stewart and Charles E. Scott, a well-known resident of Wheeling, W. Va. His daughters were Lucy, who is the wife of Dr. Edwin T. Painter, the well known specialist of this city; Mary, who is a Mrs. 'Burns, of Memphis, Tenn., and Ella, who is still living at home. Hjs father was Thomas Scott, who was at one time President of the M. and M. Bank. He was also a brother-in-law of the late David A. Stewart, of Carnegie Bros. & Co. About Christmas time Mr. Scott received injuries by being thrown from his buggy on Forbes street, near his home. He was driv ing along when his carriage collided with a buggy. He was thrown out of his vehicle, and was badly hurt about the spine. He contracted a cold at-the time, but recovered shortly. Several of his friends think this accident was the indirect cause of his death. A friend of his last evening said that there was not a man in the city who had as sisted in more public enterprises than had Mr. Scott, he was yet always ready to help anything along, and to a number of young men he had recently given a start in life. The funeral services will be held at his late residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. They will be conducted by Bey. George Hodges, pastor of Calvary Episcopal Church. The interment will take place in Allegheny Cemetery und will be private. The pallbearers will be business associates of Mr. Scott. THE MISSION FOR MEN. COO Women Communicants at St. DInry of Mercy Church Last Week. The mission at St. Mary of Mercy Church, at the Point, for men, opened last evening. The church was packed with the male mem bers of the congregation, gathered to hear the sermdn of Father Tremple. His dis course was upon the lives to be led by men, and he warned the younger members of the congregation of the evils that beset them. Services will be held every morning and evening this week.. Women will not be ad mitted. Last week there wire about COO women communicants who performed the duties laid down bv the Director. AN ALLEGHENY MAN DISAPPEARS. James Heron mysteriously Missing for Three Weeks Without Cause. James Heron, of 46 Bobinson street, Al legheny, has been mysteriously missing for three weeks. He is a teamster, and owns several horses. He had no financial or domestic troubles, and his family cannot account for his disappearance. Was It Attempted Suicide ? Dr. Hieber, of Penn avenue, was called upon on Saturday evening to attend a man named Parker, living at the corner of Fifteenth and Penn streets, who had taken a dose of laudanum. The proper remedies soon placed the patient beyond danger. No cause is known for the act, or accident, whichever it may be. Imposing on Immigrants. Frank O'Kane tried to impose on three Polish immigrants yesterday by demanding $1 each from them to seenre them lodging. When thejrdeclined to pay the amount, he struck one of them with a brick. An Offi cer arrested him, and Magistrate Brush sent him to the workhouse for 90 days. The Castor Cost Blm Dear. William McGrudy got 30 days to the workhouse at he hearing before Magistrate Brush yesterday morning. He had entered the house of Michael Kane on Saturday night Maonipicent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. DANZIOEB & SnOENBKEO, Sixth st. and Penn aye. 1889. THE CAPTURED MURDERER. George Owens' "Story of the Killing ot Stephen B. Lee Yesterday Morning Jealousy Was the Real Cause. Charles Allen, the murderer of "Buddy" Lee, was arrested early yesterday morning by Inspector McAleese, on Wylie avenue. Dr. J. Guy McCandless held a post mortem examination on the body yesterday. Only one bullet was found, it having entered the left arm, passing through and lodging next the heart. Death was instantaneous. The Coroner's inquest will take place at 10 this morning. Lee's mother telegraphed the Coroner last night irom Washington, D. C, that she will be here this morning. Allen was very quiet yesterday and would not talk about the affair. On the way to the station house, just after his arrest, he told Inspector McAleese that he had shot Lee because he had acted unfairly with him. He did not know that Lee was dead but in speaking of the shooting said that when he fired the shot "Lee dropped like a beef." One of the men under arrest is George Owens, better known as "Longcamp," in front of whose house the killing occurred. He is very delicate, having suffered from asthma for some time. He, it appears, was really the only eye-witness to the shooting and the police give him a good record for veracity. He told, his story of the affair to Detective Coulson last night. He said that Allen had been drinking all day on Saturday and was con siderably worked up with jealousy at Lee. Allen had been rooming with Owens, and on Saturday morning took the latter's re volver. Owens missed the revolver soon afterward and took it from Allen who re marked that he was "going to show these coons something." Allen had been seek ing a quarrel with someone all day, and Lee went up to May Gardner's place on Wylie avenue to avoid Allen. Just before the shooting, Owens says he and Allen were in the room at 253 Second avenne, and Allen was sitting on a chair with his head on his hand, dozing. Lee came to the door, from No. 251 and knocked. He was ad mitted, and when he came in, spoke to Al len, telling him that if he ever went around talking about him as he had done that day, azain, he would make it warm for nim. Allen did not reply, but, when Lee left the room, followed him, and as Lee stepped to the pavement fired. He then crossed the street and started toward Mary Gardner's when he was arrested. Owen's statements are corroborated by several of the other colored people who were in the neighborhood at the time. POST MEMORIAL SERVICES. Pretty and Touching Services In Honor of Departed Comrades. The Colonel J. C. Hull Post No. 157, G. A. B., held a second public memorial ser vice in honor of their dead comrades, in the Asbury M. E. Church, yesterday after noon. Commander A. H. Askin presided, and music was rendered by Miss Mollie and Miss Bevie Owens, G. H. Brown and E. D. Fuller. Adjutant O. S. Mcllwaine read the records of the dead of the year, and very pretty formalities were observed while Bev. J. T. Biley repeated the Lord's Prayer and Chaplain J. D. Brooks read the Nineteenth Bsalm. Bev. W. B. Cowl delivered the memorial address, and the ceremonies closed with the singing of "America." STONED THE OFFICERS. Four Police Have a Lively Time Arresting a Number of Boys. About 5 o'clock last evening Officers Myers, Wagner, Cross and Kramer, arrested Patrick Hennigan, Pat Tunney, John Mag noli, James Donahue and Patrick Keelan on Try street on a charge of stealing two half barrels of beer from the Wheeling Brewing Company's warehouse. When the boys were arrested a crowd of perhaps 100 people gathered around the officers and began to abuse them. Officers Wagner and Cross were both struck with stones. Edward Boyle, Thomas 'Godey and Gus tav Meyers were locked up on a charge of disorderly conduct All the boys were taken to the Central station. SAVED BI A POLICEMAN. An Allegheny Man Gets Drunk and Goes to Bleep oa n Railroad Track. Jacob Weyman, of Allegheny, had a narrow escape from a horrible death yester day afternoon. He was dead drunk and was asleep on the Pittsburg and Western Bailroad tracks, near Madison avenue, when Officer Jacob Snyder discovered him. He promptly removed the man and sent him to the lockup in- the patrol wagon. Five minutes later a locomotive passed over the tracks on which Weyman had been lying. Questions Worthy of Consideration Ad dressed Church and school committees, and per sons building generally. Shall we continue in the old rut and plaster our ceilings and walls with the same old mud we have been patching all our lives, simply because it is cheap? Or shall we use wood, which we know will warp, shrink and burn, and furnish lodgment for all manners of in sects? Or shall we use our own brains and a little common sense, and adopt the patent metal ceilings, manufactured Dy A. .Nor throp & Co., and secure clean ceilings, dura ble ceilings, artistic and attractive ceilings that are not easily damaged by either leak age of water, or jarring and vibration of bnildings? Send stamp for our new cata logue of designs, or call and see our new offices at' cor. Twenty-third and Mary sts., Pittsburg, S. S., before you decide these questions. A. Nobthbop & Co. EOD The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. DANZIGER& Shoenbebg, Sixth st and Penn ave. Spring Wraps.. An unrivaled assortment of new spring and summer long and short wraps, many exclusive novelties, lace circulars and wraps, beaded and braided wraps, lace" trimmed silk and camels' hair wraps, and a special line of light and dark colored cloth wraps in plain and brocade fabrics, the handsomest and most stylish garment shown this season. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29- Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st. and Penn ave. Don't Bather With the Baking. You can't afford it while you are moving. It will ruffle your temper and waste your time. Order Marvin's bread and cakes, the finest made in the country. Our new milk bread is just like the home-made ar ticle. S. S. Mabvin & Co. MWSU Magnificent- display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 23 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st and Penn ave. Dress Goods. Elegant novelties in black and white effects, entire new designs in stripes, plaids and checks. mwfsu Hughs & Hacks. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thnrsday'and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigee & Shoenbebg. Sixth st. and Pens are. - A DEMOCRAT RESIGNS. He Will Not Bold a Good Paying Position Under a Repsbllcan Administration A Deep-Dyed Partisan. Nicholas M. Bell, of St Louis, Superin tendent of Foreign Mails under the admin istration of President Cleveland, passed through the city last evening on his way to Washington. Mr. Bell is one of the old school Democrats who believe in "whoever wins the fight takes everything in sieht." He was the first Democrat appointed to office in Missouri, his appointment being dated April 1. He refuses to hold office under a Bepublican administration and has already sent in his resignation .to the Post master General. It will take effect just as soon as Mr. Wanamaker finds a -man to take Mr. Bell's place. While at the Union station Superintendent Bell, who will soon lose his title, said: "I have sent in my resignation and am waiting for the Postmaster General to ap point my successor, when I shall turn over my office to him. I resign simply for the reason that I do not believe that the'heads of departments should be otherwise than of the same political belief as the President and his Cabinet As I am a Democrat and our candidate was not re-elected, I do not think it right to hold on, and by standing in the way hamper the acts of my superiors. "I think that Mr. Wanamaker will make one of the best Postmaster Generals the country has ever had. He is one of the shrewdest business men in the United States, and his new office will have to be run the same as any large business estab lishment "I think that the President and his Cabi net will surround themselves with men fully in accord with their views. This means that all Democrats must walk the plank, and it is perfectly right that they should do so." Superintendent Bell was accompanied by a Mr. Pollitt, of St. Louis, who was going down to Washington after Bell's position. One Thing Money Can't Bay. A very valuable illustrated biographical work and criminal history has just been published bv Messrs. D. Buchner & Co., under the title of "Defenders and Offend ers." It contains finely executed colored pictures and biographical sketches of police chiefs, with the pictures and history of all the notorious criminals of the country. TheJ bound and can be obtained only by sending 200 of any of the pictures packed in One of the Finest tobacco to the office of the manu facturers. Henbt Tebhetden, the manufacturing jeweler, No. 530 Smithfield street, has on the way from Europe a large importation of the finest jewelry and novelties known to the trade. It will create a sensation upon arrival. Watch for the announcement SUMW You can't get the good of your electric light nnless you have proper shades or globes. The most complete assortment and newest designs are to be found at Craig head's Lamp Store, 615 Smithfield st. B The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st and Penn ave. A multitudinous array of patterns and colorings in fine French cballis, beautiful styles, dark and light colors, large and small figures, 50c a yard. MWTSU HUGUS & HACKE, Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st. and Penn ave. Don't Bother With the Baking. Yon can't afford it while you are moving. It will ruffle voujr. temperi and waste your time. Order Marvin's bread and cakes, the finest made in the country. Our new milk bread is just like the home-made article. mwsu S. S. Mabvin & Co. The most exquisitely trimmed round hats and bonnets ever shown. Spring mil linery opening on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st and Penn ave. One hundked pieces black cashmere, 46 inches wide; the value is 75c While they last will sell at 50c per yard. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. Magnificent display of new spring millinery on Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Danzigeb & Shoenbebg, Sixth st and Penn ave. TT WILL CUBi; COUGHS, IT WILL HEAL SORE THROAT, IT WILL SAVE MANT LIVES, IT IS SAFE" FOB CHILDREN. KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, KIDD'S COUGH SYRUP, Price, 25 cents, at all druggists. pbep'abed bt FLEMING BROa. PITTSBURG, PA ja23-MWT . NO PAIN OR REGRET IF YOU WEAR OUR T. T. T. THDMPBDN BROTHERS, 109 Federal Street, Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corses and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Glovc&j Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. Corsets and Kid Gloves. , Allegheny. - .- 1 ,."rwmffi 'r "V MEW ABTKRTISEMZNTS.' rf3m.-.?' i4. JDB. HDRNE- I 'EDS PENN AVENUE STORES.-; zil 1. -. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of new goods received this month ana they are still coming. ' The Cloak Room has its full share to show you in the greatest variety possible in Long Garments. Connemara Cloaks, Directoire tight-fitting Newmarkets and in haglan shapes, all in the now cloths in spring colorings. Jackets with out number, black, colors, vest front styles, tight-fitting with loose front: Directoire styles-; in Diagonals, Whip Cords, embroidered lap pels, in Broadcloth: with silk facings an end , less variety. Beaded Shoulder Wraps. S23)to $23, all extra good values. Stylish short man-'' ties, in black and colors, braided and trimmed in passementerie, lace and beads. , Best low priced overgarments to the finest and handsomest that are imported are here la this Cloak Room. Ladles' Suit Room is on second floor ot out Cloak and Suit store. Stylish and nice looking; Suits here at S10 to S25 bardly a limit to tha finer and extremely elegant ones. This week we will make a special exhibit of Wash Cotton Stuff Costumes in Scotch Ging-' hams and Satines. Also exclusive styles in Tea Gowns. Certainly such costumes exceed in style any former season's goods, and are per-,' fectly proportioned and thoroughly well fin ished throughout You certainly must arrange ' it so you can come next week to onr Suit show.' Spring and Summer Cottons a world's con cress of latest weavings in Cotton Dress Fabrics. French Satines, 25c to 35c, Silken in finish and more stylish in "India Silk" designs an endless variety in the odd new spring dress goods shades. Henrietta Black Satines our greatspecialty. Another year will see a wonderful rush for this beautiful fabric glossipst of black, fast to the last, no matter what the test while the dainty white printings are in the simplest and most pleasing patterns. American Fancy Satines hard to distinguish from the French, so fine are they and in such striking and excellent designs. Prices lowest here for reliable and best makes. Ginghams No end of them; the stock Is larger than a month azo, in spite of the cease less trade. Newer goods coming in right along. Scotch and Yankee. The best that each can turn out, nip and tuck as to who's in the lead of this wonderful Gingham procession. 'Twould take a convention of women from all over the United States to decide. These Ging hams have already gotten to Nebraska, Califor nia and other far away places; they know Good Ginghams out there, and buy 'em on sight Samples are a great institution for the far off friends of this Gingham part of the store. That side-border idea in Ginghams is a tak ing one. Hard to get up a tastier looking cos tame, with so little trouble for trimmings. Some ribbon loops and bows, and the suit is complete. Scotch Cheviots, strong and durable, for mak ing waists and skirts and kilt suits. New, neat patterns. Madras Zephyrs, also for same use. ' This is the year for Ginghams especially tha dress styles that, we offer as low as 8 cents a yard, 10 cents, 12 and 15 cents, in bnndreds of designs, while the" 20 and 25 cent goods are ex ceptionally fine in quality and handsome la coloring. New printed Persian Mulls, fine and shear, only 15 cents a yard. Scotch Gingham Suit pattern, with neat em-' broidery, 2 for yonr choice, a great bargain. ANDERSON GINGHAMS Finest import ed, the largest assortment ever shown, includ ing the new side-border effects. LACE STRIPE GINGHAMS, in thenewesir colors "and lower in price than ever offered.- , , .- Special sale of a large purchase of wide CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES at 25 cents a yard. Moro hemstitched Skirtings Embroideries 22 and 27-inch goods, the largest variety of pat terns. Extra wide flouncing Embroideries and All-Overs, exclusive patterns. New styles In Embroidered Pillow and Bol ster Shams, matched patterns, also in Diamond Trimmings, extra fine and choice. Reversings and Yoklngs, very dainty and, delicate patterns and at low prices. Linen Torchon Laces, two under price lots, at I 6 and 10 cents; strong, well made goods, in do-c sirable patterns. New Oriental, Point Gauze, Point de Genes; ' . Fedora, Platte Val. and Chantilly Laces, la, white, cream and beige. r Nets and Flouncing Laces. Embroidered? Crepe Lisse Flouncings, in cream, white, colors and black. New Patterns in Chantilly Lace Flouncings., 45 and 66 inches wide. Silk Muslins, plain and in new ribbon stripes. Spring Hosiery now in stock. Ladles' "cabledje" fast black cotton hose, ribbod and plain, 25c Large assortment of ladles' fancy striped cotton hose, 25c, 35c, 60c and 75c Ladies' fancy striped lisle hose. 50c, 75c and $1. All the new shades of spun silk hose. 75c." Black spun silk hose, SI, $125, $150 and $175. Fast black lisle hose, 50c, 75c and 85c Ladles' hal cotton hose. 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c and 75c Fast black cotton hose for children, in ribbed and plain, including all the better makes, En glish, German and French. Complete line of hosiery for infants' wear, in cashmere, merino, silk, lisle and cotton, at popuar prices. SPECIAL We have ust received SO dozen ladies' Swiss ribbed cotton vests, prices 20c can't be eqnaled for the money. As to onr spring stocks in Silks and Woolen Dress Goods Departments there are additional novelties lately arrived that largely increase the already immense assortment to be seen here plain weaves and fancy effects while in French Robe patterns, there are more than even The largest collection of English salting styles for spring wear we have ever imported. Fine to. finest qualities, in French costume clotbs in the extremely new and fashionable shades. Handkerchief Plaids a very late novelty. Printed Challis and Mohairs also plain and striped Monair suitings lust received. Black Silk Grenadines, in plain mesb. Bro caded and Satin Stripe designs, of best make, now in stock. The best Black Gros Grain Silks, at $4, $3, $2, and as low as 65 cents a yard- Surprisingly good values in Printed India Silks. These goods have extra width and fine quality, while the prices are very low. High class patterns in finest printings and newest colorings, from $1 50 to $4 a yard. Many in single patterns. Exclusive styles, all of them. Plain Colored Silks; Failles, Satin Rhadames, Peau de Soie,Armure Royal es and Gros Grains, Sarahs, largest assortment and best values, Four extraordinary Bargains In Moire Fran caise. $1 25 quality now 50 cents. $1 50 quality now 75 cents. SI 75 quality now 5L. 12 25 quality now $1 25, Evening shades and Cream White SUk Fab rics in elegant Satin Brocades. Fancy Paris Brocades, Moire- Antiques, Satin Dncbesse. Peau de Soles, plain and embroidered Crepe de Chine, Faille Francaise the finest assortment in any Silk Department The Curtain Room and Housekeeping De partments fully stocked to supply your wants. Great bargains in Scotch. German and Irish Linens, Napkins, Damask Tablings and" Towels, Bed Spreads. Comforts and Blankets, Crashes, Tickings, linen and cotton Sheetings, and Pillows and Bolster Casing. Feather pillows and ho'sters always In stock and mada1 JDS; HDRNE I E PENN AVENUE STORES? 'tjygfc DM ".tiAHQMf i M '. .li.c. - -. A. -u , , - '"TiaVJiSr. I . ' . . lomms.KMsIRn,Kl - f.- - - v - . ' .' isvt"-r ' - w.'aasBi: 't . ,: aHEsssssSDira-. i JliyiBBBMslsssssssssBsssssHsss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers