Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Her Majesty Greatly Disgusted With
Her Sojourn in Biarritz.
Naughty Newspaper Men Telling Fanny
Fairy Stories About Her.
So Other Eeison AisfeMble for the Tonne Grant
Visit to Enslani
Queen Victoria has caught a cold and is
in worse spirits than usual. She dislikes
Biarritz more than ever. It is claimed
that special correspondents have been tele
graphing exaggerated stories about Her
Majesty. The object of Count Herbert
Bismarck's visit to London is yet a mys
tery, though it is thought that he is after
an English bride.
LOXDOK, March" 23. Copyright.
Queen Victoria is still dissatisfied with
Biarritz. The balmy breezes which were to
have fanned her into renewed youth have
proved unavailing. They have been cruelly
cold, have spoiled the royal complexion,
and have rendered ruddier the always rubi
cund royal nose. Her Majesty has also
caught cold, and the roy.il temper, which is
rarely benign, has become worse, to the
great discomfort or Dr. Kced, who, unlike
his irritable patient, believes that the only
cure for a cold is to remain indoors, with
one's feet in mustard and water.
Her Majesty is also annoyed by the per
tinacity of certain pressmen, native and
foreign, including special correspondents,
sent to Biarritz by loyal London newspa
pers. It is no secret that she hates Teport
crs with an abiding malice. Her feelings
on this subject are recorded in the book
which she wrote many years ago upon her
life in the Highlands.
During her stay in Biarritz no newspa
per man has been allowed to get within
hearing of Her Majesty's voice, and the
wretched specials have, it is charged, been
reduced to the old-time expedient of substi
tuting fiction tor fact
One man sent home a sweet little story
calculated to bring tears into the eyes of
every English woman, of how Her Majesty
kissed and cuddled a baby whose nurse had
fled awestricken at the approach ot royalty.
The story was pretty, but as Her Majesty is
far from being built in a way to inspire awe,
there were those who doubted it.
Events have justified the skeptics. The
Queen first read of the incident in the news
papers. At the moment she was in the
throes of influenza, and her royal temper
rose. Sir Henry Ponsonby and other court
officials were snmmoned to the royal pres
ence, and the official denial, then and there
drafted, was telegraphed to the Court Xeic
man in London, and duly given to the
world. The Queen sometimes rises to great
affairs of state.
Prince Henry of Battenberg, who with
bis wife is dutifully in attendance upon his
royal mother-in-law, is not, under the cir
cumstances, having as good a time as any
young man of his age Mould like, and is en
titled to expect that Her Majesty will pay
her promised visit to San Sebastian next
week. The Spanish authorities have had
squads of infantry and engineers at work
improving the roads over which the Queen
will have to drive from the railroad depot
I met Count Herbert .Bismarck just as he
was leaving the German Embassy, to-day,
about 2 o'clock. He looked like an athlete,
and the color in his' cheeks would havedone
credit to a Dublin belle. His mustache is
no longer trained fiercely aloft, bnt droops
at the ends with melancholy dignity. The
foreign Minister oi the German Empire was
apparently in the best of spirits. He could
not, of course, talk for publication on
state matters, but he was emphatic and
forcible in his declaration that the
Kaiser's health was superb. I explained
to him that rumors of all kinds concerning
the physical imperfection and infirmities of
"William IX had gained currency in Amer
ica. Count Herbert Bismarck asserted that
such rumors for the most part originated in
France, and declared that there was abso
lutely no fonndation for them, since "Will
iam was to-day in thorough health, and
what is perhaps of equal importance,in cap
ital spirits. The business of ruling his
country had engrossed the mind of the
young "Emperorto the fullest extent.
It was impossible to get a word out of
Count Bismark about Samoa. He was
leaving at once for Lord Eoseberry's estate.
All the politicians in town are alert about
the significance of the visit to England of
the son ot the Iron Chancellor, but so far it
must be confessed that it is all iruess work.
The British Ambassador in Berlin came
hurriedly to London a lew days ago, and the
fact that Count Herbert Bismarck has just
followed him is looked upon by a very con
siderable portion of the German press as an
indication that England is about to formal
ly join the triple alliance. This is looked
upon as absurd here.
The Count said to-day that he was here
solelv upon private business, and he is ac
cused of contemplating a matrimonial al
liance with an English lady who is at pres
ent a guest of Lord Eoseberry's. Such a
marriage would be odd, in view of the
Chancellor's well known violent antipathy
to the English, coupled with the recent
cordial relations which have been cemented
between the Chancellor and the heir to the
Bismarck dynasty. It is remembered that
on the occasion of Count Bismarck's last
visit to England he said he came on strictly
private business, yet before he left it be
came known that he had come over to re
ceive Lord Granville's capitulation about
the Polynesian and African annexations of
A Mexican Drum n. Pension far Tear In a
Dead Man's knme.
Saxte Fe, March 23. Jose Maria Gar
cia, of this city, has evidently gotten him
self into a serious scrape. For years past
be has been drawing a pension by reason of
wounds which he claims to have received
during the war in the battle of Valverde.
Many years ago a man died in his house,
and in his effects was found a discharge
issued to Jose Maria Garcia, and when the
deceased was laid away this imposter at
once assumed the above name and filed his
application for a pension, which he has
been receiving regularly tor years. The
real name of tne man is not known, al
though he has resided and practiced law on
a very small scale for many years.
His actions would probably have never
been brought to light but for his repeated
and persistent endeavors to become a mem
ber of the G. A. -B, of this city. A commit
tee of the Dost has been investigating his
case, and concluded their work by learning
that the real Jose Maria Garcia died years
ago, and the subject of IhiR article "is a
traud. The United States authorities are
hot on his trail, and will in all probability
la.id liim in the penitentiary.
Sruior Brown Seriously III.
"WASHnfGTOir, March 23. Senator
Brown, of Georgia, was taken with a chill
Thursday evening and has been confined to
his room since then. He is improving,
however, and was reported to be better to
day. It is believed that he is out of danger.
A Large Nnmber Appointed to OMee nnd
Cor.flnn.rd bv the Senate,
"Washington-, March "23. The Presi
dent sent the following nominations to the
Senate to-day:
James Tanner, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to be
Commissioner of Pensions. James M.
Shackelford, of Indiana, to be Judge of the
United States Court for the Indian Terri
tory. Zachariah L. Walroud, of Kansas, to
be Attorney of the United States Court for
the Indian Territory. Thomas B. Needles,
of Illinois, to be Marshal of the United
States Court for the Indian Territory. "Wal
ter Corbitt, of Georgia, to be Marshal of the
United States for the Southern District of
Georgia. Edwin "Willitts, of Michigan, to
be Assistant Secretary of Agriculture.
A long list of military promotions followed,
and then another big batch of postmasters,
among whom were the following: "William
D.Walton, at Stroudsburg, Pa.; laryB.
Higley, at Minersville, Pa.; Joseph K.
Johnson, at Coshocton. O., and John R.
Crain at Jamestown, O.
James M. Shackelford, nominated to be
Judge of th- 'Jaited States Court for the
Indian TerritTy. is a native of Kentucky,
but has resided ior many years at Evans
ville, Ind. He is a lawyer of excellent rep
utation. He served through the war with
distinction and rose to the rank of Brigadier
General. He made himself somewhat cel
brated by the capture of General Morgan.
He was at the head of the Indiana electoral
ticket, and was one of the candidates for the
Republican Gubernatorial nomination. (
Thomas P. Needles, nominated lor Mar
shal of the Indian Territory, is a resident
of Nashville, Tenn., and was formerly an
Auditor ot that State.
Z. L. Walroud, United States attorney
for the Indian Territory, is a resident of
Osborne, Kan., and was recommended for
the office by Senators Ingalls and Plumb
and others. "
Among the appointments confirmed by
the Senate in executive session to-day were
the following: "Whitelaw Eeid, Envoy Ex
traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
France; Andrew C. Bradley, to be Associ
ate Justice of the Supreme Court of the
District of Columbia; Fred D. Grant, of
.New xorK, to be .Minister to Austria-uun-gary;
Edwin W. "Willitts, of Michigan,
to be Assistant Secretary of Agriculture;
Julius Goldschmidt, of Wisconsin, to
be Consul-General at Vienna. A large
number of postmasters were also confirmed,
"secretary Windom to-day appointed Jas,
H. Windrim, of Philadelphia, Supervising
Architect of the Treasury, vice Will A.
Freret, resigned by request.
A Popular Tenor Publicly Embraced by
Enthusiastic Gotham Girls.
New York, March 23. The final fall
of the curtain upon the last bar of "Rhein
gold" at the Metropolitan Opera House this
afternoon, prefaced a long scene of pleasure
a'de excitement. The satin drapery shut
out the view of the distant valhalla
for a few seconds only, for immediately af
terward Herr Habelmann, in obedience
to a storm of applause, gave the
signal to raise it once more, and for
many minutes it went up and down and up
and down until the simpler expedient was
adopted of letting the artists skip down to
the footlights through a side door in front
of the drop. After the performers had been
seen in a body the desire of the audience to
do homage to Herr Alvarv was made mani
fest with even greater distinction than on
the previous evening.
For quite ten minutes 3,000 persons,
mainly of the gentler sex, remained on their
feet, clapping their hands and cheering the
young tenor as he emerged again and again
trom behind the curtain. The veracious
historian that sets down these facts is con
strained to add to them that a large crowd
of music-lovers in fashionably cut gowns
waited until Herr Alvary quitted the Met
ropolitan through the stage door, and,
fastening themselves upon Jiim as he made
hjs way to his carriage Hugged and kissed
him in the public streets.
South Carolina Colored People Trying to
Prevent a. Hanging.
Columbia, March 23. The colored peo
ple of the State are making desperate efforts
to get the Governor to commute the sentence
of Harrison 'Heywood and William C
Williams, the two negroes who are to be
hanged in Pickens, April 5, for the lynch
ing of Waldrop, the white man charged
with causing the death of a 13-year-old
negro girl. They have held mass meetings
in the larger towns and have written to
every prominent man in the State asking
their influence. In their circular which
has been published they condemn lynching,
but claim that many of their own color have
been lynched upon little or no evidence,
and in lynching Waldrop they only fol
lowed an example set them by the whites.
It is probable that dozens of petitions will
be sent Governor Eichardson with thou
sands of names. The lynching of a white
man by these negroes was the first case of
the kind in this State.
One Man Commits Murders InTrxns, Louisi
ana and Arkansas.
BASTROP. LA.,March 23. News reached
here to-day of the murder of F. N. Hall, a
prominent planter, near the Arkansas line,
by EoDert Sawyer. Hall and Sawyer had
for some time been on bad terms. Hall and
a man named McKeon got into a quarrel,
when Sawyer came up and took McKeon's
part Drawing a pistol and telling Hall to
stop quarreling, he opened fire on him, the
first shot going through Hall's brain.
After Hall fell, Sawyer stepped to put
three more bullets in his body. During the
last six years Sawyer has killed one man in
Texas and one in Arkansas. He is still at
They Will Not Hold Office Under President
Little Eock, March 23. The resigna
tions of Thomas Fletcher, United States
Marshal, and Joseph W. Honse, District
Attorney for the eastern district ot Arkan
sas, were forwarded to President Harrison
to-day. They were appointed early in 1885
by President Cleveland at the earnest so
licitation of Attorney General Garland.
The Eepublican State Central Committee
have recommended C. C. Wattes, of Little
Eock, former Attorney, for reappointment,
and Oscar M. Spellman, of Pine Bluff, ior
Great Two-Day Kale.
Now that all our spring goods are on our
counters we find itwould be advisable to
sell certain lots of suits and overcoats at once.
Not onlywould it be the best Ad. we ever
had, bnt it would introduce our new spring
styles to the public. On Mondav and Tues
day we will hold a great two-day sale, and
we're going to sell goods at actual net cost
for these two days only. The finest line of
suits you ever saw are vours at $8 and $10
(worth $15 and $20). The most stylish En
glish top-coats in the market at $10 and 812
(worth $18 and $20). Don't miss this great
two-day sale; it will fall like a bombshell,
bnt Monday and Tuesday it takes place at
the P. C. C. C. cor. Grant and Diamond
sts., opp. the new Court House.
Divorces are Often Caused
By ruffled tempers. Ruffled tempers come
from trying to bake during moving time.
Don't run the risk of wrecking your happi
ness, but older Marvin's bread from your
grocer. A single trial will convince you of
its sngeriority over all other makes,
irvvsu S. S. Marvin & Co.
Count Herbert's Trip to England
Fraught with Significance.
Will Undoubtedly be Discussed with the
British Diplomates.
German Tapers Angry at the Arrogant Action of the
Tolice Officers.
The visit of Count Herbert Bismarck to
England is regarded with great interest at
Berlin. Emperor William's proposed trip
and Sauioan affairs will be considered to
gether with other international matters.
The German newspapers are very much ex
cited over the increasing severity of the
Government in regard to the press.
Berlin, March 23. Count Herbert Bis
marck's visit to England, following so
closely upon that of Sir Edward Malet, the
British Embassador, has given rise to all
kinds ot political speculations. The rum
ors that England is about to join the triple
alliance may, however, be dismissed sum
marily, as may also the statements of the
official press that the Count is merely mak
ing a holiday visit
The fact is that the visit has a double ob
ject, the most important part of which is
the arrangement ot details for the Emperor's
visit to England during the coming summer
and to ascertain the wishes of Queen Vic
toria as to whether the visit shall be merely
of a domestic nature or shall assume a state
If it is to be the latter, Prince Bismarck
is anxious to arrange imposing accompani
ments. It is even stated in some quarters
that the Chancellor himself will attend the
Emperor, but this is doubtful. During the
past week Count Herbert has had a series of
long interviews with the Emperor, at which
the matter of His Majesty's visit was fully
In the second place Count Herbert will,
take the opportunity to discuss with Lord
Salisbury colonial matters affecting the two
nations. " It is not improbable that some
kind of an agreement will be arrived at
embodying the principles of a future colonial
policy where British and German interests
come in contact.
The Soerson Zeitung says that Count
Herbert Bismarck will endeavor to bring
the differing colonial views of England and
Germany into harmony. It instances the
South Sea Islands, where difficulty has arisen
through British annexation of the Herveys,
which, there is reason to believe, Germany
regards as contrary to treaty, and adds:
"Count Herbert will endeavor to arrive
at an understanding on the Samoan ques
tion, to which Lord Salisbury has shown
himself disposed, and will aim to conclude
an agreement in regard to East and West
Africa. It is believed in some quarters
that England's dispute with Morocco will
also come under discussion."
The Post to-night announces that the
Samoan conference will be postponed, prob
ably until the beginning of May. This may
be regarded as indicating a desire to await
the outcome of Count Herbert's mission.
Prince Bismarck's reprimand of Dr.
Knappe is much commented on. The
Freissinig Zeitung points out that Dr.
Knappe was really driven into a state of
furor consnlaris by Herbert Bismarck's
dispatch of January 8, instructing him to
effect the necessary reprisals against the
rebels, who, he said, by attacking, had
brought about a state of war.
The -seizure of the Volls Zeitung has
created a great sensation, and a legal deci
sion upon the right of the police to suppress
the paper is awaited with considerable in
Even tne National Liberal press have not
a word to say in defense of what is generally
rated as a jash and impudent proceeding
on the part of the police, while tne feelings
ot the Liberal party are shown by a para
graph in the jireismnige Zeitung entitled,
"Fearless and Enduring," and advising
steadfastness under threatened reactionary
measures of the Government, which look
like a return to the times of King Frederick
The editor of the Volks Zeitung has ad
dressed a letter to the papers denying any
relations with the Socialists or connection
with either Liebnecht or Hazenclever. An
article in the itorth German Gazette hinting
at increased strictness of the press laws is
little relished by Liberal journals.
Several of to-night's papers state that the
Prussian Government has already submitted
to the Landtag a proposal for amending the
provisions of the penal code and press laws.
A Strasburg letter to the Cologne Gazette
states that the Government has resolved upon
a stricter measure for the Germanizating of
the provinces for tne dismissing of school
masters and tutors unable to teach the Ger
man language and replacing them partly by
Alsatians and partly by Germans.
A scandal has been caused by the bring
ing of serious charges against Dr. Webz, a
member of the West Prussian Diet and
formerly President of the permanent com
mittee of that body. Dr. Webz is officially
charged with the fraudulent appropriation
of 104,000 marks which had been voted by
the committee for certain work. He will
probably be compelled to resign.
The Emperor and Empress yesterday
visited the Dowager Empress Augusta on
the occasion of the anniversarv of the birth
of Emperor William L The Emperor
signed several army promotions.
The inauguration of the Bismarck-Moltke
monument has been fixed for March 31.
The Boerse during the week was de
pressed and prices were irregular, closing
firmer, owing to the better state of the Paris
market The Boerse Committee are con
sidering a proposal to raise the limit of
capital required of a company asking official
quotations from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000
marks. It is not likely that proposal will
be adopted.
A Glnditonlan Candidate Elected by an In
creased Majority.
London, March 23. The election in the
Gorton division of Lancashire to fill the
vacancy in the House of Commons caused
bv the death of Mr. Eichard Peacock,
GJadstonian, resulted in the return of Mr.
William Mather, Gladstonian, who received
5,155 votes, against 4,309 cast for Mr. Ernest
Hatch, the nominee of the Conservatives
and Liberal Unionists.
At the last election Mr. Peacock received
4.592 votes and Lord Grey de Wilton, the
Conservative candidate, 4,135.
Emlo Pnsha Defeats 6,000 of Them nnd
Captures Their Steamers.
Cairo, March 23. Mohammed Beraivi,
who has arrived here from Otndurman, re
ports that Sheikh Senoussi's forces occupied
Darfour and Kordofan, and expelled the
dervishes'. In July last Mohammed Baraivi
dists which proceeded in steamers and
narges againsi.cmin A-asna. e states that
Emm defeated the dervishes near Bor, kill
incf ninst nf them and carjtnrinir their ntpnm.
crs end much ammunition.
Bits of Foreign News.
The town of Plnsk, in Russia, has been de
stroyed by Are. Six persons were burned to
It is reported at The Hague that Minister
Heemskerk has been appointed Regent of
Cholera lias broken out at Zamboanga,in
the Philippine Islands. There have been 500.
deaths so far.
A French torpedo boat foundered off Cher
bourg in a hurricane. Her captain and U of
her crew were drowned.
England has demanded of Morocco 50,000
indemnity for the massacre and pillage at the
Mackenzie factory, Cape Jnby, in 1SS8.
The Grashdanin, of St. Petersburg, says
that the Badget surplus in 1SSS was 60,000,000
ronbles, and that the revision ot the customs
tariff has been postponed.
The Paris Tempt announces its intention to
bring an action against the Cologne Gazette for
libel. It Is expected, that the Bank of France
will Institute proceedings against a London
paper for making libelous statements concern
mg the bauk.
Herr Fabinvi, Hungarian Minister of Jus
tice, has resigned on account ot ill health.
Baron Von Orczy, Hungarian Minister or the
Interior, is abont to retire. He will be suc
ceeded by Herr Baross, Hungarian Minister of
Public Works.
The Lower House of tho Austrian Reicbs
rath yesterday adopted the clauses of the bill
prohibiting the sale of foreign lottery tickets
in Austria, the Finance Minister declaring that
the fears that sneb action would give offense
to Qreece were unfounded.
The new steamer City of Paris, built by tho
Messrs. Thomson, "of Clydebank, for the In
man Steamship Company, arrived at Liverpool
yesterday. Op her trip Bhe ran at an average
vpci-d of 21 knots per hour, in the face of a
strong wind and an adverse tide.
A MEETING of the Colonial Society was held
at Berlin yesterday. Prlnco Hohenlohe, the
Statthalter of, Alsace-Lorraine, made an ad
dress in which he attributed tho rebellion in
East Africa to the unlimited Importation of
arms and ammunition. He nrged that the
powers combine to prevent the real source of
the trouble which was affecting all alike.
A committee of the lower House of the
Danish Rigsdag has advised the ratification of
the convention between Denmark and the
United States, providing for the arbitration pf
the claim of Mr. Buttertieia against Denmark
for compensation for a number of vessels lost
near St. Thomas many years ago. It is doubted,
however, whether the reference of the claim to
a court ot arbitration will be necessary.
A Community Excited by Their Cool and
Insolent Bobberies.
Franklin, March23. Venango county
is overrun with tramps, who hayo?been
committing all manner of outrages. Last
night Daniel Boyle, who keeps a small
store at Sugar creek, wis waylaid, kuocked
senseless and robbed of quite a large sum of
money and left laying in the road. He
finally made his way home, but has since
been lying in a very precarious condition.
His assailants escaped.
On the same night the hen house of Peter
Hennig, near Utica, was robbed of a num
ber of chickens. Mr. Hennig followed the
tramps to an old shanty, where he discov
ered them enjoying a royal feast. Upon
his remonstrating he was confronted by a
revolver, was carefully tied up in a corner,
and allowed to witness the eating of his own
chickens. He was finally permitted to go
home, but was admonished' that if he raised
any trouble his barn would be burned.
The City of Halifax Has a Narrow Escape
From Total Destruction.
Halifax, March 23. The Boyal Artil
lery barracks, a big three-story wooden
building, situated inside the citadel fort
within 50 yards of two immense magazines
stored with tons powder, guncotton shells
and other explosives, took fire from some
unknown cause early this evening. The
building was soon a mass of flame and
sparks flew in every direction. The heat
was so intense that it was feared the maga
zine would explode from that cause alone.
From the sparks they were protected by be
ing covered with 'baize saturated with
Had they exploded the destruction of
much of the city would have resulted. It
was three hours before. the damage was put
an end to by the barracks being burned
down. Had the soldiers not aided the fire
men, the flames almost certainly would have
spread to the magazines.
A Ulan Believed to be Godfrey's Murderer
Arrested This Morning;.
A man who is believed to be the murderer
of James Godfrey was captured on the
Southside shortly after 12 o'clock this
morning. He was arrested at the corner of
Twenty-seventh and Carson streets by offi
cer Shook as a suspicious character and
sent to the Twenty-eighth ward station
He gave his name as Pat Connolly, but
refused to say whether he was guilty of the
crime of murder or not. It will be remem
bered that a man bearing the name of Con
nolly fatally stabbed Godfrey about ten
days ago and made his escape.
Officer Manning will go over to the sta
tion this morning to identify the prisoner.
A Bono Factory Bnrned In Alleffhcny Iiast
Night One Fireman Hurt.
Shortly after 9 o'clock last night a fire
broke out in the bone, or fertilizing works
of Walker, Stratto'n & Co. on Herr's Island'
An alarm was turned in from box 157, but
when the department reached the scene the
building, which was a large two-story
frame structure, was in flames. The fire
was a hard one to fight, as the odor from the
burning bones prevented the firemen from
entering the building.
Nicholas Ott, a member of the Ellsworth
Engine Company, was struck on the head
bv a brick nnd severely hurt. He resides
on Troy Hill.
It is not known how the fire originated,
but the bnilding was destroyed, entailing
a loss of about 5j000, covered by insur.
Great Two-Day Snle.
Now that all our spring goods are on our
counters we find it wonld be advisable to
sell certain lotsof suits and overcoats at once.
Not only would it be the best Ad. we ever
had, but it would introduce our new spring
styles to the public. On Monday and Tues
day we will hold a great two-day sale, and
we are going to sell goods at actual net cost
for these two days only. The finest line of
suits you ever saw are yours at 58 and $10
(worth ?13 and 520). The most stylish En
glish top-coats in the market at $10 and $12
(worth 18 and $20). Don't miss this great
two-day sale; it will fall like a bombshell,
but Monday and Tuesday it takes place at
the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond
sts., opp. the new Court House.
Don't Bother With the Baking.
You can't afford it while you are moving.
It will ruffle your temper and waste your
time. Order Marvin's bread 'and cakes,
the finest made in the country. Our new
milk bread isjust like the home-made ar-'
tide. S. S. Marvin & Co.
s Catarrh Cared.
A clergyman, after-years of suffering from
that loathsome disease, catarrh, vainly trying
every known remedy, at last found a recipe
which completely cured and saved him from
death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease
sending self-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A Lawrence, S3 Warren St, New York
City, will receive the recipe free of charge.
Divorces are Often Caased
By ruffled tempers. Ruffled tempers come
from trying to bake during moving time.
Don't run the risk of wrecking yonr,happi
ness, but order Marvin's bread from your
grocer. A single trial will convince you of
its superiority over an otner maices.
S. S. Maevin & Co.
Silver Age headquarters, 83 Federal
street, Allegheny."
A Young 'Colored Man Murdered on
Se'cond Avenue This Morning.
The Murderer Escapes bnt the Officers Are
in Close Pursuit.
"Buddy" Lee, a colored puddler formerly
employed at the Black Diamond Steel
Works, was murdered at 3 o'clock this
morning by Charles Allen in front
of liis residence, No. 251 Sec
ond avenue. The house is in
Yellow Row and is a three-story frame
structure, occupied by a number of colored
families. Mrs. Eva Reynolds is the land
lady. Allen, who is also colored, was in
toxicated last night and imagined that
Lee had insulted his wife. He left
the house last evening, saying, ''I am going
to kill a nigger to-night," He returned to
the house about 2 o'clock and found Lee
standing on the sidewalk. Several women
were in the doorway when Allen arrived
and without a moment's warning Allen fired
two shots. The first lodged in the arm and
the second in the mouth.
Lee fell into the gutter, and death must
have resulted instantly. Allen immediately
ran up Second avenue. Captain TJnterbaum
and several other officers heard the shot',
while standing on Grant street, and ran to
the. spot. The women who witnessed the
shooting went out to the house and locked
the doors.
The patrol wagon was summoned and the
dead man was taken to the Morgue.
Detectives McTighe, Fitzgerald and
several others were notified and started in
pursuit of the murderer, while Captain
Unterbaura raided the house, capturing
eight women and fopr men.' All appeared
to be under the influence of liquor.
One of the girls said that the deceased
was "a perfect gentleman," and that Allen
had borrowed the revolver from George
Evans early in the evening for the purpose
of killing 'Lee, but she did not think he
intended to do so.
The remains were that of a young colored
man about 5 feet 8 iffches in" height. His
complexion was the color of a mulatto. A
bullet had struck him in the arm, inflicting
a slight flesh wound. Another had struck
him in the month, carrying away one of his
front teeth and burying itself in the back
part of his head at the base of the brain.
On his clothes was found a letter ad
dressed to T. E. Wallace, Beaver Falls,
Beaver county.Pennsylvania, and signed by
Stephen B. Lee, 925 Tenth street, Wash
ington, -D. C. Its ' contents read
as if Lee was the name of
the murdered man and he was
a former resident of Washington. The
writer regretted his not being able to meet
his correspondent, and expressed t the wish
that he would be home next summer.
On his arm there was tattooed in India
ink a heart, pierced by an arrow.
Arrest of a New Yorker for Tnkic-r Letters
Not Addressed to Him.
New York, March 23. L. C. Under
bill, of 46- Murray street, recently printed
in his paper, the New York Sportsman, the
advertisement of H. T. Norcross & Co., of
fering alluring odds on the Brooklyn Jockey
Club handicap. Theiraddress was advertised
as "Box F, 226 Fifth avenue." Mr. Under
bill has received many letters from all over
the country saying that the writer had re
ceived from Norcross, in response to in
quiries, lists of offered odds, but that on
sending money they had got no reply. Un
derbill laid the matter before Inspector
Byrnes and Detective Sergeant Hickey and
Detective Aloncle, after learning from the
stationer at 226" Fifth avenue that two
strangers had hired letter box F from him,
sat down to watch the box.
To-night thev arrested a man who re
moved letters from it. He said he was
James S. Atwood, of 69 West Fourth street.
The detective seized the letters, which are
supposed to contain money, and will give
them to the justice in Jefferson Market
police court to-morrow to open.
Three Thousand Examined In a Contested
Election Case Nat Yet Ended.
Harrisburg, March 23. The Senatorial
Committee resnmed its investigation of the
Devlin-Osborne contested election case in
Philadelphia. The Legislative Committee
also resumed the .investigation of the Nich-ols-Finley
investigation case. Eaeh com
mittee is very much afraid that its work
will not be completed in time to report be
fore the Legislature adjourns.
Senator Allen, ot the former committee,
is here to-night, and says his committee has
examined 3,000 witnesses and 2,000 more are
on the list for examination.
Two Small Children Hit by Ballets In
tended lor Others.
Chicago, March 23. Police Lieutenant
Beckwith had a street duel this evening
with a thief named Jerry Sullivan, each
man shooting a number of times at the
other. Two children were struck by flying
bullets, and received injuries that may
prove fatal.
Sullivan was captured after a hard hand-to-hand
struggle, in which the thief's
volver was poked against the officer's abdo
men, but turned aside in the nick of time.
A Relief From Work and Worry Proving;
Beneficial to Bis Health.
Washington. March 23. Representa
tive Bandall took a long drive with his
family to-day, and enjoyed greatly the
beautiful spring weather. He is much re
cruited from his. rest since the adjonrment
of Congress, and with the transfer of the
majority to Jhc Republicans in the next
Congress, and the consequent relief from
committee chairmanship duties, he hopes to
regain his lormer vigorous health.
Tho Chief Jnstlces and Ills Associates Ar
ranging to Attend.
Washington, March 23. The Justices
of the Supreme Court met in regular consul
tation to-day and made arrangements for
their attendance upon the funeral of the
late Justice Matthews. Chief Justice Ful
ler, Justices Gray, Blatchford and Lamar
will probably accompany the remains to
Cincinnati, leaving here Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
They will, leave Cincinnati on their re
turn to Washington after the services there
Tuesday morning.
The Boomers Must Walt.
Washington, March 23. The present
understanding at the Department of State
is that the' proclamation opening the Okla
homa lands will not be issued before Mon
day next.
Thonsht It Was Jim Jam.
From the Norrlitown Herald.
A corf espondent of Note and Queries ex
plains that "ram jam" means "chock fuH.'.'
Thanks. Kow we know what "chock full"
Almost n Stampede of Negroes From North
Carolina for Arkansas.
Raleigh, N. C, ' March 23. Negroes
moving in the project to colonize all the ne
groes of this State in Arkansas, held a mass
meeting here last night and organized the
"North Carolina Emigration Association."
Several negroes from different parts of the
State were here-and addressed the meeting,
stating they had been agitating the matter
among the colored people. The Association
will be open to the State at large, and it is
designed to ultimately include all the ne
groes in North Carolina, with a view to
colonize them in Arkansas.
Several speeches were made last night,
showing the plan proposed, after which a
resolution was passed organizing "The
North Carolina Emigration Association,"
and adopting a constitution. John G.
Hay, a colored lawyer here, was elected
President. A full set of officers was also
elected. A call was issued for a State con
vention to be held in this city, April 22, to
perfect the organization of the State.
This colonization plan was originated by
a negro preacher here, and has been cham
pioned mainly by preachers, who are advo
cating it from the pnlpit. Meanwhile, all
the negroes of this part of the State are
thoroughly grazed by the exodus fever, and
are leaving in hundreds. The rush of emi
grants amounts almost to a stampede. Rail
road officials here state to-day that the rail
roads were unable to transport them last
enough, and that at Selma, 20 miles from
here, 1,000 negroes had applied for trans
portation and were waiting to go.
Mr. Brown, 'of Mclvean, Much Disappoint
ed Looking After Fat Offices.
Hakbisbukg,' March 23. Ex-Congressman
Brown, of McKean county, is one of
those disappointed bv the appointment of
Corporal Tanner to the position of Commis
sioner of Pensions. Mr. Brown had a
strong petition, signed by nearly every one
of importance in Harrisburg. He was a
conspicuous figure in the prohibition
amendment convention here, and his ap
pointment would have been as pleasing to
prohibition Republicans as to the soldier
element. Judge Harry White, who pre
sided over that convention, is a candidate
for the position of Solicitor General of the
United States,
Congressman-elect Watson, of Warren,
paid Harrisburg a visit to-day on his way"
to Washington. His purpose was to con
sult with Senator Allen, of his own county,
and Journal Clerk Smiley, of the Senate,
who is the big man in the Venango end of
Congressman Watson's district. The po-t-offices
are the things under consideration.
Ex-Sheriff Love, of Warren county, who
hopes to be postmaster at the town of War
ren, and who probably will be, was here
with Mr. Watson.
A Provision That Slay Prevent Early Re
classification of Cities.
Habbisbubg, March 23. Senator New
myer is quoted here to-night as being of the
opinion that the Constitutional amendment
to divide cities into classes cannot be voted
on for five years after the vote on the pro
hibitory amendment. The Constitutional
provision concerning amendments says:
"But no amendment or amendments shall
be voted on ofteuer than once in five years."
Some lawyers construe this literally, but
others hold that the intention merely is that
the same subject shall not be voted on
oftener than once in five years. Senator
Ross, of Bucks, the Democratic leader of
the Senate, is said to favor the former in
Shnrpsbnrg Getting Ready to GIvo Gas a
Shake for the Better.
There ib a movement on foot to supply
Sharpsburg' with electric light. The mat
ter was brought up at several Tecent Coun
cil meetings,.and has since spread so mnch
that bids from Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis
and other places have been received. Just
when a contract will be made, or who will
receive it, is not yet known. Bnt it is al
most certain that before long a contract for
a 25-light plant will be let.
The present system of lighting the town
with gas haB been objectd to by the citi
zens. The cost for the time of lighting has
been too high, The town is lighted only
two weeks in each month, and then the
lights only burn until midnight.
The Fate of a Wei I -Known West Virginia
Pakkebsbtjko, March 23. Thomas
Lynch, a well-known farmer of Fayette
county, was found to-day at the foot of a
cliff of rocks near his home. The body was
crushed into an almost shapeless mass. It
is believed that Lynch had been robbed and
murdered and his body thrown over the
Incidents of a Dor in Tiro Cities Condensed
far Rcadr Beading.
COTJNClLiiEN frill give their desks the usual
semi-monthly attention on Monday.
Tiie Pennsylvania road has purchased Ninth
avenue for 13 squares in Altoona to enlarge
their shops.
Mr. William Thaw's Illness is not so seri
ous as reported, and he will be able to be abont
town in a few days.
George 0. Beltzhoover, City Passenger
Agent of the Penn Company in Chicago, is
visiting friends In the city.
The High School Committee yesterday de
ciaed to bnild tho janitor's new building at the
High School, on the Fulton street side.
Richard O'Reilly fell off a wagon on
Wood street yesterday, and injured one of his
legs. He was removed to the Mercy Hospital.
Rev. F. R. Farsand will open the discus
sion in the 'ministers' meeting Monday morn
ing on the subject, "Religious Outlook In the
A W. Cadxan, Esq.. delivered a most In
teresting lecture in the Curry University tech
nical course last evening on "Steam Valves
and Fittings."
John Skat and Robert Lutz were arrested
yesterday by onicer Wagoner, on the charges
of stealing $65 from L. T. Efflnger.of No. 9
Wylie avenue.
John Shat wa sheld for a hearing by Alder
man Gripp yesterday on a charge of complicity
with a man named Robert Lutz in the larceny
of $65 from Ji J. Efflnger.
James King, an employe in the Union
Foundry, Preble avenue, Allegheny, was very
badly burned about the face and neck by a
splash of metal yesterday.
Martin Thalka is the name of the Hun
garian emigrant found in a very sick condi
tion near the Lake Erie depot yesterday. He
was sent to the Homeopathic Hospital.
The manuscripts prepared by the scholars of
the various wards that are to be sent to the
Pans Exposition, were completed yesterday,
and sent to a binder to be put in Book form.
Local passenger agents met yesterday to
arrange excursion rates for the summer. They
adjourned to meet again next Saturday.
Meanwhile they will confer among themselves.
Three more informations were made yester
day before Alderman Porter against H. F.
Scott, the man charged with forgery and false
pretenses. They were made by Allegheny bus
iness men.
William Case, better known as "Diver
Bill," who was reported to have been shot yes
terday morning, was not seriously hurt. De
tective Murphy found him at work at Cork's
run yesterday.
Antonio Cobtelaks, of No. 208 Grant
street, made an information before Alderman
Reilly yesterday, charging Angelo Minchis
with assault and battery. It is alleged by Cor
telas that Minchis struck him with a club,
knocking him down.
An Encouraging Sign of Growing In
terest in Organ Melody.
One of the Chief Factors In Evolving Har
monious Tones.
The number of new organs, large and
small, that have recently been built for
Pittsburg " churches, furnish a most en
couraging sign of growing interest m a de
partment of music that has hitherto been
too much neglected. A few practical hints
on the subject may not be out of place this
If you are going to get a new organ, first
be snreyou have a proper place to put it,
"That's the architect's business," say those
are building a new church at the same time.
Unfortunately it is left to the architect
most of the time, and sadly enough most
members of that craft seem to know or care
very much less about the sound of
the organ than they do about the
appearance of the organ or the part of the
auditorium in which it is placed. They do
not want the balance of the walls and open
ings to be disturbed; so where they have to
have a door at one side of the chancel they
put an opening of the same smallness on the
other side for the o.'gan; or, if they have
designed low arches for doors and windows
throughout, then a low arch must shut in
the organ. Behind these utterly inadequate
openings the hapless instrument is thrust
awkwardly into thick-walled recesses or
secret chambers, apparently designed to let
as little as possible of the sound escape.
Three of .the best organs put tip in this
vicinity daring the past year suffer mate
rially, one of them almost irremediably,
from such causes. See to it, therefore, that
the organ pipes, as well as the key
boards, are not put in a hole, but placed so
that the sound .will have free outlet from
every portion directly into the church.
Then comes the all-important question:
Can we possibly pay the prices of the known
best makers for an instrument large enough
to fill this church? If you can, do so by
all means. Xf you cannot now do so, ar
range it by leaving blanks to be filled up
as fast as you can in the future; that is, buy
now from one of the best makers an organ
with as many stops as you can afford and
have it so built that additional sets of pipes
may be put In as soon as you are able to buy
them. Beware of cheap organs pnt up by un
known builders. This may seem hard on be
ginners who are honestly endeavoring to work
up in the business, but as matter of fact you
can have no satisfactory guarantee of quality
.and durability except the experience
and reputation of the builder. An
organ should last many years; in
most churches it has to do for many years,
whether good or bad. Several organs built,
within the last year or two in Pittsburg
churches, have turned out to be anything but
good investments, little as was the price paid
for them, and it will be a long while, doubtless,
before they can be replaced.
When you have chosen the builder you think
best, don't beat down his prices much. Good
work costs good money. Competition is too
brisk for prices to be extravagant, and if you
succeed in getting- a lower price you are not
unlikely to get a lower grade of work. Better
be content with less organ on paper and more
actual efficiency and durability in what you do
In all these matters yon will do well to con
sult an expert unless you are one yourself,
and then you need not read these hints. But
above all, is it needful to consult an expert in
making ont the specification, or list of stops,
etc. A large amount of money is simply thtown
away each year on organs thatpresent an Impos
ing array of stops, not so chosen as to meet the
practical needs ot the player. By judi
cious selection of stops and liberal use of
combination pedals and other mechanical
accessories, vastly greater effectiveness may be
gained for the same money; an organ thus
uiltmaybe of much greater use and effect
than one that cost a great deal more. These
are points that none can properly decide except
a practical organist of wide experience;
familiar with the construction and quality of a
large numoer oi instruments.
Then having got your organ, take care ot it.
This would seem a needless injunction: yet It
is very doubtful if there is any other species
of property of equal value in this city that is
so generally allowed to go to ruin for lack of
care. An organ in first-class order, mechanic
ally, is tne exception, not the rule; an
organ in good tune is as rare as
hen's teeth. So Intricate and delicate a
mechanism requires more attention than any
other part 0f the church property. The only
proper method Is to engage a competent
specialist to keep the organ In tune and in re
pair nnder yearly contract. Such a specialist
may be bad In this city, but if yon prefer you
can make such an arrangement with some one
of the leading makers, whose tuners and re
pairers, make regular tours through the coun
try. Lastly, bnt not least in importance, get an
organist who Is master of all the resources of
the Instrument he is to play. Space is lacking
to go into details on this point, but one practi
cal suggestion should be made. Most of the
churches have no further idea of how
to care for an organ than to
lock It up and let no one bnt
tha regular organist touch It. Now, before you
can engage the organist yon need for your in
strument, he must have practiced and studied
long and hard. There is only one organ
in this city, and it is not a large one,
which any student can practice on
for a consideration. It is the duty of
each cnurch to allow a few worthy
and careful students to practice on its Instru
ment under proper regulations If for no other
and higher reason, simply because without
such opportunities for practice competent
organists cannot be bad. Without an organist
who can control its resources, what is the use
of having an organ at all?
Mr. G. H. Wilson, editor of the "Musical
Year-Book of the United States." as to the
value of which readers of this column have at
various times been advised, has this to say in
his prospectus for the sixth season. 188S-9:,
The new volume of the Year Book will be a
development of the plan upon which the fltth
was prepared, a plan now pecome permanent.
It will contain about ISO pages, displaying the
happenings in some fifty cities of the United
States and Canada, local events being plainly
classified; table of new compositions by native
writers; table of first performances in the
United States of more Important works; table
of first performances In the world of more Im
portant works; smnmary of the proceedings at
the annual meeting of the Music Teachers'
National Association: retrospect; several new
features, and an index of titles.
My manner of dealing with events which
have more local than general value reflects the
amount of local Interest In them indicated by
subscriptions. To illustrate: If the book has
one subscriber in Cleveland, and 20 In Detroit,
the last named will receive more space, and its
record will appear more in detail, names of per
formers; etc.. being printed.
The present and future value of the Year
Book needs no nrging. I have the resources
for a complete success, and while the outlook
is encouraging, and I do not lose money in the
venture, there is as yet no fair return for the
time I am obliged to give each year to making
an authentic record.
The price of the new volume, ready about
May 20, will De th It will be sold by subscrip
tion and by the compiler only.
I sincerely thank those whose subscriptions
have made my book possible: I think the new
volume will be worthy increased support.
Crotchets and Qaavers.
Mr. Dudley Buck's much praised cantata.
"The Light of Asia," was announced for its
firsf trans-Atlantic performance last Tuesday
evening by the Novello Choir of London.
The Alpine Quartet. Mistf Inez Mecusker,
Mr. Dan A. Nuttall, Mr. John A. Strouss and
the Toerge Orchestra discoursed the mnsic
that enlivened the Royal Arcanum anniversary
exercises held in Old City Hall last Tuesday
"Honest Ltttle Emma" went up town the
other day and sang into a phonograph, which
was fastened so it conldn't get away. What
mast have been the singer's feelings on hearing
for tho first time how her voice sounds to
other people!
X '"Cradle Sosg Concert," somewhat
after the fashion set at the West Penn Hos
pital benefits some months ago, was given at
Monongabela City Opera House last Wednes
day. Besides a large -number of local singers,
Mis Inez Mecusker. well known In Pittsburg,
took part.
A, MtJBic-n.oo-t with a terra cotta calling
more than 10 feet high, and a 850,000 organ
fc. v zra tf .
that distinguish the mansion of Qfji. Ssarta,
bant to match tho finish, are among the.tr'ile ,
formerly Mm. Hopkins, of Hopklnton, Ms mfst
from the borne of the ordinary, every-day kind,
. nf an im,lTi. 7
Me. Emuanuex ScmiAUK'a series of invita
tion recitals In Kittanning has value to those
present not only In the excellent programmes
uniformly arranged, bnt in the fact that the
recitallst intersperses the music with talks on '
musical form ana the composers and composi
tions represented.
Mrs. J. Sharp McDonald. Mrs. J. H. Har-
rison, Messrs. G. M. Alexander. J. Harry i '.
HornerS. & Amberson, A. H.3rockett and 4
earn a. urown were among the musical names
on the programme of the O. A.T pntnrtaln-
ments given by Post 162, at Old City Halt, oa J
mo m. iiuco ccuujs u& wo paafr wee.
Mr. William H. T. abobit, assisted by
Miss Margaretta. Ledlie, contralto, and Mlsa
Julia Taylor, accompanist, gave .a piano re
cital at Beaver College on Friday evening; the
loth instant, the programme Including selec-'
tions bv Scarlatti. Corelll. Beethoven- Schn.
mann, Godard, Mosykowski. Paderewski and '
Three recent deaths: Karl Davldoff, at
Moscow, aged 51, violoncello virtuoso of- the '
first rank, eminent as a composer for his in
strument as also for orchestra: Henri Tam
berlik, at Paris, aged 69, one of the greatest
Italian tenors of the century; Sidney Smith,
at London, composer and arranger of new,
popular piano pieces.
Mr. Fred. H. Clutf, musical instructor at
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, sends the pro-,
gramme for a concert to be given there next
Thursday evening, naming as performers Mrs.
Cbalfant. Mrs. Hunter, Misses Coverdale,
Bertha Wilkinson. Moorhead, McAllister,
Mame and Maggie George, Mellon, Bruce and
Hamilton, and Mr. Cluff.
Plthouth CoraciL No. 238 Jr. O. V. A. M",
gave a musical and literary entertainment
under the direction of Bro. Ed. D. Sawyer,
last Thursday evening, in Masonic Hal",AlIe-
fheny. Among the performers were Mr. and
Irs. Edw Hunt, Miss Agnes Keane, Messrs
Gohner and Ladebu and Miss Mamie Sawyer.
About 750 persons were in attendance.
The report that Camille Saint-Saens, the
eminent French composer and organist, haa
been engaged for a tour in this country next
season, holds out a delightful prospect for w
loversof the "King of Instruments." Wouldn't
it be charming if the $15,000 organ, once talked
of for the new Carnegie Music Hall In Alle
gheny, should materialize in time for its inau
guration by Saint-Saens. WhynotT
Me. Charles C. Corcorak, the favorably
known barytone, of this city, will leave, with
his family, next Thursday to spend a year or
two on the Continent in vocal study. The gen
tleman wavers between Paris and Florence as0'.
hi4 destination, rather inclining toward the '
latter. The operatic stage, not pantomime, is "
the goal of Mr. Corcoran's ambition: so he .13'.
not likely tb choose a teacher one of whoeji
specialties, as stated In one of yesterday's
papers, is the "omission" of the voice, t
Mr. Edward H. Derxitt has resigned his
position as principal bass of the surpllced
choir of Trinity P. E. Church, to take effect
April L This announcement cannot fall to be
received with regrets by the congregation .
whose praises he has helped to lead nearly half
as long and more than twice as effectively as
the ancient organ that came out of the ark no, '"
ontof the canal boat before the Pennsylvania'
Railroad was bull c Mr. Dermitt has sung at -Trinity
for 13 years, daring Seven of which the
music of the church was under bis direction.
He certainly has richly earned the rest that ha
now desires to take.
Mr. Leo Oeiuiler, .of Pittsburg, will con- '
elude his violin studies Under Emil Sauret at,
the Stern Conservatory,Berlln,aboutEaster,and
return home In June after a period of travel
and visiting. Mr. Oehmlers recentwork in
the line of composition include a string quar
tet and an arrangement for fnll orchestra of
one of, Jensen's "Wanderbilder." Several of
the young Bittsburger's songs, which the
writer has had opportunity to look over in MS.,
argue his possession of no small gift in this di
rection, though it is doubtless wise not to rush
them into print until time and experience have
matured their writer's powers.
Mr. Asdrew Carnegie's plans for the
great mnsic hall in New York, seem to be ap
proaching fruition. Nine lots at the corner of
Fifty-seventh street and Seventh avenue have
been selected as the site for the building, which
is widely estimated to cost from 5600,000, toJl.
OCO.000 and is to include a main hall of 3,000
seating capacity and several smaller halls for .
chamber music, Ipctures, etc Anybody Is wel- .
come to subscribe to the fund, but Mr. Came-.
gie nas aavancea. inc money so iar ana nas en-, .
gaged to supply any deficiency. It was a good "
thing for the "metropolis" when the Pittsburg
Iron King was elected President of the Oratorio
and Symphony Societies. "
Last week the Musical Courier printed a
column and a quarter article to prove that G.
B. Lampertl, Jr., now o Dresden, is the teacher
from whom Marcella Sembrich gotthe training
that has enabled her to attain her commanding
position on the lyric stage. The substance of
this article, including tho strongest of "the, as
yet, unpublished" letters and mnch else of in
terest In the career of the great maestro, was
published several months ago in this column of
iiie .dispatcu in tne suaoe oi a oiographlcal
sketch (with cnt) of Lamperti based upon in
formation received from himself through the
friendly offices of one of his pupils, Mr. Harry
B. Brocket, of Plttsbure. "Print news, gentle
men: news!" as the Courier itself admonishes
the New York dallies every once In awhile.
The last concert of the Frohsinn Society in
the hall that has for so many years resounded
with the lusty liederol Pittsburg's foremost
male chorus, was given on Thursday eening.
The occasion was of special interest also as the
first concert appearance of the now amateur
orchestra that Mr. Fidel's Zitterbart has been
training for some months. In addition to three
numbers each by this orchestra and the
Frohsinn chorus, under Director Franz Loh
mann, the programme included vocal solos by
Miss Agnes Vogel, violin solos by Mr. Fred G.
Toerge and Mr. Zitterbart, and a new quartet
by the latter gentleman, entitled "Ben Bolt,"
andplayed by Miss Zitterbart and Mr. Edward
Hoffman, violins. Miss Auguste Guenther,
flute, and Miss Ida C. Burgy. piano. The
Frohsinn headquarters will hereafter be located
on Penn avenue, near. Tenth street, in a build
ing remodeled for club and concert purposes.
Moriz Rosenthal, before sailing for his
European home on the 13th of April, will make -a
brief snppiemen ary and farewell tour of the
leading musical cities, beginning with Pitts
burg on the first and second evenings of April
and going hence to Cleveland (which he
skipped before), Cincinnati. Chicago and
Washington nine concerts in all. He will,
agam be accompanied by Fritz Kreisler, and
Old City Hall has again been chosen as the
locus xn quo. It Is highly probable that some
two-piano music will be played each evening;
with Mr. J. H. Gitting's assistance; an ex
cellent idea, especially in view of the tre .
mendous success achieved by Rosenthal and
Joseffy in similar performances lately given at
Brooklyn. I c is to be hoped that Rosenthal.,,
will draw on his large repertoire for selections -not
programmed on his recent visit here and
will choosehls display pieces among those that
haTR real musical value (Brahms' variations on.
the Paganlni theme, for instance). The coming .
concerts will tnereoy oe maae more interesting
o all classes of auditors who wonld care to t
hear the most brilliant pianist mat nas ap
peared in Pittsburg for many long years.
The Yorktown Not Accepted.
"WASHKfCTOir, March 23. The York-
town has not yet been accepted by the Sec-'
retaryof the Navy, but action will prob--
ably be taken within a day or two. Somsl
matters connected with the electric light Vj
plant are still unsettled and the vessel!!
must be sent to tne Aieague isiana xavy
Yard before it can be finally accepted.
r .
Western fenn
syhania, West
ginia and Ohio,
followed iriWestmr
ginia by Kght rainl
...r ..--.--i-
giaiiunury lempcra
ture. preceded J
i ' --
Western Pennsylvania by slightly warmer!
variable winds. -' "
..... i -t
P.i..nmtin r.w.h m'tfloA
UliaDUAtfi UiM.U M. USX. .
xne united states eizmu nernca oawer
U119 WfcJ -HililUUCa tUO luiiunui.
7:00 a. IT -It
10.-00 A. M 4)
y.oor.n 57
5C0F. X.... 63
aieaniemp.. ;- 7
.. -"M"-r
Mlnlmnm Mmp.i.
Kinff -?n3
PndplUUon. .;...t.oej
e.wjr. JI...... ,.,.,, r8 i ---p xvtw
jtfl of 0.9 fi. ' --"I": l
8.00 P.M.... r.&3
, .jjsJms-t;.